#pic: 2x03
evviejo · 7 months
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amuseoffyre · 6 months
Since I put together a rather massive thread about the probable S3 final fuckeries on the dead-parrot site, I figure I'll bring it over here as well :) This is bearing in mind that the show loved using history when it was useful or funny.
Blackbeard's death was in a battle and afterwards, his head was cut off and hung from the bowsprit of the ship, then later as a warning by a harbour. Urban legend said that his headless body swam around the ship, trying to find the head. Stede, meanwhile, was executed by hanging after being captured and tried in Charles Town.
My theory is a giant faking-their-deaths fuckery and this is the collection of extensive foreshadowing in sequential order.
1x01 - He's holding his own head! That's terrifying!
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The Swede's flag with a skeleton holding his own head. Given Ed's flair for the dramatic and the urban legend that BB's body swam, headless, around the ship, this feels like a very him thing to do. (also ties in with Blackbeard's flag with just the skeleton in S1)
1x01 - Stede's first fuckery
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Stede using mannequins as a diversion so they can escape from the British Navy and the British Navy fall for it. Also, significantly, one of the fake heads falls off.
1x03 - Stede hanged
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I facepalmed so hard when I realised that we had already seen Stede get hanged and survive it. Also, the fact that the person who intended to kill him by hanging is the one who dies first? INCHRESTING.
1x04 - "People just see the flag - I don't even have to be on the boat. I'm a ghost"
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And he won't be on the boat in the end :D (@wastingyourgum reminded me of this one :D)
1x04 - "He's wearing Blackbeard's clothes. He's on Blackbeard's ship".
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Combining this with Stede's fake-heads-to-escape idea, Blackbeard's official 'death' is tied up with a bow :D They just need to find a suitable person to sub in *coughHornigoldcough*
1x06 - "Over here, child!"
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HOOBOY this entire episode is basically emphatically pointing at Ed's skill in the art of misdirection. Ed is an expert at fooling people into seeing what he wants them to see. The Master of the Theatre of Fear.
1x06 - The crew fuckery
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Stede, the Swede and Black Pete literally holding heads that aren't theirs And once again the allusion to swapping faces/places. "Are those supposed to be the same guy?" "But with very different hairstyles, ja?"
1x06 - "I'm supposed to burn your face off and take your identity"
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Stede getting another layer of "how to get away with dying/disappearing" added to his arsenal of knowledge.
1x08 - The Unicorn's head
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Oh look. A mythical creature's head is removed by the English, when Ed has been compared to a demon, devil, vampire and kraken. I wonder what that could be foreshadowing 🙃
1x09 - "You've kept the clippings so we can make fake heads and escape"
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When in doubt, Stede turns to arts and crafts.
1x10 - "Now that's a fuckery"
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Stede has already faked his own death not once, not twice, but three times in ten minutes. Now that's overkill 😂He's done it before, he'll do it again! In Stede's town, wearing Stede's clothes.
2x01 - "He can't possibly look like this"
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The S1 propaganda pics are all full/half body, but now, he's reduced down to a head with very snaky looking hair. "He can't possibly look like that" (and this ties into something from 2x04 as well)
In related things, there is one historic piece of art referring to Blackbeard like this, as a disembodied head and I feel like there's a bit of a resemblance going on.
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2x02 - "There's some beheadings on here"
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Okay, yes, this one is a stretch, but head removal, people. We have more head removal :D
2x03 - "I'm not me, I'm you"
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Yes, I know, in the context of the Gravy Basket, but there would be some poetrical vibes if Hornigold's body was the one left in Ed's place so Ed can live a long and happy life. (And yes, fully convinced he was an S3 villain)
2x03 - "I knew they killed him"
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Will fully admit I yelped a bit when I saw this scene in higher res than a stream because with the drape of cloth over his head matching the colour of the surroundings, it's gives the illusion of a headless body.
2x04 - "He can't hear you. He's got no head"
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Again, the symbolism of the mythical creature without a head. Especially when we see Izzy yelling at it as if its Blackbeard, his own personal figurehead.
