webvampzz · 3 months
Do u like lentils?
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chadastar · 11 months
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2K,4KのテレビはPCを接続して表示できるのでテレビとして使うのではなくPCのモニタ代わりにする人もいる筈。 PCというのはドットバイドットで表示することを前提にしていて、文字表示のレンダリングにも気を使っている。(例えばWindowsのClearFontなど。Windows以外も。)このレンダリングでは文字の斜めの線がガクガク(ジャギー)しないようにピクセルレベル単位ではなくサブピクセル単位でアンチエイリアスがかかるようになっている。なのでサブピクセルの並び順がRGBではないモニタで表示する際は設定でサブピクセルの違う並び順に対応する設定を行う。まぁ、気にしてない人もいるみたいだけど。 このClearFont(や同等の技術)を台無しにするのが偽解像度のパネル。偽4K(偽2K)のパネルはPCの画面表示用には使ってはいけないレベルだと思う。
(あなたの4Kテレビ、実は画素数半分? - がとらぼから)
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princewatercress · 2 years
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gorehoundclown · 8 months
Ship name wise, I’ve seen another person use Pentlie as the other variation for Charpen/Charpent, I’m assuming it’s because Charlie doesn’t have something that follows the naming conventions like Alastor’s ships (Radiosnake, RadioDust, etc…)
i havent been able to find any shipstuff for pentile but im gonna keep my eye out, ty!! yeah charlie makes this hard cause its not a quippy little thing for her, but ah well!
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Diss Post For Pissy Pentilous And Uninformedartist
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It's because I will only call you a groomer if you support the idea of kids being trans before puberty. Seriously, you guys who want to get defensive when people point out there is something fundamentally wrong with kids who transition before they can fully be informed. You guys want to say it's them being their true self which is baloney. It's like vegan cats or dogs because of the fact is that it's more like adults with toxic agendas are pretending to be open minded when they really are doing stuff that is misinterpreting what a child actually is processing.
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Seriously, this sounds less like trans and more like adults put that label on them because again people want to think these kids are doing this when it's more like they are just imagining themselves in different roles. A lot of he trans movement is living through these kids because they want to validate themselves. I can and will criticize because you dumbasses aren't willing to think about what damages your causes can be. It makes more sense if they were teenagers but these are little kids at an age where they don't even have an understanding of math. We are putting labels on kids and then you get offended when people point out that it's premature to do so. And we are having more younger and younger kids being said to be trans when you know it's ridiculous. Here is the deal not all trans people are groomers, but a ton of your dumbasses really want to live your lives through these kids and destroy them when many detransiioners are coming out warning that officials are screwing them over, but you guys are too up your asses to realize how damaging it is because it ruins your narrative that they are snapping back because your trans and not because you guys are supporting a toxic ideology.
Given how you tried a block out for Chai I know you shitheads would be fairweather asshats who turn on people the minute they don't do what you believe. You are not so different from Vivziepoop and it shows how you believed one of the stans in a heart beat.
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cowchickenbeefpork · 3 months
why did sir pentilous get raped in the sex club named consent……also why is the consent sex club letting Valentino be there wouldn’t that man have a lot of allegations is this like hells fake woke progressive club is Valentino that good with getting away with his abuse because it doesn’t seem like he is that good with hiding it HE BEAT ANGEL DUST BEFORE HE FUCKING FLIMED HIM
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jualthermaloil-blog · 3 months
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KSB Aquavane Kembali Tarik Keluar Pompa Sentrifugal
Desain Standar hingga DIN 24255
