#picolo app
smoreboi · 2 years
I really need to watch empires smp, don't i? i keep seeing things about it, but i already dont have time. i mean, its on the list, but the list is five years backed up and im already watching The Amazing World of Gumball, Tokyo Revengers, iZombie, Lucifer with a friend, Great Pretender, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, keeping up with Grian on Hermitcraft, forcing same friend to watch Helluva Boss, keeping up with Ghost Files, listening to far too much Will Wood and the Tapeworms, forcing the same friend to listen to Magnus Archives, same friend is hounding me to listen to Just Roll With It, and im waiting for Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo to drop Teen Titans: Robin so that i can go to 2nd & Charles and binge that, and im playing sudoku and solitaire and farmville 2 and two dots and merge dragons and all these other facebook mom games because my parents control my app downloads so i cant just get a game i dont have to wait on or deal with constant ads from. plus, consider, im in college. and next week is midterms week. and i have two essays that are a week late that i still need to write. and im working in a dusty plasma lab. and all this other stuff. but no, i keep seeing things about empires and now brain really wants me to watch empires as well. someone, tell me one persons pov that i should watch, i cant do more than one at this moment.
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jinxll · 7 years
Okay, listen everyone!” Leo sat opposite Nico in the circle holding up a phone. “We’re going to play with this app. It’s really cool. It’s some sort of mixture of Truth Or Dare and Never Have I Ever. I have to type in the names of the players.”
Fidgeting nervously, Nico thought that joining this had probably been a bad idea.–
This is a HOO/PJO oneshot. Sort of Modern!au because they’re using a phone at camp. 
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Solangelo is not canon yet.( ͡° ͜ ͜ʖ ͡°) Also Leo is single because I don’t ship Caleo at all and I just couldn’t bring myself to write them, sorry eeh.
Nico put on his dark jacket grudgingly. He was so not ready for this evening. Well, on one hand he was glad, of course, to spend some time with his friends. Gods, he was actually really happy to be able to call them his friends. They all had been through so much, but they made it. They had worked hard. Every single one of them still dealt with their personal demons of course. This was about healing internally. Scars on the soul, in the heart. But we’re on a good way, Nico thought.
Images of a boy smiling cheekily, blond curls gleaming in the sunlight, skilled hands gently wrapping bandages around Nico’s injuries flooded his mind. The son of Hades tilted his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to push away the pictures that filled his body with a burning kind of warmth.
Suddenly light steps could be heard outside of the cabin. Then a few knocks on his door. “Nico, are you still alive in there? By the time you’re at Jasons everyone will be wasted.” Hazel. His sister.
Nico exhaled soundly and shook his head. He opened the door to see Hazel smiling up at him, eyebrows raised in a questioning way.  “You okay?”
“Alright then, let’s go.” She pulled his hand out of his pocket and started walking towards the Zeus cabin. Nico looked her over, noticing the bounce in her step and her somewhat messier hair than usual. “You didn’t drink anything, did you?”
“What?” She gave him an amused look. “Don’t play the big bad brother on me. Of course I didn’t drink anything.” Nico wasn’t convinced. He decided to make it his soul mission for the evening to have a good eye on his sister. Besides, maybe that would keep his mind off other things. Or people. Maybe.
Entering Cabin one, Nico was still not ready for this. The Cabin was a chaotic mess with way more people than usually in it. Loud music was coming from who knew where. Hazel hopped over to where Frank was sitting cross legged in a circle with Jason, Percy, Grover, and Connor, deep in conversation with the son of Poseidon. Percy had his legs propped up on Jasons lap and was gesticulating with his hands wildly. They all had cups or bottles standing in front of them. Jason, sitting between the two dark haired boys, was listening to them intently. Hazel set down next to her boyfriend cuddling his muscular arm and kissing the son of Mars on the cheek.
“I got him.” she said and pointed her thumb over her shoulder at Nico, who still stood awkwardly in the doorway. Frank and Percy broke their conversation to greet him enthusiastically. Percy pulled his legs off Jason to stand up and give Nico a sort of half hug. “About time, ghost king. You wouldn’t have wanna missed this party.”
Grinning, the taller boy walked through behind him towards Annabeth and Piper, who were standing at an improvised kind of bar with multiple glasses, cups and bottles. Piper seemed to make some kind of experiment. She had some glasses in front of her filled with a weird beige colored liquid. The surface was strewn with an open bottle of pineapple juice, a toppled over coconut milk can, some pieces of crashed ice and straws in pink and orange.
Percy put one of Annabeths golden curls behind her ear and brought his mouth very close to it to tell her something. When he pulled away after playfully kissing her neck, Annabeths gaze fell on Nico. She waved smiling and Nico waved back. Seeing those two together still gave Nico a slightly bitter taste in his mouth. But he was so very happy for them.
Annabeth gestured for Travis and Leo, who were standing on the other side of the cabin to turn down the music. Nico flinched as he noticed who else was accompanying the sons of Hermes and Hephaistos. Will was crouched down beside some kind of device turning different buttons. He wore a white shirt that looked nice on his tanned skin. His Camp Half-Blood necklace was wrapped around his wrist a few times and there was another bracelet. From his past visits in the infirmary, Nico knew that it was a leather bracelet with a tiny silver stethoscope.
