#phlebotomy levels
PCT's Students Go On to Become Nurses and Physicians
Phlebotomy Career Training (PTC) is a leading US medical health career institute offering students various online and in-class courses. The mission is to provide passionate students with different medical career certifications they can seek without any prior educational or professional background and work as certified healthcare professionals. PCT students also go on to become nurses and…
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
A common concern about gender-affirming hormone therapy for transmasculine people is the risk of red blood cell volume changes and erythrocytosis, a high concentration of red blood cells, with the use of prescribed testosterone. However, Mount Sinai researchers have found that testosterone treatment may be safer than previously reported, with results published today in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Mount Sinai researchers from the Division of Endocrinology and Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery examined the relationship between the use of testosterone as part of gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) for transmasculine individuals and changes in hematocrit, a test that measures how much of a person's blood is made up of red blood cells. The study of a large North American cohort is the largest on this subject to date. [...] Researchers found that higher testosterone levels were associated with higher hematocrit levels, however, the magnitude of change in hematocrit was small and unlikely to be clinically meaningful. Only 8.4 percent of transmasculine individuals in the study had a hematocrit greater than 50 percent, and less than 1 percent had a hematocrit greater than 54 percent, the level at which treatment for erythrocytosis is recommended, often through the use of phlebotomy (bloodletting). These numbers are lower than those previously reported in smaller studies, and the finding of such a small degree of change in hematocrit and a lower risk of erythrocytosis should provide more assurance to those prescribing and using testosterone as GAHT.
Good news for everyone on T!
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
MHA Ch.401 leak reactions
A chapter about All Might, Stain, and AFO is called “The Lunatic,” which really describes ALL OF THEM. Next there will be a chapter with the Rooftop Trio, the Origin Trio, the vestiges, and Tomura called “About A Boy.”
STAIN KNOWS ALL MIGHT BY SMELL? And goes around sniffing random blood splatters in the street?
Do you think Stain had an orgasm doing a combo attack with All Might?
AFO’s combination of “Forced Activation” and “Phlebotomy” to desanguinate himself is some next level horror shit.
Then again, AFO and All Might bleeding out for each other right after Toga and Ochako ended up the same way is poetic (romantic?)
Lol, of COURSE AFO can change his blood’s composition. That’s why his blood type and true family lineage is unknown. (Uhhh what else can he change?)
Ok, I did not have “Stain pulls an Obi-Wan Kenobi” on my bingo card.
All Might is told to live by Stain…and by his car. Like the car thought, “Stain’s right, better make sure to emphasize that point as I lay dying.”
AFO goes back to the laser again. Very uncreative after FORCED PHLEBOTOMY.
TOSHI GETS ANOTHER SPIDER-MAN MOMENT!!!! I think his one un-shredded limb is his right arm, aka the one that goes SMASH, though he seems to be using his shattered left to help him crawl too.
But now the goo teleport quirk is in play!! Will AFO keep being distracted by All Might? Will AFO warp All Might with him this time??? And if not, is that the opening for Kurogiri, Mic, and Aizawa? (Omg, if they help carry Toshi the way Toshi carried Aizawa at USJ, my brain will break.)
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hannahbarberra162 · 17 days
Ik the initial one-shot wasn't yandere, so ignore if this is annoying lol but the murder attempt might be a good point for those types of feelings to start developing. You're still a resource before anything else, but there's still a... shift afterward. Marco is much kinder to you than you expected him to be when you're terrified to start "donating" once more- sighing and rubbing your back while you blubber hysterically about being left alone in that room again. He's familiar with PTSD and it helps if you've been obedient up until this point. He'd made it clear you wouldn't be hurt if you obeyed, and you did, but you were nearly killed regardless. This isn't your fuck up. He's responsible. Considers moving the equipment to a different room, but assigning crewmates or nurses to stay with you in shifts is a much easier option. Thatch dotes on you too, if he's alive- you're getting treats, rules be damned.
It’s definitely not annoying! Yandere is one of my favorite tropes, I have to stop myself from adding it into most things I write. Even my nicer fluffier ideas make me think “hmmm but what if dark? What if kidnap???” Like for Struck Twice By Lightning (a lighter story I’m writing w/ Shanks x reader) I have an alternative yandere ending just because uh…it’s too much fun. Also, Thatch isn’t going to die, silly Nonnie. He never dies! Neither does Ace or Whitebeard or Izou or anyone else I love! Everyone is just on Laughtale, waiting for us to get there. 
ANYWAY, I love your idea Nonnie. 
