#phineas e ferb fanart
fatinhadesiners06 · 8 months
Monty' Sweater Comic P2
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landturtlealyce · 4 years
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For @bugaboo-n-bananoir​ based on a phinbella moment from the episode The Klimpaloon Ultimatum (putting the original screenshots under the cut)
ko-fi | redbubble | linktree
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ginnyweatherby · 2 years
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I didn't have any pretty wrapping paper so I had to improvise
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shima-draws · 4 years
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I kept seeing this challenge floating around and I really wanted to do it >:0c So I did it with some AU kids!! There were a couple I haven’t drawn in a long time so I had a lot of fun ^^
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vhsthe1950s · 3 years
Constanza Patches - Ref. Sheet (Ver. 2)
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Decided to make a better reference sheet about me xd. Since it's easier to draw traditionally. And i can write faster about all the details in this patch dalmatian.
There were plenty of little details i wanted to clear. And this ref sheet was super fun to do!
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honey-meraki · 3 years
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Vanessa Doofenshmirtz redraw ~
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mega-perla · 2 years
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God forgive me for what I have done
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sockfleecy · 4 years
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you’re the one who sets the bar
you’re hairdo king,
the fashion tsar
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hyperfixationspam · 2 years
fantasy high characters as things i've heard at school (from teachers and students)
Fig: Yeah, I used to be a hoe back in the day.
Fabian: All the girls want me for my money. I take you on a date, I buy you a gumball.
Fig: Kristen's a big lesbian, I'm a big bi, Fabian's a big... uh... whore?
Adaine: It's horrible here. Everyone's gay and it smells bad.
Goldenhoard: You're going to detention. | Fig: Oooh, cute!
Riz: On a scale from one to ten, ten being the dumbest a person can possibly look, I'm a nineteen.
Fig: Just because anal is my catchphrase doesn't mean I like to do it.
Kristen: Hey, you want a condom? | Fabian: (through tears) Yeah.
Tracker: Kristen jokes about wanting to lose her virginity in a Walmart but she says it so much that it's kind of worrying.
Gorgug: I asked what a bukkake was and Jawbone came up and explained it to me.
Fabian: I thought you got an Apple and I was really proud of you but then I realized it was an Android and you're poor.
Bill: Hey! No sex in this household if you're not wearing full armor!
Fabian: There's no one here that I like. | Riz: I am sitting RIGHT next to you.
Ragh: I punch furries and minorities, and you're a double whammy.
Fig: Principal Aguefort lowkey has a handsome energy.
Fabian: I was in the middle of beating my meat and my battery died. | Riz: The battery in your dick??
Fig: If this school burns down, I'll be over here roasting marshmallows.
Gorgug: What would happen I call girls oatmeal? | Kristen: You'd get all the girls.
Fabian: If the vice principal's in prison, we're legally allowed to leave.
Riz: Aguefort is NOT a twink, he's a twunk at best.
Fig: (winks) That was a threat!
Gorgug: You won't find anything dirty in my search history, all you'll find is Japanese dubs of Phineas and Ferb.
Torek: I fucking hate this school. So many fake skaters.
Kristen: Riz! Stop biting the condom box!
Fabian: I can only listen to Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds, any other music makes me physically sick.
Riz: My mom asked me what I want for my birthday and I don't know how to tell her I want a Spiderman costume.
Fig: I drew fanart of Coach Daybreak as a long furby and he threatened to kill me.
Gilear: People judge me for drinking too much diet soda but at least I don't do meth.
Kristen: He's not hot, he just has a leather jacket.
Fig: Everyone's first crush was on a Creepypasta character. | Adaine: Your experiences are NOT universal.
Gorgug: Oh, my single brain cell is TWEAKING right now.
Kristen: The answer is 69 but Biz wouldn't know that because virginity rocks.
Fig: My teacher kicked me out of class because he couldn't handle my energy.
Fig: Tieflings are a gateway drug to more tieflings.
Riz: I drink protein drinks! | Fabian: Oh, cool, what kind? | Riz: Um. Nesquik.
