#no because it’s rp and he’s playing a character and they’re all having fun
zeb-z · 1 year
wtf is it with political roleplay that gets all the weirdos coming out of the woodwork and putting a damper on things. specifically on twt like can people let the cc’s play characters and have conflict and have fun like goddamn man
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thenerdyindividual · 1 year
Rewatching A Crown of Candy had reminded me how much I hate Saccharina. She is such a well done character. Her expectations are completely out of line with reality. The Rocks family lost Jet less than two weeks before meeting Saccharina, and they’ve had no time to process their grief. They’ve been running for their lives for even longer with out any idea that Saccharina existed, and have had no time to come to terms with everything. Calroy, someone they cared about and trusted, was directly responsible for the state of affairs, including Jet’s death. There’s been no time to process a betrayal that profound. Ruby, Jet, and Liam went from being rambunctious teens to war guys, and they haven’t been able to figure out what that means for them.
Despite all that, Saccharina expects them to play happy families immediately because she’s known of them her entire life. Then, because of her background, she takes every instance of tension as a personal slight. There’s no consideration for what the Rocks have been through because she’s experienced pain too. She is so focused on the distance she feels with Ruby and Amethar, she ignores that the rest of the party has been welcoming to her. Theo gave his loyalty to her within minutes of meeting her. Cumulus bonds with her over Lazuli. Liam is… well he’s Liam. He’s an awkward guy with everyone, but he is welcoming to her too. Amethar is doing his best but Saccharina doesn’t consider that his struggles to bond with her have nothing to do with her. He lost a daughter and now is being asked to accept another daughter he didn’t know about on the heels of that loss. Ruby didn’t just lose her twin, she lost her best friend, but Saccharina expects Ruby to put aside her grief to welcome a new sister with open arms. Just a couple episodes before, Ruby is “warging into Yak so I don’t have to be in my fucking body” and saying she felt like she died the day Jet did. Yet when she tries to explain all of the grief and trauma to Saccharina, Saccharina’s response was “I was born with nothing”.
What makes all this so brilliant (besides Emily Axford’s rp and character choices) is how if the tables were turned, we’d hate the Rocks family. As @anarchycox pointed out, if this was a YA novel where we had been following Saccharina’s point of view, we’d hate Amethar and Ruby for not accepting Saccharina. We’d be raging and saying things like “She’s your daughter! You’re meant to love her, you asshole!” After everything Saccharina has been through, we’d be pissed that she couldn’t get a happy reunion. There would be no question that we were on Saccharina’s side.
It is the only time I’ve experienced feeling guilty about hating a character. Normally, when I hate a character it feels good to hate them. They’re a bad guy and it’s fun to tell them to go fuck themselves. Saccharina isn’t a bad guy, or even an antagonist. She’s is an ally, and a deeply flawed and wounded character.
I still hate her.
It’s brilliant. Emily Axford you’ve done it again.
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kadextra · 9 months
q!Forever & q!Bad, comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin
(little meta rp analysis & appreciation)
Comedy and tragedy- complimentary concepts when it comes to the dynamic that is these two characters.
Their lore together is truly like a soap opera to me in the way it operates, entertaining in how goofy it is- I laughed so much during interrodate. They had a whole elaborate musical prank war over a stolen gun (which neither of them even had, they’re just too dedicated to the bit.) The first thing they say to each other after q!Forever returns from the nether is “You look terrible!” 💀 and my guy gifted a bloody chainsaw as the flower of the day to q!Bad in purgatory 1 which was happily accepted.
Even when the characters show attraction for each other, it’s usually through some ridiculous romcom thing. q!Forever is in love with q!Bad dressed as pink barbie and thinks photos of her are the best gift a person could ever receive?? 🤨 q!Bad daydreams about q!Forever as a lobster with blonde hair and a six-pack??? brother be projecting him onto larry the lobster from spongebob squarepants dude what is wrong with them 😭 sometimes I wonder how they’re able to do all these bits in improv and take it seriously, it’s impressive
The characters are not normal, their relationship is not normal, it cannot be viewed normally. the ccs know exactly what they’re doing in creating whatever *gestures* this is, and it’s amazing. over the top, cute, played perfectly for comedy
But the characters aren’t just that, you can’t have them without the inverse 🎭 like a punch to the gut after all the sillies, they really know how to do tragedy well.
I very much look forward to whenever they’re at the top of their angst game, bc they both LOVE to make their cubitos suffer. to an insane degree. My god these two can’t go 3 days with their characters experiencing some peace and joyful whimsy, they *must* rp their ocs actively dying, horribly diseased, going crazy
And they go hard with it. I’m very serious when I say multiple times during the lore I’ve had to get up and walk away to calm down because it was too intense. super special shoutout to the q!Forever first happy pills arc stream & October 1st q!Bad psychotic breakdown stream. I’ve never been so shocked as I was watching those live, the stamina to do highly emotional rp like that is actually nuts. some of the most angsty mfs on this server fr (the #1 spot goes to quackity though. hey maybe i’ll make a tierlist)
So when Bad & Forever bring the best of their angst ability into serious rp interactions together that Aren’t comedic…? we are in for a treat. that talk they had right when q!cellbit died to the code, the richas rescue mission, the election, voting arguments, post-ron kidnapping, colorblind test/therapy, flower of the day. many scenes that are seared into my mind, but none is more so than The Happy Pills Proposal. goosebumps whenever I think about it… the scene ever. the way it was framed, the lines they said, how it had tense, chilling buildup before a literal explosion. how are these people capable of doing the most silly things and then turning around to stab us in the heart 50 times
So you bet I’m crossing my fingers for a meeting between @v@ & q!Bad. Forever is absolutely killing the role so far. If q!Bad gets involved I can already taste the glorious angst…. since he has specific traumatic experience in also being possessed, & having killed his possessed friends in another life. he recalled the memory when talking about how to save q!Forever last night. fun! *shaking*
anyways that’s all :D love these characters, I had been wanting to do a little meta appreciation post for a while so I thought why not now ^^
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questionthedompler · 29 days
Pinned Tweet Post Thingy W/e + FAQ's
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Blog is 18+ and incredibly suggestive but this blog will NOT be answering sexually explicit questions those will be deleted.
Blog runner is 30+ years old.
Charlie will happily interact with ask blogs, as well as role play blogs, and regular folk too who knows he may show up in your blog comments!
I will break the fourth wall on occasion but not all the time.
Charlie is ENGAGED to Pim of @askpimpimling and they’re very excited about it! Will still happily interact with other Pim blogs though!
Please do not abuse the ask box, do not spam, do not send multiple duplicate asks you will have your asks deleted.
Do not insert yourself into an RP that is ongoing between me and another blog.
Feel free to ask me if you want to plot out a scenario.
Do not try to push your narrative onto my blog or how I rp Charlie. I have my canon, you have yours. I will not tolerate this behaviour.
Asks that are of a violent/sexually violent in nature against Charlie or anyone he interacts with will be deleted and the asker blocked. You are not going to find such content here. Go elsewhere.
Where's Zoey?
This blog takes place in a timeline where Zoey sadly died between season 1, and 2, by being hit by a steam roller. Charlie does not want to talk about it. This is just because she doesn't have enough of a personality for me to build off of, and I don't feel comfortable doing that. Maybe if I'm still here when season 3 starts, and she actually has a personality, I'll bring her back. Who knows, not me!
Is Charlie Gay?
Charlie is a bi-sexual critter here, so that's that.
Can we see [insert family member name here]?
No. While I do lean into my own head canons, I don't want to over step and design family members. The best you'll get is a shadow, or a hand in an answer but that's it. He will talk about them, though, but not too much as again I do not want to flex too much into head canons about characters only mentioned in the show (example being his uncle).
How old is Charlie?