Will seemed to sense someone staring at him. He turned to look at Nico quiet sudden. For a second they just stared at each other. Then, Will stood up and grinned at Nico, waving somewhat shyly. Nico tried to smile back, feeling like a complete idiot.
When the music was less loud the others all set down in the circle, putting their bottles and drinks in front of them. “Di Angelo, finally! Let’s get started guys. This is going to be fun. Nico you need something to drink.”, Leo said quickly, rummaging around behind the bar. Wait, how did he get there? Must have crossed the room while I was busy staring at Will, Nico thought.
“Leo wants to play a drinking game with us,” Hazel explained. “He found an app. Apparently it’s really funny.”
“What? Hazel I told y-“
“Before you start, no I won’t join. At least not with alcohol”
“Aw, Nico is worried about his sister”, Percy teased.
“Well yeah”, Nico said crossing his arms. “I don’t want her to get hurt.” Nico thought he saw a worried expression flicker across Percys face. Bianca. The temperature seemed to have dropped dramatically. “Look, I’m sorry…”
“No, I’m sorry.” Percy said, now back to his easy posture. “I get it. It’s sweet of you to think of Hazel like that.”
“Huh, yeah.” Nico exhaled relieved. This evening was supposed to be about having fun and enjoying each other’s company.
“Don’t worry, man. I’ll take care of her.”, Frank chimed in and put an arm around her shoulders protectively.
Hazel rolled her eyes and pushed him off. “Like any of you’d want to get me sloshed.”
“Hm, I wouldn’t be so sure to trust everyone here.” Nico said looking at Leo.
The Latino boy held his hands up defensively. “Hey, compadre. I’m not doing anything. So what do you wanna drink? Some shots?” He grinned and his eyes glinted suspiciously.
“Uh, no thanks. I’ll start out with a beer.” Nico said.
“Oh, c’mon. You can’t play a drinking game with beer. You should get really drunk you know. That’s the fun.” Leo said disappointed.
“I can do whatever I want, Valdez.” Nico snapped. He couldn’t really hold his liquor very well anyway. Who had time to get drunk when there are constant quests and monsters to take care of? He picked up a beer from the bar and sat down next to Travis and… oh Hades, Will. The blond stopped talking to Connor on his right to grin at Nico.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Is that how you’re going to great me for the rest of my life? “How are you?” I’m good, thanks. It’s not like I’m going to pass out any minute.” Nico answered more confidently than he felt.
Will laughed. The sound sent a chill down Nico’s spine.  “Alright, alright. I’m just being polite… Also, be careful.” He added.
Nico rolled his eyes and took a sip of his beer.
“Okay, listen everyone!” Leo sat opposite Nico in the circle holding up a phone. “We’re going to play with this app. It’s really cool. It’s some sort of mixture of Truth Or Dare and Never Have I Ever. I have to type in the names of the players.”
Fidgeting nervously, Nico thought that joining this had probably been a bad idea.
Nico had discovered that the game was equally fun and dangerous. Some people had to drink way more than others. Right now, especially Percy and Piper were more than tipsy. Piper was standing at the bar mixing a weird alcohol-free cocktail for Hazel and Percy laughed at everyone and everything. Annabeth sat next to him and shook her head with an affectionate smile on her lips.
“Those who will sleep in a single bed tonight give out 5 sips”, Leo announced. “Yes!” He punched the air triumphal. “Finally that single life pays off. Jason take 5 sips.”
“Seriously? All five?” Jason shook his head but laughed and put the cup to his lips.
“I say Annabeth has to take my five sips”, Nico said grinning.
“No! This evening will end badly.” She took the sips squeezing her eyes shut. Percy kissed her enthusiastically but missed her mouth and ended up smooching the side of her face. She laughed loudly and tried to push him off without much success.
“Hey Will, you’re single! Who takes the sips?” Leo asked.
“Yeah it’s a shame.” he answered with a side glance at Nico, who felt really hot all of a sudden. “Hmm, I guess Leo.”
When Frank and Hazel, who were technically a couple but still slept in separate beds had given out their sips, Leo swiped left and red out the next one.
“Game. Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Everyone vote at the same time, losing group drinks 4 times.”
“I already can fly.” Jason said smugly.
“Show off.” Travis shouted. “I think flying really is better though.”
“Yes,” his brother agreed. “Imagine all the pranks you could pull on people. Like you could fly above them and drop stuff on them.”
“Dude, I don’t know. Flying isn’t my thing. I say reading minds.” Percy said.
“You really wanna know what everyone thinks about you?” Will asked.
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Percy tilted his chin up, raising his eyebrows and looking at Will.
Nico laughed and the others joined in.
“No, but mind reading could be beneficial for fighting monsters. Like, you’d know if they’re lying or what they’re planning.” The satyr chimed in.
“Thank you, Grover.” Percy raised his cup towards his best friend.
In the end, the losing group that had to drink where Percy, Grover and Piper because the rest had chosen flying.
“Virus: Annabeth you’re the eye of the snake! Everytime you meet someone’s gaze, he or she drink 3 times.”
Annabeth laughed. “Hey at least half of you just looked at me. C’mon drink.”
“Oh, no. I won’t be able to look at you at all.” Percy said frowning. “What kind of game is this?”
“Don’t worry. At one point the app will say that she’s not the eye of the snake anymore. It won’t last throughout the whole game.” Leo explained.
