mytheoristavenue · 2 years
TMNT 2012 Perv!Donatello x Clueless! Cheerleader!Reader - Little Freak
Summary: Raph calls Donnie out for his constant pining for you, and, after discovering how his brother really sees you, decides to hang it over his head.
Warnings: perv!Donnie, sexualization of f!reader, demeaning language (Raph to Donnie), Not a smut, just has the topic of sexual attraction, still MDNI!
You half sashayed into the lair, your friend, Casey trailing behind you, both clad in the uniform of your respective sport. You giddily hopped down the stairs to meet Mikey, the hockey player so forcefully graciously hauling your duffle bag (as well as his own) over his shoulder. “Mikey!” you chirped as the youngest turtle jumped off the couch to greet you. “Are you guys still coming?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, dude!” he exclaimed, clasping his fingers in yours and engaging you in a excited little dance as Leo and Raph walked into the room. “I can’t wait to go to my first pep-rally!”
“You’re only pep-rally.” the eldest brother said sternly. “(Y/N), you’re sure no one will see us?”
You’re ponytail bobbed back and forth dramatically with your head as you rolled your eyes. “Totally sure. It’s a black-out rally, so the only light in the whole stadium is gonna be coming from these.” you reassured, shaking the glowsticks around your wrists. “The lights will all be off until the match starts.”
“And then?” Raph asked suspiciously, typically cautious of your hair brained plans. 
“Then, you guys are going to watch the game from the girls’ locker room! I had Donnie rig the live footage from this camera to a wireless monitor that you guys can watch us on!”
“That’s...actually a pretty solid plan?” the leader remarked, confused at your genius. You took personal offense to this. 
“Hey, I have good ideas!” you whined, stomping your foot as they all took a laugh at your expense. 
At last, Donatello walked out of the lab, a case of equipment hoisted on his back. Your eyes lit up as they laid on him and you scrambled over to him like an excited puppy. Almost immediately, his face began to heat at your attention, but it was gone before he could get used to it. Casey had beckoned you back to his side to carry your own bag as you all filed out of the lair. 
Trekking through the sewers, you fell behind a bit, in order to speak to Donnie, at the back of the pack. “Thank you for helping me set this up. I’m so excited to get to perform for you guys.”
“No problem.” he replied, as cooly as possible. “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you.” He nervously grazed at your warm smile, before noticing your cocked brow. He choked and corrected himself. “Seeing you perform, I mean.” You simply giggled in response to his awkward aura before huffing and adjusting the strap on your bag. “Is that heavy?” he finally asked. 
“Not really, well, kind of.” you answered, proceeding to list nearly everything in your duffle. “It’s just my sweats, my make up, hair curler and brush, deodorant,-”
“Do...you want me to carry it for you?” the question as so quiet you almost didn’t catch it, but luckily you did, and politely thanked him, but declined his offer. 
“Oh, no, I’m fine, really! Besides, you’re carrying so much already, I should be the one helping you!” you gave a sympathetic smile that seemed to dazzle him, even in the darkness.
“I’m fine, I’m...strong?” he tried to joke, but fell flat when he realized he lacked a punchline. “C’mon, you’ve got a long walk and you’re gonna be cheering for like two hours at least, you should reserve your energy.”
You thought about it for a moment, figuring he had a point. “You’re sure you don’t mind?”
“Not at all.” he smiled as the straps of your bag slid down your shoulder. “Just hang it around my neck, my shell’s a little full.” Donnie was elated to hear that he’d made you laugh, and even more so to watch you hop up against him to do as he asked. 
“Thanks, Don, you’re the sweetest!” With that, you skipped away to catch up to Mikey, and fishing some glowsticks out of Casey’s bag to hook around his wrists. The smartest turtle watched you through a daze as he intoxicated himself of the scent of your perfume, which your bag was coated in. Not only did he get to smell you, but he also had the privilege of seeing you walk away, dangerously short pleated skirt swishing with every move you made. He studied the way your bloomers sculpted your behind and legs, and the way your breasts would react to other forces, for example, squishing together when you lifted your arms in an effort to swipe the remaining glowsticks from Mikey.
“It's not polite to stare.” a gruff voice called snarkily from his left. “Or to sniff people’s gym bags.”
“I was not sniffing it.” Donnie snapped. “And I wasn’t staring, I’m just looking forward, watching where I’m going.”
“Riiight. Remind me, when did your line of sight get about two and a half feet lower?” Raph teased, slowing a bit so that he was directly beside his younger brother.
“Shut up.”
“That’s... not what you’d say.”
The taller turtle let out a dramatic sigh. “Fine whatever, I was staring, okay?”
“At her ass, I know.” the shorter one snickered. 
“No!” The older brother gave the younger a knowing glare until he fessed up. “Oh, piss off, it’s human nature to be attracted to someone, it’s literally part of our evolutionary DNA.”
“Our DNA or her DNA?” Raph pressed. “Because, last I checked, you two don’t share any genes, let alone anything like that.” Donatello refused to answer him at that point, frustrated to be having this conversation, when he could be indulging in one of the rare times he’s gotten to see you in your uniform. “No, this is primal. Predator and prey.”
“It’s not like that, I just think she’s pretty is all.” He defended. 
“Pretty clueless?”
“I’m just saying!” the more aggressive turtle clarified. “Either that, or you’re a total simp, which, considering the data collected from your crush on April, is entirely possible.”
“First of all,” Donnie pinched his brow in annoyance. “Don’t use scientific words like you know what they mean, secondly, it’s completely natural to feel sexual attraction at our age, terrapin or otherwise.”
“Sure,” Raphael acknowledged. “I’m just saying you could be a little bit more respectful about it, that’s all.”
Donatello growled, having long since yearned to end this conversation. “I don’t know how much more respectful I can be, man. At least you have a girlfriend!” he whispered, elbowing his brother in the side. 
“What does that got to do with it?” the ninja feigned offense, and most of all, ignorance. In truth, he knew exactly what Mona had to do with this. He had someone to have these feelings with, and more importantly, Mona was the first person Raph had had feelings for. He hadn’t had to endure the ache that his brother had. He was lucky enough to have a form of release, a blessing that his Donnie lacked. 
“It has everything to do with it! You’ve got someone the love, to do things with, I don’t!” the terrapin hissed, rolling his shoulders as the strap of your bag had begun to irritate his neck. “All I want is to be able to have someone to myself, is that such a fucking crime, Raph? Is it illegal to want a pretty girl to fuck, huh? Is that wrong?”
Raph didn’t respond right away, which instantly alerted Donnie to the fact that he’d said far too much, far too loudly. Time seemed to sit still for a moment before the older brother shook his head. “I don’t think it’s wrong, but you might have a harder time convincing her.”
Just as he’d implied, when the younger panned his vision he saw you, staring back at him with while eyes and flushed cheeks. The others were eyeing you the same, but that didn’t matter to him, all that did was the look on your face, stuck somewhere between fear and flattery. As the moment finally began to pass, and you all began walking again, you specifically clung securely to Casey’s side, Donatello hung his head in shame, slowly trudging behind, your perfume soaked bag serving as a haunting reminder of what he can now never have.
“Damn...” he mutter. “I am really am just a little freak.”
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jester-complex · 2 years
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rottmnt as text posts!
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gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
Could you write Donnie crushing on the reader and he walks in while she's in the shower or like changing and he acts like it's nothing, he apologizes and leaves so she can get situated and then that's that BUT he CANNOT forgot about it and he goes home being a perv thinking of how beautiful she is and he gets horny
Donnie doesn't know when to stop
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Absolutely gross, hottest thing I ever wrote. I love pathetic men <3
Warnings: accidentally perv!Donnie, he's OBSESSED with you, masturbation (m), edging, ruined orgasm, he's so sub! it hurts, pain!kink, virgin!Donnie, unprotected sex
Fucking 3k words, looks like Maria doesn't know when to stop EITHER 😭
You had to do a school project together and he was losing his mind about it
Like yeah, you were friends and you used to hang out all the time, but only at school
Now he was going TO YOUR HOUSE
It felt so intimate just being there
It was nothing much, but he was so obsessed with you it made him act that ridiculous
He was so nervous that he just couldn't sit still at home, so he decided to head to your place, even though it was a bit earlier than you expected
He thought he could just hang out in front of your house until the time you were expecting him to come
The problem was that your mom was leaving the house and found him seating there
"Oh, you must be Donnie! Y/N is waiting for you, come in!"
He should have said no, that it was still too early, but your mom said you were waiting... so maybe you were ready? He shouldn't keep you waiting
"I'm going to work right now. She's in her room, upstairs." Your mom told him, before closing the door and leaving
So he went upstairs, obviously
You just got out of the shower, and was pacing around the room, a towel wrapped around your body, looking for a cute outfit to wait for Donnie
Your bedroom door was open, since you thought you were alone at home
Donnie was very shy, walking upstairs without making a sound, just thinking about what should he say to you, rehearsing in his mind what kind of greeting would make him sound... not terrified
He stopped immediately when he saw you
It was so wrong to just stand there and stare, but it was impossible not to
He watched as you placed your clothes on the bed, letting the towel fall at your feet
Felt like his blood abandoned his body
It couldn't be real, he must be dreaming...
But it only lasted a few seconds, until you looked towards the door and saw him
You let out a scream, completely horrified
Then you slammed the door shut
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I swear I didn't... I wasn't trying to... listen." He tried to explain, but he couldn't find the words. He was probably more embarrassed than you. "I think... I think I should go"
"Yeah, you should..." was all you could say, sitting on the floor wondering if you'd ever be brave enough to see his face again
He walked home absolutely heartbroken. He couldn't believe that he had ruined EVERYTHING. Now you thought he was a perv... you'd never talk to him again
He didn't feel anything but shame and sadness until he went to bed that night
I guess that's when the adrenaline rush wore out and he thought about it all
It didn't last more than 15 seconds, but during that time you were completely naked right before his eyes... and so close he could smell the lotion on your body
Maybe he was crazy, but the fact that you were getting ready to see him...
He imagined you applying the lotion to your skin a few minutes before he walked in... you were probably thinking about him while you did so... I mean... you knew he was coming over soon
And as if the thought of you applying the lotion to your body wasn't enough to drive him crazy... now he knew what your body looked like
He shivered as the sight of your tits crossed his mind
His hand slowly traveled to his pants zipper
God, he felt so guilty for doing this, it was so so wrong
But his cock was so so hard :(
Poor baby, was in so much pain
Leaking already!!
But the guilt was eating him alive, you were his friend...
That's why he decided to torture himself a bit, would make it all a little less wrong... if he got some punishment, you know
He started stroking his shaft and he got close so pathetically quick
And then he stopped
His heart raced. He had never edged himself before...
He waited for it to fade, before starting again. And then stopping again as he got closer
It was quite addictive... he started to let it go further each time, stroking himself fast and getting impossibly closer to release, then stopping
His cock was leaking so much that it all sounded like a wet mess, masking his ridiculous moans
He started to imagine you there, doing it, punishing him
"Gonna teach you not to spy on naked girls, you fucking perv"
And he would moan "please, Y/N, I'm so sorry..."
I mean, Donnie has an incredible imagination, it was so convincing that he even cried
All while denying his release over and over and over again
Until he couldn't hold it anymore
It was an accident </3
But his orgasm hit him out of nowhere
He cried out "no no no!" as ropes of cum shot out of his cock
He immediately stopped stroking himself and placed his hand on the base of his cock, squeezing it hard enough to hurt
He ruined his own orgasm :/
And he just laid down there looking like a pathetic mess. Tears on his face, his hand and clothes full of cum but his balls still hurt so much from not finishing it
But now he was so so overstimulated he couldn't even dream about touching himself any time soon
Eventually, he passed out from exhaustion
When he woke up the next day, he felt absolutely sick
How the hell was he supposed to see your face at school
Let's be honest, that wasn't the first time he masturbated thinking about you (number was closest to 100th tbh)
And he could always look you in the eye as if nothing happened afterwards
But it felt different now that... he had seen you for real and you knew that
Oh god... were you mad at him? You probably HATED him
He thought about calling in sick
But some force was dragging him out of that bed
He didn't understand it, but the truth was that his obsession with you grew considerably and he just needed to see you, even if you never spoke a word to him again
And part of him... enjoyed it? The idea of you punishing him like that
So yeah, he went to school that day
But he avoided you like the plague
If he saw you in a corridor, he would run in the opposite direction
Spend so much time hiding from you in the bathroom
But he couldn't hide forever
You sneaked behind him when he was looking for something on his locker
"Donnie?" You called, making him drop everything inside the locker, making a terribly loud noise, everyone looked at him
You bursted into laughter, helping him pick some things up
"Thanks." He said, completely unable to look you in the eyes.
