#full moon sagittarius reading
sportbarcelona · 1 year
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moonnightdew · 6 months
🍁 Messages 🍁
Pick a card
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Pile #1
The world
You are currently ( or will be) in alignment with your environment, goals or new opportunities. You are being called to tie up loose ends, finish anything you been procrastinating on & get rid of anything that’s stagnant. This is a time to close contracts, finish paperwork, sell or donate old items & clean out or organize clutter. You need space for new, make room. *If you’re in need of legal counsel, services, a therapist, advice or second opinion from someone with knowledge— don’t be so closed off, be open to different perspectives. Information you need may come to you from having an open mind. Think long-term right now.
Pile #2
The Devil
It’s time to comfort & replenish yourself. Don’t try to do or think too much. Just allow what needs to be released or crumble— to do so. A separation or isolation from people, family & self is indicated here. There’s a lack of true emotional fulfillment & social life here. In good company— you have no need to hide your true self. Intimacy with self, intimacy with others and the trust that comes with allowing others to know you— is needed.
Pile #3
You are being called to allow yourself to wonder. Bring mystery, youth, & magic back into your life. Beauty & exploration is calling you. Travel or a move to a new city, state or country is coming ✈️ 🧳 A yearning for community or place to call home is indicated. This is a time where you are seeking real friendships & relationships with others. A certain group of people, religion, culture or land is calling to you. Go — settle & take root where your heart feels most full.
Pile #4
The Emperor
Fiery energy, passion & ambition is returning to you. This will a time where you’ll finally have the energy to get things done, have fun & enjoy life. Lost or stolen pieces of your essence will return to you. This may look like remembering or reconnecting with a past talent, childhood dream, favorite hobby or simple hopes. Wether it was parents, childhood trauma, toxic relationships or unworthy friends— parts of you that were discarded are being recovered & new things are being discovered about yourself. Mastery is coming. You are taking back your power. Act now.
Pile #5
The Hermit
This is a time of deep, powerful transformation & being in tune with yourself. You’ll be tapping into the darkest or hidden parts of yourself. Untapped potential & blocked blessings will surface. You might feel overwhelmed or overstimulated with thoughts, emotions or just pressure of everything going on around you. Don’t fear this vulnerability, fall into it. The wisdom that will come from this, will lead to greater things. Expect anger, fear, tears & sadness from what’s released. As you reconnect with yourself & channel into creation; your energy will regenerate.
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sagezora · 1 year
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*close your eyes and ask yourself, “what do you need to know about this month and the major moon phases happening during this time?”
*open your eyes and pay attention to which card(s) you gravitate towards. there may be a message for you! take what resonates, leave what doesn’t !
Card 1 (far left): Mexican sunflower
past: during the sag new moon, many of you may have been setting goals and intentions working towards discovering and nurturing your talents and gifts. you realized being yourself and authentic gets you far. you are passionate, intelligent, beautiful and funny. So many people need to experience your light. alot of you are healers or recognizing the power of healing. trusting your knowledge and following your intuition helps you do whatever you put your mind to. reclaiming your power can be a challenging process. But you realized theres a need for you to shine fully because it helps you with spiritual alignment and attracting positive opportunities into your life. So its worth it. connecting with family and loved ones has helped with building your confidence. if you have been working on finding your chosen family and tribe, you may have realized there may be different avenues for you connect and meet new like minded people. Be patient. Give thanks for what you have at the moment. You are blessed with divine and spiritual abundance. Just stay true to yourself and your goals. Good luck is on your side. Your ancestors are protecting you on this journey.
present: this gemini full moon, may be bringing a lot of things up internally for you all. it can be a very confusing time. it may have you act out or overstep your emotional boundaries or others. this is not a time to force anything. this is a time to accept things for how they are. this is a time to reflect on past experiences but to gain perspective and learn your lessons. trust your intuition on what you need to learn. things come to an end and thats okay! letting go is apart of the healing process. old cycles are coming to an end because new and fresh beginnings are near. release and purge limiting beliefs and fearful and negative thoughts that hold you back. refrain from negative self talk during this time. take time to rest and renew yourself. self care is important during this time. connect with nature. be free. plant your feet in some grass. get out of your head. let go of control. trust the process. you are on the path of becoming the person who is confident in what they want and preparing their seeds for the their dreams to become a reality. journaling would be very beneficial to help with processing the information that may be coming up at this time.
