#piglin tango
galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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Drew someone else's ZITS for a change. Designs belong to my lovely partner @shadesofvermillionvoid. I meant to draw them before but then 2 years passed. I have drawn this Tango before. But not the rest of them. I love them
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Go follow Vi. These are the biggest brain ZITS i love them dearly, and I love Vi dearly <3 <3)
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feeshybeach · 1 month
I've been brainrotting a rarepair/crackship the past couple of days. I fear it's terminal.. I can not get Scott Smajor/Technoblade out of my HEAD!! Despite this, I still can not think of a ship name for them. The funniest one I can think of is Majorblade. Thus, that's the one I'm going with.
Some highlights of what I've been thinking under the cut o7
Please ignore spelling errors. My phone is mean, and my eyesight is bad. 3:
First and foremost, thank u for looking at my autism fueled insanity! This is yours now.
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Scott and Techno have a pretty strong dymanic going for them. When you first see them together, you'd, probably, think the far larger piglin brute would be the most bloodthirsty of the two. While correct (blood for the blood god and all that), it's Scott, who's the most vicious during battle. It does not matter if the battle in question is one fought by words or swords - Scott will try to come out on top. Unless, of course, it's one of his friends, then Techno would likely have to step in so Scott doesn't do his classic move of suicide.
When the two of them train together, it is insanely gay. Sure, it's artful, and it's like a classical oil painting from one of the great masters unfolding in real time. But I can not stress enough how homoerotic it is. There is strong queer tension between the two of them. This is an undeniable fact, and i refuse to accept criticism otherwise.
I think a pretty well accepted headcanon is that Scott Is Magical. In my daydreams of gay block men, I expand upon this. To me, It is a love language of Scott to use his abilities on you / for you. Magic takes a lot! It takes a lot of time, will, commitment, energy, and all that good shit. Most importantly, it takes a lot out of the caster - large bouts of magic inturn makes the user temporarily weaker. To willingly put yourself at a disadvantage in a universe where Things Try To Kill You, Often is a level of trust and love that is hard to properly put into words.
Despite this, Scott takes the time to painstakingly add enchantments to Technos items. There is, of course, enchanting tables and books, and then there is a master of their craft. It is like comparing a microwave meal of Mac and Cheese to a homemade five cheese Mac and cheese that's baked in the oven with bread crumbs on top. They're both Mac and cheese but ones definitely fuckin better.
I feel like Scott would intentionally add extra protection to Techno's fighting gear - add enchantments that enhance Techno's strengths while also trying to cover his weaknesses. For example, if Techno often leaves his sides unprotected during a rampage, Scott adds extra protection in those spots, so Techno is overall better protected.
For context, I'm a Bedrock Minecraft player. My piglin knowledge comes from primarily Bedrock. Okay? Okay.
Everyone knows that Piglins adore gold. They snort, chuff, wag their ears, and rush after gold once it's dropped. I like to imagine that it's very much a love language for piglins and piglin hybrids to exchange or generally gift gold to those they love and care for. Basically - Scott has an overwhelming amount of gold jewelry and items from Techno. He cherishes them all, recognizing it for what it is.
I have a personal headcanon that giving a piglin or a piglin hybrid a block of pure, overworld, gold is the same as a marriage proposal. I think it's really funny to imagine Techno giving Scott one of these blocks and Scott to be like. "Ah yes, this is a big gold thing. Thank you!" And Techno being like "??? :( babe...." The same could apply to Scott's habit of giving lovers Poppies. Scott giving Techno, not just one, but an entire stack of poppies only for Techno to say thanks. It leads to another moment of "??? :( babe...."
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Since all of Season 3 is going to be released in one video on December 10 at 8:00 AM EST (with new music added in for the first two episodes of the season), I got the crappy idea of making this meme.
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welp, rest in peace my sleep and study schedules
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snifsnoof · 7 months
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ranchers based on this fic i read yesterday
(jimmy gets trapped in the nether n tango, blazeborn, is his guide)
transcript under the cut because this one is a little hard to read i fear
[TANGO] The piglins might not hurt you because of those pretty golden „wingificators“ you got there already (that’s what you called them right?)
[TANGO] Buuut, it's best to be safe! You may borrow some of mine! [referring to the gold]
[TANGO] Anyways! About those ghasts! Blah blah blah blah [speech fades out]
[JIMMY] Uh. Yeah, okay. Bet.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 7 months
tangos are a dying species. a species that once spanned all three realms and possibly more, a culture unmatched. teks are a race. beings of technology, homed in the nether so as to use its warmth to heat the forges for thier tools. theyre near gone, hes the only one hes ever known, grown from crumbling ruins deep in the nether, meaning meeting anyone aside from piglins was too much a rarity. some days that loss of knowledge, of community, of culture, was hard to deal with. but by calling himself tangotek, a tango of the tek variety, perhaps he can keep those singed memories alive a few seconds longer -w1ngl3ss
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blueishspace · 2 months
Secret Life if everyone had only one life
Most health losses remain the same as they were accidents: mobs, heights and generally being a little dumb.
Scott never stops Jimmy and Scar from talking as Jimmy has done severely better in this continuity never being out first, maybe he even joins in the conversation for a while before walking off.
With Third Life being completely different Scar never gives Grian the cactus monopoly as that has no significance. Perhaps he gives him sugarcane as Double Life has taken Third Lifes place as the birth of Scarian? Thinking about it Scarian would probably be referred by fandom as Bamboo duo or Panda Duo having been created in Double Life.
Session 1 remains basically the exact same for everything else mostly, same for most of session 2.
Martyn still goes to the Nether and is killed by the piglin, he is the first player out of the game.
Session 3 is where the changes start...
Joel doesn't reroll his task for a hard one as failing would basically mean being extremely close to being out, so he sticks with the deja vu task...which he likely fails as its a task that realistically I can't imagine someone being able to do at all without luck... This means he doesn't die failing the bucket clutch.
Jimmy still dies to the drowned and is out second, the big dogs never happen for obvious reasons. Gem still dies to an enderman while trying to do her task and is the third player out. Lizzie still dies to a skeleton on the water slide and is the fourth player out.
Martyn Isn't there to guess Tango's task so he likely succeeds, he gets 3 hearts and 7 items.
Grian's session 4 task is different as there are no yellows, the same is applied to all tasks that are based on the green-yellow-red life system from here on out, each of them has been slightly changed. In this case he simply needs to convince anyone that singing is his task, which he succeeds. This is easier as it allows for more people to be target but harder since It's harder to be sure you have fooled them without them calling you out as a yellow life...so it evens out. He still joins Cleo and Etho later.
Martyn is also not there to make Scar's life more miserable as he can't cause him to fail, Scar succeeds getting 6 hearts and 4 items.
Etho also never gets his task from Martyns suggestion so aHa Etho never happens.
The same that happened to Grian applies to Skizz, Skizz likely fails either way.
Lizzie is out so she also never makes the paths which means movement across the server is technically more difficult. Also Scotts task is likely failed without Lizzie.
Importantly, without Gem and with everyone having only one life they can't risk the dragon is likely never slain and Bdubs fails his hard task losing 10 hearts.
Without Gem there is also no tower off so no questionable mounder towers, Mumbo never climbs the now Gemless Scotts mountain to judge which is tallest and never falls to his death in the process.
BigB's task is different as stated before, so he probably doesn't betray the heart foundation. No trust issues this time around.
Tango and many others also never lose lifes because there are no red life tasks. Cleo race against Gem is also not a thing which means Cleos task is to simply get people to hand their doors.
Joel can't use Jimmy or Lizzie to target Scott (aka basically two of the few people willing to) so he likely fails his task.
