#pezberry feud
tuiyla · 2 years
framing the Funny Girl feud between Pezberry as a question of "who would be the better Fanny" is so misguided and imo disingenuous
It's not the Jonesberry WSS debate where it was at least kinda about the role of Maria. I would argue that Fanny Brice the role had little to nothing to do with the Pezberry feud. Fanny only mattered insofar as what she meant to Rachel, what she symbolized to her only. It was never about Santana wanting to play her or a debate over who would be better. What a boring debate that'd be. Rachel, obviously Rachel is Fanny. I doubt Santana herself ever questioned that for a moment
But it's not about that. So when people miss the point I just feel like going "Yeah." in the same way Santana responded to Rachel saying "what is it with you, I just don't get it." Cause yeah. You don't.
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
not jealous but a lot of your followers are straight up hateful about the female characters on the show so it doesn't feel like a fair fight
bro idk who youre talking to lmao but i think you must have the wrong person
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pezberrypolls · 6 months
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amazonworrier · 8 months
Okay but Mamma Mia would’ve been the perfect song to end the Pezberry feud because if you think about it it’s kind of a full circle moment for their friendship or at the very least their time together in New York. And for that matter The Winner Takes it All would’ve been the perfect post-breakup s5 Pezberry song assuming we still got the late s5 Brittana arc because it could be them reflecting on their failed relationship but also their relationships with Brittany and Finn. And for that matter Take a Chance on Me would’ve been a perfect song for their friends to sing to encourage Pezberry to open up to the possibility of a relationship with each other while they roll their eyes and deny it and keep walking away throughout the course of the song only to eventually come around to the idea and join in. And for that matter-
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autismtana · 2 years
santana lopez has adhd (part 1)
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^the adhd/lesbian flags^
(*disclaimer: i have adhd myself and work in education/educational psychology, which is the basis of this post in which i get wayyyyy too analytical about a fictional character; however, i'm not a psychiatrist or doctor and am not qualified to diagnose real people with adhd or anything else ... seriously, our only representation is cis white boys whose adhd is an explanation for them being the class clown and treated as a joke so please don't get salty at me for claiming a fictional character that isn't a cis white boy as part of the adhd gang)
(credit to @dojasrivera on twitter for making the og adhd!santana thread; i unfortunately wasn't able to see it as i only found out about it after their original twitter account got suspended but there may be some overlap between their thread and this post)
this ended up being really long and tumblr cut me off so there is going to be a part 2
impulsiveness - let's get this one out of the way first since this is obviously really central to santana's character; she has a tendency to just kind of say whatever she thinks in the moment without thinking about the consequence and it often gets her into trouble.  she also just does random shit like try to get into a physical altercation with lauren zizes who is in the wrestling team, and later move into kurt and rachel's apartment completely out of the blue and go through their stuff for some bizarre reason (which is funny in a tv context but also like ... santana wtf don't go through their stuff).
difficulty initiating and maintaining friendships - santana has maybe 2 secure close friendships throughout the series (brittany and mercedes) and even then there are some complications; brittany because they're in love with each other, and even mercedes competed with santana over puck (ew) but that was resolved by the end of the episode.  all of santana's other female friendships (except tina but they're not really all that close and even they have a one-sided feud in season 4 where surprisingly santana is the unbothered one) appear to be sources of stress and anxiety for her because they revolve around competing (see her storyline with rachel from 5x09-5x13).  it's also established that santana is close friends with quinn throughout the series (even if they have a tendency to compete with each other) but santana says in 5x10 that quinn doesn't live too far away from her and yet she never makes the effort to see her, even though they ended their senior year relatively amicably.  she's way more forgiving of other people than she's given credit for, but she just craves acceptance and friendship from this bunch of misfits so much and is really insecure about whether or not she has it.
rejection sensitive dysphoria - this could literally describe like 90% of her interactions with people (mostly people that aren't brittany).  the entire pezberry feud is essentially santana experiencing rsd around her friendship (or lack thereof) with rachel and then doubling down on rachel's expectations of her to save face.  another example is in 2x20 when kurt wins prom queen and santana's immediate first thought is "everyone hates me".  this post from themostrandomfandom suggests that santana has an anxious attachment type.  even in some of her interactions with brittany, she's anxious about their relationship and needs reassurance ("you didn't say you love me back" in 2x18, "are we dating or what" in 3x04).
