#pink tenshi kaiwai
riverthylacine · 1 year
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Inside of you there are two wolves, one is pink, one is blue, you’re me.
Artworks by me of me
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projectmayhem-stims · 4 months
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via seeuxiaorou
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neolxzr · 1 year
clothes i would put enstars characters in if i had the choice
shu: god just please make him fancier. i dislike aesthetic words but idk how to describe what i want other than dark academia? just a mix of true historical dress and just a smidge of other things. also put him in more hats
mika: like something techwear cybergoth adjacent. like his winter casual but More
aira: cute and soft, with big slouchy socks and pink sweaters and little hairclips. and preferably skirts. OR he would also look adorable in tenshi kaiwai
hiyori: GYARU
makoto: make him look like more of a gamer nerd. like minecraft tshirt and basketball shorts only. his winter outfit can have sweats and like a hoodie
hiiro: usually very fashionable because aira likes to make him wear stuff thats in style that he thinks hiiro could pull off well but like sometimes he wears tshirts with nonsense english words on them
chiaki: BRING BACK THE BASKET BOY JACKET. also tokusatsu themed graphic tees
arashi: make her fancier but not in the shu way in like the textbook celebrity way. give her an expensive handbag and put her in stiletto heels and sunglasses and a big fuzzy coat. shes def a big pants little shirt girly. also give her a bold lip color
midori: dysphoria hoodie. whether theyre transfem or transmasc is up to you
sora: MORE COLORS!!! preferably something colorblock or with fun cool patterns. also hairclips and a bunch of bracelets that he made himself
mayoi: vkei.........vkei mayoi.......................
rei: i think he should lean into the vampire thing really hard and wear exclusively red and black and like poet shirts and lacy shit and also a cape
natsume: literally just put him in a full witch hat. also give him that like cosmic goth sort of vibe
tetora: dysphoria hoodie again. make him the greasiest transboy ever
thank you
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girlyholic · 2 years
"Landmine Clothes" are Typically Not Even Girly Anymore: A Look into How Brands Use the Term
A main topic on this blog back when I started it was discussing the way the term "landmine" has been used in order to sell products. While I mostly covered entities like Lafary, who initially promoted it dishonestly on purpose for clout while it was highly associated with Girly fashion, there have been many other brands who have used it in the past two years in order to sell clothes, as popularity of the term has gone up and down.
But the effects of using this label to death as a selling point are starting to become more clear, now that we are beginning year 3 of the term evolving as a sales point. Because as it turns out, when a controversial term sells well, all kinds of brands will hop onto the trend in order to cash in: even if they're completely unrelated to how the fad initially looked.
Which brings us to the current state of the "style".
Another super long post incoming, so, putting a readmore as per usual.
Something important to start out with: brands and magazines are generally who are responsible for random terms being thought of as styles, which then gets parroted by other people. In fact there's an article on Yumekawaii, Yamikawaii that includes an interview with a Milklim representative, who had this to say about how styles acquire such names.
"We just wear what we think is cute, and those names are just given to us by outsiders".
Which brings us to landmine fashion, and the brands who tirelessly make up trends to push fads.
A big one is Anonenone, a Taobao reseller that seems to consider itself an authority on what's hot in the landmine fad. Their social media pages also tend to just say completely random things are now a "new trend", such as their recent claim that cyber fashion nowadays is a derivative of "サブカル系 (sabukaru-kei) and 天使界隈 (tenshi kaiwai)" due to it being light blue.
Cyber fashion is so old, a color shift would most certainly not be enough to make it a new derivative. And the two terms they mentioned are not actually fashions either, the latter one being the fan submission hashtag of this online magazine. This is a non-landmine example of what the main issue with their post is.
Anyway, looking into their landmine category on their website, while you will find a couple items that could be considered Girly, it mostly turns up accessories, and the rest of the clothes that are displayed are far from what was originally considered to be "landmine fashion".
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Tracksuits and oversized striped sweaters have been quite popular among self-proclaimed landmines for a few months now. Even looking into the 地雷系 tag, you'll mostly find people wearing only those two things, as well as clothes that are very clearly other pre-existing styles, when before you would primarily get the black x pink coordinates that were synonymous with the stereotype.
This shift in what's considered landmine fashion is most prominent in how it has been covered by fashion outlets, such as Larme and Harajuku Pop. Larme actually has a partnership with the aforementioned Anonenone, which is why most of their recent issues recommend them in almost all of the coordinates featured. Although Larme has a rather interesting history with featuring landmine fashion, one that might be better for an entirely separate post...
