#pipette set
transgenderlabrat · 28 days
Oooo I am so excited I’m meeting today with a prof to finally talk a bit more about doing a senior thesis with her. She’s been a little difficult to get a hold of (for good reason though) but we’re meeting this afternoon and with any luck that’ll lead to another meeting soon. Apparently there are still some details she needs to figure out which sucks a little because it means more time before I have a definitive yes or no but also feels like a good thing because it probably means there are still open spots. I’m excited though!
And tomorrow I meet with my supervisor for the summer to hammer out my research details which is ALSO exciting! Gotta study up on that today too.
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raskies456 · 10 months
me: I know I kinda had a breakdown last night but I can go to work today it’s just dilution plating!
the 32 4x4 dilution plates I have to individually pipette:
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(not actually a photo of my plates)
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
this assay is so fucking fake......
#same one ive been working on for like 3 months. every other assay ive trained on took me a couple goes to get but ive done this one ~45x#and i keep getting 2 good runs and then 1 fail. which SUCKS bc i need 3 passes in a row to sign off on it#and its so sensitive that changing even tiny things like using a different brand same volume beaker. or a 0.5cm longer flea#anyway i had another 2 good runs this week so this was my 3rd but bc its a friday afternoon im tired as fuck and keep making dumb mistakes#like overstirring it + one of my samples leaked which is soooo embarrassing bc ive already had to ask for more before bc its taken me-#almost 50 fucking attempts already#anyway. hour and a half into prep and im at the most crucial time sensitive part which is pipetting thr enzyme into the substrate#and i manage to do it all w even time spacing (u have to replicate the exact same pace at the end of the timer or it doesnt work)#and then realise id picked up a different identical model pipette that was set to half the volume i was meant to put in FUUUUCK#by that point i was like fuck it im almost 2 hours in and nothing else to do the rest of the day. so ill work around it + see what happens#i figured well its half the volume. so if i add the same half volume again at the 5 minute mark and leave it for 12.5 instead of 10 mins#then itll hydrolyse the substrate to the same degree. IN THEORY in practice this stuff never works bc of error margins etc#bearing in mind this js like 30 seconds of thought bc it took me a couple mins to realise what i did#but the thing abt working in a lab is u make these split second decisions constantly bc everything is so time sensitive#so u have to be quick thinking on ur feet#anyway long story short got to the end of the 3 hour process. which i was carrying out v sloppily bc the chances of it working were-#slim by that point lmao. but lo and behold it was completely fucking fine. all cvs less than 5% and averages <5% of spec#which is awesome bc it means after THREE MONTHS and like. 45x3 whats that AT LEAST 135 HOURS OF FOCUSED TIME ON IT#not counting attempts i gave up on halfway thru bc id alreaady fucked them up bad#i can FINALLY sign off on it lmfao. but im just so mad like why does it play these mind games with me. it shouldnt have worked#whatever chemistry is such a fickle stupid science. anyway wahoo weekend time baby#gorgeous weather here + im gonna get pizza on the way home...... maybe life doesnt suck sometimes 😇#mutuals if ur still at work stay strong soldiers#.diaries
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cursedauxiliary · 1 year
I hate thinking about the future and my career bro, I just did bio and just went with the flow, no true passions in hs is really biting me in the ass
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there-is-no-romeo · 1 year
hello paint side of tumblr :) why do they make white watercolour? does it show up on coloured paper or something like that
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boundinparchment · 2 months
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Behind you, Dottore clicked his tongue against his teeth, and continued rooting around in the cabinet. This wasn’t the first time today. In fact, it was the third after an errant vial rolled from a top shelf and broke earlier that morning. You and your samples remained uncontaminated only due to Dottore leaning forward and covering both of you. Or: an accident with a questionable substance leads to a new experiment. Dottore/Female Reader. Accidental exposure to aphrodisiac; breeding kink towards the end, pwp. Divider by cafekitsune. Available on AO3 here.
“Don’t move.”
You froze, acutely aware of the source of heat and muscle against your back as Dottore reached above you.  
This wasn’t a new occurrence; every once in a while, either Dottore himself or a Segment needed to get into the cabinets above your workstation.  Extra vial trays, pipettes, errant extra microscope slides, among other items.  Things you used for blood and chemical analysis.  You were used to the briefest moment of keeping your head down, front pressed against the edge of your workstation, and feeling Dottore’s heat against you.
Funny, you thought, when he always came across as indifferent to everything.  The Segments were a few degrees warmer, no doubt due to their components.  Their presence was akin to touching a hot pan out of the oven with nothing between your skin whereas Dottore, the prime origin point, was porcelain warmed by fresh tea.
Behind you, Dottore clicked his tongue against his teeth, and continued rooting around in the cabinet.
This wasn’t the first time today.
In fact, it was the third after an errant vial rolled from a top shelf and broke earlier that morning.  You and your samples remained uncontaminated only due to Dottore leaning forward and covering both of you.
You hadn’t caught a glimpse at the label but the contents hadn’t seemed harmful.  Dottore, although not melting, was far from pleased.  He barked to take better inventory of your workstation as your eyes traced the pink substance that soaked his hair, feathery mantle, and immaculate white coat.
He had since removed his formal trappings and appeared all the more graceful for it.  
A breath tickled your scalp as he placed his free hand on your waist, holding you still.
The touch sent jolts through you, as if you were standing in a field during a thunderstorm.  Dottore kept his hand there and you tried to keep your breath from hitching, his finger flexing occasionally.  Was he testing whether you were ticklish?
His breathing was unnaturally slow in return, pressing against you further with every inhale.
“What are you looking for, Lord Harbinger?” you asked, neck craned low.  
It was best to continue to work.  Before you were samples of primordial water.  The substance glistened in standing vials, each awaiting their next step.  
You felt him shift forward and your hips met his properly.  He had, quite effectively, sandwiched you between him and the counter.  A dull yearning sat low in your belly and you doubled your efforts on the samples in front of you.  
To say you did not find your supervisor attractive would be a lie; like most, you often wondered what lay beneath the bird-like mask, literally and metaphorically.  The lower half of his face was charming, home to a well-shaped jaw and a set of lips that were, at times, distracting.  The conversations held between you often led down other avenues.  It was clear to you that few, if any, would ever be a match for him in how he saw the world.
The thought that crossed your mind was bold: someone like him did not need a matching piece, an opposite to dilute him.  A mind like his needed the challenge of one who complemented his thought processes.  More like a fine wine pairing rather than a Hydro slime dousing a flaming flower.
When Dottore didn’t respond, his body tense against you and hand tight on your waist, you spoke up.  Was he ill?  
“Lord Harbinger?” 
You shifted in the hopes that your moving might break his thoughts.  Dottore inhaled sharply and pushed you forward again, chest and hips pressing against you further.  His other arm was still raised, as though he hadn’t quite finished in his search high above.
“I said: don’t move.”
The words were hissed against your ear and you felt the tip of his mask against your scalp.  His chest rose and fell in harsh, stilted motions and you swore you heard him mutter something into your hand when he squeezed your waist again.
Against your backside, you now realized why, precisely, he’d requested your stillness.  The dull pangs from earlier became aching throbs at the apex of your thighs.  You pushed away the thoughts, reminding yourself biological reactions were simply part of being human.  The position you were in was one many would envy.
“I cannot find the tincture that is usually kept here.  But the longer I stay, the worse this problem will be,” Dottore whispered into your ear.
His voice was always so alluring and now it was one of the only parts you could focus on.  Blood drained from your extremities, keen on flooding other parts of your body.
“What was in that vial, sir?”
“Cherubic sea hare venom and whopperflower nectar, stabilized by a single Agate gemstone, finely ground.  All batches of it were purged.  Or should have been.”
An interesting mixture, you mused, as Dottore’s raised arm came down and reached behind you.  You heard a telltale click and then watched as he rested the familiar mask off to the side, next to your tray.  When you went to turn your head and look over your shoulder, his now-free hand found your jaw and pulled your gaze back forward.  Through his gloves, his touch felt feverish, scalding.
“Eye contact will make it worse.  Do as I ask.”
His voice was tight, breathing ragged now, nose buried in your hair.  Archons, you’d had fleeting thoughts of him but this was torture.  Here he was, struggling against whatever he’d come into contact with while trying to work. All because of an accident that wouldn’t have occurred if you didn’t need to work exactly at this location.  Fate was a cruel mistress but this was sheer misfortune for both of you.
“Those substances are hardly volatile on their own, sir,” you offered.
He always enjoyed discussing ideas and he encouraged an environment conducive to it among your peers.  Distracting him might help.
You wanted to move your hips, as though friction would give you any kind of relief, but remained as still as possible.  He wasn’t giving you much of a choice and the longer you stayed still, the more aware you became of everything else.  You were acutely aware of your own wetness, your uniform pants already sticking to the apex of your thighs when you felt him twitch.  His presence was overwhelming on a good day when there were several feet between you.
“The whopperflower nectar is a good base for any mixture but tends to result in disorientation and temperature changes depending on its source,” he said into your hair, his other hand falling to grip your waist.  “Agate, of course, contains the power and passion of the pyro archon.”
His hands tightened, squeezing right at the junction of your hips.
“And the sea hare venom?”
This had to stop at some point, though, right?  None of those substances ever left behind permanent effects.  On their own, they were relatively harmless, but if synthesized together in the right dose, would…
Dottore nuzzled your hair and then worked his way down to your neck, lips ghosting the shell of your ear and the tender spot beneath your earlobe.  
“Enhances one’s awareness of their partner’s needs and changes in pheromones.  Along with an increased stamina.”
“Partner’s needs?”
Your heart pounded as it was but seemed to miss two beats at his wording.  He was already specific and precise.  Purposeful.
“This substance only works when the subjects already have an attraction to another individual, a pre-existing bias.  It is similar to tunnel vision, an obsessive focus on the other with decreased inhibitions.”
You gasped as he pressed against you further, his hardened member against the curve of your ass, situated perfectly.  Heat rose from your chest to your face as you finally put the pieces together and your own arousal caught up with you.
“And you, my dear, keep moving despite my warnings.  Are you eager or were you contaminated as well?”
You stiffened at the realization that, lost in the headiness of it all, you’d been bucking against him the entire conversation.  Your body had a mind of its own and your mouth ran dry.
You knew you hadn’t gotten a drop on you.  Somehow that felt all the more shameful.  He needed help out of this situation and all you’d done was chase your own arousal, relished in the moment.  Even if he walked away now, he would still likely require relief and release.  Still be plagued with thoughts of you.  The way forward was obvious, wasn’t it?
“I want to help, my lord.  My mind is clear.  Would it not be beneficial to…see the experiment through?”
The tiniest bit of tension seemed to ease as he flexed his fingers.  Did he like that, you wondered, the way your skin sank beneath his fingers?
“The results might be promising.  But I must warn you…”
Before you could formulate your next thought, Dottore’s hips pinned you in place as he pushed away the objects in front of you with little care.  No sooner had the fleeting consideration for your samples crossed your mind, you felt open-mouthed kisses on your neck, hasty and hungry.  You arched your back and leaned into him, closing your eyes and tilting your neck to give him better access.  
“This will only be the first stage,” he whispered.  “And there is no going back.”
You did not trust your vocal cords as he found a particularly sensitive spot near your ear, stifling a moan and keeping it in your throat.  His hands remained flat against the surface of your work station, further pinning you, surrounding you.  Dottore lifted his head from the curve of your neck long enough to reach out and drag back a pencil and a nearby sheet of paper.
He managed to scribble something in shorthand that you recognized as observations of his symptoms and a basic outline. You had suggested he treat it like an experiment, after all.  
You felt his cock twitch again as his other hand freed itself from the surface to skim the edge of your uniform top.  A low growl rippled through his chest and he paused only to pull off his gloves; as soon as he was free, the pencil was in his hand again and he was grazing the pads of his fingers over your stomach.
Every touch felt as if you were being held above a fire, the flames licking and searing but never leaving a trace.  Your breath left your lips in short, staccato gasps and you shivered, relishing the soft jolts that ran through you.  
He squeezed your hip again on occasion and his fingers dipped beneath the edge of your pants, tracing the lines where your clothes left their mark.  The pressure behind you eased only enough for him to fit his hand between both of you and head lower, grabbing the soft flesh of your ass.  A low moan rumbled behind you as his fingers delved a little further, skimming your outer lips.  You were soaked, his touch gliding over you; you wriggled against him and felt his teeth skim your neck in warning.
“Eager indeed,” he whispered, breath hot against your ear.  “I could already smell it but this is a pleasant surprise.  Have you had thoughts of me, my dear?  Have you fantasized about this?”
Your cheeks burned and Dottore chuckled, his fingers prodding your hot, soaked core once more before withdrawing and cupping your ass again.  He obviously had, otherwise neither of you would be here in this predicament; after all, Dottore stated the substance only worked precisely because there was already a cognitive bias. 
You whimpered as his hand let go of your plush flesh and reached around, fingertip hovering over your swollen clit.  Dottore touched you just enough to cause a squeezing ache through you, your swollen walls demanding more.
“I have, Lord Harbinger,” you panted.
He made another notation as he withdrew his touch, the pencil snapping in his hand just as he finished the last flourish, the last of his restraint gone.  He cast aside the remnants with a flick of his wrist and tugged your pants down just past your hips.  Dottore didn’t bother to do more than unfasten his belt and free himself from the confines of his trousers, bare cock situated between your wet thighs.
The Harbinger pressed a hand to your back and pressed you forward, bending you over the surface, all the better to expose yourself to him.  He leaned over you, sheltering you, as he aligned the head of his member with your entrance, running his length across your lips.  A gasp left you at the sound of your slickness.  Whatever shame you had the decency to feel was gone, replaced with only a blinding need to be full, complete.
He sank into you slowly, his cock stretching your swollen walls with each shallow thrust, his hands fisted so tight his knuckles were bone-white.  You shuddered when he brushed past a particular spot every time, the edge already much closer than you expected.  An icy jolt ran through your core, walls clenching from the pressure of being pressed against the table.  Dottore hissed and his strokes grew long and full, nose buried in the crook of your neck as the sounds and scents of your coupling filled the air.  
At least this lab was more secluded but you long since lost control of any thoughts about being caught.  
“The timing could not have been better,” Dottore murmured, his pace increasing.  “How perfect.”
You meant to ask but he drove into you harder, the edge of the table pushing into your diaphragm, preventing you from speaking.  The impending bliss was already making you see stars and the lack of air was only enhancing the coil tightening deep inside.  You stifled your moans, although perhaps there was no point, as teeth grazed your ear and neck.  Hands reached for your hair, your waist, your hips as he continued to thrust, white hot heat searing across your vision as the pressure finally snapped.  Dottore groaned as you fluttered around his cock, squeezing and pulsing.  
His rhythm never changed through your aftershocks and he sent you over the edge twice more, legs quivering.  All thoughts of documenting his observations seemed gone now as he sank his teeth into the curve where your neck met your shoulder.  With a few quick snaps of his hips, Dottore shuddered atop you and you felt a shooting warmth, filling you to the brim and then some.
Dottore remained inside you, body covering yours.  His hands massaged your hips as he pulled away from your neck enough to press his lips to the open skin and lick away the blood.
“Decreased inhibitions indeed…” you muttered, tongue heavy.
You tried to shift, or at least stand straight slightly.  Your back was beginning to protest and between the man inside you and the table, catching your breath proved difficult.  Dottore chuckled as he ground his hips into yours, his cock still hard and buried deep inside you.
“We’re far from done, my dear.  Stage one is not over yet.  This substance can take days to wear off.  In that time, I’m certain I’ll obtain the results necessary to move right into stage two.  Taking you on your back might improve the timeline, though…”
Your stomach sank as you managed to turn your head and cast a look through your peripheral over your shoulder.  All you caught was a glimpse of a wide smile and glittering ruby eyes staring down at you.
“Oh, did I not mention that?  It’s quite convenient that your body is ready, based on your pheromones; I cannot stop until we’ve guaranteed success.”
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
fluff and/or smut request based on the prompt “My God, you're fun to kiss.”
Eddie preferred but if Steve inspires you more for this that's okay too!
eddie munson x afab!reader. 18+.
It starts as friends.
Acquaintances, really. People who pass each other in the hall. Glances as you go, simple pleasantries, a wave if you’re lucky.
But fate steps in. And soon it’s a joint project, it’s trying to care for an egg together, to make sure it doesn’t break, gentleness foreign to both of you. It’s handing off your pretend child at the end of an afternoon—it’s joint custody over an eventual grade.
Soon, it’s gentle brushes of flesh in science class. It’s an accidental touch after almost dropping a pipette, a borrowed pencil, a shared eraser. Awkward encounters become heated glances. They become chemical interactions like the science projects you share with Eddie Munson.
Bright, vibrant, and potent.
You think it’s a joke when you’re paired in English class. Some sort of cosmic arrangement in the stars, a joke from the gods, what have you. Because of all the people you could act out Romeo and Juliet with, Eddie Munson is the last one on your list.
He’s brash and unruly. He’s disorganized and frenetic. He’s…well, he’s charismatic and alluring. Infuriating and compelling. Intriguing and impossible. Handsome and absolutely grotesque. Charming and…
Well. That’s the problem, really. The more the stars align, the more you find you like him. The more you find yourself enraptured by the boy with curly hair and a dimpled smile.
So it’s almost no surprise when you find yourself seated on a bench in the middle of spring, surrounded by dappled light and looming trees, books stretched out in front of you, practicing your lines. Only Eddie’s distracted. Has been for a bit. Since you arrived, really.
“Is there something on my face?” Your words are short. Staccato. Clipped. Brusque, without a real reason for them being so.
And that’s that. These weeks, these opportune moments—they mean nothing. Fleeting gazes, jovial banter, and brief looks? Those don’t make up a relationship. You know this. Yet it stings all the same. Sinks deep in your gut.
Or so you think.
The next time you meet in the woods, Eddie’s a live wire. Fingers tapping a pen on his notebook, brushing your cheek, curling around your jaw. He’s staring at you fondly. Like you’re the only girl in the world; like you’re his. And you would be—if he’d only asked you.
It’s on that day, as the sun sets and the sky glows orange, he leans down and kisses you the first time.
A gentle brush of his lips over yours as you sit on top of that wooden table. His knees press to the bench, your backside on the tabletop, his ringed fingers around your hips.
He kisses you like you’re precious—a jewel to be cherished, bright and twinkly, rare and his. And you find you like that; languish in it.
You get a B+ in O’Donnell’s class and the woods become your haven that next week. A place where you can run to him, your fingers in his hair, his arms around your waist. Whispers of hate and love, of frustration and adoration, of ‘will they’ and ‘won’t they.’
There’s a shlick of a zipper lowering. A hiss from the boy before you as you tug him forward by his belt loops, nosing along his throat, sucking purple hickeys into supple flesh.
He’s plush lips over your breast, whispers of, “My god, you’re fun to kiss.”
And you’re pliant. Heart a flutter as he slides your skirt up your thighs, parting you for him, brushing at your slit. He teases at your flesh. One finger, swirling in your slick, mouth swallowing your pitiful moans. And then another, sliding into you. Making you whimper and moan, gasps muffled against the column of his throat.
“Gonna be a good girl for me?” He asks, brushing his mouth over your ear.
Smirks into your skin when you tremble, thighs spreading wider, welcoming the boy as he prods at your center, groans when you whimper into his chest at the brush of his fullness against your hole.
“Y-yeah, Eds.”
“What do you want, baby? Need your words.”
Another brush. A nudge. A slight pressure where you want him most, but it has your toes curling, fingers tightening around his leather jacket, gripping fast to curls, teeth clenching around his earlobe.
“Need you to fuck me,” you manage.
“Yeah, baby?” He’s smirking. Dimples and cockiness, fingers curling around his base, pressing his head against your center. Collecting your slick and pushing in slightly. Enough to have you quivering, enough to have you begging for more. “Like this?”
And he’s sliding in. Inch by blessed inch, slowly and painstakingly so, until you’re a gasping, writhing, pleading mess. Tears prick your eyes, fingers in his hair, mouth against his.
“You like me,” he rasps.
Not a question.
Not at all.
