#pero no se la verdad
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here take this Yoichi in a bow and vest 🤲
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mantecol · 1 year
en octubre, más le vale a ese 1.477.233 que votó en blanco, impugnado y cuyo votó fue anulado, votar a consciencia, dar vuelta la tortilla. esto ya no es gracioso, y no lo digo por milei. yo entiendo, y están a su derecho de votar en blanco porque es su decisión. pero tengan también en cuenta que hubo una participación del 70%, hay gente que podía votar y no lo hizo, que prefirió comerse la multa y rascarse las bolas a dos manos. es gracioso, tragicómico que a 40 años de democracia, lo que la gente elige cuando ejerce su derecho, es un extremo derecha.
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evilcokito · 1 year
Para el reto (no se si es comisión o simple sugerencia) Malleus con cherry choke (creo que llamaba así) me parece interesante un personaje que normalmente utiliza negro y verde en algo que contraste totalmente
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saltyfilmmajor · 4 months
I wish I could do more analysis on the heishin dynamic other than: ha ha ha why is Heiji like That:tm:
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am2c · 3 months
they're making work at work and I hate it
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sudaca-swag · 8 months
ya veo que voy a ser una vieja amargada con los adolescentes, pero man no puede ser todo lo que luchamos para que se normalice la diversidad de los cuerpos y se elimine la gordofobia en la sociedad para que después caigan dos cantantes fabricadas por una disquera de Los Ángeles y en tres años te rompan toda la estantería
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
This is all cultural context of the readers since different countries have different rites, and myths for handling the dead. Yet, I'm always surprised how the maids just simply stole the little gold crucifix from the recently dead(?) Lucy. The girl that doesn't even have a day of being dead.
"Because," he said sternly, "it is too late—or too early. See!" Here he held up the little golden crucifix. "This was stolen in the night." "How, stolen," I asked in wonder, "since you have it now?" "Because I get it back from the worthless wretch who stole it, from the woman who robbed the dead and the living. Her punishment will surely come, but not through me; she knew not altogether what she did and thus unknowing, she only stole. Now we must wait."
Van Helsing has a very appropiate reaction to the act, he is angry not only at the "stealing from a dead girl" act on itself, but also for what it means to leave a fresh transformed vampire without a symbol of faith to stop them. I do wonder if there could be some religious dutch reasons involved since Van Helsing mentions a punishment.
We sadly don't get Jack's cultural reaction since he is too focused on how Van Helsing is acting today; which is understandable because he is really acting shady, but what was the attitude towards stealing from the dead in victorian england?
Would it have been wrong on the grounds of social class since Lucy was upper class and the maid was in her service? With all of the talk about how crucifixes, and rosaries were seen as idolatrous I don't know if they had religious reasons to discourage it. Maybe it was seen a monetary loss?
Because here in my country Colombia, oh boy there is culture surrounding the stuff of the dead. It's a very hard process to choose what to keep, what to throw away, and what to gift. However, everyone can agree that is very disrespectful to just grab things without consulting with your family, or worse to steal from behind their because grandmas had this [insert object] that I want for me.
Here, our cultural identity that is tied to the supernatural is also tied to the question "what if?" Because as much as we would like to think that some stuff are explained in absolutes. We don't know! You can ask here anyone if they believe in ghosts, and no one will give you a clear answer. Because there are situation that we can't explain, and that question is always left.
Which follows what not to do with the dead: Don't let anyone gift you stuff from their dead relatives because to those dead relatives you are a stranger. Be careful with things tied to certain feelings that the dead in question had for it (for example both my grandma and grandpa were buried with their wedding rings no ifs no buts). Let yourself mourn while deciding these things.
And, don't steal from dead because you don't know their conditions when they died.
If this was a colombian story focused on the supernatural, and Lucy was not a vampire yet came back as a vengeful ghost to haunt that maid for stealing Van Helsing's "gift" from her, I would go "Ja! Serves you right." Because that maid decided to desecrate Lucy's grave by stealing from her.
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pensat-i-fet · 9 months
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mi psicólogo diciendo que me ponga en barbecho justo la semana en la que voy a conocer a @minglana is this an ingeniería agrónoma reference ????
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pixlokita · 9 months
Me estoy dando cuenta que nunca hablo en español y me hace sentir más desconectada del mundo =w= hablar en inglés todo el tiempo deprime un poco xD pero si :’> así es la vida pues ✨(。・・。)
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berry-s0da · 4 months
Por que las trolas de Twitter se pajean fantaseando que sus jugadores favoritos, asentados, con pareja e hijo/s se separan por algún gato o que tienen una relación disfuncional con la pareja?
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vonlipvig · 5 months
my humble zero context offering for the kendrick-drake beef is thus:
drake: came to argentina and gave a really shitty show apparently, which was way shorter than what was planned and also refused to let the performance be livestreamed like every other artist in the festival.
kendrick: came to argentina and gave us this top tier 'celeb doing random normal person shit' pic drinking tereré with some guys on the street.
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pixiecactus · 5 months
"sansa ↣ an acquaintance (nothing more to say)"
this is the argument jonsas make when they say it's not really incest. just thought you ought to know.
yeah, i know. but at this point they would say that jon breathing in the same room as sansa, means that jon is choosing to spend his life with her lol
imo is really weird the holier than thou actitude they have over this and incest ships in general in the series, like this is asoiaf, i'm in not way condoning incest in real life, but this is a fantasy series with fictional people in a medieval-esque inspired world, and incest was a practice that nobility took part in the real world, like it or not. either way both of them being sibling/cousins will make it an incestuous ship, so they are even wrong about that
does not change the fact that for me, jon will never care about her in the same way he cares for the siblings he adores, in fact we see him barely caring about her marriage to tyrion, and with jon knowing of how much sansa idealized gallant princes and knights, he could have definitely an inkling that it was a forced marriage and not what she dreamed of, but he simply does not care
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elquiu · 2 years
THIRD DAY OF IKESOREN WEEK ii picked pokemon au xd
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vote soren this cyl? VOTE SOREN THIS CYL7!!
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luiwritings · 1 year
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thisisnotjuli · 24 days
a veces me preocupo que alguno de mis amiges gringos lea alguna de las barbaridades que digo y se ofenda. pero después me acuerdo que estoy posteando para mí antes que nadie más.
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