future: the cap new moon, is giving this group the time to set intentions to help make their dreams and desires practical. during this time, community is going to big for you all. you will have the chance to connect with like minded people. these people will help you make your dreams become a reality. they will remind you that you are loved and supported. these individuals will remind you that you are worthy of your blessings. refrain from superficial relationships that may try to come up at this time. discernment is key. trust yourself. your mind, your body and soul. Be patient. Emotional security is important to build at this time. Stick to your vision. Look out for the signs and allow things to happen naturally. deep connections and vulnerability with the right people will keep you on the right path. these friends could also help you discover and nurture new interests. all you need to do is trust in the universe’s plan. a lot of abundance is in your future. Learning how to trust the process takes time. hope and faith is needed to keep your head up ready to catch your blessings coming in.
Card 2 (middle): Conception
past: the sag new moon brought up themes revolving self awareness, self worth and self love. you all realized there is a big need to set healthy boundaries with others and yourself. Healthy boundaries = self love and respect. It is self care. you all may be coming from an energy where you are finally giving yourself permission to set boundaries even if others make you doubt yourself. let go of that guilt. you are worthy of boundaries. you realized you deserved to feel safe as well. Clear boundaries help you tune into your real desires, feelings, goals and needs. being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. Self compassion is needed. It’s time to be present in your body and feel your emotions. You are human! If you haven’t yet, Please release toxic relationships that aren’t serving you. Work on navigating those unhealthy attachments. Some of you may be healing from some form of betrayal which is making it hard to trust others and yourself. This pain is holding you back. It is causing you to abandon your needs and betray yourself. Release the past to help attract wholesome and wholehearted individuals. Count your blessings and remember your worth to get you through.
present: the gemini full moon is a time to look within and see what is arising in you. it is a time to be open to inspiration. new life and ideas are present. it is a time to be curious and open to new possibilities. this is a time to make sure you are in the right environment for these ideas to grow in a healthy way. creativity and movement like dancing, yoga, and physical activity are important at this time. It will help inspire you if you are lacking inspiration. a lot of you are dealing with different things that are holding you back from going after what you want. you may need to reevaluate your goals and release what isn’t serving you anymore, especially emotionally. Be honest with yourself. Its time to make adjustments. Time to work through the pain and trauma before you take action. Forgive yourself. Pay attention to what is draining your energy. Take time to listen to your body and soul. Go deeper within to connect with your higher self. If you are having a hard time figuring out what you want, it’s time for you to get clear on what your vision is. Silence will help bring clarity and help you with attracting and requesting what you want. There may be a lot of distractions around you that are making you busy, overwhelmed and clouded. Create a space for yourself to clarify your vision. Find a way to eliminate the noise and distractions. this will help you figure out what you what in the moment. Also, know that its okay to change your mind in the future. this is a time for you all to work on balancing your crown chakra. you may be dealing with a block to your intuition and communication to the spiritual realm. don’t let fear hold you back from connecting. you are protected by your people. wearing and working with the color purple and white could help at this time! your feelings of insecurity will pass and soon you will allow yourself to feel increasing faith in your own power and security. stability is near. Especially financial support that will help make your vision a reality. keep the faith.
future: the cap new moon is showing this group the importance of change. releasing the past is crucial for growth at this moment. you are only blocking your own blessings by staying in the past. you ancestors want to connect with you at this time but you need to make yourself available to receive the message. let go of what is familiar to you. theres a need for you to travel to the darker parts of your soul right. No need to fear. like i said your people are right beside you during this time. there’s a desperate need for you to connect with your higher self. set intentions and goals on how to find a balance with your present self and highest self. note the intense feelings that may come out during this time. things may feel accelerated. a lot may be resurfacing for you to finally face. life changes are being triggered for a reason. the universe is guiding you through a major transformation at this time. you are aligning with your higher self. Trust in the direction and guidance from your ancestors. Stick to your vision. Be patient though. Some of you may be going into a waiting period. But its okay. It’s a time to be patient to let things come to fruition. keep a dream journal at this time. It can help with connecting the dots and receiving necessary messages.
