ineffableigh · 7 months
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Art tiiiime! VERY happy with how this turned out, especially since I tried to hustle a bit lol. Was nice to have a little lighting challenge as well. Candles are fun! :D
Another li'l scene from "There is a Light & it Never Goes Out" by @phoen1xr0se in the latest chapter, as that fic has burrowed into me bones and gives me lots of fun art ideas. :3
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avoicebehindthestars · 3 months
TIAL&INGO ch11 - This Is Real (a colouring page)
As promised, here's another colouring page for my beloved fandom's enjoyment! :D
Once again, it's for one of @phoen1xr0se's brilliant works - There Is a Light & It Never Goes Out, chapter 11 to be specific.
(Obsessed? Who, me?)
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As previously, you are all welcome to help yourselves to this colouring page! Please don't erase my signature and credit me if you post your coloured version anywhere. A comment and some kudos on AO3 will be much appreciated!
But you know what would be the most awesome thank-you you could possibly offer? Donating to PhoenixRose's crowdfunder! She's a gem to this fandom, an inspiration to so many of us, and a joy to even more. And this time we can do something for her in return!
@goodomensafterdark If you'd be so kind as to do your thing ;)
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bowtiepastabitch · 2 months
Fandom Tumblr, Do Your Thing
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Mutuals, strangers, people I've force-friended by making silly fanart of your posts. Lend me your ears for like, ten seconds.
For less than the price of a cup of coffee (or for free!!) I will personally send you a custom piece of hand drawn one-of-a-kind art. So long as you give me a reference image of some kind, I will draw just about anything.* For you. At no cost. And I will send it to you in the mail, aka the coolest way to get art. All you have to do is:
1.Donate to @phoen1xr0se's mutual aid fund for housing for her and her two kids!
2.DM me a screenshot of your receipt
3.Provide me with your address** and your drawing prompt
4.Wait for your art to arrive:)
1.Reblog this post. You can literally just reblog this post. When her fundraiser is completed, I will pick 2-5 blogs from the notes (depending on how many rbs I get) to send you art completely for free. If you get picked, I will get in contact to get your information.
Full information, terms, conditions, et cetera, are further down. Please do read them before sending money.
Laura, aka PhoenixRose, is a mutual of mine and an incredible writer. She's a total sweetheart, and she's kind of adopted a lot of the Good Omens fandom and has really been a light in the community. She is unable to work due to cancer, so this fundraiser is to help ensure that her family has a safe and stable place to live. You can find out more about her lovely family and situation at the link or on her page<3
Rules and stuff: I live in the united states, so international shipping is a bit pricy. As such, the minimum to redeem a postcard is £5 for US addresses and £10 for all other addresses, in UK currency, with proof of payment in UK or your local currency. Higher donation amounts will get you more effort into your art, and for any donations over £50 I will break out the paints. You can click here to see some of the fanart I've done recently, though my higher quality original art doesn't usually end up on my blog so it may be a bit skewed as to representing my skill level. That said, I am an artist in the loosest sense of the term and really only do this for fun. Please don't expect professional results. Additionally, I am receiving no money whatsoever for this (stamps are out of my pocket), and it's important to me that you know that. I've already donated all I can afford to, so this is my broke bitch way of helping out a little more. If you get picked to get art for free, your dms will need to be turned on so I can reach you. If I am unable to get in contact with you via DMs or asks, that will be considered a forfeit.
*I really will draw just about anything, including characters, ocs, animals, your pets, your friends, your fursona, etc. No explicit NSFW please, suggestive is okay. I reserve the right to ask you to pick something different if the prompt makes me uncomfortable or is offensive in any way.
**I want to keep your information as safe as possible. As such, if you're not comfortable sending over dms I can provide you with my email address to send the information to. I am also open to sending it digital if you are in a position where you cannot currently receive physical mail or are uncomfortable doing so. All messages, emails, etc with personal information will be deleted as soon as your mail is on its way.