Adaine: I did bad on my test so now I have to listen to the entire Steven Universe soundtrack.
Fabian: (coughs up blood) That's from all the bad vibes at this school.
Riz: Hey, if I ate this rock, what diseases would I get?
Fig: Sometimes I forget how white Kristen is and then she does that little wave at me.
Kristen: I fuck Helioic girls until they're not Helioic anymore.
Fig: I just wish I could see Satan's face.
Fabian: I think we should restart the trend of shoving nerds in lockers, starting with Riz.
Riz: Stop staring at me and do your work. I'm not an attraction. I'm just a kid eating paper.
Aguefort: Don't wander around the hallways or the drug dealers will get you!
Fig: I'm having a crisis! No, I will not elaborate!
Ragh: Freshie is a slur.
Riz: If I had magic I would probably set my balls on fire.
Adaine: This class is singlehandedly making my hair go gray.
Ragh: Hey, do you mind if I beat your ass?
Kristen: Lift your head up, queen, your strap is falling.
Riz: Ew, I don't want your lice. My lice are fine on their own, thank you very much.
Kristen: God blocked me on Facebook.
Gorgug: Wait, pineapples are real?
Kristen: I'm trying to convert her to lesbianism. She's already a liberal so it shouldn't be hard.
Gorgug: Do you ever just wanna like... kill people? | Kristen: ...No?
Fig: Dude, are you watching porn? | Fabian: No! It's hentai!
Adaine: My sister asked me if she should get a tattoo of baby Yoda?
Riz: Someone offered to give me a stick and poke and I was too scared to say no so I have a tattoo now, I guess.
Gilear: I just don't understand why people are attracted to foxes.
Adaine: Well, I'm traumatized. | Jawbone: Noooo, don't do that!
Fabian: Good news, everyone! My fish died.
Ragh: It's like when you level up in a mobile game, except I leveled up to homosexuality.
Gorgug: The door's locked. | Riz: Only if you don't believe in yourself!
Sklonda: I'm concerned for your health and safety. | Riz: I don't have health or safety.
Adaine: Capitalism isn't a cult. | Fig: Money cult. | Adaine: Hm. Good point.
Fig: Ugh, I want her to crush my skull like a watermelon. | Adaine: Ayda would never do that! | Fig: Exactly, that's the best part!
Gorgug: Hey, Zelda, you wanna go see the Sonic movie together? We can hold hands during the scary parts.
Fabian: They're old enough to have sex, they're like 10.
Gorgug: I have a science question. How do the fish in Spongebob have a swimming pool if they live underwater? | Adaine: Spongebob's not real.
Adaine: And guess what lives in my backpack? My computer. | Ayda: Aww, I thought you were gonna say a small frog.
Fig: Someone needs to tell Aguefort that his teachers are wilin.
Gilear: I might be hungover on Wednesday but we'll power through it.
Kristen: I hate gay people because all my problems were caused by a gay person. It's me, but still.
Gorgug: I can't wait to go back to real school and get bullied.
Fig: Ooh, you practice Satanism? That's so poggers.
Fabian: You're all just Rally's fry crumbs to me.
Fig: If you have chemistry class, just leave. You don't need that kind of toxicity in your life.
Jawbone: Nooo, you don't suck! Unless you want to.
Adaine: It is shocking that people are still ignorant to racism just because they don't experience it firsthand. | Fabian: Yeah, anyway, y'all hear about Kanye cheating on Kim with Jeffree Star?
Aguefort: When I was your age, we attacked each other in person like civilized people!
Riz: Oh my god. The school is selling students on the dark web!
Fig: You should go to Build-a-bear! | Gilear: I think if I went to Build-a-bear alone I would get put on an FBI watchlist.
Riz: I forgot to take my antidepressants but I've had a coffee and two donuts so that's almost the same thing!
Fig: Goldenrod is my poor little meow meow.
Riz: Someone called me kawaii, I hate it here.
Adaine: Our lives aren't interesting enough for Aguefort to be in the mafia.
Kristen: Gilear is only slightly dilfy.