2x04 - "Pulls his entire fucking face off. Turns out this one had stolen the face off some Brit and come to my rescue"
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Of all the specialist skills for someone in Ed's old crew to have, disguising themselves with someone else's face? :D (That's romance ;))
2x04 - The Head of Medusa
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Buttons' transmogrification bowl is under a painting of The head of Medusa (Caravaggio). In the story of Perseus, he used Medusa's severed head to defeat a terrible sea monster (hello, kraken :D) and a King.
And I mentioned earlier Ed's wanted poster had a connection to this episode and look at these images side by side:
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Coincidence??? I THINK NOT XD
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queseraone · 4 months
Feeling inspired
Your 5 (or 10) hottest Tim looks
Gifs or pics required.
Oops, this has been sitting in my inbox for two months as I contemplated the answer. These are in chronological order, because I refuse to choose (and honestly, how do you rank HOT vs HOT vs HOT??).
(Oh, and I left out just regular uniform Tim, because, well, then I'd basically just be including every single episode.)
SO. ANYWAY. Let's do this—
Laughing Tim (1x02) 10/10, no notes.
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Plain Clothes Day Tim (1x14) I feel personally attacked by him in this episode, particularly that moment (you know the one) when he's just standing there pulling up his sleeves, how dare he??
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Towel Tim (2x03) I think this speaks for itself.
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Tuxedo Tim (3x14) I think I could stare at him like this forever, jesus. It's too good. This man can wear a suit.
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Guatemala Tim (4x01) I just... yeah.
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Tim in Burgundy (4x02, 5x11, 5x13) We talk about Tim in blue/grey a lot, but I'm just saying, we're sleeping on Tim in burgundy.
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Tim as Dim (5x01) I can't even explain this one, because tattoos don't do anything for me normally, but... I think it's the hands? Whatever it is, he looks so good with the tattoos, the slicked-back hair, the haaaaaaaaaaaands.
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Baseball Tim (5x11) Hellooooooooooooo Coach Bradford. (Also, Tim in orange? Yes.)
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Happy Tim (5x13) I can't handle his bright beaming smile, happiness is such a good look on him.
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Metro Tim (RIP) (5x14-6x06) Arrest me but make it sexy.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Hi do you have an idea of what episode the "you can't script a hurricane" line might be in? It wasn't in 2x03 right? I thought it would turn out to be connected to Armand's backstory with lestat but I don't believe that line was there? So I'm now curious about where else it might fit instead
I mean… we have Lestat strutting down the aisles in the theater (towards Armand I‘d bet) at the trial. So episode 7, I would think.
We already saw that in a trailer.
I bet that refers to that as there are also pics of him in that armchair and I would bet real money that that is where he was supposed to stay, lol.
Because I mean… we know the trial is fake, a performance, right? And that needs a script.
But you cannot script a hurricane. 😈
And Lestat… is a force of nature. 🤓
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markantonys · 1 year
pulling together some of the s2 images we have so far! there's a LOT of stuff in the two teaser reels, so i'm focusing mostly on the shots from those that i can connect to the new promo images (which are especially helpful since we know what episodes they came from). sorry for the long post, i tried to do a read more but then for everything under the read more the images just displayed one by one instead of 2 or 3 in a row the way i'd formatted them and it looked bad.
first, rand. predicting that some of the first things we'll see from him is dream torment by ishamael (likely the source of the wheel shot) and meeting lanfear while alone and vulnerable:
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then he'll go to cairhien and meet up with moiraine and lan, and have his lord arc (and get a fancy outfit):
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then duel turak at falme in 1x08 (likely after receiving sword lessons from lan, which could be the Lan Shirtless With Sword shots we have several of):
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i think these scenes with moiraine (and lan) are from the early episodes where she still has her s1 outfit and hair:
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then she gets a fancy new outfit for cairhien (potentially the crying-in-the-bath scene), which could be where the beach scenes take place - but cairhien is landlocked (though it IS on a river), so maybe she keeps this outfit for the rest of the season and these beach scenes are at falme? i will say that i'm pretty confident the daylight beach scene is the same outfit as the cairhien promo pic, but not confident that the evening beach scene is the same outfit.
