#tbh with the amount of times I played it I can’t remember a lot of the details
impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
I forgot how much I loved the one Deadfire DLC ;—;
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inner-viper · 1 year
What are their kinks? Their sexual intimacy? An overview of their sex life FS (18+ ONLY) PILE 2!
Hello, my name is Viper and I am an intutive seer/oralce tarot reader. I am well versed in finding information through divination and using my intuition~ Today I wanted to do a spicy topic because its so fun. I haven't started explaining some piles and I already feel the heat. Damn, a lot of passion and fiery enegy in this reading.. Its making me horny LMFAO. THIS TOOK ME 2 DAYS AND I WAS NOT EXPECTING FOR IT TO TAKE THIS LONG. All three of these piles wanted me to do MORE DETAILS. My channeling DRAINED ME. That’s why I took so long because afterwards THEY SUCKED MY ENERGY. (Do not worry, I just received loads of messages. It gets overwhelming). Anyways, remember nothing is set in stone. This is for entertainment purposes only. NO MINORS. 18+ ONLY.
CHECK OUT MY SHOP AT: https://innerviper.etsy.com
I’ll be adding cheaper options in the future. I will be updating descriptions too, so SHOP WILL HAVE A NEW LOOK🔥.
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Classical Tarot Deck: Nine of Pentacles (in reverse), Five of Swords, The Emperor, Five of Pentacles, Four of Swords (in reverse), Six of Wands (in reverse), Six of Cups (in reverse), Temperance
Oracle Deck: Angel of Balance, Healer of The Ages, YinYang (in reverse), Caring Connections (in reverse), The Thinking Man, Patience, The Sun, The Garden and The Gate
This person is selfish during the act. They love to receive, similar to pile 1, they have an animalistic side towards them. They like to fuck their partners outside too, they like to see their partners crying and on the edge. They love making them cry out their name. They have a kink for making others cry during the act (🫣). I also see that for some they might be into threesomes (I’m not seeing everyone here is into that, just meant for a couple of people). They also like to see their partners shaking. They are very dominant. They love to overstimulate YOU. They want to see their partners be overwhelmed until they physically can’t no more- They do ENJOY giving. This person can really switch depending on the mood, like they are still very dominant but can receive and give. They like seeing chaos on their partners. What I mean, is that they want to see you getting destroyed by them. They like hands touching all over them and you. They definitely like seeing your back exposed too. They love it when their partners are well dressed. They want to take time to remove your clothing. They also would like for you to remove their clothing. When they make love to you, they will go very slowly. They want to make you beg, they want to make you say it directly. This person likes to see you struggling. I think you might be shy and seeing you struggle saying your desires, turns them on. I think you aren’t much experienced so they will naturally take charge in teaching you. They will be smirking at you constantly too. (I SWEAR I CAN FEEL SOME OF YOU ALL FS SMILING AND SHIT). They are also into seeing POWER DYNAMICS (You might have been attracted to pile 1? VERY SIMILAR TBH). I also see that they want to see you naked. Majority haven’t met them but they will be obsessed with you. They will feel so attracted to you and will imagine all type of scenarios. They like to see how cute you get in bed too. They want to touch and rub you all over. They also like doing the act at night. One of their fantasy is for their person to do innocent acts and they carry you away into the bedroom, it might seem sweet but then they fuck you hard LMFAO. (With the correct amount of foreplay). They definitely enjoy kissing too, I see they are into being left all marked by their partners and vice versa. They want to bring ultimate satisfaction for themselves for sure. They really focus in, this person will bring your sex life to new heights. They are into spooning their partner too. They will take care of you, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.
Aftercare: It’s literally the best. They will wash you up and themselves. They will ask if you want anything to drink. “Would like some water? Here you should rest” They would love to spend the time just talking and then heading to sleep. Very cute because I see them doing aboustely everything for you. They are so submissive afterwards LMFAO
“For you, I’ll do anything” HELP THIS IS SO-
Thank you for reading! Send suggestions in ask box!~
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
waiting for a girl like you
summary: the backseat of steve's car turns into your favorite place
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: protected sex, fingering, sweaty steve harrington (that's a warning), just a lot of feels tbh
a/n: here's my next kinktober prompt!! i still have several more than are half finished and i'm going between them as i get the motivation, so i promise there are more coming. please remember to reblog and comment so i know you enjoyed it!
you can join my kinktober taglist or follow @theafterglowlibrary to stay updated when i post 🤍
kinktober masterlist ─ main masterlist
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Steam was already coating the windows, and the air inside the car was thick with sweat and sex. Well, close enough to sex.
There were still too many layers between you, too much of a barrier to get to what you so desperately wanted. Needed. 
“Steve,” you moaned as his grip on your hips tightened, rolling your core down against the rough material of his jeans. 
His hands drifted down, pulling your skirt up and grabbing your ass, kneading the cheeks lightly as he kissed down your neck.
“Fuck, so good baby.” You could barely hear his whispered words over Foreigner playing on the radio. “Been waiting for this.”
You and Steve had been dating for almost 6 months, and every time you got close to finally having sex, something interrupted you - whether it be the literal end of the world or Dustin showing up unannounced (which was arguably worse when your shirt was off and your hand was down Steve’s pants.)
“Pants off, Harrington. we’re doing this.” He laughed and you couldn’t help but smile at the sound. Sure, the backseat of his BMW wasn’t the most ideal place for you to have sex with him for the first time, but you’d take whatever you could get at this point. 
The boy was beautiful and you were smitten for him.
He arched his hips up into you, trying to pull his jeans down, and your head bumped the roof of the car. 
“Ouch.” You pinched him in retaliation, and he pouted as if he were the one with a possible concussion. “Take it easy.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He placed his hand at the nape of your neck, pulling you down for a kiss. “Forgive me?”
He was so goddamn cute, you couldn’t help but laugh, kissing him again, this time deepening it at the feel of his boxers against you instead of denim.
“Condom?” you asked, and Steve's eyes widened for a moment, before a look of relief washed over his face. 
“Center console.” he squinted. “I think.”
You rolled your eyes, turning your body around to dig through the console. Sure enough, you pulled out several condoms.
“You having a lot of sex, King Steve?” 
His face turned blood red, and you reveled in the achievement of causing the Steve Harrington to blush - as if the Steve Harrington wasn’t your boyfriend. 
“Uh, no,” was his reply, and you laughed again. Sure, he had been getting cosmically cockblocked for a few months, but there was no way he wasn’t getting laid every weekend before you came around.
