#people mention destiel and i'm forced to ask:
clowndensation · 1 year
wait explain to me the destiel hatred i’m curious what abt it angers u that doesn’t apply to the other two ships
great question! the answer would unfortunately require 3 hours and a powerpoint presentation, so i will try to do a brief summary:
a ship sucking only ever has about 25% to do with the ship itself. destiel is bad in the sense that i think dean winchester is an annoying character that gets treated with kiddie gloves by the narrative, which makes him irritating to see on screen, because i personally dislike it when "men are angry and abusive because they just love too strongly, and don't know how to express it :(" is played straight as a character's primary internal conflict. especially over 15 seasons. it's boring, he's boring, and 35 year old men shouldn't be going to colleges trying to figure out which freshman girls are legal or not. hate him.
however the real sin of destiel, beyond the fact that dean winchester and i have beef that will only ever resolve when i get to reincarnate as the rusty nail that kills him, is that the fans are so so so fucking annoying. like yes the narrative frames dean as a golden boy who can either do no wrong, or "well, i guess he did wrong there, but what about how tortured he is :(" but good god. at least the show isn't trying to convince me that destiel is some groundbreaking lifechanging love story, complete with "omg this moment" montages where they romanticize scenes that feature dean either insulting, threatening, or humiliating cas. like this entire show (post season 5) is dean chronically either infantillizing and attempting to keep cas under his control, or holding him up as the only person he can rely on, thus giving cas expectations that are impossible to fulfill.
and don't get me wrong! people can like a shitty person and a fucked up ship. that's basically everything i enjoy on here. but at least like. acknowledge it. aldfkjalka. and if you're gonna like a shitty person and a fucked up ship, at least write about it in an interesting way. 90% of fic and posts written about destiel aren't even about destiel as presented in canon, they're about two generic men with generic personalities who suffer from the world's most generic tropey problems. cookie cutter ass basic relationship. the high school au of ships. boring.
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scoobydoodean · 1 month
sorry, i'm genuinely confused by your s6 deancas conflict take. i don't think either is the bad guy but i think cas was doing what he could with what he had. i don't think he was in the wrong but i'm curious to know what you think he could've done to be in the right? be honest and upfront? that would jeopardize his mission and put him on the outs with dean. sure, that happened anyway but he did stop raphael
i've also always been confused by dean's "i was here where were you?" because was he though? when they did find out, they punished him and cut him off instead of idk, strategizing with cas. it was a lose/lose situation for cas from the get-go starting with his decision not to involve dean as much as he could help it because cas did care about him. if the issue was working with crowley, cas ended up double-crossing him anyway. if the issue was being dishonest, well, that's nothing new among the winchesters
anyway, i don't have a favorite between deancas because i could never pick but in s6 i very much sympathized with cas so again, i guess i'm curious what you think he could've done differently. i hope this ask doesn't annoy you too much
Let's separate this into two pieces. 1) What I actually said (i.e. the disk horse I was addressing) 2) The utility of Cas's plan to pop Purgatory.
First, what did I say today based partly on a post I made yesterday?
It’s not remotely hard to see that Cas repeatedly uses Dean without his knowledge throughout the season. But you’d think based on how 90% of destiel shippers talk that Cas was waiting on Dean hand and foot while having his own needs ignored by a callous asshole. That’s literally the story people try to tell you while Cas uses Dean for everything from spells to forced labor to a meat shield for Raphael and Virgil while only showing up when Sam and Dean having a lead on an angel weapon is mentioned. They just erase Cas’s problems in order to misrepresent and reduce Dean down to a mean friend who doesn’t deserve him.
I'm wasn't talking about the plan to pop Purgatory and the conflict that happens over it in 6.20 (we can address that in a moment). I'm talking about how a large chunk of destiel fandom erroneously argues that season 6 Dean is a bad friend throughout the entire season who only cared about Cas being useful to him, when Cas is the one who spends the entire season using Dean without his knowledge. You want to have a conversation about something slightly different, which is fine, but don't conflate two common streams of disk horse about separate things. They have some overlap yes—but don't get it twisted.
What could Cas have done differently?
Cas could have asked to use Dean's blood for a spell instead of yanking his wrist over and cutting his palm open for blood without a word, but instead, he did it without asking (and that small act sets the stage for how Cas treats Dean the entire season). Cas could have asked if Sam and Dean would look for leads for him on angelic weapons. He could have asked them if they would look for leads on Purgatory instead of secretly cosigning Crowley coercing them into forced labor capturing alphas. He could have asked them if they would keep Raphael and Virgil off his tail long enough for him and Balthazar to collect their weapons. Instead, Cas used them without their permission or knowledge. All Dean asks in these moments is to be told that Cas needs his help instead of being used without permission.
You seem certain that giving Sam and Dean any information would have "jeopardized his mission"... but how? Setting aside the actual utility of Cas's plan to pop Purgatory for now, Cas actually could have communicated what he needed in every single one of these situations without revealing his plan to pop Purgatory. In fact, that's exactly what he did with Balthazar, isn't it? But again—we're talking about two slightly different things here. EYE was talking about whether or not it's true that Dean was a mean and bad friend who didn't care that Cas needed help and never offered him assistance while Cas moped like a wet cat, back aching from bending over backwards to help Dean with *looks at notes* something. EYE pointed out that Cas absolutely did not fail to make Dean useful to him. He just didn't bother to tell Dean he was doing it. YOU are talking about whether or not the Cas's plan to pop Purgatory was the only viable solution to the Raphael problem and whether Dean should have supported Cas despite everything when the plot was revealed in 6.20. Again—this is a separate (though somewhat interrelated) discourse.
Despite all the crying about Bad Friend Dean, it was Cas who showed through his behavior throughout the season that he would rather treat Dean as a pawn than as a friend. Cas coerces and lies instead of just asking his friend for help. Forgive me if I'm not going to coddle him over it. If you've been in this fandom for a single moment, you know that the fanon fantasy of Dean being a horrible bad mean friend with a angelic guardian waiting on him hand and foot starts long before 6.20 when Dean rejects the finally revealed plan to pop Purgatory, and the whitewashing of Cas's actions and outright denial of Cas using Sam and Dean also starts long before then. So lets not move goal posts. I'm asking people to stop ignoring and misrepresenting every single thing that happened between Dean and Cas leading up to 6.20. I'm asking people to stop assigning all of those things only selective importance (i.e., they're only important when Dean was the "bad friend", but when Cas was, it didn't matter/didn't happen).
Now let's talk about "the plan to pop Purgatory" briefly and the utility of that plan and whether Dean not jumping to help Cas swallow every soul in Purgatory makes him a bad and mean and terrible friend. Multiple people in Cas's life tried to tell him his plans would backfire, and he didn't listen. He ended up starting an apocalypse which was the very thing he was trying to prevent. He just traded out Raphael for the Leviathan and made no meaningful progress toward an actual improvement in terms of "threats to the world as we know it". How exactly did he make anyone better off?
For some reason, some people insist on arguing that while it did backfire spectacularly, it was "the only option" to dispense with Raphael and "there was no other choice", but nobody saying that actually knows that. In fact from a meta/lore perspective, this is just... outright wrong. Archangels have been dealt with in any number of other ways over the course of the show. The Cage. A weird ass egg. The archangel sword. Spellwork. You can invent whatever goddamn lore you want. You cannot reasonably argue it was "the only option" when archangels repeatedly show up and are dispensed with in a variety of ways that aren't "swallowing all the souls in purgatory, going insane, declaring yourself god, and starting a new apocalypse so we're right back where we started".
The only reason "popping Purgatory" is the only plan we get in season 6 is that it's the only plan that Cas allows to be made. He refuses to so much as consider the possibility of anything else because he's so deeply caught in sunk cost fallacy. When Sam and Dean and Bobby finally learn what he's up to and disagree with his plan, Cas breaks Sam' brain to keep them out of his way. When Balthazar disagrees with his plan, Cas murders him.
i've also always been confused by dean's "i was here where were you?" because was he though? when they did find out, they punished him and cut him off instead of idk, strategizing with cas.
...No? It was the other way around.