Card 3 (far right): the Sun
past: the sag new moon was a time for rebirth. certain matters and situations came to an end to make room for a new beginning that you need to take. its time to release and surrender. Its a time to heal and rest when you can. during this time, you may have been setting intentions that would help you gain confidence to go after your dreams. you realized you are more than capable of anything you put your mind to. you just have to go for it. take that risk. be open to new experiences! let go of your failures in the past. have faith in the universe because it supports your ideas and intentions. you may have been seeing many signs. you aren’t alone. your ancestors are protecting you along the way. if you haven’t already, find new ways to connect with your spirit guides and ancestors. maybe through an alter and shrine.
present: the gemini full moon may bring up a lot of relationship issues around this time. you may be dealing with a lot of unnecessary projections. you may be also realizing that a lot of the people in your life that are currently a reflection of how you see yourself. this can be a good and bad thing for some. some people need to still to let go of some people but it may be taking you awhile to process that. it’s okay to have constant reflection because it helps with growth but make sure the people you have around you respect you. this is a time to look within. learn from your reactions. look into what triggers you. how do you see yourself? is it positive? have you been off centered? are you neglecting your needs? overindulging? there’s a need for balance! work on consistently taking care yourself. remember your priorities. a lot of you may be stressing about finances. i know its easier said than done but try not to worry about it too much. money or some blessings may come in unexpectedly. there’s a need for balance with your root chakra to help with your sense of safety and security. trust your intuition during this time. It will help reassure you if you are on the right path.
future: the cap new moon is going help you with staying true to yourself. you are worthy of love and respect! you need to take time to focus on self love. its time to feel and respect your emotions. you realize once you work on your self esteem and being true to your values, more blessings come your way. continue to build your self esteem. work on setting goals to connect with others. you are in need of a community to help you feel seen and supported. you will be craving connections and the sense of belonging. this will be a good time to put yourself out there through your different interests but make sure you are using discernment. dont be afraid to ask for help during this time. take time to also pause and enjoy the moment. so much is going to be happening around you. self awareness is going to key to help with productivity.
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thesirencult · 8 months
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funky-astrologer · 10 months
Full Moon in Aquarius: Aquarius, Self-Mastery & the Connection to Others
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Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and as the most progressive and revolutionary planets in western Astrology, Uranus is only able to sustain results and change through self-mastery. Uranus is constantly seeking evolution and evolving to break free of limitations and restrictions of modern society. This is why Aquarius is the revolutionary. On that note, while Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, it is also a sign that is domicile in Saturn, that is to say it feels quite comfortable in Saturn, a planet that rules over discipline, structure and hard work. What does this mean? It means that Aquarius is able to break free of limitations in a much easier way and is thoroughly supported by both Uranus and Saturn. As I write this it is 11:11. With Pluto soon moving into Aquarius, it is time to introspect on changes we seek on an individual level and how they might expand and reach others in a more profound and meaningful way to encourage their own transformation and development as individuals. It’s about the lasting impact we have on others and is not something to take lightly. Consider the butterfly effect. One flap of a wing, in theory, can influence the weather over hundreds of miles away. This evolution comes through discipline, determination and a strong will. Pluto enters Aquarius practically the same day the Sun enters Aquarius aka the start of Aquarius season—that will be January 21st, 2024. Pluto is the most transformative planet in Astrology and similar to Uranus, it wants change and evolution. How interesting is it that the start of Aquarius season also marks the arrival of Pluto into Aquarius. More on that later... 🤍
We have a Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st, let’s consider how this will be opposing the Leo Venus retrograde and what that might mean for our interpersonal relationships as well as how it might shape our perspective on relationships and even our worldview.
Remember that Aquarius is the water bearer. It brings with it the energy of self-nourishment and expansion. Uranus is progressive and also brings an expansion of our worldview and perspectives.
This magical and profound energy in the cosmos will definitely help us shift into greater consciousness and self-awareness. This period of illumination when the moon is at its full glory, allows us the opportunity to consider who are we in relation to others, who have we been, and who we actually are.
How might we let go of who we have been to become what we might be?
How can we nourish the parts of ourselves to come into full alignment with our purpose, our connection to others and our relationship with the world around us?
