#pet education
an-albino-pinetree · 4 months
Cw bug!: Vinegaroon (video!)
(Rude comments will be deleted!)
I talk in this, so just don’t have your volume maxed out lmao
You guys wanted more of her, so! Here’s a quick vid with Atlas, where I talk about the main reasons why Vinegaroons are lovely despite their crazy appearance! ✨🖤
Some things I didn’t touch on!
I said Atlas can’t pinch, but those diggers she’s got out front, are still pokey and sharp
If you grabbed a Vinegaroon, vs letting it crawl onto you, and put your finger near those, it’d probably still hurt sdjgj
Baby vinnies can move faster than adults, and need some time to get used to handling! (Also female Vinegaroons can live up to 20 years, it’s a commitment!)
Vinnies eat bugs and only bugs <:] so if you’re not comfortable with feeding bugs to a pet, I’d recommend a neat herbivore, like a millipede. 💚
Thanks for watching me be a geek! Voice reveal lol ✨
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Chris Stoddard - Champion of Pet Welfare through My Pet Matters
Chris Stoddard is the founder of My Pet Matters, a charitable organisation dedicated to improving the lives of pets and their owners through education, assistance, and advocacy. My Pet Matters focuses on fundraising efforts to support animal shelters and rescue centres across the UK. Through various initiatives such as prize draws, events, and campaigns, the organisation raises funds to provide essential resources and supplies for animal shelters. Chris Stoddard, a devoted animal enthusiast and advocate, leads these efforts, aiming to enhance pet welfare and promote responsible pet ownership. The organisation offers workshops, seminars, and online materials to equip pet owners with vital insights into pet health, behaviour, nutrition, and more. Visit: https://www.chrisstoddard.co.uk/category/my-pet-matters/
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happydogophiles · 1 year
Pit Bulls: Understanding the Breed and Debunking Stereotypes
Pit Bulls have long been the subject of controversy and misconceptions. As an experienced SEO specialist and content writer, I aim to shed light on the truth behind these dogs and debunk the myths that surround them. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the origins of Pit Bulls, their temperament, training needs, and the importance of responsible ownership. By the end, you’ll have a…
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Computer Programmer testifies that he was tasked with rigging elections.
Don't think things aren't happening 🤔
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eyeballmouth · 2 years
Man after working at that rabbit shelter for a year I realized that maybe we shouldn't just sell pets to people who clearly don't know shit about them? Like just some basic education on behavior and grooming and all that before a purchase.
Like at the shelter they made you take a class on basic rabbit care and even gave you a decently thick book that went over what was said in the class and also went more in detail, AND listed different places that sell goods or do vet care specifically for rabbits.
Idk I just think it would be a good first step to curbing people getting pets and ditching them cause they don't know what they signed up for or just taking really shit care of em for years. And yeah people could just look up proper pet care online but they clearly kinda don't, just sorta believe common misconceptions (Cats can drink regular milk/Rabbits primarily eat carrots/if a dog's wagging its tail it's always happy) or that they just KNOW what their pet needs because of ego.
Need more animal education to help keep people and their pets ok
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reliapet · 3 months
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We Are ReliaPet™
As a passionate pet parent, I know firsthand how hard it is to find reliable small pet care advice you can trust. For the last 3 years, I’ve been building ReliaPet™. It’s an ethical website with reliable pet care articles and a cute little shop! The shop has over 15 adorable and practical items perfect for your everyday activities, from unique water bottles to hamster-themed notebooks! ReliaPet currently has care information for rats, hamsters, rabbits, and bettas. On ReliaPet, you’ll find comprehensive articles on various topics, from researching to growing sprouts for your pets! Soon, I will add more species to meet all your pet care needs.
Understanding the reason behind the “what” makes a big difference. So, ReliaPet articles explain what and why so you can make better care decisions.