disorganisation - santana's bedroom (see 2x15 and 4x04) and locker (see the scene in 3x22 with her mom) are both literal disaster zones, and according to brittany, her car would qualify her to be on "whoreders" (honestly same)
difficulty with time management (chronic lateness) - "i like to make an entrance" aka she lost track of time and knew she was going to be late so she planned it (credit: @smolbrittana on instagram)
emotional reactivity and difficulty with emotional regulation - santana has very visceral reactions to all emotions, positive and negative (see this post by themostrandomfandom) (see this post by drshebloggo); she's very easily affected by external stimuli (e.g. the scene in 1x03 when she gets her tanning privileges revoked).  she feels her emotions really intensely and it takes her a long time to calm down.  she has rage (and of course i'm obligated to include this awesome compilation by literallylebanese).  in the hurt locker scene (2x15), santana articulates really well that she has so many big feelings that she doesn't know what to do with so the only thing she can do about them is lash out at other people. it's also worth noting that santana is extremely defensive and reactive in her social interactions with others; she's very rarely the one to "shoot first" (for lack of a better term) and a lot of her lashing out against her peers (i.e. getting revenge on finn/quinn in 2x12, her interactions with rory in 3x04/3x06, most of her interactions with rachel in 5x09-5x12, her monologue to kurt in 6x03) are in response to perceived wrongdoing/criticism/rejection (i'm not justifying these but context and motivation matters). she also has really visceral reactions to positive emotions; her whole face just instantly lights up when brittany smiles at her or touches her or someone compliments her.
poor financial management skills - homegirl literally blew half of her college fund on post-breakup retail therapy (maribel lopez seriously i love you but why would you just hand this child a cheque if you knew she was getting a scholarship)
impulsiveness around romantic relationships - u-haul lesbian jokes aside, santana moves very fast with dani, calling dani her girlfriend within like 5 seconds of meeting her, it's unclear when she and dani officially break up (my headcanon is that things went somewhat sour after dani voted to kick santana and rachel out of pamela lansbury, especially based on what we know about santana and her feelings of anxiety around real and/or perceived rejection, but i guess we'll never know). it's possible that dani may have been a hyperfixation.
poor adult interactions/distrust in authority - homegirl has this in spades; her abuela literally threatens to beat her up with a chair and tried to sell her once, and sue mistreats all the cheerleaders on a regular basis. even will schuester who she says she likes kicks her out of glee club, refuses to defend her and pushes for her to get suspended after the finn incident (as does shelby corcoran), and shames her for reporting his subpar teaching, so that's educational trauma on top of that and she has a tendency to challenge them, mr schuester especially.
compulsive fidgeting - often has a nail file or one of brittany's funky pens, also often fidgets with her hands when she's nervous - mostly around her britt-britt (see also)
extroverted introvert - santana is simultaneously brash and outspoken while also being bashful and socially awkward (see her interactions in 5x02 with dani)
(part 2)
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emisonpolls · 3 months
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angelhummel · 1 year
can I ask whos side you were on in the pezberry feud? whether santana or rachel or neither. personally i was on neither because i hated the storyline
ugh i didnt hate the idea of the storyline necessarily lmao i just hated the piss poor resolution to it (as in, there was none)
but yeah im not really on either side, either. same with all the klaine fights where neither of them are ever 100% in the right or in the wrong. and also same with every klaine fight, the answer is usually "stop being dumb and stubborn and actually communicate ffs"
like obviously i understand why rachel would be upset, but i truly dont believe that santana did what she did out of malice. look at the way santana was looking at rachel during "brave" and tell me she had any thought in her head of like "how can i steal all this away from her??" you cant lmao
maybe its a little bit of my pezberry goggles coming thru here but i really think santana had a little inkling of wanting to impress rachel. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery etc
and look at santana's face during and after the audition!! she's so fucking happy and she knows she's killing it! she's got the cutest smile and it's not like it's some kind of evil victory grin like she's already gloating internally about getting to rachel like that. santana has her faults that yes, often go ignored by the fandom, but if you think she was full of malice in that moment then you really must not think she has any character traits other than being an asshole
im not surprised rachel immediately took the situation in the worst way possible but once santana realized how upset she was over it, that was it. they werent going to have an honest open discussion about what happened. rachel lashes out, santana's walls go up, and that's that
so like i see where they're both coming from and they both screwed up and in the end they just needed to talk it over and we never got that so. i cant fully side with either of them. but i will fully side against the entire show, bc it shouldve done a better job of handling this instead of fumbling the ball. but what else could we expect honestly??
