#pesto pull-apart bread
vannimamibaking · 5 months
Pesto Pull-Apart Bread from Sally’s baking challenge. It was a fun and relatively easy bake for a very nice bread. It’s a good appetizer or just as an afternoon snack for the kids. The home made pesto matches the bread and bakes well.
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purplephantomwolf · 1 year
Savoring the Finish Line
Chapter One
Story Synopsis: Max Verstappen falls in love with a woman who owns a bakery.
Note: This is not an accurate portrayal of how the real people in this act. I do not know them personally, so I will not be portraying them accurately. Also, this is not an accurate portrayal with how a bakery works. I did my best with research, but it's not 100%.
Warnings for this chapter: Badly translated French, mention of panic attack
Next chapter: Chapter Two
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December 18, 2021
     I’m pulled out of my deep slumber by a whining noise and something wet on my face. I groan, wiping my face. “Yuck,” I mumble, feeling wetness on my fingers. I hear a whine again and wake up more. I look to my left and am met by the cold, wet nose of my Pitbull puppy, Lacey. I glance at the clock, letting out a sigh when I see that it’s 4 am, 30 minutes before my alarm goes off. Lacey whines again, jumping off my bed and running to the door. I spot Lacey’s sister Elise, a German Shepard puppy, already standing by the door. “Alright, I’m coming,” I mumble, dragging myself out of bed. I slide on some flip flops before grabbing Lacey and Elise’s leashes. I clip the leashes onto their collars and walk down the stairs of my apartment, into my bakery. I flip on all the lights, blinding myself and waking up more. Elise whines, reminding me why I’m up. I flip the lock of the back door, walking outside with my girls. We start our morning walk, stopping every five seconds so Lacey or Elise can sniff the ground. 
     Eventually, we make a loop around the block. I open the back door and the girls go barreling through the door and up the stairs. I laugh and glance at the time. It’s now 5 am, so I need to start preparing the bakery for opening. I rush upstairs to change into my uniform. Lacey and Elise are patiently waiting by their food bowls. I quickly change, before feeding the puppies. I head downstairs while they eat. 
     I start up all the ovens in the kitchen, starting the fans to keep the place cool next. Next, I take the dough I made last night for the croissants out of the fridge. I walk over to the computer in my office, booting up the computer. I hit play on the bakery playlist I have created. I grab my apron, sliding it over my head. I unlock the front door so my employees can enter. Walking back to the kitchen, I start making the croissants. I hear the bell on the bakery front door ring, as Louis, I assume, enters. Louis is an older gentleman working at my bakery part time in his retirement. His wife, Estelle, also works part time here. She usually comes in later than he does. “Bonjour, Adaline!” I hear him call. 
     “Bonjour, Louis,” I call back, sliding the croissants into the oven. “I just put the croissants in the oven. Can you get started on wiping down the surfaces here please?” I ask him, wiping my hands on my apron as I walk out of the kitchen. Louis nods quickly, flashing me a quick smile. He walks off to the office to put up his coat and things. He then quickly gets to work, wiping down every surface. I walk back into the kitchen, getting out some of the pastries and breads I baked yesterday. I put them in a second oven, heating them up. I hum along to the soft music as I work, hearing Louis singing along in the front. 
     “So, what’s your plans for your birthday on Monday, ma chérie?” I hear Louis ask from behind me, as I pull the croissants out of the oven. I sigh, setting the tray down. 
     “Cuddling up under a blanket and eating ice cream with Lacey and Elise while watching Doctor Who,” I shrug, turning to pull the other pastries out of the oven. I hear Louis sigh behind me. Knowing him, I just know that he’s shaking his head in fake disappointment. 
     “Non, non. Oh que non. You’ll be spending it with Estelle and I, at least for dinner. We’ll make that pesto pasta you like so much. Be at our house by 7,” Louis declares. I sigh, turning around to face him. 
     “Louis, the bakery doesn’t close until 8 on Mondays,” I remind him. He gives me a stern look, telling me it’s non-negotiable. “Fine, fine. I’ll be there,” I give in, smiling. Louis grins, happy with himself. “You guys are still coming over for Christmas dinner, right,” I ask. Louis nods, before grabbing the plate of croissants. He heads back to the front to get started on placing the croissants in the display. I grin to myself, mumbling, “Stubborn man.” 
     As I’m placing the last pastry of the first batch in the display, the bell for the door goes off. I glance up, smiling as Estelle enters. “Morning, Estelle,” I wave. 
     “Morning, mon amour,” she smiles. She heads into the office to put her things up, but not before giving Louis a kiss. I let out a small smile at how cute they are. 50 years later, and they’re still as in love with each other as they were on day one. I head to the front door, flipping the sign from saying we’re closed to saying we’re open. Estelle comes out of the office, taking up her station at the register, Louis takes up position at the coffee station, and I head back to my position in the kitchen.
     “Have a good night, guys,” I say, giving Louis and Estelle kisses goodbye on their cheeks. 
     “You too, sweetie. Don’t work too hard. I know it’s cleaning night,” Estelle gives me a playful glare. I raise my hands in defense. 
     “I promise I won’t overwork myself. Won’t happen again. No need to worry about me,” I grin. Louis and Estell give me hugs and a kiss on the forehead before heading out the door. Once they’re out of sight, I race upstairs to change into some workout shorts and my stained Lewis Hamilton shirt. My father gave it to me back when Lewis was absolutely dominating as a joke. I've been a Red Bull fan since they entered Formula 1, which did not make my dad, a die hard Mercedes fan, happy. I tend to only wear the Lewis shirt when I’m cleaning, which explains all the stains you see on it. I walk back downstairs, bringing Lacey and Elise with me. I check on them throughout the day, but I do not allow them to be in the bakery while there are customers here. When no one is here, I allow them to stay in the kitchen with me. 
     I set to work cleaning, stopping to play with the puppies every so often. After an hour of cleaning, I hear the bell for the door ring. My eyebrows knit in confusion. “I thought I’d locked the door, oops,” I mumble. I turn to my dogs, telling them to sit and stay. They obediently listen to me. “I’m sorry, we’re closed,” I say, walking out the kitchen doors. I freeze when I look around. Two thoughts immediately enter my head. 
One: Max Verstappen is in my bakery. 
Two: Max Verstappen is currently having a panic attack. 
Taglist: @bookishbabyyy
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
CHAPTER TWO --- Team Drinks
Aaron Hotchner x GN!Reader.
Summary: The team goes out for drinks and enjoys themself for the first time in ages.
Words: 4.4k
Warnings: Swearing. Drinking. Violence. Crying. Fluff. (If I’ve missed anything let me know)
A/N: Sorry for the late update this week has been busy, barely anytime to rest so no time to edit until today cos I took a day a sick day. So sorry about the delay I am trying. I hope you all enjoy this chapter is just a fun time for the team.
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 Sitting in the car, out front of your apartment building, after leaving Hotch's place an hour ago, stopping at the grocery shop on the way home. You didn't want to get out, because that means having to walk past her door. It's your main reason you hate coming home, why you avoided coming home whenever you could. You never invited anyone inside anymore, not wanting them to experience the same pain you do every time you walk past her door, the memories of her flooding your mind every damn time. Taking a deep breath, you get out grabbing your bags of grocery, making it inside your apartment building and into the elevator. Your apartment was on the same floor as Emilys, at the end of the hall, 3 doors past hers. Walking into your apartment, placing the bags on the counter top. 