A statement. Simple, just like breathing. Just like the way he slides in and out of you—like he’s always done so, like it’s what he’s always been made to, like he’s been doing so all along. 
“I do,” you gasp out, shuddering around him, curling your thighs around him, dragging him closer. You need him closer. “I like you, Eddie Munson.”
“Go out with me.” A brush of his lips over your heart, hips rolling against yours, drawing out your pleasure.
You hate him, you like him, you might even love him.
“I will,” you whimper, pulling him tighter, burning brighter. “I will.”
And it’s one week later you walk down the halls hand in hand with Eddie Munson. Your health partner, lab partner, english partner. Stranger, acquaintance, friend.
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normspellsman · 1 year
A Kiss, Perhaps
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pairing: spider socorro x fem!human!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 4.4k+ (😳)
warning(s): just spider + reader being cute idiots in love, spider actually being a lovesick puppy that happily follows you wherever you go, subtle brains x brawn dynamic, the tiniest hint of suggestive content (?), first kiss trope, slightest mention of making out, & getting caught (oop-)
taglist: @aonungsmate @universal-s1ut @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @optimisticblazetrash @arminsgfloll @amortencjja @dearstell @liyahsocorro @chshshhshshshshshshs @goodiesinthecloset21 @sweetirilly @blushhpeachh @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic
word bank: ikran — winged creatures used for flying + hunting
note: set before the events of atwow! i keep overdoing myself with these 4k+ fics 😭 but anything for you guys <3 there’s nearly not enough spider fics on this app. give my boy some love T-T! also, tumblr’s being weird & not letting me tag some people on the posts so i’ll try to tag those with a line through their user in the comments.
You loved spending time outside in the forests of Pandora, soaking in everything you saw. You spent more time out of the lab than in it most days.
Spider even joined you at times, trailing behind you like a lost puppy. You probably knew the forest better than the boy, even with his frequent associations with the Sully children. You practically never left the beautiful scenery and spent too many hours exploring every little thing you could. So, he found it best to follow your lead whenever he tagged along on your journeys.
Norm liked to say that you were a lot like Grace Augustine in some ways. Always wanting to analyze and study every single plant you came into contact with. Always too caught up in admiring the beauty and wonder that Pandora provided. Of course you never met the woman but you saw plenty of her video recordings with Kiri and on your alone time. You could say that the two of you had similarities but none that were too significant.
You knew almost every inch of forestry on the moon-planet. Almost.
There was this one place that Spider had stumbled upon many years ago after running around with Lo’ak. It was his little hideout spot whenever he needed time to himself or wanted a break from things. He didn’t think about sharing it with anyone else until you mentioned how bored you were one night, complaining about how you practically seen every inch of the forest and that there was nothing else to see. You loved everything you saw on Pandora but missed the first time admiration one held whenever they saw something they had never seen before.
Spider wasn’t exactly sure if you had already scoped out his little getaway spot but nonetheless, he still wanted to share it with you.
“I don’t think you’ve been to this place though,” Spider speaks up one day, pulling your attention away from whatever you were studying underneath the microscope.
The teen also often offered his company to you whenever you were in the lab doing whatever scientists did. He liked spending time with you, even if you were too caught up in doing sciencey stuff that he had absolutely no clue about.
“What do you mean?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
A shit eating grin stretched itself onto Spider’s lips. Good, he thought, she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.
“You said that you’ve seen every inch of the forest,” he replied, twirling a pipette in between his calloused fingers, “but, I’m sure you haven’t seen my hideout.”.
Curiosity sparkled in your eyes, back straightening in attention.
“What does it look like?” You asked, genuinely excited about the secret place Spider had kept from you for whoever knows how long.
Spider had you right where he wanted you. Like a prey in his web. There was no way that he was going to give you any details of what it looked like. Where’s the fun in that? He wanted to see the pure, genuine look of amazement on your face when you finally saw the place he was talking about.
“Nuh uh,” Spider tsked, poking your cheek with the pipette, “I am not falling for that. You’ll just have to wait and see tomorrow,” he finished, face inching closer to yours.
Your eyes rolled in annoyance, not pleased with Spider's answer. You at least wanted to know where the spot was or what some of its features looked like, it would help that anxious-excitement feeling that always crawled its way into your stomach whenever you discovered something new.
“Wherever you’re taking me better not be somewhere where I have to climb,” you retorted, slightly pushing back his head with your hand, him snorting in response.
“It’s not that bad. Besides,” he replies, “I can always carry you up there.”.
Spider was ridiculously strong for a human boy his age. The first time you realized it, your stomach twisted in knots. The two of you were play fighting in your early teens when the male managed to pin you down with just one arm, the other slithering in between your bodies as he tickled your stomach. It was in that brief moment that you realized how different and quickly Spider was changing, thanks to puberty.
Just the thought of Spider carrying you up to wherever he had in mind without even breaking a sweat made butterflies erupt in your stomach. You began to wonder how his toned arms would feel around your body or how his tense back would feel against your front as it flexed due to his climbing. (Your mouth began to water a little at the thought. Oh how you wished he would just pull you into his embrace and hold you so you could feel the flexing of his muscles as he did so.)
You quickly scoffed the thought away, shaking your head at the dirty blondes' response. He very obviously took pride in his strength and the fact that he could most definitely carry you anywhere without much difficulty.
“Sure you could, Spider,” you added, your eyes squinting a little at the boy in front of you, unplugging and turning off the microscope you were using.
Spider smirked at your response, tossing the pipette to the side as he saw that you were getting ready to clean up, signaling that you were done for the day and we’re going to head off to bed.
“Night, beautiful,” Spider whispered, ruffling your hair a bit before he turned and left the lab you were occupying.
“G’night,” you replied, pink dusting your cheeks in reaction to the nickname he gave you early on into your friendship.
He always called you that. Max had explained to him what the word meant when he overheard Jake call Neytiri that when he was only a child, wondering what it meant. Max told him that he should only ever mean it whenever he called someone it. So he did. You were the only one he called beautiful and probably would be the only one he ever called that and truly meant it.
“Tomorrow, three hours before eclipse,” Spider quickly added, heading peaking through the door of the lab, a smile on his face as he voiced the time he planned on taking you out.
You only hummed out in acknowledgment, shooing him away as you focused on your task of cleaning up your area of the lab.
You really couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
“Hurry up, you’re going to make us late,” Spider whined out, sprawled out on your freshly made bed, a ball of yarn in his hands as he tossed it up and down towards the ceiling.
You rolled your eyes at the boy, annoyed at his words. It wasn’t like there was someone else waiting for you at the spot he wanted to take you to.
“We are fine, Spider,” you scoffed out, finishing tying up your shoelaces together besides the teens head as your body was in a seated position. Your hand briefly reached out towards Spider’s knotted locs, messing with them a little before he turned his head to teasingly nip at you, teeth not making contact with your skin. You squealed in response, hurriedly pulling back your hand in order to avoid the boy's sharp teeth.
Spider barked out a laugh at your response, tossing the ball of yarn to the side, softly landing on the floor with a dull thud. Another thing he loved, messing with you. He took great joy in doing it and seeing your reaction.
“Yeah well, the faster you finish getting ready, the faster we’ll be at my spot,” he retorted, pushing himself up to a sitting position, a bored look on his face as he looked at you.
Spider had only been in your room for around fifteen minutes, barging in when you just finished braiding your hair yelling about how long you were taking and how by the time you were done, it’d be sunrise already. He was all ready to go and had been waiting for you for almost thirty minutes before coming into your room unannounced. He usually did, which caused you to throw whatever was closest to you at him, demanding him to get out. You got used to it over the years but still, you needed privacy and sometimes, you felt like you rarely had that around Spider due to his spontaneous barging into your room. You gained the ability to change out of and into your clothes incredibly fast, almost always narrowly missing flashing Spider.
“Okay, okay, I’m all ready,” you responded, hands going up in surrender as you stood up from your spot on the bed, dusting off the back of your thighs and the front of your shorts.
Spider groaned out in relief, hopping off the bed and grabbing your packed bag that was placed by the doorframe, throwing it over his shoulder before grabbing your hand and rushing you out in excitement.
“You’re gonna love it, I swear!”.
The both of you had arrived and climbed up to the place Spider had wanted to take you to in an hour and a half. The sun was just at eclipse when you arrived. Spider didn’t hesitate to crouch down a little so you could jump onto his back, legs and arms tightly around his neck and waist before he began the ascent up.
“We’re here,” Spider whispered, slightly out of breath from the exercise. He tapped your thigh twice, signaling that it was safe for you to let go.
The first thing you saw were vines. Lots of them. It covered almost every inch of solid rock, clinging across the surface until your eyes landed on a small opening, the vines dangling over it as the twine and its leaves cloaked the opening. No wonder you never knew of this place. Regardless of it being too high up for you alone to climb, it was very well hidden by the green vines.
It seemed like it was a cave, from what you could see. Peeking past some of the small openings in between the vines, you couldn’t see much light through the gaps. It seemed to be pretty dark and the only light that was getting through was the sunlight that managed to squeeze between the vines.
“You excited?” Spider asked, anxiety settling itself in his stomach. He wanted you to like his secret spot. It was special to him. He didn’t even tell Lo’ak about it and he tells the Na’vi boy practically everything.
“Very,” you replied back, eyes still glued on the intricate weaving of the vines. You tried to imagine what was behind the plant's structure, excitement setting in.
You liked finding new things but this felt different. More personal. Spider told his loved ones almost everything, so you were genuinely surprised when he brought up the fact that he had a secret hideout. And knowing that you were probably the only other person to see and know about this place made it even more special and personal.
“C’mon,” Spider whispered, taking your hand in his as he gently pulled you inside, pushing the vines to the side to make room for the both of you to get through.
It was dark at first, the numerous vines making a dull thud sound as they fell back into place once Spider let them go. But then, small blue dots of light appeared, scattered across the walls and ceiling of the cave, lighting up the space in its dim light. The longer you two walked, the more brighter it seemed to get. The biolomenscient dots got dimmer and dimmer the further you and Spider went, the warm glow of the sunset replacing it.
Another opening made its way into your line of sight, giving you the perfect view of the eclipse and more.
“Holy shit,” you whispered out, hand still grasping Spiders.
The sight before you was absolutely breathtaking. Ikran flew across the setting sun, shrieking in delight as they dipped and dived. The floating mountains were scattered across the sky, thick and large vines connecting them to each other so they didn't drift too far from another. The vibrant colors the setting sun emitted settled across the horizon and danced across the tops of the trees beneath the cliff you and Spider were currently standing on.
Spider smiled at your response, warmth spreading across his body as he came to the conclusion that you were enjoying the sight before you. He felt nervous before, not wanting you to not like where he was taking you. But now, he felt so happy. Happy that you were awestruck and couldn’t tear your eyes off of everything in front of you.
“Like it?” He asked, hand squeezing yours to catch your attention.
“Like it?” You replied, eyes still darting across the beautiful scenery in front of you, “I love it! How come you didn’t take me here earlier?” You pouted at the end.
The boy only chuckled in response. To be honest, he considered this place to be his. Like a little secret. He wasn’t planning on sharing it with anyone. But the more he thought about it and visited the small cave slash cliff hideout, the more he wondered what it’d be like to share this place with you. He was over the moon when you agreed to tag along last night. This was no longer going to be just his spot but the both of yours.
Spider slightly tugged on your hand, guiding you to follow his actions in sitting down, legs dangling over the cliffs edge.
“It’s so beautiful,” you commented, settling yourself next to Spider, hands still intertwined.
The human boy hummed in response, eyes never leaving the side of your face. The setting suns colorful rays reflected off the glass of your mask, highlighting your bright eyes as you continued to gawk at the gorgeous sight in front of you.
To Spider, your beauty could never compare to what was in front of him. He had seen this kind of sunset millions of times before but he always found himself thinking of you whenever he gazed at the eclipse and the colorful horizon. You were truly one of a kind. He always felt special whenever you graced him with your presence. His eyes never left your face whenever the two of you hung out, oftentimes running into things on accident which made me even more flustered once your laugh reached his ears. If he were in a Na’vi body, his tail would be swaying furiously back and forth like a dog excited to see their owner whenever his eyes settled on your figure. You always had a special place in his heart. Which makes this moment even more special.
“Hmm, just like you, beautiful,” he whispered back, nudging your shoulder with his.
A wide toothed smile made its way across your lips, a giggle escaping them as you shook your head at the boy. “Cheesy,” you replied, eyes finally tearing away from the sunset and settling on Spider.
Your breath hitched in your throat when you realized how close the two of you were. Your shoulders were touching and your clasped hands were in Spider's lap, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand. If it weren’t for the masks you had to wear, you most likely would be able to feel each other's breath. Just the thought gave you slight goosebumps.
“Sappy,” Spider agreed, laughing in response to your previous statement. He tended to be overly romantic whenever around you. Albeit he never outwardly voiced his thoughts, he still thought them. You only got a glimpse or two of that side of him, it only being during whenever the two of you were joking around or he was trying to bring your spirits up on a particularly hard day. It never failed to make you feel better or laugh in response.
Your eyes were stuck on Spider's face, glancing from his eyes, to his nose down to his lips, and then back up to his eyes. He was probably the prettiest human boy you’d ever seen, and the only one you’d seen.
“Want to know how I stumbled across this place?” He asked, cheeks reddening at your intense stare.
“Please,” you responded, shifting a bit to face more towards the boy, hands still tightly interlocked.
Spider brightly smiled before starting, glad to be finally sharing this, his place with you.
You had stayed out way past curfew, too caught up in the beauty of Pandora to realize just how late you and Spider stayed out.
He had you put yourself on his back again on the way down, your hands returning to grip his shoulders as your legs tightly wrapped around his waist. You found yourself thinking about his muscles and his strength again, making yourself blush at every thought. The fact that you were so tightly pressed up against him and could feel his back muscles twitch and flex as he climbed down didn’t help, at all.
But he too was blushing. There have only been a handful of times where the both of you were in a position like this, so close together. Most of them were when you were children and still needed the comfort of someone else to sleep, Norm often finding the two of you entangled together as you softly snored away in your deep slumber. The other time being when you had a tickle fight and he pinned both of your hands above your head and tortured you with his swift fingers against the sensitive skin of your stomach. Spider almost kissed you that day, if it weren’t for Max’s interruption, telling Spider that Lo’ak was there for him. And the other time being now. It had been so long since he had you this close. Of course you two hugged and had sleepovers whenever you were bored, but even then, you never had your body that close to his and vice versa. Spider could feel the beat of your rapid heart against his back, smirking at how fast it was pumping.
It was nice to have you this close to his body. Especially in this circumstance. He felt like he was protecting you, in a way at least. Spider knew that you didn’t have the type of training he did regarding exploring the expanse of Pandora’s forests. You mostly explored on your own and kept to the forest floor whereas Spider leapt from tree to tree with Lo’ak and climbed whatever he could. And regarding this fact, he knew that you wouldn’t be able to pull yourself up to climb all the way to where he wanted to take you as well as back down. So this was the least he could do. Have you cling to his back as he descended back down to the mossy ground.
The minute your feet touched the floor, you took off sprinting, shouting at Spider to race you back to the lab. Poor boy barely had any time to process it, standing there in shock for a few seconds before quickly following after you, catching up to your figure within minutes.
The boy beat you to the lab even with your head start.
“No fair!” You whined out, huffing and puffing from your sprinting. Damn, you thought to yourself, and to think Spider does this everyday.
“Hmm, sucks to suck I guess,” Spider teased, patting your head as you stood there with your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath. Your mask began to fog up from your ragged breathing.
You playfully slapped Spider’s hand away as you both walked up the stairs to the lab, the boy holding the door open for you as you walked through.
Once the door shut, a hissing sound reached your ears, signaling that the filter was forcing out the Pandora air and replacing it with the air you and the other humans needed to breathe. When the small light above the second door turned green, you quickly discarded your mask and pushed through the secondary door.
“That was so much fun!” You exclaimed, wide smile on your lips as you turned back towards Spider, watching him place both of your masks back onto the small rack they usually reside on.
Warmth spread throughout Spider’s chest at your exclamation, proud that he was able to make you this happy from simply sharing his hideout with you. “I’m glad you had fun,” he replied, a gummy smile spreading onto his lips.
“Thank you so much for taking me! I really enjoyed tonight,” you continued, same smile still plastered on your face.
You felt grateful that Spider wanted to share a place he had found and kept to himself for a while with you. It made you feel special. Really special. You wanted to do something for him that showed your gratefulness. But your mind kept drawing blanks the more you thought about it. It had to be a grand gesture that showed him just how much you appreciated tonight as well as him in general.
Silence settled itself between the two of you, it resting comfortably in the air. Seconds had passed from the last time you spoke, eyes darting around Spider’s painted striped skin, the paint fading from the days excursions. As your eyes settled back onto his face, you realized that he was staring at your lips.
A lightbulb went off in your head. Yes, a kiss would work.
“I am very grateful that you decided to share your hideout with me. I feel honored,” you began, taking a step closer to the boy in front of you, “Is there anything I could do to show my appreciation?”.
Spider gulped at your question, one thing coming to mind. But, the boy only shook his head and shrugged. “It’s alright. I’m just happy to have spent tonight with you,” he replied.
Sappy motherfucker, you laughed to yourself, feeling yourself melt at how sweet Spider was being. You knew that he’d never force you to do anything that you didn’t want to do. Another thing that you loved about him. (Right after his face and muscles, of course.)
You hummed in response, inching closer as you did so. You could practically hear how fast Spider’s heart was beating against his chest, making you slightly smile at how you might be the cause of it.
“I think I have something in mind,” you trailed, straining your neck a bit to look up at the boy as you finally stood chest to chest. A few strands of Spider’s locs fell in front of his face and dangled besides yours, hand going out to tuck it behind one of his ears. The boys knees almost gave out at the movement, stomach twisting in knots and skin beginning to tingle from your gentle graze.
“And w-what could that b-be?” He stuttered, dark blush covering his cheeks. He felt his heart beat even faster as the seconds ticked by, if that was possible.
You smiled up at Spider, right hand coming to gently take his left one. “A kiss, perhaps?” You asked, not expecting him to agree right away.
“You…you w-want to…to k-kiss me?” He shakingly asked, the hand in yours intertwining his fingers between yours. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. That you suggested that you both kiss. He’s dreamt of kissing you ever since he saw the couple down his hall kiss when he was younger, Max yet again had to explain the action to him. Ever since he knew that he liked you. Since he knew that you’d be the only one for him as long as he breathed.
You nodded at his question, eyes falling from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes. You also dreamt of kissing the boy. You wanted to ever since you saw an Earth movie from the twenty-first century where the two protagonists were lovers. You wanted to experience everything that the two lovers in the movies experienced with Spider. It was something you often caught yourself daydreaming about when you had nothing else better to do.
At your confirmation, Spider gently and delicately cupped your face in his warm and bigger hands, bringing you closer to his lips. There was a sliver of space between your lips and his, the teen boy waiting for something. Spider’s eyes searched yours for hesitancy and when he saw none and received another nod of your head, he pressed his plump lips against yours.
Your left hand went up to his waist to steady yourself, knees nearly giving out on the spot as your brain realized that this was actually happening.
Warmth was the only thing you felt from the kiss as well as adoration and care. You thought the whole fireworks thing was a bit silly whenever a character in a movie talked about it. But this, this was so much better than fireworks. You could feel how much Spider loved and cared for you through a single kiss. Could feel how nervous you made him through his shaky hands and rapid heartbeat. It was much better than fireworks. You felt loved and cared for through your shared kiss. You only hoped that Spider could feel the same things you did from the kiss as well.
The two of you stood there for who knows how long, kissing and pecking each others lips. You only broke away from the kiss two times to inhale more oxygen before you passed out. Spider meanwhile kissed all over your face as you did so, placing gentle kisses against your cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin before slotting his lips against yours again once you filled your lungs with sweet oxygen.
A loud cough erupted from behind you, halting the both of you in your kiss. Fear and anxiety spikes through your system, eyes widening as you slowly turned around to see who caught you and Spider kissing face.
