#pizza mob au
bakawitch · 8 months
I don't know who you include in the Yu-gang but now that you're talking about rivals, how about Otogi, Kaiba and maybe Ryou/Bakura as the rivals in Papa John's?
Kaiba and Otogi, yes, but I have some special plans for the Bakuras already >:) They're gonna be from Pizza Hut
I'm probably gonna add Mokuba(teen) and maybe Noa, but I still need like one more character. I wanted to do Mai, but I figured she'd do batter in a different establishment. If Kaiba really were her boss, she'd probably just quit on the spot, I don't think she'd have the tolerance for his attitude lol
So the line up so far is:
Domino's Pizza:
Yugi Muto (Manager)
"Yami" (Delivery driver)
Anzu Mazaki (Delivery driver)
Katsuya Jonouchi (Cook)
Hiroto Honda (Cook)
Papa John's:
Seto Kaiba (Manager/delivery driver)
Mokuba Kaiba (Assistant manager)
(Noa Kaiba (idk not even sure if he's gonna be in the final roster))
Ryuji Otogi (Delivery driver)
Need one more person, two if I cut Noa (which is very likely)
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clownsuu · 1 year
Hm… I wonder… how would Mob!AU Wally react if a member of his family dies, and there's no way to bring them back? Would he feel any form of sorrow or loss at the death of his family? Or would he just replace them and go about his day, without a second thought?
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I don’t think Howdy would have survived his decapitation when he first got recruited JDHHFHD
cw uncolored (minor-ish) gore at the end
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I remember I got asked for mob Wally with fangs, but I couldn’t find the ask so imma just put it here smhhh
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onionstree · 15 days
Get yo mangy ass on!
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OKAY UHHHH hiiiii his name is Tolsi Trepidi and he USED to be the world's worst undercover fed before being assigned to catch peppini in some illegal act. and they fall in LOVE. or something.
He is extremely pathetic and constantly whining about something. despite his muscles he doesn't seem to know how to use 'em. Peppino made him his guard dog, but that was more just an excuse to keep him near by. He's basically just a trophy husband in everything but name.
Peppini calls him "carne" or just "dog" usually. He means it affectionately, but a lot of outsiders considers it a bit cold. Tolsi loves it though LMAO
I made him a dog because. i think we need more dog men in the world. and i've had Sir Mix A Lot's Nasty Dog stuck in my head all week so.
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lunatheartist22446 · 9 months
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special thanks to @i-ate-your-dog-srry, bean howdy and @iwuvcofi, robbie robs and @clownsuu, @weirdzano-and-co, @likasoertz1, and @partycoffin, and others i werent able to draw (sorry): @niki-the-cat , @xuntemin, @howdy--pillar, @howdypillarstore ,@thelone-copper, @asking-trader-howdy, @rayzan65 @outwalkingthelocales, and @evillillad (the sillyster) for making my 2023 the first year of tumblr EVER! welcome home, was the main reason why i even started art in the first place, or why my oc even exists! so thank you! thank you all for making me have hope in my own art!!
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ceilingfan5 · 8 months
[vampire meal deal au]
Kravitz, still dazzled, tucks a little closer, and Taako can’t resist letting his head accidentally fall against his chest, can’t resist bathing in the warmth of his living body, can’t resist tuning into the symphony paced along by the newly undomesticated drum in his chest.
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cherrythepuppet · 8 months
Regrets -Penny's POV
Grover and Antoni belong to Planty (@trashcanplant) and the original story was done by @junetheroach!