“Oh, ok. Fine” Percy said and promptly looked his girlfriend in the eye. “Oh for gods sake!” he exclaimed and took three sips. “This is impossible.”
“Next one. Nico, if you’ve ever had a McDonalds order that was more than 20 dollars, give out 5 sips. Otherwise drink them.”
“I definitely did.” Nico said laughing.
“Wait, really?” Will asked.
“Uhm, yeah I need them for… well…”
“For raising the dead.” Percy finished the sentence for him. “He uses Happy Meals to raise the dead.”
Will stared at him. “What.”
Nico couldn’t help but laugh again at Wills expression. “Well, I talk to them and as a reward I do give them Happy Meals. That’s true. Also I say, Will, you drink.”
Will shook his head in disbelieve and took the five sips.
“Game: Video game consoles, the first to run out of ideas drink 3 times. Grover, you start. Oh, that’s stupid. None of us know much about video games. Let’s change that to… uh…”
“Deadly weapons?” Grover suggested casually. They agreed. “Okay, I’ll say my pipe. It can be very deadly.”
“What, how?” Connor asked.
“I can control the nature around me with a song. Has been very helpful in fights.”
“Katie sure would like that.” Travis said sounding melancholic. “She’s got a green thumb, remember?”
They listed some other weapons until Will didn’t know anything new and had to drink.
“Haha, this one’s good. The hairiest person has to drink 5 times.”
“That’s Hazel. Because of the frizzy wild hair.” Percy called.
“What about, Frank? When he changes into a furry animal?” Jason considered.
“He isn’t an animal right now, Jason. I agree with Percy on this.” Annabeth said.
“Thanks, Wise Girl.” He moved to kiss her but she dodged him. “Hey, you just looked me in the eye.”
“What? Oh, that’s still going? Dammit.”
Piper finally returned from the bar and put a colorful cocktail in front of Hazel. “Here, take your five sips. I made this with my heart and soul, Hazel.” She stumbled through the circle, tripped over an empty cup and let herself fall onto Jasons lap.
“Game. Connor, mime a scene from a movie. The first person to guess the correct movie can give out 3 sips.”
Connor stood up a little shakily. He thought about it for a minute before putting on a really serious face. He reached into his shirt like he would pull out something. Then, he put his hands to his face as if to put on glasses. He took another imaginary object out of his shirt and held it out in front of the group. He moved his thumb as if to push a button.
“That could not be more unclear.”
Connor repeated this at least eight times, before Travis shouted: “Men in Black!”
“Yes, for Zeus’ sake! It wasn’t that hard, c’mon.” Connor returned to his place in the circle.
Travis explained that Connor had put on the protective sunglasses like Agent J and K in the movie and the device to delete the witnesses’ memories. To Nico, the movie sounded really weird.
When Travis had given the three sips to Connor, Leo read out the next one.
“Drink 3 times if you’ve ever spent more than 1200 dollars in a day. Nope.”
“Well, my dad probably did.” Piper said. “But me? No.”
“Right, your father is famous.” Percy said.
“Yup. I’d like not to talk about that.” She pulled a face and gestured for Leo to continue.
“Drink 4 times if you made love within the past 48h.”
“Ah, made love. What a cute way to say it.” Piper said.
Percy gave a short laugh and he and Annabeth drank.
“Damn!” Travis and Connor said at the same time, laughed and high fived.
“Seriously, we’re the only ones?” the son of Poseidon asked.
“Not all of us have a wild sex life like you two.” Leo said grinning.
Annabeth who was a little red faced threw a green drinking straw at him.
He laughed and red out the next one. “People wearing glasses drink 2 times.”
Jason swore and drank.
“If you’ve ever secretly read texts on your significant other’s phone, drink 2 times!”
“Who in their right mind does that?” Frank asked.
The others agreed.
“Annabeth you’re not the eye of the snake anymore.”
“Oh thank the gods!” Percy exclaimed and kissed his girlfriend lovingly.
“The host of this place, give out 4 sips. If there isn’t a host, Leo give out sips!”
“Yes! Nico, take four sips.” Jason said grinning.
“Game: Decide who is the most intelligent person in the room, who must now drink 2 times.”
“Annabeth!” shouted Percy, Piper and Hazel all at once. The others nodded.
“Thanks guys.” She said smiling and drank two times.
“Hey smartie pants, give out 3 sips.”
“Does it really say that?”
“Yeah”, Leo confirmed laughing.
“Okay, Will. Three sips.”
“Game: Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button? Everyone vote at the same time, losing group drinks 4 times.”
“Pause button, hundred percent.” Percy said bitterly.
Annabeth, Will, Nico, Hazel, Frank and Grover agreed.
“But with a rewind button you could relive all funny moments again and again.” Leo considered.
Leo, Travis, Connor and Piper were the losing group that had chosen the rewind button.
“Would you rather stub your little toe every day or have a shower only twice a week? Vote at the same time, losers drink 5 times.”
“Virus: Be polite to Will, who will now be serving everyone’s drinks.”
“Percy, if you have long and beautiful hair you can give out 2 sips. Otherwise drink them.”
“Virus: Piper, from now on you must repeat each word twice saying something. You drink each each time time you you forget forget.”
