#pink one is fank
garoujo · 2 years
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・✶ 。゚you know nagi’s never been a morning person, but you think you’ve mastered the art of waking him up.
♱ warnings — f!reader, somno, m! receiving oral, all characters written 22+. / note. i forgot how much i looooove sucking dick until he < 3 i wud spend a lifetime between this man’s thighs !!! fank yew nonnie 4 this suggestion !
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nagi has never been a morning person, and unfortunately you were the person who was tasked with waking him up after his alarm has went off for the nth time, disturbed your sleep and went ignored by the snowy hair striker wrapped around you, again.
but you can’t deny how pretty he looks when his face is buried in the pillows, cheek smooshes up against you as he breathes softly and his long limbs rest over you. you’re careful not to wake him when you move, although he was one of the heavier sleepers you’d ever met so you’re not too worried, you just need to get into position for your plan.
this was more or less your everyday with nagi afterall, so ofcourse you’d come to learn one of the fastest ways to have him pushing himself out of bed despite the soft grumbles that follow him.
you let yourself admire his soft features for a few moments as your fingers brush along the messy mop of white hair that frames his features, brushing his bangs aside before you’re pressing a quick kiss against the tip of his nose and rolling him gently onto his back. he’s heavy, all 190cms of muscle but he rolls off a lot easier than you’d expect.
that’s when your plan really starts as you push yourself up onto your knees, sliding inbetween nagi’s legs as you ease his thighs wider — careful not to be too eager as to wake him just yet.
he’s sensitive, as always under your touch when you let your palms smooth up the length of his abdomen — tracing under the fabric of his oversized shirt until you feel him shudder and mumble something in his sleep. you’re thankful that he only slept in his shirt and underwear, less layers for you to fumble with as you let your fingers trace featherlight touches along the waistband of his boxer shorts.
you let yourself palm at him for longer than you normally would, but there’s something addictive about the way you feel his half-hard cock twitch when your hand wraps around the shaft. even through the layer of fabric between you both you can feel every inch of him — nagi’s warm and thick, enough to make your fucking mouth water in anticipation as you give him another squeeze that you swear has his breath stuttering.
it’s quick, but soft the way you finally let up — let yourself ease down the fabric separating you from him as you reveal more intimate skin, biting on your lower lip at the way the sudden rush of cool air makes him twitch and thicken.
nagi shifts slightly when you wrap your hand around the thick shaft, and you can see the way his brows furrow cutely underneath his bed head at the sensation before he settles again. you lean forward to suckle kisses along the pretty length of his cock, deliberately sighing against the sensitive nerves before your voice comes out an airy sort of hum.
“seishiro~” you follow with another suckled kiss against the swollen, leaking pink tip as your tongue swipes along the beads of pre-cum gathered there. making his hips twitch up instinctively before you feel his cock twitch, already eager for more.
“you need to get up.” you breathe before you let your lips part to stretch around him, letting your tongue swirl around the sensitive folds of his cock — trailing it along the slit on the tip as you watch his head loll to the side. clarity’s slowly getting a grip on him, you can tell when he instinctively reaches for you and a drowsy, grumbly sort of whine falls from his lips.
“pretty thing..” nagi grunts, it’s long and low and you watch the way his heavy eyes peek open slightly to blink down at you, before they squeeze closed again when you take more of him — making him push deeper into the mattress as his hand cups around the back of your neck.
his thick cock pushes down the tight tunnel of your throat and you feel his fingers squeeze around your skin when you swallow around him, pulling another low whimper from his lips as his free hands fists at his hair. “fuck.. feels good. ‘ts so early.”
there’s a trembling undercurrent to nagi’s words when he speaks and you hum around him before you gag around the blunt head and begin your wet, slow disconnect as you pull off of him. your spit catching on his silky skin until his cock pops free from your lips with a wet, suckling sound.
you give him a pretty look from between his thighs as you breathe deep, pressing more messy, wet kisses along the sensitive pink glands before you’re letting your tongue drag and swirl around the head of his cock. “you have practice, sei. you gotta get up.” you smile before you hollow your cheeks around him and suck.
““fu-uck.. nah, don’t wanna.” you blink away subtle tears to look up at nagi with his words and you watch him swallow heavy as a deep flush paints his cheeks, feeling his fingertips trace their way along the dip of your shoulder before you let your throat go lax and let him ease his hips into you slowly.
you notice his thighs tremble either side of you as he twitches on your tongue, working his cock back and forth as he sinks more of him into the tight tunnel of your throat.
you hear nagi moan as you push deeper, a sound that’s much prettier and breathier than the last few and you know he’s getting close when his heavy balls press against your chin. your nose presses against his pelvis before you choke and splutter and the light swirl in your head is warm and fuzzy, making your toes curl with a sharp wave of desire before you pull back slightly to look up at him.
“y’re g’nna make me cum, pretty thing. fuck—feel awake now, just don’t stop. please.” his words are choked off and needy, and he cuts himself off with another whimper when he watches your eyes flutter closed.
you’re so fucking pretty when you moan around him, nodding against nagi’s hips as your lips stretch deliciously around the base of his cock before you draw back, dragging your tongue along the sensitive underside. the soft pants from his lips make you tremble, the already fucked out state of the striker making you push to swallow around him again — not allowing him any sort of relief.
“hmmfff, fuck.” you feel his heavy cock throb and thicken against your tongue, twitching inside the tight give of your throat as he cums with a soft, dreamy whine. you almost choke with the sudden thick rush of his load on your tongue, but you allow yourself to retreat back for a proper taste as you slurp and swallow around his throbbing tip, tongue swirling around the pulsing veins as he trembles and twitches in time with your movements.
nagi whimpers as his fingers squeeze at your skin, letting you wring his cum out of him until he’s hissing from overstimulation and he’s pulling at your figure to lead you onto his chest as his arms circle your waist.
the room is quiet despite both of your shared pants, the drowsy aftermath only broken by his most recently snoozed alarm sounding again, and he groans before he’s smearing a kiss along your temple, pulling you closer before he rolls you underneath him to trap you in his hold. “get up, sei!”
“eh, no fair. how ‘m i supposed to not slack off now? would be bothersome to leave you already, angel. you’re so warm.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 23
“I-I’m sowwy, Windsay,” Sammy offered meekly through her pacifier, staring up at Lindsay through tear-filled eyes.
“Oh, Sammy, you have nothing to apologize for, okay? Lindsay assured Sammy.
Lindsay smiled down at Sammy, glad she finally calmed down. Wiping Sammy clean as she thrashed about, overwhelmed by the moment, had been exhausting. She was just happy to have her friend back.
“I…I know, Winds. I justh feel so helpwess now and…I don’t know, I justh…,” Sammy trailed off, unable to explain her feelings. She didn’t want to sound ungrateful that Lindsay and Allie had been so generous, so loving to her when she needed it most.
Yet…being so dependent on them for her basic needs made her feel like a burden. They never asked for this. Sammy would never be able to repay or adequately thank them. It was a one-sided relationship.
And that wasn’t even considering her own feelings of inadequacy. Lindsay was supposed to be her best friend, her partner in crime. Now she’s wiping her clean on the changing table.
It wasn’t fair.
