#pepper pots 'n' pans
daily-lalaloopsy · 2 years
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Today's doll is Pepper Pots 'N' Pans!
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lolohe12 · 2 years
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The next Lalaloopsy coord is based on Pepper Pots 'N' Pans 
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itsthequeercryptid · 2 months
Making Lalaloopsy characters in Picrew (part 3)
Original picrew by hellosunnycore: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1469769
Pepper Pots ‘N’ Pans 🍽️🥘
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Ace Fender Bender 🛠️🛞
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Peppy Pom Poms 📣
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Swirly Figure Eight ⛸️❄️
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Suzette La Sweet 🎀🐩
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Holly Sleighbells 🎄🦌
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Rosy Bumps ‘N’ Bruises 🏥🩺
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Ember Flicker Flame 🔥🚒
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chelseeebe · 5 months
too sweet (for me) p2
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lines begin to blur between his two lives, eddie feels hopeless at any semblance of keeping you away from that side of him. how does he fair when murray drags you kicking and screaming into this world?
a/n: so perhaps this is a little dramatic and very soap opera-esque but it was so much fun to write! i have a little thing i’d like to write for a part 3 but it is very much domesticity and sadness so we’ll see hehe <3
read part one here.
18+. mdni. smut. mentions of drugs and crime references throughout. eddie munson x fem!reader
eddie lingers over your shoulder, catching glimpses of him in the mirror as you fluff your hair and pucker your lips. he likes to sit and watch you get ready, just like how he used to watch his mom when he was much younger.
“so where are you going tonight?” he queries, a hint of territoriality about his question.
you shrug, swiping the lipgloss over your lips, “probably ace’s.. i don’t know yet,” meeting his eyes through the mirror.
admittedly, it had been a tough few weeks. he shut down for a few days, restricted to his bed as you cleaned up the mess he brought home. you were just grateful to have eddie back, the colour slowly coming back to his face thanks to your gentle love.
“i’ll take you,” arms snaking around your waist, “unless you wanna stay?” peppering kisses to your neck, the sweet scents of your overzealous sprits of perfume overwhelming his nose.
you giggle, though you make zero effort to shake him off, “i’m going,” wrapping your hand around his arm to keep it from travelling any further up your dress.
a tiny sense of guilt hits your chest, he was still shaken by whatever had happened. you’d practically moved yourself into his apartment, taking care of him for weeks. he’d rarely been alone since the day he’d stumbled in here with bloody hands and a newfound stammer.
“okay,” he relents, “what time do you think you’ll be done? i’ll come and get you,” face nestled into the crook of your neck.
you wouldn’t put it past him to just wait outside for hours, ready and waiting to see you again.
“why don’t you just come? i’m sure the girls won’t mind.”
he shakes his head, planting one last kiss to your shoulder before letting go, “no no.. you have fun,” nodding, as if to assure himself that he’d be fine.
eddie drives you right to the door, ignoring the disgruntled bouncers trying to get him to move. “don’t do anything stupid, i’ll be here when you’re ready,” squeezing your knee as you gather your bag from the floor.
you lean over the leather console, pecking his lips, leaving a small smudge of glittery gloss as you go.
“yessir.. love you,” before clambering out of the car, knowing smile plastered across your face as the door shuts.
there had been a sense of uncertainty about saying it, though you’d felt it for a short while now. only solidified by the last couple of weeks and the newfound upset you felt to be leaving him. it was like all your feelings were merged into one, dread bundled together with excitement. a scary but otherwise comforting feeling.
he immediately rolls your window down, leaning forward to catch you properly, “what? what’d you say?”
you shrug, scampering off into the queue as he watches, mouth hung open in sheer shock.
what you didn’t know was that eddie had been toying with the same sentiment, adamant to not scare you away but otherwise desperate to tell you.
he pulls off, beaming from ear to ear, counting down the seconds until he sees you again.
you perch on the marble countertop, legs swinging as eddie accidentally brushes past for the thousandth time, hand lingering on your thigh for a few seconds too long. the pot threatening to boil over if he keeps neglecting it in lieu of you.
“why’re you looking at me like that?” he asks, resuming his position at the stovetop.
he’d carefully perfected his little chef routine, throwing god knows what into the pan as if he had any clue what he was doing.
“i just can’t believe that you’re cooking for me.. have you ever even used this kitchen before?” chuckling at him, wishing he had gone all out and worn an apron.
“what the hell are you talking about? i cook all the time,” smooth talking, attempting to distract you from the near burnt pan of food in front of him.
“i don’t believe you,” you tease, glancing wearily at your supposed dinner. knowing damn well that he’d be on his way to pick something up in the next half an hour.
he leaves his station, faux-angry stare on his face as he leans on your knees, “you won’t be having any of this if you’re gonna keep being rude.”
the buzzer interrupts before you can insult his skill, or lack thereof, any longer.
eddie frowns towards the door, “i’ll get it,” trying hard to palm the cooking onto you.
“no no,” you hop down from the counter, “you try not to burn anything else and i’ll get it,” already out of the kitchen before he can protest.
the door opens to a man you’ve never seen before, glasses and crazy hair accompanying his toothy grin. those two goons eddie has to babysit sometimes are stood behind, looking as foolish as ever with their hands over their chests.
“ah! just the woman i wanted to see,” he beams, pointing into the apartment, “can i come in?”
“i’m sorry- who are you?”
but before the maniacal man can answer, eddie begins from behind, “let him in,” voice full of regret, you had wished you’d never hear it again.
you open the door wider, watching as they file in to the apartment. dumb and dumber barely able to walk on their own two feet without tripping over each other.
your eyes meet eddie’s but you can’t place whatever it is he’s trying to say. a look of warning maybe, hesitance and slight fear in his usually soft eyes. you’d figured it was something to do with his work, maybe the scene you had walked into those few weeks ago.
“have a seat,” the man smiles, gesturing towards the sofa.
they sit strategically, boxing you into the empty seat in between those two idiots. forcing you apart, a twisted mind game you wanted no part of.
eddie looks wracked with worry, sitting in the empty seat next to the other man. you want to jump up, order them to leave and do this some other time.
“i’m murray,” the man announces, staring right into your soul, “i work with eddie here.. for.. what is it? seven years now?” thumping eddie on the back.
he nods, chewing on his lower lip, choosing to stare at the floorboards rather than you, which stings a little.
“anyway! i didn’t come to small talk, i’m sure you two are very busy with whatever it is you young people do in your free time,” murray scrunches his nose, returning his heavy gaze to you. “i have a problem, you see, i’m a salesman, i sell things and to sell things, i have to get my product to different places,” nodding along with his words.
your eyes flit between him and eddie, figuring out exactly what he was asking.
“so,” he begins again, leaning forward, elbows pressed to his knees, “i need you to take it there,” not looking at eddie or either of the two losers beside you.
you. he was looking at you.
eddie interjects, “no, absolutely not,” jaw clenched taut, his fists balled by his sides.
“i didn’t ask you,” murray spits back.
you can see eddie’s chest heaving, anger bubbling through his body.
their eyes fall back to you, eddie blinking rapidly. it’s like he can’t believe you’d ever agree to something so stupid.
“well all you’d have to do is take.. a bag down to.. mexico.”
“-mexico?” eddie interrupts again, jumping forward in his seat.
murray’s face turns to confusion, “is that not what i said? jeff! is that not what i said?”
jeff nods along, “that’s what you said,” like a creepy puppet doll, obeying his master.
“she can’t.. mexico, murray? that’s too far-”
“and why can’t she, eddie?” turning to face your boyfriend, a stern glare plastered firmly on his face, “i’m not hearing any objections from her, so what’s your problem?”
eddie looks up, catching your eye, chewing on the inside of his cheek. he’s swallowing whatever objection he has contained on his tongue. but you’re not stupid.
you either do this or your life gets very complicated, you’d seen enough movies to know that men like murray don’t fuck around.
“okay,” you say meekly, holding eddie’s gaze in hope that he’ll understand, that he knows you well enough now to know that you’re agreeing for both of your sakes.
“great,” murray beams, “my cousin has an apartment down there, you can stay a few days.. enjoy the scenery, whatever i don’t care,” ignoring eddie’s huffs of defiance.
you don’t remember a lot of what he says next, talking about the drop and other insignificant details. eddie volunteers to head down before you, wait for you in mexico to ensure everything goes to plan, which you appreciate.
they get up to leave while you’re still sat weighing up your decision and how badly this could end. eddie walks them to the door, glad to see them gone.
murray yanks him out of the door, tight grip onto his arm, “you wanna buy her a nice shiny ring?” glowering directly into his face, “or a big house so you can knock her up a couple’a times before you give this all up? hmm?”
eddie swallows, adams apple bobbing nervously in his throat. but nods, because he does want that. it’s all he’s wanted since he met you.
“then you’ll do whatever i tell you to do, okay?” face only mere inches away, “this is how you get those things.”
eddie doesn’t say a word as he stomps back in, heading straight for his bedroom without so much as a glance toward you.
his cold shoulder cuts deep, wedging a lump into your throat. you did this for him, for both of you. it wasn’t as if you had much choice between going to mexico or losing eddie.
you creep into the silent room what felt like hours later, heart aching for just a hint of reassurance.
he’s sat on the bed, facing the window, back to the door. you don’t want to startle him but feel absolute desperation to talk to him.
“eddie?” speaking quietly into the room.
he sighs, shoulders relaxing at the sound of your voice.
“i’m sorry if i said the wrong thing.. i was just trying to help,” blinking away the sharp tears threatening to spill.
you linger in the doorway, wary of the thick cloud of tension that had settled over the apartment.
“i’m not.. angry at you,” standing at last, turning to face after an eternity apart. he slinks over, ashamed of his own actions, he had never wanted to make you feel like this. “i didn’t want you to get involved in all this shit,” shaking his head as he walks over, throwing his arms around your sunken shoulders, “i don’t wanna lose you.”
you rest your cheek on his chest, slinging your arms tight around his waist, “you’re not going to,” and you meant it.
- eddie’s pov -
eddie has nearly thrown up at least twenty times since he’d left you for the airport.
he was going to land in mexico a couple hours before you hopefully arrived.
the plane journey is long, his only thoughts being you. if you were safe. if you’d made it onto the plane or not. watching the clock, waiting to just land and be one step closer to knowing.
murray had swindled his friend into letting you stay at his place for a few days, a large villa not too far from the airport. it’s warm and he’s sweating through his clothes, dumping his bag on the floor without a care in the world.
stepping out onto the balcony and lighting a cigarette whilst simultaneously trying his hardest not to hyperventilate. you should be on the plane by now, somewhere 3000 miles above, safe and sound.
squishing all of the echoing thoughts of what if or the images of you in a cell somewhere in mexico. it does nothing for the churning in his stomach, tossing the half-finished cigarette off into the distance somewhere.
eddie is restless, buzzing around the house as he waits rather impatiently for you to waltz through the door.
you should be here by now. the blazing sun finally setting in the sky, though he’s still sweating.
the clock ticks loudly, as if it were taunting him. every second you’re not here, he descends further into his despair, heart pounding as he paces the creaking floorboards.
a short wrap at the door makes him jump but he wastes no time in answering it, throwing the door open to find a strangely docile and calm version of you. polar opposite to how he had spent the last few hours.
“oh my god,” breathing a sigh of relief, unable to stop himself from lifting you from the ground, spinning around the warm evening air as you shriek.
you’re still elevated when he puckers his lips, attacking any skin he could get ahold of. a chorus of high pitched squeals and giggles coming from above, sending his heart into a frenzy.
“put me down,” you order, whacking him on the back, right between the shoulder blades.
he does as he’s told, still clinging onto your waist, fearing you’ll just slip away again. he felt a thousand pounds lighter, to see you, hold you again after only a few hours.
“you’re okay? how was it? did anyone stop you?” going a million miles at once, keeping you at arms length as he examines your face.
“it was fine,” you chuckle, your nonchalance a little unsettling, “nobody even looked at me,” shrugging your shoulders as if you hadn’t just smuggled a kilo of cocaine over the border.
“jesus christ,” eddie exhales, cupping your cheek in his hand, “you’re not doing that again, i’ll kill him if he asks,” he thinks he might just kill him anyway. his heart had nearly given out a hundred times, hell would freeze over before he ever let murray do something so stupid again.
“okay okay,” you brush past eddie, fed up already of his incessant coddling, marvelling at the view outside the apartment.
he slings your bag over his shoulder, joining you at the window, “nice, isn’t it?” knocking his elbow gently into your side.
he’d already envisioned how he would have you bent over the balcony later.
“let’s go out tonight,” looking toward him with your sparkly eyes, “i want to celebrate not getting arrested.”
eddie’s head lulls to the side, trying to hide his disappointment. “do we have to?” grabbing your waist to pull you closer, brazenly attempting to get you to stay here.
