#personally i simp hard for peggy but
I’m genuinely curious how many x is a better li than peggy asks did this person submit? And who has that kinda time/energy? Are they 13 with nothing to do while school is out? How hard do they simp for a fictional character that they bother real humans with this?
I genuinely think they were over 250+ of them. This person had to have spent all day long sending them in. No lie.
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
.:Now is Not the End:.
This is chapter one of my Jack Thompson fanfic Titled 'jack, get your gun' which was originally posted on Ao3 then Wattpad
by definition a fugitive is a person who flees or tries to escape in order to avoid arrest. 
so in all honesty y/n’s brother, the howard stark, was in fact a fugitive. well was about to be. 
his sister can understand why he was running, it wasn’t looking good for him, but now he just looked even more guilty. 
everyone was looking for him. which inevitably meant in the near future all of them will look for her, his sister y/n. the hunt wasn’t working out too well for them because the whole time the two were with his loyal butler, who happened to be one of y/n’s closest friend, brainstorming ideas on how to get the attention of a certain SSR agent without getting caught. 
for a genius howard could be extremely dense every now and then. 
finally a plan was agreed upon: 
write a note, give said note to person while she was distracted in a diner, wait with the knucklehead of a human in his car, and finally talk to the agent and get help with the sticky situation howard had somehow gotten himself into. 
it seemed simple enough right ? 
well apparently howard hadn’t accounted for the fact that this agent was on the suspicious side and that she can pack a good punch. or maybe he had and just decided not to warn his sister or his friend. 
all this being said y/n now found herself stepping out of the passenger seat of one of howards many cars. a smirk that could give james barnes mischievous lopsided smile a run for its money played on the womens bright red-orange lips as her older brother said, 
“i know. i should’ve called first. you miss me ?” 
a soft scoff escaped the siblings lips.
“heya peg,” 
hearing the soft brooklyn drawl and receiving the now trademark stark wink from the other female caused a soft smile to creep up on peggy's face even though the situation she was in called for anything but smiling. 
in a few swift and smooth strides y/n was helping jarvis up to his feet while peggy and howard slid briskly into the back seat in case there was someone coming. with the same smirk on her face she raised a brow at jarvis as she helped him up. 
then she opened her mouth to ask if hes okay however he beats her to it. 
“we will not speak of this.” 
he brushes some dirt off his jacket and then with his head held high he takes prideful strides towards the car. 
“oh don't be like that jarvis,” the female stark take a few strides herself till she was at the passenger door looking over the car at her friend, “its not like that was your first time getting knocked to the ground by a women,” with that she opens the door with ease and sits in the seat. 
a soft annoyed scoff could be heard outside of the drivers door followed by jarvis getting into the car and driving to the docks. 
the very tense silence in the car was broke by peggy, who was still confused as to why she was here,
“they’re calling you,”she takes a sharp inhale and looks to the passenger seat, 
“both of you a traitor,”  
her voice was tight which gave away the fact that she didn't believe what was being said. which caused the other female to tilt her head ever so slightly towards her friend but she quickly turns back to look at the road. 
“im calling it a setup,” 
silently y/n looked to the driver, who was trying to act very concentrated on the road, but yet again she promptly looked back to the road. 
“i have a vault-” 
not even thinking twice about it the other stark corrected him.
“right right i had a vault. sub-basement of my office,” he paused for a short beat,
“Triple-thick, lead-lined. it was where i kept my bad babies.” 
“bad babies ?” 
that single question caused an almost transparent smile to tug at y/n’s lips. 
“inventions too dangerous for anyone. even my friends.”
“which begs the question, why invent them at all.” 
“i cant help what i think of, but i can damn well control what i sell. at least i could until last month.” 
subconsciously the younger siblings jaw clenches which makes the barely visibly smile disappear. 
“i was in monaco,” he takes a beat as hes always been one for the dramatics, “with a lovely tax advisor. when i got back, i found a hole under my vault, all the way to the sewer. a couple of weeks later, my bad babies, they start turning up on the black market.”
“but why run ? why not tell the senate the truth, ask for their help “ 
she had a point.
 in fact a couple of hearings ago y/n thought the same exact thing.
“apparently, its not too big a jump to see me cutting a hole in my own vault and making some money on the sly,” after a second his voice is filled with disbelief  “really ?”  
peggy had obviously made a face or nodded for him to react that way. which made some more of the tension in the car evaporate. it also allowed the other female to realize that if she clenched her jaw any harder her teeth might break. so while peggy said something about angles  y/n let out a soft breathe through her mouth to somehow allow herself to relax.
“now thats the peggy carter we need.” 
“for what ?” 
“to clear the stark name.” 