“Nico and Grover, read out loud the first message displayed when you type “miss” in the search bar on your phone. Whoever passes drinks 3 times.”
“Percy, write a silly post on Facebook with the words/verbs “damage”, “herpes”, “Queen of England” and “Grover”… or down your drink.”
“Will has done enough, he/she can stop serving drinks.”
“Piper, you can speak normally again.”
“Virus: Frank The Mad Hatter. Everytime you clap your hands, everybody drinks.”
“Game: Would you rather be Gandalf or Dumbledore? Everyone vote at the same time, losing group drinks 2 times.”
“Percy, send “I love you” via text message to a person chosen by Connor, or drink 5 times.”
“Frank is no longer the Mad Hatter.”
 “Travis, imitate a turtle for 5 seconds or drink 2 times.”
“Leo, if you stay quiet for 5 minutes, you can choose someone to finish his/her drink!”
“Game: Go around the room and say “thank you” in a language other than English. The first to run out of languages drink 2 times. Percy, you start.”
At this point of their party, everyone was at least tipsy, most of them outright drunk. Only Hazel had kept her promise and hadn’t drunk anything strong.
“Uuuh, sorry. I don’t know many languages.” Percy said with a sad look on his face. His head was laying in Jasons lap and at some point he had taken off his shirt. He moved to take his cup when Annabeth interrupted.
“Percy, you’re a Greek demigod, remember?” she said. The daughter of Athena’s hair was a mess and the floor in front of her was littered with straws and empty cups.
“Oh, right. Uhm, ευχαριστώ? “
„Well done, Seaweed Brain! “ Annabeth clapped her hands appreciatively. “Dankeschön, that’s German.” she added.
“teşekkür ederim“ Connor said. „I have no idea why I know that.” Nico noticed that he was wearing Percys shirt now. His own had been used to clean the place where he had spilled his drink earlier.
Now it was Wills turn. His cheeks were a cute rose color and his eyes glistened a vibrant shade of blue. Nico couldn’t tear his gaze away. “¡gracias!“ Will said loudly.
“Oh no! I was about to say that!” Leo shouted and threw his hands up.
Will gave him the finger and turned to Nico. “Your turn, Di Angelo.”
“Easy, that’s grazie. “ Nico said proudly.
As the rest of the group continued Will moved closer to Nico. “Hey, wanna get some fresh air?”
Nico looked up at him surprised. “Sure.”
They stood up carefully. Nico swayed a little so Will took his hand to keep him from falling down. The other boy muttered a small “thank you”, feeling his face heating up. He followed the blonde out of the Zeus cabin into the fresh night air. The abrupt change of the atmosphere, as the door closed behind them hit Nico like a slap in the face. But in a good way, he thought. The cool air and the soft sound of waves lapping against the shore further northwards relaxed him. Nico closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. Suddenly he felt an itch in his neck and whipped his head around. Will was standing beside him observing his face. He caught Nico’s gaze and smiled. “The air is nice, huh.”
Nico tore his eyes away from the blue ones and looked into the distance. “Yeah, I didn’t notice how loud it was in there.” He said with a nod towards the white cabin behind him.
“True.” Will crossed his arms and turned to face into the same direction as Nico. “It’s complete chaos.”
“Yes, but it’s nice. Really nice. Spending time together like this. It’s so…” Nico couldn’t find the right words. Suddenly, his mouth felt very dry.
He knew Will was looking at him when the son of Apollo said: “I know what you mean. For us demigods it’s… precious. It’s not to be taken for granted.” Then, as if he had read Nico’s mind he added: “Wait a second, I’ll get us some water. Don’t shadow travel away!”
“I won’t” Nico replied chuckling. “I won’t” he whispered the words into the dark night air when Will had closed the door behind him. Far away in the woods a creature howled. Southwards you could hear the chink sounds of some Hephaistos kid working the forge. A warm breeze tickled Nicos face and brought the scent of the strawberry fields with it.
In this near to perfect moment Nico felt at home. The door behind him opened, Nico Di Angelo turned around and smiled up at Will Solace.
I hope whoever read this liked it. I guess my English isn’t too bad but I’m sorry if there’s a wrong expression every now and then. I’m very open to writing advice/ constructive cirizism.
By the way, I was referring to a real app here. It’s called “PicoloApp” and is so amazing. If you don’t know it yet, you should try it!
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causeimanartist · 6 years
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First drawing on the new iPad!
100% based on the drawing by Gabriel Picolo on Instagram - I needed something to draw while trying to learn my new art program
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bookaddict24-7 · 4 years
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New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (February 23rd, 2021)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know! ___
New Standalones/First in a Series:
The Valley & the Flood by Rebecca Mahoney
Prepped by Bethany Mangle
Dragonfly Girl by Marti Leimbach
A Dark & Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth
Like Home by Louisa Onomé
Love is for Losers by Wibke Brueggemann
The Initial Insult by Mindy McGinnis
Mazie by Melanie Crowder
Some Other Now by Sarah Everett
Playing Cupid by S.C. Alban
Destination Anywhere by Sara Barnard
The Shadow War by Lindsay Smith
New Sequels: 
The Desolations of Devil’s Acre (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children #6) by Ransom Riggs 
The Missing Passenger by Jack Heath (This one is the sequel to The Truth App, but isn’t labelled as such on Goodreads. I only gathered this from the synopsis.)
Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven (Teen Titans #3) by Kami Garcia & Gabriel Picolo 
Happy reading!
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Hitchin’ a Ride
Reposting as it’s own story so it doesn’t languish in obscurity
When you live in a tower with access to the fastest, most versatile, and comprehensive information network on earth, you can have any public domain work (and even a few copyrighted works) at your fingertips in an instant.
But to Raven, that couldn’t hold a candle to the smell and the atmosphere of an occult bookstore, tucked between a pharmacy and a café.
Reading online was easy, but could feel so impersonal to someone who had spent their childhood combing through old scrolls and leather-bound tomes in the Grand Library of Azarath. The musty smell of old first editions and the serenity of a reading nook was really all Raven needed to take the edge off of the super-hero life style combined with a five-person living arrangement.
She’d frequented the place since she’d found it last year, and the owner was all too happy to let her sit in and leaf through his wares. Always a chance she’d buy something.
And after this week’s battle with Plasmus at a sewage treatment plant, in the month of July, she needed to. If she was lucky, something by Caitlín R. Kiernan would be in.
And she was gonna savor it. She was going to get the biggest stack of books she could, read em cover to cover, get something to eat at the café if she was hungry, and not get back to the tower until it was seven. She’d even decided to walk there, because taking it slow meant savoring it. Though with the temperature, she was beginning to think she should have brought a water bottle. Black thigh-high stockings and summer heat did not mix. Maybe she could fly the rest of the way there?
“Hey mama, need a lift?”
Ah, yes, as if on cue, the light of her life showed up. A familiar white and silver paint job pulled up to the curb beside her. In case no-one on the entire west coast hadn’t heard already, Garfield Logan, the Titans’ resident cinephile, class clown, and what one might call her conditional boyfriend, had recently gotten his driver’s license and permission from Victor Stone to drive what the press dubbed the “T-Car.”
Vic had barred everyone from the driver’s seat until such time that three out of five Titans had a license to drive a vehicle (and at least one more had a permit).
Not that she could blame him; Koriand’r had turned out to have quite the lead foot when she decided to take a driving test of her own and all Robins she’d met tended to favor the Tokyo Drift school of driving. Still, of all the Titans, Beast Boy had turned out to be the third most responsible driver (after her and Cyborg).
“Gar, just because Vic lets you drive his car doesn’t mean you--”
When she turned to face the vehicle, the sight in the driver’s seat made her wonder if it was too late to buy a book on psychology.
“What are you wearing?”
Raven could only tell that Garfield was smiling because of the way his eyes crinkled, as most of his face was covered by the camera rig he wore.
“This is the same kind of rig they used in Hardcore Henry,” he said, pointing to his redonkulous (something that looked like that didn’t deserve a real adjective) headwear, “So while I’m driving, I can document the experience hands free.”
“You look like a dentist tortured you.” she said.
“Come on, Raven,” Garfield said, a slight whine in his voice, “Don’t you at least want to know why I stopped.”
“Alright then,” she said, rolling her eyes, “Why did you stop?”
“Well, I just saw a tall, dark, and beautiful gal in a Slipknot shirt owning the sidewalk and just had to record it for posterity.
The flush Raven felt in her face had nothing to do with the heat. Garfield had always been free with compliments, especially where she was concerned.
“You’re unconscionable.”
“Does that mean you think I’m attractive?”
“You have a thesaurus app on your phone. You figure it out.”
“Seriously, though, do you need a lift?”
Honestly, air conditioning would be a godsend right now, but playing hard to get was too tantalizing an offer to pass.
“I don’t know,” Raven said, tapping her finger on her cheek in mock contemplation, “didn’t anyone warn you about hitchhikers?”
“Well, you seem friendly enough.” Gar said, catching on.
“Do I?”
Raven struck a pose, one she hoped would make Gar’s blood boil.
“Hey, Mister Green Jeans,” she said, in a false falsetto, “mind giving little ol’ me a lift?”
“Oh baby!” Gar melodramatically put his hand to his chest and held out the other in a “call me sign.”
“I’ll take you anywhere lookin’ like that!”
“Well, don’t get used to it,” Raven said, walking around the front of the car to the passenger’s side, “cause that’s not going to be a regular occurance.”
“Fine by me,” Garfield said, starting the car engine, “I’ve got it recorded.”
“You know if you show that to anyone, you’re dead, right?”
“I know,” said Gar, “This one goes in my private collection. Never to see the light of day.”
He stopped at a four-way intersection.
“Where too?” he asked.
“Picolo Avenue,” Raven said, “there’s a bookstore there.”
“Picolo it is,” said Garfield, turning right, “but all joking aside, you were made for those cutoff jeans.”
“Stop it,” she said, half-heartedly socking him in the arm.
“Lady Legasus strikes again.”
Against her better judgement, Raven had to laugh at that one.
“Just get me to the bookstore, Mr. Green Jeans.”
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fansofvow · 4 years
Fan Spotlight 🎉
Today’s Spotlight is shining down on @ja-lin​, an incredibly talented artist whose work has shared over and over on Tumblr. They chose the following image to represent themselves:
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Handle: jalin
Nationality: Asian American
Where can we find your art? Tumblr, I also cross post to IG
How/when did you discover Lovestruck? Saw Love & Legends pics somewhere online and downloaded the APP to play it cause I just finished the Crown & Flame from Choices and wanted to read more fantasy. Then I found more stories in the APP and cool characters.