The pet care community is always evolving. New species entering and standards improving with new science. I regularly review and update our articles to match the corrected care standards you rely on. I realize while I may spend more time doing research than writing the article itself, I can still make mistakes, so your feedback is important. At ReliaPet, our goal is to improve the lives of pets and their families. By educating through free, reliable care and husbandry articles, and making safe pet product recommendations. I’m striving to be different in all the best ways with ReliaPet.
Check out the ReliaPet.net website to learn from our passionate research, and if you love what we do, buy adorable merch from our shop or support us on Ko-Fi! Together, we can make a difference by caring for pets and their families.
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bats100 · 2 years
Bats fact #94
This is how bats during the day time
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Apex predator, my ass. I’m going to pet the dog 🐻🐻‍❄️🐼
perhaps now is a good time for some responsible bear programming to remind everyone that as cute and cuddly as they may seem, bears are lethal apex predators and should absolutely be treated accordingly if ever encountered.
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reality-detective · 3 months
Fast food + Pet Food - Same Monopoly 🤔
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casualbystander98 · 3 months
Kink Education Time - Consent
So, everyone knows that consent is incredibly important in kink. It's incredibly important everywhere, but especially when one wrong move means a consent violation. But kink often involves pretending to violate consent (CNC). So, how do you navigate consent in kink in the safest and most knowledgeable way possible? The answer lies in two things. First, safewords and other safety items. You probably know about safewords, but what about drop items, or other ways of communicating consent? The second category is less commonly-known: consent acronyms.
Safewords & Safety Items
Safewords are basically flags that you can raise that inform your partner(s) about your current state in the scene. The most obvious benefit to using safewords is that, plainly, a play partner can scream, "no, please, stop, leave me alone", without ending the scene. Meanwhile, they can just say, for example, "Pineapple!" to end the scene at any time. Usually, there are three categories: Green, Yellow, and Red.
Green safewords are meant to mean "everything is all good; please continue". This category isn't really used unless one partner wants to check in on the other partner. An example would be that, during a spanking scene, the giving partner notices that the receiving partner is crying. They may ask, "Are you okay?" They may also use a pre-negotiated term to check in, such as a code word. At which point, the receiving partner may respond with their green safeword if they're doing fine and want to proceed.
Yellow safewords are used to caution the other participant(s) in the scene. Their basic meaning is, "Hey, I'm doing mostly okay right now, but we're close to my limit. Please be careful." To some people, yellow means "do not do anything more than what you're doing right now". To others, yellow means "keep going, do what you wanted to, but I may need to use red soon". It can even mean "I'd like to talk to you about this, can we pause for a minute?" It is absolutely vital for both partners to know what yellow safewords mean before play begins.
Red safewords are the ultimate safeguard. Red means "stop". No questions, no exceptions. If you are doing a kind of play that can't be stopped right away (such as rope suspension), you must begin the process of stopping play. In some cases, that means taking drastic measures. In the case of rope suspension, that can even mean cutting the rope away from them immediately. Red safewords must be obeyed at all costs. Refusing to honor a red safeword is sexual assault. Always be mindful of your partner's red safewords in particular.
It should also be noted that safewords are not just for the receiving partner. Everyone gets safewords, and everyone can use them at any time, for any reason. It's important to know what someone's safewords are before play begins, so you can recognize them when you hear them. However, a commonly-used set of safewords is the stoplight system ("red" for red, "yellow" for yellow, "green" for green). Usually, in most cases, using those safewords is absolutely fine, and no other words are needed.
Safety Items/Nonverbal Safewords
Safewords are all well and good. But what if the person is gagged? How do you safeword with a dildo gag shoved down your throat? These are important considerations for any play. You can have many different nonverbal safewords,as long as they're discussed with your partner beforehand. It could be a hand signal, or three claps, or a little red card in their hand. Another commonly-used solution is what's called a "drop item". The person is given something heavy to hold, like a book, that they can drop if they need a check-in. If you're doing a form of play that prevents someone from talking, ALWAYS have nonverbal safewords in place.