“you can’t be serious.” 
“i try not to be but sometimes it slips out anyway,” he must have realized that his so-called charm wouldn’t get him out of this one because less then a second later his tone changed completely, “oh, come on, peg. you know darn well y/n or i didn't do this, which means the ssr is looking for the wrong guy. i want to find the right guy. but im gonna need someone on the inside, someone i can trust. and, peg, theres no one i trust more than you.” 
ouch that bruised my ego. 
nevermind its all good i’m over it already. y/n thought. 
“howard, you’re asking me to become a traitor in order to prove the both of you are not one. you do see the irony ?” 
“she's got a point,” finally the other stark interjects and looks to the back seat to see her brother flash a glare directed at her but then look back to peggy his face etched with desperation. this causes y/n to look back at the vast city and road in front of her. 
“oh, come on, peg. i know they’re not using you right over there. you want a mission that  matters ? this is it. my technology in the hands of some nut that wants to be the next red skull. you have no idea how bad that could be. right now, you’re the only one that can stop that.” 
finally we arrive at the docks and jarvis slows the vehicle just as howard raises his voice ever so slightly. 
“here’s good,” just as instructed jarvis parks the car, “kill the lights.” once again jarvis complies. 
all four of the passengers get out. however howard and peggy head to the trunk to get his bag. quickly howard walks down to the actual dock where his boat is with peggy trailing behind him. y/n and jarvis decide to stay back a little to give the two friends privacy. plus the two had already said their goodbyes. 
crossing her arms over her chest y/n looks out at the city that is now light up like a christmas tree. out of the corner of her eye she sees howard glance up at the direction where her and jarvis stand. slightly confused by this she looks to jarvis and he attempts to give the women a comforting smile. though y/n could tell he was just as upset over howard leaving as she was. she attempts to return the favor though her smile was more convincing and visibly eased his nerves. 
when she looks back to where peggy and howard stood she sees that howard was already in the boat riding off into the distance. y/n takes this chance and walks down the ramp and stands on the end. 
“nice to see you too, howard.” peggy's soft voice barely reaches the younger starks ears. 
the comforting smile plays on the woman's lips once again, “i swear our parents raised him in a literal barn. he has absolutely no manners.”  
peggy turn to her friend with a smile of her own,
 “i think hes just used to you going around and making amends for him.” she starts walking up to y/n as she  move out of her way with an obvious fake shocked face. 
“miss peggy carter,” she trails behind her up the ramp, “are you blaming me for my brothers lack of manners?” she puts emphasis on me and my to lighten the mood and to sound more dramatic. 
“oh no, i would never even dream of it.” both women chuckle at her sarcastic tone but it quickly dies down when the two are at the top of the ramp facing a very nervous jarvis. 
“the next time you approach a woman in a dark alley, you might introduce yourself.” 
the younger stark hums softly in agreement and gives jarvis a sly smile. 
“well, i shall endeavor to remember that, provided my concussion isn’t too severe.” 
y/n walks around the car and gets into the passenger seat as jarvis hands peggy a card with his phone number. a few seconds later the back door is opened for peggy by jarvis as he asks, 
“what now, miss carter ?” 
then with her natural grace she says while getting into the car,
“now i go to work.” 
a peaceful car ride, with y/n and peggy chit chatting the whole way through, later the car is now parked outside of peggy's apartment building. y/n turns and looks to her a smile on her face that jarvis hasn’t seen in a long while,
“see you around, peg. if you need me call jarvis he’ll put you through to me.”
“will do, y/n/n.” with that peggy gets out of the car before jarvis can open the door for her. 
shaking her head at the nickname and her actions she turns back around to jarvis. 
he sighs and raises a brow at his friend ,“will you be staying at the house, miss stark?"
“i don't see why not. scratch that. i do see why i shouldn't, however i don't  care.” 
and with that jarvis drove back home with a small smile on his face as the two listen to the radio.
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batmayne · 3 years
𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 “𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘” 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐒 - fluff alphabet by @snk-warriors
featured song: Hide by Juice Wrld and Seezyn
warnings: small mentions of angst
authors note: this was written before tfatws (aka before I knew bucky’s personality) so I apologize for any inconsistencies and or if he’s ooc.
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𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 - what do they like to do with their significant other? how do they spend their free time with them?
Since Bucky’s only available time to spend with you would most likely just be time he had off in between missions (unless you were an avenger yourself), most of your time spent together would be spent relaxing. If you do happen to not be an Avenger or maybe live out of New York (kind of like Laura Barton) he would more inclined to spend time at your house instead of his own. You are his solace away from all of the peril and endangerment that comes with his everyday occupation from saving the world from various threats - anytime spent with you is enough to make him happy. Activities wise I believe that he would enjoy simple things like taking your dog for a walk in the park, visiting a local museum or even just going to a family owned diner to grab milkshakes. Time not spent out would most likely be spent indoors reading or watching movies.
𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 - what do they admire about their significant other? what do they think is beautiful about them?
I can’t imagine that things like appearance, weight and height mean a whole lot to him, your personality is what really drew him in. He was initially attracted to your kindness and patience, because just befriending someone with the amount of baggage that his past holds is no easy feat. Unlike others, you didn’t treat him like a monster because of what HYDRA had forced him to do for the past 70 years of brainwashing. He admires you for taking the time to understand him when no one else did, especially after Steve went back in time to be with Peggy. He and Sam had become close of course but it couldn’t compare to what he had with you.
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓 - how would they help their significant other when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He knows all to well what it means it be “feeling down” or having troubles mentally so he would be very understanding about it. If you a working or have some sort of occupation he would encourage you to probably take some time off to recover and if he was able he would take a break as well so you wouldn’t be alone. If it was more serious he would want you to go get help, because that is what you have done for him in the past.
𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 - how do they picture their future with their significant other?
As mentioned earlier, I think that seeing what happened to Steve after he decided to spend his life with Peggy and have children of his own really would have struck a chord with him. Once he came out of HYDRA’s possession I think he may have thought that a chance at having a different life with a significant other and even children would be near impossible - but after he met you he was willing to give that fantasy a second try. I think he would be over the moon with eventually marrying you when things calm down some (he wouldn’t want to put you in danger if some enemy was targeting him) and having a child or two (if you wanted). Overall I think he just just craves for a simple and peaceful life with you, without having to worry about the dangers of his job or the outside world.
𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋 - are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?
The both of you are definitely equals in this relationship, in every aspect. I have to mention though, some of that 40’s gentleman may come out at times where he likes to hold the door open for you or help you out of the car. But he would only do this if you were comfortable with it of course, if it bothered you or got on your nerves in any way he would definitely stop - no questions asked.
𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - would they be easy to forgive their significant other? how are they fighting?
There may be more arguments in the beginning of the relationship because he hasn’t been in one in so long, and the majority of them center around either him not wanting to hurt you on accident (I imagine that he is still uncomfortable with his arm) or pushing you away. Eventually after he gets more comfortable around you the fights will lessen, but when they do occur you just give eachother plenty of space before reconciling and trying to work things out. One thing he will not do is leave for a mission without making up with you - if something happened and your relationship was left on a bad note he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄 - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their significant other is doing for them?
Bucky is beyond grateful that you are with him and he would reassure you about it constantly. Befriending him alone is a huge task in itself, not everyone has the patience to even do something as simple as that. Taking the time to get to know and understand why he is the way he is without judging him for it is something that he will be forever greatfull for.
𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐘 - do they hide secrets from their significant other? or do they share everything?
As much as he would want to shelter his ominous and dark past from you he knew that wouldn’t be possible with him being a wanted criminal several years ago - he wasn’t exactly famous be he was definitely well known (unfortunately not for the better parts of his life). It would take him some time for him to open up about everything he has gone through, but after some time he will open up about it. It’s nothing against you personally, he just fears that once you know everything you’ll run away from him (which wou wouldn’t of course). He just needs some time.
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - did their significant other change them somehow or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome problems?
Your relationship has had quite the positive effect on him since the start, and it’s something that his friends would immediately take notice of. Of course you couldn’t solve and help with everything that HYDRA has put him through, but just having you around has done tremendous things for his mood. When Sam notices that he hasn’t said “I hate you” to him in the past week, he knew that something was up.
𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘 - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
I think Bucky would be more protective than jealous, but not in a creepy or possessive sense if you get what I am saying? He wouldn’t mind if you spent a lot of time hanging out with friends or anything like that, but if he feels like someone is making you uncomfortable he wouldn’t hesitate to place a reassuring hand around your waist so they’ll back off.
𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 - are they a good kisser? how was their first kiss? and 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 - how did they confess to their significant other?
He isn’t particular with his kisses in my opinion, as long as they aren’t too sloppy and there aren’t many people around (I’ll discuss this more in the PDA section). I head canon that he really likes giving and receiving cheek and forehead kisses - but he will repeatedly deny it if you mention it to anyone else. (Your first kiss and love confession happened at the same time so I wrote a little Drabble about it below eugh)
Your first kiss took place when you were bordering the fine line between friends and something more. Bucky was taking some time off after a particularly rough mission and you gave him a place to stay away from all of the action. Finding him outside relaxing on a bench not too far from your house/apartment, you joined him and sat in a peaceful silence for a few minutes.