Bdubs is still pushed in the zombie pit by Scar, Mumbo still falls in lava, Skizz still dies to something as his health is extremely low and BigB still dies while fighting the wither. They are fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth out respectively.
With only one life Grian likely doesn't run in front of the wither to press the button, he doesn't die yet... however he does likely have extremely low health so he probably dies against the wither anyway. He's the ninth player out. (Or eight if he dies before BigB)
Scott has the charisma to still complete his task without Gem, so he does. Scott also has 1 heart, he probably dies even without trading his life to Martyn.
Gem is already out of the game, there is no boogeyman/zombie apocalypse in session 7 so ... nobody dies, not even Tango who is never killed by BigB's dog as BigB is out and is later also not killed by the non existant zombie army.
There's also no Angel Jimmy as Grian is out of the game and can't get the task.
At this point in time there are 7 players left in the game: Pearl, Joel, Impulse, Cleo, Etho, Tango and Scar.
Everyone also has very little hearts each as there have been no respawns... Which means when that creeper explodes next to Pearl...she probably doesn't survive it, tenth player out, 6 to go... Knowing Joel erratic behavior gets worse without his teammates he's likely to accidentally kill himself sometimes soon... 5 left.
The last 5: Impulse, Tango, Cleo, Etho and Scar. I can see Impulse and Tango working together... Seeing the weird competition between Scar and Heart foundation I think Tango and Impulse target and kill Scar, 4 left...
Cleo does the nice vs naughty thing, I don't think she gets to kill anyone but I think someone kills them in response... Maybe dogs if she's accidentally punched... 3 left.
With Impulse working with Tango I think they work together to kill Etho putting him in third leaving those two to fight for the win as the finalists... I think Impulse has a higher chance to win...just slightly, the difference isn't that severe, but I think in this case Impulse wins.
The winner of secret life is Saturn.
(Third Life)
(Last Life)
(Double Life)
(Limited Life)
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cattimeswithjellie · 4 months
Stream Recap, TangoTek, 6/10/24
((This is the funniest one yet, good lord. Things get wild starting around 2:08:00.))
8:30 Tango opens the stream hot, calling Chat jerks and telling them his shirt is red. Chat is skeptical. Tango wishes everyone a happy Monday and pushes out a video. He was waiting to put his video out until Pearl pushed hers out, and she pushed hers out just a few minutes ago. Tango tells everyone they can leave now and watch the video, which is “only” 51 minutes long. It’s a double video, stuff with him and Pearl, the copper farm, and hilarity with Tango and Zed. Today’s job is finishing the aquarium. He thanks the chat for subs and donos.
11:00 Tango makes some funny noises, explains that every time he messes up a take in the video, he just makes the cartoon noise and cuts it off. About 40% of his clips end with complete brain-farting. A chatter asks if he’s seen the League of Legends show. Tango doesn’t know much about it. Chat says it’s called Arcane, Tango says it sounds awesome.
12:00 Pearl appears and boops him, surprising him. He demands to know why he is being booped, Pearl tells him that she’s been standing around up above him but he didn’t notice her. He blames his powers of observation. Pearl offers him some apology redstone for the terrible timing of her video push. It seems like she was waiting for software that took a long time, but she dissolves into wailing before the full explanation is rendered. Tango assures her that it’s fine and tells her it’s a good video. He asks if she finished all the detailing and she tells him yes, it’s all done. Tango asks if he can take the chat over and play Wordle, and they make tentative plans for later. Pearl leaves.
13:40 A chatter asks Tango if he had fun in Zedaph’s hole, Tango says of course he did. Tango explains the water kitten aquarium he and Zed started. He is having a hard time making words happen today. Chat is alternately sympathetic and laughing at him. He goes to find more copper to put on the top of the aquarium. He says he has a new copper farm and it is working. A chatter asks about Wordle, Tango encourages them to go watch Pearl’s video, because Wordle is amazing. A chatter teases Tango about stream and video at the same time. Tango jokes that it’s always feast or famine with the Hermits. A chatter writes Tango a poem. Impulse is still sick after his vacation, but he had a great time.
17:20 Chat is still trying to figure out what color Tango’s shirt is. Suggestions include maroon and rust. Tango begins placing copper. Today’s challenge will be finding axolotls in the lush caves underground. Chat says Joel has some that can be bred, Tango says maybe, but an adventure might be more fun. He looks at the wheat farm and says he has 10 stacks of hay bales now. He consults with chat about details to add to the aquarium before putting axolotls in. Chat has lots of decorative ideas. A chatter suggests warped logs for the animation effect, Tango likes that idea. A chatter asks about Tango’s megabase this season, he says it is the steampunk factory. He also tells Chat that the copper farm will eventually have a steampunk airship built around it, something that the video audience doesn’t know yet.
21:50 Tango wants decorative and functional copper pipes in Minecraft. Chat suggests using lightning rods as pipes, but they are too thin. The Skizz scream noise goes off a a piglin dies to the extermination machine, Tango jokes that nobody even notices it anymore. He goes to get buckets. Chat reminds him to be very very careful not to waterlog the floor, which has farmers beneath it. He promises to be careful.
23:40 A chatter asks how he doesn’t take fall damage in his drop shaft, Tango explains the powdered-snow-under-carpet trick. In chat, Xisuma asks everyone to not go to the End Dimension. Tango begins placing water in the aquarium. Doc signs onto the server and X asks him specifically not to go to The End. Doc tells X he is already there, announces he is joking, and then asks why he needs to steer clear. Tango notices the exchange and says he doesn’t go to The End anyway, then suddenly realizes he kind of needs to get more shulkers and gear. X explains that he is currently moving mobs and Doc agrees to stay away.
26:30 Tango continues placing water and considers where to put the warped logs. Cub signs in, X asks him to not go to the end. Cub immediately makes the same joke about already being there. Xisuma yells “twice!” Doc laughs.
27:30 Tango places a patch of warped wood. He likes it. He heads on a quick nether adventure to get more. He asks chat about water kitten husbandry. Chat advises him that they can drown on land if given a place to get stuck. Tango finds a pillar someone made of warped logs all the way to the ceiling and decides to steal it. It’s a little terrifying. Someone mocks him for “being that guy” and leaving a single floating log. He says that nobody cares what the nether looks like anyway. He solicits fun ideas for a shroom shop from chat. Chat thinks it should be a mushroom or a warped tree. Someone suggests a shroom monster. Tango likes that, something like Treeza from S8. Pearl whispers that she would be willing to help, Tango says that would be great but he would just be watching slackjawed while she builds. She says if he teaches her redstone, she will teach him to build a monster. Tango thinks the monster needs to have a lot of puns involved, a pun name and a pun dispenser. Its name can be Fun Guy.
34:00 Chat suggests some more punny names, including Fun Gus and Mike the Myconid. Tango gets a bit lost on the way home, but makes it back to the nether hub. A chatter jokes about the monster having a warped sense of humor. Tango returns to the aquarium to place more warped logs while chat puns at him. He is now excited about building the shop. Next episode might not even take 16 days!
36:30 Tango checks the wheat farm, no flooding yet. He returns to placing water. Chat is upset that one piece of warped wood is out of alignment. Tango does not care. He finds a deep hole and wonders what is down there. He jumps down the hole and declares spoilers for the video that just came out. There is a hole in the bedrock going into the void. He leaves it open in case Zed comes over to visit.
40:00 More water placement. A chatter suggests hanging a fox with a torch in the void as a dynamic light source. . Tango likes that idea. The aquarium is starting to get very dark. A chatter asks what water kittens are. Tango explains they are axolotls, but calling them water kittens is more fun.
