#pinball shoot
zakkaplay · 1 year
Free Arcade Pinball Shooter & Bubble Pop Fusion - Boba Pinball!
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killmcpills · 11 months
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ingrid estaba preocupada por lucy y se lo había hecho saber. tampoco quiso preguntar demasiado porque consideraba que si la menor de los meertens quería contarle lo sucedido con su familia, era mejor que lo hiciese ella misma y no su hermana. como ruth y anja cada vez eran más cercanas y esa tarde tenían cosas que hacer en el laboratorio y ella no, decidió ir a su cuarto a buscarla. la puerta estaba entre abierta pero antes de entrar, dio un par de golpes en la puerta. “hey.” pronunció. “¿cómo estás?” se apoyó despacio en el marco de la puerta. era raro porque básicamente solo se habían dedicado a tener sexo, pero socializar tampoco le vendría mal. “uh, tengo que ir a coruña a por unas cosas y pensé que a lo mejor te apetecía venir conmigo. podemos dar un paseo y eso, ya sabes, por salir un poco de la finca.” // @qvimcra​
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seven-oh-four · 3 months
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ourladyofomega · 9 months
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'Shoot Again' light for Bally's Black Rose pinball table.
📸: Silverball Arcade Museum (FB)
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biboybuckley · 1 year
i have way, way too much energy right now
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lunasilvis · 2 years
I! am! so! tired! (of things changing and seasons ending)
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ccaptain · 2 years
“They hurt you so much, didn’t they? I’ll never let them touch you, again.”
' ajax... ' kaeya's voice is soft, but seems to warn him.
childe knows the problem, knows it to the root: the many, many letters stacked in his work desk's drawer, yellowed by time. the brittle paper holds such strings of verbal abuse and berating so vitriolic to make a common human pale.
fortunately, the captain is no normal being. he has grown used to his father trying to chase him down, bring some sense into him with the acid he spews in his letter, and by sending the bough keeper to the city of freedom. he would like to say that he's unaffected, but the sight of blonde sends him back to take old passageways hidden from the common townsfolk. it just so happens that, today, the threat has doubled: a whirl of his winged cape, and he was out of sight of the dangerous, cursed man in a minute, speeding back home the next. and back home, the letter was intercepted before he could stash it away.
what could childe do against both of them? he sounds sure of himself, and knows kaeya. he can no longer pretend to not be affected by the double assault of today. isn't needing protection a sign of weakness? isn't kaeya alberich a powerful knight, a master swordsman, and an immortal, cursed being all at once?
but maybe...
maybe he has come to like the sense of security ajax's arms can give, when those wrap around him. it's good to let the mask he employs most of the days break, himself turning ten times older and ten times younger the same when he's with his harbinger.
it's nice to feel safe, for once. it doesn't diminish his worth, it doesn't pollute his abilities. it's just comforting.
this is why, when he closes his eyes in childe's shoulder, he doesn't feel whirled around by a storm of contrasting emotions. it's good to simply give in and let someone else handle your safety, for once. ' alright, ' he breathes out, digits closing on the shirt.
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' i trust you. '
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halfahundredcats · 9 days
They should invent a tumblr app that is functional.
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retrogamingloft · 1 year
Zaccaria Pinball (Nintendo Switch Version) - Shooting the Rapids Table Longplay - Flashing Lights! Great artwork, nice sounds,  but honestly it gets boring very quickly...
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horrorartsworld · 5 months
ok so there is a thought that is scratching the back of my brain..
IMAGINE ALASTOR manspreading, with his smirk maybe looking at shy/reader, and how is trying to not to look at him.
he would be so sneaky and doing that on purpose!!!
like i’m going crazy don’t mind me…
a/n: UGHHH YES!! nothing crazy about it sweetheart that cheeky bastard would try something like this 😭
QUITE LITERALLY did a little mischievous giggle at the thought of this cause…alastor sitting slutty HELL FUCKING YAYEAH
A manspreading man
alastor/shy f!reader
warnings: just a radio demon spreading his legs for jesus
part two !!