"I think we should talk." You said calmly, after seeing how nervous he was
"Yes. Y/N, please, I can't tell you how fucking sorry I am..." he closed his eyes, cursing himself mentally for being so stupid
"It's okay, Donnie" you placed a hand securely on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. I knew you were coming over, I should have been more careful."
He held his breath as soon as your hand landed on his shoulder. It was like your touch reactivated his memories. Then he was stupid enough to look at you
You were giving him such a sweet, sincere smile
God, you were SO beautiful he felt like dropping to his knees right there
"What if you walked me home today? Then you can stay and we'll work on the project. Forget anything that happened, we need to finish it this week." You asked
"That's... that's a great idea." He nodded, even though he would rather die than go to your house anytime soon
But as soon as he saw how okay you were with everything, he calmed down a little. So your friendship wasn't ruined...
You two caught the bus and talked all the way to your neighborhood, like you always did, nothing seemed to change
Then you walked to your house and he started go get tense again
You noticed and you held his hand as you led him through the house
And it wasn't anything new, you always held his hand when he was nervous
Aww a couple of besties <3
Soon enough, he was in your bedroom, where it all happened the day before
You sat on your bed, grabbing all the books you would need, taking to yourself (cause he wasn't listening) about the ideas you had
While Donnie sat on the floor hallucinating about how that was the exact same spot you left your towel fall the day before
If it was right now, it would fall directly on his lap
Like, he didn't even dare to imagine actually touching you, but he would kill someone to have that towel
He would hump on it like a beast
Again, Donnie's imagination is so good and Donnie doesn't know when to stop
That's the source of 99% of his problems
He felt himself getting hard
"Hey, can I use your bathroom really quick?" He asked, before he started sweating in front of you
You nodded and gave him the directions
He walked in, locked the door and splashed water to his face
How the hell was he supposed to get any work done with a fucking boner on
Maybe he should just take care of it quickly in there
In your bathroom, fuck
The amount of times those walls had witnessed your naked body...
He wondered if you had ever touched yourself in there
Yeah, my boy lost his mind
Started stroking himself fast, he couldn't wait to finish and just get everything done so he could go home
But then..... he had the worst idea ever
Cause after what he discovered last night, he didn't want to finish so fast anymore
He just needed to relieve a bit of the pressure, then he would feel better
His dick would probably soften anyway, then he would do something about it back home
He stroked himself until he was on the edge of spilling... then stopped, shoving his dick inside his pants again and going back to your room
Did I mention it was the worst idea ever?
Cause he walked into the room to find you laying in bed on your belly, uniform skirt barely covering your ass
You were focused on whatever you were reading, pen in your mouth
"Come here." You called, without looking at him
He walked back to where he was sitting before, on the floor, but stopped when you said: "no, come sit on the bed, I wanna show you something"
He wanted to say 'oh no, I'm more comfortable on the floor :)' but who the fuck would buy that
He swallowed hard and sat at the very edge of the bed
He didn't want to look, but he could see your pretty little baby blue panties from that angle
And he felt like crying
"I think I have to use the bathroom again." He blurted out loud
"Donnie." You sighed, sitting down next to him. "Are you okay? You've been acting so weird today..."
He knew it wasn't a great opportunity, but it was... an opportunity. One he never had before
"No, I'm not." He admitted. "I have the biggest fucking crush in the world on you. Always had. Since we first met."
"Oh Donnie, you're so silly." You chuckled. "I know that, I asked you what's wrong with you today."
"What do you mean you know that?" His eyes widened.
"It's as obvious as that boner you're trying to cover with your hands" you shrugged
My boy was absolutely flabbergasted
He went through all shades of red the human eye can catch
"You know..." you sat a little closer to him, taking his hands in yours. "Yesterday I was so excited that you were coming over... I wanted to dress up all cute. Picked up a time we would be here alone... thought that maybe, by the end of the afternoon, I'd get you to take my clothes off. I just didn't expect you to catch me without them already... that's why I was so upset, I wanted to take things slow, you know."
He was pretty sure it was all still part of his hallucinations, there was no way you were saying that
You looked down to his pants and you could literally see his cock throbbing
And he caught the way you squeezed your tights at that
"Can I kiss you? Please..." he murmured
"Yes, Donnie." You smiled, leaning close to his lips
It was the sweetest kiss in the world
Until your hand 'accidentally' bumped into his boner :(
And he moaned against your mouth
God, that made you feral
"Donnie, baby, let me help you, you look like you're in so much pain..."
His heart raced... it was like you KNEW
Like you knew exactly what he was into
But let's be honest, he was so horny he was into absolutely everything at the moment
"You don't- you don't have to" he smiled shyly
The most beautiful smile in the world, how could you not want to??
"I'm gonna take care of you, okay?" You said as you slowly unbuttoned his jeans
When his cock jumped free before your eyes, both of you could have cried. Him, from relief. You from the most absolute desire
"Tell me what you like, baby" You began stroking him slowly
"Huh?" He got all nervous. Everyone already thought he was a freak, he didn't need you to think the same. "I-I like you..."
"Yeah?" You smiled at him. "I like you too. You're so sweet, Donnie, can I ask you something?"
He nodded, bitting him lips to prevent loud moans to escape.
"Has anyone ever sat on this pretty cock?" You asked, giving him your best doe eyes
"No..." he admitted, a little embarrassed
Before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand, screaming "stop, please, stop..."
You stopped everything, putting both hands in the air and looking at him wide eyed
"I'm so sorry, Donnie... fuck, you didn't want this? You should have told me, baby, you don't ever have to..."
"No... I wanted this. I wanted this for so long... I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you..." He said. "I just... I was about to cum."
"Well..." you laughed at him. "Isn't that kind of the point?"
"Tell me what's on your mind, baby, I wanna help." You offered, seeing how his cock was rock hard and extremely unsatisfied
"It's just that... I like to... hold it sometimes, you know? Feels really good." He admitted, absolutely ashamed of himself
Those words, on that shy tone of his, sent a shiver down your entire body
"Donnie..." you basically moaned his name. "You're so perfect... I can't express how badly I want you, fuck..."
He smiled widely. You kissed that shit out of that gorgeous smile
When you realized, you were already straddling him
"Can I sit on your cock, please? I swear I won't let you cum until you beg me, okay?" You asked
He never agreed to anything that fast, my boy was in HEAVEN
You removed your panties and he helped you slowly sink on his cock
You don't remember ever being that wet before, but it still hurt a bit, because he was so big :)
He was so horny he felt like he might pass out
And then you started moving up and down, up and down
Oh sweet baby boy cried again :(
I mean... all that was happening would be enough to get him desperate, but let's not forget how last night all he got was half of the worst orgasm ever
My boy was starving
"Please, please, stop, I..." he said, and you immediately stopped everything
"Oh baby..." you brought a hand to his face, wiping his tears. "Stop torturing yourself... three times in a row? Let go for me, baby, come on... can I make you cum? Please?"
Yeah, you said you were gonna make him beg, but you were the one who did it, i know
It's just that... Donnie is just a little baby who doesn't know when to stop :(
Of course he said yes, you asked so politely
You removed his cock from you, cause letting him cum inside would be too much for the first time
Considering the state he was in, it could send him to a coma lol
You stroked him so good, prasing him the entire time
"You look so pretty right now, baby, all fucked up for me"
"Come on, I want you go let go for me, you can do it, baby, you deserve it..."
Fuck, he never came that fucking hard in his life
You kept stroking and he kept shooting him load, all over your school uniform :/
He cried out so beautifully and you swore he wasn't coming down ever, he came so muchhh <333
And he just likes the pain of you still stroking his sensitive cock after it was over
Yeah, Donnie doesn't know when to stop :(
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cannibalizedlove · 3 months
jus stumbled on ur acc and IM IN LOVE I jus read the stalker!donnie fic and was wondering if there's a scenario where reader actually knew the entire time and is equally obsessed (basically self inserting LOL). but anyway idk if u write smut so maybe reader teases him abt it when they're having a lil makeout sesh in the couch and readers all like "its kinda hot" and says some crazy shit that makes donnie. whos as deep in the pool of obsession as you gets hellaaaa flustered EEEK I'm going crazy I fucking love donnie
Thank you for the request!! I think this is such a good idea, mutual obsession is just.. chef kiss. I hope you enjoy <3
The feelings mutual.
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Information and warnings — smut!*, part twoish of “watching you”, male reader, donnie and reader being horny messes, donnie’s first time so you ruin him :((, reader being a kinky freak which is perfect for him, heavy corruption kink, donnie being a loser bottom bitch (affectionate). this is so long, i apologize ahh, i just love him so much.
You had been going with Donnie for about three months now, and you were infatuated with everything about him.
You loved hearing him talk about whatever new conspiracy theory he bought into, and you were always there to help him during his hallucinations.
Donnie was completely and utterly obsessed with you, he did everything for you. Even though you were perfectly capable of doing your homework, Donnie would always snatch it from your backpack and do it for you, he never let you lift a finger. It was crystal clear that you had him whipped.
Before the two of you got together, Donnie was just as obsessed with you. The huge perv was constantly watching you through your windows, following you home, and of course, stealing your underwear. What Donnie didn’t know is that you were completely aware of his stalking, and how you were completely turned on by it.
The two of you were sitting on his couch in the living room, his parents and siblings were out to dinner while Donnie was supposed to be at his therapy session with Dr. Thurman, but skipping it one time wouldn’t hurt, right? Seeing how you were like his medication, except you actually worked and didn’t just make him drowsy.
The two of you were watching a corny horror movie, you had already connected the dots and figured out who the killer was, though, it didn’t matter anyways because neither of you were paying attention. You were leaned against his warm body while Donnie was squeezing and touching every inch of you that he could grab.
You let out quiet moans as he began to kiss behind your ears and onto your collar bone, reaching up and softly running your hands through his short hair. The two of you had never gone farther than this before, and it was slowly killing Donnie.
He needed you more than he needed air, you were the most angelic thing he had ever seen, he wanted nothing more than to ruin your pure image.
“Donnie, I know a lot about you.” You softly spoke, your words interrupted by little moans and laughs when his lips would tickle your neck.
“Yeah? Like what, angel?” Donnie smiled against your skin, drawing invisible circles on your exposed skin.
“I know that you have extensive knowledge on time travel.. and that your favorite cartoon is The Smurfs..” You chuckled at the last part, earning a playful eye roll from the boy and a gentle push; “..and I also know that you like to steal my underwear.” You finished your sentence by grabbing his jaw.
Donnie instantly froze and his heart sank into his stomach. His eyes were wide and he swallowed thickly before coming up with a lie on the spot.
“I don’t know what you mean, I wouldn’t do that.. That’s a total invasion of your privacy!” He began to breathe heavily, he felt like an animal caught in a cage with no way out.
“Oh, and you would never invade my privacy, right? You would never follow me home.. or sit by my window and watch me?” You had moved positions from laying on him to now straddling him sitting on his lap. You drew out your words softly into his ear, feeling him shake from anxiety.
Donnie knew he couldn’t lie his way out of this, he knew he was caught, and he was terrified. Was this the end? Were you completely disgusted with him and you were just stringing him along to hurt him? He couldn’t believe that, you were too sweet, too perfect, he didn’t want to lose you over his uncontrolled attraction to you.
“Do you.. hate me.. for it?” Donnie looked up at you with glossy eyes, trying to swallow his fear but failing miserably.
