#perhaps bushfire
33max · 7 months
my favourite max verstappen lore 📝
- he donated to a koala hospital during the widespread aussie bushfires in 2019 because "I saw all the images and I found it very sad to see something like that” & "It is of course so difficult to put out fires like that, and then you see those koalas burned alive. I thought perhaps I could help a little."
- max cried in front of the team (11:41*) and helmut marko when he couldn’t take part in qualifying for the monaco 2018 grand prix because of his accident in fp3
*they don’t explicitly say he was crying but it’s implied, especially with the addition of marko’s comments
- max watched a star is born on the plane to a race and was so angry and upset after watching the ending that he went to bed. he apparently would like a sequel where bradley cooper doesn’t die.
- he is scared of big hairy spiders, snakes and… zombies
- max drinks coconut water while racing in f1
- max paid to have the pride flag on his character in among us
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- max doesn’t have any heroes, but he does speak about how meeting football player Johan Cruyff had a huge impact on him. He notes that his winning time in Barcelona 2016 — 1hr 41min 40sec — has 14 twice within it, and 14 was Cruyff’s number. he’s almost spiritual about this not being coincidental.
- max didn’t understand what victoria was trying to tell him when she announced she was pregnant! (someone help me source this?)
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Trophy Husband
"That's your boyfriend?" Charlie knew exactly where this was going. He had just shown Linda, a good friend of his, a picture of his boyfriend Theodore, and she already made 'the face'.
"But isn't he..." she began and trailed off, probably searching for a way to phrase it nicely.
Charlie could have helped her, as he knew exactly what she was going to say, but he let her suffer.
"... Perhaps a tiny bit older than you?"
It was true, and Charlie couldn't even be mad at Linda for pointing it out. He would probably have done so, too, if he were in her shoes. The fact was that Theodore was indeed older than Charlie, and not just a bit. With his forty-six years, he was more than twice as old as 21 year old Charlie, and could definitely pass as his father.
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"I know."
Charlie knew it, and Linda knew it too. Even though Charlie loved Theodore dearly, he knew what people would think about them. People often assumed that an older man would take advantage of a younger one - that Charlie was kind of a trophy boyfriend for Theodore.
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"But it's nothing weird. We're just in love, that's all."
Charlie could tell Linda was not convinced, but forced a smile and nodded, congratulating him on his new relationship.
Later, at dinner with his boyfriend, Charlie told Theodore about his encounter with Linda.
"You know, it's so weird to talk to my friends about us. They all assume that you are some kind of weirdo, or I am just a trophy boyfriend for you. Sometimes I hate that I'm so young compared to you." Charlie said, with a twinge of unhappiness.
Theodore smiled warmly and put his hand on Charlie's knee.
"Well, they couldn't be more wrong. I genuinely love you my dear. You're the only person that matters to me, and you always will be."
Charlie felt his heart melting, and he leaned over the table to kiss his boyfriend.
"Besides, what's wrong with being young? You're so energetic and good looking. Look at me, I have wrinkles already, and my hair is graying. I'm stuck in a boring dead-end office job, and I know that nobody would hire me anymore. I really do wish to be as young as you are again.", he adds with a tender smile.
"You shouldn't. Being young isn't so great. Nobody takes me seriously because I look like I just finished school. And talking about jobs: I can't find a good job either, because everyone is looking for the twenty year old with ten years of experience now. It's ridiculous. I wish I could just magically leave that all behind me and be as old as you. Then nobody would think of us as a weird couple."
After this heart-to-heart, both men grew silent.
Theodore felt weird. The conversation had a strange weight that still resonated between the two of them. Did he really look that old? He stood up and went over to the large mirror in his living room. Sure, he had some wrinkles, and his hair and beard were graying, but it wasn't so bad, right?
He went with his hand over his wrinkles and stretched his skin. Surprisingly enough, once he removed his hand, his skin stayed exactly like that - no more wrinkles, only firm skin. It gave his face a youthful impression he had long lost. It didn't stop there, though. Like a bushfire, the firm skin extended from the point where he touched it outward, quickly stretching out all the wrinkles in his face. The skin cleaned up in the process, as it stretched and firmed.
His hair, too, changed. All the little gray hairs that had appeared over the years returned to their original black color - a process most notably in his stubbly beard that grew more impressive by the minute before suddenly disappearing completely, leaving his chin clean-shaven.
As the transformation spread downward, Theodore hurried to get out of his shirt, to have a better look.
His belly that had turned slightly flabby shrank and became fitter, as did his ass. His biceps grew thicker and his pecs bigger, while his legs became more muscular. All the extra weight he had gained throughout the years seemed to simply melt away, as if he had spent the last decades in a strict fitness program.
