#pistons and engine testing
taevisionceo · 1 year
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📰 TAEVision Engineering 's Posts - Tue, May 23, 2023 TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design • Parts AutoParts EngineParts Aftermarket InjectionSystems DieselInjection MAHLE Original pistons EnginePistons • Automotive BMW CITY LIGHTS ... BMW 3 Series 328i • Fashion Music NY NYC Autumn in New York - Famous Album Piano Steinway & Sons 01 - Data 084 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket injection systems InjectionSystems DieselInjection Injectors Pumps MeteringUnits ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 02 - Data 128 Parts EngineParts Aftermarket MAHLE Original Mahle pistons EnginePistons Pistons and Engine Testing - MAHLE GmbH ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 03 - Data 447 3D Design Applications Automotive BMW CITY LIGHTS ... BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke BMW 3 Series 328i xDrive 2016 ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 04 - Data 334 3D Design Applications Fashion Music NY NYC 'Autumn in New York - Famous Album' -Nr 2- Piano Steinway & Sons ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr
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Global Data - May 23, 2023
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engines-as-art · 1 year
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Took the 540 out for runs this morning. Since it was a prop strike inspection and we didn’t have to replace any piston rings or cylinder components, I didn’t have to do a full break in run, which is 90 minutes at varying power intervals. This run up was more focused on getting her up to temperature and making sure she made full power with no leaks, so I got away with less than an hour on the stand. Post run checks were positive with no abnormal metal contamination or other indications of issues. Another successful build, and she’s off to her owner in the next couple days.
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fuck-customers · 9 months
(half rant half story)
I'm a physicist. I work for a company that helps develop car parts. Essentially, car companies come to us with ideas on what they want from a part or material, and we make/test the idea or help them make/test it. Usually this means talking to other scientists and engineers and experts and it's all fine. Sometimes this means talking to businesspeople and board execs and I hate them
A bit ago when AI was really taking off in the zeitgeist I went to a meeting to talk about some tweaks Car Company A wanted to make to their hydraulics- specifically the master cylinder, but it doesn't super matter. I thought I'd be talking to their engineers - it ends up being just me, their head supervisor (who was not a scientist/engineer) and one of their executives from a different area (also not a scientist/engineer). I'm the only one in the room who actually knows how a car works, and also the lowest-level employee, and also aware that these people will give feedback to my boss based on how I 'represent the company ' whilst I'm here.
I start to explain my way through how I can make some of the changes they want - trying to do so in a way they'll understand - when Head Supervisor cuts me off and starts talking about AI. I'm like "oh well AI is often integrated into the software for a car but we're talking hardware right now, so that's not something we really ca-"
"Can you add artificial intelligence to the hydraulics?"
"..sorry, what was that?"
"Can you add AI to the hydraulics system?"
can i fucking what mate "Sir, I'm sorry, I'm a little confused - what do you mean by adding AI to the hydraulics?"
"I just thought this stuff could run smoother if you added AI to it. Most things do"
The part of the car that moves when you push the acceleration pedal is metal and liquid my dude what are you talking about "You want me to .add AI...to the pistons? To the master cylinder?"
"Yeah exactly, if you add AI to the bit that makes the pistons work, it should work better, right?"
IT'S METAL PIPES it's metal pipes it's metal pipes "Sir, there isn't any software in that part of the car"
"I know, but it's artificial intelligence, I'm sure there's a way to add it"
im exploding you with my mind you cannot seriously be asking me to add AI to a section of car that has as much fucking code attached to it as a SOCK what do you MEAN. The most complicated part of this thing is a SPRING you can't be serious
He was seriously asking. I've met my fair share of idiots but I was sure he wasn't genuinely seriously asking that I add AI directly to a piston system, but he was. And not even in the like "oh if we implement a way for AI to control that part" kind of way, he just vaguely thought that AI would "make it better" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEANNNNN I HAD TO SPEND 20 MINUTES OF MY HARD EARNED LIFE EXPLAINING THAT NEITHER I NOR ANYONE ELSE CAN ADD AI TO A GOD DAMNED FUCKING PISTON. "CAN YOU ADD AI TO THE HYDRAULICS" NO BUT EVEN WITHOUT IT THAT METAL PIPE IS MORE INTELLIGENT THAN YOU
Posted by admin Rodney.
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1974 Pontiac Firebird Formula SD-455
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1974 Pontiac Firebird Formula SD-455
1974 Formula SD-455 in Pinemist Green with a Saddle interior. The SD-455 was essentially a carryover from 1973. When the 1974 model year began, the SD-455 engine option was placed on hold pending new EPA certification along with the same problem that faced the 1973 SD-455; a shortage of SD-455 forged connecting rods. When 1974 SD-455 vehicle production finally began in November 1973, the engine plant struggled to produce just 8 engines per day. With all the publicity in the media surrounding the SD-455, the Pontiac Parts Department had 1,350 back orders for SD-455 forged connecting rods. On November 9th, 1973, Pontiac issued a bulletin to dealers that all orders for SD-455 connecting rods were cancelled. In order for a dealer to re-order, they were now required to supply a VIN to the Zone Office to make sure the order was for an actual SD-455 equipped car. Orders were limited to just 4 connecting rods, which Pontiac felt was sufficient to handle any warranty issues. By March 1974, the connecting rod problem had still not been resolved, and now Pontiac restricted any SD-455 specific component from being ordered without supplying the VIN of the vehicle, the exception were piston rings. The entire SD-455 saga reads like a soap opera. Cost cutting, upper management turnover, attempting to circumvent EPA emission tests, component shortages, delay after delay, it's amazing that the SD-455 actually made it into production at all. - MCN
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shiyorin · 7 months
I wish that you would write a fic where you and Perty spend some time together creating/engineering god machines.
Here you are. Actually I think it was 'Perty is building a machine and he thinks you're bothering him'
Perturabo scowled down at the machine taking shape under his hands. Countless hours spent crafting each girder and gear to exacting specifications, yet still it was not enough. There was always more to be done, more to improve, more deficiencies to root out and correct.