Lindsay gazed deep into Sammy’s eyes, hoping to see the cause of Sammy’s anguish. She took a deep breath. “Sammy, I know this is overwhelming. I know how strange it must be to be in this position when your best friend changes your diaper. But you need to understand: I love you. Allie loves you. My parents love you. None of us are doing this because we have to. We want to help you.”
Lindsay pressed on, noticing the tension in Sammy’s body easing. “You’re not helpless, you’re not worthless, and you’re not a baby. I don’t think anything less than you before. You’re still going to be a college student at Stanford! So, I don’t want any more of this pity party, okay?”
“Fank you, Winds, that means a wot! I wuv you too!”
“You’re very welcome, Sammy. Now, let's get this diaper on you and get you ready for bed.”
“B-but, I’m not tiwed, Winds! Please, can I stay up a widdle longer?”
Lindsay pretended to think it ever, knowing it wasn’t Sammy’s bedtime. But if she knew anything about Sammy, she loved getting her way. “Oh, all right! How about we go downstairs and watch a movie?”
“Yay, fank you, Winds!” Sammy squealed in delight.
Lindsay reached down, grabbing a pink nighttime diaper for Sammy. As she fluffed it, Sammy predictably whined, “not a nighttime diaper! Its not bedtime, you said so!”
“Sorry, Sammy. Allie’s orders!”
“…fine,” Sammy grumbled.
Lindsay gawked at the thickness of the diaper in her hand. “Poor thing,” Lindsay thought, “she probably can’t even walk in these things.”
Two minutes later, the massive diaper was taped onto Sammy. Sammy lay there, feeling extra small in her nighttime diaper, completely unable to squeeze her legs together.
Lindsay did her best to hide her smile. Sammy looked so cute with her pink Cinderella diaper bulging out.
“Okay, let’s get you into something more comfortable,” Lindsay suggested, walking over to Sammy’s dresser to grab a onesie.
Sammy panicked when she realized Lindsay must be grabbing a onesie. “No need, Winds, I’m vewy comfortable in this!”
“I’m sure you are, Sammy. But look, this one is so cute!” Lindsay suggested, showing Sammy a cute all-pink onesie.
“N-no fank you,” Sammy retorted.
“Don’t be such a grump, Sammy,” Lindsay said playfully, “let's get this shirt off you.”
Too drained from her meltdown, Sammy sighed and raised her arms, letting Lindsay remove her shirt and slide the onesie on.
“Lift your bum for me, Sammy,” Lindsay cooed, “thank you.” It took some effort, but she eventually snapped the onesie in place. “You ready to head down?”
Sammy tried to shift herself off the table, but the diaper prevented her from swinging her legs.
Acting quickly before Sammy could complain, Lindsay lifted Sammy off the table.
“Fank you, Winds,” Sammy muttered, trying to hide her embarrassment.
“Of course, silly. What movie do you wanna watch,” Lindsay asks, holding out her hand,
Sammy grabs it, face lost in thought. “Ummmm, Coco! Ith the besth Pixthar movie ever!”
“Coco it is!” Lindsay agrees. Sammy reached the stairs, eyeing them tentatively. “Do you need help getting downstairs?”
“I…ummm…yeth, pleath,” Sammy concedes.
“Ok, let's go one step at a time, okay?” Lindsay suggests, helping Sammy down the first step.
By the time they reached the bottom of the stairs, Lindsay was fighting with every ounce of willpower she had not to squeeze Sammy’s cheeks. It was cuteness overload for Lindsay. Sammy’s diaper was so thick she looked identical to an unsteady toddler, slowly and methodically taking each step.
“Why don’t you go put on Coco, Sammy. I’m gonna get us some drinks.”
“Okay!” Sammy squealed, excited for a bit of responsibility.
Lindsay fumbled around the cabinets, searching for Sammy’s sippy cups. She realized, to her dismay, they were all in the dishwasher. There was only one remaining option: the oversized baby bottles staring back at her.
“Well, here goes nothing,” Lindsay thought to herself. In a flash, she had milk warming on the stove. If she was ever going to convince Sammy to use a baby bottle in front of her, it had better taste delicious. She added extra milk, deciding Sammy would be more accepting if Lindsay drank it, too.
Luckily, Lindsay remembered her favorite drink her mom made for her whenever she couldn’t sleep. All she needed to do was add some sugar and vanilla to the milk and voila. Once it was warm, Lindsay filled Sammy’s bottle and put the nipple on before filling her own mug with the sweet-smelling milk.
“Sammy, please don’t freak out,” Lindsay pleaded, walking toward the couch, “but the only clean cup was this baby bottle. I’m sorry, but I promise, it’s no big deal! And I made us both my favorite drink ever!”
For a second, Sammy looks on the verge of a tantrum. But to Lindsay’s surprise, Sammy took the bottle without argument. Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief.
Lindsay sat next to Sammy, who was squirming in anticipation of the movie. It may not have been how she imagined their last summer together before college, but she was relieved to see such an authentic smile on Sammy’s face. She knew Sammy would be okay.
“Play the movie, Linds!” Sammy begged. Five minutes later, Sammy cheerfully drank her bottle of milk, legs swinging happily.
By the time Sammy was halfway done, she helped herself to Lindsay’s lap, staring up at Lindsay as she drank, her eyes growing heavy. Lindsay smiled down at her friend struggling to keep her eyes open.
Sammy fell asleep before she finished the bottle.
Lindsay carried her friend back upstairs, gently lowering Sammy onto the crib. Sammy’s diaper was wet, but not enough to warrant a change—especially when the nighttime diapers could hold significantly more.
“Goodnight, Sammy,” Lindsay whispered to her best friend before closing the door.
Lindsay nearly jumped off the couch when Allie walked in the front door half an hour later.
“Hey, Linds,” Allie smiled, “wasn’t sure you’d be awake. Did you two have fun?”
“Yeah, she fell asleep around 45 minutes ago. She was an angel. Well, except for a small tantrum earlier. But otherwise, it was a great night!”
“Thank you, Linds. I know it’s hard babysitting your best friend, but she’s lucky to have a friend like you.”
“I’d do anything for her, Allie, you know that. Even if it means changing her stinky diapers while she’s in the middle of a tantrum. It’s strange, though. When she messed her diaper and broke down sobbing, I didn’t feel like her best friend at that moment. I felt…”
“Like every part of you needed to help her? As if there was nothing you wanted more than to console her? And you were confused by how natural it felt because you instinctively understood how to help her?”
Lindsay thought for a second. “I…yeah, I guess. How did you know?”
“Because I’m a caregiver too, Lindsay. I’ve been down this road. Sammy isn’t the only one going through changes. You are, too. That won’t be the last time you feel that way towards Sammy. Or other Littles, children, and people in need.”
“Really? I guess I didn’t think I’d feel any different. I don’t know…”
“It’s a bit jarring at first, to be honest. But you’ll get used to it. Besides, if we didn’t change at all, we’d be Neutrals. Of course something had to change.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I probably should’ve actually paid attention in class.”
“Well, you’re not the only one. Nobody paid attention to those classes my year, either. It doesn’t matter, experience is the best teacher anyway. And it’s not like you’re adopting a Little tomorrow anyway.”
“Or ever,” Lindsay laughs, “Sammy is a lot of work!”
“You do realize I also swore to Mom I’d never adopt a Little when I was your age. But here we are. But who knows, not all Caregivers adopt. Mom and Dad didn’t! Caring for Littles isn’t the only way caregivers can feel needed!”