Today, you decide to do your washing, repack your to-go bag, and manage to clean your apartment. Which was easy to do, seeing as you have barely been here for the last month. As the day carries on, you start finding yourself being bored, so you decide to do some baking. It's been awhile since you’ve had time to bake. You used to bake every week, turning up to the office with something different every week. You learnt what everyone in your team likes, and when someone was having a bad day you would make their favourite, just so you could see a smile on their face, it brought you joy. Turning the music on, grabbing your apron, and deciding you were going to make some buns. Vibing along to the music as you mixed everything together. Dancing away crazily, as you knead the dough, smiling. Enjoying the way the joy fills your body, for the first time in a long time. While the dough rests, you look through the cupboards deciding what to make next. Settling on making red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing, they were Emily's favourite. Singing to yourself as you start mixing everything together. Thinking about this morning and how you were feeling broken, but now, after making a new motto with Hotch as you were walking out his door, you feel repowered. 
If living for yourself is too difficult, then live for those that will never get to see you make it.
You liked that idea, you can live for Emily. She believed in you when others didn't, and you were not going to let her down. Not this time.
You were brushing your hair, fixing the last few things with your outfit, before you were ready to go. You have about ten minutes before Reid would be picking you up, which is good, because the buns are still baking away in the oven. Sliding your shoes on, as you hear a knock on the door which surprises you. Reid never knocks on your door, he always waits down stairs for you, texting you when he's here. Opening the door, your surprises to see Rossi standing there.
“Oh hey, I was expecting Reid to come get me” Opening the door wide for him.
“Nah sorry Kid you get me instead” He gives you his signature smile. “What smells so good?” Walking into your kitchen, chuckling as you follow him.
“I made red velvet cupcakes, cookies, oh and also your favourite pesto stuffed buns” Laughing at him, as he picks up a cookie dropping it as it's hot, he glares at you playfully.
“You could have warned me they were hot” Shaking his head smiling as he tries a cupcake instead.
“I could have, but that's no fun, honey” Laughing as you opening the oven, pulling out the trays filled with loaves of bread and buns. 
“Don't call me Honey” Shaking his head at you as he eats the cupcake. “I missed your baking, you better bring me the buns when they cool down, or else” He warns, wagging his finger at you, making you laugh.
“Fine, only cause it's you” Smiling as you cover the baking,then grab your jacket as you follow him out.
As you get in Rossi's car, turning his radio on as he starts driving. You sway along to the music, looking out the window.
“So kid, how are you holding up?” Rossi glances at you. He had talked to Hotch earlier, asking if he was coming out tonight. That's when Hotch mentioned you weren't doing good. You glance at him, sighing softly.
“I'm doing my best, but I miss her” 
“I do too, but she's safe and I like to think she's happier now” Rossi speaks normally, and it feels nice. Not having to walk on eggshells around someone, and not have someone try to force you to open up.
“I know, I like to imagine she's somewhere drinking wine, petting a cat, while watching over us” smiling softly, Rossi looks over at you, returning the smile.
“That sounds like her ideal heaven”
“With a partner of course” Smirking slightly.
“Can you keep anything Pg?” He asks, shaking his head laughing, as he parks.
As the night starts you decide you aren't going to get drunk, because drunk you only has two moods, neither of which the team needs to see tonight. You were laughing at something Will had said, while JJ turned red trying to change the subject as Morgan and Garcia teased her. It was a good night everyone had come out apart from Hotch. Your phone went off so you picked it up to check and your blood felt like it had turned to ice. A mutual friend of yours and Emily had just sent you an email with a photo of you three. The guilt and pain of her death fills you up again, you place the phone away, just wanting to forget about the pain you feel.
Looking back up to the group, tuning into what they're talking about. They seem to be debating on what they should do for the night.
“Okay okay, who is up for a little contest?” Morgan asks, laughing standing up.
“Ohh what type” Garcia's face lights up, everyone eyes lands on Morgan, cautiously.
“Why do I feel like this is going to go bad?” Reid shakes his head, sipping his drink.
“Oh lighten up pretty boy, drinking contest, who ever can skull their drink first, gets to pick what we do for the night” 
“That's boring Morgan, it should be whoever can do the most shots in row should pick” Giving him a mischievous grin, knowing he never backs down from a challenge.
“Shots, really (Y/L), thought you weren't drinking tonight.” Morgan sniggers looking at you.
“You're right, but if it means, I get to win against you, I am in” Smirking at him, knowing he's up for the changelle.
“Oh now this sounds interesting, I'll go get the drinks.” Rossi laughs getting up.
“Oh this is going to be a disaster” JJ sighs leaning into Will.
“What is?” A mysterious voice, making everyone turn round. Seeing Hotch stood there, pulling over a seat.
“Hotch you made it” Reid beams up at him.
“Jack got invited to a last minute sleepover, and I figure I can do paperwork tomorrow” Hotch smiles, as Rossi walks over carrying a tray full of shots, and a couple drinks.
“Aaron, finally you made it” Rossi chuckles as he hands one of the drinks to him, sitting back down. Hotch eyes widen looking at the shots.
“Do I want to know whose idea this is?” Hotch smirks slightly, shaking his head. 
“Well Morgan and (Y/n) are having a competition, whoever can drink the most gets to choose what we do next” Garcia giggles slightly. Already on the edge of tipsiness, sipping on her cocktail.
“You are going down (Y/L)” Morgan sneers, laying the shots out in front of both of you.
“Oh no way baby boy, Imma win this” Smirking at him, as he rolls his eyes.  
“11 shots, whoever gets number 6 wins, now no cheating, we ready?” Rossi claps his hands together. Picking up your first shot, keeping eye contact with Morgan, waiting for the magic word.
You swiftly tip back the first shot, wincing slightly as the tequila burns. Keeping up the pace you pick up the next glass, drinking fast. Trying your best to block out everything that's going on around you. You could still hear Garcia and Reid cheering you on, while JJ and Will teases Morgan. Hotch and Rossi shake their heads watching this happen, knowing they will have to deal with a drunk you and Morgan later on.
Your hand shoots forward, grabbing the last shot on the table, just as Morgan puts his empty shot glass back down. Groaning in regret as he sees you drink the last one. Cheers erupting from the table as you laugh, smiling smugly at Morgan.
“Told you I would win, prettyboy”  
The night continues as you pick Karaoke as the activity for the night. Heading down to the Karaoke bar down the street. It takes about an hour and a half for the shots to hit you, hard. By that stage you have also had three more cocktails. The more you drank the better you felt inside. Forgetting the pain you were drowning in earlier, watching the team having fun just felt right again, almost like nothing could pull them apart. Sipping on your fourth cocktail of the night giggling as you watch Garica and Morgan singing loudly on stage. In between them stood an awkwardly tipsy Reid, trying not to fall over as Morgan wrapped his arm over his shoulder. Morgan's drunk self puts too much pressure on Reids shoulder making you laugh, as they almost toppled off the stage. JJ and Will were getting ready to head home, to relieve the babysitter, while Rossi and Hotch were filming the three on stage. You were sitting at the table, already having said your Goodbye to JJ and Will. You wanted to go join Rossi and Hotch but you did not trust your legs to be stable enough to walk straight. 