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songbirdlopez · 1 year
Are u the person who made those videos on tiktok about the Pezberry feud?
(If so, i think you should make an actual post about it on here!)
I got this anon almost two years ago lol. Yes, that's me! I still firmly believe that Santana was in the right. No amount of rewriting from 100 will make me think that Santana wasn't in the right. We all know that Santana auditioned for the UNDERSTUDY of Fanny out of good intentions. Rachel was the one to make a big deal out of everything. Her and Santana has been friends since at least ep 3x17, she made a big deal of San auditioning for nothing.
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sansalicents · 2 years
Oh and for the other ask game
Community for the fandom
Pezberry for the ship
Rachel Barbra Berry and Emily Fields for the character 💕
ohh thanks 💕
favorite character: annie edison my beloved 💜
least favorite character: honestly idk 🤔
5 favorite ships: jeffbritta is fav, but overall i'm not really into community ships tbh. i mostly prefer the friendships. but i do love trobed and i thought abed and brie larson's character were adorable together. i'm torn on jeffannie tho.
character i find most attractive: annie!! alison brie is so gorgeous
character i would marry: i'd say annie but that wouldn't end well lol. probably troy <3
character i would be best friends with: trobedison my beloveds
a random thought: i love jeff and shirley's friendship so much
an unpopular opinion: jeff and abed are my fav duo. it started with them and ended with them and i love how their friendship progresses so much throughout the show. and the double hug never fails to make me cry!
my canon otp: jeffbritta 💕
my non canon otp: trobed
most epic villain: chang in season 3 is so iconic
character i feel the writers screwed up: post-season 1 pierce tbh
favorite friendship: the greendale seven in general or jeff and abed
character i most identify with: annie
when i started shipping them: i remember reading a few pezberry fics back in the day but i think they became my fav in 2021
my thoughts: absolutely obsessed with them
what makes me happy about them: their chemistry, their duets, the top tier enemies to friends to lovers, late season 4 and early season 5 and post-feud pezberry <3
what makes me sad about them: the feud and the fact that season 6 just totally ignored them
things done in fanfic that annoys me: tbh it's been awhile since i read glee fics so idk
things i look for in fanfic: season 4 or 5 canon divergence lol
who i'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i love st berry endgame so that was great. i'm not really into brittana tho so idk for santana
my happily ever after for them: married and successful together ❤️
rachel berry
how i feel about this character: she's my everything ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
all the people i ship romantically with this character: too many lol - santana, jesse, quinn, puck, mercedes, mike, tina
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: hummelberry and kurtcheltana 🫶🏻
my unpopular opinion about this character: i kinda love her pop covers. she puts her own ✨dramatic spin✨ on them, it's fun
one thing i wish had happened with this character: bisexual rachel berry, we were robbed
favorite friendship: kurtcheltana 🫶🏻
my crossover ship: honestly idk lol
emily fields
how i feel about this character: my girl ❤️❤️ i love her
all the people i ship romantically with this character: spencer, maya, samara (that was her name right? lol), alison, paige
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: i also ship them but spencer 🫶🏻 i love their friendship sm. also emily and toby!!
my unpopular opinion about this character: shay is a great actress. she just doesn't get to show off her abilities as much as others do. she's subtle and is the perfect actress for emily. also emily isn't boring 😤
one thing i wish had happened with this character in canon: more emaya 😔
favorite friendship: the liars in general, spemily or emily & toby
my crossover ship: idk lol
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
hi! about your tags on the post-feud pezberry post: couldn't agree more!! s5b pezberry is so overlooked even though two of the (imo) best pezberry scenes are in 5x17 and 5x18 - santana being the only one able to cheer up rachel and the scene where they talk after santana jumps in as fanny while rachel bailed for that audition. people always say the feud totally destroyed them and i'm like??? where lol.
also agree about s6 - they really did pezberry, kurtana and kurtcheltana (or honestly any non-brittana relationship of santana) so dirty :(
Same! Like I have a lot of feelings on them tbh and their feud was bullshit but they still had a fuckton of sweet moments after they make up (them singing Be Okay, the pep talk Santana gave to Rachel in Opening Night and how she was the only one to get through to her, Santana covering for Rachel and that dinner scene afterwards. I’ll admit I’ve said something similar a few times but I think that might’ve been because I felt like I had to agree. But anyways, season 6 did ruin them a lot, and kurtcheltana. I mean that whole rant was just bs tbh, like Kurt had no right to interfere w the proposal and I do think he was projecting cuz he’s miserable about Blaineofksy, but Santana didn’t even call him out on that. She just verbally abused him and insulted his features while Rachel was looking amused. And I only watched clips of s6, but there’s a certain lack of pezberry in that season and not as much kurtcheltana, which makes no sense cuz Santana called them her family like 2 seasons ago. Honestly just fuck s6. Fuck RIB.