“yes,” you order, palms flat on his chest, “if you love me, you’ll go.”
you’re squished into the tiny booth, legs draped over eddies thighs as people come and go all around. he’s not interested in anything else going on in the busy bar, just you.
sharing lazy kisses between drinks, his hand resting on your thigh, ever so slowly inching upwards.
eddie hadn’t even wanted to leave the house, hoping you’d spend three days fucking your way around the furniture.
instead, you’d somehow convinced him to go out. though he couldn’t resist when you stepped out with that tiny dress on, sitting perfectly on your hips.
your nose brushes against his, breathing in the thick air that sat between you. the room could very well be ablaze right now, but eddie wouldn’t even notice. too consumed with you, palming at the inside of your thigh as his eyes gaze into yours.
“‘m gonna get a drink,” he breathes, squeezing your thigh before shifting your legs back to the floor.
he dares to look back when he reaches the bar, eyes immediately drawn to the six foot something adonis now lingering by the booth.
eddie wasn’t particularly jealous or insecure, secure in the fact that you were his and nothing would change that. but he couldn’t help but let a little envy seep into his eyes.
a fire burning in his stomach at the sight of you chittering away to this stranger. you weren’t a stranger to attention, not one to shy away. so why should you now?
he grits his teeth on the walk back over, grip tightening around the glasses, prepared to smash them over this pricks head.
“who’s this?” painting on his fakest smile, sliding back into the booth next to you.
you glance at eddie, just long enough for him to see that terrible glint in your eye. preparing for trouble.
“this is..” reaching out for the strangers arm, “sorry, what was your name again?” batting your lashes, an act eddie was used to and yet, still detested.
“alejandro,” the man purrs, taking your hand in his.
eddie resists the urge to jump across the table and wring his neck. biting on his cheek rather than letting what he really wants to say out.
“alejandro,” you echo, all starry eyed.
he’s not going to play up to it, well aware that you don’t actually give a shit about the chiseled man. you just want a reaction from eddie, maybe throw his weight around a little so you could reward him later.
you look back at eddie, pouting a little when he doesn’t give you what you want. confusion plagues your expression before you quickly drop the man’s hand, displeased with the reaction, or lack thereof, you had been given so far.
“it was nice to meet you,” eddie nods, shooing him away without so much as a look at you.
he slinks away, leaving the two of you sat in uncomfortable silence. taking careful sips of his drink, calculating his next move as he was sure you would also be doing.
“d’you wanna go home?” you pry, attempting to snake your arm around his though he doesn’t budge.
“do you?”
your eyes flash with hurt only momentarily until a lightbulb flickers and you realise getting him home means one step closer to getting what you’re fiending after.
eddie nods, standing from the booth, “lets go then,” more so barking his order rather than asking.
and you’d follow along like a dumb little dog because the result was always always worth the temporary wait.
eddie’s a smart man, at least sometimes.
he’s wise to your games and refuses to rise to it. flopping onto the bed, watching as you dance around the room, antsy and eager for his reaction.
his hands are itching to touch you, enjoying every last second of you flitting about, the anxious eye contact as you get ready for bed.
you’ve just about had enough when he doesn’t react to your new pyjamas. not even a nod of acknowledgement. nada. nothing.
“eds,” you huff, jutting your bottom lip out as far as it’ll go, “is that it? you’re not even gonna talk to me?”
he pulls his eyes from the window, containing his smirk. you’re putty in his hands and you don’t even know it, falling right into his trap.
“what? i’m talking to you right now?”
the mattress dips as you climb on top, “you’re being weird.”
“i’m not being weird?”
your nostrils flare, tired of his silly little act. taking matters into your own hands by clambering onto his lap, perching atop of his thighs.
“stop being a dick and touch me,” you pout, practically begging for an inch of his attention. your hands grab onto his, placing them on your waist in an attempt to make him do something.
eddie weighs up his options, deciding that pushing your buttons one last time would make everything all the more worthwhile.
he lets his arms flop back into the bed, sighing softly, “baby, i’m tired,” jutting his chin to the sky, urging himself to not just toss you onto the bed and pound you into the mattress.
he hadn’t anticipated your reaction, climbing from his legs to stand beside him, “maybe alejandro would touch me,” you spit, turning to stomp out of the room as if he wouldn’t chase you to the ends of the earth.
eddie jumps up, bounding after you to grab your waist, pulling you back toward the bed with a squeak.
“too fuckin’ bad he’s not going to then, isn’t it?” pinning you between his body and the mattress. “you gonna stop being a little bitch?”
he hates that you’re not even mad, wild eyes glinting in the dim light, as you nod, chewing on your bottom lip.
“huh? you gone shy on me all of a sudden?”
your head shakes, stars in your eyes and absolutely any thought drained from your pretty little head. “beg for it,” he barks, nose just barely brushing against yours.
“please,” you gulp, fire burning in your stomach, at mercy to his touch.
eddie stands up straight, pulling your body down the bed by the legs, hips banging against your heat, groaning at the contact.
“hmm,” he hums, manoeuvring your thighs onto his shoulders, “i can’t hear you sweetheart,” palming at the doughy skin as his hands trail upwards.
“please eddie,” you whine, guiding his hands back down, aching for them to slide between your legs. “i need you,” rutting your hips with every grope and grab he allows.
his boxers strain against your silky pyjama shorts, the utter desperation dripping from your throat makes him crazy, electricity buzzing through his bloodstream.
he’s addicted to you. the way you feel, the way you smell, the way your body keens and melts for him.
“fuck,” lips vibrating against your neck, “stop playing those stupid games with me,” though quite honestly, he did enjoy the little chase routine you guys had curated.
you nod, arching your hips to allow him to slip your shorts down, working them down and off onto the floor. his hands slithering back up over the soft skin until his hand rests comfortably on your thigh.
eddie would love to toy around with you a little bit longer but his dick was starting to ache against his boxers with every not-so-subtle move of your hips.
he stands up straight, tugging the cotton down his thighs, the elastic resting just beneath his heavy balls.
his fingers slide between your slick folds, disappearing inside your cunt, pulling the strangled moan from your lips with every dip of his fingers.
“look at you,” he purrs, though he knows you’ll make no effort to actually look, “so pretty for me,” admiring your pussy, pupils near enough heart shaped.
his knees dig into the mattress, hovering above as his fingers grip onto your hips, sinking in to your cunt with a hoarse groan.
you cry out, grateful for him giving you what you had begged for at long last. hands flailing about for something to grab, fingers twisting around the soft cotton blanket, pulling the sheets from the bed.
eddie’s hands roam all over, palming your breasts and then back down to your calves, keeping them firmly balanced on his chest.
“fuck baby,” he coos, forcing himself to go slow, savour the feeling. you’re insatiable like this, sprawled out on the mattress, head thrown back, full of nothing.
hand disappearing between your legs as his thumb circles your neglected clit, watchful eyes lapping up your every move your body makes in response to him.
he’d never believed in all that soulmate shit before meeting you but now he couldn’t fathom the idea of ever being with anyone other than you. two people made to fit together by some grace of god.
your thighs cramp around his wrist, keeping his hand firmly there while you writhe around.
your eyes squeeze shut, eddie can already feel you clench around him, “you gonna cum already?” he teases, what kind of boyfriend would he be if not to mock you.
“n-no,” you gasp, fingers intertwined with the white sheets surrounding your head.
the headboard knocks gently against the wall with every thrust of his hips, the cool midnight breeze seeping in through the open window though it does nothing to stop eddie’s brow from sweating.
you snap, coming undone all around him, melodic moans filling the room, somewhere tangled between his low grunts and the filthy sounds of your bodies meeting.
“good girl,” he coos, reaching up to hold your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look up at him.
your eyes glossy with tears, lips puffy and swollen when your hand wraps around his wrist, struggling to hold eye contact as his thrusts continue.
biting down on your bottom lip, becoming a puddle of nothingness right before his eyes.
“sh-shit,” you mewl, his thumb still circling your clit, pulling you straight back to orgasm.
eddie leans over, pressing his dripping chest to yours as his hand slinks down to your neck, loosely squeezing the skin all while your lips meet in a hazy, messy kiss.
“one more.. for me,” he pants into your mouth, burying himself inside of your cunt, filled to the hilt.
only responding with a drawn out wail, clinging onto his cheeks for a little levity. his cock nudging your sweet spot. tipping you closer and closer to the edge once more.
“fu-uck,” you pant, sucking on his bottom lip. he can feel you tighten around him, thighs drawing him in. “cum in me,” babbling nonsense into his mouth.
there’s no way he can think clearly, too utterly lovesick with your pussy for any critical thought to seep in. it was a bad idea, his gut told him as much.
but at the end of it all, he’d give you what you wanted. no matter what.
“you want that? hmm?” breathing through his teeth.
your head nods enthusiastically, bleary eyes meeting again, sweat mixing with your tears of overstimulation and exhaustion.
disgusting and erotic all at once.
eddie can feel your legs begin to quiver around him, pretty little mouth falling slack, threatening to swallow him whole.
“ohmygod,” you rush, chest heaving rapidly as your eyes flutter shut.
eddie near enough chokes on the thick air, a pitiful final few thrusts before filling your cunt. a decision he’d regret in the morning but made perfect sense for right now.
he grunts, the air knocked from his lungs at the immense, earth-shattering feel of you and your body enveloping him.
tendrils of his hair come loose from the haphazard bun he had thrown up, covering your pretty, dewy face.
“‘s that what you wanted?” balancing carefully on his elbows, carefully brushing your hair from your sticky forehead.
“yes,” grinning wearily, your hand gentle as it now lay on his cheek.
“you’re gonna be the death of me, y’know?”
“mhm,” you hum in agreement, fingers delicately weaving into his hair, “just don’t die before we get married.”
his smile fades, fingers poised as they tuck your hair behind your ear, “are you saying you wanna get married?” completely prepared to slide down onto one knee right here and now.
your nail traces carefully over the scar on his cheek, gazing lovingly into his eyes, “obviously,” pausing momentarily, “you still have to ask me properly though.”
eddie’s laugh bubbles over, burying his face into your chest, wondering how long after this conversation he’d have to wait to ask and just how much he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life right here, next to you.
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honeyedmiller · 11 months
The Gift | Javier Peña
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pairing: husband!javi x wife!reader
warnings: marriage, mentions of pregnancy (reader is pregnant!!!), reader described to be shorter than javi, mentions of the holidays (specifically christmas), mentions of starting a family, tooth-rotting sickeningly sweet fluff, brief mentions of a deceased family member, tiny uses of spanish with translations at the very end, no use of y/n. if any content warnings may not be suitable for you to consume, please do not read forward. 18+, minors dni.
word count: 3.4k
synopsis: you and javi do your yearly gift exchange with each other. your gift to him just so happens to be life-changing.
this is *technically* a part two to when you wish on a shooting star, but it can be read as a stand alone.
tysm to my bby @ilovepedro for beta reading this for me. you’re amazing ily ♥️
divider by @ dvluc
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The bright streams of golden sunlight shining into your bedroom is what woke you up for the second time that morning. You let the warmth of the rays soak into your skin, knowing it was a chilly December day outside of the four walls of your shared home. 
The first thing that woke you up was your loving husband kissing you on your forehead and telling you he loved you before he went to work that morning. You’d been feeling extra sleepy lately, so he didn’t want to disturb you by fully waking you up. 
Your body just felt so exhausted, and you woke up with short waves of nausea in the recent mornings. You just painted it as stress from your own job, not thinking much of it. 
You groaned as you stretched, dreading getting out of your warm bed where the scent of your beloved husband engulfed the entirety of your body. You missed his presence already, wishing the warmth of his chest was pressed against yours as he peppered soft kisses all around your face. You found your mind swirling with longing for him, but you couldn’t get too distracted. 
You decided it was time to get up and straighten up the house since you had the day off. Next week was Christmas, and you and Javi held your annual Christmas party at your house every year, so you wanted to make sure the house was pristine for the guests you were to have over. 
After you brushed your teeth and washed your face, you made the bed and trudged downstairs, yawning as you reached the kitchen. Caffeine sounded heavenly right now, considering Javi kept you up most of the night. 
You made a fresh pot of coffee to brew, leaning against the kitchen island counter as your eyes roamed your kitchen. Your eyes landed on the pastel yellow sticky note stuck to your fridge, immediately recognizing Javi’s handwriting. You took the sticky note off of the fridge, eyes scanning over what he scribbled. 
Good morning, mi amor. Don’t forget we have our annual gift exchange tonight. Can’t wait to give you your gift, bebita. I also left you some chorizo and eggs in the fridge for you. Te amo para siempre.