42:50 Tango needs sea pickles. He makes a graceless exit from the tank and looks for his sea pickles. He remembers he was going to add a few oxidized grates for steampunk style. Grates can be waterlogged without looking stupid. He puts away some water buckets. Mrs. T appears and asks what he’s doing. He says he is making a tank, she asks if it will have a pineapple in it. He says Gem makes the pineapples, not him. He begins placing sea pickles. She asks if there are other colors of sea pickles. He says no, but he could place coral. She wants pink coral. He is not shocked about this. He offers to put in a pink axolotl for her. She asks if that’s even a question. He shows her the copper grates and says it’s a grate idea.
45:15 Tango starts to tell Mrs. T about the shroomlight farm idea, but her lunch is ready and she leaves to get it. He places more grates into a sort of pipe structure and asks Chat if they like it. Mrs. T comes back and asks what the grates are for. He says for steampunk reasons. The vote goes against the grates. He tells Mrs. T about the shroomlight shop and all the puns. She is in favor of it, but in the “being supportive of my spouse” sort of way. She suggests “Shitake the Fun Guy” as a name. A chatter asks who Tango is talking to. He welcomes the chatter to the stream. Tango finishes “Watering up his hole.” Mrs. T sighs. Tango says if she wants more of that humor, watch the new video. She says ain’t nobody got time for a 51-minute video.
49:00 Tango waters the hole. He gets very close to finishing before flooding the outside of the tank. He decides not to waterlog the ceiling. Time for decorations. Mrs. T says to call her when it’s time to show off the kittens. Tango needs more pickles because the tank is still very dark. Chat suggests glow lichen. Tango goes to look for glow lichen. Chat cannot spell lichen for love or money. Tango does not have any glow lichen. He thinks about using froglights. Chat suggests robbing Skizz, but the problem with robbing Skizz is you can’t find anything.
53:00 Tango attempts to rob Skizz, going one chest at a time. He finds some moss , but the lichen may be out by the pyramid. Impulse signs onto the server. Tango finds some twisted vines, but they cannot be waterlogged. He finds a squid head and some vines. He goes to look in the pyramid chests and finds glow lichen. He steals all of it. He finds a Tango head. Chat suggests leaving one lichen behind so Skizz can bonemeal it. Tango agrees that would be considerate, but does not do so.
56:30 Tango returns to the aquarium and learns that you cannot waterlog heads. He adds lichen to the tank. Chat suggests a head on an armor stand, but Tango thinks that’s a lot of work. The lichen doesn’t seem to be adding much to the brightness. He tries a twisted vine, but it does not waterlog. He accuses the vines of hating fun. He places and bonemeals some kelp. Tango asks about who sells coral, Chat tells him Gem. He says he should buy Gem out because it will make her happy. He starts to drown. He finishes kelping and says he will snip the kelp down to size later. He also thinks about placing a wet sponge.
1:00:00 Tango’s phone rings with its boomer ringtone. He hands the phone to Mrs. T and tells her to change his ringtone. She agrees cheerfully. Tango thinks they may be done building the tank. Chat reminds him to get the coral. Mrs. T shames Tango for having two “Settings” buttons on the first page of his phone, one line apart. He says when one has his powers of observation, one must adapt to it. He heads for the coral shop.
1:02:00 Mrs T begins cycling through ringtones. Chat says each is more boomer than the last. Tango finds the coral shop. Chat suggests using the Skizzle Scream a a ringtone, Tango says that would be great in public. Tango decides he doesn’t want coral blocks, only coral fans. Chat starts making jokes about Onlyfans. He buys several colors of coral, including pink, and says since Gem doesn’t have an ender chest, he doesn’t have to pay. He pays.
1:05:00 More ringtones. Tango assures Mrs. T that chat is really enjoying this. Tango flies to Two Tek Delay and checks his stock. He doesn’t think he’s sold any pistons yet. He needs to do some restocking. He heads back to his factory, showing Mrs. T the giant firework along the way. He explains how much work it was, how many temporary blocks. Chat points out that Scar would do it too. Tango agrees, but says he wouldn’t do it. It’s almost water kitten time.
1:07:50 Tango puts pink coral in the tank to appease Mrs. T. She wants other kinds of pink coral, the kind that is not so flat. He asks how she knows more about coral than him. The tank is so full there is almost no room for more decorations. Chat says he needs yellow coral. He leaves the tank and looks in. The coral is invisible. Chat says the blue glass was a bad idea. Tango blames chat for choosing blue glass in the first place. He says they can swap it out, but for what color? Chat wants clear glass.
1:11:00 Tango puts his coral and other decorations away. He finds clear glass and says this is going to be an interesting swap. He also grabs shears for the kelp. Chat wants a sponge, he says he will go back for it later. He trims the kelp in the tank to stop it growing. Grian signs on, Chat is excited. Tango begins carefully and quickly replacing the glass piece-by-piece. He predicts that the next thing Chat will demand is the Connected Glass resource pack. Chat agrees that he definitely should get that. He steps back to look at the first few rows and admits that the unconnected glass does look pretty bad. HE says he may do that next. He says he doesn’t like using things that will make things look nice for him but bad for others who visit. Chat points out that everyone else is already using connected textures. Chat is not sure about what the best way is to get connected textures. Tango says Chat is always right and never right, and his job is to sort out the consensus. A chatter says the blue glass was better.
1:17:30 Tango continues discussing datapacks versus modpacks with chat. Tango pauses the game to go choose a datapack that will give him connected glass. Chat helps him navigate the menus. He finds Unobtrusive and selects several glass options. He downloads the pack and implements it. Chat is mildly concerned that clean borderless glass will be invisible. The world renders back in with little stripes on the glass but no borders. Chat says clean and borderless are not compatible. Tango can live with it. Chat likes it. He and chat continue discussing the possibilities of resource-pack altered glass.
1:22:50 It’s water kitten time! Chat reminds him again about the sponge. Tango finds some wet sponges in his ender chest and places two in the aquarium. He thanks the chat for donos and subs. Tango is excited about a new version of Clank coming out. He looks at the tank and is satisfied. Chat is full of suggestions for armor stand scuba divers, shipwrecks and treasure chests. Tango says he might get Cleo to do an armor stand. He asks for how to breed water kittens and tells chat that the plan is to try and find wild ones, give up after five half-hearted minutes, then go breed Joel’s.
1:28:30 The adventure begins. Tango flies around looking for azalea trees. He realizes he’s forgotten an ender chest and goes to steal one from Zed. Zed does not have one. Tango figures maybe he won’t need one. In chat, Pearl warns Tango that the lush caves nearby kinda suck. Chat is full of advice on finding lush caves. Tango admires Scar’s portal as he flies by. He finds Jevin’s head farm and is confused by it.
1:32:50 Tango realizes that the other thing he forgot is a bed. Impulse sleeps, averting a crisis. Tango finds a tall hill with cherry trees on top and calls it Magic Mountain 2.0. It is already hollow, meaning the Magic Mountain crew could’ve saved a lot of time if they started with this one. Chat says it’s time to relocate. Tango finds a pillager outpost and releases the iron golem just for chaos’ sake. More flying, more looking for azaleas, more getting lost-ish. Tango realizes that without his ender chest, running out of rockets could be a serious problem. Chat spots an azalea tree, but the stream delay makes things difficult.
1:38:20 Unable to find what Chat says they saw, Tango flies onward. He looks around in a spruce and ice biome for a little while, then decides that the rocket situation is too precarious and he should head home.
1:40:00 Tango spots an azalea, and a lush biome that starts on the surface. He notes down the coords and begins to dig, harvesting the rooted dirt. The hole opens into a lush cave canyon. Tango goes exploring.
