#pico's school DAY!au
azk-the-horror-aus · 2 years
Already I'm already getting so fucking tired of this account so have some fucking Alucard content to make you happy bitches
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@puppyclownz @softie-flaky15
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asherashedwings · 4 months
Here’s a bunch of doodles of the goober
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lycankeyy · 3 months
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Jesus Christ these doodles already feel so old . I was not lying I really am using this fixation to speedrun learning to draw humans LMAO. Anyway I made some of those silly "understand ship in 5 minutes" memes with my Favorite pairings in funkycule au not ALL of them just the ones that I brainrot hardest about. If I did one for all of them we'd be here all day I'd probably hit image limit it's called the funkycule for a reason
ANYWAY infodumping/details under the cut:
I am a "BF and GF are Fucking Tall™️" truther because it's funny to me. With BF it's harder to tell because his posture is absolutely atrocious but GF is just So Fucking Tall
I'm going to be honest with the gender headcanon for BF. I guess I default to him being transmasc but I can see him as. Like. Anything. In fact I think he's just every gender. But I'm a coward so he's transmasc for the purposes of the chart. GF is a girl but identifying her as "cis" or "trans" doesn't mean much when demon genders don't really work like that. It's complicated. Pico is just a guy
Pico likes being the big spoon because he likes knowing that his partners are safe. However GF likes being the big spoon More. The result is Pico Sandwich. He will never admit it but Pico feels the safest he ever has in his entire life when he is being Pico Sandwiched
BF is very much a verbal affection type of guy. Yes he is nonverbal. His words of affection are various dubstep noises. His partners appreciate it so much
BF grew up kinda spoiled and never really learned how to cook. However after noticing that Pico is like extremely bad at feeding himself (canon six pack means nothing to me. That boy is skin and bones I won't be told otherwise /silly) he for the first time managed to convince himself to try it and he got Really into it he's actually good at it. He still loses his mind when GF makes him pb&j sammiches for dinner though it's his favorite thing in the world
Pico is Insanely overprotective mostly because he's extremely hypervigilant and sees potential danger in everything. BF is the exact opposite and even in situations where he's in immediate danger he'll be ironically more worried about Pico getting too worried about it. GF is also pretty ditzy about this due to her confidence that her boys can handle Anything but if either of them ever got hurt she would explode everyone in a 50 mile radius with her mind so like that counts for something
Random headcanon: the group's favorite date night activity is looking up an extremely bad movie and then commentating over it like old-school rage youtubers the whole time in an effort to see who can get the others to laugh the hardest. BF wins often because the flatness of the TTS voice he uses adds something to the humor of it
I kinda bounced around with what label to use for Darnell for a while. I definitely see him as arospec, with the stipulation that he does feel romantic attraction just like very not traditionally and after a Long Time. After going between quoiromantic and demiromantic for a bit I landed on grey bc it's open-ended enough to encompass it. The point is it took Darnell like 3 full years to realize that his feelings were less platonic than he thought and even then theyre still like. Only half-romantic lmao
Unfortunately as he cannot provide the Pico Sandwich Darnell is getting little spoon'd by a guy nearly a foot shorter than him. F
Pico and Darnell are pretty verbally coarse with each other in a way only people who've been through the amount of shit they have been together can be w/o jeopardizing their relationship. That being said they often express affection and insane amounts of trust through actions very frequently, sometimes even without either of them realizing. Them immediately making up after weekend 1 was one of those times lol
I put Pico on the "squashes the bug" end of both charts but in reality I think he just takes them outside unless it's like a gnat or something. Darnell isn't scared of bugs he just wonders what would happen if he set one on fire. Pico refuses to let him set them on fire
Even though Pico 2 is in a weird limbo state in funkycule just like it is irl, there's still some point in the timeline where Pico expressed protectiveness over Darnell, to the point where, years later, when Darnell heard Pico took down a whole army for BF and GF, he got jealous, because that was supposed to be their thing >:(. This was quickly followed by his Oh moment
Random headcanon: Pico and Darnell had been acquaintances for the whole time they were in school together, but they became friends when Pico (and Nene by proxy) were the only kids to continue hanging out with him after The Class Presentation Gone Wrong (Darnell Plays with Fire). To return the favor, Darnell stuck by Pico even after the events of PS fundamentally changed him as a person. Though their relationship can be messy, they've been virtually inseperable since.
The levels of toxicity of this are mostly dependant on When in the timeline by the time these two are like 21 they've normalized a bit dw lmao
Okay so like. I've made so much Lore. For Pico's School. For no reason. Anyway penilians have nothing against child soldiers so Cas was shipped off to infiltrate Earth at the penilian equivalent of 13. Also while on a surface level she's transfem in more depth it's like "all penilians are One Sex and have One Gender so technically she is xenogender, using neopronouns, and if you want to be extra silly with it, by the time she's 19 she's functionally alienkin but for humans as a coping mechanism for being banished to earth (dw abt it)"
[Projects my trauma and its side effects onto Nene] who said that
I didn't think much on the borrowing clothes thing until I realized that I draw Nene and Cassandra wearing the same style of turtlenecks I was like. Do you know what would be really funny
I don't have many intimate cute headcanons for these two Yet because I'm so early on in developing my shit and these two are Not cute at first. However I do like to imagine that Nene calls Cas all kinds of over-the-top cutesy or stupid nicknames just to get a reaction out of her. She called her a "vixen" as a furry joke + something between a compliment and insult once and she almost died
Nene is literally the only one in this entire cast who's never gotten her license suspended also she's somewhat good at car maintence which Cas find inexplicably hot
Giggles and kicks my feet at putting both Pico and Cassandra at the far end of the overprotectiveness spectrum. Anyway
Random headcanon: in the short period of time before Cas started ghosting Nene and FNF happening, they were in contact for One Christmas when they were like 15. Nene got Cas a cute little switchblade with hearts carved into the handle. Cas keeps it in a box by her bed and refuses to let anyone touch it or to let it ever get dirty.