Find your rising sign and sun sign below to see what you may become with this lunar cycle 💫🌕💫
Aries Sun & Rising - This full moon and lunar cycle is bringing you courage to step out of your comfort zone. You are being gently guided toward greater ease of connection with others through the connection with your true self. You are embracing your highest and most authentic self and allowing it to express itself more gracefully through your interaction with others. There is a sense of belonging and making strides toward your soul tribe. Connection with friends and social groups may enhance during this time.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: 3 of wands, 10 of cups
Oracle: Balsamic Moon - A time for healing
There is ease here within social interactions and a feeling of acceptance. Allow yourself to embrace a sense of belonging & kinship amongst others, this will bring you a sense of safety in your individual self-expression.
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Taurus Sun & Rising - This full moon and lunar cycle is bringing insights on the person you are becoming. With the full moon making a transit through your 10th house cusp, this could also bring career related insights. This full moon is also making an opposition to your 4th house of home and family, and that is also where Venus retrograde is transiting, so perhaps you will feel a need to reflect on what having close, personal relationships looks like. Maybe you will come to realize that it's not selfish to focus on yourself and your own goals. In doing so, you allow yourself to change for the better, and growth is always a wonderful and helpful thing.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: 10 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
Oracle: New Moon in Cancer: You and your loved ones are safe
Perhaps you have been reached a point where you feel you have everything you need. Take time to reflect now on the ways in which you can share and extend a generous hand to others, especially those you love and care for. You may in a comfortable enough position to where you can easily give to others when needed. Embrace the abundance around you, even the smallest kind--such as the abundant beauty found in nature.
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Gemini Sun & Rising - This full moon and lunar cycle will be a wonderful time to reflect on life and your personal beliefs, philosophies, and sense of purpose--or "direction." You may feel you are guided toward certain things, it could be as simple as a book, a podcast or maybe an online forum. Branch out a bit and extend your own personal insights to others who you think would benefit or be open to it. Speak your truth and do so with awareness and consideration of others' own beliefs and opinions. Open a channel for dialogue and understanding.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: 2 of Wands, 3 of Wands, 4 of Wands, 9 of Swords
Oracle: Waning Moon - What do you need to release?
This feels like there is a lot about finding your place in the world, whether that be your voice, your inner creative spark, or a sense of balance. You are ready and open to this journey, but there is a sense that perhaps some old limiting beliefs need to be shed. If you are clinging on too tightly to your beliefs or ways of being, you may not grow in the way you want to. Be open to reflecting on the beliefs that no longer fit and align with you. Through this, you may find greater ease, stillness, and confidence in your being.
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Cancer Sun & Rising - This lunar cycle may seem a bit intense, it may bring up old memories for you, and things that have long since been over. The essence is about releasing the past and allowing it to finally be put to rest.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: Ace of Cups, Strength, The Star, 7 of Cups
Oracle: Supermoon - Emotions are running high!
By recognizing the things that no longer bring you happiness or fulfillment, you are able to release them with strength, grace, and gratitude. Yes, it could seem off putting at first and you may not wish to deal with it at all, but in the end, you will be met with much more inner contentment. The vibe is super release!
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Leo Sun & Rising - This full moon and lunar cycle is bringing relationship insights and also a feeling of knowing how to move forward within these relationships. This full moon is transiting your 7th house of commitments and relationships. You may come to understand the importance of equality and partnership and recognize the beauty in being aligned toward similar & shared goals. It's less about what others can do for you, but more about what you can do for each other. There is a sense of mutual respect within your relationships during this time.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: King of Wands, 2 of Wands
Oracle: North Node - Step outside of your comfort zone
Mutable Moon - Nothing is yet set in stone
The mutable moon times (Gemini moon, Virgo moon, Sagittarius moon, Pisces moon) may be a more prominent time for you so look out for when the moon is in those signs. It could also indicate that you are not yet sure of the people in your life who may have this moon sign. By being open to differences between you and others, it opens greater possibilities, and if you desire, commitments too. A new start is here for certain, and it is allowing you the chance to step up as an equal with those around you and embrace a period of mutual understanding. The foundations of your relationships are building to become better.
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Virgo Sun & Rising - This full moon and lunar cycle is making strides in your 6th house, the natural position of Virgo within the chart. This indicates that you are embracing more openness in your day-to-day life. it is less about structure and more about what seems to just fit. Your intuition regarding your health and wellbeing may be enhanced, and by listening and tuning into your body, you will understand its needs better. Health could be a theme here for sure. You may also be open to changes in your life, they could be random such as a new pet, or could be something such as switching jobs. Either way, your day to day is shifting and getting a bit of excitement!