“I don’t want to know,” Max started, arms crossed against his chest as a sleepy expression painted his face, “Just, get to bed. Separately. And if anyone asks, I saw nothing, okay?”.
You swear you never ran to your room so fast in your life, giggling out into the quiet corridors of the lab with Spider trailing behind you. Yeah, sorry Max, but there was no way that either of you were going to bed in your respective rooms tonight. There was too much to talk about and catch up on.
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Donatello's First Love—Splinter's Talk
mostly bayverse, could be 2003 if you squint hard enough. did it a little different with this one compared to the others :0 word count: 1.6k
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Spanning his messy corner of the Lair, Donnie's many monitors mounted to the wall were alight with a blue glow. The same few camera feeds rotated between the locations outside of their home and other places, monitoring, and allowing surveillance to take a backseat in his mind while he worked. At his desk, he gently squeezed a pipette into the mouth of a breaker, waiting for the reaction he was looking for to occur. 
"Interesting," he mumbled to himself, "I wonder what happens if I were to supercool the mixture." 
He placed the substance in a tray and prepared another batch, this time, much more concentrated. There wasn't much to do around the house besides experiment with the materials he'd salvaged. That was fine; he enjoyed the process, and filling notebooks—and his walls—to the brim with chemical equations, notes and mathematics that hardly anyone but he could read. 
Careful with his large fingers to not drop the pipette, he sucked a few drops up from the test tube, going in to add to the mixture. He squinted, almost there. And then the startling alarm pinged on the screen next to him, making him jump and squirt the chemical on his work surface. He quickly wiped up and looked over at the computer. "'Motion detected: [y/n]'s apartment complex'," the screen read, switching camera feeds to one of the multiple tiny cameras he had set up. He only put cameras where he thought it mattered; he was paranoid about an ambush, and even more so at her place than theirs, now that she was coming and going from the Lair. The likelihood of their enemies finding out her association with them was about a fifty-seven percent chance, fifty percent too much for Donnie.
He scanned the monitor for signs of anything suspicious, but it turned out to be only a friend dropping by with a key to put a package inside, with [y/n]'s permission. 
"Oh," he muttered, suddenly feeling silly. He made sure the person left her apartment—and locked it back—before quickly switching the feed. That was his one secret nobody had managed to catch him out on yet. Even so, he felt slick and a little guilty for spying. But, justifiably, they needed to know if she ever was in danger! He dismissed the notification and rotated the feeds manually. "Whoops. Sorry, [y/n]...yeah, I'll just switch that back." 
He shuffled around to resume his work titrating. Except Splinter stood curiously behind the desk, eyes trained close on the monitors, and then Donnie. Donnie flinched—Splinter usually didn't come in or near his lab. In fact, none of his family normally bothered him when he had his nose in his work, because none of them understood it. Not even Leo bothered to try to get the details. The details went over their heads. 
"So, Donatello, what is it you are working on?"
"Oh, Master Splinter," Donnie greeted him, glancing back to make sure the monitor was no longer on the door to her apartment. He picked up the pipette and test tube he'd knocked over before, "What is it?"
"Refer back to my last question," Splinter replied. He leaned calmly against his cane and looked all around the cluttered lab. Notes taped, tacked, even glued to walls. A whiteboard full of impossible equations, various pieces of technology in disrepair he'd picked up from trash and things going to recycling. Quite the mess, but Donnie knew where everything was. Splinter cocked his head slightly. "What disorganization," he commented.
"Disorganized to you," Donnie corrected with a smile, "but I can find anything I'm looking for—it's actually 'unorganized', implies that it never was organized. The definition of 'disorganized' suggests that something once was organized but now isn't, but I never once had this place in order," he rambled. 
"Donatello," Splinter interrupted. Once his son got talking, it was hard to stop him. He just had to interject to get a word in. "What is it you are doing? You have been very unfocused lately. This is strange for you."  
"Unfocused" was an understatement. With a mind already running miles per minute, he was getting caught up in his own head. Getting his work station back to a functional state, he set up his tube tray, answering, "Titrating these and writing out their chemical equations. The brain's like a muscle, gotta exercise it and stay sharp," he said. And with all that sharpness, he was only half-suspicious as to why Splinter was suddenly interested in what he was doing. 
Splinter nodded. "Then I must not have seen miss [y/n]'s apartment complex on your screen. Carry on." 
Donnie froze, watching Splinter out of the corner of his hazel eyes. His stomach dropped. So, it was one secret—they weren't going to understand, he was just as protective of their home, too! What if she couldn't call the police, or even them in time if someone broke in? Her apartment wasn't in a good area, Donatello already didn't like that. What if someone grabbed her? He couldn't put his mind at ease without knowing. 
"I—well, this was a recent development, you see," Donatello stuttered, fidgeting with the purple wraps around his hands. He realized then how weird it all looked and panicked. He'd never meant for it to go this far; his cautionary measures just kept escalating more and more with his feelings for her. "I swear, it's just outside of her place! I would never put a camera in her apartment, that would be creepy, and way overstepping," he explained. "I told her I'd always look out for her and that she can count on me."
"Oh, I suppose it's no problem, then, since she gave you such consent," Splinter said, looking away momentarily to scratch his chin. His eyes snapped back over to his anxious son and popped a hairy brow up as he knocked the end of his cane on the floor to grab his attention further. "Is that right, Donatello?" 
He wanted to go into his shell. I'm busted, this is not good. "Don't tell her! So, I, um…I didn't exactly…" The thought trailed off. He didn't need to finish that sentence for both of them to know. 
"Precisely my point. Now that we have made that clear, would you like to tell me what this is really about?" 
"No! I mean, I will, since you're asking, but—agh, I swear, I'm not a creep," he said. "I just wanted to make sure she'd be okay. That's it." 
Splinter crossed behind his desk, slipping an arm around his son's shell. Donnie wanted to pull away. "Come with me. Let's take a walk." 
He led them out of the Lair into the tunnels outside their home. They could loop around easily and end up back at the Lair, and Splinter knew Donnie was going to resist talking if the others could be around to hear. Sometimes, you must play on other people's terms, he thought, listening to the quiet drip echo as they ambled through the sewer. He figured it was time to do a little damage control, although he normally pledged not to interfere with his sons and them making their mistakes. However, he didn't want to see Donatello make a potentially hazardous one to himself. 
"Now, you must understand, my son, you cannot know everything at once," Splinter said, avoiding an accusatory tone. "You have a brilliant mind, but you certainly don't tend to see the obvious." 
"What do you mean, master?" Donnie questioned. The "obvious" being under any other circumstances, his actions would definitely be seen as "creepy". The notion flew right under his radar as something to worry about, as their circumstances were anything but normal. 
"Of course, you are a young man, you want to watch out for the one you love," Splinter pointed out. Donnie cringed, even though he hasn't made much of an attempt to hide that fact. He was excited to explore something new, why should he have hidden thos feelings? He didn't shout them to the world. But it was well-known among their family that he'd beaten his brothers to the punch when it came to her, and no going for it was an unwritten but understood boundary. Still, this wasn't a conversation he was prepared for have tonight; his mind was still back at his lab.
"About everyone but Michelangelo has noticed you've been retreating to your lab more often recently." He chuckled. "And your antics around her are obvious, again. Loosen your grip a little. You are annoying your brothers vying for her attention." 
Donnie felt a rush of embarrassment come over him. Yes, he was showy—expressive, maybe too quick to whisk her away to demonstrate his new inventions, the stuff he'd discovered. Donnie knew he could hyperfixate on and obsess over things; she was on his mind more than not. As for annoying his brother, he wasn't the strongest, but he was the smartest. He was much more eager with his staff and putting his siblings back in their lane when she was around. The electric component on his weapon came in handy for quick corrections, and goofing around. 
Through all of that, he remembered having a moment of clarity when she was inspecting his computer setup one night and the camera almost flickered to hers, to which he scrambled to shut it off. Conveniently, he brushed that aside. 
Donnie lifted his goggles, rubbing his face sheepishly. "I guess you're right," he admitted. 
"The things you do for love," Splinter shook his head. "Be sure you do not push her away by accident. You are fortunate I had the mind to come talk to you about this before you made a mistake and a fool of yourself. Consider it a fair warning," he said as he looked over at his son, who waited quietly for him to continue, "to not overstep." 
"I understand, loud and clear." 
Splinter nodded in agreement, "Good. I trust you will take this advice well. You have a good heart and good intentions, Donatello, do not be clouded by your mind. Your brain is not your only quality."
"Thanks, master Splinter. I'll let up on it," Donnie relented with a small smile. He was still uncomfortable, feeling a bit dumb. He always was so caught up on making predictions, keeping everything running smoothly and safely that he didn't always consider how that worked for other people. Just because it made sense to him, didn't mean it made sense to them. Note that for later, Donatello, he reminded himself. He turned around to head back to the Lair. 
Splinter stopped to take in a little sunlight from the grate above his head, stopping Donnie in his tracks. "Oh, and Donatello," he called. 
Splinter assumed parental status, and Donnie knew that scolding tone all too well. "Tell her about it, or turn that damned camera off." 
~wooOoOOOoooOooOooo partitionnnnnnn~
Side rant: I actually hate it when people portray Donnie (except for 2012 iterations) as shy and unconfident. He is literally the opposite in 2003 and Bayverse. Donatello is not "a little baby uwu" and I'm tired of people making him look so meek 😭
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cozage · 10 months
Firstly, I love your work ❤️❤️
Secondly, I saw your 2k follower milestone post.
Could you do Trafalgar Law as a girl dad? Like with a black wife (I'm black and I want this man so bad lol)
Maybe with him finding out she's pregnant, then finding out it's a girl. Just how he'd take the news and how he'd treat their daughter.
And, if you have the time, maybe when she's older and wants to date somebody. Idk I feel like he's a protective loving father 🥲🥲
A/N: I could go on and on about Trafalgar Law as a Girl Dad. He was made to have a daughter.  Characters: female reader x Law Cw: some talk about infertility and diseases, little bit of angst. Total word count:770
Girl Dad
Trafalgar Law was not expecting a positive pregnancy test. All signs had pointed he was infertile, a result of Amber Lead Sickness he had as a child. 
Even despite that prognosis and you all being careful, the test in front of him was positive. He was going to be a father. 
A part of him was ecstatic. The two of you had talked about kids before, through adoption or other options. But this child growing inside your womb was his child, made of DNA from him and his favorite person in the whole world. 
He spirals a few times, alone in his office. What if the baby had Amber Lead Poisoning? What is the life expectancy of a child in this generation? What if the child spreads the disease to you and you get sick? Some nights he can’t sleep; he’s just up thinking about What-ifs.
He frets over everything during your pregnancy. If your BPM or heart rate is even slightly elevated, if your bloodwork is just slightly off, he starts to worry. He runs test after test, just to make sure everything is okay
Even things like the way the nursery room is set up stresses him out. If the bed is too big or if the blankets will be a problem, the risk of certain paints or old furniture. This man has studied so many medical diseases that he’s paranoid about anything and everything.
At week twenty he’s running a weekly scan and finds out it’s a girl. He breaks down in tears, thinking of his mother and his sister. He wished they could be here to celebrate with you all. But it’s only the two of you in his little doctor's office. 
He wanted to find a more fun way to tell you the news, but his tears of joy tell you everything you need to know. Of course it’s a girl. You always knew he would make the best father for a little girl. 
When she’s finally brought into the world, Law cannot stop staring at her. She has your skin and his eyes, and you’ve never seen a more beautiful combination for a human being.
Sometimes you’ll wake up in the middle of the night just to find Law holding her while she sleeps, completely transfixed on her. He’s always smiling like an idiot, just watching her sleep.
He is always whispering in her ear, telling her how much he loves her and how special she is. She grows up constantly hearing how much she is loved by everyone on the ship. 
As she gets older, Law has a hard time saying no to her. She wants that cute princess dress? Of course she can have it. You’ve never seen this man bend his will so easily to another human. But he'd give her the moon if she asked.
He will dress up in tiaras and have tea parties. Everyone on the ship will! Sometimes you’ll be walking around and it will be strangely quiet, and you just know you’re little princess has gotten those boys doing her bidding in some way or another. 
He sets up a little desk for her in his office when she turns three, and you are BAFFLED. The man never lets anyone in his office! And now your daughter has a DESK in there, full of crayons and coloring books and journals.
She has a knack for medicine too and loves to make her own “potions” (aka dyed water. Law isn’t THAT crazy) in the lab. He starts teaching her how to use pipettes and measure out liquids. Once she turns 8, he shows her how to run tests and read medical data. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 
On the ship, she has full reign. Whatever she wants to do, she’s welcome to do it. Law only ever raises his voice at her when she’s in danger or when he’s scared. 
On island visits, it’s a little bit different. He doesn’t like her to leave his side, even as she creeps into her teenage and young adult years. 
He has a really hard time letting her have her freedom. He knows what kind of people wait around the corner of islands on the Grand Line, eager to get a girl of her stature and her beauty. He’s trained her how to fight, but he’s still desperate to protect her from the world.
It’s hard sometimes, having a husband who loves so deeply and wants to protect so much. You often have to be the mediator, reminding Law to be gentle and reminding your daughter that he just wants to protect her. 
But you’re a family, and you always love each other and forgive each other. It’s not always perfect, but you would never trade it, and neither would Law.
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misseviehyde · 7 months
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“So is that stuff you told me about your great grandfather being Henry Jekyll really true?” I asked my best mate Richard as we sat in his room doing homework one night.
“Shut up!” he hissed, “I only told you about that because we have been friends so long and you got me drunk on my Dad’s Scotch. If he ever finds out I blabbed the family secret he will go ape shit.”
“But is that stuff about the Elixir really true? Does it really make you into a girl?”
“How should I know? I never tried it,” he snapped glaring at me. “We guard it because it’s dangerous to use. The only reason we even keep any of it in the house is in case anyone else ever invents it and we need to work out a cure. It’s a solemn duty passed down from Father to Son”
“Awwww come on,” I grinned. “You really haven’t considered trying it? Just think of what you could do as a girl…”
Putting down the book Richard looked at me in exasperation, “It has honestly never crossed my mind. You obviously have been thinking about it since I told you though. What’s on your mind exactly?”
“You know that hot girl I like Abby? She is at the beach today, but she won’t look at a nerd like me twice. But you know what I noticed? Hot girls listen to other girls. I was thinking you could take the Elixir and go tell her how great I am. She is sure to be interested in me then. It would only be for a few hours. Your Dad would never know.”
Richard shook his head angrily, “You must be nuts. My Dad has made it quite clear that I am never to go near the stuff except in an emergency.”
“Dude… this is an emergency! I am sick of being a virgin and I need to get laid. It will only be for a few hours. What harm could it really do? Besides you owe me for saving your life.”
Richard rolled his eyes, “That was six years ago and you still go on about it every time you want something. That car wasn’t even going that fast!”
I looked at him steadily in the eye. “Dude, please do this. I wanna see the Elixir in action and I wanna be with Abby so badly. Pleeeeeeaase!!!?”
“Fine!” Snapped Richard. “God you are annoying. A very small controlled dose shouldn’t be too dangerous. Follow me then.”
Having finally made up his mind, Richard was now firm and decisive. He led me into his Dad’s study and walking up to the bookcase pulled on a whorl of decorative wood I had never noticed before. It clicked and the bookcase swung open to reveal a small chamber.
Inside were dusty books - the fabled research diaries of Dr Jekyll. There were two chemistry sets, one old fashioned and one modern. And in a sealed aluminium casket were five carefully packaged test-tubes containing a light pink liquid.
Consulting one of the books first, Richard made some notes. “A single drop will transform me for about three hours and should not lead to a polymorphic imbalance.”
“A what?”
“Basically if you are ever stupid enough to drink a whole vial, it becomes a semi permanent effect. You start switching between male and female forms at random moments… even without taking more Elixir. It is what happened to my great grandfather. A single drop is safe enough though and the effects are temporary.”
Putting a pipette into the tube, Richard extracted a drop and raised it to his mouth. Then he hesitated and licked his lips nervously. “I don’t know about this… maybe it is a…”
Before he could react I squeezed the pipette bulb and a big pink drop glooped out and went straight into his mouth. Richard looked at me furiously and then shrugged fatalistically “Oh well… too late now I guess.”
I watched excitedly… but nothing happened. “Dude it isn’t working, I knew it was fake,” I hissed disappointingly.
“Be patient,” he sighed. “A small dose like this takes time to kick in. Besides… have you seen my hair? I can feel it tingling so something must be happening.”
I looked at Richard and gasped. He was right. As I watched his hair was lightening and growing blonder by the second. It was now strawberry blonde and the tips had started to curl and push out.
“Oh shit - here I go,” he groaned suddenly gripping his stomach and doubling up. I felt the grin fade from my face as I heard his bones cracking and wet fleshy sounds emerging from his body as he gripped himself and hunched down.
“Holy shit dude - I would never have made you take this stuff if I had thought it was gonna harm you…” I cried running to his side.
“Ahhhh no.. nooooo it’s okay… it feels wonderful!” laughed Richard suddenly throwing back his head with an ecstatic giggle and I could see his teeth bared in a rictus of pleasure as his skin softened and shifted across his face.
“Oooh I can feel myself getting girlier by the moment and it feels awesome,” he purred… his deep voice suddenly unbreaking and rising several octaves as his adam's apple sucked in and his arms and legs grew thinner. He was visibly shorter and slimmer now and his hair had continued to grow, now hanging down past his shoulders in a soft blonde wave.
“Mmmmmh Dad lied to me… he never told me it would feel this nice to transform,” murmured Richard as his features softened and his new bee stung lips curved into a dreamy smile. I could see that the front of his oversized t shirt was now bulging slightly with his perky breasts and there were definite curves going on that were making me a little turned on to be honest.
The changes began to slow and Richard stood up, his trousers dropping from his tiny waist to reveal a pair of smooth tanned legs and dainty feet. His waist was tiny, but with curvy hips and his tummy soft and flat as a washboard. Luckily his boxer shorts stayed up - but it was pretty clear there was no bulge inside and he was now flat fronted. He was all girl now.
“I think it’s over,” muttered Richard in amazement as he examined himself and brushed his long blonde hair out of his eyes. “It isn’t anything like my Dad said - I feel wonderful… why would he not want to try this? Maybe he secretly has and he is just jealous to share the power. Well too bad because now I am getting a taste and I think I like it!”
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I was now looking at a very cute and attractive girl about my own age, with a slim perky figure… a nice pair of tits and a soft pert backside. She had clear blue, and slightly mischievous eyes and was a blonde beach stunner from her tiny toes up to her pretty little nose.
“You are beautiful!’ I gasped admiringly.
“Well of course I am you idiot,” retorted the girl in front of me, “My grandfather designed this stuff to try and perfect the human form. It was supposed to bring out all the best qualities in a person , but he couldn’t get it to work for his gender. It always makes people into girls. Guess the male form is inferior or something. Gawd you really are dumb sometimes. I told you all this when I first mentioned it. Oh and you can stop looking at me like that you perv…”
“Sorry Richard, you gotta remember I only found out about all this recently.” I said, reluctantly tearing my eyes off my friends cute body as she played with her new hair and tried to make it sit how she wanted.
“You better call me Riley,” she muttered brusquely. “It’s my middle name, but I can’t go by Richard anymore. If Dad hears you call me Richard he will work it out. I always hated it, thought it sounded too girly… but it sounds kinda cute now. Guess it is finally gonna come in handy.”
She finished fussing with her hair… it looked kinda good actually.“Well? What now?” She asked.
“I guess we go to the beach to find Abby,”
“Are you being especially dumb today or something?” Scoffed Riley as she rolled her blue eyes. “I can’t go anywhere without some clothes and makeup. No one is gonna believe I am a real teenage girl dressed like this!”
“Oh… I guess you are right,” I sheepishly shrugged. “Erm but how do we do that?”
“Jesus! This is supposed to be your plan… do I have to think of everything? Fine… we go to the mall. I can get one of those women in the makeup bit to give me a makeover. And we can buy me some clothes. But you are paying.”
“Fine,” I shrugged.
Riley pulled Richard’s biggest t shirt on so it went down to her knees. Then, hunkering down in the passenger seat of my car to avoid close observation I drove her to the mall.
