jasper-the-menace · 11 months
do not read. the fucking great gatsby actually. You will be depressed as shit.
That's fair. Don't read A Tale of Two Cities, you will block it from your memory forever.
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taras-domain · 2 years
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drew another one of @pinesodaexists‘ OC’s!
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urfavisacannibal · 3 years
Bet you didn't do hello kitty yet
hadn’t, but its in the queue now.
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eridab-memepora · 3 years
Felix Colgrave is a wizard,,,
no, hes a disembodied head./j
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jasper-pagan-witch · 3 years
trick or treat! 🎃
a bit about me: I’m fluent in 3 languages
hope i did this right haha. thank you! ☺️🧡
Three languages, how do you find the time? You got
Have this meme that my friend @pinesodaexists made from a picture of my cat, Chuzzle.
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thehueofdalan · 4 years
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OC October/OCtober 2020 Day 15- Avian
The griffin of the lights!
This is day 15 of my friend @phantasmorde‘s custom OC October challenge, which can be found here!
For today’s prompt (avian), I decided to draw another birdlike OC of mine, Primrose Whitequill! She is a white hawk griffin working as part of the Fletchers’ running crew as a light technician!
Primrose is also another of my adopted OCs, and she was adopted from my friend @pinesodaexists!
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jasper-the-menace · 1 year
Ok so I'm BLUE and a DOG. Idk where this is going-
B...Blue from Blue's Clues??? Is that where we're taking this???
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jasper-the-menace · 2 years
Explain Flam to me so I don't think you have that one mlp character
None of my characters are My Little Pony-based.
Flam is a Majin who works as a healer for the Time Patrol. She's also the daughter of the mad demon scientist Towa (technically she's Mira's twin and Fu's older sister) but keeps that information on the down low.
She's also been known to trap people in hell dimensions when they bother her.
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jasper-the-menace · 1 year
tagged by @feeshies and tagging @pinesodaexists @junior-classic and @xlydrs
three ships: Quitela/Champa (Dragon Ball Super...don't judge me), Jiren/Toppo/Hit (also Dragon Ball Super, stop judging me), and Arenmir/Krosis (The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim)
last song: Take Me Home Country Roads (heavy metal cover)
last movie: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (English sub version)
currently consuming: milk and an irresponsible amount of flavor-blasted Goldfish crackers
currently reading: Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
currently craving: something more crunchy but I don't know WHAT
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jasper-the-menace · 1 year
Writer’s First Line Game
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have.
Tagged by @yellingaboutmasseffect - Thanks!
No pressure tags: @raesand and @pinesodaexists
I'm going to tuck all of mine under a read more. Also, do NOT take a shot (even of water) for every fanfic I have set in New Capenna, you will die.
Blood and Songbirds | Magic The Gathering | T-rated
A vampire demon hybrid is certainly rare, enough so that meeting another one awakens a fatherly side of Xander that he's not familiar with. But after the Adversary rears his head, Xander finds out the hard way that he's in for the long haul. A partial reworking of the Streets of New Capenna set to help me develop my OCs and wrap up a bunch of SNC plotlines that seem like they've been abandoned in favor of the Phyrexian plotline.
Personally, I'm going to post the first paragraph of this one:
“Well? Where is he?” Xander asked. His right knee – how long has that been injured again? – throbbed painfully, reminding him to lean more on his cane as he spoke to his agents.
The next two "fics" I've been working on are future scenes for Blood and Songbirds, so they'll be bonuses for this section:
Arc 2:
Cliff edges were shattered and fallen. Trees were uprooted or incinerated. There was a clear path of destruction leading farther and farther away from New Capenna. As the family heads got closer to the source, it became very apparent that it had been dragged far away on purpose.
Arc 4, this one just gets a sentence:
“This world will be brought to heel.”
Heat Wave | Magic The Gathering | E-rated but unposted so far
It's…it's New Capenna Omegaverse smut, come on guys, cut me some slack. This one gets the first paragraph too.
Shifting. Crossing his legs. Uncrossing them. Shifting again. Straightening up in the seat. Slouching and crossing his legs again.
Chimahaven | Magic The Gathering - LEGO Legends of Chima crossover | T-rated but unposted so far
Whoops, characters from a dead LEGO series got transported to Arcavios and transformed into native species, so now they have to go to magic college and figure out what the fuck happened to them.
Scorm glared at his own reflection in the mirror, looking his strange new body up and down. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, but it felt…weaker, softer, than he had been before. His scowl was far easier to read now that he had a mouth. He pushed his new golden-blonde hair out of his face. According to the Mavinda Sharpbeak owl lady who found him, Scolder, Spinlyn, and Braptor, the four Crawlers were now humans.