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Pasar penjualan yang berkembang paling baik untuk produk-produk ini adalah Eropa, di mana KSB mengoperasikan fasilitas manufaktur utamanya di Jerman dan Prancis. Pabrik utama KSB AG di Frankenthal adalah yang terbesar di Eropa, mendahului lokasi produksi di Pegnitz (Bavaria) dan Halle (Saxony-Anhalt) di Jerman, dan La Roche-Chalais di Prancis. Pompa KSB adalah mesin untuk menggerakan fluida baik suhu normal atau suhu tinggi hingga 200'C. Pompa menggerakan fluida dari tempat bertekanan rendah ke tempat dengan tekanan yang lebih tinggi, untuk mengatasi perbedaan tekanan ini maka diperlukan tenaga (energi). Pompa untuk udara biasa disebut kompresor, kecuali untuk beberapa aplikasi bertekanan rendah, seperti di ventilasi, pemanas, dan pendingin ruangan maka sebutanya menjadi kipas atau penghembus (blower) . Aplikasi Pompa sentrifugal Aquavane digunakan untuk industri umum, Aplikasi utama Pompa untuk menangani cairan yang bersih atau agresif yang tidak agresif secara kimia maupun mekanis terhadap material pompa. ▪ Sistem suplai air ▪ Sirkuit pendingin ▪ Kolam renang ▪ Sistem pemadam kebakaran ▪ Sistem irigasi umum ▪ Sistem drainase ▪ Sistem pemanas ▪ Sistem pendingin udara ▪ Sistem irigasi semprot Cairan yang ditangani ▪ Air laut ▪ Air payau ▪ Air minum ▪ Air panas ▪ Air servis ▪ Air pemadam kebakaran ▪ Air asin ▪ Bahan pembersih ▪ Kondensat ▪ Minyak Desain
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Pompa sentrifugal hisap ujung horizontal, satu tahap, memenuhi persyaratan EN 733 (DIN 24255). Penamaan - Contoh KSB A 150 400/AM - Tipe : A - Diameter pelepasan (mm): 150 - Diameter impeler nominal (mm): 400 - Bahan konstruksi :A - Penyegelan poros : M Segel poros Aquavane dikemas kelenjar sebagai standar. Segel mekanis ditawarkan sebagai opsi. Sesuai dengan DIN 24255 Semua dimensi rangkaian Aquavane sepenuhnya mematuhi DIN 24255 yang memungkinkan pertukaran penuh dengan pompa setara. Kemampuan Pertukaran Bagian Penting Pertukaran maksimum entri komponen di seluruh rentang dipastikan dengan konstruksi modular Aquavane. Desain Tarik Kembali Dengan fitur tarik keluar, elemen berputar dapat dilepas untuk pekerjaan servis tanpa mengganggu sambungan pipa dan pengemudi. Desain rumah bantalan memungkinkan akses mudah ke kelenjar. Bantalan Pentil gemuk dipasang sebagai standar untuk memungkinkan pelumasan ulang bantalan secara berkala untuk memastikan masa pakai yang lebih lama. Lengan Poros Selongsong poros baja tahan karat dipasang sebagai standar pada model kelenjar yang dikemas. Selongsong poros adalah fitur penting. Jika terjadi goresan di bawah gland packing, selongsong poros dapat dengan mudah diganti tanpa perlu mengganti seluruh poros. Hal ini memungkinkan perawatan yang mudah dan menghemat uang Anda. Suku cadang Dengan tingginya suku cadang yang dapat dipertukarkan, persediaan suku cadang diminimalkan, sehingga pengiriman tidak siap pakai. Info Kebutuhan dan diskusi teknis lapangan bisa hubungi marketing kami : PT Indira Mitra Boiler Jln. LoveBird blok D19/21 RT12 RW005 Permata Sepatan,Pisangan jaya ,Sepatan, Kab. Tangerang, Banten-15520 ZAENAL ARIFIN Sales Engineer Phone : (021) 59375021 Mobile : 081385776935 Whatshap : 081385776935 Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] Read the full article
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14februari · 5 months
1. Kekuatan pentil 6
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2. ini udah di deket rumah sayang, tapi masih pada main
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3. tindak penyelamatan, aku udah di urut wkwk
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4. kenapa warteg/pecel lele begini walaupun keliatan gak bersih tapi tetep rame
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5. ngemper dilantai karena dia lagi ngantuk wkwk
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6. lagi makan baso, katanya ga terlalu pedas padahal itu mah merah semua
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maschannel · 8 months
Proses Ganti Ban Kampas Pentil Uwinfly Lepas Roda
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 8 months
Isle Of Armour
Going from Persona to Pokemon is fun.
Dude just threw you to the wolves.
Nice greeting 🤨🤨
I know not every character has to be likable but... Really. Klara seems like she should be kept away from any and everybody. Like I'll take Hop over her or the other one any day. Sweet and goofy or needs help. Like couldn't they send a nice person like John NPC?
Also, I forget just how bad SS runs.🤣🤣 The pop in🤣🤣
Ah, the Diglett man. 151 Diglett!? Who needs that many Diglett?
🤣🤣The Slowpoke know she sucks.
Damn, those Slowpoke are fast!
Mustard going to play video games. 🤣🤣
I'm pretty sure the second trail is just doing Mustard's chores.
