#what you have to understand is that dean is my number 2 least favorite character of all time
clowndensation · 1 year
wait explain to me the destiel hatred i’m curious what abt it angers u that doesn’t apply to the other two ships
great question! the answer would unfortunately require 3 hours and a powerpoint presentation, so i will try to do a brief summary:
a ship sucking only ever has about 25% to do with the ship itself. destiel is bad in the sense that i think dean winchester is an annoying character that gets treated with kiddie gloves by the narrative, which makes him irritating to see on screen, because i personally dislike it when "men are angry and abusive because they just love too strongly, and don't know how to express it :(" is played straight as a character's primary internal conflict. especially over 15 seasons. it's boring, he's boring, and 35 year old men shouldn't be going to colleges trying to figure out which freshman girls are legal or not. hate him.
however the real sin of destiel, beyond the fact that dean winchester and i have beef that will only ever resolve when i get to reincarnate as the rusty nail that kills him, is that the fans are so so so fucking annoying. like yes the narrative frames dean as a golden boy who can either do no wrong, or "well, i guess he did wrong there, but what about how tortured he is :(" but good god. at least the show isn't trying to convince me that destiel is some groundbreaking lifechanging love story, complete with "omg this moment" montages where they romanticize scenes that feature dean either insulting, threatening, or humiliating cas. like this entire show (post season 5) is dean chronically either infantillizing and attempting to keep cas under his control, or holding him up as the only person he can rely on, thus giving cas expectations that are impossible to fulfill.
and don't get me wrong! people can like a shitty person and a fucked up ship. that's basically everything i enjoy on here. but at least like. acknowledge it. aldfkjalka. and if you're gonna like a shitty person and a fucked up ship, at least write about it in an interesting way. 90% of fic and posts written about destiel aren't even about destiel as presented in canon, they're about two generic men with generic personalities who suffer from the world's most generic tropey problems. cookie cutter ass basic relationship. the high school au of ships. boring.
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bluemoon-writer · 3 years
TSI - Chapter 1 Notes
Here are my full notes and commentary for Chapter 1 of my Harry Potter fic 'The Snake Inside'.
Chapter 1 can be found here.
Throughout the chapter there are numbers in parentheses, these numbers correspond to the below notes. To best understand what I’m talking about in the notes I would recommend opening the story in a second tab and following along from there.
(notes begin under the cut)
1. This is, if you hadn’t noticed, lifted directly from the book, I do do this a couple times however, this is the only one that is italicized. I’m going to try and point out the other instances in chapter notes as well.
2. Another line lifted from the book, although here it has slightly different context
3. This was another line from the book, although again it has slightly different context (also I swear these notes aren’t just going to be me citing passages from the book)
4. I was actually really conflicted over this. Dudley is obviously incredibly spoiled so I figured it made sense that if for once Harry had something that he didn’t that he would throw a fit and demand he get the same. What I wasn’t confident about was how Petunia or Vernon would react as they really do love Dudley, shown by how much they spoil him. In this scenario, I decided that Petunia’s hatred of magic plus her fear of losing Dudley to magic (just like she lost her sister) would drive her to hit Dudley.
5. The first signs of Harry’s sneaky Slytherin side! He reads the room and chooses the best manner to approach the situation, something he would be good at considering he grew up in an abusive household. He would likely have gotten very good at reading moods and acting accordingly at a young age to avoid being hit or yelled at.
6. It might seem like Harry is a little quick to believe in Hogwarts and want to go considering he knows nothing about it. But, it’s an escape from the Dursleys and the terrible school they were going to send him to. Plus, it’s obvious that the Dursleys hate magic, so why would they lie to Harry about him being a wizard?
7. I know in canon Hogwarts is free, but that simply doesn’t make sense to me. In my world, Hogwarts is the best and most elite school in Britain, but it’s not the only one. There are also smaller ‘public’ wizarding schools that people who can’t afford Hogwarts go to. Also, if Hogwarts has a tuition then it only makes sense to me that the Potter Parents would set up an education fund for Harry, especially since their lives were at risk, they would want to make sure that Harry would be able to get the best education possible.
8. Some more Slytherin sneakiness, Harry isn’t a master manipulator by any means but he’s lived with the Dursleys for 11 years, he knows how to play them.
9. I don’t write it in bc it seemed unnecessary, but she does explain her reasoning off-screen.
10. Some foreshadowing here, I thought I was rather clever, finding a logical way for Harry and Vernon to learn how to enter the train platform.
11. This whole paragraph is my attempt at showing how Harry is still just a kid who’s curious about the new world he’s found himself in. I know I write Harry (and all the characters his age) as being a little more mature than they probably would be in reality, so here I was trying to show a pure, childlike curiosity and also some trains of thought that aren’t totally logical bc he is a kid.
12. I do think the Dursleys, or Vernon at least, is more clever than he gets credit for, he is high up in Grunnings, so he has to have some sort of head on his shoulders, and he’s certainly self-serving we saw in book 2 how he lathered up those rich people he wanted to impress. So, I think as much as Vernon might hate magic and think goblins are disgusting, that he would very much be able to put that aside if he thought it might benefit him.
13. The goblins ‘revealing the truth’ to Harry, or giving him or helping him out in some way is kinda over done and doesn’t always make sense as the goblins really have no reason so want to go out of their way to help Harry. But, I needed an unbiased 3rd party to teach Harry a little about the wizarding world and I figured a satisfactory motivation for the goblins would be making money in the form of consultation fees.
14. The first hints of Dumbledore’s manipulations. He wants a naïve Savior who will be easy for him to influence and shape into the person he thinks the world needs. Note, I’m not going for an evil Dumbledore, just a morally grey Dumbledore.
15. Paper business refers to the practice of owning a business on paper but not being involved in how it’s currently ran, I’m not trying to say that the Potters own several companies that sell paper. I don’t know if this is a common term, when I googled it nothing came up, but my dad uses it a lot when talking about businesses. Also, we know in canon that the Potters are rich but in a lot of fics it has evolved into them being extremely wealthy and influential. I’m running with this fanon idea because the Potters are a very old family, they’ve been around since the 12thcentury and married into other very influential families in canon. Also, if I ever get to the later years I do want to mess around with some politics and Harry having power from his family name will be a necessary advantage.
16. I’m not going to bore you guys with paragraphs detailing just how exceedingly rich Harry is, if he can’t even do anything with what he owns yet. He’s 11, he’s not going to be making any smart investments.
17. Like I said earlier with the tuition vault, the Potters were soldiers in a war, they knew they might die and I think it’s only logical that they would take precautions to ensure that Harry would have a comfortable life should they die.
18. This might seem like a lot, but again, the Potters are rich and they want their only child to be able to have a comfortable life even if they die, plus it is supposed to last until Harry’s an adult.
19. This is not canon, JKR said that a galleon is approx. 5 British pounds. I think that’s too low, so I changed it. I mean, it’s solid gold and the highest form of currency it’s got to be worth more than that.
20. Trying to give Dumbledore the benefit of the doubt, but of course Vernon is going to be suspicious of anyone who took money that he could have used.
21. This is just something that I thought made sense, Gringotts has been established as being in the business of making money and how can they do that if they’re cut off from part of their clientele?
22. I’m trying to go in a new direction with the Dursleys, I’m not trying to redeem them, but like Dumbledore, they’re in a grey area, especially Vernon. I think a self-serving Vernon would be interested in learning more about the magic world, or more specifically learning what it can do for him. But also because you need to know your enemy, as interested as he might be in profiting off magic, Vernon doesn’t trust wizards. As for Harry, this is a Slytherin AU, of course he’s going to play along with his uncle’s plan as long as it benefits him.
23. This is another line from the book
24. Hints that Dean is actually a halfblood and not muggleborn, this is canon too. I’m looking forward to exploring the future “tracking down who my real dad was arc”
25. Originally, I had Harry meet Hermione and her family, but I decided to change it to Dean because I wanted to go down some different avenues. A lot of Slytherin Harry stories have Harry becoming friends with Hermione early on despite their differences and I didn’t want to just do the same thing as everyone else. Also, I really like Dean Thomas’s character he’s a friendly, good natured, brave and loyal. I also think that Harry would get along better with Dean right off the bat than he would with Hermione.
26. Honestly, I think it’s ridiculous that they still use quills and I will be using the trope where Harry sneaks in ballpoint pens.
27. Harry came to Diagon a few days earlier than he did in canon, so I figure it only makes sense that he would meet someone different at Madam Malkins also this gave me a great opportunity to shoe in one of my other favorite characters, Neville.
28. I headcanon that Harry and Neville have a slight magical bond over both being possible options for the prophecy.
29. I admit this is slightly unrealistic, as I’ve dropped my glasses several times before and they’ve never broken but I wanted an excuse to get Harry some new glasses.
30. Not implausible, but also not likely either. Also, I admit I really have no clue about British healthcare, especially not what it was like in the 80s and 90s. I know it’s free, but that there’s also the option to do private or paid care. So, for this story, assume that the Dursleys use private care bc they want to seem better than everyone else.
31. Again, probably not the most realistic scenario, but it is possible. I got glasses when I was 11 and contacts when I was 15, but I definitely could have gotten the contacts when I was a little younger. Maybe not, 11-years old younger, but I don’t think it’s entirely out of the ballpark.
32. I didn’t see any point in changing Hedwig’s name, so I kept it the same.
33. Giving Harry contacts was something that I debated a lot, there’s no real reason he needs them, I just wanted him to have some because they’re convenient. I personally regret not getting contacts earlier.
34. To be honest, this is actually a bit of a cop out on my end because I haven’t figured out the entire political system yet. BUT even if I had, Harry is still 11 so he probably wouldn’t understand it that well anyways. There will be a brief explanation in chapter 2 though.
35. Dudley’s reaction is anything thing I was really torn up about. Because he’s essentially torn between his two parents, sticking with Petunia ostracizes him from Vernon and sticking with Vernon ostracizes him from Petunia. Ultimately, I decided Dudley would value his father’s attention more because while Petunia wouldn’t like him getting involved with magic, she wouldn’t cut Dudley off completely, she loves him too much. But Vernon, has been completely distracted by magic and without Dudley getting involved in it too then he won’t get any attention from his father.
36. According to the HP wiki, Dean’s family actually lives in London, but I wanted it to be more convenient for them to meet so I moved them closer to the Dursleys. Also, I actually did about an hour’s worth of research on google maps trying to find a real place Dean’s family to live.
37. A whole lot of this section with the Weasleys was lifted from the book with slightly different commentary from Harry. I originally had more, but it didn’t add anything so I cut it out.
38. I don’t know how outgoing Ron was before he met Harry, if I was him though I would be too nervous to intrude on a compartment with two other kids who looked like they were already friends.
39. This is not a Ron bashing fic, Harry has no reason to dislike him, so of course he wouldn’t be opposed to sitting with him. That said, for the premise of the story I couldn’t have them sit together because Ron is heavily biased against Slytherin.
40. Poor Draco, if he had just paid more attention to who he was passing in the hall then he would have met Harry, but again, I couldn’t let that happen because Draco’s so obnoxious that he’d turn Harry off Slytherin.
41. Honestly, I just wanted Harry to interact with more students who can be potential friends.
42. Again, and the sorting is lifted from the book. I’m not going to make note of every line.
43. I wasn’t sure if I wanted Neville to be in Hufflepuff of Gryffindor at first. A lot of people argue that Neville needed to be in Gryffindor to learn how to be brave, but I think that Hufflepuff would provide a strong support system that would help Neville gain confidence in himself. Also, I decided that Harry’s words in the robe shop would influence Neville into not thinking that he was a loser if he went to Hufflepuff. I imagine in canon, much like Harry was chanting “not slytherin” Neville was probably chanting “not Hufflepuff”. So I think it’s fitting they both don’t end up in Gryffindor in this fic. Also, Harry already has a Gryffindor friend in Dean, he can use a Hufflepuff friend.
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ducktracy · 5 years
148. the coo-coo nut grove (1936)
release date: november 28th, 1936
series: merrie melodies
director: friz freleng
starring: peter lind hayes (ben birdie), bernice hansell (dionne quintuplets), tedd pierce (w.c. squeals), danny webb (walter windpipe), the rhythmettes, verna dean (additional voices)
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the cartoon that caused katherine hepburn to watch it 4 times and clark gable twice. an amalgamation of celebrity caricatures, designs courtesy of the great t. hee. see laurel and hardy share a drink, clark gable flap his ears to the beat of edna may oliver’s dancing, w.c. fields (squeals) flirt with katherine heartburn hepburn, and so on.
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a parody of the famed hollywood nightclub the cocoanut grove, we open to a beautiful overlayed pan of the coo-coo nut grove, a nightclub literally nestled in a cluster of coconut trees. the backgrounds are wonderfully stylistic and sharp—not quite art deco, but the same “newness” that page miss glory exuded so well. a zoom in reveals that the red blinking neon light advertising the nightclub is lit up by fireflies, an oldie but goodie.
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arriving to the nightclub itself, we iris in on ben birdie, a caricature of radio personality ben bernie. while he’s giving his trademark catchphrases such as “yowza!”, a mouse caricature of journalist walter winchell pops out of a tuba, holding out a scallion for birdie. “flash! an orchid for you, old mousetrap, from your old pal walter windpipe!” birdie takes care of the pest by blowing into the mouthpiece of the tuba, propelling windpipe across the nightclub. bernie and winchell had a good relationship off the set, but assumed the rules of enemies on bernie’s show. side note, danny webb voices the winchell mouse—he’d go on to provide some background voices for a few 30s shorts, as well as voicing egghead (actually egghead, not elmer!) in daffy duck and egghead.