“Hey [Your Name]?” He spoke tentatively, distracting you from picking at the fraying end of your shorts.
“What’s up?” You questioned in turn, raising an eyebrow. Your breath hitched when you felt the coolness of his metal hand gently grab one of yours, and his human one placed itself on top.
“I just want to say thank you.”
“Bucky, you know you’re welcome to stay here anytime you need to-“
“That’s not what I meant.” He cut you off immediately, his voice wavering slightly. “I mean thank you, for accepting me, and not judging me for my past.”
“Of course.” You chirped back, maybe a little too fast.
It sounds cheesy but it did feel as if something was drawing your faces closer, and you eventually placed your free hand on his cheek as if saying a silent “yes”. When his lips finally pressed upon your own you felt an eruption of butterflies fly around your stomach, especially after you felt his arm glide around to your back. Once he pulled away it was hard to keep the smiles plastered off of both of your faces.
𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 - do they want to get married? how would they propose to their significant other?
Marriage wasn’t one of the things he thought that he would be able to enjoy when he was rescued from HYDRA, but I believe after he began his relationship with you he would most likely change his mind. Within the first few months of dating he already knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you so why not go ahead and tie the knot? He’d probably wait around a year to ensure that you felt the same before popping the question. I don’t get the “proposing in front of a large crowd of people vibe” from him so I’d probably say he would propose at an at home dinner where it was just the two of you. Most likely on a holiday such as Valentine’s Day or someday that was meaningful for the both of you (like the day you met or when you officially started dating).
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - what do they call their significant other?
Other than your name, Dollface or Doll.
𝐎𝐍 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄 - what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?
Now, I wouldn’t necessarily call him a simp - because that would be disrespectful, but. Other than being reunited with his childhood best friend Steve, you are the best thing that has happened to him. Of course you couldn’t possibly solve all of his problems and erase everything horrible that has happened to him but you sure do help a lot. Sam notices that he is in noticeably brighter spirits and he is also experiencing less nightmares. When a particular mission gets rough or difficult the only thing keeping him going is knowing that you are at home waiting for him.
𝐏𝐃𝐀 - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag with their significant other in front of others? or are they shy to kiss etc. with other people around?
Similar to Steve, I reckon that he wouldn’t be comfortable with public displays of affection because of the era he was raised in, where it was more frowned upon. Another thing to remember is that even though his name has been cleared he was a wanted criminal for quite some time, so I imagine he is already somewhat self conscious about being in public already. Additionally, the nature of his job caused him to already be a wanted target for many dangerous people, and he wants to keep you away from that by keeping you a secret from the public. This isn’t to say that he would be opposed to hand holding or subtle things such as that, just nothing that what be too attention grabbing from other people.
𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐊 - what random ability do they have that’s beneficial in the relationship?
As kind as he is once you get to know him personally - there is no denying that he can be quite intimidating, even without the vibranium arm. Though not intentional. Being with him is like having your own personal bodyguard around you at all times. Normally, you wouldn’t even have to worry about the potential unwanted admirer because his presence would scare them off before they even attempted to say anything.
𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - how romantic are they? What would they do to make their significant other happy?
I cannot emphasize this enough, he is the perfect gentleman. Since he is unfortunately gone so often (saving the world and all), I theorize that his love language might be Recieving Gifts. They may not be extravagant or expensive but they’re things he thought you would like from the various locations that he’s visitied for missions. As far as making you happy he’ll do just about anything (within reason of course). Take watching movies for example, there may be a particular genre or type of film he isn’t interested in, but if you want to watch it he’ll oblige because he knows you would do the same for him. Another thing is when he is at home and not busy with missions, he ensures that all of his free time is spent with you.
𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓 - are they helping their significant other achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
He may not right off understand everything you want to achieve and why, but he would certainly do everything he can to help you achieve in them. Like I said, he might not actually understand entirely all of your goals, but he will be supportive regardless.
𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐋 - do they need to try out new things to spice out their relationship? or do they prefer a specific routine?
Having been basically shut out from the world for the past 70 years, there is a plethora of things that Bucky has not seen yet or tried. Each date you have could mean trying something new, so things rarely ever get boring for with of you. While he doesn’t mind keeping a routine like getting dinner every Friday, its nearly impossible with what he does for a living.
𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 - how much do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
As you do with him, he knows you like the back of his hand. Even though he may not have known you throughout your entire life, I would say knows you on a closer level than most of your friends and relatives (which the exception of your parents and closest friends depending on your on your relationship with them). As stated earlier, he might not understand everything that you might go through but he will surely be empathetic to all of your struggles - as you are with his own.
𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐄 - how important is the relationship to them? what is it’s in it’s comparison to their things in their life?
Your relationship is by far the best thing that has ever happened to him so if something were to happen to it he would certainly be broken up over it, as would you. A lot of your relationship was founded on helping eachother through difficult times going on in both of your lives so the relationship ending would be quite problematic for the both of you. In comparison to other things that are in his life you are most definitely at the very top of that list.
𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃 - a random fluff head canon.
He refuses to let you tie your own shoes when they come loose. It was a subtle thing you noticed even at the beginning of your friendship. One of your laces would come untied and he’d keep insisting that you tie them so you wouldn’t fall and get hurt - until he eventually would just do it himself. It was a subtle gesture but still enough to make you swoon a bit at the kindness of it.
𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐎 - are they affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He is indeed affectionate, as long as you are alone and no other people are around. Having said this I feel like having a significant other who is constantly cuddling him might make him uncomfortable, so someone more low key and less touchy would be his vibe. Bucky has spent a lot of his life alone and in isolation, so it would definitely be something that he would get used to at the beginning of your relationship. This doesn’t mean he wont cuddle at all though, he just may not be into it as much as others.
𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 - how will they cope when they are missing their partner?
An unfortunate side effect of dating a superhero is that they’ll be away on missions quite often - you and Bucky’s relationship was no stranger to that. I’d imagine that he would attempt to call and text as much as he could, but of course the majority of the time he would be unavailable. To cope with missing you, he would probably end up talking about it to Sam after a lot of coaxing. While it would indeed help some, what actually kept him going was as I said earlier: knowing that you were at home safe and waiting for him to get back.
𝐙𝐄𝐀𝐋 - what lengths are they will to go for the relationship? if so what kind of lengths?
As I have stated numerous times your relationship is what keeps him going everyday, it’s what wakes him up in the morning. You are the single most important person in his life and always will be. He would do anything within his power to ensure your safety (within the parameters of reason of course). But in general he would do about anything for your relationship.
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phecdasolar · 3 years
Lol so my choir teacher let me put a list of quotes I collected from our class in the Google classroom and just- it’s fantastic, I’m the Official Class Scribe now I love this class
So anyways I thought, why not share the chaos with you? (Maybe I have already I genuinely do not remember)
“I never said I was benevolent-“
“I never said I was a turtle, but I am”
“Did I almost take someone’s head off with my chair?” “YES!” “Good.” “WH- HAHAHA-“
“Mighty is the one that wields the cHaR!”
“No chair supremacy!”
“It’s coming for you. It’s coming for you.”
“Kathryn is the Alto’s backbone!”
”She’s like Atlas holding up the world!”
“We’re sounding like monks from back in the day!” “Is that a good thing...?”
“If I take someone’s head off with a chair then SO BE IT! They didn’t deserve their head in the first place then!”
“Alexander Hamilton, how America simps for you.” (Simp: someone who does way too much for a person they like.)
“If you make a mistake, just call it jazz” - The teacher
“Let me tell you about Homestuck~”
“...I feel intimidated”
*Someone says anything at all* “AND PEGGY!”
“Donald ducks assemble!”
“I can carry my chair on my head, what have you accomplished?” “Nothing!”
“Chair head. Heh. Duck chair head. These are my feathers.”
“I’m not hiding, it’s called social distancing”
“But I don’t want to be in a standing up position, I want to be in a 6 ft under the ground position”
*LOUD CRASHING SOUND* “Hey man I think you dropped something”
“Have you killed somebody yet? Are you done?” -the teacher
“Well while Riley’s killing people...” - the teacher
“I can’t squat” “Squat with us in spirit”
“We’ll know your spirit will be with us”
“You stopped sipping your tea and started curb stomping”
*about to sing Hallelujah*
“I’m going to sing the L’Manberg theme song- on accident.”
“Are you sure it’ll be on accident?”
“You don’t gotta call me out like that, but yes.”
“Like on a scale of 1-10 how sure are you about that?”
“You want the sopranos to die :(“ “I want the sopranos to die.”
“It takes a village to shield a Kathryn.”
“This is a call out post, the person I am calling out? Myself.”
The teacher: “You don’t sing this-“
Zane: *sings louder*
“A choir is only as strong as it’s weakest soprano” - someone who is not a soprano
Zane: “Time to ruin all of that hard work, just by being me”
The teacher : “Yes, that’s your job!”