He’s 29 years old. Zach and Michael confirmed his age in season 1 as being 27 years old so now with season two taking place two years later (at least to me) he is now 29. Since we don’t have a canonical birthdate yet, I’ve decided my own birthdate for my Charlie.
Is Charlie trans?
I have my own personal head canon relating to Charlie’s gender but that will not affect anything here. If you see Charlie as trans, he’s trans! If you don’t, you don’t. Just please be respectful!
Do not submit images of overtly sexual nature, violence or worse. If I get a nude pic or anything like that, you’re banned.
I won’t be able to answer every ask please be understanding.
Do not ask me about fandom drama, this blog is for fun.
More to come when necessary!
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anon-402 · 10 months
Maxo’s End of Stream Key Points.
Where he talks about his character, what it means to be dead in the QSMP, and what could probably happen in the future!
The only thing the federation couldn’t control was me; how I die.
Chat: “You can return to QSMP as a ghost!” Yeah, I’m gonna think about it…
I feel a bit upset because I wanted to reach the ship and say my goodbyes to everyone. I wouldn’t get on the boat tho.
Chat: “Cellbit, Mouse and BBH didn’t make it either.” The only thing I know is I’m dead, and that’s what I want for my lore.
I don’t have anything scripted (for the future). I’m gonna miss QSMP, but because I take rp too seriously, there’s no turning back. Yeah, I can maybe go back as a ghost and haunt people, but not as Cubito Maxo.
The rest may survive because they want to keep playing QSMP, but I say my character is dead and he’s dead because he died in an explosion. If dying means not being able to return to QSMP, it’s fine.
Going out without saying goodbye is what makes me mostly upset. (Reads chat) Do a tape? As if I did it a long time ago? I didn’t thought about that. That’s a good idea. I’m gonna ask the Admins.
I would’ve liked to do the tapes these last days, but I wasn’t thinking of committing suicide before. I didn’t know what was going to happen. (The only thing I knew) was that my character was desperate.
Dono: It would be cool if you could return as an old island survivor who helps the others to- That’s something I don’t get to decide, this is not my series. I can offer it, but that doesn’t mean it fits. I can’t go and say ‘I’m gonna return as a survivor’ because it doesn’t mean it can fit (in the story).
For the Federation to take the bomb away from me and me dying is a way to show how powerful it can be. This kind of thing is necessary in roleplay.
There’s people who liked Purgatory, but I don’t like when I have to gain points. My thing is roleplay. Purgatory was full hardcore, and it’s tiring for me to farm points. When Aypierre killed me for rp reasons, I was like, ‘look what you’ve done all because of some points’ (I think he’s referring to the other players having a discussion because of his dead)
If my character had to kill BBH… (groans) I can’t, he’s my friend. I can’t switch my mind because of some points. It didn’t fit me or my character and that’s why I didn’t log in. I was going to get frustrated eventually.
If I went through the island saying ‘don’t kill, don’t kill’, they’re going to say ‘look at this hippie mf smoking weed’.
(Reads chat) What do you mean Purgatory 2? I can’t believe it. At least we are dead (laughs). I prefer the other island.
There’s something lore related that I’m really happy about; Quackity accepting he works for the Federation. I mean– everyone suspected it, but there was people still denying it.
(While laughing) Dude, I took the detonator out and no one listened. I mean, yes, there was people roleplaying and asking me what was it. But it was bad timing, there’re too many interactions. Improvising is hard because not everything is perfectly done as in your head. But I was trying to tell them that I had a bomb, but it the end they stole my bomb’s wi-fi.
Tbh, I was already tired of Minecraft. I played almost every day in the QSMP, I needed a rest. In a way, it’s sorta like vacations, only that I can’t return as Maxo Cubito. I will have to return as Maxo Ritual Challenge or Maxo Mutation Zombie. I think I would have a better time with that kinda role.
(Reading chat saying he was evil) I don’t think I made an Evil Maxo rp, because I never wanted to detonate the bomb. What I wanted to do was to negotiate and get everyone out of the island because I love them. I wanted to scape and then detonate it behind us, y’know?
I find interesting the ending, I liked it.
I will make some tapes, so they realize I’m dead and wanted to say goodbye to them.
There’s people happy about my dead because they don’t like QSMP, but honestly, QSMP is really entertaining, it’s really fun, and behind it there’s really cool people. Every time I logged on I was always laughing. Things didn’t go my way, it was catastrophic, but as a roleplayer, I have to accept what is put in front of me.
The night is young. Even though there are tribulations like my dead, we have to overcome things, move forward and enjoy life. Who knows when I’ll play Minecraft again. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never- no, no never (tries to not laugh). No never. Maybe within a year. Maybe in two. But one day I will return.  
(Quick reminder English is not my first language. Sorry for any typos or whatnots)
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
saw that you had some discussion about the pepito retconning and otipep. i was very surprised to see people hating it so much, and am disappointed by it being retconned.
i read the situation as pepito throwing a tantrum, because pepito is a small child and small children do stuff like that all the time. not pepito not actually wanting roier as a parent. little kids are dramatic all the time.
otipep does not exist and never existed, regardless of retcon. it was the explanation roier made to explain to himself why his child was having a tantrum because he wasn’t in a place where he could deal with it. it’s not reality, they’re not separate characters. it’s just pepito.
You see, the thing about Otipep is that he directly insulted the streamer, and he refuse to "Yes-And" with him, and that's the number one thing in any kind of improv storytelling. They were a different admin from what the audience and Roier were used to, and that's fine, we're used to it. What isn't fine is that Otipep refused to work with Roier and insulted him and ignored him and walked away every time ccRoier tried explaining what he and Admin 07's Pepito had been doing for the past few days. Call it a tantrum, that's fine, but it's also a dick move when it's your literal job to work with the streamers to tell a story. Look at the way other eggs have thrown tantrums, and then look at Otipep.
You'll be hard-pressed to find a Hispanic fan that actually liked the Otipep Day and that's because Otipep came in and immediately and actively destroyed days' worth of storytelling and wrecked a cc's attempts at a story to the point of the cc giving up on the rp for the day and going to build and even getting off the server a little earlier than planned because like? Okay? Sure, destroy yet another one of Roier's planned Lores, it's not like people have been doing that since the first week of the server.
The only people that I've seen defending Otipep at all have been English-Onlies who saw Otipep's English sign and bed basically screaming to the world "ROIER IS A TERRIBLE FATHER AND SOMEONE NEEDS TO ADOPT ME! PREFERABLY SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I TYPED THIS SIGN IN! NOT THE LANGUAGE ANY OF MY PARENTS SPEAK!"
And what happened after people saw that sign? Well, English fans all went "Well this obviously proves that Roier is a terrible father and that Bad should adopt Pepito instead. He's been a bad father all along, and he's just as evil and insane as Cellbit is." This, in turn, started the process of the Hispanic fandom yet again losing a character on the server; at this point, it's legit just Roier and Quackity because Pol isn't allowed online for Lore Reasons and qMaxo is dead and everybody else just doesn't log on as often. Do you see the problem here?
Roier describing Otipep to Richarlyson legit made Richas' admin go "WHAT????" because that was Not professional behavior on Otipep's Admin's part. And that's the biggest thing here, I think: the lack of professionalism at play when you're hired to play your part and work with people "in the spotlight" (aka the streamers) but you aren't cooperating at all. It's like going to work at a grocery store and being told you're working the registers that day and going "No, actually, I'm going to stock shelves". You don't do that at work, and you definitely don't do that live on stream in front of 10k+ viewers.
I work in childcare. I know a tantrum when I see it, and Otipep could be seen as one. But you have to keep in mind the meta aspects here and think, wow, this is fucked up from a meta perspective! Going out of your way to ruin the fun of someone else just because you want the story to go a certain way? Not to be tolerated in any kind of collaborative setting. My dnd groups have kicked people from the table for less.