As we walked through the crowds she carefully observed what the other girls our age were buying and wearing and then pulled me into the shops she was interested in. Then she would make me pay for what she wanted. Boy was Riley bossy… I found it hard to say no to her.
“This is crazy,” I muttered an hour later as I stood in the women's clothing section of another teenage fashion shop and watched Riley flicking through the racks. She had already been for her makeover, had her nails done and already picked three different outfits and two pairs of shoes to wear. How many did she need?
“My allowance is all used up, so this is your last outfit.” I angrily told her. She just stuck her tongue out at me and deliberately grabbed a load of jewellery from a stand to stick on top of her purchases. I gritted my teeth. It had taken me months to save up $300 and Riley had just blown all of it!
“I’d like to wear these out… can I go change please?” She smiled sweetly at the cashier and I had to wait another twenty minutes in the car outside as she faffed about in the changing rooms.
Eventually she emerged and I had to admit she looked good. She had a tight pair of blue jeans on and a grey crop top tied up to show off her sexy waist. But what had taken so long?
“I have my swimming costume on underneath,” she grinned. “Sorry it took me so long. It was my first chance to check out my new body in private. We better get a move on… we only have about an hour and twenty before I change back. Let's go find Abby huh?”
This wasn’t working out quite how I had planned but now things could get back on track. With Riley in the seat next to me, I pushed the accelerator and we headed for the beach.
We drove to the beach, Riley’s feet up on my dash as she played on Richard’s phone and took what seemed like thousands of selfies.
“Get your feet down off there,” I scolded her, “What are you doing anyway?”
“Gawd you are like such a grouch today,” she whined, sullenly putting her feet down. “I’m just taking a few hot pics for Richard to enjoy later.”
“You talk like he is a different person to you,” I scowled. Riley smiled cheekily, stuck her tongue out at me and simply carried on. I wanted to ignore her, but it was hard. She was so fucking hot and I was sure I saw her smile every time I checked her out.
A short drive later and we finally pulled up at the beach and made our way down onto the sand. I could already see Abby relaxing by the water. She was wearing a sexy purple bikini top and was by far the hottest girl on the beach. God I wanted her so badly. Hopefully this would work.
I turned to speak to my friend and my mouth dropped open as all thoughts of Abby were banished from my mind. Riley had pulled off her jeans and top and I gawped at the incredible body she had underneath. Suddenly it was like Abby was the moon and Riley was the sun blotting her out.
Riley looked absolutely amazing in a sexy bikini set. Her blonde hair blew sexily in the wind and I could barely pull my eyes away from her amazing tits all pushed up and out for all the boys to see. She smiled at me and blew me a kiss. “Leave this to me hot stuff…”
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I sat on my towel and watched as she walked over to Abby. The two of them began to chat and after a while, whisper conspiratorially to each other. Their conversation seemed to be going on for ages.
Then suddenly my heart beat in my chest as they began to look in my direction. I was hopeful it was working until Abby started to laugh. I couldn’t hear what they were saying exactly, but the two of them were in fits of giggles and I felt myself redden with embarrassment.
Anger surged inside me as Riley sauntered slowly back over and began putting her clothes back on. “She says… no chance. Now drive me home.”
What had just happened?
We drove for a bit until finally I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled over on a deserted bit of road and turned angrily to Riley. “What did you say to her?”
Riley giggled and smiled maliciously at me. “You want the truth? Okay. I told her we used to date. I told her you have a tiny cock and I told her you always ejaculated your pants before I could even get your cock out of your boxers, which is why we broke up. I have never laughed so hard, we really bonded over how pathetic you are.”
My mouth dropped open and I wanted to scream. “Why would you do something so mean and cruel you bitch?”
Riley shivered… to my horror it looked like a shiver of pleasure. “Bitch… oh fuck, call me that again will you… I love how that sounds. ”
“Are you insane? You are my friend… why would you do this to me?”
“I dunno,” purred Riley. “I’ve never been cruel before. It felt good so I did it. It made me feel so powerful and hot to destroy your chances with Abby and lie. I enjoyed being… being… ohhhh yes… being a bitch.” She looked almost orgasmic as she shivered in pleasure again.
Then suddenly her whole demeanour shifted. It was as if she realised she was revealing too much of herself and a guarded expression came over her face. She quickly shifted gear again and looked deep into my eyes with her sexy blue gaze. Now she looked innocent and vulnerable.
“Look I’m sorry. I know it was wrong for me to do what I did. Forget what I just said… the truth is… I was jealous of Abby. I only told her that stuff because you are too good for her. Believe me you can do better than her.”
“But there are no other girls I want. Damn it Riley, now I will never get laid!”
“Oh yeah? Says who?” purred Riley suddenly moving uncomfortably close to me. “Since I transformed I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I think this Elixir has totally changed my sexuality. I think I am attracted to boys and girls now. And guess what? You’re a boy and I’m a girl… here we are on this deserted street and no one is around. Who knows what could happen?”
“But you’re really a boy too… you’re Richard” I whimpered as my sexy best friend got close enough for me to smell her perfume. All anger and thoughts of the mean things Riley had just done were starting to fade now, replaced by more primal urges.
“Do I look like a boy to you? I’m a girl now baby and I love it. Forget about Richard, I’m Riley now and I want you.”
She was so close now her blonde hair was nearly touching mine. She was so pretty. I felt my heart hammering in my chest… I had never felt so alive.
Then suddenly we were kissing and her tongue was in my mouth. God but she was an amazing kisser. I felt Riley’s hand trail down my chest and fall onto my lap, the suddenly she began to pop the buttons on my jeans.
“No wait… we shouldn’t do this,” I gasped breaking off the kiss.
“Shhhhhh, I want… your… cock…” giggled Riley her eyes burning with lust as her hand snaked into my underwear and I groaned helplessly as I felt her hand wrap round my dick.
I was hers now and I gave up any pretence at resistance as she yanked my dick out of my jeans then bent her blonde head over and started sucking my cock.
“Oooooh fuck!” I gasped as my best friends wet pink lips wrapped tightly round my throbbing cock. I tried to banish images of Richard from my mind and instead concentrate on Riley. It wasn’t hard…
I knew this must be her first cock, but she didn’t act nervously or anything. Her hand snaked to the base of my dick and pumped the shaft whilst her mouth and tongue kissed the tip. She angled her head to make eye contact, sucking almost sideways so I could look at her beautiful face.
It was all too much - “Ooooh I’m gonna ahhhhh cum,” I gasped and suddenly Riley’s entire head was engulfing my cock as she sucked hard and I started to orgasm.
I felt my cum flow into her mouth, but she just kept sucking till the orgasm was over. Then with a wet slurping gasp she disengaged and sat up giggling.
“There… that wasn’t so bad was it?”
“You… you swallowed it all?” I queried.
“Mmmmh of course I did. Who’d have figured cum tasted so good? Abby told me she hates it, so she always spits… I guess some girls are just naturally sluttier than others…”
I goggled at Riley, her cheeks still flushed… she looked so wanton. “Abby?”
“Yeah… we didn’t just talk about your ‘tiny cock.’ She gave me advice on how to do a great blowjob too. I think she and I are gonna be good friends. Did you enjoy that? Not bad for a first effort hey? Mmmh I can’t wait to for my second attempt… oh and to try other things too.”
I felt myself getting hard as Riley suggestively spread her legs apart slightly and lightly brushed her hand down her top against her tits. She bit her pink lip and groaned. “You wanna fuck me?”
I was instantly hard again and my throat was dry as I nodded. I had never wanted anything so much…
Riley smiled and her hand went to her fly. This was really happening… I was finally going to lose my virginity to my best friend and I couldn’t wait.
Then suddenly her hand trembled and she squirmed uncomfortably in the seat. Then a stomach cramp hit her and she groaned and doubled up in her seat. “Ahhhhh… nooooooo…. damn you Richard, not nooooooow!”
“What’s wrong?” I gasped.
“Ahhhh the Elixir is uuuuh wearing off, I’m turning back into a boy. Get me home quick!”
I hit the accelerator and we sped off, Riley groaning and moaning in the seat next to me. Her blonde hair was darkening and the seams of her clothes were stretching and bursting as her face twisted and changed
I pulled up outside her house and she scrambled out of the car staggering up the steps and into the house. I quickly followed into Richard’s bedroom where Riley was desperately pulling off her clothes.
As she ripped off her top and bra, I was afforded a brief glimpse of a perfect pair of wet dream inducing tits… before they suddenly deflated and sank into her body. A light dusting of hair appeared across her body as muscle piled up and her small slender body began taking back on masculine proportions.
Riley ripped off her jeans and I looked away embarrassed as I caught a brief glimpse of a tiny dick between her legs starting to swell and grow. Her voice was breaking and she threw back her head with a groan as her features morphed back into Richard’s and his body stabilized
“Ohhhh fuck, what a rush” he mumbled dizzily staggering towards his bed and then with a sigh collapsing onto it.
I ran over, but he was already snoring… the transformation back into his usual self leaving him virtually comatose and completely drained.
I tidied up Riley’s clothes… my hands lingering for a moment on her bra and panties… then I hid them under the bed. Pulling the cover over my friend, I couldn’t believe moments ago this had been the hot blonde girl who had sucked my dick.
If only the Elixir had lasted a little longer then I could have finally lost my virginity. I wanted Riley so badly, all thoughts of Abby were gone. I wanted to bury myself in her body and feel her moan as I fucked her. I needed her.
Picking up my friends phone I transferred the pictures of Riley she had taken in my car earlier that day to my own phone and left him to sleep off his transformation.
As I looked at the pictures of the smirking blonde hottie on my phone I felt my cock twitch. Fuck, I was gonna jerk off so much to these photos. I felt like Riley had entered my soul and possessed my senses… I needed her so badly now. I almost seemed to hear her voice giggling in my ear.
Something told me I hadn’t seen the last of Riley yet…
I awoke from a hot steamy dream about Riley sucking me off to a massive morning hard-on and the buzzing of my phone near my ear. It was Sunday and it was 9am… I must have slept right through.
I picked up my mobile and blearily looked at the screen. It was Richard.
I hesitated… this was a conversation I had been dreading. Now that he was back to being a boy, how would we ever go back to our normal relationship after he had sucked my cock?
On the other hand I couldn’t ignore him forever, I decided I better answer it.
Richard answered… he sounded tired. “Ugggh it’s me. My head is still pounding. Dude, what happened yesterday? I woke up passed out on my bed with makeup all over my face. Did you get with Abby? Did it work?”
“You mean you don’t remember?”
“Maybe something. Just flashes. It all goes a bit blurry. I remember going shopping… I remember going to the beach… then it gets really hard. After that it's just feelings of pleasure and euphoria. It is like being high on drugs and drunk at the same time, it feels so amazing but like you can’t quite remember the details the next day.”
My heart skipped a beat. Richard didn’t remember… he would never know that he had sucked me off OR that we had nearly had sex. I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing.
“Look I’ll come over and we can talk about it,” I coughed, standing up and looking for my things.
“Okay… see you in a bit.”
I hung up and before I put my phone away I briefly flicked through my pics of Riley and felt my dick twitch longingly. She was so pretty… it was a shame I would probably never see her again.
I arrived at Richard’s house and went inside. I found him in his bedroom in a dressing gown rooting through the many bags of shopping I had hidden under his bed. His face was pink and his hair damp, he had obviously had to scrub hard to remove Riley’s makeup.
He was holding a skimpy g string and looking at it in a sort of sick fascination as I entered. Seeing me he instantly reddened and dropped it back into the bag.
“I don’t see why you are embarrassed… you could have fit into those perfectly yesterday,” I laughed.
“Not funny,” he grunted sullenly. “What the hell dude, why did you let me buy all this stuff? There are about eight outfits here… eight outfits I am never gonna need.”
“Well… you never know…” I began.
“No! Forget it. I can’t remember exactly what happened yesterday, but it would be incredibly dangerous to take anymore Elixir ever again. I should have never let you talk me into this in the first place.”
“Oh well…” I managed to force out, “I guess we can return the clothes to the shops… I still have the receipts.”
Richard’s eyes opened wide as I said this . “Wait… you mean you paid for this all? Why would you do that? Oh no.”
“What?” I asked.
“Look, I didn’t think it was worth mentioning yesterday. According to the research notes, when a person takes the Elixir they become incredibly charming and persuasive. Dr Jekyll thought it had something to do with pheromones. The more time you spend with them, the more malleable your mind becomes and the more addicted you get to their presence.”
I raised a whimsical eyebrow. “Oh come off it… that sounds like BS.”
“What… and gender transforming Victorian formulas are completely reasonable? Look, the control starts small… a desire to please and help the other person. Then it transforms into a sexual addiction and desire to please them and be with them all the time. Finally it becomes an almost slavish devotion and desire to serve and obey without question.”
I shrugged. “So what?”
“So I’m worried you were falling under my control yesterday… I didn’t think such a low dose would create the effect. Maybe you are particularly susceptible or something.”
“You are over reacting,” I snorted. “It was my fault you became Riley, so I wanted to help you out. That was the limit of it.”
“If you are sure thats all it was, then fine. But the point remains that things got out of control yesterday” he muttered. “Are you gonna tell me what happened?”
I shrugged, “Nothing much… just some shopping, we tried the beach but Abby wasn’t interested then we went back home so you could turn back.” He looked at me piercingly. For a minute I thought he was gonna call me out and accuse me of holding something back. Luckily he didn’t.
“Okay, if you say so,” he murmured doubtfully. “Go put all this girly stuff in your car will you? I need to finish getting dressed then we can take it to the store and that will be an end to it. Riley is dead.”
I gathered all the bags, makeup and jewellery Riley had bought together and ferried it to my car. Then Richard appeared and climbed into the passenger seat and we headed off.
We had only gone about half a block when a motor bike suddenly pulled in behind me and started tailgating me. He started gesturing that I should pull over and nervously I did so.
A tall black haired youth in biker leathers sauntered slowly over and I swore as I recognised Travis, Abby’s over protective brother.
“Well well well,” he grinned confidently. “If it isn’t the little maggot that tried to get a date with my sister. Get out of your car.”
I obeyed… Travis was not the sort of guy you wanted to fuck with. “So… Abby tells me you tried to get a date with her yesterday. What the hell is a pathetic little nerd like you doing snooping around my sister? The only reason you aren’t dead is that she tells me your friend… the blonde girl, said you have a tiny pecker. ”
Travis moved menacingly closer. “Which is why I’m here. I want you to do something for me… or I really will kill you. Abby said this girl you were with was the hottest girl she ever saw. I wanna date with your friend… Riley was it? And you better get me a date with her, or I’m gonna break your legs for trying to fuck with my sister. As it is… I’m still gonna break your nose…”
Then just to prove he was serious he punched me hard in the face and sent me falling to the floor.
Stars span and blood gushed. I felt hands helping me up and pushing a cloth into my face to staunch the blood. Then I heard Travis again. “I expect to hear from you by tonight or else I break something else.” Then I was put into my car and I heard Richard mumble something reassuringly into my ear.
By the time my heart finished pounding we were back at Richard’s house and he was helping me into his kitchen.
“Holy shit, I thought that guy had knocked you out,” gasped Richard tossing me an ice pack to put on my bust nose.
“If we don’t do as he says, he probably will.” I groaned. “You have to turn back into Riley and go on a date with him.”
“Are you nuts?” Snapped Richard angrily. “I told you no. No more Riley.”
“Richard, I need you to do this… you better do this!” I snarled.
“No… and you can’t make me,” he retorted.
My jaw now set and my nose still throbbing I swept out of the room and ran to the lab. Grabbing a vial of Elixir I ran back to the kitchen.
“Take it!” I commanded.
“No. Fuck you. Put that back at once… it's dangerous!”
“No… I need you to become Riley again… and if you won’t help me willingly, I’ll make you!”
With a yell I leapt towards Richard and suddenly we were wrestling. Keeping the vial in my hand out of reach I managed to knock Richard to the floor and pin him down.
“Yes… do it… give it all to him,” I seemed to hear Riley’s voice whisper in my ear and suddenly full of triumph I obeyed.
Uncorking the vial I poured it into Richard’s mouth and he gurgled as the delicious pink goop filled his mouth. “Nooooooo!” he gurgled as I forced my hand over his mouth and he swallowed it all.
Richard convulsed and I leapt back. His eyes rolled back into his head and he groaned. “Ohhhhhhh fuck… feels sooooo good!”
I watched in joy as Richard’s body began to change. It happened faster this time… blonde hair erupting, pink lips parting and breasts growing. Then with a groan, Riley opened her blue eyes and giggled. She looked at me through her long lashes and I felt my heart flutter.
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“Oh boy… Richard is gonna be so fucking mad with you. Mmmmh, you just gave me a whole vial… so it’s semi permanent this time.”
She sat up and grinned. “Well… I have a date to get ready for. Go get my clothes out of the car… this is gonna be fun!”
I stood with the empty vial of Elixir in my hand feeling a mix of guilt and excitement.  Richard hadn’t wanted to take the Elixir, but I had forced him to and now Riley was back.  What had I done? 
My heart was still pounding with excitement, but I had just made my best-friend into his hot alter-ego without his permission - what sort of a guy did that make me?  I hated that seeing the girl of my dreams had to be under such circumstances, I had wanted Richard to become Riley again voluntarily… not like this.
Looking up at my stunned expression with her inscrutable blue eyes, Riley jumped lithely to her feet and stretched her hot, young, perfect body.  She admired herself in Richard’s mirror with a grin, running her hands through her blonde hair delightedly and smiling mischievously at me through the reflection in the glass.
“Well you’ve gone and done it now haven’t you?  You brought me back, all just to save your own skin and get what you wanted.  Such a bad boy.”
Riley purred as she said ‘bad boy’ and I felt my dick stiffen almost automatically; God, she was such a hot minx. She seemed different this time, even sexier and more confident.  There was no suggestion, other than the clothes she was wearing, that mere moments ago she had been a boy.
Almost as if she were reading my thoughts, she ran a hand lovingly down her soft skin and shivered at her own touch.
“Ohhhh yes. I feel so fucking good, it’s even better this time.  I feel stronger, sexier and so much more delicious. Poor Richard has no chance of competing with this… being him is so boring. Mmmh, I’m horny and I think you deserve a reward for being such a good boy and bringing me back.”
Turning round from the mirror, Riley slowly slid Richard’s top over her head to reveal her perfect breasts and slender body.  Walking over to me she sank to her knees and looking up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes her hands started to fumble at my crotch.
“W...w...wait what are you doing?” I gasped, as her hands dived into my pants and pulled my stiffening cock out. 
“I’m going to suck your dick again… I enjoyed the taste of your cum last time and I want more.  Just a shame you aren’t bigger, but your cock will do for an appetiser.”
“I thought you couldn’t remember that,” I groaned as I got harder and harder, Riley’s small and perfect hands rhythmically pumping my cock as she spat on my dick to lubricate it.
“Unlike that loser Richard, I remember everything.  I’m superior to him in every way.  Now shut up and let me suck your dick.”  Riley’s pink mouth engulfed my dick and I groaned helplessly as she began to expertly suck and lick my cock.  I knew this was only her second blowjob, but she was like a girl possessed and as she made eye contact with me and her perfumed scent filled my nose I felt the first urges of a shuddering orgasm begin to build
It could only have been a minute or so, but it felt like an hour… a heavenly hour where I had never felt so good. Then suddenly, Riley intensified her sucking, her hands massaging my balls till with a moaning gasp I came in her mouth, my cum squirting out as she eagerly sucked and swallowed every drop till I was fully drained.  
“Good boy,” she breathed, licking her lips and standing slowly up.  Her scent filled my nostrils and she stood confidently in front of me, her legs spread slightly apart and a hand still wrapped round my now floppy cock.
“Did you enjoy that?” she purred, looking deep into my eyes almost hypnotically.
“Yes… yes I loved it.”
“And do you love me baby?”
As she said it, my vision seemed to swim and I almost felt my will being sucked out of me.  I hadn’t believed Richard’s nonsense warnings from before, but suddenly it occurred to me that maybe he was right… maybe I was falling under Riley’s control?  It felt so fucking wonderful…
“Yes… I love you.”