You couldn’t keep playing with him like this, you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but you couldn’t help but find him attractive with his quivering voice and worried eyes.
“Oh, Donnie.. I could never hate you.” You lifted his chin to hold eye contact with him, and ran your free hand through his hair. “If anything,” You paused, letting his jaw go, and leaning forward, leaving your lips just an inch away from his.
“It’s kinda hot.” You finished your sentence, pushing your lips into his with a hard kiss, leaving Donnie completely surprised.
He couldn’t believe it, he was afraid of you being horrified of him, yet here you were making out with him because of it. Donnie knew he wouldn’t be able to hide the tent that was growing in his pants.
The kisses were only broken by the loud moans that left both of your mouths, the two of you couldn’t get enough of each other. You began to grind down on his crotch, pulling on his hair. Donnie bit down on your lip, resulting in a sharp moan from you. He latched onto your neck, attacking it with bites and wet kisses. You were in complete bliss, the only things you could think about were Donnie’s teeth pulling on your skin and his hand creeping up to your throat.
Donnie pulled away, placing his hand on your throat harshly. Both of your lips were swollen, and Donnie’s face was completely flushed, he smiled as he watched you pant like a dog, and he began to palm you through your jeans that had become 2 sizes to small, enjoying every moan that you cried out.
You looked incredible like this, he thought, your eyelashes wet from the tears that welled up from Donnie’s painful bites, your hair completely unruly, falling perfectly infront of your face, every bit of your sight was driving him crazy. It honestly amazed him how he was able to keep himself from ripping every bit of fabric off of you and making you cry, but Donnie didn’t wanna scare you off; so he kept his composure, at least this time he would.
You began to roll your hips into his hand that had a tight grip on your painfully hard bulge, moaning loudly into his open mouth, holding onto his wrist of the hand that was on your throat, causing him to squeeze ever so slightly harder. You felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough, you needed to feel him.
“Please.. Donnie.” You said breathlessly with your eyes screwed shut. Donnie didn’t know if this was real or a hallucination, he had thought about this moment every time he masturbated with your stolen underwear, but now that it was actually happening, he felt wildly intimidated.
“I’ve never.. I’ve never done this before.” Donnie halted his movements, hanging his head low in embarrassment, worrying that the fact he was still a virgin would turn you off; only to find out that it made you want him ten times more, if that was even possible.
“That’s okay.. I can teach you, I promise.” You grabbed his chin, lifting it back up to your gaze, watching his already red face turn brighter.
Donnie nodded wildly, biting the inside of his cheek as he watched you stand up in front of him, taking your jeans off. He swore that if you looked hard enough, you could see a pool of drool forming at the corner of his mouth. When you had finally gotten your jeans off, which felt like years to the poor horny mess, you sat back down on his lap, kissing his forehead gently.
You gestured to Donnie to lift his arms up, and he instantly followed the command, lifting his arms up and swallowing thickly as you took his shirt off. Your lips ghosted over his as you ran your hands down his chest, taking note of how he bucked his hips subconsciously when you ran a finger over his nipple.
“We can start off simple, is that okay?” You smiled sweetly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, watching his every movement to make sure you didn’t cause him any discomfort. “Yeah.. yeah that’s okay.” Donnie said, completely out of breath, his hard on becoming increasingly more painful.
You brought his hand down to your bulge once again, giving him a soft kiss as he circled your tip through your boxers. “You can take them off — please, take them off.” That simple command was all it took for him to completely rip off your plaid boxers, exposing your dripping cock to the cold air of the boys house. Donnie gripped you instantly, running his thumb over your slit with a half swallowed moan escaping his mouth.
“Fuck, Donnie..” Your face was buried in the nape of his neck, kissing it every once in a while to try and stifle your increasingly louder groans. Donnie had his free hand on the back of your head, holding you close to the sweet spot behind his ear you kept attacking. “You’re so fucking pretty..” He cried while continuing to work your length, he could feel his own pre completely soaking through his underwear. You began to roll your hips once again, feeling like you were on cloud nine, but just before you could come undone in his hand, he pulled away, holding your waist tightly.
“Can I.. you know…” Donnie whined, despite the fact that he had the nerve to stalk you, and break into your home, he couldn’t bring himself to utter the words ‘fuck you’, it was pathetically adorable.
You chuckled and nodded your head, kissing his cheek before sitting on your knees and helping Donnie remove his jeans. Something about you doing everything for him, and teaching him how to fuck you was deliciously exciting to him. He loved the idea of him being completely tainted by you, even if he had originally dreamed of the roles being reversed. With his jeans now removed, you kissed him one final time before curling a finger in his waistband, pulling his boxers down to his ankles.
Donnie looked away bashfully, his length twitching quickly, leaking pre like a hose. You bit your lip, taking a mental photo for use later. You hovered over him, holding his hard cock tightly as you lined it up with your hole.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly, kissing the top of his head, making sure that he was ready to be taken like this. Donnie whined out in frustration, he was never good with patience and it was on full display here. You laughed at his needy response, and slowly began to sink down onto his dripping length. Donnie instantly threw his head back, grabbing your waist and digging his short nails into your skin. Your mouth hung open, sinful noises filled the room from the both of you as you bottomed out onto him.
Donnie’s eyes began to water from the sheer pleasure, and he held you like his life depended on it. It took you a second to adjust to his size, but you started slowly moving up and down, making Donnie completely loose it. His quiet demeanor was totally lost at this point, nothing but whines, cried out moans, and loud “fucks”, and “please’s” left his mouth. Nothing filled his mind except the feeling of you wrapped around him, and your pretty facial expressions. The poor boy was totally overwhelmed, fat tears began to fall from his eyes as he got closer to his climax.
The sight was enough to push you over the edge, he looked completely wrecked, and it was a gorgeous sight. You pushed yourself forward, latching onto his lips and grabbing his face tightly, his tears transferring onto your cheeks as you kissed. You became undone onto both of your chests, thick ropes covering Donnie’s frail body. Donnie broke the kiss with a loud cry, hitting his climax and losing himself inside of you. He held you tightly to his body as he pumped you full.
After a few moments of silence, that let both of you gain your composure, you let out a breathy laugh, kissing your fucked out boyfriend all over his face. You watched as his chest heaved up and down as he blinked tightly, trying to regain all of his senses. Donnie kissed your lips softly, wrapping his arms around you in a gentle hug.
“Hey.. how did you know all that stuff? Have you like.. done this before?” Donnie said, a thick sense of jealousy flowing through every word.
“No, I just watch a lot of porn.” You chuckled, a devilish smile running across your face.
Donnie let out a breathless moan as he flipped you onto your back, just the idea making him ready for a round two.
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xnorthstar3x · 1 year
TMNT headcannon
Tik-tok Pheromone perfume
Man's ready loves the way you smell.
He spent 3 hours searing the internet for a website that might sell customizable candles.
So when you walked into the lair one day wearing said perfume and he caught a wif of it.
He was all over you like ants on honey.
Constantly touching you, his head stuck in the crook of your neck breathing in the newfound sent and enjoying it greatly.
Definitely snuck a few ass grabs when no one was looking.
Tries to convince you to go to his room with him
He likes the way you smell alot to he doesn't even feel ashamed to lie when you leave an article of clothing at the lair.
"No baby sorry I ain't seen ya jacket."
There all in his dresser in a special drawer he keeps for you
He even took the library to stuff them into ziplock bags to keep the scent on them longer
When he catches a wif of the perfume when you walk up to greet him. He hold you tight and a growl low in his chest starts.
He let's you greet everyone and takes a seat on the couch pulling you in his lap
He's not discreet about the ass slapping just not infront of his dad
He dosent even ask to take you to his room just picks you up and carries you his nose stuck against your skin the whole time.
Donnie made a candle that smelt like you and he lights it when your away for a long time.
He loves the way your clothes smell like you and swipes a few articles when he visits.
When he hears Casey comment on the way you smell one day he leaves the lab immediately to find him complimenting you.
"I'm sure she'd be happy to send you the link if you're interested I buying it for yourself casey."
Stops once you come in range after picking up the new sent.
His voice drops an octave as you smile at him and kiss his cheek. When you go in for the hug he definitely gropes your ass.
Leads you into the lab and the lock of the door doesn't go unnoticed to Casey as he just turns and walks away.
When he visits he heads straight for your closet to steal clothes he even sneaks panties into his pocket (the others do to he's just more open about it)
He uses your shirts as pillow cases and the other stuff for 😏 other things he's a perv and he's proud
When he catches a wif of your new perfume lord have mercy. He is also all over you like ants on honey except he isn't discreet about it at all.
If your sitting on the couch not paying attention to him he slides and hand up your shirt no matter who is in the room.
Smackes your ass if the opertunity presents itself.
Gets scolded by his dad.
He just becomes more discreet about the ass slapping
Definitely says fuck it and carries you to his room
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sadakorosee · 2 years
Omg this is my first request! Poly relationship with the turtles request by @trtlegirl00
TW: a bit of sexual harassment, misogyny
Poly!turtles x fm!reader (Requested)
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Work was hell - then again, it's always been hell.
This entire week, your boss has been on your back demanding 10 different tasks from you and scolds you infront of everybody when you haven't finished it. You tried explaining you were doing 4 tasks at once, staying overtime, and barely eaten anything and guess what he said to you?
"Not my problem." He said, with a SHRUG on his shoulders.
You were not tolerating his mistreatment anymore and did the unthinkable; you stepped hard on his foot and he yelped in pain, gasps around the office. Due to the mistreatment you and your colleagues went through, they all clapped.
"I'll see you in fucking court. And don't think I didn't miss you pinching my ass at last week's party. Perv." Then you left.
Despite all that, it just drains the life out of you realizing you're jobless. Fired, for sure. Getting sued? Absolutely.
You dragged yourself to the lair mindlessly. All you want were hugs right now.
"Hey, angel cakes is back!" Mikey saw you from the kitchen and ran to you, only to find you emotionless. Your hair was in a loose bun, your formal clothes unbuttoned and shoes removed, you holding it.
"Angel? What's wrong?" Mikey grew concerned.
That made you break. "I hate everything!" You bawled out of nowhere dropping everything in the process and hugged Mikey sobbing in his shoulder.
"Uhh guys!" Mikey called, catching 3 other turtles' attention.
"What happened?!" Leo asked in panic, holding you and inspecting you for wounds. He saw how messy you looked thinking you got harassed.
"Who hurt you, baby?" Raph held your crying face. "I'll kill 'em. How dare they hurt you like this?!"
"Calm down, you hothead," Donnie pushed the bigger turtle away and inspected you. Once he confirms you weren't physically hurt, he took off his goggles and stroked your hair. "She wasn't physically hurt. But there's something else here. What happened, love? Deep breaths."
You told them everything, which in between the guys slowly getting angry for you until the last part you mentioned your boss touched you in a dinner party:
Leo stopped blinking.
Raph broke a baseball bat he was holding-- which you didn't notice he was holding it. That was weird.
Donnie dropped his gadget.
Mikey gasped. Typical.
"I'm gonna kill him."
Now, people would expect this reaction from Raph, right?
"Donnie wait calm down!" Mikey held onto Donnie's leg but the tallest turtle walked to the exit with ease.
"Put down that knife! Sensei used that to cut the fishes!" Leo exclaimed. Please, Leo. That isn't important right now.
"I'm goin' with ya, Don." That was Raph. Of course he's gonna join Donnie kill anybody who touched their s/o.
It took about 20 minutes to calm down your tallest boyfriend and he was still eager to murder your boss but he saw how exhausted you are, so he stopped and hoist you up in his arms, bringing you to the living room.
Your four boyfriends huddled up with you in the middle; two of them holding both of your hands, 1 was massaging your toes and 1 massaging your shoulders.
You'd rather be stuck down in the lair than being in the human world.
Money? You'll think of something.
Right now, you just want to be with your boyfriends.
I hope this was okay C: i'm sorry it took me almost a week to do your request; i'm actually a working lady xD i work 8-5 everyday and i'm tired all the time. i may have added a bit of my story inside. regarding this, stay safe at work or in public. report when you must and don't let any man tell you what's what.