“Well hey there cutie” Turning your head to see a cute guy sitting down opposite you.
“Hey there handsome” Giggling slightly, sipping your drink watching him.
“I'm Mike, I've been watching you tonight. I thought I should introduce myself” Smirking at you confidently. You had noticed him early checking you out, you thought he was cute and now that he is closer, damn. He may be hot with those shiny blue eyes staring directly into yours, you could see a few tattoos on his arms when he leans towards you. He's definitely your type for a one night stand, and you could use something else to distract you from the pain for a few hours. But you know deep down you can’t go home with strangers, your job has taught you what could happen when you do. 
“Well hi Mike Im (Y/n)”
“Well (Y/N) Your name is just as hot as I thought it would be”
“Oh yeah” Smirking at him, “Well my names not the only hot thing about me”
“Oh trust me I know that” Mike chuckles softly, his eyes quickly sliding down your body. “You know I'm thinking you should come home with me”
“What so soon?” Laughing, slapping him softly on the shoulder, flirtingly with him. You never go home with strangers, with your job, you know better. But flirting right now seems harmless and always fun to do.
“Oh come on baby, I'll make sure you have a good night” Mike winks at you, making you cringe a little.
“I think I'll pass but thanks” Shaking your head slightly, his flirting was so weak, plus you know his type they last for five minutes and you never feel any pleasure, at all. Mike's face drops, looking angry.
“Seriously, I flirt with you and you turn me down. Thats some bullshit”
“Yeah, I'm serious, I'm with my friends dude” Rolling your eyes at him, ready to snap at him, boys like him are the reason you do your job. Mike scoffs, reaching over and pushing your drink over as he gets up.
“You're such a stupid slut, dressing the way you do” He steps closer to you, towering over you, making you stand up quickly, glaring at him.
“Excuse me?” Your blood is boiling, and when you are drunk you don’t control your anger well. You smirk smugly at him, as you watch the guys quickly approaching him from behind. Hotch grabs Mike by his arm, yanking him backwards. Mike turns around instantly, ready to shove him away, but immediately stopping, his face drops realising he's in trouble. When he comes face to face with Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan standing right behind him ready to throw him out of the bar.
“I suggest you get out of here while you can,” Rossi tone coming out deep and angry, glaring daggers at him. Mike nods slightly, hastily escaping from Hotch's tight grip on his arm. 
Sighing as you flop back down, Hotch takes the seat beside you as Morgan and Rossi follow Mike, making sure he leaves.
“Thanks Hotch, fuck men suck” You groan annoyed, cleaning up your spilled drink.
“Are you okay, he didn't do anything, did he?” Hotch studies you closely, he had turned around to walk back to the table. When he had seen that guy knocking your drink over and he rushed towards you protectively. No one messes with his team, let alone you. He always makes sure to look out for you the most. He tells himself it's because you're the youngest, being only 22 when you first joined the team. He still thinks of you as the baby of the group, but if he was honest there was always something else about you. 
“No he didn't, I'm just pissed he spilled my drink over” Sighing you rest your head against Hotch's shoulders, he smiles shaking his head slightly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders bringing you in closer.
“Well I think Garcia has that covered”, Looking up you see Garcia holding a couple drinks, walking back over with the other guys following behind her. She places a drink down in front of you.
“For you my darling, you need it after that asshole”  She giggles lightly sitting down beside Morgan. Leaning into him, as he wraps his arms around her protectively.
“Yeah he was a dick, thanks for your help” You smile softly at them as you sip your drink.
It's after midnight and you are definitely drunk when it's time to head home, you and Garcia are being helped off the stage after your final song. You two can’t even walk straight, you're in a fit of giggles as a drunk Morgan is trying to help Garica, but they both end up falling over. Reid and Rossi managed to get them out to the cars, as you follow behind them. Hotch has his arm around your waist as you wobble around, getting you in the front seat of his car. He's sober so he can drive you and Reid home while Rossi gets to deal with Morgan and Garcia. 
The ride back is nice, you have the window down. Enjoying the wind on your face cooling you down. Reid sits in the back talking about something he found fascinating. You picked up on a few words, but you're too drunk to pay attention. Hotch dropped Reid off first, then pulls up outside your apartment. You look out the window and staring up at the building. Fuck, you hate this place sometimes. You don't move, feeling frozen inside your own brain. A hand on your arm, pulls you out of your mind, glancing over at Hotch. Your eyes starting to water, your emotions are heightened due to the alcohol in your system. 
“(Y/N), what is it?” His words are soft, watching you concern. He doesn’t understand why you're so upset all of a sudden.
“I can't go inside Hotch I can't do it again” Your voice is weak as a couple tears slide down.
“Why? Why don't you like going home anymore?” His eyes soften, as he wipes the tears away, his hand staying put on your cheek.
“I can't walk past her door again, It's too hard” Your words confuse him for a few seconds before his heart drops as it clicks in his mind. He had completely forgotten you used to live next to Emily. He pulls his hand away and turns the car back on, pulling back onto the road.
“What, where are we going?” Looking back up at him confused, wiping the tears that managed to escape down your cheek.
“You're staying at mine tonight” He smiles softly at you, his mind filling with regret. How could he never realise how hard it would be for you, walking past Emily's door everyday. You two were so close, staying at each place was such a normal thing for you both to do. Guilt starting to reenter him, knowing that all those memories would be in your mind everytime you think of your home. He promised Emily he would be there and help you, but instead of doing so, he completely ignored how difficult it has truly been for you. 
Hotch helps you inside his apartment, you’re so tired fighting hard to stay awake. You stumble a little, Hotch's arm firmly wraps around your waist, while he's helping you into his bedroom, placing you down on his bed.
“Thank you Aaron” Smiling weakly. “I should sleep on the couch though, this is your bed” You try arguing with him as your eyes close, trying to kick your shoes off.
“No, I'll take the couch, the bed is more comfortable and you need the rest” He speaks slowly, knowing drunk you take some time to process words. Helping you take off your shoes as he noticed you struggling.
“No you need rest too, join me” You drunkenly demand him, earning a chuckle from him.
“(Y/N) I don't think so” 
“What it's not like we haven't shared before”
“Fine” He helps you under the covers, “But only if you drink some water okay?”
“Yes I win” Giggling drunkenly at him. He laughs quietly as he’s walking out, returning with a bottle of water for you.
“Drink it all” He hands it to you, then walks out to his bath to change his clothes. When he returns, you have drunk half the water and were snuggling down half asleep. 
“Goodnight (Y/n)” He whispers, pulling the blankets up over you.
“This isn't how I imagine being in your bed” Your words come out slurred together quietly, but still Hotch heard you. Smirking slightly, as he closes his eyes. You always made inappropriate jokes, but a small part of him hoping you weren’t. 