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Charlie had called everyone down to the lobby for a special meeting in hopes to get the whole crew together to see their individual progression on redemption.
Seeming as though everyone had showed up and settled down right away with no fuss, Alastor sitting in his big pillowy arm chair as you sat across from him on the sofa next to Angel dust and everyone else in their usual spots.
The meeting starting as soon as the last demon sat, but for some reason you couldn’t focus as you noticed out of the corner of your eye at the way Alastor was sitting.
Not his usual prim and proper way that he did but full on in a manspread his body leaning to the side lazily where he had his chin placed in his palm, while his microphones pole rested against his inner thigh, hand always firmly wrapped around the neck of it.
Your eyes working like a pinball machine going back and forth from Alastor to Charlie in a shameful display of checking him out during an important meeting like this one, but something about him sitting like this was a little unusual yet so mysteriously sexy.
As you were deep in your daydream about it Alastor took notice chuckling lowly to himself as he then faced you, playfully lifting his hips up acting like he was adjusting himself when really he wanted to mess with you.
You instantly snapping out of your brain fog as your breath felt like it had been sucker punched out of you, not knowing what to do with yourself in this predicament as you shifted around in your seat uncomfortably as if trying to run away from his mischievous eyes causing Angel to shoot you a confused look because of all your movement.
Alastor’s usual grin forming more of a smirk now as he sees your cheeks turn a bright shade of red enjoying every second of you loosing your composure like this, all from him sitting so openly.
You then did the unspeakable as you raise your hand awkwardly to give a pitiful excuse of why you had to leave the meeting for a moment to run to the little ladies room, when really you needed a second to catch a breather.
Not noticing that a certain someone had followed in the shadows….
“Why’d you run off darling…I was just starting to have some fun~” you jump startled seeing as he was towering over you from behind in the mirror of the bathroom.
“I-I just needed a moment…” stammering as you practically wanted to scold yourself for your silly girly urges, not daring to look up at him out of embarrassment.
“A moment to think about me…hmm?”
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various-feelings · 2 years
sorry to anyone that has ever followed me for any one thing and had to deal with me posting about twenty things at any given moment
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killmcpills · 9 months
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decir que se quedó dormida en cuestión de segundos abrazando a lucy contra su cuerpo era quedarse corta. estaba tan cansada y la cálida sensación de la piel contraria sobre la suya hicieron que no durase ni medio minuto más con los ojos abiertos. durmió más que a gusto pero antes de que el sol saliese, ya se había despertado. tras ponerse una camiseta de tirantes y unos pantalones cómodos, tapó bien a lucy, dejó un beso en su sien y salió del dormitorio con kim siguiéndole. paró por la cocina para llenarse el termo de café y fue directa al garaje. a esas horas la finca estaba en un silencio tranquilo, no como el tenso de durante el día y tras acomodar sus herramientas, empezó a hacer una cota de malla desde 0 ya que había tenido una idea. escuchó la puerta del garaje abrirse y al encontrarse con maëlys, sonrió. "buenos días, a ti te iba a ir yo a buscar, ¿sabes?" le hizo saber, indicándole que se sentase con ella. "venga, ponte a ayudarme, que quiero hacer un proyecto contigo." // @qvimcra
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saintjosie · 1 month
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i’m not humble bragging when i say im pretty and passing. i’m hot as fuck.
when i brag, i brag with my whole chest, and i don’t do it often. so let me brag for a minute.
i am an excellent photographer and i worked in professional photography and videography for almost a decade and have traveled all around the world to do so. left image taken in milan, right image taken in thailand.
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i hold one of the top scores on rush pinball on record. 25th in the world last i checked and i got this score five months after picking up pinball.
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i try new hobbies all the time and almost always pick them up at an insane speed. on the left, first time painting since high school on the right, first acrylic pour.