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Dean tried to get info on what was going on with Cas from 6.03 when he learned about the angelic war onward, and Cas would give vague answers then fly off. In 6.10, Dean asked if there was anything he and Sam could do and Cas said there wasn't. When he found out about Cas working with Crowley, Dean asked to brainstorm a new solution and work as a team and Cas refused to consider this for a single moment. He insisted nothing about his plan was broken despite multiple people warning him, and his own secret-keeping suggested his own conflicted feelings.
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eisforeidolon · 4 months
Hey there, I hope you don't mind me dropping in here on a topic from a few days ago and harping on about it (I'm not very well-versed on ask boxes so I'm a bit unsure of the etiquette. If I commit a major faux-pas, forgive me). Apologies if this ends up a little long and a lot sarcastic - I have opinions about this. It's given me a fair bit of grief over the years.
Y'know, I see these 'abusive Dean' takes float across my dash a fair bit (apparently not being into Destiel or Wincest means I must be a Bitter Sam-girl instead and hate Dean, according to Tumblr). The oh-so-delightful 'abusive husband Dean and beaten wife Sam' takes. People calling Sam 'beaten wife coded' in general. One based on a grand total of two instances where he flinched cause Dean made a loud violent noise near him (who the hell wouldn't, you don't need to be 'beaten wife coded' to flinch when someone chucks a chair at a wall, it's almost like Sam has some kind of trauma about various other things and might be generally jumpy...). Or taking the end of S10 out of context and choosing to forget that Dean was nearly fully taken over by a mark of fratricide (which he still managed to overcome, they conveniently fail to mention that). And I just... ugh.
What I never understood about these takes is like... why? There's trying to paint your fave in a good light and a character you hate in a bad one, but then there's making the heart and soul of the show itself into something so ugly it ruins it for other people, like your Anon, and honestly this happened to me too a while ago before I forced myself to stop listening to the greater fandom and find a few I trusted (like you). Even still, it gets all up in my head sometimes. Why are these people finding such glee in making the central relationship so awful? What are you getting out of this show if you think that about it?
Like, imagine looking at the finale through this lens. Congratulations, you turned something sad but ultimately bittersweet into something horrible, the 'beaten wife' dedicating the rest of their life to their 'abuser' then being forced to be with them for eternity, and this is portrayed as a good thing. Why would you ever want to view it that way? Plus, it's rather forced if you take it as a whole - the few times Sam stood there looking contrite while Dean did something stupid pale in comparison to the number of times he calls him out on it, even in the later seasons (14x12 Prophet and Loss, anyone? 15x17 Unity?).
I guess people can take from media what they want, it's obviously not my place to police people's enjoyment, but I just never got the appeal. It seems so counter to what the show was clearly actually trying to do, yet they tout it as fact (now where have I seen that before). Like it's somehow a bad thing to enjoy the show on its own terms. Coming across these takes still kinda bums me out. This goes for people insisting it's the other way around too - I can't stand any brother vs. brother stuff either, it's never anything but bad faith, and honestly kinda misses the point. Some of these people boggle my mind with their lack of empathy.
If there's one thing this fandom is good for, it's honing your ability to roll your eyes and move along. It's full of so much absolute batshit insanity that you'll never survive if you listen to every take. Trust me, I've tried. Do you know which tags to block to avoid this kinda stuff? Cause I never seem to be able to.
Sorry if this was a bit of a rant dump, heh. I'm usually a chronic lurker, but this discourse in particular bothers me immensely.
You're absolutely fine, I mind neither bringing up previous topics nor excessive length (be a bit of a hypocrite if I did, tbh). And yeah, it's one of my least favorite SPN fandom discourses, too.
It does feel like it's pretty hard to find any corner of the fandom where you won't at least occasionally see one side or the other's worst faith not!fave-brother-is-terrible takes. And oh, do I hate the 'beaten wife Sam' half of the 'Dean is an abuser' discourse equation just as much. Like, supposedly they like Sam, so why on earth would they want to pretend this stubborn competent badass of a character is actually a helpless pathetic marshmallow?! Same with Dean on the opposite side of the fandom - it's not just the character they're constantly maligning I can't recognize, the character they "like" similarly bears very little resemblance to the one I'm a fan of!
So far as I can tell, some people just desperately need their favorite character to be the best one who is always in the right. Whether it's over-identification or what, I don't know. They seem to think they achieve it by reframing large portions of the canon as justifying, unfairly attacking, or insulting that character as necessary. Except they don't see how from the outside it very often looks entirely absurd, regardless of if they're doing it in favor of Sam, Dean, or Castiel. Which is not to say there aren't parts of canon which treat all of those characters ridiculously in one way or another? But it's the total fixation on it only being the case with their favorite character in every possible situation where it gets weird.
Every great once in a while, I do manage to come across a take that really annoys me. But for the most part? The extreme ones are just so absurd, so divorced from what anyone even vaguely trying to understand the other characters' motivations and what the show quite obviously intended? I just can't take it at all seriously. Especially when they (as they so often do) get canon details wrong or pointedly "forget" all the canon points that blatantly don't fit their narrative.
Unfortunately, like with a certain ship, when it comes to tagging? You're kind of at the mercy of the self-awareness of the poster about how much other people may not want to see their hot takes.
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cinematicnomad · 3 years
Possible controversial opinion time - I can't help but see parallels between Buddie and Destiel. The writers spent 11 years showing how much Dean and Cas meant to each other, and yet it culminated in whatever that abomination of an ending was. I'm still so disappointed and hurt. I feel Buddie is headed that direction. I just don't think the show will ever follow through. It's hard to stay invested when I'm pretty sure I'll just end up sad again.
prefacing this with my usual i'm-a-pessimist-at-heart-and-won't-believe-buddie-will-go-canon-until-it's-happening-on-the-screen-right-in-front-of-my-face:
as much as i love destiel (and oh man, anon, i FUCKING love destiel), i don't think these ships, or shows, or dynamics, are comparable. bear with me for a minute as i provide some really necessary context that i think people tend to forget when making these comparisons:
supernatural was a bush-era (white, straight, cishet) male power fantasy tv show. like, not even the tail-end of the bush presidency, it started airing in 2005 right around the start of bush's second term. we were pretty firmly in the middle of the bush presidency. queer characters on tv were few and far between (usually relegated to one off guest stars or premium networks like showtime or hbo etc etc), gay marriage wasn't even legal yet, don't-ask-don't-tell was emblematic of the ~*coexist*~ ideology, and in the realm of tv even if they weren't overtly homophobic or anti-gay, they were culturally complacent. tv writers felt v comfortable making derogatory comments about queer people just for the ~*laughs*~ (please go back and rewatch gilmore girls and just....wait for the homophobic jokes to pour in, bc holy shit, there are a lot of them) and supernatural fell in line with that pretty squarely (haha everyone thinks sam and dean are gay, the motel owners are always offering them a single queen bed, dean's totally compensating for ~*something*~, isn't it funny).
and supernatural, despite growing and evolving over 15 years, really did hold on to that demographic. supernatural was one of those random shows that appealed to both democratic and republican viewers, and the network, the producers, the showrunners, the writers, WHATEVER, were not going to alienate their conservative audience. because: money.
