#pick the bones
peculiary · 11 months
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Star Wars: Age of Resistance "Rey" September 18, 2019
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forecast0ctopus · 5 months
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putting those men in a Situation
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finngualart · 6 months
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drawing eight legs on a horse is so silly and annoying and i was thinking about how they could be more like... spooky astrally projected legs that only appear when said horse is walking between worlds
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a-most-beloved-fool · 19 days
fic in which Spock is unconscious or in a healing trance, and Kirk has to carry him somewhere, and any time Kirk is touching him, Spock is purring. Kirk stops to set Spock down and the purring stops. He picks him up again? Instant purring.
Kirk didn't know Vulcans purred, and is. utterly smitten by this. Biggest heart eyes you can imagine. Keeps looking over at Spock with the World's Sappiest Smile.
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littlepinksapphire · 1 month
The people who hate that Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein are featured in this campaign have never made sense to me. They talk about it like it’s some lame gimmick. Guys, this is an actual real life game of DnD. I know some people think that’s up for debate, but it’s not. How often does a group last long enough to meet their own characters from a previous campaign? That’s actually so rare and special.
Critical Role works because first and foremost, it’s a game between friends. So many people are eager to prove it’s scripted or complain when a story choice is made that they don’t agree with. Matt’s not trying to please you, he’s trying to please his friends. You, the viewer, and your experience, come second.
We got to watch Travis shed tears of joy getting to see Grog, excuse me, Grogory for the first time. But thats just a lame gimmick, I guess? I personally wouldn’t trade seeing the childlike wonder and excitement at the table for a supposedly better story beat. Go write some fanfiction about it and stop being entitled.
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artbyblastweave · 25 days
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This is a great example of a joke that's significantly funnier if you drop the bottom two panels. The facial expressions sell both the gag and your ideological point with no further commentary necessary. Who is Ivy addressing that to. The insane mass-murdering clown lady who you're gonna try to render unconscious or dead in a couple minutes? Or the audience, who you're soothing like a startled horse with assurances that both the character and the author have the Correct (tm) politics?
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pangirl-fangirl · 10 months
Calahan Skogman will never get to be in a scene with the rest of the Crows cast. We won’t get a scene onscreen with all six Crows. We won’t get the Ice Court Heist. We won’t get Inej’s backstory on screen. Amita won’t get to see her hard work finished, none of them will. We won’t get to see Wylan’s backstory on screen. We won’t get more of Inej and Nina’s friendship or Kaz and Jespers or Matthias interacting with the rest of the Crows.
These dedicated, phenomenal actors have been robbed. We’ve been robbed.
Netflix count your fucking days.
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save me, hot Glenn holidays. hot Glenn holidays. hot Glenn holidays, save me.
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miwiromantics · 4 months
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I’m so hilarious…
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arabellas · 10 months
goodbye goodbye goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky 😭😭😭
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polin-ista · 3 months
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Wait up, wait up...
And then he says
"if you are going to make me say it out loud"
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Colin how many times did you say i miss you in the letters you sent Pen? 🤣😭
I'm also of the opinion that she probably read them (i mean do you really think she could help herself after seeing her with his journal?) only because she had this response locked and loaded 😭🤣
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daftmooncretin · 9 months
in terms of plotline trends i have noticed while rewatching tos
90% of season one: kirk saves the day with help from good friend spock
90% of season two: kirk gets kidnapped and the kidnappers took his shirt (gladiator fighting a possibility)
90% of season three: kirk gets stuck somewhere and spock has to go get him
other 10%: kirk convincing computers to kill themselves, spock mutinying and the triumvirate wearing silly little period costumes. (also three compulsory episodes of klingon content which i dread sorry)
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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got like five asks requesting aku or chuuya so i just drew them together🗿
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Amorpho notices a strange fellow while glancing at the news playing on one of the many tv's at the Ghastly Spirits Pub and Grill. It was a man standing behind a few Justice League members during a live press conference about the most recent alien invasion attempt by whatever alien of the week wanted earth's resources this time. The man wore a blue trenchcoat, tan collared shirt, blue tie, and a blue hat.... and no face. Interesting. Very interesting.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 5 months
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pov ur bestie saw that ur hand was within Grabbing Range and LUNGED at that opportunity (breaking u out of ur Bad Thoughts Spiral and grounding u with how silly he is)
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barrel-crow-n · 6 months
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