badolmen · 9 months
As a kid I saw Space Balls before I saw Star Wars. The only thing that stuck was the scene of not-Han Solo getting a ring(?) from not-Yoda/Ben in a desert cave, which has poisoned my relationship with the original trilogy because a small part of my brain refuses to acknowledge Han is not Luke.
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strongly considering changing my username to frosty-the-killer-doll
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elitadream · 9 months
Love the idea that in the Bodyswap AU Luigi IMMEDIATELY knows that Mario is not himself (rightly so!). But after the initial shock Bowser could use that to his advantage. He might not be able to fool Luigi, but if he can fool everyone else then Luigi just looks like a raving madman. He doesn't even need to incapacitate him. Luigi has no concrete proof that it's NOT Mario.
After all, in Bowser's mind at least, who is the Mushroom Kingdom as a whole going to believe? The ever noble and brave red clad hero beloved by the Princess herself, or his clumsy and awkward brother who is startled by his own shadow? Luigi running around trying to warn people while Bowser is playing up the role of the good guy is just fascinating.
Right! Interestingly enough, in previous responses I was initially picturing Bowser as trying to act like Mario in front of Luigi for a bit, but I realized while sketching a few variations of that scene that it wasn't as impactful that way. 🤔 I ultimately found that Bowser knowing that this just wouldn't work with Luigi (and thus skipping any pointless attempt to delay that moment of realization with him) was more striking and efficient as a whole. 👀 Luigi was bound to find out in record time anyway, so Bowser didn't bother to try and pretend around him. He opted for collecting his terrified reaction to its full effect instead. 😈
Also, you're entirely right! It wouldn't matter to Bowser because he can still fool the citizens and the guards seamlessly, as he knows that Mario is considered the absolute most reliable source in the Kingdom aside from the Princess herself. Who amongst the toad population will get suspicious or suddenly start asking questions if he behaves more brazenly than usual? No one.
And just like you said, poor Luigi has no solid proof of what he's saying. It's basically his word against "Mario"s, and unfortunately for him, Mario's words weigh heavier in the balance to most. 😔
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hauntingmiser · 7 months
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I was bored
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bloodyethanol · 1 year
they fucking banned telegram in our country i love the current government sooo bad guys im sooo happy
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intomybubble · 1 year
oh my fucking god
jia admits to her mother-in-law that she actually fell bc in love with mincheol and that their sham marriage (MIL found out) isn’t completely loveless. though the MIL is glad that her son chose jia.
when MIL leaves jia basically asks him if they go on a date (then starts backtracking to make it additional to their sham marriage) then hes like “i dont want to date you because of a reason like that - i like you, let’s date” along with a kabedon
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gheckoe · 3 years
at what point is it acceptable to say “i love you as a person and i’m glad to have met you on this garbage site but i hate your blog and i wish you’d stop circulating bad takes about subjects you don’t know much about and i’m extremely involved in because i don’t have the time or energy to explain how wrong and uninformed you seem to be about them and i wish it wasn’t so easy for this kind of resentment to build up and keep lingering”
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justauthoring · 4 years
the new chapter is sooo great !! *chef kisses* i love angst honestly, still yn doesn't deserve any of this 😔 (i was wondering, can't she use her powers to move the blindfold of her eyes?? idk ,,, ) i just wanted to say two things: i love stiles & yn, theyre really cute,,, and fcuk gerard
I mean, if she could it would really make it hard for the whole storyline of her being kidnapped 😂 so imma say no!
Nonetheless, thank you, love 💗 happy you enjoyed the most recent chapter!
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themusicalvoid · 4 years
MMMMMM i love dying and being dead
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transbrvcewayne · 4 years
love it when family calls u out for no reason my mom just went “u do nice things bc u feel insecure in ppl wanting u around otherwise” and then left yikes@me be more unknowable next time
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acosmic · 6 years
@strange-aeons @arctic-fedah WE’VE BEEN LIVEBLOGGED
(not really)
@plushieshrine ❤️❗️
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parkiiinson · 6 years
storytime! i cried over a bubble face mask!!?!
i cried because it got in my eyes why were the eye holes so small wtf but anyways i still used it i just put the actual sheet mask part in the trash and put the liquid part in my face but soo’ae wtf why are the eye holes so tiny
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franklyshipping · 3 years
Mental health day cuz I had my second vaccine yesterday and my middle name is now lethargy 👌👌💜💜
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pumpkinalexx · 6 years
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Excuse me but I really like being an elf??
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damnitcarrie · 6 years
I’m vurrry drunken hello people I love you all thank yoi fornlistehubg to my issues and uncontrollable Sade thoughts 😘
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gheckoe · 5 years
i hate it when people comment on posts. social media should implement mandatory peer reviewing processes to prevent idiots from saying the same three things over and over because they didn’t get the joke or didn’t get that someone else made the joke before
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