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot : Princess of Wands, Queen of Swords, 5 of Swords, The World
Oracle : Third Quarter Moon - Adjustments are required
Being open to change is going to help you a ton! There is a feeling of needing to surrender to the changes that may be occurring, not necessarily physically either. It's more so about observing and making your decisions from there. Your perspective has the potential to shift in a wonderful way, and this is helping you to understand how the world works and what that means for you. Try seeing things from someone else's perspective and take note of any insights you could apply to your own life.
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Libra Sun & Rising - This full moon is going to bring you fun and creative insights if you consider yourself creative. it could be a wonderful and joyful time that allows you to kind of let loose a bit. This could also bring about more communication and collaboration with others. Love is looking a lot like seeing yourself in others here and being a reflection of those around you. Be mindful of those you surround yourself with and ensure they are supporting your highest good and visions.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: Prince of Swords, King of Wands, 2 of Pentacles
Oracle: First Quarter Moon - Your commitment is being tested
This could be a time of needing to rethink your creative process or put more thought into creative pursuits/passions. Consider how you might be able to bring your visions into fruition by enlisting the help of others. Perhaps you are closer to the fulfillment of your endeavors thank you think. There is just a little push that needs to be carried out here. There could also be a need to balance opposing forces, if you have been collaborating or working in a team, try to see the bigger picture. This helps everyone to feel included and will bring an overall sense of satisfaction. Take the lead only when necessary.
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Scorpio Sun & Rising - This full moon could be bringing to light the parts of you that have been hidden and kept tucked away. It is bringing forward the chance to look at yourself and embrace your authentic nature. Perhaps those closest to you can see this side of you with ease, while you have lost sight of it. Look forward to the future knowing that you will be supported in embracing this side of you.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: 9 of Wands
Oracle: Full Moon in Aquarius - Show the world the real you
There's no need to hide behind the curtain anymore, observing everyone else shine and be courageous in their self-expression. Now is time for you to do the same. If your past efforts have caused you to feel like you lack in some area or you aren't enough, remember that growth only comes with time and patience. You'll get there in the end darling.
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Sagittarius Sun & Rising - This full moon cycle is encouraging introspection on the way you interact with others. With Venus retrograde transiting your 9th house, it is imperative that you take time to really be true to your beliefs so that when the time comes, you can express them appropriately. You may be guided to take short trips or embrace more adventure this lunar cycle. This is providing you with the opportunity to get closer to your true, authentic nature. You may find what you seek with ease during this time, whatever that may be. Just be open and ready. You may feel more inclined to be social and there is the potential for more meaningful interactions with others.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: The Chariot
Oracle: New Moon in Virgo - A time to give rather than take
I see this as being a message to share your gifts with others, your beliefs, your insights, opinions, and to be upfront and bold in your self-expression. Through this, you may inspire others to do the same. This could be a time when you feel more motivated to get it done! Whatever that is for you. There is a sense of needing to branch out a bit as well and show up more for others.
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Capricorn Sun & Rising - This full moon cycle is transiting your 2nd house of finance, self-worth, comfort, and stability. Perhaps you will decide on a change of course in these areas. You may receive insights on these areas as well. Be open to whatever comes up. Maybe you are overextending yourself somewhere that no longer needs or is worthy of your time and effort. There is a feeling of changing things in favor of greater comfort. The intrinsic value of things is something to be considered here.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: Prince of Swords, 6 of Swords
Oracle: New Moon in Capricorn - Your hard work is paying off
There is a need to adjust the course a bit. You know that you have made the effort and now it's time to refocus and recenter. You are letting go of the need to control outcomes and instead releasing expectations. Have faith during this time.
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Aquarius Sun & Rising - This full moon cycle is going to be extra exciting for you and will likely bring lots of self-illuminations. You may have greater awareness of your place in the world and the way in which you approach others. These insights will be helpful for a long time if you take the time to understand and integrate them. You are getting closer to a greater understanding of self. So, consider how you might bring this self into your world for the highest and greatest good.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: 8 of Pentacles
Oracle: Disseminating Moon - Take time to breathe out
Look at how far you have come. You have made many important strides thus far and now you are beginning to see the full integration of the lessons and work you've put in. Now, begin to expand your sense of community by breathing out these lessons and allowing it to improve your connections with others. You are practically a new person, so what does that mean for those around you?