You grinned down at the endearing note and opened the fridge, and as promised, there was a small container with one of your favorite, simple breakfasts. You took the container out of the fridge and a pan from the cabinet, scooping the contents out of the container and onto the pan with a wooden spoon, turning on the flame to the stove to heat the food up. It looked mouth wateringly delicious at first, but when the smell of the food invaded the kitchen, you suddenly felt so nauseous. 
It was odd, because you usually loved the smell of the meal. You turned off the heat and abandoned the kitchen altogether after putting the food and coffee away, shaking your head as you made your way back upstairs. You sighed as you sat down on the bed, grimacing as the nausea slowly dissipated. 
Maybe breakfast wasn’t the best idea today. You got up again to officially get ready for the day, needing to stop at the store to get some items for your Christmas party before you came back home to tidy up. Luckily you and Javi kept your house neat, so cleaning wasn’t going to be a super tedious task.
You made a list of things you needed at the store and made the short drive over, checking off all of the things on your list. You passed the feminine products section, halting when you realized you needed to pick up some more pads. You spotted the pregnancy tests right next to the pads, and your mind reeled for a second. 
When was the last time you got your period?
You’d been so wrapped up in life recently and busy with work and preparations for the Christmas party that you hadn’t even realized your period never came this month. Again, you could’ve written it off as stress, but a tiny pit in your stomach was telling you to get a pregnancy test. You and Javi had been trying for a baby after you made an agreement at your little getaway trip for your third wedding anniversary in Lake Arrowhead. 
Now that you were both back in Laredo, reality broke the bubble of pure bliss you two were wrapped in. It was back to work, back to responsibilities, back to the mundane daily life—one that you absolutely adored getting to live with Javi. Nonetheless, time slipped away from you and you’d completely missed the fact that your period was late by nearly a whole month. 
You grabbed three pregnancy tests just to be extra sure of whatever outcome you’d receive. Your mind swirled with thoughts of the possibility that you were carrying your first child, but you didn’t allow yourself to delve too deep into those thoughts just yet. As you made your way to the checkout stand, you happened to pass the baby clothing section, spotting a pastel yellow newborn onesie that said “abuelo’s amorcito” in white lettering. 
You smiled and instantly thought of Chucho and how happy he’d be hearing the news that he was to expect his first grandbaby. You grabbed the onesie, possibly getting a little too ahead of yourself, but you’d save it and give it to him when the time came. 
Your heart fluttered as you made your way home after checking out all of your items, realizing that it was already two in the afternoon. Javi got home around four, so you had to hunker down when you got home to clean. You finished cleaning the backhouse you and Javi lived in in record time, moving to the living room of the main house to tidy up a bit. You still had about thirty more minutes to spare, so you took your tests to the bathroom with you. Once you were finished, you laid the tests down on the counter and washed your hands, sitting at the edge of the tub in anticipation. 
The five minutes you had to wait for the results to show up had to be some of the longest minutes of your life, face buried in your hands as your knee bounced up and down. Your breath was shaky as nerves took over you, the five minutes nearing an end. You stood up from the edge of the tub and made your way to the double vanity, squeezing your eyes shut while inhaling a deep breath. 
Now or never.
Your eyes shot open, only to be met with six pink lines meeting your gaze. Every single test was positive. You exhaled a shaky breath, a small sob bubbling within your throat as your hand covered your mouth. 
You couldn’t wait to tell Javi. 
You’d originally gotten him a nice watch that he had his eye on for a couple of months for the gift exchange knowing he’d never splurge on himself like that. He insisted that he splurged on you, though, to which you always argued ‘if you can do it, I can do it for you, too.’
You decided to save the watch for Christmas though, seeing as giving him a gift like this was far more heartwarming. Your eyes teared up at the thought of how great of a father Javi would be. You wrapped one pregnancy test delicately into a small box, wrapping paper covered in snowmen adorning the box. You wrapped the onesie for Chucho next, carefully writing on both boxes who the gifts were for. 
You hid the other two tests, making your way downstairs with the boxes in your hands. You set them both under the Christmas tree, wiping away a stray tear that had rolled down your cheek. 
“Mi amor, I’m home!” You heard Javi call out from the front door of your home, and you couldn’t help the smile that instantly appeared upon hearing his voice. 
You walked to the entryway of your home, seeing your husband set down his work bag onto the floor. 
“Well if it isn’t my handsome husband.” You say as you approach him, stopping in front of him to gaze up into his beautiful brown eyes. He instinctively wrapped his hand around your waist, pulling you into him so you were flush against his body. He smiles down at you, cupping your cheek. 
“If it isn’t my beautiful wife.” He counters back. Your hands travel up to his broad chest, running over the lapels of his beige suit he was wearing. 
“I missed you, mi amor.” You coo softly, one hand cupping the nape of his neck. 
“Yeah? I missed you too, baby.” His smile never wavers from his face as your free hand wraps around the dark plaid tie he wore, gently tugging on it to make him bend down. Your lips easily met his in one swift movement, and he groaned softly into the kiss. His hands slid down to your ass, grabbing it playfully before lightly tapping it and pulling apart from you. 
“Let me change out of my work clothes and then we can do the exchange, cariño. Papá made pozole for tonight.” 
“Sounds delicious. Meet you on the couch.” You huff a laugh, giving him a quick kiss before he makes his way upstairs to change. You make your way over to the couch, grabbing the smaller present that you’d tucked under the tree earlier along the way. You plopped down, nerves overtaking your body. You weren’t sure what his initial reaction would be, albeit you were sure it would presumably be a positive one. 
You heard his heavy steps descending the stairs, and his face lit up when he saw you sitting on the couch. He carried a small box in his hands, a boyish grin on his face as he made his way to the couch to plop himself down next to you. 
“You wanna go first, or should I?” He asks, hand resting on your thigh. The gift exchange you two did was a tradition you both started for yourselves the first Christmas you were together. You’d been doing it ever since, small heartfelt gifts to be exchanged between you both. Javi called it “the pregame to Christmas.” 
“You go first, amor.” You grin, heart leaping in your throat as you try to control your breathing and emotions overall. 
“Here you are, corazón. I hope you like it.” He hands you the small box and you grin at him, carefully tearing the wrapping. You uncover the contents in the box, revealing a silver charm bracelet with a charm already on it. It was a small inscription saying ‘siempre.’ Tears welled in your eyes as you took it out of the box, the shininess of the silver glinting from the glow of the Christmas tree lights nearby. 
“Javi, mi amor. It’s beautiful.” You cry, tears cascading down your cheeks. 
“You think so cariño?” His voice is soft, hands reaching out to wipe the tears from your face. You nod with a smile, eyes glossy and brows furrowed. 
“It’s perfect. Thank you so much.” You unclasp the bracelet and hold it out to him so he can put it on your wrist. He easily clasps it, the cold metal pressing against your skin. He lifts your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly. 
“Your turn, baby.” Javi encouraged, and you cried even more as you shakily handed him your gift. You held your breath as he tore open the wrapping paper, opening the box to reveal the test. His movements completely halted as his eyes scanned over the contents in the box. 
His eyes snapped up to yours, glossy with tears threatening to spill over. You’d only ever seen Javi cry less than a handful of times since you two have been together, so seeing him so emotional made you sob. 
“Is this real?” He whispers, eyes moving back down to the test. 
You nod your head, both of your hands gently grabbing the sides of his beautiful face. 
“One hundred percent real, mi amor. We’re gonna have a baby.” You try your best to contain your sobs, but it’s useless at this point when your own husband is crying with you. He leans over to you, laying you down on the couch as he wraps his arms around your frame and just holds you. He nestles his face into the crook of your neck, salty tears skimming the warmth of your skin. 
Your fingers card through his dark, thick locks, holding him close as you kiss his head repeatedly, mumbling how much you love him and can’t wait to have his baby. 
Javi never thought he’d have this life. He never thought he’d be able to meet a nice woman, date, settle down, fall in love, get married; let alone start a family. 
He was a very different man when he’d left Colombia and came back to the states after taking down Escobar and the Cali cartel, so closed off and unwilling to picture or allow this kind of life for himself. The kind of life he deserves—working a good paying job at the Laredo Sheriff’s Office, married to the most gorgeous woman he’s ever laid his eyes on, reunited with his dad, content and fucking happy. 
He never thought he’d see the day, and yet here you were, laying underneath him and allowing him to cry into your neck about you being able to give him the best thing he could’ve ever asked for, which was a family of his own. 
After both of your sobs subsided and tears melted into a salty stiffness on your cheeks, he kissed your neck softly and hovered his face above yours. Your hands cupped his cheeks gently, pulling him down for a long, comforting kiss that said I love you I love you I love you a million times over. 
“We’re having a baby.” He breathed, a genuine smile that made his crow’s feet prominent adorning his face. You nod your head, leaning up to kiss the tip of his nose. 
“We’re having a baby, Javi,” You laugh as he starts to attack your face with an array of kisses, a deep chuckle rumbling in his throat. “I got something for Chucho too to tell him the big news.” You say against his lips, and he sits back up while gently tugging you up with him. 
“Yeah? I’m sure he’ll love whatever it is.” Javi’s heart warmed at the thought of you getting his father a gift as well to tell him that he was going to be a grandpa. 
You stand up from the couch and hold your hands out to Javi, making a grabbing motion to coax him to grab your hands. He does so without hesitation and you pull him up from the couch, hands landing on his chest afterwards. 
You beam up at him, a glint of pure happiness in your eyes as you let your gaze roam over his features. You still don’t know how you got this lucky, thanking the universe every day that an unlikely pair as yourselves met at an H-E-B of all places. 
“Te amo con todo mi corazón,” Javi wrapped his arms around your frame, pulling you into him as he hugged you. “Gracias por darme la vida que siempre quise.” 
Tears sprang to your eyes once more at his endearing words. “I’d go to the ends of the earth for you, Javier Peña. I promise you that.” You kiss him one more time before breaking away, collecting Chucho’s gift from under the tree before you both make your way to the main house. 
The chilly December air nipped at your skin, so you nuzzled closer into Javi’s side as you both walked down the stone path to the main house. For a second, you were worried that the smell of pozole was going to make you nauseous just as the chorizo and eggs did earlier, but you found it to be the complete opposite this time. You were practically salivating, ready to devour the delicious meal your father in law set out to make you three. 
You and Javier stepped into the kitchen, greeted by Chucho stirring the pot of pozole a few times before he saw you both. 
“Ah, mija! Thank you for cleaning the living room today. Haven’t been able to get around to it myself, so I appreciate it.” Chucho grins. 
“It’s not a problem, Chucho. Thank you for making us dinner. It smells delicious.” You say, setting the present down on the dining room table. 
“Not a problem, querida.” 
Javi prompts you and Chucho to sit down at the table as he takes over, grabbing bowls for the three of you. He serves you both before coming behind you to gently grab your shoulders, giving them a squeeze. You grin up at him and clear your throat, catching Chucho’s attention. 
“This is for you, suegro. I hope you like it.” You hand him the gift, and he looks bewildered as he takes it from you and starts to unwrap it. 
“You didn’t need to get me anything, mija–” His words are cut short as he opens the box, seeing the tiny onesie in it. 
“Surprise, Pop.” Javi says, and Chucho looks between his son and you in disbelief. 
“You’re having a baby?” His voice is full of shock, and you can’t help but reach across the table and squeeze one of his hands. 
“You’re gonna be an abuelo, suegro.” 
Chucho looked down at the onesie in his hands with tears pricking his eyes. You never thought you’d see the day that Chucho Peña got teary-eyed. 
“Tu mamá would’ve loved to see the day her baby boy was having a child of his own. One with a sweet, wonderful woman such as yourself, mija.” Chucho looked between you both with a bittersweet smile on his face. 
“I know, Pop. She’s looking down on us all, and I know she can’t wait to see what a wonderful abuelo you’ll be.” Javier moved to his father, giving him a comforting pat on his back. 
“Thank you both for blessing me with the opportunity of becoming a grandfather. I know you two will be the best parents. I love you both so very much.” Chucho put the onesie back in the box, grabbing your hand once more while shaking it. 
“We love you, abuelo Chucho.” 
Dinner was purely full of baby discussion after that, like name ideas you already had, what you think the gender will be, how you’ll want to decorate the nursery, when you’ll schedule a doctor’s appointment, and all things alike. You couldn’t lie, you absolutely adored every minute of it seeing the love of your life and a man who was such a prominent father figure in your life discussing even the most minute details about your child who you already know was so extremely loved. 
That night, you and Javi went to bed with smiles that you couldn’t seem to wipe off your faces. He kissed you and pushed up his oversized t-shirt you were wearing to bed, resting his head gently onto your stomach as he tenderly cooed into your soft flesh. 
“Hey there. It’s your papá. I can’t wait to meet you, pequeño. Your mommy and I love you so much already.” You grinned down at Javi, raking your fingers through his hair as he continued to babble on to your unborn child. You’d nearly fallen asleep at the soft timbre of Javi’s voice reverberating the four walls of your bedroom. Javi pulled down his t-shirt on you and kissed your forehead tenderly, wrapping you in his arms. 
