#career in medical health
avarkriss · 6 months
listen. listen to me so carefully right now. (if you're in the eclipse path/planning on viewing). please don't stare directly at the sun tomorrow. i am begging you - do not stare at it. if you got eclipse glasses off of amazon/other, please put them on in your house and make sure you can't see anything; if you can still see like regular sun glasses, they are not safe for eclipse viewing, you will burn your retinas, and we cannot fix that. eclipse glasses should be iso/ce certified, and aas (american astronomical society) approved. please make smart choices and protect your eyes. please.
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Phlebotomy Career Training Welcomes Students from Overseas
Phlebotomy Career Training (PCT) is a leading US institute offering various medical health careers and certifications to students from across the country and the world. The goal is to serve every student passionate about working in the medical field to learn new medical skills and be able to support themselves and their families regardless of their professional, educational, or financial…
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becomingvecna · 6 months
anxiety, depression and/or being mentally and/or physically exhausted should always be a valid reason for any employee to take a day off without their paycheck being affected in any way, and also for any student to take a day off without their grade being affected in any way by the way
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atticollateral · 2 months
Autism Assessment Update (bc it's been almost 3 months since I mentioned it haha oops) (it's a novel. you've been warned.)
tagging @examishbookwyrm bc they did comment on my autism assessment post I made in MARCH!! n i didn't respond...(adhd moment) get honourable mention'd.
--- SOOOO. BIG ASS PERSONAL LIFE UPDATE!!! I have... literally the worst news? Like the worst-worst news I think I will ever share. So imma start from the beginning :> [I detail everything about the assessment in this post. The process, the assessment itself, and the after.]
So. This is part of the NS Pilot Program for assessing people who were going to age out of the early-childhood-assessment waitlist (because hey! it is a 5 year long wait! haha!) which was led by NS Health and the Gov. of Canada (who paid for all the assessments.) It's safe to say that NOBODY is happy! (if you look it up you will find articles on how... awful it's been. Also if you look up articles I might have left out details bc my brain is VERY SPOTTY bc i am enraged) but anyway,
The first part of this is they had been calling my mom during the day; my mother had been working days. So she wasn't picking up. And they weren't answering her calls back or her messages! Already a big red flag. Because they can't get ahold of her they call me. Me! The person they're going to assess, who, at the time, was 18, and perfectly capable of consenting, as an adult, and taking care of their own medical records and appointments and such. They go "Hello, is this (deadname's) mom?" And I go "This is (deadname); and my name is [Chosen]" and they go "Oh, Well. Can you get your mother to call us?" And I said in a tone I believe was very clearly annoyed bc wtf? "Oh, no, you can tell me whatever you're going to tell her!" They tell me "Well we're looking to get you into the NS pilot program for autism assessments" yada yada "is that something you'd be interested in?" And me being me (poor and reasons to think I'm autistic and being on the waitlist) go "yeah!" AND THIS FUCKING WOMAN GOES "ok then get your mom to call us. this is the date. we need her to confirm." and I go "...why?" and they go "we just need to talk to her." and I go "...why can't you just talk to me?" and she just repeats herself so I go "um. ok. well. you have a good day? bye?" and hang up. So i'm simmering; bc I am literally an adult. I don't need my mom. I should be treated like an adult and I'm getting infantilized. I got the woman's name and # so I give it to my mom. It takes another month to get a date for the assessment approved bc they STILL WONT ANSWER HER CALLS OR MESSAGES.
My mother was required to do two prerequisite assessments a week or two before my in-person one. One over the phone and one over zoom. I am above the age of 16 (as stated) and perfectly capable of consent and being an informant. (you are legally allowed to consent to a majority of medical assessments in NS when you turn 16 w/o alerting ur parents, and clearly allowed to do that over the age of 18 as that is age of majority.) So i'm just miffed. They tell her not to tell me anything. She says fuck that (thank the gods) and so she tells me things they tell her. So the night before the assessment I help her with the form they MAKE HER FILL OUT before the assessment like "when did your child start walking/running" "when did they learn to ride a bike" "when did they start talking/writing" stuff like that. and I go ok. sure. autism can show in early childhood, it's a neurological developmental disorder. I get it. Even though autistic individuals can have average, slowed, or accelerated development (IT'S ALMOST LIKE ITS LITERALLY CALLED AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER) There's a question that catches me off guard. "what is your child's dominant hand" ...i'm sorry. back it up. *Yes.* There are studies that say many people who have ASD are left handed or ambidextrous. But oh. My. Gods. Above. THAT IS NOT GROUNDS FOR DIAGNOSIS; and you can also ASK THE KID during the assessment! What kind of question?! [I am right-hand predominant but I am ambidextrous.]
