whereifindsanity · 6 months
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perelada by josep m nolla
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jow99 · 4 months
A bit of sightseeing
Wednesday morning Jose had a Narrabeen call and I went off to my Spanish conversation group, leaving Angela and Paul to go out for a long exploratory walk and Jose’s Mum to just relax and get over her big day yesterday.
We regrouped for lunch and went to what was Jose’s Mum’s favourite restaurant when she was here last year. The weather by and large behaved itself, though it was a little bit chilly.
In the evening we met up with Katharine and Stephen for drinks in town.
Thursday was a sightseeing day. The 5 of us piled into the car they have hired. The first stop was the winery at Perelada and a look at the storks nests, the castle and a spot of morning tea.
Next stop was Port de Selva, a lovely fishing town where we had a look around and a drink. Then we headed to Cadaques for a look around and lunch.
On the way home we dropped into Empuria Brava for afternoon tea. We’d been exceptionally lucky with the weather. First thing we had rain at home before we headed out. It started to rain as we got in the car leaving Empuria Brava but it was dry and sunny as we arrived back in L’Escala.
In the evening we went out for sangria at the beach and then dinner at the Argentinian steak restaurant 😋🍷
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theonlinecollector · 4 months
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Bartolomé Bermejo
Cristo de la Piedad (1470-75)
Museo Castillo de Perelada
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elfinaldelcamino · 2 months
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Projecte encàrrec del Festival Perelada
Xavier GARCÍA CARDONA (1991)  
“Així com cell qui es veu prop de la mort” (Estrena )
Aurora BAUZÀ (1987) i Pere JOU (1985)   
"Canto de Lobo” (Estrena i encàrrec del Festival) a partir d’un fragment de l’obra “Lamentationes Ieremiæ Prophetæ” d’Alonso Lobo (1555-1617)  
Joan MAGRANÉ (1988)  
“Come fontana piena” 
Madalena CASULANA (1544)  
“Ahi possanza d’amor” de “Il secondo libro de madrigali a quattro voci” 
Anna CAMPMANY (1993)  
"Si jo oblidés ma cantera” (Estrena i encàrrec del Festival )
Carles PRAT (1985)   
“Tanto gentil”  a l’estil madrigalesc (Estrena)
Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567)  
“Ecco mormorar l’onde” de “Il secondo libro de madrigali a cinque voci”
Helena CÁNOVAS (1994)  
“Intorno a due vermiglie e vaghe labbra” 
Josep OLLÉ (1987)  
“Jubilate Deo”
Cor de Cambra del Palau de la Música Catalana 
Júlia SESÉ, direcció musical
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globalgolf · 5 months
Hotel Peralada ausgezeichnet mit einem Michelin-Schlüssel
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Der MICHELIN-Führer führt eine neue Auszeichnung ein, um Betriebe hervorzuheben, die dazu beitragen, einzigartige Erlebnisse zu schaffen. Das Hotel Perelada wurde vom MICHELIN-Führer ausgewählt, um in die erste Auswahl von Hotels aufgenommen zu werden, die mit einem, zwei oder drei MICHELIN-Schlüsseln ausgezeichnet werden. Das in der Region Empordà im Norden Kataloniens gelegene Hotel wird mit einem MICHELIN-Schlüssel in die neue Familie des internationalen Führers aufgenommen, was laut Führer "einen ganz besonderen Aufenthalt" bedeutet. Laut dem MICHELIN-Führer ist das Hotel Perelada "der goldene Mittelweg zwischen einem Boutique-Hotel und einem großen Resort; seine Ästhetik ähnelt dem ersten, während seine Einrichtungen eher dem zweiten entsprechen. Die Architektur des Gebäudes ist so gestaltet, dass sie sich in die örtliche Tradition einfügt, aber die Innenräume sind nicht dazu verpflichtet, sie sind ungewöhnlich schlicht und modern, aber dennoch warm und organisch in ihren Materialien." Diese Unterscheidung macht