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while birdie comments that it’s an ill wind, an ill wind, yowza, we get a good look of the patrons in the crowd. comedian hugh hubert is the first celebrity, who giggles and claps, bashfully averting his gaze. as a daffy duck aficionado, i owe a lot to hubert—he’s the one they voiced daffy’s trademark laugh after. thanks, hugh! the table next to him features w.c. squeals and katherine “heartburn” (an obvious play on hepburn.) squeals admires what a beautiful hand she has, promoting her to repeat the boulevardier from the bronx cackle bashfully before glaring at him in disgust. the laugh is more fitting as a horse, for sure! hepburn would be subject to MANY, MANY references in looney tunes shorts, primarily by tex avery. every time you hear a woman say something like “really it is,” that’s a hepburn impression.
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next table over features a crotchety ned sparks, groveling “i go everywhere, i do everything, and i never have any fun.” sparks’ shtick was always playing a miserable, deadpan character. pan up to the coconut treetops (these backgrounds are absolutely gorgeous), where johnny weissmuller is pouring his wife and vedette lupe vélez a glass of wine. i love the bow tie tacked on to his tarzan garb, wonderfully tacky. instead of offering the glass, weissmuller downs it all in one go, beating his chest and doing the tarzan yell that buddy did in buddy of the apes. how i don’t miss you! i’m sure it’s implied, but weissmuller was the original tarzan. even more interesting, he was a gold medal olympic swimmer back in the 20s.
ben birdie introduces “the profile of profiling”, and thus sparks this lovely gag of john barrymore walking through the nightclub, his head at profile. no matter which way his body turns, his head is always at profile. eventually, his head is turned 180 degrees backwards as he sits down at a table. if you look him up, you’ll find that many of his headshots are profiles.
elsewhere, we spot a panicked woman running from some unknown threat. her face is concealed, so we’re unaware as to what caricature she is, but we DO know her pursuer: a bird caricature of harpo marx, galloping behind her and honking a horn. his hat opens to reveal an extending stop sign, and harpo pretends to pull the brakes. the sign switches to go, and harpo shifts back into gear, resuming his galloping routine. the animation is flighty, loose, hilarious, and ridiculous.
back to ben birdie, who moves things along. “and now, let us indulge to a bit of the light fantastic, etcetera, etcetera.” almost immediately, a crowd of couples get up to dance. it seems to me that the animation was reused from another freleng cartoon, i’m a big shot now. cut to another couple in particular, a turtle george arliss and bird mae west. a great pair, seeing as mae west was essentially a sex symbol, and george arliss was much older, being 68 as of 1936. very smooth and fun animation, topped off with west affirming “keep up the good work.”
another warner bros favorite to caricature—laurel and hardy. if my memory serves me correctly, this is the first time we see hardy caricatured as a pig. in many a cartoon, he’d be portrayed as such, often mimicked by porky. these include (but are not limited to) the case of the stuttering pig, you ought to be in pictures (a freleng classic), and the timid toreador. hardy grabs a coconut and signals for laurel to share. they both put their straws in the coconut and drink, and essentially swap themselves. hardy substantially loses weight and turns into laurel, whereas laurel gains substantial weight and turns into hardy. very clever.
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the next act features edna may oliver, who does an elaborate dance routine to “the lady in red”. clark gable in the audience is particularly entranced, flapping his ears to the music (another gable caricature staple.) leon schlesinger himself said after the cartoon’s release, “gable [came to see the film] at least twice, mesmerized by the rhythmic waving of his own ears. that ought to answer any questions about can hollywood stars take it.” schlesinger kept close tabs on who came to see his films, which only makes sense: he worked at chicago’s colonial theater in 1908, keeping an autograph book of all the stars who would happen to visit. during oliver’s dance number, a lanky, rubber hose limbed gary cooper struts through the nightclub, doing his walk that he would feature in many of his cartoons. a trio of monkeys observe from the treetops, one of them declaring “he’s pixilated!”
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next dance number is none other than the dionne quintuplets, voiced by (who else?) berneice hansell, singing a medley of “our old man” and “what’s the matter with father”. hansell’s voice talents are lovely and hilarious as always, and there’s a great little dance interlude as the quints turn around and tap their feet with their butts in the air. just in case you forgot they were babies! by this time, the quintuplets, only 2 years old, already had a movie made about them in early 1936 called “the country doctor”.
back to johnny weissmuller and lupe vélez, who are applauding the act from the treetops. a great scene as weissmuller spots a mouse skittering right by their table and shrieks. the great, mighty tarzan faints at the sight, and vélez instead does her own tarzan cry, grabbing her cowardly husband and swinging across a vine as the mouse skitters under the table.
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back to the mysterious running woman pursued by harpo marx. harpo tackles her, and the woman finally reveals herself to be none other than groucho marx! this gag would be much more notably reused in tex avery’s *hollywood steps out, with clark gable pursuing groucho instead of harpo. i like the inclusion of harpo, it makes the reveal all the more disturbing. harpo, appalled, dashes out of the nightclub while groucho grins.
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the next scene is a more somber mood. teardrops rain on the grass, and a slow pan reveals a tearful helen morgan singing “the little things you used to do”, perched on a piano and wringing a handkerchief. the animation is quite good, with lots subtle head tilts. wallace beery is particularly moved by the music. so moved, in fact, that he grabs a nearby banana hanging from a bunch, squirts out a line on a butter knife like a line of toothpaste, and shoves the knife in his mouth to cope with his heart strings being pulled. harpo marx is also moved, using a windshield wiper from his multipurpose hat to wipe away his tears. edward g. robinson and george raft aren’t particularly moved, chuffing on a cigar and flipping a coin respectively. that is, until, they both break down in sobs and embrace each other—a great mood change and great way to totally shatter the “tough guy” act. i believe raft was also caricatured in ali-baba bound as flipping a coin with his foot (eugh).
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now, the nightclub is totally afloat, caricatures sitting on their tables as the ground is submerged in tears. slowly, the tables begin to drift away in the current, with the george arliss turtle rowing along, using his shell as a boat. and with that, ben birdie signs off.
while this cartoon is dated, sure, i think it’s a cartoon you can enjoy, regardless if you understand the references or not. i certainly didn’t know a good 35% of the caricatures, and had to look them up. but i truly believe that’s part of the fun of it though, and that’s why i love these caricature-centric shorts. you get to explore and really get hands on, you get to research, you get to learn something new. i sure didn’t know that george arliss was born in 1868, and i find that fascinating! i didn’t know that ben bernie and walter winchell played enemies on bernie’s show, but now i do. it’s fascinating! and that’s in part why i love doing these reviews. no matter what, there is always something new to learn. and besides, if anything, you can laugh and admire how the caricatures are drawn, and the backgrounds are just superb. this is definitely a visual centric cartoon, and it constitutes a watch for that alone. i prefer hollywood steps out myself, but this is a good entry, especially for 1936. i say go for it!
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beg-for-it-black · 4 years
LDWS Week 1 Voting
Guys! Voting is HERE! As of right now, voting will stay open until Monday at 6pm EST. You all have 1 vote for most favorite and 1 vote for least favorite drabbles. Participants are encouraged to vote, but you may NOT vote for yourselves! I should explain a bit more how this works, I guess. The winner isn't decided by whoever gets the most most fav votes. Each most fav vote gets +1. Each least fav gets -1. Once those are tallied, a winner will be determined. If there's a tie, there will be a tie breaker so that there is one winner and one person eliminated. Please, try not to vote on a drabble just because you like a pairing. Take into account the quality of the writing and how well it fits the prompt! When you vote, just send me a message stating the number and the title of the drabbles. Do not send messages on anon. The prompt this week was "Well that was a bad idea" and had to be between 440-450 words.
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mrsmess · 4 years
Faves and fails of SPN (season 12):
Favorite episodes in chronological order:
12:3 The Foundry - Mylings! Nuff said. And I knew it as soon as I heard the baby cry. And that makes me feel good about me.
12:4 American Nightmare - Stigmata. Dean dressed as a priest getting stuck looking at a boy lighting a candle in the church. Mr Mess: ”Dean! Time and place!” Sam wasting his sensemaking on a relentlessly angry Dean as usual, but then laying the hard truth on the crazy lady - is it hot in here?
12:5 The One You’ve Been Waiting For - Nazi dirtbags! Referencing one of the great episodes of season 8 too. Good. Good. And Allison Paige is friggin’ beautiful! Nauhaus is such a spoofy villain I think this is a comedy. ”Do you know what it’s like to have en nazi necromancer as a father?” ”He had a guy named Fritz try to kill me!” GOLD.
12:6 Celebrating the life of Asa Fox - badass-intro. And Jody. Hunter community! Canadian hunter community! Here for it. Bucky, or as I like to call him: demon nr 5 from early season.... single digits.
12:7 Rock never dies - Loving this glam-metal thing. Crowley in LA. And omg! Cass being snarky with Dean of all people. ”Atleast I don’t look like a lumberjack.” I laughed. And Mr Mess pointed out that Cass is tired, that that’s why he snapped, and it dawned on me that Cass is *choosing* to be kind under normal circumstances. My heart! ”I work for sexists, rasists, even politicians.” Lol. Loving the group dynamic of the four. But I’m a bit disappointed that Lucifer can’t chill, he could have had so much fun.
12:11 Regarding Dean - A goofy Dean episode. That’s rarely bad news. I like Rowena in this, she’s rly growing on me.
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12:15 Somewhere between heaven and hell - Honesty’s the best policy, signed, Dean. Hear, hear! ”So, ten years ago did you rly want something? Like, a Hello Kitty backpack or the death of an enemy?” Lol! Dean and Crowley and Lucifer breaking free! Dean is a hoot this episode. Sam, killing the hellhound like a pro, and thanking Crowley. And Crowley kicking Lucifer’s ass. That’s the stuff. And Sam being honest with Dean and Dean being all reasonable about it! Loving it!
12:16 Ladies drink free - Claire! Nuff said. Loving everyone this episode, except Mick of course, but my homicidal thoughts at the sight of his beard have lessened. ”The experiment was on mice.” Werewolf-mice! XD
12:17 The british invasion - Eileen! God this show needs more women, the brothers are so much better dealing w them, which I guess is a problem on its own. ”Make your voice a mail.” Oh Cass. Eileen and Sam! My heart! Am I shipping this? God I hope not, it’ll mean instant death. God, Mick is an idiot, I mean, I’m obv digging his change of heart, but apparently he hasn’t learned a thing in the entire life he’s worked for his fucky organization.
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12:18 The memory remains - Goodness. Loving this intro. Taxidermist sheriff. Man, sometimes I feel these quirky characters are wasted on the just-passing-through format. ”Hunting people! Killing them! The family business!” Lol.
Fail episodes in chronological order:
12:1 Keep Calm and Carry on - ”You’re bad at your job.” Sure, she has a point, but as generous as this british chick’s offer is, her pitch is somewhat lacking. A torture montage is the quickest way to wind up on the fail list. Also ”break his mind”? That’s what it’s like inside Sam’s head *all* the time.
12:2 Mamma Mia - A sexscene featuring Dean Forrester is the second quickest way to wind up on the fail list. You say his name is Sam Winchester? Nah. Nope. Not buying it. Listen, I know I talk a tall game about being a big Sam-fan, I just don’t ship him with a.n.y.o.n.e. So what the sexscene isn’t real!? I still had to see it with my own orbs of sight. ”Your job was to find american hunters and gain their trust.” I’m howling! Maybe *you’re* rly bad at your job, lady!
12:10 Lily Sunder has some regrets - uhm... using demon number 5 to play other randos throughout a 15 season show I’ll forgive them for but you can’t use the same distinct actor (Ian Tracey) to play two distinctly different characters (Lee/Ishim) and not acknowledge it, especially when they could easily explain it as Lee’s body being possessed by Ishim. It ruins the whole episode for me. Also, I’m rooting for the ”bad” guy.
12:14 The raid - The british men of letters are the worst, they are worthless recruiting agents, salesmen and got crappy intel; where the Winchesters go the rest of the american hunters will follow? Pretty sure the opposite is true: ”Oh shit, the Winchesters are joining ’em? Better stay as far away from that shit as possible!” Also Mary’s being more than a little silly and I’m surprised Sam didn’t give her some speech about how he used to aim for big things like killing the devil, closing the gates of hell, before learning to settle for more realistic goals, like, staying alive, keepin your brother alive, savoring the occasional win, y’know, for the sake of your mental health. Anyhoo; Sam’s reaction on finding out Mary gave the Colt to the british men of letters might have been enough put it on the fave list but there are just so many icky characters and so many shots of Mick’s ugly beard I can’t let it slide. Plus Sam winds up joining these assholes. Boooohhhh!
12:20 Twigs & twine & Tasha Banes - Jeez. Petition to have Dean always justify his icky feelings about something w the Star Wars classic ”i got a bad feeling about this.” It would save time and my sanity. Also I have issues w Mary not being reasonable and understanding the basics about the life she and the boys are leading - you’re in or out, but there’s no finishing it w/o finishing yourself. Is this season’s big bad trying to annoy me to death? And the other hunters? What is it with this show and any other fun or awesome characters? Sorry, can’t keep ’em on, it’s a density-thing.
12:21 There’s something about Mary - Booohh! First Eileen, my bae (did I call it or did I call it?) and then the entire episode is full of The Big Annoying. First episode I didn’t bother finishing. Screw this season.
12:23 All along the watchtower - honestly I don’t get the constant jokes about IKEAs manuals, they’re all pictures, you don’t even need to be able to read to read them. Crowley <3 Plz spare me this show’s take on child birth, really just any show, (how is it possible that it’s so frickin’ hard to get right??), but especially this show’s. And Crowley. And Cass. And Mary. Such an intense bummer.
