#personalized wedding box
unopenablebox · 3 months
attempt to idly discuss concept of custom wedding vows with 🌸 ground to a halt after the realization that neither of us actually, like, wants to try to figure out what the fuck we'd be promising
can you do custom vows, but instead of vows to do stuff, it's just a list of the superbly good qualities of the other person in order to make it clear why any rational actor would agree that you should obviously plan to keep hanging out with them as long as possible
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jokerislandgirl32 · 26 days
what do ziolets wedding rings look like? are they personalized?
Hi anon (I know who you are for this one 😉), this is such a fun question to answer! I purposely have waited until now to post it because next Wednesday marks the anniversary of their second engagement!!!! Zach proposed to Violet for the second and final time on this day, September 4th, 10 years ago!!! And this post is a prelude to something I’ve been working on 😉. See the explanation of their rings below the cut!
Violet’s Ring
I actually have a very specific design in mind for Violet’s ring, and it is 100% personalized and handmade by Zach himself! This is a ring that’s hard for me to explain or show you all, but I hope this little fanfic excerpt and crudely drawn picture of the ring (made by me, lol) makes sense!
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“That’s not why I asked,” Zach began and huffed in aggravation, “argh…I need to be honest with you.” 
He paused and started digging in his pants pocket for something, when he produced a small triangular box with a V on it I raised an eyebrow at him. He scooted the box to me, crossed his arms, and went back to looking out the window. I opened the box and found a small gold ring with a V in the shape of Zach’s logo. The V was encrusted with tiny rubies and diamonds. 
I gently lifted the ring out of the box and examined it closer, engraved into the band on the inside was “All My Love, Vi - ZV.”The pang of remorse that hit me must have shown on my face, for Zach quietly said, in an apologetic voice, “I’m asking her to marry me.”
Cough cough anyone wanna guess who’s looking at the ring cough cough.
So…in short, the ring has a gold band and red rubies and diamonds on the base in the shape of Zach’s V logo, with the inscription, in his handwriting, “All My Love, Vi - ZV,” engraved into the inside metal of the band. It is worth noting that Violet only has one ring, this engagement ring that also serves as her wedding ring.
Zach’s Wedding Ring
Zach’s wedding ring is also unique and hand crafted! I feel like Violet had Donita help her design it, so it is also fully customized and personalized! Zach’s ring is a black titanium band with a bright red line going through the center of the ring, with the inside band of the ring having the same red lining (it looks very similar to the ring shown below ⬇️). Inside the ring is a personalized engraving from Violet, in her handwriting: “I'll forever love you, Zach - Violet.”
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The engraving is special because it’s a line from a song that’s highly symbolic in their relationship, a country song Zach tolerates because of it’s meaning to him and Violet 😂: Never, Ever, and Forever by Mark Wills and Lee Ann Womack.
I hope this all makes sense, thank you for the ask!
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Micro (or not) BL Reviews
It's that time again. Seeing as how a couple of things have ended recently and I let my obsession with a certain drama sort of take over everything else of late, I dedicated this week to catching up on all the things I've been missing and doing a quick round up (or not so quick, as it's me).
So let's get started, shall we?
Recently Completed
Stay By My Side - Oh Taiwan. I just love you. I think we had like eighteen "fall into you" moments in the first three episodes alone. The premise was fun - it reminded me a lot of Master's Sun, but the execution of course is totally different. The leads were cute. The chemistry was chemistrying. I loved the sister and that basketball boys. It was mostly fluff, which I am not complaining about because I love me some fluff. That said, I don't think it did anything particularly revolutionary and it never really did manage to grab me.  7.5/10
Wedding Plan - A MAME offering, but…not bad? I mean, not great either, although I will put up with a lot for the premise because I eat shit like that up, but I've seen way worse from MAME. However, it's not going to become a guilty pleasure show like LITA or an unexpected comfort show despite myself (at least the AePete parts) like Love by Chance. It was fine.