Theodore regarded himself in the mirror with a proud smile on his face. Not only did he look fitter, but also younger. His chest hair disappeared just like his beard hat, leaving behind only a muscular and young well-groomed chest worthy of a movie star. His trousers shortened and turned into a completely white pair of shorts, with a generous bulge growing in them. Theodore gave it a squeeze, amazed by the amount of cockmeat he had gained. He could feel himself getting hard just by looking at his reflection. Theodore's eyes turned a bright blue, and blonde dyed highlights appeared in his hair.
Theo shook his head and smirked. He was just looking awesome, as always. And also as always, he was feeling really horny!
He cupped his bulge as he turned around.
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Charlie was watching from behind him in awe. What had just happened? He had watched Theodore transform into a young muscular bodybuilder. That couldn't be right!
Still, Charlie himself felt a weird tingling sensation in his body. Fine little hair grew all over him, itching as it did so. Charlie, too got rid of his shirt and pants, standing only in boxers, to watch what was going on. His chest was quickly filled with short brown hairs that continued down in a treasure trail to disappear into his boxers. Underneath the hair, however, his body firmed up considerably. He, too, grew fitter and more muscular than he had before, but it was a different kind of body from the one Theodo- wait, that felt wrong. Charlie frowned and tried the thought again. It was a different kind of body from the one Theo had. Better. It was a product of years of willpower and work, not the easily malleable flesh of youth. That was a body he had worked on for decades!
Charlie watched the hair on his chest turn gray, as he looked down on himself with his usual stern look. It was just his standard way of looking, a fact that made most of his subordinates feel uneasy. Being the CEO of a multi-million dollar company left hardly any time for smiling or all this nonsense. He had to exert authority at every time.
His hair became shorter, styled into a perfect and expensive cut, as their color turned the same silver as his body hair. He touched his face with his weathered, strong hands, feeling the wrinkles all the stress and years of his live have brought him. Sometimes, Charles asked himself if he was getting old. But no. With his 49 years, he was still perfectly in control. He had money, power and authority, and still a great body. And contrary to popular believe, money could buy happiness.
He looked over to his husband Theo, who was busy admiring himself in the mirror again. He was half his age, and dumb as a brick. He would never succeed in live, but he didn't need to. All he needed to do was look good on Charles' side, keep his body in check and present his ass every time Charles' python, which was growing hard in the tight underwear that were once boxer shorts, needed release.
He didn't need to decide or think. Charles' was the one paying the bills and Charles' was the one in control here. Theo was just his trophy husband - and both were very happy with that.
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Another request from a subscriber over at my riot page that they chose to make publicitly available. Enjoy!
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fatehbaz · 2 years
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Australia’s Tanami desert is one of the most isolated and arid places on Earth. It’s a hard place to access [...].
But sprinkled across this vast expanse of desert, sweeping for thousands of kilometres across the Northern Territory and Western Australia, are some of the oldest and most incredible stories of human life [...].
It takes the shape of art in the bark of iconic and bountiful boab trees. 
Our newly published research looks at 12 examples of these carved trees across the Tanami desert. This artwork tells the incredible story of the Indigenous Traditional Owners who have long called the Tanami home.
Sadly, after lasting centuries if not millennia, this incredible artwork is now in danger of being lost.
We are in a race against time to document and preserve this invaluable art.
The Australian boab or bottle tree (Adansonia gregorii) is an iconic tree naturally found only in a restricted area of northwestern Australia. 
Boabs are an important economic species for First Nations Australians. The pith, seeds and young roots are all eaten, and the inner bark of the roots used to make string. First Nations Australians also used parts of the boab for medicine.
While the culinary and health attributes of boabs are well known, less well known is that many of these trees are culturally significant, carved with images and symbols hundreds, and perhaps even thousands, of years ago. Australian boabs have never been successfully dated. They are often said to live for more than a thousand years, but this is based on the ages obtained from baobab trees in South Africa.
Some hint of the great age of the boabs can be gleaned from the heritage-listed “Mermaid tree” on the Kimberley coast at Careening Bay. “HMC Mermaid 1820” was carved into the tree during Phillip Parker King’s second voyage.
At the time of carving, the girth of the Mermaid tree was measured at 8.8 metres. Today, more than 200 years on, the inscription is still clear and the trunk circumference has increased to about 12 metres.
Now, modern pastoral land clearance and bushfires are having a toll on the oldest of the boabs. There is some urgency to record this cultural and artistic archive before the ancient trees die. [...]
Despite this early [settler] interest, little more was documented about carved boab trees until Ian Crawford wrote The Art of the Wandjina in 1968. [...] Almost 20 years later, historian Darrell Lewis stumbled across the Tanami Indigenous carved boabs while searching for a boab tree engraved with the letter “L” marked by the explorer Ludwig Leichhardt [...].
In July last year [2021], academics and Traditional Owners began to record the boab trees with carvings in the remote northern Tanami Desert. [...]
Most of the carved boabs recorded on the Tanami trip feature snakes. Indigenous oral tradition describes a major Dreaming track, King Brown Snake Dreaming (Lingka), which begins near Broome and travels east across the Kimberley region of WA before passing into the Northern Territory. Our survey area was located along this track. [...]