“I love you, my beautiful wife. Thank you for choosing me and loving me the way you do. I can’t wait to become a father to our child.” Javi’s voice was raspy as it dwindled to a near-whisper, and when he got no response from you, he looked down to see you’d completely fallen asleep. 
You looked so peaceful. Javi smiled down at you as he softly kissed your forehead one more time before laying his head next to you, thanking the universe and all the shooting stars in the sky that you gave him the gift of a lifetime. 
te amo para siempre — i love you forever
te amo con todo mi corazón — i love you with all my heart
gracias por darme la vida que siempre quise — thank you for giving me the life i always wanted
suegro — father in law
pequeño — little one
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tags: @party-hearses ; @tinygarbage ; @nostalxgic ; @bastardmandennis ; @catchallfangirl ; @lizzie-cakes
please lmk if you’d like to be added / removed from the tag list. 🖤
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writingduhh · 3 months
hii so i was wondering if you could do hansumfella x chef!reader and tyler’s doing a cooking stream and she helps him do it doesn’t turn out like ass 😇🙏🏼
You got it!! Hope this is okkk! I’m still new to writing for him so bear with me
Hansumfella || Cooking Stream
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Tyler had been hyping up his cooking stream for weeks. He wanted to show off his culinary skills—or at least try to acquire some. You, his partner and a professional chef, had reluctantly agreed to help him when he had offered.
The stream started with Tyler setting up the camera, greeting his audience with his usual charm.
"Hey everyone, welcome to today's special cooking stream! I have my beautiful partner, Y/N, here to make sure I don't burn down the kitchen."
“Finally some good food 😭”
“I missed y/n sm”
You waved to the camera, smiling warmly. "Hi everyone! I'm here to guide Tyler and hopefully, we’ll create something delicious together. Or well, at least edible.” You jest, earning a big reaction from chat.
“$10 he still ruins it.”
“I can actually relax now because he won’t die.”
“Edible 💀”
The plan was to make a simple dish: spaghetti carbonara. Tyler had chosen it because it sounded fancy, but you knew it was straightforward enough for a beginner with some guidance.
"Alright, first step is to boil the pasta. Fill that pot with water and add a generous amount of salt."
Tyler followed instructions, making faces at the camera as he poured the salt. "Is this generous enough?" he asked, holding up the container.
"More," you replied with a chuckle. "You want the water to taste like the ocean." He nodded and proceeded to pour more into the pan. Once he saw the excess salt on his hands he had an idea.
“Hey y/n, y/n, look. Want something salty?” He smirks, his lips now covered in salt.
You rolled your eyes playfully, fighting a smile. "Focus, Romeo. We've got a meal to make."
“Nope. You have to taste some or I won’t help anymore.” He mumbles, lips still puckered.
“But this is your stream… Oh alright.” You playfully scoff, accepting his kiss much to the amusement of the chat.
As the water heated up, you moved on to preparing the pancetta. You showed Tyler how to dice it properly, and he mimicked your actions, though his pieces were noticeably uneven.
"Perfect," you said encouragingly. "Now, let's get that cooking in the pan. Low and slow, we want it crispy but not burnt."
The chat couldn’t help but chime in
“It looks like he ripped them apart by hand”
“Helll nah 💀”
“Y/n is so patient…. Couldn’t be me”
Tyler narrated every step dramatically for the audience, keeping them entertained with his usual antics. "Look at me, slicing and dicing like a pro. How am I doing, chef?" He turned to you with an exaggeratedly hopeful look.
"Not bad, but don’t quit your day job," you teased, nudging him with your elbow.
"Harsh, but fair," Tyler laughed. "I guess I’ll have to rely on my charm to keep you around."
You smirked, leaning closer. "Maybe if you cook this meal right, you'll earn a reward later." You we’re honestly quite shocked by your own words, but it was too late to take them back.
Tyler’s eyes widened, and he turned back to the camera with a grin. "You hear that, chat? High stakes tonight!"
Things started to get more chaotic when Tyler accidentally knocked over the pepper grinder, spilling peppercorns all over the counter. "Uh, that was intentional. That’s what we call 'seasoning the kitchen' in the industry…” he joked, bending down to pick them up.
You laughed, shaking your head. "Less seasoning the kitchen, more seasoning the food."
While whisking the eggs and cheese together, Tyler got a bit too enthusiastic, splattering some of the mixture onto his shirt. "Ah shit. Looks like I’m adding some extra flavor.”
You handed him a towel, still chuckling. "Try not to add yourself to the recipe."
"Noted," Tyler said, dabbing at his shirt. To his dismay he only made the stain worse.
“Ugh. Should I just take my shirt off?”
“I mean, that’s up to you.”
“Nah, I won’t. That’s only for you to see.” He winks, your face uncontrollably turning red as a sea of comments emerge.
"Alright, now comes the tricky part," you said, your tone a bit more serious. "When the pasta is done, we're going to mix it with the egg and cheese mixture off the heat, so the eggs cook gently and make a creamy sauce."
"No pressure, right?" Tyler joked, though a hint of nerves showed in his voice.
"You’ve got this," you assured him, placing a hand on his arm. "And I’m right here to help."
When it came time to drain the pasta, Tyler nearly lost the whole pot in the sink, fumbling with the colander. "Crisis averted!" he declared triumphantly, holding up the drained pasta.
You shook your head, laughing. "Careful! You almost dropped it."
Tyler made exaggerated whisking motions, earning laughs from both you and the chat. "Is this how you do it, or am I just showing off my guns?"
"Less showing off, more whisking. We want it smooth and creamy, not chunky."
"Got it, boss," Tyler said with a mock salute.
You managed the final steps together, Tyler following your lead. When they plated the carbonara, it actually looked—and smelled—delicious. Tyler took a dramatic bite on camera, his eyes widening in exaggerated delight.
"This is amazing! You’re a miracle worker, Y/N," he said, leaning in to give you a quick kiss on the cheek as his arm slung over your shoulder
You blushed, smiling at the camera. "Couldn’t have done it without my amazing assistant."
Tyler turned back to the audience with a grin. "Alright, chat, if you liked this stream, let me know, and maybe Y/N will come back for another round. What do you say?"
The chat exploded with enthusiastic responses, and Tyler wrapped up the stream with a promise to cook more often—with your help, of course. As the camera turned off, he pulled you into a warm embrace.
"Thanks for saving my bacon—literally," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Anytime," you replied, snuggling closer. "Now, about that reward…"
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Breakfast in Bed
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Warnings: Sam being a bit intimidating??
Summary: (request) You wake up and decide to make Tara breakfast in bed. You and Sam have a conversation about Tara in the kitchen as you cook.
Words: 1,296
Friends Family (part two)
You woke up slowly, feeling Tara's warmth pressing against you as you sighed contentedly. You slowly peeked your eyes open to see your girlfriend's peaceful face. Her lips were parted slightly as she breathed deeply, her face serene as she slept. You couldn't help but smile, warmth filling your chest to the point of bursting. I love her so much.
You carefully extracted yourself from her embrace and tiptoed out of the room, heading to the kitchen. 'I'll surprise her with breakfast in bed, she'll love it.' You thought with a faint smile as you padded around the center island to rummage through the fridge. You planned on making Tara her favorite omelette with cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, and peppers along with some toast and bacon.
You quietly placed a pan on the stove, turning the burner on as you cracked four eggs into a bowl. You then begin chopping the vegetables, humming softly to yourself as you worked.
"What are you doing up so early?" A gruff voice came from behind you, causing you to flinch in surprise. You glanced over your shoulder to see a disgruntled looking Sam standing in the hallway. You offered her a small smile.
"Goodmorning. I'm just making Tara some breakfast in bed. Do you want some?" You asked as you placed some bacon in the pan to sizzle quietly. You glanced back at her when she didn't respond immediately, and you saw her giving you a strange look.
"No I'm okay, I'll just make myself some coffee." She says simply as she shuffles over to the coffee pot. You nod, not taking her demeanor too personally. Sam wasn't really a morning person.
"So what did you two do last night anyways? You guys left halfway through the movie." Sam says as she pours the coffee grounds into a filter, placing it in the machine. You glance at her, feeling a bit nervous. You didn't want to make a bad impression with Sam, she was Tara's sister. She didn't seem to like you already, but you knew she was a good person, and Tara loved her.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I have a weak stomach and don't really like gore, so Tara suggested we go to her room to watch something else. We ended up watching Legally Blond, which was nice. I am sorry if us leaving disrupted the night or made anyone uncomfortable though." You apologize hastily, glancing at Sam to gauge her reaction as you flip the bacon.
"Oh, don't apologize its okay. Nobody was particularly put out by it. Aside from Mindy being Mindy of course." Sam added the last bit in a grumble, looking slightly irritated. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, biting back a yawn.
You awkwardly turned back to your cooking, not sure what to say. The silence was awkward as Sam pulled a mug out of the cabinet, pouring her now ready coffee. You tried not to wrinkle your nose at the smell. You hated coffee, much to Tara's dismay.
"That's really nice of you, you know." Sam says after taking a sip of her probably too hot coffee. You glance up at her in surprise, not sure what she was referring to.
"What?" You ask, confusion creasing your brow as you pause whisking the eggs to look at Sam. She gestures to your cooking with the hand that isn't cradling her coffee mug.
"You making her breakfast. It's a nice thing to do." She says, her eyes drifting from the food to your face. You feel yourself growing flustered, a blush burning at your face as you squirm under your gaze. You were never good with compliments.
"Oh! Well- I mean why wouldn't I? I mean, it'll make her happy so..." You trail off, awkwardly turning away from Sam as her gaze felt all too heavy. 'Ew, why did I say that that sounds so performative.' You mentally berate yourself as you take the bacon out of the pan and pour the eggs into it.
"You know, I always thought I'd hate whoever Tara ended up dating. Like, I imagined it'd always kind of be me against them, in a way." Sam admits suddenly, sounding thoughtful. You feel anxiety burst in your chest at her words, nervously shifting your weight from one foot to the other. 'Sam hates me?'
"But with you it's not really like that I guess. I mean I know you'll always do what's best for Tara, and take care of her." Sam's tone shifts to something softer, and her words cause you to snap your gaze to her in surprise. Was Sam seriously being... vulnerable with you right now?
"You're one of the good ones (Y/n)." She says as she steps closer to you, so she can gently pat your shoulder. You stare up at her wide eyed, and you don't know if you want to laugh or cry. Sam doesn't hate you. Sam likes you. She approves of your relationship with Tara.
"Thank you." You manage to choke out, feeling a lump rising in your throat. Sam offers you a small smile before pointing at the pan.
"Don't burn your eggs." She says with a wink before giving you a final pat on the shoulder and heading to the living room. You quickly turn back to your omelette, hastily flipping it right before it crossed from overcooked to burnt. You quickly assembled the omelette and buttered the toast, plating the meal before carrying it to Tara's room along with a glass of orange juice.
You carefully entered the room, setting the plate down on the end table as you kneeled on the bed, smiling down at your sleeping girlfriend.
"Tara." You whispered, gently brushing your fingers along her shoulder. You didn't want to startle her awake, which had happened more than once when you were waking her up. Tara was a rather jumpy sleeper.
"Mm." She hummed sleepily, turning her head in your direction before slowly squinting her eyes open. She took a deep breath and smiled up at you, her hands coming to gently rest on your forearms.
"Goodmorning beautiful." You murmur, leaning down to kiss Tara's forehead. She smiled wider, her hands moving up to cup your face so she could guide your lips to hers. You kissed her gently, melting into her. her lips were slightly chapped from sleep, but they still were as plush as ever. You could kiss Tara forever.
"I made you breakfast." You mumble against her lips when you finally pull away, unable to fight a smile. You pulled back to look at her expression, and you felt your heart soar at the way she was looking at you. Her eyes were impossibly soft, her bottom lip jutting out in a minuscule pout as her eyebrows pulled together.
"Oh baby, you're so sweet, you didn't have to do that." She whispers as she sits up and sees the meal you have prepared for her. You shake your head and smile as you gently hand her the plate, unable to stop smiling.
"I'd make you breakfast in bed for the rest of my life if I could." You murmur as you sit beside her, your shoulder brushing hers slightly. She leaned further into you, her eyes welling with tears.
"Aww baby." She coos as she kisses you again, unwilling to pull away. You gently push her away with a smile.
"Eat it before it gets cold please." You plead as you gesture to the meal. She nods and begins to tuck into her food as you watching her contentedly. You couldn't help but remember what Sam had said. 'I know you'll always do what's best for Tara, and take care of her.' In that moment, you knew you would do just that.
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dtfpeta · 1 year
Domesticity with Price...