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after two weeks learning archery, i shot a regulation 140, better than many hobbyists do after shooting for years. image taken from my first day of shooting and shooting at full range.
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i’ve dabbled in makeup art. this was after three weeks of learning how to do eye shadow.
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i can sing, play guitar, bass, piano, drums, can improvise on all of them except piano and i write, produce, mix, and master all of my own music. i started learning music production four years ago from online videos and have 100s of thousands of streams and am working on a full album. this was my spotify wrapped for 2023.
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other miscellaneous things
i have a masters degree
i learned how to lockpick in seven minutes
i’ve been world top 500 demon hunter in diablo 3 multiple times
i cleared slay the spire on my first run
i have cleared every song on guitar hero 2 and 3 on expert 100% (yes even through the fire and flames), and could clear more than half of them either blindfolded, left-handed, or both. (not anymore tho lol)
i taught myself how to cook, i make up my own recipes frequently, i can improvise recipes using whatever is lying around, i can guess how to make a recipe without looking it up, and many people have told me that my cooking is the best thing they’ve ever eaten.
i took a data science bootcamp and then worked at a fortune 500 tech company for several years and i also turned down job offers from google twice.
strangers regularly come up to me and tell me i’m unrealistically gorgeous and that i have the best skin they’ve ever seen.
i’ve turned down several men in the mainstream music industry who tried to slide into my dms
oh and i can dance at bars, have a good time, AND look sexy while doing it.
so like 🤷‍♀️
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pirateprincessjess · 5 months
Ok pinball! There’s a surprising amount of pinball in my city: any tables you’d recommend as especially fun for new people, and are there any video games that can help me get some practice in? I have fun playing but I’m just so bad. Do you have any favourite personal tables?
Oh I love this question! Get ready for
For new players there are two great ways to get into pinball. Obviously you can have a friend teach you how to play, but if you don’t have a friendly local pinball we’d then try these methods
Method 1) beginner friendly tables!
I have a few recommended tables. These games are popular so it’s very common to see them in public and they have fairly easy to understand rules.
The games are Attack from Mars, Godzilla (stern), And Medieval Madness
All three of these games have rule sets that are easy to start. If you want to learn pinball then play these games and aim for the biggest thing on the playfield. In Attack From Mars try to hit the flying saucer. In Medieval Madness try to hit the castle gate, and in Godzilla try to shoot the balls through the building.
There is a lot more to each of these games, but playing like this gives you an easy and memorable objective (with a great payoff) that you can aim for while learning how to control the pinball or aim your shots. Once you feel comfortable you can start shooting for the other stuff on the table and learn the rest of the game.
Attack from Mars and Medieval Madness are both available on Pinball FX for a few bucks each if you want to practice at home (change game mode to arcade physics for a more realistic physics experience). Sadly you can’t play Godzilla digitally anywhere because it’s still a new game.
Method 2) Treat it like a puzzle!
Choose any game and treat it like a puzzle. Find a game you want to play. If you see a game based on a movie or band that you like, then go play it.
If a table seems cool then it’s a good table to play. Part of the fun of pinball is exploring a game and seeing what happens as you hit shots on the table. Figuring out which shots give you the most points and the most resources is a ton of fun.
It takes time to learn ball control so when you are starting out find something on the game that looks interesting and aim for that. In most machines you get rewarded for hitting the same shot a few times. See what your reward is and then practice hitting a different shot until you get the reward for that shot. Now think of how you can combine these rewards to give yourself the most points.
For example you might learn that one shot starts a game mode that requires you to make a ton of different shots quickly, and another shot starts a 4 ball multiball! You could then try starting the game mode and the multiball at the same time to maximize your point game.
There are all sorts of strategies like this hidden in pinball machines, and figuring them out is a ton of fun!
Okay, but where do you go to play pinball?
There’s a very cool tool called the Pinside Map, where you can search for games by location. You can look for specific games (like the ones listed above), or just find locations near you that have any games at all!