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glassprism · 2 years
i can't stop thinking about this- during masquerade, has the don juan triumphant book ever been dropped after the phantom throws it? i feel like that's a part of the show that could go wrong very easily, or maybe i'm just projecting my very poor hand-eye coordination
It's apparently happened at least once, according to the Lamentable Mess website:
Enjoying reading all the little mistakes… but that makes the show special. Can't remember which show and phantom it was…. but while he was walking do the stairs as Red Death…. he tossed the big book and instead of catching it…. it landed with a HUGE thud! The place went deadly quiet…. and it was picked up, humbly begging forgiveness… as the Phantom replied: 'See that it NEVER happens again!' and continued on. Most of the audience went with the flow… and my friend and I just giggled. (PhoenixRose)
That being said, I don't think I've caught it on any bootlegs, and I think it might be less difficult than you imagine. The score being thrown is fairly flat and large, which means it won't deviate from its path after being thrown much; furthermore, it's being tossed down from the Phantom to one of the managers, which I imagine makes it easier to aim and catch. And finally, depending on the Phantom, sometimes the two are standing relatively close by, like in this video where it seems like the actors are only 5 feet apart:
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I mean, it's probably easier than throwing the necklace in Elisabeth das Musical, where you have to aim a relatively small object at a guy standing on a catwalk with limited range of movement, and which has been missed... multiple times.
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bellisima-writes · 2 months
For phoenixrose's ask game.
#8, #13, #27, #39.
Hi! Oooh I like these:
8. Who is your favourite character and why? - I am going to answer this without saying Aziraphale or Crowley, because I think the question is more interesting that way. And if you've read either of my fics, you know the answer.
It's Adam Young. I guess more book Adam than show Adam, because I think the book gives us a much more rich take on his character and journey than we were given in the show.
I've babbled on here a lot about how I think there is so much potential with his character, so much yet to be explored with what the weight of knowing your entire purpose was for you to destroy the world you love, and living with that burden. He's the personification of the resilience of humanity, of nature v. nurture, of free will, of shades of gray and the power of love all wrapped into one. I spend way too much time thinking about his character.
13. Who is your favourite background character from S1? - Pepper. I want to be as fierce as her when I grow up. She's absolutely fantastic.
I am also very partial to Madame Tracey.
27. Yellow or black Bentley? - Black, though yellow is very pretty.
29. Would you drink six shots of espresso in a big cup? - Definitely.
Thanks for the ask @addledmongoose!
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jeannenewhall · 3 years
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“Remember the entrance door is inside you. Each of us has a secret companion musician to dance to, unique rhythmic play , a motion in the street we alone know & hear" #rumi #rumipoetry #phoenixroses #fragrantplum #fragrantroses #pinkroses #musiciansofinstagram #steinwayartist #singersongwriter #composersofinstagram #stopandsmelltheroses https://www.instagram.com/p/COLeNu2LOne/?igshid=e61y5ukwry0x
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botanyshitposts · 4 years
Hi! I have a friend who has some lichen but isnt entirely sure how to take care if it. Do you have any, like, big things that they should know?
ok my dude im not even joking here, science does not know how to grow or take care of lichens. like, lichens have thus far never been grown successfully from scratch in a laboratory environment, and as far as we can tell they only grow in places theyve deemed Worthy according to a set of rules that is mostly mysterious to us (we know that some lichen species prefer certain trees or rocks or whatnot, and we know that some lichens won’t grow if the air quality is too bad, but the inner big brained lichen alchemy going on in there is still an enigma clearly beyond petty human comprehension). what we know for sure is that lichens seem to occur wherever a compatible algal and fungal spore meet in a location that is very specific to their needs, at the right stage in their life cycle, and we know that after that there’s a process where the two species make sure they’re compatible before they do anything in terms of growing into an actual lichen (another lichen question we dont know the answer to yet is ‘how do they know?’). if two compatible symbionts meet too late in the life cycle, they grow into the normal, non-lichenized fungus or algae species they represent (given that they’re in the right environment) and can’t recognize each other or become a lichen if they meet as adults. 
all this being said, we also know that some species are incredibly, incredibly tough, as we’ve seen from the multiple space lichen studies that have seen them live up to a year outside the ISS. a caveat to all of this is that there are labs that grow lichens, but they do this by physically getting a lichen from the wild, grinding it up, cleaning it, and then putting the pieces into test tubes; i dont know the details of this process more than that, but you get the idea. the lichens that result from this are genetically identical to the lichen that got ground up. it’s basically just capitalizing on having all the ‘ingredients’ already there. 
in short: lichens aren’t really like plants in the sense that there’s a given way to grow them. the lichen rules itself. it is the maker of its own destiny. i recommend just visiting local lichens in the neighborhood from time to time instead; they just kinda take care of themselves. just some anomalous self-cleaning ovens out there, everywhere, on all continents, just vibing
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kdinjenzen · 4 years
Took a bit to get my thoughts, I just wanted to say that scene with May was absolutely everything to me. It came right after my mom found out I was trans and me hitting a point in my transition where I'm more comfortable presenting feminine in public and that line from May just perfectly encapsulated how I've been feeling for a while and it just resonated so strongly with me. I'm so glad you got this moment, not for the fandom but for yourself. You inspire me constantly and I wish you the world.