TW:For mentions of death, Tearing apart a body, teeth being pulled, Knives, blood
Penny and Grover had just got back from Dandy's Candy, Grover was getting rid of the body and told Penny "Don't come near 'm. Go do whatever kids do these days"
So Penny was talking to Howdy at the bar as she was drawing but he eventually walked away leaving Penny alone
Alone... Funny feeling... Like your being watched... Several eyes... Stop it.... She doesn't like this... Someone stop it-
She heard footsteps "Toni! How'd it go? Was there blood? Violence? Did someone get their teeth torn out?!" Penny giggled making Antoni back away from her slightly
"Uh- No, nobody got their teeth ripped out of 'em Penn. It was a simple deal i had to do" Antoni replied 
Penny frowned and made an eye roll "Well that's no fun at all" She mumbled "What did happen?" She asked "I'd... Rather not talk about it" Antoni sighed
"Oh..." Penny paused and wanted to reach a hand out to put on his shoulder in a comforting way since she's been told that's a way of comfort
But Antoni spoke before she could "So what's with the blood on your gloves?" He asked, Penny looked at her gloves and giggled at the sight of the blood
"Oh I forgot there was blood on them" Penny muttered "Well remember that lady? The uhh-" Penny paused "The uhhhhh... The green one!" She snapped her fingers in realization "The slug that ran the candy shop in the middle of town!" She exclaimed
Antoni gulped slightly "You mean Miss Candy?" He asked after a moment of silence "Yeah! She was nice! Gave me these really nice tastin' taffys once!" Penny grinned "Oh... I bet she did" Antoni whispered 
"Anyhoo! Me and Grover went there to clean up her body! Although I can't really remember the whole thing but I got candy from it while Scarycrow tore her apart!" Penny added
Antoni tensed up at that "He... Tore her apart?" He asked "Yeah!" Penny laughed then thoguth to herself "I think Grover still has my knife" she said mumbled 
She then hopped off the barstool and took her pearl bracelets off before tkaung her gloves off next "How do I wash blood off? I'll ask Poppy" She shrugged
"It was nice chattin' Toni!" Penny grinned before she grabbed her drawing and began to look for Barnaby since he always seemed to know where Grover was
She couldn't find unfortunately so she just tapped the drawing to Barnaby’s door with a note that read "pLeAsE giVe to GroVer" with her 6 year old handwriting...
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seaxdevil · 6 months
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Tag Dump: Verses
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heavenlyconfectionery · 7 months
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Tag Dump: Verses!
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unholyhelbig · 8 months
request: oversight au, nat and reader run into reader’s ex or ronnie’s father who was abusive to them… how will mob nat react?
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Title: Old Flames [An Oversight Oneshot]
Ship: Female!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: When reader has an unexpected run-in with an old flame and things go less than well, Natasha takes things into her own hands.
Warnings(PLEASE READ): Talks of past domestic abuse, talks of abortion, buried alive references, broken glass, blood (always), Heights, threatening statements, non-consensual kiss, horrible grammar (aways).
[a/n: Okay, I had way too much fun with this. While I loved writing the main story, it's also super great to branch out into some more dynamics with Mob Boss Nat, because I haven't made her mean enough yet.]
Check out the full Oversight universe
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
The apartment building on the corner of twelfth and Hawke was a large midcentury brick building that structure that stretched to the sky. A metal fire escape latticed up the side and stretched clotheslines dripping with shirts and pants connected it to the adjacent building that had long since been used for storage.
Up until this point, you had avoided this building. Luckily, the tenants were quite timely with their rent and left little need for an enforcer to knock door to door. But it was right after the holidays and things were tough. That much, you understood. But it didn’t’ change the fact that three units were more than two months behind on their rent.
Them, you could appeal to with hot chocolate and some gentle urging. But according to Clint, there was a particularly nasty group of people living on the top floor that had gotten multiple noise complaints thrown their way.
The address hadn’t seemed familiar until you stood at the entrance and got a good look at the golden door that contrasted the rest of the structure. You’d written the code to the door on your palm, and you were having trouble differentiating the last number. It was a zero, or it was an eight.
“Gross, you’re sweaty.” Kate had pulled your hand a small distance from her scrutinizing stare, trying to read the smeared purple markings. “I knew we should have used the napkin.”
The woman dropped your hand and stepped up to the small box on the side of the entryway. She hit every button known to man until the fragile voice cracked through the speaker. “Yeah, uh-huh, pizza. I have pizza. Pepperoni-“Her ramblings were cut off by the loud buzz in.
