#pinterest is banned
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shutupbani · 5 months
the urge to send this to that one person-
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forzalvr · 3 months
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oscar was asking Lance if he could adopt him and be oscar-piastri-leclerc-stroll (ALSO LAP 69 MY HUMOR IS VERY MIDDLE SCHOOL BOY SORRY)
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localsimpissleepy · 1 month
Idk why i made this but i know i had too much fun with this-
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awoogaslashers · 7 months
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Bitch slap
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cubikzoa · 5 months
I’ve saved so many Hannibal fandom pins that the Pinterest algorithm has started recommending me, like, actual yaoi manga pins. I don’t have any other board that would probably lead to that I’m not kidding
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How many Hannibal pins, you ask? The answer is Yes
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
CSA survivor here about the post on censorship- I just want you to know that no survivor is perfect and that sometimes their message may not be what you expect. The line for what glorification is lies in a different place person to person. To limit how we express ourselves would be silencing us. If I wrote about my abuse and then fictionalize it then how I chose to write it would be read differently by every person who choses to interact with it. There are people still think Lolita glorifies pedophillia but many people have said that it was through that book they recognized what happened to them. Policing language makes victims less likely to come forward and less likely to connect with others like us.
None of this is meant to be chiding btw. I just figured you the type to actually want to learn and understand and felt you could use someone giving you benefit of the doubt.
I know anon sent this ask to me by mistake (they sent a follow up saying they’d clicked the wrong account by mistake on a post with several reblogs, and meant to send it to someone else), but I think what you’re saying here is important and wanted to post it (hope that’s OK).
I have fictionalized my own abusive experiences into fiction, along with my struggle with mental illness, most prominently in my OW In/Exhale. I wrestled a lot with how dark and real to make it and finally took the plunge. I lost some readers who felt it was “too much,” but I had several others mention how much the story had helped them.
For some, it made them realize they’d been abused. Others were able to find the strength to seek help. Others found the story alone helped them.
I have to say being told that was a giant reason I kept sharing that work and others that also delve deep. Because they help me and obviously sharing them can help others as well.
I completely agree with your point also that by silencing (or attempting to) stories about abuse, even if you’re focusing on “fiction,” means survivors are silenced as well. I won’t ever forget how tumblr banned people for writing about their own abusive experiences. 😡
When you ban that topic, it means even for educational reasons you can’t discuss it. And abuse thrives on silence. If we don’t talk about it, if we don’t tell and warn people how to spot it and extricate yourself from it, then it will only be more pervasive.
Ironic that pro-censorship folk think by fiction with abusive topics existing, you’ll create more abusers when in fact the reverse is true. If people can’t recognize abuse, it’s far easier to be abused.
It’s true that for some people reading or writing about their experiences can make them even worse—i know i have a citation on that in another post on the topic somewhere—but the wonderful thing about fiction is you can always close the book, turn off the TV, and walk away.
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honeygrahambitch · 1 year
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How many times did you watch it
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shineelightss · 5 months
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i have been allowed one (1) new thought
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hypocrisy-incarnate · 6 months
about to write a short fic where jon actually is just a village witch or smth and martin is his lovely husband/parttime protector (jon has eye magic but martin has a gun and zero fucks to give after they've been run out of three towns for just existing)
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alexanderhegreat · 7 months
Feeling quite unfairly targeted by Pinterest lately. Had my account for years and in that time uploaded maybe? Two? Original pins. Yet my account keeps getting strikes for pins that I never uploaded, only pinned to my boards? They don't even show what pins they removed and when they do it's stuff like classical art or trans stuff. They sure do like to throw around that they'll ban your account for pins they don't tell you what they are. Ominous and vague motherfuckers
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me wanting to sort so many things in my life
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
Im sorry I'm so curious- what does one even have to do to get a Pintrest ban? I know how someone gets banned from Twitter but that one is new
I don’t know if they actually banned me, but my account was literally just gone one day lmao. I went to the app on my phone and saw i had been logged out, then saw i had been logged out on all my devices. I logged into another account and saw my main one wasn’t under my “following” anymore, so I sent them a support message. When they finally reactivated it they said it was an accident so 🤷‍♀️ All I know is I didn’t get any warnings before it was gone lol
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ennabear · 1 month
AHHHH BLOOOOOOO and the sparkles...im witnessing gorgeousness right now I AM! ate devoured slayed the house down mhmm
EEEEE I LOVE U IM SO GLAD U LIKE!!!! this gif is making me crazy it looks like it would be sugary and crunchy if i put it in my mouth… somebody call molly and tell her to headcanon my new theme asap!!!
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fizzytoo · 10 months
making pinterest boards for your ocs is a great cure but watch out
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Somehow someway the average perverted men found a way to ruin Pinterest of all apps.
Edit: it turns out they’re removing search terms like decora kei and decora fashion and harajuku fashion to solve this problem. I tested it and decora kei will not have any search results on Pinterest. And after more research it seems they blocked most stuff related to jfashion. They also removed Lolita fashion as well. Pinterest has also banned the word girl as well.
Tw: pedophiles
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