If you have read this far I love you. Here is your reward should you choose to accept it:
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starified-lizzy · 1 year
Day 11: Bloodbath
TW// blood, implied shooting
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Either way, with this, I am now finally caught up again.
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wild0moon · 3 months
eating up ur captain design............ /pos
can i ask how pico and captain met in your au (i think its an au anyway)?
very canon adjacent, but it's an au, yeah. my friend and i's funky little universe just to the left of canon where we take things too seriously, you feel me
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short version: they happened to meet at a cop shop while pico was waiting for (yet another) police interrogation, weeks to a month after the events of pico's school. john took an interest in pico and offered, mostly as a joke, to teach pico how to handle a gun properly. what was supposed to be a one-off lesson for a quick bit of entertainment turned into regular practice sessions and accidental (but immediate) emotional attachment from both parties. whoops!
and if you'll indulge me, here's the long version, because it's been brewing in my brain recently and i guess my hand slipped
(WARNING: descriptions of and vague flashbacks to the events of pico's school)
The police station was usually quiet at this time of day. Idle tapping of fingers against a keyboard, muffled sounds of cars passing outside or of people talking in another room, none obtrusive enough to disturb the thoughts swirling in his head.
Now though, he was entirely preoccupied by annoyance.
Shut up. Why are you so loud? If you don't like pigs, why did you even come in here?
Pico had seen the strange man in black from the corner of his eye, swaggering in like he owned the place, only to start chatting to the receptionist with all the warm familiarity of two former classmates who never really liked each other very much. Derisive whispers in Pico's head grew louder in concert with his rising stress, adding to the noise, birthing a cacophony he couldn't escape from.
The man went quiet, and for a brief moment, Pico was sure he felt eyes on him. His own gaze stayed firmly on his sneakers.
The receptionist finally piped up with something other than a disinterested hum. "That's, uh, that Pico kid. Pico Fulp?"
"Ohh, so you're the kid who shot up his school."
Pico's head snapped up.
In an instant, his vision was dyed red, blood running so hot it threatened to burn him up from the inside. He didn't know when he got to his feet, but he was already taking steps toward the man.
"It wasn't me!" he snarled, words bubbling up and bursting out before he could stop them. "It wasn't! Watch your fucking mouth or I'll break your jaw, you stupid—"
"I got it, kid, calm down," the man talked him down, in a far more stern tone than Pico had been ready for, stopping him in his tracks. Matter-of-factly, he added: "I don't care how tough you are, you've got another thing coming if you think you can break any bone in my body."
Pico grit his teeth, fists clenched at his sides.
The white-hot fire of rage burnt out almost as quickly as it ignited, his little body only growing colder as he actually looked at the man standing before him, red giving way to black and white.
Tall and broad-shouldered, wearing sunglasses so dark it was almost impossible to see the inscrutable eyes behind them. He was uniformed — the army, not the police. Which rank was the three stripes for? Was the 'Captain' on the tag his rank, or his name?
Pico dared to speak up again. "It wasn't me," he repeated, far softer than before.
Captain turned bodily to face him. "I heard you the first time. So, what did you actually do?"
He looked away again, wringing his freshly scarred hands. "I... I stopped it, sir. I killed the shooters."
The slight movement of Captain's eyebrows snared the corner of Pico's vision. "Really now?"
"I... I found a big gun in the janitor's closet, they must've stashed it in there," the words spilled forth, as if he were back in that vile interrogation room already. "So I took it, and I shot them. All of them. There were four, a-and I didn't even know what I was doing, I was scared out of my mind, I'd never held a gun before in my life, I don't know how I—"
"You've never used a gun, but you still managed to take down four armed threats all by yourself?" There was a note of interest in Captain's voice, despite him crossing his arms.
Pico swallowed thickly.
"Please leave me alone!"
"I was told to just scare you! I wasn't gonna kill you!"
"...Two of them weren't moving, sir. I'd disarmed them, and they were afraid..."
Captain hummed. "Right. And the other two?"
No answer. Memories of callous men in blue giving him withering looks or laughing in his face when he told the truth kept his jaw clamped shut.
Captain lifted his head, looking around the otherwise empty room. "Where are your parents?"
A half-hearted shrug. "They don't want anything to do with me right now, sir."
They never did in the first place.
The soldier's thick eyebrows furrowed, but for the life of him, Pico wasn't sure what it meant. The man was as easy to read as a book with all its pages glued together. That, or he was just illiterate.
"I probably only lived because we were all just kids who barely knew what we were doing," Pico found himself saying, as if he hadn't also slaughtered a giant alien that day — Cassandra had been young and inexperienced in her own way, too. "If something like that happened again, I… I dunno."
Captain said nothing, just staring down at him, seeming thoughtful.
Silence fell over the room for a long moment, disturbed faintly by the nasty voices Pico had learned only he could hear. When the man's voice broke through the murmurs again, it hardly sounded any kinder.
"Look, if I were you, I'd stop pissing myself and go get some actual experience under my belt."
He wasn't done. "You know where the gun range is, right? The one five minutes north of here? Meet me there at thirteen-hundred tomorrow. Even a minute late and the offer expires, got it?"
Pico lifted his gaze to meet Captain's, incredulous. "You mean... But, why would you help me?"
It was Captain's turn to offer a lazy shrug. "I'm bored outta my skull, and this is the most entertainment I've gotten in months."
He said that, but he didn't look very amused. Besides, a soldier like him surely didn't have time to waste on such petty entertainment as watching a child grappling with fear. Pico tried scrutinizing the man's face for a moment longer, unsure what he was even searching for, but quickly found himself at a loss.