Anyway, Harajuku Pop also recently did an online article about Reflem, as they're a "must see" brand for landmine girls, and all that's showcased is what I have previously discussed: tracksuits and what would just be considered Yamikawaii or punk-ish coordinates. Here's one example from that article:
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And before anyone comes running to explain how all of my examples are just "substyles" of landmine fashion: substyles have to bear the same anatomy of the original style they stem from at least somewhat, hence substyle. Established styles don't just drastically change appearance like this. If pink x black Girly coordinates are what landmine fashion started out as, and now it's oversized sweaters and plain tracksuits, what is landmine as a style, anyway? The answer is that it isn't one.
Unless you count the color black as being the thing that ties landmine outfits together, which would be so broad that everything would be landmine.
To put it into perspective, even when the Girly tracksuit thing was in full swing earlier in 2022, before it had any other associations, the tracksuits coming out had elements of Girly in them, such as frills, dress designs that were similar to maid outfits or nun outfits, etc. They weren't just any, nondescript tracksuits like the ones that are now sold as being landmine, although you can still find that type of Girly tracksuits being pushed as being landmine, as with everything else that's been associated with the term.
I still see a ton of pushback in Western JFashion spaces about using the term Girly Kei, as "landmine is just so much easier of a term to use", but with what's currently being considered landmine within Japan, that no longer holds up. Because now what brands are referring to as landmine fashion is even more broad than Girly Kei, as it encompasses so many varied styles with nothing tying them together except, of course, the stereotype (which is usually just people trying to emulate the physical elements that became associated with it, such as having undereye blush and a hime-cut because that is what "seems" landmine).
The point is, we would have to get rid of several years of pre-established styles in order to fit everything that's being claimed as landmine right now under that one label, which is what makes it even more clear that it's a fad, not a legitimate style.
Especially since many of the brands who pushed the term the hardest, such as DearMyLove, have now gone back to using Girly to push sales, instead of only labeling everything as landmine like they did at the height of the fad. This is likely due to landmine becoming unrecognizable from the clothing they primarily sell, which, has always been called Girly.
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bunbunpawz · 6 months
BlackLess Jirai Kei
So recently Jirai Kei has always had options for Blackless outfits but it is the easiest to add the black to make it Jirai Kei. So lets look at how it works, kind of? I am not 100% sure on it either and I think other people might be just as lost. 1. Tunic "one piece" + shorts. The best way I've seen a blackless Jirai Kei outfit was when they wore tunic + shorts "one piece" outfits where the main clothing items either have a pattern, or are just a slick single color. You can add black to it in the form of a pattern such as :
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How ever You can also for an outfit that is completely blackless (except for maybe the shoes)
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All of these would be considered Jirai Kei:
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As you can see the pink and gray do have a black ribbon, but the blue has a white ribbon, and lately the pink has also been coming with white accesories. It is still recognized as Jirai Kei. Heck even without the black shoes, usually a full pink and white outfit or a blue and white outfit. Example of an all blue and white Jirai Kei
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I assume the reason why Blue and White has been more in Jirai Kei lately is due to the rise of the fashion of "mizuiro" or "blue and white" style. It is seperate from the Tenshi Kaiwai as it is a different type of accesories, style and vibe, the only thing that is similar is the color. Its somekind of mixture between Tenshi Kaiwai with Jirai Kei. It is one of the reasons Jirai Kei has become and umbrella fashion, such as Gyaru with Gyaru categories. I assume we are heading that way with Jirai Kei. Here is a Blue X white X pink jirai kei outfit
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The blue x white is due to popularity , and the pink bow is due to the black outfits + pink bow being popular as well. Pink x White, Jirai kei?
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This one could either be Ryousan Gata Or jirai kei. Seeing as the model is usually Jirai kei and you can tell by her make up and overall style she is on the jirai side, this pink x white no black outfit works really well. Pink x pink x white Jirai Kei
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Again we see the tunic + shorts be the best indication of it being Jirai Kei despite having no elements of black. It seems if you can capture the vibe it can be jirai kei regardless of what colors you use.
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Over all it seems that white is the new black? or maybe pink is? In anyway, I have made a mess of a post, hope that was enjoyable for someone haha some people might not agree with the no black jirai kei but it cannot be stopped and you may take it as you would.