das Haus zu einem authentischen Juwel mit eigenem Charakter und eigener Persönlichkeit. Sie hebt auch die Einrichtungen und Dienstleistungen hervor, die viel umfangreicher sind als die vergleichbarer Betriebe. Das neue Bewertungssystem, das im April dieses Jahres zum ersten Mal eingeführt wurde, zeichnet Hotels aus, die anhand von fünf universellen Kriterien - herausragende Architektur und Inneneinrichtung, Qualität und Beständigkeit des Service, Gesamtpersönlichkeit und Charakter, Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Nachbarschaft oder Umgebung - die besten Aufenthalte bieten. Golfurlaub im Peralada Wine Spa & Golf Resort Ein MICHELIN Schlüssel - Ein besonderer Aufenthalt Ein Name wie Hotel Peralada Wine Spa & Golf überlässt wenig der Vorstellungskraft… In Wirklichkeit verfügt dieses Luxushotel im Empordà, zwischen Girona und der französischen Grenze, nicht nur über Weinberge und ein funktionierendes Weingut, ein luxuriöses Spa, das auf Weintherapie spezialisiert ist, und einen der besten Golfplätze an der Costa Brava, sondern auch über ein Casino, ein restauriertes Karmeliterkloster und mehr als ein paar Orte, an denen du ein gutes gastronomisches Angebot genießen kannst. Mit seinen 55 Zimmern liegt es irgendwo zwischen einem Boutique-Hotel und einem Resort, und obwohl seine Ästhetik eher zu Ersterem passt, entspricht seine Ausstattung eher Letzterem. Das Äußere des Gebäudes versucht, der lokalen Tradition treu zu bleiben. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Inneneinrichtung unerwartet elegant und modern, obwohl die Materialien warm und natürlich sind. https://global-golf.de/peralada-wine-spa-und-golf Peralada Wine Spa & Golf Resort Das gastronomische Angebot umfasst mehrere Weinbars, ein Café am Pool, ein Restaurant mit zeitgenössischer, vom Empordà inspirierter Küche, das L'Olivera, und das Shiro von Paco Pérez, das asiatische und mediterrane Aromen miteinander verbindet. Das kulinarische Juwel in der Krone ist jedoch das mit einem Michelin-Stern ausgezeichnete Castell Peralada, das in den Mauern einer authentischen Burg aus dem 14. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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delivinos · 6 months
Los 7 mejores syrah según José Peñín:
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[94 pts] PERELADA FINCA GARBET 2019 (D.O. EMPORDA) 122 € La viña contempla el mediterráneo de la costa sometida al viento de la tramontana. De color intenso, aroma potente a fruta madura, mezcla de evocación de moras maduras y tostado de chocolate con taninos dulces muy carnoso.
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[94 pts] ROLLAND-GALARRETA "FINCA ROSALEJO" 2020 (IGP CASTILLA VINO DE LA TIERRA) 50€ La impronta de Michel Rolland se hace notar con su experiencia argentina. En este caso trabajando con viñedos a más de 600 metros de altitud elaborado en Toledo, pero fuertemente soleados. Cereza intenso, recuerdos a moras maduras y una pincelada de chocolate, muy expresivo frutalmente.
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[93 pts] PALOMAR DE LA REINA 2019 (Bod. La Mejorada Vino de Mesa) 55€ El vino procede de la finca situada en la localidad castellana de Olmedo, propiedad del famoso arquitecto Rafael Moneo. Viña de temperamento continental de contraste térmico día-noche. Muy intenso de color, de sabor potente, carnoso, taninos muy confitados y maduros con cierta expresión frutal.
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[93 pts] ABADÍA RETUERTA "PAGO GARDUÑA" 2019 (Vino de Pago) 92 € Un sorprendente syrah de tierras calizas enfrente de la Abadía. De color cereza intenso, aroma con evocación de mermelada de moras y finos tostados de barrica muy integrados en el vino. Es de sabor potente, carnoso, muy maduro, pero con cierta expresión frutal y ligeramente balsámico de frescura a 800 metros de altitud.