Things I really did like:  Nuea's family and his workmates (I loved how fiercely both sets of people stood by and supported him through everything from his huge mistake in sleeping with the groom to running back home to deal with it to basically adopting Lom into the group when they worked it out ("we have a new brother in law"). The lesbians - I could have used a bit more heat but I'll take it for now. Let's work on normalizing GL in our BL (frankly I'd love it if we started doing more of that and less of the token straight couple or three)! Was a little annoyed by how they had to fix everything but I won't pretend that the bits with them in episode 6 didn't get to me - I may have teared up a little when Marine was being treated so horribly by Yiwa's mother - that whole thing was so upsetting on a number of levels. And I was happy for them that they could afford to run away to their own happy ending. Also the gag of Lom pretending to be devastated when he was anything but was kinda funny, I will give the show that. And I did like the way that Lom's mom came around - realizing with time that losing her son the same way Yiwa's mother lost her could be a very real result if she kept being rigid. I also liked that she didn't just suddenly become a PFLAG member (or whatever the equivalent would be here) but simply told her son that she would work on it, because that felt more realistic.
The show also got me with how fucking lonely it must have been for both Lom and Yiwa, to know that they were gay and that they could never say anything, and how overwhelming and relieving it must have been to find someone who understood in each other. No fucking wonder they'd do anything for each other. I would have too, if I'd had someone like that growing up.
So yeah. It was fine. I mostly had a good time, even if I got a little bored once or twice. Frankly when it comes to MAME, being a little bored is preferable to feeling like the top of my head is about to come off because I'm so annoyed. Final verdict 7/10
Jun & Jun - Korea keeps making office BLs and I will continue watching them until the end of time. Especially if they keep on serving good kiss while they do it. And this one had bonus scent kink! I honestly don't know what's gotten into Korea lately but I am very much here for it.
This was a fun little office BL.  I liked how flirty it was from the get go, the way that both Juns danced around each other with the full knowledge that they were flirting. The intern group was fun, too. I really enjoyed the boyfriend episode at the end.
Everyone was very cute in this, but Simeon was my utter favorite. He totally stole the show for me. Him and Young. Young especially was a surprise, since she drove me bonkers when she first showed up. But she grew on me. I liked how fast she decided to embrace Lee Jun, and her and Choi Jun's friendship was cute.
I shipped Simeon and Hyung Hyun Jae too. Hard.
All in all this was cute, even if it didn’t manage to grip me as hard as I hoped. Like I said before, I'm not sure what's gotten into Korea lately but I hope it continues. 8/10.
Laws of Attraction - When I first saw the trailer for this, I decided to skip it. The leads were attractive enough but to be honest it seemed kinda poorly made and like it didn't know what it was going to do with itself. And I was feeling surly and judgmental and decided that it just wasn't for me. Also it was on iQIYI and I had no interest in signing up for another subscription.
But then I saw someone had stuck it on youtube and I was bored one Saturday an there were a few eps already out, so I thought, eh, why not?
And I've not regretted it for a moment.  I loved this show so much my god. Even when OF started (and you all know how much I obsess about OF) this was still the thing I looked forward to most on Saturdays. I adored Charn and his shark smile from moment one, and that adoration did not cease throughout the entirety of the show's run. His character development was by far the best on the show, and I loved the slow, stumbling way he regained the person he used to be, while still keeping the ruthlessness of the man he allowed anger and bitterness to let him become (up to a point). I loved that the show began and ended with his shark smile, but for very different reasons. And he and Tinn were adorable.
I appreciated them banging the marriage equality drum, too, and especially Charn's very pragmatic reasons for wanting it to be legal (as a lawyer, he would think like that, and I appreciate that the show kept him in character even when he was sappy). I also loved his wedding jacket I want four.
I also loved Tinn, and I have to give credit to Jam for the way he portrayed him. While Film totally ate as Charn I do think that in some ways a character like Tinn is harder to portray, because it would be very very easy for him to become preachy because of his morality and rigid sense of justice. But Jam played him with enough nuance that he never slid into that for me - he was willing to occasionally be at least slightly underhanded when the situation called for it, and while he expected Charn to be better (and read him to filth when he caught him out lying to and manipulating him), he thankfully also seemed to understand the fine art of compromise. Plus he's really pretty. Both of them are really pretty.
