#persona fan character
blazerwyvernmaster · 5 months
Also, uhh, if you need the basics.
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lunarkreatures · 2 years
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So i finished this! Like i said on my progress posts, i have been wanting do make some fan personas for a while. So created this loosely based on a Brazilian legend that if a barn owl flies over a house screaming, the person living there will die soon.
It's arcana would be death, and it's name is shroud-shredder. Which is a free translation of the name barn owls have in Portuguese (rasga-mortalha)
The design i got inspiration from p3 and 4. Honestly it's very fun to come up with fan persona designs.
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celtrist · 2 months
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This was actually made a bit ago, but I had like, this whole grand plan of an illustration involving a bunch of my fan characters. And then I just... decided: "No. I won't finish this. I'm too lazy to."
Joking aside, was gonna talk about how there should be a celebrated fan character week for people because they get flacked on a lot when they're made to just have fun with and indulge, haha. Whether the fan character week is a general thing or specific to certain fadoms (like a sonic fan character week or something), I think they should be celebrated a bit. Because what better of a compliment to something other than people actively creating characters with stories to insert into your world. Maybe I'll get around to making it another time. For now though, it'll just be this silly wip
Here are the characters I drew here :3 Owsome the Dog Lolo the Cat Lulu the Cat Sassy the hedgehog Sushi Mirai Schäfer Felicity Felix Nicole Justice
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axoqiii · 22 days
pony thieves 💥💥
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au notes ⬇️
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qwertybrush · 2 months
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spacepatrolhana · 3 months
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ca-3 · 1 year
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Omori × Persona 5 All Out Attacks!! 💜🔪
follow up to my former post, now we have Basil and Mari ✨️
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molinaesque · 4 months
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"What are you?" "Oh, I'm you, sweetie. You just... give it a little time."
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lorryicious · 13 days
Dude your Billsona is fucking amazing, you ever drawing her again. Because tbh you have a talent for drawing exaggeratedly evil expressions.
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! AGGHH! I have been insanely busy with school starting up again, but my Billsona has been on my mind.
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Here is another piece I did of her <33
I absolutely ADORE expressions in art, so hearing that means so much. I strive to tell a story with an emotion
the silliest guy
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rikavolt · 5 months
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Love girls with big axes xoxo
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blazerwyvernmaster · 5 months
Daichi, The Lone Individualist
OK time for my first character that I made for this project. He's a goober, originally designed for a P4 rp, and I like em alot.
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Daichi Yuugi was born to two engineers.Both of which spent most of their time away from home when he grew to be around 10 due to work. Because of this, Daichi spent most of his time being alone and restless. In the privacy of their home, they did the best they could to keep themselves entertained and free.
Though, this attitude didn’t really translate well when trying to interact with people his age. Everyone seemed to think he was weird, and because of his meh grades and underachieving attitude, they kind of just…declared him the town idiot. Which forced him into a state of being alone, a state they desperately wanted to escape.
So, in high school, they have been trying to hide their weirder tendencies in order to seem more approachable. But the label of town idiot still follows him, whether he likes it or not. Even with the few friends he does manage to make.
After the party discovers The Dark Garden while trying to save a classmate, Daichi initially runs away, fearful of death and battle. But he eventually decides to muster the courage to go in alone, shaming himself for his cowardice. This almost gets him killed, but he decides to stick it out, joining the new team in their quest to uncover the secrets of The Dark Garden.
Daichi is both cheerful and gauche. He is very excitable and hyper and has a tendency to make jokes that only a few people find funny. Because of their odd style, their awkward and loud personality, and their low intelligence, many seem to dislike him or write him off as a waste. To avoid getting hate thrown his way, he either tries to act more normal or pretends the insults don’t bother him. They do, though.
Daichi loves to consume media, most likely as an escape from this world, and often dreams about making stories that can be appreciated by the entire world if possible.
He cares deeply for his friends and the town he lives in, even if they hate him. He is especially protective of Abel, who he relates to as an outsider seeking relationships.
Daichi's personas are Dante from the Divine Comedy and Ovid, a roman poet
Dante is the writer and main character of The Divine Comedy. It follows the story of Dante, a poet who has been sent to Hell. He is guided by a man named Vergil, and travels through Hell, Purgatory, and eventually Heaven, learning about all of them along the way.
Ovid was a Roman poetry who wrote many stories. Specifically, he is responsible for many of the stories where the Olympic gods are more explicitly flawed and awful, such as Aracnhe's and Medusa's stories.
As a party member, Daichi specializes in
Decent stats all around with an emphasis on speed and luck
Strike damage with boots.
Electric magic
All types of buffs, including Heat Riser
Status healing
Confuse and Fear status effects
Arcana and Story Arc
Daichi is of the Hermit Arcana. Representing solitude, but also self reflection. Daichi has been forced to be alone for a multitude of reasons. His parents are almost always away on business. His interests lead him to stay inside more often. His eccentric nature often leads people to bully him or dismiss him.
Daichi seeks an escape from this awful world. They like helping people, and weiritjg stories, but what's the point of writing stories for people if everyone dismisses what you do as foolishness? They must struggle with these thoughts and feelings.
Daichi tries to find ways to fit in, desperately, but eventually realizes they don't really have to. He has his people. The world may be unnecessarily cruel, but they manage to actually help people who are alone, understanding what that feels like.
Daichi would also be one of the only social links that you can reverse. If you call his dreams stupid, or belittle him, he'll feel like you're just like everyone else. And why would they want to hang out with someone who doesn't really like them?
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lunarkreatures · 2 years
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a update on this. this past weeks have been kinda hard on me problems just piling up, which has been draining me too much to be able to draw, so i am happy i was able to work on this a bit
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skrrtscree · 16 days
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Couple of p5 girls in my style! I was creativity bankrupt and wanted to try drawing them properly for the first time
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axoqiii · 2 days
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first time drawing blackmask akechi and i almost snapped my pencil out of anger
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junesprince · 11 months
soooo... when are we going to start talking more about yosuke's depression
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braxiations · 7 months
Sonteira, my Hylicsona
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I finally made a Hylicsona! Her name is Sonteira, she's a researcher and author of Encyclopedia Hylicognosia! She's a mystic lackey and has a skin condition bc why not.
Her gesture, Nihil Transposse, allows her to grant an ally increased flesh and defense in exchange for making her more vulnerable. When she's charged up and the transposed status ends, she gets a temporary power boost!
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