How do I meet other pinball people?
Go to tournaments. I know it sounds intimidating, but most tournaments are casual. The first time I went to a tournament I met a ton of people who were excited to show me their favorite games, and teach me their favorite tricks and tips. 90% of pinball tournaments are just an excuse to hang out with other pinball players.
Also, people don’t mind playing against new players because your lack of experience has no negative impact on their games, so there is no pressure.
If you are a woman, then check out your local chapter of Bells and Chimes. B&C is a women’s pinball organization. (For trans people: Most Bells and Chimes chapters are extremely trans friendly, but each group is locally run so it might be worthwhile to reach out to the group if you are worried).
What if you want to play pinball digitally?
Virtual pinball rules. The most popular virtual pinball software is PinballFX. The game is technically free but they do charge for every pinball table you get after the free one. Pinball FX has some digital recreations of real pinball machines as well as some completely original pinball machines that they made exclusively for Pinball FX. PinballFX is great but the physics are not very realistic, and it makes the game easier than it is in real life. They have an alternative physics option called arcade physics but it’s only available on some tables.
Another good option is Visual Pinball X (VPX). VPX is a pain in the but to setup, but it has the most realistic pinball physics I’ve ever seen. You can also setup almost any pinball table for free (newer pinball machines aren’t usually available though). The only problem with VPX is that it doesn’t come in a nice easy package and you have to setup every table individually, so it requires some real computer knowledge.
Closing thoughts
There’s not really a wrong way to get into pinball. The most important thing is to have fun, and to be patient with yourself while you learn how to play! Drop me an ask If my guide helps you get into pinball, and tell em about your experience with the game!
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Creep Alert - Teen Wolf Preference
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Because someone has made me very uncomfortable at weekly pinball and I would like to take Theo.
Stiles: Okay he's not always the most observant person around, he will be talking to himself trying to figure something out or keep walking not realizing someone else has come up and gone all up in your space. When he turns about and you are visibly uncomfortable he RUNS back, trip/sliding between you and the guy pushing his hand off. Might have yelled "CREEP ALERT" on his way over, mile a minute talking asking if you're okay, did they do anything? name drops that he is the son of the sheriff and can get that guy written up for harassment. "Do you want to file a report on him? I'll call dad right now. Don't you go anywhere, we're not done here- PARRISH!" Spots a squad car and shouts over (it was not Parrish) and it becomes mess. But it certainly did the job.
Scott: Good of heart, dumb of ass. Despite his wolf instinct telling him to destroy the threat, he comes over the moment your scent turns distressed. He comes up right next to you with a comforting hand on your arm and inserts himself into the conversation. Genuinely not realizing this guy's intentions or what's going on besides you're uncomfortable and asks what's going on. Usually he's enough to diffuse the situation, but if someone's persistent he'll instead have you both leave.
Lydia: Has been in this kind of scenario too many times that she sees it coming across the room before anyone talks to you. She's learned exactly how to handle herself, either sweetly or with words that cut. Or if she had a 'big, strong, man' to handle it for her. Lydia's at your side immediately, telling them you're not interested and how far she'll shove her heel up their ass.
Liam: Sure, mess with the S/O of the werewolf kid with IED, that's a good idea. He doesn't usually stray far from your side but a few steps away was enough for someone to take his spot and feel a little too comfortable getting in your space and questioning you. His gaze shoots to you as discomfort sours your scent. He speeds over, eyes flashing gold and getting right in their face with you behind him. Not afraid to get physical if they want to keep it up.
Also if it's Brett coming to flirt with you, either because he's a slut or just to try and piss Liam off and you really are uncomfortable with his advances, all bets are off. Claws are out and he wants blood, it's a whole scene.
Isaac: At first it's a little harder for Isaac to come to your rescue, even though he's a werewolf now he's not used to the kind of confidence of doing something like this. You were always the one to try and protect him, and never faulted him when he didn't come to your defense, just trying to make sure you were okay after.