Riley smiled and shivered, seemingly getting off on the fact that I was under her spell.  
“That makes me very happy,” she smiled bitchily, “In fact it makes me so happy that I am going to help you baby.  I’ll get dressed and then you can drive me to Travis.  Don’t worry, I’ll get that horrible bully to leave you alone… now bring me my things, I need to freshen up and get ready.”
I went down to the car and retrieved all of Riley’s clothes and makeup.  Then she made me wait downstairs whilst she washed, showered and got ready for her date.  When she finally came downstairs I was amazed at how sexy she looked.  I hadn’t thought it was possible, but now she was even hotter than before.
Riley had lots more makeup on than last time and her tiny blonde body was pushed up by the sexiest pair of  calfskin cowboy boots I had ever seen.  She had a disgracefully short denim mini skirt on with a rhinestone belt around the rim and a tiny little crop top that barely covered her midriff or her arms and showed off the curve of her tits perfectly. 
“How do I look?” she giggled, striking a sexy pose and causing my dick to get hard again.
“I errr, I ummmm,” I floundered, not knowing what to say.
“Oh, it’s okay baby you can say it… I look slutty don’t I? Don’t worry, I think I like being a slut.  Mmmmh, it feels good to be uninhibited, unlike that pathetic dweeb Richard.  When you’re this hot and this perfect, why not flaunt yourself and enjoy the pleasure of being sexy?”
Strutting past me to my car, Riley climbed impatiently into the passenger's seat and tapped her fingers on the dash.  “Well… come on then, we mustn't keep Travis waiting.”  
I started the engine and we drove off.  My head was reeling… things were suddenly going far too fast.  What had started as an innocent and fun experiment to get with the girl of my dreams, had swiftly run out of control.  I wanted to stop and think, take stock of this situation and work out what was happening, but Riley’s scent seemed to fill my head and I couldn’t think properly.  This was still my friend Richard and I knew I should protect him, but now he had become this super confident and sexy girl, I couldn’t seem to control him… if anything, she was in control of me.
“Here we are,” grinned Riley as we pulled up on the street outside the Travis household.  “I bet he wasn’t expecting his date to be so soon.  I think it’s best that I go and talk to this bonehead, I’ll be all nice and sweet to him and convince him to leave you alone.  You better wait here, I may be a while.”
Clopping out of the car, Riley blew me a kiss and then strutting to the door of the house knocked.  I saw Travis open the door and his eyes go wide as he took in the sexy bitch on his doorstep.  Riley giggled and played with her hair.  I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but after a few minutes of talk on the doorstep - she stepped into the house and disappeared with the school bully.
I sat in the car waiting as ordered.  Minutes dragged by, but I waited. Riley’s scent seemed to linger on the air and I simply sat and obeyed.  Then minutes became half an hour, but still I waited, almost in a trance.  Half an hour became an hour and finally I began to come round as if from a daze.  “What the fuck am I doing?” I muttered to myself. “She might be in trouble, I have to check.”
Climbing out of my car I walked nervously to the property.  If Travis caught me creeping around, he might attack me again - so I decided to sneak around and see if I could find a window and see in. I just wanted to check that Riley was safe.
As I neared the house, I saw that there was a large window at the back that opened out onto a view of the kitchen/living room.  Creeping closer I began to hear strange noises emerging from the open window and as I got closer I recognised Riley’s voice. Peering through the glass my heart nearly stopped as I saw into the living room and the scene within made me want to throw up in horror.
Travis was lying naked on his back on a large mattress he had pulled into the room. His huge eight inch cock was standing fully to attention and above him, her tight virgin pussy impaled deep upon his cock was Riley.  She ground her shaven pussy on his dick, making him groan as she threw back her head and moaned like a slut.
“Yes, OH FUCK YES! Your cock is so good, it’s so big and feels amazing within me.  So much better than that pathetic nerd cock I’ve had to suck up to now.” 
Giggling and moaning, Riley bounced up and down on Travis’ big dick and to my horror I felt myself get hard as I couldn’t tear my eyes away.  It was like something out of a porn film, she looked so good on his superior dick and I couldn’t seem to stop watching as she creamed repeatedly all over his dick.  She was moaning and gasping and before I knew it I had my dick in my hand and I was pumping it in time to every thrust into Riley’s tight pussy.  I began imagining I was fucking her, longing for it to be me.  It was so hot to stand here in the yard jerking off to Riley, she was so fucking hot.  I couldn’t believe what an evil slut she was being, fucking the bully and betraying me and Richard like this.
“Yes, cum inside me baby…” moaned Riley, grinding her hips like a pornstar and suddenly she looked straight at me.  I couldn’t break her gaze as she smiled maliciously and I realised she knew I had been watching her all this time. “Cum now,” she commanded, “cum for me... “ and I knew that she wasn’t just talking to Travis.  I groaned as my cum spurted out of my dick, almost in exact unison with Travis as he pumped his cum into Riley and she threw back her head and moaned with pure unadulterated lust.
Released from Riley’s spell, I urgently crammed my still dripping dick into my pants and hurried to the car.  What the hell was I doing?  I was a mix of rage and despair.  By rights I should drive off and leave the bitch here, I couldn’t believe what she had done.  But this was still my friend and this was all my fault, I couldn’t abandon him/her… whatever they were now.
After a few minutes, Riley suddenly emerged from the house and swaying over to me climbed into the car.  Her makeup was a mess and she grinned at me as she tried to sort her hair out.  “His cum is still dripping out of me, I didn’t bother to clean up - just put my panties on and left. You wanna see?”
“You bitch, how could you do this?” I snarled.
“I thought you loved me?” laughed Riley, batting her lashes at me and then laughing cruelly.
“Oh for fucks sake, grow up.  What did you think I was gonna do in there?  You wanted Travis off your back - well, he’s gonna be my new boyfriend so you needn’t worry about him, unless you piss me off of course.  He’s such a good fuck, and being the girl of the school bully will make me super popular.  I already have another date arranged with him and I can’t wait.”
“You’re insane,” I gasped, “You don’t even exist. You can’t go to school or have a boyfriend.  You’re really Richard and he’s not gonna want to date Travis.  This can’t happen!”
“We’ll see about that,” purred Riley. “Oh and I wasn’t kidding earlier, so I’ll ask again.  Do you still love me?” She leaned close and her scent filled the air. I felt the strange lethargy and lack of willpower I had felt earlier overcome me.  Her scent filled my head and I felt my anger fade.  If Riley wanted to fuck a guy with a big dick, who was I to stop her?  
“Ye...yes I still love you. I… I guess it isn’t my business if you want to have sex with Travis.”
“That’s right baby, it isn’t.  I know you’re just jealous of us, but don’t worry, I’ll still suck your average little dick.  Just do as I say and you’ll find things are much simpler.  You’re completely right though, I have a lot of work to do now ‘becoming real’.  We have lots to do and I’m going to need your help.  Now drive me back home so we can get started. I have an idea from something I read in the Jekyll instructions and I think it’s just what I need...”
I had fucked up.  No… I had really fucked up.
There was no other way of putting it.  I had turned my best-friend Richard into an evil man-eating slut… and now I was completely in love with her.  Riley was the girl of my dreams (or nightmares) and I couldn’t stop thinking about her.  Too bad that Richard and Riley couldn’t both exist at the same time. Or were they already the same person?  It was so confusing, Riley was like Richard in some ways… but each time she changed she seemed different… more ‘her’ somehow. She was certainly becoming more wicked, evil and bitchy with every transformation. I wondered when she would turn back into Richard and I felt my insides churn… he wasn’t going to be happy about all this.
“What are you thinking about?” purred Riley as she watched me intently from her the sofa and I turned to look at her.  It was two hours since we had got back from Travis’s place and Riley was reading through all the notes we had on the Elixir.  Right now though her head was lifted up to look at me and I felt my heart beat a little faster as her eyes locked with mine.
Her gorgeous eyes were still the same colour as Richard’s, but they seemed deeper, more compelling and whenever I looked into them I felt myself falling helplessly under her spell.
“You…” I answered truthfully.
She smiled, pleased by vanity and perhaps some other emotion that I couldn’t quite place.  “Good - don’t ever stop thinking about me. I like that you are obsessed with me. But enough navel gazing, come assist me in the lab… we have work to do.”
I felt a little foolish as we squeezed into the secret lab and Riley went to work with the alchemical apparatus.  She seemed to mixing up a new batch of Elixir, only this one seemed to have a subtly different tinge to it.  I handed her the chemicals and equipment she demanded and within an hour she had completed her new brew.
To my surprise, once she had completed the slightly lavender liquid, she didn’t drink it but instead dabbed it onto her wrists and neck. 
“I thought that was Elixir you were making,” I queried as a strangely intense smell filled the small room and I felt my head go dizzy.  It smelt like Riley’s delicious body scent, the one that always drove me so wild, but five times more intense and overpowering. 
“A close relative,” she smirked watching me closely and not failing to notice the almost euphoric state I was in.  “A perfume designed to mix with and intensify certain secretions my body already produces and massively enhance their speed and effectiveness.  Of course, you’ve already been exposed longer than anyone - but if anything it seems to be making you more susceptible.”
I could barely understand a word my Goddess was saying.  I just wanted to fall down before her and grovel and worship her.  
“Mmmmh, I like the way you are looking at me. Complete obedience, like you’re going to cum your pants for me.  This stuff really works, I bet I could make you do anything. Ooooh, actually why don’t you cum your pants for me?”
I groaned as my dick pulsed and I orgasmed, a simple command from my Goddess causing hot sticky cum to gush into my pants as she looked at me with wicked amusement on her face.  Riley smiled with barely contained glee. “Oh fuck, this is so fucking hawt.  With this perfume I can make people do ANYTHING! Hahahaha, no wonder precious little Daddy didn’t want anyone playing with the Elixir.  But it’s too late now Daddy… good little Richard is rapidly being destroyed and soon only I… your new daughter Riley will remain!”
Looking at me with amused disgust, Riley pointed towards the bathroom. “Go clean up your mess, take all your clothes off and come back when you’re done…  I have an idea.”
As soon as I was out of the room, away from that intoxicating smell… my senses returned somewhat and I felt acute embarrassment at what I had done.  And yet still I felt the need, the desire to do what Riley told me.  In the bathroom I used toilet paper to soak up as much of the cum as I could and then I threw it into the toilet and flushed it away.  Peeling off my clothing, I heaped it into a pile and walked back into Riley’s bedroom.
She laughed at me as I entered naked and then indicated her lingerie on the bed. “Seeing as you fouled your own clothes, I want you to put on my bra and panties.  I think you’ll enjoy wearing them.  Don’t you think you’ll look cute in my clothes?  I think this is secretly what you wanted when you came in your pants…”
I nodded, even though I knew full well there were clothes of Richard’s I could wear… if Riley wanted me to dress like a sissy, who was I to refuse?  Resistance was useless. My cock was hard again as I walked over to the bed and with shaking hands picked up Riley’s soft cotton panties.  These had been on her Goddess like body and now I was going to wear them.  They were so pretty and part of me was jealous I didn’t have a slim sexy body like hers to squeeze into them.
Indeed, her panties were far too small for me, but they stretched to fit… even if they did crush my balls a bit. My dick was still hard and stretching her panties out at the front. Sliding her matching bra around my chest, I struggled to fasten it as she watched amused from her seat in the corner as she picked up her phone and began taking photos of me.
“Well, well, well… what a little sissy you are.”
Leaning forward intently, I whimpered as Riley’s scent filled my head and I helplessly fell deeper into her powerful spell.
“Listen carefully to me, you are now completely addicted to wearing my clothing, especially my panties under your own clothing.  As long as you have my panties on, you are under my control.  Even when I turn back into Richard, when you have my panties on… you will still serve me. When you wear girls clothes you feel so sexy and slutty… it’s addictive and you want more.  You long to be a pretty little slut and have all the boys want you. Now tell me who you love?”
“I love you Riley,” I whimpered. “I will do anything for you. I want to wear your clothes and be pretty.”
“Good,” she giggled.  “Now I think it’s time for your reward for being such a good boy,”
We went into her room and we lay on the bed.  Riley straddled me and I groaned as she slid her hands around my cock and slowly began jerking my dick up and down.  It felt so amazing, but she slowed down and forced me to edge as I neared climax.  Just as I was about to cum… she stopped and I groaned helplessly as a tiny dribble of cum leaked out of the tip of my cock and my orgasm was ruined.
Laughing she took out her phone and took more photos as I lay there and she grinned at me
“This cock belongs to me now,” purred Riley evilly, “and you won’t cum unless I say.  You belong to me now baby, you’re mine…”  
“Now I want you to sleep and whilst you sleep I want you to listen to my voice…” I felt myself drifting to sleep as Riley whispered into my ear. Occasionally her hand would stroke my cock again, edging me and bringing me to the brink of pleasure before stopping.  She was murmuring something so delicious that I fell into the most wonderful erotic dream of my life.  That’s it baby, my voice is inside you now… your thoughts are becoming my thoughts.  We are as one… 
Slowly, I drifted into a hypnotic sleep whilst Riley whispered her delicious poison into my mind…  Hours must have passed, but eventually - a sound awoke me.
It was the sound of Riley moaning in of pain, and leaping to my feet I ran to find her in the living room.  She must have finished with me and gone out, who knows how long ago.  But now Riley lay on the floor screaming and arching her back as her bones popped and her skin shifted.  I watched in horror as she grew larger, her breasts deflating and her hair shortening.  Richard’s face pushed out as Riley fought to maintain control… “Nooooo I don’t ahhhhh wanna go back to being a stupid boy,” she groaned… but she was losing the battle as her fingernails shortened and muscles spread across her slender body giving her a male physique.  “Ooooh remember to wear my clothes,” she moaned with a final effort then she was gone.
I watched as Richard’s dick pushed out of Riley’s pussy and her voice lowered and broke till with a final groaning gasp, Richard regained full control and panting slowly he raised himself groggily to his feet.  For a second he was disorientated… then he was back in the present and very, very angry.
“You bastard… what have you done to MEEEE!” he screamed as his eyes focused on me and he saw what I was wearing.  “Holy shit, what have you done to yourself?”
With a snarl of rage he ran at me, and pinning me against the wall looked into my eyes.  “You forced me to take more Elixir and now I’m cursed! I can’t remember half of what that bitch made me do, but I do know one thing.  She’s evil and she’s getting stronger. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”
With a heave I managed to get him off me and we stood panting looking at each other.
“Look at yourself,” he groaned, “You’re wearing her fucking lingerie.  You’re her fucking slave and God knows what she has planned for you, take that sluts clothes off at once and have some decency.” 
Do as he says for now… but when he isn’t looking put on my g-string. It’s there by the bed… I was wearing it before Travis fucked me.  
I groaned… I didn’t know if Riley’s voice in my head was real or not… how could it be… but it didn’t matter.  I had to obey it.  She must have fucked me up so badly whilst I slept that some aspect of her pysche was whispering poison into my ears… saying the things she might say if she was here.  I was so under her spell that she was with me at all times now.
Richard was busily putting oh his clothes and I grabbed mine, but before he could see it, I had slid on Riley’s g-string and had it on under my jeans before he knew it. They felt so naughty, riding up into my butt.  A little piece of Riley… corrupting me still, making me want to obey her.
“That twisted bitch could have anything in mind for you.” panted Richard.  “You have to help me… you have to help me destroy her.  If we don’t act soon, she may become so strong that… I’ll become her permanently and you’ll be enslaved to her forever.  I wish you’d never convinced me to take the Elixir.  But there’s still hope… lets go get the research from the lab, I’m sure there is a cure somewhere in there.”
Mmmmh, good boy.  You love wearing girls panties don’t you?  So much hotter and so easy for a boy to pull to one side whilst he slides his big dick into you.
Oh he is sooooo boring, purred Riley into my mind.  You’re going to help make him into me aren’t you? I can’t wait to get free again and become even sluttier. And I just know you want me to keep making you naughtier too.   I groaned at the thought of corrupting Richard again and again until only Riley was left… watching her giggle as Richard was destroyed and she became the Goddess I needed her to be.  Then she would corrupt me too and make me even more perverted… it would feel soooo good.
I could barely concentrate on reality, my head was so full of naughty cross-dressing thoughts.  My dick was so hard in Riley’s panties I could barely stand it.
Later on, you should put on my bra and my stockings too.  You’ll need to shave your legs first, but I just know you’ll love them.  Ooooh and there are some false French nails just waiting for you on my bedroom table. 
We walked to the secret room but what we found there was chaos.  Whilst I had been sleeping Riley must have visited the room.  It was trashed.  She had destroyed and burned in the fire any documents that might have helped us.  Others were missing and we had no way of knowing where she had taken them.  The Elixir was missing and the apparatus to make more, or any sort of cure with it.
“The only hope now,” muttered Richard, “Is to call my Dad and tell him about everything we have done.  He has been the guardian of the Elixir for a long time, I’m sure he will know what to do.  He’s gonna kill both of us though!”
I wasn’t really listening.  In my mind I could hear Riley whispering evil thoughts to me… thoughts that were so delicious to listen to… promises that were making me so horny.
You know why I wanted you to wear my panties don’t you?  I want you to wear all my clothes… dress up like a slutty girl because we both know its what you want too.  I want you to wear my makeup and be a slut just like me.. yesss baby, I want you to become exactly like me.  We’ve always been friends and soon we’ll be sluts together.  You’re going to help me corrupt Richard fully into me, then I’m gonna help you become a hot girl too.  
As I stood looking at Richard, I felt my head spinning.  Things were starting to get more twisted and I didn’t know if I could resist Riley’s evil offer.   Did she really want me to become a hot teenage slut like her, or was this just another one of her games to control me?  I should be helping my friend resist her, but she was making me come to her side and I didn’t know if I could stop her.
Don’t worry babe, you’re going to love being an evil girl.  It’s easy. We’re gonna have so much fun together.  And it all starts tonight after Daddy gets home.
I had a feeling that things were about to get a lot more crazy… but there was nothing I could do to stop it now… even if I wanted.
At the same time that Riley was inside my head controlling me, Richard seemed to be fully back in control of himself and completely back to normal.  We stood in his living room whilst he explained that his Father, the original guardian of the Elixir would probably know how to make a cure that could stop him ever becoming a girl again and that he needed my help.
It was only moments since Richard had returned, but I already missed my Mistress with all my heart.  I was her cross-dressing little bitch now and my only purpose was to ensure her dominance of Richard and help her become the blonde Goddess she deserved to be.  Such a good boy, such a hot little slut.  Soon you’ll get to know how good it feels to be a bitch… I promise - whispered her soothing voice in my mind.
I was barely listening.  My head was full of Riley’s whispers. I felt like a puppet being controlled by another person and the worst thing was, I liked it.  Under my male clothes I could feel Riley’s g-string and as long as it was in contact with my body I was aroused and susceptible to her desires.  She had programmed me - like a robot - and now I was hopelessly under her control, even though Richard was back to normal - Riley was still with me.
“Are you even listening to me?” snapped Richard as he walked up to me. “This is all your fault, so you could at least do me the courtesy of helping me out.  I need you to stay here and keep looking for where that bitch might have hidden the Elixir and the equipment.  It’s imperative that you find any hiding places and then put any vials somewhere where I don’t know where they are.  Otherwise she might take control of me again and make me drink more.  Each time the effects get worse… a few more doses and I might get stuck as that slut forever.  In the meantime I’m gonna go out and look for my Dad… he’s not answering his phone.  If he gets home before me, stall him and get me back here at once.”
Whilst Richard left the house to look for his Dad, the voice of Riley in my head guided me to Richard’s bedroom.  I found the floorboard she directed me to and prised it up, revealing a cubby-hole containing a single vial of Elixir and a small bottle of her pheromone enhancing perfume . The Elixir vial looked slightly different to what I expected.  The consistency seemed different and it was honey blonde colour instead of pink.  The smell of the perfume wafting from the other bottle made my compulsion to serve my Goddess grow and almost sent me into a trance.