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pvtjxker · 7 months
A proper lady.
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Donny Donowitz x OC
Written with the help of @saltynametag !
Warnings: none! Just a bit of tention :) (and a fascist perv)
English is not my first language (I'm from pizza country) so have pity of me q-q
Gif by me! <3
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Mariangela was in disbelief.
They made her come down all the way for her dear Apennines and abandon her beloved brigade, put her on a train full of fascists for two full days and made her walk for four more, only for her to end up in Bumfuck Nowhere, France. And for what?
To join a platoon of disorganized degenerates, infiltrating swanky Nazi parties for intel?
Not exactly what she pictured when she got the letter from the US army... “fight the Nazi forces”, yeah right.
At least they didn’t touch her explosives, still safely tucked away in her suitcase. She looked at her reflection in the mirror; an expensive dress, silk maybe? Fuck if she knew, it was a gift, courtesy of the American government. She touched the delicate necklace hanging from her strong peasant neck, grimacing at the scars on her hands and face. She struggled with the eyebrow pencil, carefully drawing where her brows had been singed.
Everyone would know; these fancy things didn’t belong to her.
A knock on the door startled her,
“Y’done in ‘ere, miss?”, Aldo was growing impatient.
Mariangela tried fixing the smudge on her forehead, “Not yet.”
She recognized the other voice, shouting back, “Shut the fuck up, Omar!”
“I’m-a sorry, bella principessa, take-a all-a da time-a you need-a!”
In the few days they’d worked together, he’d latched onto her accent as a source of mockery. She sighed, smoothing out the burned ends of her hair and grabbed her purse, making sure her little Lugher was wedged between her compact and forged papers.
As she stepped out, Aldo let out a low whistle,
“Boys”, he gestured dramatically, “our lovely Miss Rah-vee-nah.”
The Basterds chuckled. She wasn’t so easily flattered,
“I look like shit.”
“Language, missy”, Aldo scolded, “S’a fancy party full-a fancy wiener eatin’ schnitzels and yer a proper lil’ lady, understand?”
She. would. rather. Die.
She opened her mouth to tell Aldo to fuck off, like the proper lady she was, when her eyes fell on Donny...
Oh Donny...
Her forbidden fruit...
As if he wasn’t handsome enough in army green or that goddawful wife beater...
But, God... did he look good in a suit.
Aldo’s gruff voice snapped her out of her daydream,
“Ev’ryone good on the plan?”
Donny nodded, a curl coming loose from his slicked back hair, “Me, you ‘n’ Omar work for Mari. Hugo ‘n’ Wicki are Gesta-fucks and Smitty stays back with the rest, case shit hits the fan.”
Mari nodded, distracted by that damn curl on his forehead when he offered her his arm,
“M’lady”, he said playfully.
She giggled like an idiot, “M’lord...”
“Questi crucchi non hanno proprio gusto...”
These Krauts have no taste at all...
Mariangela muttered under her breath as she took a sip of what the waiter called “champagne”... piss water, more like.
Her arm was still looped with Donny’s, trying to keep her cool and pass him off as her date. Looped was perhaps a generous way of describing it; her nails were dug into the fabric of his suit, making him wince,
“Watch it, my arm’s still attached, y’know...”
She jumped and smoothed his sleeve out, “Sorry... I’m nervous.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell”, he joked.
His playful demeanour put her at ease, and she even managed to crack a small smile, despite her dress nearly choking the life out of her. Who was in charge of tailoring, anyway? Had they ever met a woman? She took another sip of piss water and caught a glimpse of Hugo, who wasn’t any better off than she was. He looked like he was seconds away from ripping the clothes off his back and fighting everyone in his birthday suit. And honestly? She wouldn’t blame him. Flitting through the crowd of fascist, covering for Omar and Aldo’s terrible excuse for Italian accents, smiling...
She was going insane.
At the very least, it was all going smoothly.
“Mi dicono che lei è italiana, sì?”
They told me you were Italian, right?
A man, in a carefully pressed fascist uniform with hair as shiny as his boots, caught Mariangela’s arm.
He smiled and it made her skin crawl. Be polite. Be polite.
“Certamente! Pensavamo di essere i soli...”
Certainly! We thought we were the only ones!
The man wrapped his nicotine-stained fingers around her wrist, bringing her hand up to his chapped lips. Donny stiffened beside her, squaring his shoulders. The man introduced himself,
“Galeazzo Marchi”, he paused to kiss her hand again, “piacere di conosorela.”
Galeazzo Marchi. Pleasure to meet you.
Aldo and Omar shifted uncomfortably behind them, as Galeazzo rubbed his thumb over Mari’s knuckles. She sent a panicked look Donny’s way; his nostrils were flared, his muscles tense, eyes wide and angry... if looks could kill...
“E il signore...”, he gestured to Donny dismissively, “chi dovrebbe essere?”
And this man... who is he meant to be?
She blinked.
Donny looked pissed. Omar was sweating bullets and she could feel Aldo’s eyes burning a hole in the back of her head, she could practically hear what he was thinking, “fuck’s going on over there?!”
They were meant to be tourists. Just rich tourists, they hadn’t worked out any other details... she blurted out the first thing that came to mind,
“Il mio fidanzato.”
He’s my fiancé.
“Oh, capisco…”
Oh, I understand…
He answered.
He smiled with the smile of someone who doesn’t actually care. He wasn’t going to give up.
“Posso offrirle da bere?”
Can I offer you a drink?
He said, taking a glass of piss water from the silver tray of a fancy dressed waiter and handed it to her.
She was about to take it, more than anything out of pity towards the man, but Donny was faster, and handed her his own glass, still full.
“Com’é gentile, da parte sua…”
How kind of him…
Galeazzo looked bitter.
Donny smiled at his reaction.
Mari took the glass and took a sip, trying to release the tention.
She took a glance of Donny, who was staring down at the man with a glare of challenge. Like if he was daring him to do something she still was unaware of.
“Quindi…fidanzati, giusto?”
So…engaged, right?
“Sí! Da quasi due anni, ormai.”
Yeah! For almost two years now.
The man smirked. She didn’t like it.
“E…vi amate molto?”
And…do you love each other?
Mariangela was about to burst, but decided to stay silent for the sake of the mission.
“Sa, stavo pensando che una coppia bella come la vostra sarebbe un vero piacere da ammirare…”
“You know, I was thinking that a beautiful couple like yours would be a real pleasure to admire...”
That was the last straw.
Mari replied, contemptuous, with a raging blush on her cheeks for the embarassment.
“Non ho idea di quello che lei sta cercando di fare, camerata, ma la risposta é e sarà no!”
I have no idea what you are trying to do, camerata, but the answer is and will be no!
The man smiled, as his hand grapped her wrist.
“Non sono il tipo di uomo a cui si dice no.“
I’m not the type of man you say no to.
A weak metallic sound.
The loading of a gun.
She looked down and saw a tiny Walther P38 in Donny’s hand, pointing straight at the man’s belly.
Mari looked back at the man, reacting with a smil at the look of terror Galeazzo had on his face.
“Un po’…territoriale, il suo uomo.”
Your man is a bit…territorial.
“Non é il tipo di uomo a cui si dice no.”
He’s not the type of man you say no to.
Galeazzo turned pale white.
Donny pointed at the restroom’s door with the gun with a friendly smile, grabbing the man’s shoulder tightly and dragging him in.
As soon as he walked in, she walked towards Aldo and Omar.
“What’s goin’ on, why did he go there?-”
“Don’t, Aldo, it's too long to explain.”
A few moments later, Donny walked out, looking unbothered.
“What happened? What did you do to him?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, doll.” He replied, adjusting his suit.
He called her "doll".
Well, there’s always a first time, I guess.
She wrapped her arm around his, as soon as he offered it to her to take, her cheeks burning.
“What matters now is that he’s not gonna be a bother anymore. Anyway, are you alright? Did he hurt you?”
She took a glance at her wrist, but not even a tiny scratch was there.
“No, don’t worry.”
“I do worry, actually. I’m glad you’re not hurt. I would have killed him…”
Aldo walked towards them, hissing to their ears. “Can you try not to get in a mess for five seconds? I swear if-”
A deep voice interrupted him from behind him.
“We got what we needed. Let’s get outta here.”
It was Wicky, followed by a pissed off Hugo.
“Wenn ich in fünf Sekunden nicht aus hier komme, drohe ich ein Massaker zu begehen.”
If I don't get out of here within five seconds I risk committing a massacre.
Hugo complained, quickly interrupted by Wilhelm, who stepped on his foot.
“Halt die Fresse! Wenn sie uns jetzt finden, geht alles schief!”
Shut up, goddamnit! If they find us now everything will be ruined.
Hugo flinched, but went quiet.
“Well then, I guess we don't have much time before that creep wakes up and comes out of the bathroom looking for me and Donny. We gotta move.”
They all started to walk towards the exit.
“What did that guy ask you for reacting like that?”
Omar asked. Donny shrugged. “I dunno, they spoke italian the whole time. What did he tell you?”
Donny asked to Mari. She stiffened, slightly tightening the grip on his arm for the embarassment, her cheeks turning red again.
“Nothing, keep walking.”
It didn't take them long to return to their base, an abandoned shack in the middle of the countryside in northern France. She sat on a chair, in a room upstairs. The perk of being the only one allowed to have a private room, for…well, obvious reasons. She took off her dress, finally being able to breath. The tossed the dress on the bed and put her usual clothes, finally being more comfortable. As she was taking her make-up off, she heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Donny walked in.
She straightened her back on her seat, coughing softly in nervousness, her cheeks slightly red.
“Could be worst.”
He walked behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders. She stiffened.
“I just wanted to say you looked good tonight. I've never seen you dressed so fancy. Or with any make up on.”
He looked nervous.
“Thanks, Donny, I…I appreciate.”
“Like…very good.”
She looked at him through the mirror, with a questioning face.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you were very beautiful.”
Donny suddenly looked very nervous.
“Not that you're usually ugly, of course.”
He was…complimenting her. He was complimenting her. She tried to smile, her cheeks red. She looked at one of his hands and hesitantly rested hers on it.
“Thank you, Donny.”
He looked at her one last time, before taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles.
“Goodnight, Mari.”
“Goodnight, Donny.” She answered, with a faint voice.
He then got out of the room, gently closing the door behind him.
She looked at her hand and kissed it where Donny kissed it too.
“Ti amo.”
Divider by @saradika !
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
To Build a Home
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Chapter 17: Birthday Shenanigans (PART 1)
A/N: Alright, here we go. Get ready! This and the next two parts are a few of my absolute favourite chapters! I remember writing these Easter 2023, whilst driving cross-country to see my side of the family. The memories... 🥰
TW! PTSD flashback.
Masterlist / Chapter 16
It was nearing 6 on a balmy Friday evening; Val was standing with her luggage in the alley beside her apartment, anxiously tapping away at her phone screen whilst awaiting her ride.
After three weeks of (justifiable) stonewalling from Molly, her best friend finally reached out today, enquiring about weekend plans. Val feared her answer may scare her off, but she refused to re-enter this already vulnerable friendship with another lie...
She answered truthfully.
Up until then, Molly had been rather receptive, answering each of her texts within five minutes - Val had been on 'read' for this one for over an hour.
The boys were always punctual; she only had another minute or two of relative peace before the birthday shenanigans officially commenced. She wasn't about to let this weekend be dampened by her drama, so it needed to be at least semi-dealt with now.
C'mon, Mol...
She could feel the window of reconciliation rapidly closing on her.
6pm hit; any second now.
Please, please, please...
Val's head snapped up at the tell-tale revving of the Shellraiser's engine.
Her heart sank. Time's up.
Casey's was the first face she saw as they rolled to a stop beside her. He looked suspiciously smug.
"Well, hello there, little lady..."
Val blinked at him. What in the world...?
She wasn't sure whether to be impressed or horrified by his scarily accurate impression of Herb the Perv from Family Guy - lisp and all.
"Would you care for shom candy- oof!"