These remarkable Australian trees help tell the story of First Nations Australians [...].
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Headline, images, captions, and text published by: Sue O’Connor, Brenda Garstone, and Jane Balme. “The boab trees of the remote Tanami desert are carved with centuries of Indigenous history - and they’re under threat.” The Conversation. 11 October 2022.
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suebswrites · 3 months
for the wip game
- Bridgegiath Ch 2
(side note - have you seen season 3 part 2 yet and what did you think of it?) <3
In Chapter 2 of Bridgegiath, “Diamond of the First Water”, the first edition of the newest scandal sheet in town, Lady Whistledown, races through the ton like a bushfire. And at the opening ball of the season at Durranbury Manor, all the young ladies—and their even sharper mamas—immediately set their eyes upon the new Duke who has just arrived in Basgiath…
“Well, at least she has one thing right,” Lady Sorrengail says, glancing around the room. “She has named Violet as the season’s ‘Incomparable’!” Violet smiles and chews on her thumb as Lady Sorrengail huddles closer to her and reads aloud, “She calls you a ‘diamond of the first water.’ Well, how lovely!” Lady Sorrengail turns away to look at the others and presses the pamphlet to her chest with a triumphant smile.
Violet focuses on breathing, both excited and nervous at the attention from the scandal sheet. She certainly didn’t expect to be so singled out immediately, though she was aware that her unique hair would mark her as Lady Sorrengail’s daughter. It could be a good thing to be so well known so soon, but it could just as easily turn against her—perhaps young gentlemen would be intimidated out of approaching her?
Or...Violet shuddered to think...might be tempted to try to take her down a few pegs, like that rude, boorish man at her presentation. She wished he had been crossing the parapet, so she might have pushed him off.
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perahn · 9 months
Almost Christmas
It’s almost Christmas, which means days
and days of thirty-five degrees
or more, nights beneath the turning ceiling fan
and the air-con is broken at work.
Today was a white bushfire sky, hot
and dusty wind, the sun a forge-hammer
and none of the patients had good air-con either.
So I was trying to pull evenly
on compression bandaging, and the gloves
slid off my sweaty hands, and sweat
ran down my back in a thin line, and my bra
felt like a swamp, and my scalp prickled
and prickled, and the water-bottle
left in the car, between patients
was hot enough to wash dishes.
I almost thought the alcohol hand-rub
evaporated before it touched me.
I counted the hours, waiting to go home
and swim, but it’s almost Christmas
and I needed a present for my nephew
- book, water-pistol, Spider-Man mask -
and then the shop windows filled with people
waiting for the summer storm to pass.
It drenched my hair and flooded my shoes
and the wipers could not keep the windshield clear.
Shuck the sweaty scrubs, the swampy bra
the hot wet socks, undo the too-tight bun,
pull on a long loose nightie
and go barefoot out into the storm.
Lightning spears bright across the sky
and the thunder mutters and rumbles and roars
as I meander down the rushing gutter
and onto the refreshed green grass.
The rain is gentler now (it always seems to be
as soon as you deliberately go into it)
and I sit by the pool and listen to it singing
on concrete and leaves and chlorined water.
The pool’s turned green
with the day’s dust, warm with trapped sunlight
around my dangling legs.
Is it still temptation
when you always knew you would do it?
I slip into the pool
long hair fanning out around me
long skirt clinging and wafting around my ankles
the rain muffled on the surface
air and heartbeat and weightless
freedom and release.
It is storming, it is almost Christmas
and I am as perfectly happy
as perhaps it is given to naiads to be.
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mattydemise · 1 year
Another winter morning in Victoria. The air is crisp but revitalising, the sky is pale blue like a robin’s egg, and there’s barely an angel’s breath of breeze stirring the gum leaves and wattles. In these moments it’s hard to imagine any other season mattering. Winter holds unique charms. The world seems to slow a fraction or two in winter, and people seem to carry themselves a little differently. The cold turns us insular, even extroverts shelter themselves in July. Summer in Australia is beautiful but of fucking course it is; Australian summers are known worldwide for their beauty and warmth. If you want to experience a different side of Australia, come to one of the southern states during the zenith of winter, once those winds to towards gales and squalls, and thrust their way straight up from the Antarctic Ocean, then you’ll have a true taste of Australian winter. When I talk about Australia to friends from around the world, they find it hard to believe that Australia even has a winter as it’s always portrayed as being in a state of perpetual summertime on the television. Lately though our summers have been mild, with barely a handful of days stretching beyond 30 degrees Celsius. The last hot summer I can remember was the summer between the end of 2019 and the dawn of 2020, when the bushfires pillaged their way up the high country and down across regional Victoria, back when I was a different person, working elsewhere, and sleeping next to someone else. The seasons shift incrementally and so do our lives, as we take on the influences of others, and become different people entirely. Yet, it also seems like the more things change, the more we stay the same. Perhaps, just like spring and autumn, we exist in these perpetual states of transition, wavering and shimmery and strange, like our own disfigured reflections in the pools and pockets of water at the beach.