You raised your hips as much as you could without hitting the roof - again - so Steve could slide his boxers off, then let him pull your shirt from your body. His eyes widened at the sight of you with no bra on, as if he had never seen it before. You laughed at the entranced look on his face as you tore the foil packet open.
Once you rolled the condom down his length, he held your face in his hands and looked into your eyes. 
“Are you sure?” 
You nodded, giving him a peck on the nose. “Are you?”
“Of course.” His words were low, wanting. 
Finally, he reached between your legs and pulled your panties to the side, dipping his fingers through your folds. No amount of waiting could prepare you for the feeling of him touching you where you needed him the most. 
“So wet, baby.” He pushed one finger in experimentally, then a second at the sound of your moan, and a third at the sight of your eyes rolling back. “Can’t wait anymore.”
“Then don’t,” you whispered in his ear before you repositioned yourself and sank down in his lap.
The sound of your combined moans could have rattled the car windows. The feeling of him inside you after waiting so long was indescribable. You settled for a moment, hips resting in his lap, just taking in the fullness of him. 
“God,” he moaned, leaning forward to lightly nip at your mouth, sinking his teeth into your bottom lip. When you squeezed around him, he bit down hard enough you thought he may have drawn blood. “Are you okay?”
“More than.”
You ground your hips into his, making him squeeze his eyes closed tight. His hands found his way to your ass, gripping your cheeks tight, then he thrust up into you.
Both shock and pleasure caused you to lurch forward, and your hands grazed the glass of the back windshield, leaving messy handprints in the steam. You brought them back, intertwining your hands through Steve’s hair as he fucked up into you.
It felt like you were just along for the ride - lost in the pleasure he was giving you. With your hands still in his hair, you buried your face into his neck, unprepared for how deep he was. 
“Is that good, baby?” You moaned as one of his hands snuck between your bodies, rubbing circles into your clit until you were squeezing desperately around him.
“Fuck, I’m coming.” Your voice came out pitiful and needy, stars exploding behind your eyes as you squeezed them tight.
The feeling of you contracting around him pushed Steve over his own edge, and his hips stuttered to sloppy thrusts until you were both panting, sweaty bodies pressed together.
His forehead rested against yours, giving you small pecks until you caught your breath.
“That was so much better than I thought it would be.” He sounded amazed.
“I’m sure it’s not very different from all the other times you’ve had sex, Stevie, but thanks for the compliment.” Your laugh was as light as air, the post orgasmic bliss rolling through your body.
“There were no other times, baby.” You pulled away in shock, hands holding his face and inspecting for any sign of dishonesty. “You were my first.”
“No fucking way.” You were in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t want me if you knew ‘King Steve’,” he raised his hands to make quotation marks, “was a virgin.”
“Oh honey,” you said gently, running your fingers through his thick hair. “You didn’t have to keep that from me. I’d love you no matter what.”
The two of you froze as you realized what you had just said. Even though you’d known it from the first time you saw him put his life on the line to protect one of the kids, you had never said it, fearing it would be too soon.
“You love me?” He whispered, and you nodded - not sure whether or not to be scared of his reaction.
“Thank god.” A smile split across his face as he said it. “I’ve been wanting to tell you since the day you came into the video store.”
The two of you pressed forward into a kiss filled with love and tenderness - the first of many, you hoped.
“There’s one more thing,” you teased.
“What’s that?”
“We definitely have to do this in a bed next time.”
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kinktober taglist *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@treatbuckywkisses @sgt-barnesveins @bucky-barmes @opheliastark @sweetascanbee @writing-for-marvel @christywantspizza @hi-sarahh @highlyintelligentblonde @jjbunny14 @buckysfavoritereader 
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there-must-be-a-lock · 3 months
BuckyJay recs
I have been hammering away at my keyboard like a crazy person working on the If It's A Highway sequel, which obviously has given me the urge to read more BuckyJay, and there is still just... a distressingly small amount of that in the world.
here, have a few of my recent favorites:
To Dig a Grave in Winter by @oliocelottafanfics - just read this one tonight and its criminal lack of hits inspired this list tbh. fucking gorgeously written. GORGEOUS. please go give it some love.
They echo in him, punctuated by the smell of rain and fresh turned earth and the phantom pain of something heavy against his skull. He feels like a walking gravesite. They must see it too. They sneer at him when they call him to the chair after each mission. He doesn’t know why, doesn’t understand when one of them says, “Let’s see if you come back this time.” He feels his heart flutter to a stop as the machine drags away what little of his consciousness remains. When he opens his eyes again, he hardly remembers dying.
First Glance by @drgrlfriend - this is WinterHawkHood-flavored, which is a whole other rec list, but it starts as just the Winter and Hood part, so I'm counting it. Dr. G has never written anything that I didn't absolutely love, she's crazy talented, but there is something special about her shamelessly bloodthirsty Jason.
Jason grins, sharp and feral.  “Human traffickers, baby.  Looking for someone young and pretty to round out their next shipment.  We know where they’re gonna hit tonight and SHIELD’s already nabbed the buyers, so we don’t even need to leave anyone alive once we locate the rest of the merchandise.” And, yeah, there’s a lot of things about the job that Jason likes, but this scenario is pretty much custom made for him.  He seems to get a very specific sort of satisfaction from playing all dewy-eyed and vulnerable, letting the bad guys think they have the upper hand, and then raining deadly fury down on their heads.  Well, Bucky thinks philosophically, everyone needs a hobby. “It’ll practically be a vacation,” Jason purrs, and Bucky takes his hand off the gearshift to give his thigh a pat in agreement.  It’s important to support your partner’s interests.
prove you're not a loser (anymore) by @capriciouswrites - most of this fic is funny as fuck, featuring a spectacularly grumpy Bruce and an adorably thirsty Clint, but it starts with this absolute fuckin banger of an opening, from which I may never recover:
Someone’s hand comes near his mouth to try to force it open and he’s always been willing to be a rabid dog — they're trying to make him into a lap dog after all, he might as well make sure they know that his pedigree is alley — so he bites down and fills his mouth with blood before they manage to get the mouth guard in — and then he’s really stuck like he knew he would be. He knew they’d win and strap him down and try to kill him in the only way that matters.  What is a man, after all, he thinks, but memory trapped in meat. And soon he’ll be just the meat without the memory. His philosophizing is cut short by a sharp jolt of electricity — and then he’s trying to breathe and scream and he’s trapped and — if he could still think he’d consider that maybe this is worse than last time, but he can’t so he doesn’t. 
who do I have to bribe to get more of this pairing in my life?!