1:43:20 Chat notes that this is not a very good lush cave. Tango agrees. He fails at some parkour and makes a joke about 39th place skills. He starts digging down further, following the rooted dirt. Tango really wishes he brought his ender chest. The hole opens into a much better cave, except it is full of hostile mobs. Tango flees. He also did not bring a bow.
1:46:30 Tango predicts that he will die down here and it will be horrible. He updates his coords. He remembers that he forgot a totem of undying. He is surprised he hasn’t seen any water kittens. Chat informs him that they have seen some. A chatter helpfully tells him they look like pink lizards. Tango begin clearing out the hostile mobs to help the mob cap and increase his chances of survival.
1:51:00 Tango catches his first water kitten, a color that is hard to pin down but is probably pink. There is great rejoicing. Pearl is stream-sniping and cheers along in game chat. He catches a second one, a brown one, and asks chat if they should go for more. Chat says he should get more colors if he can.
1:55:00 Tango searches fruitlessly for several more minutes. Chat contemplates how nice it would be to have a bow. They suggest that Tango should collect small dripleaf. Tango says he doesn’t even know what that is. Chat says it is dripleaf that is small.
1:56:40 Tango finally hits the axolotl jackpot and finds a whole family group. He is very excited because one of them is pink. He catches a pink one, gets jump scared by a spider, then catches two yellows and another pink. The last yellow baby gives him a run for his money, but eventually gets bucketed. He celebrates his 39th place skills.
1:57:30 Time to go home, but how? Tango begins working his way out of the cave with gravel, sparing use of rockets, and digging straight up.
1:59:40 Tango reaches the surface and rejoices. He is right on the edge of Joe’s build. He pokes around the build, looking for a portal. Chat directs him to one and he gets to take a shortcut home. Back at the factory, he puts away the rooted dirt and other goodies he collected. Chat wants him to name the water kittens, but confesses that they will not despawn if not named. Chat convinces him to name them for fun. Tango is disappointed that there is no way to know the color while they are in the buckets. Chat is full of name ideas. He names the water kittens Swim Shady, Pumpkin, Hockey Puck, 39th Place, Water Smitten, and Swimpulse.
2:06:30 Tango releases the water kittens into the tank. Swimpulse is pink. He asks if they will jump out, then covers the hole to prevent it. He looks at the tank and is pleased. The tank looks good. Chat is very happy.
2:08:20 Tango hears a fart noise. He checks to see if Skizzleman is on the server. He is not, but Chat confirms they heard the fart. Tango begins searching for the farter. Scar drops down the elevator and says hello. He claims he had nothing to do with any backend exhaustion. He is the burper, not the farter. Tango suggests he must’ve burped on the wrong end. Scar says again that it wasn’t him, and that he came out to compliment Tango on his ask-a-lottles. Tango proudly shows off the tank. Scar offers to thin the herd if needed, but Tango says he’s going to grow the herd instead. Scar asks if it is possible to breed axolotls, and Tango explains yes, they do it by ripping Nemo to shreds. Scar thinks that is cool.
2:10:20 Scar and Tango have a conversation about connected and clean glass textures Scar has the same pack that Tango does. They both think that the stripes are just too white. Scar says it’s better now than it used to be, when glass was really terrible. He made his own texture pack back in the day that smoothed wool and wood, cleaned glass, and made mushrooms bigger. Scar suggests that maybe the tank needs a turtle or a dolphin, and says that he could help with that. Tango likes the idea of a turtle. He asks if Scar can deliver one. Scar says he can deliver anything, with a 50% chance of it being alive on delivery.
2:12:45 Scar is distracted from the turtle conversation when he catches a glimpse of the factory’s object-moving infrastructure. He is fascinated by the way that the blocks bob up and down “Willy Wonka style”. Tango admits that it’s just lag, probably because Doc’s on. Scar asks if Doc is still on a rampage about his stolen diamonds. Tango says he doesn’t know, but they agree that it’s pretty funny Doc is mad about stolen diamonds when he literally uses diamond ore for building blocks. They both hope that whoever the diamond bandit is, they keep going and take more. Tango implies that maybe Scar was the culprit all along, but Scar insists it was not him. He has to stay on Doc’s good side now because of his many crimes against the guy in Season 9. He remembers the tunnel bore disaster, where Grian banged and then he banged and there was a whole lot of banging and in the end he had to hide in a toilet.
2:15:10 Tango asks if Scar wants to do something dangerous. Scar immediately says yes. “Like really dangerous?” Tango presses. Scar nods. Tango tells Scar to follow him. He leads Scar over to the hole. Scar asks if this is where Decked Out 3 is. Tango confirms it totally is Decked Out 3. Scar looks down the hole and asks where it goes. Tango encourages him to drop down and Scar does, using his elytra for a soft fall down the two-wide hole. Tango follows, expecting Scar to have fallen into the void, but find him two blocks away in a two-deep hole in the bedrock. Tango tells him he missed. Scar gets himself out of the hole and immediately falls into another one. He climbs out, says “Jeez, there’s holes everywhere!” and instantly falls into the void hole. Tango cackles madly.
2:16:10 Tango freecams into the void and finds Scar rocketing around under the bedrock, calling for him and looking for the hole. Tango encourages him to “follow the sheep!” Scar makes several passes by the hole before managing to find it and shoot through it. Tango cheers and pops back into his body just in time for Scar to die of experiencing kinetic energy. Tango tries to figure out where Scar’s bits went. He uses freecam to search up to farm level, where he finds Skizzleman wandering around the edge of the hole. Chat informs him that Skizz (who is also streaming) has collected Scar’s things.
2:18:20 Tango flies up the shaft and finds some of Scar’s things at the top of the hole. He also finds Scar, who bounds over yelling “THIS IS A HELL-HOLE MURDER CHAMBER!” Tango compliments Scar on doing a great job getting out of the void. Apparently falling into the void resurrected all sorts of traumatic Season 8 memories of being thrown down the Boatem Hole. Skizz is nowhere to be seen at this point. Scar asks where the rest of his stuff is. Tango says he doesn’t know, but that he suspects there is someone else around here. Scar threatens to shove an askalottle in their face. He jumps back down to the hole and asks if he flew all the way up here, even as Skizz makes an appearance. He is wearing Scar’s hat and giggling.
2:19:10 Scar greets Skizz as “Skizzie-lizzie!” then asked Tango if he really flew all the way up that hole. Skizz thanks Scar, telling him that he has been streaming for seven seconds and he already has what might be the best blooper reel moment ever. He explains that he was sneaking up on Tango and happened to turn around just in time to see Scar for a tenth of a second before he exploded. Skizz returns Scar’s things to him, telling him that he made himself into a chest to collect Scar’s stuff for him. Scar, who is digging in his ender chest, suddenly realizes that he has found “The Flatulenster” who was making the fart noise earlier. Tango laughs. Scar confronts Skizz, who tells Scar to put his ender chest back on the ground and open it, then look for the “thank you” he owes Skizz. Tango points out that Skizz was not online when the fart occurred.
2:20:30 Scar thanks Skizz for saving his things and apologizes for fart-accusing him. Skizz doesn’t even know what Scar is talking about. Scar proceeds to tell Skizz the tragic tale of his visit to Tango where he just wanted to compliment some asskalottles and was accused of a fart he did not commit. Skizz commiserates, saying that the same thing happened the last time he streamed with Tango, and that he suspects it is Tango’s fault and/or imagination. Tango insists that his chat heard the fart too. ((The fart noise is audible on VOD review.)) Scar says they need Mrs. T to confirm that Tango is a fart-denyer.