Honorable mentions:
Crowley blowing up Rowena’s scammer! And Rowena’s reaction! ”That is the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for me!” Covered in blood. Priceless.
Cass and his sass is on this season. He’s so done w everyone. The exasperation!
The hug at the end of 12:22.
Dishonorable mentions:
Dean and Sam making a deal to get out of jail, kinda unepic w a predictable outcome.
Mediocre mentions:
The entire episode Stuck in the middle (with you) - It’s a Reservoir Dogs reference right? And it works very well until you realize that, then you just start missing Tarantino’s poignant dialogue about tipping (not fucking!) your waitress. The return of the yelloweyed bloodline. Bound to happen with Mary back. Don’t care about that but I do care about Crowley being back and being awesome. The Dukes of Haphazard. That’s good, I’ve just been referring to them as the Two Stooges.
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The episode Who we are - There are separate aspects of this I like: Dean and Sam blasting their way out of the bunker, Jody and Alex, Dean dreamwalking Mary back home. Ackles is a genius with this sort of thing. But it’s just so silly: The british men of letters are just so unepic, it ruins everything, wraps it in a mediocre blanket: They’re bad at their job, have inexplicable motivations, are such annoying stereotypes the only way this would be a win would’ve been if Sam’s speech went something along the lines of ”I’ve had this fly buzzin’ around my ear all year, I could use your help squashing it.” But at least, then they do.
Summing up:
I’m rly enjoying the warped relationships early in the season. Crowley and Cass. Rowena and Lucifer, Rowena and Crowley. Sam, Dean and Mary. But my usual creed about the gooey middles of seasons doesn’t hold true this time and I rly feel like it gets good only when it’s almost over. And honestly on whole the season is the worst so far. The british men of letters are so annoying and they’re everywhere, tainting everything. Ugh.
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crossroadsimagine · 5 years
☰ Match up Request Process
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✽ First Let me warn you that this explanation is going to be long because I thought if I was going to explain the process of how I do match ups I might as well be detailed about it.
So since there was an interest in seeing my process of writing and putting match ups together, I figured I'll use my latest match up as an example. (Don’t see why they would but hopefully they don’t mind me using them as an example.)
✽ First check out this Match up, because if it’s YOUR match up I don’t want to spoil things if you haven’t seen it yet. Plus this way you can look at it and know the process and finished result.
☰ Step 1: Put Info together
First I put all the parts of a match up request together which is why it's important for people to number and mark their request parts with a number and name or emoji. 
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Once the parts are together I separate description info from what they want and what's now unimportant info.
I highlighted in blue what I'll get rid of cause it's not description info, I highlighted in pink what they want from the match up. and what's not highlighted is the description info I'll use.
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☰ Step 2: Analyze Info and narrow down fandoms & characters
I then read over and over the info to focus in on possible matches and then narrow them down to 3 characters. Which means if the person has suggested more than 3 fandoms I narrow down the fandoms and characters of each to where the person would be more compatible in my opinion. In this case I settled on Death Note, Black Butler and Supernatural and ruled out Tokyo Ghoul.
(This doesn't mean I don't think the person could be compatible with a character from Tokyo Ghoul, but just that I think they would be more compatible with characters from the other fandoms.)
At this point I have the info for the match up spaced out and laid out something like this, for it’s easier to read through.
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☰ Step 3: Narrow down Matches more
Now focusing on 3 fandoms I come up with all possible characters from these fandoms that I think they could be compatible with and begin listing them off, which can be pretty broad at first depending on the series because I generally consider all characters in a series (Main characters and Minor characters), but usually I can narrow it down to about 10 like so.
●Sam ●Light ●Dean ●Mello ●Knox ●Lau ●Sebastian ●Undertaker ●Benny ●L
☰ Step 4: Re-Analyze and narrow down more
I then go over their info again and start ruling out characters until I'm down to 3 characters one from each series. 
In this case I ended up narrowed down to Sam, Sebastian and L.
☰ Step 5: Re-Analyze and put matches in order
I then go over the info again to determine which of the 3 I believe is the best match.
and in this case I found them to be in order Sam, L and Sebastian. I then put them in my Match Up layout.
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And I break the match up down in 3 parts The Description, the headcanons and the other possible matches.
☰ Step 6: Writing Other possible matches
Next I focus on writing the description for Other possible Matches first which is L and Sebastian and try to include 
● why they are a good match and sometimes I may add a few negatives of why it's not perfect but not always
Now you might wonder why I chose Sam to be the main match rather than the other two, same with other matches why I chose the character I did for the main match rather than the other two. And it comes down to the info you provide even the smallest of details.
● Some Examples: if one character would have more time to spend with you than the others, If one character would be more understanding towards your past or unique traits than others or if one character is more relaxed and less excitable or loud than the others, or many other factors.
It's also important to note that I look at ALL your information and what would be good for you, such as if I feel like you would need or be happier with someone more affectionate, quiet, open minded, understanding, supportive or someone more energetic, encouraging, loud, challenging etc. 
I do not just match you to a character who has the same hobbies or interests as you. Or match you with a character with the same personality or the opposite personality I look much deeper than that.
As for how much info I give for the Other Possible Matches I generally try to write somewhere between 150 and 200 words. Though I don't stick too strict to a certain word count for them, just whenever it seems like enough and feels right.
☰ Step 7: Write the Headcanons between you and the match
Next I focus on writing the headcanons, I know, I pretty much write the parts of a match up completely backwards and write from the bottom up, but it's just what works better for me in my opinion. Because by the time I get to the description part I've spent a lot of time thinking of info and reasons why you and the character are a good match and how the two of you would likely interact.
Generally with headcanons for match ups I try to include some basic info of the relationship.
● How they may treat you, 
● How they react to your hobbies or interests, 
● If they are affectionate, if they like PDA, how they may cuddle with you or tendencies they have when being affectionate.
● If they get jealous, how protective they are
● Things they may do for you. 
Things like that, depends on the info you give me.
☰ Step 8: Re-Analyze info and write Description
Finally I get around to writing the big chunk of a match up and what all this contains REALLY depends on what information you give me and what kind of details as well as how much information you give me. 
● For example if you only give me 1 ask worth of info like a small paragraph of info your match up is likely to be shorter and less in-depth.
I try to include in the description:
● How he first responds to you when first meeting 
● If it's a love at first sight or if it takes more time to fall for you, 
● How they go about asking you out. 
● How the two of you get along, how the relationship works, how they treat you and the relationship in general.
Generally for this section of a match up I try to write at least 500 words of information about the relationship, but again length depends on the info you give me. Often times most match up descriptions end up being somewhere between 500 and 1000 words long and sometimes even closer to 1500. Again depending on the info I'm given.
Chances are if this part of your match up is close to 1000 words long you did a good job at giving me useful info, if this part of your match up is closer to 1500 words than you did an awesome job at giving me useful info.
☰ Step 9: Revise and post
Finally I put all this info into a post on tumblr where I usually post it in response to the 1st part of the match up ask, I usually add a pictures or gifs through out the match up to show your match up character and other possible matches. 
I try to revise for possible errors (Though sometimes I’m in a hurry and skip this until later) in the writing and add spaces to make things easier to read and post it.
➤ Completed it looks like this
❀ Over all I guess that’s really it.
Often times I never hear back about a match up, whether they liked it or not. Maybe 1 out of 15 I’ll get a thank you or feedback on if they enjoyed their match up.♥ But really Match ups are one of my favorite things to write! Because when I do get feedback people generally seem very happy with them. Which makes me happy.
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thefreakboy · 6 years
Tagged by @castiel-saved-me-from-myself 🤗 (I will never forgive u for making me do this. ur making me think and use my brain!!!  >:'0 totally unforgivable)
1. When did you start watching SPN? One or two years ago i think??
2. Who is your favorite in TFW? Dammit I love ‘em all! This is so hard...mmh.... I’ll choose Dean, but if I could I’d choose Jack lmao
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW? What kind of question is that? As I said I love them all 🤷‍♀️ I haven’t a ‘least favorite one’
4. Who is your favorite character? (Not including TFW) Oof man, I’ve got a lot of favorites. Lucifer, Crowley, Jack, I’m liking Nick a lot too, heck, I love Samandriel!
6. John or Mary? Talking about who’s a best parent, who deserves best or who should be more appreciated? Cause in the last one the answer for me is both. I mean, John needs to be understanded and Mary shouldn’t be so hated. actually I don’t get why everybody hates her. Yeah, I know about the BMOL but geez, she can do whatever she wants! and Sam was with them too for a while. Anyway, where’s the number 5???
7. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack? Dean was funny, so I liked him immediately. I don’t remember about Sam, I just know he wasn’t my fav lol. About Cas, one word: daddy. and about Jack, well, when he wasnt’t born I was like ‘Kill HiM And HIs StuPiD MoTHEr HEs GonNa BRinG U a LoT oF PrOBleMs CuZ hES BaD!!!’ and after his birth I was like ‘BABY BOY HE MUST BE PROTECTED.DEAN WHY U TREATE HIM LIKE DAT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT’
8. What’s your favorite season? U wouln’t ask me that if u knew how bad my memory is
9. Opinions on Destiel? That’s actually funny, cause destiel appeared EVERYWHERE so I was like ‘wtf with this ship’ and started watch the show to ship them so it wouldn’t bother me see things about da ship everywhere but I ended up practically hating the ship. I mean, it’s not real real hate, I dont like the ship, but, as I said, it appears everywhere cause is one of the most big and importants in the fandom, so its a little bothering 😅
10. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits? Nope
11. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14? Bad memory ☝ so idk 
12. Favorite villain? (Plot wise? Crowley
13. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plotline? Nah, I mean, they still can use him, just give him something important for the character, some character development. idk, they can do something between Luce and Nick at least, now that they ruined the possibilities w jack they could fix that if they wanted tho anyway, my point? 
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14. Who do you think has gone through more trauma? (Sam, Dean, or Cas) What the heck? All of them have traumas!! Its impossible to say who’s the misfortune's winner
15. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode? None of them??? 
16. Do you like case episodes? Of course! They’re always appreciated after the 50th apocalypse ;)
17. Who do you relate most to in TFW? Humm.... anyone?? 😂
18. Why do you like Supernatural? idk man, it just happened lmao 🤷‍♀️😂
19. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be? Shit, maybe this is wrong for a lot of people, but I’d bring back Samandriel lol I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ‘HIM’ and kill someone... hmm..... its difficult because the characters I want dead are already dead 😂😂
Shit, now I have to tag someone?? @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ i swear youre gonna pay for this!! lol no @teamfreewillbettertogether @dailywincest and @hellacuteangelofthelord 🤗😅 hope they’ve got better answers than mine
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Classic Review: Royal Rumble 2006
This is definitely a "spur of the moment" idea for me to review. I have no idea what brought me to wanna watch and review this pay-per-view. As I'm watching the intro while typing this I dont remember any of the feuds or big matches going into this event so I've got an open mind going into the pay-per-view.
Kid Kash (C) vs. Funaki vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London vs. Gregory Helms
This match feels so weird. A match name so complicated and long I didn't even bother including it in this review, its pretty much just a six man free for all with the first person to score a pinfall or submission winning the match. To me it kinda just feels like around this time the cruiserweight title picture didn't have much going on but WWE still wanted to include all these guys so they were just all put together last minute to make this match. A few quick notes, Jamie Noble looks a bit odd to me in any attire other than jean shorts and it's insane to me how Paul London wasn't better utilized. Hes easily my favorite in this match and arguably the most talented. That being said, Paul London did attempt a shooting star press off the top rope into the crowd of opponents and he kinda just missed everyone and landed face first on the outside of the ring. Another quick note, does anyone actually remember Kid Kash or anything he did in WWE? I knew of him before watching this but other than this match I can't name anything he did during his time with the WWE. Gregory Helms ended up winning by pinning Funaki. The cruiserweight championship, a smackdown exclusive title was won by a Raw superstar. Not only that but he kinda had the lowest amount of impact in this match. He hit a neck breaker on Paul London off the top rope but other than that he was kind of a nonfactor. Last quick note, on commentary they mentioned that Gregory Helms used to be the Hurricane. That's crazy to me, that's like if WWE referred to Stardust as Cody Rhodes. Weird way to start the show. Not boring, not overly exciting, just... weird.
Odd Rant: I dont typically speak on backstage segments in these reviews but watching Vince McMahon interact/touch on the "Divas" was pretty uncomfortable to witness, I feel the further I go back to do these reviews, the more common stuff like this is going to be and I'm not looking forward to it. But in this same segment we got to see a young Randy Orton and that's always great.
Mickie James vs. Ashley - Special Referee - Trish Stratus
Ah yes, the storyline of unrequited love between Mickie James and Trish Stratus. Not too sure what role Ashley plays in this storyline but I'm guessing it isn't because she was super over with the fans at the time considering the crowd was pretty silent as Ashley made her way to the ring. I was confused seeing Trish be the special referee of this match since at the time she was the womans champion. Just odd to see a champion at a ppv with her championship but not defending her title. Mickie James gets the win and immediately tries to celebrate with/hug Trish but was just met with Trish not wanting anything to do with her. Neither Mickie or Ashley were really.... the greatest wrestler at this point in their careers to say the least.
Odd Rant: its increasingly getting more uncomfortable to watch Vince interact with the "Divas". If we're going to keep cutting here between matches I'm pretty worried how far these segments will go
JBL vs. The Boogeyman
The man who ate worms for real for the sake of the character who gave me creeps as a kid taking on the corrupt wall street millionaire. Wrestling has certainly given me plenty to talk about over the years. I cant even imagine how people who faced the Boogeyman planned for these matches. "Oh you're going to spit a worm into my mouth at this point in the match, okay sounds good". The Boogeyman was more entertainer than wrestler. A guy that wasn't very diverse when it came to in ring talent and was very reliant on his gimmick to get him over. Boogeyman wins in a pretty uneventful match. His finishing move was a pump handle slam and just one was enough to put away JBL which is odd because I've seen this man bleed buckets in an I quit match against John Cena so I guess Boogeyman and his pump handle slam was just that damn strong.