A pale, slender hand that could only belong to April smacked the man upside the head, nudging him forward. A startled gasp escaped Val's lips as another larger, green hand suddenly appeared behind his seat, striking him as well.
"Oof! Val, help - I'm bein' assaulted!"
"Quit bein' an idiot!" Barked a Brooklyn-accented voice inside the vehicle, before the door promptly slid open. Her better half stood at the opening, smiling down at her.
"Hey," Raph greeted warmly as Val approached to hand him her suitcase; but not before stealing a quick kiss.
She giggled against his lips as a collective "ooh!" emanated from inside the cabin.
"Oh, shuddup, the lotta ya!" The terrapin hissed as they broke away. He then lowered his gaze to her luggage - the small suitcase and a pair of insulated grocery bags - quirking an inquisitive brow ridge. "What's in the bags?"
Your present-
Well, one of them.
"Noneya," Val smirked.
"Ohhh..." he playfully narrowed his eyes at her, muscular arms folded across his plastron. "It's gonna be like that, is it?"
"Guys!" April called impatiently from the front passenger seat. "Have your lover's quarrel inside-"
"Please, don't-"
"Shoosh, Donnie! ... Look, we're running out of time to beat weekend traffic. Val, get your butt in here!"
Nodding, Val quickly retrieved the rest of her luggage (swatting Raph's hand away when he attempted seizing them) and stepped inside the vehicle.
"Oh, wow!"
The interior had been completely transformed, akin to a soccer mom's van (the only comparison she could conjure up - sorry, Don!). The previously empty centremost space had been replaced with two rows of three seats. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey occupied the back seats, while Raph and little Tyler sat in the front two. Everyone's luggage was stacked neatly at the rear of the cabin, secured by ratchet straps.
"This is awesome, Don!" The brunette exclaimed, flashing the group (Tyler, specifically) a cheery smile as she took her seat between him and Raph; shopping bags at her feet. "I can't believe you were able to fit everyone in here-"
Raph harrumphed as he nudged her leg; a petulant attempt at conveying a message.
"Yes?" Val leaned against him, smiling mawkishly. "Did you have a hand in this as well, my love?"
Casey and Mikey sniggered at that; she caught Raph stifling a bashful grin as he sunk into his seat.
Thankfully, traffic leaving the city wasn't as bad as they expected; they were even able to pick up dinner - KFC (Raph's shout; he practically shoved the cash into Val's arms) - without much delay.
They had roughly two hours to kill till they reached Northampton.
Leo and Donnie were talking amongst themselves, organising a Sunday morning sparring session (because of course they'd train on vacation). Raph and Casey were debating which vehicle to drag out first - the latter's old Chevy or their ATKs.
"I was hopin' to put Val behind the wheel at some point this weekend..." Raph gently squeezed Val's thigh, drawing her attention away from the cute youngster attempting to play 'Peek-a-Boo' with her.
"Can you drive stick, Val?" Casey enquired from the passenger's seat; April booted him from driving duty as he couldn't stick to the speed limit.
Val's bewildered gaze ping-ponged between the raven-haired man and her partner. "Uhhh... I've never driven. Period."
"What a stupid question, Case," Mikey scoffed, rolling his eyes. "She's a New Yorker; why would she need to know how to drive?"
"You can drive," Casey countered, before gesturing to himself. "I can drive, April can drive- basically everyone in here can drive, except Ty, obviously... and Val... and Leo-"
"Why am I being dragged into this?" Leo peeked over their heads at Casey, unamused.
Casey shrugged. "I'm just statin' facts-"
"No," Mikey snickered as he nudged his eldest brother, who sighed in exasperation. "He's totally ribbing you for not knowing how to drive-"
"Alright, alright!" Raph's hands shot between the squabbling men, promptly silencing them. "We're gettin' off topic..."
"...Wow." Donnie snapped toward Val, awestruck. "Tell me your secrets."
"Yeah!" Mikey concurred, fixing her a playful glare. "What have you done to our brother? He never stops a fight."
"I can still start one, though." Raph side-eyed his youngest brother, cracking his knuckles.
The orange-banded terrapin snorted. "Not in front of your girl, you wouldn't- hey! Wha..." Reaching down, he retrieved what he assumed was what flicked his face off the cabin floor; quirking a suspicious brow ridge at Val. "Did you just hit me with a hair-tie?"
The brunette winked over her shoulder.
"Now I know what she sees in you-"
"I'm tuning you guys out, now." April dialled up the volume on the stereo; the iconic guitar intro to 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)' by The Proclaimers filled the cabin, prompting a collective gasp from its occupants.
"Aw, yeah! How good's that?!" Casey exclaimed, sharing a delighted grin with his wife.
"ImPECcable timing!" Mikey added.
"It's my 'Roadtrip' playlist," April laughed, nodding to the phone resting atop the centre console.
"Ooh!" Val lunged for the phone. "Can I, pretty please, add to your queue??"
"Sure - go nuts!"
Raph threw his head back. "Urgh, here we go..."
"For that - add two songs, Val."
"Aw, what?!"
Val shot him a shit-eating grin.
"Ha!" Mikey smacked the back of his brother's seat. "Sucked in!"
"You're gonna regret this..." The red-banded terrapin sing-songed.
"Shoosh, you!" Val giggled, elbowing him gently. He attempted peeking over her shoulder at the screen; she pushed his face away. "Ah-ah-ah, none of that! It's a surprise."
Defeated, Raph slumped back into his seat with an exaggerated sigh. Val shot him a look at that, before returning her attention to the phone.
As he watched her scrolling away, humming softly to the current tune (somehow ignoring Mikey's 'singing'), he couldn't help fixating on the delicate way she chewed her bottom lip, and her fingertips tracing along her prominent clavicle. Though it wasn't her intention, those little tics of hers were riling him up big time.
They haven't done much since that first time; with everything going on, it hadn't felt appropriate. She'd been assaulted, dropped by her best friend, and slapped with charges of her own - aggravated assault - within 48-hours of each other. The prosecution really pulled out all the stops to ensure someone's - anyone's - neck hit the judge's chopping block.
Luckily, said judge had some common fucking sense.
Though she hid it exceedingly well, he knew she was still hurting. It obviously went without saying he was more than happy to wait as long as she needed them to; till then, he'll focus on helping her heal.
"I'll be nice, this once." She grinned mischievously as she returned April's phone. "As for the next one? Well..."
Just what is it that you want to do?
"We wanna be free!" Val turned to Mikey for back-up, who readily obliged; as did April and Casey. Tyler beamed at the ensuing chaos, while the three wet blankets shared a wry look.
We wanna be free to do what we wanna do...
And we wanna get loaded
And we wanna have a good time
And that's what we're gonna do-
No way baby, let's go!
We're gonna have a good time...
We're gonna have a party!
Darkness had enveloped the truck by the time it finally rolled through the paint-worn front gates. Confident he wouldn't slump forward in his seat again, Val carefully removed her hand from the sleeping youngster's forehead to check her watch, wincing at the blaring light - 9:12pm.
"We're here," Raph murmured, entwining his fingers with hers then resting them atop her thigh.
"Have a nice nap, nanna?" She whispered impishly; he'd been snoring into her ear for nearly thirty minutes.
The terrapin hummed as he nuzzled her shoulder; his warm breath on her neck sending a shiver down her spine. "It was quite pleasant, yes - thank you."
Val giggled, then a sudden, excited gasp escaped her when she finally glimpsed the farmhouse; aided by the truck's enormous headlamps.
They spoke fondly of it often; it was their refuge in times of physical, emotional, and spiritual recuperation... It was also their father's eternal resting place.
It appeared to be a traditional colonial-style home, boasting three storeys and a steeply pitched shingled roof. To its left stood the silhouette of a hulking barn, nearly twice the size of the main house. Thick woods and mountain ranges lined the rear of the multi-acre property, accentuating its secludedness.
As someone who's never lived nor vacationed outside the city limits, this was a brand new experience for her.
"It's gorgeous..." She breathed.
Raph chuckled softly, enamoured by her ever-present childlike wonder. He never thought he'd meet someone as sheltered as they were, growing up.
Just wait till you see the stars...
Casey scoffed. "You shoulda seen it a few years ago; it was about to keel over from neglect."
"No argument, here," Donnie remarked, barely looking up from his phone screen. "No electricity, no running water, no heating... It was essentially a shell. Pun intended." The terrapin finally acknowledged Casey with a smirk. "Who made it habitable, again?"
"...You did," Casey muttered.
"Thank you."
"Well, I supplied the thing, so I should at least get some of the credit..."
"Can the rest of us go inside, or do we need to witness this..." April frowned as she gestured between the two men. "Well... this?"
"I vote we leave," Leo suggested.
Val nodded immediately. "Ditto."
"Yep," Raph added.
"Please!" Mikey begged, eager to stretch out his aching joints.
The redhead turned to her husband with a smirk. "Seeya," then proceeded exiting the truck; Casey grumbled under his breath as he followed suit.
Val carefully unbuckled Tyler as April slid open the side door. "Hi, sweetheart..." The boy stirred as his mother lifted him out of his seat and into her arms. "Shhh... Val, could you grab me his Buzz? He dropped it on the- thank you... C'mon, buddy, let's get you to bed."
As expected, the first thing Val looked to once outside was the sky. Again, as expected, she was wonderstruck. "Look at all the freaking stars!"
That was the boys' first reaction, also.
"Yeah, that's what it looks like when not obscured by light pollution," Donnie remarked before joining Raph, Mikey, and Casey at the rear to begin unpacking.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Leo nudged her gently as he stepped to her side. "One of the things I miss about Costa Rica is sleeping under this, every night... Hey, by the way."
"Hey." Val then smirked at him. "What about the mosquitos?"
"No," he chuckled. "I definitely don't miss the mosquitos. I swear, they were as big as my head."
At that, the brunette shuddered. "Urgh! Yeah, no, thanks."
"Jeez, Val!" The pair turned to find Mikey hauling out her suitcase, exaggerating each and every sound effect. "What've you got in this thing - bricks?!"
Rolling her eyes, Val finally ambled over. "Give it here, you big baby!"
Screams rang through the empty street as he rapidly gained on her.
She felt his grubby palms slam her back, then a coldness as blood trickled down her battered face.
Airways constricting.
Skin tearing.
Bones grinding against brick, like carrot on a grater.
And those eyes...
She swore a part of his soul clung to her as it was unceremoniously ripped from his body.
She still felt him.
All of him.
Val jolted awake, immediately blinded by hot tears. A hand touched her wet cheeks and she flinched again, a frightened squeak forcing its way out.
"Shhh, I've gotcha..." A familiar voice soothed, their delicate touch returning warmth to her face. Another hand enveloped hers, pressing them against a hardened surface; a rhythmic lup-dup knocking against it. "You aren't there, Val; you're here - with me."
Vision finally clearing, she realised she was already sitting up.
"Hey..." The hand at her cheek moved to her chin, tilting it up. The moment she met his eyes - aided by the moonlight peeping through the bedroom window - she felt grounded.
"I'm sorry-"
"No, don't be sorry," Raph insisted, wiping the last of her tears away. He cocked his head slightly, searching her face with a regretful look. "I wish I could take this from you..."
"I know..." Val croaked, squeezing his hand comfortingly. He kissed the back of hers, before leaning forward to plant another at her brow.
Forehead beaded with sweat, she winced away.
"I don't care." The terrapin gently seized her occiput. He kissed her there again, then carefully returned her head to her pillow and laid down himself. Pulling the quilt back over them, he draped an arm over her middle and pulled her close; back flush against his plastron.
"Thank you," she sniffled softly, resting her hand atop his just below her breast; he responded with a peppering of featherlight kisses along her bare shoulder.
"No need to thank me," he murmured.
"...Happy birthday, by the way."
He smiled against her skin. "Thank you, beautiful."
"I love you, Raph."
"I love you too... Now, back to sleep."
She couldn't be idle in this state any longer; she needed to do something productive.
Careful not to rouse her slumbering partner, Val silently slipped under his arm and off the mattress; tugging her floral chemise back down her thighs.