2:21:50 Skizz is still wondering why Scar exploded. Tango explains it’s because he jumped down the hole. Scar leads Skizz over to the hole and encourages him to jump down, saying it’s fun. He tells Skizz that it is cool, and the reason that he died was because he came up too fast and had an accident. Skizz leans over the edge for a better look and Scar, in the least surprising act of Betrayal-By-Scar since The Lion King, kicks him down the hole. Skizz yells and begins attempting to rocket out of the hole with limited success. Scar insists he needs to go _down_ the hole, it’s super fun! Skizz manages to escape the hole and says no, because he doesn’t want to die. Tango and Scar assure him he won’t die (if he’s competent, Tango adds parenthetically.)
2:22:40 Resigned, Skizz asks if there’s a side he needs to jump down, then flings himself into the hole. He does a perfect full-send fall, right into the void, and falls out of the world. Tango shrieks in horrified delight. Scar calls down the hole that he feels bad now. In chat, False says “oof.” Tango demands to know why Skizz didn’t deploy his wings. “He would never have survived Boatem,” Scar observes dolefully.
2:23:10 Tango sees that Skizz is not in a group for chatting and opens in-game chat. “dude. for real. wings.” he types. “YOU HAVE THEM” Scar adds. Tango does not understand why Skizz did not just press space bar. False pipes up in in-game chat: “It’s Skizz, this is on you guys. :p” Tango says he can’t even feel guilty because he just doesn’t understand. Scar highlights a comment from Skizz’s chat about “40th place skills.” Impulse says that False is right. Skizz leaves the game, to howls from Scar and Tango. They decide that they will have to assemble a care basket for Skizz to help him replace all his lost bits. Skizz rejoins the game.
2:24:15 Tango and Scar leave the hole. Scar can’t believe that Decked Out 3 is down there somewhere. The pair begin digging through their things to find stuff for Skizz. Scar says he will give Skizz a special pair of wings. Tango asks if they will auto-deploy. Skizz reappears, naked but for an elytra, and tells them to gather round and shut up. He tells them that he is going to give them a list of what they owe him, and that it’s coming back. Tango, barely able to talk from laughing, asks if he owes Skizz a space bar. Cause if that’s broken, he will definitely get Skizz a new one. Skizz stutters, then screeches “SHUT UPPP!” Tango loses it. Skizz tells them that he fell into the void and rocketed upwards “like a beast” but it wasn’t happening because he was falling AT TERMINAL VELOCITY, JERK. He demands to know why that hole is there, it makes no sense! (“That’s what she said,” mutters Scar.)
2:25:50 Scar asks why Skizz didn’t use his space bar to deploy his elytra. Skizz protests that he did, and that the first time he left the hole they gave him a bunch of static about how he was supposed to go down the hole. He thought that the little black square at the bottom of the hole was carpet. By the time he realized he was in the void, he was too deep to rocket out. Tango presents Skizz with an elytra named “Spacebar” and tells him that might help him next time. Skizz sighs. He tells Scar and Tango that the bow he had on him was a top-shelf bow, his only good bow of the season, and it was a gift from Grian. He also says his axe was amazing and it’s gone. Scar, who has been yawning through this, tells Skizz to stop complaining and they’ll work it out. Tango tells Skzz they’ll make him a care package. Skizz tells them he ALSO had a briefcase of five thousand dollars. Scar tries to give Skizz the HotGuy bow, but Skizz can’t accept that, so Scar tells him he’ll make him a “Hot-something” bow. Tango begins working up some enchanted diamond armor with the armor and books he has in his storage. Skizz claims that he’s not even complaining, he’s just stating something that happened, and it’s that his friends were JERKS. Offscreen, Scar opens a shulker box and tells Skizz to grab a pickaxe. Skizz sounds a little intimidated as he asks Scar why he has so much awesome stuff. Scar says it’s because he is awesome. Tango creates “Boots of Speed Falling.”
2:28:15 Tango gives the boots to Skizz, who gets a pair of pickaxes from Scar as well. Skizz is starting to feel like he’s making out pretty well. Scar tells the story of the time he lost his shovel in the mail system and Tango replaced it with a vastly inferior shovel. Tango disputes the veracity of the story. Skizz wants to know when he gets his bow. Scar tells him he’s going to make it, and that it will be a HotGuy bow with a different name. Skizz assumes it’s going to be Spacebar again. He demands to know why Tango didn’t tell him what was down the hole. Tango points out that if he had, Skizz wouldn’t have jumped. He just assumed that Skizz would have plenty of time to react during the eight full seconds it takes to fall into the void with wings.
2:29:20 Skizz says he’s gonna do it again. Tango tells him he won’t remiburse him this time. Skizz says he knows, he’s going to use his unenchanted wings and make Tango hold the good ones. Tango offers him rockets. Skizz waffles a little about doing it. Tango encourages him. ((Scar is mostly still and silent during this period because he is mocking Skizz on Twitter.)) Skizz approaches the elevator drop shaft and worries he’s going to lose his wings here. Tango tells him to take his boots off, at least. Skizz says he’s going to take it all off. “I bet you are,” says Tango, kicking him down the drop shaft. Skizz screams “STOP IT!” as he falls. Tango follows him. He attempts to prank the shaft and kill Scar, but is a second too slow. Scar plays the Inside Joke horn.
2:30:50 Skizz goes to unequip himself and tries to get Scar to put down an ender chest. Scar eventually puts one down. Tango tells Skizz that the real challenge is to fly to Zed’s base through the void. He tells Skizz that Zed has a big hole and he just needs to head west. There will be a pink sheep to light the way. Skizz doesn’t realize that it’s possible to survive in the void long enough to fly anywhere, drawing derision from Void Veteran Tango. Scar says he gets it, Zed and Tango are setting up a hole-to-hole network the way that there is a crack-to-crack network in Magic Mountain. Tango confirms this is exactly correct. Scar complains that the crack network is all hype and no substance, he wants to join the hole network. Skizz suggests that Tango should go with him on the trip, but Tango says he needs to go to Zed’s and make sure his hole is ready to accept. The recapper is very upset. Chat is beside themselves.
2:32:30 Tango heads for Zed’s base while giving Skizz travel advice. Skizz needs to turn on hitboxes so he will see the sheep better and fly due west. Scar doesn’t know what Due means and demands and explanation. Tango confirms that the hole is very much open. Skizz cackles, and Tango says he really needs to watch Tango’s new episode. Skizz reiterates that he can’t believe they let him die. Scar points out that Skizz kinda let himself die. Skizz disagreed, saying he got himself out of the hole and they told him to get back in there. Tango tells him to get in the hole. He and the Chat experience the radio play version of Scar leading Skizz back to the hole into the void. Skizz asks if Scar will do it too. Scar yawns and says no, he has all his stuff on him, then says fine. Skizz is pleased. Tango freecams into the void to watch while Scar and Skizz prep for the jump.
2:34:45 Skizz announces that he is going. “I’m going. I’m Going. I’M GOOIIIINNNG!” he yells. He immediately dies by falling from a high place. Tango puts his face in his hand. Skizz declares that the thing is stupid. Scar declares that he is going and yells his way down the hole, ending with a disappointed groan. He has popped his totem. He dives into the hole anyway and quickly becomes visible to Tango, who attempts to guide him in. Scar heads for Tango and the safety of Zedaph’s base while treating him and the Chat to a barrage of perhaps the most atrocious phrasing in the history of accidental dirty talk. He escapes the void and immediately dies of kinetic energy again.
