#pillows for children
electricfied-wolf · 7 months
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hairupintheair · 3 months
The amount of gruesome death and morbid humor in this wholesome family series has always amazed me.
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astrrorat · 2 months
Made a pillow fort bcs i have no bed
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melbourneskybourne · 2 months
There’s nothing [for you] to see here.
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thirstyvampyr · 1 month
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trunklewunjle · 5 months
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Woe bone pile sheet be upon ye
Ink belongs to comyet
Error belongs to CrayonQueen
Cross belongs to JakeiArtWork
Dream belongs to Jokublog
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tangotek · 1 year
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watching cocomelon 2gether
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luminlunii · 7 months
Would Rocky ever use his (extremely fluffy and soft) tail as a pillow when he sleeps or simply hug it for comfort?
Personally, I feel like he would hug it for comfort cause that's what he did as a kid with his mom's tail.
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Like he vaguely remembers doing this as a kid.
Edit: I forgot the stripes on his arms >:(
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mitzishadow · 1 month
Hi! Here's a silly doodle of your OG gang as charlie's angels. k byeee~
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i have a little folder on my computer of all the art people have drawn of my ocs or sona and i keep every piece tucked carefully in there where i can go gush on them 5x a day and this will be a fine collection it captures the trio so well YOURE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON I LOVE IT
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jankwritten · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about what a Hazel and Jason friendship would look like.
Hazel tentatively reaching out after finally understanding that Jason isn’t everything she built him up to be in her head, influenced both by Nico and by what she actually observed of Jason herself
Jason assumes she just wants tips on leadership or maybe how to fight better, so he obliged by offering to train with her
Hazel expects Jason to go easy on her like Percy and Annabeth and Piper do, but instead she gets taken down within a few minutes and has Jason ruthlessly pointing out what things she could improve on.
(Cue: Hazel finally having an opponent who doesn’t underestimate her. Hazel who finally feels like she has somebody she can spar against who will help and not just let her win because she’s young and small. Hazel who finally gets why Nico spends so much time talking about how kind and helpful Jason is, even if what she’s seeing isn’t necessarily kind.)
Jason starts hanging out with Hazel outside of sparring but in other groups, like with Piper, or Nico. He learns that she loves dancing and horses and likes to test the hardness of a stone against her fingernails, likes to collect shiny non-precious things just like Nico does, likes to swear loudly whenever possible as if she’s doing it to purposely piss people off.
Hazel asks Jason if he wants to go hang out one day after the Argo quest is over, maybe go to some museum in NYC that she’s heard Percy talk about, or find metaphysical shops to walk through (I HC that Hazel really loves modern mortal interpretations of magic and that she’s fascinated by the ways mortals accidentally connect to the gods etc.) and Jason assumes she means with someone else and agrees, only to find out they’re going alone.
Jason panicking for a moment about potential misinterpretations, once he realizes, and stammering out some garbled thing about how he really likes her but not like that because ofc all he’s known so far is that being alone with a girl = someone will assume romantic intent. Hazel openly laughs in his face and rather boldly states that she KNOWS Jason is in love with her brother.
Hazel, eventually, being the first person Jason feels safe coming out to. Jason, in return, being the first person Hazel feels safe to talk about being asexual with. The two of them discussing their feelings more and more often while exploring new places together, like Hazel talking about how she did so much researching into queer history and labels when she first found out Nico is gay, Jason telling her that he still doesn’t feel like Thalia is his sister as if he might not be the same Jason Grace she remembers, the two of them coming to terms with being on the aromantic spectrum together.
Jason talking Hazel out of joining the Hunters when she’s having a very very bad day. Hazel stopping Jason from disappearing back out into the mortal world to finish school without first giving his other friends a chance to have input.
(Hazel and Jason inadvertently saving each other’s lives by tweaking fate, thus making their friendship literally woven into their lives forever indisputably. Hades/Pluto patting Jason on the back and telling him thank you with no context or clarification the next time they meet. Hera/Juno, tight lipped and silent, offering Hazel some kind of gift or blessing the next time she returns to New Rome. Hazel and Jason laughing it off when they tell each other because wow, their godly parents are weird as hell.)
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forsooth-verily · 3 months
Curled up absolutely sobbing at, "I thought there was a world where I was too late, it's all okay if I was too early."
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satans-knitwear · 4 months
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Creatures being Creatures ft Gamer Girl Rosie
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melbourneskybourne · 2 months
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the-god-of-pillows · 1 month
I remade all my ocs references.for art fight
Hope y'all like them
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I'll reblog with more
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zhongrin · 2 months
protip: if you spill choccy milk in a shared bathroom please just at least take the time to wash it all down with like a shower head or a spray head. it really isn't going to be hard for you if you do it after it spills. don't just leave it and let other people clean it up for you because atp the stains are much harder to remove. just. be a decent human being. please.
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skyhighru · 2 months
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