You were treated to an innocent smile as she wrenched open the door and allowed you to follow her in. She was innovative, annoyingly so. Most of the time it worked in your favor but sometimes you found her testing your temper just to prove a point. Thankfully, she hadn’t noticed your hesitation.
It was coming back to you now; the large entryway that was lined with lock and key mail slots and a bolstered wooden staircase that was scarcely used compared to the elevator. Natasha kept good care of the place, had repainted and made sure every single lightbulb was humming in synch.
Some would say that she improved the neighborhood, block by block. But there were still those who liked the way things used to be; living paycheck to paycheck with an angry and withering stare being sent your way with each collection call.
“I’ve got Miss Henderson.”
“Oh, come on.” You protested “She sounds so cool.”
Miss Henderson was an older woman who lived on the fifth floor. Most of the time, her rent was late because it had simply slipped her mind. One look at Kate and she’d write a check before offering some of the sweetest cookies you’d ever tasted, often sending her back with a plateful.
From what you had heard, she used to travel with a circus as an acrobatic performer. Her act was death-defying; a performance that relied on her partners quick bladework. The Swordsman and his Enchantress. There were illustrations of their travels hung up around her unit- ones that you would kill to see.
“Too bad, next time.” Kate mock pouted at you before clapping you on the back. “Don’t make too much of a mess up on the top floor, alright? I don’t want to scrub carpets today.”
She took the stairs two at a time and left you alone in the lobby. A cool blast of wind hit your back as a tenant walked in with their dalmatian, pink tongue lolling to the side as his owner checked the mail, barely sparing you a glance.
The type of New York residents that occupied this space had changed greatly. The last time you’d been here was a walk of shame that left your feet raw and bleeding. You’d rushed from the apartment with so much fever that you never returned for your shoes, or your dignity, for that matter.
This time, you had shoes on, ones that you had scrubbed free of blood until they looked presentable. They were leaden on the stairs up to the top floor. Once you reached the fifth, you could hear Kate’s distinctive laugh behind the oak door. At least she was close.
The top floor was nearly silent. You could hear a television, a hockey game that you’d been listening to sparingly on the way over here. It sounded like Toronto was pulling through. The sound of a beer cracking pulled you away from the muffled announcers words.
A radio was resting in an upper window. You and Kate had heard it from the street below, a French Pop station that you could barely make out the words of. French was never your strong suite, one language requirement in high school was enough for you.
Silently, you prayed, that it was a coincidence. That the radio didn’t’ belong to the very men that you were meant to speak to. They were flighty, you told yourself. They weren’t ones to stay and if they chose to stick around after all these years- well, you’d be impressed.
You knocked twice on the center door, the deep forest-green paint threatening to chip under the elements. The music stopped abruptly, and while you could hear that someone was whispering quietly in French, you couldn’t make out the words.
The man that opened the door was too familiar for your liking; his pale waxy skin, his deep brown eyes that were so dark they were almost black, the tattoos that were smattered in different designs against his throat, down his collarbone. Pockmarked on his arms. His hair was longer than you remembered, greasier and tied up in a bun.
He took you in for a singular moment, shock reflecting in his stare, but before he moved to shut the door. You stopped the action with one strong hand, putting your boot between the frame and the wood for extra measure. “Don’t be like that, Kazi.”
“All these years, and now you’re coming back for child support?”
He raked his eyes up and down your body in a way that made you feel violated. You held your stance. He seemed impressed by the bout of strength.
You tsked “if I wanted child support, I would have gone after it by now. Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
He scratched under the sleeve of his tank-top, considering you the same way you considered him. Eventually, he seemed to figure he had nothing to lose pulling the door back and letting you enter the apartment. Waves of memory washed over you.