Ohhhh, we’ll stall him all right. The only threat to us now is Richard’s Dad - Henry.  He knows more about the Elixir than any living person and he could create a cure to rid his son of me forever,  But - he’s still a man and he could be enslaved through our pheromones.  Then we could use his talents to make more powerful Elixir that could make me even stronger.  Luckily for us, I’m pretty talented too and before I turned back to that fool, not only did I imprint this version of me in your mind - I made you a little gift. Go get it
I made that vial using a strand of my sexy blonde hair.  It contains my DNA but it’s highly unstable and won’t last long.  Drinking it will turn you into a physical and mental copy of me for about two hours.  That’s right baby - you’re finally gonna get to know how it feels to be a hot girl. Isn’t that what you secretly wanted?  Once you become me, we can have some real fun.
I gasped and nearly cummed my panties at the thought of becoming Riley.  My Mistress wanted me to transform into her?  The thought of her emerging from me, of me becoming a horny little bitchy slut to corrupt and enslave Henry’s dad was so hot.  My hands were shaking with anticipation.
You see  - what Richard doesn’t realise is I changed all the numbers in his phone.  He thinks he is ringing his father, but he’s not.  We know the real number, so lets lure Henry to the house and then enslave him.  I’m relying on you here baby, so don’t let me down.  Once he’s here, set me free - you’re going to enjoy being me soooooo much.
Picking up my phone I sent Henry’s dad a text begging him to come home quick as Richard was in trouble.  It didn’t take long for him to reply and soon he was on his way.  Meanwhile I gathered some of Riley’s clothes and makeup and sat in the living room.  Put my clothes on first -  Henry won’t be here for a while yet and we don’t want to waste any ‘me’ time.
I shivered as I ripped off my clothes till I was only wearing Riley’s g-string.  Then I swapped out my underwear for a frilly pink bra and matching panties.  It felt so naughty to be putting on a girls clothes, and my cock was rock hard at the thought of what was about to happen.  The underwear didn’t fit well.., my larger body was stretching it out a bit - but I was confident that I could squeeze into the clothes for now.  Once I transformed, they would fit me like a glove - I couldn’t wait..
I pulled on a cute pink camisole and slid a plaid skirt on.  Now I looked like some slutty college girl and that made my cock leak as I shivered and pulled on Riley’s knee length white socks.   I couldn’t put her sneakers on yet - my feet were far too big - so instead I put on some of her jewelry and makeup - a cute pink choker round my neck and smokey eye makeup with pink eyeshadow.
I was putting the finishing touches to my makeup when I heard a car pulling up in the drive.  It was time. Okay baby - time to become me.  Drink up and see how you like being Riley.  Uncorking the vial of Elixir I eagerly obeyed and drank it down like sweet honey.  Instantly I groaned as I felt my body burn with an erotic fire.  I had seen Richard transform several times now, but now I knew exactly how it felt, as my insides squirmed pleasurably.  Yesssss, transform you little slut… become a bitch, it feels good doesn’t it?
I nearly orgasmed at the sensation of being a slut, I felt so good - so naughty and perfect.  Mmmmmh, this was so much better than being some dumb boy.
“Ohhhhhh fuck, yesssss,” I heard my mouth gasp as my body became smaller and the clothes settled more comfortably on my body.   Riley’s bitchy DNA was coursing through my body, overwriting me and transforming me into her.  I felt my lips curve into a slutty grin as I giggled and rubbed my shrinking cock through my panties.  Blonde hair fell around my head as I was corrupted and changed into a horny girl, my small perfect tits pushing outwards and Riley’s devious personality overwriting mine.  Yesssss, that’s it… you’re me now - you’re RILEY!
“Yes, my plan worked perfectly,” I giggled stretching sluttily as my fingernails lengthened and my useless cock finally sucked inside to leave a tight, wet pussy.  The voice in my head was gone now - for a good reason.  I was Riley now… or at least a version of her.  Of course I knew in my heart that I wasn’t the real her and soon I would turn back into that useless boy, so I had to move fast.  
“Don’t worry real me, I’ll make sure you win against Richard,” I giggled as I reached down to pick up the perfume and dab plenty onto my wrists and neck.  Soon I stunk of the stuff, but now I was a hot bitch, I was completely immune.  Anyone else who smelt it would be enslaved to my desires and my first target was Henry.
I only had time to slip my sneakers on and sit on the couch, before he entered and walked over.
“What the hell is going on?  I get some strange message from my sons friend saying he’s in danger and then I find some girl here. Wait… you look familiar… you aren’t… holy shit Richard, you didn’t take Elixir did you?”
“Ohhhhh don’t worry,” I grinned standing up and swaying over to Henry.  “I’m not really your son - so you don’t need to feel bad about wanting to fuck me.”
The smell of my perfume rose around Henry’s head and he moaned as he breathed it deep.  The effects were stunningly effective and quick too.  In a matter of moments, Henry was completely enslaved and I led him over to the sofa as his cock strained within his pants.
“Ironic really - all those years you guarded the Elixir and stopped anyone using it… such a waste.  You could have been enjoying yourself and becoming a hot slut like me.  Never mind - now you have me to make you feel better and help you enjoy the benefits, I’m going to make you cum so hard you’ll never want to fuck another girl ever again.
Leaning over the sofa I unbuttoned Henry’s fly and smiling slowly wrapped my hot pink lips around his cock - which had quickly sprung out.  He was a nice size actually and I grinned as I felt my nipples get hard and my pussy moisten.  This was going to be fun.  Henry moaned as I began to suck and lick the tip of his dick, more of my scent filling his head as he growled appreciatively and fell more under my control. I sucked and slurped, deep throating him and showing him what a slut I was.
“Ohhhh fuck, you little slutty bitch - you’re enslaving me and it feels so good.  Ahhhh damn that son of mine - he’s let things get out of control and now I can’t resist you… uuuggghh Mistress.”
“Shhhhhh, just relax baby and let me make you mine” I grinned popping his cock out of my mouth and coming around the other side of the chair.  “Now I’m going to slide my tight wet pussy onto your big cock.  As I fuck you - I want you to tell me how I can accelerate the Elixir effects to cause permanent corruption.”
“Nooooo, I can’t tell you that,” gasped Henry - heroically resisting as I slowly slid my sopping wet cunt onto his dick and with a satisfied purr began to ride him cowgirl style.  
“Of course you can darling,” I smirked using my sex and my powers to bend him to my will.  “I want to know how to completely destroy the male half and let the female half have complete dominance.”
“Uggghhhhhh, ohhhh fuck your pussy is soooo tight.  I’m in heaven.  Ohhhh Mistress - please forgive what I said earlier.  I’ll tell you anything. Continued use of Elixir without the cure will cause it, but if you want to accelerate the process - stimulating the subject sexually whilst giving them Elixir should work...”
I grinned as Henry spilled his secrets and then he spilled his cum into me… it felt so nice as it oozed up into my new pussy.
“Thank you Henry - that felt nice.  Now then go to your room for a rest.  Your Mistress will return soon to give you your orders.”  Henry’s cum still dripping down my thighs, I got up and walked over to the kitchen where I retrieved a vial of proper Elixir from where the other me had hidden it earlier.  I hadn’t dared leave it out in case the stupid boy I used to be got big ideas about becoming a slut, but as long as I was Riley - it was safe to hold.  Now I just needed to get this into Richard and bring him to the height of pleasure.  Then at last I would win!
“Hey - what the fuck is going on - I can’t find my Dad anywhere and then I see his car in the drive and… holy shit - you’re… you’re Riley - but how?” gasped a voice from the doorway and I turned to see Richard standing with a shocked expression on his face.
Strutting over I giggled and gave him a good view of my body.  “I can’t believe you wouldn’t want to be me Richard, I’m so much better than you.  You see - I took over your pathetic friend and turned him into me temporarily.  His mind is so soft now, I can program him to be anything. Once I’ve won full control of our body and he changes back, I’m going to make him into my slutty sissy bitch as his reward.  Oh and don’t think anyone else can help.  If you’re looking for Daddy - he’s enslaved to me now, just like your friend is.”
“I’ll never become you bitch!” snarled Richard. “I’ll stop you somehow,”
“Tsk tsk, don’t be so babyish.  It’s time to put aside your manhood and embrace the advantages that being a girl can give you. What you won’t admit to anyone is that it’s what you really want - but I know you Richard - I AM YOU… and soon you will be too…”  I pulled the vial of Elixir out from behind my back.  “So it’s time to drink up and become me forever… time to be a slut baby.” 
I ran over and barreled into him knocking him down.  The scent rising from my body didn’t seem to affect him at all - that was irritating. Maybe him being the original me made him immune somehow - even when male.  No matter,  I would have to win this battle through aggression.  Richard was bigger and stronger than me, but I was a wild slut and I wouldn’t let anything stop me as I headbutted him and he groaned as his head hit the floor.  
His mouth was open as I smashed him in the face again, then before he could react I poured the entire vial of Elixir into his mouth.  He swallowed reflexively and I giggled with glee as I slid down his body and ripped his pants down, stuffing his cock into my mouth.
“NOOOOO!” screamed Richard as I began to suck his cock and his transformation began.  I knew that the added sexual stimulation would lock the transformation and he would become me forever.  All I had to do was make him cum.
Richard was moaning and squealing, his body cracking and changing.  His cock was shrinking in my mouth but I could feel his cum erupting out as I sucked and sucked, giggling madly.  Finally with an earsplitting moan of pure pleasure, Richard began to orgasm fully and he dug his sharpened fingernails into my head as I felt his cock vanish and my own wet slit open between his legs.
I looked up, some of Richard’s cum still dripping down my chin, and gazed into my own sexy features. The original Riley grinned at me.  “Well done, I see my plan worked absolutely perfectly.  But now I think it’s time for you to go back to being a boy.  Now what was that trigger word - oh yes… WORM!”
The word seemed to burn in my ears and I screamed as my body shook.  Suddenly I remembered I wasn’t really Riley.  My sexy body was reverting back to normal and I groaned in despair as my cock pushed out of my groin and I lost all of my sexual powers.   Now I was just some dumb sissy boy with cum on his chin, dressed in lingerie and stinking of mind controlling perfume that was already having a warping effect on my mind.
Goddess Riley looked down at me and grinned.  “Poor boy. Only your betrayal and help has allowed me to win.  I have so much to thank you for.  It was you who created me and helped me grow by convincing Richard to drink Elixir. It was also you who taught me being a bitch felt so good by showing me how fun it was to control a boy.  Bit by bit, Richard fed my power till I was stronger than even him.  Now I have replaced him and it feels good.”
I whimpered as Riley advanced.  “Oh… but don’t worry my pet.  Now that my father is under my control, I’ll learn more about the Elixir and what it can do.    I’ll plumb its secrets and find ways to use my powers for my own gain.  And you - my faithful friend.  I think I like you being a slutty little sissy - but there’s definitely room for improvement. A version of the Elixir that gives you tits and a girls body, but leaves your little cock behind… I think that’s what we need.”
I nodded obediently as Riley stroked my head.  “Mmmmh, think I’ll call Travis round for a celebratory fuck.  Then we can get to work on your transformation.”
I could have resisted - I could have done something to stop her.  But I had learned the hard way.  Anway who stood in Riley’s way… well… they were on a hiding to nothing…  
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strawburry01 · 2 months
We're Going to Be Friends
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Summary: How Y/N and Aaron first start talking during their time in college (Aaron shouldn't be let into a lab)(also yeah, listen to the song when you read if you want)
Word Count: 2k
Authors Note: I don't think anyone really noticed but I'm sorry this took a second longer than normal to get out. I just had a really weirdly abrupt and messy break up (?) and when I usually write I've just been sleeping but we are doing better now that that's been resolved but like- guys what the fuck? Anyway, this was nice to write to kinda get out of my head. Cheers xoxo
It was your first day in the forensics chemistry lab after waiting two years to even be let into the lab space. You held your bound lab notebook to your chest as you walked in alongside the rest of the class and took your places at the lab benches, silently picking your lab partners. You were with a wiry girl with big blonde curly hair and thick-rimmed glasses. Hey at least she looked smart- it meant you wouldn’t have to carry the two of you to an A grade. As the class waited for the professor to come in you couldn’t help but overhear the laughter from across the classroom. Your head looked up to the source of the noise only to see the grinning Aaron Hotchner looking at his lab partner. Aaron and you had been in many of the same classes but had never really interacted beyond the polite head nod when bumping into each other. Sure there was nothing wrong with him, in fact, there was a lot that was right with him. He was handsome, in a bit of a nerdy Clark Kent sort of way, always looking like he rolled out of bed effortlessly and threw him glasses on before running to class. He was also fairly nice when it came to the general population. The Criminal Justice pathway in uni was highly competitive so it often meant everyone was insanely cutthroat, but he was always offering hints and help to others you’d notice. He was smart, very smart, but was very humble about it, in a way that only someone watching him could really realize how much he knew, and unfortunately, you did. Not even purposefully, but your eyes always had a way of falling onto the back of his head in class. Perhaps it was because he was the most attractive man in the cohort, or perhaps it was because you were just so intrigued at his charm. 
The lab started and you were drawn from your thoughts as you tied your hair back and slipped on the snug safety goggles, glad that they even made everyone, even him, look a little bit dorkier. You and your lab partner (who you found out went by Jen), started setting up the titration and you pulled out your lab notebook to start writing the results down. The two of you small-talked about classes and movies as she slowly let the base solution drip into the acid, waiting for it to eventually turn pink. After running through a round you two switched positions and you leaned over as you tried to line up the new beaker under the buret. 
Swiftly there was a new figure besides you. At first you assumed it was the professor, about to harass you about some incorrect technique or form, but you were surprised to see it was Aaron. He grinned as he looked down at you, and you suddenly felt very self conscious about leaning over so far in front of the buret. You quickly snapped up, standing straight, focusing on the buret with a reddening face.
“You’re Y/N right?” he asked. How he knew your name was beyond you, you’d never really talked to him before beyond a few yes or no’s. 
“Yeah,” you answered, trying to maintain a calm demeanor, still intently focusing on the meniscus in the buret.
“Do you know where the sodium hydroxide is? I need some more,” he asked. 
“Um, it’s just over there, you should just have to pipette it into your beaker,” you said, pointing to the dark brown container kept under the chemistry hood. His mouth formed an ‘o’ as he slowly nodded looking over.
“I see, thank you!” he said in a chipper demeanor as he walked over. 
“What the hell was that about?” Jen asked, jumping onto anything other than the mundane topics. Your face reddened again as you didn’t even know what the hell that was about. 
“What do you mean?” you asked, turning to face her, but before she could elaborate Aaron was back.
“Hey Y/N have you used one of those automatic pipettes before?” he asked sheepishly, holding a still empty beaker. You finally turned to face him and looked up. God he really was tall, or were you just short…nevermind that all.
“Have you not?” you asked, a bit shocked he’d gotten this far without having been subjected to one in high school or the general labs. He grinned again shrugged,
“Think you can help a poor guy out?”. You felt your stomach do a bit of a flip as you mumbled some sort of an agreement under your breath. He handed you the beaker once you were at the sodium hydroxide and you tried to explain the process and how to use the pipette. He made sure to make a dramatic show of nodding before you handed him back his beaker. You handed him back the beaker and stared at him a second before rolling your eyes,
“You know how to do this you little-” you started going off at him before he grinned mischievously,
“You do it so good though!” he exclaimed and nudged your arm which did shut you up, “You always just seem like you know what you’re doing,” he added. 
“I don’t know about- ah- thanks,” you mumbled as you looked around the room, trying to avoid eye contact, not knowing where any of this was coming from. Has he really been paying attention to you this whole time? He thought you were smart? He thought you knew what you were doing? Was he complimenting you? He laughed and walked back to his lab bench as you went back to yours and apologized to Jen.
“You still don’t know what that’s all about?” she laughed under her breath as she pointed her pencil at you. Going back to the buret you shook your head.
“Honest to god I didn’t even think he knew my name,” you said, with a small smile, “he just wanted me to do his damn work for him though,”. 
Another hour later once the lab was about halfway done your feet started hurting from standing for so long. You regretted not wearing better ones, but how were you supposed to know… As you were stretching your back and trying to get comfortable you made eye contact with Aaron from across the lab. The goofball had a thing of sodium hydroxide right next to him on his side of the lab this whole time. He never needed to come to your side. Instead of looking away he smiled and waved. You snorted to yourself and bit your bottom lip as you quickly waved back before looking back to your experiment. 
After the tortuous three hour lab was finally done you let down your hair and threw your lab goggles into your backpack, catching yourself in a mirror on the way out and realizing just how bad the marks left behind on your face were. 
“Raccoon eyes!” Jen laughed as she appeared by you in the mirror, finding herself in a similar situation.
“How the hell are we supposed to be taken seriously on campus like this?” you laughed as you tried to see if pulling on your skin helped at all, but much to your chagrin it did nothing.
“I mean they’ll just be jealous we get to do labs instead of just lecture all day,” Jen hummed as she waved goodbye. You smiled and waved back as you threw your backpack over your shoulder and moved to follow.
“Y/N!” Aaron yelled from behind you, getting you to look over your shoulder, “Look we’re twins,” he laughed as he pointed to his face, also having deep marks from the goggles around his glasses on his forehead and cheeks. You couldn’t help but laugh not only at his comment but also how absurd it was that he was now treating you like a close friend.
“I think we all learned our lesson today with the goggles,” you said as you started walking out, with him falling into step beside you. 
“You heard the professor: goggles on, risk gone,” he recited, doing an excellent impression of your professor which garnered another laugh from you. “Hey, so I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while, but um, do you want to study together? You’ve always been getting the top grades in our classes and you don’t seem like a total nerd…” he said, trailing off as he tried to think of a way to finish the sentence.
“A total nerd?” you asked, faking shock at his accusation.
“See- you can take a joke,” he defended himself and holding his hands up, holding the door open for you with his hip, “I’m trying to get into the FBI, y’know, and I know I heard you are too, so I was thinking of proposing a sort of pact?” he continued to explain, glancing down to see your reaction. You met his eyes before quickly darting back down. It’s true, you did want to be a part of the FBI, as stupid a dream it sounded some days. At the beginning of the year one of your classes had you all go around and discuss what you wanted to do in the long-run, mostly just so then the professor could guilt you into remembering you saying that when students were struggling. 
“I’ll bite,” you say simply with a nod, “you’re really stand out in the psychology classes,” you added.
“And you’re a genius at the science stuff!” he said, turning to walk backwards in front of you, keeping his pace right ahead of yours as he talked facing you, “you’re seeing the vision!”. You couldn’t help but laugh again as you looked at him getting giddy.
“Okay okay, don’t trip,” you said as you pulled his wrist so he was back in step with you, both of you smiling like idiots at this point, knowing that this would be the start of a special friendship.
A/N yeah I'll stand by Aaron being a total college himbo (/endearing) and I'll probably write whatever big event causes him to get serious near the end of his time in college and turn into the daddy hotch we know and love.
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arabellas · 3 months
about the tutorial: just one about dark scenes in general would be great :)
sure :) here's a tutorial on how I work with dark scenes:
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before we start, it's important to mention that working with dark scenes is so much easier when your video/ screencaps are high quality. I personally refuse to gif dark scenes unless I have 4k quality footage lol.
my general coloring tutorial is here in case you want check it out!
alright, let's start! after resizing and sharpening my gif, here's what we're working with:
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STEP 1: levels. I use the pipette tool to select the lightest and the darkest parts of my gif, it's a great guide that helps to neutralize the overpowering color:
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in this case, the lightest part is the little white dot in the corner of his eye and the darkest one is around his hair (if there are many dark shadows in my gif, I just click on a few darkest looking spots and see how it adjusts the coloring and lighting of the gif and just pick the one I think looks the best). basically, this layer is a good guide on how to make the overall look more natural if there is one obvious dominant color and we want to get rid of it (for example, my gif has quite a lot of blues, but it's not too crazy, so I won't need to adjust that much):
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and this is what we've got just after using the levels adjustment:
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the gif is lighter and the blue was reduced a little bit, the scene now has more green and red undertones. sometimes I mess with the settings myself if I don't like the way it looks, but in this case I'm pretty happy with the automatic adjustments and I didn't even have to do that much!