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mickeym4ndy · 1 month
weekly tag wednesday ! ✨️
thank you for tagging me @sgtmickeyslaughter and @iansw0rld 🫶
oh hi. fancy seeing you, here! today we're talking music 🎶 so put on a playlist and play along.
name: tee
what is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month? Taylor swift, shocker
what song do you know all the lyrics to? So so many, if I like a song at all I’ll know the words. Even crazy long ones. My friends always say I know an insane amount of lyrics.
what song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don't? I feel like there definitely has to be one but idk I can’t think of one right now
if you were to be crowned queen/king/royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? Considering I’ve been a fan of her music since I was about 10, Taylor swift
what band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? The Eagles. I mean I love them but I only currently know about 5 of their songs well. I think I just must listen to the same ones on repeat a lot. Great songs though tbf.
favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately)? “time makes you bolder” from landslide has been my favourite lyric since I first heard the song when I was 12. Stevie Nicks you have my heart
guilty pleasure band or song? Country music ok???THERE I said it ok I like country music, sue me. Also agree with @iansw0rld, glee cast have some bangers.
okay let's talk fandom music:
fave band or song you've discovered from a fan fic? For some reason, the only one I can remember is right now is when we were young by the summer set. I actually think it was a glee fanfic I read when I was like 13. My minds drawing a blank lol. I also haven’t actually listened to this song in years.
fave fanfic playlist? Aw idk tbh
fave gallavich song? Idk tbh don’t hate me but I haven’t really listened to the gallavich songs from the show (I need too I know I know).
do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? Sometimes. Maybe not a full playlist but I like to skim through the songs by title at least anyway. But I love when a fic is inspired by a song or they’ve put lyrics in the title/ at the beginning of a fic.
what song do you think is gallavich coded? Just look at the edits I’ve made and you’ll see about a dozen songs I think are gallavich coded lol. I have loads more too. They’re mainly angsty though so here’s a happy-ish one that I think is Gallavich coded
also this rn
what’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today? women of shameless coded
tagging @stocious @especially-fuk-u @pookiebearmick @em-harlsnow @doshiart
@thirstyvampyr @sleepyheadgallavich and whoever else wants to 🩵
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remxedmoon · 2 hours
For the isat ask game! 9, 13 14?
9- any theories on unanswered questions from the game? (about the forgotten island, why colors disappeared, etc)
surprisingly not much tbh?? i love reading other people’s theories on that kinda stuff but i don’t have many of my own.
i guess when it comes to what actually happened to the people of the island, i think they’re still alive and well, they just can’t remember anything related to the world outside of the island. or maybe they’ve even forgotten about the mainland entirely. anyone who leaves the island is just. instantly forgotten by its inhabitants. i imagine foreigners who were visiting completely forgot their pasts like siffrin did. prolly isn’t great over there!!
i also like the idea of the wishes that erased the island and colors were super mundane. someone from the island wished that they could forget all their problems, maybe. or someone was frustrated and wished the world was simpler. whatever those wishes were, i definitely don’t think they were intended to do what they did. the universe was just feeling silly i guess
13- if you’ve played the game, how many loops did you do? if you’ve played multiple times, whats the least amount of loops you did? the most?
ahh this is harder to answer than you’d think. for those who are unaware, i only had like, 2 weeks to beat the entire game because i could only run it using a free trial version of parallels desktop. so i can’t like. actually boot up the game and check unfortunately.
i think my actually completed playthrough went up to… 184 loops? it was somewhere around that number. but the highest amount of loops i’ve gotten was around 233 (thanks op achievement). don’t really have a lowest number, i left my second playthrough once i got all the loop chats. i think i still went over 100 though. i love being thorough and checking random bullshit ❤️
14- favorite character portrait(s)?
OUGH i’ve got a LOT. love this games portraits
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i like silly looking expressions!!! honestly this isnt even all my favorites i just don’t want to spam images
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
Heyy, it's me again
The one and only
Kameto coming back yesterday was the most unexpected thing
And he's a spy???
In any case, we also got favela interactions:D
Bagi was going to show her secret base only to Pac(It didn't expect to like their dynamic so much) but then Cellbit just going "let's go together" was so funny and Kameto just coming and distracted them from the discussion and someone on Pac's chat just said "KAMETO LEAVE I WANT TO SEE THE FIGHT"
And Pac stole the tvs when they were leaving that place where they found Kameto
That's my streamer
Oh yeah, and Forever somehow got along into the ride to go to Bagi's secret base
B: "Apparently my brother liked chess and worms"
F: "I like chess but I don't like worms"
C: "I like chess and I like worms but I'm not your brother"
He's not beating the sibling allegations
And there was Pac who was: "I don't like neither"
(And right now Bagi is trying to get rid of a considerable amount of milk and I don't even know where it come from
She's going to be lactose intolerant after drinking that amount of milk)
Now, stopping my rambling for a moment, do you have any Favela six + Richas(and perhaps the honorary brazilians) headcanons?
(Or insane duo cuz you slightly looks like that you like them, y'know, just very slightly ashuksksks)
- 🍽️
HELLO!! YEAH YESTERDAYS STREAM WAS KINDA CRAZY KWMKNFIJS what a twist for kameto to come back as a federation spy!! tbh i’m vv excited to see what he does and all the devious things he can get up too >:3c esp since he has etoiles like- etoiles is someone everyone trusts so is etoikes trusts kameto then i feel like kameto is just going to get whatever knowledge he wants you know? it will be so easy for him
pac never stopped being a thief <33 hell yeah king take all those tv monitors or whatever collect that shit
I LOVED THE CONVO OF BAGI TRYING TO ASK CELLBIT THINGS FROM HER BOOK TO SEE IF HES HER BROTHER KMAKNVJND cellbit didn’t even question it he’s like alright q&a time what do you want to know maknkfnkja
i will ramble about some Favela Six hcs under the cut for anyone interested in them >:3c also!! anon i don’t like insaneduo what makes you think that i like them <- lying
my personal hc for q!cellbit is that he’s a phantom OR maybe just a silly human who’s incredibly deranged… (i don’t want him to be a catboy as much as i think it fits him bc i remember cc!cellbit saying he isn’t super fond of it. idc that people do this is just a me thing aknfjhjsn)
mayhaps he and bagi are both humans…
q!mike to me is a creeper and he is terrified of cats (cellbit) and will make the creeper hissing sound (like about to explode) when under a lot of stress
he and pac have matching earrings :)) like they have two sets of earrings one green and one blue but they both share it? like pac has one green and one blue earring!! so mike has the other pair to the set
qforever is trans (to me) and a werewolf and you can’t convince me otherwise. he is so dogboy coded it’s fucking insane he is a werewolf and you can’t convince me otherwise
qpac is not human but i don’t know what he is specially… haven’t come up with it yet… i just know he can’t be human…
oh and qfelps ofc is a magma cube <33 my fav ever
i think that before the insaneduo divorce arc qforever would go to the order base very often and just fall asleep in there while cellbit worked
i remember seeing a clip of him saying the office and the music cellbit played there was very comforting to him so he often goes there if he can’t sleep at night and curls up on the couch falling asleep to the sound of cellbit typing away on his keyboard u-u
i feel like richas has multiple bedroom everywhere. like all his parents have their own homes and he can sleep there so every mornign all the brazilians will text each other like “who had richas? who’s taking care of him today?” you know??