9-1-1 just?? isn't comparable. the show started airing in 2018 and despite all the terrible things in the world, there HAS been progress in society and we can see that reflected in the show. we have several named main and regular queer characters on this show, who have plots and storylines that aren't just about their sexuality, who aren't used for the very-special-after-school-episode, but exist as fully rounded characters. hen is a main character and has been since e1 and we've gotten such beautiful storylines about her relationship with karen and their family and it is a jOY to watch on my screen compared to the types of (v limited) representation i saw as a teen in the mid-00s.
i mean...i think there are arguments to be made that bisexual representation still has far to go, and i have serious doubts that a ry*n m*rphy project will be the place to see any of that happen (he's biphobic af and i'm not talking about "oh there were some questionable plots in glee"), not to mention i still think that show creators have an easier time getting greenlit when pitching defined characters as queer from the outset compared to arguing for a character who was envisioned as straight-presenting at the start be allowed to evolve/grow/discover themselves through the course of the show (off the top of my head, characters who started out straight and came out several seasons after the fact...callie on grey's, willow on buffy, and marissa on the oc?). like i agree with you there! again, i'm a pessimist, so like i'm not telling you to be more positive or whatever?
but i just think that arguments that destiel and buddie are going to follow the same path lack a lot of nuance and tend to overlook some really important distinctions between both shows and the world writ large, and??
speaking of ship dynamics on their own, i'd just point to the fact that supernatural, for all that i loved about it, genuinely seemed to want to constantly run away from dean and castiel's dynamic? they spent entire seasons coming up with contrived ways to keep the two characters separate or to force them at odds with each other. like, ACTIVELY wrote plots and character arcs that undermined dean and castiel's bond at every turn bc the show didn't or couldn't address how much they mattered to each other. they'd give you like...breadcrumbs and then try to pretend like none of it mattered. (also this is when i plug that if you're not already you should 110% be watching bob weiss's destiel deep dive series on youtube)
on the other hand, whether or not buddie goes canonically romantic (which again! i doubt will happen!), 9-1-1 HAS canonically made their bond central to both characters and has repeatedly underscored just how much they matter to each other and just how involved they are in each other's lives. like, whether or not you think the writers will ever let them confess their romantic love for each other, the show DOES routinely center plots for both characters on their relationship with each other and repeatedly goes back to the same well to define just how much they matter to each other. s4 literally ended with eddie revealing that he made buck christopher's legal guardian like....they are doing the opposite of supernatural tbh.
this ran away from me so i'm just gonna publish this ask as is sorry
✨sleepover weekend✨
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
I Want You Back (Part II)
Hello there! Finally finishing the second part of this meta.
It will focus on the parallel between the entity from the 'Safe House' episode and Amara it’s suggesting. Afterwards we will talk about one of the episodes that were discussed more controversially among us Destiel shippers, I'm talking about 'Red Meat',  and I will show you step by step that it is, indeed, a very Destiel one.
Thanks to @destielle for beta-ing this one! She's amazing. Thank you girl! 😘💝
Soul Eater
Let's talk about that haunting parallel I just mentioned.
If you check episode 11x16, there is this entity from that house that ate souls. 
RUFUS: A Soul Eater? What the hell is that?
BOBBY: Undead creature that feeds on souls. Hence the name. They exist in a place between our world and… another. Soul Eater moves into a house, and once it does, it makes what the lore refers to as a ‘nest’.
RUFUS: A place that exists outside of time and space.
SAM:The nest looks and feels like whatever house the Soul Eater is in.
The creature created a fake house, like a reflection in the mirror. It’s a fake home in which the entity shows people the souls of the ones they love in different and terrible situations (dead) to keep them under it's dominium. From the moment the seal was broken, the creature attacked again. 
SAM: Apparently, the nest messes with their victim's head, shows them things they love, parts of their soul in distress, it keeps the victim's soul vulnerable.
So we have a broken seal, a powerful creature eating souls, a fake reality to keep them dominated, right?
And Bobby saying that he could feel the evil in that dimension…
I think we have the perfect description of Amara here, Dean and Sam broke the sigil, Cain's Mark, and she was released, she eats souls, just like the Soul Eater, creating a fake happiness/reality to dominate the victims/Dean.
Again the writers are showing us that Amara is evil, her dominance over Dean is established through fear.
I think it’s vital to mention that between all the books Rufus and Bobby were reading, there was one with the title "Fallen Angel", it make us recall Castiel and Lucifer with the particularity that they're sharing vessels at that moment. Two fallen angels: one fell due to love and the other due to hate.
Another interesting visual narrative that acted as a foreshadowing, was the soul eater placing a hand on Dean's chest in the same way Rowena will place her hand on him in the last episode of the season where he’ll become a soul bomb.
And now, pay close attention to the following scene, because it’s connected to the next episode (Red Meat).
RUFUS: What'd you see, Bobby?
BOBBY: My boys. Both of 'em. Both of 'em dead. And I saw… well I don't know what the hell I saw.
SAM: Hey, you said the Soul Eater made you see things. Plural. So… what else did you see?
DEAN: I saw you. Dead on the floor.
This was a foreshadowing of Sam laying dead on the floor (well he won’t die, but almost) in the next episode. But it’s A BLATANT MIRROR. BOBBY SEEING HIS SONS DEAD ON THE FLOOR. AND IT’S REFLECTING PURELY FAMILIAL LOVE. A father and his two children who are brothers.
FAMILY LOVE, there's no hint of ROMANTIC LOVE in here, no Wincest! Bobby was actively chosen to pose as the mirror. The writers easily could have used a couple with the husband seeing his wife laying dead on the floor, right? But it was BOBBY who saw his boys on the floor, just like Dean saw his brother. It’s about Family!
Sorry I'm a little bossy here, but I need you to understand this point before jumping to the next one.
Using Logic
Let's analyze episode 11x17 with logical facts…
The mentioning of Castiel at the beginning of the episode is there to remind us that Dean is feeling miserable because they couldn't rescue him yet. And he is not sleeping because of that. Sam is trying to comfort him by saying that they’ll get him back.
The episode introduced Corbin and Michelle, a newly-wed couple very much in love.
Corbin would do anything to protect Michelle (Dean mirror) and he is the one becoming a monster (werewolf), so he’s acting as our Castiel's mirror here.
Sam gets shot, and he has a very bad wound. We have Corbin trying to kill him, because he would do anything to save Michelle, even if that implies making a bad decision.
Now, we have Dean thinking his brother is dead. But keep in mind that WHEN HE ENTERS THE ROOM SAM IS ALREADY DEAD (in Dean’s eyes at leat). So DEAN DIDN'T SEE HIS BROTHER DIE. HE FOUND HIM DEAD, LAYING ON THE FLOOR. (First fact).
Then this… he asks Michelle to assist him in his try to contact Death… but … he also says this ..
Dean: Okay. After I do this, go get the doc and tell her to, um... Tell her to bring me back, if she can. If not... no hard feelings, okay?
He is not suicidal here, THIS IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT TO EPISODE 13X05 WHEN HE WANTED TO DIE, NOT WANTING TO LIVE BECAUSE CAS WASN'T ANYMORE. Even knowing Sam was dead, Dean wanted to live. GIVING YOUR LIFE FOR YOUR BROTHER DOESN'T COUNT AS A SUICIDAL THOUGHT, BUT INSTEAD AS SOMETHING ANYONE WOULD DO FOR THEIR BROTHER, especially when that brother is your little brother you raised yourself like a father. (Second Fact).
Dean wants to be alive because he needs to rescue Cas.
Billie: That's what I thought. It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him. But even if Sammy could win the title bout... the answer would still be “no.” The answer will always be “no.” Game's over, Dean. No more second chances. No more extra lives. Time to say bye-bye to Luigi, Mario.
This sums up perfectly how Dean feels about Sammy. He raised him, he always took care of him. He can't lose him because all his life revolved around Sam. This is not Wincest, this is solely FAMILY LOVE. Remember what we said about Bobby a little earlier, these were Bobby's feelings too.
I will put here an addition from Destielle, she talked about the well known toxic codependency, and i think is important too:
"Billie basically calls out the toxic codependency between Sam and Dean here. ‘You’re doing it for you’ she deadpans. It’s more about Dean fulfilling the task, or rather duty, John gave him so early on, that it’s part of Dean’s personality. An automatism. He doesn’t want Sam to live because it was Sam’s wish, but because Dean needs Sam to keep things the way they always have been as so not having to deal with himself."
Is interesting because John Winchester heritage to Dean was the GUILT and the FIRST BORN duty, so practically, he keeps reacting and acting like a soldier that needs to protect the little brother and the entire world, I talked so many times in My metas about this toxic heritage and about THE BIG PROTECTOR living inside Dean. Interesting comment my friend! Thank you!
Dean’s spirit [sadness and desperation in his eyes]: I'm asking you... I'm begging you, please. Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead.
Billie: I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead. [Dean looks stunned] But you are. Or will be, soon enough.
Now… let's go with Michelle and Dean's conversation… the third fact:
Dean: Michelle, this is gonna be very hard. But you will be okay. And, eventually... eventually you'll get back to normal.