Royal Rumble Match
Weird that the selling point for this pay-per-view takes place less than half way through the event but like I said, I don't know any of the matches going into this show so maybe they just have a big main event planned. As I'm watching I'm now a little more than half way and this certainly isn't a very star studded rumble match. Out of the 17 entrants so far the only notable superstars have been Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane, Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley. Not even surprising returning legends its just been some mid carders who aren't too great and jobbers like Simon Dean. RVD now comes in at number 20, hopefully this is a sign of things starting to pick up. Matt Hardy is now being dry humped by Viscera in the middle of the ring and before I could even finish typing that sentence Viscera eliminates Matt Hardy. I just felt that was a notable highlight to add. Now that I've seen all the entrants I feel like I can now fully discuss the match since I already know the winner. Rey Mysterio wins if you don't know. The lack of star power in this match caused really legitimate possible winners to be a bit of a short list. It's very disappointing that it took the death of Eddie Guerrero for WWE to give Rey Mysterio a title run. A pretty forgetful title run but a title run nonetheless. The match wasn't really much to talk about until we hit the final five. I do wanna add that I appreciate that this match was also treated as a Raw vs. Smackdown event. I mean, it was everyone for themselves but on commentary they frequently added who in the match currently was on which brand, which makes sense because Raw and Smackdown are competing against each other and whenever theres a match where superstars from both brands are present, on commentary at least, it should be treated as a competition. Just something I wish WWE would do more of today, I hated when Raw was just one big "supershow" I prefer the brand split, but that's a different topic for a different time. Overall the match did feel like a bit of a chore to get through but in the grand scheme of things I did appreciate the story they told of Rey Mysterio overcoming all odds with the deck stacked against him to make good on his promise that he dedicated a victory to his best friend, Eddie Guerrero.
Edge (C) vs. John Cena
John Cena came to the ring in what Joey Styles called a "Spaceship Catwalk" and I cant really think of a better name for whatever this was so I'll just go with that. Cena isn't even the champion and he got a wrestlemania style special entrance and Edge didn't. It was such an odd touch, could've went without it but at least it looked cool I guess. Edge was such an absolute heat magnet, he knew what to do and what to say at all times to make the crowds boo him it was a bit of disappointment to see Edge drop the title in this match. I understand that in the long run Cena winning was probably the smarter move but if their plan all along was to send Cena to wrestlemania as champion I wish they didn't tease us with an Edge title run. I mean, in 2006 everytime Edge won the title, he beat Cena to get it and everytime he lost it, it was to Cena. Edge had a nice title run as world heavyweight champion on smackdown years later but in relation to this event, that smackdown title reign felt like it was an eternity away. If nothing else this WWE title run turned Edge from a midcarder to a main event talent and he was deserving of it. All in all, I just wish Edge had a more lengthy run with the title instead of losing it in a month after being the first superstar to cash in money in the bank.
Kurt Angle (C) vs. Mark Henry
Listen, I get it, Mark Henry is a cool guy, but he isn't really an amazing athlete. Maybe its just me but I've never been able to get behind anything Mark Henry has been apart of, besides the hall of pain storyline but doesn't have for another few years. I don't know the story going into this match or the full smackdown roster at the time but I just feel like this match shouldn't have main evented. After seeing that this was the match they picked to go on last I wish they would have just saved the royal rumble to be the main event, they would've sent the crowd home happy with Rey Mysterio winning. I know we got a surprise Undertaker return at the end and that made people excited but looking back, Undertaker vs. Mark Henry at wrestlemania wasn't really all that great. Kurt Angle is fantastic but he cant carry everyone to a good match. Angle retains but other than that there just isn't too much to say about this match, it was slow paced and just didn't pack any real punch for me.
I cant really make a pros and cons list for this event, nothing was overwhelming entertaining and nothing was offensively bad. It was just a pretty "meh" event. Rey Mysterio won the royal rumble and Kurt Angle did an interview that made me laugh a little bit before his match and those are the highlights for me. The real lowlights I guess would be just how underwhelming this event was and how bland everything felt. Say what you want, I love womans wrestling today but watching the story progress between Mickie James and Trish Stratus was mildly entertaining too. I'm really reaching here.
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Fandom Newsletter #4
Today is Friday, the 26th of October, and Welcome back to another Fandom Newsletter! 
Writers: Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, YoursTruly Editors: Fyne and YoursTruly 
“Oh my God, Karen! You can’t just ask people why they’re white.” ~Mean Girls
Let’s get started! 
First to YoursTruly with the Horror, Hannibal, Tim Burton, Animation, and Gaming fandoms--
Horror: Horror fans love the new Halloween movie! The movie has been a massive success among fans young and old! The movie gives off a nostalgic vibe, even referencing the older movies several times throughout the film. However, if you’re going to see this movie, stay until after the credits, there’s a little surprise at the end. 
Hannibal: The Fannibals have began trying to bargain with show runner and producer Bryan Fuller for another season. The show left off on a not so satisfying conclusion, and many fans want more. Bryan Fuller has even teased the idea himself quite a few times. Will we get another season one day? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
Tim Burton: Disney is offering, throughout the month of October, Halloween themed cruises. They even offer an onboard show featuring Jack Skellington and Sally. And you can even meet these characters for pictures! Now that’s a cruise! Also- The Nightmare Before Christmas celebrates its 25th anniversary this year! 
YouTube: YouTube recently crashed worldwide for two hours. YouTube hasn’t said much about the incident, but problems like this are becoming more and more common on YouTube. Many people are wondering what the causes of these issues are. 
Animation: Goretober is in full swing! Many animators have been uploading their daily Goretober art. 
Gaming: The season of scary game releases is upon us! October is the month where many creators on platforms like Steam and Gamejolt are releasing their horror games in anticipation for Halloween. 
Now to Blackpurrl with the Harry Potter and Bands fandoms, along with World News--
Harry Potter: Countdown to Fantastic Beasts: 27 days!
Bands: Did you know, about twelve hours of songs are uploaded to SoundCloud every minute? Insane!
World News: Denmark Shooting for the Digital Stars
Next to Fyne with the Sherlock, Supernatural, and Spooptober fandoms, as well as the weekly positive news--
Sherlock - Ever wonder how our beloved show even came to be? Apparently, for years, writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss took a train to and from Cardiff while working on Doctor Who, and discussed various projects they were interested in doing. One that kept coming up repeatedly was a modern-day adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. This reportedly went on for some time (with neither man making any particular effort to get it up and going) until Moffat’s wife, Sue, invited both men out for lunch. Her place of choice just so happened to be the Criterion, a watering hole and eatery in London’s Piccadilly Circus. It just so happens to be the same place where the fictional John Watson (Sherlock’s best friend) first hears of the famed detective. The two men got the hint and began working on the series, bringing us our show that we have today. I think we all owe Sue a little bit of a thank you, don’t you?
Supernatural - Did you notice that (according to Archangel Michael in the episode The Song Remains the Same) Dean and Sam come from the bloodline of Cain and Abel? So is this important? Or is this just another coincidence?
Spooptober - This year is the year that Halloween movie Hocus Pocus reaches its 25th anniversary. The premise of the movie is this: After moving to Salem, Massachusetts, teenager Max Dennison explores an abandoned house with his sister Dani and their new friend, Allison. After dismissing a story Allison says is superstitious, Max accidentally frees a coven of evil witches who used to live in the house. Now, with the help of a magical cat, the kids must steal the witches' book of spells to stop them from becoming immortal.A family favorite movie that almost everyone has seen and that is playing on at least one channel nearly every night of October. If you haven’t seen this iconic movie, you definitely should go channel surfing at some point this month.
Positive News - The words we use to talk about mental health can perpetuate stigmas. A new portrait project featuring people who have mental health issues aims to make us think again about the language we choose.
Lastly to Atlas with the Voltron, Musicals, and Movie fandoms--
Voltron: This fandom is a ticking time bomb set for December 14th. We are all going to die.
Musicals: George Salazar ships Boyf-riends! 
Movies: Who else wants a live action Corpse Bride?
Now back to Blackpurrl with the weekly movie review--
Movie Review: Hannibal Rising
This movie relays the story of Hannibal Lecter’s childhood. Although most of the especially gory parts are not on camera, the viewer eventually knows exactly what became of the victim. It provides an interesting plot, and explains why the famous cannibal does what he does. I would not recommend this movie to anyone under thirteen or anyone who cannot handle tragic stories. Overall, I’d give it a 10/10.
And back to Fyne with the weekly trivia fact and quiz--
Trivia Fact - Did you know that the inventor of liquid soap became paralyzed after he slipped in the shower?
Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
1. You fail a test. What is your reaction?
A. I'm stupid. I’m going to fail my exams.
B. This was just a blip. I’ll do better next time. 
C. The questions were too hard. This is where my abilities stand.
2. You have quit smoking, but you accidentally have a cigarette. Which of the following is your reaction?
A. You have been set back, so you just go right back into the addiction.
B. You have been set back, but you believe you can quit again.
C. You have been set back, so you come up with ways to avoid similar circumstances that led you to the set back.
3. You are shown a picture of a man who isn’t smiling. What do you think this man is feeling/doing?
A. The man is plotting, rude, or experiencing something unpleasant.
B. The man is relaxing, thinking, or did not have enough time to smile. 
C. The man is posing for the picture.
4. A close friend of yours sets you up on a blind date. How do you feel about this?
A. You have no clue what your date is like and you are afraid they’re going to set you up with a complete loser.
B. You have faith in their opinion and want to see for yourself what your date is going to be like. 
C. You decide to see what your date is like and decide for yourself how well your friend did. 
5. You’re a business owner who goes bankrupt. How do you proceed?
A. You see this failure as a sign that you are not meant to be in this business and pursue other options.
B. You see this failure as a lesson and use it to help you further your business in future reference.
C. You see this failure as a sign and choose to make plans to pull yourself out of bankruptcy.
6. You get a raise. How do you feel about it?
A. You don’t understand why you got the raise and you wonder if there is an ulterior motive.
B. You accept the raise happily, glad that your hard work has finally been recognized.
C. Yay! More money!
7. You’re an accountant and today you made a mistake with a number. What is your reaction?
A. You figure out where you went wrong, and then feel horrible about it for a long time afterward, questioning your abilities and worthiness as an accountant.
B. You figure out where you went wrong, fix it, and move forward.
C. You recognize the mistake and move on. 
8. You have a bad day. Which of these is you after the day is over?
A. You believe that your life has been full of hardship and negative experiences.
B. You see the bad days as part of your life that help you grow or benefit you in some way.
C. Recognize that you had a bad day, and resolve to try again tomorrow. 
9. You are struggling with groceries and someone comes to help you. How do you respond? 
A. You become suspicious, tell them that you have nothing to give them, and maybe even yell at them to leave you alone.
B. You thank them and talk about their day or ask them about themselves.
C. You politely say thank you and either accept or decline their help. 
10. You go on a vacation. Which of these is you?
A. Complain about everything you do and could potentially do, and eventually wind up not wanting to do anything at all but watch TV in the hotel room.
B. You want to experience as much as the location has to offer, even though you had no plans about what to do.
C. You enjoy the vacation and plan extensively about what you want to do and when.
Mostly A’s: You appear to be a pessimist. Always seeing the bad and negative in everything probably isn’t helping you be any happier or lead a happier life. Try and maybe appreciate things more often.
Mostly B’s: You appear to be an optimist. Always seeing the good and positive is probably helping you be fairly happy, and even leading to a happier life style. Though try not to be too optimistic all the time because it may end up hurting you in the long run.
Mostly C’s: You appear to be a realist. I guess you’re sort of a neutral character. Good for you.
(This isn’t physiologically proven, its literally just a test I made up in my free time so don’t take the results to heart and please do not be offended)
And finally, back to YoursTruly with the weekly book review--
Book Review- The Life Of P.T. Barnum is a fantastic book for anyone who loves a good biography. The book is a wildly entertaining autobiography by P.T. Barnum about his own life, starting from his childhood and following him through all his adventures. All in all, a fantastic book. 10/10 
Wish our illustrator and writer Blackpurrl a happy birthday today! Comic is brought to you by our very talented artist, Blackpurrl. That’s all for this week, we’ll see you next week with another Fandom Newsletter! 
Signing off, 
Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, and YoursTruly 
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mdwatchestv · 6 years
The Magicians 3x12 + 3x13: Hail to the King, Baby
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Better late than never, here is the finale wrap up of season 3 of the Magicians. Maybe this is so late because I was decimated by the Magicians thoroughly recapping itself in a manner so comprehensive and aggressive that I was briefly unable to continue on. Josh's recap of the 40th timeline to Penny 23 was so snappy and entertaining, it sent me into a wild fit of existential despair - how does one recap a show that recaps itself? Josh even had sex charts, and comprehensive notes showing the kind of recap mastery  you will not see on this blog.  Thus is the charm and the fury of the Magicians, a show that refuses to be tamed, categorized, or even written about coherently. Long may it reign.