STEP 2: curves. I do the same thing that I did with the levels, using the pipette tool to select the lightest and the darkest parts and also pull the rgb curve to the middle to brighten my gif even more:
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and here's the result after setting the curves layer opacity to 37%:
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STEP 3: brightness and exposure layers. next up, I just want to brighten the character a little bit more, but not the background, so I'm adding a brightness/contrast layer and an exposure layer, here are my settings:
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but since it adjusts the whole gif and I don't want that, I select the mask on my brightness layer and pick the eraser tool. I erase the part of my gif that I don't want to be affected by this adjustment, I colored that part bright pink so it's obvious:
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and then I do the same with the exposure layer.
in my gif the character is not moving that much, so it looks pretty natural when I brighten just him. here's where we're at:
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STEP 4: selective color and gradient map. I'm happy with how bright it is, but I do want to deepen the shadows here and just mess with the coloring itself, so next up I'm gonna use a couple more layers.
here are my settings for selective color layer, opacity set to around 40%:
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and here are my settings for a gradient map to deepen the shadows:
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and here's the result:
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ADDITIONAL STEP: I sometimes like to add another layer and just put some soft color gradient to one side of the gif.
in this case I used a soft blue color, set to lighten, 62%:
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I'm not very good at tutorials and I put this together pretty quickly, but hopefully this was somewhat helpful, let me know if you have any questions! <3
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junhuiste · 3 months
experi-meant to be ⋆ park wonbin
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pairing: wonbin x gn reader
tags/warnings: fluff, cursing, college au, laboratory environment, one mention of baking, 1600 words
a/n: i meant to publish this on valentine’s day since i had lab that day but i never finished it lol. there’s some microbio lab procedure jargon so like this is what streaking plates is if you want a visual lmfaoao. this is my first published work in like three years it feels weird haha + i might change my layout/header for fics but for now i’ll keep the same layout i've had for past fics
wonbin believes U are the uracil to his adenine—you should always be paired together.
| seunghan: dude 
| seunghan: lowkey i can’t come to lab bc my car won’t fucking start so i’ll have to make it up next week :\ but taehyun and his partner would probably be willing to help you out with calculations and clean up hopefully
Wonbin pants heading up the stairs into the classroom lab, cheeks immediately pink as he’s made a spectacle amongst everyone already sitting and tuned into the TA’s pre-lab lesson. Sighing as he processes Seunghan’s text, Wonbin turns to the drawing of bacterial growth curves on the whiteboard but is soon after preoccupied with the fact that there is no Taehyun on a stool. There’s just your backside entirely in front of him. 
Taehyun is one to set up all his materials before the TA even steps foot through the lab door so if he isn’t here now then that means—
“Guess you’re stuck with me for today.” 
Wonbin tries to swallow but it gets stuck halfway down his throat and is about to go into a choke type cough frenzy when he surprises himself and softly clears his throat instead. His thoughts are all just stuck there—in the middle of his esophagus, begging for them to travel back up to his brain so he has enough stamina to stick it through the four hour class. 
“No hate to him because Taehyunnie’s a tad faster at getting through the steps, so you know, we’re usually out thirty minutes early, but I can promise you I’m better at calculations. And I’m more precise with measurements,” you let out a small giggle before setting your backpack on the floor next to Wonbin’s.
The commotion of pipettes being thrown onto the surface, glass tubes clinking, and sneakers squeaking rushing to obtain their samples is right away drowned out in Wonbin’s ears by the sight of you perched atop the stool a mere few inches away from him. He tries to keep his chest from heaving at bay by taking his notebook out of his backpack and reviewing the method for today’s class. The solution is only short lived though, promptly taking notice of how you gather materials from the drawer while simultaneously reading through your own notebook. 
Every Tuesday and Thursday, Wonbin assumes his seat in the third to last row of his Virology lecture, close enough to the door that he can be among the first to leave as soon as “see you guys next time” leaves Professor Choi’s lips. He longs for the day (ideally it would be quite before the last week of classes but realistically that’s the best he has to offer for now) that he musters up just the slightest bit of courage to join you and Taehyun in the second row, where Seunghan also occasionally accompanies you two. It’s only the third week of this semester, but perhaps the sixth course of his over the past three years Wonbin’s seen you in. From Biochemistry to Rhetoric 2, he has never taken place at a desk next to yours. 
Wonbin’s always aching to know how you’d answer everything he could ever ask you, be it the attendance quiz question or your weekend plans—what time you usually roll out of bed, whether or not you stroll to the local farmer’s market near campus, if you’re spending Saturday with a special someone. He needs to hear you laugh at Taehyun’s cynicism about college. He needs to hear it up close, not having to strain his ear when he’s fifteen rows behind when you crack up at your friend during the five minute break Professor Choi gives the class. 
But Wonbin will take what he can get for now, and if that’s helping you fulfill your wish of completing the lab procedure as quickly as possible, he’ll do it. 
“I can do the calculations for us,” you begin, “would you mind getting our mutant strains at the front of the class and streak the Petri dishes?” 
Wonbin nods almost too enthusiastically and curses at himself for seeming embarrassingly desperate in front of you. Sure, he’d like to muster up the courage to ask you out, but today he’ll try to take it one step at a time.
When Wonbin returns with new plates to grow your bacteria on and two tubes filled with your bacterial strains, you scoot your chair closer to his to later show the finished calculations. He catches a whiff of your light perfume and almost falls out of his own chair. 
As he’s setting up the Bunsen burner for sterilization, you chuckle, “you know the real reason Taehyun’s not here today is because he left town last night to get a head start on the extravagant romantic weekend he has planned with Gaeul.”
“If there’s one way to use our one free unexcused absence, that’ll do it,” Wonbin replies. 
“Do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day, Wonbin? I mean if you did I just hope you wouldn’t leave me early like Taehyun did,” your eyes meet his for a brief second before flitting back to your notebook.
Wonbin’s grip on the matchstick to light the burner loosens. He just barely catches himself before the match could fall from his hand onto the lab bench. What he needed to get a grip on was his fucking sanity—he almost set the classroom on fire because his heart instead is aflame for yours. 
Taking a breath, Wonbin exhales when the flame turns to blue, finally lighting the Bunsen burner. 
“Nope, no plans,” he briefly turns to you. There’s a beat and he considers that asking you back would seem too forward, but he does it anyway. 
Upon seeing your grin before you open your mouth, he turns his attention right back to the tubes and plates in front of him. 
It’s so over. 
For a second Wonbin’s relieved, because he thinks he can actually get through the next two hours without overthinking his micro movements in front of you. Now that it’s over for him, maybe he can actually pay attention to the way the metal loop he’s holding makes contact with the jelly-like agar inside the plastic plate and not disappoint Seunghan with the results. However, it’s not realistic because even still, Wonbin takes note of all your beauty and remains completely bewitched.
“Honestly I wish...I mean Minjeong, Yunjin and I are gonna do a rom-com binge and bake desserts…but you know…not any plans with someone like that…” 
Your temporary lab partner tries to hide his smile and nods silently as he continues switching between spreading bacteria on the plate with the metal loop and then sterilizing the loop in the blue flame. 
The rest of lab goes smoothly as Wonbin tries to quell the embers within him for the time remaining. There’s forty minutes left but technically to you Wonbin knows time is dashing away and it should feel like there’s what but only ten minutes left to do everything. Your pair was a few steps ahead of the others, just like how it would be when Taehyun accompanied you every week. 
Wonbin has been psyching himself up the past two hours to finally ask you out but currently he’s stuck in his head and just can’t seem to get it out. Does he chase you after you’ve stepped foot out of the lab or should he leave you be? Or maybe he can try next week. He’ll keep telling himself that until there’s one day of instruction left and then he won’t see you for three months and then he’ll lament the entire summer to Seunghan that he didn’t say shit. 
He can do that…or just rip the bandage off at an agonizing speed. 
The last Petri dish that Wonbin holds is being wrapped in parafilm to prevent contamination. He’d been going through the motions of the procedure while simultaneously not paying attention to his surroundings, at his own self’s behest. You’ve already cleaned the entire lab bench and he doesn’t notice until he hears “see you in Virology,” and suddenly you’re slinging your backpack over your shoulder. 
It’s now or next week…or never—wait you know that Wonbin’s in your Virology class? What you said is ringing in his ears and it hits him all at once.
Petri dishes in hand and turning around, Wonbin freezes in his tracks.
Your eyebrows furrow.
“Do you want to hang out tomorrow?” his own mouth betrays him and suddenly it’s all coming out much too quickly for his liking. 
You’re about to answer but before you can even get a word in, “I-I don’t mean to interfere with your plans with your friends but uh, if you wanted to do something like that I’m down.”
Your lips press into a line and Wonbin is about to pass out from the threatening fluorescent classroom lights. 
“Park Wonbin…are you asking me out on a date?” He can practically feel his sweat melting the parafilm tape off and a vision of him dropping the Petri dishes in front of you, cracking open and shattering, exposing E.coli to everyone in the room flashes before him. He blinks once and calms his vice grip on the plates. 
“Yes. Yes I am asking you out on a date,” Wonbin looks down at your sneakers, not knowing where else to shift his gaze to. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you smirk, slinging the other strap of your backpack over your other shoulder and saluting.
Park Wonbin swears his heart is on fire and does a backflip off a fifty foot cliff. A curve forming on his lips, he smiles slightly waving with the plates still in his hand, “see ya…”
You halt your forward movement and turn back around, “Wonbin?” he perks up again, “you should sit next to me in lecture on Tuesday.”
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ram-bam-writes · 1 month
The Highlight and The Shadow pt. 3 [Graves x NB Reader]
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A/N: Yayyy Big Brother Henley is back! Ehehe. This chapter is a little self indulgent for my own love of watercolors, sorry lol. As always, lemme know if y’all wanna be tagged since I update so sporadically :>
Summary: Phillip spends his time with you at the cafe learning about your hobby, as well as entertaining some of his urges to tease. And with your own growing crush, you try to dodge all the increasingly protective questions your older brother has about you and your older Landlord. But how can you think about that when Phillip looks like that.
CW: None really. Flirting, Overprotective brother, mentions of knives and threats but mostly teasing, references to smutty thoughts (not explicit), language, no beta we die like soap, etc
Word Count: 3403
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3]
The date. Oh boy, the date. No, no no no. Not a date. Just… coffee. That’s it. Just coffee in the local cafe. The local cafe that you love so much because it’s got chairs right next to giant glass windows that light up your paintings so beautifully. The local cafe that always slowed your mind and your heart, easing you into a calm lull where you could breathe your stresses away. 
Here, with your painting supplies set up and the bright sun illuminating your workspace, you can work in peace.
It’s not like Phillip strolled in with his tightest black athletics shirt or his tightest dark blue jeans or anything. And definitely not like he put on a belt buckle the size of Texas itself, which you’re currently trying not to compare it to another large thing you find yourself thinking all too much about. No, no. Nor are his arms bulging right out of the sleeve nor is his waist oh so narrow and slutty with that tucked-in shirt. 
It’s fine. You don’t can focus on the blank paper in front of you. You have to. Or maybe focus on the people around you, instead? You already told Phillip you were gonna be busy, so he’d just leave you alone. He had to. He’s not gonna torment you. It’s okay. 
It’s fine.
Then, you hear that familiar, teasing tone. “Hey, Darlin’?” 
You glance up from your painting, eyes large and round and far too innocent for where his mind immediately takes him. He’s got this easy going grin on his face, eyes sparkling more than they probably have any right to that just makes him so... annoyingly hot. He sets down his iced tea — which, objectively, made no sense in the current weather conditions — and points at the palette next to you.
“I think yer paint is dry.” Was it the grin that made your belly flutter or the genuine concern in his eyes like he might get up and buy you brand new paint if you show the slightest hint of disappointment.
“O-oh, no,” you murmur, picking up the palette and setting it a little closer to him. “It’s watercolors. They, um… well, they don’t dry out. I mean— they do, but…”
Why was it suddenly so hard to talk to him? You never had this issue before. Not since… well… that one night after that one dream…
“You just… add more water,” your lips part to take in a shaky breath of air. “And there it is.”
Phillip’s eyes flicker with interest and he offers a smile. His face light sup when he makes that internal connection between his Chief Finance Officer and the arts.
“Oh, like go-… gowa-somethin’.” He shakes his head dismissively. “I’ve a teammate who uses somethin’ like thick ol’ watercolors in ‘is free time. He’s real good.”
You squint at the man before you as your brain spins to decipher his words. “G-Gawa…? Oh — Gouache?” 
“That’s it!” He snaps his fingers, nodding. “Gouache.”
“Heh, well, sort of… Gouache isn’t meant to dry out if it’s Himi gouache. It’s meant to be like… oil paint consistency. My brother uses Himi gouache all the time, too.” You offer a small smile, picking up a small pipette. “But they do interact really well with watercolors! But watercolors are meant for water, and gouache is meant for… well, still water, but they’re opaque and usually used for backgrounds or touch-ups.”
Phillip leans a little closer as you drip water into a few of the watercolor cakes, the pigments immediately beginning to lift up. The Commander glances up at you with a soft sort of fondness in his eyes before watching your nimble fingers pick up a brush and drag it through the watery paint. 
“See? Just a lil’ water and they’re fine…”
“So… watercolors need… water. Got it.” He smirks up at you, leaning back and sipping his tea. When he sets the drink in his laps, his  legs spread a little and his arm drapes the empty seat next to him. “Tell me about it. I don’t know a lot.”
You can feel your cheeks burning at the casual tone of his voice. He sounds genuinely interested, like his full attention is on you. He truly wants to learn about watercolors. 
Maybe he just wants to hear your voice, but you don’t need to know that.
“Well… what do you want to know?” You inquire softly, pulling your palette back in place and adjusting your paper block.
“Like… what’s the best thing t’ paint? Or what’re yer favorite colors to paint with? Or, no, better yet — why the hell’re the colors starting with white and yellow and not, y’know, red?”
You laugh at that, his tone sounding all too inconvenienced for a 41 year old military commander talking about watercolors.
“Y’know… I don’t know.” You stare blankly for a few moments, trying to process it. “I think it’s just how the colors flow. But, there’s lots of the same colors because of warm and cold tones.”
He nods at you, urging you to continue.
You take a breath.
“If you’ve ever tried mixing red and blue to get purple, it prolly didn’t go well, did it? It’s likely because you used a warm red and a cool blue, or vice versa. Colors have temperatures that make them go a little better with each other.”
As you continue to explain, you try not to focus on the way his eyes drift over your form, focusing between your body, your lips, and your eyes.
“So, to make a nice lookin’ green, y’gotta use somethin’ like a warm blue and a warm yellow?”
“Yes!” You beam up at him, and the action urges him to sit up a little more intently. 
“So, why have so many colors on your palette? Wouldn’t you only need, what, six or seven?”
“Well, you can…” You gesture to the palette, a metal tin with 24 half-pans in various colors. “But it’s also nice to have some premade colors. Especially for vibrant purples.” He glances at the palette. “Seems like you really only use this one yellow.”
“And this red.”
He tilts his head at you, eyelids falling half-way to offer a look as if you’re fucking with him. “Really, now? An’, this blue?”
You break out into a big grin. “Cadmium— NO Phillip put that down!”
But it’s too late. He snatches up the palette, quickly standing and walking towards the cafe’s trash can. Phillip laughs as you push and smack him playfully, trying to reach around his larger frame in order to get your beloved palette back. But he keeps walking, holding the tin palette by the thumb ring on the bottom to dangle it over the trash.
“It was Phthalo!” You shout with a laugh. “Phthalo blue.
He narrows his eyes at you with a slight upturn to his lips. Then, he relents. “Fine. But if I find out there’s another Cadeema in there, Imma throw this damn palette outta my truck.”
“Cadmium—“ He grips your shoulders, pulling you real close.
“Do you think. I’m playin’?
You bite your lip, eyes glittering. “Maybe.”
If it weren’t for the random customer to walk in, Phillip might have actually thrown you out of the window. Instead, he ushers you back to the table, hand barely brushing your lower back.
“So… what else ’s there?”
You exhale a little, but laugh. “Honestly? Prolly too much to explain. I think you should just watch and then learn.”
“Aw, not gonna be a teach for me, darlin’?” He gives you a pretty little pout. “Not even a little?”
You simply smile at the man. Something about this was easier than you expected it to be. Yeah, the butterflies are still there, and yes, you’re still very much aware of his eyes trailing up and down over you, but… it’s easy. He’s not pushy, he’s listening, and he’s asking questions. He’s engaged in the conversation. He wants to learn.
But as much as you want to teach him, you like coming out to the cafe to simply… breathe in the calm. The ambient sounds of the people around you lost in their own conversations, the smell of freshly bakes pastries and newly roasted coffee… you lived for it. It was easy to paint in public. Not because people would give you the occasional compliment, but because the cafe was always a breeding ground for easy focus. You could just… get as lost in your work as everyone else around you was lost in there. It’s… easy.
Lost in your own thoughts, you miss the way that Phillip’s head quirks to the side, and the way he observes your eyes and your calm smile. So he settles back in his chair, and after a sip of his coffee and a self-soothing breath, his tone of voice changes immediately.
“How about you show me how you paint a warm summer sky?”
The drive back was more calming and quiet than it ever had been. You’d discovered that Phillip loved to talk, and he loved when others did, too. He never much liked silence. It made him antsy and nervous. So to have a near-silent ride back was… new.
And you enjoyed it. 
The entire time inside the cafe while you painted, Phillip silently observed you. And the entire time he watched, his eyes sparkled with wonder. You knew he wanted to ask, but there was something in him that drove him to stay silent. He even suppressed those random little sighs he’d make when bored.
“Thank you,” you start meekly. “I… I had fun.”
He glances away from the road to smile at you, eyes crinkling in the corners. He drums his fingers along the steering wheel of his Chevy truck, tapping along to the beat of some old rock song he’d chosen.
“I did, too,” he begins. “Yer a good painter.”
You bite your lip a little. “Y’know… maybe one day I can teach you more actively.”
That get’s Phillip to raise his brow. “What, like we paint togetha or somethin’?”
“Yeah,” you nod, grinning up at him. “Think you got what it takes?”
He nods slowly, pursing his lips in thought. The way his brows twitch when he thinks is something you can’t help but find cute, especially when his eyes drift seamlessly over to you.
“I’ll take you up on that offer,” his tone is easy, but his smile falters. “But it’s gotta be sometime nex’ week.”
You sit up a little. Was he going on a deployment of some kind? How long would he be gone? Were you gonna be alone for a while? Meals, you needed to prep meals. And you need make sure to set an alarm to lock the doors. And check the stove—
“Hun… Relax,” Phillip purrs. “It’s just a few late nights. I’ll be back ‘round midnight to 0100, and have t’leave around 0400. Nothin’ serious.”
It’s your turn to purse your lips in thought. 
“Nothing serious, he says…” You murmur. “Just three hours of sleep each night for a week…”
He laughs, slowing his car as he reaches the driveway of his house. Of y’alls house. “Tell you what. I’ll make sure t’get plenty o’ rest once I get done. Y’can bore me to sleep with yer painting lessons or whatever.”
Even despite this being the same teasing your siblings might give you, you know full well that Phillip doesn’t mean it. That look in his eyes is one of a gentle kind of fondness. Like a seedling that you desperately want him to foster and care for so it can grow into something… true.
You grin confidently. “We’ll see about that, hotshot.”
“So, Pint…” the voice on the other end of your phone is one you cherish. “How’s the landlord?”
You set up the phone on the desk in your room, adjusting everything before relaxing. You call Austin every few weeks to catch up. After leaving for the Marines, you never heard much of him. But you heard even less when he joined some fancy team a year or so back. 
“He’s fine, Aus. I’m well taken care of.” You smile as your older brother pours himself a glass of bourbon. “He’s really sweet. I feel like I should be paying him more.”
Austin’s eyes roll as he takes a seat, leaning on his arm. “Don’t even. Take advantage of the system until yer out of college. Get that degree and get yourself out of there.”
Your brother worked hard to take care of you after he left, usually by sending some extra cash when you needed it for school. He’s always been the protective type, which is why he worked hard to find you a landlord he knew was gonna be good to you and keep you with a full belly, even on days that you weren’t making enough.