What was your first route? Astraeus. You’re supposed to read Hades, but I skipped Hades cause I just wanted to read Astraeus. I still haven’t read Hades to this day.
Are you currently following any route? Yeah, a lot. Sevastian, Lyris, Nav, the entire Sin w/ Me crew
Which route is your favorite? Can’t decide, I have a lot of favorites. Alex Cyprin from Astoria, Renzei from Villainous Nights are some of my top faves.
Were you aware of the writers’ strike when it was happening? Yea. I just decided to try to draw fanart for all the characters to show my support.
Who are your Top 3 LIs according to the app? Helena, Alain, Altea
Are they still your top three? No. My top 3 that I’ve read a lot would be Renzei, Renzei, and Renzei lol… Jokes aside, I’ve also re-read Andi quite a lot!
What piece of art are you most proud of? Cyprin and a deer in a forest.
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What artist inspires you? Yoshitaka Amano, Takehiko Inoue, Paul Madonna, Gabriel Picolo.
Paul Madonna uses pen and ink and does urban landscapes in the SF bay area, he’s the main reason why I started paying more attention to not just the character, but the backgrounds in my art. Cause the background can tell a story. I think that’s the same reason I like Yoshitaka Amano, the main artist for the Final Fantasy series, his art flows with movement and tells a story. Gabriel Picolo does Beast Boy comics and I love how he also pays a lot of attention on the entire composition of the drawing including lots of detail in the background. Takehiko Inoue is a Japanese manga artist who is known for Slam Dunk and Vagabond. I’ve been following his latest manga about wheelchair basketball.
What is your favorite Lovestruck CG?  I have a lot of favorite CGs, but a recent one would be Lyris with wings.
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Do you have a favorite screenshot? GAY BRUNCH! GAY BRUNCH!
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Do you read / create art for other fandoms? Pokemon, FFXIV, other Final Fantasy series, Avatar the Last Airbender series, some misc. Anime/Manga. I mainly follow those fandoms on Reddit, Twitter 
What would you say to someone considering reading Lovestruck? There are a lot of amazing characters, stories and the artwork is beautiful. The way each group of characters interacts with one another creates a sense of family that’s unique to the game.
Finally, one LI, 24 hours to do whatever you want: Andi from Villainous Nights. We are going to get gay brunch and order everything off the menu from the boob pastry to the dingaling eclair. Then go to every single boba shop in San Francisco and order everything off the menu.
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randomemeblog · 4 years
Please Savanna will you come and give harry a vertical smile #picolo app
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gryndboxstudios · 6 years
Artist Profile: Boton de Rosa
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I have been following Boton de Rosa, (or Mirsa, as I know her) since we were both in high school and I can say with confidence, she is one of the most talented artists I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Seeing the evolution of her art has been awe-inspiring, and I have no doubts that we’ll be seeing her art everywhere in a matter of time. I had the pleasure of asking her a couple of questions as part of our first ever artist profile!
First off, do you prefer Boton de Rosa or Mirsa? Where’d you come up with that name?
I like Boton de Rosa! It’s a nickname my mom gave to me when I was little, it’s Spanish for “rose button”.
I know you’ve been drawing since before I met you in high school, did you ever see yourself making prints, stickers, commissions, etc. Did you see yourself becoming a professional illustrator?
To be honest, I saw myself being a zoologist or something in the veterinary field when I was in high school. I completely put the idea of ever being a professional illustrator aside. I knew I was a decent artist, and most of my friends encouraged me to do something in the animation field or have a career with art. I just didn’t think of that as a possibility. When I took my gap semester in between high school and college, I started to reevaluate what I wanted, and since I wanted to go through a technical college instead of an actual university, I looked at their course curriculums to see what they had to offer. Digital media was the closest thing to anything I like, so I took that route. Best decision I ever made. It was until I moved to Brownsville that I actually started to get a small following, and my partner at the time was very pushy about “getting me out there”.
Would you say you have any overall themes in your art, any parts of yourself you like to put in your pieces?
I think a lot of my pieces just reflect emotion. For the most part, I tend to create bigger, significant pieces when an emotionally important part of my life has occurred. Theres a few undertones of heartbreak, betrayal, things like that.
What artists inspire you or taught you how to be better?
I started following Audra Auclair a couple of years ago, she’s one of my biggest influences. She is actually one of the main artists that got me into doing this again. Corpsetits is also amazing, Matt Bailey, Alex Pardee. I’ve been following him ever since he did an album cover for The Used, the bright colors and the grotesque. I live for it haha. Gabriel Picolo is also someone I started following more recently.
How has the criticism you gave yourself when you started different from the criticism you give yourself now?
I’m always criticizing myself, but I will say it’s gone down quite a bit. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I’m a lot happier with where I am now compared to where I was three years ago. I can see that reflected a lot in my art, I do always push myself to do better.
Are you happy with your art? Are there older pieces you wish you did better?
So far, yes! To be honest, I am very much a people-pleaser. As much as I do this for myself, just the feedback I get is more than enough. And yes, there’s a Bee and Puppycat fanart sitting on my old laptop I want to redo completely. Plus a million other sketches I have in my old sketchbook, all in due time haha.