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It was especially interesting, here at the end of season 3, to look back via Josh's recap to season 1. Q and Alice wearing the Brakebills sweater vest set was especially strange to remember, and illustrated how far this show has ventured tonally since its earlier days. While season 1 was not without its batshit crazy moments, its Taylor Swift sing-a-longs, its 39 timelines, the show still felt like it was trying to color inside the lines. This was a story about young witches and wizards on a quest to defeat a great evil after all. This good vs evil storyline crept into season 2, where we finally saw the Beast's demise, but by then he was almost an afterthought as the Magicians ached to move on to bigger, wilder subjects than just one evil wizard. So now that we are in season 3, what is the Magicians about? Sure there is a quest to restore magic, but the show has broken free of it's "defeat the bad guy, save the world" mold. Antagonism and heroism can be found within individual characters, within moral battles about who is worthy of magic, life, and freedom, and within questions about how to govern a body of people (and talking animals) selflessly.
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Nowhere has this intricacy and complex development been better illustrated than in the unending power struggle in Fillory. After seizing control from the Children of Earth, Tick Pickwick wants to put a country impoverished by the lack of magic and radical mismanagement back on the economic track. A Fillory run by actual Fillorians rather than magicless Earth children who were really just puppets for the Fairy Queen (another ruler trying to do the best for her people no matter the cost). Honestly the worst that can be said for Tick is that he betrayed our two most fiercely beloved characters, which although a grave offense from an audience point of view, actually had pretty noble intent. The Fillory storyline ended in a standoff of three different rulers, all of whom were trying to do right by their citizenry. It's a complex situation with many shades of gray and no real "right answer" in the context of the Fillorian world (no matter where our audience sympathies may lie). What a brilliant and odd place for a show initially advertised merely as "Harry Potter with sex, drugs, and partying" to end up.
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Coming into episode 3x12, our magic troop has recovered all seven keys but one (key #6), which we know to be held by the Fairy Queen and is currently being used to prop up the Fairy Realm. Margo and Eliot are willing to give the Fairies full Fillorian citizenship and protection in exchange for the key, but they are no longer the rulers of Fillory, and don't have the magic to reclaim the throne from Tick. No magic, no power, no key, no magic. So they do what any self-respecting ousted monarchs do: force an election they intend to win through trickery and witchcraft. What begins as a genuine play for the Fillorians love (and votes), quickly devolves into a pissing contest between Eliot and Tick. The two attempt to one-up on another, Tick with policy, Eliot with outlandish empty promises. Feels...so familiar.
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This storyline hit such a nerve with me that when Margo was announced as the surprise winner and new High King of Fillory, I burst into sudden, surprised tears. These tears only intensified as Eliot put aside his flaring ego to kneel before her and pledge his allegiance. "WHY AM I CRYING," I screamed at my boyfriend and cat who only stared back at me with wide terrified eyes. Why indeed. Maybe it was because Margo's genuine interest and acceptance of her populace (she was elected as a write-in candidate by talking animals) was able to cut through a cock fight. Margo who has perhaps suffered the most for Fillory: she has been showered in the blood of her suitors, married off to Joffrey's, and even lost an eye. Margo who started this series as a hard-partying mean girl who has risen to the top without compromising her own sense of self. Margo who once called her rival a chalky twat, Margo who brought a gun to a magic fight, Margo who has a creepy fairy eye. Margo who is now King, because a King can be called whatever the fuck they want.
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Margo's storyline is also but one of the storylines this season that featured powerful women rising into their power. The Fairy Queen, who began this year as a villain, had one of the most season’s powerful turns. After proving herself to be a staunch advocate for her people rather than a malicious baddie she sacrifices herself in order to guarantee eternal safety for her people. Although I couldn't help wondering why no one had brokered such a deal before, but whatever it's done now, and I now cannot wait until Jamie Ray Newman gets her ass handed to her (a sentence I never thought I’d type). Julia also spent the season reconciling the power she was given by Our Lady Underground, eventually accepting it and nurturing it until it gave her (literal) god-like strength. But my personal favorite journey this year was that of Fen - the knife makers daughter who was married off to a king. Fen has really been through it, she lost her unborn daughter, her fake daughter, and even some toes. No matter the complexities of the fairy's sitch, there is no doubt they have done our girl Fen dirty. And so seeing Fen sitting on the Fillorian throne as Acting High King, and standing by the Fairy Queen's side attempting to aide her until the bitter end, was especially meaningful.
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So with High King Margo on the throne, the magicians finally have all 7 keys and the final chapter of the quest book. They need to take the keys to a magic castle where the Knight in the story went to rescue her father, and is now apparently the eternal jailer of some terrifying monster. After hunting down Calypso, the nymph who imprisoned Odysseus (obviously), she explains that the the castle Blackspire (the literal opposite of Whitespire) is the castle built by the gods in order to hide all their fuck ups and also holds the magic fountain. Calypso’s lover and popular fire-gifter Prometheus crafted both the keys and the key quest in order to identify magicians worthy enough to take on the jailer mantle. However creating the keys robbed Prometheus of his strength and he was killed by his enemies. Calypso is pissed about this, but if I know anything about Prometheus (and the show The Magicians) it's that he is kind of a hard guy to kill. A foreshadow perhaps?
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Our questers head out to the prison with a variety of different motives. Quentin has agreed to take the place of the Knight as eternity prison guard in exchange for entrance to the castle. Alice, originally wanting to help the Library siphon the magic for themselves, now wants no one to have magic because to her magic leads to bad times (she's not wrong). Eliot and Margo are not about to have Q go off and be a guard forever and are going with the shoot first ask questions later approach (gotta love em). Julia is absent as she has ascended to full god status and is off drinking tea and wearing a lot of highlighter (relatable). Upon arriving at the castle they discover what the Knight has been guarding is not so much a traditional monster, but rather a strange young man who acts like a child. Unfazed, Eliot shoots him. This seems to have been effective, and no one questions the sudden mysterious disappearance of the Knight.  But before our group can finally unlock the magic fountain and restore power, Alice, hopped up on fairy powder, destroys the keys! After all we have been through this season to collect these goddamn keys, this was a real dick move. While Alice is attempting to escape Margo's righteous shanking, she sees the Knight now seemingly possessed with the golden light that lived in the "monster" Eliot shot. Not good!
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Back at the fountain the day is temporarily saved when God!Julia, motivated by her sidekick Quentin's courage, descends and uses her power to create seven NEW keys. If only she had done this from the beginning. But this act apparently robs her of her golden god magic, at least for the time being. The magic fountain spurts back to life, but the victory is short-lived as JAIME RAY NEWMAN and Dean Fogg appear with the Library's siphon. These characters have really been testing me. The Library seizes the means of production, I mean all the magic, thereby granting them total control of magical ability and knowledge. Presumably Dean Fogg aided in their scheme in order to guarantee a magic allowance for Brakebills, but this shows a surprising lack of faith in his own students who not only defeated The Beast, but have performed a number of miraculous feats. He of little faith.
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Time cut to the future, while magic is still spotty  the more shocking twist is that our gang has been stripped of their memories and sent off to live among us mere muggles in the real world. Ironically Alice, the one who planned on starting a new life, is the only one who remembers what happened in the castle and is being held captive in the Library. She understands that the monster in the castle was NOT the young man, but rather whatever was inside of him. An unending want or need that appears as pretty gold lights and is now unstoppable.
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Normally twists like this where characters lose memory, or their bodies are EXTREMELY stressful for me (the Faith/Buffy swap still causes tension). The idea that things are not as they should be (Dreamland I and II also traumatizing) and the regular flow of events has been thrown out of order is distressing to my order-craving brain. However with The Magicians every weird device is usually enjoyable, and often the weirder the better. Watching a  clearly possessed Eliot psychotically stalking an amnesia-stricken Quentin down the streets of Vancouver gave me a surprising sense of excited glee rather than nervous dread. Whatever happens on The Magicians, no matter how incoherent or strange, at least you know it won’t be boring. What’s more this is a show that will seemingly never settle into complacency, it is a creeping vine 
Penny 23 seems to have fully taken over Penny 40's storyline, with even the Unity Key acknowledging the swap. Whatever is going on with Penny 40 in the Library has been kept under wraps, but surely he will have a part to play in helping to free Alice.
Kacey Rohl is also running around wild and free in this timeline with her memories in tact! Possibly a valuable ally for those hoping to save the main crew.
Speaking of returning from the dead, Harriet and Victoria supposedly died when their portal between worlds collapsed, but we didn't see any bodies so I can't help feel like this isn't exactly permanent. 
Now that Margo has had her memory wiped I guess Fen is just continuing to rule Fillory. Is anyone going to tell the Fillorians what's going down? Are they going to receive magic from the Library? Likely no, but they do have a new population of fairies who have their own ungovernable magic- handy!
Also Poppy (aka Felicia Day) is wandering around in our world after skipping out on Quentin and co. Technically she is still a Brakebills student I think!
Now that we know there is a whole world of gods, will we be getting more visits from them? Did Julia totally blow her chances at divinity by making the replacement set of keys?
Thank you for reading along this season! Stay tuned to this blog for new coverage, likely of Westworld. Theories galore.
Love ya, MD
One more Margo gif for the road:
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dreamytfw · 6 years
I’m bored and impatient again, so I’m answering stuff from an ask game. OP here. I just want to say preemptively that the shipping questions only pertain to me and how I ship or don’t ship them. I don’t care what y’all ship.
1:What is your Supernatural OTP? Destiel.
2:What’s your opinion on John Winchester? I have a lot of strong feelings about that fucking dickhead.
3:Which season finale was your favorite/least favorite? Favorite: season 8′s was really good. Least favorite: season 10. We almost had Dean in space.
4:Which is your favorite episode? Either Changing Channels or The Man Who Would Be King
5:Which episode makes you cry the most? The episode where Ellen and Jo die ALWAYS makes me cry.
6:Which episode is the funniest to you? The Real Ghostbusters
7:What’s your opinion on Megstiel? I’m okay with it up to a point. That point is crazy!Cas.
8:When did you start watching Supernatural? The hiatus between seasons 7 and 8. I finished my Netflix binge something like the day before season 8 premiered.
9:Which episode title do you think is the funniest? The French Mistake. Gotta love Mel Brooks.
10:What’s your opinion on Garth? I loved Garth! Such a massively under-utilized character.
11:If you could bring back any character, would you? If so, whom? I’d like to finally get Adam out of Hell, but I don’t think that’s quite what you’re asking.
12:Who is your favorite angel? Cas. Duh.
13:Who’s your favorite archangel? Gabriel.
14:What’s your opinion on Wincest? Squicks me the fuck out. Sibling incest does in general. Like, we’re not supposed to want to fuck our siblings guys. That’s how we get Joffery and El Hachizado.
15:What’s your opinion on Lisa? (and Ben, if you want) Ben was kind of blah outside of his first episode. I really liked Lisa and how she refused to take any of Dean’s crap.
16:When did you start blogging about Supernatural? Uh... I think I jumped on board right away?
17:Do you think that Chuck is God? How old are these questions???
18:Do you have a favorite Dick (Roman) joke? If so, what is it? Not a joke, but I’m really weirdly amused that his actor does the voice of a recurring minor character in the Kingdom Hearts series.
19:Which is your favorite episode? We had this question before.
20:Who do you ship Sam with? Samena, but I really love fluffy snuggly Samstiel.
21:What’s your opinion on Destiel? OTP
22:Did you like the first or second Ruby better? iunno.
23:Who’s your favorite demon? Demon!Dean deserved a longer arc.
24:Do you read smutty fanfiction? I fucking write smutty fan fiction (I’m just bad at finishing and publishing it).
25:Do you think Destiel will become canon in season 9? (Regardless of whether you want it to or not) Christ this is old. Unfortunately they did not. But fingers crossed for season 14, aka their 10 year anniversary.
26:Have you ever had a dream about Supernatural/the characters/the actors? If so, can you describe what you remember? All the time. I used to be able to lucid dream to some extent, but since I’ve gone off my psych meds I can’t seem to do it as much anymore. The most recent one I had was the other night. I don’t remember it too clearly, but Sam and I said bye to Dean and Cas before heading off on some sort of mission or something.
27:Which episode is the scariest to you? (Horror-movie type scary) That episode where Sam got his throat ripped out this season was the first time Supernatural has actually scared me. Other episodes have been suspenseful, but I was legit scared during those mine scenes.
28:What’s your opinion on Sabriel? I don’t really see it. MAYBE unrequited on Gabriel’s side, but other than that I just don’t get the appeal.
29:Do you think End!verse will happen? If so, are you looking forward to it? Well, Lucifer’s dead now so I’m guessing no. If End!Verse does happen, Dean and Sam’s places are going to be swapped.
30:Do you have any friends off of the Internet that watch Supernatural? Yes.
31:Do any of your family members watch Supernatural? I got my dad and my brother to watch it, but they kind of dropped it. My mom is currently watching it and I regret everything that has led to this point in my life.
32:What’s an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have? The “romantic” subplots in the Scoobynatural episode were gross and the episode would have been better without them.
33:Do you like AU fanfics? DO I!!!!
34:Have you ever written/started writing a fanfic? See my answer to number 24.
35:What’s your opinion on Samifer? That... really depends on the vessel Lucifer is in. See, I’m a fan of selfcest so if I do read Samifer stuff, I always imagine it as Sam basically fucking himself.
36:If you have an OTP, at what point did you start shipping it? First time I watched. Literally that second episode Cas was in when he was standing in the kitchen with Dean and told Dean to show him some respect I was just like “...are they gonna fuck?”
37:Do you think Sam should have completed the demon trials? Nah.
38:Which director/writer is or was your favorite/least favorite? Favorite: I don’t know. I don’t really pay attention to the good writers because I’m too busy enjoying their content. Least favorite: Bucklemming really needs to be fired or relegated to only filler episodes.
39:Which actor would you most like to meet in real life? MISHA!
40:If you could be any character on the show, would you want to? If so, whom? If not, why? Nah. I kind of like being me. I’m the only person I know how to be.