You had begged Marco, truly begged him on hands and knees, to move the phlebotomy equipment to another room. Unfortunately, space was at a premium on the ship, even one as large as the Moby. The phlebotomy room had been built to unique specifications, there wasn’t anywhere else where the equipment could fit and had the right electrical connections needed to run the apheresis machine. He had a busy day ahead of him, there was a lot to do and plan after yesterday’s attack. But you were pale and shaking, afraid to go into the room, much less stay there for the six hours you needed to. Of course, he could just drag you in and sit you down, put the IV in your arm and leave. But you’d been compliant so far and he didn’t want to punish you. After all, this was his oversight in security, you hadn’t done anything wrong. Marco sighed and rubbed his temples. He’d tell Haruta to take over the meeting for now and ask Deuce to manage the infirmary. 
Crouching so he’d be at your eye level, Marco took your tear stained face in his hands. You had dark circles under your eyes, Marco knew you hadn’t slept the night before, which caused his own sleeplessness. He forced you to look at him, even though he was pretty sure you hated him in that moment. And maybe always. “Listen. I know you’re scared yoi. It’s understandable. But I can’t move the equipment, you have to be in this room. I can stay with you, if you want. Would you like that?” You averted your eyes from his face but nodded almost imperceptibly. He guessed you would have preferred Deuce, but Marco didn’t feel comfortable leaving you with anyone below Commander level. You were friendly with Thatch, maybe you’d want him to sit with you later. And Thatch had been baking up a storm for you since yesterday, baking treat after treat to try to find something you liked. Thatch wanted to get you to like his desserts, if he had to try every recipe on the Grand Line. The chef was always warm and pleasant company, getting people to relax in his presence was one of his gifts. Marco would allow the brief interruption in your strict diet if it helped you relax.
“We can take a break after one session if you’d like yoi.” You took a shuddering breath as Marco took your hand in his. Squeezing it gently, Marco walked you into the room. It had been cleaned of all the blood but the memories remained. You perched in the chair, pivoting your head every few seconds to check outside the window. Your hypervigilance was concerning even if it was justified. Marco didn’t want you to think they couldn’t keep you safe - they were a Yonko crew after all. There had been multiple fails yesterday that culminated in the assassin gaining access to you, but that wouldn’t make you feel better. Marco quickly turned on the aphoresis machine and prepared the equipment, watching you wince as the needle entered your arm. You were still squeamish, not wanting to see the needle insertion. He took a step back to check his work. Looking at you on the padded chair you were…small. Scared. Exhausted. Anxious. Marco didn’t like it, he needed to ensure his prized resource was healthy. “Would you like to hold hands? Would that make you feel better?” You nodded once again, still not speaking. Thinking back, Marco wasn’t sure you’d actually spoken since right after the attack. Marco took your clammy hand in his, noting the chewed nails and bloody cuticles. He’d heal those too, once it was time. He couldn’t let you out of your cage, but he could make it more comfortable.
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incubabe · 2 months
@ceo-of-cunning-hares [x]
"Well if you can't, you can't. Thank you for giving us your time and effort into looking. I'm not sure what is causing our score to be poor, but I will look into it immediately." She smiled courteously, composure kept and level headed, despite internally… "WHAT THE HELL!? CREDIT SCORE TOO LOW?! THAT CAN'T BE! I've been working on raising that for the last year! I'm nearly debt free! …if you don't include those 3 loans I had to take out recently…" She stood up from the chair that sat across from the Proxy, lifting her bag with her. She had one more card to try, but it was a gamble. Then again, it always was a gamble in this business. "I will just have to contact my other proxy, Phaethon, for our next endeavor. I'm sure they will be delighted to work with me again. Have a good day!" She winked and turned to walk away, waiting for a brief second to see if the bait would be taken and exceptions be made to form a business partnership. If not, then her debt will only grow with the kind proxy team…
This approach wasn't exactly subtle. Mentioning a competitor, waiting for the response... treating her like a rookie. Yes, Riley's services were reasonably late to the scene, but in her opinion, safety was a much higher priority than being first to market. Her phylactery/possession trick shouldn't work -- something about the medium of Ether allowed her to use otherwise modest synecdocheal magic to reach out and 'skill-share' over vast distances... Not that that was relevant. No, the important thing was that she was being played, and pride was threatening to supersede reason. She didn't need the Hares' business! They were unreliable and shady -- beyond the very much black market that was Hollow raiding, at that.
And yet...