(a/n: yes I want to make my lover a home cooked meal. yes I want him to wrap his arms around me while I cook. also I was this close to putting nsfw but I may just make a part two)
tags: husband!price, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, f!reader
Word Count: 1.8k __________
Price who comes home to his doting wife standing in front of the stove. A roaring pot of boiling water being salted by your delicate hands which form a harsh pinch on the granules before releasing them into the porcelain dish.
He watches from the door as you slowly canter your hips, humming along to the soft melody of Al Green from your distant record player. His cheeks contort with a smile when he hears your abysmal attempt to recall the lyrics. Startling you out of your unaware serenade when his hands catch in the fabric of your dress to wrap around your waist.
"Smells good." He comments regarding the dish. His face is buried in the side of your neck, breathing in the scent of garlic, rosemary, and other spices that coat the house in its aroma. Your own fragrance of vanilla overwhelms his senses as he sighs into the crook of your neck.
"It's not nice to sneak up on someone like that..." You chastise, knowing the irony that lies in your statement being as stealth is not something your husband is unaccustomed to. "Could've burned myself." You add, half-heartedly scolding and rolling your eyes as his arms tighten their purchase on your hips.
On the stove lies a pot boiling with its now added component of rigatoni. To its side is a sizzling pan that has been providing the house with its encapsulating smell. John eyes the skillet. The melted butter works to caramelize the now translucent onions coated in sparse flakes of red pepper and rosemary. A wooden spatula wielded in your hand stirs the minced garlic cloves, doing your best to prevent their quick to burn nature.
Price loves your cooking and you love to cook for him. Seeing as his face melts into bliss when he tastes what magic you have cast on something as simple as a chicken pot pie. Or the way his eyes bulge when you reveal that a dish he has been scarfing down like a starved dog over the past several months contains mushrooms.
Ever since that day, he has not once argued about an ingredient in your cooking. Even as he eyes the tomato sauce being added to the pan, knowing he is going to suffer a severe case of heartburn but almost welcoming it, as he knows it will accompany an array of flavors he will be holding up his plate for more of.
"M'sorry love." He relishes. "Been looking forward to this all day. N' watching you from the door just made me miss ya' even more."
You scoff at his cheesy comment, placing your left hand to rest on his forearm that is draped around you as your right stirs at the still hard noodles.
You lay your utensil down and lean back into his embrace. Closing your eyes as you feel your bodies link together like a puzzle. One piece being a head taller than the other, but fitting together nonetheless. You sway with your husband to the tempo of the song playing in the background. His body is warm against your back, being stripped of his tactical gear and left in a black cotton shirt tucked into the waist of his same toned cargo pants, the legs of which are folded above his combat boots.
"How was work?" You ask, eyes still closed and body entangled in him. He regards your question with a low hum, feet lightly stepping side to side.
"Hm, the usual. Told some of the boys we could treat em' to dinner sometime. Be nice to get together, maybe show you off a lil'?"
He lightly pinches at your sides while pulling you closer to him. The scruff of his beard dances against your skin as he attacks your neck in quickly scattered kisses.
"John!" You laugh while attempting to distance yourself from his assault. Only to be swiftly turned around where you find his blue eyes smiling fondly at you. The warm tinted light from a nearby lamp casts soft shadows on the crows feet that crinkle near his eyes. The edges of his smile lines sharpening the more he beams at you.
There's not a place on Earth he would rather be.
For the longest, he distanced himself from love. Only finding that unachievable compromises would be asked of him, and due to his work, he was never able to fulfill those wishes. It only put a strain on his and his partners' relationship. He learned to deal with the lack of intimate companionship over the years. Just having the bond of his brothers in arms till he would return to his empty flat and scrounge up whatever microwaveable dish hadn't gone freezer burnt or remnants of leftovers left in his barren refrigerator. Until he met someone he could incorporate into the unpredictable schedule of his life.
The first time you cooked for him he was floored. Joking about how he'd have to hire you as his personal chef and saying how he could only dream of coming home to this every week. You had brought the ingredients to his apartment, insisting that you would treat him to a hot meal if he helped you, which he gladly agreed to. He stood slicing carrots and celery while you stirred a pot of chicken stock, placing sprigs of thyme and bay leaves into the broth as the chicken roasted in the oven, soon to be shredded and added to the pot. Said pot being three times bigger than your head.
"You trying to feed the whole squadron?" He'd teased. To which you only responded with a light snicker, knowing that in making such a large portion would provide him with leftovers for the rest of the week-and then some.
Several years later you now stood in your shared home, a simple wedding band adorning the both of you two's hands. Price's socks litter the shared space until you have to reprimand him to pick them up. Him responding with his own accusations of how you frequently leave your bra on the couch as well as your adversity to keep your hair ties in one place. What can you say, it's just more convenient when they're around the house.
The two of you's cleaning habits aren't the only thing that could use work though. The decorations are an obvious clash of one person who enhances the space with homely, comforting pieces, and another who has a hard time letting go of secondhand artifacts. And after Price's constant defense of his 'live laugh love' banner hanging on the wall of the kitchen, you began to give in to the cliché relic.
A more than familiar tune begins to play from the record player.
"Oh my God" Price's teeth shine through his grin as he picks up on the melody as well. It's the song you shared your first dance together to.
His coordinated hands move to your hips, your own responding by wrapping around his neck. You gaze up at him. The quickening of your heart makes its frequent appearance as he looks down at you. The butterflies you feel every time you look at him have yet to diminish their strength over the years. Even as you heard stories of the dreaded period following the honeymoon phase where couples do nothing but bicker, your heart remained the same.
The only thing you can focus on is his hickory-toned voice humming to the lyrics of the track. The vibration rumbles through his chest, making its way to your ear resting upon him. He sways with your body against his until you are replicating the dance from that night. Since that night he has always made it apparent you were his first priority. He protects and serves you, as you have brought a peace to his life he didn't think was possible.
"Y'know on my way home," he began "saw this woman with her kid. Maybe 5 years old. He was sitting on a bench while she was on the ground tying his shoe. He was swinging his leg, reading some comic book to her. Poor lasses feet barely touched the ground!" He lets out a breathy laugh before pausing for a moment. "Just got me thinking."
"Bein' a dad." He stated, kissing the temple of your face. "Making you a mum."
You smiled into his chest. John knew you wanted kids, and he did too. The time just never found itself convenient. And even now there are uncertainties, but the knowledge you have that John would be an excellent father left you planting seedlings of the idea in his head when you had the chance. Passing by a pair of cute baby shoes in the store. The ring of adolescent laughter when you'd visit the aquarium. Or even a dress you would buy, waiting for your husband to compliment it before mentioning the garment worked as a maternity piece too.
Something had been pulling at his paternal strings lately, however. He yearned to fill the house with the both of your makings. Leaving your marks in its foundation. Whether that be with the rug you both haggled for at the flea market. The broken spring of your living room couch, product of an intense wrestling match between you two. (In which both parties were considered victorious by the end.) Or the poolhouse-toned blue paint that made its acquaintance on the crown molding of your bedroom wall. (Also caused by some spout of play fighting or whatever attempt Price had to get his hands on you.)
You leaned back to search his face, only finding a look of great fondness pulling at his features. Your palms came to cradle the sides of his face before a smile stretched on your own.
"Yeah. I think I'd like that." You brought his lips to yours, embracing him in a tender touch as you laughed into the kiss. Your hold on one another tightened. Knowing that Price was ready to take such a giant step now made you giddy as you imagined him holding his future child, playing make-believe with them, and cleaning up their bumps and bruises from playing in the yard.
"Can't believe you're saying yes to a baby before a dog, John." You both laughed before you turned your head at the smell of burnt garlic.
"Shit!" You quickly grabbed a wooden spoon to stir at the red mixture before turning the stove off.
"Don't tell me you lost your touch already, sweetheart?"
"You were distracting me." You declare, pointing your spatula at the towering man. "Just get the bowls from the cabinet and set the table, yeah?"
"Of course, hun." He mocked.
You glared a burning look into the back of his before he did as instructed, your temper cooling as you poured the pot of soft noodles into a strainer.
You and John were able to turn a house into your home. Soon the floor and walls would be sheathed in memories of your family. One of the first being your dinner of a burnt tomato rigatoni pasta.
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kcrossvine-art · 1 year
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Heya folks n friends! Today on our LotR cooking series, we're going to be making something inspired by Mrs. Maggot, wife of Farmer Maggot. Originally we were going to do a cream of mushroom soup, but the idea of adding meat as a cheeky lil joke on their last names was too good to pass up. In my mind meat goes better with thin soups than creamy ones.
And thus Mrs. Maggots Meat 'N Mush Stew was born.
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to Mrs. Maggots Meat 'N Mush Stew?” YOU MIGHT ASKFor the stew portion itself we're going to be using a hearty base, aiming for a layering of flavors. If you feel comfortable making a roux, feel free to do so, but I did not due to energy levels and thus the flour in this recipe is only used for searing the meat before its added to the pot.
Cubed beef
Peanut oil
Beef stock
Dried porcini mushrooms
Carrots, chopped
Onion, diced
Garlic, crushed
Scallion, chopped
Bay leaf
Salt and pepper
Ground red pepper
Zatarins gumbo file
For the other mushrooms, were going to cook them separate and throw them in at the end (but they'll have friends to keep them company!!).
Cremini mushrooms, sliced
Half an onion
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
This took about 4 hours in total. If you have a slow cooker itd probably be easier to use that, but as is isn't too bad either. I mostly worked on commission stuff in the kitchen in-between stirring. "The best food is the one you don't have to make, the second best food is the one you don't have to think while making."
AND, “what does Mrs. Maggots Meat 'N Mush Stew taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASK
Tastes like walking from the cold into the cramped but cozy bar your friend works at
Meat was so tender and juicy, melts in your mouth. Makes you cry
It wanst actually carmelization but the onions had a hint of tasting caramelized
Mushrooms- a strong umami flavor with a bit of smokeyness
Once you get that Perfect level of gumbo file, it just makes every other element stick out more
Like an energy booster for the ingredients
A spotlight on the bay leaf, and oils, and spices
. If you don't want to use beef, feel free to use vegetable stock instead and replace the cubes with strips of king oyster mushrooms. Exclude the flour but still cook them in the pan. . this isnt officially part of the recipe since im not sure itd be 'on theme', but feel free to start your rice cooker around the 3 hour mark so you can have some hot rice ready for serving as filler.
When I was looking through food and food mentions in LotR, Mrs.Maggot just stook out to me. 'Queen amongst farmers wives' is both really sweet and a fuckin killer description. What a legend. I wanted to do something based on her and our two options were either beer, bacon or raw mushrooms. Beer while very appealing is also not something you can whip up in a day, while raw mushrooms have a chance of killing my beloved readers. I don't want to talk about me and bacons sordid past.
And so as praise to this funky farmer women, may you add this stew to your collection of potpie, lasagna, and roast recipes.
Did i mention i started my first grease fire when making this? Yeah. Don't cover any empty greased pan even if your intent is to keep water from splashing into it.
Anyway, this recipe is a solid 10/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) The partner has already made me pledge to cook it again hehehe
2 lbs cubed beef
A little bit of flour to 'tumble' the meat in, in a bowl
Peanut oil to sear the beef, as needed
3 kilograms beef stock
28g dried porcini mushrooms
4 carrots, chopped
1 white onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 scallion branch, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Ground red pepper to taste
Cumin to taste
3 bay leafs
A pinch of Zatarins gumbo file
Ingredients… . . TWO:
1 lb cremini mushrooms
Half of a white onion, diced
1 carrot, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Salt, pepper, and thyme to taste
Olive oil as needed to pan-fry
Put the porcini mushrooms into a bowl, add enough warm water to cover. Give them roughly 20 minutes, or until softened and the waters turned color.
Cut the carrots, onion, and garlic.
Get a large pot with a lid, pour in your stock (or water and bouillon cubes). Pour in the porcinis and the mushroom water. Turn the burner to medium-high.
Add your bay leaves, carrots, onion, and garlic to the pot. Add extra salt if you'd like.
Tenderize and cut your beef into roughly 1 inch cubes.
In a small bowl, pour a handful of flour along with pepper, cumin, and ground red pepper. Mix until combined.
Lightly toss each cube of beef in the mixture, get a little coverage on each side.
Heat a frying pan to medium heat and add peanut oil. If using an electric stovetop it will take time to heat up.
Add some of your beef cubes to the pan, don't overcrowd it. Flip to check sides are a light brown with dark brown edges, its good for some pink/red to poke through.
Add beef cubes to the pot when done, careful of splashing.
Keep doing this in batches until all beef cubes are added. 
 Once the pot has reached a simmer, turn the heat down a few notches and cover.
Set a timer for 4 hours. Taste test every so often. Aim to stir the pot every 10-15 minutes.