41:Do you prefer cake or pie? Both ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
42:What is your opinion on Sastiel? Is it Samstiel or Sastiel because I just don’t know. I prefer it fluffy. For whatever reason I have trouble getting into smutty Samstiel.
43:Have you ever made a Supernatural reference out loud and received strange looks from some of the people surrounding you? Yes...
44:Have you ever cried over a non-OTP ship from the show? I’m not entirely sure what this question means... Like, have I ever cried over characters in the show that I don’t ship? Yeah. It’s Supernatural.
45:What is your favorite moment from any of the gag reels? “When did you forget how to act?” “Season 2?”
46:Superwholock? Please no.
47:What is/was your favorite Sam hair length? I really liked season 10.
48:What’s an unpopular ship you have? Meg/Bela. Don’t ask, I don’t understand it either.
49:What’s your opinion on Wincestiel? I prefer it as more of a love triangle where Sam and Dean are fighting over Cas’s affection than as a throuple.
50:Can you dig Elvis? Fun fact: I never finished that fan fiction. I loved every moment of it, but I got as far as Dean meeting Adam in Vietnam before I chickened out because I knew there was a bunch more pain on the way.
51:Do you listen to Carry On Wayward Son even when you’re not just watching a finale? I used to, but I’ve since been conditioned to feel pain every time that song starts playing.
52:What’s your opinion on Zachariah? Good antagonist.
53:Do you think Adam will ever get out of the cage? (not as Michael) Not at the rate we’re going.
54:Do you think Sam should have completed the trials? Why are there repeat questions?
55:How long would you survive as a hunter? I wouldn’t.
56:What’s your opinion on Calthazar? Foxhole love/friendly former fwb.
57:Do you have a Netflix account? If so, what’s your username and password? Wait a second, just the first part. I do and I’ve basically just been watching Supernatural on it the past month or so.
58:Have you ever participated in GISHWHES? I did the first year (the one with the pigeon rat mascot). It was fun, but it was stressful to the point where I don’t want to do it again.
59:What movies/shows have you watched because of (or by coincidence) Jared, Jensen, or Misha? Jared: House of Wax... kind of. I turned it off as soon as he got murdered because it was just awful. I also tried watching Gilmore Girls, but I dropped it after two episodes because every character in that show is either a terrible person or blah. The Supernatural Anime. Jensen: My Bloody Valentine, Batman Under the Red Hood. The Supernatural Anime (I know he only voiced the last episode, but he was in it so it counts). THAT ONE EPISODE OF WISHBONE AKA MY CHILDHOOD. Misha: the TSA short films, Karla, NCIS
60:If you could change just one thing about the series, what would it be? I’d make Dean better at using his god damn words.
61:If you were at a Con, what would be a question you would ask?(can be any of the actors) UUUUHHHHHHHH...
62:Why did you start watching Supernatural? Saw it all over tumblr. Got curious. It’s all been downhill from there.
63:What’s your opinion on Sam/Crowley? That’s a thing??
64:What’s your biggest fear for season 9? I honestly don’t remember what it was.
65:What’s your favorite (or at least a memorable) pop culture reference that has been made on the show? Them referencing themselves is always pretty great.
66:Just a random confession you have regarding the show/Asker makes up their own question.
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Day Eighteen of the 30 Day Writing Challenge
The prompt today is actually a more difficult one for me, because I don’t think a lot about myself. The prompt today is, “Write 30 facts about yourself.”
1. I’ll start with physical features. I have blue eyes.
2. My natural hair color is sandy blonde, but I dye it to a brown-red color. 
3. I wear glasses because my left eye is significantly weaker than my right eye, making it difficult to see things far away. It also screws with my depth perception.
4. This one is kind of funny, my nose is slightly crooked. When I was born my mom told me I looked like I had been into a fist fight. It straightened over time, but it still is slightly crooked. No one can tell unless I come out and tell them.
5. I have two tattoos. The one on my left forearm is an opening set of quotation marks. My best friend has the closing set on her right arm. We got them when we turned eighteen. Then I have a sail boat on my right wrist. My two best friends and I went on a girls’ trip in 2019, during which we all got tattoos pertaining to the ocean. One friend got an anchor, one got waves under the sun, and I got a sailboat. Corny right? 
6. This one is known already by my previous posts, but it is a fact that I am proud of. I have a two-year-old Corgi named Sirius. He is tri-colored, meaning he is black, white, and tan. I’ll put a picture to show him off. 
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7. I have two favorite authors. One classic and one modern. They are Ernest Hemingway and Rainbow Rowell.
8. My favorite flower is a Tiger Lily. They grow outside my old house every summer. 
9. I live in a rural town in Tennessee. It’s home and I’m a proud Tennessean.
10. My favorite super hero has always been Iron Man, even before I knew about the movies. It’s actually for a funny reason. Tony Stark is known to have that great  facial hair, in the comics as well as in the movies. Growing up, and even now, my dad always kept a beard and mustache. I associated facial hair with trustworthiness, because I was a kid and I didn’t know any better. I saw that Iron Man had facial hair, and he just became my favorite. I could trust him.
10. I used to collect snow globes as a kid. My collection wasn’t very big, but I was proud of it. 
11. I’m not a musical fanatic, but my favorite is “Oklahoma”.
12. I played the marimba in high school marching and concert band. Our percussion section won first place state championship in competition my junior year. 
13. The farthest I’ve ever been from home is when I went on a band trip to Chicago. 
14. I got my first college degree in August of 2020. I have an A.A. in English.
15. My writing pseudonym is J.H.Hope. Hope is actually my middle name. 
16. I had braces for almost two years when I was 12 and 13. My mouth was too small for all the teeth in my head. I had to have seven pulled out all at once before I could get braces put in.
17. I was in my friend’s wedding as a bride’s maid in 2019. I’m also going to be a bride’s maid in another friend’s wedding later this year. 
18. My favorite color is olive green. That’s also what color my car is.
19. My sense of style can be described as casual t-shirt and jeans mixed with 80s. I’ll let my readers imagination try and figure out what I mean by that.
20. When I last got my hair cut, I showed my hair dresser pictures of Brooke Shields from the 80s, so now I have feathered bangs that resemble young Brooke. 
21. My friends sometimes think I’m crazy because I give myself essay assignments. I’m not in any classes right now, but I genuinely enjoy writing research and persuasive essays. I’ve written a few essays just for my own pleasure. 
22. I have not fallen victim to the plague on Earth that is Tik Tok. You can disagree with me, that’s fine, but Tik Tok (along with other forms of social media) has turned people into mindless, thoughtless, conforming, zombies. Social media has caused so many people to just stop thinking for themselves. If they see that one train of thought is popular in the media, then they adopt that thought as their own, even if they don’t understand it. We have become the generation of reading headlines and taking them for truth. Do your own research! Stop mindlessly jumping on bandwagons! Another thing is that we now have a whole generation of “celebrities” who are famous for no reason. I’m sorry, but showing your ass on the internet and calling it talent is not a reason to be famous. I have an ass too, but you won’t catch me flaunting it on the internet and begging for people to make me viral. It used to be just the Kardashians who were famous for absolutely no reason, but now that has grown into a whole generation! Lets go back to making people with real talent famous, shall we? 
23. My friend and I have a blog where we post writing advice and feature writers and their stories to help them gain reads. We haven’t been as active lately because we have both been busy with other things, but we will hopefully update it soon. You can find it here: https://writingandtips.com/#site-header
24. One of my all time favorite Disney movies, if not my top favorite, is “Oliver and Company.” Mostly because Billy Joel voices Dodger the dog, and he is my favorite singer. 
25. I love the “X-Files” tv series from the 90s. I rewatch it from the beginning all the time. I even picked up chewing on sunflower seeds like Mulder does while I’m writing. 
26. I have a collectible action figure of Jareth, David Bowie’s character in the film “Labyrinth,” hanging on my wall. I also have a retro poster of Harrison Ford, a picture of River Phoenix printed on a page from a dictionary, a picture of “Joe Cool” Snoopy also printed on a page from a dictionary, and an antique tin advertisement poster of James Dean advertising “Kist Kola” for five cents all hanging on the walls of my room.
27. I love Red Pandas. They are the cutest animals on the planet, aside from dogs of course. 
28. My sister and I love watching paranormal and ghost hunting shows. We sort of believe in ghosts, but we love to watch them mostly to laugh at and make fun of them. Our favorite is Ghost Adventures. 
29. This one seems like self promotion, but it’s an important fact about me. I am not a huge fan of the Wattpad platform anymore, because the community has turned into only promoting super popular authors or fanfiction. It has gotten increasingly difficult to get any reads on your stories if you don’t write popular fanfiction or your story isn’t already popular. But since it is the only platform with any sort of following, I post there in hopes that my stories will get read. So far I haven’t had much luck. But I post my stories over there, if you like my writing here and want to read what I am actually super passionate about. You can find me at the username J_H_Hope. my pride and joy story is called “Grim’s Cliff” and I would appreciate anyone who reads it or any of my works. https://www.wattpad.com/user/J_H_Hope
30. I love writing, even if no one reads what I’ve written. I write and write in hopes that at least one person finds it and enjoys it. This one is obvious, but a fact none-the-less. Writing makes up an important part of my life. It is the reason I work so hard in other aspects of my life. 
There you have thirty facts about me. I was really struggling all the way through this one. I wanted to make them interesting, but I’m just not all that interesting of a person. I also don’t enjoy writing so much about specific things pertaining to me. Some of these, especially number 22, make me sound like an old lady. Am I turning 21 or 61 soon? Either way maybe this list was informative and at the least entertaining. Happy reading!
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #235 - White Christmas
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: DVD
0) I know Christmas was a week ago but I’m just getting the chance to write this now so thanks for your patience everyone! :D
1) This was actually the THIRD film Bing Crosby sang “White Christmas” in after Holiday Inn and Blue Skies.
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2) This film’s opening scene does well to establish the tone of the picture. It’s hopeful and sweet against a harsh backdrop, with showmen Bob Wallace and Phil Davis doing their best to bring some Christmas cheer to WW2 soldiers. It also establishes what kind of a man General Waverly is, which is important. The entire motivation for the film is helping this man out, this great men who all those soldiers care about so much. We understand why in this prologue.
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3) The first singing of “White Christmas” also does well to play up the movie’s heart. It gives a sense of the sentiment and kindness that permeates the two hour run time.
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4) Danny Kaye as Phil Davis.
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Kaye is the ultimate scene stealer of the entire show and was actually the third choice for the role. He is incredibly funny, bringing a much welcome energy and charisma to the part. He’s crafty (manipulating Bob in a harmless yet devious way), clever, and has a great chemistry with Bing Crosby’s Bob Wallace. Of the main four stars, Kaye is definitely my favorite.
5) Bing Crosby as Bob Wallace.
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The straight man of Wallace & Davis, Crosby still gets to show off a nice sense of humor in the film. He gets the chance to be serious, fun, kind, a little sad, a little mad, romantic, and pulls all of them off well as the film’s solid lead. Obviously his vocal chops were a big part of the character, but he’s Bing Crosby. I don’t think there was ever a doubt he could sing.
6) The montage which follows the prologue does well to establish the post war rise of Wallace & Davis in showbiz. It’s an important aspect in the film which could have really slowed done the part but the montage is sleek and fun so as not to bore the audience.
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7) The conversation with Bob and Phil about how the latter wants the former to start dating so he can have some time alone really defines their relationship moving forward. We understand how good of friends they are that they can be candid but fun with each other. They joke, they tell it like it is, they play, and I just really like that.
Betty: “Benny’s got a job in Alaska. He’s been out of the country for three months.”
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9) The relationship between Betty and Judy is wonderfully defined - not by their song - but by their conversation before the song. We understand how this relationship works much as the conversation with Bob & Phil established their friendship. We get how Judy sees Betty and vice versa and it’s great. A nice female friendship where there’s no bickering over a guy, a rare treat in the 1950s. Although I will say I never bought Vera-Ellen as being the younger sister here.
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10) Rosemary Clooney as Betty.
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Clooney is an extremely kind, likable, charismatic, and endearing performer who really elevates the role of Betty. She has a very nice chemistry with Crosby and is just so damn interesting. Which is good, because on paper Betty is freaking awful. I’ll talk about this more, but we get a sense of what’s to come with her holier-than-thou attitude when Bob begins talking about “angles”. Basically I love Rosemary Clooney in this movie, but I hate how Betty is written. It’s frustrating to say the least.
11) “The Best Things Happen While You’re Dancing”
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This early number shows off one of the film’s weakest and strongest elements simultaneously. Most if not all of the numbers do nothing to actually motivate the plot forward, instead just filling up the two hour run time. HOWEVER they’re almost all so damn entertaining it’s hard to actually find fault with this. You’re too busy enjoying the show!
12) According to IMDb:
According to Rosemary Clooney, Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye's "Sisters" performance was not originally in the script. They were clowning around on the set, and director Michael Curtiz thought it was so funny that he decided to film it. In the scene, Crosby's laughs are genuine and unscripted, as he was unable to hold a straight face due to Kaye's comedic dancing. Clooney said the filmmakers had a better take where Crosby didn't laugh, but when they ran them both, people liked the laughing version better.
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13) Ah, the only person of color in the movie. And they’re servers.
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14) “Snow”
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Snow is probably the second most Christmas-y song in the film after “White Christmas”. It shows off the four leads unity well (although Vera-Ellen didn’t do her own singing) and is one of my favorite numbers in the whole film. It’s charming and sweet, filled with winter charm and spirit. I dig it.
15) I like that the greenness of Vermont is a detail but not a focus of the film. Yes it’s called “White Christmas” and yes snow does bring in business to the hotel, but the conflict isn’t about trying to get it to snow it’s about trying to make an old friend happy for the holidays.
