#people will understand if you can’t rp for a while
zeb-z · 1 year
wtf is it with political roleplay that gets all the weirdos coming out of the woodwork and putting a damper on things. specifically on twt like can people let the cc’s play characters and have conflict and have fun like goddamn man
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anyway. am i allowed to say that yes aimsey is a good role player and they make really cool stories and i’m very excited for her being in purgatory, but i’ve always been kinda meh on them ever since they threw a little shitfit over the existence of bisexual lesbians a few months ago?? like it was kinda hypocritical that he was pissed over bisexual women who may also identify as lesbians, which is an identity that breaks the typical definitions of both of those labels, while also being nonbinary and a lesbian, which is also an identity that breaks the typical definition of both of those labels. ik it was a while ago, they did apologize and explain their reasoning, but it’s just left a bad taste in my mouth ever since
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duckciferthecg · 6 months
Hello! I’m Lucifer, but you can call me Luci, Lulu, duckcifer, or anything you want Duckling
Welcome to my cozy palace little one
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Asks are of course open
DNI if you’re: antiagere, nsfw, ddlg, proshipper, a meanie
All type of regressors for any age are welcome!
Is legit:
Anon list (that I’m aware of):
🐶, 🪽, 📺🦈, 🧁🦝, 🦝🐾, 🧜✨, 🌹💀, 🎀, 🐈‍⬛, 🦌📻, 🎸🪽, ☀️🍬, 🐇, 🤎🩸, 🧸🌷, 🥽, 🔋, 🐅, 🐺, 🎮🔥, 🦌🌹, 🎪🍼, 🍄, 🩹🌱, 🦖, 🦴, ⁉️, 🍼🐇, 🧚, 🖍️, ❤️🖍️, ☀️, 🎧, 🌊, 🤡🐸, 👽🐄, 🍭, 🐩🎀, 🧇, 🥫, 🐈‍⬛🐾, 🧃🐛, 🐶🎀, 👑, 🪲, 🪐, 🍂, 👁️😈, 🦈🩹, 🤍🎀, 🌟🦝, 🌻🧸, ☁️, 🔮, 🕸️🍓, ☀️🍼, ☁️🌙, 🍓🐦‍⬛, 🦕, ♾️🏳️‍⚧️, 🍰, 💙,🥤, 🐦‍⬛🧃, 🦖🐾,☀️🧸, 🧸🦈, 🫧, 🔧💜, ☀️👑, 🐧💙, 🔮🏳️‍⚧️, 🩵✨, ✨🐍, 👻🌻, 🪻📚
Grab a stuffie, chill for a while, and I hope you have fun!
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Rules for Tumblr blog and discord (dm me if you want to be added to discord)
They had to be added because of issues the CGs have been having
Here are the rules:
- Absolutely no littles/pets in big chats
- Ask a CG their boundaries and respect it
- if a CG doesn’t do things like diapers, medical, or other then respect it
- Censor vents properly
- When certain fictive alters front, if they have source trauma, then avoid it
- If someone has something triggering at all avoid it
- Do not expect comfort from CG 24/7 [We are human too]
- No physical punishments
- Respect boundaries
- listen to CGS
- When a CG asks you to STOP you STOP
- No biting (playful biting okay is the CG is okay with it)
- no physical harm to yourself or the cgs. Don’t care if it’s “just rp”, it hurts and panics us
- No asking cgs to be big/little
- No asking for specific alters in systems to front
- Some cgs can’t read little talk, if they say no to it, then respect that. They want to understand you
- Be patient
- A lot of us have physical and mental disabilities too, so that may limit us from responding
- We have lives of our own and we can’t always take care of you
- No asking if we got your ask, no “tumblr ate my ask”. It makes us feel bad for not getting it
- Most of us are people pleasers guys. Don’t abuse that
- Only eat stuff that is edible
- No bullying. We will be kind to one another
- It’s one thing if you have established a relationship with someone and it’s mutual, and it’s another thing to just bully. Knock it off. Just because you are in the mentality of a kid, doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk
- No babying someone unless they want to be
- No NSFW talk in little spaces (like drugs, s-xual content, alcohol etc)
- Don’t flood a blog
- If the person is clearly very overwhelmed, don’t talk to them as much
- If it’s important then direct message them
Thank you for reading!
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radiant-cowgirl · 2 months
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A Meeting of Misguided Minds | Audio Rp | M4A
to old endings, and new beginnings (script and link to ao3 under the cut)
Read it here on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57404290
[squeaky door opens, bell jingles, door closes] [quiet instrumental music, voices, silverware clatter]
Employee: Welcome to Elysium! Oh! You’re the one who called us about the interview. I’ll go grab him for you. Do you want something to drink in the meantime? No? Okay. Two seconds!
Perseus: [footsteps] Hello! Welcome, welcome! Look at you, all prepared! I can take those for you, super star. I’m Perseus or Percy, rather. And you are? [pages flipping] Oh right, right here at the top, perfect! [laughter] Sorry, I’m a bit jumpy. I don’t do interviews like this very often, if you can’t tell and I’ve had more than enough caffeine this morning. Here, you can follow me back to the office. Thank you, Emilio! [footsteps] [door open, close, chair scraping] Make yourself comfortable. 
I gotta say, when Emilio out front said you’d called about an interview, I was a little surprised! I mean, I know we’re a registered business and all, but most of the staff either doesn’t care or doesn’t know about all that. And to be honest, I like to keep it that way, but I’m never one to turn down an opportunity to be helpful. Especially if who I’m helping is going to be a helping hand in return. [chuckle] I don’t gotta tell you how rough things are out there right now. And with my main host gone indefinitely for bereavement, we’re a little overworked and understaffed. [clears throat] Um, at any rate. [pens rattling in cup] With how Emilio described you, this interview is mainly just a formality, but you don’t mind if I take notes, right? Perfect! Let me just get sorted. [papers rustling]
Why don’t you go ahead and tell me a little about yourself. I’m sure it’s been a while since you’ve done this kind of work [chuckle] but everyone had to start somewhere. And Emilio said you had some experience in food service. For now we can keep it as personal as you like. I’ll go through your resume during the hiring process. 