(You can do steps 14-21 immediately or optionally wait a bit)
 Rinse and dry your cremini mushrooms.
Slice them vertically. Cut the carrots, onion, and garlic.
In a frying pan on medium-low heat, add olive oil, carrots, and onion. Keep the vegetables moving! When they start to change texture, add your cremini mushrooms.
Bring the pan up to medium heat. 
Once your mushrooms have cooked off the liquid inside, theyll start turning a deeper brown. Add the garlic. Keep! the! vegetables! Moving!
If the pan gets overcrowded, take some out and set it aside in a bowl. Smaller batches.
This process took roughly 15 minutes, but youll know its done once everything has a nice sear on it and the garlic is brown but not burnt. Add salt, pepper, and thyme to taste.
Set everything aside in a bowl.
Once the 4 hours are up the meat should be cooked all the way through and tender enough to pull apart. Strain the bay leaves out. Cut and add scallions. Add the bowl with cremini mushrooms.
Add a pinch of gumbo file to start, stir and taste test.
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rorywritesjunk · 11 months
So let's set out to sea, love, 'cause you are my medicine
Buggy has another frustrating day so you cook him some comfort food.
Rating: Eh, PG13 just to be safe. Warning: Just Buggy being whiny, is that a warning? Food cooks. Cheese gets grated. Buggy just feels appreciated but also mopes. Apparently I just want Buggy to have a bad day and be taken care of. A/N: Had fun writing this and it was hard not to post it immediately. I wanted to wait a bit. Title comes from "On Melancholy Hill" by Gorillaz.
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The amount of yelling coming from inside the tent was worrisome. You debated whether you needed to investigate to make sure Buggy didn’t string up one of his freaks again because they missed their cue or the lighting was bad. He took rehearsal seriously and had no issue punishing anyone who he thought messed something up. It wasn’t pleasant, but you knew he was a perfectionist.
You were mostly safe from his screaming while you were in the kitchen. It’s not like you were hiding out there while your boyfriend screamed and shouted through rehearsal. You just happened to be making a grocery list and just as you were finishing up you heard the first bits of screaming and decided that maybe you needed to make sure the pots and pans were spotless just in case Buggy decided that was a problem.
The kitchen was only safe for ten minutes before Hurricane Buggy literally stormed in, kicking the door open before kicking a chair out of his way. You remained at the sink, scrubbing a large pot while he had his tantrum. You knew it was best to let him get it out of his system first before you intervened, and going by how he kicked the table, only to swear and stomp away from it after stubbing his toes, you decided he needed a comforting meal to feel better.
It was a good thing you cleaned the large pot because you filled it with water before placing it on the stove and turning on the burner. Buggy had grabbed the chair he had kicked away, pulled it back over, and sat himself down at the table he had already injured himself on. He crossed his arms in front of him and laid them on the table, his chin resting on his arms as he watched you move around. He saw you grab certain ingredients and if he wasn’t so frustrated he would have perked up at the anticipation of what you were making.
Instead he needed to feel frustrated for a bit longer.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what’s wrong?” He asked sulkily. “I thought girlfriends were supposed to look after their boyfriends when they’re upset.”
You salted the water as it heated up and put the lid on the pot. You turned to face him, wiping your hands on a dish towel as you smiled at him. “What’s wrong, Buggy?” 
He huffed in annoyance. “They keep fucking up out there. Everything starts to go well and then someone misses their mark, or there’s no dancing lion, or everything just goes to shit! How hard is it to hit your mark? I’m not asking for much, just asking for something like that!”
“Hm, that is frustrating.” You agreed as you tossed the towel over your shoulder. He watched you as you grabbed a spoon,  pepper, and some garlic powder. His foot started tapping impatiently on the floor as you set the items on the counter near the stove and checked the water. It wasn’t boiling just yet, and he wished it would hurry up. “I’m sorry it’s been frustrating today.”
He moved his arms off the table and let his head thunk against the hard surface. He looked pathetic, honestly, but you wouldn’t say that to his face. Instead you walked over to him and stood behind him, rubbing his shoulders gently as he shut his eyes, wanting to sink into your touch and forget everything that was driving him crazy that day. 
“Hey, wanna help me make dinner?” You asked as you leaned down to kiss the top of his head. “I’m making one of your favorites and I think it tastes better when you help.”
He didn’t really want to. He wanted to mope and whine some more, but if he helped it meant being close to you, and he liked that. You also wore that cute apron with the little green frogs on it that you bought shortly after joining his crew whenever you were cooking. Reluctantly, he nodded and stood up from the table. Sure enough, you were grabbing your apron down off the hook, placing the top straps over your head before securing it behind you. He walked over to you and reached out to touch the fabric, rubbing it between two fingers while you smiled up at him.
“You really like this one, you know. I should get you your own next time I go out.” You mused as you went to grab the cutting board and knife. “Now, do you want to be on noodle duty or do you want to cut up the hot dogs?”
He just shrugged, obviously still upset and mopey, so you gave him the bag of noodles and directed him to keep an eye on the water and to add the noodles when it started boiling. He knew how to make this dish. He helped you plenty of times, and while he was the Captain, used to telling others what to do, you knew that he also liked it when you bossed him around from time to time. 
Buggy kept looking between the boiling water and you. You had a pack of hot dogs open and were busy cutting two at a time, tossing the chunks into a bowl. Your skill with knives in the kitchen was impressive. Always smooth motions, the blade moving fast in your hand while the other guided the knife along the ingredients. He suggested once you perform knife tricks for his show, but cooking didn't really translate well for an audience in an arena.
He had also suggested you juggle the knives while cutting up vegetables in between each pass, but when you demonstrated your coordination by attempting to juggle three tomatoes and you both watched them fall to the ground, he decided to forgo the knife juggling act for you.
Once the water was boiling, he took the lid off and ripped open the package of pasta, dumping its contents into the pot. It was his favorite kind, pasta shaped like little stars. You bought it especially for him when he needed a pick-me-up. You always kept a bag or two on hand just in case, and he appreciated it. It was those little gestures like that that made him realize how much you cared for him. 
The hotdogs were ready and you needed to grate cheese next. You grabbed blocks of two different kinds and grabbed the grater, humming softly to yourself as you went to work. Deciding that the pasta would be fine without him staring at it for the entire ten minutes, Buggy came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head as he watched you work. You adjusted your position just a bit, wanting him to be comfortable as you grated the cheese onto a plate. Once you had enough, you picked up a few bits and held it up for him as a snack. He took it without hesitation.
“How’s the pasta?” You asked as you started on the next block. You always grated more than you knew you needed for the recipe, knowing that Buggy would put extra on the already cheesy pasta. “How long has it been going for?”
“Just a few minutes.” He mumbled as he continued watching, hugging you tighter as the mountain of cheese got bigger. “I’ll check on it in a minute.”
“Mm, it needs to be stirred to keep from sticking together.” You reminded him as you held up another bit of cheese for him. “Can you go check on it please?”
The way you asked was just so damn kind and gentle. He didn’t deserve you. He reluctantly pulled away from you and went back over to the stove, sticking the spoon into the boiling water and giving the pasta a few stirs. It had started to clump a bit, so he tried his best to break it all up. 
You came over to him and took the spoon from his hand, giving it a few more stirs. “How long now?”
“Um, just a few minutes left, I think?” He wasn’t too sure. You captured a few of the noodles on the spoon and drained off excess water. You blew on it carefully, not wanting it to be too hot, before you held it up for him to try. He picked the bits of pasta off the spoon and tried it, making a bit of a face when he bit into the almost cooked pasta. “Yea, definitely a few more minutes. It’s nearly there.”
“Perfect, let’s add the hot dogs then.” You said as you nudged him out of the way and began to carefully toss in the chopped up bits of hotdog into the boiling water. “And once it’s all done, we’ll drain the water and mix in the cheeses.” You looked up at him with a smile. “Sounds good, right?”
He nodded and moved behind you once more, resuming his previous position of wrapping his arms around you as you worked. You were fine with it, especially because he didn’t get in the way. He was also just a bit taller than you, so he had no issue lifting the heavy pot of boiling water to dump it out if you asked him, whereas you sometimes struggled with it. You turned to look up at him, still smiling.
“Almost done, Buggy.” You told him. “Why don't you go sit down and I’ll bring you a plate?”
He nodded but didn’t move from his spot. He didn’t want to, because you were just being so damn kind and loving to him that he was starting to have thoughts of what he did to deserve you, because he sure as hell didn’t do this kind of stuff for you. What had he done to deserve this love and affection you had for him? You just knew what he needed when he needed it, and he didn’t even know that about himself. He just knew to react, to yell and scream about the problem, and you just looked at him and knew how to make him feel better. 
“Buggy?” Your voice shook him from his thoughts and he swallowed heavily and looked down at you. You reached up and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him down for a kiss. He let you, wrapping his arms back around you as you moved from his lips to the rest of his face, peppering kisses all over, and when you were done, you pressed three to his nose, lingering a moment before pulling back to finish up with the food. He was a little dazed from all that so you shooed him away to go sit down. 
He did as he was told and sat back at the table, watching you drain the pasta (with a bit of a struggle but you didn’t ask for his help), mix in half of the cheese into the pasta and hotdog mix, season it with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and then serve a big helping of it onto a plate for him. You brought it over and set it in front of him before grabbing the extra cheese and a fork for him. Finally, you brought him a beer and sat down next to him, smiling as you reached over to touch his cheek.
“Eat up, Buggy.” 
He nodded and picked up his fork, looking down at his plate. “Thanks, babe.”
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callofdudes · 8 months
Yesss!! Cod g/t brain worm! I just really need as much tiny!y/n, ghost, soap, and gaz with guant!price fics as I can handle!
Giant!Price and his little tinys helping him cooking in the kitchen. Like tiny!soap amd ghost pushing the ingredients to price when he needs them, while tiny!y/n mixes the pot and tiny!gaz is the taste tester!! It's so cute🥺🥺
P.s. I am sending something kinda similar to this to other authors as well. BUT I AM CHANGING THE PROMPT!! I just want to see everyone's take on cod g/t. So if you're uncomfortable with multiple authors also writing something not super similar to this, but still a cod g/t fic, I understand and you can just ignore this. Thank you🩷🩷
Shut up this is so adorable. I immediately thought of them as those little tiny chibi like characters. So just know that is what I'm picturing as I write this. Their little beans now. I hope you enjoy it, this was an interesting experiment.
When a family makes a home.
Price was in charge of taking care of his little ones. While you weren't always the most military efficient, Price brought you guys everywhere with him. On leave he had shelves above his bed where he had set up beds and configurations for sleep, all for you guys.
At night dropping you all off at your little platforms and making sure you were snuggled in so you wouldn't fall off. Even if you did, his chest would be there as a landing pad.
Even so, sometimes you guys would come and snuggle with him. Mostly you or Johnny, which frequently leads to you guys trapped under his weighted blanket.
If there is one thing you all like to do together though, it's baking. Price was taught by his mother how to cook and bake, and that was something that always stuck with him. Making bread or cupcakes. He wasn't always the best decorator there ever was, but it worked out.
Especially with his little helpers. Price got up and ready for the day, having a shower and dressing in something fresh. Coming outside to see four little people standing outside the door expectantly. Like cats almost.
He chuckled softly, walking down the hall with you all following after him. Johnny hopped and grabbed Simon's hand as they ran with him.
Gaz tagged along behind with you, having a conversation about something or other. The morning laziness was nice, especially since Price didn't get time off a lot. What with work?
You headed to the kitchen and Johnny jumped excitedly. "We'll help!!"
"We always help, Johnny." Simon pokes his cheek, making the Scot pout a little.
Price bent down, gently picking you all up, Johnny and Gaz getting comfy. Simon huffed and stepped into Price's hand with you behind him.
"So what are we making??" You asked, leaning forward to inspect the clean counter and washed-down stove.
"Omelets, I'm fixing for one today. That alright?"
Gaz gave his biggest thumbs up. As a taste tester of course he got to be the first to approve. 😌
"Perfect." Price got out a pan. "Alright," He headed to the fridge, narrating quietly as he got out eggs, milk, onions, peppers and whatever else they needed. He set them in a pile and placed his hand over the man to make sure it was hot.
He poured some oil in the pan and you all stood around watching. Gaz had a little spot by the spice rack where he usually sat. In his words, his job was to "sit there and look pretty." Which he did very well.
Price felt the pan was hot and reached his hand out. "Eggs."
Simon got up, Johnny and him each taking a side to flip the carton open. "How about this one Simon??"
"Looks heavy as fuck."
"This one it is then!"
Simon sighed, going over and taking off his little gloves, helping Johnny wiggle the egg out and carry it back on wobbly legs to Price.
"Thank you." Price cracked the egg in the pan, watching it sizzle and start to cook. "I'm going to flip it a few times and then you can have it y/n."