It got to the point where Quackity himself has to say it isn't canon, and, well. I think we can see that there was a genuine problem.
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fostopia · 2 years
Ok you guys seem to really like both my style and the Tethered AU doodle I did so Here’s more about that au + the old doodles I did of it
The official tags are #tmc tethered au, #tethered au, and #tethered together Starting off! This au came to life after my RP partner and I started up one together based on a plot idea I had. The idea of the Tethered AU [I also call it Tethered Together sometimes] is one that obviously strays from canon (because canon killed my Vol 1 and 2 victim duos, and I love them too much to let them go /p) Basically, after their deaths Mark and Cesar die they become ghosts, both spirits hold a resemblance to how they offed themselves due to M.A.D.-- Mark has a bullet wound and Cesar has a neck wound. [fun fact about Mark, he never stops bleeding. This poor guy stains so much shit] Mark’s ghost has angel wings because of his devotion to religion when alive; his devotion makes him-- in a sense-- holier than Gabriel for apparent reasons; he now has wings.  Now here’s where the Vol 2 victims come in. After Mark and Cesar met up in the afterlife [or well, a few months after because Mark couldn't stomach even looking at Cesar for a while due to alt!Cesar] they ended up staying at Cesar’s house-- after all, being dead means they didn’t have much reason to leave, and Mark doesn’t like being seen by humans. They’re still there when Jonah and Adam show up. The two do still have their argument, but Mark stops Jonah from leaving (by appearing in the back of the van and scaring the shit out of him) and Cesar stops Adam (who wasn’t affected at all) Though these two are a little bit dumb, Mark and Cesar accidentally ‘tether’ to them, so Adam and Jonah are just stuck with these two ghosts.
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I like to imagine that this is the dynamic the quad has
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That’s the main premise of the au I’ve got in writing, but there is something else I plan to dabble in. “What is that” you may ask? Well. You know the little doodle I put with Jonah going ‘I feel an impending sense of doom right now’? That is where alt!Cesar comes in.
I like to imagine that alternates cannot physically attack or interact with humans unless they have a physical body-- the alternate that killed Cesar took over his body.
ANYWAYS Here are some of the little things I have about this au off the top of my head
First about the characters Sarah is included because she plays a minor role :D
Cesar - any/all - ADHD - Mexican
Mark - he/him - ADHD, PTSD, GAD - Filipino American
Jonah - he/they - ASD, ADHD, GAD - Colombian + Peruvian
Adam - he/him - BPD - British American
Sarah - she/her - ADHD - Filipino American
Jonah and Adam are 17 and 18 [ordered by age]
Mark and Cesar were 17 and 18 when they died
Sarah is 19
Jonah and Mark both suffer from general paranoia so they're constantly on edge
Jonah and Adam met in school when they were 9/10 and met Sarah freshman year; she told them about BPS and Adam wanted to take the leap to try and figure out what happened to his mom so he dropped out to focus on it Jonah had a semi-promising future ahead of him but Adam was all he had left to lose, so he dropped out as well to join Adam on his search.
The ghosts are able to go invisible to avoid being seen. Mark is too nervous to show himself to Sarah, so he stays hidden around her.
If I can think of anything else I'll edit this but ask questions if you'd like!!
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randomgooberness · 1 year
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@temothylol you have just plucked the WRONG jenga stick, my friend. 
OKAY SO. the TLDR of this is: Mind(from Freeman’s Mind) puts the sample in the rotator like usual in his canon, but it gets all weird and snaps him into another timeline/universe: HLVRAI, and he’s forced to “go under cover” because the guy who they’re calling Gordon Freeman IS NOT HIM and is likely a government coverup here to replace him- so he has to play it cool as he tries to escape with them. Through this journey he learns the power of friendship and how to not be as much of a fucking asshole. 
This AU is being rped by me and my friend @shineyfish​ ! 
The SUPER SHORT TLDR is: mind makes friends and shit sucks so much but its otay the power of friendship :)
(warning for blood, gore, and talk about suicide at the end)
Like I said, he’s transferred via Resonance Cascade, and thrown into the HLVRAI universe. When people address Gordon by his name, he goes. Oh shit this guy is here to replace me. What the FUCK. And of course when Gordon asks for his name he panics and goes “MIND. MIND YOUR BUISNESS” and it sticks. sorry dude you’re Mr. Mind now.
Unlike how Freeman’s Mind takes place over the span of a day or so, this follows more HLVRAI’s timeframe. Which should be more like 4 or 5 days but I always write it as like. a Month because it makes it feel more like a journey and I like it.
Just like in normal HLVRAI, shit is Looney Tunes and BONKERS, though, like Gordon does, he adjusts to it with varying levels of stress- kinda going into denial as well- though he realizes Gordon is kinda the “leader” as well as is the MOST NORMAL, so he’s the one he talks to the most- and Gordon himself see’s him as More Normal Than The Rest.
He is, however, more suspicious of Gordon because, unlike everyone else, he doesn’t seem like much of a person outside of Black Mesa! Like, sure, he has a Son, but... that’s kinda it? He likes video games? This guy is suspicious as HELL.
(Meanwhile, the ACTUAL reason as to why Gordon is Like That is because he’s the player characters model. His backstory gets made up on the fly and he’s not given as much stuff as everyone else- not to mention, even outside of being a vessel for someone to play a game, he’s...depressed. And lonely. He has identity issues and doesn’t fucking know what he’s doing with his life except for taking care of Josh every third week and then playing video games when he’s not doing that.)
A Running Theme here is: while it sorta takes a bit, they DO become friends! The cost of this is: Mind is NOT USED TO HAVING FRIENDS. Gordon isn’t either but Mind especially didn’t Plan to make friends nor did he Want to, and now that he’s attached to people, he freaks out more over the shit happening around him. Because he has people to WORRY ABOUT. Meanwhile, in Gordons case, he has someone who is “relatively normal” or another “straight” man in this situation, which means that he gets grounded more often and isn’t as mean- but this comes at the cost of, well, dissociation makes it easy to forget what's happening around you and the weight of it. If you get grounded during a traumatic event you Get More Traumatized. So both of them are more traumatized than their source versions LMAO.
As of writing this, we’re almost half way through RPing act 2, and Mind has only JUST realized he can trust Gordon(which I want to draw the scene where he realizes this SO BAAAD ace did a FANTASTIC job writing Mind starting to break the boundaries between what hes saying Out Loud and what he’s saying in his head), and they’re...getting along. It’s really sweet I like them :)
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Another fun thing that they haven’t figured out in RP yet(mostly because they haven’t even realized they’re from separate universes yet), is that Mind is from 2007. HLVRAI is in 2020. I’m not sure how they’re gonna figure that out before they escape but it’ll be really funny. Here’s a post-plot doodle 
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OH AND DONT WORRY IT’S NOT ALL JUST MIND AND GORDON. Those two get along the best bc Mind has very little tolerance for bullshit but he gets along with Bubby okay at first(after he betrays Gordon, he fucking HATES him and it’s hard to repair that). He is Scared of Dr. Coomer and sorta hates him, and he is also scared of Tommy but tolerates him the most out of all of the Science Team post-plot. As of right now in the rp, Mind has attacked Benrey NUMEROUS TIMES. Here’s my two favorites 
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(dr coomer was played here by my friend Newt, though I play him most the time. I just gave them permission to interrupt as him at any moment because its funny as hell)
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I also, just real quick, want to mention post-plot is p similar to my fic Headfirst for Halos, except Mind is also there as a wacky roommate. When Benrey moves in shit is the worst ever and its so funny.
Something I physically cannot refrain from spoiling is the Betrayal Scene. We have no Rped it yet, but we have planned it and the aftermath in-depth and it makes me FUCKING INSANE. 