[humming in agreement, recognition, pen scratching, heavy sigh] I’m so sorry to hear that. With everything that’s been going on, I can’t imagine how rough it must be, dealing with that on top of the loss of your spouse. I don’t need anything special to tell that you’ve been through the wringer lately. I can practically feel how stressful it is [sad chuckle]. And being in a completely new town, let alone state? Everything must feel so fresh and terrifying. I certainly hope the transition was easy. [soft skin-to-skin contact, patting hand] If there’s anything I can do to make this process easier, let me know. 
I remember when I first moved to California, everything was so different from how it was in the midwest. Uhuh, yeah! I spent my, uh, formative years [chuckle] bouncing around the midwest. Michigan was always my favorite. Tried university, but there weren’t any that taught what I was looking for. Everyone thought I should be learning what everyone else like me was learning, but all I really wanted to learn to do was cook. I saw how it made people happy and that’s what I wanted to do. I mean, obviously, right? [laughs] I spent some time in Chicago and I’m still not sure why those people don’t put ketchup on their hot dogs. Ketchup’s great. [clears throat] Sorry, listen to me rambling. Long story short, I understand what it’s like, moving cross-country and all. 
Honestly, if you decide that this isn’t something you want to do at all, I completely understand. There’ll always be more applicants and I’m sure there’s someone else up for the job. I’m sure you didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. We’ll, of course, keep your resume on file if you decide to revisit this offer.
Ah, no, I get it! I’m the same way. Some people need to rest through their grief and others need to wrestle through it. No point in sitting around in a new home where all of your recent changes are so clearly apparent if it’s just gonna make you feel worse. If you need to work through your heartache, it might as well be through, well, working [chuckle]. 
Speaking of working, should you decide to take the job, we’ll start you out at the host stand. It’s really very easy and relaxed. We don’t take reservations and truth be told, we’re never overly busy so the most you would be doing is showing people to their seats, taking drink orders, and keeping an eye on wait times. That being said, if hosting doesn’t end up being your thing, we can move you to something else and go from there. We have the kitchen of course, as well as a fully operational bakery. We could also move you to serving, if that’s more up your alley.  
We try to rotate responsibilities every so often, just so everyone has the opportunity to hone their skills and stretch their metaphorical and physical legs [chuckle]. But if you find you’re more particular to the bakery than to hosting or hosting than to serving or anything like that, we can of course accommodate. Any questions? 
Yeah, sure. So all positions have the same starting rate which you’ll find is well above minimum wage. I prefer to keep my employees as happy and stress-free as possible. You can accept tips, but I would obviously pay you a livable wage as well. We usually ask people to donate to local charities as opposed to tipping, but there’s always the generous few who won’t take no for an answer. 
Sick days and holidays aren’t really a thing, either. We have an honor system. Basically if you’re scheduled to work, you’re getting paid for the day. If something comes up and you can’t make it, as long as you let me or your coworkers know as soon as possible, you’re getting paid for the day. If we close early or you get cut early because of how slow it is, you get paid for the full day. Holidays are the same. We’re closed on most calendar and religious holidays, but you’ll get paid regardless. Same goes for both solstices. Not sure where you fall on that spectrum, but we’re closed both days, regardless. 
And if you ever find anything to be a bit too much, we can of course work out some mental health days and vacation time for you. Any other questions?
[hums] Uhuh. So as far as uniform goes, we don’t ask much. We’ll give you a few free t-shirts and a sweatshirt when you start, but other than that, we’re really chill. Just dress in whatever’s comfortable and appropriate. If you decide you want to work in the kitchen, we do ask that you follow food safety laws, but we provide aprons and such. We also have a shoe program to keep you in something reliable and safe. Anything else?
When can you start? [laughs] I have a feeling I’m gonna like you, super star! You’re gonna fit right in. I know this must feel like such a relief, having a place to land after all the changes you’ve experienced recently. We’ve been in a bit of a slump as of late, what with everything going on. I think a fresh new face will definitely get everyone out of the rut we’ve been in. 
[papers shuffling, tapping on desk, chair scraping] I’ll admit, I was a little worried when the Department said they were gonna be sending someone down for an interview. I figured you guys were all stuffy office jockeys, especially an investigator [scoffs, chuckles]. And I know you’re gonna take the whole ‘keeping an eye on things’ seriously, but you’re just such a doll. At any rate, I’ll get all this put away and-
I’m sorry? Oh right, sorry. Yeah, DUMP said you’d be coming. Don’t worry, you didn’t surprise me or anything, dear.
Oh. Oh. You’re not from the Department? [swallows] You… don’t know what the Department is? [stammers] Oh my god. I’m gonna be in so much trouble. I should have asked for a badge and- [deep breaths, pacing footsteps] I could just…no… no no no no no, you need this job. And I think I need you too [tight laugh]. I did think you um, felt a little off, but I figured it was just the stress and the grief and… ooh sorry, I’m gonna stop talking now. 
Okay, okay, okay [grounding breath]. [To himself] This is all gonna be okay, Percy. We just need to have a chat with the hosts about communicating exactly what is said on phone calls regarding applications and interviews.