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santinacedes · 2 years
never thought i’d be explaining the pezberry feud using the psychodynamic theory but here we are
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tuiyla · 2 years
so this is random, but it's bugged me for YEARS...do you have a theory as to why Santana doesn't retaliate when Rachel slaps her? ngl, it always just felt like the writers giving Lea a "badass" moment to me, but curious if you have a character-driven explanation for why this is basically the only time Santana doesn't hit back.
Tbh I think it's one of those cases where irl mattered more than the story? Like I'm sorry I can't help but feel like it just felt right for them to "give" that moment to Rachel and not have Santana retaliate. Damn I hate that slap so much haha hurts every part of me.
BUT as always, let's make this work on a story level. We know from Quinntana fights experience that Santana absolutely is the kind of gal to strike back immediately. At least with Quinn and in her fight with Lauren, she (in)famously doesn't think twice. And I could get into why Pezberry is different from Quinntana but I think a simpler explanation is that Santana's shocked. Forgive me for not rewatching the scene to verify, like I said it Hurts, but I think Santana's just a bit too shocked to slap Rachel back. It's not like the slap wasn't the inevitable crescendo of their fight and as Rachel is packing and Santana reaches the end of her rant, it's an entirely predictable climax. But I don't think Santana saw it coming. And, honestly? It shocks Rachel, too.
Santana is the kind of person who has more bark than bite and despite this, we saw her recklessly enter into physical fights before. I personally believe that Quinn would have wrecked her had Schue not shown up in 2x01 and Lauren left her with what I can only assume is a mild concussion. But they never get physical with Rachel except in PUC wanky even though there would have been opportunities to. I think that's because Rachel isn't the kind of person to initiate that and Santana always felt confident in her ability to win verbal fights against her. Rachel appreciates the drama of a good slap but she wouldn't hand one out unless she's really, really pissed off. It took Funny Girl for Rachel to be really, really pissed off at Santana. I think Santana expected a verbal throwdown and even got overconfident and thought she was winning as she said the final words of "you are short, you are awful, and that's never gonna change." She fully thought she'd have the last word and leave Rachel flabbergasted. Santana knows people and thought, after years of bullying, that there was nothing she could say to Rachel to elicit a reaction as visceral as that slap.
And yet.
So I think if we follow that logic, we can see why Santana's brain switched to freeze instead of fight. And then she gets the call about her audition and nothing was ever the same again. I actually really like the interpretation that @amazonworrier has of the slap in Crash World. No spoilers no spoilers, but the slap is framed as the exact turning point in the Pezberry relationship and I find that interesting. Their Rubicon. Mind, I'm one of those delusional people who think Pezberry could and did salvage their friendship after the slap but I think it's hard to deny that it did cause a shift. Because it was just that shocking.
I know this isn't the most satisfying answer as it is a very dissatisfying scene, if you ask me, but I think it sort of works. We'd expect Santana to slap Rachel back without thinking but the action itself threw her off so much that there was no time to even do that. Because then Rachel tells her to move out, then she gets the understudy gig and that's that. Alea iacta est.
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Do you have any specific kelliott head canons? 👀
hello hello!! sorry for taking an eternity to get to get to this question!! i don't remember if you meant romantic or platonic headcanons, but since i don't really ship them romantically anymore, i'm just going to give you some friendship kelliott (with a side dose of klaine...bc how could i not 😂)
they frequently go shopping for music together, swapping music taste and introducing each other to new artists. 
kurt really likes elliott’s style and occasionally takes inspiration from him when he wants to make a more bold statement with his outfits. 
kurt has spent hours venting to elliott about lima, ohio and all of the insane drama that took place when he was in high school. when he finally gets around to talking about sue, elliott stops believing him and has to look up sue’s name on the internet to realize that kurt is being 100% truthful. 
elliott was absolutely thrilled when kurt got his first tattoo in 5x05, and has tried to convince kurt on many occasions to get more tattoos and piercings, but after the 'bette midler' fiasco, kurt refuses every time. 