when richas meets bagi i believe strongly that he would steal one of her extra hats and wear it around + brag to everyone like he has SO MANY DADS and also TWO MOMS!! which is more moms then most of the eggs u-u he continues to remain unmatched in “having the most parents” department
i think after richas helped forever build the ocean (i’m sorry i don’t remember the name) with forever he was sort of sick of sand/beaches in general for a while MKANJHCIJLAM he shakes his head and sand is flying EVERYWHERE
richas is also wearing his jersey backwards and no one has yet to make a comment about it to him
richas would carry around markers/pens with him at all times and when he’s bored he’d doodle on his arms or legs + anyone he’s with who lets him (his favorite person to draw on is forever only because forever acts super annoyed about it and chases him around)
i like the idea of all the streamers chats taking the form of an animal or something like that so i don’t think it’s uncommon to see a bunch of diff animals around the favela or richas just hanging out with one another :))
i think it might be canon that qfelps can marry people?? like that job?? he can officiate weddings?? if it’s not them i’m sorry fanon got to me but he totally officiated qinsaneduos wedding on that boat they crashed
okay i think that’s enough for now MKANHFJNSK thanks for listening <33
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edoro · 2 years
thinking about figurehead child emperor Hunter au and the like, political factions that develop following Belos’s death
Kikimora, of course, is a big player. she’s been around for a while and she knows everything, she’s got her fingers in allllllll the imperial pies and has been making sure to turn allllllll the imperial irons in the imperial fires, and when she determines which way the wind is blowing she jumps at the chance to ingratiate herself while grabbing for more power
Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf just kind of have to grin and bear her, because she’s on top of a ton of logistics and organizational tasks that, ideological displays or not, need to keep happening or else things are gonna start getting hairy
and she can back up their wild claims about how actually the Emperor was planning to murder everyone and the Golden Guard risked his life and reputation to save the people of the Isles - and conversely, if they don’t keep her happy and secure her support, she could pretty plausibly start a civil war about it
i think her faction are going to be the people who support Belos’s vision and the current imperium and its policies without necessarily being too torn up about Belos himself being gone - moderates who believe in the Titan religion and the coven system and think everything is more or less fine, might be willing to change and update some stuff, but are fine with the authoritarian regime as long as they’re the ones wearing the jackboots
i think the real loyalists would coalesce around Terra, though. she strikes me as a deep-down true believer, a member of the original cohort who remembers the bad old days with fondness. those’ll be the conservative zealots who think kids these days are disrespecting the Titan with their multi-tracking and their Penstagrams and their scandalously short tunic skirts, and what society really needs is more petrifications
meanwhile Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf are trying to turn the Isles into some kind of democracy while also keeping it from just falling apart into dozens of different settlements and groups with their own governments and agendas all at cross-purposes
which first of all is going to involve a lot of taking stock and figuring out just what the state of various settlements and cities is, then figuring out the best way to go about districting and dividing citizens up, how to elect or appoint leaders, how to ensure cooperation and continuity of infrastructure, etc...
and tbh since Philip was planning to just kill the place i can’t imagine he spent a lot of time maintaining infrastructure to begin with? he was not interested in a well-kept, well-educated populace, he was interested in subjugated brainwashed theocratic drones who would follow him to their deaths, so a certain amount of good works and efficiency was necessary to keep people from getting to the point of rioting, but i’m sure he had his bare minimum classifications and his priorities there
so they’ve got infrastructure to deal with, taxes, overhauling the entire coven system, endless dickering over laws and regulations, the whole educational system, the matter of dealing with the prisoners in the Conformatorium depending on what they do with new laws, etc etc...
Terra and her group are going to be in stark opposition to Team RED about basically every possible thing - and she’s one of the most senior coven heads, too, so while some others might be more aligned with Kiki or Eberwolf + Raine + Darius, i can see several of the careerists who don’t have strong personal moral stakes here falling in behind her
Kiki and her faction are playing both sides against each other, sitting solidly in the middle - willing to bend on some things, willing to stick with tradition on others, courting both and committing to neither
and here’s poor Hunter, sixteen and newly traumatized, trained to be a soldier but never a politician, stuck in the middle
the sum total of his knowledge on the subject of how to rule (which is very different from how to lead in a military sense) is like
50% the false history from imperial propaganda, 25% actual history from forbidden/restricted texts
15% everything he absorbed watching and listening to Belos (Hunter probably believes in the divine right of kings, among other things) most of which is batshit Puritan beliefs filtered through the unique convolutions of Philip’s brain after several centuries in what he thinks is Literal Hell
and about 10% his own personal ideological positions he arrived at independently after synthesizing all of the above and forming opinions
politically and ideologically speaking he probably hews closest to Kikimora, of all people - yeah, he found out about the draining spell and that Belos was a fraud, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to denounce the entire religion or way of life he was raised in or the government and rules he sees as simply How Things Are because That’s How They’ve Always Been
Darius and Raine and Eberwolf’s ideas probably strike him as dangerously radical and impractical and very likely to lead to a ton of infighting and difficulty and headache
on the other hand, Kikimora has tried to murder him on at least one occasion, while Darius and Raine were both nice to him (by his incredibly low Intensely Abused Child standards), and Team RED are the ones assuring him they’re working to do away with the imperium entirely and get him off the throne and make it Someone Else’s Problem and boy does he not want any of this to be his problem any longer than necessary
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katkafe · 2 years
the neverafter brain rot is REALLY getting to me after that episode, holy shit.