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on to perrin's plotline. we have several shots (i've just included one) from a scene of his party encountering the seanchan in daytime and being made to kneel. loial is still free here.
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loial appears to be getting captured here at night, and there's also shots of perrin's party fighting seanchan at night. the same scene?
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we know loial is in seanchan captivity by 2x05, so all the above scenes must happen during or before that episode.
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aviendha fights a whitecloak at night, which we've been thinking is the adaptation of the book scene where perrin frees an aiel from a cage (there IS a cage just behind avi here), and thus perrin & co would also be involved in this scene. could be the same nighttime fight scene as above, a three-way fight between perrin & co, whitecloaks, and seanchan? or it could just as easily be a different scene - if so, i'd guess in the second half of the season after loial has been captured and as perrin gets closer to falme.
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we do know that the seanchan and whitecloaks will clash in falme, and in a market-y location that looks somewhat similar to the promo pic of perrin and aviendha:
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overall, it seems like whitecloaks, seanchan, and aiel will all be heavily involved in perrin's plotline, which is great setup since all those groups are significant parts of his storyline at various points in the future.
from what we know so far, the girls' portion of the white tower plotline seems pretty straightforward and similar to TGH. egwene has novice kitchen duty in 2x01, then later prepares for a journey (with liandrin i'd imagine) and is made damane.
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nynaeve takes the accepted test in 2x03 (side note: i'm extremely skeptical that portal stones and the flicker scene will make it and imo they should be cut even though they're cool, so i think the "what might be" episode title is for this episode, referring to the alternate life/lives nynaeve sees in her test, and perhaps rand can still see some alternate lives in his ishamael-tormented dreams). at some point she trains in the sword with warders, probably because she wants to be able to protect herself while being blocked. do we think that brown belt indicates she's an accepted, or is that still a novice outfit and this scene is set before her test?
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the picture of elayne could be investigating in a basement while black ajah hunting? i also thought maybe the ways en route to falme, but it doesn't really look like the s1 ways.
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mat's storyline is trickier to figure out because we have very limited shots of him so far. we know that in 2x01, he is crying in a room. from descriptions of the scene shown at cons, we know he is imprisoned by liandrin at some point in s2. seems likely enough that the below image is him in captivity, although it's also possible he could be at an inn or something there (feeling guilty for abandoning his friends) and gets captured later in the episode.
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the only other images we have of him are these two of him wearing his exact same outfit from season 1 and the crying-in-a-room scene and standing against a generic background:
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falme seems the most likely option - the stonework on image 1 looks similar to the stonework in the perrin & aviendha picture, and the arch in image 2 could be a falme arch like what we see in the perrin & aviendha and seanchan vs. whitecloaks picture. alternately, picture 2 could be tar valon since i think there were some white stone arches in the streets of that city too. if it is tar valon, it could be either a) early in 2x01 and we see his capture onscreen, rather than the episode opening with him already in captivity, or b) after he gets out of liandrin's clutches.
how will he get out of liandrin's clutches? maybe he breaks out on his own, or maybe siuan gets wind of what's going on and intervenes to make liandrin let him go - this could also serve as an event to strengthen siuan's suspicions of black ajah in the tower, leading to her creation of the wondergirls task force.
i will end the post here since i hit the 30 image limit haha
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skymed whump list
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description: “Follows intense character journeys and high-stakes medical rescues, heartbreaks and tribulations of budding nurses and pilots flying air ambulances.” whump refers to various recurring male characters (unfortunately not all of them are in the pic, but from left to right are Tristan, Chopper, Nowak, and Bodie)
overall notes: apparently you can find the show on paramount plus but I pirated it so I can’t say anything for captions or availability. it’s a little silly sometimes but it’s way more interesting than a lot of your average medical dramas imo.