2:36:00 Skizz demands another pair of wings so he can get back to the hole again. Tango demands to know how many wings Skizz could possibly need. Scar asks Tango to collect up his bits because he has suddenly realized he needs to go. Tango collects Scar’s possessions where they are scattered across the bedrock. Skizz interrupts and demands attention to say that he demands somebody do something. Scar tells him the adults are talking. He asks Tango to pack up his wings and rockets for him and Tango confirms he has them. Skizz says this base is dumb and he hates it. Scar leaves. Skizz tells Tango he needs to collect his wings from the edge of the hole before they despawn. Tango heads back to his base to get the wings, arguing with Skizz the whole time.
2:37:40 Tango jumps down the hole, successfully deploying his elytra for a soft fall. The wings are not there. Skizz tells him to look harder. Tango freecams and looks around, but there are no wings. They argue about the wings for a few minutes, and then about the deployment of Skizz’s spacebar and how he possibly could’ve died if he was flying correctly. Skizz wants his wings so he can try again. Tango asks rhetorically what Skizz wants him to do as he begins to ascend the hole. Skizz says he wants Tango to catch him and jumps in the hole. He falls past Tango and dies from a high-place fall. Tango arrives at the top of the hole and sings a bar of “Strangers in the Night.” Skizz says “Whatever” and starts talking about how he was throwing dice in the alley. Tango has no idea what’s going on and asks Skizz if he’s been drinking. Skizz says no, and Tango suggests that maybe he should. Skizz tries to explain that he was channeling the United States of Whatever. Impulse drops down the elevator shaft.
2:40:10 Tango informs Skizz they have a guest, then moon lands at Impulse until he joins the group and says hello. Tango cheers that Impulse is back from the dead, though still kind of dead. Impulse sounds pretty rough, but says he came over because he found something. He asks where Skizz is, but Tango doesn’t know. Skizz killed himself to get back to his base quicker, but is on his way back. He comes down the drop chute, and Tango doesn’t have the heart to sabotage him. Impulse presents Skizz with an enchanted elytra. It is also called Spacebar. Tango is confused and asks Impulse if he found them, and how. Impulse said he was in the void and caught them. He is clearly lying. Tango says now Skizz has two spacebars, and he is probably going to need them with the way he flies. Skizz agrees, because he is probably going to spend one now on another attempt.
2:42:00 Skizz begins quizzing Tango on what he does to successfully jump down the hole. Tango’s answers are not entirely helpful, probably because Tango is so used to elytra flying that some things are muscle memory. Skizz challenges him to jump down the hole and not deploy the wings until he is in the void. Tango tries to push Tango down the hole again and Skizz yells at him that he is naughty. Tango refuses to take the challenge. Impulse admits that the wings he gave Skizz were a pair of Scar’s wings he found one day and kept. Skizz is okay with that. Tango asks Impulse how he’s doing. Impulse is still not feeling good. Skizz tells him there’s something down this hole over here that will help with that. His attempt to fool Impulse rapidly derails into a retelling of his own story of hole-related woe, and Impulse is not convinced.
2:44:20 Tango tells Impulse he named a water kitten after him. He opens up the aquarium and lets Impulse jump in to meet Swimpulse. Impulse is charmed and admits he thought it was going to be something rude. Impulse decides he will try to get through the hole-to-hole connection. Skizz is offended that Tango cares about Impulse being set up properly, when he just kicked Skizz down the hole. Impulse points out that Skizz should’ve known he was in for something, being as how this is Hermitcraft. Skizz, mimicking Tango, asks Impulse if he wants some soup. Impulse actually would like some soup. Tango notices Scar’s tweet and dissolves into laughter. Skizz and Impulse both laugh too. Tango goes and finds Impulse a bed. Skizz continues complaining.
2:47:45 Impulse sets his spawn. Tango directs him to the hole, and then he and Skizz head for Zedaph’s base. Skizz nearly falls into Zed’s hole. Impulse falls from a high place. He loses his elytra. Tango apologizes for his defective hole. Impulse falls out of the world. It was tactical.
2:51:40 Impulse tries again. He makes it down into the void and heads for Zed’s hole. He flies cleanly up into it and survives, then immediately says “I’m going back” and dives into the void. Tango follows him and immediately gets lost. He figures out where he is and somehow smashes himself into the space one block above the void. Skizz, who is too afraid to jump into the hole, demands an ender chest so he can put his wings away. Tango invites both of them to join the hole network.
2:53:00 Tango and Impulse have a conversation about hole architectural improvements while Skizz goes on in the background about all the cool stuff he has and doesn’t want to lose by jumping into the void. He asks where they are. Tango says they are at his hole. Skizz says they can’t be at his hole, he is at Tango’s hole, then realizes he is at Zed’s hole. Impulse tells him to get his holes right. Impulse does a clean free-fall from the top of Tango’s hole into the void and catches himself with a rocket. Impulse calls it exhilarating. Skizz finds a box to put his stuff in and prepares to jump again. Chat says this is why women live longer than men. Tango agrees. Skizz jumps in the hole. He realizes he is using exploding fireworks moments before he dies of being exploded.
2:57:00 Skizz respawns at his own base. He tells Tango he owes him more wings. Tango just laughs at him. Skizz realizes he stashed his gear in Zed’s fireworks box and accidentally picked up a stack of Zed’s fireworks instead of his own rockets. He tells the others that he has a problem because now he has to keep trying until he succeeds. Tango points out that he’s going to run out of wings fairly quickly at this rate. Skizz tells him to shut up, he has to believe. Tango asks what they can do to help. Skizz asks Impulse to get his stuff from Zed’s place, because he needs wings and rockets. Tango starts laughing all over again about the exploding fireworks thing. Tango asks if this means Skizz also dumped a whole stack of Zed’s (very expensive) custom fireworks down the void too. Skizz says of course it does.
2:59:20 Skizz decides to make another attempt at the hole. Tango and chat are just listening to the drama unfold at this point. Impulse jumps down the hole and flies over to Zed’s place through the void. His casual flexing at this point cannot be overstated. A chatter posts a clip of Skizz’s firework-enabled demise from Skizz’s POV. Tango watches it with great delight, treating chat to a reprise of Skizz’s screaming. He compliments Skizz on his amazing death and they discuss the thought process that goes through one’s head when one is flying in the void with half a heart left and nothing but exploding fireworks. Impulse arrives at Zed’s and finds Skizz to help him ready up for another attempt, notably by making sure he has flight rockets. Tango’s chat is empathizing with Skizz’s chat in the clip, who clearly knew that Skizz had taken the wrong fireworks and were trying to warn him.
3:00:30 Another attempt is made. Skizz was not ready, but successfully dives into the void. Tango watches the Void from freecam and encourages him to follow the dangling sheep. Skizz and Impulse successfully make the flight from Zed’s hole to Tango’s. Tango congratulates him, then says it’s actually fairly low-risk. Skizz asks if he’s maybe considered making it a bigger hole. Tango says he thinks the hole network should be everyone’s normal means of traveling. Skizz asks about the sheep on the lead, Tango describes the process of dangling a sheep in the void. Skizz realizes he left his stuff at Zed’s house. Tango encourages him to go back to Zed’s house the cool way, but Skizz is extremely reluctant. Tango jumps into the hole and goes to Zed’s house. Skizz and Impulse go the uncool way.
3:05:15 Impulse, Skizz and Tango look at Zed’s contraptions, playing with the elevator and the enchanting table game. Skizz asks how the enchanting game works, Imp and Tango explain very badly. Skizz plays with the game for a few minutes and realizes that the only reward is the ability to enchant one’s items. Tango asks Skizz if he needs anything replaces from his adventures, but Skizz says Tango and Scar fixed him up. They agree that it was a very funny adventure and Tango leaves. Impulse says he will stay behind to fix the enchanting game, which is now mysteriously broken.