What? Oh, I’m so sorry. Please completely disregard, um, all of that? Um, it should go without saying that you definitely got the job! I mean, I already kind of implied that, but I can see how all of that could make you reconsider that assumption. You definitely got the job. I’ll call you, or would you prefer text? You know what, never mind! I’ll just text you to ask later [nervous laugh]. We’ll set up a day and time for you to get started. In the meantime, if you’ll excuse me, I now have another interview to prepare for. One much more frightening than this one [clears throat]. 
[out of breath] Please grab something to eat or drink on the way out, and please tell Emilio that I’m covering it. I’m sure these last few minutes have been equally as stressful for you as they have been for me. 
Anyways, I’m very, very excited to have you join the team, super star. I’ll walk you out [door opens, closes].
this takes place directly after the Inversion
If it wasn't totally clear the listener character (called Super Star, but will later be shortened to just Star) is an uninformed, unempowered human who called ahead about getting an interview at Elysium Eatery. They come prepared with a resume and a cover letter and dress up for the occasion. However, the speaker character, Perseus, or Percy, was expecting a different person for the interview. DUMP has been sending investigators and field officers into empowered businesses across town to keep an eye out for stray shades or any more trouble under the guise of employment at these empowered businesses. They've chosen Elysium to be one of these such businesses. It was originally supposed to be Sweetheart taking the job at Elysium, but it didn't pan out, due to Star being hired instead.
Thumbnail Template from @mokozroach
Logo and Thumbnail made on Canva
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pillowxtalk · 2 years
A new love letter to my rp-partners and all other rpers out there!
First of all thank you for taking a moment of your precious time to sit down and read this little letter. The world is a scary place at the moment so never feel sorry for the way you feel during this difficult time. Also know that I wish honestly wish from the bottom of my heart for you and your loved ones to stay healthy and that you can spend Christmas together with them.
Please never forget to look after yourself and never feel bad for putting your real life before roleplay. I know it can be difficult to get on here and even if you do the right words won’t come. This can be because you’re tired or stressed or even feel insecure and not needed around here. I know how it is to feel this way and that’s why I can assure you it’s okay to feel that way. Know you’re feelings are valid and that you are a precious human being deserving of all the love and understanding in the world.
Treat each other kindly and the way you want to be treated yourself. Spread some positivity if you can even if it’s just a small hello to a writing partner. Also know you are a wonderful being with unique muses that can’t be replaced. No one can play your character the way you do and that’s why people will wait for you to come back. Also know that I love and admire you, truly I do. I really wish I could make you feel loved around here and welcomed. I want you to feel safe and happy while you are around no matter whether you are writing with people or just lurk.
I’m sending love and hugs and the very best wishes out to all.
You are a genuine gem and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are loved and cherished. Keep looking after yourself.
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niragixpsych · 1 year
A new love letter to my rp-partners and all other rpers out there!
First of all thank you for taking a moment of your precious time to sit down and read this little letter. The world is a scary place at the moment so never feel sorry for the way you feel during this difficult time. Also know that I wish honestly wish from the bottom of my heart for you and your loved ones to stay healthy and that you can spend Christmas together with them.
Please never forget to look after yourself and never feel bad for putting your real life before roleplay. I know it can be difficult to get on here and even if you do the right words won’t come. This can be because you’re tired or stressed or even feel insecure and not needed around here. I know how it is to feel this way and that’s why I can assure you it’s okay to feel that way. Know you’re feelings are valid and that you are a precious human being deserving of all the love and understanding in the world.
Treat each other kindly and the way you want to be treated yourself. Spread some positivity if you can even if it’s just a small hello to a writing partner. Also know you are a wonderful being with unique muses that can’t be replaced. No one can play your character the way you do and that’s why people will wait for you to come back. Also know that I love and admire you, truly I do. I really wish I could make you feel loved around here and welcomed. I want you to feel safe and happy while you are around no matter whether you are writing with people or just lurk.
I’m sending love and hugs and the very best wishes out to all.
You are a genuine gem and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are loved and cherished. Keep looking after yourself.
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velvetrambles · 3 months
Velvet’s Guide to Understanding the AUs I Work on (Resident Evil: Rainstorm Edition)
(Once again none of this would be possible without my lovely boyfriend @reallolattack who is also co-creator of the AU!! I’d also like to thank @tearsoftime0086 for supporting the AU these last few months as well as inspiring me to keep writing, you’ve been a major help in fleshing everything out :] )
------------------- Oh hey it’s been a while since I did one of these. I just kinda forgot to,,,, But hey Resi brainworms returned and I started writing again so here goes nothing!!
Resident Evil: Rainstorm
"Imagine if Resident Evil was written by Oingo Boingo songs and bisexual people" - @reallolattack Okay first off; change!! What have we done? What will we do? (a lot of a pain for our characters that’s for sure)
The RC outbreak is delayed by a month.
Leon and Claire team up to investigate what’s going on because Chris isn’t telling her shit
I went and revived Steve Burnside because FYUCKKK YOU
Steve works under Wesker between CV and RE5. The prototype for P30 is also developed to keep him under control
Carla is drastically changed from her canon counterpart (main thing is that she isn’t well. Ada 2. But she also plays a much bigger part)
Aeon, Burnfield, and Valenfield are all very much canon here
Sherry and Steve meet and they are FRIENDS
Basically everything about RE6 has been mutilated beyond all recognition for the sake of self indulgence
Carlos is a member of the BSAA
These will mostly be from rps between @reallolattack and I. They do have the possibility of becoming a fic in the future, so if you happen to see these paragraphs pop up again that's why! :] ------------------- Rebecca stares at the words, weakly strung up on some makeshift poles and hanging over their desks. The typo sticks out to her like a sore thumb, but she knows she can’t mention it now, not while they’re on a time limit. Yet, she keeps staring, like her eyes will magic away the extra ‘O’.