What do you think about people buying your art? Would you buy your art?
It blows my mind! It makes me so, so happy, I put a lot of love in my work, so it means the world to me. I think I would, I always try to draw things that I would like to have. Not gonna lie, I have three of my stickers on my car and a few others in miscellaneous places.
What frustrates you while drawing?
As I mentioned before, I tend to draw some pieces when I’m in a certain emotional point in my life. Sometimes I run out of that “juice” and I have things sitting on my mac for weeks. I have a piece I haven’t been able to finish for the past month, I just haven’t found myself in that mindset anymore. I’m also somewhat of a procrastinator, so that always sabotages me in the worst of ways.
How often do you draw, be it doodles or projects?
Multiple times a day, I have a scratchpad full of doodles in the office where I work. Plus sketchpads scattered across my apartment and in my car for whenever I get some inspiration.
Would you ever consider any other mediums?
I really would like to! I’ve always wanted to have an anime series or something of the sort. When I lived in the valley I started writing rough drafts of a zombie apocalypse short called “Maya-Pocalypse”. Basically, it would be a small dog (inspired by my own Maya) surviving the zombie apocalypse and trying to find her way back to her owner. It was great, but I never set time aside to do research on how to animate or maybe have it set into a comic.
What are some of your other hobbies?
I love to take my dogs out on hikes, write poetry, play ukulele (albeit badly), and occasionally play video games.
When do you know when a piece is finished? 
I don’t think I’m ever finished, haha. Even when I send something out to print, I sometimes add little details here and there. There’s always something changing.
I know you do both traditional and digital, what’s your setup for digital look like?
Digital art consists of my iPad Pro, Apple pencil, my Mac and the magic mouse. I use Procreate and Illustrator Draw on my iPad, which is really useful. I really recommend the iPad Pro, it lets me start off a drawing in the app, then I can transfer it over via the creative cloud and I can finish it up on my mac.
Where do you start when starting a piece?
The eyes, eyebrows and eyes help me set the tone to what I’m drawing.
Where can you see your art going?
I’m hoping to get it on an album cover someday, or even on a movie poster.
What are you working on now? Any big plans for your art, have you considered entering shows?
Yes, I’ve been invited to do two shows, one in February and another in March, so I’m hoping to have something really neat ready for those two. I want to sell my work at a vendor spot sometime this year. Just to be able to get over my shyness and talk to people and sell them my art would be cool.
That’s about all the questions I have for you, anything else you’d like to add?
I would like to say that no matter how many times you get stuck, don’t ever stop! We all have our own creative processes and just take a little while to get where we need to be. Trust yourself and just keep going!
You can follow Mirsa on Instagram to keep up with her art here! Follow Gryndbox Studios as well for cool shit here and there! IG TWITTER
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pippinxox · 4 years
Leo when I pinch my palm I think of this pretty leaf landing on a catapult
#picolo app
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rachelbreijer · 4 years
25 September - Mix two App or social media programs with each other and create a completely new service out of it  -
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By merging the Picolo and snapchat app, I came up with the Photodrink app. Picolo is the perfect drinking game for a party or for while drinking. Picolo is a real mood maker! We can promise one thing: everyone will get completely drunk! How do you ask? The group or an individual player always receives a question or assignment. Prepare for hundreds of funny quiz questions, drink-related assignments, and lots of shots! Snapchat is a photo and video sharing application that can be used on smartphones with iOS or Android.
When I put these 2 together, all kinds of ideas came up. Photodrink is intended for an evening of socializing with your friends from a distance. This is very useful now in this world with Corona. Friends want socializing but are not allowed to get together. Even if Corona did not exist, it is a super nice app if you just sit at home on a Saturday evening and have no transport to go to your friends to play a nice game of Photodrink at home. The game is very fun and easy. You can do this game with his 2nd or with more. The more the more fun;) You have different question genres. You get a question to answer or something to perform. While you do that, take a photo or video that you do that. If you don't you should drink. Your friends laugh and scream at what they are sent and so everyone has their turn.