16) Dean Jagger General Waverly.
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Waverly is the personification of the movie’s heart and sincerity, while also being my favorite character in the movie. You see how caring he is through subtle ways. He’s not one to express his emotions or his heart but you can see it clearly in Jagger’s performance. He is able to be commanding when necessary but more than that he is a kind, sometimes sad, honest man. I love it.
17) This was always one of my favorite gags in the film.
Bob [after hearing over the phone how much something will cost]: “Wow.”
Phil […]: “How much is wow?”
Bob: “Right in between in between, ‘ouch,’ and, ‘poing.’”
Phil: “Wow.”
18) The Minstrel Number.
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This is one of the longest, most pointless numbers in the entire film. There is a great amount of entertainment and production value but it adds nothing to the story. While it is probably the strongest out of the three “performances” (the rehearsals Wallace & Davis are holding at the hotel), like the other two you can cut it and lose absolutely nothing from the film.
19) According to Rosemary Clooney, Bing Crosby improvised almost all of his dialogue in the scene where she meets him in the kitchen. You can tell and I mean that as a compliment. There is an honest spontaneity to the conversation which pulls you in because it’s so interesting.
20) “Count Your Blessings” is a wonderfully kind and moving number which has you invested in the romance between Bob/Betty quickly. Too bad the writing with Betty has me totally DISINTERESTED in them actually ending up together. But more on that later…
21) The scene where we learn that Waverly wanted back in the army but gets rejected not only develops him as a character (his motivations, his desires) but the heart of the film as well.
22) I mentioned that “The Minstrel Number” was one of three totally pointless numbers in the movie. “Choreography” is by far the worst offending of those three. It is not nearly entertaining enough to warrant its run time and serves as close to offending filler. Honestly just cut it.
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23) Ah yes, what I’ve been hinting at this whole recap. The bane of my existence, the thing I hate in this movie above all else: freaking Betty becoming such a passive aggressive shit head! If you haven’t seen this movie let me recap:
Betty hears some BS about Bob out of context which paints him in a negative light
She takes this half-assed rumor as fact and immediately accepts it
She never ONCE actually talks to Bob about it
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It is infuriating and I hate Betty because of it. I hate her I hate her I hate her! BUT Rosemary Clooney is so damn charming I love her performance in the movie! But on paper alone Betty is being a passive aggressive shit who Bob devotes way too much energy into trying to appease her. IT’S NOT WORTH IT BOB! Of all the contrived pieces of bullshit in an attempt to add conflict in their relationship, this is the most painfully obvious piece of crap I have ever seen. I love this movie but dear god I freaking hate Betty in the last act.
24) I love that Judy basically cons Phil into an engagement with her and how freaked out he gets by it. Suddenly the dynamic of their relationship just shifted and it’s glorious.
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25) A fine piece of 50s BS sexist writing: suddenly Judy is a weeping hysterical woman because her plan didn’t go the way she thought. Which literally matches with NOTHING we learned about her before this moment.
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26) “Love You Didn’t Do Right By Me”
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First of all, this is such a melodramatic and shitty move. “Love You Didn’t Do Right By Me?” SERIOUSLY!? Maybe it would’ve IF YOU TALKED TO BOB! I know that Betty asks to sing a different song when Bob shows up but clearly the filmmakers are trying something with this and I just, ugh, I HATE IT!
Second of all, the number is actually a great tune and a wonderful showcase for Rosemary Clooney’s talents. It’s her only solo in the entire film and she absolutely nails it. So again, a great example of how I love Clooney but I hate Betty in this film.
27) Phil keeping Waverly away from the TV set is an excellent showcase for Danny Kaye’s comedic talents. He may not be Charlie Chaplin but he’s damn good.
28) “What Can You Do with a General?”
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Leonard Maltin called this composer Irving Berlin’s least memorable tune. I disagree and in fact really enjoy it. It’s got a sense of cleverness to it. It’s sweet, a nice tune. A little slow but it gets stuck in your head. So in short: I disagree with Leonard Maltin.
29) The look on Waverly’s face is everything this film was about. EVERYTHING.
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30) “Gee, I Wish I Was Back in the Army” is a fun and fitting near-climactic musical number for the film. It’s fun, funny, representative of the joy and humor that Wallace & Davis wanted to bring Waverly. Also, according to IMDb:
For the song "Gee, I Wish I Was Back In The Army", there is the lyric, "Jolson, Hope And Benny all for free". This is a reference to three wartime entertainers: Al Jolson, Bob Hopeand Jack Benny. The original words were "Crosby, Hope and Jolson all for free", but the lyric was changed because with Bing Crosby in the cast the original lyric would break the fourth wall.
31) While obvious from the film’s title, the snow fall at the end is a sweet way to wrap the story up. It’s not made into a big deal, they just enjoy it’s beauty. This leads into the final performance of “White Christmas” which acts as a poignant and fitting finale to the story.
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White Christmas is a holiday classic with a great heart and sense of fun. The cast knock it out of the park and the music is great, and although I may have issues with some character writing (freaking Betty) I still love the film as a whole. I definitely recommend it.
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Author Honesty Hour
I was tagged by @dragonchica! Thanks babe, I actually never thought I’d get this. You’re the best!! MUAH!!
1. Which is the imagine you’re most proud of?
The imagine that I’m most proud of is “Picking Flowers.” I had so much fun writing it and the flow was awesome and when I was done with it, I felt really good about it. And to my surprise, it’s become my most successful story! Thanks for reading it guys!!
2. Which is your least favorite? 
Possibly “Trick or Trick” because it’s not so popular and has the least likes and reblogs. 
3. If you were to recommend one to read to your mum/mom?
Umm, my mom and I aren’t very close so she wouldn’t even want to read anything. But if I had to choose, it would be... “Baby Girl,” why? I have no idea. 
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
Trick or Trick because it’s not very successful. I even contemplated on deleting it but decided not to. I want to believe that it’s a sign of growth. Some stories people will love and others not so much. So I like to keep it there as a reminder that once upon a time, I sucked. haha.
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
Umm... I don’t think I have one. It’s all a learning process.
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
I have to say all my Jack fics, because he is/was a new character and his “innocence” to the world gave a lot of room to play with. That’s why I feel “Picking Flowers” and “Evesdropping” are my most successful.
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
Picking Flowers.
8. Your imagine with the least notes?
I am pretty sure it’s Trick or Trick.
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
Grammar and spelling are big ones for me. If the grammar is bad or if there are many spelling errors, it usually turns me off from reading a fic. Or if there is no real structure, where it’s just a giant block of writing. That’s a pet peeve of mine and I won’t even give it a chance. 
Advice I’d give would be to keep practicing. Read other fics and observe they way they structure their writing. Have someone beta your fics. I don’t use a beta for reasons unknown, but I know that they are extremely helpful.
10. When’s the next update on your works?
I’ve scheduled a fic to be posted real soon. I was a little worried about posting it but with positive support, I’ve decided to put it out there! I’m still scared, but I hope it does well and people are able to relate or try to understand where I’m coming from. 
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after?
Wow. Umm, I can’t even remember that far back. But I started this blog in September 2017, and now I’ve got 869 followers. And I am so grateful!! 
1. Which character do you love writing for?
I’m a Dean girl, but I love writing for all of them however, I’m having trouble writing for Castiel. So his name is still “in progress,” but I do have a couple of fics in my participation for Kari and Ida’s 12 Days of Christmas challenge. Here is the masterlist.
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
So I only write for any members of TFW 2.0. And I don’t dislike writing for any of them, but like I’ve mentioned in the previous question, I am struggling with Castiel.
3. What’s your favorite AU to write for?
As of right now, I don’t have any that I’m very fond of. I think I only have two AU’s and they’re both for Dean. There’s “Long Time Coming” part 1 and part 2, and “Because You’re an Idiot.”
4. What’s your least favorite AU to write for?
I can’t really say at this point. Don’t have much AU’s.
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
Well, I am currently not taking requests, nor am I planning to, but who knows what the future holds. But if I do, I never want to get anything that gives off any negativity. 
I don’t do wincest, destiel, or sabriel and other ships similar to those just because it’s not my thing (but if it’s your thing, then that’s cool too. We all like different things and I respect that). I LOVE a good bromance, but that’s all it’ll ever be. Only platonic. Plus, I don’t think I’d be very good at it anyways. 
Also, I only write reader inserts. I think it’s more personal for everyone and more enjoyable as well.
6. What do you wish was requested more?
Murr... I don’t take requests as of right now.
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
I believe smut is a natural desire and there’s nothing wrong with that. POC, is awesome! Personally, I try to keep the reader as vague as possible.
Curvy? I have no problems with that.
Writing MxM and FxF, if people want to write about that then they are free to do so. I support it. I wouldn’t write or read it myself because it’s not really my preference, but maybe FxF I wouldn’t mind dabbling in. Maybe because I am a female so it would be a lot easier to write. I know more about a females body than a mans.
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
OY!! There are so many and they are still growing. But the main accounts that I’ve read on my personal blog and pushed me to create this blog and start writing are, @kittenofdoomage, @atc74, @supernatural-jackles, @hannahindie, @kaz2y5-imagines, and @itsmkjones.
9. How long have you been an imagine writer for?
I’ve written some when I was in high school when I was into anime, then stopped because I (mostly) grew out of anime, then not long ago I wrote for bands, then I stopped because I became overly obsessed with supernatural and wanted to only wrote for spn. LOL.
10. Any upcoming secret works?
No? But I have this idea for a semi-AU series that I want to do, but I suck at writing series. Blehh... Boo me!! *throws myself into a trash bin.*
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
Author Honesty Hour
I was tagged by @queen-of-deans-booty why am I doing this instead of actually writing?  I’m not sure but this was fun.  Thanks Jordan!
1. Which is the imagine you’re most proud of?
I love Hot Air Balloons!  It’s one of my favorite mainly because it’s deeply personal and what happened to the reader really did happen but not with the same outcome.  I have always been hopeful though.
2. Which is your least favorite?
I guess if I had to choose it would be  Happy Birthday Sammy!  It is a little silly story but I still liked.
3. If you were to recommend one to read to your mom?
Probably  A Very Deonna Thanksgiving; she loves to read romance novels and this would probably have the same feel for her but I think she could handle a lot of my more smutty fics.
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
My first works were some Destiel fics and I wouldn’t mind re-writing them.  I have gone back and edited them a number of times so that is kinda like I rewrote them.
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
When I get bored or I think a fic is too long, I will rush through it and not put everything I really wanted in the fic.  I.E. Kindred Hunters I should have made it into two fics and got down to the real smut.
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
My plus-size reader fics are always popular.  Many of my readers understand what it’s like to be a big girl.  What Happened Last Night?  Got like 100 notes in less than a few days and I was like whoa.
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
Put a ring on it! Sam x Plus size reader; people liked it so much that I had a lot of requests to write another one which I did.  I may even write another one down the line.
8. Your imagine with the least notes
Kindred Hunters  Donna x Female Reader; honestly I understand it isn’t for everyone but I loved it, because Donna is so sexy.
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
Descriptions of the scene, you need to paint a picture.  What are they touching, smelling, eating?  Emotions. Don’t just say, ‘He was angry.’ instead say ‘He pounded his fist on the table as he yelled at her’.  
Use words other than said.  So big!!  Bigger than people think.  I will only use the work said like once maybe twice in a whole fic.
Really get into the characters head.  Don’t just have them react the way you would. They are not you; they are someone totally different with different experiences and memories, and they should be treated as such.  Many of the readers I write for are nothing like me but I can understand their emotions.
10. When’s the next update on your works?
I’ve got like 4 or 5 WIPS, I’m working on.  I’m hoping to have another fic up this week but who knows.
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after?
Probably like 20 followers before I started to write and now after about 100 fics written I have almost 900 followers.
1. Which character do you love writing for?
I love to write Crowley.  He can either be an super adorable or pure evil or both.  He’s fun to write for and my Crowley girls give me the best feedback.
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
That’s hard.  Cause if I didn’t like them then I wouldn’t write for them.
3. What’s your favorite AU to write for?
I like office AUs mainly because most of my work experience is in offices so I feel like I can write them fairly well.
4. What’s your least favorite AU to write for?
I honestly have only ever written office AUs so I don’t have a least favorite
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
RPF -- I’m strictly against writing them.  It is part of my request rules.  I don’t read them that often either. 
6. What do you wish was requested more?
My requests are all over the place.  I like requests for continuation fics because it would kick my ass to write them.
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
I love to write smut.  I love sex so writing about sex is fun.  It is really hard because you don’t want to use the same phrase over and over again.  Also I like to take risks with my smut and get super kinky because I will probably never do this in real life.
Well first off I’m not a POC, I am a blonde white girl from the suburbs and I have dated men of color before but that still doesn’t make me feel comfortable writing for a POC.  I’m not sure if I can put myself in their shoes enough to do them proper justice.  On another note: When I write for a reader I normally do not put a lot of description on the reader’s features so that hopefully everyone can enjoy reading them.  I have even gone back and edited old fics where I said, ‘Her pale skin’ to some other descriptor.  I’m all about allowing everyone to enjoy my work.
Curvy or Plus size fics are my favorite to write for.  As a plus size woman myself, it is very easy to put myself in the image. I know I have to same issues that a lot of women deal with and we all relate and can bond over it.
MxM/FxF: I’m all for it.  I love me some Dean x Cas, or Jody x Donna.  I have written some Destiel and FxF fics myself.  I’m all about love is love. So yeah no issues here.
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
@webcricket @impala-dreamer @queen-of-deans-booty 
Are seriously some of my favorites, I often times will read how they wrote something and say maybe I should do something more like that. 