But now he's a werewolf, he can do better. He stronger. Intimidating. Despite everything, he still had to psych himself up walking over to you, who is obviously uncomfortable. He's not sure how to insert himself, but he is quite noticeable and doesn't have to do much. Being so much taller (and chest puffed) than your pest, they take the smart move to leave. Visibly deflate and swallows after that interaction and asks if you're okay. Gets bashful when you call him your knight.
Malia: No filter and very brash. People have thought of messing with her but the energy she gives off and feral look in her eye is almost always enough to deter them first. You though, are not so lucky. Already very standoffish, once she sense someone is making you uncomfortable she is staring them down and growling, barely keeping her claws in even as they leave.
Derek: He normally is overprotective of you, usually you just roll your eyes at his worries. But you certainly feel safe with a scowling sourwolf beside you. Until he's gone a few minutes too long and someone thinks that's their chance.
When he sees someone crowding in on you he's speeding right through the crowd and shoving them backwards hard enough to make them stumble and once they're thoroughly scared shitless by his hardened stare to flee, he's trying to get you to leave grumbling how "we never should have come here anyway."
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 months
one time when i was at the Gamestop i saw a game calld Mario Pinball Land and i was like "oh yeah i had read about this on The Super Mario Wiki" and also i watched some videos of people playing it on Youtube and so i got my grandma to buy it for me and then i went home and i put it in my DS but actually befor that we got Pizza Hut and i got a personal pan pepperoni pizza with black olivds on it because i like them even though my cousin thought it was gross that i got them on my pizza
but after that it was night time and i put it in my DS and turned it on and it started playing the cutscene that plays at the beginning. and this is where things start to get creepy ok so dont read anymore if you dont want to read something tjat will scare you okay im serious. so it strated playing the cutscene where theyre at the fair right. an Mario and Princess Peach are waiting in the line in front of the big machine and the Tode goes up to get on the thing right. well then the two things of the machine come together on the sides of him and they close together around him and hes inside...
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BUT WHEN THAT HAPPENED THERE WAS ALL THIS BLOOD THAT CAME OUT AND THE SKY WENT DARK TOO AND THE TODE WAS SCREMEING BUT NOT LIKE A TODE SCREME IT WAS LIKE A NORMAL PERSON SCREME LIKE MY DAD AT FOOTBALL (i tried my best to draw how it looked like becaus i didnt have a camera when it happened)!!!!!!! but then Mario and Peach looked happy or suprised how they normaly do!! at that point i was so scared i was like "what the %#@&, dude!!!" but then it kept going and the cannon shot out the Tode and...
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HE WAS A BALL OF BLOOD!!!!!!! AND WHEN HE HIT THE TARGET HE SPLATED LIKE THISAND STILL YELLING i was trying so hard not to yell so my grandma or grandpa didnt here but i was sooooo scared and so thenPeach got up on the thing and theN PEACH GOT SMASHED INTO BLOOD TOO!!!!!
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and then instead of the goombas coming in and making the cannon turn and shoot at bowsers castle MARIO made the cannon shoot straight in the air!!!!!! i was like "aaaaaaaaaa what is hapeninggg!!!! o_0" and so then when he did that it made the sky have BLOOD CLOUDS and BLOOD RAIN came from them and also there was BLOOD LIGHTNING TOO i think but i cant remember
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and then he was standing there on the thing and LAUGHING while he got BLOOD RAINED on!!!! and then. the title screen showed and it said….
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MARIO BLOODBALL LAND AND MARIO SAID THAT IN HIS VOICE BUT IT WAS REALLY DEEP LIKE DARTH VADER. i couldnt take it any more and its embarasing but i yelled really loud and i pulled the game out as fast as i could and threw it on the floor. my grandma came in and asked what happend and i said i had a nightmare (becuase i wasnt supposed to be awake or have my DS) and so the next day i said i didnt want the game and we took it back to The Game Stop and i got Namco Museum instead
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