Consent Acronyms
This section is more about what consent can actually mean in kink. Typically, people subscribe to one of four "ideologies" when it comes to consent: SSC, PRICK, FRIES, or RACK. Other acronyms exist, but these are the most common. The basic idea behind any consent acronym is to get you to think about what actually goes into consent, and how someone can say "yes" to something WITHOUT actually consenting. Understanding these acronyms is a great way to prevent your own consent from being violated, as well as to prevent violating others' consent, even without your awareness. I'll be explaining each of those four acronyms below in brief detail, but I highly recommend that you research consent acronyms yourself.
SSC - Safe, Sane, and Consensual
SSC is the most common, and "basic" acronym. The guiding principle of this acronym is that, in order for something to be consensual, the act must be safe, sane, and consented to by both parties. This means that you must take all necessary precautions (such as safewords, safety shears, etc.), you must both be of sound minds, and you must both give express consent before play begins. Some complaints about this acronym are about the "safe" and "sane" portions, because kink inherently has risks (making it unsafe from the start), and some kinks could be considered "insane" (like flesh hooks or branding).
PRICK - Personal Responsibility In Consensual Kink
Some people prefer PRICK for its acknowledgement that kink can be dangerous. The basic idea of PRICK is that everyone has a responsibility to learn how to go about their kink lives as safely as possible. This also includes educating yourself on consent, in all its aspects, and how to respect it at all times.
RACK - Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
RACK is similar to PRICK in that it emphasizes knowing the risks to all parties inherent in your play. This includes all mental, social, physical, psychological, and/or sexual risks. The idea behind this acronym is that, unless you're aware of all of the risks, no play is truly consensual.
FRIES - Freely-given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, and Specific
FRIES refers to the act of giving consent itself. This ideology argues that nothing is consensual unless it matches those 5 criteria. This acronym was pioneered by Planned Parenthood, and is a favorite amongst kinksters. The idea is that unless consent is 1) given freely (under no coercion or force), 2) reversible (able to be rescinded at any time for any reason), 3) informed (such as with RACK or PRICK), 4) enthusiastic (basically just not reluctant; you can also just do kink because you're fine with it, not because you're absolutely thrilled to do it), and 5) specific (as in you are made aware of all acts that could happen beforehand for you to specifically consent to).
You may notice that these ideologies can coexist. They should. A truly responsible and safe kinkster will consider all of these when playing. They all have very valuable messages that you should internalize and keep in mind during your play. If anyone has any other consent acronyms they'd like to share, please do so in the reblogs/replies!
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lockrrzass · 6 months
Look who's back!!!!!!!
ive recently got into so many new fandoms like omg anyways art trend with awesomes
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and other things
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Yeys uhhhh bye by I rarely use this app-
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s0lren · 11 days
Sexual information post!
(This is not a post to make anyone feel bad or to scare anyone this is just to inform people on how to have safe sex since I feel like it's not talked about enough and it needs to be normalised)
Safewords are always important, especially when doing cnc and even during 'vanilla' sex
The stop light system is a great method
Green means keep going
Orange means slow down
Red means stop
If you aren't a fan of the stoplight system try using words that you would never use during sex but are also easy to remember, names of fruit are very common
Remember, ignoring someone's safe word is never okay, sometimes people can just not hear it but if it continues to happen it's not okay.
Aftercare is also extremely important.
Some people need aftercare all the time. Some people only need it sometimes. Other people don't need it at all. But it's always good to ask.
Aftercare is for both subs and doms. I've seen way too many people claim its just for subs which isn't true, aftercare is for everyone.
People can also need aftercare in different ways. Some people need something to eat and drink. Some people need some reassuring. Some people need to be left alone for a bit. No matter what kind of aftercare you need, it's valid.
It's okay not to cum.
For some people, especially AFAB people or people on medication, it can be hard to cum but that doesn't mean that they can't enjoy themselves. Just because your partner hasn't cum doesn't mean they haven't enjoyed themselves. You can get off without needing an orgasm and don't be disheartened if you or your partner doesn't have one.
Always be safe.