I move on.
I go into the assessment. On the table; the dr's introductory sheet in a photo frame. His title sits atop the document with a head, MADE OF BLUE PUZZLE PIECES alarm bells alarm bells alarm bells oh my fucking god help me jesus christ please help me i promise i'll believe in you if you help me right now please please plea "Hi!" A woman greets us, sitting in an office with the door open. I don't know her name. She doesn't stand from her desk. "I'll be with you in a moment." I laugh awkwardly. My mom says ok as the woman shuts her door. I tell my mom "I hate it here; can we go home?" Because I genuinely feel unsafe; I'm shaking. She laughs softly and goes "It'll be okay." So I put a brave face on bc I love my mom and she's nice and wait for the lady. She calls us in a few minutes later. I don't remember her introducing herself. I don't remember her offering a handshake or any other "polite" gesture. That would be something important to do, and I would have remembered it. She tells us how long it will be and a lay down of what's gonna happen and asks MY MOTHER FOR CONSENT TO FILM ME. Not ME for consent to film ME, an 18 year old. My mom turns to me confused and asks me if I'm okay with it instead. I go "yeah." (I was not okay with it); the woman told us the assessment would not happen if they could not film it. So I agreed; giving *assent* rather than *consent* was something I was pissed off about then and there. The woman asks HER if she'd like to stay so my mom asks ME if she wants me to stay, I hug my mom after I ask her to leave because I'm an adult and can handle myself. I don't need my mom to be there. I sit down. I have my pompompurin stuffed animal with me and a messenger bag with pens and stuff in it because I know there are things to write and don't like using other people's things. She doesn't ask about the bag. She sets up the camera and such, explaining that she'll have to occasionally turn to her laptop to make sure the recording is still going. I have pompom in my lap along with a fidget while she talks. She says something along the lines of "um, you'll want to put that away, you'll need your hands." And I go, rather firmly, something along the lines of; "I'll put it away when I need to use my hands. I am focusing on you right now." To which she seems surprised and goes "um... okay, that's fine." And continues on. (Was she not expecting an adult to have clear boundaries and be able to state their needs?) She offhandedly mentions something about [Dr] perhaps coming in to see me at some point during the assessment. My heart drops. She's not the doctor? She isn't the psychiatrist? What the hell?
The assessment begins. They're giving me tests for children, she said she made it harder. I disagree. I find the tasks easy. Simple games/puzzles. I tell her I like puzzles. She keeps throwing positive affirmation at me; I become annoyed with it after awhile because I know she's only doing it to make me continue doing the activity. It's common for people who work with children. She is infantilizing me. I know I was thinking it subconsciously.
The tests are not geared towards my age range, I notice immediately. I become miffed, going "these are too easy for me so far" or something to that effect. She laughs at me. I become upset. We start the reading part of the test. I read to show reading speed and comprehension. I read out loud to show my pronunciation. I read words that don't exist to show my reasoning skills when it comes to language. I am in my 5th year of high school (I struggle with school). This task is mundane and annoying. I feel like I am in third grade. I feel infantilized. I feel like the tests aren't going to be accurate. I am annoyed. I do it fast as I can to get it over with. Some of the reading pieces she makes me do multiple times.
We begin the mathematics part. I am not good at mathematics. She has upped the difficulty for the mathematics, she tells me. I begin; The first test is a Working Memory test; listing numbers she reads to me in a specific order. I am bad at it after the more convoluted ones. Some of the work is recognizing shapes and patterns. There is addition, fractions, multiplication and division questions. She points out I'm 'doing the test wrong' multiple times. I tell her that this test is stupid (or something to that effect) due to the structure. She laughs at me. There are a few tests I can't do or become quickly annoyed with (naming mean, median, and mode, prime numbers, fractions.) As I haven't done them since 11th grade level (I took a different math course and haven't done math since I finished my credits 2 school years ago.) We break for lunch after doing half of the mathematics.