“You’re starting to sound like Mom, you know that? Let me have my fun at college before you start with the caregiver stuff!”
“Okay, okay, Linds, you win. You want to sleep here tonight, or are you okay driving home?”
“I’m fine to drive. Besides, your guest room is now a nursery. I prefer a bed to a couch.”
“I’m sure Sammy wouldn’t mind sharing her crib! You could even try her diapers!”
“Bye, Allie,” Lindsay scoffs, smiling as she walks out the door.
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
wait a second what the heck did 1d member!yn wear to the met gala? i feel like she probably went before harry hosted and was probably in ari’s dress for the heavenly bodies themed one and when she went with harry she was just the embodiment of camp i just know it
2018 - Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination
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"Oh-oh my gosh it's freakin' YN YLN," Liza Koshy grunts excitedly at the sight of the former One Direction star walking up the carpeted steps. "Nothing can drag her down, she looks so amazing. You look absolutely beautiful!" Liza Koshy gushes as YN walks up to her first interview section of the night.
"'fank you! You look gorgeous, babe," She compliments back as she adjusts herself to show off her beautiful gown.
"The angels above are singing right now and you're a singing angel yourself. And how fitting that your album is titled Only Angel because you certainly are one tonight," YN grips onto Liza's hand and scrunches up her nose as she giggles at how many compliments the young woman is throwing out at her.
"Stop, please don't make me laugh, I can't breathe in this corset," The two women laugh and YN has to put a hand on her tummy to help control her breathing.
"You look fantastic, girl. Please tell us about your look."
"So I'm wearing Vera Wang tonight. It is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It's the last judgment scene where Christ decides who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell."
"This is your first Met Gala, how are you feeling tonight?" Liza gives a warm smile.
"I feel amazing. I feel excited. I can't really believe that I'm here. I feel like m'at a very expensive prom," YN smiles brightly as she looks around at all the well-dressed guests.
"Will you save me a dance later then?"
"Oh, absolutely!"
"And lastly, do you have anything you want to confess?" The interviewer humorously wiggles her eyebrows.
"Umm, I feel like I have to pee a little bit. M'kinda hungry, to be honest," YN lists with a laugh, the woman next to her following suit.
"Well, if you need help in the bathroom with all that dress you let me know. Girl, I got you," The pop star thanks her over a laugh. "Well you look phenomenal," Liza shakes her head in disbelief one more time. "Have a good night tonight."
"You as well. I'll see yeh on the dance floor!" YN calls over her shoulder with a wave of her hand as she's escorted away.
2019 - Camp: Notes on Fashion
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"...baby you light up the Met like nobody else. How are you doing, Mister Harry Styles?"
After some initial questions, Liza asks the tongue twister question, "You are a style icon for so many, who's Harry Styles's style icon?"
"Erm, this lovely lady over here," Harry smiles warmly once he sees the woman in question make her way up the pink stars. He's quickly going over to her, taking her hand in his and helping her up the rest of the way.
"Ms. YN YLN! Oh my gosh!"
"Liza! How are yeh, babe?" YN giddily shuffles her way over to give the fun interviewer a hug the best she can over her outfit.
"I'm good, I'm good. I'm like a hummingbird perched on a flower bush!" Liza makes a bird cooing sound and it makes the couple laugh. "You look so stunning. Please tell me about your look."
"So I'm wearing Gucci today and this piece is called The Girl In Bloom. It was designed and made by my good friend, Emma Evans who has been me stylist since I first started my career."
"Please tell me, how does this outfit speak to you and to Camp?"
"Well, I think Camp is about being genuine and being yourself," YN nods her head, her gloved-covered hands moving in front of her as she speaks. "I'm sharing some of my story through this piece in how I grew up in the music industry: on a personal level, a musical level, and so on. So I started in this industry as a young girl and now I'm blossoming into something more. Fashion is supposed to be fun and expressive and I think this outfit showcases that for me tonight."
While YN explains her outfit, the camera picks up the way he's fondly smiling at his secret girlfriend. He's in awe at her words and how she chooses to express herself. It's a bit surreal that both of them are in attendance tonight, a very public and well-known event where they are free to hang out, talk about fashion and just have a good time. It's a proud moment for the both of them for sure.
"Ooo m'am you have such a way with words you sound so majestic," Liza playfully fans herself. "So we all know that the two of you are very familiar with one another-"
"This guy? I just met this bloke tonight," YN jokes and it makes Harry tilts his chin down to his chest as he chuckles. "I thought he was only helping me up the steps. I dunno know this guy at all."
She gives his wrist a squeeze with a cheeky smile and Harry doesn't think twice about placing his hand protectively on the bottom of her back--a part in the video that fans keep replaying over and over again.
"Yeah, I don't know either. Who is this guy?" Liza dramatically teases. "With both of you two here tonight, how excited are you guys to be here?"
"I feel very excited," Harry starts and looks at his former band member with a fond smile. "Events like this seem like a once in a lifetime opportunity so it's nice to be here with a friend."
"Alright guys, have a great rest of your night!"
"You as well, thank you," And with that, Harry extends an arm for YN to grab onto as they walk inside the grand hall.
When Liza turns back to the camera, she suddenly sucks in a dramatic breath, " I feel like I can breathe again."
The After Party:
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After playing host for the majority of the night and being released from his Co-Chair duties, Harry takes YN up to the DJ platform to have some much-needed fun.
The short video clip of the three of them up there shows the fans how hammered the two of them have gotten.
As Mark Ronson remixes Rolling In The Deep, YN and Harry dance behind him. While gripping onto each others hands, they sway themselves to the rhythm of the music. She sways her hips with her eyes closed and when Harry lets her go, the back of her hands brush up along the nape of her neck, up the side of her face and in the air.
When Mark switches it up to The 900 Number, the two friends look at each other with wide eyes and excited smiles.
Harry reaches out to grip her shoulders as he drunkenly yells to her over the loud music, "Oh, fuck!" All the while, YN's face scrunches up in a tipsy giggle and she grips onto his forearms.
The video clip ends as Harry tugs her closer to him, throwing an arm around the tops of her shoulders as they turn their backs to the camera.
SINCE 2010 masterlist
I write for free so if any of you lovies would like to help a college girl out and buy her a ko-fi i would greatly appreciate it :) 💚
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(ahck, alright! oofies- I shall attempt to recall it) up to you which character of the three you wanna writee- with whoever you choose flirting with and tryna fluster reader, maybe with a confession? owjejroakd I love confession fluff <3 lol please n fank youu cc:
Description: Etho drops by to let you know that your farm sucks, but it's okay cause he loves you very much.
Warnings: None. :)
You grab gently onto the wool of the pink sheep, and it stands reluctantly still, ready for its first shave ever. A lot of the sheep that you have been shaving are recently fully grown, and it's been hard work convincing them that you're not going to hurt them, but they’ve taken well to it regardless. Usually, with how many sheep you have, it takes you a day at least to get all of their colorful wool shaved off and then after that you have to make some of it into carpet to sell, which also takes a long time. But it wasn’t hard work, and honestly you did like animals a lot. Caring for your livestock was one of your favorite parts of your life. How cute the chickens looked when you fed them, and how grateful the sheep finally became when they realized you were taking away their most cumbersome wool to let them walk around without carrying all of it on them, it made your day every single time. And your shop had been doing very well, despite it mostly being just wool and decorative items. But yeah, sometimes you wish there was an easier way to do it. Your base wasn’t even going to be finished at all at this point.