You smiled, nodding and rushing over. At the ready Captain Price!
"Ok, one, two, pull!" Johnny pushed the jug of milk forward with all his might, Simon grabbing the handle and tugging, his feet struggling under the marble countertop.
Slowly dragging it over.
"See.. this isn't too hard!"
"Thank you, both of you."
Johnny smiled, hopping on Simon and squeezing him. "aye aye captain!"
Simon pinched Johnny's cheek. "You're horrible."
You watched, smiling and looking into the pan. Price poured a dab of milk in and smoothed the egg around, ordering up another egg which Johnny and Simon quickly fetched.
Once Price popped it in he handed you the flipper. "Have at it kiddo."
"Yes!" You jumped in, standing on the edge, close but not too close, stirring the egg and flipping it with all your might!
Price went to the fridge again and poured three glasses of orange juice. He set down a big one and two small ones. Then getting out pineapple and mango for Simon and Gaz. Two little glasses.
You take a few sips while you watch the pan, grabbing the handle again and squishing it under the omelette, grunting and pushing it up and flipping it. Getting the folded side over too.
"How's it looking y/n?" Price asked.
"It looks good!
"Careful with that knife you two." He said over to Johnny and Simon. Simon looked over at Price. They'd gotten out the peppers and onions, Johnny holding the handle while Simon guided the blade down on the vegetable.
"Don't worry, If Johnny loses a hand I won't worry."
"Hey! You'd worry if I lost a hand." Johnny rested his chin on the handle, pouting out his lip at Simon.
Simon grumbled a little. "Yeah,.. just hold the knife."
Johnny grinned, knowing that was a yes, and went back to work.
Price looked at Gaz who sipped his pineapple mango. "Comfy?"
Gaz looked at him, then the others. "Sure beats having to chop peppers captain."
Price hummed and nodded. "Of course." He finished off his drink and grabbed a plate from the cupboard. Heading over to you. "Alright kiddo, I'll squeeze in here for a moment."
You hopped out of the way and Price took the flipper, putting the omelette on the plate. "Alright, a couple more eggs."
Simon scuttled over while Johnny held the handle of the knife, stepping into the carton and grabbing an egg.
"Careful Simon." You warned. Simon huffed, pulling the egg and wiggling it out. He hopped back down, starting to walk over and - crack.
Simon slipped in the egg white that spilled, the whole egg cracking and flooding down on him. You snickered, covering your mouth quickly.
"Son." Price chuckled, holding out his hand. Simon lifted his mask and spat out egg white. Covered from head to toe.
"Shut up." He grumbles before any of you can say anything. "You've been egged!" You snort.
Johnny came over with an armful of pepper chippings. "I got us- ah!" He slipped, egg white staining all up and down his back.
Gaz burst out laughing, followed by you. Johnny whined, standing up and shaking out his dripping gooey hands.
"Oh come on. Who did that??"
Price held out his hand, Johnny seeing Simon also completely drenched in egg. Well, he was glad he wasn't like Simon... He was swimming in it!
Price lightly shook his head. "Ok y/n, you and Gaz keep an eye on the stove, I'll get these two cleaned up."
"Yes sir." You bent down, grabbed a cloth from the stove handlebar and lifted it. Poking your head up carefully as you walked with the large thing.
"Careful," Gaz warned, also getting up and making sure you didn't slip. You huffed, throwing the towel on the small spill, shuffling your feet while Gaz came over and picked up the eggshells.
Once all is clean you get some pepper pieces and put them in the pan. Gaz and you grabbing another egg out.
Gaz went around again and turned down the heat. He spotted the unattended omelette on the plate. Casually walking over and sitting down. He pulled the corner close and took a big chomp.
"Hey, this is pretty good."
"Are you already eating it??" You snickered. "You won't get to taste test."
"I already did. And besides, he won't notice."
You both waited until Price returned with freshly washed clothes Johnny and Simon. "We survived!" Johnny waved, both hopping down onto the counter.
Price chuckled. "Now where were we?"
"Putting another omelette in."
And so you got to work. Simon and Johnny helping with more ingredients and getting the spice shakers to Price. You helped flip and stir, making up some better egg batter to pour in. And Gaz sat and looked pretty.
When all was said and done Price cut up some pieces for you four and had his plate. "Want to test it Gaz??"
"He already-"
Gaz shushed you softly, batting his eyelashes innocently at Price. "Yes, I do." Price tore a piece and gave it to Gaz, who gobbled it down. Giving a thumbs up. "It's really good-" he said through a mouthful.
You each took your plates and followed Price. Getting help down onto the floor and waddling after him with your omelettes. An adorable sight.
You made it to Price's office and he helped you all onto the desk. Grabbing on his laptop, a blanket and a Nintendo Switch.
He put the blanket on the end of his desk and you all sat around the Nintendo Switch, happily eating and watching videos.
"Hey Price??" You poked your head up. Price looking over.
"This is good."
"Well, you helped make it, so pat yourselves on the back too." He ruffles your hair with his thumb.
Johnny giggled, Simon rolled his eyes, and Gaz just continued to look pretty.
It was a peaceful morning.
Price went back to tapping away on his keyboard while you guys watched different videos. Cheering, laughing and talking as you ate.
Price never felt bugged hearing you guys talk. Just glad he had you guys around with him.
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daily-lalaloopsy · 2 years
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Today's doll is Pepper Pots 'N' Pans!
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losfacedevil · 10 months
Snowfalls & Cocoa - JTK
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a/n~ Just something short and sweet - ya girl needed a break from the angst she’s writing.
Jake sidled up behind you and wrapped his arms around your middle, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You stood at the stove, tending to a sauce pot full of milk you were carefully stirring as you waited for it to heat through. He placed a soft kiss to your neck and let his fingers dance up underneath the hem of your sweater, chilling your warm skin with ice cold finger tip kisses.
You turned your heat to the right, pressing a series of soft kisses to his lips before turning your attention to the bay window in your living room. The sky was grey, clouds that usually meant a rain storm looming with the impending snow on the horizon. The temperatures had began dropping drastically in the previous weeks, the undeniable factor in the snowfall.
Jake propped his chin against your shoulder, a soft smile caressing his lips as he reached forward and plucked the whisk out of your hand. He chuckled softly into your ear as he took over and began to stir the milk that was starting to come to a boil.
“Watching the sky isn’t going to summon the snow, darling. Can you please put the mix in?” The low drawl in his voice shook you from your thoughts and you reached out blindly in front of you, searching for the sachets of cocoa powder.
He chuckled lightly, the sensation that the vibration of his vocal cords sent through you sending a tingle down your spine. You turned your full attention to the task at hand and emptied the open sachets into the pan.
“I’ll take this over if you want to put all the marshmallows your little heart desires into the mugs.” You rested your hand gently over his, following his whisking motion. He turned his head and placed a soft kiss against your cheek as he broke away from you and let the whisk fall into your grasp.
Jakes eyes danced to the bay window, a soft smile caressing his lips as he noticed the first few flakes of snow fluttering on the cool wind. He lined the bottom of the mugs with marshmallow fluff, bringing the spoon to his lip to lick some off of it before turning to you to share.
“Open.” He chuckled, pressing the tip of the spoon up against your mouth. You did as you were told, savoring the sweet and sticky mess that sat about the spoon. A smile spread across your lips as you shut off the burner and carefully lifted the hot pan to pour the hot cocoa into the mugs.
Jake pressed a sticky kiss to your cheek as he wrapped his hand around the mug handle and lifted it up off of the counter. Holding the mug in both hands, he gently blew across the top of the hot liquid before taking a tentative sip.
“Well it looks like watching the sky really did summon the snow, didn’t it?” He cooed, turning his attention to the bay window where the snow fall was now more noticeable. You turned your head, eyes lighting up with delight as you saw the big flakes of snow falling from the sky.
You scooped your mug up off of the counter and slowly made your way over to the window, taking the smallest sip of your hot cocoa before resting the mug down on the windowsill. Jake sauntered up behind you, resting his hand gently against your hip and pulled you against his body. He continued to sip on his cocoa, his eyes dancing over the falling flakes as they began to come down faster.
Jake placed his mug next to yours and wrapped both of his arms around your waist. A soft sigh slipped past his lips as he allowed himself to relax around your body, his tense shoulders finally falling forward as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. You relaxed fully into his embrace, letting your head fall back against his shoulder.
He moved so his chin rested against your shoulder, turning his head slightly to pepper soft kisses against your cheek. He loved the child like light in your eyes as you watched the first snowfall of the season - something you had been waiting weeks for. He rubbed the tip of his always cold nose against your cheek, earning himself a giggle.
“The first snowfall is always the prettiest.” You mumbled, letting your eyes flutter shut as you reveled in the feeling of his chest pressed against your back, the soft rise and fall of his breaths and the soft undeniable scent of him enveloping you.
“Not as pretty as you are.” He mumbled, pressing another series of kisses against your cheek as he turned his attention back to the big, wet flakes of snow that were now collecting on the grass.
Cheeky Jake babe taglist: @vanfleeter @tommie-gvf @writingcold @takenbythemadness @ignite-my-fire @klarxtr @sinsofstardust @runwayblues @stardustvanfleet @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @alwaysonthemend @silks-up-my-sleeve
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niki-phoria · 1 year
a may be a short fic for like jay leaving the house and m/n tried to cook but accidentally burnt it and caught by jay then end up jay helping m/n while he was back hugging m/n hehe
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pairing: jay x male!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 678
includes: established relationship, changed this slightly to just jay helping reader learn how to cook, sorry if this is messy i wasn't really sure how to write the actual cooking part lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
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you push your phone onto your bedside table before turning to lay on your side. you softly smile to yourself as you study the boy laying next to you. jay’s messy fringe perfectly frames his face - still damp from the shower he had taken earlier. a thin pair of glasses sits on the bridge of his nose. one of your old t-shirts hangs loosely off of his broad shoulders. 
“you’re doing that thing again,” he murmurs. you silently watch as he sets his phone down before turning to face you. 
“what thing?” you chuckle.
“the puppy dog eyes you only do when you want me to do something for you.”
a gasp of faux offense escapes you. you dramatically roll onto your back, bringing a hand up to cover your heart. “you always assume the worst of me,” you huff.
“okay, okay,” jay laughs. he shifts even closer to you, leaning over your body to look down at you. “i’m sorry, baby. what do you need?”
“i’m hungry. will you help me make dinner? please?”
jay smiles brightly. he leans down to pull you into a sweet peck before he nods. “of course, love. come on.” you intertwine your hands together as you follow him into your kitchen. “what do you want to make?”
“japchae.” he smiles at your enthusiasm, helping you grab a variety of leftover vegetables and meat from the fridge. you set a pot of water to boil on the stove before slowly adding the noodles in to cook for a few minutes. the thin noodles swirl around when you stir them with a large, wooden spoon before putting the lid back onto the pot.
“y/n,” jay’s soft voice catches your attention. a cutting board and knife sit on your countertop near the sink. a variety of vegetables lay surrounding them on the counter. “come here.”
his arms snake around your waist from behind as you move to stand in front of the cutting board. he leans his head down to rest against your shoulder, carefully observing each of your movements. “let me know if you need any help,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss against your shoulder. 
you hum as you reach over to grab an onion. it rolls slightly along the cutting board as you slice a piece of the onion out of the side before peeling the first few layers of skin off. “how do i dice it?” 
“here,” jay smiles, reaching over to put his hands on top of yours. “use your knuckles to guide the knife so you don’t cut yourself.”
you let him maneuver your hands into the correct position before slowly guiding the knife down to hit the plastic cutting board below. you cut the onion into thin slices before turning them so you can cut the slices horizontally. “like that?” you ask.
“that’s perfect,” jay smiles. he slips away from behind you to turn the stove off before draining the water from the pot. he sets a frying pan over the still-heated burner before adding a small drop of oil into the center. the noodles sizzle when they hit the pan.
you use the knife to gather the diced onion between the blade and your hand before dropping them onto the noodles. jay smiles, nodding in approval. “do you want to do the rest while i make the sauce?”
“okay,” you nod. you carefully replicate the movements jay had taught you previously, gliding the blade into bell peppers and tofu until they were cut into small pieces. you’re nearly dancing around the kitchen beside jay as you work in tandem to add each new ingredient into the stir fry. 
“here,” jay pauses, using his chopsticks to fish out a few of the noodles. he holds a hand underneath your chin as he blows on them before raising the food up to your lips. “is it good?”
he chuckles when you perk up at the taste, frantically nodding. “it’s delicious,” you smile. 
jay reaches over to press a kiss against your temple. “that’s because you helped make them.” 