Dean is talking from experience. Drawn from every time he lost a friend, a family member (including Sam) which he always affronted in the same way, by hunting, drinking heavily and stuffing bacon in his face. It always was hard at first but got better with time until he got back to normal. He's talking with determination because he lost a lot of beloved people. But … he hasn’t lost the love of his life yet… Michelle did…
Gif set credit @thejabberwock 👇
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Michelle [sighing]: No, I won't. They said I could leave... [she sighs] an hour ago. But... where am I even supposed to go? After everything we survived together... [turning back to Dean] I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.
This is a rich piece of text over there. First of all, she's convincing Dean she won't be back to normal. Ever. She's the one talking with authority now, because she's talking from her experience of losing the love of her life… 'where am I even supposed to go?' SHE'S LOST, Just as lost as Dean will be for the first 5 episodes from season 13. 'After everything we survived together…' these words are carving deep into Dean's heart, because the man he loves is in danger in the very moment, and I know he's recalling everything they survived together. 'I watched the man I love die, there's no normal after that', Dean's face is priceless here, full of fear, he doesn't want to go through the same Michelle has and had to. He doesn't want to watch Cas die. And I want you to remember the first fact I pointed out, MICHELLE IS SAYING SHE WATCHED CORBIN DIE, not that she found him dead. Okay? So we are not talking about a reference to the death of Sam here. Dean didn't watch him die, he found him dead. And secondly, Dean knows Sam is okay by now, so why would he display a face full of pain and fear? Who's the one in real danger now, possessed by Lucifer? CASTIEL. DEAN DOESN'T WANT TO SEE CASTIEL DIE. HENCE THE TERRIFIED EXPRESSION.
To Conclude:
The Soul Eater in episode 11x16 is a blatant mirror of Amara. Another way to show us her dominance over Dean is a forced and dark one.
Episode 11x17 must be analyzed with logic. The clues are in the details and related to the previous episode in which Bobby saw Sam and Dean dead. It was purely about FAMILIAL LOVE and it must not be mistaken for something else because that just would be a twisted interpretation.
Dean giving his life in exchange for the one of EVERYONE shouldn't be mistaken for suicidal tendencies, too.
The fact that he wanted to go on with his life EVEN THOUGH BEING CONVINCED SAM IS DEAD is an important difference to how Dean is behaving in 13x05.
We have the foreshadowing for Castiel's death and Mourning!Dean and a prelude to 11x18 where we’ll have a very desperate Dean trying to save his angel.
Hope you liked this one! See you in the next meta!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
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If you want to read the previous metas From s11, her you have the links.
Buenos Aires July 7th 2020 5:36 PM
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naruhearts · 5 years
OKAY SO I've just spent the best part of an hour scrolling through your blog and reading a bunch of your destiel meta and I HAD to message you... I was one of the many people who STRONGLY believed destiel had a chance of being canon after season 8 (more like season gr8 am i right), but throughout the years I slowly lost all hope. However, S14 has made me 110% invested in the show again and YOUR META IS GIVING ME HOPE FOR DESTIEL, which is TERRIFYING. Your writing is wonderful and I'm STRESSED.
Got back from Washington late last night!
Oh my gosh @alovelikecas, your message really made my day and I’m SO glad you enjoy my meta xox (even when most of my meta looks like, to me, sloppy-ass writing, haha! I’ll probably make an end-season meta post after 14x20 — if I have the time — that touches upon SPN’s current and repeating themes since Season New Beginnings S12/Dabb Era, not to mention I have, like, some more unfinished meta in my drafts >.>)
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Yeah I mean, I didn’t join Destiel land until Summer 2016, and before that, I was late to the Season 11 party, so I basically had no narrative context for anything, and I’ll copy-paste what I said here: 
Looking back, one significant thing I recall? S11 gave me a sense of Destiel’s true narrative validity (as not a ‘fanon’ ship but organically developed in the canon) when I perceived it as a season that was ‘missing something’. Keep in mind I had no idea about Destiel yet while watching S11 at the time.
I was literally asking myself — repeatedly — why Dean/Amara seemed to contain odd narrative holes, considering A. Dean explicitly said that the non-consensual attraction he felt for Amara was NOT love and “it scares him”, B. Amara told Dean that ‘something stops you - keeps you from having it all’, C. Djinn!Amara stated that she can: ‘feel the love [Dean] feels, except it’s cloaked in shame,’ and D. Mildred’s iconic ‘You’re pining for someone’ —> which did not logically correlate with A and C, meaning: since Dean doesn’t freely love Amara and thus isn’t possibly pining for her — with female love interests as currently non-existent (I remember crossing off the dead/gone girls on a piece of paper lol) — who the hell was he pining for, then?
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Originally posted by elizabethrobertajones
Obviously, without writing long-ass paragraphs of meta about it again in this post, S11 made sense as soon as I watched it within the Destiel context (especially after I read up on some grandiose pieces of Destiel meta (@charlie-minion was the very first person who inspired me to write meta; I followed her once I joined the fandom Oh my god, here we go, holy crap this subtext – I’m invested in this godforsaken ship because they’re in love with each other and I’m not getting off any time soon. The rest is history.
I’m aware that I do come off as positive (and I’m still Destiel-positive; whatever happens in 14x20 this week may or may not change that), but I hope you don’t mind if I use your lovely ask as an additional opportunity to clarify my meta standpoint: no one’s saying Destiel WILL become text. 
The general Destiel meta community (all subfactions: Destiel-positive, -negative, -neutral, and in-between) is not the Most Holy Canon Word, and we aren’t SPN writers, and again, we can’t actually speak to the veracity of Destiel as guaranteed-gonna-go-textual, but we — a diverse pool of critical thinkers from all walks of life: particularly those who have some degree of experience in literary academia/English literature studies (fun fact: I was actually pursuing a Minor’s in English until I changed my mind - my first love’s Health Science/Biology, which I stuck with, but here I am doing lit-crit analysis on the side *wink*) — can speak to the veracity of Destiel as a real, palpable, and ever-substantial long-running romance narrative aka the love story between Dean and Cas IS THERE. I see it. We all see it. We didn’t pluck it out of the random ether one day. It naturally evolved across the show’s overarching narrative like some vast spiderweb, linked together by numerous character arc amalgamations of Dean Winchester and Castiel as separate individuals who were then brought together — who brought themselves together, by the sheer force of free will and choice — and are now inherent parts of the other’s story (and respective character progression).
I say this too many times to count: the entire point of writing meta? Personally, it enables me to appreciate the literary gorgeousness of Dean and Cas’ relationship as, first and foremost, a tentative alliance offset by the very moment Cas raised Dean from perdition (it’s a poetic beginning). Their alliance then inevitably proliferated into a rocky — at times, necessarily turbulent — friendship, then a deep profound bond…one that crossed platonic boundaries since S7/8 and is, ultimately, indelibly rooted in romance. Together, Dean and Cas build up each other’s strengths, complement each other’s flaws, and narratively motivate the other to self-introspect — to become the best version of themselves that they were always meant to be: self-actualized entities who let go of their painful, horrifying, psychologically/emotionally destitute pasts.
These above reasons and more are why I think Destiel belongs right up there on the shelf of Ye Olde Classics, similar to epics by John Milton, Shakespearian tragic dramas, Homeric characteristic cruxes, and the great Odyssey journey: a legendary journey, fraught with circumstance, that finally ended with Odysseus (now an enlightened man) returning to Penelope, the love of his life.
Channeling the scope of Homer’s Odyssey, Destiel is an incredible storytelling feat of obstacles, both internal and external, romance tropes, mirroring, foreshadowing, and visual cadence/emotion, enhancing SPN’s already character-driven main plot in that Dean and Cas try to make it back to one another; like Penelope, their love holds true despite everything. If Destiel were an M/F couple, we all know their love story would be absolutely undeniable to the GA.
I do understand the bitterness S14’s fostered in some viewers, though. I do understand that Dean and Cas seem distant (and yeah, it’s a noticeable difference compared to S12/S13), but I believe the Destiel subtext is still heavy and holds steady.
Right now, at this point, there remains multiple personal issues for the characters to solve, you know? Dean and Cas aren’t talking properly; their love languages stay mistranslated, although we’re persistently shown that they still understand each other on a certain level that no one else can, and the visual narrative keeps framing them as on-the-nose solid counterparts: a domestic-spousal romantic unit independent of Sam.