But the thing that I never expected was just how hard I turned around on Thaenthai. He drove me absolutely bonkers for the first few eps, and I was loudly annoyed by the fact that after about ep three (if not sooner), it became clear that he was not the one who had hit Tonkhao but that he was being made to take the blame. It felt to me like the show wanted me to excuse how vile he was (acting like Tonkhao's death was nothing, beating the crap out of Tinn when he was already tied up and helpless, just generally acting like a spoiled, entitled, horrible shitstain of a human being) because his father beat him. And while that was horrifying and I wanted him to get the hell out of there as soon as possible I still felt that a worm is a worm is a worm, even if the worm's father happens to be worse.
But then the show went and did something I did not expect it to do: it didn't just tell us that Thaenthai was lashing out because he was caught in a desperate limbo of wanting to run away from his and wanting to please him, but it went and did the work to show it. I started turning around on him after he found out about the gardener his father used as a scapegoat once things started getting heated, because we finally got to catch him before he had time to put on his mask. And it just kept coming, because now we knew what to look for. He's still an ass for beating the shit out of Tinn when he was tied up though, lol.
Another thing I really loved that this sow did with him was show him loving his dad in spite of everything. This man beat him, nearly drowned him, let him take the blame for a murder he did, tried to kill the only person Thaenthai felt was really on his side (because I do think that the intent was always to kill Thee - I'm just not entirely sure why it didn't happen as soon as Thaenthai got on that plane. I guess because we needed a happier ending. I am not complaining), and told him to his face that he could never love him because he killed his mother, and yet Thaenthai still loved him, still wanted his attention and his respect and his love in return. And it just rang very painfully true to me. You don't stop loving your parents because they're shit, and humans for some reason tend to be wired to try harder for love that is hard to receive (or impossible, in this case).  It did not surprise me that Thaentha tried to visit his father in prison, or that he was sad when he died. But neither did it surprise me that something in him seemed looser in those scenes as well, because even though he loved his dad there's a part of him that's glad he's gone.
I love stuff like this, because it's so complicated and realistic and it hurts in a way that only something that resonates with reality can. I ate it up.
Shout out as well to Not Vorarit, because he really did a good job with Thatthep. The way he slowly unraveled as the show went on was pitch perfect, every little nuance from his first intro as the shady but possibly not *that* shady "concerned" parent right up until that last scene with Charn where he's just a cackling monster. Kudos, you created an excellently detestable character. Watching him get his comeuppance was certainly a highlight of the show for me.
I was also really into the way that Tonkhao was very much a main character despite the fact that she died so early. One of the best strengths of this show was the way that it never let us forget what started this whole thing, it showed Tinn and Grandma grieving for their little girl, talking about her, missing her. Being reminded of her around every corner. They kept her in the forefront of our minds exactly the way that they should have, and I was delighted by it.
Other fun notables are himbo ex Nawin and Rose and Maya, our GL couple that I wish had gotten a little more screen time *as* a couple but either way were fabulous. I will love this show forever for introducing Nawin in the final hour and making him such a great combination of ridiculous and ruthless. And the way they let him breathe as a character - they really just stood back and were like "look at this ridiculous man stealing the show" and it was amazing. And Rose was just - she was such a good friend to Charn the whole way through, and both her and Maya's utter delight for him when he found Tinn (and them welcoming not only him but grandma into their little family so readily) warmed my cynical heart. And I will watch Sylvie Pavida in pretty much anything, I think.
All this raving and yet I still have to go with a final score of 9/10. I recommend this show, it's way better than I thought it would be, but there are some questionable choices made, the CGI and the fight scenes are laughable (the fire at Charn's office made me laugh so hard I had to pause), and they pulled out a guitar and sang not once, but twice. And they don't even have the excuse that one of them is supposed to be a singer. Also frankly nowadays every Thai show I watch I have to ask myself "did I enjoy this more than Moonlight Chicken?" which I only gave a 9.5, and for this one, the answer was no. So 9 it is, but a highly recommended 9. This was so much fun and it will be very missed on Saturdays.
