#pick a new book!
inkclover · 4 months
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they are so silly… silly little fellas…!
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lazylittledragon · 18 days
ok someone please correct me if i'm wrong but am i weird for thinking those 'audiobooks don't count as reading' posts are ableist as fuck????
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gorgonsagainstrape · 1 year
do you think forgiving rapists / abusers is necessary for healing? i've been reading a lot of essays and articles that all basically boil down to the same thesis: i couldn't heal until i forgave him. many of them also say that they wanted to reject the idea that survivors are all angry and want their rapists / abusers to die, which is something i have been struggling to find anywhere. there's margaret cho [Margaret Cho Explains Why She Wants To Kill Her Rapist] but beyond that i couldn't find much on this topic aside from people criticizing it.
there seems to be a consensus that all survivors want is accountability. all they want is their rapist / abuser to admit they did it and apologize. and then that's it? what about the research that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated? there is no known program to rehabilitate sex offenders that works in any meaningful way. they go through the program(s), learn how to game the system, get released, and immediately go back to harming women and girls.
why is it so taboo to hate them? hating them doesn't make us the same as them. it's quite literally the opposite. they love the violence they do and we abhor it, there is no way anyone can look at it and say our hatred is just as bad as theirs. we hate them for what they do, they hate women and girls for what we are. massive difference. if they don't want to be hated, they shouldn't rape. it's that simple.
i think a reason why it's generally frowned upon to want any kind of meaningful justice or to hold any rage or hatred in your heart for rapists is because men as a whole are aware of how many of their own are rapists. they know that if every rapist was imprisoned or killed, there would be maybe 5% of men left in the general population. and that scares them. i wish we lived in the world they think we live in, the one where being a rapist and being called out for it means your life is ruined or even ended. wouldn't that be nice.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
me sending yet another email to a French public service to ask them why they use so many gratuitous English words in a service that's supposed to be non-discriminatory and accessible to everyone in the country
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immediatebreakfast · 18 days
The difference between Jack's telegram to Van Helsing, and Seward's letter to Arthur, is a study of how to disguise desesperation into the most proper greeting with a whispered worry.
From going to a functional, short, on point, literal, and fast telegram which warns of Lucy's debilitating state to a more subdued, longer, and detailed in other matters letters that tells how Lucy is "not so good". Jack really exemplified how hard it is to balance that worrying content within victorian society, moreso when Arthur is nobility.
Terrible change for the worse. Come at once; do not lose an hour. I hold over telegram to Holmwood till have seen you.
With Van Helsing Jack can convey the horrible truth of Lucy's condition with a few paid words, and a petition that warns the old professor that it's a matter of time, or possible death. The mention of Arthur gives more weight to the telegram as now it is unsaid that Jack, somehow, has to tell about Lucy's condition after Van Helsing examined her.
My news to-day is not so good. Lucy this morning had gone back a bit. There is, however, one good thing which has arisen from it
In contrast, the letter starts softer, and tries to not give alarm over Lucy; yes she is a little worse, and we are treating her (please do not come, and leave your dying father). The mention of how both Seward, and Van Helsing finally can drop the pretense of a simple visit after Mrs. Westenra gave them her permission to treat Lucy. How there are difficulties, but surely all of them will overcome them.
It's a testament of Seward's writing abilities to convey this dire situation into something less dire, for a friend who has left his full trust on his hands.
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purplebass · 6 months
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shades of magic & threads of power color palettes
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wilderflcwers · 9 months
"For both bonobos and chimpanzees, the bodies of the dead evoke many emotions. Even if the process often begins with trauma and confusion, typically corpses shift to a liminal status; not alive, but equally not a lump of meat. They're more intensively manipulated than hunted animals, and carried for longer. In some – if not all – cases, the eaters must know what and who they're consuming. Cannibalism is very probably a powerful means by which individuals and groups process the impact not only of killings carried out on emotional impulses, but other deaths too. In other words, it's about grieving. [...] "Shift these scenarios to Neanderthals, and add into the mix their far greater cognitive sophistication, and lives that revolved around using lithics. Suddenly it's not difficult to envision how skills in carefully taking apart hunted carcasses might be transposed into a grieving process that involved butchery and cannibalism as acts of intimacy, not violation."