Basically, like I said, Mind doesn’t trust anything for the first few days- ESPECIALLY Gordon. Also, Mind was going through Withdrawals the first few days(which were only relieved because he eventually told Gordon who started trying to hack his suit to give him some morphine routinely- not too much, just enough to ease his suffering until they got out).
This meant that Mind was very, very prone to shit-talking Gordon behind his back, especially to Bubby. This ends up morphing into a bit of a situation in Act 3. Mind trusts Gordon by then, but still makes a few jokes with Bubby and Benrey from time to time- though he backs out once it starts getting too mean(which is funny as hell because mind is the meanest guy there). Because he backs out, Bubby and Benrey don't trust him to let him in on their plan to betray Gordon, but they don’t throw him into it, either, thinking he’ll be willing to walk away and turn a “blind eye” when it happens. 
...He doesn’t, but he DOES earn a Blind Eye.
Mind dives in to help Gordon, and is IMMEDIATELY overwhelmed by the marines, and suddenly, he’s laying on the floor fighting for his consciousness while he listens to Gordon scream for help.
When he wakes up, he realizes a few things. 
1. He only has half his field of vision.  2. The walls are starting to close in.  3. His first and now Only friend is borderline-dead next to him and missing an arm. 4. The walls are starting to close in.  5. He has to get him, and a guy bigger than him, OUT of here.  6. THE WALLS ARE STARTING TO CLOSE IN. 
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So, with that, he has to, in a spur of adrenaline, drag Gordon and himself out of a trash compactor while dealing with a new disability for the first time. Once they’re Out, he has to sit there, watching Gordon’s suit try to cauterize his wound and wonder if he’s going to lose the first person he’s ever Actually Fucking Cared About. He sits there for a few hours, and when Gordon finally wakes up, he is thrust into the position of comforting someone at their lowest point- something he doesn’t know how to fucking do. 
When he sacrifices his bandana to wrap up Gordons arm and try to prevent further blood loss that the cauterization didn’t seal, Gordon says something that, one, no one has ever said to him, and two, sounds a lot like last words. 
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Gordon has no problem telling his friends he loves them. He said he loved Dr. Coomer within the first hours of the Resonance Cascade. 
Mind, meanwhile, is only just now realizing he has a friend in the first place, and that friend is dangerously close to dying.
Anyways. Mind does NOT trust Tommy when they meet up with him again, but only stops threatening to kill him when he realizes he’s making Gordon freak the fuck out. 
The Dr. Coomer fight. It goes um. :)
And when they meet up with Bubby, the guy throws Mind under the bus and tells him, right in front of Gordon, that he figured he’d be fine with the betrayal because he was Also shittalking Gordon. Up until that point, Gordon was only really trusting Mind(and sorta Tommy), so it’s a HUGE blow that he starts spiraling from, and Mind is forced to show character development by apologizing genuinely as he can to him and telling him that he trusts Gordon with his Fucking Life. Mind ALSO has to go through the extremely unsettling realization that him and Bubby are in more similar boats than he thought, messing with his black and white thinking patterns. 
Mind struggles with the concept that he might’ve just ruined his friendship with Gordon until the guy suddenly announces that, because he’s so bloodloss right now, he cannot lead, and appoints Mind as leader instead. Mind goes through the thought process of “OH YAY GORDON LIKES AND TRUST ME AGAIN!” to “YES. POWER FOR ME. I DESERVE TO LEAD” and then “OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS THE MOST STRESSFUL THING IN THE WORLD”.
another theme, and probably my FAVORITE, is their different stances on life. I’m putting this at the end because it has a Huge suicide warning.
Mind wants to live. He wants to get out of here, and live his life. He has Plans, he is always coming up with More Plans. 
Gordon...doesn’t plan. He doesn’t consider what he’s doing when he gets out- he asks everyone else, and then freezes up when he’s asked in turn. And, in the worst moments, he impulsively tries to die. In HLVRAI, this man has had at least 4 suicide attempts. He only spirals like that when his stress spikes, but it’s still not a good thing at ALL, and a sign that there is something deeper here.
So, when Mind witnesses all this with Gordon, he’s...horrified. The first time Gordon threatens to kill himself, he thinks he’s joking- because like, it was funny. Making a joke about shooting your brains out if you have to swim again is funny. But then when the guy tries to Swim Into A Blade, he realizes he isn’t joking. And he has no idea what to do, because his first ever friend wants to die and he’s already stressed at the idea of losing him from Outside sources.
It’s a contrast that is FASCINATING to work with and we’re having fun toying with it.
anyways thanks for opening pandoras box. I’m sure i have more to say but it’s all stuff ill eventually talk about or im forgetting and will discuss later. feel free to ask questions if youd like i feel insane over this naruto and among us crossover au
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case-of-traxits · 8 months
for the ask meme: Reeve
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, but functionally gay. Because I write Reeve as being Cetra (I feel the need to link this every time I mention it because it's such a wild-ass take that any time I don't, I have confused people messaging me), he's basically extremely paranoid about sexual situations that could end in children. Especially since his mother is always trying to set him up on dates (and he's half-wondering if she's trying to arrange for him to produce more little part-Cetran babies) and the President is always setting him up on blind dates (I have a whole headcanon about this, but basically, Reeve's concerned that President knows).
So with him being so paranoid about it, he just... doesn't have sex with women. Ever. It's much safer that way.
Gender Headcanon: Cis man. Although, that said, I used to RP as girl!Reeve, and that was fun as hell.
A ship I have with said character: HAHAHAHAHA. All of them.
No, but seriously, there's very few people I haven't written/read/shipped Reeve with.
Reeve/Tseng? Delicious.
Reeve/Lazard? Omg, yes, please.
Reeve/Genesis? Don't mind if I do (ship of my soul, currently).
Reeve/Reno? Talk about fucking up my heart okay.
Reeve/Rude? They're wonderful together.
Reeve/Sephiroth? Yep. I could do that.
Reeve/Veld? I can get behind that.
Reeve/Vincent? Mm. So wonderful.
Reeve/Barret? I expect some angst in there, but that's delicious too.
Like, not all of these work with all of my HCs, but I am happy to jettison/rework HCs to make things happen.
A BROTP I have with said character: No matter what I'm doing, if Reeve and Tseng aren't an active couple, then they're best friends. I just. I love the two of them together, especially with all the potential angst between them with their secrets and everything. It's just wonderful.
A NOTP I have with said character: I think the closest thing I really have to a NOTP is probably Reeve/Hojo, but that's a holdover from an old RP partner who uh... we did some pretty dark stuff with that. Like, I can see it, but man, it is fucked up. Especially with my Reeve in particular.
A random headcanon: Hm... I've already talked about Reeve being a Cetra and Reeve being an Inspire... Here, since I went light on the ship descriptions this time, have a small handful of random headcanons instead:
I would say my biggest "obscure" headcanon is that Reeve lives in a 3,000 sq foot custom-built penthouse in Upper Eight.  And yes, I have a floorplan.  One day, I'll do some drawings of the rooms.
Reeve’s blood type is type O negative.
Reeve requires every single Urban Dev employee to wear a carbon bangle with Restore, Ice, and Lightning materia equipped.  They’re also required to annually attend a training known as “Materia Camp,” to ensure they’re comfortable with the basic use.  This is because Urban Dev employees are, statistically speaking, the most likely to be first-on-the-scene of any sort of emergency situation.
Reeve has three small tattoos along his spine.  They’re three Wutaian characters in a straight line, each character a few inches from the previous one, and from top to bottom, they read: Courage, Inspiration, and Resilience.  They’re the same characters his father wrote in the front of each of his sketchbooks.