i am truthfully hoping that this won’t be the end of these characters, i love all of them sm yk? i’m praying for the time loop or resurrection thing to happen bc at least we’ll still have them. but also i’m thinking about how brennan said (i think it was specifically herr drosselmeyer that said it, but i can’t remember exactly) that there are more of those books, so now my mind is riddled with the possibility that we’re going to be following an entirely new group of characters, working towards the same goal. i doubt that’ll happen tho, based off of ylfa’s vision, the time loop theory seems like most likely possibility (thank god tbh), and also the fact that ally is literally playing an author of many of these fairy tales, so unless someone made one of the brothers grimm as their secondary i don’t see that happening. but now i’m thinking about the gems. we were given absolutely no hint as to what they’re for. does something happen if a player accumulates a certain amount of them? would the character not return in whatever the next loop may be, if there is one? siobhan has two, emily has none, and everyone else has one, because of the charisma checks. that’s literally all we know about them. for a lot of that episode ylfa was saying how she thought rosamund was the key, and now she’s the only one with a chance of knowing what’s going on, knowing the importance of “once upon a time”, she’s now the key in my eyes. it’s eating me alive istg.
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picnokinesis · 1 year
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals 
Got tagged by @eldritch-ace - hello there!! Thank you for the tag :D
1) Are you named after anyone? Hm I mean, technically ‘Taka’ is a nickname that the fabulous @archervale gave me, and it’s a reference to Hawkeye from the Avengers. So....yes? Irl name wise, I believe my name is both biblical and runs in my family, which is why my parents picked it. 
2) When was the last time you cried? Honestly not completely sure lol. Hmm I definitely cried watching the end of episode 8 of The Last of Us, so maybe then? That feels like it was a while ago though, so maybe some other time in between then. I don’t remember though rip
3) Do you have kids? Biological kids? No. Original characters? Yes. They are my kids
4) Do you use sarcasm a lot? I try to, and sometimes I nail it, sometimes I don’t hahah
5) What sports do you play/have played? I mean, I don’t intentionally do any sports, other than what I was made to do at school, but I do run around frequently out of choice, mostly during my job haha. And I used to do cycling. I also do a reasonable amount of walking, actually! 
6) What's the first thing you notice about other people? Whether or not they’re wearing Doctor Who merch
7) What's your eye color? Brown
8) Scary movies or happy endings? Angst. (But real talk - happy endings. I can’t do scary movies hahah and I generally do love my angst with a happy ending, or at least a hopeful/cathartic one)
9) Any special talents? I’m unbelievably good at being unable to shut up about whatever I’m obsessed with at that current moment. I also do this ‘teleporting’ thing where I move quickly or people don’t notice me take a more efficient route (usually, this happens at work) and I seem to suddenly ‘appear’ in places. I often use this for evil to unnerve visitors on tours by going from the back to the front without anyone seeing me move, and it brings me great joy
10) Where were you born? In a hospital. Fun fact, when I was born, the nurses didn’t write down the time of birth, and my mum was just like ‘at some point in the morning’ so like. I don’t actually know what time I was born haha. I guess you could say I’m....I’m a....timeless ch- *gets shot*
11) What are your hobbies? I draw, I write, I play percussion in an orchestra (currently learning glock and xylo which are haaaard), I sing in my church choir and I also like writing music! I mainly do electronic music, using samples I’ve recorded irl (like a squeaking gate) and turning them into synthesisers! I’ve actually got a whole album/EP’s worth of music and I want to put it up somewhere on the internet soon
12) Do you have any pets? Do the grasshoppers in my garden count
13) How tall are you? Uhhhhhhh 5′7″ i believe but i don’t remember
14) Favourite subject in school? English
15) Dream job? Would love to be a tv script writer and/or documentary presenter tbh. Like, getting to write cool stories and someone else makes them for me? And then get to talk excitedly about cool stuff?? Sign me up
 No pressure ofc, but here are some tags!
@archervale ; @chaoticacecryptid ; @sunshinedaysforever ; @gabeorelse ; @southernlynxx ; @novantinuum ; @kasterborous-constellation ; @emptyofdust ; @strikingtwelves ; @puffins-studio ; @echo84 ; @theoreticalabsurdity ; @krebkrebkreb ; @1-of-those-things ; @sadgician
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stormyoceans · 2 years
hi hello! do you know more bls setting in an office? or like bls with older protagonists than usual? thanks!
hello, anon!!
i do know a fair amount of BLs with older protagonists, even if 'old' in BL standard often means just late 20s or barely out of university, but at least we're actually getting more of them in these past couple of years. im not sure which ones you've already watched, so i just compiled everything into a masterlist. it's not a comprehensive one, because there are a lot of BLs i haven't watched yet, and i left out the ones currently airing, but hopefully you'll find something you haven't seen yet!!
(i also mention where you can watch the shows, but always remember these random letters that mean nothing at all: d r a m a c o o l)
be loved in house: i do [on Viki] – i LOVED the first half of this show, but it kinda fell flat for me in the second half, maybe because they put way too much focus on the ex, but it’s still a nice show and aaron and hank’s chemistry is great.
cherry magic [it's not available in my area but you can find it on WeTV or Crunchyroll] – japan does office setting SO WELL and this show will always be one of my favorite BLs.
history 4: close to you [on Viki] – would i personally recommend this show? not…. really……….. it wasn't really my thing tbh, but im trying to be fair and i do know some people who really like it, so im just gonna put it out there and let you decide. however, WARNINGS for the side pairing: step-brothers trope, obsession, VERY dubious consent.
plus & minus [on Viki] – there’s something off about this show that i can’t quite put my finger on. just like with be loved in house: i do, i really enjoyed the beginning of the show, but i feel like the second half simply wasn’t as good. still, it’s a nice show, and the chemistry between the leads is very good.
senpai, this can’t be love! [on Viki] – it’s not my favorite BL from japan, but i still found it pretty cute (i do have a massive crush on naito shuichiro, though, so i may be a little bit biased ;;;;)
there are also a couple of shows that have university as their main setting in the first season, and then move on to an office setting in the second, such as:
SOTUS S – haven't watched SOTUS in 4 years so my memories of the show are a bit fuzzy, especially for this second season, but i used to be incredibly fond of it
we best love: fighting mr. 2nd – i'd recommend both seasons of this show even just for the chemistry between sam and yu, which is out of this world
a tale of thousand stars [on YouTube] – i have no idea why it took me so long to finally watch this because it's AMAZING, one of the best BLs i've ever seen.