A noise behind drew his gaze, finding a solitary figure observing from the walk above. Perturabo sighed irritably as you followed close behind. Truly, was there no end to this creature's insolence? He had made it explicitly clear you were not welcome in his place. But here you were, barging in once more like you owned the place. Well, no matter. Soon your inevitable blunders would force him to eject you, like others. And if not… There were other means to remedy pests.
You nodded respectfully at being noticed, making no move to approach, a rare show of wisdom, in his view. Most would bombard him with pointless questions or fawning praise at this stage, hampering his work. But he sensed no such intentions from your gaze. Merely open curiosity as eyes traced each component with appreciative care. Studying, but passing no judgment. It was… tolerable, at least for now.
Ignoring you completely, Perturabo returned to his labors, focusing intently on welding a joint into place. He set about assembling components for his latest augmentation. Tools danced skillfully under his guidance as intricate mechanisms began taking shape.
You fell silent, observing with keen interest as joints and pistons slid neatly into place. Perturabo was grudgingly aware of your gaze tracing each minute motion, as if to unfold the creative process unfolding before steely eyes.
It was… disarming, to have such unfettered focus directed his way without demand or expectation. He scowled. What could a paper-pusher possibly comprehend of the ingenuity and graft involved in his works?
But a small, traitorous part inside relished the rapt attention nonetheless. To have one so near who saw his delicate work, it stirred echoes of gratification long thought dead. As if in that moment, his craft held all your fascination simply for its own merits, not his name or reputation. A novel experience, to say the least.
Perturabo redoubled efforts to focus on circuit splicing, mentally banishing such fanciful notions. This was no pleasure outing to indulge idle spectators. There were calculations to finalize and field tests to prepare for, not entertain petty curiosities.
A soft gasp drew his notice despite vows to ignore the interloper. You had moved closer, peering in awe at neatly bundled wiring coming to life under activation. Perturabo froze, hyperaware of her proximity yet loathe to break concentration and perfection almost achieved.
Time passed without remark as systems began integrating fully under his touch. You still watched without complaint or query.At last the final components locked into synchronization in a shuddering crescendo of sound and light. Perturabo straightened, surveying his handiwork with a critical eye. An imperfect machine, as always, he was not satisfied.
He turned then to find you regarding him with a small, knowing smile, as if this imperfect machine were an achievement through your own eyes. He blinked, taken aback by the acknowledgment in your eyes.
Caught off guard, Perturabo found words deserting as emotion welled unexpectedly. What did you want? His mouth moved, words emerging gently, at least he thought so.
"Would you like to know what this machine is?"
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thatonebirdwrites · 9 months
Crossover Shenanigans: Korrasami and Supercorp
Korra and Asami stand in front of a strange purple portal. Korra: You know, I'm a little relieved I'm not the reason for this portal for once. Asami: True. Mako: I don't think it's safe to mess with it. Maybe stay here? Asami: How will we be able to determine where it goes? The best way to test a hypothesis is through an experiment. *proceeds to tie the rope around her and Korra's waist and then spools it around hte pulley-crank system she's built. It's several hundred meters of rope* So all you two have to do is keep an eye on this. If the rope is tugged three times, then crank us back. Bolin: *digs into his bag of cookies* Easy enough. Mako: *sighs dramatically* Don't yell at me when this goes badly! Korra gives him a thumbs up, takes Asami's hand, and enters the violet portal. A brief moment of weird stomach-churning nausea hits them, and then they enter a large white room. Two people stand behind a counter with strange devices that Korra and Asami have never seen before. Asami: Wow. That looks like a fancy typewriter. *Points to the keyboard with a strange square attached to it, that looks like a very thin mover screen.* Brunette-and-very-pretty-woman: Who the hell are you two? Korra: Hey! That's not very nice! We're explorers. Investigating the new portal. I'm Avatar Korra. *jerks her thumb at Asami* and this is my super awesome girlfriend Asami Sato. Asami: *blushes* Do you have to introduce me like that every time? Tall-muscular-blonde: Oh, hey! Great to meet you! I'm Kara Danvers, and this is Lena Luthor! *grins and holds out her hand* Asami stares at it for a long moment. Korra rolls her eyes and shakes Kara's hand. Asami bows instead. Lena: Okay, so nice to meet you, now go back through so I can shut this down... Asami: Wait, you made this? How did you make it so small? When Korra made a spirit portal, she energybended a massive explosion, which ripped open the fabric of reality... Lena: What is energybending? Asami: Oh, it's something only the Avatar can do. She manipulates energy in people or the environment. Lena: So she manipulated a massive explosion to create a portal? That seems a very destructive way. *gestures to the portal behind Asami* I built this using Nth metal, magnetic coils, and... Asami: *whips out a notebook from her jacket* What is Nth Metal? And magnetic coils? That's actually a brilliant idea. I've been experimenting with those lately. . .
Kara and Korra watch as the pair dive into an intense conversation about electromagnetics and engineering.
Korra: Yup, that's Asami there. My girlfriend.
Kara: Yup. That's Lena. My girlfriend.
Korra: Huh. So what can you do? I can bend all four elements and metal! *shows off by waterbending the water from Lena's glass, then uses airbending to boost herself upward briefly, and bends stone around the room* Lena: Would you please put my water back in its glass? Asami: It could short-circuit the electronics. Korra: Whoops. *Drops water carefully into glass but then bends the metal bar that's lying on the table into a knot*
Kara: Okay, but that was really awesome. So, as Supergirl, I can do this. *Flies into the air, shoots lasers from her eyes, then lifts up half the lab with one arm.* Lena: Kara, please, if you're showing off, do it away from the portal. *turns back to Asami* So you're saying, you build a powered suit using pistons, hydraulics, and platinum? Are you sure its platinum? Because the hardness and tensile strength you described sounds like titanium to me. Asami: You know, maybe that's what it's called here. Let me show you. *proceeds to draw the chemistry diagram for the metal*
Lena: Fascinating. That's definitely titanium.
Korra: I bet I can beat you in a fight.
Kara: No way. I could beat you.