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bestdogsdeals · 5 years
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Exotic Italian Grey Hound ( Italian Picolo Levrireo) Male Puppy For Sale Direct Import Line. Booking Open At Best Dogs Deals India USA UK Canada Australia England Dubai UAE 9350926445 Show Quality Top Blood Line Male And Female Puppies Avilable For Sale In Faridabad Delhi NCR Haryana Chandigarh Punjab Gurugram Noida Jaipur Jodhpur Rajasthan Madhya Pardesh Uttar Pardesh Himichal Pardesh Jammu And Kashmir Utthrakhand Haryana Hydrabad Banglore Chenni Gujrat  Ahmedabad Surat Varodra Kolkata Nasik Indore Chandigarh Shimla Agra Mathura Palwal Bhalabgarh Merath Sharanpur Bihar Vijayawada Arunachal Pardesh Mumbai Andhra Pardesh Pune Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Karnataka West Bengal Karnataka Pune Bihar Goa Telangana Odisha Assam Gauhati Chhattisgarh Jarkhand Nagaland Sikkim Tripura Meghalaya Mizoram North India East India West India South India Maharshtra Odisha Manipur Call Or Whats App @ 9350926445. Exotic Italian Grey Hound ( Italian Picolo Levrireo) Male Puppy For Sale In India. Delivery Avilable In India. Dogs And Puppies Breeds Avilable With Us Are Pomarian, Labradore Retriver, Golden Retriver, Pug, Beagle, German Shepard Black Tan, German Shepard Jet Black, German Shepard Pure White, Boxer,Toy Pom, Culture Pom , English Pointer, Rottiweler, Doberman American, Dobleman Europian, Pitbull, American Pitbull, American Pitbull Terrier, American Bully Standard Size, American Bully Pocket Size, American Bully Micro Size, American Bully XL Size, American Bully XXL Size, Pakastani Bully, Bully Kutta, Saint Barnard, Preasa Canario, Cane Corso, Italian Mastiff, Tea Cup Toy Pom, Poodle, Toy Poodle, Minature Poodle, Maltis, Welish Corgi, Chihuahua, Toy Chihuahua, New Found Land, Belgium Shepherd, Belgium Malinous, Samoyed, Chow Chow, Afghan Hound, Grey Hound, Carva Hound, Bull Mastiff, French Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Neo Mastiff, English Mastiff, Napolian Mastiff, Korian Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Bullterrier, Borzoi, English Coker Spaniel, American Coker Spaniel, French Bulldog, English Bulldog, British Bulldog, Borzoi, Dashound, Yorkshireterrier, ShizhuLhasa Apso, Minpin, Sibarian Husky, Rhodesian Righback,Border Collie, Great Dane Call # 9350926445 Whats App 9990503335. (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B727t9DJRSi/?igshid=1xlkdmqw3j171
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thestartuppitch · 5 years
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Pitch for Royal Company / App Name: Royal What does it do? "Royal" is a drinking game app, close to but not similar to "Picolo" it has features that make the user feel in charge of what's happening, it is creatively made, visually pleasing, and innovative while it contains interesting questions.
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adelaidehall · 5 years
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Iteration Ideas
We then considered how we could make changes to to prototype to improve based on the feedback we were given during the testing sessions. 
One thing i noticed was that they didn’t follow their turns properly however we don’t believe anything needs fixing here. The users can go through it how they like and take turns how they like and it doesn’t effect the game play. If they forget who’s turn it is it’s not a big deal. This could be later improved by using names - how Picolo (a drinking game) does. But I think this could be focused on in the future if the idea was continued with.
Another thing I noticed was that they icons weren’t consistent - I need to include a simple one on each page so the idea is clearer. Icons help to convey a message and emotion easily. 
We also think it needs more of an introduction. The app they used was a quick prototype and it could be a nice little extra to have a logo and slogan at the front. The slogan is necessary to understand the name Turnup. 
I also think it would improve the user flow to seperate the rules page into two. It would help them to read it rather than overwhelm the users with a whole page of text and information they need to remember. 
The app also needs a way to quit out and go back home. I’ll add this. 
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applicala-blog · 5 years
¿Apps para tus juergas y reuniones?
A menudo nos encanta después de una larga jornada laboral o una semana intensa de exámenes en la universidad salir con los amigos y pasar un grato momento con risas y música.
Hoy te presentamos 2 apps buenísimas para esas reuniones de los fines de semana para que sea una experiencia divertida y fuera de lo común.
Primero tenemos a “TOMANJI”, una app muy entretenida, simple de usar y con un sinfín de opciones para jugar. Desde juegos clásicos como el “YO NUNCA NUNCA” o “PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS”, así como más de 250 pruebas o retos para que pases una noche llena de risas y experimenten con tu grupo social algo nuevo. Su comunidad es muy buena, e incluso los usuarios pueden crear retos y cualquier persona pueda jugarlos alrededor del mundo.
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Por otro lado, tenemos a “PICOLO”, una app igual de entretenida con un tono de comunicación un poco más loco y atrevido. Lo que más nos sorprendió de esta app es que trata muy bien el como se dirige a cada participante al momento de registrarse en una fiesta, y tiene retos muy divertidos donde las risas y diversión estarán garantizadas.
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¡Aprovecha estas apps que te traemos y pasa un rato inusual y lleno de retos y risas con tus amigos!
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drinkflix-app-blog · 6 years
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Will Smith! 😏 • Drinkflix: Stadt Land Suff! Das Kultspiel schlägt zurück! • #stadtlandfluss #drinkflix #trinken #saufen #trinkspiel #saufspiel #suff #quiz #vortrinken #vorsaufen #feiern #party #geburtstagsgeschenk #app #eskalation #picolo #dumussttrinken #🎉 #🍺 #🍻 (hier: Hamburg, Germany)
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spieleapps · 7 years
Sauft gemeinsam in Picolo Trinkspiel
Sauft gemeinsam in Picolo Trinkspiel - am besten am Ballermann oder bei einer Kegelclub-Tour. Not for kids!
Picolo Trinkspiel von Marmelapp ist genau die richtige App für einen Urlaub am Ballermann. Oder einer Kegeltour mit Freunden. Diese Trinkspiel-App fordert euch heraus, ehrlich zu sein. Und um schnell besoffen zu werden. Wer es braucht?! Die App ist kostenlos und ja, Kids sollten sie nicht laden.
Und das erwartet euch in Picolo Trinkspiel: Zu Beginn müsst ihr zustimmen, dass ihr wisst, dass das…
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