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Pisces Sun & Rising - This full moon cycle is likely to feel very personal and is one of introspection. You may feel a bit of distance from those around you as you retreat into yourself from time to time. Understand that the greatest gift we can give to others is the one we give to ourselves. Have compassion for yourself and for others during this time. Realize that everyone is doing their best, no matter how different that looks in comparison to yours. You may receive little hints of what community could look like for you and the gifts you could bring forth into it. Expand your self-awareness by getting a bit up close and personal with yourself.
Divination Message 🦋
Tarot: 3 of Cups, The Magician
Oracle: New Moon - A new start is coming
There is a kind of alchemy present here. You have the chance to conduct yourself in a way that really helps to benefit and connect with those around you. As you prepare yourself to meet others as your highest self, they too will be meeting you as their highest self. We must improve and expand on individual levels before we can truly help others to do the same. It is possible that by the New Moon, these full moon insights will reach their full expression and potential.
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I know this was a lengthy post! I hope you enjoyed and will find it helpful for this lunar cycle!🤍💫
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ninepentz · 1 month
Natal readings available!
I have time to accept a few readings, so if anyone would like to give me something to do I'd appreciate it lol you will receive your reading via email or blog completely up to you. I will need times/dates/years/location of birth and were good to go.
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You can check my blogs for references of my work
Delivery date for readings,
I want them done as soon as possible but ATM delivery time is within 1 week from purchase.
Payments accepted: Tumblr tip option, paypal, or cashapp.
12$ mini natal readings:
Personal planets and aspects interpretations.
15$ couples synastry readings:
Comparing 2 persons natal charts and seeing how they vibe and feel about each other.
5$ quick current transit readings:
Interpretating any current transits you're having ATM.
30$ full natal chart readings:
All planets, houses and aspect interpretations.
For any other questions regarding astrology or anything else feel free to msg me or comment 😊
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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Full moon in Gemini: Protecting your peace of mind 🧠☮️✌🏾 <<Mind the Informant>> The moon deals with your emotional nature Your response to the feeling of energies that penetrate you internally It is hidden from the outside world unless expressed Gemini is the sign of mutable air It is fast but calculated It can inhibit many spaces and fill many forms But essentially it has no depth or form of its own Instead it utilizes the environment and energies around it to formulate thoughts and ideas Full Moon in Gemini = reflecting on emotional response to the thoughts and ideas that you have formulated from your immediate environment of people, places, and things •For Sagittarius Ascendants, this Full moon falls in the 7th house 7th house- dealing with connections/partnerships, relating to others, pleasures, and personal needs The lesson here is finding balance when it comes to nurturing yourself and your relationship with others. Study your ability of receiving. Your approach to what you’re receiving is what determines its longevity in your space. Full moon in Gemini in the 7th house guides you to reflect on your emotions about how you relate to the thoughts and ideas from your surroundings. Look at your relationships as clues to assess the influence of your thought patterns. Use judgement on what you’ve received in these connections that has nurtured your mental state or neglected it.
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hermitsmirror · 6 months
Spread: Full Moon in Gemini
Flying free with fun
With the Full Moon in Gemini coming up, I thought it was a good time for a new Full Moon spread (the last one of the series!) that you can use for this lunation.
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This season we have the Full Moon in Gemini (4º Gemini 51') happening November 27, 2023 (4:16AM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Gemini. The fundamentals are the same.
Fuel: What stable core have I created to let myself orbit freely?
Magical peak: Where will my curiosity be rewarded with fun new discoveries?
Purging: What flittering parts of me would do better with stillness and silence?
Clear mirror: When am I most likely to forget who I am in seeking approval?
Dancing luminaries: How can I teach others how to have more fun?
If you’re curious how I created the spread or what’s the basis (or deeper meaning) behind the questions, check out my Musings, which has an explainer for both the New Moon in Sagittarius and the Full Moon in Gemini spreads.