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personal note: fics might be coming out as fast/more focused on what i have inspiration to write in the moment for now. i've been stuck in a cycle of dysphoria and depression lately that's really impacted my motivation and my mental health lately as well as just general stress. i hope to start writing more frequently soon but until then thank you for all of the support <33
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lynetianya · 1 year
Feast of Love [ Karina X Reader ]
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Y/N had a plan to surprise Karina and the other members by preparing their favorite dishes at the AESPA dorm.
👨‍🍳 Warning! Maybe you will be hungry after reading this story. 👩‍🍳
[ I like cooking, so I made this story after finding out what the aespa members' favorite foods are ]
GENRE : Fluff
TYPE : One Shot
Karina, the leader of the famous girl group AESPA under SM Entertainment, had a secret. She had a loving relationship with Y/N, who was not an idol but her biggest supporter. Only the members of AESPA and a few trusted people at SM Entertainment knew about their relationship. Today was a rare day off for the group, and Y/N had a plan to surprise Karina and the other members by preparing their favorite dishes at the AESPA dorm.
Before heading to the dorm, Y/N had cooked some of the dishes at home to save time and ensure the surprise remained intact. First on the menu was lasagna, Winter's all-time favorite. Y/N gathered all the necessary ingredients: lasagna noodles, tomato sauce with minced meat, ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, and Parmesan cheese.
Y/N started by sautéing onions and garlic in a large pan, filling the kitchen with a delightful aroma. Next, Y/N added the minced meat and cooked it until it changed color. Then came the tomato sauce, salt, pepper, and her favorite spices, all going into the pot. Y/N let the sauce simmer while tasting it to ensure it had the perfect flavor.
While the tomato sauce was simmering, Y/N boiled the lasagna noodles and allowed them to cool. Then began assembling the lasagna. Y/N started by spreading a little tomato sauce on the bottom of a baking dish, followed by a layer of lasagna noodles. Then layered it with the smooth ricotta cheese mixture and a generous sprinkle of mozzarella cheese.
Y/N repeated this process several times until the dish was filled with tempting layers of lasagna, covered it with aluminum foil and placed it in the preheated oven. After 30-40 minutes, the mouthwatering aroma of lasagna filled the entire house.
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The final process of lasagna will be carried out in the AESPA dorm.
Next on the list were salad and seaweed soup for Giselle. Y/N carefully washed fresh vegetables, including lettuce, spinach, and carrots. Then chopped the vegetables into small pieces and placed them in a large bowl. Y/N also prepared some cherry tomatoes, washed and halved them.
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Y/N checked the dried seaweed Y/N had purchased earlier and soaked it in warm water for a few minutes until it became soft and expanded. Afterward, Y/N drained the seaweed and cut it into small, bite-sized pieces for the soup.
To start making the seaweed soup, Y/N brought vegetable broth into a large pot and heated it. Once the broth began to boil, y/n added the chopped seaweed and let it simmer for a few more minutes. Y/N also added finely chopped garlic, green onions, and a few drops of soy sauce to give the soup a savory flavor. The final touch is to add the baby clams to the soup After simmering for a while, the seaweed soup was ready to be served.
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While the seaweed soup continued to simmer, Y/N returned to the salad. Added the chopped vegetables to the large bowl, then continued by adding the fresh cherry tomato halves. Y/N also added the prepared seaweed pieces to the salad, providing a unique texture and a fresh, oceanic taste.
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For the dressing, Y/N created a simple mixture by combining olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar in a small bowl. Mixed the ingredients until they were well combined and then poured the dressing over the salad. Y/N gently tossed the salad in the dressing, ensuring that every vegetable was coated with the refreshing flavors.
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The next dish on Y/N's menu was Gamjatang, Ningning's absolute favorite. Y/N had purchased high-quality pork ribs and a variety of colorful vegetables, including potatoes, scallions, and kimchi. All the ingredients were fresh and vibrant on her kitchen table.
Y/N began by filling a pot with water and placing it on the stove. Once the water was boiling, she added the pork ribs, briefly blanching them to remove any unwanted blood and odor. Afterward, Y/N changed the water and added the sliced potatoes, scallions, and kimchi to the pot.
While everything simmered to perfection in the pot, Y/N prepared the Gamjatang seasoning. Y/N mixed gochugaru (Korean red pepper powder), soy sauce, finely minced garlic, ginger, and other spices in a small bowl. This mixture would give the Gamjatang its signature spicy and savory flavor.
When the ingredients in the pot had softened and released their fragrant aroma, Y/N added the prepared seasoning. carefully stirred everything, ensuring the seasoning was evenly distributed among the ingredients. After a few moments, the Gamjatang was ready to be served.
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The final dish Y/N prepared was Karina's all-time favorite, Tonkatsu. Y/N visited local Asian store and bought thin slices of quality pork cutlets. Y/N also gathered breadcrumbs, eggs, and a few pieces of cabbage to accompany the Tonkatsu. All the ingredients were fresh and of high quality.
Back at home, Y/N began by soaking the pork cutlets in salted water for a few minutes to remove some of the odor and enhance their texture. While waiting, Y/N sliced the cabbage into thin layers and set up a bowl with breadcrumbs on one side and a bowl of beaten eggs on the other.
After patting the pork cutlets dry carefully, Y/N coated them in breadcrumbs, making sure every side was evenly covered, then dipped them into the beaten eggs before giving them a second coating of breadcrumbs. The Tonkatsu was now ready for frying. Y/N planned to fry the Tonkatsu in the AESPA dorm so that Karina could enjoy it while it was still hot and crispy.
With all the dishes prepared, Y/N placed them in food containers and loaded them into her car. Y/N was ready to head to the AESPA dorm.
Upon arriving at the dorm, Y/N quietly slipped inside with the dishes to avoid waking the members. Y/N had previously informed the AESPA manager and obtained permission and a key to the dorm.
Y/N placed all the dishes in the kitchen and prepared to reheat the food and fry the Tonkatsu, luckily, AESPA dorm had a spacious kitchen for her to work in. Y/N retrieved the lasagna, removed the aluminum foil, and let it bake for another 10-15 minutes in the oven.
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Next, Y/N reheated the Gamjatang and seaweed soup that had prepared earlier.
While waiting for everything to be ready, Y/N readied herself to fry the Tonkatsu. Y/N heated the oil in a pan to the perfect temperature and carefully added the pieces of Tonkatsu. They sizzled as they met the hot oil. Y/N cooked them until they turned a beautiful golden color, ensuring the pork was cooked to perfection inside.
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Once the Tonkatsu was done, Y/N lifted them from the pan and placed them on paper towels to remove excess oil. At the same time, Y/N thinly sliced the cabbage, which would accompany the dish.
Y/N finally arranged the cooked Tonkatsu on a plate, placing the cabbage slices around them as a garnish. Y/N also provided a delicious Tonkatsu sauce for dipping. The Tonkatsu looked perfect, with a crispy outer layer and tender pork inside.
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The increasingly irresistible aroma wafted through the house and began to reach the bedrooms of the members. It was then that Karina woke up from her morning slumber.
Karina rubbed her sleepy eyes, but then her senses were suddenly overwhelmed by the enticing smell of food. She sat up in bed, her eyes widening, and her drowsy expression turning into one of excitement.
With swift steps, Karina rushed to the kitchen, where Y/N was busy preparing the feast. "Y/N, what are you cooking?" Karina asked in amazement, her face lighting up with a wide smile. She embraced Y/N's broad shoulders and planted affectionate kisses on Y/N's cheeks and lips. Karina was taken aback by Y/N's surprise visit.
Y/N smiled and replied, "I'm making your favorite dishes."
Karina could only shake her head in disbelief, asking, "You made all of this? Doesn't this take a long time? Aren't you tired?" Karina couldn't believe her eyes. There was so much food prepared by Y/N, and it must have taken a considerable amount of time and effort.
"Not at all, it's your day off, so I decided to surprise you all with my cooking," Y/N said affectionately.
Karina, hearing Y/N's words, was overjoyed and touched by Y/N's love for them. She kissed Y/N once more, deeply appreciating Y/N.
Y/N then instructed Karina to wake up the other members. Karina, with a smile on her face, kissed Y/N again and hurriedly went to wake the other members.
Y/N efficiently arranged all the dishes on the dining table. Y/N took the lasagna out of the oven, allowing it to rest for a moment before cutting it into slices and placing them on the table.
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The same went for the Gamjatang, salad, and seaweed soup. Everything was neatly laid out.
All the members who had awakened were in for a surprise when they saw the spread. Winter, with joy, started to jump around as she spotted her favorite lasagna ready on the table. Giselle's eyes widened in astonishment as she saw the seaweed soup, and Ningning let out a joyful cheer at the sight of Gamjatang.
"Winter, this is your favorite lasagna," Y/N said with a warm smile.
Winter's face lit up, and she couldn't contain her excitement. "Y/N, you made lasagna for me? I love you!" Winter exclaimed, hugging Y/N tightly.
Giselle, with a gleam of appreciation in her eyes, looked at Y/N and said, "Wow, seaweed soup! You remembered! Thank you, Y/N!"
Ningning was practically dancing with joy as she stared at the Gamjatang. "I can't believe it! Gamjatang! You're amazing, Y/N!" she exclaimed.
Karina returned with the other members in tow, and they were equally surprised by the feast that awaited them. They all gathered around the table, and Y/N couldn't help but smile as watched their expressions of delight and gratitude.
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With laughter and chatter filling the room, they all dug into the delicious meal Y/N had prepared. Each dish had been made with love, and it showed in the taste. They couldn't stop praising Y/N for Y/N culinary skills, and they knew that this morning's breakfast would be one of the most special meals they'd ever shared together.
As they ate, they shared stories, laughter, and tender moments. Karina couldn't have been happier to have Y/N as partner, someone who cared so deeply for her and her fellow members.
🤭Are you hungry yet?🤭
My Masterlist
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oonasvegankitchen · 8 months
Green curry with coconut rice 🌱 Vihreä curry kookosriisillä⁠
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What do you need?⁠ 2 tbsp coconut oil⁠ 2 tbsp green curry paste⁠ 1 onion chopped⁠ 3 garlic cloves minced⁠ 1 chili chopped⁠ 1 pepper chopped⁠ 2 dl cooked chickpeas⁠ 1 dl sugar snaps halved⁠ 1/2 broccoli chopped⁠ 2 carrots chopped⁠ 2 dl water⁠ 4 dl oat cream⁠ 1 leaf of kaffir lime⁠ A small handful of thai basil chopped⁠ A small handful of cilantro chopped⁠ 1/2 lime's juice⁠ ⁠ 4dl rice⁠ 4dl water⁠ 4dl coconut milk⁠ salt⁠ ⁠ 1. Heat up the oil in a pan. Add the onion, chili and curry paste. Sauté for about 6 minutes. Add more oil, garlic, broccoli, pepper and carrots. Sauté for 10 minutes.⁠ 2. Meanwhile cook the rice. Start by rinsing the rice well. Take a pot and add in water, coconut milk, rice and some salt. Mix and bring to a boil. Add a lid and lower the heat to medium. Let simmer for 15 minutes. ⁠ 3. Add chickpeas, sugar snaps, water, oat cream and the lime leaf. Mix and let simmer for 5 minutes. Take the rice off the stove and let it sit for a bit. Finish the curry by adding lime juice and the herbs.⁠ ⁠ Mitä tarvitsen?⁠ 2 rkl kookosöljyä⁠ 2 rkl vihreää currytahnaa⁠ 1 sipuli silputtuna⁠ 3 valkosipulin kynttä silputtuna⁠ 1 chili silputtuna⁠ 1 paprika pilkottuna 2 dl kypsiä kikherneitä⁠ 1 dl puolitettuja sokeriherneitä⁠ 1/2 parsakaali pilkottuna⁠ 2 porkkanaa pilkottuna 2 dl vettä⁠ 4 dl kaurakermaa⁠ 1 kaffirilimen lehti⁠ Pieni kourallinen thaibasilikaa silppuna⁠ Pieni kourallinen korianteria silppuna⁠ 1/2 limen mehu⁠ ⁠ 4dl riisiä⁠ 4dl vettä⁠ 4dl kookosmaitoa⁠ Suolaa⁠ ⁠ 1. Lämmitä öljy pannulla. Lisää sipuli, chili ja currytahna. Kuullota n. 6 minuuttia. Lisää öljyä sekä parsakaali, paprika ja porkkanat. Kypsennä 10 minuuttia. 2. Valmista riisi curryn valmistuessa. Huuhtele riisi hyvin. Lisää kattilaan vesi, kookosmaito, suola ja riisi. Sekoita ja kiehauta. Lisää kansi ja madalla lämpö keskilämmölle. Anna kypsyä 15 minuuttia.⁠ 3. Lisää kattilaan kikherneet, sokeriherneet, kaurakerma ja limen lehti. Sekoita ja anna hautua 5 minuuttia. Ota riisi pois liedeltä ja laita sivuun. Viimeistele curry limemehulla ja yrteillä.⁠
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