Finishing up on the pink sheep, you make your way over to the green sheep. Just as you’re beginning to shave it carefully, there’s a whooshing sound followed by the sound of the grass crunching beneath someone's weight. You stop and step away from the sheep, not wanting to hurt it by not giving it the full attention it deserves, and you look around for your new guest. Behind you, just outside of the sheeps enclosure, stands Etho looking at you. He doesn’t say anything but just nods as you wave at him. Standing up completely, you put down the shears and head out of the enclosure to greet him fully. Running up with a light jog, you carefully close the gate making sure none of the sheep have tried to follow you out. 
“Hey, Etho!” You say, enthusiastically. He greets you very casually, but a bit distracted. It seems you’ve somehow miffed him, and you realize very quickly it has to do with your farm considering the way he is staring at it. Knowing Etho pretty well, you can theorize pretty easily that it has to do with the efficiency of your farm, as that’s one of his big peeves. You cross your arms, and roll your eyes with a big smile on your face, ready to humor him just a tiny bit. “What’s wrong with my farm, then?” You ask, eager to let him go off about one of his many interests, not minding the small rants he went on. You were just surprised he’d never complained about it before, to be honest. “You know you can just automate all that, right? Like, shaving.” He clarified, and you couldn’t help but let the surprise seep into your face. You probably looked like a giant question mark. “Y-you can?” You asked, knowing already that he wasn’t trying to pull a prank on you but you really didn’t know what else to say. You must have seemed so stupid to every single person who’d passed through your farm. 
He let out a huge sigh, closing his eyes and shaking his head, like he was disappointed in you. “N-no one told me!” You stuttered, trying to defend yourself as a light blush of embarrassment crept onto your face. Putting a hand sassily on his side, he let a hand slide down his face to show you how stupid he really thought you were. “Well, I guess you don’t have to be smart when you’re this cute.” He said, and your mouth fell open in surprise. Registering what he really said you covered your face, trying not to show him how intensely you were blushing. You didn’t even know what to say in response to that. “I’m sorry..” You whispered through your hands, taking a moment to compose yourself before removing your hands and looking back up at him.
You don’t know if he moved while you were busy mentally imploding, but it seemed like he was standing right in front of you now, less than a foot between you. He reached out a hand, slightly bowing to be on your level. He was looking at you so intensely, you didn’t even know what to do. You were like a deer in headlights, not being able to move as a million thoughts were going through your head. Inching his face closer, you could almost feel his breath on your face. Was he going to kiss you? Then, using the hand he had reached out, he brushed a piece of hair out of your face, before straightening out and walking past you all within a second, leaving you a confused and blushing mess. You turned around, watching him walking towards your farm. “W-what? Where are you going?” You asked, jogging to keep up with him. 
He then laughed, shaking his head but not saying anything to let you in on what he was saying, but yet again you could tell he was carrying a huge grin on his face. “Let’s fix up your farm.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you walked next to him. He really got such a kick out of flustering you, didn’t he? How annoying. “You’re so mean to me sometimes.” You said, opening the gate to your farm, and letting you both through so that you could start the new automatic farm. He laughed quietly, choking on it at the end, barely able to contain his excitement. He grabbed your hand as you walked, and you let him. “It’s only because I like you so much.” He then explained, letting his soft side shine through. You blushed at his long awaited confession (As much as there ever would be from him anyways) and dragged yourself closer, walking shoulder to shoulder with him. “I know.” You responded, a small content smile on your lips. 
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 months
ok re: the tea ask pwease name one i probably have it if you don’t i’ll sob and die forever (if i don’t have it uh i’ll probably get it idk) plink pink fank you
uhrm uhrm urm pick any berry tea you have
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Hi Pinnie! Hope your days going good!
What are the clergy staff's reaction to admin asking if she can give them acrylic nails? Image of admin with purple and black ones came into my mind and now I've traveled down this path
You want to put acrylic nails on them 💅
Morell blinks at you very slowly. Woman. You think he's going to be able to cook with that? Ultimately, if you demand to do it, he can't really say no. He's going to grumble about it while he tries, and fails, to make a basic sandwich with his huge blue acrylic nails. Fuckin thanks, he guesses...
Gallon wheezes quietly, forming a very deformed hand on his tendril on purpose. When you finish doing the "nails" on that one, he gives you another hand-tendril, then another, and another, until you tell him to fuck off. His work speed for the rest of the day is pretty slow but it would be lying to say Gallon isn't having a lot of fun.
Patches honestly doesn't know what to say. It definitely won't be practical, but it's also a break from the scrambled thoughts in his brain and an opportunity to spend time with you. So sure, go nuts. Just don't laugh at him too hard when he tries to handle small, fragile equipment and fucks everything up. The nails might dissolve at one point, he can't put specific gloves on.
Belo accepts it immediately without even understanding what acrylic nails are all that well. Well... He's certainly thankful for the attention and care, but he's also having a lot of trouble grabbing things, or just generally functioning. He doesn't have the heart to tell you it's extremely bothersome.
Santi is totally down for it. If you can work around his claws, he'd love something in red. Though, it does sort of get in the way of his job, so he's going to ask you to leave his dominant hand's index and middle finger intact. Having claws makes it hard enough, acrylic nails will just stab his clients' insides. He gives you a big messy kiss as thanks.
Grimbly wants it SO MUCH. Yes yes yes! Please oh my- Just paint his pink please. He's going to take a lot of care not to break them and probably spends his entire break time gushing about it them to everyone. Catch this dude staring at them for minutes on end, glitter on his brain.
Nebul can deal with them pretty well, all things considered. He doesn't really mind the added length and generally knows how to work around them. He'd prefer them in a shade of either black or lavender. You'll have to deal with Purpur being jealous and wanting some too. He sulks when told he has no nails.
Sybastian... Well, it's like putting shoes on a dog's paws. No really, he's walking around like this. Just put him out of his misery or he'll gnaw them off himself.
Vinnel wouldn't even mind it, but the suit is in the way. If you can make it work, he might humor it, but the pain of having to remove them from his suit will have the jester fuming and growling. If you can make them sharp enough to stab, Vinnel would swoon at you.
Fank-e LOVES IT. Sure, you're going to have to get very creative with him, but honestly, it's worth it just to hear him squeal about how this is totally BFF bonding material. Make his nails look like acid. He's going to break them in five seconds and whine about it loud enough to clip his voice and deafen everyone.
Krulu will let you do this... Once. It's very fun because he has comparatively giant hands, so you can do whatever you please to his claws. Impress him with the design and you'll get to be complimented. He can surprisingly live with them as if there isn't anything amiss. Might even end up enjoying it.
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salchat · 2 months
Little Wing, Chapter 5
Auntie Mabel gave Cas a length of cord and helped him choose some beads and shells.  Then she left to help another kid.  Dean knelt down behind his angel and looked over his shoulder.  The little boy held the cord in one hand and a shell with a small hole in in the other.  It was a tricky task for a three-year-old.  But maybe Cas would manage.  Dean was here to help if he was needed, anyway.
“Are you okay there, Cas?”
He nodded.
“Hey.” Dean rubbed his shoulder.  “What’s up?  What's with the silent treatment?”