Pilots And Nurses And Bears, Oh My! (1x01) - Jeremy: stabbed, stitches Wheezer: plane crash, unconscious, bloody face, carried, broken back Bodie: upset
Line Indoc (1x02) - Bodie: at gunpoint, hit in the head with a gun
The Kids Are Alright (1x03) - Wheezer: in the hospital
Where There’s Smoke (1x04) - Wheezer: on crutches
Bushwhacked (1x05) - Wheezer: walking with a cane Jeremy: hit by a car, in the hospital Bodie: leg caught in a bear trap, carried, in the hospital Tristan: upset, crying
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (1x06) - none
Daj Mi Buzi (1x07) - Nowak: overworked, tired, crashes his car, cut forehead, in pain and struggling to get out, relocates dislocated shoulder by himself, two panic attacks Jeremy: in medical transport, upset Trevor: upset Bodie: upset
Frozen (1x08) - Nowak: panic attack while flying, upset, fight with Bodie Chopper: panicked Bodie: fight with Nowak Jeremy: cold
Leave It All On The Ice (1x09) - Wheezer: gagging Jeremy: stumbling, shot, upset at himself Pierce: trapped under a shelf, reveals he’s going deaf, internal bleeding, in the hospital, upset at himself Bodie: crying
NEW!! Season 2:
Return to Base (2x01) - Jeremy: argument with Crystal Tristan: mildly electrocuted, argument with Nowak Nowak: argument with Tristan Wheezer: scared Chopper: in an explosion, unconscious, impaled with shrapnel, cardiac arrest, field medicine
Spun Out (2x02) - Jeremy: upset, argument with Crystal Wheezer: slip and fall, emotional conversation Chopper: unconscious in hospital, waking up, groggy, arm pain, upset, collapse Bodie: upset Nowak: upset
Things That Matter Most (2x03) - Chopper: upset, can’t use his hand much, hand bandaged Nowak: upset Bodie: plane crash, emotional conversation, crying Tristan: plane crash, broken rib Jeremy: plane crash
Turbulence (2x04) - Chopper: in pain from his injuries, limping, upset, crying
Code Silver (2x05) - none
Little Lies (2x06) - Jeremy: upset, doubting himself Wheezer: stressed Nowak: upset, angry
Old Wounds (2x07) - Tristan: upset, crying Nowak: guilty, panicking, vomits Wheezer: upset, worried about Haley, argument with Haley, angry Bodie: in trouble for breaking rules Chopper: in trouble for breaking rules
Before Sunrise, After Sunset (2x08) - Bodie: upset
Out With a Bang (2x09) - Nowak: upset, trapped by a broken elevator, revelation of past trauma, crying, unconscious, carried, in hospital with ruptured diaphragm and broken ribs Wheezer: sick, delirious Tristan: upset, crying, worried Bodie: in hospital after kidney donation
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bonobochick · 2 years
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Zion photographing Ginny + Bracia. 📸
Ginny and Georgia ep 2x03
(Zions’ photos of Bracia were SO MUCH BETTER than that cast pic of her)
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shakapuffin · 6 months
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Alert 2x03 Promo Pics
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thatbeluga · 2 years
Wet Sock 2x03: Parent-Child Bonding in the My Immortal Dimension
Season One / 2x01 / 2x02
“What the hell is this place?” Misp said, shielding their eyes against the cold winds. 
“Bestie did you not read the title of this episode?” Rad said, pointing to the header on the post. “This is the My Immortal Dimension, the darkest and most evil corner of the multiverse.”
The bleak, goth valley spread out below them. The clouds were raven black with purple streaks and red tips, and the few fivers were choked with pink fishnets. Trees held racks of Hot Topic clothing, and flocks of limpid tears sheltered in their branches. The moans of condemned self-inserts sold to One Direction echoed across the realm.
“We should be fine, as long as we steer clear of any goths, Amy Lee lookalikes, people related to Gerard Way, that fucking hottie, or any wandering ANs,” Rad said, whipping out a thingy of red eyeshadow. She applied it, and handed it to Misp. “Here. Disguises will keep us safe.”