okay this isn’t a hc, this is canon...but kurt constantly gushes about blaine to elliott. he’s told elliott pretty much everything that he loves about blaine, and elliott tells kurt that he wishes that he could find someone that adores him as much as kurt does blaine. 
eventually, kurt and blaine help set elliott up with the guy that will love him just as much as klaine love each other. 
when the pezberry feud was at its worst, elliott and kurt just took a day off and hung out at the high line for 24 hours straight. 
on the night kurt and blaine broke up, kurt went to crash at elliott’s place and stayed there for a few days until blaine moved out of the loft. 
even though one three hill broke up, they occasionally hit up dani for drinks and sometimes perform for fun.
elliott and kurt have frequent disney movie marathons. 
elliott was the first person that kurt told about getting back together with blaine, and he was thrilled for the two of them. he was even more thrilled upon finding out that they were married and heading back to new york, with blaine going to NYU. 
whenever kurt wants to sneak onto the NYU campus and surprise blaine post-s6, elliott is always his tour guide. 
elliott turns ‘glitter rock vampire’ into a real song one day. and dedicates it to kurt and blaine. the song is obviously a hit. 
elliott absolutely loves klaine’s kids, and though he’s childfree himself, always volunteers to babysit them. 
when blaine and kurt renew their vows after 10 years of marriage, elliott is kurt’s best man. 
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gaypeterparkcr · 3 years
Top 5 Episodes for my favorite random Crackships
1. Prom Queen
2. Night of Neglect
3. Comeback
4. Diva
5. Original Song
1. Home
2. Funk
3. Ballad
4. Hold onto Sixteen
5. Grilled Cheesus
1. Dance with Somebody
2. Previously Unaired Christmas Special
3. Guilty Pleasures
4. Love, love, love and Tina in the sky with Diamonds
5. Frenemies (the feud is dumb but all the stuff that happens before it is... so gay)
1. Guilty Pleasures
2. Dynamic Duets
3. Makeover
4. Tested
5. All or Nothing
1. Special Education
2. Mash up
3. New York
4. The Substitute
5. Mattress
1. On My Way
2. Prom Queen
3. Promasaurus
4. Vitamin D
5. Michael
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amazonworrier · 4 years
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“What is it about with you anymore, Santana? I don’t get it.”
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sohemotional · 2 years
Pezberry + 2, 6, 7, 9
2. My favorite scene of them
It's really difficult choosing just one. Probably the hug scene after the pregnancy scare. It was a really heartfelt scene and always makes me soft. It's the only scene where they were ever truly vulnerable with each other. That would be closely followed by the locker scene in season 3 and the So Emotional performance.
6. A scene with them that I want to rewrite/change in some way
I'd re-write a lot of their scenes particularly in the later seasons to make them less bitter/uncomfortable to watch during the feud. One that comes to mind is Santana's rant in 100. Now I love Santana as a character but that rant was way too far. Especially the part where she reveals that herself and Quinn rigged the election so that Rachel would win Prom Queen. I would remove that rant entirely from the episode because it was just ugly and unnecessary. If Santana had to rant at her, I would at the very least tone down the personal insults a lot and get rid of the prom queen part. It was way too much and even Brittany and Quinn looked visibly uncomfortable.
7. What makes me like their friendship
Sorry I'm gonna rant a fair amount because they're the most entertaining relationship for me aside from Brittana. They're both super entertaining on their own and then when you make them interact, they just get the most intense and fired up like everything about them is dialed up to the extreme. I like how they just get more intense and chaotic together. I also love their hilarious banter and there's a reason why there are all those videos about them being "the comedy duo" of Glee. I like their rivalry a lot too because it's so rare to see a good entertaining female rivalry that isn't just centered around a male. I really like how they're two sides of the same coin but they're also the opposite on the surface so they challenge each other and get on each other's nerves. They're also super talented and when you put them together it's lightning in a bottle.
9. Would I change anything about their friendship?
Tbh aside from toning down the animosity from Santana's side in later seasons (and completely erasing the grossness of season 1/2 F*nntana) there's not much. I don't think they'd be close friends right off the bat after high school but I would let them end the feud properly at one point (I know technically the rift ended in Season 5 but let's be honest they were never the same). The only thing I'd do is re-introduce them as funnier/more toned down rivals and frenemies later in life. They'd be a lot like Danny Larusso and Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai.
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