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artemisbarnowl · 1 year
In classic me style a poll asked for a pick one or the other (between heating and AC) and its too haaaaard
Winter temps here get below 0, and summer gets to 40 regularly. I live inland and it is very rarely humid. Bushfire risk very real.
I dont currently have either intergrated heating or cooling. Last winter i made do with a little space heater that im sure was meant as an under desk thing. I'll do the same this winter but I'll also have curtains to help keep the heat. My building is brick so the house is slow to warm in summer and the nights are very rarely Hot so after about 1930 opening windows for the breeze and perhaps a little desk fan is enough. It was warm for the few hours between 1530 and window time but again, this year there will be blinds in the kitchen to stop the arvo sun.
Also if i were to get more temp control I'd just get a reverse air cycle that does both? If this wasnt an option my instinct would be heating because im a lizard but on account of global warming thats probably going to be less and less of a problem so maybe ac but i would literally never use it unless it did air filtering on a fire/smokey day?
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andthebubbles · 2 years
so uh i’m kinda getting the urge to make a lot of seb gifs; i also still wanna change my ao3 icon/make a seb gif for it (i know exactly what i want) ... i also am getting the urge to write... and i also wanna play cities skylines. perhaps i should do one more day of CS, and tomorrow i’ll probably have more of that nagging feeling of wanting to write? (i also have Actual Work to do, but it’s not urgent, and it’s really boring, so it’s not being done sksjnkfjgnfkg)
so there was one day where i only played CS for a few hours, so i never made a progress report/post on it.
ETA: have some pics!! i took screenshots, i forgot i did:
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the SPUI! ^
and from above:
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(i should probably change the big roads colour to match the highways... later...)
i also got rid of the flowers on the roundabout... and actually today i can replace the cobblestone one way road with a normal tarmac road:
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and i did line markings for this junction, but it’s out of date now/i upgraded it yesterday to 3+2 lanes going up to Hill (and forgot to take a screenshot), so, yeah:
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also i had my first fire. not bushfire lol. i don’t mind fires ig but hmm i thought the spread was just a bit too far/unrealistic. however, idk, i’ll leave it for now/not look for a mod
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ANYWAY, as for yesterday, well i spent most of the day playing CS haha... even though the anarchy mod broke gkfjngkfjkfdj. anarchy makes your life so much easier... plus i couldn’t do some stuff yet without that mod so i just left it unfinished. anyway i hear it’s working again so hopefully when i start up/get into the game, it all works fine!
okay, pics time:
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i mostly worked on Bottom last night. i gave it a metro station, which i may change to a train station... idk yet. not really clear how i should use metros tbh because we only got metros really recently
Bottom is looking bottom-ey:
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the metro station! i went and got some non-vanilla ground metro stations, i’ll see if they’re nice/work and if i like them i’ll swap this one out. also i have a bus terminal for future use/i’ll need it
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yeah i still don’t know exactly what i wanna do with the Services 1 district/how big/small to make it:
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so i made this lil thing and i thought it was nice!
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some terraces at Far Bottom:
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i seriously love RICO rn
i made a metro depot/repair yard (yeah i know it doesn’t look right with those tracks, that’s why idk if i’m keeping it as metro (if the tracks i got today with wires overhead work, then yeah maybe) or changing it to trains (after the train traffic jams i got in my previous big city, i wanna stick to metro, or have train lines entirely separate from the intercity/cargo ones)):
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more terraces at Bottom (the uglier/more industrial side of it):
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and rundown tiny houses (sort of like those old working class cottages before they got all spruced up in the 2000s or something here):
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and this is central station... although, again, it might be completely changing depending on whether i pick metro or trains for the main rail transport within the city...
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gonna put an intercity bus terminal around here too. and a big tram interchange when i get the trams in!
okay that’s all for now!
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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid During Perth Land Valuation
When it comes to real estate, land valuation is a crucial step for anyone looking to buy, sell, or develop a property. Perth Land Valuation plays a significant role in determining the fair market value of a parcel of land, whether it's for investment, development, or personal use. However, many people make common mistakes during the land valuation process that can result in financial losses or missed opportunities. In this blog, we'll explore five common mistakes to avoid during Perth Land Valuation to ensure you get the most accurate and beneficial outcome.
1. Overlooking Zoning and Land Use Regulations
One of the most common mistakes during Perth Land Valuation is failing to consider zoning and land use regulations. Zoning laws dictate what can and cannot be built on a piece of land, which significantly impacts its value. For example, land zoned for residential use will have a different value than land zoned for commercial or industrial purposes. Developers or investors who overlook these regulations may overvalue or undervalue the land, resulting in financial miscalculations.