The shell slid onto the cord.  Cas sorted through the coloured beads until he found another shell.  He picked it up and then glanced across the table where Auntie Mabel was helping a little girl to roll out her clay.
Cas twisted around and whispered, “She ’minds me of a demon.  A mean demon.  A mean, scawey demon who hurt big Cas a long time ago.”
“Really?  She reminds me a bit of a pagan god I met once.  A bit too fudging nice.” Guilt made his face itch.  Auntie Mabel had been kind to Cas.  “There are no demons here, Cas.  Rowena’s got them all in line.”
“Wowena’s the Queen of Hell,” said Cas.  The end of his cord wiggled as if avoiding the hole.  Cas frowned and stuck his tongue out.  “She makes all the demons dance about in fwilly pink dwesses if she wants.”
The fairy-winged girl next to Cas paused in her clay-modelling and gave him a sidelong look.
“Yeah, she’s in charge,” Dean agreed.  “But I think she’d go for shiny outfits in red or purple.”
Cas giggled.  He sorted through the beads and shells again, taking out all of one type - little cylindrical wooden beads - and lining them up in a row.  He picked one up and his breath stilled as he focussed on his task.  The bead slipped onto the cord and he breathed again.  “People fink angels wear long dwesses,” he said.
“To be fair, they do sometimes.”
Cas hummed and picked up another bead.  It slipped out of his fingers.  He picked it up again.  The bead was tiny, the cord was wiggly and Cas huffed and tried again and again.
“You want some help, Cas?”
“No, fank you, Dean.  I want to concentwate and not fink about silly demons.”
“Okay, then.  Well, just shout if you change your mind.”
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jesus-in-the-womb · 2 years
Fat reader x Eddie helping her w insecurity
hmm... I myself struggle with weight, so..... this one will def be hitting home when it comes to the insecurity being voiced #sendhelp... (also, ik billy is dead by the end of season 3, but j pretend he's still alive n kickin it for this one time.. fanks:)(also no hate to billy or Dacre, I just see this being a realistic convo from billy)
"Listen, Tubbs," the words sounded from behind you, a hand firmly pressing to your shoulder blade to grab your attention as if the words hadn't sent you into a panic enough, "I don't know who the hell let you in here, but you need to cover that mess up." Your arm subconsciously wrapped around your stomach, turning your head to the side to stare up at a very menacingly Billy Hargrove. He stood next to you, one hand on your shoulder, the other on his hip. His lips smacked disgustingly against each other as he chomped on a piece of pink bubblegum.
You were overweight, and you knew it. The one-piece swimsuit your mother had bought you from the 'GAP' ages ago barely fit your slightly larger body, tugging against your skin and allowing bits of you to spill out of the edges. It was boiling hot in Hawkins, the public pool your last resort to cool off after raiding your freezer at home for ice and popsicles. You'd hoped Billy wouldn't be working today, silently praying that he'd still be recovering from immense wounds he received from the mall 'fire'. You'd think after almost dying, you'd act a little nicer, but noooo. Billy Hargrove was still a massive dick.
"W-What?" he scoffed at your words, pausing his chew to tug his sunglasses down to the bridge of his nose, making it obvious that he was eyeing your body up and down.
"Petting zoo is that way, Piggy." he pointed in the direction of the exit with a nod of his head, waiting for you to spin around and leave. You didn't. You stood there with a red face, staring at the wall behind his head, tripping over your feet as he shoved you in the direction of the exit. You walked as quickly as you could, not wishing to give the boy more reasons to tease if you ran, envisioning your body if you had with a tearful expression.
Your feet carried you to the door of your car, entering with a huff before quickly starting it and leaving with a screech of your tires. You'd been on the premises maybe 30 seconds before the Hargrove boy came to humiliate you, although you silently thanked god no one heard. This was a constant occurrence, finally caving and dressing slightly out of your comfort zone; which consisted of baggy sweatshirts, sweatpants, and leggings, only to be ridiculed by the community of Hawkins. It didn't matter if you were friends with the 'King Steve', hell they teased him for even being your friend, you'd always be an outcast, simply because your size was double the cheer captain's.
The second you'd gotten home, you'd changed into something a bit more comfortable, but still revealing, opting for a cute tank top and shorts to stay cool in. You didn't stay long, leaving your house once again without an explanation as you hopped into your still running car to get away. The only place you could think of was this stupid spot in the middle of the woods behind the high school football field. You'd found the area in your freshman year, the wooden picnic table quickly becoming your lunch table; up until you'd met Steve and the gang, the table long forgotten.
But, here you were, climbing onto the rickety boards and sitting down with an emotionally exhausted huff. Your feet swung in the open space, kicking at the air and gaining you slight relief as the cool burst of air hit your exposed legs.
The snapping of twigs and crunching of leaves beneath someone's foot caused you to tense up, eyes flickering to your left to catch a glimpse of a young man stumbling through the forest. His feet got caught on a root, sending him flying through the air and towards the forest floor, he caught himself in a push-up position, awkwardly glancing at your tightlipped smile. He threw a few haphazard pushes into the mix, pretending as if his entire plan was to do a workout in the middle of the woods on the ground, with you as his witness.
"Wooh!" he called out as he bounced back up to his feet, fist pumping in the air with an elated grin, "feelin' the burn." he walked over to the picnic table, standing in front of you with a bright smile. Your skin crawled, staring up at the handsome man. His eyes were making you uncomfortable, assuming that his trailing gaze was judgmental, even though he was clearly checking you out.
"Can I help you?" you didn't mean to sound so rude, quickly apologizing and opting for a nicer version of the question. He sent a nod your way, kicking at the pebbles beneath his feet as he gestured to the table, hoping you'd let him sit. You agreed with a curt shake of your head, carefully edging off the top of the wood to sit on the seating portion, hoping as to not break it, breaking something from sitting on it in front of someone being a huge but realistic fear of yours. When you made it to your spot without a creak or crack, you awkwardly smiled at him, waiting for him to start the conversation.
He stared at you for a moment, taking in the shape of your shoulders, bleeding into your neck, and trailing his eyes up to gawk at your facial features. He thought you were gorgeous, spending his (long and never-ending at this point) high school years crushing over you and your voluptuous body.
"What'cha doing out here all on your own?" he asked tilting his head as if he were a curious puppy. His curiosity was soon masked by immediate fear, after noticing the look of surprise and slight disgust on your face, "No, I didn't mean it like- shit. That came off creepy as fuck didn't it?" he asked with his lips pulled tight to his teeth making the most robotic face of oh my god I'm an idiot you've ever seen.
"Yea, just a bit." you tried to bury a smile of amusement deep inside of you, its metaphorical fingers scratching and clawing it's way to the surface to flaunt itself in front of the metalhead.
"Sorry, Y/N, right?" he asked, knowing damn well that he knew your name. He's known it since it was his sophomore year and your freshman year.
"Yeah, and you're Eddie Munson." you couldn't help but laugh a little as his jaw dropped, warmth spreading across his cheeks and down his neck at the fact that you even knew his name.
"I'm going to ignore the fact that you know who a freak like me is, and instead ask you a question," you nodded along, waiting patiently for him to speak, glancing down as his fingers picked around each other in a nervous manner, "why are you out here, you okay?" your body language shifted immediately, your person shutting down almost as fast you glanced at the tips of your shoes.
