#pillars of eternity the white marches
meticulousfragments · 4 months
Excuse me while I start chewing furniture over Abydon and Ondra
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herearedragons · 3 months
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According to both Pillars Of Eternity and Epic - when the gods get involved.
(lyrics from Epic: The Musical - “Just A Man” )
commission info
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adozentothedawn · 2 months
If you want to do more voice line compilations, how about one with combat voice lines?
Indeed I do! Since you didn't specify character or situation I decided to be a bit creative. I did limit the ones that are just funny noises but those last two made me laugh too hard to not take them. xD Also turns out Maneha has a whole set of very funny reactions like this one, I might do that one seperately some time.
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glamfellens · 5 months
do u ever cr-
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adaryc · 2 years
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the iron flail command post.
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ampleappleamble · 1 year
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yeah pretty much the instant they stepped off the boat after getting home from the deadfire
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modwyr · 4 months
can i be honest. this one is what yearning sounds like to me.
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sun-marie · 4 months
Also I didn't realize until this morning that even though I've now finished both games, I never actually played The White March. I started Durgan's Battery but then got distracted by the main quest and forgot to finish it 😅
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caernua · 6 months
i won't lie i am loving deadfire but i miss caed nua like crazy
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thereadingaddic7 · 22 days
I fucking hate the Abbey of the Fallen Moon, like goddamn. There are so many fucking monks in here, I feel like I have to have an entirely melee party because it's basically impossible to have any sort of frontline, every fight just turns into a chaotic brawl, every man for himself kind of deal.
Most other fights in The White March are fun even with High Level Content Scaling turned on, but this is just a slog you cheese your way through.
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impossible-rat-babies · 4 months
I forgot how much I loved the one Deadfire DLC ;—;
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quinttyz · 2 years
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“Am I the first woman you’ve ever danced with?”
“No…but you were the first woman I actually wanted to dance with.”
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herearedragons · 2 months
...so Maneha's banter with Devil is. interesting
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not the Ondra-coded companion comparing the Abydon-coded companion to her lover
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f o r e s h a d o w i n g
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adozentothedawn · 25 days
weird fun facts about your oc(s)
rules: share some fun facts about your oc(s). they don't have to be relevant to their story, perhaps even better if they aren't. the weird ones are the best!
@solas-backpack-mug tagged me for this and I am procrastinating so here we go! I don't have a ton, but I do have a few things. Gonna throw a tag at @adraveins while I'm at it.
So those of you who have read A Death in Your Name might remember this line from Eothas: "Occasionally I... shelter those souls, until they have healed enough to re-join the cycle." This is about something I made up for technically Emblyn I guess. The idea is that sometimes he keeps souls too damaged to survive the wheel and heals them with fragments of himself before returning them to the wheel. Berath tolerates it. But for Emblyn's soul he kinda never did return her soul to wheel until Berath threatened him into it, which means that Favaen is actually her first reincarnation since then.
Following that point, for the first year after Favaen was born Eothas still gave her some attentiion. Mostly cause I thought of a very cute scene of baby Favaen playing with floating ball of light. I started drawing it but never got very far. He stopped showing up soon though so as to not draw the other gods' attention to her, but that sudden lack of something that was fundamental for her soul for 2000 years caused her emotional control issues that took her a very long time to overcome.
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Favaen went to multiple different temples to train for priesthood until she eventually decided to return to the Eothas temple she spent much of her childhood in and become an Eothas priestess. From all her apprenticeships she has some mark, from the Magran temple she has a burn mark on her hip, from her time at the Galawain she has a small arrow tattoo between her shoulders on her back, from Ondra she has a small scar on her neck at the height of her ears where they cut her hair off (and also her habit of wearing her hair long to cover it), and from Abydon (where she stayed the longest and has the fondest memories of) she has her ear piercings, which were the first thing she ever smithed herself (this is also where she learnt to wear her front hair in braids). The exception is her few hours at a Rymrgand temple that disgusted her so much she immediatly left after being introduced.
Hildraed was 22 when she fled Readceras during the Waidwen uprising. She went to the Deadfire with about half her crew while the other half stayed in Readceras and joined the coup. Though she was already a pirate captain for the last 4 years that didn't really impress the Príncipe so she had some trouble at first integrating into the existing system until Mad Morena took her in as first mate for a while.
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therisingphoenixden · 6 months
So, I was feeling kind of rough at the end of last week and decided to dip into my stash of comfort video games.
What did I pick?
The first Pillars of Eternity game.
Longish ramblings about why I love this game under the cut!
I feel like I have very weird tastes in comfort games because Pillars of Eternity is not at all what I'd call a cozy or comforting game. In fact, it's quite bleak in a lot of places. But it has amazing depth to its lore and story that grounds you while also pulling you in, wonderfully written characters that make the world of Eora feel alive, gorgeous music (if you watch Critical Role, especially during campaign 2, you'll recognize a lot of the music in the game), and several very unique races to use as your player character in addition to the usual standards of dwarves, elves, and humans. The dialogue system lets you shape your character even further with race, class, stat allotment, and your reputation and personality scores opening up different paths to pick from.
The story also deals with questions surrounding faith and religion, the nature of the soul, and features heavy reincarnation themes. If you know my love of Morrowind, you know that this kind of stuff is my catnip.
Combat-wise, I play on story mode because I'm a story-first kind of player. I'm also usually very exhausted and am up very early in the mornings on weekdays. But even story mode can be a bit of a challenge when you prefer to roleplay as a character and not what the "best" race/class combos and builds are for Path of the Damned mode. Granted, I'm overleveled for where I am in the story (both in base game and in White March 2), but it's still enough of a challenge for my permanently exhausted mind to enjoy. You still have to think tactically so your party isn't overwhelmed, which tickles the part of my brain that grew up playing rts games.
I'm currently dawdling with completing act 2 on my fire godlike cipher, Xiuhitl, just because I missed playing around in the world of Eora so much and I'm not ready to hit Twin Elms and proceed to the endgame yet. I'm taking options that I haven't before and discovering quests that I completely missed in my first few playthroughs of the game. It's almost like playing it for the first time all over again, especially since I haven't played in a while. I remember some of the major story beats, but not all of them, and I'm not ashamed to admit I got lost once or twice because I think the last time I played was during lockdown. But I prefer to say it's a testament to the game itself where I get drawn in and turned around because I wanted to read the ambient dialogue or listen to the bard in Stalwart sing.
The real adventure is the journey - not the endgame. And in a world that's still very magical while maintaining firm and believably realistic roots, why would you want the adventure to end so quickly?
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meticulousfragments · 2 months
Between the entire White Marches plot and all of the Ondra stuff in Deadfire, it is very fun to me to play Pillars of Eternity as a moon godlike.
Like you’re marked by a goddess from birth, maybe you believe you’re chosen and maybe you feel it’s a curse. And then you meet her. And keep meeting her. And it’s always tangled up in secrets and temples and life-or-death choices. And she never really acknowledges you as Hers even though everyone you’ve ever met assumes that’s what you are. And maybe you do her bidding and maybe you go against her but either way does she ever care for you beyond the role you play? Do you want her to?
There’s so much potential to develop a character, I really need to write more.
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