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"Tch. Hang on." She leaned down, pulled something out of her desk drawers. Not something: a disposable phlebotomy kit. Vacuum sealed, obsessively sterile.
"In the case that you get your credit score up, it's for the best that I have a sample prepared." I don't want to let anyone die in a Hollow. "Come here. I'll need about as much as a full blood draw, so get some orange juice and a cookie once you leave." This was an accounting firm, after all; they didn't exactly have a cool-down chair for patients.
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clatterbane · 1 month
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And, speak of the devil!
Hadn't heard anything other than from primary care since that appointment, so now I get three notifications in a row from the healthcare portal.
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(With the aid of autotranslate.)
So yeah, no wonder primary care had no idea what I was talking about when I asked about maybe getting the first sample drawn while I was there, and they were already taking my blood over the anemia. (Your local vårdcentral is usually where to get any samples drawn, unless you want to go to the university phlebotomy clinic for that.)
The endo clinic is apparently planning to handle that themselves. I had no idea how to even get that taken care of, and was planning to ask my nurse there how to do the thing once Mr. C got back and could accompany me.
But yeah, they evidently want me there three (3) freaking mornings in a row, for short appointments at the equivalent of 2 or 3 A.M. for my nocturnal ass. At least it is the endo clinic here in town, but it takes longer to get there from the parking building than they are likely to keep me.
The plan is apparently to do a dexamethasone suppression test.
Because of the difficulty in obtaining 24-hour urine collections in many outpatients, some physicians use a l-mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test. For this test, the patient takes l mg of dexamethasone orally at 11 p.m., and the plasma cortisol level is measured at 8 a.m. the following day (normal value: 5 μg per dL or less [140 nmol per L]). The reported sensitivity of this test is 98 percent; the reported specificity is 80 percent.
So they want me to get a baseline sample drawn, take thev dexamethasone, then come back the next morning for another blood sample. The third day?
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I also have some nasty suspicions about what a hefty dose of dexamethasone might do to my blood sugar, but hey. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ It is the specialist diabetes clinic proposing to give me the stuff.
Glancing through that web link, I am getting even more honked off at that new endo and her eyeballing judgments.
The most common symptom is sudden weight gain.3,6 Obesity, usually with a central distribution, is the most frequent sign. Any sign or symptom of cortisol excess can develop initially, but muscle weakness, bruising, hypertension, facial rounding and plethora eventually occur. Hypertension is likely to develop in patients who are more than 40 years of age.
Yeah, I know. I have quite coincidentally been there in the distant past, and it ain't much fun. (Not gonna lie, especially when this starts happening to you at 15-16.) I am currently showing zero of those symptoms other than the high blood pressure--which is not at all unusual, and only really went screwy after one particular round with COVID. I am only barely out of the Officially Underweight range again right now, on someone with this size frame to boot. I have pretty much the opposite of the insulin resistance too much cortisol will cause, and they bloody well know that.
It's not a very nice feeling when this is still evidently what immediately pops into your new doctor's mind the first time they clap eyes on you, and then they get all weird about it. When you're even there for a routine check-in over something completely different. Good thing I'll probably only have to deal with the woman once a year.
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darkworkcourier · 11 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you accept request. if so, can I request HC/Fic of all TF141 when Dr Adler finally caught them for health check-up?
If you’re not, then its okay :3 ty!! 🫶🏻
this is many eons late, but i'm already procrastinating my nanowrimo project soooo adler time!
this is just soap's visit for now to see if i like this style. :D
Patient Name: John MacTavish Callsign: Soap Rank: Sergeant D.O.B.: Redacted Heart Rate: 64 BPM Blood Pressure: 118/70
Visit Notes: Mr. MacTavish was hesitant to attend his appointment this afternoon and repeatedly asked for sedatives or alcoholic beverages in order to, quote, "cope". I informed Mr. MacTavish that sedation was not required and further illustrated the detrimental effects of alcohol on the body and brain, especially given his role in dealing with explosives and heavy machinery. Mr. MacTavish tried several excuses to leave the appointment, all of which could easily be proven false.
Given the gap between Mr. MacTavish's medical examinations, I've ordered blood work and a urine specimen lab. Despite a perfectly average blood pressure reading, I believe Mr. MacTavish may have high sodium levels given the amount of salted snacks I've personally witnessed him consuming. He agreed to the lab work, albeit with more hesitation. I have assured him several times that I have ample training in phlebotomy, but this did not seem to boost his confidence.