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paleblueramune · 1 year
Someone also doing research on Tenshi Kaiwai was able to message Tenshi Zyoshi and ask about the origins of the term, and they directed us to the article where ililil says they did in fact create Tenshi Kaiwai as a term.
I know there is still some pushback from the community to not use Tenshi Kaiwai for good reasons, but there's too much contradicting information for me to give a solid say in the matter.
For now, I personally don't care if Tenshi Kaiwai is used, as long as it used appropriately. (Aka no pinks or blacks or other unrelated things)
I won't use it as a tag personally, I see way too much restriction trying to call it a fashion. But again, it's up to you.
Just wanted to put this out here before I went back to regular posting, sorry for going quiet for a bit!☆
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menheraprince · 1 month
My Life With Bipolar Disorder as Lifestyle Jirai
Hi there. My name is Amy, I go by they/them, I'm 22, I like to wear Jirai Kei (mainly Subcul), and I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder back in March. I was diagnosed with autism and an anxiety disorder when I was really young, I've been hospitalized twice for depressive episodes, I'm a self-h*rmer struggling to recover, and I'm healing from a lot of trauma done to me by my sperm donor. I also struggle with my body image, but I don't have an ED. Some of the stuff I'm proud of, some of them not. What I do know is that I'm just a blob with intense emotions and I can't control them.
I've always been open about my struggles with mental health. But in return, I've had a lot of people on Facebook telling me natsy phrases and words towards me. Like that I'm too much, that I need to go to therapy, that I'm "obsessed". I've also been called a lot of names like succubus, blister, toxic, manipulative, and even the R slur. There's was even one older guy who harassed me for months through email who thinks that I should go to ABA (which you should never wish onto an openly autistic person) and should "act more mature for my age" because I told him how toxic he was to me. He also tried to gaslight me by taking my mom's email towards him against me, saying that she praised him when it wasn't at him directly. Good news is that he has stopped sending me emails and life can get back to normal (for me) again.
How this all relates to Jirai Kei is that I personally identify as a Lifestyle Jirai, mainly due to my issues with my mental health. However, I don't want people to get the wrong idea about what I wear and what I struggle with. I didn't come into the lifestyle because I was mentally ill, it certainly helps with the label but that's not the reason. I really liked the clothing and the makeup that went with it. I was told by a few people who are against the name "Jirai Kei" that they thought I'd be perpetuating a negative stereotype of Japanese women, when I have a mental illness myself. Which is really funny in retrospect because these people thought they can control what I wear. I like to call these sorts of people, the "girly kei police", who think that all of Jirai Kei is Girly fashion (usually the kei prefix that really didn't exist for the fashion) and ignores the Subcul Jirai and Tenshi Kaiwai movements.
Speaking of which, I like to wear Subcul. I'd describe it as a mix of Goth Punk and Menhera. However, it's not commonly seen as a "jirai kei" fashion style in the west (mainly from the GKP), but it's currently popular in Japan. I hope to see other Subcul wearers on the internet because there's more to Jirai Kei than the classic look of pink and black. I like to wear a lot of purple, blue and black in my looks especially with teddy bear t-shirts and oversized hoodies. I currently own pieces from Amilige, Noemie, and Sureve in terms of Subcul stuff, but I'm looking to add more brands like Travas Tokyo if I can. I also own a purple DearMyLoveWhip dress and a Sureve dress for some Girly looks, which I wish to get more of too as I'm plus sized.
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chiffoncakke · 1 year
really like the tenshi kaiwai and cybercore styles and want to incorporate it more into my wardrobe but i prefer pink accent colours as opposed to blue ... i feel like a can of pocari sweat more than a fluffy but techy angel...