Currently Watching
Be Mine Superstar - I really do  not get why they have decided to give the doom eleventh episode to this drama. It makes such little sense from this couple, who are the least dramatic pairing possible. They should have just left the angst to Muang and the doc.
Speaking of which, I have been disappointed with that storyline. I feel like we went from nothing to boyfriends with no real development, and now that they're not boyfriends again we're supposed to care, and I just don't.
Also Title is really out here doing the most. My dude, can't you just bow the fuck out gracefully? Blergh him and the manger stuff is still really annoying. Kevin was a delight though. Even though that's one too many dudes thirsty for Ashi for my personal taste (although he is very pretty so I totally get it).
Hidden Agenda - I actually kind of loved how ridiculous the conflict between Joke and Zo wound up being. Oh sure, Pat helping Joke along was a betrayal of trust or whatever, but it just felt perfect for the kind of drama this is. I get the idea that it felt like a betrayal of trust, but I also don't really get how it was too much different from what Zo was trying to do with Nita. Whatever, I love my low stakes drama on Sundays, keep it coming Hidden Agenda.
Kiseki: Dear to Me - This show is doing what I wanted from Only Friends and giving me all the cameos. The way I yelled when I saw the two from history: make Our Days Count. I think my favorite is Ai Di - poor little ball of adoration and pettiness and jealousy. I adore him. Oh, and that scene in the spa was great - I loved how everyone was looking at everyone else while the episode's guest stars (HI, Be Loved in House I Do guys! Good to see you) side eyed the lot of 'em. Me too, my friends. Me too. They're all messy and in love with everyone else and I am here for this weird quadrangle.
The main couple has less of a chokehold on me, but I like our uptight, traumatized doctor to be. And okay, yes, it got me with his unwilling return to a solitary life after Ze Rui disappeared on him. My guess is we're gonna speed run to the imprisonment and amnesia in the synopsis, and I'm good with that. I hope the cameos continue, but even if they don't I'm really enjoying this.
Taikan Yoho / My Personal Weatherman - I saw this called live action yaoi and at first didn’t really believe it, but no. No, it really is. And I am *here* for it. I can't say it's my favorite thing airing right now but I'm enjoying it.
The Jungle - (not a BL, so I'm cheating here, ah well) I don't know who thought that what we needed was four entire episodes of Pine's manpain, but they were very wrong. At least for my money. On the bright side, August is gorgeous and Pat is killing it. The series has been uneven for me and I'm a little annoyed they apparently want to wrap up Pine's BS, Nathee and Florence, *and* address Hunter's backstory in just two eps. But eh, whatever, I was only ever really watching for the women and Mix and thankfully Hack and Irin gave me all the mess that was promised (and not really delivered on, unfortunately. Not that I wanted a bunch of assholes womanizing, but aside from freaking Pine everyone's stories wrapped up in a couple of episodes of mostly no mess at all). 
Looking Forward To
23.5 - Come on GMMTV get this thing out already I want it. I have been patient but come oooooon. I had three highly anticipated dramas for this line up and this is the only one that hasn't been released yet and I want it. Gimme my GL.
Absolute Zero (Sep 27, iQiYI)- this is gonna hurt but at least I know it going in?
The Box (Sep 22, not sure about where) - Not a BL, but looks like a good time. Plus I'm interested to see Prem in a thriller - I think he'll do well.
I am also wondering what will replace the Monday/Tuesday hole The Jungle will leave when it stops airing or if they plan to do reruns.
And apparently we're getting the GMMTV 2024 lineup in Oct this year, which seems really early but maybe I'm wrong. I didn’t actually pay attention to the 2023 lineup until way after it came out so I can’t be trusted. *whispers* please let Midnight Museum have a season two, please let Midnight Museum have a season two.