Kazi still had the same futon covered in the same ratty blanket. There was a kitchen table that was stacked with different folders that he would never, in a million years, let you view. A blue funnel was drying on the dishrack, and countless liquor bottles that had been emptied and cleaned were lined up, ready to be filled with the slightest bit of homebrewed alcohol.
He was still running the same scam after all of these years. You remembered liking the danger about him, the way his stubble felt against you when you straddled him. He’d been so alluring to a good girl like you. He would street race at night with another guy you’d met a handful of times, Robbie Reyes.
God, you had been so naive back then. He was drawn in by your innocence and you were entrapped by his experience. If only you knew where you’d end up in seven years; with Kazi’s biological daughter being raised by the most powerful woman in the city.
The moment you told him you were pregnant, he told you bluntly to get rid of it. That same night, he’d thrown an empty liquor bottle at you, just barely missing your head. You’d refused outright and accepted his anger in turn. Glass shards cut into the soles of your feet, and stained the snow all the way back to your dorm room.
The way he stared at you now infuriated you. “What do you want, then?”
“You’re two months late on rent.”
“I figured you’d keep tabs. Most women do. But my rent? That’s a new one.”
You picked up a small paperweight that you remember being fond of when you returned to this apartment after a first date where Kazi was a perfect gentleman. He’d bought dinner, and walked you back to his place. The glass object was tinted yellow, a small mosquito suspended in the center. He must have gotten it in a museum gift shop.
“Truthfully, I’m shocked you still live here.” You tested the weight of the object. “Most landlords aren’t very lenient about tardiness.”
“Yeah, well. She’s not very attentive. What can I say?”
Oh, but Natasha was quite attentive in more than one aspect, at that. You couldn’t’ help the smile that spread against your lips. Kazi was growing agitated with your presence, always quick to temper.
With all the strength you could muster, you threw the paperweight at the wall directly behind him. In its innate cheapness, it shattered into a million pieces, littering the carpet and slicing little bites into his skin. Kazi flinched and covered his face with his arms.
“Fuck! Y/n, what the hell!” He screamed.
“You have two weeks to backdate the rent, Kazi. Another week to get us this month’s amount. That sounds reasonable to me. Attentive, even.”
He reached into the back of his sweatpants and pulled out a silver Kimber, pumping the top chamber and aiming it at you with a shaky hand. He was too lax with his hold. A pinprick of crimson was dripping from a cut on his cheek.
“Come on, Kazi. It’s not the end of the world. I’m sure you can push some half-rate liquor. Sell a few of your gold fillings, and come up with the money my employer is required.”
“Employer? You work for that… monster?”
“Now, there’s a big word.” You closed the distance between the two of you, not giving him a moment to react before you wrenched the gun from his hand and threw it onto that ratty old blanket that adorned the futon he’d found on the side of the road. “So much horrible implication behind it too. You shouldn’t name call.”
Your boots crunched against the shattered glass. Kazi was barefoot, he flinched as flesh was dug into by uneven shards. You could smell the rancid coffee on his breath. He had a mole just on small of his nose.
“What happened to you?” he whispered, “Where’s that girl that stormed out of my apartment because she didn’t get her way?”
“A lot can change in seven years, Kaz.” You glanced around his apartment. “Well, most people change. Some people don’t go anywhere in life.”
Kazi pressed forward, his dry lips suddenly against yours. You froze in an instant, appalled by the acrid taste of cigarettes and stale morning coffee that he had no-doubt heated up in the microwave and drank black. The kiss was strong, rushed and painful in the way that his teeth knocked against yours.
It took less than a second for you to push him away. His head hit the cabinet behind it, rattling the glasses inside. Your hand was splayed out on his chest, nails digging into the stained tank-top he wore. He grinned wolfishly at you. Your teeth had dug so hard into his lip that it drew blood.
“I like this rough version of you, sweetheart. It’s hot.”
You reeled back and slapped him across the face with as much force as you could muster in your close proximity. The radio in the window seemed to flicker out of power at that moment, or maybe they had just run out of shitty pop music to play. Either way, the two of you were engulfed in silence.