Lena and Asami: If you're going to fight, take it outside please.
Lena: I'm also filming it. *Reaches over and picks up a round ball and then proceeds to type something into her keyboard. Asami watches fascinated as the ball rises into the air and follows Kara out of the room and onto the porch area of the lab* Asami: Was that a tiny mech? Lena: Robot. Asami: Wait, so what powers it? I've struggled with decreasing the size of batteries due to... Korra unhooks herself, cracks her knuckles, and follows Kara outside. MEANWHILE IN AVATAR-VERSE: Mako: Why did the rope go slack?
Bolin: OH NOES. Do you think they got eaten?
Mako: Bo, by what? *his eyes widen* Oh no, they could really be in trouble then.
Bolin: We go to save them! But we need someone to man the ropes for us.
Mako: Let me radio Jinora. *picks up the portal radio* Jinora? Can you send some help to the new portal?
Opal and Jinora soon join them. They agree to man the ropes while Mako and Bolin head into the portal. MEANWHILE ON EARTH-38:
Mako and Bolin exit the portal and stare in shock at Asami standing by a brunette, while Korra and Kara battle outside. The walls are transparent, and the fight is intense.
Bolin: Asami! We're here to save you! *puts up his fists*
Asami: Wait what? No! Korra and I are fine.
Lena: Who the hell are you two?
Mako: So you're not about to be poisoned or something? *has fire blades ready in his hands*
Asami: NO! Lena here was chatting with me about the technology here. Korra is just sparring with Kara. Lena, that's Bolin and Mako, our friends.
Bolin: Oh. Do you have any snacks? Because I got to see this.
Mako: *sighs* whatever.
Lena: *grumbling but opens snack cabinet and tosses food at Bolin* I hope no one else comes through. I still need to calibrate... Asami: For the calibrations, do you have to manually type commands? Lena: Actually, no, I write code for that. Asami: TEACH ME.
Mako and Bolin sit down with their snacks to watch the increasingly intense fight. Korra has all four elements and is in Avatar state while flying in the air. Kara is blocking all the attacks using invulnerability and trying to get close enough to do a right hook.
After several minutes, Jinora and Opal rush through the portal.
Jinora: Are you all okay?
Opal: Woah, nice place.
Lena: What the fuck is with you people?? Go home! I can't turn off the portal with y'all here!
Bolin: Can't! Got to see who wins!
Jinora: I apologize for the intrusion! I'm Jinora and this is Opal. We were worried about the brothers.
Asami: Here's some snacks. Korra is battling Kara to see who is stronger. *gestures to the windows* I think it's an even match so far.
Lena: *scoffs* Kara is obviously winning. She's invulnerable to all of Korra's attacks. She also has the ability to fly, and her laser vision can easily incinerate most of what Korra fires at her.
Asami: *laughs* So? Korra's ability to dodge with airbending keeps her a moving target. Kara has yet to land a punch. Also, the fire blasts, ice daggers, and stone spikes keep her on the defensive.
The pair fall into an argument into the science of their girlfriends' powers and how they may work scientifically. The argument ends up so heated that Lena finally throws up her hands in defeat.
Lena: FINE. Let's find out who wins then?
Asami: FINE. More snacks are needed though. Bolin eats enough for three, I swear.
Lena grumbles under her breath about insatiable eaters, while she makes popcorn for all of them instead using her bunsen burners.
Alex, Kelly, Brainy, and Nia burst into Lena's lab.
Alex: Are you okay? We heard about the invasion!
Asami: Invasion? We're just visiting.
Lena: Don't interfere! This is important research.
Alex: Who the hell are these people? *gestures to the Avatar-verse people*
Mako: Who the spirits are you? *jumps to his feet with his fire blades ready*
Bolin: We need more popcorn! *waves an empty bowl*
Nia: Did you say popcorn? Yesss. You're my new friend.
Opal: So you're all friends of Lena? *Opens snack cabinet and ignores Lena's glare at her touching Lena's things. Takes out snacks and tosses them at Jinora who hands them to the others*
Kelly: Yes. Don't tell me, she had an accident in the lab?
Lena: Not an accident! I might have unintentionally created a bridge to another multiverse that is directly parallel to ours per M-brane theory --
Asami: M-brane theory? Spirits, we're way behind. We just figured out quantum entanglement exists and how to build planes. Tell me all about M-brane theory please.
Brainy: I posit that if you tell her that could alter the trajectory of their world with dangerous consequences--
Lena and Asami: Shut up Brainy!
Bolin hands out more popcorn for the now TWO shows: Kara and Korra fighting still -- the fight has gotten more and more intense with no sign of either being able to land a significant blow on the other. On the other hand, Asami and Lena fall into an intense argument about physics, which is interspersed with yells at Brainy to stop interrupting them.
Brainy: Sharing this with a person of lesser technology may interfere with the time modality of their multiverse --
Lena: Brainy, if you don't shut up, I'm kicking you out!
Asami: It's not like I'm going to completely rebuild the entirety of all engineering in my world. I mean, I could, I am rich, and you know, that would be a fun project...
Lena: Ah, shaping society through money and technology. Sounds like me... *she trails off and stares at Asami*
Asami: Oh my spirits
Lena: Oh my god
Bolin: *throws popcorn into his mouth* Yup.
Nia: And those two fighting are probably the same person too.
Brainy: I calculate that the probability of two identical people from alternate universes could disrupt the time continuum-- Everyone but Nia: SHUT UP BRAINY.
Nia: *shoves a beer into his hands and pulls him down next to her* Shush, just enjoy the show.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
“Fuck you, Tederick,” I said to my uncle’s new boyfriend, “I can too make a better self driving car than those assholes at Tesla.”
“It’s Edward,” Tederick corrected me. “And you’re on. If you can make a self-driving car, I’ll eat my own hat.”
Before my uncle had returned from the kitchen with dessert, I had already gotten on my coat and was out the door. I was headed to my secret laboratory: the ramshackle postwar 1-car garage that I rented because my house was so full of parts I no longer could fit in it to sleep. Now, I wouldn’t need sleep, because I had a project.