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manifestdestinytarot · 11 months
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full moon in sagittarius ritual ✨
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thecosmicangel · 1 year
Full Moon In Libra Messages 🌕♎️🌸
Themes 🌸🌕
🌼 Karmic Justice
🌼 Destiny
🌼 Endings to bring in new beginnings
🌼The need for Balance
🌼 Destined events / bringing people together
🌼Truths being revealed
🌼 The veil coming off / mask being removed seeing through the lies
🌼Seeing people for who they really are
🌼 Masculine energies
🌼 control issues / patience
🌼 growing pains
🌼 speaking your truth / standing up for what you believe in
🌼 self esteem / self worth issues
🌼moving on / moving away from what no longer works
🌼new beginnings to better yourself
🌼moving into a new home / place
🌼 family dynamics
🌼 abundance/ opportunities
For a more in depth reading for your sun/moon/rising I suggest you watch the reading for your sign. Here is a link to the readings : I would greatly appreciate the support to my YouTube channel 💗
Air 🌬️~ https://youtu.be/Y5_tHeRz0sM
Fire 🔥~ https://youtu.be/INIYBT-qTdc
Earth 🌳~ https://youtu.be/SVVRoYDezfQ
Water 💧 ~ https://youtu.be/bYzylTWEeK8
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carmenm00n · 11 months
How will this Sagittarius Full Moon affect your sign.
♡ ˖ ☁️ aries : something positive will happen and you might get a deja vu.
♡ ˖ ☁️ leo : you’ll be inspired for art, you’re going to start a new business or a new romance.
♡ ˖ ☁️ sagittarius : new opportunities arr coming for you.
♡ ˖ ☁️ taurus : you want to do things but you have to think deeply about it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ virgo : you’re going to meet someone or you met someone and you shouldn’t trust them.
♡ ˖ ☁️ capricorn : something might upset you or make you really sad.
♡ ˖ ☁️ gemini : you’ll have a deep reflexion and you’ll have to be careful, try to avoid conflicts.
♡ ˖ ☁️ libra : after a success, the universe is testing you again, move forward!
♡ ˖ ☁️ aquarius : someone you're close to will try to irritate you, so don't hide from it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ cancer : there are loopholes that can be closed, so put your pride aside.
♡ ˖ ☁️ scorpio : the difficulties you encounter will have a reason.
♡ ˖ ☁️ pisces : unpleasant events may happen.
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ohhhkayla · 11 months
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Strawberry Full Moon TONIGHT! Get the full month’s astrology + tarot offering here —>
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moonnightdew · 6 months
🩶 🌫️ Who’s romantically interested in you? 🌫️🩶
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Pile #1
This person is not all what they seem at face value. Their exterior is well masked & their interior is well composed. This person will always present themselves as such. So you most likely will not see them lose their cool, crying or having a melt down publicly or in a unstable or sloppy state. Ex: if this person needs to cry they’ll leave the room. They don’t allow bad circumstances or pain to stop or delay their goals; hard work or self-improvement. This personally may currently be going through ( or went through) an emotionally or mentally hard time, while maintaining ( or seeking to maintain) material or exterior stability.
Negatively: Hidden situations from their past could negatively affect their relationship, actions or thoughts regarding you. This person could be so focused on on avoiding emotions & pain, that they completely neglect the emotional aspect of the relationship. They can come off as cold hearted, nonchalant, superficial or money focused.
Pile #2
This person feels unsure of themselves. While this person is trying to pursue or establish something with you— they’re also battling with their own demons. They seem to communicate openly & direct or display a very enthusiastic and sunny persona. You probably wouldn’t know what they’re going through or feeling mentally/ emotionally. Ex: they may 2nd guess themselves or have self-deprecating moments. This could cause them to put pressure on themselves & put themselves down; while uplifting you onto a pedestal. This person has fears, insecurities & anxiety that they have to overcome in their own.
Negatively: This person could have an unhealthy attachment, addiction or obsession with you. They love the idea of being with you & it’s more so in their head than reality. This could be someone social media stalking you or watching you from afar. They like you & prefer you as their dream, memory or fantasy. They could attempt to manipulate, groom or mold you into this ideal version of you in their head. *This can be vice versa* They may be trying to mold themselves into something their not, for YOU.
Pile #3
This person has watched you from afar or has taken the needed time to contemplate their decision or next move. This person is ready to either tell you how they feel about you, ask to date you or take action to approach / pursue you. While they are passionate and enthusiastic, they will move at a slower pace. Meaning— they will take it slow. They want to get to know you & build on a stable & clear foundation. So this person might be your friend first OR you might casual date for a while until you fully commit and become exclusive.