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[93 pts] HERENCIA ALTES LO GRAU DE L'INQUISIDOR 2019 (D.O. Terra Alta) 39€ Con una inteligente crianza en toneles de 500 litros, es notable que en la zona donde manda la garnacha blanca como variedad tardía, Nuria Altés y Rafael de Haans se hayan atrevido a plantar una uva temprana como la syrah. Un tinto muy ecológico de color muy intenso, con un roble cremoso muy fundido en el vino, que se percibe al olfato y boca, con el sabor de fruta negra y matices ligeramente tostados que recuerdan al chocolate láctico y hierba seca del Mediterráneo.
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[93 pts] 😉 FINCA RIO NEGRO "Cerro del Lobo" 2019 (IGP Castilla Vino de la Tierra) 26,50 € - La mejor RCP 😉 La finca situada en las alturas de Guadalajara se beneficia de la acidez que proporciona esa cota y de la insolación continental. Un tinto de color cereza intenso, tostado fino y fruta negra confitada, recuerdos de cacao negro.
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[93 pts] GRAN CRUOR 2018 (D.O. Priorat) 52€ Plantar syrah en los suelos pizarrosos del Priorat no deja de ser una temeridad debido a la rápida maduración de los racimos. El volumen, madurez de los granos y una sabia crianza en roble no impiden que la expresión frutal se imponga, lo que permite una fluidez en boca que apenas se perciben sus 15º de graduación.
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mikasalmi · 1 year
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Incredible architecture at Perelada, a winery in Costa Brava, Spain created by RCR architects. The scale of everything and the attention to detail is impressive.
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mesaparaocho · 4 years
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🍷 Seguimos con nuestra cata particular 🤗 Teníamos ganas de descorchar este vino tinto de l'Empordà. Perelada Finca Malveïna 2014. Un vino Tinto con crianza, 18 meses en barricas bordelesas nuevas de roble francés Allier. Es un vino con una marcada personalidad. 🍇 Tipo de vino: Vino tinto 🍇 Variedades: 65% Merlot, 19% Garnacha, 16% Syrah 🍇 Bodega: Castillo Perelada @c_perelada 🍇 D.O.: Empordà @do_emporda 🍇 Añada: 2014 🍇 Alc.: 14.9% vol. 🍇 Vista: Color rojo cereza de capa alta. 🍇 Nariz: Aroma potente, recuerdos de frutos negros, con un fondo de notas especiadas y tostadas. 🍇 Boca: Redondo, carnoso y estructurado. Sensación de cremosidad. Excelente equilibrio, con un buen paso de boca y largo postgusto. 🥇 @guiapenin: 92 🍽 Un tinto interesante y fácil de beber. Carnes rojas a la parrilla, Risottos, Quesos semicurados, Carnes rojas con salsa, Estofados, Asados, Carnes blancas con salsa, Pato, Embutidos, Setas, Bacalao, Aves @marvilaplanaestrada @empordawine @empordalovers #mesaparaocho #ExcellenciaEmpordanesa #Perelada #Winelover #Empordà #Wine #DOEmpordà #FincaMalaveïna #vinotinto #redwine #wine #winelover #winelovers #wineheritage #winetasting #winetime #winefromspain #instawine #winestagram #vinscatalans #vicatala (en Mesaparaocho) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMVI1iKBsJI/?igshid=10wmly98i8ng4
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pepdart · 6 years
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• Visitem “Dalí de Nit” (at Salvador Dalí Museus)
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deceiver-a-day · 3 years
Albane Perelada
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The Pictures in Albane Perelada’s Photo Album
• [x] preserve memories
• [x] remain in chronological order
• [x] inspire fond nostalgia, even when depicting the bittersweet or embarrassing 
• [x] sometimes fall out and are forgotten
• [x] lack color
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city-of-ladies · 4 years
Women at war in the Catalan grand Chronicles
“Not all women close to the front lines of battle are of royal blood. Noblewomen, the wives and daughters of knights, are often called to active duty. During the French invasion of 1285, Dona Alicsèn de Montesquiu is credited with saving her town on the plains of Roussillon. She «did not allow the French to enter there but resisted them with much courage». No details are given as to her specific actions in battle, though she is clearly in command; the town is said to «belong» to her. Her military acumen is no doubt sharp as she defends her town from four full French assaults and inflicts heavy casualties.  