Red with a spiral pattern. 🤨🤨 That doesn't sound safe to eat.
Damn, how strong is she? That pot must weigh a ton.
Stay away from me you crazy two-faced bitch.
Kubfu is so cute 🥰🥰
Damn, Kubfu is really easy to friend. You'd think it'd be harder.
Water or Dark isn't an easy choice, but I'd go with Dark.
Non-traditional battle music that doesn't lead into the victory music.
No, Kubfu's too cute to evlove. 🥰🥰
Hop! 🥰🥰 I've never seen a Pentil walk. Never seen a Lilligant walk either.
Did Hop just lick you?😲
I hate you can't see anything in certain weather.
That little kid is going to shake that giant tree?
Run, motherfucker, run!
I never liked gigantamaxing or dynamaxing.
I like how there's one TV and Mustard hogs it. So even if you're the champion no one ever knows.🤣🤣
It was short and sweet but I don't think it's worth 15 dollars. (DLC cost 30 bucks for two stories). I'd price it at 10 bucks.
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buketbalonindonesia · 9 months
Amanah Terpercaya WA/CALL: 087759193493 (Yessi) Produksi buket balon ulang tahun Siap Kirim Ke Sulawesi Utara Balonesiaa.id
Amanah Terpercaya WA/CALL: 087759193493 (Yessi) Produksi buket balon ulang tahun Siap Kirim Ke Sulawesi Utara Balonesiaa.id
Buket sering kali dijadikan hadiah untuk momen merayakan dengan orang spesial. Terkadang bentuknya juga bervariasi, ada yang berupa bunga hidup, bunga palsu, makanan, polaroid, dan lain-lain. Trend buket juga terus berubah, dan sekarang yang sedang hits adalah buket dari balon twist pentil.
Buket balon merupakan sebuah rangkaian balon atau kumpulan berbagai jenis bentuk balon yang disusun sekreatif mungkin. Bentuknya yang unik dan antimainstream menjadikan buket balon ini menjadi gift yang banyak dilirik.
Seni membentuk dan merangkai balon menjadi bentuk bunga ini tentunya menjadi pilihan bagus bagi si penyuka sesuatu yang beda.
memberikan kado kepada orang tersayang tidak lagi hanya berupa barang namun juga buket. Buketnya bisa dalam bentuk buket balon, buket Snack dan juga bunga.
keunggulan buket balon meberikan Keceriaan dan Ketenangan menyaksikan atau menerima buket bunga dapat memberikan perasaan keceriaan dan ketenangan, membangkitkan suasana positif.
Perkiraan ketahanan Seperti bunga segar, balon bunga ini dapat bertahan sekitar 5 hari dengan situasi optimal (terlindung dari sinar matahari, panas berlebih, angin, tusukan, tekanan).
Hubungi Kontak WA/CALL : +62 877-5919-3493
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ajentmm · 11 months
NOV 23 Refine Review
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My predictions
Legendary Dimitri got nothing surprising. It's Tempo 4 (Null Guard, Null Special Charge +1, and 50%Reduction of Damage Reduction) along with Phantom Spd 7 to go with the Dodge in his weapon, and restore 7 Hp.
Plumaria got guaranteed follow-up instead of the Lull Atk/Res I predicted and inflicted [Gravity] instead of [Exposure]. Shame, the Exposure works so well with lewd theming.
Yay! I called Mini!Marth getting Bonus Doubler! Aside from that, the Vantage effect is separated from the general stat boosts and Lull Spd/Def. Plus, more damage based on Spd. A win-win.
Athena got a way better refine than her father, with 50% Hp condition to properly fight flying foes. 10% Def into damage, guaranteed follow-up, and neutralizes Atk/Def penalties, are all nice to have, but the 10% Def damage boost is increased by the weapon, because it's all -Atk/Def on foe. This would give her 6 true damage at most, if Def stacking with other skills and bonuses. Other lance fliers this past year had 15%-20% of Def. The neutralize penalties is good, if you didn't what Atk/Def Clash 4, and Lull is still a flier excluded skill, even what we got pentiles and bonuses the grant that skill. Overall, a decent weapon, that's could be replaced with Arcane Qiang.
Mamori is cooking in the kitchen('s microwave). Working as a supportive Def/Res +7 HP self-healing beacon to all her allies, while having up to 22 Def/Res, Guard, prevent follow-ups, 30% DR, and self-healing. This lets her tank for her allies in both phases, will giving her the option to Save-Tank if you desire. I got the suggestion that you have her support other save tanks while giving Armor March to move them froward.