9. How long have you been an imagine writer for?
One year but I’ve been doing it in my head since I was a kid.  Why I didn’t think to write my stories down earlier I don’t know.  
10. Any upcoming secret works?
I have so many ideas but no real secrets. I have two requests I’m working on and a challenge submission and two personal projects. I guess I’ll get this stuff done soon.
Please don’t feel obligated to do these but I would be cool to hear from you.
@notnaturalanahi @roxy-davenport @roxy-davenport @impaladreamers-mainfrigginblog @greenappleeyes @webcricket @anotherwaywardsister @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms @dreaminofdean
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littlehollyleaf · 7 years
Ask a writer!
tagged by @mysillylittlesoapbox (yes I do still write fic... sometimes :p I’m afraid it’s all Gotham now though!) ...I don’t usually do memes about my writing though so, this should be...interesting...
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
my name is holly, holly leaves are a thing, I wanted to just be ‘hollyleaf’ but it was already taken so I figured ‘well hey, I’m also small...’ and voila! (no, I’m so sorry, but the Warrior Cats series was not involved at any point, I still haven’t read them and only know a character has my username, or a version of it, because of all the asks I keep getting about it :P)
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favorites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
So I had a quick glance at AO3 and this is something it looks like WAAAAY too much effort for my lazy ass to figure out, plus I dunno how accurate the AO3 stats would be for my stuff anyways because I only very recently put all my fic on there after having most of it posted (and therefore commented on and otherwise interacted with) solely over at LJ for years and years...
I would imagine it’s Imitating Life (spn, deancas), because that’s the one I remember getting the most feedback for. So I’ll just go with that!
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s the same as my tumblr one. Because it’s me and I already had the image saved in an appropriate size. I know, dull right?? (back on LJ I was OBSESSED with finding and/or creating SO MANY different icons to convey different moods and whatnot - they were basically an oldschool version of reaction gifs I guess - but on any other platform I’ve been just... meh about the icon thing... idk!)
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
@vampirebillionaire has been a regular for my Gotham stuff, notable for jumping ship with me into foxma :) (well not jumping... simultaneously enjoying :p), for which I am profoundly grateful xx but generally my fic style and content is a bit... eclectic I guess? so no, no one who is super regular
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Of my own? Nah. Well... not AGAIN AND AGAIN like on the regular. I HAVE re-read my stuff OF COURSE :p But usually it’s me re-reading previous parts of a series/set to get the feel for the story/characters again as I write new stuff. Though admittedly I have re-read Imitating Life more than most probably, to check it still reads okay.
As to other authors’ fics - I must confess that I read less and less these days, so there is def not a single one I constantly return to.
I have, however, re-read a few by depthsofgreen since I got into Gotham, as well as some by rissalf and silentsinger
Back in the day there was this one spn last unicorn AU I used to re-read the night before each premiere, because it was a deliciously angsty way to get me in the mood for a new season and pass the time while waiting - particularly notable because AUs are not really my thing, so it was an interesting choice for me to keep returning to! Alas I have lost my link to it however :( Should anyone know the one I mean drop me a line! (Cas was the unicorn, obvs, Dean was the Prince, Sam was Schmendrick, Anna was Molly and Meg was Fortuna)
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I have ONE (1) story bookmarked - because it is a WIP I am following (and I just learnt how to bookmark the other month)
...what even is subscribing and how is it different??
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
None at all if possible. Although most of my fics end up being Canon Divergent in the end ofc they are generally canon compliant (based on my interpretation of the canon anyways) at the time of writing... Sometimes canon changes things while I am in the middle of writing stuff though ofc (*shakes fist at Gotham right now*), in which case I will unavoidably be writing something knowingly Canon Divergent/What If.
(aside - I tried to write an spn x-men AU once, but I got bored very quickly... full on AUs are just not me!)
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
K - 34 subscribers and 423 bookmarks (whoa that seems a lot??)
hey there’s graphs and stuff with your top five fics based on hits too - that’s pretty cool - my top is in fact Holding On and Letting Go... probably because it was one of my last big spn fics and one of the first I published on AO3...
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
No... I mean... I don’t think so? If there ever has been it’s passed me by and I’ve forgotten about it.
...for a hot minute I was into Eddie/Isabella in Gotham, and that plot was ofc (understandably) received VERY POORLY by the fandom, so I may have at one point been hesitant to explore that idea (and the related Ozzie/Eddie/Izzy thoughts I had) because of that... but I never got as far as wanting to actually WRITE anything that I recall so... I guess not really?
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
There’s a couple of dumb little grammatical things I wish I was better at remembering - like when it’s ‘passed’ and when it’s ‘past’ or when it’s ‘effect’ and when it’s ‘affect.’ Because I forget and have to look it up Every.Damn.Time!
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Well, the ship I’ve written most for is deancas - so it’s def ‘popular ships’ I write most! (though I would like to point out that it WASN’T ONE when I STARTED :p). 
I’m not opposed to writing rarepairs as well however (she says, in the middle of a huge Gotham rarepair series!). I just write... whatever I’m enjoying most at the time.
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
I’ve got 39 works up on AO3. Never published on FFNet. Probably got a few little things that I’ve only ever published on tumblr (like my cracky spn/WtNV crossover :p), so total number published across the board is more like 40ish...
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
(not counting the abandoned spn x-men AU that will remain forever unfinished) Just one. I CANNOT work on more than one fic at a time.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
In my head (my stories are never especially complex after all). Once I’m stuck into a fic though I do tend to start creating bullet points below the main text of certain things that are coming next - like specific lines or phrases/metaphors I might think up as I go that I want to make sure I include, or the order of certain scenes if there is a series of short ones on the way, or sometimes points with question marks if I haven’t quite decided on something (eg. ‘have Eddie take his hat off here or wait until Ozzie smiles at him?’ that kind of thing...)
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
No. I came CLOSE to co-writing a DCBB with the lovely @takadainmate YEARS AGO but we never quite made it work (I got a distracted by involving Balthazar in a subplot and went on my own tangent, we had trouble even getting together to discuss it, the deadline started looming and eventually we wisely close to call it a day!). 
For a while there were VAGUE murmurings about returning to the idea... but the plot involved Dean and Cas getting trapped together in Purgatory you see aND THEN SEASON 8 HAPPENED!! So we decided to let canon run with it instead :P
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
While I don’t use FFNet and don’t even read stuff there now, I did used to read fics on it early on. I discovered it while searching for info on my very first TV obsession Due South and was DELIGHTED to find a place full of stories about this thing I loved but had no new content for at the time :)
AO3 I remember being talked about and used a little by my LJ crowd, which is how I heard of it. I didn’t start using it myself until recently when I realised it had very much become the go-to hosting site used by tumblr fic writers.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
...my personal readers? As in, not the general name for the various fandoms (like ‘spn family’ or ‘Gotham fam’), but for the people who read my fic specifically?
No... that seems... weird...?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Actually... no... no one specific. Just... reading lots of fiction by lots of different writers, fic writers included, is what inspired/encouraged me to take a crack at it myself I suppose.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Do not listen to me!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Um... both I suppose. Only... my plotting isn’t really... plotting. 
Because I just... daydream, you know? And after a bit I’ll realise that I’m coming back to one particular daydream more often than another. And adding to it. And adding to it. Until I’ve got something at least vaguely coherent. At which point I make a decision as to whether I like the scenario enough to write it down or not and if I do, well, it’s already pretty much there and fully formed in my head, so no additional ‘plotting’ necessary (just the ironing out and researching of a few details).
But while I’m daydreaming... well that’s me ‘figuring it out as I go’ I guess.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
My first foray into writing fic was with a Clex re-write of S05 Smallville. It ended up being a sprawling, much too ambitious multi-chapter thing I had no hope of ever finishing. But hey, it kept me out of trouble :p 
Anyways, I was part of a sci-fi society at Uni at the time I was writing and each of us in the group developed these different fictional versions of ourselves over the course of our time together... because we were a sci-fi society and it was fun! And I thought it would be a laugh if, for one chapter, I put all of us into my SV fic. So I did (I made us all kryptonite infected characters who lived at Lex’s secret 33.1 facility - if any SV fans are reading) and prefaced the chapter with some disclaimer about how I was sorry if this part was a bit too self indulgent or ‘mary-sue’ or whatever, but that I couldn’t resist doing it for my friends, and that things would get back to normal next chapter.
And generally it was fine - I didn’t have many readers anyway :p 
But long LONG after the fact, when I had written many other chapters since, I got a comment on this one chapter from someone saying that they felt my self-insert characters came across as too obviously self indulgent and were unnecessary and that I shouldn’t have written them in.
And you know, it was a fair call. But since I’d actually prefaced the chapter with myself saying that’s EXACTLY what they were, it seemed a bit odd to me that this person would bother making a point of the issue. And to compound confusion - this person had actually already commented POSITIVELY on the chapter when I first posted it, so their comment read something like ‘I’ve been re-reading this and on consideration ACTUALLY I think you should know that...’
So... that was a bit odd. Not really bad, but notable enough that it’s stayed with me! Since I was many many chapters along in the story at that point though it was easy enough to just nod and shrug and move on.
I’m lucky in that I’ve never received any actual scathing or horribly negative comments otherwise. I like to think I’d be thoughtful and philosophical about any serious criticism I might receive...
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Hmmm. Exposition probably. My focus is typically on a character’s emotion at any given time, but when the only thing happening is characters discussing what’s happening and when and why there’s not exactly much strong emotion involved you know? So I struggle, because it’s boring to write and I constantly fear I’m not describing/depicting it in a way that is interesting to the reader and blah blah.
(part of the reason I don’t often write complex stories anymore perhaps - less narrative means less exposition!)
(smut used to be hard... now it is less so... though that doesn’t mean I think I’m good at it now! I don’t think I’ll ever shake the fear that my smut is actually cringe-worthy...) 
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Just The Fox and the Scorpion :)
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
No. Like I say above - I CANNOT work on more than one fic at a time. How do people do that??? I bow to you all!
I have in the past paused in the middle of longer spn fics (like my DCBBs) to knock out some quick ‘finished in the span of an evening’ FICLETS, usually in response to specific happenings in canon (like when Gabriel died and I just HAD to type something up as an outlet). But I don’t think that’s really quite what this question means? Because those aren’t projects OR stories, they are just... SCENES, you know? Also - I haven’t written a ficlet in FOREVER, so I’m not even sure I could do it anymore...
Having said this - I DO CONSTANTLY DAYDREAM. Which involves daydreaming multiple scenarios not exclusive to whatever fic I’m in the middle of. Some of which may well end up being part of the next fic I end up writing. But that’s hardly ‘planning’ I think? Because at that stage of things I’ll have no desire to make what I’m dreaming part of an actual story/fic.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nah. I just write when I feel like it and keep going until I’m done.
If I’m writing for a challenge this changes ofc, because DEADLINES. So sometimes I’ve had to set goals because of that - usually it’s something vague though, like ‘you need to get to this point in the plot by tomorrow night Holly, come on!’ Nothing so regimented as a specific amount of time and/or words every day.
...generally when I’m in the middle of a fic I end up in a kind of... idk, natural momentum that pulls me on? Like there’s this constant FEELING in the back of my mind urging me to get back to the story. And not in a nagging guilt kind of way, in a ‘this is what I WANT to be doing right now’ kind of way.
Not that I end up easily writing every time I get back to the fic or anything! Sometimes I’ll get back to the page and just... be stuck, find I’m not in the mood or can’t think of the words or whatever. Which is frustrating because I still have that feeling of WANTING to continue the story, but I’ll know that I’m not in the right frame of mind so have to leave it for a bit (which can be anywhere from a few hours to a week). Generally the pull to keep writing draws me back in eventually though. 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Goodness yes. I think if you’re writing regularly you’re just ALWAYS improving, aren’t you? Naturally my fic today is better than my first attempts, but likewise I think some of my Gotham fics are better than my spn fics in some parts. It’s a constant process isn’t it?
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
Imitating Life remains one of the fics I’m most proud of. Not only did the main story hold up well AND stick to overall canon (when it comes to Dean and Cas at least), so I think anyways, I also wove in a couple of subplots I very much enjoyed seeing through to the end. PLUS I really enjoyed all the meta nonsense, including messing about with the format to make it like look (a little bit) like a screenplay. So yes, that one will always hold a dear place in my heart :)
For Gotham I don’t think I’m ever gonna do better than We Are What We Are tbh
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
Generally unimpressed by ALL my SV fic now. And considering I spent SO MANY HOURS/DAYS/WEEKS/MONTHS/YEARS of my life on it all I kinda feel like I should feel bad about that but... you know I really don’t? Because if it wasn’t for all the time and effort (and love and fun) I put into those not very good stories, I wouldn’t be enjoying the work I’m proud of and writing today. So *shrug emoji* 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
5 whole years? Tbh I rather think I’ll have stopped writing by then. I’ve been winding down when it comes to fic for a LONG TIME now and writing for Gotham feels very much like a minor, brief resurgence of the hobby. Currently planning on calling it a day once I’ve finished Fox and Scorpion in fact.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
The part that doesn’t involve writing.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Trying not to be repetitive.
Have I started a paragraph with this character’s name too many times in a row? Am I using ‘furrowed brow’/’bites lip’/’narrows eyes’/’insert stock descriptive phrase here’ too often? Did I use this phrase already or was that in another fic or in the book I was just reading? Is there too much alliteration in this sentence?  - to name but a few of the questions that inevitably pop up related to my paranoia about repetition.
33. Why do you write?
Because I’m insatiable and the stories onscreen aren’t enough for me. 
...well that was exhaustingly introspective so I’m way too tired to tag! Interesting one though, made me think! (and taught me some stuff about AO3 :p)
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