The air had a bite to it, causing goosebumps to prickle her skin. After slipping into something a little warmer (a pair of boyfriend jeans and oversized hoodie), the brunette retrieved her sneakers from the foot of the bed and quietly left the room; clicking the door closed behind her.
Val neither heard nor passed a single soul on her way to the ground floor. Understandable; it wasn't even 5am.
She exited through the front door; an objective to fulfil. The boys' individual gifts were mostly complete, save for the finishing touches, which she'll tend to after breakfast.
This gift, however, was all for Raph.
One thing: she had to change locations, as there was no way on God's green earth she's giving it to him in his father's bed.
She luckily found the cosiest spot up in the barn's near empty hayloft; with its own skylight! How much more perfect could you get, honestly? It'll take a little longer than initially planned to set up, but she was confident she could pull it off undetected; whilst everyone else was enjoying the lake.
As she pottered about the westside of the property, watching the sun finally peek over the mountains, Val suddenly found her view obstructed by an enormous white oak; its dense, sprawling branches surrounded by lush greenery and weathered, particoloured string lights.
It was the most beautiful tree she'd ever seen; and she lived just across the street from Central Park.
Lowering her gaze to its trunk, something caught her eye. A wooden grave marker stood before it; a posy of desiccated wildflowers lay atop the grassy mound, preceding a small dish of water and a ladle. Etched along the horizontal board, the epitaph read:
Beloved teacher, father and friend.
"You're up early."
Val hadn't realised she'd been holding her breath; instead of a gasp, something akin to a strangled squawk escaped her lips. She whipped around to find Leo standing there; a fresh bunch of flowers in hand and a sheepish grin on his face.
"You lot need bells!" the brunette tittered breathlessly, clutching her chest.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's all good," she smiled reassuringly. "You saved me my morning coffee."
At that, Leo chuckled softly, before gesturing behind her. "I see you've met dad."
"I did..." Val awkwardly inched away from the grave, afraid she may have violated some unspoken boundary. "Is it okay, my being here? I didn't mean to-"
"Wha- no!" The terrapin's amber eyes widened as he fervently shook his head. "No, no - you're fine! It's perfectly fine; you're more than welcome, here."
The brunette heaved a relieved sigh. "Oh, good..." She muttered, trailing off. "Good, good, good..."
Leo eyed her carefully. "I heard you crying earlier... Is that why you're up?"
She lowered her gaze, glimpsing her disfigured knuckles before shoving them inside her hoodie pocket. "Well... that, and my body clock; I'm usually up by this time, anyway..."
He ignored her tangent. "So, why were you crying?"
Stubborn, the both of them...
"...He's still here," She finally admitted, jamming both hands in her pocket in an effort to keep from gesturing aimlessly. "I can still feel him; o-on my skin, my hair, my face! My... my-"
"I get it-"
"I wanted to kill him..."
Leo said nothing; only listened, as she continued.
"Had you not come when you did... I-I honestly don't think I'd have let him live..."
"Aren't you glad I did come, then-"
"No, actually. Cos you suffered the consequences of my mistake-"
"Blaming the victim, again, Valerie?" He stared hard at her as he folded his arms; posy sitting snugly in the crease. "Because that's what it sounds like-"
"I'm not-!"
"You are," he shot back. "...Have you forgotten what I told you? It's not your fault."
"Yeah, well..." The brunette shrugged helplessly, fixing him a pleading look. "I'd rather we not get into this, today, please? Not on your birthday... and definitely not in front of your dad."
Leo compressed his lips. He stared at her another moment; she could see the metaphorical cogs in his brain turn as his expression steadily softened.
Finally, he spoke. "Could you wait in there for me?" He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, toward the barn. "It's too dewy out here for what I wanna try- just... humour me, alright? Please? I'll be there in a minute."
"No, that's alright - leave the door. A little wider... Perfect, thanks; it'll give us some natural light... and prevent us from getting smoked out."
Smoked out??
The moment I think I've got you figured out, you throw me this meteorite-sized curve-ball.
Val's suspicious gaze followed Leo as he proceeded about the barn, lighting an array of partially melted pillar candles; retrieving an incense burner and refills from atop a dust-covered storage box, then scooping out two flat, round cushions from inside said box.
She stepped forward. "Do you need some-"
"No, no - I'm good." He easily nudged the lid closed with his elbow. Setting the cushions side-by-side in the centre of the room, burner just within reach, he beckoned her over. "Have you meditated before?"
Oh, thank God...
Unfurling her arms, the brunette tentatively approached. "No, I haven't..." she answered quietly, lowering herself into a cross-legged position atop one of the cushions. Once he'd smothered the flame on the stick (leaving only a tiny, smoking ember), Leo leaned back onto the last cushion; bracing himself on his heels.
"I practice at least once a day; well, twice, now, over the past few weeks..." He mustn't have liked what came out of his mouth, as he grimaced, then cleared his throat. "...It helps."
Leaning forward, Val carefully searched the terrapin's face. She's seen more of him in these three weeks than she had in the first two months. These days, he's present for nearly every group activity; even suggesting a few himself. She wanted to be happy he was finally coming out of his shell (for lack of a better term), but she couldn't help but worry...
Whilst the pleasant smoke blessed her senses, Leo corrected her posture.
"Straighten your back for me? That's it; this'll allow more air into the lungs. Alright, now, from here..." Pressing a palm against the centre of his plastron - the diaphragm - the terrapin commenced with a long, deep inhale. "...And out. Just keep doing that. Close your eyes, if you need, as well."
Oh, I'll need to...
Val creaked an eye open mid-breath to check whether she was being watched - yes.
"This is stupid-"
"It's only stupid because you've never tried it. So, try it." Leo smirked at her. "Go on, I dare you."
Now, I HAVE to.
Shrugging off her nerves, Val tried again.
"Well, good morning, early birdies!" April greeted cheerfully as the pair finally sauntered inside. The redhead was standing near the kettle, several mugs neatly lined before her. "Tea? Coffee?"
"Tea, please," Leo answered politely as he approached the sink. "I'll give you a hand; let me just wash them, first."
April nodded in acknowledgement, then turned to Valerie. "What'll it be, Val?"
"No, thank you," she replied, finally prying herself from the back door to stand by her friend's side. "I'll help, too... Is everyone up?"
"All except one..."
April gave her a look, implying she should already know the answer.
Groaning inwardly, Val petted the redhead's shoulder as she left the kitchen. "I'll be right back."
She passed Mikey, Casey, and Tyler in the living room on her way to the stairs.
"Morning!" She greeted hurriedly.
"Morning!" Mikey and Tyler answered cheerily.
"Goin' to ish your boy, are ya?" Casey enquired with a smirk.
"I've no idea what that means, but yes," the brunette replied. "Wish me luck."
"Tell him if he doesn't get off his lazy butt, then Case is comin' to get him!" He called after her; she giggled under her breath.
She met Donnie in the hall.
"Good morning! He's still snoring in there..."
"Morning, and he won't be in a few seconds."
The terrapin let out a squeak as he hauled ass downstairs.
Pushing their bedroom door open, Val found Raph sprawled on the bed; snuggling her pillow as he usually did, whenever she wasn't with him.
He looks so cute-
No, don't you dare!
It's time to get up!
Steeling herself, the brunette stalked toward his bedside. She went to make a move-
He struck.
Raph lunged for her, snatching her waist then yanking her beneath him.
"You-!" Before she could finish, he crashed his lips against hers. A tingling warmth bloomed in her belly as he moved between her legs; one hand behind her head, the other fondling her thigh.
"The door's open!" She hissed, once he pulled away.
"You weren't here when I woke up," he pouted. He squeezed her ass, and she jolted.
"Again - door open!"
"Mm, I miss the dress you had on..." He hummed against her neck; his wandering hand was under her hoodie now, toying with her bra.
I'm talking to a brick wall...
"Raph, stop!" She laughed; his fingers were grazing her ticklish spot.
He met her gaze with an impish grin. "It doesn't sound like ya want me to stop."
"Raph, no-!"
He dug in.
After a moment or two of kicking and squealing, Val suddenly spotted a figure in the doorway - a little one.
"Stop, stop, stop!" She cried, pushing at Raph's arms. "It's Tyler!"
That made him move.
The terrapin threw himself off her and onto his feet, whipping toward the doorway with the deer-in-headlights look; after quickly adjusting her clothing, Val hauled herself to a seated position.
Tyler was, indeed, standing there; grinning like the cat that got the canary... but so was his dad.
Casey finally showed himself, arms folded as he leaned against the frame. "Kids make great contraception, don't they?"
Finally snapping out of his daze, Raph promptly snatched the nearest pillow and hurled it at him; which he smacked away with a laugh. "You asshole!"
"Happy birthday!" Casey cheered, disappearing down the hall as his friend gave chase.
Masterlist / Chapter 18
@android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
*turns on lap in dark room* ya know what im here for 😈😈 may I request a 2012perv x clueless reader for Mikey and Raph please 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
Sure thing, this will be the Mikey version!
TMNT 2012 Perv!Michael Angelo x Clueless!Reader - Boo Boos
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Summary: While out skating, Mikey scrapes up his knee and takes a guilty pleasure in being the subject of your care.
Warnings: Perv! Mikey, mention of injury, innuendo, language, sub!Mikey, praise kink
"Crap!" Mikey hissed dramatically, groaning while splayed out on the dirty cement floor of the defunct subway station. You gasped and scurried over to him, skidding on your knees to his side.
"Oh my gosh, Mikey, are you okay?" you fretted, hesitantly reaching out to touch the fresh red marks on his skin.
"Obviously not," he scoffed, finally sitting up. "I totally wipe out." He pouted for a moment before his eyes wandered over to his skateboard, divided in two, and laying scattered on the abandoned train tracks. "Shit, my board!" He cried, limping over to the edge of the sidewalk and looming over it. "It's snapped in half! Goddamnit!"
"Maybe we should just go home?" you suggested, trying to pry him away from the ground by his shoulder. "We should get you patched up or you might get dirt in your scrape."
He sighed unhappily, and rolled over onto his shell, head drooping over the cliff. "Yeah whatever, just grab my board, would ya?"
After a short trek back to the lair, you tossed your now crippled friend onto the couch while you bustled around the living space. "Maybe Donnie can fix it," you cooed in an effort to lift his spirits. "I'll take it to him on the way to get the first aid kit." Mikey sat on the sofa, heavily pouting. This was so lame. When you came back, you had the aforementioned kit, a bottle of alcohol, a rag, and no skateboard. "Good news," you chirped, walking over. "Don said it'd be an easy fix and he should have time for it in a few days."
"A few days?!" he whined. "What am I supposed to do until then?"
You shrugged nervously. It seemed like nothing could make him happy. "You can borrow mine until then, sound good?"
"I guess..." he sighed, propping his chin on his fist. His annoyance was short lived, attention caught by by something shifting in his peripheral. Looking down, he found that you'd situated yourself between his legs, peering up at him with the prettiest smile. "What are you doing?" he asked, heat creeping into his cheeks.
"Fixing up your knee?" you giggled. "It would have been awkward if I sat beside you and had to lean over you." This wasn't much less awkward, he had to admit, but he didn't plan on asking you to move. Secretly, he rather enjoyed the sight of you sitting between his knees.
"Whatever, just make it quick." he scoffed, averting his gaze in order to hid his flushed face. He once again hissed as you dabbed an alcohol soaked cotton ball against his tender flesh. He made moves to try and escape you, but he couldn't bring himself to tear away from your dainty grasp on his ankle. "Fuck, (Y/N), that hurts!"
"I know it does," you soothed, stroking a thumb against his calf. "But you're taking it like a champ." Something about the double meaning of your words, paired with the innocence of your smile did him in. You could pour that entire bottle of chemical onto his wounds right now, and he'd let you with few complaints, as long as you praised him like that again.
"I-I am?" he sputtered, relaxing a bit under your touch. You nodded proudly, dabbing his knee again, this time with a clean, wet rag.