My bedroll and mouse-infested sleeping bag were set aside, to make room on the cold concrete floor for all the components I’d need. As fit my theory about the practicality of self-driving cars, it was all simple parts. A bunch of military-grade microcontrollers I’d found in the dumpster of a defence contractor, which had gone out of business due to the establishment of world peace. A security camera setup that I sawzalled off a bank, because those idiots didn’t take the very simple precaution of adding additional cameras, to watch the first cameras, to make sure nobody like me stole them.
At last, I secured the most important component: a seafoam-green 1996 Toyota Celica with considerable front-end damage. Not my fault, of course, but that of the country club. How dare those rich pricks put a fence in the way of a shortcut on my commute? I saved like fifteen minutes a day in exchange for a little bumper paint. You can’t put a price on that. One sleepless night of wiring, soldering, debugging, re-debugging, de-re-debugging, throwing my laptop out the window, and then duct-taping the corpse back together well enough to try one last upload: and I had a working car.
I decided to let it drive me over to my uncle’s house, so that I could watch that fucker Tederald dine upon his chapeau. Of course, building a self-driving car and testing a self-driving car are two totally different things. Had I gotten a little more sleep the previous night, I probably would have tried testing the car from the front seat, rather than climbing onto the back bench and immediately falling asleep while the Celica merged onto the highway with the triumphant horns of a turbocharger bypass valve.
A couple hours later, I awoke in a strange place. Looking out the window, I immediately recognized it as a forest. The car had pulled us into a strange clearing, and eerie light began to seep in from the full moon overhead, which seemed, if anything, larger than normal. I was about to say something, shut the whole experiment down, when I heard the sound of more internal-combustion engines. The Celica soon found itself joining a circle of other late-nineties Toyotas, the insistent revving of their motors joining to form a demented chant of the piston.
It’s a good thing the feds don’t give a shit about reporting self-driving car accidents, because whatever they summoned in the middle of that circle, lit so bright by the collection of a hundred H4 headlight bulbs that I could barely make out its mind-bending contours, is definitely gonna cause some.
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usafphantom2 · 29 days
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80 years ago today, the prototype Grumman XF8F "Bearcat" made its first flight. The "Bearcat" was introduced as a piston-engined fighter aircraft for the U.S. Navy and later became popular for air racers: s.si.edu/3yNaTue
@airandspace via X
Tap title bar to read☝️
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dreadwedge · 11 months
Whats up gamers its me WimpCritic186 here, and welcome to yet another viral Minecraft video. Are you suffering? Are you tired of the tedious march through the morass of grief and heartache life has handed you? Have you heard it said one too many times that the "only way out" is "through"? Well.
In today's redstone tutorial, I will show you how to build what I'm calling the "emotional helicopter", a server-friendly, slime-block-powered redstone contraption I've devised for the express purpose of lifting you up and around difficult emotional barriers in your life without the hassle of actually "processing" your "shit". Don't forget to "Like" this video.
Coming up, I'l test this simple and compact device on two of my friends and fellow DVorceCraft SMP members, Neomilk and banal_lad, who, as you might know, just went through a messy, extremely public breakup. Will Milk and Lad find closure, or will they be caught in the blades? Can 1,600 pistons do what 72 hours of couples-counseling livestreamed over tiktok failed to? And how exactly can a single zombie pigman and an obscure quirk of Minecraft Java's lighting engine combine to form the perfect backdoor into what American psychologist Marsha M. Linehan refers to as the "Wise Mind" in her acclaimed Dialectical Behavioral Therapy framework? Stay tuned for all of this and more, but first, let me take a moment to tell you about Ziploc.
I, WimpCritic186, am thrilled to announce that Ziploc is the sponsor of today's technical minecraft video. Ziploc is a special bag that is extremely pog and goated. As a full time content creator, I have to stay mad organized, and I love using reusable Ziplocbags to store my various gamer items and gamer substances.
Let's talk history. Originally developed and test marketed by The Dow Chemical Company in 1968, Ziploc is an undeniable icon in the crowded sliding-channel-storage-bag market-space, standing head and shoulders above competitors like Glad and Hefty in terms of name recognition and brand loyalty – but it wasn't always that way.
The year is 1951. Danish Inventor Borge Madsen submits a patent application for a new type of plastic slide fastener. Enter businessman and innovator Steven Ausnit. Now, Steven was born in Romania in 1924. His father was Max Ausnit, then regarded as the "The Steel King" of Romania – at least until the fateful day an industry rival falsely accused him of a crime he did not commit, leading to his wrongful conviction and imprisonment. During World War II, after successfully escaping house arrest, … Click To Continue
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almostarts · 1 year
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Printed Terracotta Cooler
The low-tech cooler is a project I developed with the global design agency, Entreautre. We started with a simple principle inspired by traditional practices: a porous terracotta container filled with water. 
Thanks to a ventilation system (WEEE), the airflow in contact with the wet surface allows water to evaporate in order to produce cold air.
To achieve an interesting effect, we sought to increase the wet wall surface in contact with ventilated air as much as possible. Ceramic 3D printing allowed us to test complex volumes such as differential growth. The natural process of differential growth was also a coherent aesthetic to produce a manifesto product in order to share the vision behind the process.
The process 
I designed this structure with the software Grasshopper. It's a visual 3D programming language linked to Rhino 3D that allows the achievement of complex and parametric pieces that couldn't be done with traditional CAD programs.
I learned the software by myself to achieve the program in order to print the final shape. This shape came from all the different constraints I was confronted with:
The material: The lining thickness, the porosity.
The method of conception: Height, material volume contained in the printing pipe, printing time, clearance angle.
The metrics of minimal performances: Structure resistance, water volume, surface exchange between ceramic airflow and water.
I worked with Luc Dauphin, a mechanical engineer, and Bastien Pyon, Fablab's CEO, who guided me in dealing with those constraints.
The 3D printing machine is an exclusive machine designed by the Dutch artist, Olivier Van Herpt. The one that we used is the only one that exists outside his studio. It works like a traditional 3D plastic printer, where a piston extrudes the terra-cotta as a thin filament layer by layer.