If you have multiple sexual partners always use condoms to avoid contracting anything, even if they claim to be clean don't go without one unless they have proof of being clean. This also applies to sex toys, if you are sharing them with someone else then use a condom and be sure to sterilise it after using just to be on the safe side.
STIs aren't always curable and can lead to health complications down the line so if you ever suspect you have one then go to the doctor before having sex with anyone, especially if it's unprotected.
Don't do the pull out method. There is a chance that sperm can leak with precum or you could pull out just a little too late. If you are worried about pregnancy just use birth control or a condom.
Giving your consent shouldn't be a turn off
If you aren't sure that someone is consenting then ask, never do something with someone unless you are 100% sure they want to do it
It is not consent if they persuade you to do something
It is not consent if you are too drunk to say no
It is not consent if you are asleep
It is not consent if you are being blackmailed
It is not consent if you say no
It is not consent if you don't say yes
If you didn't want to give your consent then you didn't give your consent.
Even if you aren't sure that something wasn't consensual you still need to reach out to someone. Don't suffer in silence.
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bitchapalooza · 4 months
The whole crew assuming Luffy is naive about sex and dating in general but he is in fact the most knowledgeable on it, even more so than Sanji and Chopper(safe sex education blah blah blah). He’s literally never dated and has very little desire to, he’s openly sex repulsed, and yet this man will give THE BEST relationship advice you’ve heard in your life. He may not personally get what your going through but he’s a good third party to have since his advice isn’t clouded by a bias of some kind, he just states what he believes is the obvious smarter solution.
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biologist4ever · 6 months
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thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Age regression, a useful coping mechanism.
Long post about agere!
So, it's possible you've seen these things on my blog:
Agere. Petre. Agedre. Petdre. Age regression. Regressor. SFW. All that stuff, but, what does it mean? Well, I'm here to tell you!
So firstly, questions are ALWAYS welcome! Rather in reblogs, comments, or in my ask box, I'm always willing to answer questions about age regression!
Second, if you want JUST the terminology explained, you can find it here!
With that out the way: Age Regression. It's basically mentally reverting back to an eariler age! It's a completely SFW (Safe for work) coping mechanism! Though not all regressors use it as a coping mechanism, some just do it for fun! (Also it's technically a form of dissociation!
Same idea with pet regression, but it's reverting to the mindset of an animal! Kinda like shifts for a therian! (Coming from a therian!)
It's a wonderful thing, though it may not always feel like it. Just like how toddlers for example, might have tantrums, not know how to comprehend big emotions, or feel confused. That can happen in regression too! It can be voluntary or Involuntary. But there's ways to manage that!
Oh, and regression is for EVERYONE! (Any ethnic group, any gender, any identity, nobody is allowed to gatekeep it!)
When you're regressed, it really does feel like you're younger, like things are simple, and such. The levels of how extreme it feels varies from person to person!
But yeah, you mentally become a younger age, can be anything from a baby to a teen!
I do HIGHLY recommend doing it! I highly recommend watching shows you loved as a kid, or kids shows you think you'd enjoy now. I recommend getting in cozy clothes, maybe drinking from a sippy cup/water bottle to feel younger? Colouring, playing games (like minecraft!) Listening to soft music, these things really help me!
I'll admit, it can be scary the first time. But you have to trust your mind, trust that youll be able to become big again (your current mental age) when you need to.
Agere (short for age regression) and petre (short for pet regression) can help you have a childhood you never had, help you process difficult emotions, help heal your inner self and inner child, destress, and lots of other benefits!
And hey, some regressors PREFER to watch shows like Hazbin hotel, like playing games like call of duty, like drawing detailed artwork, like swearing. That's all okay too! You don't even have to use baby/kid stuff or talk/act like a baby/kid to regress! But, I do recommend starting off with that first, as it can help you know what regression feels like! ^^
Another thing, you might be a regressor without even knowing it! Like, have you ever laid in bed, grasping to cuddle anything soft near you—Just wishing you were a kid again, that someone would care for you? Maybe you felt like you were having unreasonable fears, like afraid of growing up, or afraid of the dark. Did the world feel bigger, did you maybe want to have a pacifier, or a stuffy?