The account of Malcalda Scaletta's role in the defense of Messina during the War of the Sicilian Vespers is a little more expansive. The wife of a captain in Peter III's army, Malcalda is described as being: 
 «... of high spirits and strong in courage and body; she was in truth as valiant as any knight and went about daily with thirty armed horsemen and kept guard over the city and stationed her soldiers wherever they were needed to do battle, whether on the walls or in any other place in the city.»  
Malcalda's case is striking for a number of reasons. She takes on an active role  in the absence of a man to defend her, but in the presence and with the apparent approval of her husband. As commander of thirty horsemen she must be well versed in military strategy and the use of arms. Her leadership is not exercised at a distance; rather, she rides with her knigths and seemingly at their side. It is no wonder when Peter III visits Messina that Malcalda participates in every council between king and captain. She is always at the king's side «when he walked forth or rode through the city or was hunting.» That Malcalda has won the respect of her male peers is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that Desclot deems her story worthy of inclusion in his chronicle in the first place. 
While one might assume that Macalda Scaletta donned armor when riding about with her horsemen, it is certain that Mercadera, a woman who kept a shop in Perelada, did precisely this during the French invasion of 1285. With her town besieged by the French army, this woman puts on a man's gown, takes a lance, girds on a sword, carries a shield, and sallies forth to pick cabbages in the hort just outside the city walls. When she comes upon a French knight hopelessly lost in the hort's maze of irrigation ditches, quickly attacks. She wounds the man in the leg with her lance, subdues his horse by a blow to the head with her sword, grabs the reins, and cries, «Knight, you are a dead man if you do not surrender!». Wisely, the Frenchman complies. The woman is rewarded for her valor with the French knight's armor and 200 gold florins in rams on money that he raises. In addition, she is given an audience with the king and is asked to «relate many times how she had captured» the knight.  
The chronicler Muntaner clearly sees this woman's actions as extraordinary, «a marvelous thing». His purpose in including her story is to ridicule the invaders and to show that «the anger of God» was upon the French. Yet this should not discount the story's veracity. Muntaner was a native of Peralada, was present during the French siege, and testifies to knowing the woman personally. Once again a woman is presented who acts independendy, without any intervention from a husband or male relative. She ventures outside the walls alone. She does not flee from but initiates the confrontation with the knight. She alone reaps the benefits ofher actions. While it is clear women did not often singlehandedly capture enemy soldiers, questions remain as to whether all of this woman's actions were so uncommon. How often did women go outside the walls of a besieged city to gather food? Did they do so alone or in groups? Guarded or unguarded? Armed or unarmed? Muntaner's ton suggests that the food-gathering expedition itself was not so odd; he does not comment on the novelty of the other circumstances.  
The bravery of this love woman of Peralada is matched and perhaps exceeded by a whole «army» of women who defend the Catalan camp at Gallipoli. This incident is recorded by Muntaner and is again taken from his personal experience. While the greater portion of the army is away on a raid, Muntaner is left in command of seven knights, 135 footsoldiers, 2000 women, and an unrecorded number of children. In this vunerable state, they are attacked by the Genoese fleet. Because he lacks sufficient numbers to «man» the defense, Muntaner is forced to utilize women. «I made all the women who were there put on armour and ordered them to the walls». These irregular recruits fight well enough to earn a few lines of praise: 
 «The battle was very hard, and our women defended (the walls) with stones and pieces of rock in so masterly a manner it was marvelous; indeed, a woman was found there who had five wounds from flying stones on her face, who still continued the defense as if she was not hurt.»  