Negatively: This persons actions or energy towards you may shift or become delayed from doubts, pessimism, arrogance or impatience. There’s indications of delaying growth of relationship, anger issues or lack of communication. This person my be unable to made decisions or have a lack of direction/ plans for future.
Pile #4
Be careful with this one. Their wants & needs come first and center. This person may be younger than you, less experienced, youthful or just immature. While they seem to be very eager to get to know you— it seems more based on excitement, curiosity or infatuation. It could be deceptive or rushed. This isn’t a very serious energy. They might look up to your or see you as a provider or benefit for them. Ex: treating you like a mom/ dad. Not reciprocating & taking more from without bringing anything to the table. They could be dependent on you or not support your needs. Theres an indication that they may not want a genuine connection, but just pleasure, healing or material things from you. This person doesn’t want to grow or level up with you. They want you to nourish them. ( doesn’t mean they can’t change)
Pile #5
This person might be eager to please or prove themselves to you or others. Insecurities or feeling unsure of self, or their place in your life is indicated. You could seem too busy for them or have many friends, obligations or too many potential suitors to prioritize them. This person may feel attracted to you or have feelings for you, but has a lack of confidence.
Negatively: This person could bring unnecessary arguments or power struggles stemming from their own insecurities, feelings of being left out, abandonment issues or jealousy. Naivety & impulsivity is indicated so this person may actually be the one with multiple suitors ( causing the drama). This person may be a serial dater AND ghoster. They could jump from person to person & have unfinished business, angry or scorned ex partners and tons of baggage. This person could lack the ability to truly love and give love; which causes them to jump to someone to feel the novelty, take and then leave. Energy vampirism is indicated.
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magickpumpkin · 2 years
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Full Moon Magick 🕯✨
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thesacredself · 2 years
Full Moon in Aries: Fire Signs
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aries, leo, sagittarius (s,m,r,v). Please take what resonates ✨
Self-care suggestions: clear your energy field.
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taisiakat · 11 months
June 2023 Strawberry Full Moon
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For the General Collective
Oracle deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid
Music: Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius
Candles: Red, Purple, Green, Yellow
Stones: Ruby, Amethyst, Light Jade, Citrine
Flowers: Rose, Honeysuckle, Lilac
Cards: Winter's Dream(63) Net Caster(42) Repairing the Veil(45)
Items: Shells, feathers, ribbon, netting
It's time to come out of one's shell or cocoon. Long have you waited, patiently (sometimes impatiently) for this moment to arrive, not sure what would it be like when it arrived, but knowing that this holding pattern you have been, the gestation period, would end! But it has always been on your mind - WHEN?
The Universe gave you that amazing opportunity to replenish, recharge, re-build, refocus, reconsider, exactly what it was you wanted to do, and why, but from the NOW time frame. Not from the time you originally set the intent, which so much has changed, the world has changed, and even you through all the healing and work you have done have drastically changed. And hopefully (I did) really take a hard look at all the aspects of your life and make some new intents with those ideas/goals you had set. And let go of those that no longer fit you.
This full moon is time to shed that shell, leave that cocoon, honor it, let it go, cast if off, if necessary, create a ritual of taking it off your person and placing it on the ground as an offering to the full moon and to the Universe. Feel the weight shifting, the change of the breeze now blowing upon your freshly released wings, as a butterfly. Stand proud and energized as you breathe in the energy of the Month, the Solstice coming up, you have made it through even more powerful than you were before. Rested, refreshed and revitalized.
At the same time, think of all the things you have done, preparations you have made, healing you have accomplished and give thanks, and be full of gratitude for them. For they are your new nets to use to cast out into the universe and bring in the abundance you want as you move forward now.
It's time to feel being free, to have a bit of fun, to expand your hope and desires.
Last but most important is to let go of any anger, frustration, even hatred if it even remotely exists in your space, and forgive.
One of my favorite quotes is from Nelson Mandela
Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for their actions, but freeing ourselves of negative energies that bind us to them. It is repairing ourselves, from the damage that we are doing to ourselves by holding on to these energies.
Forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive those before you, and forgive those that will come after you have left this mortal coil. Flow the energy all around you of forgiveness and let it go, and help the healing.
For tonight, the 4th and the 5th, spend an hour each night, reflecting rejoicing, having some fun along with forgiving.
Blessed Be
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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