General Opinion over said character: My babygirl. Look. Reeve is my angel and ... yeah, I'd say he is probably my favorite character in the game.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
Where am I today? I wish that I knew 'Cause looking around there's no sign of you I don't remember one jump or one leap Just quiet steps away from you lead I'm holding my heart out but clutching it, too Feeling this sort of a love that we once knew Calling this a home when it's not even close I'm playing the role with nerves left exposed
-- "Reasons Why," by Nickel Creek.
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theultimateandroid · 4 months
Pinned Directory >>> Rules & Threads
Sorry in advance for the lengthy read, but please bear with me on this? 🙏🏼
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DNI with my page if you’re the following people: dancingdingohub (and associated blogs) or darkhxntrxss, I will not be elaborating into why, but just know that I have my reasons. Still, I won’t overlook that although we may have had our differences in the past, they’re still good people at heart. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THESE INDIVIDUALS! 
𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝓘 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓣𝓸 𝓑𝓮 𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮
I choose to be selective from now on due to feeling safer around certain people. Secondly, please don’t take my kindness for weakness, I don’t like drama and I do put a lot of value on my reputation. Meaning, I don’t like having to get angry or mean with anyone, old friends and new friends included. I don’t want a bad reputation as someone who enjoys spreading drama, someone who enjoys picking on or harassing others, or someone who most people would avoid. But that does not mean I’m going to sit back and just allow myself to be walked on either. I will defend myself and I’m done feeling like I’ve always got to play nice in tense and uncomfortable situations. I choose to be selective because I have had unpleasant experiences with trusting the wrong people. Because I choose to ignore and focus on self-healing, doesn’t mean I’m blind or self conceited about the damages that occurred, I merely choose to not let it hold me in a place of mental un-rest or emotional distress. Thank you, and if you feel uncomfortable in any way, the block button is always an option. I don’t mind.
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𝓡𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 & 𝓖𝓾𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼
01. I prefer to write with people around my own age group (24) because I can explore a vast amount of different genres and topics that I wouldn’t feel comfortable exploring with a minor. I’d also appreciate it if minors in general did not interact with my posts or threads, in which case, I will utilize the block function.
02. Versions of Cell I’m willing to write: TFS/HFIL Cell, DevilArtemis Cell (he’s admittedly one of my bigger guilty pleasures), Xenoverse Cell, DBFZ Cell, Imperfect Cell, Semi-Perfect Cell, Perfect Cell, and Cell Juniors.
03. If you haven’t gotten back to me on a thread within a year or more, I will be dropping said thread. I don’t particularly enjoy being held in suspense and I’m usually a very patient person, so please let me know whether or not you’re still interested in continuing our thread. I don’t usually drop threads but when I do, I will let you know beforehand. This should also apply for you as well, communication is key here.
04. Smut is always a yes if you’re a very close friend or mutual, but if we just met, then smut will be a “maybe” at the most. Also, all suggestive of sexual content will be placed under a read more line. I don’t expect you to do the same, as the way you choose to run your page will be different from how I run my own.
05.  Should’ve said this earlier, but please don’t god mod/power play? If you want to write any of my characters making a minor or major decision/movement, then just ask me and I’ll see whether or not I approve. However, just going ahead and making the choice for yourself isn’t considered good RP etiquette, 
06. I am open to constructive criticism when it comes to my writing, but what I’m not open to is: being forced or pressured into writing Cell to your liking or dulling him down to the point that he’s no longer himself.
07. I prefer not to be pulled into real world issues, or feel as if I’ve got to tell you my opinions on said topics. I honestly prefer to keep my opinions on world events to myself. I’m also here just to have fun and let loose, not start debates on my personal opinions on: current world events, politics, or religion. The least I can give you is this: 🍉🇵🇸
08. I’ll also ask you not to include real world events into our threads, because I’m not joking, I will drop it like it’s a hot potato if you do. Please respect this, and if you don’t, then you choosing to be ignorant will only get you blocked.
09. On Magic Anons, I am open to them, but nothing too ridiculous. The most I’ll have a magic anon in affect will be for 3 days only. You may also come and discuss said anon idea with me if you’re not sure if I’d be in agreement to it or not.
10. I don’t like to sound rude or condescending when I state this next rule, but please don’t expect Cell to be instantly fond of your muse, I love him evil and nasty . And if you can’t handle him at his worst, then you don’t deserve him at his best. (All jokes) Until then, we will just have to see how their relationship pans out.
11. Admittedly, I’m a huge slut for ships. I’m open to same sex ships, self-cest (bc come on, he’d totally do himself if he were given the opportunity), hate-ships, romance, slow burns, you name it! Toss ideas at me and don’t feel like you’ve gotta shy away from the topic. I’m all ears for the most part. 👂
12. Length reply matters somewhat to me, and I only say that because I will not interact with you if I’ve poured my heart into a multi paragraph thread and all you give in return is a one liner or a reply that consists of only a few sentences. I tend to get lost in the story and character so I also apologize if my reply length is daunting at times. It kills my mood to write if I feel as though my partner isn’t returning as much excitement into a thread as I am.
13. “Writing 🍇 content helps me cope with my own SA.” Nuh-Uh. Just straight up block me because rest assured I wouldn’t miss you if you did. Being a victim of assault myself, doesn’t mean I wanna fetishize what happened to me or relive it through writing. I get that everyone copes differently, but that cannot be healthy and it’s just morally unacceptable. That said, 🍇 fetishizers, DN fucking I.
14. Also don’t interact with my page in general if you like writing incest, are a pro shipper, are a nazi apologist/skinhead, racist, homophobe/transphobe, or fetishize IRL criminals. I don’t have time for you sickos and trust me, you’re the kind of people I’d avoid tf out of in real life. If I see any of that shit on your page, no matter how close we are, I’m straight up blocking you. (See rule 14a. below) ⬇️
14a: If your character is a part of a morally unethical organization, for example: the Millennium Organization from Hellsing which is a Neo-Nazi organization or the Red Skull from MCU, then I will still write with you. Hell, the Red Ribbon Army is a blatant nod to the Nazi Party, but I could stand to be corrected on that. Villains aren’t meant to endorse good deeds and peaceful living, at least not according to their set ideals. However, it’s an entirely different matter if you’re actually in agreement with antisemitism, a genocide activist, or endorse racism IRL. If this sounds like you, then my dear sweet Petunia, I’m afraid we can’t be friends.
15. Smut content or anything that is potentially viewed as triggering will be respectfully placed under a “read more” line. This is done out of respect for my audience and for the people I write with. However, whether you choose to do so on your page is entirely up to you. ALSO PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE SOME MUSES I WON’T WRITE NSFW CONTENT FOR!
16. I have a zero tolerance for passive aggressive bullshit, I say this because it’s ended a few friendships before. If you have something you want to say to me, just say it out right and I’ll get the message. I’m not here to put up with anyone’s pretentious behavior and I mean it when I say, I will block you if you’ve been giving me nothing but icky vibes
17. Never talk politics on my page with me please, I don’t need a TW for any of your political banter if you choose to partake in said subject matter, but I won’t talk in depth about politics ooc or ic. That isn’t to say that I’m not aware of what’s happening around the world, but I would prefer not to get into a heated discussion due to our potentially conflicting outlooks. Again, just here to write.
18. Anon hate will be deleted~! Or I might entertain you, be my guest.
19. Due to certain past experiences with over bearing muns and overall stress, I have become semi-selective with OC’s. I understand that it’s not fair to group everyone under the same umbrella, and I apologize if you feel targeted, that is not what I intended. I merely mean to express my caution when it comes to OC’s, as I have had them pushed in my face, been excessively messaged (10+ messages as soon as I arrive online) It can becomes too much all at once. All I ask in return is for you to be courteous and to not overwhelm me.