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riverthylacine · 1 year
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New OC Just dropped
Meet Akuma the Cyber Devil Kittie, he is the opposite of Tenshi, he is more of a malicious virus than a helper, he will delete your favorite games, your WIP art and projects, and likes to change the layout of your desktop,
Artwork and character by me
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riverthylacine · 1 year
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New Akuma art :3
Artwork and character by me
Character: Akuma the Cyber Devil Kittie
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projectmayhem-stims · 3 months
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Pride HCs! Kanade Yoisaki: polysexual, agender, any prns
🤍 🤍 🤍
🤍 🤍 🤍
🤍 🤍 🤍
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riverthylacine · 1 year
Okay but what about a style and aesthetic that’s like Tenshi Kaiwai but pink instead of blue? Like with the tracksuits and everything, like a pink kawaii cyber y2k kinda thing? I think it’s be cool
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bunbunpawz · 10 months
Jfashion SheIn ripoffs
In case you want some Jfashion, Jirai kei and similar popular fashion items but don't want to pay for it and don't care about the quality or maybe you just cant afford the real deal, heck maybe it's just a shipping issue What ever the reason, I gotchu Enjoy the updated shein ripoff Jfashion recommendations: Lizlisa popular sweater: (I Recommend only the white one) https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Cold-Shoulder-Lace-Trim-Bow-Decor-Cable-Knit-Sweater-p-18857413-cat-1734.html JiraiKei colored blouse: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Bow-Decor-Statement-Collar-Contrast-Lace-Shirt-p-20913169-cat-1733.html
Plus size version: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Plus-Contrast-Lace-Statement-Collar-Flare-Sleeve-Shirt-p-20701719-cat-1891.html Jirai kei colored dress: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Colorful-Contrast-Rolled-Hem-Ruffle-Decoration-Detail-Dress-p-26218229-cat-1727.html Somesort of Ank Rouge Lizlisa rip inspired sweater: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Ruffle-Trim-Turtleneck-Sweater-p-20912968-cat-1734.html Jirai Kei top: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Bow-Decor-Cold-Shoulder-Frill-Trim-Sweater-p-22817279-cat-1734.html Another inspired sweater: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Cold-Shoulder-Ruffle-Trim-Cable-Knit-Sweater-p-20912913-cat-1734.html Jirai kei, Dark fashion (popular sweater currently): https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Striped-Distressed-Sweater-p-12353657-cat-1734.html Beautiful Jfashion inspired Plus size dress: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Plus-Colorblock-Ruffle-Trim-Flare-Sleeve-Ruffle-Hem-Dress-p-22235072-cat-1889.html Jirai Kei Pink skirt Plus size: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Plus-Contrast-Lace-Ruffle-Trim-Overall-Dress-Without-Blouse-p-20913247-cat-1889.html Lizlisa rip off teddy bear sweater: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Bear-Pattern-Lace-Up-Cable-Knit-Sweater-p-11858565-cat-1734.html Tenshi Kaiwai graphic T: https://jp.shein.com/Amemiya-pamutasu-Figure-Graphic-Drop-Shoulder-Sweatshirt-p-22382701-cat-1773.html Tenshi Kaiwai ESC jacket: https://jp.shein.com/Wings-Letter-Graphic-Drawstring-Thermal-Lined-Hoodie-p-15596760-cat-1773.html Cross sparkly jacket Fake: ( I will only post 1 but any of the fakes in any color work for jirai kei, dark styles. Black with white parkles is the best option for the popular look) https://jp.shein.com/SHEIN-Coolane-Rhinestone-Decor-Drop-Shoulder-Drawstring-Zipper-Thermal-Lined-Hoodie-p-20101725-cat-1773.html Jirai kei \ popular fashion solid color set: (this one is super adorable and looks like a lot of the expensive fashion in Japan rn) https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Plaid-Print-Puff-Sleeve-Top-Shorts-p-24808576-cat-1780.html Tenshi kaiwai/ Jirai kei Popular Solid color set: (actually considering this one) https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Contrast-Lace-Button-Front-Blouse-Shorts-p-23601671-cat-1780.html Beautiful adult vibe set: (rather popular here, but already died out when it became colder, was a big thing in the spring and summer) https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Bow-Front-Puff-Sleeve-Blouse-Skirt-p-23137893-cat-1780.html Tenshi Kaiwai (white) jirai kei (black) skirt: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Contrast-Lace-Pleated-Lace-Up-Skirt-p-5912677-cat-1732.html Oh gosh the cross trend has gotten shorts now too: https://jp.shein.com/Goth-Cross-Rhinestone-Drawstring-Waist-Velvet-Shorts-p-23789069-cat-1912.html Attempt at the jirai kei puff sleeve coat trend: (ngl I hate