I return to continue with the mathematics. I am still annoyed even after eating lunch. I had complained to my mother how it felt like torture: No eraser, No Calculator, no Tools, and no asking for help (She is not allowed to give me help, even if I don't know something.) I am on the brink of actual tears in frustration because I cannot receive help. I understand the potential why, but I think it's idiotic.
We begin the writing and listening comprehension. I am made to write an essay on a game I like and why I like it, I am given 10 minutes. I write it about Minecraft and it's offshoots. For listening comprehension, there are a few tests. I tell her about certain parts of what i've heard. Most of them are ads, so telling her what they say is easy for me, because it feels like slush and I have trained my ears to pick up more important information because of APD (Auditory Processing Disorder). She repeats them a few times to get me to tell her more. There are more working memory tests. Something with shapes, form, and colours. One about things she's listed. There's a test where I tell her a story in a picture book based on photos only. I am becoming tired. There's a test where I need to copy a picture. I am not allowed to trace the picture. I am not allowed to hold the picture. I am not allowed to use a tool. She says something about how I should like it because I told her I am an artist. I start going on while begrudgingly doing the test that this is horrible, this isn't what art is, and i'd like to not be doing it this way because it is impractical. She laughs at me again. I am annoyed. I get to take another short break after that.
There is another test when I come back with shapes. I see there are 8 pieces and a grid I must put them in; observing the grid, I go "I need all 8 pieces." She gives me 4 pieces. I frown. I say "I need all 8 of them, can I have them please?" as I put the 4 she gave me into the grid. She hands me 2. I put them in. I repeat myself. "I know I need all 8 of them. Can you give them to me please?" She gives me 1. I become insanely frustrated at that point. "What is this?" I go, "Can I have the last piece?" I ask her annoyedly, and she gives it to me. She's smiling. She thinks this is funny? I put it in the place. I rearrange the pieces into a nicer pattern in the grid because she annoyingly gave me the pieces while she takes her notes.
There is an activity where I have to tell her a story using 5 random pieces of garbage. She shows me how to do it first when I already understand the premise and was going to do it after the verbal instruction and presentation of the items. I know it is to assess my imaginative play. I am an 18 year old artist. This is easier than breathing to me. I do it begrudgingly because I am embarrassed to do it. She laughs at me again. I am so annoyed at this point I am thinking the most angry thoughts. What is her issue??? I don't say anything while I wait for the other tests.
I am presented with a test with over 100 questions. I say out loud multiple times "I don't have OCD" to multiple questions I've been asked before to assess me for OCD. She says something about 'Don't think about it. just answer.' and I say something along the lines of "I've been to therapy since I was about 12. I do therapy speak. I know what the questions are asking me. I can't not think about it." She scoffs at me. I am so irritated. Many of the questions ask me if I am suicidal. Many of the questions ask me if I am paranoid. There are questions about ego, and questions about self-worth, questions about poverty, questions about things that don't pertain (to see if I'm paying attention.) I finish the test. She asks if I answered honestly. I say "I think so." But I my answers will be different tomorrow. They're always different later. That's how surveys work.
One of the last tests is asking me questions and having me answer. Things like "do you have friends?" "how do you feel about relationships?"; I ask her "Well, how do you define relationships? Are you in any? Are you asking me about friendship or dating?" She tells me she has a partner; a husband if I recall. I say something about marriage and romance. She asks me more questions about feelings, boundaries, relationships, and experiences in my life. It is the last test.
We leave the room to talk to my mother in the waiting room. I have not seen [Dr] once. Girl asks me what my pronouns are. I tell her it/its. She complains. I tell her too bad flat out. We leave.
I only learn upon getting home that her name is Alison.
I wait a month for my draft results. I had to get my teacher to fill out a form. I had to sign a consent form for them to do that which they made me do digitally after the assessment and CLEARLY wanted my mother to sign. She gets me to sign it because I'm an adult. She understands.
