#pinky asnwers
luimagines · 1 year
Hiiii I love your stories and I think I've re-read them a hundred times :3 , you're sooo talented!!!
I don't know if it's okay for you to write something other than Lu but I'd like to suggest it anyway '^' I recently met this au with Links with a different personality and I was wondering, obviously with a free theme of your choice if you could write something about them ^^
I especially love something about Grumpy Time and Twilight ♡ The Au is @zelda-the-sacred-realm
If you can't I understand thank you for all the beautiful stories you write!! ♡♡♡
Oh thank you!!!
I didn't know it was a whole other au!!! I've only seen the art for Twilight and Wind <3
Requests are closed right now but I don't mind writing for other Links. I'd need to just do some research first on how the other people are portraying them. It wouldn't seem fair to just copy and paste the same thing when their storylines are different due to the au.
Such is the nature of the beast.
I'll have to check them out though!!! I had seen the art but didn't know it was it's own story. :D
Now I'm excited! New stories!!!!
Just send this in again when requests are open <3
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minminho0 · 1 year
◈A Baby!?◈
<Tighnari x Reader>
Summary: You two just got married not to long ago but the topic of babies suddenly pop up on one of your conversation and one thing lead to another.
Reader: Female
Warnings: --
A/n: lol im so curious abt tighnari 😭 writing for him bcz he is quickly trying to replace my main and its working🔥🔥
I hope you enjoy~!
"Oh my mom? She left after she gave birth to me because they we're to young to have a baby. My dad gave me up for adoption after a month." You sipped your tea.
"Oh im sorry to hear that" Tighnari spoke.
"Welp there's no use crying because of it, i already have a good life going on and i don't want to ruin it." You comforted yourself.
"Mhm yea"
"Do you get.. Baby fever?"
"Baby fever? What do you mean by that?"
"When you find a baby so cute, you feel like you'd explode, thats what i feel every time i see a baby"
"Oh i never felt that before actually, i wonder how will that feel"
"Do you love me?" You suddenly exclaimed.
"Of course! What kind of question is that?" He laughed.
"Then... "
"If we have a baby, will you take responsibility?" You said suddenly which surprised tighnari.
"Huh? Of course! I didn't marry you just to leave you if you got pregnant! Im your husband, ill take care of you!"
"Promise?" You brought up your pinky finger towards him.
"Promise!" He replied by linking his pinky to yours.
You two smiled before letting go of eachothers hand. You looked out the window, thinking if you should say it or not.
'Should i tell him?'
'No that be to weird'
'But his your husband! Its normal to ask things like that!'
'No you will just embarrass yourself!'
"Hey, you seem lost, whats on your mind?" Tighnari snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Ha?oh ye.. "
"I want to ask you something but please dont find it weird!"
"Haha sure sure, so whats on yur mind?"
"So like you were a baby rigth?"
"Mhm yea duh"
"So like.. Since babies dont just pop up with a head full of hair.. What did you look like when you were born?"
"Wait what do yu mean?" Tighnari said curiously.
"Did yu get born with four ears?"
"Do you like not have hair on your head? Did you look like a stray hairless cat?"
"W-what n-no!"
"But you were bald?"
"O-of course..?"
"But you have ears so hairless cat?"
And the questions continue~
Tighnari being bombarded with questions about his baby look.
"Please stop.. " tighnari said tiredly.
"But you haven't asnwered ny question!"
-April 23, 2023
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hi! I'm the one that request the toya one, honestly I really love it<33 can i ask for another? A, H, I and N for toya pls! Im looking forward to it. ^^
Hello! I'm do glad you liked it! And of course you can request another one ^^ thank you again and I hope you enjoy <3
Toya A, H, I, N fluff alphabet
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⊱ Admirer ═ What if they would be secret admirer? How would they act around their crush? And what will they do for them?
Toya is the type of admirer to sneak little love letters into your locker, and give you gifts like jewelry he overheard (by accident) while you were talking with your friend or sweets he saw in your hand for some days in a row. But he won't sneak them into your locker since they don't fit, he also is a little scared to leave them at your desk because he might make a mistake, so he asks one of his friends to give his gift to you and not to mention that it's from him and instead to say that it's from "T admirer". He hates to admit it but he sometimes eavesdrop on you on purpose just so he can know your reaction on letter he sneaked into your locker this morning.