Simon Pavy
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Engine Repair Instruction Full Guide
Engines are the heart of any vehicle, powering everything from your daily commute to long road trips. Knowing how to repair an engine can be a game-changer, whether you're an enthusiast who loves getting your hands dirty or someone looking to save money on mechanic bills. This guide will walk you through the entire process of engine repair, from diagnosing problems to reassembling your engine and ensuring it runs smoothly.
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Understanding the Basics of an Engine
Before diving into the repair process, it’s crucial to understand how an engine works. Most vehicles use an internal combustion engine, which combines fuel and air, ignites it, and transforms that explosion into mechanical energy.
Components of an Internal Combustion Engine
The main components include:
Cylinder Block: The engine's core where combustion occurs.
Cylinder Head: Houses the valves and spark plugs.
Pistons: Move up and down to create the force needed to turn the crankshaft.
Crankshaft: Converts the pistons' up-and-down movement into rotational motion.
Camshaft: Controls the opening and closing of the valves.
Valves: Regulate the flow of fuel and air into the engine and exhaust gases out.
How an Engine Works: A Simple Explanation
An engine works by pulling in a mixture of air and fuel, compressing it, igniting it with a spark (in gasoline engines), and then expelling the exhaust gases. This cycle—intake, compression, power, and exhaust—happens in each cylinder and repeats hundreds of times per minute.
Tools and Equipment Needed for Engine Repair
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Whether you're performing a basic repair or diving into more complex work, having the right tools is essential.
Essential Tools for Basic Repairs
Socket Set: For removing and tightening bolts.
Wrenches: Different sizes for various engine parts.
Screwdrivers: Flathead and Phillips for screws and clips.
Pliers: For handling wires and small parts.
Torque Wrench: Ensures bolts are tightened to the correct specifications.
Specialized Equipment for Advanced Engine Work
Engine Hoist: For removing the engine from the vehicle.
Cylinder Hone: Prepares cylinders for new piston rings.
Compression Tester: Checks the health of each cylinder.
OBD-II Scanner: Diagnoses engine codes and issues.
Safety Gear and Precautions
Gloves: Protect your hands from cuts and chemicals.
Safety Glasses: Shield your eyes from debris.
Work Boots: Offer protection against heavy parts or tools.
Diagnosing Engine Problems
Accurately diagnosing engine problems is the first step in any repair process. Understanding the symptoms can save time and prevent unnecessary work.
Common Symptoms of Engine Issues
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Check Engine Light: Indicates a problem detected by the car's computer.
Strange Noises: Knocking, tapping, or grinding sounds can signal internal damage.
Excessive Smoke: Blue smoke might mean burning oil, while white could suggest a coolant leak.
Loss of Power: Often linked to fuel or air delivery issues.
Step-by-Step Diagnostic Process
Listen and Observe: Note any unusual sounds, smells, or behaviors.
Check Engine Light Codes: Use an OBD-II scanner to retrieve error codes.
Perform Compression Test: Assesses the health of your engine’s cylinders.
Inspect Fluids: Look for contamination or leaks in oil, coolant, and other fluids.
Step-by-Step Guide to Reassembly
Prepare Your Workspace: Ensure that your workspace is clean, organized, and well-lit. Lay out all the parts and tools you'll need in the order of reassembly. Keep the engine manual handy for specific torque specs and sequences.
Install the Crankshaft: Place the crankshaft back into the engine block, ensuring it is seated correctly. Use assembly lube on the main bearings to prevent damage during the initial startup. Torque the main caps to the manufacturer's specifications.
Insert the Pistons: Install the pistons and connecting rods. Be sure to align the piston rings correctly and use a ring compressor to insert the pistons into the cylinder bore. Attach the connecting rods to the crankshaft and torque the rod bolts to spec.
Install the Camshaft and Timing Components: If your engine uses a timing chain or belt, install it according to the timing marks on the camshaft and crankshaft gears. This step is crucial for ensuring the engine's valves open and close at the correct times.
Attach the Cylinder Head: Place the cylinder head gasket on the engine block, followed by the cylinder head. Torque the head bolts in the correct sequence and to the proper specifications. This ensures a good seal and prevents head gasket failure.
Install Valves, Lifters, and Pushrods: If applicable, install the engine's valves, lifters, and pushrods. Make sure they are properly aligned and that the lifters are seated correctly in their bores.
Reassemble the Valve Train: Install the rocker arms and adjust the valve lash according to the engine manual. Proper valve lash is critical for engine performance and longevity.
Reattach External Components: Begin reattaching external components like the water pump, oil pump, timing cover, oil pan, and intake manifold. Replace any gaskets and seals during this process to prevent leaks.
Reconnect the Fuel and Ignition Systems: Reinstall the fuel injectors, spark plugs, and ignition wires. Ensure all electrical connections are secure and properly routed to avoid short circuits or malfunctions.
Final Checks: Before moving on, double-check all connections, bolts, and components. Make sure nothing is left loose or unconnected.
Applying Proper Torques and Specifications
Every engine has specific torque settings for each bolt. Over-tightening can strip threads or warp components, while under-tightening can lead to leaks or parts coming loose. Use a torque wrench and follow the manufacturer's specifications closely.
Double-Checking Work for Mistakes
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It's easy to miss a step or make a mistake during reassembly. Double-check your work:
Ensure all components are installed in the correct order.
Verify all bolts are torqued to spec.
Check for any leftover parts or tools in the engine bay.
Testing the Repaired Engine
With the engine reassembled, the next step is testing it to ensure everything is functioning properly.
Preparing for Initial Startup
Before starting the engine, perform a few preparatory checks:
Prime the oil system: This can be done by cranking the engine with the fuel system disabled until oil pressure is achieved.
Fill the engine with fresh oil and coolant.
Double-check all electrical connections and fuel lines.
Checking for Leaks and Unusual Noises
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Once you start the engine, pay close attention to any unusual noises or leaks:
Oil Leaks: Check around the oil pan, valve covers, and front and rear seals.