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Originally posted by incatastrophicmind
They want to be there for the other. They need to quash the final remnants of their respective internal loathing (Dean’s self-worthiness, Cas’ self-expendability) before they’re able to give the other 100% of their time, efforts, attention, and love (as flawed and complicated but compellingly beautiful as it can possibly be). During the times Dean and Cas do try to talk shit out, extraneous issues continue to get between them.
As other friends/meta pals discussed with me, S14 is like S10 in that it’s confusing the cast/audiences. And exactly: S8, besides S11/S12/early S13, also belongs in the close-to-canon serious Destiel narrative transition! I can discuss the showrunning/writer problem of SBL (Singer + Bucklemming; @occamshipper hits the nail on the head) that tugs subtext – especially subtext linked to Destiel – back and forth, sometimes in the weirdest nonsensical ways, but I won’t go too far into it here. I agree, however, with the recent idea that Jensen does seem a bit confused as to where he should bring Dean emotionally this season (don’t get me wrong, I do NOT believe Dean is OOC; OOC is a completely different concept vs expected character behaviour). And if Dean’s consistently romance-coded past interactions with Cas are any indication, Jensen would also — in the same vein as all of us — want Dean and Cas to start getting their shit together. Long-running fictional characters like Dean and Cas, conceived over 10 years, are so well-written to the point where you, the author, can predict what they’ll do even if you just plop both of them inside a room and give them no direction, and I personally feel that nowadays Jensen is prevented from achieving Dean’s further internal growth/unsure how to act in the moment because of some dumb SBL scripts saying one thing while his character’s heart says another. Wank aside—
Season 15 should hopefully convey a much more logical subtextual perspective e.g. unbelievably amazingly cohesive Season Destiel 11 that aired after choppy S10. Not all hope is lost!! I also want to clarify that I personally LOVED Season 14 in general. It’s been mostly Emotion-centric constant, with Yockey, Berens, Perez, and Dabb usually making my top-rank SPN writer list.
Currently the narrative’s still allowing pretty significant (imho) wiggle room for the lovers to fracture apart and get back together, where their miscommunication comes to a dramatic head. We just saw Dean and Cas argue over Jack’s well-being in 14x18 and 19. Dean — besides putting Cas at the top of his You’re-Dead-to-Me-Because-You-Lied-but-I-Still-Love-You-Goddammit hitlist (for clear spousal-coded reasons) and taking Cas’ actions to heart (he’s the person he trusted the most who lied to him) — no doubt blamed himself for what happened, and Sam was, like I said, the mouthpiece of truth. TFW were all culpable. They all failed Jack in some way, shape, or form.
I’m not expecting anything for 14x20, but I’m nervous either way! Thanks for sticking with my long answer
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alleiradayne · 5 years
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Stuck In The Middle With You
Summary: While out investigating a string of murders committed by a tulpa, you and your wife end up in the middle of a fantasy with Dean and Castiel. Warnings/Tags: Smut, like a lot, threesome (M/M/F) with male voyeurism, cuckolding, come play, unprotected sex, oral, dirty talk, fictional levels of orgasms, there’s some crazy angel grace stuff going on, seriously this shit is bonkers. Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel/Original Female Character (Bev)/Male Reader (voyeur), Sam Winchester (who leaves before anything starts)  Word Count: 5,613 A/N: For Fic-Facer$ 2019, this is the first of my two lots. The prompt requested was Destiel/Reader’s Wife with voyeurism/cuckolding of himself (the reader). Song: Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealers Wheel
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“What do you mean, it’s not a tulpa? Of course, it is! Look!”
Dean tossed the folder of articles across the library table with a flippant flick of his wrist. Bev grabbed it first as you both reached for it, her hand a little faster. As she scanned the clippings, her narrow brow knotted and the corners of her lips pursed.
“It could be an actual serial killer,” she stated as she returned the folder to the table. “And in that case, the police should handle it.”
Dean groaned as his head thumped on the open book before him. “It’s not!” he insisted as one hand ran through his hair and grasped it. When he raised his head, his fierce green glare locked on Bev’s. “Look at the pattern. It takes weeks for a new story to develop. And the details shift every time. There’s a new aspect to it every month. We need to go there and start interviewing people. Now.”
Sam shut his book and set it aside, drawing your attention. “He’s right. This has all the classic markers of a tulpa. We’ve seen it before. Small, tightly-knit communities that gossip fuel a tulpa’s life-force. Granted the internet helped that one more than anything…”
Bev looked to the articles before glancing at you. She grimaced as she turned back to the table with a shake of her head. You heard the gears churning between her ears, her indecision palpable. You’d been hunting with the Winchesters and their angel friend, Castiel, for a mere six months. Though the two of you had learned so much, the road ahead stretched on forever, beyond the horizon and out of sight.
“Alright,” Bev started. “But the second we find out it’s just a creepy serial killer that reads the papers and has a huge kink for bondage, we’re leaving.”
Dean shrugged as he stood and grabbed his jacket. “Don’t knock it.”
Bev followed with a laugh. “I’m not. It’s the lack of consent and murder that I’m not okay with. Rope is a hell of a lot of fun.”
Dean froze as Bev passed him on her way to the main hallway. “I… it was…”
Over her shoulder, she gave him a wink. “You started this conversation.”
You stood with Sam and walked beside him as Dean caught up with Bev heading down the hallway to your rooms. Castiel brought up the rear and added, “A lack of consent can be part of the… fun? Right?”
“You know, Cas,” Dean said over Sam’s cackling laughter, “sometimes, there are things you just don’t talk about in groups. Things like that. That’s a private conversation.”
“Private… between me and you? Or between me and Bev?” Castiel asked as he regarded her with an inquisitive look.
Sam’s roaring laughter followed him as he disappeared around the corner to his room. Dean looked between the three of you before he said, “Both. Now c’mon. We’ve got an eight hour drive ahead of us. I wanna catch this son of a bitch before he kills any more of those poor girls.”
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“Wait a minute,” Sam started, “all the locals said the same thing?”
Bev nodded as she leaned back in her chair at the small motel table. The five of you had packed into the guy’s tiny motel room to discuss your findings on the first day of the investigation. While Sam and Dean had gotten access to a fresh crime scene, you, Bev, and Castiel had interviewed locals.
“Except that the stories all change,” Sam continued.
“Exactly,” Bev stated. “That’s the one detail that’s consistent. Change.”
Castiel grimaced as he turned to Sam. “I don’t understand it either. The first article about a potential serial killer escaping the nearby prison was published eight months ago. How have all the locals gotten so… derailed?”
They sat in silence as you all pondered his question. But then Sam startled as he leaped from the end of the bed for the articles. “Eight months ago, right?”
“Yeah,” Bev said. “Then seven months ago was the first death.”
“With details identical to the murders of the escaped serial killer,” Sam continued as he tore into his laptop bag and withdrew the file of articles again.
Dean rose from his bed in kind, a slow straightening of his legs. “But the article that was written had a new detail in it,” he started. “We looked at the autopsy report for the first victim. She didn’t have ligature marks on her ankles. Just her…” he paused with a swallow and a subtle glance at Bev. “Her wrists. Rope burns.”
The color in her cheeks deepened until she spoke. “Why would the paper publish something that wasn’t true?”
“People lie all the time,” Castiel started. “I learned that a long time ago.”
Bev glared at Dean for a beat without a trace of her earlier embarrassment. “But this is a journalist writing about murder. Why would they fabricate that detail?”
Sam slammed down a copy of the autopsy report for the second victim. “To ensure everyone would talk about it.”
Bev flicked through the second autopsy report, her eyes scanning the pages. “Right, so now there are ligature marks on her wrists and ankles.”
Sam handed her the third article. “And apparently her chest.”
Bev took the article as well and immediately set it down. “I remember. Isn’t it more likely the coroner lied and the journalist figured it out?”
Sam shook his head as Dean said, “Nope. That was our first hunch, too. Coroner seemed like a level headed dude. He even picked up a blended iron and silver coin I dropped. So then we decided to go talk to the journalist, but we couldn’t find him. No sign of him ever existing.”
“What?” Bev asked, her tone flat.
“Yeah, I said the same thing.” His slow gate bore him to the table’s edge. “I half-expected some old lonely dude, shacked up in his mom’s basement embellishing murder stories with more and more rope,” he explained as his words faded and he haphazardly reorganized the articles with delicate fingertips. He swallowed a thick gulp, then continued his thought.