My mom sits me down. She goes "You aren't going to like this." I frown. "I'm not autistic?" She nods. "You aren't. But they said you have 3 or 4 other things."
Alarm bells again. I get her to bring up my draft assessment on the computer for me to read. I am enraged. They refer to me as "transgendered". They misgendered me. There were numerous, insane typos that would be easy to catch on the first pass.
I begin work on an Essay/Paper telling them why their assessment is bullshit and how I meet the criteria for autism spectrum disorder. (I READ THE DSM-5 AND DSM-5-TR FOR THIS CRAP.) I also berate them the whole time for their behaviour, the nature of the assessment, and lack of care. A week or so later I get the final draft. They still misgendered me; and there are still typos. I get my mom to email it to me and I send it to multiple of my friends, my Therapist, and give her my consent to share it with my Psychiatrist and anyone else she sees fit with her discretion with the password for the protected document, along with a screenshot pointing out the most glaring typo (being misgendered.) My therapist and psychiatrist show it to the Autism Lead in their district with my consent.
I receive an overwhelmingly positive onslaught of "this assessment is bullshit! You SHOULD be angry." The autism lead tells my therapist I do likely have autism based on what was shown and told to her, and to get a second opinion (as she can't diagnose me without assessing me herself). I tell my therapist more about the assessment. She does some research.
The Psychometrist (someone who administers psychological tests/assessments) is underqualified during time of assessment.
Medical Negligence.
[Dr.] Is clearly on grounds to be tried for Medical Malpractice.
I am now working on submitting a complaint and finishing my paper.
I may potentially be involved in legal trouble against the psychologist I never even got to see or speak to.
Fuck that guy.
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astriiformes · 1 year
Sending love. Hope you’re okay.
Oh! If this is because of the MRI I mentioned, fear not -- it was a totally precautionary procedure, and I already got the results and they're in the clear. It's actually another box checked on my journey to top surgery next month (!!). I'm genetically high-cancer risk and have been talking to my surgeons about an approach that will be both gender-affirming and minimize my risk of problems later on.
That said, I will take this chance to say to my followers!! If you, too, are someone with a scary family history of breast cancer and are contemplating top surgery, there are options open to you! I knew it was a real risk for me and was able to get genetic testing covered by my insurance before talking to my surgeons, and my top surgeon then talked with me about the various options I had at my initial consult. I'm specifically opting for a procedure that's a little more intense than a standard gender-affirming surgery but not quite a full double masectomy, and it will be done jointly by two surgeons, one who specializes in gender-affirming procedures and one who usually works with cancer patients and/or patients looking to have preventative surgeries.
Anyways not to throw my medical history at the internet, I just feel really strongly about this, in part because I've had multiple people I've talked to about my own top surgery process tell me they had similar worries and didn't know there were options for people looking to combine gender affirmation with preventative care. I want to watch out for my fellow trans and gender non-conforming folks, especially considering how much the healthcare system can suck for us, and there really are health professionals who take this sort of thing into account with their patients!
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creepyjirachi · 11 days
okay hear me out. i know i love science and i’m very good at chemistry and physics. but what if i became a fucking accountant
#IM SERIOUS…….#like i’ve been doing research about what career path to tailor my degree towards when i go back to school#and it seems like chemistry careers outside of phd research and academia just. barely exist in the US anymore#they’ve been largely outsourced or are extremely geographically limited. or it’s pure bench work that barely pays better than retail#and i’m like. knowing what i know now about my health i just cannot go into academia. i cant. it would take up 100% of my life#and as much as i think i could be smart enough i just like don’t. want to give up on hobbies or having a personal life.#i’m a slow reader/writer. i cant be writing all those papers and making all of those curriculums. it would be all i ever did#and i don’t want to constantly move across the country in pursuit of unicorn chem/bio jobs that would actually interest me#i need to be near my family or a few very close friends on case of a medical emergency#and as for accounting like. look at my hobbies. i love optimizing dragon capitalism on FR. i love making charts and solving puzzles#i don’t mind menial tasks. i need a job with consistent hours that i can leave at the office. bc otherwise i can get too wound up#accountants are in demand everywhere and the pay is actually proportional to the amount of schooling required#depending on the company you work for the work/life balance can be pretty reasonable apparently#i’m good at math enjoy solving problems and have job experience recruiting clients and solving their unique problems#it’s not as spiritually fulfilling as astrobiology but like does it have to be? if i could have a stable and healthy life with people i love#idfk man
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iowaisms · 19 days
After careful evaluation and mental checklisting, I've come to the conclusion that 90% of the things I've been worried or stressed about are things I put on myself for no reason, and I only have about five total things I absolutely need to be concerned about in my life right now. Good job, asshole!