Groaning softly as you open your eyes, closing them as the light hits. Fuck, your body feels on fire, heading pounding like it just had been hit by a truck. You know you must have drunk a lot, because you don't remember coming home. Last thing you remember is Hotch helping you into his car. Hearing noise coming from the kitchen, which ends up confusing you, as you live alone. Opening your eyes again only to realise that this room is not your bedroom at all. Looking around trying to find a hint of where you are, finding that the room looks half familiar. Your eyes land upon a framed photo beside the bed, a photo of Hotch, Jack and Haley, Smiling softly seeing how happy they were, relieved that you now know you're somewhere safe. Still confused as to why you are here in his bed and not your own. Hoping drunk you didn’t try to make a move on him, of course you found your boss hot and feel safe with him but he is your boss. But somehow that never seems to stop the inappropriate thoughts you have. When you look at his hands, just picturing them wrapped around your neck.
Walking into the living room slowly, as your head is still pounding. Squinting at how bright the lights are, stopping in the middle of the doorway leaning against it. Hotch and Jack stand in the Kitchen making pancakes together. Jack makes a mess, giggling as he tries to wipe the batter on Hotch cheek. Making him laugh trying to take the bowl out of Jack's reach, spilling some of the mixture on the bench. You laugh softly watching them, which grabs both of their attention, they turn around to catch you standing there, watching them. Jack comes racing over to you, his face breaking out in a giant smile.
“(Y/N) you're awake” The excitement in his voice, brightening up your morning as he hugs you tightly.
“Morning buddy” Smiling happily as you're hugging him back. As soon as you let him go, he's running straight back towards his Dad.
“More like afternoon” Hotch teases, smirking faintly at you as he wipes down the bench.
“Oh come on it's only” Rolling your eyes as you pull out your phone. “10am, what the…. fudge” Laughing nervously, as you manage to catch yourself from dropping the F bomb. In front of a child who loves to repeat everything, which earns a small head shake from your boss. 
“Alright, Jack, go clean up while I cook these, okay buddy?” Hotch smiles down at him softly, you love seeing him so relaxed and happy when he's with his boy. This side of Hotch you don't get to see often so when you do, you savour it, appreciating that he does have a separate part of his life, not just work.
Sitting down on the kitchen stool in front of the counter, watching Hotch cook.
“Um so Hotch, not that I mind at all, but why was I in your bed this morning” Smiling at him,
“Oh you don't remember?” Chuckling teasingly, as he raises his eyebrow.
“Last thing I remember is leaving the bar” Sipping the water he passes you with some pills, smiling faintly as you take them.
“Well I went to take you home but, after a small talk in the car, I thought going back to my place would be easier for the night” 
Looking at him confused trying to remember what you said to him, then it came back to you. How you were crying in his car about Emily.
“Oh shoot, I'm sorry Hotch, I get emotional when I drink” Feeling the blood rush to your cheek. Feeling embarrassed as you sip on your drink trying to avoid the subject.
“Oh that's why you were telling everyone you loved them, I just thought we were all special to you”  He laughs softly, as he flips the pancakes, groaning weakly as you start remembering more of the night. 
“Oh no, no wonder my head hurts, I blame Morgan”
“I don’t think it was him who took all those shots” Rolling your eyes looking for something to change the subject to. As if right on cue, Jack comes running back in.
You three sit down and eat breakfast, full of laughter and jokes. Jack tells you a few funny things Hotch does, which makes Aaron blush lightly, awkwardly laughing at certain things. Laughing along with Jack, noting a few things in your mind that you will definitely bring up in front of the team. Always needing more things to tease and black mail this man with. After breakfast you're doing the dishes as Jack watches tv, Hotch had walked to his study to take a phone call. As you're cleaning your singing softly under your breath, dancing a little as you. You're putting the dishes away as Hotch walks out, leaning in the doorway, watching you. He can’t stop the smile forming, taking you in, liking the way you're being so carefree and happy in his kitchen. Watching you closely as you swing your hips while dancing to the music in your head. He enjoys seeing you like this, he was worried how you would be after yesterday morning. He knows there's going to be moments when you won't be okay. But he's no longer going to let you suffer alone, and could only hope when it's all over you will be able to forgive him.
“We have a case” His voice makes you jump, not hearing him approach, turning around you see him laughing. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you”
“Well you don't look sorry about it at all mister” Smiling softly, rolling your eyes back, “What's the case?”
“Three missing kids in Chicago, we’ll meet the team on the jet” Sighing softly, hating cases involving kids, they always hit everyone hard, especially because time is against you.
Hotch had dropped Jack off at Jessicas and was now driving you back to your place so you could grab your bag and change quickly before meeting everyone on the jet. He pulls up outfront your building, turning to him,
“I won't be long, ten minutes tops” Smiling softly at him as you see him taking off his seatbelt.
“I'll come up with you” He speaks as he gets out, giving you no time to argue. Sighing as you get out and following him inside. Staying quiet in the elevator, distracting yourself from talking by pulling out your keys. Walking briskly down the hall and to your apartment, glancing slightly at Hotch when you pass by her door, seeing him only briefly look at her door, with mixed emotions in his eyes. Walking into your apartment, you excuse yourself as you go to your bedroom and change into somewhat more professional FBI wear. 
Walking out, with your to-go bag freshly packed slung over your shoulder. Noticing Hotch is sitting on the couch, talking on the phone which sounds important, most likely involving the case. Deciding to walk past Hotch, giving him some privacy for the call, heading into the kitchen to pack the baking you did yesterday. You're just putting the last of the buns into the container as you hear footsteps approaching behind you.
“Pesto filling buns, you trying to be Rossi's favourite?”
“Oh I don't need to try Hotchy” Smirking at him, using the nickname he acts like he doesn't like. Which results in being given the unimpressed amused look, grinning cheekily up at him as you walk out.
Taglist: @lalalove-56 @ssamorganhotchner @montyfandomlove @lilozg-123 @hola-you-blog @lmg-stilinski24  @kakashis-formal-simp  @yourdryadwife
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contreparry · 2 years
From the Sexual tension prompts 👀 [ PIN ] : sender pins receiver against a wall. 👀 Happy writing 😏
Here's some Fenders from the roommate's AU for @dadrunkwriting!
He's been teasing him all night.
It started so subtly that Anders might have missed it completely: the brush of his arm as they passed each other in the hall, a slight nudge when they shuffled around in Merrill's kitchen with their respective dishes (his store bought cupcakes versus Fenris' homemade pesto pasta), the way their fingers touched when they reached for the same slice of bread in front of them- all of it was accidental. They were brief touches and they both retreated as if struck by lightening whenever it happened.
But it kept happening. Fenris' hesitant touches grew more insistent through the night, and Anders knew it couldn't be an accident when Fenris hooked his foot around Anders' ankle and traced the curve of his calf. He couldn't mistake the way Fenris' mouth curled into a mischievous smile whenever Anders caught his gaze. There was no misunderstanding Fenris' conversation as anything other than flirtatious. The fact that no one else seemed to have noticed them was something of a miracle, but Anders supposed they were all distracted by the mish-mash potluck dinner and the conversation. When he excused himself from the table no one seemed to notice. No one but Fenris, that is.
Merrill's hallway was almost cozy, what with the fuzzy rug and the dark green paint and the many pictures of pastoral and forest scenes. It felt even smaller when Fenris pushed him against the wall and crowded close, his breath warm against his ear and his body a hot line against his own.
"Are you busy?" Fenris murmured. "Or can you spare a moment?"
"You're the one who-" Anders bit back a curse when Fenris nipped at his earlobe. "You wanted to be subtle!"