“Seriously, the last victim was covered in knots all over. Must have been fifty feet of bright blue rope all angled and tied and anchored…” he said as he gestured across his chest and stomach. When Bev caught his careful glance, Dean shook his head and said, “It was a lot of rope.”
Silence stifled the room so thoroughly, you heard Dean’s constricted breath as he stared at the articles strewn across the table. Sweat dripped down his forehead, rolled to his neck, and soaked into the collar of his shirt, but he seemed not to care. Past him, Sam sat on the end of the bed and unabashedly gaped, and beside Sam, Castiel sat on the other bed, his confused grimace staring at his feet.
Bev, however, remained unphased. She watched Dean until he met her gaze head-on. “The last article did mention blue rope,” she agreed. A smile you knew all too well spread across her lips and blood rushed from your head to your groin.
Castiel stood in a rush as though bitten on the ass. “I want to know one thing.”
“One thing?” Sam asked under his breath.
“Why rope? Why not duct tape? Or handcuffs?” Castiel continued.
The room had grown too hot in a single beat, sweat of your own rolling down the back of your neck. Castiel met your gaze, unblinking, then turned to Sam when you remained silent too long. “If the tulpa wanted to restrain his victims, why only use rope?”
Dean scratched the back of his head as he avoided everyone’s wide stares, and his shoulders hunched as he slumped into an empty chair at the table. Too many silent seconds passed before anyone spoke, allowing you too much time to think, to wonder.
And did you ever wonder. Knots of blue rope crisscrossed Bev’s back and bound her arms and wrists. Castiel towered over her as Dean embraced her. Before you reined in your thoughts, the sounds of her pleasure in your mind sounded so real, your erection strained against your pants.
“I'm… gonna go for a walk,” Sam stated as he headed for the door.
Dean scrambled over the back of the chair as he climbed from it. “What?! It’s ten o'clock! How long will you be gone?”
He wrenched the door aside.. “Forever.”
Dean gaped. “When are you coming back?”
“Whenever this conversation is not happening or I’m too drunk to care,” Sam concluded as he strode over the threshold and disappeared into the night.
Dean turned back to Castiel with a flat glare. “Nice job.”
Castiel considered the door, then you, then Bev, and then his narrowed stare returned to Dean. “I don’t understand. I asked a question about the case. Why won’t anybody answer my question?”
Dean cleared his throat as he leaned forward, elbows propped up on his knees. “Cas, it’s not a simple answer—”
“Yes, it is,” Castiel interrupted as he fingered the articles. “Why use rope over anything more secure?”
“Because,” Dean started as he shot a quick glance at Bev. “It’s… it’s a…”
“Is this one of those conversations we’re supposed to have in private?” Castiel asked.
Dean sighed as he slumped back into his chair again. He palmed his forehead, forefinger, and thumb rubbing his temples as he groaned. “Yes, Cas, it is. Can we talk about this later? When we’re alone?”
“Don’t mind us,” Bev chimed with a coy smirk for Dean. “In fact, I could help explain it to him.”
“No, please, he doesn’t—” Dean’s thought clipped short when he regarded Bev once more and found her devious grin. Reclined in her chair, she exuded boundless confidence, one leg crossed over the other and arms draped over the armrests. “Is there something going on here that I’m missing?”
“I’m a little surprised it took you this long to figure it out,” you said. “She’s been coming at you with every play in the book for weeks.”
Dean frowned and shook his head as though clearing his muddled thoughts. “Really?” He turned back to Bev and considered her so thoroughly, you wondered what raced through his mind as he subconsciously smoothed his lap with one hand running down his inner thigh. “Well, shit, honey. Why didn’t you just… say something?”
That was all the confirmation Bev needed. She pushed from her chair and steadily rose to her feet, then crossed the room, not for Dean, but for Castiel. “Because it’s a little more complicated than that,” she said as she encroached upon Castiel’s personal space. Not that Castiel noticed. He seemed to lack any understanding of the concept, always standing mere inches from Dean or Sam. So, when Bev’s chest pressed to his, he simply met her gaze head-on. She plucked his tie from his chest and the blue fabric flipped between her fingers. When she licked her lips, Castiel mimicked her, whether on purpose or subconsciously, you were not sure.
After a deep breath expanded her chest, Bev added, “There are quite a few people involved and everyone should be aware of that.” Her wicked gaze met yours with a gleam so wild, you could hardly contain your excitement.
Dean’s stare snapped to yours only to soften the moment it landed. Wide, green eyes consumed you from head to toe as he had done to Bev a moment earlier, though, with you, he lingered at your groin. “I’m… beginning to understand,” Dean said as another unmistakable shift in his hips sucked the air right from your lungs.
Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t resist the urge, the absolute need to ease the ache of your erection so tightly constricted in your pants. A smooth adjustment allowed you a little freedom to stroke the bulge over your jeans, and Dean licked his lips as he watched.
“He’ll be staying over there,” Bev stated. “Nobody touches him.”
“What am I doing?” Castiel asked.
“Me,” she said as she stripped his tie from his neck. “And maybe him,” she added as she looked to Dean. “Depends on how things go and what I decide I want.”
Dean crossed the space between them with two long strides. He towered over them both as he enveloped Bev from behind. His lips found purchase at the crook of her neck, and his hands reached for the fastenings of her pants, only to hesitate after a moment of that furtive connection. He regarded you with a sidelong look full of concern, as though he had crossed a line.
“Ignore him,” Bev demanded. “Pretend he’s not even here.”
“Are you sure?” Dean asked.
She considered him, her gaze narrowed. “I am,” she started as she slipped Castiel’s coat and suit jacket from his shoulders. “But I would enjoy it most if you taunted him.”
Sweat trickled down your neck and soaked into your collar, the sudden onslaught of arousal heating your entire body. Best you discard your shirt then before you ruined it with more than your sweat. Three buttons popped apart with a flick of your fingers. One smooth pull tore it overhead and you tossed it aside as Dean continued to stare at you, another thirsty look drinking in your entire body.
“Be possessive. Let him know you’re about to fuck his wife,” Bev teased as she unbuttoned Castiel’s shirt.
God, but that woman knew exactly what you needed. She left little to the imagination and demanded exactly what she wanted. Lucky for you, it all added up to the hardest erection you’d had in years.
“Let him know, when you’re pounding my pussy, that I’ll come harder than I ever have,” she added. “That with your angel buried in my ass, my husband will never be able to fuck me as good as you two do.”
Dean growled as he tore off his shirt and kicked off his boots. “I can be possessive,” he stated under his breath as his lips returned to her skin. His hands slipped under her shirt and roved her entire body, grasping and pinching and pulling at fabric until he stripped her of her shirt. “I can sure as hell take another man’s partner right out of his hands.”
Lucky didn’t even come close. You had died, and this was heaven. Of course, it was. An angel and his lover were about to fuck your wife right in front of you. The ultimate fantasy; you had never thought it would come true. But there they were, the two of them with their half naked, writhing bodies as Bev squirmed between them and pressed her lips to Castiel’s. At last, he seemed to understand, his hands slipping into her loosened jeans and shoving them to her ankles. The sight of them succumbing to their base desires ignited a wildfire of lust in your veins that coursed through your entire body. Stripped of your jeans, you withdrew yourself from your underwear and stroked the length of your cock already slick with precum.
“See,” Bev cooed against Castiel’s lips. “He loves it. He loves the idea of two big strong men taking his wife from him.”
“Like watching pornography,” he stated.
“Cas, will you—stop making this weirder than it already is and take off your damn pants?” Dean growled.
He opened his mouth, but Bev cut him off before he could say anything. “Do not apologize to him,” she started as she unbuttoned his pants. “You answer to me and only me. Same goes for you, Dean. What I say, goes. Got it?”
Dean grinned into her flesh as he nipped at her neck. “Of course, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want it any other way. You give me an order and I’ll follow it.”
“Good,” she drawled as she slithered out from between them. “Get on your knees.”