To avoid this mistake:
Research local zoning laws and how they apply to the land you're evaluating.
Consult with a town planner or real estate lawyer to understand any potential for rezoning or land-use changes.
Factor in any development restrictions that could affect future plans for the property.
2. Ignoring Environmental and Topographical Factors
Another key factor in Perth Land Valuation is the environmental and topographical condition of the land. Failing to account for these aspects can result in an inaccurate valuation. For instance, land located in a flood zone or prone to soil erosion will likely have a lower value due to the higher costs of development or maintenance. Similarly, steep or rocky terrain may reduce the land's usability, impacting its market value.
To avoid this mistake:
Hire a land surveyor to assess the land's topography and environmental risks.
Review environmental reports to check for any hazards like contamination, flooding, or bushfire risks.
Consider the cost of mitigating these issues, as they will directly affect the land’s development potential and value.
3. Relying on Outdated Market Data
The real estate market in Perth is constantly changing, and land values fluctuate based on demand, economic conditions, and other external factors. One common mistake in Perth Land Valuation is using outdated market data, which can lead to an inaccurate valuation. Whether you're buying, selling, or developing land, basing your valuation on old information can cause you to either overpay or sell for less than the land’s true value.
To avoid this mistake:
Use up-to-date sales data from recent land sales in the area to compare.
Consult with a professional valuer who is familiar with current market trends in Perth.
Stay informed about economic factors, such as interest rates and infrastructure developments, that could impact land values.
4. Failing to Account for Infrastructure and Utilities
Infrastructure and access to utilities are critical factors that influence the value of land. A common mistake is neglecting to factor in whether the land has access to essential services like water, electricity, sewage, and roads. Land that lacks these services will likely be valued lower due to the additional cost required to bring them to the site.
To avoid this mistake:
Check whether the land is connected to essential utilities.
Consider the proximity to major roads, public transport, and other infrastructure like schools and hospitals.
Factor in the cost of installing utilities if they are not already available, as this can significantly affect development plans.
5. Not Hiring a Professional Valuer
Perhaps the biggest mistake during Perth Land Valuation is attempting to do it without professional help. Land valuation is a complex process that requires expertise in local market conditions, legal regulations, and development potential. While it may seem tempting to rely on online calculators or rough estimates, these methods are often inaccurate and could result in significant financial losses.
To avoid this mistake:
Hire a certified land valuer who is experienced with the Perth market.
Ensure the valuer provides a comprehensive report that includes all relevant factors, such as zoning, topography, and market conditions.
Use the valuation report to make informed decisions about buying, selling, or developing the land.
Perth Land Valuation is a vital step in the real estate process, but it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to financial setbacks. By avoiding these five common pitfalls—overlooking zoning laws, ignoring environmental factors, using outdated market data, neglecting infrastructure, and failing to hire a professional—you can ensure a more accurate and beneficial valuation. Whether you’re a buyer, seller, or developer, taking the time to conduct a thorough and well-informed valuation will set you up for success in Perth’s competitive real estate market.
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classicbuildernz · 3 months
Choosing The Right Location For Your House And Land Package
When it comes to making one of the most significant investments of your life, choosing the right location for your house and land package is crucial. 
Auckland house and land packages offer various options, but how do you determine the best location for you and your family? 
This guide will help you navigate the key factors to consider, ensuring you make an informed decision that you'll be happy with for years to come.
Consider Your Lifestyle
Your lifestyle plays a significant role in selecting the perfect location for your new home. Think about your daily routines and hobbies. 
Are you an outdoor enthusiast who loves hiking and beach days? Or perhaps you prefer the hustle and bustle of city life with access to restaurants, cafes, and cultural attractions. 
Auckland house and land packages are available in urban and suburban areas, so you can find a location that perfectly matches your lifestyle.
Proximity to Work and Schools
Commute times and school districts are primary considerations for many homebuyers. If you work in the city centre, look for Auckland house and land packages closer to public transport or easy access to major highways. 
Families with children should research the local schools to ensure they provide the desired quality of education. A shorter commute and good schools can significantly enhance your quality of life.
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Amenities and Services
Having essential amenities and services nearby can make everyday living more convenient and enjoyable. 
Look for locations near grocery stores, healthcare facilities, parks, and recreational centres. Additionally, consider the area's future development plans. 
Upcoming shopping centres, entertainment venues, and other amenities can increase the value of Auckland house and land packages in that location.
Community and Safety
Feeling comfortable and safe in your new neighbourhood is paramount. Research the crime rates of potential areas and visit the neighbourhoods at different times of the day to get a feel for the community vibe. 
Engage with locals if possible, as they can provide valuable insights into what it’s like to live there. A strong, friendly community can significantly impact your overall happiness.
Future Growth and Investment Potential
Consider the area's long-term growth and investment potential. Locations on the verge of development or those identified for future infrastructure projects can offer excellent returns on investment. 