"I'm being subtle," Fenris insisted as he pushed the meat of his thigh between Anders' legs and ground down, and Anders was going to die. He was going to melt and expire in Merrill's apartment and their friends would find him as a puddle of lust in the middle of the hallway because Fenris got handsy- and Anders wasn't going to stop him. Anders didn't want to. He wrapped his arm around Fenris' waist and pulled him closer, buried his face into the soft cloud of Fenris' hair, and sighed.
"We can't leave," Anders mumbled as Fenris kissed the fluttering pulse point at Anders' neck. "It's movie night." And if they left early they'd have to field so many questions and sly remarks, and Fenris said he wanted to be subtle, said he wanted to be quiet and 'see where this goes,' and Anders wasn't going to be the one who broke their deal-
"Good point," Fenris grumbled before he took Anders' chin in his hand and tilted his head down to kiss him, hot and insistent and biting and Anders clung to him as his knees gave out beneath him. Fenris held him upright, pinning him to the wall as they kissed. Anders sighed into every kiss and touch and vainly hoped that this moment could stretch on for eternity. But all good things come to an end, and Fenris eventually pulled away.
"One hour," he decided, obviously pleased that he came up with a compromise between "leave now so I can fuck your brains out" and "hang out with our friends for our agreed upon time." Anders might argue that it wasn't much of a compromise, but considering that his mind was desperately trying to catch up he wasn't going to complain.
"One hour," Anders echoed, and he dropped his head until his forehead rested against Fenris' collarbone. "Asshole." If he didn't know better, he might think Fenris riled him up on purpose. But this was Fenris, who treasured his privacy more than anything. He wasn't going to parade his lovers and conquests around like, like- like Isabela or Hawke!
Or would he?
"Help me find Merrill's linen closet," Fenris ordered as he took Anders' hand. "Varric asked for a blanket and I said I'd fetch it."
"Clever excuse to corner me," Anders grumbled. He bit down a yelp when Fenris lightly smacked his ass and electricity shot up his spine. Fenris' lips were curled up into a smug little smile. Anders used to hate that smile, but now it made him want to grin in return- when did Fenris' smirks become charming?
"I am clever," Fenris replied. "Lucky you, hmm? You get to reap the rewards, after all." He kissed Anders again, brief and hard, before he opened the closet door and yanked a blanket from one of the shelves. And then he was gone, leaving nothing but an open closet door and the memory of his body.
"Asshole," Anders sighed, and he followed.
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umichenginabroad · 8 months
Week 0: Longest Day of My Life
Hej! I am Jiwoo Kim, who is a junior studying Chemical Engineering. I’m so excited to write about my IPE study abroad through the DIS program for the next couple of months!
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A picture of me and Melo!
It is my fourth day in Stockholm and I already have tons of memories and tips to share with you all. But since it’s the first post, I’ll just talk about my crazy first day in Stockholm as a teaser for my future posts.
Preparing my flight to Stockholm
As a person who likes to pack EVERYTHING, I had SO MUCH to pack for 4 whole months. I didn’t want to bring too many suitcases that would make me regret my life decisions while I’m trying to walk and pull my luggage through the cobblestone roads piled with snow. So it ended up with one overweight checked baggage (*$65 fee for international SAS flight if under 28kg), a carry-on, and a backpack. 
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On the way to Sweden
Arriving in Sweden
When I arrived in Sweden, people from the DIS Stockholm program were right outside the gate to greet me and give me instructions on how I would be going to my housing. When about 40 or so DIS students gathered, we took a short train ride followed by a taxi that took us straight to the Studentboende apartment. All the transportation was arranged and paid for by the DIS, which was easy and relaxing! 
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Normal streets in Stockholm looked like this. Can you believe it?
My housing is the Högalidsgatan apartment where both DIS and local students live together. It is one of the oldest buildings in Stockholm, rich in history, located on an island called Södermalm. 10-minute walk to the Metro and the ICA, which is a supermarket that sells various goods and food. DIS provided $600 worth of ICA gift cards as a food stipend for the semester, which convinced me to shop for groceries and cook even when I had never done it before. 
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Cozy double room with our own bathroom and kitchenette!
Almost right after we arrived, we were given information about transportation, phone, keys, etc. I unpacked a little bit and went directly to the housing tour.
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Apartment view from the window. I couldn't believe it <3
I met a lot of students and we shared our excitement for the special semester in Stockholm! Everyone was very friendly and wanted to hang out as soon as possible. I attentively listened to the extensive recycling process (sustainability is THE THING in Europe) and the closest train station. My roommate arrived soon after the tour and we went shopping at ICA with my new apartment friends together. We did some heavy grocery shopping, “cooked” dinner (meaning we toasted bread to make a sandwich with pesto, cheese, and ham), and prepared to go to bed.  Well, we tried to go to bed. 
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I swear it tasted better than it looks like...
Well, we tried to go to bed.
All we wanted was clean towels and bedding to wrap up a long long day, so we put them in the washing machine. And guess what we saw when we went back to dry them. All the washing machines (with our stuff) and dryers (with another person’s stuff) were locked! Although this meant we were not sleeping anytime soon, my roommate and I took it as a learning experience and searched for resources. Thanks to the machine breaking down, we learned how to submit a FixIt request! It helped us get rid of jet lag by forcing us to stay up late. And we also learned that the maintenance people are sooo nice and are on top of things. They called me in less than thirty minutes after I submitted the request. Although it was a Saturday night, they responded quickly and assured us that they would resolve our problem. In fact, we did get new sheets and towels not long after the call. We were able to fall asleep as soon as we showered.
This was a summary of my hectic first day in Stockholm. I hope you enjoyed it, and I will follow up with more exciting events next week! 
Hey då,  
Jiwoo Kim
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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progressivegraffiti · 10 months
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Pesto Pull-Apart Christmas Tree | The Savory Vegan
A festive bread Christmas tree. Spectacular-looking. Surprisingly simple to prepare.
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enuicooks · 10 months
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This, but I used pesto for the filling. Yummy.