Coolant Leaks: Inspect the radiator, hoses, and water pump area.
Unusual Noises: Listen for knocking, tapping, or whining sounds, which could indicate an issue with the timing components or internal parts.
Fine-Tuning and Adjusting the Engine
After the initial startup, the engine may require some adjustments:
Timing Adjustments: Use a timing light to set the ignition timing.
Idle Speed: Adjust the idle speed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Fuel Mixture: On carbureted engines, you may need to adjust the air-fuel mixture for optimal performance.
Common Engine Repair Mistakes to Avoid
Engine repair is complex, and mistakes can be costly. Here are some common errors to watch out for:
Misalignments and Incorrect Torques
Misaligned timing components can lead to poor engine performance or damage.
Incorrectly torqued bolts can cause leaks, parts failure, or engine damage.
Overlooking Small Parts and Connections
Small parts like washers, clips, or gaskets are easy to overlook but crucial for preventing leaks and ensuring proper function.
Electrical connections: Double-check that all sensors and connectors are properly seated.
Skipping Diagnostic Steps
Skipping steps in the diagnostic process can lead to unnecessary repairs or missed issues. Always perform thorough diagnostics before and after repairs.
Maintaining Your Engine After Repair
Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of your newly repaired engine.
Importance of Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance, such as oil changes, air filter replacements, and coolant checks, is essential to keep your engine running smoothly and prevent future problems.
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Tips for Extending Engine Life
Use high-quality oil and filters.
Avoid hard driving until the engine is fully warmed up.
Regularly check and maintain fluid levels.
When to Seek Professional Help
While DIY repairs can save money, some issues are best left to professionals, especially if you encounter complex problems or lack the necessary tools and expertise.
Dealing with Advanced Engine Repairs
Some engine repairs are too complex for the average DIYer. Here's when to consider professional help:
Understanding When It’s Beyond DIY
Extensive internal damage: Cracked blocks or severely worn bearings usually require professional expertise.
Advanced electrical issues: Problems with engine management systems often need specialized diagnostic tools and knowledge.
Overview of Complex Repairs: Timing Belt, Engine Rebuilds
Timing Belt Replacement: Involves precise alignment of engine components and is critical for preventing engine damage.
Engine Rebuilds: This is a time-consuming and complex task that often requires professional machining and specialized tools.
Working with a Professional Mechanic
When the repair is beyond your capabilities, working with a professional mechanic ensures that the job is done correctly and safely. They have the tools, experience, and resources to handle complex engine repairs.
Cost Considerations in Engine Repair
Engine repair costs can vary widely depending on the scope of work, parts required, and whether you do it yourself or hire a professional.
Estimating Costs for DIY vs Professional Repair
DIY Repairs: Typically cost less but require an investment in tools and time.
Professional Repairs: Can be expensive but come with the assurance of experience and often a warranty.
Budgeting for Tools, Parts, and Time
Consider the cost of any special tools or equipment you might need, as well as the cost of replacement parts. Factor in the time required, especially if the vehicle is your daily driver.
Understanding the Cost of Mistakes
Mistakes can be costly. Stripping a bolt, breaking a part, or incorrect assembly can lead to additional expenses. Always weigh the risks before starting a major repair.
Recap of Key Points
Engine repair is a rewarding but challenging task that requires careful planning, the right tools, and attention to detail. Whether you’re fixing a minor issue or performing a complete rebuild, following the correct procedures is crucial for success.
Encouragement for DIY Enthusiasts
For those who love working on their vehicles, engine repair can be a satisfying and cost-effective way to maintain your car. With patience and persistence, even complex repairs can be tackled with confidence.
Final Thoughts on Engine Repair
Always approach engine repair with a clear plan and the right resources. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help when needed, and remember that regular maintenance is the best way to avoid major repairs.
How do I know if my engine needs repair?
Common signs include unusual noises, excessive smoke, loss of power, and a check engine light. Regular diagnostics can help catch issues early.
Can I repair my engine without professional help?
Basic repairs like replacing gaskets or sensors can often be done at home with the right tools. However, more complex tasks like engine rebuilds may require professional expertise.
What are the signs of a failing engine?
Signs include knocking noises, excessive oil consumption, smoke from the exhaust, and persistent overheating.
How long does it take to repair an engine?
The time required varies greatly depending on the complexity of the repair. Simple repairs might take a few hours, while a full rebuild could take several days or longer.
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taevisionceo · 1 year
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Parts EngineParts Aftermarket MAHLE Original Mahle pistons EnginePistons Pistons and Engine Testing - MAHLE GmbH ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos Pistons and Engine Testing MAHLE GmbH Parts EngineParts Aftermarket Google Books ▸ Pistons and Engine Testing... MAHLE GmbH [Google Books]
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TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Parts AutoParts EngineParts Aftermarket MAHLE CLEVITE ... Pistons EnginePistons PistonRings [3D Animation]
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▸ TAEVision Engineering - MAHLE CLEVITE Pistons PistonRings [3D Animation]
Data 128 - May 23, 2023
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Jaguar XJR-S V12 ("timber!"). 
When the Jaguar XJR-S was launched in August 1988, Jaguar was riding the crest of a reputational wave, having just claimed its 6th Le Mans victory and, in 1987, won the World Sportscar Championship.It was a genuinely bespoke model produced by Jaguar Sport - a high-performance wing jointly owned by Jaguar and the Tom Walkinshaw Racing Group. Initially powered by a 5.3-litre V12, the engine was upgraded in 1989 to a bespoke 6.0-litre unit with Zytek fuel injection. It was good for 334 bhp and 160 mph.Boasting a new forged steel crankshaft, forged alloy pistons, modified air intake and a dual exhaust system, the engine was unique to the XJR-S and was only phased out once Jaguar introduced its own 6.0-litre V12.The XJR-S proved to be an immediate winner with contemporary journalists. In a Motor Sport magazine group test, the Jaguar handed out a humiliating spanking to a Porsche 928 GT, a BMW 850i and a Ferrari Mondial T – no mean feat.While the XJR-S may have looked pretty much like a standard Jaguar XJR coupé, virtually every mechanical part was unique. Each car left the factory as a hand-built unit from Jaguar Sport’s manufacturing facility at Bloxham, which had attained legendary status as the skunk-works unit that built the seminal XJ220.