For his personal history questionnaire, Mr. MacTavish has family history of hypertension on his mother's side and heart disease on his father's side. His surgical history is noted in the attached file. He described his sexual activity as, "constant" and "mindblowing", to which I replied that I simply needed to know if he was sexually active and if he had several partners. He replied, after some goading, that he only had one partner as of the current date. He appeared distressed while I explained to him the importance of safe sexual activity and the potential risks of fluid exchange. After the explanation, he pleaded, quote, "Please never say any of those words to me, in that order, ever again." I told him that I trusted that, as a healthy adult, he would make good choices.
I informed Mr. MacTavish that, given his age, we would need to schedule a colonoscopy as part of routine health screenings consistent with the demands of the task force's medical plan. After some protest on Mr. MacTavish's part, I gave him a copy of Form 1723 which outlines the expectations of medical staff and the responsibilities of all personnel. However, after explaining that he would be given anaesthesia, and, quote, "the really good drugs", Mr. MacTavish seemed far more accepting of the procedure. I have added his appointment time to the calendar, and have made a note to ask other personnel for assistance in assuring that Mr. MacTavish attends the appointment.
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aquilacalvitium · 1 year
The Doctor Who episode Smith and Jones has been forever changed for me since I have experienced putting information into and retrieving information from a patient database.
The new horror of the episode isn't the plasmavore (which is technically an incorrect term, the correct term is haemovore), it's when the Judoon remove all patient information from the database.
That's several thousand patient's worth of data gone. That's GP information, appointment letters, waiting lists, allergies, blood pressure, phlebotomy, medication and more history all gone.
The good news is that each county uses it's own software so it doesn't affect the entire country's patient records but still that's a hell of a lot of information that someone now needs to replace and will likely result in patient death and/or suffering since now none of the administrators or clinicians have any of the listed information which could result in missed appointments, being prescribed medication the patient is allergic to, being given incorrect doses or treatments relative to blood pressure, oxygen levels or immunocompromisation, being placed back at the end of waiting lists with months-long waits, not being seen at all if they're house-bound and need home visits or more.
Those Judoon very likely indirectly killed hundreds of patients simply by wiping the patient records.
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slippinmickeys · 2 years
The Mesas of Deuteronilus Mensae (28/31)
Mulder took a step toward her anyway.
“What’s the experiment?” he asked.
Scully looked at him, shoulders up around her ears with tension. The noise of the dust storm outside had become a steady static of sound, of particles being blown into metal. A constant smatter of dissonance.
Finally she sighed. “The bacterium I came into contact with on your suit,” she started, “normally exists at extreme temperatures. The pit had an average temperature of -125 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet they’re functioning just fine on the rover.”
“The surface temperature of Mars can hit 70 degrees in the summer,” Mulder pointed out.
“True,” she admitted. “But it got me thinking that if it could survive at 73 degrees,” she said, referring to the base temperature of the Rover, “why couldn’t it survive at 98.6?”
Mulder could see how the dots had connected in her head, but correlation did not equal causation.
“This is a creature that feeds off of sulfur and ammonia, Scully,” he said gently. “It doesn’t need you.”
“But I’m sick, Mulder. I am.” He opened his mouth to try to calm her, but she plowed on. “I don’t feel well. And the effects of gravitational biology—zero G changes our biology on a fundamental level, Mulder. It changes our DNA. It makes bacteria more potent, more dangerous. You know this. What if this bacterium came into contact with another bacterium that hitched a ride from Earth and changed in space? What if it created a hybrid microbe? It’s been proven that bacterial cells from different species can combine into unique hybrid cells by fusing their cell walls and membranes and sharing cellular contents,including proteins and ribonucleic acid.hose are the molecules that regulate gene expression and control cell metabolism, Mulder. What if this alien bacteria is��� What if it’s now feeding on me?”
“Scully,” he said, stepping forward and keeping his voice low. “You’re panicking.”
“I’m sick.”
“And we will figure it out.” He got a little closer to her. If he could touch her, he could calm her down and reassure her, he was certain. She didn’t back away. Finally, he reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. Her skin did feel warm, even through her jumpsuit. He wasn’t certain it was a fever, but it was concerning.
“Mulder, you should be in full PPE,” she said. Her voice had lost the desperate edge to it.
“If this is some kind of contagion, I’ve already been exposed. Come here.” And he pulled her into his body. She sagged into his touch.
“Tell me about your experiment,” he said after a moment.
“I’ve exposed an isolated population of the Martian bacterium to a host of bacteria that we’ve carried with us,” she started.
He thought of her quick jaunt to the lav. “I don’t think I want to know how,” he said, and he felt her small huff of a laugh.