Auckland house and land packages in these growth corridors can be a wise choice if you want to build equity over time.
Environmental Factors
Don’t forget to consider the environmental aspects of your potential location. Check the flood zones, bushfire risks, and other natural hazards that might impact your property. 
Additionally, think about the climate and weather patterns. Some areas might be more prone to certain weather conditions, affecting your lifestyle and maintenance costs.
Choosing the right location for your house and land package is a multifaceted decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. 
By evaluating your lifestyle needs, proximity to work and schools, amenities, community safety, future growth potential, and environmental factors, you can find the perfect spot for your new home. 
Auckland house and land packages offer diverse options to suit different preferences, ensuring you can find a location that meets all your criteria.
Source By - https://tinyurl.com/yc5rw7zv 
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Due to the strained occupation of America in subsuming the sovereign territory of Hawaii as the offshore state of America through the highly criticized racial marginalisation and unexposed carnage over the years since the Mauri Kingdom being annexed in the 18th century, the racial discrimination imposed on the indigenous people through the implementation of coercive language and religion can be deemed as the illicit contravention of human rights in the island country of Pele Goddess. Deeply reflected in the nonchalant gesture of Biden and the prevarication of the state government of Hawaii to ridiculously overlook the exigencies of the stranded victims in Maui Island without immediate salvation, this tragedy has been classified as the bushfire disaster caused the colonised island of Maui without ultimate infrastructure including reliable cable of power supply and water supply as a result of the long-standing colonisation inflicted on the sovereign territory of Hawaii which should be released as a country under the order of International Court in the Hague and the supreme court of America where the hijacked sovereign of Hawaii under the military deterrence of America tends to shame the duplicity of America. The scandalous occupation of America in Hawaii should be raised by senator Rene Paul for congressional hearing trial amid the ongoing fire indulgence of Biden Administration in Maui Island without convincing measure of salvation which can be deemed as the venality of America to stampede the human rights of the Mauri Kingdom in the Pacific Ocean in addition to the serried contamination of nuke experiments in the past. Like the hijacked sovereign of Borneo, the two colonised Islands should nevertheless be admitted as the new members at the United Nations in 2023. It is the scandalous infringement of human rights and sovereignties in Hawaii and Borneo through colonisation. Perhaps the hypocritical accusation can be resolved by the mode of WWIII.
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sniper was @justpyrothings and i was pyro
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I’m loving the sheer joy and surprise from all the auspol bloggers watching this election and all my irl friends.
Almost everyone expected this to be close and for all the exhausting advocacy work from the last few years to have been wasted or minimally effective.
And yet, here we are! Tonight has given me hope. Perhaps Australians are about to re-engage with politics on the regular? Cause we got things done!
Every single person who signed a petition, marched with/for Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins and every other woman mistreated at work; everyone who donated to bushfire recovery, volunteered after the fires and floods, who installed solar panels and asked about buying electric vehicles; who wrote to and shouted at everyone who would bloody well listen about cost of living and housing; everyone who wore a mask and asked our politicians to listen to scientists when dealing with COVID; you made it okay to disagree with the status quo and encouraged people to start critically questioning our politicians.
The fracturing of the vote, bringing in cross benchers who are ‘intelligent, reasonable, sensible people’ (possibly misquoting AG) who will force actual debate and informed policy making, that’s on you! You who didn’t think your vote would make a difference! AUSTRALIANS I AM SO PROUD OF YOU ALL TONIGHT.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Scott Tracy has been hugged by many people in his life. From the barest of touches to frantic life-sustaining holds that have almost taken his. Men, women, children, hell, even that koala that fell on him during a bushfire in new South Wales.
Those claws hurt.
All needed something of him.
Something he needs himself.
He is one to seek out touch. He has hugged in laughter, over coffee, in greeting after a long absence. There have been polite meetings with simple clasping of hands.
He has buried his body in the embrace of female company. Silken skin, soft lips and harsh breath.
Scott Tracy needs connection, a shared electricity with another human being.
Yet he has a tendency to keep himself aloof and isolated.
One of his first memories is of being held by his mother. Gentle words and caring touch. Into that memory entered his father, grey eyes and a reassuring smile.
As he grew older there were brothers and stumbling enthusiastic grabs coupled with “Scotty!” Love on short chubby legs. Tears and tustles, struggles over math assignments and the last cannoli.
The loss of Mom and the hugs changed to clinging desperation and dependence. His father faded out for a while and Scott found himself giving more than receiving. But there were still hugs, young and troubled, coupled with Grandma.
Grandma gave ever so reassuring hugs. As he grew, she grew smaller, but her hugs were still as strong, if not even more. Loving, supportive and there.
Dad came back eventually, scarred and hurting, and there were tears and recriminations, but ultimately, he was Dad and Scott was Scott and there was too much love to sever anything. Scott had a trail of brothers behind him and a man he admired above all others in front of him.