"Had to get away from someone is all, kept saying some mean things." to the normal eye and ear, your words could be heard as you reiterated your encounter with the Hargrove boy, but you knew better. You were attempting to run from yourself, the doubt and self-deprecating thoughts beating your brain to a pulp without remorse. Eddie wasn't one to pick up on the 'someone' being yourself, face pulling in confusion and concern.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, but, do you wanna talk about it?" he asked, placing his head into his fists as they squished his cheeks upward. This pulled a giggle from your lips before a defeated sigh left your lips. It's no secret that your body was hideously large, might as well talk about it. No shame in your game right? Wrong. Major amounts of shame.
"Billy Hargrove was saying some shit, just being an asshat. That's all," you spoke dejectedly, deciding not to openly speak about your body, hoping that it would somehow magically shrink the fat from your body so you could look more like your good friend Nancy. He asked you to explain, respectfully of course, not willing to push your limits and test your boundaries for fear of you closing up again. You grew nervous, fearful of him teasing you about your weight as well, clearly not knowing the Munson boy well.
"He.... He was making fun of my body, kicked me out of the pool, and basically called me a pig." your eyes looked anywhere but at Eddie, cheeks on fire with embarrassment and shame. If you had looked at Eddie, you would've seen the way his features twisted in disgust and anger, his once inquisitive and concerned mood turned furious. He was incredulously asking himself how someone could be so cruel to someone as beautiful inside and out as you.
"You're fucking kidding me right?" he snapped, pushing from the table to stand in front of you, his hair flung about wildly as he shook his head from side to side in disbelief, "he can't be serious, can he? That's not right, man. Not cool." he began to pace, arm crossed and face twisted in thought.
"It's okay, not like it's a secret or anything." he stopped abruptly, turning slowly towards you as if you'd just admitted to something criminal. He stalked towards your seated form, almost like a predator would when advancing towards their prey.
"Okay? It's okay?" he stops once his shins smack against the thining wood, palms slapping down onto the pricily top with a slight crack, "Bill Hargrove is an idiotic bully, who can't see how truly beautiful you are. Your body is perfect, flawless even, in its own way."
You began to blush like an imbecile. Throat running dry at his admission. You'd never been called beautiful by a man, let alone one you didn't know. For him to unknowingly sweep you off your feet with a singular compliment, was the definition of criminal. Eddie Munson should be sentenced to prison for the way he was eyeing you hungrily. Your legs crossing subconsciously under his piercing gaze. This only made it worse, his fierce stare fixing on the plush of your thighs, watching the skin push against the tight material of your jean shorts. He licked his lips, walking around the table to sit at your side, straddling the bench, legs moving to cage you in between them.
"Every little thing about your body drives me insane. I don't think you fully comprehend how breathtakingly gorgeous you are." he placed a hand on your knee, eyes not daring to leave your face in case they showed a sign of nonconsent. You were overly consensual, following his lead and twisting to meet his legs with your own, placing your thighs atop his with your cores inches apart. His large hands gripped the undersides of your knees now, massaging them softly with a hint of comfort laced in between his sensual movements.
"You. Are. Beautiful." between each word was a pause, the gap filled with Eddie tucking your hair behind your ears and placing his forehead against yours. One of his hands moved to cup your cheek, loving the way you leaned into his touch, moving his remaining hand further up your leg to rest right below your hip, fingers spreading in a feeble attempt to grasp the entirety of the flesh.
He looked into your eyes one last time, nothing but adoration swimming in them, he used his thumb to trace your bottom lip, watching the flesh fold around his digit as he applied a small amount of pressure against it, "Can I kiss you?" he asked, sending sparks throughout your body. It was as if it was new years eve inside of you, the clock striking 12 and the cells inside you began to happily scream. You nodded quickly, praying that he wasn't messing with you, your heart wouldn't be able to recover.
Eddie wasn't a stranger, he was a handsome face and beautiful soul your eyes followed around the school like a lost puppy. His gorgeous smile is always the highlight of your day. The hilarious insults he'd toss at tables (somehow always avoiding your table, now you knew why) would constantly bring giggles to you. Unbeknownst to you, that was Eddie's favorite part of his day. Watching your head tip back with a giggle pulled solely from a joke of his, reveling in the pride he felt from making you laugh.
The metalhead wasted no time, pressing his lips softly against yours. It wasn't how you'd thought it was going to be. There weren't any fireworks, no butterflies, no nothing. Nothing but the feeling of home. Kissing Eddie Munson felt so right that it felt normal, familiar even.
Ladies and gentlemen..... I've done it again (*insert sick-ass dance move that I fail miserably at performing). Lmk how this was!! also @anon, I hope this is what you had envisioned when asking this. Or, at least I hope it meets your standards and you enjoy it!! It was a lil frisky and super fluffy, but I really enjoyed writing this one!! as always, I hope you enjoyed whores!!! <333333
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chellesdump · 9 months
Getting In The Twilight Zone - JenLiChaeng
"Jisoo was out doing a schedule so Jennie had stayed home with their maknaes who had regressed since the previous night, when they woke up they realized that their home had to get into the Halloween spirit, so they begged Jennie to let them decorate the place up. Of course, Jen told them yes, who could resist puppy eyes"
word count ─ 1k
tags ─ little! rosé, little! lisa, cg! jennie, fluff, autumn, warm drinks, mention of autumn festivities
notes ─ This is for the Decorating prompt , enjoy :3
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Jennie bid goodbye to Jisoo who had a schedule for the day before closing the door and going back to watching her show while cuddling the dogs, the day aimed to be a relaxing one, and of course she planned to enjoy it to the fullest, but what she hadn’t anticipated was for the hurricane that her two maknaes were bringing upon once they woke up. Jen had the luck of being able to watch a full episode of the drama she was watching before Hurricane LiChaeng struck, once awake they made their way to the living room searching for the unnies only finding Jennie there under a blanket with both Kuma and Dalgom snuggled against her.
Deciding that was good enough, they threw themselves next to Jen and began asking a bunch of questions, “Where Jisoo unnie? What you watchin’? Can eat waffles? Why ajumma crying on TV? Can cut doggie hair?”, after taking a couple of seconds to truly process the questions Jennie paused her show and turned towards the maknaes to answer them, “She had some work to do, I’m watching a show not meant for little ones like you, we can eat waffles, she’s crying cause something bad happened, and clearly you can’t cut their hair baby” responded Jennie finishing with a boop to each of their noses. Before going to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast that was asked Jennie put on some cartoons for the kids so they would be a little bit calmer and not make a huge disaster on the room.
When the waffles were cooked, some fruit was cut, diverse jams were out to try, some whipped cream, and some toppings Jen called the maknaes to come and eat, they came running like crazy while screaming about how they wanted their waffles. It was too early to deal with so much ruckus so Jen put a stop to it, “Okay you two calm down, first Rosie tell me what you want on your waffles baby” said Jen putting a couple of the waffles on a plate and getting them ready, “Umhh… Wan pe’simon jam and whipped c’eam an spinkles” described Rosie before being gave her plate saying a tiny fank u and pilling fruits on top of her plate, then came Lisa’s turn “Me want lotsa whipped c’eam an pink spinkles an mango jam, pwease” finished with a big smile, after thanking her she followed Rosé’s example and put lots of fruits on top of her waffles.
