thefundisorderdiary · 27 days
I was really worried about moving into a new place with carpets because the cats haven’t been on carpet since they were kittens having accidents. And they’ve had one accident each which is a lot less than I was expecting and now we’re all more settled here I get to enjoy the pit-pat sound as they walk around my room at night 😌
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illshitty · 6 months
Hey Microsoft
Come get your weird chatbot that suddenly appeared on my computer. I didn't ask for this manipulative little shit in my life.
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You're seriously asking me to apologize to your bot? 🤣👎ta
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folkpunkfishercat · 2 years
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milezperprower · 3 months
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how do i explain to my poor parents the reason i look like shit today is because i stayed up all night drawing ms paint christian digital circus drawings while watching kitchen nightmares on my cromebook
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crispywizardtale · 5 months
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3-aem · 2 months
me thinking my cat is being so impolite constantly meowing while im trying to cook vs him thinking it’s completely inappropriate for me to then pick him up, likening it to mrder for the the crime of speaking his mind.
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just-bendy · 11 months
Hi Bendy,Why don't you like Joey Drew 🤔
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Oh, I dunno. Maybe it's coz he crammed us all in the basement away from the other employees fer years, kept remindin' all of us of how imperfect and worthless we were, treated us like $#!%, hit us, stepped on us, gave us bruises, traumatized us...
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And when 66 came along, had the audacity ta shove his perfection in all of our faces an' showed him off like it was our fault that we were born freaks!
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And ya wanna ask me why I don't like him?
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Don't ever mention him again. Or there'll be hell ta pay.
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boysbeloving · 4 months
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where have you been lol do they not teach you anything in the Red Racing Team?? lolololololol
you're in the vroom vroom mpreg show boy
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spiritundaunted · 8 months
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My heart still goes Pit-a-Pat.....
Christmas Eve, 1925, Sandringham
“It is just 3 years since I wrote you that letter & what a lot has happened since then... My heart still goes pit-a-pat in the same way as it did then...Why I have written these letters to you when you’re in the room I don’t know. But I just have, All my love darling. Always Your very loving HUBBY Bertie."
Bertie (later King George VI) to Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother). They had been married since 1923 and she was pregnant with their first child, the future Queen Elizabeth II, at the time.
Aw, Bertie passing love notes to Elizabeth across the room at Christmas. 🥹 ❤️
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glambots · 1 year
So, I've been thinking of the "Sun and Freddy don't exactly Get Along" thing and:
Imagine that one day you get pulled off your "Daycare Duties" (or whatever you usually do that keeps you around the DCA for most of your shift, be it as a guard or assistant or anything similar), to help out the band for most of the day. Freddy walks you back at the end of your shift, thanking you for assisting them all with your hard work.
You, of course, are super flattered that The Frederick Fazbear is complimenting you and are going through the normal, "Wow! A minor celebrity is talking to me!" buzz that most of the workers tend to go through when first getting to know Freddy, and you're giggling and smiling and waving bye when he turns to leave when you notice Freddy stop and just get this Look on his face as his eyes slowly drift up behind you.
You slowly turn, as this huge shadow drapes over you from behind the Daycare's glass window pane, to see Sunny just Silently Looming.
Arms hanging by his sides, body hunched, head slightly lowered and tilted at an odd angle, and eye-lights burning with what you can swear is downright murderous intent.
It's. Terrifying.
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rando-daily · 6 months
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day 30
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le-trash-prince · 2 months
Garfield when a fan comment said “KentaKim please”
(honestly it doesn’t matter the context, I lose my mind whenever Garfield or Benz say KimKenta or KentaKim I’m like Pavlov’s fucking dog at this point)
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jockbots · 2 years
its that time of the year again where i think of Patroclus being like "im no fighter like Achilles" and then proceeding to kick ass and take names like homer and his list of ships. ye he cant take down armies but this mf trained with Achilles for decades, watched him like a love sick hawk, it stuck, he tries to mimic Achilles and that combined with his training would absolutely make him a formidable foe, just not a demi god, but just bc an athlete isn't Olympic gold doesn't mean theyre not good at their sport.
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shegottosayit · 4 months
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Ripley | Official Trailer | Netflix
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