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eva-cybele · 9 months
a rare personal post appears, cut for emotional barf
today is my 14th wedding anniversary, and I'm still kind of grappling with my emotions around my wedding. not my marriage - love my husband, he's still great. I feel bad calling my memories of our wedding bittersweet, because it was absolutely nothing to do with him.
but I wanted a few things for my wedding. to wear a medieval dress/be in the closest thing I could find to a castle, to have a 3 tier cake, to have it on our dating anniversary of April 11th, and to have the traditional bride/bridesmaid experience with female friends around me. I would have been fine compromising on some, but I got literally none of these.
problem was, my husband's brother was in the military, so I ended up caving and getting married two days after christmas so my MIL could have her kids home for the holidays. the dresses and venue and cake I wanted were too expensive. we had the wedding at a church, with a pastor. a religious ceremony, which I also didn't want, because to do otherwise would be to invite a ton of fighting from both our families.
and this was my second year of university, when I was in the worst possible years of my life re: friendship. I hadn't made any friends at college, my high school best friend stopped talking to me the second we graduated. of the two HS friends I reached out to about being bridesmaids, one lied and told me she was moving to another country. another said yes and then ghosted me. I ended up with my cousin and two childhood friends I had barely hung out with in recent years that probably felt too bad to say no.
my bachelorette party was me, my photographer (wife of one of my husband's friends), and my mom. it was one of the loneliest nights of my life.
then after the wedding, my husband's friends covered our new car in shaving cream, which will eat through paint if you leave it. and put powdered coffee creamer in our vents, which blew out all over our recently-detailed interior. we didn't get all of that stuff out of the nooks and crannies by the time we sold the car last year. and we were at the car wash trying to rinse off our car in freezing temperatures long enough that we missed our paid-for fancy dinner at the hotel we were staying at for our wedding night. which was the only honeymoon we got.
everything just added up to something that was for everyone else, not for me. and I keep bouncing between "so what, it doesn't actually matter" and "but it mattered to me for some reason, and now I feel stupid that it mattered."
and a huge part of it is that at least in part, I bought into the 90s girl power ideal of close female friendship, and I have never had that. have rarely had more than one or two girl friends at a time at all, much less the tightknit group I always wanted. I've never been asked to be in anyone else's wedding either, so it's like...idk. growing up I was always on the fringes of every friend group I had, the one who they let hang around but wasn't really included. so it's hard to shake that feeling even now, when I have honestly more friends than I ever have. sometimes I still doubt if they actually like me or just put up with me being there because I run the discords they use to hang out with their real friends.
I don't know where I'm going with this and honestly it's at least 90% fueled by me being PMSy, recovering from a stomach bug that hit me like a truck on Christmas day, and having honestly an absolutely terrible year in most respects.
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lux-astrorum · 12 days
lying on my bed at 6pm bc it's finally the weekend and the last two weeks have been some bullshit
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scribbling-dragon · 5 months
sometimes I think about my years as a scout. and then wonder how im still alive/sane
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hauntingblue · 7 months
Jinbe not even on the crew yet and already talking about sacrificing himself for his captain... insane
#also jinbe has already sacrificed himself for luffy but alas... well not died but in other ways#the narrator making sure you know EVERYTHING relies on luffy (the one person fanous for not following plans and doing whatever he wants)#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 829#i was thinking oh sanji is going to have to act like he loves pudding to not raise any alarms with everything that happened#but no... she looks cute so it comes naturally to him.... now let's see if he can contain himself from kissing her and not get shot xd#not them all having guns on lmao... reiju came prepared#luffy is so excited for his entrance.... like thats his wedding or smth (it kinda is but shhh)#i was like oh queen of the pink zone i get it but then STUSSY. I WEEZED#love how the director of an economy newsletter is a criminal lmao#germa has contact with the newsletter of course.....#oh thats katakuri.... i thot that was the frijoles guy#so what does the frijoles guy do then if not jellybeans???? bean paste? didnt get it tbh#big mom didnt change dress??? damn#episode 830#sanjis wedding is the event of the year man... so many conspiracies everyone wants to be there#well i hope the door doesn't talk lmao#the tamate box oof.... well lets keep it closed for now please#bege going on with his plan and the door just: 👁👄👁#oh no more face....