Oh gosh...
First, I’m so happy you’re feeling more comfortable with yourself now, you deserve that comfort!
And I can’t lie, those lines were beyond cathartic for me personally... but seeing everyone’s reactions after waiting over a year for this? That’s the real prize.
I’m beside myself with joy over how much this moment means to everyone. I really never thought I’d see the day where something like this was able to be shown in a popular series... less that I’d be the one to help make it happen.
This year has been... heavy. But the responses here? At this moment? Kinda feels like I can touch the sky... does that make sense?
Seriously, thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot.
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lizzy-frizzle · 4 years
I know I'm late to the "Why do I follow you despite us not having a ton in common" thing but I just wanted to share mine. I started following you because most of the trans people are transmasc and while I love them dearly I wanted to follow/get to know some other transfemme people like myself. Seeing you going about your life just fills me with hope that, like, things are gonna be okay. I can do this, we can do this. We're out here just living out lives and can be happy.
;-; o-oh...I...oh my gosh...this is such a good ask...I have no words. I'm so glad I can make so many people hopeful and happy
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Stop sharing your ideas with people not big enough to understand them!
Phoenix Rose
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dialoglog · 4 years
   🧡 Baby mutual, needs protecting.
of course YOU'D think that, you're the group mom
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ineffableigh · 8 months
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Done! I had to stop fiddling with it or it'd never get posted lol. Not super happy with it but heck, that's the process! Time to do some life drawing classes.
This is a scene from the latest chapter of @phoen1xr0se's fic "There is a Light and it Never Goes Out"! This gosh darn fic has so many incredibly compelling scenes and I just gotta draw 'em lol. SUCH FEELS MUCH WOW.
I wanted to put a snippet from the text but eh, go read it fer yourselves! ;P No spoilies here.
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checkfortraps · 4 years
I know @phoenixrose-1312 hates them with a passion, but I personally find the Nord VPN ads incredibly entertaining exactly because they are so ridiculous and totally removed from actual coding and hacking reality lol
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normal-horoscopes · 4 years
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WELCOME @phoenixrose-1312​
This hand speaks of of new beginnings. The waxing gibbous deals with opportunity, momentum, and preparation. The moons tends to speak more towards ones personal influence over events, they are the light you have to see by.
That said, the combination of the burning garden and the fourth of summer is a chaotic one. It is unclear how much good momentum and preparation will do you in this case. This is a hand that speaks of passion and strain, effort, a chaotic situation where it is unclear how everything will shake out. Though, the fourth of summer usually means that the trouble is temporary, and that the relationships involved will only be deepened.
Perhaps the burning gardens loosening of the rules means you might have a say in how things end up. Try to keep your head above water, but know that the risks for keeping to yourself here are not great. If you need some time for yourself, you should take it.
WANT A READING? SIGN UP TODAY AND GET ONE FOR FREE https://www.patreon.com/normalhoroscopes
WANT THE DECK? WANT TO KNOW HOW TO USE IT? GET IT HERE: https://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/304830/Normal-Tarothttps://www.drivethrufiction.com/product/299697/How-to-Normal-Tarot
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jeannenewhall · 4 years
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The last roses of summer! So Purdy!!! #phoenixroses #lastroseofsummer #purdy @purdypainttools #flowersofinstagram #fragrantplum #fragrantflowers #lesfleurs #sopretty (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm4WXhFf9n/?igshid=1i856j5a6q0k4
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seanotturom · 4 years
aww, @hella-good-harry slapped me with that tag. thanks, lovely 💙
here for the classic fantasy aesthetic
spell or curse ∙ abandoned mansion or haunted cemetery ∙ vampire slayer or ghost hunter ∙ phoenix or griffin ∙ wrist bite or neck bite ∙ fairy godmother or evil stepmother ∙ herbs or potion ∙ ghost or wraith ∙ dragon scales or werewolf claws ∙ druid or mage ∙ elf or hobbit ∙ divination or necromancy ∙ wand magic or hand magic ∙ centaur or unicorn ∙ dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale ∙ sword or bow & arrow ∙ siren or water nymph ∙ garlic or silver ∙ talking animal or walking tree ∙ demon trap or crossroads pact ∙ enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon
tagging all my d&d hoes if y’all are feeling it today: @when5hourisntstrongenough, @pacificgem, @trickyjesters, @dont-fuck-me-gil, @quackarie, @phoenixrose-1312, @dnd-and-kaijus, @fibonaccipigeon
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