3:09:30 Tango returns to the factory. He agrees with Chat that his face hurts from laughing so much. He summarizes the accomplishments of the day and tells Chat that the VOD will be uploaded soon. He reminds Chat that his new video is also up now. He thanks Chat and raids into Skizzleman, then ends his stream.
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Had this idea for a Super Hero AU in a dystopian future. Based slightly in Hermitcraft. With some magic and fantasy elements.
A world that is set in a post apocalyptic time.
Watchers have pretty much desired the world’s ecosystem and atmosphere.
Humans died or became pets to them. Those that did escape made these advance dome cities in the sky, land, and underground.
Two people made and created the Mod Project.
Which took 13 humans and mixed their dna with that of various hostile mobs to create Super Soldiers to fight the watcher and protect their chosen city.
Of the 13 only 8 survived the process.
These soilders don’t need sleep. They feed on the blood usually of Watcher monsters they’ve slayed.
Because most people don’t travel outside their chosen city they don’t have much contact with each other.
Meaning each solider of the dorm city has various levels of what they consider to be ‘morally right’.
They can also eat normal food but not as much as a normal human.
Hybrids do exist in this. Often these were the first attempt of the Mod Project. They still need basic human functions. And have bred with humans to make natural born hybrids by this point.
The story follows HotGuy, the ‘hero’ and ‘protector’ of the Crystal Dome City. In the east. His code name is The Vex
As to why humans don’t leave the city. The oxygen levels around the dome are of 60%
The farther you get from the dome the less you have and the more monsters you encounter.
The Dead Zone to the far west has only 10% oxygen.
Supposedly a few miles from it is a dome city in the sky? Land? They aren’t sure. And is protected by their solider called The Dragon.
There is one under ground run by The Warden
Two in the sky to the far north called the Phantom and the one to the south called The Blaze.
And one to the east also near the coast line, roughly a few weeks from HG’s city. It’s under the protection of The Guardian.
It’s unsure why the ‘Dead Zone’ is so well dead. But some speculate that this is where the Watchers first started their assault of Planet Craft.
There are 8 creatures with their own city.
The Vex
The Guardian
The Warden
The Phantom
The Blaze
The Dragon
The Ender
The Spider
The failed ones were
The Wither
The Husk
The Skeleton
The Piglin
The Ravager
They failed mainly because during the process the human died before the full transformation could be realized.
The Vex, or Hotguy/Scar, is able to turn into a monster like vex. He’s taller than the usual vex, about 6 or 7 feet tall. Long claws, sharp teeth, perfect hearing and smell. But has low eye sight in daylight, mostly can only see when something moves. He also has an aversion to fire in this form as vexes are cold beings.
The story in my head is HG with his friend Mumbo are trying to get back in contact with the 8 cities the Hart Foundation is still in contact with. In order to try to come together to stop the Watchers once and for all.
Of the ones he’s met so far is The Warden (Cub), The Blaze (Tango), and The Guardian (Grian). (Yes we are going with Sea Grian for this.)
Each of these groups of ‘Heroes’ have different ideas of what they consider to be ‘good’. Mainly due to the fact society is very different for each of them.
The Warden’s city is in the east but is deep underground.
The Blaze’s is in the south and is a city far in the sky. The only reason HG got tos we is is because, after contact with the Guardian and Warden, the Blaze opened up his teleporters to meet with The Vex in person.
Despite being of the same project, they don’t know each other and have foggy memories of their time being tested on.
Feel free to write for this or draw if you guys want. I’m just coming up with ideas. I’ll write a oneshot later.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. :3
Btw the ‘oxygen levels’ is mostly the amount of ‘breathable air’ for them. It’s not the amount of pure oxygen, it’s just the percentage of air that is breathable.
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panda-wearing-pants · 2 months
Life Series if it was regular hardcore (season 5)
Everyone has one life, anyone can kill, but all final deaths count
Ep 2
17: Martyn (Piglin Brute)
Ep 3
16: Jimmy (Drowned)
15: Gem (Enderman)
14: Joel (Fall damage)
13: Lizzie (Skeleton)
Ep 5
12: Mumbo (Fall damage)
Ep 6
11: Bdubs (Zombie)
10: Skizz (Skeleton)
9: Grian (Wither)
8: BigB (Fall Damage)
Ep 7:
7: Scar (Pearl)
6: Cleo (Drowning)
Ep 9:
5: Tango (Final Death/Fall damage)
4: Etho (Final Death)
3: Impulse (Final Death)
2: Scott (Final Death)
1: Pearl
Jimmy's placement is the same as in the real Secret Life
Gem's placement is 12 places lower than in the real Secret Life
Average scores across all five seasons (score is the percent of members a player did better than):
Pearl: 89.97
Scott: 87.98
Etho: 75.87
Impulse: 61.35
BigB: 59.13
Martyn: 59.04
Tango: 56.44
Bdubs: 50.38
Ren: 49.20
Grian: 46.92
Cleo: 46.15
Scar: 33.56
Jimmy: 30.96
Lizzie: 21.88
Skizz: 19.11
Mumbo: 18.75
Joel: 17.02
Gem: 12.50
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hexgravity · 8 months
Uhhh still don't have much on Fragile Life. But I thought I'd detail the tamagotchi pets each member has.
Scott: seal. It was hard to pick for Scott admittedly so I went with seal because some of my fav fanarts of him is Limited Life selkie styled Scott.
Gem: deer. She really is just deer coded.
Pearl: wolf. Tilly beloved.
Grian: parrot. He is the pesky bird.
Tango: moth. Most fanarts I see have him like a moth if they go for a more animal theme.
Martyn: dog. A nod to the big dogs. I would have maybe gave him a cat, but that's Scar's so no overlap.
Jimmy: canary. Canary in a coal mine, may I say more?
Scar: cat. Scar's was very easy as around the time I came up with this au was also around the time we lost Jellie. So I wanted her to always be part of him, and so, she's his virtual pet in this au.
Lizzie: axolotl. Based on her Empires Season 1 theme.
Joel: frog. Swamp :) it was either that or snail, couldn't find many animals for him.
Cleo: snake. I can't resist snake hair.
Etho: coyote. Wolf was already taken by Pearl, and being a Canadian myself when I was younger I used to confuse coyotes and wolves. So I thought it'd be silly lil "canadian wolf" moment.
Impulse: winner of the poll for his pet was pig as a nod to piglin brutes.
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reflingthefox · 8 months
(a snippet for my humanity au, for blaze!tango and strider!zedaph)
Tango didn't walk around naked in nether. Even before he met humans for the first time - he was familiar with piglins, their clothes and materials. Leatherwear fit him and, if worked properly, didn't catch fire even in lava; also, it helped a bit with body image of "what the void am I? part piglin, maybe."
Zedaph never feels warm enough anyway, so clothes are partially visual, partially body-heat-trapping choice. Honestly, if he didn't need to get dressed, he wouldn't bother too much, his body's beautiful on its own. If anything, he grew used to the sheep-wool cloak, and "a very weird sheep" is a fun concept to be.
In their crew days, Tango learns how to human. Zedaph learns how to society. Both learn how to love; and Zedaph's love language integrates cozy little gifts easily, and Tango is a problem-solver, always was in his heart.