Rad and Misp descended into the valley, warily watching the skies for danger. The first hour was mostly uneventful, and for a moment Misp wondered if this really was the most dangerous realm in the multiverse.
After they climbed over a pile of combat boots, something shrieked behind them. A goth stood in the snow behind them, pointing a pale hand at Misp’s feet.
“PREP!!!! PREP!!!!” the goth screamed, its finger trembling. Rad looked down, and saw Misp was wearing Crocs.
“Sweet shit nugs Misp, why’d you bring your fucking Crocs?” Rad groaned. The goth started running towards them, red nails glinting. 
“Gimme a sec,” Misp said, turning the Crocs to sport mode. “Alright, let’s get da heck out of here.”
Misp and Rad ran into the Hot Topic Woods, the goth trampling through the t-shirts behind them. After about an hour, the sounds of horror film shrieks and MCR guitar riffs faded into silence. 
“We’re almost there,” Rad said, walking to the top of a rise. Across the next valley, there was a huge, black tower that pierced the multicolored clouds. The only thing standing between them and UWU Enterprises was a huge herd of ANs (AN: if you don’t know what AN stands for, get da heck outa here!).
The hulking, globular masses spouting cringy, misspellled messages instantly noticed the two beings at the top of the hill. 
“Whos dat hotie?” the nearest AN grumbled, oozing up the slope towards Rad and Misp. Several began to follow the first one, and in moments they were completely surrounded. Rad and Misp stood back to back, hope almost completely lost.
“Well shit,” Rad said, shrugging and putting her hands up like the emoji thing in her profile pic. 
“There’s only one way to defeat a being that cringy,” Misp said, whipping out the copy of Homestuck. “Be... cringier.”
Misp opened Homestuck, the cringe blinding the flocking ANs, guttural screams rising from the depths of their goo. Light reflecting off the pages of Homestuck set their moist bodies ablaze.
“Let’s get da heck outta here! Ma eyes are burning!” they shrieked, melting into the fog. Misp held the book out in front of them, cutting a path through the valley. 
Finally, Rad and Misp hobbled up to the steps of UWU Enterprises. There was a tiny window at the base of the tower, with a fanart drawing of Hatsune Miku standing inside.
“Uwu~<3″ the attendant giggled. “What brings you to UWU Enterprises?”
“We’re here to speak to Y/N, you snot rag,” Rad said, wiping off a bit of AN goo left on her forehead. “Now let us in, or we’ll--
“OWO” the attendant said. “I see. (´・ω・`) you must here to post bail for That Beluga and The Last Flying Fuck.”
A door appeared next to the attendant. “ÕwÕ <3 ~* ^u^ right this way!”
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ailendolin · 1 year
BBC Ghosts Meta Masterlist
Thomas can feel temperatures
Thomas and the theme of change + Thomas and acceptance + canon
Thomas and his need for attention
Thomas and his reaction to loud noises + further thoughts
Thomas and physical reactions to things
The implications of Thomas turning his wound away from Alison
Thoughts on Thomas and the painting
About Thomas and the theme of waiting
On Thomas and drowning himself in the lake
Thoughts on Thomas in 3x03 + Thoughts on Fanny in 3x03
Thomas's connection to the sun
Thoughts on Thomas being forever stuck with the shitty first draft
On Thomas watching Isabelle live her life without him
The importance of Kylie allowing Thomas to finish the song with a solo
Thomas waiting for Isabelle under the tree even after his death
Thomas's idea of writing a book to make money & the Button House Archives
Thomas being left behind when he died and after he talks about his death
About why the hug in 5x05 is not as wholesome as it seems at first glance
About Alison sending Thomas mixed signals part 1 and part 2
About Alison's prank on Thomas and Thomas's vs. Kitty's behaviour
About Thomas being a bad poet
The implications of Thomas finding out what con means
Thoughts on Thomas's mother based on what he says in 3x05
Analysis of 2x04, in particular the time jump in the beginning
Robin having a second ghost power
Robin and Graham the knight
Fanny and the Titanic
Alison's interactions with other ghosts
Did Julian really push Alison?