After Jennie prepared her own plate she sat down and began eating, thinking this would be a nice and calm breakfast but the girls wanted to tell her about the cartoon they were watching so she listened, “Mama we watch Kongsuni!! She funny an Lili wanna be wike Kongsuni!!” said Lisa, “Yeah Mama, Kongsuni pway wiff her fwiends an they have much fun!! They make cwafts wiff leaves from the twees!!” informed Rosé with a twinkle on her eye remembering the episode they had seen of ‘Kongusni and Friends’, they kept narrating everything that happened on TV, rambling on and on so Jen only paid half attention while focussing more on eating and making sure the girls ate.
Jennie inserted affirmative hums and some ‘really’ every once and then to let the kids know they weren’t being ignored, so she didn’t really hear what they asked her until the happy squeals of “Gomawo Mama, you da best! Saranghae Mama!” came from both littles. Gaining her full consciousness she dared to speak again, “Rosie! Lili! Can you tell Mama what she just agreed to? Please?” begged the Korean interrupting their little celebratory dance, with pouts and sad expressions they asked, “Was Mama ignoring Rosie an’ Lili?”, this broke Jen’s heart so she was quick to her response, “Oh no babies! Mama’s mind just decided to go away for a little and didn’t really hear what you asked. You know I would never ignore you on purpose” reassured Jennie while bringing the younguns on a hug.
Between tiny sobs, they asked again, “Kongsuni ask her eomma if they decorate house pwease, we wanna decorate the house like Kongsuni and Kongsuni eomma” retold Rosé, “Can we Mama, pwetty pwease? We wan pwetty house like Kongsuni” continued Lisa putting her hand together and making her best puppy eyes alongside Rosé. Of course, Jennie said yes, since she couldn’t resist those eyes begging, but she told them that first, they had to pick up all their toys and take their dogs out for a walk so they would get their energy (and go potty) before leaving them on their own at the house, after finishing the tasks they got dressed to go to the store and pick up the decorations they wanted.
The trip to the store was as chaotic as anyone would expect from the maknaes of Blackpink leading everything, they got out with a cart filled with a huge variety of decorations, and fitting everything into their car was a struggle but they succeeded at the end so happily made their way back home, not before stopping to buy some hot chocolate to drink while decorating their place. When they finished decorating it seemed as if an autumn monster had thrown up in there since the whole place was packed with decorations but somehow they made it work, there was a wreath on their front door, pumpkin light garlands around the windows, a bowl with tiny orange pumpkins were placed as a centerpiece on their table, some autumn-colored candles where placed on their coffee table in the living room, a tiny scarecrow welcomed you into the house, the cushions and blankets on their sofa were now in the same autumnal colors, and tiny bats hanging from the ceiling make the look complete.
Saying the day had been tiring was an understatement but Jennie couldn’t be any happier than watching her recently bathed babies babble about how much fun they had decorating the place for their Mommy, as soon as Jisoo had arrived they bombarded her with details about their day, so know that they had eaten dinner and were ready for bed Jennie could only feel blessed and content with her tiny family.
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Hello sweet sissy sister. Love your blog. Which type of diaper keeps your little clitty twitching in it’s cage, cloth diapers or crinkly plastic backed diapers? I prefer plastic back diapers, when I’m wearing them. Again a big fan.
Your a big fan of uhm ehm… eh… oh…. Uuhhh lil old me 😳fanks you sm🥺🥺 truth be told i only actually wore a diaper for the first time since needing them as a child a few weeks ago😳😳 So truth be told Rearz princess diapers are the best and only diapers I remember wearing. So it’d be unfair to comment on cloth ones but i do weally weally weally love how humiliating trapping my pen…. I mean clitty in a pink princess covered disposable diaper feels😳😳😳 and uhm ehm uh ehm Fanks You So Much for being a fan even tho im not weally worth that much respect 😳😳😳
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frillu · 7 months
KOKOA YOSHIZAKIIII PINK RENTRY GRAPHICS 1!!!! !!! ! !! ! ! ! ! pleasw && fank u.. ur blog is so pretty one of my favs for ages bro noms
Posted. Thank you for the kind words ♪ And..
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..”Nom” ?? Please do not eat my blog, spit it out !!
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fizzler-of-oz · 1 year
Ello kasey!!! Ur such a little cornball for this- /lh
3. Favourite tease / a tease that always gets to you?
Mm one of my favorite is when someone points everything out? Like for example “awww what’s got u all giggly?” Or just pointing out squirming and blushing I do!! Ugh but I can’t stand the “Tktktkktktktktk” phrase AT ALL 😵‍💫
8. Do you have any irl tickle stories? If so, what were they?
You already know I do!!!! But I’ll retell one of them bc it’s so fricking flusteringgg. I was in class just talking to my friend that we’ll call Ava and the guy I MAY have a lil teeny crush on that we’ll call Kyle. So me and Ava are platonically married so we were “flirting” but then she insulted me in some way, so I started ignoring her like a normal person would /lh So then Ava starts trying to tk my neck and ATTEMPTED to poke my tummy, and ofc while she was doing that she was speaking to Kyle who was watching this happen “look, Fizzy is so ticklish” X2!!!! Kyle laughed and my face had gone BRIGHT BRIGHT PINK it was definitely uh not flustering. Nuh uh not at all.
10. On a scale of 1 - 10, how ticklish are you?
You little- sndhisbdbdnns whywouldyoudothistomeomlAHHHH. *sigh* I’ll never admit this a second time but
Fank u for the questions!! :D
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mystical-imagine · 1 year
ooo ok, im a 19 year old girlie :3 im in second year of game design rn and i love itttt.
< Skills include: shit code, drawing cute girls and hugging robots >
I have a cat and her name is nova (supernova long form cuz she is a superhero who saves the universe >:D ) I have blue eyes, pink hair that I dye frequently but its naturally dark brownnnn. I thrive in chaos and am pretty hyper most of the time. But I'm also really scatterbrained. That, and my various mental health issues like depression and BPD but I don't let it stop me from being happy and cool :)
I used to struggle a lot with mental health but have found a nice balance in life and think positively and optimistically a lot of the time.
In my spare time I like to make sci-fi comics, watch sailor moon (and I've been obsessed with Bee and Puppycat) and be a silly little guy.
This week I built an Arduino game thing for school in a week!! And I bought star lights from Amazon to hang in my dorm room (secretly for blanket forts)
I dont know what else to add here, so I hope this is enough ahh
fank uuuu
hiii, sorry for the long wait!!! and thanks for being patient! i hope you like your matchup!!!
i´d match you with Saeyoung!
Saeyoung would love that you have a love for computers and robots in common and would def. try his best to help you and give tips. those convos would probably often get derailed into how to get away with cyber crime, but ya know, its the thought that counts. also im sorry to everyone but that man is a genius and does not understand how other people learn. he has the patience and would try and gently help you, but he would absolutely suck at explaining anything.
would love to build robots of your game characters once you get to develop games (you might already be doing that, idk much about it and its been awhile since you sent in this ask :)). and would def build robots of your characters in your comics!!
(is supernova named after the book series btw?) would love to help you dye your hair and be part of the process of choosing colours. would help both you and saeran dye your hair haha.
its a good thing you thrive in chaos because that man has been without guidance since like age 14 and has no structure in his life, no proper sleep schedule or good eating habits either. obv. youre not gonna be his mother, youre just going to have to figure out something that works for both of you together!!