That could be Involuntary regression! It's a defense mechanism of the brain, basically trying to process the world by becoming mentally younger to help.
You can learn to help control this, not always, but there's ways to help! Pushing away your regression isn't always a good thing, as often, it comes back stronger.
Instead, I recommend trying to find what makes you feel good or safe while regressed, and finding time to do it once or twice a week! (As long as regression isn't taking over your life/interfering with you as a teen/adult, you can do it a lot more than that! Every day if you want!)
You can watch videos online on how to regress, how to do it in secret if you're not ready/don't want to tell others! (I recommend looking up "Agere" or "How to age regress" or "What's agere?")
Same for pet regression! And another thing, there's something called Agedre (Age dreaming) and Petdre (Pet dreaming)
Again, it's always safe for work! It's basically acting, and wanting to be treated as a certain age/animal. It can help to have someone coddle you, and treat yourself younger, even if you'd rather not regress/can't! It's just as valid as Agere/Petre!
And, the community is huge! Slowly, we're working to normalize this, help spread awareness about mental health, and that regression ISN'T a disorder, it doesn't need to be cured! It's a tool that even some therapist recommended!
And hey, even if it's not for you—Please, don't hurt us who rely on it, or use it for fun. If it makes you uncomfortable? That's fine, even if it's 200% SFW, you're allowed your own safe space and boundaries. But try to understand that, we're not hurting anyone, and we can respect each other without taking away each other's safe spaces.
Thank you for listening, questions are always welcome and encouraged! And I hope this helped! (If you have a question you're afraid to ask, you can ask in my ask box with anon! This is a judgement free space!)
The end! ^^
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cradle-quill · 2 months
Non-kink Questions I Actually Want to Be Asked
What are your favorite films?
Do you have a favorite director? All-time and current.
What are some anime you love?
Who are your favorite anime characters?
Do you have a favorite author?
Who are your favorite characters in all of fiction?
What video games do you have the most hours in?
What was the last game you got all the achievements for?
What TV show means the most to you?
What character death in fiction left you the most devastated?
Academic Topics
Do you consider yourself a feminist? Why or why not?
Do you believe in intersectionality?
Where do you align politically? Republican, democrat, independent? Something else entirely?
What is a mainstream political position you can't get behind, and why?
Do you think humans are more nature or nurture?
Do you think people can truly change?
What is the meaning of life?
When things are at their most difficult, what makes you keep going?
Are you good with money? Are you frugal, or do you spend a lot?
What is your preferred method of giving to charity?
Personal Questions
Are you religious? Do you believe in God?
Outside of religion, do you believe in anything supernatural? Ghosts, astrology, cryptids, etc.
When was the last time you had sex? Did you enjoy it?
What was the best sex you've ever had?
Do you consider yourself a morally good person? Do you believe morality is subjective or objective?
What, in your opinion, is your biggest flaw/red flag?
What is your favorite thing about yourself physically?
What is your favorite thing about your personality?
Is family important to you? Are you close with yours?
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
Finally, Some Kink Questions
What would you say is your primary kink/fetish? The thing you absolutely couldn't live without.
Could you maintain a vanilla relationship with a vanilla partner, regardless of whether your are monogamous or polyamorous?
What is a sexual fantasy you have that is either impractical or immoral to do in real life?
Are any forms of public sexual play acceptable to you? Why or why not?
What is consent in your own words?
Do you believe kink can ever be truly safe, as in without risks?
Do you consider yourself more dominant, submissive, or a switch? Why do you think you gravitate toward your preference?
Do you believe our kinks are ingrained in us from an early age, or something we develop overtime as our sexuality develops?
When did you lose your virginity (consensually)? Do you regret losing it how and when you did?
If you could remove your kinky interests and be vanilla, would you? Would you remove all kinky interests, or just the more taboo ones?
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