The teacher: “Our job if we can, is to ignore Zane as much as possible.” *class laughs*
Someone: *says or does literally anything at all*
The entire class: *spontaneously bursts out into 16 Tons*
Man I love this class 😂
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thesuitkovian · 3 years
Avengers and Co and Their Love Languages
Author’s Note: This is inspired by @mymagicsuitcase 's post about spending time together with Daniel Brühl's characters, and even though this is a pretty loose connection I'm going to tag her post anyways for the sake of it.
This includes Avengers, (some) Guardians of the Galaxy and other supporting characters cause I felt like it.
Bruce Banner
Acts of service
This shows up in doing chores around the house, cooking you food, getting up to get you something so you don’t have to get up, running errands for you, etc.
Bucky Barnes
Physical Touch
A lot of the time it is hard to put into words what he needs/what he’s feeling and it’s just easier to sit down next to you, your sides flush against each other and his head resting on yours/your shoulder.
Acts of service
Do not leave him alone at your house. You will come home to everything having been cleaned, the laundry done, folded, and put away, dinner made and your favorite movie/t.v. show on the t.v. and ready to go.
Carol Danvers
Gift giving
Picking up things on different planets that remind her of you and bringing you home trinkets from her travels.
Clint Barton
Quality time
“Wanna go train with me?” “I’m about to watch this movie, wanna join?” “I was just gonna go out for lunch, wanna come with?”
Words of affirmation
Words are very important to her, and hold a lot of value in her life so when she says something she means every word of it.
Gift giving
Giving you something she stole/looted off some bad guy’s body because you might like it/think it’s useful/be able to sell it.
Helmut Zemo
Gift giving
Buying you things he saw you linger on while out in the market, getting you a dress/suit once a week simply because he thought you would look good in it, buying you the car of your dreams after you offhandedly mentioned it in conversation
Quality time
Spending time together is very important to him. He wants as much time with you as possible, and is willing to do whatever you want to pass the time as long as he gets to be with you.
John Walker
Words of affirmation
Complimenting your hair/clothes/makeup every chance he gets. Telling you how much he loves you/appreciates you after you do small things for him like cook dinner or buy him a gift.
Lemar Hoskins
A mix of physical affection and quality time.
Randomly coming up behind you and hugging you from behind as you guys bake/cook together. Pulling you into his lap/resting his head in your lap as you watch a movie.
Picking you up to hug you after not seeing you in forever.
Acts of service
Now this one might seem contradictory because Loki services no one, but like acts of service through other people. Getting his servants to give you the best wines/fruits/dresses, commanding them to listen to you and do anything you say.
Gift giving
“Hello my love, look at this beautiful blue tesseract, would you like to share it with me?”
Natasha Romanoff
Quality time
Just sitting next to you and existing in the same space as you is enough for her. Just knowing that you are there and she can turn to you if she needs you, that’s enough.
A mix of acts of service and gift giving.
“I killed this [savage and dangerous space beast] and took it’s head/tusk/claws/teeth so you can hang it on your wall”
“I stole this [extremely rare and expensive piece of jewelry] because I thought you would like it so here.”
Nick Fury
Quality time
Racing you around on an abandoned airstrip in a government vehicle and making you promise not to speak a word of it, vacations to places you’ve always wanted to visit, taking you to the theatre to see the new movie you’ve not stopped talking about.
Peggy Carter
Words of affirmation
This woman will not stop complimenting you ever in her entire simp life.
Gift giving
This one is a kinda sorta one. She loves to share her things with you. Her clothes, accessories, money, shoes if they’ll fit, house, bed, everything. She basically gives half of all her stuff by sharing everything she has with you.
Peter Parker
Words of affirmation
He loves to compliment you but also he loves to be complimented. And his favorite thing is hearing you say you love him.
Peter Quill
Gift giving
Much like Gamora he is the type to give you something he stole/looted off some bad guy’s body because you might like it/be able to sell it
Pietro Maximoff
Quality time
He cannot get enough of you. He loves being around you and doing things you like and being introduced/introducing you to new things.
Physical touch
This boy is so clingy. He wants to be around you and touching you at all times of the day and will become touch starved if he has to go even a day without you.
Sam Wilson
Quality time
Movie marathons. Going on missions together. Sparring/training together.
Physical affection
A gentle, comforting hand on your lower back when you’re nervous in public. Casually wrapping an arm around your shoulders when standing in line/lounging on a couch. Hugging you from behind randomly.
Scott Lang
A mix of acts of service and quality time
Doing chores with you, running errands with you, cooking with you, basically just going out of his way to make your life 1000x easier.
Sharon Carter (courtesy of my bf)
A mix of physical touch and quality time.
Sparring/training with you, and when she inevitably beats you up (because she will) pinning you to the mat. And of course, the obligatory sarcastic comment.