The sky was his.
But he always needed Earth.
Especially when the sky took his father as well.
Scott staggered after that. How could that happen? So close….so close…
Four brothers. His sister. His grandmother. All looking to him, along with a world trying to measure his worth in comparison to a legend.
He needed touch more than ever before. Perhaps he sought it in places he shouldn’t have for a while, but family always drew him back.
His brothers, corralled by the eldest bar him, marshalled into line, ready to support in any way they could.
They were the Tracy family. They had lost a lot, but they still had each other.
So, Scott Tracy stepped into his father’s shoes and birthed a new legend. First there was Jeff Tracy, astronaut and entrepreneur.
Then there was Scott Tracy, rescue operative and business leader.
In a family of heroes.
And while the legend outgrew the man, the man was still Scott Tracy. Who still needed the touch of another human.
One-night stands grew few and far between and were not missed. There were friends, but most were on the other side of the planet, far from their island paradise.
Grandma was still there. Grandma was always there. She caught him on days it was all too much. Walked with him to the far side of the island to watch the waves crash against the cliffs in a horrible metaphor to his dreams.
Quiet words. Calming touch. Ever reassurance as grey crept into his hair.
He was a parent to his brothers, leader to all.
Little Allie needed him as much as Scott had needed his father and Scott gave him everything he had. Those bright blue eyes, ever so eager, ever so admiring and aspiring, brought so much love, Scott’s heart swelled at each rocket-powered embrace.
Tanusha denied leadership. Kayo was as determined as he was and rebelled against containment. Her hugs were rough, passionate and ever so heartfelt. Her love was fuelled by anger and injustice and he found himself stepping between her and hurt. His little sister protected her brothers and Scott protected her from the world as best he could.
Gordon, ever so focussed and so achieving, fought to the highest heights, only to fall into the worst of lows as they nearly lost another cherished family member.
Scott wasn’t sure he could bury another Tracy.
He didn’t think he could do it.
There were moments of absolute despair.
It was Grandma and his older brothers who kept him sane. Kept him balancing everything, including himself.
But Gordon was a stubborn fish. His little brother fought with everything he had and won again. No gold medals, no cheering crowds, just that triumphant hug at the end of the walking rails as he collapsed into Scott’s arms.
There were tears.
Of so much happiness.
Gordon grew to be the sunlight in their lives.
The quiet touch of John was to be cherished. His reclusive brother, taught by society that different was unacceptable, did not open up very often, even to family, his staunchest allies.
But there were vulnerable moments, simple, loving moments where his brother would reach out and Scott would gratefully receive.
Love has its own diversity and the only requirement is acceptance.
Sometimes John’s words were as powerful as his touch and in the dark moments, sometimes Scott clung to them to the point of keeping a quote stored on his phone so he could reread it and remember that no matter how far away John was, he was there.
But there was one brother who stood with him on equal terms. One who was willing to put him in his place, pick him up off the floor and yell at him when it was needed.
His best friend.
His confident.
The Earth to his Sky.
Virgil was always there with a calm word, reassuring touch, a reality that snapped him into line. He was the sounding board and the enactor. Scott planned it. Virgil made it happen.
Perhaps it was the medical knowledge or just a brotherly sixth sense, but Virgil always knew exactly what Scott needed. He knew the need of a firm word, or a denial, a hand on a shoulder and ultimately when everything was just too much, to wrap him in flannel clad arms and just hide him from the world for a few precious moments.
His eldest brother possessed a warmth that was as passionate as any of his brothers’, but tempered with a calm that stilled Scott’s frantic mind.
Ever so gently.
So, Scott Tracy needs connection, a shared electricity with another human being.
Yet he has a tendency to keep himself aloof and isolated.
But he has a family who knows better, a family marshalled by a kick ass grandmother and an eldest brother who will bulldoze through whatever is thrown at them to get Scott whatever he needs.
Because they love him as much as he loves them.
And honestly, that is everything.
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I’m watching a documentary on Amazon Prime (I know, ew) called “Burning” about the Black Summer bushfires of 2019/2020, climate change, the failure of the Morrison Government and the COVID crisis. I’d recommend anyone watch it, even if you’re not Australian - perhaps especially not. It’s such a fascinating and well-researched insight into Australia and the dominos that had to fall to lead us to where we are now.
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kiunlo · 3 years
anyways i been thinking about that dumbass post made by that white man literally all fucking day.
like I sent an ask to that person but perhaps tumblr ate it (like it usually does because this website was designed by fucking single celled bacteria) or maybe they just deleted it and couldn't be bothered to respond, but I said some pretty interesting and important things so I'm just gonna make a post here about it because it's important to me and I wanna add on to the stuff that I remember saying.