Dean did as instructed but not without sneaking a quick glance your way. That dark glare sank to the pit of your stomach and rushed a wave of arousal straight to your aching sac. Too pretty by half, Dean did things for the both of you that had brought you to that very moment. He had been a surprising source of arousal for you over the last few weeks. That had been Bev’s doing. She’d gotten the idea first, and when she wanted something, you never imagined standing in her way. She deserved nothing but the best. And so, you remained seated, subtle rolls of your hips thrusting your cock into your hand as Dean helplessly stared.
“Castiel, I must admit, I am impressed.” Bev’s words grasped your attention. She had stripped him of every stitch of fabric while Dean had you so distracted. Castiel stood before Dean with his massive erection standing straight out from his groin, inches from Dean’s face. As Bev stared, she took Castiel in hand and stroked him from base to tip, and he shuddered as his eyes rolled back into his head and closed.
“Open your mouth, Dean.”
Dean did as ordered and his plush lips parted. Bev angled Castiel’s cock to his mouth, and Dean welcomed him, guiding with his tongue. Castiel stepped into him as he sucked his entire length down his throat and grasped him with both hands at the back of his head.
“It seems I picked the right one to do my dirty work,” Bev said as she stroked Castiel’s cock in time with Dean’s bobbing head.
Dean reared back and withdrew Castiel from his mouth as he said, “You should see him suck my dick, honey.”
“Dean, stop talking,” Castiel growled. “I want you—”
“That’s enough out of both of you,” Bev interjected as she knelt on the bed. “I want you to make him come.” She added as she pointed to you.
“But I thought—”
A stern glare silenced Dean as Bev raised a brow at him. “You won’t be touching him. You’re going to fuck me. Castiel, too. But you’ll need to convince him you’re doing a good job.”
Dean rose to his feet and stripped himself of his pants and boxers. He knelt beside Bev and grabbed her by the wrist to haul her to him, their bodies flush. “Is this what you want?” he asked as he grabbed her other wrist.
“Maybe? Do you think you got it in you, Dean? Are you man enough to fuck another man’s wife?”
Castiel knelt behind her and grabbed her by the ass. “Angels don’t practice monogamy,” he whispered as he jerked her back, his slick cock gliding between her cheeks. “Dean and I are more than capable of overpowering you.”
“Cas,” Dean started, “she… it was a metaphor. She’s just trying to rile us up.”
“Trying?” Bev cooed.
“Succeeding, honey,” Dean chimed with a grin as he thrust his cock between her thighs. “And if I’m not mistaken, we’re doing plenty for you, too. God, you’re so wet, I could fuck your thighs.”
“I have so many more questions,” Castiel groaned as his fingertips bit into the meat of her ass. “Like—”
“Can you ask them later and just fuck me?” Bev interrupted.
Castiel’s bright blue stare snapped to Dean’s. “Am I… is this okay with you?”
The softest smile you had ever seen creased Dean’s lips as he cupped Castiel’s cheek. “It’s just fine. Now, listen to the pretty lady and do to her what you do to me.”
With all three bodies pressed tightly into each other, you could hardly tell where one ended and another began. Dean’s rigid arm hooked under Bev’s thigh and lifted as she angled his cock to her dripping pussy. Spread wide, he slipped inside her, completely sheathed and Bev moaned so loud, your entire body seized in a shock of arousal that flexed your cock in your hand. “Dean,” she breathed, “Fuck, honey, that feels amazing.”
“Yeah?” he grunted through a thrust. “You like that? You like my big fat cock inside you while your husband watches? Watches me spread you, make you wet, make you scream for me?”
“Goddammit, yes, it’s perfect,” she sighed, her breath marked by his increasing thrusts. “It’s so— holy fuck .”
Castiel had waited a mere minute before joining Dean. He grasped Bev by the ass and spread her cheeks, then pressed his cock to her hole until she relaxed. “She… feels different.”
“She’s a woman,” Dean grunted as his hips slapped against hers. “You’ve slept with women before.”
“I have never sodomized a woman,” he grunted as he withdrew. “She is a lot tighter than—”
“Okay, Cas, we get it,” Dean growled. “Just enjoy it. And you know… do that thing. With your grace.”
“Grace?” Bev breathed with a shocked gasp. “What do you—”
Her words clipped short by a shrill cry, and her head tilted back to land on Castiel’s shoulder, his blue eyes glowing near white with a flash. Dean thrust in time, his own grunts and growls mingling with her cries for a song so deviant, you wanted nothing more than to come right then and there. But they had only just started. Despite the need for release, you withdrew from yourself and eased off that precarious edge. Denial would only ensure a bigger load later. Combined with the display on the bed before you—two incredibly hot men’s huge cocks spreading your wife’s holes—you knew Bev would swallow three times before you finished coming in her mouth. If only she would let you.
They moved as one, Bev relying on their strength as Dean and Castiel held her aloft, and the two of them thrust in perfect rhythm. As Dean withdrew, Castiel pumped into her ass until completely sheathed. And when Castiel pulled back, Dean snapped his hips hard, pounding into Bev until she begged him to slow down. But Dean knew the rules. She had told him to fuck her until you came. And you had no intention of doing that before the three of them. Not even the ache in your balls could take that away from her.
“Cas,” Dean grunted, “she’s close, I can feel it.”
Castiel said nothing as one of his hands slipped over her hip and dove between her thighs. The other teased a taut nipple between his index finger and thumb, and the scream that rent from Bev’s lips nearly ruined all your hard work. Nothing short of divine, her orgasm burst like a shower of sparks, full of curses, blasphemes, and praises alike. But just as she relaxed, as the last waves of her release ebbed, that flash of brilliant white light flared in Castiel’s eyes once more, and the world ceased to exist.
Bev froze, her entire body seized in their embrace. Her jaw gaped, though no sound escaped her. White knuckles clung to Dean’s massive shoulders as though her life depended on him. The best part, the most amazing part about watching another man—especially those two men—fuck your wife was the beautiful mess they had made of her; tousled hair with locks stuck to her forehead with sweat, reddened skin plucked and pinched by greedy fingers, and the wet slick that ran down her thighs in an opaque tide as she came.
“Holy shit,” Dean grunted, “That’s… Cas, stop.”
“No,” Castiel stated, eyes still illuminated as he smiled. “You like it.”
“I know that, but it’s… I can feel it, too.” A hiss of breath sucked between his gritted teeth as Dean enveloped Bev in his arms. “It’s only been a few minutes. Fuck , I can’t hold on much longer, sweetheart.”
“Then come,” Castiel ordered. “I’ll heal you.”
Bev’s long moan burst from her mouth at long last, her entire body convulsing in one hard flex. Dean held her close as she unraveled, her cum coating his cock. Indeterminate seconds passed as you pumped into your hand harder, barely resisting the urge to come with her.
When her orgasm subsided, she unfurled from Dean’s arms and asked, “What did he do to me?”
“That,” Dean started, “was an angelic orgasm. He pumped his Grace into you as you came.” His lips teased at hers as he smoothed the sweat that ran in tiny rivulets down her chest, then grasped her by her throat. “Felt good?”
Deep gasps for air heaved her breasts pressed against the hard expanse of Dean’s chest. “Good? Good doesn’t even come close… and yet, I’m ready for another.”
“I healed you of overstimulation and exhaustion,” Castiel said as he thrust into her again. “You deserve more. I really enjoy the way you feel.”
“Is he always so sweet?” she asked Dean.
“We’re working on the dirty talk,” Dean grunted as he returned to his thrusting, pumping hard and fast into her. “I’m gonna come, honey. I’m gonna fill that pretty little cunt of yours with my seed and then Cas is gonna pound your ass until you can’t see straight.”
“Oh, fuck, yes,” Bev moaned. “God, I can feel you throbbing so hard, I’m gonna come again.”
“Yes,” Castiel groaned, the first remotely perverted sound to emanate from his beautiful lips. “It’s… tight. So tight, Bev. I’m going to ejac—”
“Come, Cas, come, you’re going to come, don’t be so damn clinical,” Dean growled as he gripped her throat tighter and thrust harder. “He’s doing his best, honey, I promise.”
“I don’t care what he says,” Bev gasped, “as long as he keeps fucking me with that huge cock of his, he could speak in tongues for all I care.”
“Do you want me—”
“Cas,” Dean grunted, “just hold her up and keep fucking her. Give me some of your Grace, too, I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” Castiel asked.