Gift giving
She is literally a rich princess and a genius. She has the connections and money to get you anything you want and the brain to build it for you if it doesn’t exist yet.
Stephen Strange
Physical touch
This seems surprising at first, because he is such a closed off person when you first met him but he is a very physical lover. He loves to hold you, and be held. When you two are in the same room you guys just sort of drift together until some part of your bodies are touching; even if it’s just your knees as you sit on a couch, reading in one of his many libraries.
Quality time
Intelligent debates that last hours. Reading next to each other in the same room. Reading the same books so you can talk about them/compare notes later. Teaching each other new things and expanding your minds together
Steve Rogers
Acts of service
I mean have you met this man. He is a slave to the person he loves and that is a fact. This man will do anything you ask or even insinuate that you want him to do. He will also go out of his way to do things for you, like get your favorite take out for dinner, or drop by your work on your lunch break, or do that one errand you had been putting it off cause you just didn’t want to do it.
Quality time
Another simp that just wants to be around you. He could just sit next to you and listen to things you are passionate about for hours and hours, and never get bored.
Acts of service
“[Name], I have tamed this mighty beast for you, so you may have them as a pet!”
Quality time
He wants to travel the world with you, he wants to stay at home for weeks on end with you, he wants to do whatever it is that you want to do and he wants to do it whenever you want to do it.
Tony Stark
Gift giving
He is a billionaire (playboy philanthropist) with almost as many connections as Shuri, and a desire to provide. Anything you show even the slightest interest in is on your doorstep the next morning if not within the hour.
Gift giving
Things she found from the scrap pile, alcohol, food, cool weapons she found, etc.
Words of affirmation
Vision has a very complex and intelligent mind and is trying to learn how to express himself correctly, so with your help words of affirmation quickly become your primary source of affection.
Wade Wilson
Words of affirmation
He may jokingly compliment you a lot/turn compliments into teasing but he means every word of his compliments.
Physical touch
Hugging you from behind as you cook dinner. Holding you to his chest and swaying gently to the music playing in the background. Pulling you back down onto the bed when you try to get up in the morning and octopus cuddling you. Tucking you under his arm and keeping you as close to him as possible while you guys sit on the couch together.
Wanda Maximoff
Physical touch
Running a hand over your thigh absentmindedly as she reads next to you on the couch. Gently rubbing your arm to calm you. Hugging you for a solid minute, just holding you and pressing her face into your hair. Rubbing your back to help you fall asleep. Giving you massages after a long day training/a taxing mission.
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thetsxshibiscusanon · 3 years
Thomceit Hamilton AU Cast
Alrighty, here it is- the post about my Thomceit Hamilton AU that I took like three days to write, hoo boy-
Okay so, this is just the cast of the AU and also just going into some ship ramblings because if I got into the whole thing now, we’d be here for days- so let’s get on with it!
The Sanders Sides Characters Roles
~Just to clarify, I’m doing this TS Universe by TS Universe, because there’s a LOT of characters in both fandoms, so the cast are gonna be updated with each reblog~
Alexander Hamilton: Janus 
Why? Well, the colour theme’s for the album match Janus’ general colour aesthetic, Janus is all about taking that chance no matter what and Alex is all about not throwing away his shot, both have got that lawyer association aaaaaaaand I’m just kidding, I wanted to make a Thomceit Helpless animatic in the August of 2019- I never had any plans for this thing, it just happened. 
But yeah- dramatic snake boy lawyer meets dramatic Founding Father lawyer-
The Schuyler Sisters:
Angelica: Roman
Roman just radiates fabulous, feminist, older sibling vibes- just imagine him in Angelica’s dress but a bit more red and you’ve got it down! 
Satisfied also radiates Roman vibes- the pink-red colour scheme, the sacrifice, the longing and pining- it all works so well for him! I can also imagine him in Congratulations- especially with the lines ‘He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!’, ‘...Sacrifice?’ and ‘Eliza~ is the BEST thing in our lives!’ especially since I’m making Thomas Eliza here, because, in some cases, it really parallels what actually happened in the series:
Roman sacrificed the thing he most wanted (Janus/the callback) for Thomas (Eliza/his core) because he wanted what was best for him and what was right for him- and in both cases, he was wrong! My boy either doesn’t get to chase his dreams and feels miserable about it, or he gets cheated on and feels miserable about it- there’s no winning here! (Can you tell that I felt no remorse whilst writing this? /hj)
Also, I thought the line 'He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!’ didn’t really apply to Janus when I initially made this, but HOO BOY was I wrong-
Eliza: Thomas
Can you tell that Thomceit is my favourite ship? No? You can’t? Well I’m just about to take off the blindfold you’re wearing and talk about much of an amazing husband Thomas would be-
First though, I have to say, Thomas gives off such Eliza vibes on his own anyways- cinnamon bun that needs to be protected and has gone through a lot? Uh, yes! 