Rebecca Wragg Sykes, Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art
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strawberryteabunny · 5 months
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package arrived ૮ ෆ ´ ˕ ` ෆ ა ♡
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clonerightsagenda · 12 days
It started with that dead guy next door book but there has been a huge boom in 'book titles that make me think the love interest will be some type of Creature but it's just a boring dude who owns a small business or whatever. but there's also a Creature. peripherally.' *Chuck Tingle voice* Not pounded in the ass by the undead entity haunting my home because a) they are incorporeal and b) they are not the love interest probably because they're incorporeal and everyone wants their romance novels to be [spicy/insert whatever juvenile term we're using this week instead of just saying it has sex in it]. False advertising and cowardice.
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emby-m · 1 year
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What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?
(an exploration of andreas over the course of 25 years, plus quotes)
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skellydun · 10 months
do you guys have any book recommendations? i like horror, mystery, ones that just take u on a little feel good adventure. really anything other than fantasy and YA stuff.
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bonefall · 4 months
hmm for where you’re going to go with moonpaw if they end up to be a nightsun kid (since i saw you mention the possibility of them being a sunfinch baby in that case in tags)… maybe you could pull a bb!squilf & spark situation and have sunbeam be moonpaws mentor? especially since iirc it was mentioned sunbeam really wanted to be a mentor in one of the earlier books of asc. im also a fan of moonpaw sunfinch baby though and the arc isn’t even out yet so. hrmmm
If I end up altering Nightheart's placement in any way (I REALLY want to put him in RiverClan) and Moonpaw is revealed as a canonical NightSun baby, 100% Finchlight is going to be her other parent.
Finchy kind of has an energy to me that she would end up with kids young, be a good and fun-loving sort of mom, and then in her older years give those adult children advice about enjoying their youth. The prodigy who CAN do it all, doesn't regret it one bit, but quietly matures into someone who wishes she'd been able to find more freedom during her life.
(And, with the kindness of time and distance, it's something she comes to appreciate about her brother. She wishes she'd broken more rules, back then.)
Surprisingly, if SunFinch DOES become endgame for BB!ASC, Finchlight would be the Mi and Sunbeam would be the Ba. I feel like Squirrelflight and Ivypool both have their eyes on Sunbeam and her potential, they're both trying to provide her opportunities to get her to be a significant warrior within the Clan.
So the unambitious Sunbeam finds herself working on her "career" while Finchlight, who has seen herself as the upcoming inheritor of Firestar's legacy since the day she joined her mother in the Impostor's exile, is enjoying the simple challenges of primary parenthood.
It's not the path either one imagined they'd be on a few moons ago, but it feels right for the people they've grown into.
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kvothes · 2 years
content aside, i think that diversifying your reading also means reading a variety of forms. even if you can burn through novels across genres and moods and subjects—they’re still novels. can you try short stories, a playscript, a book of poems? i think familiarity with these different forms is underrated and offers a lot
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eerna · 1 month
You must admit the red shoe 👠 cover is iconic. But yeah I kind of agree the new ones are more aligned with the story itself,
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anonymergremlin · 30 days
Things that LoP shows differently than Pinocchio.
The importance of being selfish.
You ma wonder why do I think that? Let me explain. As we all know Pinocchio is a story of growth. A story of gaining humanity. But since it also a story about a young boi, not being the child you wished for during it's decade... You can also say it as a story of becoming the type of human society or rather your parents want you to be. LoP on the other side shows that humanity also means individually. To be human you may have to act in a certain way but in the end it means to be 'yourself' without being judged. One good example, expect our puppet boi... Is Sophia. When she confessed that she woke him up to save her... Like it was her main reason... You could say. "Isn't that selfish?". And yes it is, but a ... Human way. Is it really that bad to want to be freed from pain and suffer? It may have been her main reason but she also helped with saving others. It wasn't like "please. Save me. Here and now." She gave him time. Everything was new to him, the battles were hard and acting with others wasn't also that easy. And that is honestly admirable. A selfishness, that shows how human it is to sometimes think about yourself first. But do still do it in a way that is healthy and honestly don't but others in danger.
Well, this still my opinion. But one that I really enjoy.
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havinghorns · 6 months
Accidentally wandered to the "for you" tab on here and got suggested so many "aesthetic mood boards" that were AI sludge sigh
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