Gilear: Can you stop talking about the Aguefort hoes? I'm not interested.
Adaine: I like your egg earrings! | Ayda: THANKS THEY'RE EGGCELLENT. (exhale) Oh thank god, I've been waiting to say that all day.
Gilear: This yogurt tastes like my desire to kill myself.
Fabian: I'm NOT on crack, I'm just in sports mode.
Ragh: I'm gonna go home and do manly stuff. Like cower in pain.
Fig: Everyone here is bad at their job but I still respect them.
Gorgug: I'm a gamer! I play rock paper scissors.
Kristen: Uh oh, my lesbian's getting out of control. I might have to neuter her.
Jawbone: You're only tired because of capitalism. | Fabian: Could you elaborate on that? | Jawbone: I could.
Kristen: That wasn't very gender sexuality alliance of you.
Gorgug: I don't like insulting people. If I want to hurt someone, I'll just murder them.
Ragh: I have so much brawling to do.
Fabian: It's not that I don't hit women, I just don't hit lesbians because I know they'll beat the shit out of me.
Adaine: Forgiveness is not an option, but death is.
Riz: You called my mom a milf! | Fig: Well, what was I supposed to do? Lie?
Helio: That is an excellent question which I will not be answering.
Adaine: The librarian scares me. I feel like she would punch me without remorse.
Fabian: He's the Jack to my Rose but in a bromance way.
Kristen: If God loves me, I'll do good on this test.
Adaine: I'm not a big fan of trespassing. | Fig: Why not? It's so much fun!
Goldenhoard: Trust me, if I was racist, I would have called you a slur a long time ago.
Gorgug: Wow, this song is... bonkers.
Fig: I could never work in customer service. Like "oh have a nice day!" Gross. I could never.
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fatinhadesiners06 · 10 months
Cute Montcarl💖💅
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awhphooey · 4 years
I'm making a sort of master list of all my aus and links to their posts!!! Will be edited as things are added.
Tiktok Au: 1 | 2
Sidekick Huey: 1
Highschool Au: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Phineas and Ferb (ig this counts lol): 1
Genderbend au: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Human au: 1
Witch and The Raven: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
The Triplet Trap: Info posts will be in #triplet Trap info, art is in #triplet trap art, fanart should be tagged with #triplet trap fanart
Hue-E: 1 | 2 | 3
Spiderwebbs: 1 | 2
Next Gen au (name might change): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Castle McDuck: 1
Heroes Au: 1
Lost Souls: 1
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wanderfan2000 · 4 years
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Going though my 2017 art binders and discovered some oldies! 
- The Heebie Jeebies. This is the SCARIEST EPISODE of Wander and it even knows how to give me the heebies and the jeebies.
- Me as the Xenomorph from A L I E N Covenant. This was before I started coloring in the tail. 
- Wander Across The Second Dimension is back in action! Trust me, there was a ton of erasing on this old drawing but it was all worth it! 
- Found another crossover of Soos and the Real Girl. Wander compliments on Janet and the planet couldn’t help herself by FANGIRL over the space traveler because he knows her so well! 
- Me completely covered with green water after escaping from my glass tank. I got inspired by an old Rocketchu comic I loved to read on Devinart called Experiment Gone Wrong. This was based on one of the pages. The comic is still on Devinart, expect some of pages are gone for unknown reasons. 
- Decided to draw a space traveler version of one of my favorite shots of Perry, after he got grabbed by a zombie Pharmacist. This was from Phineas and Ferb’s 2014 Halloween special, Night of the Living Pharmacists. 
- Last but not lest, I want to end this oldie fanart with another comic staring Me and Janet called: “Dance Party”. This was based off of one of the end credits scenes from Fish Hooks. Also, I got heavily inspired by the ending animatic from The Lonely Planet.      