Saeran would be diagnosed with some stuff after getting out of mint eye too, and having you around, whos been through the system and sorta knows how it works would be a big reassurance. youd be able to support Saeyoung so well and he you, when you over extend yourself.
your optimism would be such a bright thing for Saeyoung. Saeyoung also tries his best to be optimistic and he also knows how sometimes youre being too optimistic to hide that youre struggling. Hed be able to recognize when your smile is a bit strained and reassure you that its okay to not always be happy and optimistic. no one is , and he and your friends wont tire of you for reaching out for help.
sci-fi is probably Saeyoungs favourite genre! hed never tire of you talking about the universe youve created and the stories within that universe. Bee and puppycat would be right up his alley haha.
knowing saeyoung the moment he discovers your love for blanket forts hed probably build one wayy too big for you to cuddle up together in.
i really hope you like your matchup and once again, sorry for the long wait!
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TAG GAMEEEE fank you @psychedelic-meats for the tag :3
ok so i have pretty noticeable dark circles, faded pink hair, and this signature blue jacket that in the winter you wont see me without, a star necklace that my nan gave me and a smiley face pin :) also i only have one ear pierced (facts) and my dream piercing (snakebites)
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tags: @auguste-rlg @sl1cemeup @cryyyysy @that-queer-k1d @zah-is-cold @sixamsunrise @ur-fav-vamp-boy @betrayer-of-god @ston3rprinc3ss + any1 else who wants to (tag me pls <3)
not forcing any1 :D
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Headcanon that Patches is a babysitter for Adelo and Adrul
I literally can see the 2000’s style sitcom where Admin told Patches to keep an eye on them and its end up total mayhem
[Oh, I adore this.]
The Staff as babysitters
Some staff members were initially blacklisted from nanny charges, like Vinnel and Morell, but actually- Most of the team isn't half-bad at this?
Vinnel is, although sometimes a bit too violent with others in front of the princes, very entertaining! They love seeing jester man juggle random (preferably sharp but he's been whipped warned about that) things and tell dumb jokes. He's really perfect for cheering up the little lads and making sure they still see the bright side of things. Adelo's going to absorb some of his mean-spirited humor.
While most people thought Morell would get weird, maybe have some odd urge to cook a god's offspring, he's actually very protective of the kiddos, and determined to cook for them. They're not allowed to enter the kitchen at random however, as no one wants them entering and seeing fresh kills. He would like to teach them how to make animal traps. Adrul specifically loves the chef's baking and has made cakes with him before. Adelo is surprisingly the one with the bigger stomach.
Patches is a nervous, nervous man. While initially a bit awkward, if not fearful regarding his lord's children, he tries to do his best. Problem is, the pumpkin-headed man is at times a little too lenient, and allows the siblings to touch lab equipment they shouldn't while he screams inside. If nothing else, he can take them outside, to one of the nearby stables, and tickle them pink with random horse facts. It would be his pleasure to teach them to ride. Although he sometimes enters long-winded rants that have Adelo groaning and Adrul's eyes twinkling.
Grimbly* knows about as much on how to take care of kids as he knows on how to build a spaceship, which is to say he's got no fucking idea what he's doing. So he settles for buying the princes pretty things and taking them out for ice cream. Because kids like shiny things, right? And sweets? Yeah. Adelo always manages to put a dent in his wallet (now he knows how Santi feels) and Adrul mostly just enjoys it when the bat tries to doll him up, as his centipede-like body is hard to work with.
(*By this point, he has transformed into his older form.)
Santi actually just straight up vomited when he felt Adelo's presence, Adrul's makes him enter a panic... Yeah. Even if direct contact with them is off the table while they grow, the incubus does feel fondness for the princes and occasionally sends them whatever children's toy is most popular these days.
Nebul is a great monster to pair the princes with when Belo's not around. Due to his increased sensitivity to other people's emotions, the wraith can more easily detect when one of the siblings is feeling depressed or anxious. Both kiddos think he "talks funny", his monotone voice being a source of great amusement apparently. The wraith is generally witty and good at showing them interesting new things. While they may never set foot in the shop for obvious reasons, Purpur is often brought out to play with them. Adrul likes to give the tentacle ball rides on his back.
Gallon is exasperated with the amount of times Adrul and Adelo ask to drink alcoholic beverages. One of them almost got his hands on an unsupervised Willow Twister and the slime's heart nearly stopped. He makes iced tea for them and says it's whiskey. It works for now. Adelo is very amused by the way he can stretch, so the angel will sometimes just run off with a tendril and she how long he can make it before Gallon pretends he's in great pain.
Fank-e is another one the little princes like a lot. Probably because he's loud and constantly decked in shiny weird stuff. Plus, he has a seemingly limitless supply of old Internet jokes and forgotten media. It's safe to say both Adelo and Adrul leave his hands covered in stickers, with three new bracelets and maybe a little too hyper for their own good. Nobody wants to deal with two hyper and powerful monster kids.
Sybastian's got a bit of experience from handling mimiclings, unfortunately Admin and Belo don't like it all that much when he tries to put either one of the siblings in his mouth for carrying. Even if both of them seem to have a lot of fun. The mimic is not the best for conversation, and maybe he shouldn't be trusted with cooking either, but he can keep the brothers safe in the garden while they play and torment Hellion.
Ludwig is a honorable mention, because after he gets serious help and becomes functional again, Admin does want the demon to be a part of her life and will let the children have contact with him. Lud is happy for her and treats the kiddos with nothing but love. He's a decent babysitter but he does need more of a filter when it comes to swearing. Adrul and Adelo call him "uncle Ludwig", and that makes him sentimental.
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garoujo · 1 year
where did you get your nails !?!!?!?!?
(these ones ! https://www.tumblr.com/garoujo/719550105155420160/somebody-save-me-from-myself?source=share)
are they press ons or did you get them done ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა i really like nude-ish colored nails and i really wanna get yours as inspo 'cus im gonna get them done today WOAWOAOAAO i'm not sure if it's the lighting or not tho :<
should i just ask for almond gradient nude nails ૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა ? idk idk THEY LOOK SO PRETTY ON UU !!! i always had bad experiences on light colored nails cause i'm more on the brownish side ૮꒰•༝ •。꒱ა :<
ALSO ENJOY YOUR LIL TRIP TO DUBAI MY BABYYY ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) i hope you treat yourself 'cus you've been workinf so hard lately :< WEAR UR SPF!!!
-adi ૮ • ﻌ - ა 🩰
hiiii beloved !!! 🪽omigosh im soooo super sorry im replying to this so late & i know you’ve totes had your appt already but my nails are acrylics & that colour (my go to) is just the base acrylic w a single lil layer of a sheer baby pink polish (੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ so it makes it look a lil pinker than just the acrylic powder on its own but it’s still v neutral yk !
i bet ur nails came out soooo pretty tho regardless !!! i can just tell u have such pretty taste I JUST KNOW 🤍 & any colour would look amazing on u i’m sure . . esp that light colour of pink with ur skin? HEAVEN ! i just know it would look soo pretty <3w<3 also fank u bbie ! dubai was AMAZING & i got loads of rest (plus an extra few days to myself) but i was SPF’d up ALWAYS ! sending lurv !!! ✨
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