#pf2e bbeg
im-ashl · 4 months
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let a man eat birds for gods sake
ok but anyways! this is the sprite for the BBEG fo' my Bird Themed Pathfinder Game!! his name is SKRAAW and he is everything horrible about birds chimera'd into THIS 8 foot tall menace
he just wants. to eat bird people. an turn them into dinosaurs. its his favorite activity
also this drawin too
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mirths-lexicon · 11 months
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Hell is cold
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plot-hooks · 1 year
At a seaside town, the party meets a boy whose best friend is a Narwhal who has become very ill.
The party must venture into a local forest in order to collect ingredients for a remedy. While in the forest, the party may be detained or delayed by a Fey encounter of your choice. (Being transported to the Fey realm and returning weeks or months later is an option.)
This may delay the party from returning to the boy in time. If the party is TOO late, the child may swear eternal vengeance on the forest, the Fey, or even the party, setting things up to be a major villain down the road.
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t1sfuzzy-blog · 1 year
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Early Bones Sea Hag. Done for an upcoming adventure. Painted with Army Painters, Reaper, and Vallejo paints. #reaper #miniature #mini #bones #dnd #monster #dnd5e #pf2e #armypaimter #citadelpaints #armypainterpaints #hobby #ttrpg #d20 #sea #hag #seahag #bbeg https://www.instagram.com/p/CmaSjp1uRVs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ndragoon · 3 years
Just found out that PF2e has a reputation system. Like, a legit, fully fleshed out system.
I'm going to have so much fun with this!
The first campaign will be the party fighting against a bunch of bandits. It starts out with normal humans doing bandit things. Illegal tolls, ambushes, stuff like that. Except...the worse their reputation gets with them, the more twisted they become.
It turns out that these bandits have a special magic that they learned somewhere. The strongest of their pack seek out and hunt more and more extreme quarry, then bring home a certain part of their prey. They then use this magic to twist their own bodies into forms more like those they hunt.
You'll have bandits with the jaws of a wolf and the claws of a bear, or the hide of a dragon. And it's real easy to spot the group leaders because they will be adorned with skulls and chains. The main leader/BBEG wears the skull of a dire wolf with chain hair all around. He has his own special power that I'm not going to explain here just in case my players come across this.
But the lower the reputation, the more mutations they have and the more twisted and altered they appear. At the lowest levels, the bandits might not even appear human except for maybe a vague silhouette from a distance.
And as long as the leaders keep their sanity intact, they will simply ash away on death and reform inside a massive blood pool that resides in the altar room where they also perform the changes. It serves as a sort of journey where it's not only important to kill their quarry, but also survive the trip back, so they are really battle hardened.
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t1sfuzzy-blog · 1 year
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Werecrocodile from Reaper Bones. Gonna use him as a possible BBEG in my upcoming DnD game. #reaper #miniature #mini #bones #dnd #monster #dnd5e #pf2e #armypaimter #citadelpaints #armypainterpaints #hobby #ttrpg #d20 #vallejo #lizardking #lizard #crocodile #aligator https://www.instagram.com/p/Cml3OGFuv6H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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