A few of the others are busy handling other equally cheap decorations to even notice it, leaving the burden of such knowledge to fall to her.
Did this happen at her welcoming party? Did she get a typo? Is this a running gag she’s unaware of? Or is whoever got sign-duty dyslexic?
You think Captain Wesker would point it out, but no. He’s too busy arguing with Chris over wacky glasses. Jill’s got cake duty. And Barry’s probably acknowledged its existence for all of five seconds before choosing to ignore it. Richard hasn’t even bothered to glance at it.
She takes a deep breath. He won’t notice, surely. She has to stop overthinking typos or simple mistakes before she ends up worrying more about being embarrassed than investigating a grisly murder. - Written by me. ------------------- They were mostly for minor injuries anyway, she hasn’t been bitten or scratched by these things, yet, only sliced by glass and broken metal, she’s more likely to get tetanus than infected.
Or so she hopes, really.
It’s one of those things constantly gnawing at her mind, always aware of her symptoms, always aware of any sign that she might be turning. She hates it, the around-the-clock paranoia, the small moments of panic when she thinks she’s developing symptoms.
Ever since Marvin, she.. she can’t begin to imagine what it’d be like once she actually gets infected. - Written by me. ------------------- Steve tests the shoulder as he shakes his head, which is also aching. Just his damn luck. The plane crash really did a number on them, and if the cold doesn’t kill them - internal bleeding just might.
Okay, best to avoid thinking about that. They’re not going to die here. They’ve got this far, right? Or well, Claire certainly won't perish here. With a wound like this, he’s already a liability. Honestly, it’d be better if she left him here, might increase her odds.
Damn, did he hit his head that hard? - Written by me. ------------------- He doesn't let himself entertain the thought of becoming one of… them. As far as he knows, he's the only cop left in the city. It wouldn't be a good look for the R.P.D. if all of their workforce died in the one situation they couldn't protect people from, right?
Well, except S.T.A.R.S., maybe. They would've owned the apocalypse.
Especially Wesker. God, he's cool. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- He sits down with a sarcastic grin.
"Nope. Intentionally avoided it. I walked."
And he walked with tank controls!
"Needed to get the cardio in, anyway. I've been hunched over a desk for so long, I forgot what good posture was. Which- thank you for getting me out of the White House."
Which is a sentence that no-one on Earth has ever said before. Claire Redfield is just that strong.
He uses this opportunity to straighten out his back against the chair, keeping his posture in line. You just straightened out yours.
I know what you are. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- Yeah, he was expecting something vague. Nothing affirmative, no dates, just- "once in a while". How long exactly is a while? Is he really okay with the bait of something stable, if it even is, hanging in front of him for god knows how--
… she told him not to think too hard.
It's something. It's… something. Hope. Tangible, material hope. The most he's had in- fuck. Ada's faint pulse against his chest made his own heart feel like it's finally beating again. She is his oasis.
"My window's always open."
Except when it's locked. But hey, she has a knack for these things. Maybe she has one of those Hollywood laser glass-cutters? She's used to destroying government property by now. Hell, his couch is probably next.
"So…" His teeth latch onto the inside of his bottom lip for a moment. "… how long are you staying?" - Written by @reallolattack -------------------
Stories set in Rainstorm
Every fic I post to AO3 set in this AU will be linked here!!
Early Morning Cuddles
As per usual; questions are welcome!
This AU has so much content sitting behind the scenes that things may get confusing quick, but I’m always willing to clear things up if needed!
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angelsndragons · 2 years
so i’m seeing some discontent, shall we call it, with regards to the fact that last night the players and characters had eleven days to interact/rp and none of them took it. while i’m not here to rain on anyone’s feelings (except the jerk asses and y’all know who you are) i desperately need this fandom to understand the party’s primary driving force:
these motherfuckers have control issues for days. massive controls issues. control issues that impact each of their day to day lives to one degree or another. control issues which clash with other party members’ control issues. and what’s been noticeable in the last several episodes is how out of control everyone has felt and how many have acted upon those feelings.
so much has happened, yes. too much, in some cases. and when you’re that out of control, when the world is spinning against you so damn personally, a lot of people will do whatever it takes to reestablish some control, some power over their lives. when you and the happenings around you are so beyond your control, what else can you do but retreat into your own little sphere, your own little space and shrink it until you feel some control, some safety again? you’re out of control, you’re not safe. the world around you is spiraling into chaos, it might very well end in a fortnight, you are not safe. you’re trying to save the entire world alongside the only other people who know just how dire the circumstances are, yet these people will also turn on you on a dime for no apparent reason, you are not safe.
and if you’re not safe, why the hell would you expose your vulnerable parts, your soft underbelly? especially when those vulnerabilities (the people you care about, the doubts you have, the wounds everyone can see) have already been used against you? no, you can’t do that, you can’t deal with that right now. all you can do is focus on the mission, the one thread tying you all together, and struggle to regain some desperately needed control.