#omg he can't contain himself ajdhakdjsk SANJI KEEP IT TOGETHER i think the fact she wants to kill him just makes it better....#i know what this sick fuck likes.... look at nami..... trust your memories ahslahska not a kiss on the forehead boy lmao#the blood jet propulsion 😭😭😭 your white suit akdhaibdkajskaq sanji 😭😭😭 even pudding is distraught akdhakshak outfit change i guess#pudding's dress has pockets ~~ to put her gun in ~~#reiju just depressed pondering on her lasts moments alive just sipping on tea.... girl its gonna be fine you will see#omg political marriage <3 let's all clap!!#bege thinking sanji is a good actor ajdhaksjka well.....#episode 831
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cherumie · 2 years
ugh revisiting steven universe as an adult is making me realize how much potential was wasted bc of cartoon network executives & their bullshit. There were so many storylines and plot points that deserved to be played out as Rebecca Sugar intended, but everything ended up so incredibly rushed that they barely had time for any of them :(
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pear1ridge-a · 1 year
anyway since its canon that cassie and tate r kidnapped whomst is giving them plots related to that
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vivandachocolate · 1 year
Elevate Your Tasting Experience with Vivanda's Custom Selections!
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Customized Chocolate Gift Box Vivanda offers customizable chocolate gift boxes, adding a personal touch to your gifts. You can add your personal message or choose from our themed designs. Whether for a birthday, wedding, or corporate event, a custom gift box from Vivanda makes it memorable.
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unopenablebox · 8 months
sorry for upholding societal structures by thinking about getting married
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birdybellicose · 2 years
My friend accidentally ripped her kids fave stuffed animal and I ripped my fave jacket roughousing with my dog. I was going to give them to my cosplaying brother to fix. Crush is over at my place tonight hanging out and offers to sew them. She then takes out a goddamn travel sewing kit and proceeds to sew them together right in front of me and hand them off like its nothing.
This is bad. This is sooooooo bad.
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sglaser · 2 days
Stunning Wedding Cake Toppers for Your Perfect Celebration
Discover our exquisite collection of Wedding Cake Toppers at SG Laser. Customizable and crafted from high-quality materials, our toppers add a personalized touch to your wedding cake, making your special day even more memorable. Choose from various designs to match your wedding theme and style.
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beanbowlbaggins · 4 months
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🌿🕊️a dried flower shadowbox for the wedding ~ 💐
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double-dare-designs · 5 months
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Favor Boxes with Pink Watercolor Floral
Personalize for any Occasion
Wedding Collection
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wttcsms · 5 months
domesticity with kageyama is when, before you’re married, before you’re even engaged, tobio will hold your hand under the dinner table, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your ring finger. it’s the way fans zoom in on his paparazzi photos, to catch a pixelated glimpse of his lockscreen; he’s a private person, but the lockscreen is definitely a selfie of the two of you. it’s the way he’s upset over court rules dictating he can’t have his wedding band on while he plays; he doesn’t like anything separating him from the feel of the ball, but his ring feels as if it’s always been a part of him. (it’s him looping the ring around the laces of his shoes, so he can always have you on the court with him). it’s having him be the designated Tall Guy; the person you look at and point to the top shelf of the cabinet or the highest shelf at the grocery store, and he’ll always be ready to grab the items for you. it’s you struggling to open the cap on a water bottle, and him always cracking open every water bottle before he leaves for an away game or big trip because he worries about you. it’s him always needing to have his toothbrush standing next to yours on the bathroom counter. it’s him being featured on a box of cereal, and you make a joke about how cute it would be to have a little kageyama enjoying breakfast promoted by his father; it’s the blush that creeps up on him as he can see it all perfectly in his head. it’s the way he can’t seem to sleep unless he’s holding you; even if you two don’t fall asleep cuddled up to each other, you can bet you’ll wake up in the middle of the night to find his arms wrapped around you, pressing your body against his.
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