#pirate empress boa Hancock
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Biology, I am an organism.
I'm chemical, that's all, that is all..
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empressboa92 · 1 month
Pirate Empress Boa Hancock
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Boa Hancock is so beautiful that any guy falls head over heels for her and she doesn't find them the least bit interesting because they constantly lust over her physique. It does work wonders around her enemies whenever Boa needs to get things her way especially for her beloved and future husband to be, Monkey D. Luffy.
She is simply a goddess that shouldn't be messed with, and that's why I love her so much!
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baemboa · 10 months
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sep 2 ~ hbd "pirate empress" boa hancock 💗🐍
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oharas-demon · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month!!! I made more Pride edits ^^ Enjoy some Boa Hancock!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 I’ve got more under my tag “#Pride edits”
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shanathegeekyartist · 10 months
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Birthday Girl! Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress, Hibehime 🐍
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serpentires · 1 year
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bridgekc · 3 months
a drawing of everyone’s favorite lesbian empress 🫡
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love her character! aside from a few…traits..😅
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chuckuddin · 3 months
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Boa Hancock
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julia-shephard · 8 months
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no one likes a mad woman
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moxxxart · 19 days
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Boa hancock
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sweetsnakeart · 1 year
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Cherry ice cream for the Snake Princess🍒
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0lshadyl0 · 9 months
Hey there! Can I request some Male!Boa Hancock x Reader headcanons? 💘
well dear, I really want to make this request, especially because a male Boa Hancock is my ideal yandere, but here I would need to know if the reader is a man or a woman, because there are certain differences in his behavior depending on the gender, even So, I'll leave some details that only applies to a Male Boa Hancock.
Even so, what Boa Hancock would do as a woman, she would also do as a man, gender does not change her way of acting or preferences much, here you can read what I have written about her if you are interested in reading it
Yandere Male Boa Hancock headcanons
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• In this case, I am more sure that he would have a more violent hatred towards men, because of the abuse that he went through, but above all, because of his sisters, he lives with the humiliation of being the only man of the three and not Having been able to protect them is something that torments him every day, even if several years have passed and his sisters repeat to him every day that it was not his fault, he thinks otherwise.
• So he probably kills men for the sheer pleasure of it, to show everyone that he is superior to all other men.
• He has a love hate relationship with his effeminate appearance, on the one hand, being a proud member of Amazon Lily despite being a man, his feminine features are a symbol of pride, but surely due to the sexual and psychological abuse inflicted on him for both men and women, he feels a kind of repulsion at his own delicate features. 'Maybe, if I didn't look so feminine, so many men wouldn't have abused me' would be a constant thought in his head.
• Because I am 100% sure that is one of the reasons why he was abused a little more than other male slaves, it will have saved him from some physical torture or amputations, but at what cost?
• He has an even more overprotective instinct than his female version, let's say it's testosterone, so his obsession with his s/o lies a lot in making sure that person never goes through what he and his sisters went through, even more so if his beloved is a woman
• He will want to mark his partner so that everyone knows that it belongs to him, something like a tattoo that when everyone sees it, they understand that it belongs to Boa
• Even so, I believe that he will have a clear preference for the target of his obsession to be much stronger than him in some field, whether physical or psychological, because subconsciously he still looks for someone to protect him because he has not yet recovered from his traumas (aren't there therapists in One Piece?)
• Of course, if the person he is obsessed with is a man, everything will start in a love hate relationship, he will be violent, imposing and aggressive, will he hurt him?, joder, of course he will.
• Since he feels even more contempt for men than his female version, believe me, he will use sex, (rather rape), as a method of punishment until she finally falls in love with him, and then he will regret having hurt his beloved the same way the celestial dragons hurt him when he was a slave
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isiscelestia · 1 month
The Ashlesha Nakshatra, the Snake Princess, and Amazon Lily🐍
‼️Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking ‼️
Based on: One Piece, Amazon Lily Arc (episodes 408-421). “Island of Women”
Hello everyone! I just want to say that I am NOT a Vedic astrologer, however I have been researching my own placements. I’m an Ashlesha lagna, so of course I saw the similarities in the Pirate Empress and this arc. This is my analysis on the connection between the Ashlesha Nakshatra, Boa Hancock, the Kuja Pirates, and Amazon Lily.