“Shit, baby, hit me again!”
He had no idea how much you wanted to abide by that, though, you were quite positive that it would do nothing but spur on his arousal. This wasn’t going to work. If he kept pushing the way he was, you were afraid you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from pulling your own weapon.
It suddenly became too much, standing in the middle of this time-capsule of an apartment. The memories were too strong. When the two of you were together, everything you did was for his benefit. And while this had been fun at first, testing him like this, it was too much.
You grabbed the collar of his sweat-soiled shirt, wrapping it around your fingers with enough force to tear the fabric away. “Two weeks, you fucking asshole. If you don’t have the money by then, I’m sure the city will have a fun time scrubbing your brain matter from the sidewalk.”
“I love it when you talk dirty to me.” He sneered.
You pressed your booted foot down on the top of his, listening as the glass dug deeper into the soft skin. This time, he did cry out in pain, the grinding of pieces close to bone making his eyes water. You placed your hand over his mouth, muffling his protest. “I will make your miserable existence a living hell, with or without the money, for what you did to me. Do you understand?”
“You’re so full of shit-“ you pressed your full weight down and you squirmed under your hold. “Yes! Yes, I get it. Fuck!”
You pulled yourself away from Kazi entirely, straightening his shirt. He was slumped against the counter, staring at you with pure rage in his eyes. He shifted his full weight to his other foot, grimacing at the edged stain on the wooden floor.
“You should really clean that up.” You gritted, mouth still tasting of stale smoke. “Glass can be dangerous, Kazimirez.”
By the time you got to the car the only thing on your mind was taking the hottestshower possible. You’d pawed through Kate’s glovebox rather frantically and counted it a small blessing that that there was a single unwrapped piece of gum at the very bottom.
She cringed as you popped it in your mouth and let the minty dusty taste coat your tongue. If you could, without raising suspicion, you would have dumped solvent on it, just to take the taste of Kazi out of your mouth.
“I don’t know how long that’s been in there.” Kate said, watching you warily as you picked up her water bottle and downed half of that too. It seemed to take the rest of the rancid flavor away.
“I don’t care”
“You should care, I bought this car used.” She frowned, tapping her fingers against the wheel. “Okay, I didn’t’ buy it. I bought the license plates though, that’s my civic duty.”
Her words were enough for you to roll your window down and toss the gum from it. Despite your profession, you weren’t a very good liar. Not when it came to Natasha. She’d ask you about your day like usual and you’d crumble under her seemingly innocent gaze.
Nothing Natasha did was innocent.
“What happened up there?” Kate asked.
The two of you were well out of the city by now, and still had about a half-hour until you got to the mansion. The family liked their privacy, and after a year of living there permanently, so did you.
When you didn’t answer right away, she kept going. “Because I got cookies. Nearly choked on one when Miss Henderson insisted on a private show. It’s seriously a wonder that a woman her age can still bend like that.”
“Katie,” You warned, “Gross.”
“Impressive actually. She kept her clothes on, which I am eternally grateful for. It looks like you had a more eventful visit with the French dudes upstairs.” She scoffed, “Who the fuck is French anymore?”
You rolled your eyes and slumped further into your seat. Kazi was French. You used to crumble when he gave you the choppiest lines that he could remember. According to him, the language is harder to speak than it is to read and write. You never questioned him, just like you didn’t question a lot of things.
“I have a… history with the man who rents 807.”
“A history, or a… history?”
“The first one. The second one. Shit- I don’t know, both! He’s Ronnie’s dad.”
Kate slammed on the brakes with enough force for a layer of rubber to be peeled from the tires of her mostly stolen care. The seatbelt cut into your neck and you figured yourself lucky that you’d taken a back road that was rarely used, god forbid she cause an accident.
“Dude!” You shouted as she put the car into park.
Kate twisted her entire body in the seat, placing her hand on the back of your seat. The motor was sputtering wildly, trying to compensate for her abrupt stop. Something had to be damaged, you thought, with her force on the pedal.