Dean nodded as he locked eyes with Bev. “Positive. Honey, you better hold on. When I come with his Grace, it makes a huge me—”
Everything happened at once. Castiel’s eyes brightened with a surge of his power, and Dean’s words transcended into a howl that raced down your spine and landed squarely between your aching thighs. The sight of them in the throes of their orgasms unraveled your own so violently, you burst apart at the seams. As all three bodies shuddered, the strokes of your cock slowed, and sound and sight thinned to a single point. There, your orgasm tore through your body and a heavy twitch of your cock sprayed long white ropes of cum to your chest.
The cries of pleasure from the bed overpowered your pathetic whimpers and snagged your attention. Dean hunched over Bev’s shoulder as her head dropped back to Castiel’s chest, and even Castiel seemed susceptible to his own flow of erotic power. The otherworldly moan that rent his lips drowned out the others as his head tipped back. But his hips remained steady, thrusting his cock into Bev’s ass as she moaned her steady cadence. And Dean? He all but collapsed as his entire body shook, every thick muscle rigid as he came inside her.
What lasted mere seconds seemed to stretch on forever, compounded pleasure finally finding its release like a valve thrown wide open on a pipe about to burst. Dean slumped back on his haunches first, the bed rocking with his weight. Bev collapsed into him, their bodies sticking together as Dean’s softening erection withdrew from her. Thick globs of his cum oozed from her sex, and in her haste to keep it from the bed, she coated her fingers in it and spread it as best as she could.
When Castiel withdrew from her, he added to the mess, his own cum dribbling from her ass. Bev pitched forward atop Dean, but looked to you for the final act, the nail in the coffin of your degradation.
“Clean me up,” she ordered.
The room spun as you stood, unable to focus on a single spot; between Dean and Castiel’s spent bodies, Bev bent over with her back arched, ass high in the air, and her tongue teasing at Dean’s balls, the rush of blood from your head rendered you senseless. You reached out with a tentative hand only to hesitate as you neared her. “May I touch you?”
“Yes,” she moaned as she continued to spread their cum on her lips. “Get my fingers while you’re at it.”
You did as ordered, kneeling before the edge of the bed and grasping her hips. Bev held her fingers out for you, and you sucked each one clean. A distinct mixture of bitter and salt filled your mouth, overpowering your senses as you swallowed. When she withdrew her last finger, she shoved her hips into you and smeared the mess of arousal and ejaculate across your face. Marked, Dean and Castiel’s scents buried hers, but you knew her too well to miss it entirely. The smell of them on her, inside her, as you sucked her lips into your mouth renewed that ache in your groin, and it wasn’t long before Bev demanded more.
“Fuck, honey, that feels good. I’m gonna come all over your face.”
You moaned into her sex, whimpers muted by her flesh, and the pain of fresh arousal sucked the air from your lungs. Between gasps you worked her cunt as best you could, tongue lapping up the runnels of cum and lips sucking her clean. But when she demanded more again—and added her finger to her asshole—you followed suit. Two large fingers slid inside her cunt with little effort as you turned your back to the bed and ducked under her hips. There, you sealed your lips around her clit and sucked as hard and licked as fast as you could. From the corner of your eye, you found her mouth full of Dean’s cock and her free hand stroking Castiel’s, both men hard again after Castiel’s healing.
And there you sat on the floor, head between her thighs and a limp dick, servicing her with cum from two other men oozing out of her and running down your chin. Lascivious wet suckles filled the room, bolstered by Castiel’s deep groans. He came first, not unlike you, lancing white ropes of cum along his chest and stomach. In a final display of her deviant mind, she released him, smeared her fingers through his fluids, and then shoved them into his mouth. And bless Castiel’s pretty lips as they willingly sealed around her digits, sucking them so clean, you imagined he might be used to sucking on thicker things.
The sounds of Dean’s impending release snapped your attention to him, what little you could see. He had grasped Bev’s hair at the back of her head, but when he tried to pull from her, she maintained her hold of him in her mouth, head bobbing from tip to base. He begged her to stop, to slow down and let him go, but you knew Bev took no orders from her playthings. So, Dean writhed under her, struggled as his orgasm swelled and surged until it exploded in a load of cum in her mouth. She moaned as she swallowed, sucking all of him down but for a tiny glob that ran the length of his cock and dribbled over his balls.
And then there was Bev. She said she had been close but given her numerous distractions, you couldn’t blame her. So, you renewed your pursuit for her end, and you knew it wouldn’t be long. Between your mouth, Dean’s encouragingly perverted talk, and Castiel’s roaming hands, she succumbed to your stimulation in mere moments, her entire body quivering, practically buzzing with pleasure. Her cries pitched higher and higher until her final moan cut short, and the hard flexes of her cunt poured cum and a fresh gush of her thin opaque arousal over your chin and down your neck. The warmth of her fluids pebbled your flesh, goosebumps racing along your arms and down your back as you sucked her clean. Shudders of aftershocks quivered her lips pulled into your mouth until she wrenched away with a final moan and collapsed atop Dean.
You made a mental note to do everyone’s laundry after you grabbed a shirt and wiped your face clean. The others didn’t bother; Castiel had curled in beside Dean, one hand draped over Bev’s hip. With barely any room left, you clamored over them to lay behind her and curled into her, flush with her back. All manner of sighs and groans filled the silent space between you, and you were nearly asleep before anyone spoke.
“I could use a shower,” Dean grunted.
Bev hummed her agreement, then asked, “how many people fit in the tub?”
When you looked to him, Dean stared at the ceiling as if he had not just stated, for a fact, that four people fit in the bathtub. But it was Bev who asked, “How?”
Dean grinned as he grabbed her hip, and pulled her tight against his chest for a kiss that lasted an eternity. As you stared, a little hope wended its way into your subconscious. Maybe next time, Bev would allow him to play with you. To feel those lips anywhere on your body…
The thought vanished in a hazy memory as Dean parted from Bev and snatched up an advertisement paper from the nightstand to hand to her. Bev took it and turned it over to reveal that the room in which Sam, Dean, and Castiel stayed was the honeymoon suite, featuring a very large bathtub.
“I couldn’t tell you which one of us is the one that tips off the front desk clerks, but we usually score the suite in motels.”
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trenchcoatimpala · 3 years
I agree completely with you about Sam. I wish they had a Sam spinoff where he left Supernatural and we all got regular Spn just without Sam in it. That would be a win-win for everyone!
oh my god a Sam spin off for just Sam fans 💀
Look, I do think that Sam is integral to the show and that he was definitely needed, but I also think that the brothers codependency went too far and that maybe having them separated for a few episodes at a time at LEAST could have been really beneficial.
I actually kind of liked when Sam "quit hunting" (not during season 8 where he didn't look for Dean in Purgatory but during season 5? Or whenever that was when he was off pretending to be a guy named "Keith") for a little while and he was doing his thing while Dean was doing his thing aka hunting. I think that we needed more of that and more of Cas and Dean hunting together and Sam and Cas hunting/scheming together. I wanted other characters to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships with the brothers, but the show hardly ever did that because the brothers always had each other so there was no room for anyone else. Even Cas was pushed to the side a lot to make room for the brother's relationship.
Now Sam himself just wasn't likeable enough to me. I felt like Sam was being forced down my throat all the time because he was always supposed to be the main character of the show. The writers seemed to like Sam the most too and couldn't really give in to the fact that Dean and Cas were the one's that the fans liked more. Sam has his fans and that's great, I love that Sam has fans, but I'm just not one of them. And I do want to say that this has nothing to do with Destiel for me (I know your ask didn't even mention that but I'm using it as an excuse to talk about it) I just simply enjoy Dean and Cas more as separate individual characters. I felt like they were written better, they had better characterization, they were just given more likeable traits. And Dean and Cas have their fair share of people who don't like them and that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinions and they're allowed to like and dislike whatever character they want.
So yes, I'd watch SPN without Sam and Sam can have his own show. That's not to say Sam can't come back onto "regular SPN" for an episode or two and Dean can't pop over to "Samnatural" for an episode or two. They can have open lines of communication, phone calls, texts, things like that, but I think it's time to let the brothers codependency breathe.
Anyways, that became a rant. Thanks for the ask anon :)
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