“Hey, Aus?” His expression turns into a curious yet serious look. “You never did tell me how you found this place for me.”
“I work with money, Pint. I know how to find shit. Don’t worry about it.” He sips his bourbon, eyes narrowing slightly. “But you tell me if that landlord of yours gets too snippy. You said military, yeah? Thems can get dickish at times.”
You deadpan your brother. “Thinking I can’t handle myself?”
“You can, I know that, Half-Pint. I just want to join in on the fun.”
Austin brandishes a knife of his, one that has a black ace on the handle. It’s a beautiful knife, all things considered. 
“Please don’t hurt my landlord. Phillip’s actually really sweet. Not to mention the first man that’s actually listened to my rambles.”
“Am I just lean meat to you?”
“I distinctly remember you telling me to shut up several times as kids, bitch.” 
Truth be told, your brother listened to you a lot. You just… never shut up about your hobbies. And while he loved listening to his younger sibling, the man had other issues on his mind. Like a sibling to take care of with two practically deadbeat parents.
He laughs at you, the sound echoing in the receiver.
You missed him, you did. He never really came by to visit. But you’d never tell him that. He’s happy with his super secret job, and as long as he kept calling, you’d cherish every moment with your brother. Something about OPSEC, he said, was the reason he couldn’t talk. 
“Hey, hun?” Phillip’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
You slide your chair back a bit, leaning closer to the closed door. “Yeah?”
“Pulled pork or sausage?”
“Uhh…” You ponder for a moment. Pulled pork means barbecue sandwiches, and sausage means dirty rice, both of which sounded heavenly. “Sausage.”
You slide back to your desk, being immediately met with the sight of your brother picking at the tip of his blade. “Hun?”
“It’s not like that! He’s Texan, breathe.” You take a sip of your own water, trying to suppress the blush.
“Listen to me, Aus, it’s not like that.” It’s like that. “He even calls little Tulip that!”
The snake in question hisses, evidently knowing his own name. And you smile fondly at the snake, your mind immediately going back to when Phillip gave the three snakes a bath for the first time. How easily he dealt with Fetti’s terrified little tantrum and spasms. How natural it was for him to love on Tiki as he wound himself around Phillip, genuinely trying to constrict and eat him. But Phillip didn’t give a care. He loved every single one of your babies. 
Hell, Phillip had Tiki around his neck right now because the damn corn snake couldn’t handle being away from him for more than three minutes.
A snapping noise brings you out of your blissed out thoughts.
“Earth to Pint,” Austin says, eyes dark. “Don’t tell me I need to take this guy out…”
“No!” You flush a little, shrugging. “He’s too old for me, you know that. And you know I’d tell you. I told you when I dated that kid in high school, didn’t I?” He raises a brow. “The one who laid his hands on you? The only reason I found out you were dating? For only three days before the fucker tried something?”
The sound of your exhale is loud. “Aus, pleas don’t worry about my landlord, or me. You’ve taught me enough to handle myself.”
“Okay, but the moment he tries anything—“
“I will tell you. I promise.”
“Good.” He smiles. “By the way, Tulip’s eating your plant.” 
With that, your older brother hangs up, leaving you to whip around and glare at the snake, his mouth wide as he attempts to swallow your little fern. 
You smile when Phillip sets down a bowl of dirty rice in front of you, his eyes so fond. After successfully dislodging the plant from your snake’s mouth, you’d gone out to watch Phillip cook, something you often find yourself doing. He’s just good at it, genuinely. And it’s not just the classic American Dad kinds of food, like steaks and burgers. This man has made all kinds of food for you, from fancy Michelin style meals to easy and lazy food. 
You yourself did some cooking. After all, you’d taken care of your younger siblings for years now. Dinners are second nature. And that makes Phillip cooking for you that much more… endearing.
Especially when it’s the last dinner you and Phillip will be sharing for a few days. It makes you sad, even if you don’t want to admit it. You love eating with him. He’d talk endlessly about his day, usually in vague terms or an exponentially growing amount of abbreviations and slang. But he seemed so excited to talk to you about it! He might as well be a golden retriever. 
“If you don’t min’ me askin’, hun, who were ya talkin’ to just a bit ago?” Phillip asks, sitting down next to you at the kitchen bar. “You sounded like they were under ya feather’s at times. ’S it someone I needa take care of?”
Stop being hot. Please.
“No, no. Just my brother. Don’t worry.” You wave your hand dismissively. “The usual sibling relationship.”
Phillip chuckles, his eyes twinkling with understanding. He grew up on a field with many, many older and younger siblings he helped wrangle. He knows the deal. “Makes sense, hun. But what about my precious Tulip, hm? Why’d you yell at the baby.”
Turning away to cross your arms and pout, you regard the question with mock irritation. “He ate. My plant.”
“Ate your plant?” He sits up in interest, taking a bite of his food. 
“Yeah! And the little fucker also thought it was a good idea to eat the pot, too!” A huff falls from your lips. He tries not to stare. “I got it out, but he wasn’t happy. I don’t even know why.”
He purses his lips, brows twitching. “Do they eat plants?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the p. “Not unless it smells like food.”
Phillip pales a little, setting down his fork. “Aw hell…”
“I reckon that’s my fault.” Phillip really has the audacity to avoid your judgmental glare. “After feedin’ the little angel I went to adjust your little plant leaf. Flower boy musta been able to smell the mice.”
You slowly work your fingers around the fork, eyes staring intently at your roommate. “Come again?”
“With pleasu-“ But Phillip stops once his eyes meet your death grip on the fork. He leans back a little. “Don’t do that… do not… do that…”
“Give me one good reason,” you begin, eyes narrowed, “not to stab you in the hand with this fork.”
Phillip inhales slowly. “Because… you… like me?”
“Try again.”
The man stares at you for a few grueling seconds, your eyes fighting to stay in line with his. But they dip down just a bit too low.
And he notices.
His hands instantly clasp around both of your wrist to pin them to the table, his grip firm and true. He gets real close to your face — real close — breath fanning across your lips. “Because you don’t want to mess with the Commander of a fuckin’ PMC.”
Oh, Austin is gonna kill you for the thoughts in your head…
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tinycoded360 · 4 days
Sterling household--The Talk
Chapter 8: The talk
Milton's heart pounded nervously as he stood on Sterling's kitchen table, flanked by Cassia and Emma. Sterling loomed like a benign colossus, his presence still intimidating.
"Alright then," Milton began, his voice steadier than he felt, "let's talk about how we can make this work for all of us."
“Of course, but first, I have some things for you.” The tiny borrowers watched in confusion as Sterling turned to grab something from his counter.
The smell of freshly baked bread was distracting. Apparently, Sterling thought it was a good idea for them to snack and talk.
"Smells amazing, doesn't it?" Cassia whispered, her stomach betraying her with a tiny growl.
"Focus," Milton murmured, though even he couldn't deny the saliva pooling in his mouth at the thought of fresh bread. Granted, Cassia was perfectly able to make bread within the walls of their home, but it wasn’t the same as the fluffy bread that giants make.
Sterling chuckled, a deep sound vibrating through the air. "I hope you're hungry. There's plenty to go around." He set down a plate of freshly cut bread. Some slices had butter on them, and others did not. The bread was cut into tiny pieces so it would be easy for his tiny guests to handle.
Before Milton could make a move to sample the offering, Sterling spoke up again, his giant hand coming down close, startling the tiny man. “Wait one more thing, here take this, this is for you.” Pinched between the giant’s forefinger and thumb was a tiny tea cup—perfectly sized for the tiny borrowers. Milton stared in shock but reached for the cup. Sterling offered a cup to Cassia and Emma as well.
“These are for you, you can keep them, I bought them at a craft store, I thought they would be perfect for you. Oh! And these too.” Next Sterling handed each of them a tiny spoon, the spoon was close to their scale.
“This is amazing, Sterling. Thank you.” Cassia said.
“Why do you giants have tiny stuff like this? What’s the purpose?” Emma spoke up. She liked the tiny gift, but she couldn’t understand why a giant would sell and buy these things, if not for toys for their young, but these items seemed way to small for children’s toys.
“I don’t know……. I guess humans have always liked tiny things.” Sterling said with a shrug.
“But wait there’s more.” Sterling said with a grin. He brought over a pitcher of iced tea. He then took a pipette and suctioned some of the tea into it. He then held it over each of their tiny cups. He carefully served them some fresh tea.
Sterling sat down in his chair, holding a mug of his own; he took a sip of his tea and smiled down at them. “Ok, now we can start.”
Milton inched closer to the table's edge, his eyes locked on Sterling's face. "Sterling," Milton started, each word measured and deliberate, "We've come to appreciate... your kindness."
Sterling leaned in, careful not to make any sudden moves that might startle his tiny guests. "I'm glad to hear that, Milton. I've always enjoyed helping where possible, and I want you guys to stay."
Cassia, her hands clasped in front of her, added, "We can't ignore the risks, but we also see the benefits of living here, close to you." Her voice held a note of cautious optimism.
"Of course," Sterling nodded, "It's a delicate balance, isn't it?"
Emma glanced between Milton and Cassia before addressing Sterling with a hint of boldness. "It is. And we'll find a way to maintain that balance if you are."
Sterling's expression softened further, touched by the admission. " All of you were very kind to look after me when I was ill. I think we can be good neighbors or roommates or sorts, I’d be willing to work out an agreement of conduct.”
"An exchange," Milton proposed. "We help with small tasks, like pest control and small repairs to the house, and in return, we receive some food scraps and materials that would otherwise be wasted."
"Seems fair, but I think we can do better than that," Sterling agreed with a gentle smile. "I don’t want you guys to feel like you have to hide. I don’t see how that’s different than before?” “What, the only difference is I know you’re around?” Sterling asked with a frown.
“This is a lot for us. We’re not supposed to interact or talk to you like this.” Emma pointed out.
“I won’t push you past what you’re comfortable with, but I would want you all to be more comfortable, maybe interact more. I’d be willing to share more than just scraps.” Sterling pressed.
"Hmmm, okay, then. Look, Sterling," Emma piped up, barely containing the tremor in her voice as she glanced warily at the corner of the kitchen where Whiskers usually lounged. Currently, the cat was shut in Sterling’s room. "We need to talk about your cat, then."
Milton's eyes darted toward the ground, his body tensing at the mention of the feline predator. Cassia placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, her gaze fixed on Sterling.
Sterling sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know Whiskers can be... problematic for you folks, but she's part of this household too. I can't just get rid of her."
"Perhaps we could arrange our borrowing times?" suggested Milton. "A schedule that lets us roam when she's confined to your room?"
"Or announce ourselves loudly," Cassia added with a hint of reluctance. "Though it feels like asking permission in our own home."
"Training her might be a safer bet," Sterling proposed, watching their reactions closely. "Properly introduce you to her, so she understands you’re family, not food. But of course, I’d be willing to set a schedule; we can write it out."
Cassia nodded slowly. " The schedule would be preferred, and I think we should do that first. But I’d be willing to try to be introduced to your—"
"No!" Milton interjected sharply. "I won't risk Cassia or the children. If we do that, I’ll do it first, just in case something goes wrong."
“Oh, I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise,” Sterling said as he leaned closer.
Sterling and Milton locked eyes, a silent battle of wills passing between them until Sterling finally chuckled. "I promise you won’t be hurt; I’ll be there every step of the way; it will be done under close supervision.”
"Good," Milton grumbled, not thrilled about this whole idea.
"Another thing," Cassia said before the mood could sour further. "Please, don't tell others about us. It's dangerous if more humans know."
"Of course," Sterling agreed solemnly. "Your secret's safe with me. And I'll give you a heads-up if I'm expecting company. You should have plenty of time to hide or return to your nest."
"Thank you," Cassia said, the relief evident in her tone. "It eases my mind knowing we won't stumble upon strangers."
"Before we continue further," Sterling said, shifting slightly, "I have another thing for you." He reached into a drawer and pulled out a small bundle wrapped in cloth. He unfolded it on the table with delicate care to reveal an assortment of miniature kitchenware.
Milton's eyes narrowed at the sight of the tiny pots and pans, more silverware, more teacups, plates, and plastic buckets—all perfectly borrower-sized. "We can't accept these; you’ve already given us a gift," he stated firmly, his pride as a provider prickling at the offer and the fact they didn’t get any gift for the giant.
Cassia's elbow nudged into his side subtly yet with intention. "Oh, they're wonderful," she exclaimed, her voice warm with genuine delight as she inspected the gifts. "We love them, don't we?"
"Of course," Milton conceded begrudgingly, though his gaze lingered on the items with a hint of appreciation. Sterling's lips curled into a pleased smile, his eyes brightening at Cassia's enthusiasm.
"Good, I'm glad," Sterling responded, watching them. "I hope they're... usable."
"Indeed," Cassia said, still admiring the craftsmanship.
After a moment of contemplative silence, Sterling's expression turned serious. "Listen, I've been meaning to ask—have you been cooking inside the walls? Using flame?" His tone was gentle, but concern etched his brow.
Cassia and Milton tensed simultaneously; the question felt like an intrusion, a spotlight on their hidden lives. "Yes, but we're always careful," Cassia assured quickly, her voice steady despite the sudden anxiety.
"Even so, I'd rather you didn't," Sterling insisted. "It's not just about being careful. Even tiny, controlled fires could lead to disaster."
"Disaster?" Milton scoffed. "We know what we're doing. It's not like we're reckless."
"Still," Sterling pressed, "what if there's another way? I could get you a miniature kitchen to set up here, on the counter. You could cook safely without worries."
"Out here?" Milton's voice rose incredulously. "You expect us to abandon the safety of the walls whenever hunger strikes?"
"Look, I—I thought it might be nice to share meals, but maybe that's too much," Sterling stuttered, his proposal hanging awkwardly in the air. "We can work out a schedule if that's better."
"Share meals?" Emma muttered under her breath, her skepticism evident even in hushed tones. "Like we wouldn't just take what we need anyway."
Sterling cleared his throat, undeterred. "I'll also leave a notepad out. If you need anything specific, just write it down, and I'll see what I can do."
"I’ll consider it. Could I pick the kitchen?” Cassia spoke up. She loved the idea of having something close to what humans got to enjoy.
“Of course!” Sterling said with a relieved smile.
“Okay, well, we can give it a try to see if that works,” Cassia declared, ignoring her husband's grumpy expression.
"Agreed," Sterling nodded. "You'll have free access to the kitchen. Anything you need."
"Generous offer," Cassia said with a small smile, glancing up at Sterling's towering figure. "Thank you, really."
"Of course," he replied, his voice softening. "Anything for my little housemates."
"Right," Sterling said, refocusing the group's attention. "One last rule I'd like to put in place. My bedroom and bathroom are off-limits. You'll just have to ask me if you need something from those rooms."
Milton nodded, his expression serious as he considered the giant human's request. "Understandable. Your privacy is important."
"Very well," Emma agreed, her eyes flickering to the other borrowers. "We'll respect your spaces. Let's sort out these schedules then."
"Great," Sterling replied, relieved. They discussed times and routines, ensuring their paths would cross safely and predictably.
Once they agreed on a schedule, Sterling reached into his pocket and pulled out a small object. "I've got one more thing for you. It's a smartphone—a basic one, but it should do the trick."
"A phone?" Milton's eyebrows shot up, incredulity etched across his face.
"Yes," Sterling beamed, placing it gently on the table before them. "It's pre-paid. You can call or text me if there's an emergency or even if you just need to ask about something."
Cassia leaned forward, her eyes wide as she examined the device. "This... this is too much, Sterling. We can't accept—"
"Please," Sterling interjected, pressing his palm against his chest. "It would give me peace of mind knowing you could reach out if needed."
"Thank you," Milton said gruffly, clearly moved despite his reservations. He was thinking about how they’d have to give something to Sterling in return; the giant human had already given them too many gifts. He could not stand to be outdone in this way.
Sterling picked up the phone and showed how to use it. "Here's how you turn it on, and here's how you make a call. I've saved my number under 'Giant'—it seemed fitting."
A chuckle escaped Cassia's lips, and even Emma allowed herself a small grin at the nickname.
"Let's test it," Sterling suggested. He dialed his own number from the phone and let it ring. His pocket buzzed, and he showed them the incoming call. "See? That's you calling."
"Technology," Milton muttered, still eyeing the phone with a mix of suspicion and fascination. Their most common technology was wiring and lights in their tunnels.
"Can we send messages, too?" Cassia asked, her curiosity overriding her initial hesitation.
"Absolutely," Sterling confirmed. "I'll leave it here by the notepad—you can grab it whenever you're ready to take it back to your nest."
"Stellar," Emma said, and though the word was flippant, her tone carried genuine appreciation.
"Thank you, Sterling," Cassia said again, her voice warm. " Although, Sterling, there's one more thing," Cassia interjected, "I want you to properly meet our children."
"Of course!" Sterling’s voice boomed enthusiastically, a giant grin spreading across his face. His eyes sparkled at the prospect of meeting the little ones he’d only glimpsed during hurried rescues from mischievous escapades.
"Come on up, loves!" Cassia called out. Four tiny figures emerged from the shadowy crevice in the wall, cautiously approaching the table. Agnes, her hair tied back in a practical braid, climbed the dangling rope with ease of experience, her little brother Finn clinging to her back, his eyes wide with wonder and trepidation. Pippin and Lila followed their big sister.
Sterling watched, spellbound by their miniature bravery, resisting every paternal instinct to scoop his hands underneath them for safety. Instead, he remained still, but his body was ready to lunge forward to catch them if they slipped.
"Hello, Mr. Silversmith," Agnes greeted, her voice steady despite the rapid thumping of her heart.
"Hi!" chirped Finn, his small fingers tightening around his sister's shoulders.
"Please, call me Sterling," he replied gently, careful not to startle them with the volume of his voice. "And who might this brave knight be?" he nodded towards Finn. He’d only seen the tiny boy once after rescuing him from his cat.
"I'm Finn!" the boy announced proudly, puffing out his chest as much as his piggyback position would allow.
"Nice to meet you, Finn. And Agnes, it's a pleasure to see you again."
Agnes nodded, her cheeks flushing with bashfulness.
"Can I have some bread?" Finn asked, his gaze darting to the plate of food.
"Of course," Sterling chuckled.
"Yeah!" Finn exclaimed, sliding down from Agnes's back to enjoy the warm food. Milton moved to help his youngest with his serving.
Sterling's eyes then landed on the other two children.
Cassia stepped forward. “This is Pippin, and this is Lila.”
“Hello there, it’s very nice to meet you?” Sterling smiled at the two tiny children.
Pippin shuffled his feet. “It’s nice to meet you too; thank you for letting me go last time.”
“Of course, little one. Here, go help yourself to the bread,” Sterling replied. He could tell the tiny children were still nervous around him, and he hoped his offering would put them at ease.
Sterling watched in fascination as the tiny girl, Lila, approached his hand. She placed her tiny hand on his finger. To his surprise and delight, the tiny girl started to climb into his hand. She stood on the back of his hand. Balancing and giggling as she went. Sterling held perfectly still, not wanting to knock the tiny girl down. He could feel her tiny feet padding softly against his skin.
"Are we like mice to you?" Lila asked, her voice teeming with curiosity.
"A bit," Sterling acknowledged with a teasing grin, "But much cleverer and certainly more talkative."
"Can I climb up your arm?" Lila inquired, peeking up through long lashes, her adventurous spirit shining through.
"Maybe," Sterling hedged, shooting a quick glance at their parents. "With your parents' permission, of course." He was surprised at how quickly this little one was warming up to him.
"Let's stick to the table for now," Milton interjected. It didn’t sit right with him to see his youngest daughter using the human as a jungle gym. She shouldn’t be this at ease with him.
Lila pouted but listened to her father. She hopped down from the giant hand and ran over to her father, asking for some yummy bread.
After the borrowers had their fill of bread and the adults had hashed out their agreements, they said their goodbyes, packed their gifts into their packs and headed back inside the walls. Sterling leaned down, handing them their new phone to take back with them. Sterling was amused that it took all three tiny adults to drag the electronics back with them. 
Author Note: Below is an example of some of the gifts Sterling gave them. The figure is just a reference model for size comparison. 
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