You sure are," you cooed, unwinding a roll of gauze between your hands. "Doing so good, Mikey." The terrapin shudder at the way his name sounded when it left your lips. "Now hold still so I can wrap it, we're almost done."
His breath hitched at the way your eyes batted up at him, looking so deliciously oblivious to how incredibly seductive your tone was. "Y-yes, Mommy."
Your eyes shot open at his comment, and your hands froze in mid air. Your gaze darted to his, shocked and a little unnerved. "What did you just say?"
Mikey's entire world was falling down around him. He couldn't have possibly just said that, could he? There was no way he'd be that stupid! Frantically he searched for some type of excuse, to gaslight you into thinking you'd misheard. "Uh," he stalled. "Sorry. Heh, get it?" You waited with cautious eyes for the punchline of his joke, only for it to be farther delayed by awkward silence. "Like the meme, ya know? 'Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.' Heh heh, it's funny!"
His hands trembled with humiliation as you eyed him like a rabbit would a dog, carefully packing the first aid kit and backing away. "That's...still pretty weird, Mike." As you set the kit on the kitchen island, you grabbed your bag, pretending to glance at your phone. "Uh, it's pretty late. I'm gonna head out..."
You couldn't leave the lair quick enough, and you made sure to grab your skateboard on the way out, no longer comfortable with letting him borrow it. He watched you leave, head hung in shame and the last few minutes playing on repeat in his mind before flailing back onto the couch to whine.
@sunshinesdaydream @helpyaw @thelaundrybitch @momii @camillahorne26 @turtle-babe83 @fyreball66 @sharpwindow @roseygardenfan @witchofthenorthstar @pheradream15
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afreakingdork · 1 year
From the asks I’ve seen to you for like weeks, I can deduce that Reader in WS should just assume “draped over shoulder” = sex is happening.
💀 there has never been any shoulder carrying that ended in something like “what? We’re just gonna play uno, perv.”
I would totally agree that that would be a signal HOWEVER (this is the part where I put on a fake mustache and big ole goofy glasses) if Donnie were to throw reader over his shoulder, they would most likely come in contact with his shell! If you'll notice, he's taken great care in preventing that. When he's picked them up, it's either been a position that doesn't get them near or he just hoists them with an arm supporting their butt so they remain upright~
Details, details~
That's a really funny thought though, maybe.... hm.. 👀
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gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
hey!!! can you write for donnie darko? just him being all googly eyes over his girl 😚
Omg yes, if we were to make a list on the biggest simps among Jake's characters, Donnie holds a HIGH position
Warnings: Donnie being clingy and adorable. Gets nsfw towards the end, I can't hold back, sorry :'). Perv!Donnie, stealing panties, sub!Donnie <33333
Type of guy to zoom out completely while you speak, thinking "I can't believe this is my girl 🥺"
And you notice everytime, because he looks so stupid, it's adorable
Also the type of guy to always have his arm around you, or his hand on yours while walking, bonus points if someone sees it, makes him blush
Love language is 108% physical contact. When he's in the middle of an episode, nothing works better than your cuddles
And when he's happy, he wants cuddles too, so clingy!!! Ew, I need him
He's not good with words, he's good with huggies and whimpering like the little baby he is, until he gets what he needs
His praise kink (the one you know he has) skyrockets whenever you tell him how good he is with his lips too
I mean? He WORSHIPS you, of course his mouth was made for adoring your body
If he catches you wearing his clothes, he might die on the spot
Oh no, he accidentally forgot a hoodie at your house...... and while yours disappeared out of nowhere too?? Unfortunately, you'll have to wear his to school tomorrow, what a shame :(
Tell you what, it really did start innocently... he really was only stealing your clothes so you would have to wear his, but you know my guy, he gets obsessed so quickly
And you just know he's a perv
He IS gonna steal your panties, I'm sorry
And jerk off with them :((((
You would pretend you didn't know, because you were afraid you would upset him by bringing that up
At least at first... but you may SOMEDAY bring it up while you have him completely whimpering under your touch
You know he's a sub, please
"Such a fucking perv, stealing my panties... show me what you do with them"
But, your honor, he's innocent!!! He only did it to feel close to you 24/7
If being a perv means loving his girl that much, he may be one <3
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whyamiheretumbled · 1 year
Fun facts abt my bebes
��Had a Bimbo Phase
•Bro is OBSESSED with like ICP has gone to all the concerts and loves Mother Mother
•Chased Raph, Mikey, Shadow, and Leo around with a knife on multiple occasions
•Cannot stand the smell of lavender
•Dyed hair red and blonde
•Loves autumn out of all the seasons because she can get the best outfits and chill
•Will NEVER initiate hugs unless rlly emotional
•Girly hates having feeling talks but also has to make everyone have them.also feels so awkward comforting but does it right the more she does it sooo
•Loves listening to when Leo sings because he sings good
•Is such a like dad to the group and Leo's the mom (lmao reversed roles)
•Finds bugs cool and stuff but screams at moths or anything with little feelers on the legs
•Cant dance and is so stiff and awkward but gets dancing lessons later
•Hates ppl who fetishize aisians(or any race for that matter)
•Loves dishes with fish for some reason
•Does those ads for old ppl and playable ads bc she loves them sm
•Bullies her little siblings with her whole life especially Leo cause he's so short like L
•Bites her siblings especially Raph or Mikey when they hug her
•Will slap her bro with her tail cause theirs are sm shorter(not accurate since females have shorter tails than males but yk sexual dimorphasin is more in play than sex size in my au)
•Can and will adopt over excitable human or mutant versions of gavapoos
•Plays Adorable Home and Toca Boca cause they're calming
•Destroyed all her vapes and did a funeral for them cuz it was hard for her(not mocking addiction just something she jokes ab in the future)
•Would wear all white to a funeral and wants her friends to throw a party on hers
•Seth Borden and Sam/Colby fan till the day she dies
•Finds mice and then scares her friends(*ahem* Casey *Ahem*) with them
•Loves Miku and Mistiki
•Rainbow Dash or Rarity is who he envies because he'd like to have no responsibility but RELATES TO TWILIGHT SM
•Loves cartoons bc they are childish and handle serious stuff but acts like they're stupid and for little kids
•Attachment issues 24/7 like he wants to sleep in his family's rooms especially Raph, April, Irma, or Master Splinter
•Bro studies every religion and has religious trauma from Splinter 😭
•Thereatened to dissect his brothers mutiple times
•Would play Kill the Royal, Overthrow the Dictator, Medical Malpractice and Surgical Room as a kid(still does)
•Acts like he hates hugs or anything from his brothers but secretly loves them
•Kinda a sore loser AND sore winner
•Bro loves stuffies,like will cry if Mrs.Cuddles pops a single seam
•Loves dressing up as princesses but always acts like he hates it but he likes the dresses sm
•Loves taking photos
•Cackles like a witch to scare his brothers in the shower(not in a perv way he's just mad annoying)
•Loves to pick up spiders to scare Raph and will eat bugs if put into candy
•Loves MLP like has sm MLP stuff and when Raph and him shared a room he was so fucking tired of his stuffies and shit being all over
•Loves to put acrylics on his nails or when people paint them
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madelineireland · 7 years
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TMNT bros from out of the shadows!! Refs for myself I guess?? Boy that second movie was so much better than the first. Just way more fun.
and they gave the turtles R E A L   P A N T S  this time. im so happy for them
(click for better quality)  [commissions]
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raisin-shell · 2 years
Totally going based off some old headcanon you’ve done for Don and Mikey. Mostly because I feel so curious about him, what are some of Leo’s masterbation habits? I like the idea that he’s the typical boy next door but lowkey he’s a big old perv.
Mmm mmm mmm…. The leader’s most private moments revealed!!! Let’s get into it.
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As we all know Leo is very much a book worm
Being as such, his favorite form of “porn” is actually smut that he reads in romantic novels
For Leo, it’s about a spiritual experience
Much like meditation, he imagines himself being there with a person
His thoughts are extremely vivid particularly when it comes to imagining the genitals and the conjoining of the two
However the blue boy wonder isn’t opposed to pornography
Watches porn on his phone so he can quickly put it away if disturbed
He likes watching male/female more so than male on male
However if he does watch male on male he prefers the submissive role
With a female he prefers a more dominant role
Will talk dirty to himself while stroking his member
This man has one dirty, filthy mouth
“Yes kitten…. You take my cock so well”
“Be a good girl and suck on sensei’s cock yeah?”
“I want to see that little pussy spread wide for me”
“Naughty girl. So wet for me already”
“Play with your pussy for me. I want to watch you touch yourself”
“Louder. I want my father to hear you screaming my name!”
All scenarios he’s made up in his mind even if he’s watching a quick flick
Loves deep slow penetration
Loves pussy massage and pussy eating videos
Not a fan of girl on girl but loves two girls, one guy
Will blow his load watching penis worshiping
Low key into bondage or bdsm but he’s picky
Breeding benches are the best invention ever in his book
His saved videos range from slow passionate sex to rough male dominated raw fucking
Just depends on his mood
His go to for a quickie is raw dog male dominating female
Particularly in the standing position where the male shows his sheer strength
For a slow, long stroke to ease his mind he uses his mind and imagines his s/o…. Or chief Vincent who he has a thing for
Speaking of he has a thing for milfs in power positions
Dreams of having an older woman take his virginity and dominating him
Will never admit this particular fantasy to anyone.
Loves male on male domination, he taking on the submissive role
Also would never admit to this either
Has tried slipping his finger and also vibrators in his back door
He enjoys this when he has time
Leonardo keeps his sexual kinks discreet from all his brothers except for Donnie who he’s confided in on a professional level
He also loves watching women masturbate particularly in the shower or bath
Obsessed with the way vaginas look. Has a hidden folder in his phone with nothing but pussy pics
Tumblr media
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moxfirefly · 3 years
So I’ve been working on this for a little while now after a comment @supershiny-raven left on one of my post. I present to you:
How the others find out you and the turtles are dating.
Raphael entered the Lair with you in his arms. His brothers stumbling by him, Leonardo actually tripping.
The gang had gone to drink at Vern’s fancy penthouse, a round of drinks had turned to four and before anybody had common sense he had broken out his fancy wine collection.
That had truly been everyone’s undoing.
Yours as well.
Raphael the tank had pretty much only gotten buzzed, even more so upon seeing your state he figured he needed to somehow get you and everyone else home safe and in one piece.
“Where do we dump Donnie?” April had one of his arms slung over her shoulder while Mikey had his other, they had quickly found out the purple banded terrapin was a fan of wine. “Whatever is flat and comfortable, you think you can manage him and Leo?” Raphael nudged his older brother who had dozed off while resting against the couch.
“Yeah yeah brah, we totally-“ He unceremoniously let his brother fall on the nearest cot, poor April taken along for the ride. “Shit, sorry girly”
Raph shook his head, you groaned stirring awake and tightening your hold on him. Raph was basically carrying you with one arm beneath your rear. Making his way towards his room he gently placed you on his bed and set about the task of removing your shoes. “Hey hey mister, I got a boyfriend” You squinted at the large terrapin at the end of the bed.
“Yeah I heard, lucky guy gets to put ya drunk ass to bed, where’s your makeup bag baby?” He got up when you half hazardously pointed at the dresser.
Pushing yourself up a little on your elbows you watched him gather your face creams and a pack of makeup wipes. He sat back down but next to you and motioned towards his lap. “C’mere, let’s get your face off” You giggled when he manhandled you onto his thigh and took out the wipes. Slowly and in the most excruciatingly loving way Raphael set out to wipe off your makeup. Each stroke removing foundation and eyeshadow, you mumbled something he somehow understood in your inebriated state. “Yeah yeah I got ya kid” With all the careful dexterity he developed over time, he gently removed your eyelashes.
“Somebody has been paying attention” You giggled, feeling the buzz in your body shift into grogginess. Raphael looked inside the bag, adding some cream to your face to hydrate it. He examined his work, a lazy smile as he caressed your face. It felt bizarre he could actually do this, touch a beautiful girl and do something so silly as help them out with their face routine. The two of you had been rather quiet about your relationship, enjoying it all to yourselves.