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okthatsgreat · 22 days
SENDING ASKS AT YOUR REQUEST MY LIEGE. OC asks in particular. ONE. Any songs you associate w your ocs? Which songs for which ocs? TWO. Who took the longest to come up with? Who're you still working on? THREE. Whose arc took the longest to come up with? :) Who still doesn't have an arc? FOUR. Who's the most fun to draw? Who's the hardest to draw? Answer as many or as little as you like... ENJOY!!!!!
vibrates wildly yessss YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONE: any songs i associate with my ocs?
TOO MANYYYYYYY TOO MANYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! FAR TOO MANY. my oc playlists are so scattered and strange bc they’re all a mix of like. songs they would LISTEN to and songs that REMIND ME of them/have lyrics that apply to them lmao. i’ll try to choose a few!!!
- JUST BECAUSE SHES THE CHARACTER IM CURRENTLY PLAYING IM GONNA GIVE HER TWO SONGS LOL. “sinking boat” by infinity song for sadie!! extremely relevant considering the rp takes place on a cruise ship LMAO. song all about not worrying about rocking a boat that is doomed to sink anyways :) feels relevant lol. but the one i think is MOST relevant right now to her is “paranoid android” by radiohead!! told from the perspective of somebody very miserable and paranoid but still finding a way to place herself above others
- “cop car” by mitski for sæunn. literally every lyric of this song………… so good for her. she DOES get mean when she’s nervous like a bad dog. she doesn’t think about the past because it IS always there anyways. FUCK man FUCK!!
- i KNOWWW ive said this so many times before but “the fear” by lily allen for pippy/erin it’s just such a good song for her……. losing yourself to fame the image of stardom you portray…..
- “nothing bad ever happens to me” by oingo boingo for ryobeee :) this is HIS song lmao, truly so in his own head that he can’t feel empathetic to the tragedies around him, especially because nothing bad seems to be going wrong for HIM
TWO: who took the longest to come up with/who am i still working on?
UMMMMM to be completely honest with you ALL of my ocs are in constant states of reworking LMAO they’re hardly ever complete!!! there’s always little minor changes being made all of the time…….. i’m not too sure who took the longest to come up with i’ll be entirely honest just because they mostly come to be like prophetic visions in the middle of the day BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. ryobe took a bit of reworking LMAOO. went from the ultimate tv host to the ultimate prankster to the ultimate content creator, design changed up a whole bunch, PERSONALITY got switch up
THREE: whose arc took the longest to come up with/who still doesn’t have an arc?
UMMMMM honestly as of right now probably sadie LMAOO purely because she’s an rp character that’s in the middle of an arc right now!! however with sae and erin (my other two rp characters) i had a pretty solid idea of what i wanted their arcs to look like (pippy progressing into erin, sae taking on more of her fathers temper). with sadie i ALSO had a few ideas, however it just so happened that chapter 2 fucked her up BAD STYLE and how her arc inevitably ends will depend on how things progress………. teehee :) other than rp ocs i think ries whole deal didn’t really click for me for a bit either, but i really like how tragic it is that when she does truly learn to step away from the persona she had created it leads to her class voting incorrectly and getting sentenced to death . awesome sauce!
oh there are a few ocs of mine that only have vagueish arcs LOL. like mika girl sorry you are vague 2 me
FOUR: who’s the most fun to draw? who’s the hardest to draw?
THEYRE ALL PRETTY FUN TO DRAW i do especially love drawing pippy just because she’s super bright and colorful and always has the worlds LARGEST grin on her face like this -> :D
A LOT OF MY DND CHARACTERS ARE HARDER TO DRAW AND THAT IS SOLELY BECAUSE OF ARMOUR LMAO. i LOVEEEEEE drawing for null but it definitely has been pushing me into more dynamic poses!!! it isn’t super expressive in its face but is VERY expressive in its body language, not to mention how inhuman and strange it’s supposed to look
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asteria7fics · 5 months
I've got a few questions for ya! Where did you learn to write like you do? I read through your newest fic and I'm blown away from how could you write!
And the other question I have, do you ever get worried? I hurt my brain and went down the SP confession rabbit hole, and now I'm worried about my writing now. I'm afraid of falling into tropes and writing these characters to be one dimensioned. How do you get past that?
First of all, thank you!! I never really know how to react when people compliment my writing as a whole, because truthfully I’m still very insecure about the way I write! It really does help to hear that people enjoy my writing style! (,,> ᴗ <,,)
I have a couple of answers to your first question. Learning to write has been a weird process for me if I’m being honest. I’ve always been told that reading is the best way to learn, and while I think reading lots of different things is a huge factor in being able to write confidently, there’s really no substitute for actually doing the thing.
I’ve always loved storytelling, but only really began writing stories down in middle school. Then I started finding RP partners online, and spent several years writing all kinds of stories and absorbing tons of skills from those people.
I’ve also spent an embarrassing amount of time listening to people talk about writing. Story structure, character development, all that jazz. There are several really great YouTube channels that discuss different writing techniques that I’ve taken bits and pieces from throughout the years.
Writing style is a very personal thing though, and while I’ve learned a lot from the way other people write, I’ve also spent a lot of time experimenting with my own voice. I’ve drafted tons of unfinished projects just to see what perspectives I enjoy writing from the most, or what sort of narrative voice I prefer to have. As you may glean from both TSOB and EWILY, I tend to take on a sort of sarcastic tone as a narrator, and for the most part I do that because that’s just kind of how I talk! I’m a smart ass by nature I’m afraid, though I think it also works well in the context of the sillier stories I tend to tell with my SP inspired works.
To answer your second question, yes! I’m always worried that my interpretations of certain characters won’t be enjoyed by the greater fandom, especially as someone who tends to not really vibe with a lot of really popular head canons. My solution to that? I pretend not to care!
Seriously though, I have spent a truly, horribly embarrassing amount of time studying these characters. Between watching the show, playing the games, listening to the episode commentaries, watching character analysis videos on YouTube (I’m a Johnny2Cellos girly myself), and reading some really, really good fan fiction I have put in the time to feel at least a little bit confident in my characterization of the main four boys, and sometimes Butters.
The fun thing about SP is that even Those Bastards play pretty fast and loose with their characterization, though.
Characters like Cartman who tend to have very consistent traits are usually the easiest for me to write. When I ask myself the question “how would Cartman respond to this?” the answer is usually whatever the worst possible response I can think of would be. Then I dial it back a little bit because I’m not trying to get cancelled.
But characters like Stan or Kyle are a lot more fluid. Sometimes they care very deeply about things, sometimes they don’t give a single shit. Sometimes they support one another through everything, sometimes they’re very quick to part ways. Characters like this can be really challenging, especially when you have them alongside characters who are often so cartoonishly villainous like Cartman.
My best advice for writing any characters, but especially for these particular characters, is to lean into their positive traits and flaws equally.
Cartman is actually a great example of this. He’s bigoted, crass and quite frankly kind of terrifying if you think about the things he’s done for more than thirty seconds. But he’s also extremely creative, pretty smart when he wants to be and, in many instances, is shown to actually care about his friends. Balancing all of these traits can be challenging, but it can also result in a more fleshed out, well rounded character.
Another character I see a lot of discourse about is Butters. To avoid making him too ‘uwu sweet baby’, as I often see it said, I balance a few things with him. Yes, Butters is generally very kind and sensitive to others’ feelings, but he’s also extremely gullible and can be a real asshole when he’s around the wrong people for long enough.
Of course, you don’t need to take my advice as gospel. I’m someone who has tried to keep the characters pretty close to canon (less so in EWILY than I did in TSOB, truthfully), but I’ve seen many incredibly written, extremely interesting SP fics that throw much of canon in the trash. Do what feels right for you and helps you to express the kinds of stories you want to tell!