If you have a look at that post and you read the notes....half of them are people literally telling that guy that the information he posted was wrong. Like straight up outright wrong, and asking him to fix it. Granted, he actually went back and fixed the information so like...props for that I guess. And he did the same for using the outdated and racist term for Australian Aboriginal people "aborigine" (trust me no one uses that word anymore and the people who do are....ignorant lmfao) so it was good that he fixed that stuff.
But the whole problem is that if you as a white person are making a post about Indigenous people, and right off the bat of you making that post you've already gotten half of your information wrong AND you're using racist terminology as well (even if it is completely unintentional and you didn’t realise it was racist), perhaps you are not as well equipped to be handling these subjects in the first place. Perhaps more education is needed before you talk about stuff like that.
The biggest problem with the whole post is that the stuff this person is talking about LITERALLY doesn't happen. It doesn't. No one tries to fetishise Indigenous cultures in the very specific way this person is claiming. Myself and literally every other Indigenous person replying to that post has not seen a single white person fetishise Indigenous culture by saying that we never did anything wrong ever and that we worked in perfect harmony with the environment and we never caused anything to go extinct ever.
No one white person has ever said that, and if they did....they were probably a lot less racist than the person who made that post. You know what they do say, though? That we're savages, that we don't know how to take care of the land, that we caused so many animals to go extinct, that we completely re-did the entire ecosystem with man made bushfires for the worse etc. (and I'm specifically talking about what white people say about Australian Aboriginal people as I myself am Aboriginal)
The only times people ever say the stuff this person is claiming, the MAJORITY OF THE TIME, is when Indigenous people are trying to dispel racist myths about their own cultures, history, religions etc. That's literally the only time it ever happens. And regardless of what the original intent of the post was, every single Indigenous person who saw that post interpreted it in the same way: That this person was complaining about Indigenous people trying to spread the truths about their culture, and decided to make a massive post displaying all the horrible fucked up shit some Indigenous cultures did in history (half of which was outright wrong or just racist myths that were spread by colonisers).
The problem is that when you make a post on the internet that gets a little bit popular (7000 notes now) and the people who are seeing it are majority white people who genuinely don't know shit about Indigenous culture and history, and your post is filled with misinformation and racist myths and you're making a post about something that white people LITERALLY DON'T DO that resembles something that Indigenous people ACTUALLY DO and you shit on that specific thing that happens? You're pretty much telling every single white person who interacts with that post that the thing that Indigenous people ACTUALLY do is wrong. And so anytime an Indigenous person tries to say "hey maybe don't say that we're all savages! we were able to be relatively peaceful in the thousands of years that we existed on our land" that little white person who saw that post is going to say "well uhm actually Indigenous people were pretty fucked up throughout history"...because guess what. Regardless of how nuanced you think your post was or how nuanced your thinking is, most people who read shit on the internet take the information they read at fucking face value and don't give a shit about nuance.
The worst thing is that literally every single Indigenous person on that post is telling them "hey this is kinda racist" and "buddy no one does this" and "you are white you shouldn't be talking about this" and they are all correct, but because us as Indigenous people are pissed off and angry and have harsh tones and refuse to be polite we are not being listened to. And because like 2 fucking idiots decided to tell this person to drink bleach it has given this man the perfect opportunity to play the victim so he doesn't have to listen to the rest of us who have genuine concerns about this post and about who should be having these conversations about the misrepresentation of Indigenous history (newsflash, not white people). No one's genuine concerns are actually being listened to because it's being said in a harsh tone or they decided to use a swear word here or there, and when we ask this person to not speak over Indigenous people's voices, he just says that he's not doing that. At all. When he quite literally is speaking over every single Indigenous person in his post that refuses to be ultra polite to him.
White people do not get to dictate what is racist and what is not. So many people of different races have fucking said this a million times over, and it's because it's true. And here I am, saying it again because apparently white people refuse to get the memo. If the majority of Indigenous people who see your post about Indigenous people and say "hey this is kinda racist" perhaps the thing you should be doing instead of fighting against the community is taking a step back and asking yourself why all these Indigenous people are saying that in the first place. Trust me when I say that Indigenous people and POC know what racism looks like, and white people will never know those intricacies in the way that we do. They will miss the things we know to be racist, because they do not experience racism themselves. And it's important to listen to the Indigenous people and POC in your communities when we say that something is racist, because while you might try to fight the whole thing, you're likely missing something that you can't see because of your privilege.
There are a lot more things I could say about this, and I think I intended on saying more but I've got the worst memory in the world so thoughts tend to be fleeting if I don't write them down immediately, but please for the love of god just listen to Indigenous people when we tell you something isn't okay. Admitting you were wrong about something isn't the end of the world, but the more you drag it out and the more you fight it, the harder it is to ask for forgiveness in the end.
Anyways I’d appreciate anyone, especially white people to reblog this and share it, I think something like this should be shared. Please let Indigenous people have these types conversations in our own spaces. They are subjects we are more educated on and have more personal experience in and we truly do not need the imput from white people to help fix these issues.
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