sky in your heart [on YouTube] – this is actually part of the star & sky series, where the first installment has a university setting, but i don't think you necessarily have to watch star in my mind to understand sky in your heart. a lot of people disliked this show, but honestly? i've seen worse and i think the pairing was cute
guess i have a weakness for this genre because all of these are MY MOST BELOVEDESTS so. i won't even pretend to not be biased about them.
history 3: trapped [on Viki]
kinnporsche [on iQIYI]
manner of death [on WeTV]
triage [it's on AIS Play, but since they hate international fans you can find it on our best friend /drama/cool/] – okay, so, TECHNICALLY one of the main characters and his friends are still in university, so there is that setting in the story, BUT!!! the show is so much more than that!!! there are hospital stuff, and crime stuff, and TIME LOOPS!!!!!!! so yeah, if it wasn’t clear, I LOVE THIS SHOW.
dear doctor, i’m coming for soul [on Youtube] – the show has its shortcomings but i am so fond of this one..
my ride [on GagaOOLala] – such a sweet and gentle show, it also features the best couple of older gay uncles which all BLs should have more of imho. i love this one dearly.
to my star [on Viki] – i guess putting this under kitchen setting is a bit of a stretch, but since food was a big part of the show i thought it could fit here ;;;;;; i have yet to see to my star 2 because that’s not the kind of angst i enjoy, but season 1 is still one of my favorite BLs from korea.
what zabb man! [on YouTube] – THIS WAS A NICE SHOW OKAY. like, was it ridiculous at times? absolutely. did i still enjoy it? yes. yes, i did.
ocean likes me [on Viki] – i have no idea why so many people disliked this show so fiercely, but maybe im just biased towards han gi chan, holland, and pretty shots of the ocean.
bite me [on Viki] – this show was SO. SLOW. i personally finished it only out of stubborness, but yeah, still putting it out there.  
craving you [on Viki] – there’s nothing particularly memorable about this show, imho, but since im doing a sort of masterlist it wouldn’t be fair to leave it out.
my sweet dear [on Viki] – not my favorite out of all the BLs from korea, but they’re so short there’s really no harm in watching it.
the tasty florida [on Viki] – same as above.
cupid's last wish [on Youtube] – i haven't watched this one yet because im not fond of the main trope, but i may cave in and watch it just for earthmix.
even sun [on Youtube] – would i recommend this show? no, it was a mess from beginning to end and had no real substance to it. did i still laugh my ass off every week and would personally rewatch it? yeah..
lovely writer [on Youtube] – technically one of the characters is still in university but the setting doesn't come up in the story. i feel like people either deeply dislike this show or really like it. i think it's nice honestly, but i should definitely rewatch it now that i know more about BLs.
the untamed [on Viki] – technically this is not a BL because of chinese censorship, but it is based on a BL novel and it still shows.
a lot of other korean BLs have grown up characters in them, like behind cut, first love again, nobelman ryu's wedding, oh! boarding house [all on Viki]
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Don’t you dare- you are creative every day- shitttttt you are doing this blog aren’t you? That’s more than I can say? You had the idea to make this when honestly I don’t see a lot of other people doing it. Not just with rise either- with Mickey (cursed 😭) and splatoon (I think that’s how you spell it- idk I don’t play it) and many more! Don’t feel the need to push yourself or say sorry when honestly, most of us if not all of us are happy with anything you write- I may have just got here a few days ago but I will not stand for this “I’m sorry if they sound the same, I’m not feeling creative today” bull crap- you are creative every day and we appreciate you for it! Now do yourself a favor and relax~ I saw you don’t like water so maybe drink some tea? Coffee? Soda? don’t worry about pushing out content!
The amount of times I re-read this is embarrassing. This aggressive appreciation is making me all shy help-
I guess now that I think about it most writers don’t post content every day, (even short ones like Hcs). Everybody is telling me I can take a break and all that but I really can’t tbh, (not longer than a day for sure). I love writing and plus, it’s a comfort to my loneliness (I’m the uninvited friend •_•). But, I will try to go easier. Keyword: try.
Bonus points for remembering I hate the taste of water.
Yandere Goofy? *smiles in Mr. O’Hare*
Yes my hair looks like his now
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sarilolla · 2 years
Nick Nack and Scout [also known as: me picking favourites] for character bingo asks if you're still doing those htgrfds
Yesss absolutely, character asks bingo is always open :D
Nick first:
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This man is so pretty, like holy shit. Just his eyes are gorgeous, like a graded purple, just *chefs kiss*. His design is so fun, and just from how he looks you would have thought he was a mad artist
Just like all the Handeemen, in real life I would probably be scared of him. Nick is maybe the one I would be least scared off, but that’s just the vibes, you know?
I edited the done dirty thing to say by canon, cuz holy shit, no. We are ignoring so many stuff there, time for fanon to take over. Don’t think I need to specify what we are ignoring
I don’t have too much to say about Nick tbh… Like he’s a fun guy, but at first I wasn’t a big fan. I remember playing the demo before they implemented the proper countdown for performances and he gave me 3 in a row without any breaks, so I got annoyed. Now, I really like him tho, so just like my opinion on Mortimer, things change :)
Then Scout :D
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Scout my beloved, the precious, my blorbo and skrunkly, I love her so fuckin much. I’m also a Scout prime is the true Scout truther
I absolutely adore how she looks, like obviously she is simpler than the Handeemen as she is a felt puppet, but still, she’s adorable. The kinda ugly-cute look works so well with her, and blue is my favorite color so I live her hair. She looks very huggable as well :,)
Carrying her around in a handbag like a tiny dog goes under the same as blorbo tbh. But like, she’s tiny enough to be in a handbag so I think I’m justified here /hj
She has her deep moments, especially in the first game. But there’s definitely more to her. Like I don’t like the old Game Theory video on how she is a “double agent”, but I find it plausible. She definitely has generational trauma on top of her own trauma, so yeah, ouch.
My own issues would be abandonment issues, trust issues and being clingy. Like, you can’t tell me this sweetheart gremlin wouldn’t be the clingiest little thing, and I love her for that. Yes I am mentally ill about her /affectionate
Okay so I know she got a lot of screen time in the first game, being sewn on to your hand and all, but I want more of her :( Lovely that she showed up in Midnight Show (I started crying when she did), but again, I wanted more. It was the right amount of screen time tho for Midnight Show for the right effect, and every hint to her inclusion was very good
Honestly, Scout could tell me she burned down an entire country and I would still be like “okay, you did nothing wrong, they probably deserved it” /hj And jokes aside, nothing in canon shows her to be evil and having done anything wrong, like she describes herself as “less evil” and only in the trailer for the first game. So yeah, Scout has done nothing wrong (I will fight you on this MatPat)
Thanks for the ask ^^
(I’m still open for more character asks if people want to ask)
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amratsu · 1 year
after reading @ryo-maybe 's recs, compiling my own rider recommendations/breakdowns, in chronological order of release, with the general approach of 'here's what you may enjoy' and 'here's what people love/remember it for'. den-o onwards to zi-o cause I need to rewatch the older ones tbh. I've watched all of these myself once, and (barring ghost) with @stuffman-main and @icedfairy so you can poke them for opinions too probably.