At the end of the day, if you write for you and you enjoy the content you’re creating, then it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks of the interpretations you make. I especially don’t take anything on confession blogs personally, because if one of my head canons really offends someone they can talk to me about it. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Thank you so much for this ask! I had a lot of fun thinking about my own journey with writing these fics, and I hope some of my advice will be helpful for you! Much love, anon! ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡
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dramatisperscnae · 5 months
SHIPPING INFO:// Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Oh hell. Let me see if I can remember all of them Stucky, Wnterhawk, Frosthawk [which I have accepted will never happen but I can dream dammit], Loki/Sigyn [HE LOVES HIS WIFE], Jaydick[any flavor; platonic or romantic], Dick/Babs, Dick/Roy, Remy/Rogue, Hyuroi, Hughes/Gracia[this man loves his wife okay], and the others either don't have an OTP because I haven't found one I like or they're OCs whose partner is another OC and therefore kinda pointless to list here XD
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I'll try anything once. I'm a sucker for soulmate AUs, I'm great with deep platonic bonds -points at both Jaydick and Stucky-, gimme the romance, gimme FWB, just...-grabby hands- ship ALL THE THINGS Haven't ever really dabbled in toxic or hateships, but I would not be opposed to this with the right pairing and partner, either.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
This depends entirely on the relative ages involved, since I have two muses on here that are both over 2000 years old and at that point worrying about age gaps is really kinda pointless. That being said, I will not ship anything beyond purely romantic with muses below the age of 18 as a general rule, and that only because I have two muses with minor-aged verses [Dick and Conrad].
Are you selective when shipping?
To an extent; I ship chemistry above all, so there's no guarantee that - as an example - my Bucky is gonna be solidly romantically attracted to any given portrayal of Steve, or that I the writer am gonna click with the writer of any given Steve out there. Chemistry does not just mean chemistry of the characters; if our styles clash or we don't really mesh well then shipping's probably not gonna happen.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW? 
I tend to be very lenient here, but in general once the bits below the belt start getting named and/or there is full nudity I start tagging. Unless my partner starts tagging and/or readmore-ing first, in which case I follow my partner's lead and do the same.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh lord. Okay. Arthur: Bruce ( @cxpedcrusxder ) Dick: Marcus ( @hacker-codeq ), Roy ( @thecreativeforge ), Clint ( @normaltothemax ), Jason ( @lazaruspitreborn , @messeduphood , potentially one or two others to be determined later) Kyle: None yet Loki: None yet Remy: Matt Murdock ( @defectivexfragmented ) Bucky: Clint ( @normaltothemax ) Corwin: None yet Clive: None yet Greyson: None yet Conrad: As my shameless self-insert I have a list I'd love to ship him with, but none have happened yet XD TJ: I used to ship him with Steve back in the day; currently none. Caspian: Michelle ( @misstisalir ); otherwise, none yet Hughes: None yet Judas: Gabriel ( @misstisalir ); otherwise, none yet Lucifer: also Gabriel XD [it's complicated] otherwise, none yet
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Yes. Like I said earlier, even the 'obvious' ships [like Stucky] might not actually work out between us. Consent is always key. Also, it's more fun to let things develop naturally, that's how the best ships happen!
How often do you like to ship?
So long as there's chemistry, all the damn time
Are you multiship?
100% I have only ever considered limiting ships once and that was because the character involved had just been so built around his ship partner that playing him off anyone else was just weird. That is the exception to the rule here.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
-shrug?- Depends on what mood I'm in at the time and who happens to be loud and demanding XD
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Uh. -looks at current DC obsession- do I have to just pick one? Probably Jaydick, but in all its permutations. It scratches that delightful Stucky itch of 'can be just very deeply platonic but also so goddamn romantic under the right circumstances' and I kinda love it. But also I've a softspot for Batcat when they're written right.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Hop in my inbox and ask; it's a more reliable way to get in touch with me than messenger at first XD Chances are I already ship it to some degree, or will start shipping it if I haven't already thought of it and can see the potential -sideeyes his Aquabat ship with Fox as evidence >w>-
tagged by @defectivexfragmented tagging: You. With the face.
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idkfitememate · 5 months
Crow I don’t know what John Doe is. Only Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone.
But I do know they’re names used for unidentified bodies. I think.
*stares into your soul*
🦌 anon
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Yes, Jane and John Doe are the names given to bodies that haven’t or have yet to be identified yes;
But my darling dearest John Doe is some much more than that!!!!! We love and stan it <3
John Doe is a character is from a Video Game series called “John Doe” which is followed by “John Doe +” by Scopophobia Studios!!
It follows the player, aptly named “You” through a day in their regular life in Uncanny Valley. On the way to work, however, you notice a “man” with pitch black hair and odd eyes staring you down with a smile you’re sure has to many teeth! How adorable!~
Anyway, you should watch a play through or get the game yourself *nudge nudge* because I can’t explain how amazing it is by myself.
All that needs to be said is that he’s just a “normal guy” and I love him! <3 Fun fact, I was actually going to base my page around him, but when I didn’t I had the idea to make a rp page as him! I… didn’t follow through lmao-
… still wanna make an rp page tho… and wanna rp someone…
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dhampiravidi · 10 months
my mental health, measured by how much I like Batman
age 5: Watches the Justice League cartoon every week (@ 8 PM sharp because this is the Era Before Streaming), specifically for Batman. Assumes that Batman is in a relationship w/Wonder Woman, since they keep flirting. Strangely understands/relates when Batman explains that he doesn’t do romance since he’s “a rich kid with issues”.
age ??: Is Batgirl for Halloween, which really just means she’s Batman in a costume designed for small girls her age. Doesn’t know why there’s little fins on the gloves, but thinks they’re fun to play with.
age 13: Her drawings all consist of tic-tac-toe (played solo), rough 2-D boxes (drawn to manage anxiety), cartoonish cats (meow) & Batman symbols. When asked to answer a prompt about who she’d invite to her dream Thanksgiving dinner, she writes a story about Batman saving her from Joker. This Batman goes to dinner with her and Jack Skellington, then later adopts her as part of a story that will take up at least 1 whole composition notebook.
age 15: Her main RP OC is the daughter of Batman, a semi-polished version of the self-insert she created a few years earlier. She’s upset when she can’t find many people willing to interact with an OC.
age ??: She develops the disturbing theory that she herself could be the version of an archetype who lives on Earth-33 (what DC Comics’s Prime Earth aka Earth-1 would call our Earth/the “real world”). In other words, she only is interested in her DC OC & various fandoms because she is the amalgamation of versions of herself who were sent to Earth-33 as their respective universes were dying. As a result, every fictional character crush would have been her actual love interest (or at least someone she actually knew) & she’s constantly having nostalgia for lives she can never experience.
age 17: Has dreams where Bruce Wayne is her biological father, who occasionally drops in to offer helpful advice or money (private school costs a lot).
age 23: Is seriously wondering whether living in the crime-riddled Gotham City (& by extension, the DCU) as Batman’s daughter would be worth it. Benefits would include getting to help people & go on adventures as a vigilante, having a big family of relatively nice people, ALFRED, not having “should this job be my career?” be 1 of the biggest worries in life, etc. Occasionally feels bad for crushing on SO MANY fictional people.