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1967 Ford Mustang
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1967 Ford Mustang
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1967 Ford Mustang
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1967 Ford Mustang
Gorgeous '67 Mustang in Arizona Now Sporting a 445HP 347c.i.d. Ford Under The Hood
"Just want to thank you guys on the engine build. She runs beautifully matted with my TKX!! I did a lot of research about who I wanted to build my engine and it came down to you guys. Friggin' awesome!!!" - Greg N.
440hp rated Turn-Key 347cid small block Ford assembled and ready for dyno-testing before it ships over to Arizona for Greg's '67 Mustang. Greg picked out the valve covers he wanted, Moroso Performance oil pan to fit his car and had the block painted blue as he preferred. This long block that starts at $5,899 comes with our PM aluminum as-cast 180cc intake, 58cc chamber heads, custom grind hydraulic roller cam from COMP Cams, cast steel crank and forged rods and pistons.
Our 440 HP version is identical to the 425 HP version but with a touch more camshaft lift and duration. This moves peak power slightly higher in the RPM range and lowers vacuum at idle.
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dellsservicecenter · 2 months
From Engine to Electronics: Proper Diagnostic Techniques for Resolving Maserati Problems
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Maserati, the epitome of Italian luxury and performance, is renowned for its stylish design and high-performance capabilities. However, like any high-end vehicle, Maserati can encounter a range of issues, from engine troubles to electronic malfunctions. Proper diagnostics is crucial in maintaining the health and performance of these sophisticated machines. This article will guide you through the common problems Maserati face and the proper diagnostic techniques to resolve them.
Common Maserati Problems
1. Engine Issues
Maserati engines are marvels of engineering, but they can develop problems over time. Common engine issues include:
    Misfires and Rough Idling: This can be caused by faulty spark plugs, ignition coils, or fuel injectors.
    Overheating: Often due to a malfunctioning cooling system, such as a failed water pump or a clogged radiator.
    Oil Leaks: These can originate from various seals and gaskets, leading to low oil levels and potential engine damage.
2. Transmission Problems
Maserati transmissions are designed for performance but can experience:
    Slipping Gears: This could indicate worn-out clutch plates or issues with the transmission fluid.
    Delayed Shifts: Often due to problems with the transmission control module or low fluid levels.
3. Electrical and Electronic Failures
Modern Maseratis are equipped with advanced electronics that can sometimes fail, including:
    Dashboard Warning Lights: These can indicate issues ranging from simple sensor failures to serious engine problems.
    Infotainment System Glitches: Problems with the touch screen, navigation, or audio system are not uncommon.
Diagnostic Techniques
1. OBD-II Scanner
The On-Board Diagnostics II (OBD-II) scanner is an essential tool for diagnosing Maserati problems. It can read error codes from the car's computer, providing insight into various issues.
    How to Use: Connect the OBD-II scanner to the port located under the dashboard. Turn on the ignition and follow the scanner’s instructions to retrieve the error codes.
    Interpreting Codes: Each code corresponds to a specific problem. For example, P0300 indicates a random/multiple cylinder misfire, while P0128 points to a coolant thermostat issue.
2. Visual Inspection
A thorough visual inspection can reveal obvious issues such as leaks, damaged components, or worn-out parts.
    Engine Bay: Check for oil leaks, loose connections, and the condition of belts and hoses.
    Undercarriage: Inspect for fluid leaks and damage to the exhaust system.
    Electrical Connections: Look for corroded or loose battery terminals and wiring issues.
3. Multimeter Testing
A multimeter is useful for diagnosing electrical issues in a Maserati.
    Battery Voltage: Measure the voltage across the battery terminals. A healthy battery should read around 12.6 volts when the car is off and around 14 volts when running.
    Sensor Checks: Test various sensors, such as the oxygen sensor or mass airflow sensor, to ensure they are functioning correctly.
4. Compression Test
A compression test helps diagnose internal engine problems such as worn piston rings or valves.
    Procedure: Remove the spark plugs and insert a compression gauge into each cylinder. Crank the engine and note the pressure readings. Low or uneven readings indicate internal engine issues.
5. Professional Diagnostic Tools
Maserati dealerships and specialized repair shops use advanced diagnostic tools that can access proprietary systems and provide more detailed information.
    SD2/SD3 Diagnostic Systems: These are specialized tools used by Maserati technicians to diagnose and program vehicle systems accurately.
    Diagnostic Software: Tools like Xentry or PIWIS can interface with Maserati's electronic systems for comprehensive diagnostics.
Addressing Common Issues
1. Engine Repairs
    Misfires and Rough Idling: Replace faulty spark plugs, ignition coils, or fuel injectors. Regular maintenance and using high-quality fuel can prevent these issues.
    Overheating: Ensure the cooling system is functioning correctly by checking the water pump, radiator, and thermostat. Flushing the coolant system periodically is also recommended.
    Oil Leaks: Identify the source of the leak and replace the necessary seals or gaskets. Regularly check oil levels and change the oil according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Transmission Solutions
    Slipping Gears: Inspect and replace worn clutch plates and ensure the transmission fluid is at the correct level. Consider a fluid change if necessary.
    Delayed Shifts: Diagnose and repair issues with the transmission control module or solenoids. Regular transmission servicing can prevent many of these problems.
3. Electrical Fixes
    Dashboard Warning Lights: Use an OBD-II scanner to identify and address the underlying issue. Reset the warning lights after repairs are completed.
    Infotainment System Glitches: Perform software updates and check for any loose connections or faulty components. In some cases, a complete system reset may be required.
Proper diagnostics are essential for maintaining the performance and reliability of your Maserati. By using the right tools and techniques, you can identify and resolve issues promptly, ensuring your luxury car continues to deliver the driving experience it was designed for. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are key to keeping your Maserati in top condition, from the engine to the sophisticated electronics.