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“Snake Princess”: Snake symbolism on the island and in this arc are very prevalent. You can see this with the Gorgon sisters (Boa’s younger siblings), the use of snakes as weapons, and the use giant of snake monsters to travel. The Jolly Roger of the Kuja pirates pictures a skull with nine snakes. Snakes are connected to Ashlesha because it ruled by the Nagas (divine serpents).
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The Kuja tribe also has qualities like a snake. Their island, Amazon Lily, rests on the Calm Belt. This makes them a fairly isolated island that is hard to travel to. Ashlesha is known to be a guarded and private nakshatra.
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Boa Hancock: Boa Hancock has two nicknames, the Pirate Empress and the Snake Princess. Her first title comes from being the ruler of Amazon Lily, which also makes her the strongest person on the island. She possesses a “devil fruit” called the mero mero no mi (aka the love-love fruit). This fruit gives her the power to turn people into stone when they become enamored by her beauty, and sometimes lust after her. She is also known as the most beautiful woman in the world, which makes her power even more potent. The snake princess has her own snake weapon named Salome, who is a giant snake. There is currently debate about what nak is connected to Medusa symbolism and I think it is the Ashlesha nak. You can especially see this in Boa’s character arc. She has a hard, intimidating appearance to protect herself and her tribe. However, on the inside she is the complete opposite.
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Gorgon Sisters: The Gorgon sisters are Boa Hancock’s younger sisters. They both ate the hebi hebi no mi (snake devil fruit), but they possess different models. The middle sister, Boa Sandersonia, ate the anaconda model. The youngest sister, Boa Marigold, ate the cobra model.
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Over-sexualization: Amazon Lily is only inhabited by women, thus it catches the attention of predatory and perverted men. The island is an almost impenetrable fortress and with the help of the Kuja warriors who also protect it, predatory behavior is a reason why. Boa Hancock and her younger sisters were also victims of human trafficking and sexual assault (SA has been speculated but fans believe that this is what the anime was alluding to). Not only is this nak heavily sexualized in real life, this trope is seen many times in film and television with characters played by Ashlesha women. You can see this further explained in Claire Nakti's Youtube video about Ashlesha.
Claire Nakti Ashlesha Youtube Video:
Since I am on the Claire Nakti video, I would like to also include one very specific thing she talks about here. Claire talks about how Ashlesha women are attracted to people they cannot dominate, people who have more control over themselves. Boa Hancock falls in love with the main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, because he didn’t immediately lust after her. They believe that strength is tied to beauty and the more strong you are the more beautiful you are, and Luffy is one of the strongest men in the world. Once she realized he was genuine with a good heart she immediately fell in love.
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The Kuja tribe are very skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to poison and medicine. When Luffy first landed on the island, he ate poisonous mushrooms. Some Kuja members rescued him and healed at a river. The Gorgon sisters also fight with poison, which they used to fight Luffy. The Ashlesha nakshatra has a strong connection to alchemy, poison, medicine, and chemistry.
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Also, it’s funny how Ashlesha is ninth in the order of the nakshatras. Kuja means “nine snakes” and their Jolly Roger has nine snakes.
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puddingueu · 1 month
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Boa save me Boa
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tangerinearies · 7 months
Boa Hancock
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Double winner, I’ll post luffy soon too🫶🏻
Other winners:
Boa | Sabo | Luffy | Zoro | Sabo ii | Usopp
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charliethechandelure · 10 months
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I am in a bus to go to Spain and won't be able to post the Luffy of the day so instead I offer you this Boa <3
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