“You don’t,” she said. “I want to see how they react to each other. It shouldn’t take long. We’ll know what’s possible in a few hours. If I need to be worried.”
“Pardon me if I’m pointing out the obvious, Scully, but you already seem to be worried.”
Her breath into his jumpsuit was humid and warm.
“I have a quicker idea,” Mulder spoke again, pulling back so he could get a look in her eyes.
They were big and blue and wet, and he wanted so badly to fall into them and drown in her. If she was sick, he wasn’t sure what he’d do, how he’d cope. But he was determined to be strong right now, because she was not.
“How does the phlebotomy queen feel about a self-stick?”
“A blood sample?” she asked.
He nodded. She pulled back, running the back of her hand under her nose. “I thought of that,” she said, sniffling. “But I didn’t want to get ahead of myself.”
They both chuckled at that.
“I think I’m too shaky to do a self-draw,” she finally said.
“I’ll do it,” Mulder said gently. “As long as you don’t judge my technique.”
She had somehow let herself get completely worked up and overwrought, the excitement of her discovery, the off-ness of not feeling well, the grip of exhaustion and the stress of the storm, and their isolation all aggregating until she was a jumble of pathos and hysteria.
What was the matter with her?
Mulder’s solution was simple and direct. If she was concerned about contagion, she should test herself. They’d know one way or the other. One step at a time.
He’d done the blood draw beautifully, had been gentle and deferential, asking her advice on the best way to do this or that, and she didn’t realize until he was done that he’d drawn her focus away from her fear and managed to calm her down without her catching on to his tactics.
They’d taken three vials worth of blood; one to run under the microscope, one to run through The Machine (a piece of NASA medical equipment that ran multiple simple diagnostic analyses), and one for further testing and experimentation, if necessary.
Mulder held up the first vial.
“Do you want me to do it?” he asked.
She felt calm now, and silly for having gotten so worked up. She was embarrassed and needed a distraction. “I’ll do it,” she said, and she took the vial from him and readied a slide, putting it into the Glove Box for a closer look.
Her nerves were tightly wound, but she moved with confidence, in her element, determined to do the science right. She clicked the light on the microscope and changed out the lens. One deep breath, and she looked into the eyepiece.
Mulder was on the edge of his seat, his nerves worn raw with concern, but unwilling to let Scully catch on to any of his internal disquiet. She needed confidence and calm and a partner to shore her up. He would wait, quietly and calmly, for Scully to do her work and tell him what she saw.
Blood thrumming, he watched as she adjusted the slide, swapped lenses, adjusted again, swapped again. And just when he was about to burst out of his skin, Scully pulled back from the microscope and gripped the lab table hard, her knuckles turning white. She inhaled and exhaled once and then turned to Mulder.
“There’s no evidence of contagion,” she said with a shaky voice. “My blood is clean.”
Mulder was up before he could tell his legs to move, and he wrapped Scully in a tight hug. She clung to him just as fiercely and he could feel her sag in relief.
“You had me worried,” he said into the silk of her hair.
“I had myself worried,” she said, her voice muffled from where her face was pressed into his chest. “But Mulder,” and with this he pulled back a little, looked down at her. “Something is going on with me, and we need to figure out what it is.”
He nodded and ran hands over her hair, tucking it behind both ears at the same time. “And we will. We’ll start right now.”
“You know how to load the sample into The Machine?” she asked him. The next course of action would be to run the second vial of blood through the small diagnostic computer, which would give them an idea of where to start depending on the results of the various analyses it ran.
“I’ve been told it’s so simple even a psychologist can do it.”
She smiled at him tiredly. “Can you load it, then? It’ll take a few hours to run. We should get some sleep.”
He nodded and leaned down to press a quick kiss to the tip of her nose. “Go get ready for bed,” he said, and took the second sample over to the lab’s computer interface.
When he was done loading it and the machine was up and running, he turned to find Scully standing in front of the larger cot on the edge of the lab, dropping her jumpsuit to pool on the floor at her feet. She stood before him in a white tank top and a pair of panties and she looked thinner than she had the last time they’d been together. Outside, a low throb of thunder rumbled.
“Take me to bed, Mulder,” she said. “Take me away from here for a little while.”
He swallowed hard and his face went hot. He stepped up to her, ran a finger slowly up the side of her bare arm. “Anywhere,” he whispered.