“Don’t dude me. Are you really that dense? If you haven’t noticed, Natasha is possessive over her things. And you? Well, you’re one of her favorite things. She’s not going to take this well in the slightest.”
“Kate, I think I know how to handle my girlfriend.”
“No, you know how to handle Natasha, the sweet, loving woman who would die for you and your child. Admirable, really. But you don’t know how to handle Miss Romanoff, mob boss extraordinaire.”
But you had seen Natasha in action before, countless times. She’d always kept this calm coolness about her that you were in awe of. Maybe Kate was right. You’d only seen a fraction of her jealous side at the first party you had ever attended in the house. That night she ripped the dress she’d picked out specifically for you to shreds.  
“I was dating a man named Eli when I was first taken in by the Romanoff’s, He turned out to be… not so favorable despite my constant reassurances. Natasha just knows. She had him dig a grave right off I-25 and then she made him lay in it.”
Your jaw threatened to drop at the simple fact. Kate removed her hand from the back of the seat and eased off the brake before she slowly got the two of you back up to an acceptable speed.
“All Eli did was cheat on me one night in a club. It wasn’t great, but I wasn’t sure if it warranted that kind of reaction. I never knew if she was proving a point to me, or to Eli. Either way, the smallest offense against any of us is met with archaic conviction.”
You didn’t respond to Kate, instead you stared at the trees that were whizzing by in a lush green wall of color. You’d decided that she was right- any type of reaction Natasha was going to have to Kazi would be severe.
“You’ll be fine.” Kate tapped her fingers nervously on the wheel, trying to backtrack her words. “As long as he didn’t’ touch you.”
It didn’t seem to matter how ferociously you scrubbed your skin with the honey scented soap you shared with Natasha, you swore you still smelled like smoke. It clung to your clothes, and lingered in the air after you’d shoved them to the bottom of the clothes basket.
The water was blazingly hot, filling the bathroom with a thick mist that made it slow to breathe. Natasha had chosen a dark blue tile that seemed to transport you into another world. Even without the scaring remembrance of Kazi’s lips against yours, his hands where you didn’t want them, you could stay here for hours.
Her hands were freezing cold and startling as they splayed against your naked stomach. You let out a small noise, going rigid before registering Natasha behind you. Her front was pressed against your back, and you’d know the curve of her body anywhere.
“Izvinite, moya lyubov', I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You turned in her arms and took in the state of her. She’d stripped down just as you had, small drops of water littering her skin like a constellation in the sky. She’d been in the sun today, a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose giving her away.
There was a bruise forming against the side of her jaw, one that you ran your waterlogged fingers over. Her eyes were an intoxicating shade of green, playing off the indigo tiles. You wanted to scold her for getting the bruise in the first place, but you were so entrapped by her simple presence, the way she fit so perfectly against you.
Natasha closed the distance between you both, pressing her lips against yours in a hurried kiss. You moaned into the embrace, allowing her tongue to find purchase in your mouth. God- you had missed her in the short few hours you’d been apart.
“Did you take up smoking?” she asked, barely pulling away, the words were spoken flushed to your lips. “It’s a terrible habit, darling.”
The glovebox gum hadn’t done its job, and apparently the swish of mouthwash and subsequent teeth brushing hadn’t done anything either. Of course, Natasha noticed. Of course. You weren’t going to try to hide it, though the thought did occur to you to save some heartache. But you were hoping you could placate her in a less slippery spot of the house when you were less naked and incredibly turned on by her presence.
A groan of a different cadence than she was used to escaped you as you dropped your head to her shoulder and clenched your eyes shut. “No, I didn’t take up smoking.”
“You taste like you have,” She gently led your eyes to hers. It was tender compared to the first time she had done so. “Licking ash trays again?”
“Gross, no.”
Natasha valued honesty above all. That much had been clear from the moment you met her. She’d nearly taken your head off in the gym when you repeated your one-night-stand with the enemy. The devil incarnate who happened to only be decent in bed. You remembered her hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing just enough for you to give her the answers she craved.