The easy answer was that it was a genuine offer to help, to teach him how to properly handle a firearm and put that aspect of his trepidation to rest. Pico wasn't sure if he believed that, but for some reason, he really hoped it was true. That would mean that Captain saw something in him, something more than the unfortunate kid and murderer that the other adults saw, something worth taking a chance on.
Nice. This man, a total stranger, was being nice.
When was the last time anyone said something nice to him?
(Weeks ago, in a sterile hospital room, two hands gently clasping one of his own, their owner smiling in spite of the anxiety behind those pretty black eyes, the sweetest voice Pico had ever heard telling him over and over how everything was going to be okay—)
Pico shook his head, as if he could physically clear the memory away.
He's gone now. Stop thinking about him.
By the time Pico dragged himself back to the present, Captain was already on the way out, muttering something about the stench of hogs. Pico watched him walk away, until he disappeared from view.
"Prick," the receptionist muttered, returning their attention to their computer.
With little else to do, Pico returned to his seat. His own thoughts quickly took center stage as usual, but they were different now, looking tentatively to the future, rather than the bloody memories that tugged insistently at his back.
It had been a while since he had something to look forward to.
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living-lucid-dream · 2 months
(More) Blind Pico AU!
Link to Part One Next
Several days after identifying Pico in the ICU, Boyfriend and Girlfriend are enjoying a surreptitious date (aka: Girlfriend snuck out with Boyfriend while her parents were occupied discussing logistics for Mearest's tour). While they are together, Boyfriend gets another call from the hospital saying that Pico has woken up.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend hurry to the hospital to see him. On the way, they agree that they will tell him what they had planned to tell him on the night of the concert. Even though it might be a surprise, they are both sure that it will cheer him up and help him feel better (and neither of them can stand to wait any longer!)
Their plans are dashed when the get to the hospital. Although Pico definitely looks better (no more tubes in his chest or throat), he still appears to be unconscious. His arms are also restrained to the bed.
Boyfriend tracks down Pico's nurse and asks her why Pico is tied down. The nurse explains that Pico was confused when he woke up and was starting to get violent (ripped out his IV, gave one orderly a bloody nose and bit another's hand bad enough to need stitches). They gave him a sedative to calm him down and put him in restraints to keep him from hurting himself (or any more of the staff) when he woke up again.
Boyfriend starts to argue that tying Pico down is a bad idea, telling the nurse that "He freaks out and gets punchy sometimes--that's just the way he is!" and "Tying him up when he's like that is just going to piss him off even more." Before he can say much more, Girlfriend finds him and tells him to hurry back to Pico's room--their favorite redhead appears to be waking up!
Sure enough, Pico is stirring. Boyfriend tries to say hello to him, but Pico seems to be too busy hyperventilating to hear him. Within seconds, Pico is tugging against the restraints and groaning. Boyfriend remembers something he used to do for Pico when they were dating in high school: whenever Pico started having trouble determining what was real, Boyfriend would pinch the fleshy bit of Pico's hand between his thumb and first finger and tell Pico what was really happening. It didn't always calm Pico down completely, but it usually seemed to help.
Hoping it will work now, Boyfriend grabs Pico's hand and tells him he's in the hospital and that he needs to calm down so the doctors can help him. Pico squeezes Boyfriend's hand and calms down enough to ask Boyfriend why he's tied down and blindfolded. (Actually, he kind of croaks it out, and he's speaking in a weird monotone and slurring his words like he's drunk.)
Boyfriend tells him that he was hurting the doctors earlier to which Pico mumbles something like "Oh. 'm sorry. Jus' untie me now 'n I won't do it again."
Boyfriend is getting freaked out because Pico is still talking in an unsettling monotone. The nurse, who followed him back to Pico's room, explains that Pico will improve as the sedative wears off and takes off Pico's restraints.
Pico immediately reaches for the bandages over his eyes, but Girlfriend grabs his hands and tells him not to touch the bandages. Pico lays still for a long time before whispering "m'kay" and falling back asleep.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend stay in his room for a while, but Pico doesn't wake up again while they are there.
A few days later, Boyfriend is recording his first single with the studio. (He and Girlfriend have tried to visit Pico every day, but he's been refusing all visitors--even them.) As soon as he is out of the recording booth, Girlfriend gives him a kiss and says he sounded amazing--but she needs to leave now because she is supposed to be having lunch with her mom. She gives him another kiss and promises to text him later.
After Girlfriend has left, Boyfriend receives a call on his cell phone--from Pico! Boyfriend is relieved to hear Pico sounding much more like his normal self. Pico cuts him off, saying that he needs a favor and then proceeds to explain that the hospital won't let him leave unless he has somebody to stay with him when he goes home. ("Apparently they think I can't take care of myself or some shit since I'm blind now.") He asks Boyfriend to tell the doctor that he will go home with Pico, but is quick to add that he doesn't actually want Boyfriend to take care of him. Boyfriend only needs to SAY he will do it so he can go home. Boyfriend (being Boyfriend) sees no harm in this plan and agrees.
Meanwhile, Girlfriend and Mearest indulge in a ridiculously expensive lunch at a swanky bistro with plans for a spa afternoon and a shopping spree to follow. Mearest notices that Girlfriend seems to be somewhat melancholy and asks her what is wrong. Girlfriend tells her that even though it looks like Pico is going to be OK, she is still upset about what happened to him and wonders who would do such a thing.
Mearest replies that "You know, the kind of life he lives, he's bound to have made some enemies." She goes on to suggest that it may have been a competing merc--or maybe even one of his "friends", noting that Darnell and Nene haven't been very happy with him lately and that she heard they were arguing backstage after the show.