Later, when he lifted his head from her lap, the foggy moisture of her center plied to his chin like rich river mud, in texture, in taste, he realized where they’d gone. Back to grassy hills and expansive water. Back to the heat of the desert, to the brackish shore of the Chesapeake. She was all the flavors of home, of the Earth, her hands like a starfish in his hair, her very essence of the sea.
They’d gone back. At least for a little while.
When he awoke hours later, she was riffling through a supply cabinet with an unnerving air of hysteria, her jumpsuit pulled back over her shoulders, but the front unzipped and gaping and showing the pendulous curve of her perfect breasts.
He tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes and glanced over at The Machine, the screen of which was showing a readout that he couldn’t make out from where he lay on the cot across the room.
“Scully?” he called over to her, his voice sounding groggy and frog-like, still choked with sleep. “Is The Machine done? What does it say?
She didn’t answer, just continued to paw through the contents of one of the medical lockers. Concerned, Mulder sat up, thinking maybe she was searching for a drug, something to fix whatever it was that was wrong.
“Scully?” he said again, and then, not bothering to dress, he walked over to The Machine and rove his eyes over the results of Scully’s blood analysis. Some of the results he was familiar with, some he was not. From his base-level understanding, everything appeared to be in order.
He ran his finger down the screen and stopped near the bottom, at a line that had been highlighted with the cursor.
Quantitative (beta) human chorionic gonadotropin level: 153,767 mIU/mL, it read.
The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He turned slowly to Scully, who had risen from the cabinet, holding several small bottles in her hand.
“Scully,” he said once more, and she slowly turned to him. He pointed to the screen. “What does this mean?”
Her nostrils flared and she looked him dead in the eye.
“I’m pregnant,” she said.
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Future Of Telemetry Technician Employment
Is it wise of you to pursue a career as a Telemetry technician? Is the field of Telemetry rewarding and beneficial for you? Can you receive higher salaries or opportunities to expand your career and become employees of well-known hospitals? Here are the key pointers for everything you must know about how the Telemetry Technician employment is bound to perform in the future. Growing Demand For…
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etlu-yume · 1 year
I really ought to finish these damn Transferrin Saturation paper notes but I'm struggling with the line-by-line horror stories of how fucked up it is.
Like phew I don't even know what's worse:
• Transferrin Saturation as an indicator of Hepcidin production (oop)
• >50% Transferrin Saturation exposure associated with joint symptoms
• High Transferrin Saturation (>50%) also associated with the appearance of NTBI (Non-transferrin bound iron), which is likely linked to things like *organ damage*
• Therapeutic Phlebotomy treatment linked to an INCREASED iron absorption after procedures because (somehow. I haven't found exactly HOW yet) it decreases Hepcidin production.
It's such a fucking hot mess like what do we even DO with this information??? There's no hepcidin synthetics from a few (admittedly quick) googles (I *did* check the clinical trials website and nothing of interest/help). The paper in question talks about how a Melbourne study suggests that it may be more beneficial to *NOT* treat mild cases of iron overload. Which I find wild because the same paper also points out that a low ferritin does not mean you have a low transferrin saturation, and it's exposure to a high TS% over a long period of time that seems to be associated with worsening symptoms (particularly joint pain, ability to do work, athletic ability, and libido).
From my brief googles, there's no easy lab tests for Hepcidin. There's no easy lab tests for NTBI. These are things that could be doing who-knows-what and we can't even tell.
Add to it the whole Estradiol/Hepcidin link and it just all is an absolutely hot mess and do not like the implications of where this leads nor the fact that it seems very few people in research world have looked at this. (I'm not surprised. I'm not fucking surprised. They love to run with the myth that women with haemochromatosis are protected by their periods. In the words of a specialist I absolutely loathed, "you're self medicating with periods". Yeah. Sure. Tell that to my 18 year old self. Tell that to anyone who either knowingly or unknowingly is taking a Contraceptive Pill that has iron tablets instead of sugar placebos. [Because I only just found out THAT is a thing. I was always so worried about what's in the hormone tablets, but this was a whole new level of 'wot'].)
I'm rambling because I keep stopping every couple of sentences. This paper goes hard. Sure it's not perfect and there's a lot of unanswered questions too but there's plenty of food for thought and ooooh boy I'm sorry Dr Haemotologist Sir, it's gonna be one hell of an introduction session.