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allwaysfull · 1 year
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Half-Baked Harvest | Tieghan Gerard
The Basics
Everyday Bread Dough
Everyday Pancake Mix
Everything Bagel Spice
Lemon Basil Pesto
Perfect Pressure Cooker Eggs
No Knead Bread and Pizza Dough
Breakfast & Brunch
Baked Cinnamon Butter Brioche French Toast w Any Fruit Jam
Frico and Polenta Fried Eggs
Buttery Croissant Strata w Spinach and Prosciutto
Egg-in-a-Hole w Tomato and Bacon
Avocado Breakfast Tacos w Crispy Shallots & Chipotle Salsa
Pumpkin Butter Crème Fraîche Pancakes w Whipped Maple Butter
Dad’s Cheesy Eggs
Blueberry Lemon Pull-Apart Bread
Maple-Glazed Cardamom Apple Fritters
Coconut-Banana Muffins
Overnight Cinnamon Roll Bread w Chai Frosting
Appetizers & Sides
Cheesy Poblano & Bacon Quesadilla |Pickled Jalapeño Pineapple Salsa
Ricotta Toast w Honey-Roasted Grapes
Three-Ingredient Blue Cheese Bites
Burrata w Pepperonata and Tomatoes
Herb-and-Garlic Pull-Apart Rolls
Oven-Baked Cajun Fries | Homemade Creole Seasoning
Balsamic Peach and Brie Tart
The Best Pressure Cooker Mashed Potatoes
Cacio e Pepe Brussels Sprouts
Prosciutto-Wrapped Zucchini Bites w Goat Cheese and Thyme
Extra-Smooth Hummus
Maple-Cinnamon Acorn Squash
A Cocktail for Every Season
Pomegranate-Thyme Vodka Spritz
Spicy Strawberry Paloma
Peach Rosé Sangria
Honeycrisp Apple Bourbon Smash
Salad and Soup
Sun-Dried Tomato and Avocado Salad w Chicken
Everything Bagel Salad
Marinated Heirloom Tomato and Nectarine Salad w Garden Herbs
Autumn Harvest Salad
Gingered Thai Steak and Pepper Salad
French Onion Sou[
Creamy Chicken Gnocchi Soup
Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Golden Butternut Squash Soup w Crispy Sage
Salsa Verde and Brown Rice Chicken Tortilla Soup
Butter-Roasted Tomato Soup
Crispy Chicken Khao Soi Noodle Soup
Pizza and Pasta
The Meanest, Greenest Pizza
Sweet and Spicy Pineapple Pizza
Garden Basil Pepperoni Pizza
Harvest Butternut Squash and Apple Pizza
Potato and Burrata Pizza
Three Cheese and Nectarine White Pizza
Spinach and Three-Cheese Stuffed Shells
One-Pot Creamed Corn Bucatini
Spinach and Artichoke Mac-and-Cheese Bake
Penne Alla Vodka Two Ways | Traditional and Pasta Bake
Lemon Basil Pasta w Balsamic Brussels Sprouts
Grown-Up Tomato-Parmesan Pasta
Pumpkin and Sage Lasagna w Fontina
Black Pepper Buffalo Cauliflower Bites
Hot and Spicy Pot Stickers
Spaghetti Squash Alfredo
Spicy Poblano Tacos w Fried Sesame Halloumi
15-Minute Garlic-Butter Ramen
Mushroom “Cheese Steaks”
Falafel Bowl w Avocado and Lemon Tahini
Moroccan Chickpea and Carrot Tagine
Veggie-Loaded Pad See Ew
Curried Thai Spring Roll Lettuce Wraps | Peanut Sauce
Spicy Potato Shakshuka
Caesar Broccoli w Eggy Fried Toast
Saucy Coconut and Chickpea Curry
One-Pot Herby Buttered Mushrooms and Wild Rice
Poultry and Pork
Walnut-Crusted Chicken w Honey and Brie
Red’s Favorite Schnitzel
Instant Chicken Gumbo
Browned Sage-Butter Chicken Pot Pie
Breaded Lemon Chicken w Burst Cherry Tomatoes
Gingered Apple Pork Chops
Paprika Rubbed “Rotisserie” Chicken
Rosemary Peach Bruschetta Chicken
Chicken Tinga Tacos
Coconut Chicken Tikka Masala
Sage Chicken w Creamy Potatoes
Caroline’s Family’s Chicken Mostaccioli
White Wine-Braised Chicken w Artichokes and Orzo
Kai’s Favorite Sesame Orange Chicken
Quick Filipino Adobo | Coconut Rice
Sun-Dried Tomato Turkey Meatball Bake
Beef and Lamb
Carne Asada Tostadas
Poblano Chili
Spiced Lamb Hummus
Sheet Pan Cuban Steak
Beef Bourguignon
Pomegranate-Braised Short Ribs w Sweet Potato Mash
Thai Basil Beef w Peanut Salsa
Korean Beef w Yum Yum Sauce
Dry-Rubbed Grilled Steak w Garlic-Butter Corn Salad
Baked Coconut-Curry Meatballs
Seafood and Fish
Lemony Halibut and Chickpeas w Farro
Jalapeño Garlic-Butter Shrimp
Parchment-Baked Greek Salmon and Zucchini w Salty Feta
Lobster Tacos w Charred Poblano Cream
Extra-Saucy Coconut Fish Curry w Pomegranate
Slow-Roasted Moroccan Salmon
Browned-Butter Scallops
Jerk Shrimp and Mango Salsa Rice Bowls | The Best Jerk Seasoning
Clams on Toast in Herbed White Wine
Herby Lobster Tagliatelle
Lemon Butter Cod w Orzo and Asparagus
Sesame-Crusted Salmon w Honey-Soy Dressing
Mediterranean Tuna and Focaccia Sandwich
One-Pot Spanish Chorizo, Shrimp, and Rice Pilaf
Strawberry Naked Cake
Blackout Chocolate Cake
Coconut Carrot Cake
Easiest Cinnamon-Apple Tarts
Bourbon Peach Pandowdy
Strawberry Pretzel Tart w Whipped Mascarpone
Slice & Bake Snicker-Doodles w Eggnog Frosting
Butter Pecan Bars w Chocolate and Coconut
Chocolate Mousse
Swirled Banana Cake
Chocolate Peanut Blonde Brownie Bars
Chewy Browned-Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Fudgy Ice Cream Pretzel Cake
Blackberry Lavender Buckle
Five-Ingredient Hazelnut Brownies
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sushitrust · 2 years
Tasty recipes pizza monkey bread
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I also prefer fresh parsley over dried, but that choice is yours. Its ok to add more cheese or even other ingredients like olives. When I created the video, I left the biscuits on the counter and they were pretty expanded when I opened the can and a bit sticky, so leave them in the fridge while the oven preheats. In the video, I used a baking pan and it only took 33 minutes to be done.īread Baking Tip: At the 30 minute mark, if your biscuits are browning too much and you need to cook longer, cover the top with foil to prevent further browning. This recipe in the IMAGES used a 2 quart casserole dish and it took the 30 minutes + an additional 15 to be done baking. Keep checking every 5 minutes until the biscuits are cooked all the way through. Pour the pizza mixture into your prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes uncovered.ĭepending on how big or small your pan is will determine the final baking time so its best to keep a close watch so you do not burn. I find that using my hands makes this process a little easier because you can make sure that all the sides are covered. 1/3 cup olive oil 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1 garlic clove, minced 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 2 cans (16. Gently mix everything together making sure the oil is spread out to all of the biscuits and coated well. In a large mixing bowl, combine cut up biscuits, pepperoni, cheese, seasonings and oil. Separate your Pillsbury jumbo flaky biscuits and cut them into eighths. You can also make your pull part bread with a bundt pan, 2-3 quart casserole dish or 9×13 pan with the same results.
If you are looking for pizza recipes, try Pizza Casserole or Pepperoni Chicken Breasts! How to make Pull Apart Pizza Bread In fact, if you love this recipe, you should try the Caprese Croissants or the Christmas Tree pull, both that also use poppable biscuits. Here is what ingredients you need to gather to get started: Scroll to the bottom for a printable version of this post, including all measurements and instructions, so you can follow along in your kitchen without being on your phone.