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hirocimacruiser · 2 years
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Tuned Skyline Tommykaira M20 with a clear evolved form
Minor change version "EVOLUTION" has appeared
Tommykaira M20 has undergone a minor change. Its name is "EVOLUTION". As the name suggests, the new model has a more sophisticated design.
Along with its appearance, pay attention to the running of the official tuning car. Tommykaira
Text/Satoshi Saito Photos/Shoichi Sudoh
■ Tommykaira M20 EVOLUTION
Engine Water-cooled in-line 6-cylinder DOHC turbo + intercooler
Total displacement 1998cc
Maximum output 250ps/6500rpm
Maximum torque 28.0kgm/5500rpm
Suspension F Original shock absorber + Reinforced spring Suspension R Original shock absorber + Reinforced spring +
Reinforced rear stabilizer + Super Hicas
Brake F opposed 4-piston aluminum caliper + ventilated disc
Brake R opposed 2-piston aluminum caliper + ventilated disc
Tires/wheels 205/55 R16, 7.0JJX16
Price 3.92 million yen (basic model starts at 3.42 million yen)
Tuned Skyline from TOMITA AUTO
“Tommykaira M30 & M20 Evolution” released. This car has already been released as Tommykaira M30 & M20. The M30 is a 3-liter model and the M20 is a 2-liter model.
Tommykaira M30&M20 Evolution has been released by Tomita Auto. Here, let's focus on the M20 and introduce the evolved form that lives up to its name.
Before we talk about the Evolution, let's first add a little explanation about the M20. The base vehicle is the Skyline GTS-t, and the suspension and engine are tuned based on this. However, with regard to the engine, the minimum tuning is a self-imposed task, and basically only the engine control unit and the intercooler have been replaced. Furthermore, even the muffler has not been modified for boost pressure.
With this basic tuning menu, it delivers a maximum output of 250ps/6500 rpm and a maximum torque of 28.0kgm. Suspension changes include strut tower bars, Nismo dampers, reinforced springs, and reinforced stabilizers.
In addition, it is equipped with original aluminum road wheels (7JJ x 16), aero parts, steering, and shift knob (this is also Tommykaira's identity).
The Evolution is characterized by changes to the exterior design based on the M20. Fluid form is adopted for the front and rear spoilers, and the know-how for the rear spoiler has been cultivated in the touring car race Gr A M3. It has movable flaps.
The test car also had two Recaro bucket seats, an exhaust temperature gauge, an inside/outside temperature gauge, and an oil temperature gauge were added to the center console, and the speedometer was also replaced with a 300km/h scale.
By the way, the running of the M20, which exerts 250 horsepower, is quite impressive.
In addition to the conventional Tommy Kaira stripe on the side, a new "Tommy kaira" decal is also adopted. You can choose either. The fluid front spoiler is designed with the trends of the times in mind.
The rear spoiler adopts a "movable flap" that makes use of Gr.A's know-how.
The engine is a 1988cc water-cooled in-line 6-cylinder turbo + intercooler.
The leather-wrapped shift knob emphasizes texture. A glimpse into Tommy Kaira's policy
Equipped with 3-piece aluminum road wheels as standard. The size is 7.0JJX16
In particular, the feeling of torque from 4500 to 6500 rpm far surpasses that of the normal skyline, and the test drive on winding roads was all about the fun of drawing out that power.
The engine, which dislikes high-power machines that consume gasoline like hot water, and has been kept to a minimum of tuning, can certainly be increased in power by replacing the muffler and increasing the amount of fuel in the high rotation range. I think that especially at 7000-7500 rpm, I was puzzled at first because the power didn't follow, but the engine doesn't just run. If you run according to the characteristics of the engine, you can freely drive the car so that it hits the counter lightly when entering 3rd gear.
The engine has a power band of 4500-6800 rpm. 3000 rpm or less can not be used for anything other than running around the city. However, this is the same for normal cars. In this powerband, the 205/55R16 Botenza RE71 can take the slide wherever you want it.
What's more, the rear slide doesn't slide indiscriminately, and the tires are well in contact with the road surface even when pushing into corners. Basically, it has a very high stability, and even if you start sliding, the traction will be sideways.
I can't run away
If you apply power, you can drift freely, but if you change the way you drive and save your step on the accelerator, you can enjoy stable grip driving and enjoy fast driving.
For the M20 , it would be a mistake to stop at just talking about the engine. Mr. Kaira's magic as a tuner extends to suspension tuning. Suspensions with high roll stiffness probably use springs with fairly hard spring rates.
The reason why it's so comfortable and surprisingly comfortable is that it's done with straight springs. In the low-speed range, the shock when driving over rough roads is milder than that of a normal car, and the reaction force is stronger in proportion to the contraction of the spring.
The balance with the damping rate is something where you can feel the reaction force of the spring while running.
And, of course, the damper capacity must not be exceeded.
For example, when the accelerator is turned off, the rear end is swung with all one's might, the car changes direction, and the accelerator is turned on again to restore grip and go up a corner. I don't think so. The attitude of the car is very stable.
The response to steering is also accurate, and you can put the car on the line you want. The handling is slightly under-under, which is very close to neutral. Therefore, even if you push into a corner while gripping, you can feel that the rear suspension is firmly gripping the road surface, making it easy to determine the accelerator step and steering angle. To put it another way, you can get a clear picture of your current situation because you receive reliable information from your car.
The Skyline is a very well made car. That's why it's much more fun to ride a normal car than to do half-hearted tuning, but if you ask me, I want a little more power and torque. That makes running even more fun. Of course, the speed range will increase, so I would like to make some adjustments to the suspension. The M20 Evolution fulfills that desire at a very high level. Moreover, it comes with a nice bonus that it is legal. (Satoshi Saito)
The rear spoiler is based on feedback from touring car races that TOMITA Yume Factory participates in with the BMW-M3, making it even more powerful. 81 ■Collaboration with Tomita Auto Co., Ltd. TEL 075-461-6250 TEL 075-461-6290, Tokyo 03-3301-6121
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