Girlfriend says, "You really think his own friends would do that to him?" Mearest shrugs, saying something about how "honor among thieves is just a myth" before encouraging Girlfriend to talk about something more cheerful.
They go on to talk about how well Mearest's concerts are going and then about Boyfriend's skyrocketing popularity. Mearest admits that she was not happy about Boyfriend being her opening act at first--but now she is able to recognize that he does have talent and if he's helping draw more people in to her shows (and helping make her even more money), well, that's all for the better, isn't it?
In the meantime, Boyfriend goes to the hospital and spends several hours being instructed on everything he needs to do for Pico, with Pico becoming increasingly withdrawn and embarrassed. The list of responsibilities includes:
Managing all of Pico's medications (pain medicine, medicated eye drops, cream to the wounds around Pico's eyes)
Helping Pico move around safely (he needs to have his hand on another person's shoulder.)
Helping Pico get dressed because it turns out he has a painful incision across his abdomen and he can't bend forward enough to put on his shoes (or get his underwear or pants over his feet)
And speaking of the incision...he has a couple of drains in his side that need to be emptied with the amount recorded each time
Basically everything involving cooking
One of the people giving Boyfriend instructions (probably a physical or occupational therapist) mentions that they recommended that Pico enroll at a school for the Blind (or at least an Orientation and Mobility class) to help him learn strategies to do these things independently, but Pico refused. They give Boyfriend information about several of these services in case Pico changes his mind.
Finally, Pico gets the standard wheelchair ride out the front door to a waiting Lyft ride. During the ride to Pico's apartment, it comes up that Pico doesn't remember anything about the assault. He gets touchy about it when Boyfriend tries to help him remember, saying he's already been through the third degree with the police and he doesn't feel like doing it again.
Once they get to Pico's apartment building, Boyfriend helps guide Pico up the stairs to his apartment. It takes them a long time to get there because Pico needs to stop and rest between flights of stairs and Boyfriend is pretty terrible at leading Pico, not thinking to warn him when the stairs start or end or telling him if they are going to make a turn.
When they get to Pico's apartment, it takes him four tries to get the key into the lock. Once inside, the first thing he does is let go of Boyfriend and immediately bark his shin on a coffee table. He fumbles along a wall to his bedroom and flops onto the bed before telling Boyfriend that he's fine and Boyfriend can leave now.
Boyfriend starts to say "Uh...I don't think--" to which Pico cuts him off with "That's right! You don't think! That's what's so great about you! Now you need to leave because I'm tired and I want to go to sleep."
Boyfriend sighs but starts to head for the door. He makes a detour to the kitchen, just to check if Pico even has any edible food in his apartment when he hears Pico scream "FUCK" followed by absolute wailing.
Boyfriend hurries back to Pico, who is now ugly crying on his bed. Boyfriend asks Pico if he's OK. Pico tries to say "Yes" before breaking down into sobbing again.
Boyfriend sits down on the bed beside him and Pico starts a frantic monologue about how his life is now completely fucked. ("I'm a merc, Bee. That's how I live. That's how I pay the goddamn bills. I can't do any of that if I can't see. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I have so many people who would love to see me dead or worse and the only reason they haven't come after me is because the know I'd blow their asses away and now I have no way to defend myself from any of them because I won't even see them coming. I can't even make across my own damn apartment without fucking myself up!")
Boyfriend gives Pico an awkward hug and offers up literally the dumbest attempt at comfort by saying, "Well...maybe you'll get used to it?"
Pico buries his face in Boyfriend's shirt and howls, "I don't want to get used to this!" before dissolving into more sobs.
Boyfriend just holds him, then scoops him up and lays him down on the bed. Then Boyfriend lays down beside him and resumes holding him. Pico eventually cries himself to sleep. Not wanting to wake Pico up, Boyfriend stays next to him until he also falls asleep.
OK, got to stop there but rest assured there is still plenty left to this AU. (God, this is only a SUMMARY of the story! If I were to attempt to write it out as a proper fic, it would be INSANELY long!) As before, feel free to ask any questions your heart desires. Also, I think I'll start putting links between the pieces of the AU for ease of searching. Have a great night, all!
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soulspite · 23 days
Your soft mod pop idol au is so good already, may I hear more about it?
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Thank you both for being interested in my AU! Let's see...
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Back before the events of Pico's school and Ben's enrollment into public school, Ben and Aria were forced to be child stars.
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Ben, wanting to know what it's like to live as a normal kid begged his parents to let him attend public school. Though his parents objected at first, they decided to let him so that they could say "I told you so" if he came crawling back to them about how awful public school is. When it comes to Ben being trans, Ben originally wore a red hat, reading glasses, and tucked his hair in his hoodie to disguise himself. Being really famous made having a normal life hard, so he did what he could to make himself look like a regular kid and it surprisingly worked.
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As he got used to the disguise, he got far more comfortable in it, having days where he wished he could just be that version of himself all the time.
Pico eventually finds out Ben's real identity (obviously a little surprised), but when Ben expresses he could just stay in his disguise permanently, Pico brings up the idea that Ben could be trans. Ben does research on his own, and recognizes that he is indeed transgender. Pico's supportive and continues referring to Ben by his preferred name and pronouns though he knew his legal name and gender.
Ben's parents knew about his disguise and decided to humor him initially, but the moment he voiced his desire to be a man, they objected solely because Ben would lose all the fans that liked him as he was. He would most likely try to come out of the closet at 16, and immensely regret it due to his controlling parents forcing him stay as a woman.
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Considering they already abused him for not wanting to be on stage and sing, they were ready to beat out the idea of being trans too. The abuse worsened quite a bit, and eventually Ben was pulled from school as it was there where Ben dressed and presented himself in that way. This led to him being home schooled, but he did what he could to stay in contact with Pico.
Thanks to @star-starters for the questions!