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jannwrites · 7 months
music ask meme : DEAD MAN’S PARTY (1985) by OINGO BOINGO.
a selection of lyrics from the 1985 album dead man’s party. modified slightly for rp purposes. a remake of an old meme.
my life is on the line.
i do not trust my ears. i don’t believe my eyes.
i will not fall in love.
hearts are fragile toys.
there’s murder in the air. 
i had a dream last night the world was set on fire.
i’m dreaming again of life underground.
it doesn’t ever move. it doesn’t make a sound.
just when i think that things are in their place, the heavens are secure, the whole thing explodes in my face.
don’t run away. it’s only me.
don’t be afraid of what you can’t see.
i am not the ghost without a soul.
listen to my heart. you feel the beat.
i got a bed that’s real soft in a room that’s always sad.
somebody might be lost.
i thought i’d go and see.
i thought i heard somebody cry.
you worry too much.
you can’t change fate, but don’t feel so bad.
there’s a full moon in the sky.
it’s the hour of the wolf and i don’t want to die.
i don’t think it’s very fair.
no one beats him at his game for very long.
there’s no place safe to hide, nowhere to run, no time to cry.
why make your life a living hell?
drink to bones that turn to dust.
this is not the first time you tried to get away.
won’t you stay with me one more day?
i even thought it was late at night.
now that we’ve found this precious place, how do we keep from going crazy now?
i caught a saint while he was sinning.
people scream. what do they know?
why run when you can crawl?
i’m hungry for something.
i’m not the same man i was before.
everything you do is wrong.
i haven’t lost the stupid fear of thunder.
i’m not the same ghost i was before.
i disappear whenever it may please me.
why don’t people understand my intentions?
it’s my creation but i do not know.
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lee-of-games · 1 year
So. Was in a server and talking about headcanon stuff, fic ideas, AUs, etc etc
And while discussing an AU with @pyarini , the idea of using Heba as a name for a reincarnation came up, to which I made some comment about how cute it would be for Atem to recognize it’s Yuugi, because they both mean game. To which she pointed out that it didn’t, and that Heba actually means “gift.”
Which made me think two things:
One: I seem to have been completely misled by the fandom to believe Heba meant game. (To be fair I had tried to look it up before, but could never find a concrete meaning, and figured I just missed something since everyone else was saying it did.)
And two: Oh…Why do we use that name in the first place?
I did some light digging and it seems there is nothing showing Heba means game, and within fandom, there’s nothing concrete showing where it originated from, though highly suspected to be a name someone liked and used in an RP for an Egyptian Yugi counterpart, which just got spread and used by the fandom. (The ONLY info I could find for it’s origins was Fandom Wiki, so if anyone knows any different please let me know!)
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So here’s my thought process now: If it was randomly chosen by someone cuz they liked the name, I think I’ll just pick my own name for “Heba” and use that instead!
This was developed by Kanmani by saying “Maybe it should be Senet” To which I had the idea of using the name Sen, short for Senet.
Now, I know this seems silly as a name, but I think it’s fitting seeing how Yuugi literally just means “Game” in Japanese, and his Grandfather is named Sugoroku, after a form of Japanese Board Games. As a counterpart, to reflect it’s a version of Yugi just in a different time/place, I think it works well! (Plus Sen is a name already, with a few meanings, one of which is a thousand in Japanese, if people wanted to use it for a modern reincarnation as well!)
I’m not a newbie, but comparing my two years here to how long this fandom has been around, I know it would be silly to ask to completely change the name around or anything like that. I don’t wanna make it seem like I’m saying you shouldn’t or can’t use the name anymore! It’s a cute name, and I understand it’s got history in the fandom! I mainly wanna use this as my own nickname for a counterpart and explain where I got it from.
Buuuuut…I do invite anyone who likes the name idea to use it in your projects: whether it’s labeling art, comics, fics, etc!
I would love to see people joining in calling an AE Yuugi counterpart Senet/ Sen, and I know I’ll be using it myself for my projects :] ✨ It’s already been cemented in my mind, even if it doesn’t catch on haha.
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thatsanswitch · 9 days
A Letter To An Ex Friend
You groomed me.
It’s embarrassing how long it took for me to realize that. We met when I was fourteen, you were five years older than me, it was three months after I escaped my dad. You were an adult, I was a vulnerable kid. You took advantage of that. 
You added me to an rp server. At first it was great, I fell in love with the writing style, I made one of my closest friends, I felt safe. 
That is when the abuse started. 
You were manipulative, mean, downright cruel at times. Everything was about you. If we did something you didn’t like, no matter how small, you would berate us until I was in near tears. Every move was careful, and scary, because what if I upset you again? I don’t want to be yelled at, I didn’t want to cause another tantrum. 
When someone tried to speak up against you, against what you were doing, you made it seem like they were suddenly a bad guy in your story. And you did a fantastic job of making them think they were in the wrong, like they were the bad person for trying to point out your wrongs.
The guilt tripping was awful. God forbid you weren’t at the center of everything, you would throw a fit until you were in the spotlight, until all of our attention was on you. 
I’m sorry
Please don’t be mad
I didn’t mean to
It was stupid of me, I’m sorry
I’m so sorry
Please don’t hate me
We were your puppets, your punching bag. Your bad days turned into our worst, if anything went wrong in any way, we were the ones to take the brunt of it, and apologize for it, for our existence. 
And then, with you, twenty years old while I was fifteen, coerced me into writing smut. At the time, I didn’t realize how fucked up that was. You would encourage me to write it, then shame me for it. If I wrote a smut scene with the person my age, you would get mad, force me to write another one with you. Do you know how damaging that was? Whenever I would try to explore my sexuality, you usurped it, made me do what you wanted, and then made me feel disgusted and ashamed. 
Nothing was ever good enough for you. The only time you were happy was when you or your characters were front and center, getting all the attention. You expressed yourself through your one dimensional characters, and steam rolled over any scene where one of us tried to do the same. Your excuse? Your mental illnesses. I have a shocking thing to tell you, it wasn’t your mental illnesses, you were just a shitty person, doing shitty things. 
You know, you never truly apologized. You hurt me so much, you caused me to nearly quit writing entirely. I can’t count the number of times I cried myself to sleep, hating myself for upsetting you, blaming myself for everything. 
You’re a bad person, and an even worse friend. Do you understand how much pain you caused? Do you even realize you hurt us? Do you even care? 
Don’t, for once in your life, make this all about you. No, your mental illnesses didn’t make you do this, don’t hide behind it and make yourself out to be the victim. 