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queerlyhalloween · 1 year
enough about english North/ South divide time to talk about Welsh North/ South divide
Gender services located in Cardiff (south) cos thats the capital city and thats where the money is, everything rolling along smooth, get my appointment, have my 1hr zoom call that's all cool, she sends me my blood test forms almost immediately
Ring my shit fucking GP (north) to say "hey i have these blood test forms can i get a blood test please?" Why "base hormones levels and to test me for PCOS" we dont do that. Either ring the hospital phlebotomy department or go private -_- (there are basically no other GPs in the area [no money for the north unless its making shit nice for the tourists] so i dont have a choice)
Fine. Ring the hospital. "Phlebotomy department shuts at 5 and queue is now full, please ring a different day or book online." Okay. I look online: hospital doesn't seem to do it either, meaning nearest place i can get my bloods done is either Fflint or Wrecsam which - to be clear - are both around 2 fucking hours away, cool i guess, i dont rly have the money to travel that far though which means Josie's gonna have to drive me which also costs petrol
Also, trans services have always been a bit shit around here but the fact they won't take my bloods for PCOS? im in pain a lot of the time....
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paperstraw · 2 years
✨CIA Agent Hill's excellent phlebotomy skills✨
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My hard to hit veins now just can't unsee that. 👀
Also, did she have some kind of... higher-level sciencific education? Seemingly understanding the principles of blood sample analysis and having done DNA sequencing before (in an old Hawkeye comic), she's kinda suspicious for me...
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eclogues · 2 years
i have the chance to become an “entry-level phlebotomist” (moving to a new city and it’s the most promising job opportunity lol) and i’ve read abt the job but i was wondering what it’s like for you bc you’re the only actual phlebotomist i’m aware of. what do you like about it? are there any downsides?
hii!!! it definitely depends on the kind of person u are I think.. if u have good bedside manner (or have worked in customer service) then I’d suggest going for it! It’s not all that difficult once u learn your stuff & I really enjoy phlebotomy personally!! And the people I work alongside love it and have been doing it for 18+ years now :)
Good luck! 💉 🩸
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oliviaphleb · 5 hours
The Inside Scoop on Phlebotomist Salaries: How Much Can You Really Earn?
With the rising demand for healthcare professionals, phlebotomists have become an essential part of the medical field. These specialized professionals are responsible for drawing ⁤blood from patients for various medical tests, transfusions, donations, or research purposes. If you are considering a career as a phlebotomist, one of the key factors to take into account is the potential salary you can earn in this field.
In this article, ‍we will explore the inside scoop on phlebotomist salaries and answer​ the burning question:‍ How much can you really earn as a phlebotomist? We will delve ⁤into‌ the ⁢factors that can impact your earnings as​ a‌ phlebotomist, provide insights on the salary range you can expect, and offer​ valuable information to help you make an informed decision about pursuing a career in phlebotomy.
### Factors Influencing Phlebotomist Salaries
The salary of a​ phlebotomist can vary​ depending on a range of factors, including:
– **Location:** Phlebotomist ⁤salaries can​ differ significantly based on the geographical location where you work. Urban areas or regions with higher⁣ living costs may offer higher salaries compared to rural areas.
– **Experience:** Experienced phlebotomists with several years of‍ practice ⁣may command higher salaries than entry-level phlebotomists.
– **Certifications:** Holding relevant certifications, such as Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) or Certified Venipuncture Technician (CVT), can contribute to higher salaries.
– **Employer:** The ‌type of ⁢healthcare facility you work for, such as ⁤hospitals, clinics, laboratories, or blood banks, can impact your salary as well.
– **Shift‌ Differentials:** Working night shifts, weekends, ⁤or⁢ holidays can also lead to higher pay‍ for phlebotomists.
### Average Phlebotomist Salaries
According to the U.S. ⁤Bureau of Labor ‍Statistics, the average annual⁣ salary for phlebotomists was $35,510 ⁣as of May 2020. The ​salary range for phlebotomists can vary significantly, with entry-level positions typically starting at around $25,000 per year and experienced ‍phlebotomists earning upwards of $50,000 annually.
To provide a clearer⁣ picture of phlebotomist salaries across different states, here is a table outlining the ⁤average annual salaries ‍for ⁣phlebotomists in some selected states:
| State ⁤ | Average Annual Salary ⁤| |—————|————————| | California | $42,650 | | Texas ⁣ | $32,350 ‍ ⁢ ⁣ | | New York ⁣ | $39,650⁤ ‌ ⁤ | | Florida ​⁣ | $31,380 ‍ ⁣ | | Illinois ​ ⁤ | $34,210 ⁤ |
### Benefits ‌and Practical Tips
Aside from the base salary, phlebotomists may also receive additional benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and continuing education opportunities. To enhance your earning potential as a phlebotomist, consider the following practical tips:
– Pursue relevant certifications to boost your qualifications and salary prospects.