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bimbo-bah · 3 months
Welcome to Bimbo-BAH!
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Mod Tiffany (You may also call me Delilah)~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. 1stpp: Ai/Ame/Amory/Amorousine/Amorouself~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. 2ndpp: Xou/Xou/Xour/Xours/Xourself~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. 3rdpp: Xe/Xem/Xyr/Xyr/Xyrself~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Do not worry about accidentally using the wrong pronouns, I use multiple and simply switch them out every morning instead of listing them all at once~! Consider it a "pronouns of the day" type thing~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Bimboqueer & Yanqueer~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Pro-Para, Pro-TransID, Love is Love~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Don't bother sending anon hate or anything, I'll never respond to it~! ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*) .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Please keep in mind that I am Pro-Radqueer/Radqueer adjacent~! Anti-Rq's are allowed to interact as long as you are respectful and don't try to start discourse~! FYI I block anyone who try to waste my time~!
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Mod Glamour (Call Me Glam Or Mango)~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. She/Glam/Glitz/Glitter/Poof/Fem/Pop/Doki/Bim/Bimbo~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. BAHgenic Fictive Of Glamrock Mangle~! Sorry If My Typing Quirk Is Hard To Read~! .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Bimboqueer & Dummyqueer .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. I Don't Care About Stupid Discourse, I Just Wanna Make People Happy~!
{Request Template!}
(Note: Everything is optional, and you may request not to have certain sections in your alter pack~!)
𓆩♡𓆪 Alter Type:
𓆩♡𓆪 Source:
𓆩♡𓆪 System Role(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Name(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Species:
𓆩♡𓆪 Gender:
𓆩♡𓆪 Pronouns:
𓆩♡𓆪 Sexuality:
𓆩♡𓆪 Age:
𓆩♡𓆪 CisIDs:
𓆩♡𓆪 TransIDs:
𓆩♡𓆪 Paras:
𓆩♡𓆪 Personality:
𓆩♡𓆪 Likes:
𓆩♡𓆪 Dislikes:
𓆩♡𓆪 Aesthetic(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Typing Quirk(s):
𓆩♡𓆪 Face Claim:
{Claimed Anons~!}
🔪🩸 Anon
⚠ Anon
🍒🥀 Anon
🥁 Anon
🌌✨ Anon
🎀🐶 Anon
🔃 Anon
🎀🔪 Anon
💥 Anon
💕😵 Anon
2222 Anon
💿💕 Anon
💿🔪 Anon
🎨 Anon
{Current Requests~!} [Listed from Oldest to Newest~!]
(Note: I work on the older requests first, hense why those are at the top of this list~!)
An Emo/Goth Shota + a Permissive doctor alter duo
Random Transbimbo TransDoll Hyperfem alter
A Transmasc Zane Ro'Meave (MyStreet) Fictive with no Paras
PermaKid BEN Drowned (Creepypasta) Fictive
A Catperson Co-host/Persecutor
A Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Fictive
A Cassandra (Pico's School) Fictive
A Humanoid Stinking Corpse Lily Alter/Plantive
Physical Pain Manager Veronica Sawyer (Heathers (Movie Vers.)) Fictive
A Transjewish Subsys Host Alter
A Transboy 2000's emo Alter
A Permabruised Problematic Schoolboy Alter
A Dark Academia Fallen Angel Alter
A Problematic 2000's Scenecore Loli Alter
A TransMasc, Emo Songtive based off the song "Blood" by My Chemical Romance
A Yamikawaii Zombie Alter
A Random One Night at Flumpty's Fictive
A 2017 "Weird kid" Autism symptom holder
A Masc-aligned, Child, Anime-Attracted Gangle (the Amazing Digital Circus) Fictive
A Ball-Jointed Doll Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) Fictive
A Super Problematic Bimbo Transwoman Alter
A Little/Child Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Fictive
A Super Problematic Bimboy Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') Fictive
A Tradgoth Gatekeeper Alter
A 2020 Alt Kid Nostolgia Holder
An Alex (Kepther E) Fictive
A Random Don't Starve Fictive
A Hannah Marie (Scary Godmother) Fictive
A Paper Jam (Undertale Aus) Fictive
Link to the list of courses I'm Familiar with (However, I *will* do sources I am not familiar with)
Mod Glamour is also able to do any fandom as well, and most of her interests are on the list too (She doesn't have many and she may be more biased to doing fem-aligned alters)
I have No Blacklist as of now, and maybe in the future I'll do weekly specials, but for now, feel free to request anything~! I do have the right to deny any requests I feel uncomfortable doing, so please don't be upset if I deny your request for whatever reason~! (And yes, I'll always at least try to provide a reason for denying requests~!)
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sewers-headmates · 5 months
How To Request & Mod Intros
CW account will have spooky themes around horror and specifically slenderman
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This account is a horror themed alter pack/build a headmate style blog that will only do fictives or factives. Your requests can be from almost any source even if we don’t know it. This account has no dni but we block. This is a no discourse zone and a radqueer, transID, and endo friendly zone! We support everyone here <3 we use this account as our main nowadays. we are always open to friends and mainly souecemates! please ask if curious!
our official rules:
Rule Updates: we will not do anything from the following sources
paraphiles for factives
john doe
wilbur soot, melanie martinez related alters
labels that make us uncomfortable
pico’s school & fnf
alfred’s playhouse
magnus archives (can request but we won’t look up pictures/the media/wikis)
sexual trauma holder littles - sore spot for our system
Our Fult Blog:
@starry-children - a system focused (but not exclusive) fult ran by wiggly and welcome to all
Our sideblogs:
@the-wonderland-subsystem - mod wonderland’s subsystem creation process + general posting for the subsystem
@nighthawk-flock - our system’s posts + us collecting alters from other BAH blogs
@south-park-rq - for our south park alters to post
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Request Form-
feel free to change or just give a blurb on what you want ie “a cute and sweet protector with a kidcore aesthetic and transharmed” or “a marble hornets fictive who is transage and transharmful” anything you wish! you can also do full creators choice!