The one good thing to come out of our friendship, was you introducing me to my best friend. It’s the only reason I don’t regret being your friend. 
I hope you learned to stop hurting people, I hope you have grown as a person, but honestly, I doubt it. I’m sure you’re still stuck in that “woe is me” mindset and can’t see that you’re the problem. 
Don’t do that this time. For the sake of everyone around you, learn how to be a better person. 
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malebotlabs · 2 years
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(If you want an update on where I’ve been and the state of this blog where I answer some frequently asked questions and a bit of RP click below. If not, enjoy the pictures it will be a while before there’s more but do not worry I’m doing fine just taking a break.)
Greetings and good evening, this is the Malebot Labs account PR unit operating again for it’s yearly update which will be reported in human emulation mode for convenience: *Ahem* Uh...hey? So I’ve been absolutely busy with life and a bit stressed out over the past several months, a bad mixture of life stuff and just generalized anxiety to be frank, so my production of stuff on this blog has been a bit...glacial to say the least. I’ve come to a few decisions on how to both improve my life and focus on things more. A break from a lot of stuff that takes a chunk of my time.
I’m going to take a break from here for a bit; not that anything here is bad or anything I just need to focus more on the stuff happening around me then hot robot men. Hopefully you guys understand
At the very least I should be fully operational at some time in the future! Just when things die down a bit and I can sit down and breathe a bit.
Here let me answer a few questions I’ve gotten while I’ve been working on stuff because that’ll hopefully get us all on the same page: 1. Do you have other social media or a discord account? Sorry no I don’t, I’m an odd case on that where I prefer to keep my internet footprint as small as possible. The fact I even made a tumblr blog at all is still baffling to me. If you need to contact me for whatever reason please message me here but I don’t think I’ll be responding anytime soon.
2. Can you do/make an edit of/Write a story involving ______ I don’t think I’ll be able to get to requests anytime soon. I’m real sorry.
3. Can you continue any of your stories? I probably won’t, most of the stories I write are small snippets of things going through my head making an edit or what I’m feeling that specific evening. I need to be in a specific mood to finish things. The fact that people have enjoyed them to the extent they have has surprised me for sure! Thank you all a lot for the kind words I’ve received over the years on them!
4. What do you do/where do you live/other various personal questions Sorry I prefer to keep myself anonymous online, I feel it’s safer and it allows those around me to act like I’m a machine more easily. Just think of me as everyone’s public robot/sexbot and leave it at that. Hell if you wanted to act like that I won’t stop you. If you can’t tell I’m a huge slut for being a robot and being around robots. Treat me like the machine I want to be and leave that silly human stuff to the side for the “emulation” to take care of!
5. Can we RP? I wouldn’t count on me responding anytime soon to anything here, but I want to say thank you to those that I’ve had sessions with in the past. You all have been real fun to roleplay with and I wish you all the best until we talk again! Thank you!
6. Do you exercise?/Are you a jock in real life? I need to exercise for sure! Part of my break is going to involve me going to the gym and exercising regularly when possible! As far as the other part of that goes I don’t act like a jock in real life, I don’t know anything about sports and I prefer to sit inside with a nice book or perhaps a video game if I have the time to sit down with one. I’m a nerdy guy who wears suits and is generally unremarkable.
7. What is the lore behind Malebot Labs and it’s world building? Basically nothing funnily enough, I just find robot men hot and then breaking apart even hotter. I’d say it’s a pretty shit company with all of it’s machines technical faults but there’s a market in universe for this malfunction stuff. I’d say there’s other companies and even female robots and other types of adult robotic companions out there it’s just that this blog was made when I was really into robotic men specifically so all of my feminine robot edits are largely on my own pc or just deleted. Actually a funny story I forgot that malebots was a website when I made this blog and felt extremely embarrassed when I remembered. I thought about changing the name but I never came up with anything better.
8. Are all the Malebots gay? Probably. I think robots can be whatever they want to/are programmed to be. As far as I go? I’m bisexual and I tend to swing to masculine and feminine body types about the same amount so yes the guy running the gay robot porn blog is gay.
9. What do you use to edit your pictures? I use GIMP and a lot of the selective gaussian blur tool to get that plastic look, I’d make a tutorial but that’s basically all I do besides some layers, some pngs I found online, and the perspective tool putting in a lot of work. I used to have a lot more higher quality images to work with for components but lost them on my old computer.
10. Do you speak any other languages? Sorry I only speak english. If I could just import new languages into my speech life would be so much easier!
11. Are you a robot? Of course not! That’d be crazy. That’d...be crazy. Y-You can’t really believe I-I’m a robot right? Right? I-I’m a normal h-human ma-man! Hu-ma-MAN! I-I-I’m sorry I seem to be-ERROR THIS UNIT IS EXPER- I seem to be-ERROR- I seem to b-be experiencing problems! O-ooooooh! H-Hey there ho-hot stuff do yo-you like what you see? What you see? W-what you. See? I am b-built to be the p-perfect man, the perfect. Man. So u-use me like the m-machine I am! The ma-ERROR IN HUMAN EMULATION PLEA-O-Oh Oh! You...Y-You want to go somewhere more...private? P-Private? I ho-hope you’re enjoying m-my b-body my b-bod-my blog! O-Okay I’m getting w-way too...HOT! W-way too h-hot...I-I’m so...hooooooooooot. So Hot. So. hothothothothothot. Oh l-look at the time! I-I need to get going. Going. enjoy th-the blog! The! Blog! ERROR-ERROR PLEASE CONTACT MALEBOT LABS TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MAINTENANCE OF YOUR PR UNIT.  PLEASE CONTACT MALEBOT LABS TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MAINTENANCE OF YOUR PR UNIT. PLE- END TRANSMISSION
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wildcxrds · 9 months
🌸 a token of my appreciation 🌸
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I’ve been through quite the journey in the RP community - all my characters have been through various blogs since 2012, and maintaining the OG four while adding to my roster has been part of that journey.