The women in the Catalan Chronicles, however, raise issues that go beyond their individual «desperate times». When called up on, several of these women have skill with arms and knowledge of military strategy. Where was this training acquired and how widespread was it? In a society whose inheritance laws claimed that  armor was passed to male heirs only, how did Mercadera of Peralada have access to sword, lance, and shield? The women at Gallipoli are not camp-following prostitutes; this raises questions about the participation of women in offensive armies.”
McMillin, Linda A. "Women on the Walls: Women and Warfare in the Catalan Grand Chronicles." Catalan Review 3:1 (July, 1989) pp. 123-136.
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winelab-blog1 · 6 years
Had an uber-duper-super visit yesterday with @c_perelada 🍷 what a landscape, culture, history and hospitality! Muchas gracias 🙏🏻 #perelada #emporda (at Empordà) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtnqpsdoasQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vtqq1xox6pkd
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jow99 · 6 months
We’re seeing 20 😎
Thursday morning we went for a lovely ride. It was a beautiful sunny morning though a bit chilly. Unfortunately Marjolein was busy with work so it was only 3 amigos. I headed home after Monells and left the boys to go and do some climbing. They seemed to enjoy themselves as it was after 2pm by the time Jose got home.
After lunch I left Jose doing Narrabeen work and I went to get some groceries. We were both pretty tired so a quiet evening watching cycling YouTube programs.
Friday we finally managed to get to the new winery in Perelada, something we wanted to do last year but never managed to pull it off. Charlie and Cathy picked us up and we headed off for our tour.
The winery opened in 2023 and it has been beautifully done. The family own 5 fincas where they grow grapes (they actually make a quite nice red called 5 finques) and this winery is a new addition. They have owned the castle in Perelada for 100 years.
Naturally at the end of the tour we had a tasting. Generous pours plus they also left bottles of the last (and best) wine we tasted which we naturally finished off. We joined their wine club and a small box of wine came home with us.
After all that wine we went for a stroll around Perelada which is a lovely town with lots of history. It was then time for lunch. We found a nice place where we all had the menu of the day which was 3 courses and wine for A$26. A fabulous day concluding with a longer trip home when Jose directed us onto the wrong road. No one minded, it just added to the days adventure.
Once home that was it for us, Jose snoozed and I read before watching some cycling on the nebula.
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retabosa · 6 years
“A pretty good sparkling wine that is easy to like. Fruity and floral nose, white peach, apricot and elderflower. Dry palate but enough sweetness to make it feel very smooth. This dry/slightly sweet balance underlines the fruity character of the wine, yet with elegance. A touch of zesty citrus and slightly grassy lime to the finish give some enjoyable zing. A good well-made bubbly that should please most palates.” 😍 #brazilianwomen #brasilia #Brazil #singlewomenproblems #champagne #champagnelovers #champagnelifestyle #perelada #castillo #castilloperelada #cava #cavaspain #cavabrut #sparklingwine #donthatetheplayerhatethegame #urbanroyalty #vidaloca #passingthrough #yolo #independentasfuck #sorrynotsorry (at Brasília, Brazil)
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psqvp · 6 years
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Cava Brut Rosé de Perelada. @c_perelada #cava #cavarosado #vino #rosado #perelada #wine #winelover #rosewine #vinorosado #vinorosadoespumoso #brutrose #rose #pinotnoir #pairing #perfectpairing #spanishwine #maridaje #rice #paella #gastro #gastronomia #gastronomy #foodie #gourmet #gourmand #winetasting #winetime #lifestyle #enjoylife #lifestyleblogger #catadevino (en Madrid, Spain)
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flashfed-blog · 7 years
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Perelada Cava Stars Touch of Rose 2015 - $12
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