Other Labels:
feel free to include anything else
we will make a picrew or include pictures they can use as a faceclaim! for sources we can do anything! we will look into any source you want to get as close to accurate as possible!
If you don’t want to wait please check out our specials list!
Any more questions please ask!
current BAH Game:
don’t want to wait in line? we tend to do species first due to interest:
Mod Intros
there are two systems who work on this account Nighthawks System and Cutecore System ( @thecutecoresys )
this is mainly ran by nighthawks, we will post as individual alter mods the main ones will have intros here but more will post and you can find their intros here!
Mod Richie
he/him, 18
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Hello! I’m Richie, I’m a Richie Lipschitz fictive and our system’s host. I’m a massive horror and anime fan! I love this blog and have adopted it as my baby! I’ve even gotten posted to FDC and SystemCringe on here haha! I love my source and would love any souecemates to interact! I’m taken by my lovely partners (Max, Pete, Ruth, Steph, Grace, and Ethan!) I am still questioning my transIDs!
Mod Estella
she/her, 21
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greatings i am estella, i am sourced from H3ll P4rk (the actual one and aus/rewrites of it). I’m straight and exclusively enjoy the company of men unfortunately. I despite men though if we’re being fully transparent. I enjoy my privacy so i won’t list my IDs here but sourcemates feel free to reach out to me. I am single and ok with that.
Mod Max
he/him, 18
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sup nerds! i’m the one THE ONLY THE BEST Max Jägerman! I’ve decided to step up and help Shitlips out. I’m kinda the best. Uhhh i’m attracted to feminity like idc about gender but i’ll call myself straight. I’m a boy and a massive sadomasochist! Some transIDs i fuck with are transBully, transProgrammed, transPrinceProgram, transBetaProgram, transIdolProgram, nullAlive, transDeity. I’m pretty cool. The best mod. I’m just the coolest fr!!!! Oh i also have a little sister I love in cutecore AND Steph who is like my little sister also <3 /p
Mod Eddie
he/him, 40
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howdy. my name is eddie and you can just call me that. i’m a hatchetfield fictive. i’m extremly touch averse, aka i despise most people touching me/pressing to. i’m on the aroace spectrum. i’m tired a lot of the time but that’s also a body thing. i don’t really lnow my transIDs because i just haven’t looked. i’m a massive masochist though. anyway goodbye y’all
Mod Pete
he/they, permaTeen
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hello! i’m pete, a fictive of peter spankoffski from Hatchetfield. I’m a lil bit fucked up. I’m gay very very gay and obsessive with a LOT of people from my source. Most are very problematic lmao t^t. anyway! i’m transHarmful, transStalker, transYandere, transHarmed and am AAM! Currently single but have many f/os so idc too much!
Alice & The Wonderland Subsystem
she/it, 16
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hello we are the wonderland subsystem and will be helping out here too! We are a subsystem whose host is Alice Liddell! Our members consist of Alice, Butterfly, Fleshmaiden, Hattress, and Lucky. Our subsystem is wip and endo based! we personally ID as transsubsystem, transplural, transproggramed, and transharmed! as well as willogenic. we will be using white and be the final set of mods here!
Mod Schlatt
he/it , 21
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I am not a very active mod but I do my best to help out where I can ^^ I love cutecore, roblox, anime, and thee color pink! I am happy I get to be a part of this! I am bad at descriptions sooooo OH! we have many alters who will be doing this! Mod Schlatt is just kind of the collective mod name ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝ Some of our IDs are; transPastelGore, transMenheraDoll, Glitteramian, PinkBloodic, transHikikomori! Bye Bye!
🔪 THE FINAL GIRL - alter requests
🔪 RUN RABBIT RUN - alters we make with no request
🔪 THE SLASHER - mod posts/chatting
🔪 VICTIMS - questions
🔪 PROMO - promoting other accounts
🔪 CLUES - userboxes
🔪 MIDNIGHT - new form submissions
🔪 WANNA PLAY A GAME - BAH game blogs
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If you have anymore questions or concerns please feel free to dm us or leave an ask! thank you <3
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meltsyoutodeath · 4 months
Friday night funkin' x bnha crossover au where the fnf people were like born there and everything and. ok this post works better as a bullet list hang on:
(NOTE: anything I get fundamentally wrong is because I didn't actually get past, like, the training camp arc thing in bnha. I'm just going off the copious amounts of bnha crossovers I've been reading)
Bf's quirk is that he can pull anyone into a rap/singing battle that deals real physical damage if the opponent can't keep up. of course, the harder the song, the hardest it is for Bf himself to keep it up
Bf's quirk doesn't make a battle stop just because a rap battle began. you have to imagine a guy simultaneously fighting for their life and trying to hit the right notes to a song that started playing out of nowhere
Gf's main thing is that she starts looking like a demon whenever she feels something too strongly. That emotion can be happiness, anger, hate, love, whatever. BUT Gf can also enhance other people's quirks just by touching them
(more under the cut because it gets long)
Gf and Bf both go to UA! this is not because either of them want to be a hero. neither of them are interested whatsoever in all that. but Daddy Dearest insisted that Gf could ONLY go there because it's a prestigious school and he wants the best education for his daughter etc etc (it was totally not because it's hard getting in UA and DD thought Bf wouldn't be able to follow her there so they'd FINALLY break up)
Bf, of course, is THE boyfriend of all time, so he sweats his way through UA's entrance exams just to prove he'd do anything to be with Gf. and also as a fuck you to Daddy Dearest
They join the hero course because someone said Gf could never be a hero with such a villanous quirk and they took that as a challenge
moving on to OTHER characters: Pico is the quirkiest quirkless guy on earth. man was wanted for a school shooting at age 14 (yes I know canonically he was older during Pico's School but let me cook ok). he wasn't even responsible for the school shooting in question, but everybody just kinda decided he was because he was the one of the only survivors, so.