Call it a side dish or an appetizer recipe, you can serve pull apart pizza bread for a party, a big game, or honestly, for dinner!įor me, the pizza crust is the best part and this makes the entire bread the pizza crust, plus if you like it, make some fresh pesto sauce to slather on and dip with!. I love easy recipes and this one can be done in no time. Pillsbury pizza dough recipes are plentiful and growing up, this is always how we made our mini pizzas. Serve with warmed marinara sauce or pizza sauce.4 Pull Apart Pizza Bread Appetizer Pull Apart Pizza Bread Place bundt pans into the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes until the bread and cheese is golden brown. Let sit for 30 minutes for the dough to rise a little more. Start layering the cubes into the bundt pans until they are 3/4 of the way full. Toss in the cut dough and make sure it all gets a coat of the butter mixture. Add the melted butter and mix together with a spoon. Combine the cheese, herbs, salt/pepper, scallions and garlic in a large bowl. Melt the 1/2 cup of butter in a small bowl. Set aside.īutter and flour 6 small bundt pans. Dust with flour to prevent them from sticking together. Remove the dough to an oiled bowl and let rise for 60 minutes.Īfter an hour, remove the dough from the bowl and cut into small 1/2 inch cubes. Let the dough hook work its magic for 5-6 minutes until the dough has come together into a large mass. Add the flour mixture in batches, scraping down the sides of the bowl. Then add the sugar and mix for a quick second. Let it sit for a few minutes to make sure your yeast is working. Set aside.Ĭombine the active yeast and water in a mixing bowl fitted with a dough hook. In a medium bowl, combine the bread flour, all purpose flour and salt.
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hoardingrecipes · 5 years
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Cheesy Pesto Crack Bread
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savorytoothgirl · 6 years
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spinach, feta, and basil pesto pull-apart bread
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foodffs · 6 years
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spinach, feta, and basil pesto pull-apart bread
Follow for recipes
Is this how you roll?
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foodsforus · 6 years
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Cheesy Pesto Pull-Apart Bread
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daily-deliciousness · 7 years
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Pesto chicken pull apart sliders
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pearlvines · 2 years
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summary: bucky’s friendship with you is one that he treasures, holds closest to his heart. After a night of patching up, he gets too close for comfort and steps back. Neither of you can take being alone.
word count: 2.7k
pairing: bucky barnes & f!reader
a/n: same bed? guilt? yearning?  song: from the dining table - harry styles
Bucky met you while grocery shopping. The first time he independently went grocery shopping, actually.
You were squatting in the canned food section, your little basket filled to the brim with discount pesto sauces and spaghetti. He listened to you quietly mutter about the conventions of canned tomatoes as he eyeballed a jar of jam he had no real interest in, other than it was cheap.
You eventually asked him to reach up and grab a can of pineapple for you from the top shelf. He eyed you quizzically and asked you what you were making as you tossed two cans in your basket. You smiled, a small one with a dazzle in your eye, and invited him to find out.
On that day, he looked over at his measly grocery haul, which included a stale bread roll and some packaged salad, and decided what you were making couldn’t possibly be any worse.
He was wrong, truly wrong. Your cooking was quite inarguably some of the worst he’s ever tasted, although he’d never tell you. You’d serve it to him enthusiastically, night after night, and he would swallow the taste of burnt plastic with a tight lipped, but proud smile.
He was, after all, a man that survived on war rations and much less. He was not one to complain, really ever.
Besides, the cooking wasn’t really the point of the whole thing. He’d made a friend. You were his friend. He could show up for dinner with a crumpled dessert and a sheepish smile, and you’d beam at him and laugh, and draw him in with a silent happiness. You’d kindly listen to the stories he was willing to tell, or you would tell enough stories for the both of you that he wouldn’t need to speak.
He smiled deeply when he saw you, or thought of you. He figured that's what friendship was.
In retrospect, it was a bad decision really. It was dark, and winter was creeping through the Brooklyn alleyways quickly and mercilessly. One stab wound was usually nothing to set him back, maybe cause him a bit of a delay on the way home. 
Five was an issue.
He slumped against the harsh brick, his head flopping forward as he huffed. His breath manifested in front of him as little puffs rising up in the air, as if he were smoking. For the first time in decades, god, he wished he was smoking. It would take the edge off.
This little outing was unauthorised, and not a particularly ethical or safe one either. Bucky was a restless soul. He figured that any time he spent patrolling and protecting was passing better than writhing under his silk sheets, the soft lumps of his mattress sitting incorrectly in between his shoulder blades. He was a soldier, after all. Soldiers have no use for whatever superheroes do.
He really didn’t know how a couple fucking burglars got the better of him. Just for a few seconds. Maybe he was tired. Slow. Slow and blind in his left eye. Maybe he wanted a reason to see you. Five reasons was a bit much, bloody and festering, and it’s not like he necessarily needed a reason to see you, but it was late into the night and he didn’t have anything in his tiny rucksack to call ahead about or present at the door. It just seemed a bit rude.
Either way, he trudged his way through the thin layers of fresh snow, bleeding but breathing, until he arrived at your apartment door. He rehearsed a million apologies in his head, for waking you up, for pulling you from bed, for scaring you with his broken appearance, for making you stitch him together like an old teddy bear. He didn’t expect you to be waiting for him.
“You didn’t answer your phone.”
“Y’called me?” He drawled, the unearthly tiredness finally hitting him like a freight train. You grasped his forearm, the one that he had splayed over a lot of his wounds, and led him quietly inside. He almost fell into your very presence, like the crushing weight of winter air had lifted. You smelled like spring.
“Steve called me,” Never tell Steve anything, he silently noted, “You weren’t in the compound.”
“I’m grown. I’m allowed to be out&about.”
You cocked a brow, moving the fruit bowl from your kitchen island and inviting him to sit, “Is that what you were doing? Being out and about?”
“Yup. Out.” He huffed, bloodied skin folding together as his posture slumped, his hands holding the sides of the counter with blistered fingers and aching, cybernetic joints.
You had a habit of not asking. Sometimes Bucky liked it, sometimes he didn’t. He knew he only came to you when things were bad, when he needed you. You knew he didn’t want to be a nuisance. Bucky deeply liked the idea of someone asking after him. Of someone being worried the way his mother used to worry.
You quietly left, slinked away to fetch the first aid kit. He sat in silence, his eyes tracing the details of the wooden cabinets that held your glassware, and that one My Little Pony bowl that you push especially far to the back when he comes over. He knows you have it though. He ate vanilla ice cream in it once. You’d already fallen asleep.
 He’d seen this kitchen a thousand times. He could point out a thousand more little details. Same with every other room in your dingy little place. The way your couch cushions fell under his weight. How sometimes you need to turn the TV on, and then off, and then on again to get it off mute. How your bathroom sink doesn’t drain fully until you hit it on the side. He knew every inch of your place. It felt more like home than anything ever did. You made it that way.
“So, slight issue,” You come back into his eyeline, a small scrunch in your nose, “I’ve got regular bandaids, but not the latex-free ones. You’re gonna have to go home with a rash, but!” You plunged your hand back into the bag, rummaging around, your tongue slightly peeking from your lips. Triumphantly, you emerged, your hand clutched around something that you slowly unfurled with a smile, “Ointment.”
He laughed tightly, his smile beaming still, “You’re gonna put bandaids on stab wounds, duckie?” You smacked his arm, which elicited a proper, painful chuckle. 
You tutted, “You have a scrape on your forehead, smartass.”