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uncomicmas · 3 years
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Estrenos de la semana en @disneyplusla MIÉRCOLES DE LOKI Cada miércoles estrena un nuevo episodio LOKI Episodio 3 En Loki, el Dios de los engaños sale de la sombra de su hermanastro en una nueva serie que transcurre después de los acontecimientos de AVENGERS: ENDGAME. Tom Hiddleston vuelve a interpretar al personaje principal, y Owen Wilson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Sophia Di Martino, Wunmi Mosaku y Richard E. Grant se unen a él. La dirección de Loki está a cargo de Kate Herron, y Michael Waldron es el guionista principal. ESTRENOS DEL VIERNES 25 DE JUNIO PELÍCULA DE ESTRENO Wolfgang, un chef legendario Una película documental sobre Wolfgang Puck, quien perseveró después de una infancia problemática en Austria para perseguir sus sueños y convertirse en el chef más famoso del mundo, inventando en el camino una cocina estadounidense radicalmente nueva y creando el concepto mismo del "chef celebridad". Esta es la inspiradora y emotiva historia real del hombre detrás de la leyenda. La misteriosa sociedad Benedict Episodios 1 y 2 Después de ganar una competencia por una beca, cuatro huérfanos superdotados son reclutados por el peculiar señor Benedict para una peligrosa misión para salvar al mundo de una crisis conocida como “La Emergencia”. Reynie, Sticky, Kate y Constance deben infiltrarse en el misterioso Instituto IAVE para descubrir la verdad detrás de la crisis que acontece al mundo. Cuando el director Doctor Curtain demuestra estar detrás de esta situación de crisis global, los niños de la Misteriosa Sociedad Benedict deben idear un plan para derrotarlo. Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episodio 9 High School Musical: El musical: La serie Temporada 2 - Episodio 7 OTROS ESTRENOS EN DISNEY+ Producciones Originales Latinoamericanas Violetta en Concierto Soy Luna en Concierto Opa Popa Dupa Temporada 2 Película Phineas y Ferb: Misión Marvel Documental Expertos en tormentas Fuente @disneyplusla • • • • • #mcu #loki #disneyplus #tomhiddleston #disney #starwars #themandalorian #babyyoda #mandalorian #marvel #yoda #art #disneyland #netflix #starwarsfan #disneyworld #christmas #disneylife #babyyodamemes #memes #thor #drawing #starwarsmemes #meme #fanart #lucasfilm #m https://www.instagram.com/p/CQcgoZjnXPu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pnf10th-blog · 7 years
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Phineas and Ferb 10th Anniversary - 104 Memories of Summer: #7
By @e-man-316
So this is supposed to be a crossover between the cartoon shows “Phineas & Ferb” & “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”, where a crowned Perry The Platypus observes an angry Master Shake blasting a laser towards an offscreen being. 
The creation of this art piece comes from a Cartooning & Animation class I took in High School, where our final project of the year was to create a character drawing that would show how far our artistic abilities have come. Why I chose a milkshake from an Adult Swim show & a monotreme from a Disney show is a question I don’t really know how to answer, but I like to think it’s because I wanted to represent the 2 shows I’ve grown most attached to from their respective brands.
In the case of PnF, while there have been a few shows produced by Disney that did interest me, from the occasional live-action sitcom like “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody” (which involved actress Ashley Tisdale before she voiced a certain red-haired teenage sister) & other animated series such as “Kim Possible”, it wasn’t until I discovered this little brainchild from the minds of Dan Povenmire & Jeff “Swampy” Marsh that I became truly enamored with a Disney Toon. Perhaps it was the consistently-witty dialogue, or the charming tone that knew how to play with the formula of each episode, or maybe just the presense of an semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal of action battling a bumbling scientist that drew me in. All I know is that “Phineas & Ferb” held, & will forever hold, a special place in my heart.
Thus, upon the discovery that there was interest in PnF-centered fanart, I decided to dust off this old piece of art in the hopes that it may fascinate others in relatively the same way a show about a triangle-shaped redhead & his green-haired british stepbrother fascinated me. 
I really do hope you guys like it.
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fatinhadesiners06 · 8 months
Mont's Sweater Comic P1
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fatinhadesiners06 · 10 months
Evil for extra credit
Just imagin Carl being Monty's #1 villllaaaaan!!!!
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