If Toya ever interacts with you for whatever reason it could be, he will panic inside, afraid that you might find out that he's your secret admirer and that you'll hate him for that. But on the outside it's pretty hard to find out that he's nervous since he's super focused on hiding it, but if you notice that he's nervous, he will say something about him being nervous because of upcoming exam.
If you have any problems with your homework or are worried about exam Toya already had, he will drop some questions that might appear on exams or do your homework and drop the paper with it to your locker with 2 letter: one being his classic love letter and the other explaining that how he knew the asnwers and/or questions.
"I know it's not the best method but I'll tell them in face how I feel one day. But for now I'll keep writing those letters and build my confidence."
⊱ Hands ═ How do they hands feel like? And how willing or how often do they hold hands with their lover?
Toya doesn't mind handholding, in fact he finds it a little comforting since it reminds him that love of his life is by his side right now. He likes to split pinkies when you have library date, so he can take his hand away for a second to flip the page and then easily split pinkies again. He also enjoys holding hands when you have restaurant or cafe dates.
But if you're type of person who loves to hold hands all the time, Toya won't mind it! In fact it become tradition for him to hold your hand whenever you walk, sit next to eachother or just are together doing anything.
Toya hands always feel pretty cold, and the are a little soft but have a bit of roughness as well. They're literally the most perfect thing in the word on hot days but on cold days it feels like curse whenver you hold hands.
"Would you mind if I hold your hand? I feel like our date isn't complete without it."
⊱ I love you ═ How long did it took them to say those 3 words for the first time? And how often do they like to say it?
Toya is person who likes to take his time, especially with so important moments. The very first time you can hear him say that is when he confessed but that doesn't count right? So he plans date when he will tell you those 3 sweet words. If you say it first before his date, he will be a little disappointed that he couldn't say it first but will still say "I love you" back with saying how he planned to say the same thing on your date he planned.
Although if you won't say those sweet words before date Toya planned then he will be absolutely happy that his planned worked. He won't say it on beginning of your date, in fact he will act like it's a normal date but it is hard for him to do so, that's why on this very specific date you can see that he's more nervous than usual, but even if you point it out he won't spill out his plan. Once your date is about to end and you're under your house, he takes your chin blushing like crazy and saying "I love you", maybe he will even plant a small kiss on your cheek.
When first "I love you" is over, Toya is much bolder with those words, but he still feels that they should be spoken in special moments since they're special words. So he will say it after one of you accomplish something you worked hard on or when you're feeling insecure or if he feels like it passed long time since he told you that.
"I love you, YN. Please never forget it."
⊱ Nickname ═ How do they call you? Where did they took this idea from?
Toya saw how couples call eachother sweet things like "honey" or "baby" or even other stuff! That's when he started thinking if instead of YN he should call you something else. If you start calling him a nickname before he has one for you, he will apologize and ask if it's alright if he will keep asking you YN, he just needed a little more time to think.
Toya liked simple but lovely nicknames, that's why his top 3 were "darling", "my love" and "my muse". He wasn't too found of thrid one and he felt like first one didn't suited his personality at all, so he decided to stick to second one! So the next time you two met he finally decided to call you "my love". It takes him a bit of time to get used to it, and he might be a little embarrassed to say your nickname in front of people he knows, but he gets used to it after some time.
"Hello, my love, how's your day going? Oh yes, I called you "my love". I thinked about it for quite a long time, do you not like it?"
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 3 months
Spike rarity rarity are you there ! As soon he knocks the door multiple times but no asnwer twilight I’m think she and pinkie are not here guys bunny I’m sorry ruki I’m pretty sure pinkie it okay whatever she is now don’t worry as he hugs haruki for confort as mizuki join in too
*Haruki's ears go down as he lets out a soft sad and concerned hum and leans against Bunny's chest.*
Haruki: Yeah... I really hope you're right.
*Twilight gives him and Spike sympathetic looks.*
Twilight: I'm not sure anything we know is the same. But I know one place that could never change!
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juliettecxi · 3 years
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A spider had babies with a Woody toy
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kitten-mafiagang · 4 years
Beautiful In White [Sakusa x Reader] SongFic
(Sakusa's pov)
Not sure if you know this But when we first met~
At first i never know what 'love' really means,i always see couples in school or in streets and i see alot of physical affections is just- just nevermind aughh..