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auntphibian · 2 years
Playing a Bard Tips!
not Scanlan but want to play a really good bard? read ahead!
so I LOVE and I mean LOVE playing bards. Bard and Paladin are my fav classes to play, but honestly I would say I’m best at bard. literally every DM I’ve played a bard under has complimented and given me special items because of how I play and I think I can give some handy tips. 
tip 1: use rhymes and this cite specifically https://www.rhymezone.com/ 
when giving bardic inspiration I always (except a few times) have a rhyme to go with it. saying “I play my lute” is fine but making little rhymes really pulls other players in. it’s also way easier than trying to write an entire song like Scanlan does, plus I can’t sing and it doesn’t take up as much time. 
tips for rhymes, find words you associate with each PC. 
look up rhymes for fighter, ranger, cleric ect. and try to make it fit. for example “he’s rather esoteric, our cleric, far from generic, and never barbaric, he’s calm even when I’m hysteric”. all of those come up when you look up Cleric. it’s a short inspiration that can fit most clerics but will make the one you’re inspiring feel good.
rhyme with names. names especially make other PCs feel good because it’s generally unique to the character. however names are hard because rarely will names fit perfectly in a rhyme, so just grab the last part. like if their name is “Zaram” you won’t find a rhyme, but you will if you look up “ram”. of if their name is something like “Garcar” pronounce it out loud and find a word that sounds like the last part. “car” is pronounced like “sar” which sounds like “Czar”, now you have a rhyme. “my friend Garcar, is a little bizarre, but careful if you Spar, because he’s a rock star”.
situations are great too. This could be based on the mission or recent RP. if you’re fighting vampires look for vampire rhymes, if you’re fighting goblins look for goblin rhymes. An RP example, in my current bard, Meku’s, game the barbarian said something like “I longingly look at the hammer” so my rhyme was “making quite the clamour, I don’t mean to yammer, but you seem enamored, you really want that hammer!”. It adds to the RP they already started and makes them feel heard. 
Tip 2: tell Jokes
I always play horny bard characters so my jokes are usually dirty jokes, but this doesn’t just apply to that. Really lots of situations call for jokes, or you can just make it a character trait they always tell jokes. This really brings RP out of people. Similar to before, look up jokes based around class, RP, or situation. A PC likes jewelry, look up jewelry jokes. Dumb blonde jokes can become dumb barbarian jokes. Fighting vampires, look up vampire jokes. Call out who you want to RP with like “my PC scoots closer to other PC and nudges them saying ‘There’s a bunch of food set out, we must be in the vampire’s casketeria!’” this will ALWAYS get a response. A groan, a “they roll their eyes”, a “they laugh”, or anything else. Now you have a dynamic set up with that other PC. 
This can happen during combat too. Spells that involve talking, like silvery bards, vicious mockery, or really any, can just have you making a joke as your spell casting. For example I like the Spirit bard subclass, in it you have different tales on a chart. So I looked up jokes based around those charts. One was “clever animal” so my joke was “people say dolphins are as smart as humans but I think they’re jumping to conclusions”. This led to the party talking about what a dolphin is and how smart they might be. It was fun, simple, and relaxed RP that made the party feel closer. 
Now jokes are hard, I suggest just stealing off the internet. You don’t have to be crazy creative with it or anything, if anything stupid jokes are more fun. However, you will have duds. There will be times where your jokes aren’t recognized and you will feel crummy. Just move on and don’t let it get you down. 
Tip 3: give gifts!
I can’t express this enough. Non-mechanical gifts do WONDERS for RP. Most of my bards make friendship bracelets for the party and this always goes down amazingly. A special card or pressed flowers, or a trinket made into a necklace, all things that will really just make the other PCs feel special. I’ve had campaigns end where the PC describes being buried with their friendship bracelet. 
Also, make a big deal of it if someone gives your PC a gift. Talk about them putting it on the desk in their room, or a special pocket. Say “thank you” in whatever way feels character appropriate. If it’s a big deal to your character say they tear up, if it’s small slap their shoulder, that sort of thing. 
I’ve never had a DM charge my PC more that a silver for these sort of gifts because they recognize that it’s good for building party cohesion. 
Tip 4: fashion
Give your bard a style. This could be a cowboy, or Gucci, or like a fool, or in Meku's case, like a spirit Halloween store. It makes them stand out as an individual but also gives other PCs something easy to work with. You make a bad joke and they say “oh quiet cowboy”. 
Speaking of cowboys, make your character wear a hat of some sort. There is so much description you can do with a hat alone. Someone casts gust, “my character holds their hat in place”. Under the frightened effect “she hides her face in her hat”. It’s also a easy target for other PCs. a rival PC might teasingly knock it off their head, one might ask to wear it, other might brush it off for you. It’s a very stylistic item that doesn’t have to be tracked or anything so it makes just randomly bringing it up easy. I’ve had other PCs start wearing the same style of hat as my PC. 
Ask other PCs to help with style. If someone mentions their character’s hair cut, say “oh my god it’s beautiful, could you style my hair”. Y’all, a hairstyle is the strongest of RP bonding things. I guess because it’s almost always visual so all PCs have thought about it. From “let me braid your hair” to “can you cut my hair” or “what products are you using” it’s amazing. It can really apply to any aspect of style but hair is just a insanely easy and simple way to build a bond between PCs. 
Lastly, have a key color. This is super important in my opinion. Give your bard a favorite color and use it OFTEN. Meku’s favorite color is purple. All her magic is described as purple, all her clothes are purple, if she’s buying an item she asks for purple, ect. It’s again super easy but a huge way to make your bard stand out within the party and seem extra charismatic. 
Tip 5: describe EVERYTHING
You don’t need to write a novel's long description or anything but every little description makes you seem more charismatic. When Meku casts dimension door I say “you see a sparkly purple door open up as she uses dimension door.” polymorph, her animals are always described as purple and sparkly. Last session had a good one, she used heat metal then fire bolt I described it as “she glares at the man, blows into her cupped hand like she’s blowing on a ember. Then removes a hand and flicks her middle finger up with a fire bolt going into his face”. It’s not super long but adds a lot of character to the bard and adds visually to a fight. It also got a few laughs because it killed the guy. 
I recommend giving your character an element or material as a theme. I’d clear it with the DM that you aren’t changing damage type, just taking creative liberty with description. If your bard is water themed, describe things like cure wounds as “a faint mist sprinkles over you and you heal for__”. Eldritch blast could be flicking water droplets off your hand. Heat metal could be boiling water, haste could be tossing them a drink. These small things really just add a lot. 
Feel open to act a fool. I’m sure a stern bard can be fun but I have the most fun playing the class clown style bard. You fail a dex check at catching something, say “I got it!! Uh.. oops” or “she puts her hat up like a shield and gets knocked on her ass”, “eats dirt” is another good description. It makes your character seem endearing and makes you seem really good at handling failure. In a weird way it makes your character cooler. A stern fighter who is gruff and strong getting knocked prone will seem embarrassing because the character is supposed to be cool and competent. A silly bard getting knocked over then making a joke as they jump back up makes it seem like nothing can affect your character. Everyone will fail at some point so being foolish with the failure just makes the character seem more charismatic. 
Tip 6: have a journal or doc 
I always make journals for my bard and bring it with me. In my spare time I’ll write down jokes or rhymes or descriptions of spells. I divide the journal up, spell descriptions in one part, jokes in another, and inspiration rhymes in another. Divide inspiration rhymes up by PC and have a general section as well. Cross out or add a checkmark when you use the joke or rhyme so you can keep track of what you’ve used already. For spell descriptions just add a brief description and have it handy for when you cast. “Mending looks like bright red thread weaving through the material and magically joining it together” then when you use it say “you see red magical thread sew the two parts of the page back together”. I forget to describe spells a lot so having the page open helps you make it fit the situation. 
Inspirations are especially important to write down. I have been playing bards consistently for the past 5 or so years on a weekly basis, but even I have a hard time coming up with a rhyme in the time it takes to get to my turn. Have back ups written down. Sometimes you’ll just need to be honest and say “I don’t have a rhyme right now, but inspiration to pc”. However you look like the best player in the world if it’s consistent. It’s not a ton of extra work but it seems like it in the moment to everyone else. And they do appreciate it. I get DM inspiration frequently because my DMs really do enjoy my silly 4-6 line rhymes. I do keep rhyme zone pulled up with my dnd beyond so I can make a spur of the moment rhyme, but most of my rhymes were thought about at work, or school, or while driving, or wherever.
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