Returned | Magic The Gathering | T-rated but unposted so far
The angels of Capenna have returned. Their three archangels now have to deal with the fact that the demons are still somehow not dead yet and prepare for the upcoming Phyrexian Invasion with their help.
The city of New Capenna was beautiful. For all of their faults, the archdemons knew how to build a city and how to make it look good. But the archangel could feel the Halo coursing through the city, the blood of both the angels and demons. Had even one event changed, perhaps if the archdemons were more giving than the archangels or there were more archangels than there were archdemons, it would have been the angels running the show and bleeding the demons until they turned to stone.
Tea Time | Dragon Ball Super - Dungeons and Dragons | T-rated but unposted so far
Essentially a story about Gowasu, the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, having a strange friend in the tyrant god of Faerun, while Bane also goes on to become a God of Destruction for another universe because he doesn't believe in cross-universe laws.
The former human’s footsteps were oddly quiet as he walked across the planet. He shuffled around in his duffel bag one more time to make sure he had everything before he reached the doors and quietly knocked. The door creaked open on its own, however. The man, confused, stepped inside and looked around.
The Dragonborn Priests series | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | varies
Instead of slaying the Dragon Priests, the Dragonborn extends the hand of friendship and allies with them to take on Miraak and Harkon. And it all starts with Krosis.
From story one, Seeking Sorrow:
The sky. It was Krosis’ favorite thing in life and undeath. It was where his dragon lord flew. It was where he saw the colors of life painted every day and night. It was where the refreshing wind that filled his lungs came from. It was the source of magic, holes poked into the fabric of night.
From story two, First Lessons:
Krosis’ first lesson was the hunt.
Put To Rest | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | E-rated but unposted so far
When a strange necromancer reopens Haldriin's resting place, the spectral dragon priest goes to the Dragonborn Erinye for help getting the invader out of his tomb and to return to his physical body. Things get…strange and complicated from there.
Stomping through the cold snows of Skyrim would have been agitating and even illness-inducing if one was not already dead. Haldriin would be floating right now if he could bother, but he – in his spectral form – was too pissed off to opt for that route. Sometimes you need to stomp to get your anger out. He couldn’t kick open the door of the Dragonborn’s house due to his aforementioned incorporeality, so he settled for walking up to the door and yelling.
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taras-domain · 2 years
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pixel art of @pinesodaexists‘ OC​
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jasper-the-menace · 3 years
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My dyslexia messed up real bad earlier and now we're all clowning on my mistake. The meme was actually made by me.
@pinesodaexists is the one antagonizing me most over this.
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jasper-the-menace · 3 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better. Tagged by @crazycatsiren via my side blog @jasper-pagan-witch.
Favorite color: Fire truck red. I'm talking #FF0000
Currently reading: The ESFs for a Local Emergency Operations Plan.
Last series: Dragon Ball Super my beloved (derogatory (affectionate))
Last movie: I literally have not sat down for a movie in months.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: I can't pick them all? Fine, then I'll choose sweet.
Craving: The jerky sitting ominously to my right.
Currently working on: Helping with a Local Emergency Operations Plan (I'm really not that interesting).
Tagging: @rogue-lavellan-trin @hamingo @feeshies @kaylee-wolf @sentinelpri @xlydrs @raesand @pinesodaexists @unkor (waves a stick at you all)
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jasper-the-menace · 3 years
You’re my: buddy, friend, and chaotic neutral murder sibling
How I met you: Tara put us together, to the detriment of humankind
Why I follow you: cute art, weird shitposts, and to see Homestuck stuff go by my eyes faster than I can comprehend it
Your blog is: very fun to scroll through!
Your URL is: a chaotic murder creature and I live in fear of it manifesting in my house
Your icon is: the same murder creature
A random fact I know about you: you have a crush on Frieza and you need to have higher standards than that
General opinion: honestly I'm glad I met you, you're one of my closest friends
A random thought I have: we need to get together for that Aleister Crowley grave-pissing road trip eventually
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jasper-the-menace · 3 years
Why do you follow me?
Black: maybe you'll stop appearing in my house Blue: you're the only bitch here i respect Red: i'm going to attack you
You already woke me up out of a dead sleep by projecting a threat to beat my ass into my mind, what more do you want? You're also one of the only bitches I respect on this hellsite.
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eridab-memepora · 4 years
You have bested avi
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