these days Pico works as a mercenary, but he's done enough to be seen as a villain. some even consider him a Big villain (because, you know. massive school shooting)
there are conspiracy sites that discuss what Pico's quirk is, btw. one day he made a burner account and said "I think he's quirkless" in one of those and he got banned from the website
Darnell's quirk lets him enhance pre-existing flames. So while he can't shoot fire out of his hands or anything, giving him a lighter is the same thing as giving him a flamethrower
Nene's quirk lets her copy any object she's holding, as long as she knows its composition. It's basically Yaoyorozu's but nerfed
That's how she gets her endless knives supply, and also how Pico never runs out of ammo. she makes, like, 20 magazines for him per fight
Darnell, Nene and Pico are a group who are mostly seen working together. they only try to kill each other sometimes
Fun fact abt them is that they have a combo attack where Darnell uses a spray can that's actually a bomb to distract enemies and then Nene launches a bucnh of knives that Pico redurects with gunshots as needed. this isn't easy or effective but they find it fun AND it looks really cool
One day Darnell is watching the news and something about some place being burnt down because of a villain comes up and he goes "something big burnt down,,, and not because of ME???" and at the same time Nene walks in all sad and goes "there's this new girl with some evil league or something who's stealing my knives brand :((("
so naturally they decide they HAVE to bring down the leauge of villains now. not because of the crimes or whatever but because they're stealing their brands
Pico joins them because why not. they become the team rocket of bnha
during the... training camp arc? is that what that's called? those 3 trail the League because a big open area sounds like a perfect opportunity to catch one of them alone and, thus, very killable
Pico ends up running into Bf and Gf locked in a battle against an unspecified villain and he looks like he's having trouble so Pico's like.... omg is that my ex?? I forgor he goes here. he's still kinda hot... who said that. I should totally help him out
so Pico gravely injures his enemy but gets so caught up in the friendly rap battle Bf pulls him into that he forgets to finish him off
and then Weekend 1 happens as normal except avoiding Nene and Darnell is a lot harder because they're, you know, roommates
anyway after that he starts hanging out with Bf again more. eventually Gf starts coming too and then I reveal this was SECRETLY GF X BF X PICO PROPAGANDA ALL ALONG
one day Midoryia sees them hanging out and near instantly clocks who Pico is so he runs away very comically (after Bf tells him he can't kill his classmates)
later on Midoryia can't help but ask wyat Pico's quirk is and promptly stops working when they tell him he doesn't have one
and that's all I have for now but you get my point right
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shishiikura · 7 days
One day I'll consistently tag all picos school/fnf/newgrounds content so its easy to find on my blog but today isn't that day. also once my bf and I come up with an official name for our gothpunks au (his art and my fics mostly fall under this) I'll make posts and tag them as such but again, today isn't the day
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azk-the-horror-aus · 2 years
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@softie-flaky15 @soulvee-productionz
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asherashedwings · 3 months
Fun fact about the Pico's School side of my NG AU: It's mainly split up into 3 games in my brain, 2 of those being hypotheticals. Pico 1 -- which is just the basic Pico's School -- , Pico 2, which would mainly focus on the G-bots like the real Pico 2 would've, and Pico 3, which would be the G-Squad's game. Cuz idk man, having the G-bots and the G-squad in the same game feels like to much, even if that game never came out.
Anyways, my brain has so many fucking ideas for what happens in "Pico 3". I might talk about it some day once I get more ideas concrete. Or if any of yall ask about it. I will gladly ramble if one of yall ask about any of this shit, I love excuses to info dump. Chat, I just really like the G-Squad
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thestars-shinebright · 2 months
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"I so badly want to say, 'would you like a cup of tea?' But... You know how it is." - Asgore, Undertale.
Hey guys! It's the Desk of Asexuality here, and this is my intro!
I use she/he/they pronouns, and I'm asexual (if that wasn't already clear, haha)and biromantic! You can call me Luna, Dave, Matthew, or Alto! My main interests are Undertale, Deltarune, the SCP Foundation, and Five Nights at Freddy's!
I'm here to write one-shots and such for my fellow asexuals, as I've noticed that the internet doesn't have much for people like us (and by that I mean almost anything and everything is sexualized). :(
[[This is NOT gate-keeping!! Allosexual people are allowed to read my works and interact with my page!!!]]
I do take requests! Don't ever be afraid to request something or ask me a question! I'm always open for communicating with you guys!
I write:
Canon X Reader
Canon X Canon
Family Figure
Angst (occasionally)
I write for:
Undertale (No AUs though, sorry :()
Friday Night Funkin' (Although the only mod I will write for is the Hex mod, as it is the only one I am familiar with :))
Pico's School (A more niche, and quite frankly, controversial game. I will make it clear now that I do not support or condone anything that occurs in the game.)
Five Nights at Freddy's and the books surrounding it.
Gravity Falls
That's Not My Neighbor
Psychocuties/ПСИХОНЯШКИ (I am aware that this source of media and its creator are considered problematic. The same statement made for Pico's School stands for this as well.)
SCP Foundation (The SCP Foundation is a very extensive universe, and while I love it sooooo much, I'm not familiar with very many characters. The list of characters I'll write for is listed below. The list will hopefully get longer as I do more research :))
Dr. Agatha Rights
Dr. Alto Clef
Professor Kain Pathos Crow (only platonically!)
Dr. Charles Gears
Dr. Jack Bright
Dr. Theron Sherman (If Dr. Sherman has stated that he is uncomfortable about such works being written about his character, let me know, and I'll take him off of my list!)