Thomas would absolutely be the type to fall head over heels for a cute guy he saw across the room (I mean we all saw FWSA, right?). He'd see Janus and be all 'Wait, frick, handsome boy- what do I do- ROMAN-' and I love that so much.
Ironically though, Hamilton was the one who really fell hard, historically at least, so the fact that in this AU Thomas falls like Eliza did but in the 'canon' Janus and Hamilton are both the actual simps is hilarious to me-
He would totally be the supportive partner he was always meant to be- assuring Janus everything will turn out fine and being sweet and caring like he always is.
On the flip side. Thomas is probably one of the only characters who would actually bite back when cheated on too. Patton is a great option for Eliza, but because Patton is associated the most with nostalgia as a character, I don't think he'd be burning any letters any time soon, he'd hold on to those memories- but Thomas would probably burn the letters as soon as he got the chance, in order to try and forget everything- to burn all the memories. Also, I just wanna see Thomas raging at Janus in First Burn- can you imagine how badass he would be? The passion and fury radiating from him in that song would be just *chef's kiss* incredible!
And here's the strongest argument I have: Eliza is the person who tells the story, of Hamilton, of the soldiers, of Washington- and who is responsible for telling us what goes on in the TS Universe?
I rest my case! (There wasn't one to begin with but shhhh)
(Also, Hamilton and Eliza had 8 kids, and we all know Thomas is the tired mother of 6 children-)
And Peggy (hah): Remus
The main reason for this is, as I'm sure you can guess, because I made Roman Angelica. I mean, how could I not make Remus Peggy? I do have some legitimate reasons though.
Peggy has always been given the chaotic younger sister energy in the fandom, basically the Gen Z child- and Remus embodies Gen Z's chaos perfectly, it's honestly kind of scary. Remus would absolutely be the sibling who's just there to vibe and cause chaos, but would totally be there to help if you wanted it.
The problem here, is that Peggy is constantly asking about the girls' father in Schuyler Sisters, and worrying about consequences- which is not a Remus thing at ALL, but I can imagine Remus asking those questions like '👀 So what's the dealio?' And then being delighted at the responses that come from the others like 'YEAH- Let's break the rules!'
Peggy was also very good friends with Hamilton historically, and we all know Janus and Remus are best friends (that's not canon, but it is now)!
So- Peggy and Remus! Let's go!
The Hamilsquad (Sides! Edition):
Aaron Burr: Logan
Logan is the most logical (hah) character to play Burr in my opinion:
Burr kills Hamilton, and Logan is probably the only Side who could actually defeat Janus in some way (Logic overcrowds the lies and reasons its way out of them), and if having a presence and some control got Janus to sink down, then what would happen to Janus if he Logan had full control?
Logan, like Burr, wants to be in the Room Where it Happened- he wants to be listened to- that's self-explanatory, but what gets interesting to me is the waiting ideology both of them have.
We all know Burr waits for opportunities- he had a whole song on it! But what people tend to forget is that Logan has also waited for chances and holds back opinions- the best example would be in LNTAO, where he admits to Thomas that he's been holding back his opinions for far too long and that he doesn't think people take Thomas seriously enough.
That 'wait for the right moment attitude' is instilled in both of them- and while Janus also partially has that attitude, he's also got a 'Leap for the chance and take it' attitude- which is why I can imagine him telling Logan 'You get love for it, you get hate for it- you get nothing if you wait for it' and 'What do you want Burr?'
He'd be the one to ask 'When are you finally going to take a stand and say "I want to be heard?" When are you going to take the chance?'
John Laurens: Virgil
Virgil's role as Laurens is mainly because of symbolism- the idea that you had these two great friends who were in it together, and one of them left (either this life or the Others) and that tore them apart in one way or the other.
Also, Laurens and Hamilton were hiding something- those letters said A LOT, and Jan and Virge act like two ex-boyfriends, like what is this-
Theodosia Sr.: Patton
This may just be my Logicality heart screaming, but I think this makes sense- Theodosia always gave off a sweet, soft motherly energy even though we never see her on screen or hear her voice. From what he heard about her, she seemed to be the loving mother character (Eliza was more the loving wife and widow figure, but she did have motherly traits for sure), and we all know Patton would rock the loving mother figure role- there isn't really much more to it.
I think that's all I can really say on the Sides characters' roles! There's gonna be more to this but this is a lot as it is, and I wanted to get this done ASAP.
So ye! I hope you enjoyed reading this and are looking forward about what's to come!
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