Oh. He lightly pressed his unbandaged fingers to his hairline, pink-ish blood painting the tips when he brought them back down. He didn’t even notice. It was buried mostly in his hair.
The two of you spent the rest of the night barely talking, sitting in a comfortable silence while you shakily guided stitches through his skin. Your fingers would occasionally brush small spots, the arch of his torso, the side of his forearm. His skin would tingle.
He couldn’t explain it. He couldn’t explain why he kept coming back to you. You patched him up once, for convenience. It wasn’t an intimate moment. He needed a bandage and some scotch tape.
It was selfish, he figured. Coming back to your apartment because he was comfortable, because he was afraid of a scold from Steve. It was selfish that he came back with wounds that got worse and worse. He couldn’t understand why he designated you that role in his life. You were his friend, not his nurse. He almost up and ran out the front door.
“All done.” You smiled up at him, a beam. He just looked at you, softly, quietly, “Well, come on! Up on your feet soldier!”
He laughed, pushing himself away from your kitchen counter, his body moaning with the movement, “Maybe too soon for that, captain sir.”
You eyed him, his bare torso stretching unhappily, “You’re staying with me tonight,” You already started pleading when you saw his eyebrows cock, his eyes change stern, “Come on, Buck. You can barely move. What are you gonna do? Robot walk home?”
He chuckled defeatedly, letting you lead him away from the kitchen with little resistance. You settled him on your bed, and somewhere, deep in his mind, he’d thought about this a lot. He dismissed it quickly when he spoke, “Hey, come on now, duck. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
You laughed audibly, tossing the throw pillows on your bed to the ground, and pulling back the blankets, “What are you? My gentleman caller? We’ll be just fine in the same bed.”
He was frigid. He’d stayed late before, later than was probably polite, but never overnight. He moved slowly, tucking his legs under the blankets and pressing his back to the headboard. His eyelids were closing, the heaviness of the night slowly catching up with him. He refused to yield.
You had tucked yourself further down in the bed, your arms splayed underneath your pillows, eyes closed, mouth mumbling, “You’re not gonna die if you sleep for one night.”
Maybe he would.
He sat up for a lot longer than should’ve been possible, really. Felt you drift to sleep beside him, your breathing slowing, body relaxing. Fighting sleep, fighting thoughts about you that seemed unfair.
You were a friend. Friends was fair. You had dinner together occasionally, talked and laughed and opened up. Friends was a fair label for what the two of you were. And yet.
Something about this wasn’t friendly. About how you waited up for him, called after him. How you stitched together a bloody supersoldier with no questions asked in the middle of your kitchen at midnight. More than once, actually. He hadn’t had friends in a while, maybe he couldn’t tell the difference.
The puzzle of why he kept coming back, kept circling back to you was splayed out for him to solve. He thought he was selfish. Wouldn’t be the first time. He just enjoyed your company and kept coming back at your expense because he didn’t want a machine to fix him. 
He looked over to you. You were turned into him, curled up with your arms stretching out in his direction, fingers almost grazing his.
Your touch was something different. Something he craved, a deep, simple, instinctual need. He needed to be touched by you. It set his skin on fire. Maybe he kept coming back because he needed a reason for you to reach out and touch him. To make him feel real. Complete.
You made him happy. You let him come into your home, and you fed him, and let him take space on your couch when you watched movies, you let him simply be nearby while you worked. You let him exist near you, and he was always overjoyed for it.
Maybe he kept coming back because it was you.
‘If I bleed and die, and my flesh falls from my bones and I am flung into the earth, let it be in the grace of your light and your love.’
Sunlight was prying his eyelids open when he woke. He didn’t remember dozing off, or the last time he slept past sunrise, for that matter. He felt like a log, limbs useless and dead as he shook himself from sleep.
This was your apartment. Your bedside tables, your glasses, half filled with tap water. There you were, as if you always belonged there, snaked in his arms. Your cheek was resting on the warmth of his shoulder, the metal plates of his other arm splayed across the small of your back, on top of your woolly pyjamas. His pinky finger resting underneath the hem of your shirt, enough to keep you from overheating under mountains of blankets and warmth.
Without really understanding what happened, or what any of it meant, he redressed in the bathroom, laced his boots by the bedside, and left. You woke with nothing but the ghostly feeling that something, someone, belonged there with you.
He continued on, without seeing you. He didn’t knock on your door to provide drinks to match your dinner menu, or to lock your windows at night when you forgot. He thought it was best, that he was being selfish and that you knew. An air of uncomfortable uncertainty settled between you two, and you both let it be.
You, on the other hand, weren’t quite sure what happened. You texted him the first couple of days, and when no reply came, you left it. You thought about going to see him, but you didn’t want to overstep. You didn’t want to call Steve, in case that was creepy. When the first month passed, and he didn’t come knocking, you stopped staying up late. You all but twiddled your thumbs waiting for him to call. And he didn’t.
“So,” Steve said in between rough pants one day, “When are you gonna visit your lady friend again?”
Bucky swung up his arms to block a punch, “What?”
“It’s been a while hasn’t it? Since you’ve left the compound with cookies.” He stopped throwing punches, “Come on, Buck. Talk to me.”
“Nah,” He walked off the ring, the simulation dying down with a chime. He padded his face with a towel, “We’ve just been busy. Both of us.”
“You’re never busy.” Steve teased. Bucky chuffed and walked off, his towel slung over his neck. His phone rang while he was in training. You left a voicemail.
It was loud. You were at a bar? People, your friends, he assumed, were shouting into the phone while rhythmic beats shook the background. You were drunk, and nearly screaming.
“Hey, Bucky! It’s me! I know you weren’t expectin’ me to call, especially ‘cause you decided you ‘didin’ wanna talk to me anymore. Asshole move!” Asshole! One of your friends shouted in the back, “But anyway. I digress! I dunno what I did wrong with you, I dunno why you hate me now! Really sucks that you won’t tell me! Won’t even talk to me, fuckwit!” Fuckwit! Yeah! “I really liked you, you know? Like, really liked you! Told all my friends about- I even told my mom about you! How amazing you were, comin’ over for dinner every night and keepin’ me company! Really fucking liked you! An’ not just like, ‘like-liked’ like that, I mean, I really loved you, kinda!” His heart dropped, “I dunno. I dunno what I did wrong, Bucky! I dunno why you’re fucking icing me out! But anyway, I guess I’m callin’ to tell you that I love you? And you suck!”
It was sent nearly two hours ago. You were probably still out, so Bucky sat in his room, impatiently, with the knowledge that you loved him.
You loved him.
He wanted nothing more, now, than to touch you. Hold you, the way that he did when you slept together, when you evidently let him hold you. You, who gave him a home, a proper one, and someone to spend his nights with. A reason to smile at his phone, and to use old nicknames he had for girls before the war. A reason to remember the good things he had, the good things he had with you.
He didn’t come back to you because he wanted a human to fix his wounds and comfort him. He didn’t want you just for the stitching and the company. He came to you in his lowest points because, selfishly, if he had to die, he wanted it to be in your arms. He wanted to die in the comfort of his home.
When he did circle back to you once more, you were waiting for him. You crashed together, your touch consuming him happily and whole. He loved you, and if you led him, he’d follow you blindly. You were his home.
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lamp2003 · 2 years
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in tears. pull apart cheesy pesto bread with homemade pesto
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