– Gain experience in various healthcare settings to broaden your skill set and increase your market value.
– Keep abreast of industry trends and advancements ‌in phlebotomy to stay competitive in the field.
– Network with other healthcare ⁢professionals to explore new career opportunities‌ and potential salary advancements.
### Conclusion
phlebotomist salaries can ⁢vary⁤ based on numerous factors, including location, experience, certifications, employer, ⁣and shift differentials. While the average salary for phlebotomists ​falls around $35,500 per year, there is ample room for growth and advancement in this rewarding profession. By leveraging certifications, gaining experience, and staying current with industry developments, you can maximize your earning potential as a phlebotomist.
If you are passionate about healthcare, have a steady hand, and enjoy working with patients, a career as a phlebotomist can be a fulfilling and financially rewarding path to pursue. Consider the factors discussed ‍in this ⁢article, assess your career goals, and take the necessary ⁤steps to embark on a successful phlebotomy career. Remember, the key to earning ‍a competitive⁢ salary as a phlebotomist lies in continuous learning, dedication, and a commitment to excellence in patient care.
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mayaduffphleb · 1 day
Master the Phlebotomy Test: Top Tips for Success
Master the Phlebotomy Test: Top Tips ​for Success
Master the Phlebotomy Test: Top Tips for Success
Passing the phlebotomy certification exam is a crucial step in your journey to becoming a certified phlebotomist.⁢ The test assesses your knowledge and skills in various areas, including venipuncture techniques, patient care, and safety protocols. To help you ace⁢ the exam with confidence, we’ve ​compiled ⁤a comprehensive ‌guide⁣ with top tips for ‌success. Whether you’re a seasoned phlebotomy student or just starting your training, these tips will help ⁢you boost your chances of passing the test on your first try.
Benefits of Becoming a Certified Phlebotomist
Before we delve into the tips for mastering the phlebotomy test, let’s ‍first discuss the benefits of becoming a certified phlebotomist:
Increased job opportunities
Higher earning potential
Professional recognition
Opportunity for career advancement
Top Tips for Mastering the Phlebotomy Test
1. Understand⁣ the Exam Format
Before you start studying, familiarize yourself with the format of⁤ the phlebotomy certification exam. Understand the number​ of questions, time limits, and sections to better prepare for what to expect on test day.
2. Create a Study Plan
Develop a detailed study schedule that covers all the key topics tested on the exam. Allocate specific time slots for each subject⁣ and be consistent in your ‍study routine.
3.⁢ Use Practice Tests
Practice​ tests are an excellent way to assess your knowledge and identify areas ‌that need improvement. Take advantage of online resources and practice exams to gauge ⁣your readiness for the actual test.
4. Review Key Concepts
Focus on mastering⁢ essential concepts such as venipuncture techniques, safety protocols, and infection control. Make sure to understand the key ⁣principles and guidelines outlined in phlebotomy textbooks and study guides.
5. Brush Up on Your Skills
In addition to theoretical knowledge, practical skills are equally important for the phlebotomy test. Practice venipuncture⁣ techniques⁢ on mannequins or volunteer patients to build confidence and proficiency.
Practical Tips for Success
1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Ensure‌ you get plenty of rest the night before the exam to feel refreshed and alert on test⁢ day.
2. Eat a Balanced Breakfast
Start ⁣your day with ​a nutritious breakfast to ⁤fuel your brain and maintain energy levels during the exam.
3.⁤ Stay Calm and Focused
Avoid last-minute cramming and stay ⁣calm during the exam. Remember ‍to read each question ‍carefully and pace‌ yourself accordingly.
Case Study:‌ Sarah’s Journey​ to Phlebotomy Certification
Sarah, a phlebotomy student, dedicated herself to rigorous study and‍ practical training in preparation for the ​certification exam. By following a structured study plan, utilizing practice tests, and honing her venipuncture skills, she was able to pass the test with flying colors on her first attempt. Sarah’s commitment to excellence and determination ⁢paid off, and she is now a certified phlebotomist with a promising career ahead.
Mastering the phlebotomy test requires diligence, dedication, and a solid understanding of key concepts. By following the top tips outlined in this guide⁢ and staying focused on your⁣ goal, you can increase your chances of passing​ the exam with confidence. Remember to practice regularly, seek support from instructors ⁢and peers, and review‍ study materials thoroughly to ace the phlebotomy certification ⁢exam‌ and embark on a rewarding⁤ career in phlebotomy.
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