SCP-166 (only platonically!)
And maybe a few other things I might've forgotten, haha!
Keep in mind that "fanfiction for asexuals" means that asexuality is applied to the reader and the character if it is a Canon X Reader situation. The requester can ask for as much emphasis on asexuality as they wish, but it won't be a huge deal or take up most of the plot. The whole point in this page is to write fanfiction and such with a lack of sexual content for those who are uncomfortable with it, like me, and for people to feel like they're seen, even if just a bit, because I know lots of asexuals out there wish they were represented more.
If I am writing for Canon X Canon, there will simply be a lack of sexual content, because I know that Canon X Reader is what a lot of people might come for and look for an emphasis of asexuality in. Canon X Canon things I write might mention a character being ace here and there, but it won't really be a huge deal.
Also! Most one-shots, headcanons, etc. won't be all colored up like this unless requested for, so don't worry! :) It'll only be like this maybe if I'm just posting something outside of requests, fanfiction, etc.!
I usually write in the third person, and I do not refer to the reader as "you". I apologize if that drives any of you away :(
I hope that my writing can be consistent, and I stay active! Sorry if I do become inactive. TvT
Have a wonderful day!
"To my people, I am a hero... To you? I'm the bad guy!!" - Chaos King, Deltarune.
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starified-lizzy · 11 months
Goretober day 19: Paranoia/Flashbacks
TW// Minor blood
This one was quite fun to do. Backlighting my beloved.
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astral-corner · 5 months
Welcome to MDM
MDM is short for Monday Dusk Monolith, which is the (cancelled) FNF mod that this au is based off of. (Warning for body horror; including extra eyes/eyes where they don't belong/things in place of eyes, and spiders.) Or, well, originally based off of. Collaborating with friends, we've taken a lot of creative liberties and gone off in our own direction. The two of us have a focus on the main human(ish) characters, and as a group we've added plenty of mod and other outside characters to the roster, along with incorporating lore tied to things like Pico's School and Spooky Month.
Due to not owning every character, we can't definitively answer every question, but this will hopefully give a good jumping off point for the things we can answer. Plus we can always ask our other friends for clarification.
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Before we dive too deep, let's establish some of the characters:
Adam, aka Boyfriend Hatsune, (he/him) is a head empty, bi disaster of a man. He has the ability to go back in time whenever he dies or loses a rap battle, allowing him to try over again and do better next time. He is borrowing this power. He left his parents and sister behind in Japan, and his brother is currently MIA.
Lilith, aka Girlfriend Dearest, (she/her) has half a braincell, though most of it goes towards her interest in science. She gained her love of science from her dad, who she now sometimes offers help in searching for a cure for the infection that's taken over. Her and her dad try to keep close enough contact in this wasteland, but her mom is MIA.
Cain, aka Pico Newgrounds, (he/him) is tired of being the main braincell holder of this trio. He's not quite sure how the other two survived long enough to find him again, let alone survived curing him. Basically adopted by an army (literally) and forcefully adopted a member of an opposing faction as a cousin/sibling figure.
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While the main plot of this mod, and the inciting incident we've been playing around after, is still the monolith landing in the city, there's some backstory we should give an overview of first.
Back in the day, in the fictional city of Newgrounds, Pennsylvania, (no, this is not a coincidence) Adam (Boyfriend) and Cain (Pico) went to the same high school. While there, the two of them were dating and often hung out with Val (short for Valentine, aka Nene) and Moses (Darnell). Around this time, the other three loved to tease Adam about a friend who "you wouldn't know her, she goes to another school." None of them realize that he really did know Lilith (Girlfriend) back then, having traded names with her at one point while the pair of them were transitioning.
One year, Adam's parents got a job offer in Japan, and moved across the sea with his younger sister Lydia (Miku). Given that Adam was in high school and thus close to finishing schooling, they decided to let him stay with his young adult older brother, Abel (Michael), to finish it out.
Unfortunately, Abel ended up in an altercation while trying to protect Lilith during a hangout with her and Adam. In keeping with the Big Bro mod that Michael originates from, Daddy Dearest quite literally saves his life.
This is not the only gun related incident Adam would be unlucky enough to get caught up in. Within weeks of the event with his brother, the shooting from Pico's School took place. While Cain saved the day as Adam barely survived, Adam's parents were naturally worried about their son staying in America after both gun violence incidents. He was given only a few weeks to pack his things in preparation for leaving, and nobody was quite okay in this situation. As a parting gift, he was given his now iconic hat.
Without Adam for emotional support or a positive influence in the wake of the shooting, the remaining three friends turned into mutual bad influences. With Cain getting scouted by Assassin Corp, the trio slowly turned to a life of crime together. While the trio all turned to contract killing, they aren't afraid to turn to other illicit activities on the side.
It was somewhere around this time when the events of various Pico related things took place; such as Pico vs Überkids, Pico vs Bear as alluded to with the mention of Assassin Corp, and the Pico's Cousin games.
Adam lived in Japan with his family until a few months before the monolith arrived, when he finally moved back stateside at the age of 19. It'd been 5 years since he'd been made to leave, and, having lost contact with all the friends he'd left behind, he had no idea where any of them were. He did manage to reconnect with Lilith, and the two of them ended up dating.
That leads us into the events of the mod: The monolith falling and causing the infection; discovering music is the cure through it stopping Lilith in her attack against Adam; using that to save Daddy Dearest; an adventure to meet two strange children, their spider mom, and a weird creature in a lemon costume; and stumbling across an infected Cain, who very much wanted Lilith dead.
And then off we are into even more original content for this au which includes meeting a bomb man, a cloud man, and stumbling across Pico's family which led to the discovery that Cain has the ability to respawn, just to name a few.
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