>den-o the first 'comedy' rider that really leaned into its mascots, so much so that said mascots are kind of still around to this day like 15 years later. this tends to give the wrong impression though, because den-o still takes a surprisingly deep and melancholic look at its themes of existential dread and being remembered. it's a generally fun time that'll also pull at your heartstrings at surprising times, and takeru satoh (of current ruroken live action fame) really does portray the growth of the protagonist from a complete non-person into a still-nervous-but-will-throw-down hero nicely.
>kiva oh I absolutely agree with the general consensus of crazy aesthetic (fucking STAINED GLASS VAMPIRES?) but whack-ass writing, but as my first rider I have a big soft spot for it. it was also the first rider I watched together with stuffman-main and iced-fairy as an introduction to deeper weeb enjoyment. make no mistake, kiva is deep in the late 2000s sauce of plot via lack of communication, but at the same time it's still kind of charming how earnest it is about it? it's just 100% vampire melodrama inside a kamen rider. and also the time period gimmick is, in retrospect, one of the weirdest and most ambitious plot threads toei's ever tried. I can't even straight say I recommend kiva, but if you can stick around after they only really get better. (fun fact with kiva: the default suit was so fucking heavy BECAUSE IT HAD ACTUAL METAL CAUSE THEY WANTED NATURAL CHAIN JINGLING that they had to introduce the super mode like a dozen episodes early or else the suit actor was literally going to be crushed)
>decade anniversary series. meme origin point.
>w I think if any series really leans into its subgenre the most, it's a toss-up between W and Exaid, but W is way more universally loved. it's a tight noir experience, the duos done so well that it'd fuck with rider writing for multiple series to come (for better or worse). the way it plays with its supporting cast really makes the city feel alive in a way that makes it as easy to love Fuuto as much as shotaro does. the rider tropes themselves are also handled very well, with little arbitrary power ups or alt forms, and an absolutely unheard of total of two riders, period, until you go into side materials. and the writing very much benefits from its ability to focus on them to the exclusion of anyone else. extremely easy recommendation, and its 2 episode format also makes it very easy to watch in short sessions.
>ooo where W lives and dies by its two-episoders, OOOs uses it to support the developing relationship between protag and 'mascot' while also pursuing a much more ambitious overarching metaplot. the nonlinear nature of the belt/suit 'upgrades' leads to an pretty exciting shuffle of transformation trinkets between the protagonist and villains; you never quite know who has what, and in that sense it's almost closer to a rider royale with how the characters jockey for the macguffins. eiji's also a generally very refreshing protagonist who will still do Dumb things, but not Stupid things, and that's a fine line to walk/write I appreciate a lot.
>fourze anything I could say ryo(?)'s already said. it's just fun. it's very different from a lot of other riders though in that you won't see the same emotional ups and downs in the plot you would elsewhere. gentaro's just immune to that shit.
>wizard oof. I'm going to be bold here and say I find haruto, the protag, fine. lots of people say he's boring and one note, which I disagree with; he shows a fair amount of subtle growth as a person over the course of the series. nito, the side rider, is also great. aesthetics are also great fun. but wizard is absolutely STRANGLED by its one note supporting cast, a peanut gallery full of drag-you-to-the-lake-bed cement that's just impossible to care about. if you can deal with the generic kid's show level of eyeroll carry-on cast, you'll probably have an okay time here.
>gaim gaim gaim gaim. oh gaim. I love you so much. and this is contingent on spoilers, but, I think urobuchi plots honestly fine if there's a happy ending. and there is, because SPOILERS that facilitate post-series xovers. like of all the ways we've seen urobuchi wank about the cruelty of the system, the futility of struggling against it, and the tragedy of life, gaim's protagonists arguably end up doing a lot more to win despite it. and also I find the thought of urobuchi simmering in his dark little corner because toei forced him to write a happy ending really, REALLY funny. can't recommend unless you're in the mood for urobuchi though.
>drive honestly? drive is one of the most inoffensive riders. nothing really wrong about it. it leans into its subgenre a lot in the vein of W, so if you're in the mood for a cop show with androids and robots it'll do you good. the protag is also a tall drink of water. definitely a fine starting point.
>ghost oh god. no. by this point in the time line, the 'cool rider=sucky show' meme is really in full force. there's really not a lot I can write on ghost that hasn't been said by other people, but in short it's just very one note with very shallow characters, and a lot of shoehorned merchandising that messes with what little coherence there is (the super form is a seperate belt all on its own, never used by anything else. why???).
>exaid again, ryo(?) has me covered here. worth pointing out though, ex-aid is a perfect otome game cast: clumsy good boy with some spice to him, tragic serious elite genius, jokey lovable trickster, abrasive jerk with heart of gold. so that's fun.
>build build's AMBITIOUS. the conspiracy/amnesia plot goes deep, and it almost forsakes a monster of the week and all the tropes attached to that entirely. whether it lands the plot is up to debate but at the very least the characters are all very well realized and live. they all struggle with 'who am I' in their personal ways, and the way they clash up against each other (ESPECIALLY the villains) is exciting.
>zi-o another anniversary series.
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cant-blink · 2 years
My Creatures of Sonaria Characters
So since I have a new character, I figured I would share what exactly this is all about, since I didn’t build my followers on this obscure game. 
So I’ve been playing Creatures of Sonaria. It’s a survival game on Roblox where you play as strange fantasy creatures. In this post, you can check out a handful of said creatures that are my current mains, and if you wish to play this game with me, these are the creatures to look out for! 
Starting from my most to least played:
You may recognize this as being my new character in my previous post. It’s my newest main (hence the lack of a custom skin, though I’ve grown to really like the default so may not change it at all), and you’ll likely find me playing this one the most. I’m definitely RPing with it, and I’m also currently learning how to use it in PVP. For now, I’m just in a distraction role for my friends. Thankfully, they’re not popular so I might be the only Trutholbyeva on the server, so that makes me easy to find!