But it changed when i met (y/n) at the hospital,i met her because i came to my daily check-ups and i saw her walking at the halls with a hospital gown.
"Ms. (l/n),please go back to your room,you know how dangerous your situation is!" the nurse warned her.
"so what?!,do you expect me to be stuck at that stupid room forever?" she exclaimed.
"Please Ms. (l/n) i-" a doctor snuck in to their conversation.
"Nurse Miko,let (y/n) enjoy the outside word,it might help her you know? let her do this.." the doctor smiled.
"F-fine...Here bring this pills incase!" she said.
"Okay,okay" (y/n) said sarcastically.
I got so nervous I couldn't speak In that very moment~
I followed her to the hospital garden and sat beside her the bench.
"H-hey" i break the silence.
"hello...you saw it right?" she said.
I found the one and My life had found its missing piece~
"Why do you stay here in the hospital?" i asked.
"ived been here for 3 years....well how about you?" she asked.
"Oh i came to checked up myself..." i asnwered.
My phone ringed.
"Omi!! we have practice today where are you?!" the loud atsumu shouted through the other line.
"Yeah,yeah im comming!" i answered and ended the call.
"Im going now,nice meeting you" i bowed at her and walked away,and suddenly She pulled my arm.
"p-please visit again...i-i just want company" she said.
"Sure.." i smiled at her and walked away.
So as long as I live I love you Will have and hold you~
Day after day i visit her always having anything i could bring,flowers,food,or anything that can make her company and happy.
"Sakusa,you shouldt brought food,i might trouble you with these" she said.
"Nah,its fine...also here its from a friend i know who runs a store" i gave her an onigiri.
"Thanks!" she thanked.
"Hey,you never told me what your sickness really is...what was it?"
"w-well can we keep it a secret for awhile,i promise i will tell you~!" she said.
"Okay,i understand.."
You look so beautiful in white And from now 'til my very last breath~
Well days turns month and i developed feelings for her.Everyday i would visit her and she would tell me how lucky she is to meet me and company her.
She told me her stories were about how boring the hospital was before,white walls,monitor beeping,and drowning in pills every hour and quiet.
This day I'll cherish You look so beautiful in white~
"Hey,promise me something!" she excitedly asked.
"Okay,what is it?" i asked.
"Well...if i ever get out in this boring hospital...,show me the outside world~!" she said.
"sure i promise you..."
"Pinky promise?" she asked poutingly.
"Yeah,Pinky promise" i held my pinky finger up and connected to hers.
What we have is timeless~
Sometimes i wonder,that i hope this days wont end..
My love is endless~
Will i be able to tell her what i feel,well...ill just tell her when she can come out i guess..
And with this ring I Say to the world~
"Sakusa,what are you thinking?" she asked.
"Dont worry im fine..."
You're my every reason You're all that I believe in~
"Okay!,also ived heard your having a match tomorrow..." her voice turns sadder.
"Yeah..i wont be able to come and visit you.." i said.
With all my heart I mean every word~
"Can i come though?" she asked.
"No,just stay here at the hospital just to be safe.."
"Okay,but promise me you'll come back early as possible~! okay?" she said.
"I promise.."
So as long as I live I love you Will haven and hold you~
As soon as i left her at the hospital i sleep right away and waited for the next day.
I woke up with 26 miss calls from Miko her nurse.
"H-hello? what is it Miko- what?!"
I rush to the hospital and saw many doctors outside.
"Where is she?" i asked.
"Listen Sakusa...she has guillain barre syndrome,and she is at her limit now..."
'...I see..can i see her?"
"Hm" he hummed in angreement.
I walked inside the room and saw (Y/n) looking at the window.
"Hey..." i called.
You look so beautiful in white~
"Im sorry..." she began to tear up.
"Its okay.."
And from now 'til my very last breath This day I'll cherish~
"You look pretty today...rest now.." i sat on her bed and she leaned on me.
"Hm..." she hummed.
You look so beautiful in white Tonight~
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juliettecxi · 3 years
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first of all how dare they?!
second of all why!?!?!!? d i s g u s t a n g
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