“Ya were the cutest drunk at that party” He ran his knuckles across your chin, You smiled sleepily lifting up enough to catch his lips in a languid kiss.
The door creaked open and there stood April, her own slightly drunk face breaking out into a sweet smile. The two pairs of eyes that landed on her read ‘get out’ and ‘keep your mouth shut’ slowly April backed up nodding with a giggle.
Then there was a ruckus of what Raphael only assumed was April tripping and Leo drunkly laughing his ass off.
Oh he was screwed.
So insanely screwed.
How could he misplace something he kept on his person so diligently?
Mikey turned over everything he could in his room, currently he had done just that with the mattress but to no avail.
His phone was missing.
His phone with that very scandalous polaroid you’d taken for him.
Mikey had nearly passed out when you gifted him the picture and to his delight he had stuck the polaroid on the back of his phone in its clear phone case. He kept his phone on him all the time, sure he’d have to be a little sneaky about placing it down but he could manage.
Now though? He was about to have a coronary.
Okay, currently in this disaster there was no trace of it. This meant he’d have to scavenge the living room.
Where his family was.
Mikey swallowed and scurried out with a silent prayer that it would there.
Raphael and Leonardo were currently watching a basketball game. They seemed pretty engrossed and perhaps wouldn’t notice that he was scouring the ends of the earth for his actual girlfriend’s literal boobs. He peaked aglance at the couch, his large brothers had to take up so much space to make it worse.
“What are you looking for?” Came Donnie’s voice from the kitchen. The orange banded turtle froze, he tried giving him a nonchalant shrug. “Just checking how I can give Raph a wedgie ya know” Donnie raised a brow ridge, mug of coffee to his lips.
“I double dare ya numbnuts, the Knicks are down ten points and I’m pissed” Raph grunted as the opposing team landed another shot and Leo sighed exasperated with the outcome. His eldest brother got up thankfully which allowed him to take a look at the that side of the sofa. To his dread but relief there wasn’t anything.
Where the fuck was his phone?!
“Hey snot face, can ya order a pizza?” Raph grumbled as the game seem to worsen, a pizza could fix up his mood. Mikey frozen, mouthing a series of ‘shit shit shit’ as he frantically looked around.
“Oh man that would fix this terrible game, can you order it with extra bacon too?” Leo went straight to the fridge to grab something to drink. “Order some cheesy sticks too will you?” Donnie asked as he poured himself another mug of coffee.
Yes all of this sounded wonderful and his stomach did grumble but
Raph had scooted further to grab his own soda from the coffee table and just as he did he saw his phone. Relief washed over him but to his immense dismay and terror, the back of his phone was facing up. Which means the clear case he had was displaying the infamous polaroid he had been gifted.
You had simply asked him one thing.
‘Please don’t let your brothers see my tits’
It all felt slow motion, his eyes going wide, his hand diving to the couch and just as he did, Raph’s quick reflexes kicked in unfortunately and he turned to grab his youngest brothers wrist. “Ya ain’t giving me a wedgie man!!”
Raph’s eyes followed Mikey’s hand and then his eyes bugged out.
“Why are there titties on the sofa?!” Raph made for the phone but only got a face full of pillow cushion. He snatched the phone before it could be grabbed by anybody else. The red banded brute grinned as his brother hugged the phone to his chest. “Advert your gaze you perv!” Mikey all but shrieked.
“I’m not the one walking around with a titty pic as my phone cover” Raph grinned, just to make matters worse Leo and Donnie had gathered.
“Mikey why are you walking around with a random porn pic on your phone cover” Came Donnie’s disapproving tone.
“It’s a polaroid” Was all Raph needed to say.
The silence that fell was brief, then a series of ‘ooh’s’ sounded off and Mikey all but frowned and felt his cheeks heat up.
“No way! That can’t be...” Leo was incredulous. The relationship between Mike and you had remained rather on the down low. It was fun, a little secret away from the world that could stay between the two of you.
“Mikey, are you and y/n a thing?” Donnie asked exactly what the rest wanted to know but Mikey dreaded to answer. He sighed dramatically and tucked his phone into his pocket, shooting Raph a glare as his green eyes followed the motion.
“Listen dudes she made me promise that nobody would see that picture and I’ve already broken that cardinal rule thanks to this jerk face” He frowned at Raph, who in turn rolled his eyes.
“Well maybe keep the picture in your wallet or your room?” Leo sipped his soda with a matter of fact tone.
“Or as a background on your phone cause honestly man” Donnie smiled to himself when Mikey shot him an incredulous look. “Why’d she give you that?” Raph inquired sneakily with a smirk.
“For our three month anniver- AH YOU DICK” Mikey huffed out as Raph began to laugh, it was so easy to trick Mikey when one played their cards right.
Investigating could take a toll on anybody, even if by all means you weren’t a detective it still didn’t mean you wouldn’t find yourself researching and investigating crime. It seems to be part of the job description when you befriend four giant crime fighting terrapins.
In away you could help, you did.
Everyone had huddled around the living room, the coffee table littered with pictures, clues and all sorts of pieces of evidence that could possibly lead to the culprit they were trying to catch. You had set down a stack of papers, eyes already screaming for a break. Leo and Casey were at the kitchen talking, Casey had just clocked out and was reporting back what the nights investigations had gathered. Raph and Mikey were checking out the pictures Casey had brought over and Donnie naturally was researching on a laptop he’d placed there.
You had nudged him to come over and join the huddle, and secretly you just wanted him close. The two of you were dating, quietly and unannounced, but in those first few stages of just wanting to be glued to one another it was a little difficult to do said glueing.
On a few occasions with prying eyes preoccupied with their investigating, you had reached over to rub his cheek, his sleepy eyes spoke greatly of how tired he felt. Donnie had been at this already for a while, you’d been there with him along the way.
With a stretch of his arms, Donnie yawned and rolled his neck. The clock on your phone read 3:45am, he was due for a nap at the very least. “Why don’t you lie down, I can keep helping out here” You reached over again and took off his glasses, he smiled tiredly but shook his head. “I’m fine, I can keep going” Despite his entire body language screaming otherwise, Donnie would always soldier on.
By the time another hour passed, people consumed enough Coffee to give themselves an additional pulse (and somebody committed the mistake of giving Mikey said coffee) the investigation had died down. A few walls were hit but a few leads had come from it as well. Everyone was ready to call it a night (or morning).
Casey yawned, twisting his neck to let out a few pops. “Okay who’s staying and who’s coming with me?” By the sounds of April softly snoring against an equally happily snoring Raph, it seemed she would stay. Casey had a few hours of sleep to catch on before heading for his next shift and you had to preoccupy yourself with the same before tackling a night shift at your job. Donnie’s tired eyes expressed how he wanted you to stay over but he knew work was closer to your place.
“I guess I’m carpooling with you” You told Casey, already grabbing your jacket and bag. A quick hug to Leo and Mikey, a bow to a recently awaken Splinter and you were next to Donnie.
He’d been sitting on the kitchen table, arms crossed and looking closer to being k.o’d.
It was the sleep deprivation honestly, on both your behalves.
Because you had spread your arms for a hug and so had he, but your face had met in the middle and before either of your foggy brains could comprehend what was happening you had smooched him.
On the lips.
For about a minute.
Minute and a half honestly.
You both froze, the awake members of the family staring with raised brows. Donnie furrowed his brows, lips pursed in a thin line, you still had your own in a kissing motion.
“Well at least we solved one mystery tonight” Spoke Mikey with a snicker, Leo nudged him.
Donnie sighed by shrugged. “Not exactly how I wanted to announce this so yup, I’m her boyfriend, she’s my girlfriend, please hold all inquires for a later time when I’m actually awake” He pulled you in again for a hug, and another kiss (greedy boy) and instructed Casey to deliver you home safely.
With a blush but albeit happy look on your face you waved everyone off.
Keeping a relationship quiet had never proven to be so difficult. Truthfully it came easier when the circle of people surrounding you was bigger, but a close knit one? Everyone suddenly had the powers of observation up to God level.
But Leo’s ninja skills were God level too and you knew how to keep your trap shut and not sigh like a love struck teenager every second you saw him. So it had gone good, real good for a while. The thrill of maybe sharing an intimate kiss while others we’re around was a sensation you never expected to enjoy. When it was time to leave, Leo would ‘walk you’ home safely and by ‘miracle’ run into a few thugs on his way back.
Because there’s no reason a brisk ten minute walk to your apartment should turn into an hour and a half.
Raph wasn’t buying but cared little to stick his nose into it. Donnie was too busy to bother. Mikey had an idea but decided due to bro code not to voice it.
His father though?
Splinter knows what’s going on because well, he’s Splinter. You live long enough with four giant sons all with their unique personalities and traits, you pick up a thing or two about parenting pretty easily.
And Splinter is a phenomenal parent.
Both Father and Mother to his sons.
So naturally he’s irked that his eldest is sneaking out at odd hours and trying to conceal his return. Because Splinter feels that out of all four, Leo has always been the most open with him. Once Raph hit those pre-pubescent mood swings, Donnie began to teach himself all matter of subjects and Mikey was too busy trying to set a new record of heart attacks to give his father while skateboarding; Leo always remained the same.
Even with all the acolytes Leo has achieved in his ninjutsu training, he still had his hiccups and his father would never spare the opportunity to turn into a teaching moment.
So when Leo had kissed you passionately on his way out of your window, you still in nothing but the skin that he had dedicated a fair amount of time in kissing and bitting. He thought he was being slick, he thought he was going to ninja his way into the Lair, into the showers and straight to his bed.
What he didn’t account for was his father waiting up on him. A mug of hot tea on the kitchen table and hands clasps together in what Leo recognized all to well as ‘Dad Mode’.
He’d been caught with the proverbial hand in the cookie jar. His gear was half hazardously on, mask slipped down around his neck and for Christ sake he was holding a shoe. It was 6:30am and he smelled like a girl, a pretty girl no less. The jig was up, especially when his dad motioned for him to come forth and seat opposite him at the kitchen table.
“Dad I can ex-“ Splinter held up a finger and pushed the mug of tea towards his disheveled eldest son.
“My son, I am not angry” Which was truthful, he wasn’t, in fact he was ecstatic that Leo had found somebody, somebody good and somebody that loved him for he has. Long ago he had accepted the pain that his sons would not find suitable partners and the ache it would come with for them. But here was Leo, nervous and trying to adjust his clothing because he’d been with a woman, a woman he clearly loved.
“I like y/n, she is kind, thoughtful and caring to us” Splinter emphasized each trait with a tap of a long nail on the table. “She should be treated with respect, I hope I have instilled that teaching unto you, a lady is to be respected Leonardo” Leo nodded at his fathers words, he nodded and prayed that the underwear he had stuffed into his pockets wouldn’t magically transport on the table to further humiliate him.
“So please my son, do not lie to me, do not come home late in this state and not expect me to know what has transpired” Dad voice was on, coupled with the sympathetic eyes though, man Splinter was good at this shit.
Leo hung his head, clearly ashamed of his dishonorable doings. “Hai, sensei” Even as an adult being scolded by his father never stopped hurting.
“And please do tell her that there isn’t anything hide, she is welcomed in our home, I would not mind getting to know my future daughter in law a little bit more” Splinter enjoyed the way his son nearly choked on his tea.
“Perhaps I can tell her a few anecdotes of your growing up” He smiled when Leo looked at him with pleading eyes. “I believe I have a few embarrassing ones she will find most delightful” He stood up and placed a hand on his sons broad shoulder. “I’m sorry dad, sorry for sneaking around and not telling you” He was earnest in his words and Splinter bowed his head.
“I know, thank you Leonardo” He walked away, hands behind his back.
Leo sighed and pulled out his phone, shooting you a quick text.
-so my dad wants to formally meet you... as in introduce you as my girlfriend.
It felt nice to hit send on that message.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Hii! I think my request got eaten so ill just send it again
Could I request a perv!Donnie x reader?
It's not that, it's just that I'm really busy, plus I'm actually on hiatus. I have like 7 other requests in front of yours, so I just haven't gotten to it yet. 😅
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