On Pat being one of the lucky ones
Observation about Nigel in 2x02
Thoughts on 2x04
Series 4 wishlist and what ended up being in the series
Why 4x04 hurts so much
The Captain's name is not a secret
Thoughts on why some ghosts are still haunted by their deaths
The flea in Robin's ear
The first time Humphrey met the Plague Ghosts
Plague Ghosts flashback
The Captain coming to terms with who he is & the role Havers' return could play
WHP's mystery room with no door and Kitty's death
The logistics of becoming a ghost - an untimely death as a key element
The connection between the Captain's war journal and pillow talk
Foreshadowing in 2x03 Redding Weddy
Implications of the Captain not knowing what a TV is
Mike, the ghost chart and mistaking someone else for Julian
Series 5 wishlist
Series 5 speculation based on trailer and episode 1 synopsis and promo pics
Series 5 ending speculation
Series 5 Christmas Special speculation based on the synopsis
Thoughts on the final episode
Alison giving the ghosts closure through research
About the sacrifice the ghosts made and all they lost when they let Alison go
How switching the main plots of s4 and s5 would have fixed the final episode
The Captain sort of becoming the very spy he was so worried about in s5
Mia possibly inheriting Alison's gift because she was born on Halloween
What Fanny caring for Mia implies about her relationship with her own children
The exorcism preventing the ghosts from going back inside the house
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twelvegate-blog · 1 year
Boxes and memories
I think there is a connection between the boxes we see in the Byers house, Hopper’s cabin and Terry’s house. 
The Byers box
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In that box they keep their photos. Their memories. No photo of Lonnie tho. There’s even a pic of the library (the foreshadowing!) but no Lonnie, lol. 
Jo noticed that we also see the box (and the christmas lights) the first time El and Hopper interact. So both Hopper’s kids are there?
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EDIT: In S2, the box is in Will’s room. He keeps his crayons in it now. That's Will's box.
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And when Hopper is there we see the other side, with two flowers. The red one imo is El.
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I think this is one of the most important scenes of the show, tbh. We see the I forgot you birthday card (birthdaygate) the Will the Wise drawing in two different places (different timelines?) the They’re growing, spreading, killing, foreshadowing of Will’s connection with the UD and the UD spreading into Hawkins in S5. 
And Will probably explains what MKUltra did to the Hoppers. One of those scenes they could use as a flashback when they reveal the truth in S5. When Will says that he knows things now that didn’t know before, and has old memories in the back of his head that are not his memories. Wow. 
And when he says that, Hopper, for some reason, looks at the box. Will's box.
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This happens in 2x04. But in 2x03 we see Sara’s box in Hopper’s cabin! So, his daughter’s box in one episode, and in the next one, Hopper is with another kid and looks at his box. Ok.
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And yesterday I noticed that there’s also a box in Terry’s house. On the left, in the background (another yellow flower!) And we see it when El is going into Terry’s mind to see her memories. Yeah. They’re connected
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lraszewski · 1 year
Some Blundering About Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x03: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow or Let’s Kill (Baby) Hitler See also: “The City on the Edge of Forever” (TOS), “Tomorrow is Yesterday” (TOS), “Time’s Arrow” (TNG), “Past Tense” (DS9), “Future’s End” (VOY), “Storm Front” (ENT), Star Trek IV, Season 2 (PIC) Contains strange new worlds: Not unless you count Toronto. Title is a florid but entirely literal reference to a big thing in the…
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allgossipgirllooks · 2 years
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Best Pics Serena Van Der Woodsen - 2x03
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zanzagifs-moved · 3 years
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booasaur · 2 years
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NCIS Hawai’i/NCIS - Kacy in the crossover trailer
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xbcaptain · 2 years
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SEVEN/RAFFI   +   season two journey
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