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My friends like to kill everyone in this game, and thus engage in a lot of warfare. I tend to be a bit less aggressive, so I serve as their support class. This is the one I play as a healer to the group. If you see me as this, best join the group or my friends may mistake you for the enemy and kill you XD. Nah, I’d tell them you’re playing and invite you to the pack :D Just expect chaos if you see me using this!
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My craziest one yet. They’re super easy to grow to adulthood, so I tend to play this as my expendable “I’mma fuck around and find out how long I last” creature. I’ve caused many a Kendyll to combat log from the amount of ankle-biting I do with this thing! Tbh, if they have a hard time killing me as this tiny thing, then they deserve to lose!
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Because Skullcrawler. Yes, there’s skullcrawlers in this game (or rather, a creature heavily inspired by it). I’m definitely RPing as Ramarak with this thing, right down to the way I customed the skin!
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I made the skin look exactly like a Salandit, one of my favorite Pokemon. Like Moonelle, I play this thing as support when my friends are at war; this time, using its toxic acid spitting attack at a distance whilst my more skilled and aggressive friends deal the heavy blows. Am also fast and small enough to make a safe get away should attention be drawn to me.
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I colored this one for Cama Zotz of the Silverwing books, my favorite book series. This one is a lot like my Hemokai, where I only really use it as support to my friends. I’m more aggressive with it, as Sochuri is a very well-rounded aerial fire-breathing fighter.
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My strongest creature (outside the newest crab monster whose name I can’t be bothered to remember), colored after Showa Ghidorah. This was the creature that brought me to the game to begin with because it’s obviously Ghidorah and I love Ghidorah. I don’t play them as much anymore, really only to RP Ghidorah with my friends. I find him too slow to have any real PVP use, despite their powerful attacks. Just not my playstyle.
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A semi-aquatic pillbug I turned into a ladybug. I need no other reason to play this, it’s so cute! And it’s a tanky boi for its tier, though I don’t really use it for PVP. Nah, this is just a creature I choose every now and again and I just chill. 
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I only used this thing once. And it’s only to give it an axolotl skin. No other reason it’s in my storage, just. Axolotl. 
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These are all the creatures I play as and their custom skins. There’s a lot more creatures to play in this game, and if anyone wants to join me and my friends on our crazy adventures, feel free! :D
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feralgodmothers · 1 year
I can’t bring myself to hate Christopher. I know it’s popular to hate him. But it’s the same deal as dean? What crime did he actually commit except be the woman’s first love? And a reminder of who she was before the most popular fandom choice? I prefer Luke for Lorelai. But I can’t hate Christopher. Sherry whatsherface and Anna Nardini on the other hand….let’s just say I don’t take well to people willingly abandoning their children. And the less said about April’s two faced, passive aggressive mother the better.
Ps. I remembered that Anna Nardini’s actress played Mariano’s defacto stepmother and I am CACKLING!!!!!
I feel exactly the same way, anon. Like… to a T.
People in this fandom hate on Chris as if being flaky is the most heinous thing a parent can ever be. (I mean, hey - I’m glad they’re all in such a fantastic place where their standards can be sky high, and that they all have the perfect parents or whatever, but good GOD. We have to stop babying Rory so much. Like aww, her life isn’t picture perfect?)
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I hate to come across as the person in the anti-Chris debate who’s like ‘other people have it so much worse’, but… I mean-
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I would happily trade fathers with Rory in a heartbeat. (No take-backs though. I’d keep Christopher, and she can pass on my father to some unsuspecting sap like the demon from It Follows.)
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He loves (and even likes) Rory and is glad she exists. That’s at least the first step in being a decent parent in my books. I’ll admit - my bar for fathers is probably a little lower than it should be, but even taking that into consideration - the amount of hate Christopher gets is ridiculous. I think if you took away the fact that he’s the main obstacle to a fan favorite ship, people wouldn’t be overly bothered by him. His only “crime” is that he wasn’t around in person regularly, but his situation is a little weird, tbh. He’s still in love with Lorelai, and she sort of loves him too, but she doesn’t want them to be a traditional family, etc. It would be kind of awkward to navigate that, but he still called Rory on the phone fairly regularly, helped pay for her education, and immediately rushed to SH and stayed up all night when Rory ended up in the hospital after the car crash (the first and only real injury she’s ever had if I remember right?). People who call him a “deadbeat dad” really need to look up what that term actually means. He was invested enough in his relationship with Rory that he actually got upset and was ready to fight with Lorelai when Rory stopped communicating with him and he believed that Lorelai was behind it. People argue that he only cares about Lorelai, and always shows up only because of her, but that’s clearly untrue. And you’re absolutely right - he gets the Dean Forester treatment. He’s the wrench in their preferred ship, so they exaggerate his negative qualities to rationalize their blind hatred. It’s insane (and more than a little annoying). To me, if you don’t like a character, that’s fine - but the least you can do is be honest about why you don’t like them. Don’t try to feed me your fan-made caricatures. This show gives us enough examples of actual bad parents without the fandom treating the middling ones like they’re the spawn of Satan. Why hate Liz and Chris when Jimmy, Sherry, Anna (and a lot of times, Emily and Richard) are RIGHT THERE? Plus, I think ASP felt the same way and tried to do some damage control with the fandom when she wrote Dean and Chris’ scenes in AYITL. I think Rory’s interactions with them (her monologue about Dean being a great boyfriend, and Chris asking not to be painted as “too much of a villain”) was a pointed hint on how she wanted the fandom to feel about those characters. Funny how people will respect her authority as the creator only when she conveniently aligns with their opinions. 😒
I think I hate Anna more as a person than as a parent. April may have received some collateral emotional damage (and I obviously don’t like that), but my main beef with Anna was her treatment of Luke. There was literally no reason for her to be so nasty to him or to be as possessive over April as she was.
Sherry was god-awful. It’s probably a good thing Chris chose to stay with her in S2, because if he hadn’t - Sherry might have left Gigi in a dumpster or something.
I think Sherry abandoning Gigi and leaving Chris to be a single dad served as a major highlight of Chris and Lorelai being the “timing was never right” sort of couple. They had an undeniable bond, and ended up leading parallel lives, 19 (?) years apart. If it wasn’t for Luke (and I say this as a hardcore Luke/Lorelai shipper), I think Chris and Lorelai would have been a no-brainer option for each other. Even though I love Luke/Lorelai more, I do love Chris/Lorelai - both together and separately (even though the writing in S7 made them a little weird). I think their relationship is very bittersweet and tragic, and they break my heart a little bit.
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