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nobodybetterlookatme · 2 months
Mad at my professor again lmao
#not snz#literally wanna beat the shit out of her#i could be so violent if even an ounce of my being was confrontational lmao#anyway she emailed me again#like girl fucking stop it first of all#like we have nothing to say to each other#and it wasn't even about the program per se#like it was just her saying shit like i have too much potential to waste in ems#we've had this conversation several times it never fucking goes anywhere#she says I'm 'too smart' to be an emt or a firefighter#that i should go to medical school instead of trying to go any further with fire and ems#like I'm sorry you don't even fucking know me#the only reason i was any good at emt school is bc i trained for that for a decade#it would've been so fucking pathetic to have done bad when i went in with 90% of the material down cold#like i genuinely am not smart#i know a little bit about specific things and that's it#nothing that actually matters or makes for someone smart enough to go to fucking medical school#like I'm a terrible student lmao i like so few things and I'm decent at even less#I'd be shitty at being a firefighter if i had to use my brain constantly for absolutely everything#i can do most of that work on autopilot#like this bitch is really acting like she knows me and that she's being so helpful trying to push me away from my career path#like miss girl you are doing me zero favors and i have no backup plan other than this so if it doesn't work out I'm screwed lmao#my mental health already sucks like she's really out here trying to kill me faster lmao#anyway#i can be normal now#I'm going hiking tomorrow and we're planning at least ten miles so that'll fix me
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aldieb · 10 months
i feel like the only thing that could make me feel good about this choice would be talking to advisor. he'd be like "what you need to think about is that you're a novelist" and i'd be like "thanks, idk how that relates to anything but suddenly my purpose is clear." many such cases in college but i don't think he likes me like that anymore
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agayconcept · 4 months
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populationpensive · 2 years
Are you a PA-C? Are you a PA-S? Are you interested in becoming a PA? Want to be in health care and not sure about life decisions? You can find active #pablr people here! You can also add yourself if you're a committed PA person.
Posting about PA related things? Use our hashtag, #PAblr
The community is organized primarily by myself and @simplysupergirl at this point. Usually when we have time and can bother to update the list. Originally created in 2013 by yours truly.
As of 12/1/2022, I have updated this list and purged it of outdated accounts (i.e. has not updated since before 2020), bots, and canceled accounts.
Other awesome health care related hashtags are #medblr (med school/residency), #pharmblr (pharmacy school/pharmacists), and #nurblr (nurses!).
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Phlebotomy Career Training Supports Students from Low Income Families to Achieve Training and Enter Career Fields
Many students from low-income families do not seek higher education or drop out in the middle due to financial barriers. A recent report indicates that most teens (54%) stress about financing their futures. In addition, 70% of the students change their post-graduation plans due to rising education costs. Therefore, besides providing quality teaching, academic institutes have a role in making…
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parvathytransorze · 1 year
Decode Your Future: Choose a Career in Medical Coding!
  Medical coding is a standardized system that enables healthcare practitioners to communicate about the medical services they provide to insurance companies and government agencies. Medical coding utilizes a variety of classification schemes, such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). Medical coders must remain current with these updates to ensure accuracy and compliance as these codes are frequently updated to reflect changes in healthcare practices. The process of transforming medical diagnoses, treatments, and services into standardized codes is known as medical coding. These codes are used to precisely identify and record patient conditions, follow medical treatments and their results, and make it easier for healthcare workers to bill and get paid.