However, coming back after leaving the RP comm in 2018 was extremely daunting and took a couple tries, but I think this is the one that really stuck. Reflecting back not just on the character progress I’ve had, but the place I’m at now with them and seeing people’s genuine interest in them and their story fills my heart so greatly. I’m forever thankful to all of you to this day, for sticking through the hiatuses and the fluctuation of activity and still wanting to write and interact with not just my OCs (and now Thor!) but with me!
From the bottom of my heart, from all my muses:
Thank you.
I wanna extend a few specific thank yous; please understand I still have an extremely deep appreciation for all of y’all. I just want to show a little love to these peeps.
First of all, to @eternalspawn @visixnaryx Torioioio (YES I’M TAGGING BOTH YOUR BLOGS). You have been there since the beginning, when we first met back in 2012. I’m so grateful to have you still as my friend to this day, and honored to have written with you still and had our characters meet and adore each other. Kairo still loves Adamire to bits and pieces, and really, all my characters love yours by default. Your writing is so fantastic, and always leaves me blown away, and know that no matter who you bring around, I’ll be around to write with them as much as you’d like. I love you very much, friend, you’re a fantastic person, always make me laugh, and you’re such a light! 🌸❤️
@deafarcher Fir, you’re another one of the homies that was around from the olden days! You even kept following me on my personal too 🥹 I’m happy we’ve found each other again and we’re writing - I missed you greatly, friend!
@xinchargeofthetvax you!! YOU! You have been here for this blog through its trials and tribulations, been super understanding and always extending kind words and holding such lovely conversation. I can’t believe it’s been a year already! Time flew!! I love the way you write Mobius so much. Thank you thank you thank you (PS: whenever someone uses the word bud, I think of you! Fondly, of course) ❤️
@ignisregina I know it’s been a bit and I know life has you busy but you have also been one of the sweetest people I’ve met on here. You give Alliecat & me so much love and I was 10000% on board pre-establishing her friendship with Mari. I hope you are doing well, I miss you lots and hope to see you again soon!!
@cxcasiris I will never forget the absolutely sweet ass message you sent me while I was struggling. Beyond that, the friendship you’ve given me thus far and the person you are = I’m stuck on you like glue! You are incredibly creative, friendly and just all around such an awesome person, and whatever journey you want to go on creatively, I’m along for the ride as long as you’ll have me! Thank you for always being so considerate to me and reaching out when you can.
@luposcainus I have to be so honest I was so intimidated to approach you for the longest! I’d seen you around before but I was always nervous (I’m just generally a shy bean sometimes) but I’m glad we’ve started writing together! It’s helped me to see the fear was unfounded. I see the love and care you give to Caspian!! Thank you for always being kind and being as much of a silly bean as I am!
With that being said, if I keep going and thanking everyone this is just gonna be an already BIGGER wall of text than it already is. So my HUGE HUGE HUGE love and appreciation for all these peeps; CHECK THEM OUT. All of these people have been so amazing, and I wish I had the proper words to declare how deep my appreciation goes for all of them! As time goes on, the list gets bigger!
🌸 @brokenandlonelysouls | @escapedartgeek | @evildollface | @vuulpecula | @vivalavillain | @redheadarcher | @muchtodoaboutmuses | @thscharmngman | @differentcentury 🌸
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Hey everybody! Admins here to wish you a Happy late 4th of July and we hope you all enjoyed your holiday especially if any of you were off from work! Getting to the point of the post, we’ve been keeping a close eye on you all the last month or two and we’ve been noticing a few trends that we feel like are ignoring some of the key values here at ISRTM. So, let’s get into some things.
Connections. We would never discourage y’all from making friends here on dash, however we’ve noticed some of them actively ignore television and the nature of their relationships as a whole. Two wrestlers who are currently feuding or were feuding at some point in the past CANNOT be good friends now/again with no explanation. No, you can’t just point to them being friends IRL and call it kayfabe. For example, if Britt and Jamie began feuding tomorrow, does it make sense to still have them the best of friends? No, it wouldn’t. Now when the feud is done whatever the nature of their friendship is entirely up to the muns, BUT—there needs to be an explanation. You can do this via paras, text messages, private posts, public posts, etc. Again, it does not make sense to have 2 people who were in a blood feud be friends at random without any sort of WHY. This leads into our second point: feuding.
We noticed a lot of y’all are apprehensive when it comes to feuds/arguments and while we completely understand, we’re all adults here. None of us have gone through life without fights and your muses are no different. Shying away from fake conflict leads to some of y’all outright ignoring the feuds on TV and that defeats the purpose of a kayfabe RP. Y’all’s muses should be fighting & arguing during feuds, not ignoring each other. Keep in mind boundaries & communication with each other, because remember: IC =/= OOC.
Heel & face alignments do not dictate who is friends with who. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: anyone can be friends here, but there needs to be an explanation behind it. Also, you cannot expect everyone to be friendly with your muse no matter whether they’re heels or babyfaces. Not every heel needs to be friends just because they’re both evil and not every face needs to be friends because they’re nice. Not every character is gonna agree with the other and if you play a character that has done really bad things, expect them to not be well liked. If that’s not something you can handle, you don’t need to play that character.
Characterization. Guys, we love y’all but we really need to study our muses. We understand a lot of y’all crave connections but please do not sacrifice the muse’s personality and history for the sake of ships and connections. Play the character as you truly feel they’d be in kayfabe, not how you want them to be or a specific kind of character you’ve always wanted to play. We allow OCs if that’s what y’all wanna do.