In time, nobody's surprised when Zedaph starts wearing Tango's old jackets, resewn to his size and all but imbued with lava; and people try to not startle Tango too much so he doesn't burn or stain his new, cloud-soft sheep wool sweaters.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 6 months
OH. MY GOD I FINALLY FOUND YOU AGAIN!!! I'VE MISSED YOUR STUFF SO MUCH!!!!! I've been haunted for the past 6-or-so months by "piglin calls tango babygirl has ao3 i cant find and good techno content where the hell is it" I feel like I've won the lottery. I hope your week is good. This is the best day I've had all week
IQUIOJQSQS PIGLIN CALLS TANGO BABYGIRL yee that's me I'm laughing. Glad u found me again, anon
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chaos-goober · 10 months
Every death in Secret Life so far (as of session 8)
Martyn - Killed by a Piglin Brute (Session 2)
Jimmy - Impaled by a Drowned (Session 3)
Gem - Killed by an Enderman (Session 3)
Joel - Fall Damage (Session 3)
Lizzie - Shot by a Skeleton (Session 3)
Martyn - Fell into the void (Session 4)
Jimmy - Fall damage caused by the Ender Dragon (Session 4)
Lizzie - Killed (accidentally) by Jimmy (Session 5)
Mumbo - Fall Damage (Session 5)
Bdubs - Pushed into pit of zombies by Scar (Session 6)
Mumbo - Died to lava (Session 6)
Lizzie - Pushed into the void by an Enderman (Session 6)
Skizz - Shot by a Skeleton (Session 6)
Jimmy - Blasted by a Warden released by Etho (Session 6)
Mumbo - Killed by a Warden released by Etho (Session 6)
Grian - Killed by a Wither summoned by himself (Session 6)
BigB - Fall damage (Session 6)
Scott - Killed by Martyn (Session 7)
Bdubs - Killed by Zombies spawned by Gem (Session 7)
Impulse - Killed by Bdubs (Session 7)
Pearl - Blown up by a trap laid by Gem (Session 7)
Tango - Killed by BigB's wolves (Session 7)
Scar - Shot by Pearl (Session 7)
Etho - Killed by Scar (Session 7)
Joel - Killed by Gem (Session 7)
Gem - Shot (accidentally) by Scar (Session 7)
Skizz - Killed by Joel (Session 7)
Tango - Killed by Scar (Session 7)
Cleo - Drowned whilst escaping a fight (Session 7)*
BigB - Killed by Joel (Session 7)
Scar - Blown up by Skizz (Session 8)
Pearl - Killed By Gem (Session 8)
Grian - Shot by Pearl (Session 8)
Cleo - Shot by Pearl (Session 8)
Etho - Shot by Scar (Session 8)
Scott - Killed by Gem (Session 8)
Impulse - Killed by Gem (Session 8)*
*Final green death
*Final yellow death
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aquaquadrant · 7 months
Spoilers for Doc's ep 1 of HC10 but.
Doc torturing an allay with fire to filter out cobblestone because allays out-regen the flames (around 2:33:20) made me think of hels to pay Tangoooo. Nooo lmaoooo what if he found outtttt crying emoji
I DID SEE, it’s like doc got the idea directly from my twisted hels mind 🎻 the nature of the contraption would hit disturbingly close to home for tango, but he’d never admit to anyone- or even himself- that it made him uncomfortable bc allays are just mobs. he’s done worse to mobs for the sake of farms before, only difference is that they’re usually hostile mobs.
it’s like there’s a sliding scale of “ok to kill/harm” for mobs even tho in-universe, they would all be equal in terms of their sentience. piglins and villagers would prob be even higher, seeing as they’re species that have learned to use tools and bartering, but it’s not looked down upon to use them in very inhumane ways. again, i mean this in-universe. irl it’s all just a game so there is nothing morally wrong w making an allay-powered filter (NOT that i’ve seen anyone try to claim as much, it’s just interesting how we can generally agree that it just Feels Bad 😂)
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rosenbergamot · 6 months
kinda weird trans tangotek headcanon: given minecraft spawning/breeding mechanics, most mobs don't really... have a concept of gender, in the sense of sexual reproduction and roles relating thereof BUT nether-dwelling mobs in general have a set of binary roles and traits that are culturally assigned to Hot/Cold. It's not necessarily a personally assigned role, sometimes it's locally assigned. You act in certain ways and do certain things in a Hot place and do different things in a Cold place, and Cold places can cause changes to you that may or may not be irrevocable(see: striders vs piglins/hoglins and their zombified counterparts) and it's somewhat less rigid than Player ideas of gender, bc the exact threshold of Hot/Cold varies across both species and individuals (striders are Very Very Very Hot; some piglins zombify if they go to cooler places in the nether (naturally spawned zombie piglins) while other piglins only zombify when they enter the Very Cold Overworld)
anyway, TangoTek may or may not be trans by human standards, but as far as the nether dwellers are concerned, for all intents and purposes, building the Deepfrost Citadel and becoming Dungeon Master was an act of him transing his gender.
GOD HELLO ANON I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. the nether worldbuilding that we were sorely missing right here. this also resonates with what i wrote in my trans hcs document which is just "tango - trans"
i can imagine someone else who is a netherborn or just Knows About this stuff coming into decked out and being like "I Know What You Are" and tango is like "i transificated my gender" (canon)
the deepfrost citadel is also so important to both tango and the hermits which feels so beautiful to me because by inviting them in and sharing it with them hes also sharing such a like. integral part of himself. something that is Big for him that they wont exactly understand because of cultural regional species differences. but he still wants them there in whatever way will work. the joy of creation!! the joy of sharing it with your friends!! the joy of transing your gender!!
also im so obsessed with thinking ab how this affects other nether dwellers. im especially obsessed with thinking ab how this came about like evolutionary wise which i wont get far into thinking ab but. it will be in the back of my brain. god and like what is the culture surrounding this, are nether dwellers who change easier based on temp viewed any differently by others (whether positive or negative), how does each species view these changes?? yeah. god. very cool. thank u very much for sharing this.
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fitzs-space · 2 years
Word dump about Tango headcanons, but it’s like 2am so spare me
There was a stream a bit ago where Tango was mentioning how he wouldn’t use player heads to say who’s who on the decked out score board, because everyone’s skins just look the same at some point (mans is kinda right/j). And I kept that idea in the back of my mind to give his character Prosopagnosia or something cause of the whole inability to recognize faces right.
But now a better idea! I’ve been seeing a lot of fics where Tango just has shit eyesight, so why not mush these thoughts together and think about hybrid shit. Cause I’ve already had the idea that piglins have very light coloured eyes to help them see better in the dark, in the overworld they develop darker sometimes, but are still sensitive to lights (like my poor blue eyed ass suffering in the winter with bright ass snow, squinty ass mf). So those ideas have been established before.
But the Nether and the End are naturally very dark places, so it’s expected that the entity’s that live in there would develop eyesight better adapted to the dark yea? I’d think that blaze moblins would, because of there defensive nature, would need to focus more on movement rather then the actual features of an entity. So maybe they’d see more heat signature type shit // just general blobs of shapes and colours. And enderian moblins probably would see in inverted colours too like how it is in minecraft when you spectate as an enderman, all weird n purple. Why? Idk man. Something something void damage or whatever maybe.
Either way, here you got Tango, a nether mutt with two mobs who’ve got the worst eyesight mushed together into a player. The purple tinge with enderman can be explained away with the purple eyes, so we say that Tango sees more red yea? He probably sees more like a blaze moblin, all blurry more with heat movements, and all that, and some of the other stuff got more subdued cause of all the other hybrid genes he’s got going on.
So the guy probably recognizes people a lot more on their general height and typical colours and clothes they wear, and voices too. Homie won’t recognize if you change your hair style, but will be at a loss of who the hell you are for a lil if you suddenly start wearing purple instead of green or something. The Xisuma party was definitely a trip to deal with.
This got longer then I thought. Tldr, Tango sees with blurry vision that can focus on heat movement easier, a lot of what he sees has a red tint to it and he’s probably a mf who’s very sensitive to bright lights
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