Flame Emporer on the other had helps both herself and allies receive less damage by inflicting Atk-7 and [Sabotage] to almost every foe. [Sabotage], is you forgot, is like Foe's penalties doubler, but barrows an fellow foe's penalties if that foe neutralizes those penalties. In inverse of Bonus Doubler 4. Coincidentally, I predicted that she would inflict penalties, but after combat, while also doubling the penalties, but during combat. I'm getting good at this. She also inflict Atk/Def debuff during combat relitive to how low the foe's Special Cooldown is rather than the number of foe's vs allies are around her. No self-healing or boosted damage too. It's as if they wanted to keep her secret. Ah!-His secret. Was I misgendering the whole time? Ah well, it's a secret identity anyway.
Lastly is Osian. His Distant Counter is still conditional but it a more forgiving 25%. I predicted SC+1 and DR, but instead, it's Bulwarks and Damage Reflection (seen is Hans or Brash Assault 4). This let's him frontline while keeping the B slot open for Quick Repost 4, Spurn 4, Mystic Boost 4, Phy. NFU, etc. Plus, the self-healing helps keep the DC working.
BTW we are getting another Keyword Penalty through Ruse 4 that neutralizes Bonuses. This just means we can see those bonuses more frequently while having counter play to them. Cool.
Also Arcane Dagger has in-combat Sabotage. Nice.
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princewatercress · 2 years
Pentiles BBC Micro Longplay
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rausule · 1 year
Biographia Iesu
in colloquio cum Patre: id facit post baptismum in Iordane (21), in media prima turbae fervore (5.161 ante electionem duodecim Apostolorum (8.12), ante Petri professionem (8.12), ante Petri professionem. 9.181, per lenne ela mentum de transfiguratione (9, 28-29), antequam discipulos edoceat peculiarem christianorum orationem « Pater » (11, 1), Iesus nos confirmat « semper orare, sine intermissione (18.1).
In limen mortis habetur maxime emblema, quod precationis in horto Oliveti, Gethsemani (21.9 46), acma, quam Lucas accuratius rupette describit quam ceteri evangelia, eam non minus quam quinque notantes. orationes eamque duplicatam aperiendi et claudendi sententiam conponens: "Orate ne intretis in tentationem, contremiscimus hanc imaginem contemplari, quae Iesum tamquam perfectam eruptionem designat, audientem Beethoven's solum eratorio Christus am Oberge up 65, " Christ at the. Montem Ube anno 1802- 1803 involvit, primum die Aprilis 1803 editum, deinde a musico editum et anno 1811 tantum editum, ut in hoc argumento concluderetur, praedicta verba Christi in cruce memorari necesse est; quae sunt oratio 6ducta ad Patrem, cuius manus spiritum concredunt (23.46).
Commentaria. Solet Lucas definire "telego historiae salutis," et notatur Christum Lucam esse podn in medio temporis. Quapropter optime distingui potest in serie Mariae secundo Lacae duobus vel tribus gradibus coordinatis. cum Crista C semel "promissionis", et id est Veteris Testamenti, et est tempus plenae plenitudinis, vil pallo inguratu da Crista Vel etiam cogitare potest tempus commercii quod currit usque ad Baptistam. (1616), praecipuum tempus Iesu ac prospero tempore Ecclesiae, trilogiam tantum repraesentari potuit in textuali Veteris Testamenti (vel etiam per pruni duo captudi Evangelii Lucae), a. tertium Evangelium, et tandem, per Ami degli Apostoli
"praesens Christi et Ecclesiae iam pars est illius futurae plenitudinis historiae humanae, quae vitatur a chnologia secundum Lucam, sicut Ioannes, non exclusis futuram perfectionem (17.20-37 ec. 21), quod in historia sentit. iam a Christo depositum sementem aeternae i ideo amat levebi "ogg" cand (199) Ante paralitionem sana et dimitte Hodie vidimus mirabilia (526) Almal tore pentil "Oygi te mecum erit in paradiso" (2343). "Si demumi od dito di Din tunc venerit ad vesil regnum Dei ih D non venerit ut notabiliter dicat unus hic est hic est. Ecce quare est Regnum Dei in medio vestrum (11.201731).