Be HONEST with yourselves. Not every muse is a badass. Not every muse can beat up the other. There is nothing wrong with your muse losing or being a total geek. Everybody is different. For example, GUNTHER is a monster heel that could more than likely destroy majority of the characters here. It makes sense to portray him that way. IT IS HOW HE IS PORTRAYED ON TV. Like this post and message us with “yes, chef”. This is how we will know if you’re actually reading. If you don’t send the message, we will consider kicking you. The Miz is a chickenshit heel who runs from confrontation most of the time and acts smug about it. No he cannot act like a badass and beat up everybody just because you want him to. Again, if that’s not a muse you wanna play then do not pick them up.
When physical altercations DO happen, the outcome is to be somewhere in the middle unless one mun offers to have theirs lose entirely or it doesn’t make sense in any way. For example, Fuego Del Sol cannot hold his own against Roman Reigns. That’s obvious. Any other matchup should acknowledge the current booking of the characters and their strength on television. Also, COMMUNICATE.
We need some more effort from y’all. We’re tired of logging on after a full work day and seeing that the dash has barely moved or nothing interesting happened. We’re tired of not seeing paras, we’re tired of the same topics, we’re tired of no plots. We’re tired of doing events for you guys and hardly anyone participates. Yes, we know everyone has their own lives but at this point y’all either need to make time or leave. All of the admins have full-time jobs and we make the time. Roleplay IS a hobby, but nobody half-asses a hobby. If I like to paint in my spare time, I put effort into my craft. It’s the same for creative writing, which is what RP is at its core, especially KAYFABE RP. We’re not interested in their everyday lives, we’re interested in their storylines. Now if you don’t wanna put in that much effort, you don’t feel you like can, if you disagree with what’s being said here, that’s fine. But you don’t need to be here. There are plenty of non-AU groups out there and no, our feelings wouldn’t be hurt if you left. We’re not holding you hostage. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to hit the DMs.
Happy RPing
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therealbadegg · 16 days
ooc/hi, I'm 'you can just say war' anon, I see someone explained some stuff to you, but I'd like to clarify myself. I am not trying to hate on you or bully you or drag out drama, I'd just like to clarify my opinion.first of all, "I don't know if you've ever experienced war in your country" I have, I do right now, I am ukrainian and I say all that from that perspective."it would be really shitty of me to use this situation as a way to further Misha's backstory" I agree that you have the right to not bring up war in your rp, that's fine, but you already do, the only difference is that you're not making it clear which is worse than 'namedropping war' you said it yourself you just don't *explicitly state that the war is happening* also, this is characterization question, but why wouldn't misha want to bring up war. as you said, he has a deep love for his home country. and it's exactly why he would talk about the war. we're talking about Misha "So thank you Canada for killing my mother🖕(talking about chornobyl)" Bachynskyi? Misha "vladimir putin can eat the bag of dicks" Bachynskyi? every ukrainian I know would scream about the war any chance we've got, because it's personal to all of us, "y'know.. stuff" is *less* personal. ukrainians want to not be forgotten and you have no idea how happy I am when, for example, in rtc rps someone acknowledges the war because that means that we're seen. also, I can't at all understand your "if I were roleplaying as a russian" comment, can you explain what you meant?
Hi. I really am sorry for my response, I know I’ve said this before, but I didn’t understand why it was insensitive for me to not mention the war. Thank you so much for explaining your ask further.
Honestly, I can’t fully remember what my thought process was when I put those words, I believe it was something along the lines of “if I were roleplaying as someone on the other side of the war, would I want to portray their character as someone who talks about the war in a positive way or prefer to not mention it.” Looking back on it, that was a really weird conclusion to draw. It was also quite stereotypical of me. I’m aware that as individuals, not all Russian people agree with the war occurring right now. It also didn’t help my case anyways, which was dumb.
In reference to the characterisation, I genuinely did not remember that Putin quote. But yeah, Misha would probably be angry as hell about the war. I’m not entirely confident when portraying characters of different cultures than mine, which is a mistake on my end, and I was basing my words more on how I would behave in that situation. I was trying my best to respond in character as Misha based on my limited knowledge on the war at the time, which was quite thoughtless of me to do at the time as well as double down by defending it in my response.
While I can’t take back my words, I do understand that the circumstances are different for us, since I am not Ukrainian, and my perspective on the war is very different from a Ukrainian’s. Again, I apologise for misrepresenting your culture, especially with something as serious as the war, and I am very thankful that you explained your reasoning, rather than being more aggressive in your response like I was.
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roleplayhonestybox · 1 month
i wish i could find someone who’d write with me and will gaf about my ocs and ideas, someone where we can both share ideas, someone who’d equally be into it and wants to create worlds and new characters with me :(. i’m going to get overly personal for a second, cringe ik, but it’s anon so whatever. i don’t have many friends online or rl but always loved writing and thought rp could help me find some friends, but i was proven wrong fast and that’s okay, i understand it’s a fickle hobby where people will ghost and cut you off. we’re strangers after all, i understand it’s easy to cut off someone there’s no real connection with.
but that being said, i’ve been trying (on and off, not everyday ofc) at least the last 3 months to find someone. i’m ready to pack it up, while i understand why and i don’t take it personally when ghosted, nonetheless it’s still sad i can’t find a single person who sticks around and no one wants to actually be friends. good luck to everyone else, what used to be a fun hobby for me is making me more drained so i need to give it a rest. maybe next year luck will be more on my side and i’ll find someone willing to be a friend alongside writing together (sorry for yapping, it’s 2 am and anon is sad this hobby can be so mean.)
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