this) https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Woolen-Coat-With-Plush-Collar-And-Cuffs-p-26218192-cat-3051.html Jfashion sweater: https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Turtleneck-Cold-Shoulder-Ruffle-Trim-Cut-Out-Sweater-p-20913142-cat-1734.html Jfashion Cartigan: (was more popular last year, color yellow recommend) https://jp.shein.com/ROMWE-J-Fashion-Solid-Button-Front-Cardigan-p-11258458-cat-2219.html Jirai Kei esc cartigan: https://jp.shein.com/Lace-Up-Detail-Drop-Shoulder-Cardigan-p-23541903-cat-2219.htmlsc cartigan: Jirai Kei masculine graphic t: https://jp.shein.com/Anime-Men-Japanese-Letter-Figure-Graphic-Tee-p-24565966-cat-1980.html Another one: https://jp.shein.com/Anime-Men-s-Cartoon-Girl-Printed-Round-Neck-Sweatshirt-p-23878843-cat-1974.html Cute dark Plus size blouse: https://jp.shein.com/Goth-Plus-Sailor-Collar-Flounce-Sleeve-Blouse-p-25935877-cat-1891.html Cute dark Plus size blouse (more kawaii): https://jp.shein.com/Kawaii-Plus-Contrast-Lace-Statement-Collar-Puff-Sleeve-Shirt-p-20703188-cat-1891.html Masculine Jirai Kei pants Dupe : (this exact type EXTREMELY POPULAR recommend black or gray color) https://jp.shein.com/ROMWE-Avant-Guys-Cotton-Raw-Trim-Straight-Leg-Baggy-Jeans-p-15607310-cat-1989.html
masculine Jirai Kei sweater : https://jp.shein.com/ROMWE-Street-Life-Guys-Oversized-Distressed-Pullover-Sweater-p-26318733-cat-1977.html I got tired looking for JFashion stuff on shein so this is it for now~! hope this helps someone, enjoy your shopping :)
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paleblueramune · 1 year
I was wondering if you would know or have any evidence of Tenshi Zyoshi being disapproving the mass usage of tenshi kaiwai as a term? Don't get me wrong it's very clear that Mizuiro is the actual term since tenshi zyoshi literally describes themselves as mizuiro fashion fans in their SNS bios, but since I don't actually follow them I think I missed out on where they stated disapproval so if anyone would supply evidence or screenshots I'd genuinely appreciate it!
I have not seen Zyoshi outright state anything, but both the Tenshi Kaiwai Wiki and many fans of Mizuiro talk about how they have, and also discourage the use too.
But as you said, it's obvious they consider themselves part of the Mizuiro aesthetic and use Tenshi Kaiwai as a fanmail tag, not the other way around.
Due to the language barrier going both ways(I'm no where near fluent in Japanese and I believe its the same about English for them.) I can't get much of an idea how frustrated they are with the growing misuse of Tenshi Kaiwai. They seem to be ignoring it for the most part, and it seems they don't mind people using it as a term as long as it still fits the Mizuiro aesthetic (They did a post on ACDCRAGS newest collection, which has misused Tenshi Kaiwai the most)
The real issue comes when accounts use the term simply for reach and clout when the photo has nothing to do with Mizuiro or Tenshi Kaiwai. For example once again ACDCRAG labeling every tracksuit, no matter the color, under Tenshi Kaiwai. Or someone using every random fashion buzzword on thier otd post despite it fitting none of the catogories(Goth, y2k, Tenshi Kaiwai, Decora, Lolita, fairy kei, yandere, girly kei, etc all under the same post) it makes the tag cluttered and irrelevant, and makes it difficult to find genuine posts meant to be seen by Tenshi Zyoshi. And as every that tag gets popular, scam accounts using it for views also begin to pop up.
Another huge issue is how just plain rude and convoluted it is. A blog made a tag so they can sort out fanmail to post and now everyone under the sun is using it and claiming it to be a new fashion term. And all while claiming it as a new fashion, twisting it around to be something its not. Like these weird rules for the fashion people try to make and then don't add up. I've seen completely pastel pink outfits under Tenshi Kaiwai simply because they added angel wings to it. Or black cybercore outfits because it was a tracksuit. It just doesn't make sense.
So I do apologize, I do not have physical evidence of Tenshi Zyoshi saying themsleves they are upset, but overall it is still misinformation and misuse. As I'm writing this I havent gotten to talk to anyone who might know, i'm just trying to get this ready to post while I have time. However I will keep everyone updated if I or someone else finds any comments from the magazine, I could have easily overlooked them.
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bunbunpawz · 14 days
Hello my friends, long time no see. Life got me busy, but here are the updates on Jirai kei fashion in Japan: it has been slowly dying out, its more rare to see pink black or color black combos, most jirai kei are now wearing all black outfits. Ironically this summer the most on trend outfit was all white dress or skirt.
Gyaru fashion slowly coming back, tenshi kaiwai slowly failing
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