Salutamus Lucam, medicum et evangelistam coletum, qui historiam hominis imprimere voluit — a Graeco philosopho Erados philosopho similem ludum tesseris ludentibus pueris salutamus — sensum, notans transitum Iesu Christi, coordinatoris illius craticulae. eventus, servator mali Italici et peccati, quod latet in rebus humanis. Spei, libertatis et iustitiae evangelizator, praesertim erga humiles et minimos terrae.
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egirliter · 1 year
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My point of view on feminism
Sebuah refleksi acak
Entah dahulu memulai dari mana untuk mengenal pemikiran ini. Ingatan yang paling membekas di masa kecil diantaranya ketika hari minggu mami tiriku akan sigap beberes rumah, memasak dan segala pekerjaan domestik lainnya kemudian mengantarkan kami anak-anaknya yang sudah ia mandikan dan rapi berangkat ke sekolah Minggu.
Miris rasanya meskipun hanya seorang induk semang yang tidak melahirkan badan ini, tapi aku selalu menangis sampai merengek untuk ditemani saat itu karena gusar bagaimana beliau harus mengalah ibadah di sore hari. Mengesampingkan persoalan pribadi setelah urusan rumah tuntas.
Sampai yang paling membekas saat itu ketika anak lugu ini mendapati perselingkuhan yang terjadi di dalam bahtera mereka. Bukan sekedar marah karena ingatan buram tentang ratusan sampai ribuan pesan pendek sampai rekaman telfon kemesraan nafsu dewasa yang menjijikan buatku.
Aku terbiasa untuk memikirkan apa dampak dan konsekuensi dari kesembronoanku saat ikut campur, apalagi urusan orang dewasa yang menurutku sama saja memuakkannya dengan pertemanan kanak-kanak. Waktu berlalu, hari-hariku terus berjalan menjadi seorang anak dengan cap besar si paling humanis dan si paling kritis.
Ya, memang si anak belia itu bahkan sudah suka nimbrung obrolan emak-emak yang sedang asik membicarakan pilihan alat kontrasepsi. Kemudian ia bertemu dengan kata, kalimat, halaman, sampai buku- buku yang menjadi ruang pembebasan atas cibiran manusia dangkal yang membersamai pertumbuhannya.
Memasuki bangku sekolah menengah ia bahkan sudah berani meng 'call out' bercandaan cubit pentil, nimbrung ke teman-teman yang tidak haus eksistensi dengan menyembunyikan novel dan komik di balik buku pelajaran yang membosankan, sampai bersolek dan memanjangkan rambut karena kesal dengan peraturan sampai harus ngumpet-ngumpet cabut jam pelajaran karena ada razia guru BK.
Waktu berlalu begitu saja sampai menginjak usia seperempat abad menuju tiga puluhan, ada saja temannya yang membenarkan opresi atas tubuh, dan mengolok-olok pemikiran dari hasil mengkonsumsi pengetahuan-pengetahuan. Mungkin yang paling mengejutkan adalah bagaimana kawan yang sama-sama menjadi bagian memperjuangkan opresi atas hak-hak minoritas gender ini ternyata masih dibelenggu sistem patriarkis sampai bias yang sudah terlalu terbiasa mereka hidupi masih membuat mereka nyaman sampai lupa bawasannya perjalanan untuk tidak sekedar wacana atas kesetaraan itu mungkin dan bisa diraih bersama.
Dan akhirnya ada seorang kawan pernah bertanya padaku begini: "Lah iya, buat apa sih kita mempelajari feminisme? Toh hidup kita gini-gini aja."
"Ya mungkin kalo kamu ga kenal feminisme, mana mungkin kamu bisa mengenali sifat2 manipulatif cowomu yang belangsak itu?"
Kalo kamu, kira-kira bakal jawab apa kalo ditanya kaya gitu?
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tunasjaya · 1 year
Mengapa Tutup Pentil Ban Motor dan Mobil Penting?
Mengapa Tutup Pentil Ban Motor dan Mobil Penting? Semua ban kendaraan bermotor pasti akan dilengkapi tutup pentil. Di balik bentuknya yang kecil dan berharga murah, ternyata komponen ini punya fungsi dan tak sekadar aksesori.Bagi Anda pemilik kendaraan sebaiknya selalu cek kondisi tutup pentil, jangan sampai getas termakan usia atau bahkan tidak ada pada pentil ban. Lantas apa saja fungsi dari…
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