                        Medical coding is crucial for several reasons. First, it helps healthcare providers to accurately document patient care and track outcomes. Second, it allows for consistency and accuracy in medical records, which is important for research and quality assurance. Third, medical coding is necessary for billing and reimbursement purposes, both for insurance providers and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. For those who want to become certified medical coders, there are numerous certifications accessible. Different organizations give these certifications, and each one has a different set of criteria and concentrations. Some of the most common qualifications are listed below:
Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
Certified Coding Specialist (CCS)
Certified Coding Specialist-Physician-based (CCS-P)
Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA)
Certified Documentation Improvement Practitioner (CDIP)
Certified Risk Adjustment Coder (CRC)
Medical coding is important for a variety of purposes. First, it aids in correctly tracking outcomes and documenting patient care for healthcare professionals. Second, it enables accuracy and consistency in medical records, which is crucial for study and quality control. Thirdly, medical coding is essential for invoicing and reimbursement processes for insurance companies as well as public assistance programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Medical coding uses a number of various coding systems, such as the Current Procedural Terminology(CPT) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). To ensure accuracy and compliance, medical coders must remain current with these updates as these codes are frequently updated to reflect changes in healthcare practices.
The National Institute of Medical Coding was founded with the singular goal of providing lucrative job chances to unemployed Indian graduates and improving their employability in Medical Coding. The National Institute of Medical Coding has cutting-edge facilities and technology. Trainers are CPC-certified and have extensive training expertise. The curriculum at the National Institute of Medical Coding is of international standard and is regularly updated. Aside from technical training, the National Institute of Medical Coding concentrates on the holistic growth of the trainee, with a particular emphasis on soft skills and interview preparation...readmore
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grplindia · 11 months
Immediate Hiring MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE, Salary Up to 25k All Uttar Pradesh & Uk (MNC'S) Call me Now At - 8188998899, 8188998866 Email- your Resume [email protected] Visit: www.bhartihr.com
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pyreshe · 2 years
one thing i did not anticipate about me leaving my job is the amount of people who came out to tell me how much they enjoyed working with me and will miss me. the lead of a different department even went as far as telling me that she would have hired me to her team on the spot had they had an opening & that she will tell me if they ever do have an opening so i can apply (if i want to). like the fuck?
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arwenkenobi48 · 1 year
Meds, Job Hunting And Summer Plans
Hi everybody! Apologies for the lack of updates, I’ve just been focusing on irl stuff atm, as well as adjusting to life on antidepressants. It feels like I’m truly able to think and feel and experience life without it being exhausting for my brain and while it is beautiful, it’s really taken me by surprise.
But there is some outright good news as well; I’m finally employed! Sure it’s only as a part time cleaner at a hub for local charities but nevertheless, it’s a start. And something even more incredible has happened. I’ve managed to sign up for a work experience training course with a major TV network and I’m not only going to be taking virtual masterclasses on the TV industry, but I’ll also get to be on the set (and behind the scenes) of a popular TV series! *squeee*
Because the course puts an emphasis on unscripted TV, it’ll most likely be a reality show or a talk show or some kind. I’ll have to check for an update from the admins so I can get all the details. But yeah, this could actually be my big break into the media industry! I could actually begin to build the network I need to bring my passion projects to life!
One final update: I don’t wanna jinx anything, but I’m pretty sure that by the time my 23rd birthday rolls around, my financial troubles will finally be over once and for all (at least for a good long while). As a result, if all goes to plan, I shall have the summer holiday of a lifetime. I’m already planning a couple of week-long holidays - to Canada and Glastonbury specifically - and trying to get my passport sorted out (bc I don’t actually have one atm).
Oh and I could possibly get a chest reduction surgery at some point this year so yayyyy I’m gonna pass way better 💖💖💖💖💖
All in all, things are really looking up. I think my Ramadan prayers have been answered. I’m still a little anxious about the Earn It Act but in the meantime I’m gonna try and keep writing what I love and won’t let my fears control me anymore. I can’t believe that only a month ago, I thought my life was over. But I know better now. My life is only just beginning. I think the saying “it’s darkest before the dawn” really holds up.
I’m so excited to be 23 as well 💞💞💞💞💞
Me and my boys are gonna party like rock stars 💖
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