“What is it, pet? You can tell me.”
“Do you… I’ve been with men before.”
She let out a small chuckle that reverberated off the deep tile. “Yes, I know. I didn’t want to make assumptions, of course, but Ronnie does have a father.”
The way you stared at her in the silence that followed the statement made the smile on her face falter until it dropped entirely. She must have seen something behind your eyes, something that weighed the situation down more than she was intending on a typical Wednesday night.
“I’d completely blacked it out and didn’t realize it until I stepped foot into the lobby, but he still lives in the same apartment on the top floor. He thought I was after child support, or something but things sort of… escalated.”
You felt like a child, spilling your secrets about a vase you had broken. This time it was a cheap paperweight with a bug in the center that you frankly felt bad for. The words came out like emotional vomit, granted, Natasha had become used to your rapid admissions.
Her grip tightened against your chin, “Escalated how?”
“He kissed me, and I hit him hard enough to break his jaw.”
That same silence enveloped you again. The scalding water had lost its effect, numb and beating against your back. The two of you were still impossibly close and there wasn’t much escape for you in a shower this size. The glass door having fogged up and only giving you a stunted view of the large bathroom.
Natasha had an immeasurable rage behind her stare, her lidded expression ran as dark as old blood. It chilled you to your core. She reached beside you and shut off the constant flow of water. You’d been in here for about an hour now and the cold air that touched your skin felt like an assault of needles. You instinctively wrapped your arms around your center to preserve warmth.
“He laid his hands on you.”
“Yeah, Nat, he did.”
“He touched you.”
“I gave him hell for it, but it didn’t seem like it was enough.”
“Without permission.”
“He’ll never do it again.”
Whatever split-second decision she made; it was done without the usual calculation behind her eyes. She threw the door to the shower open and forcefully shoved a towel into your arms. While you revered in the warmth, you watched as she sauntered in her usual way out of the bathroom and into your shared bedroom. She was dripping wet.
“Natty!” You stumbled over the partition and nearly slid on the bathroom floor. It was much colder outside of your cocoon of warmth and subsequent mist. She thankfully hadn’t left the room and was pawing through her side of the dresser. You nearly lost your footing once you reached hardwood. “Fuck,”
She seemed to find what she was looking for, a plain black tank top that hugged her sides and looked entirely uncomfortable to wiggle into while damp. You watched with baited breath in a sloping towel as she adorned herself with underwear and pants, before turning towards you.
“Get dressed.” She ordered in a dangerous tone.
Shit. She was going to make you dig your own grave. You’d just showered all of the grime from Kazi’s apartment off and in a matter of minutes you would have dirt up to your knees. Natasha may have let Eli live after his blunder, but maybe she’d cover you completely and let you suffocate in your own efforts.
Numbly, you put on a pair of sweatpants and the closest shirt you had. There was no need to get dressed for your own funeral, you supposed. The worms would chew through whatever you wore regardless.
Clint was stretched out on the chase in the foyer, a pair of thick-lensed glasses balancing on the tip of his nose. Regardless, he still squinted at the book in his hands. You wondered why he wasn’t in the living room, but caught a glimpse of a particularly intense game of twister between Ronnie, Yelena, and Kate.
Darcy held onto the board, flicking the small plastic needle and calling out the colors. When Kate clocked the anger in Natasha’s eyes, she dropped to her back, taking down Yelena and Ronnie with her.
She gave you a pleading look, but you were already too far gone to return anything other than a flushed expression. You followed obediently after Natasha. She opened the front door and watched you with a calculated expression before slamming the front door hard enough to shake the glass fronting.
“Get in the car.”
“Do you want me to grab a shovel?”
She contemplated this for a minute, growling softly. The near silence was terrifying. Her arms crossed over her chest was terrifying. Your mouth with incredibly dry, and you wished that you were back under the constant stream of water.
“No. I don’t think we’ll need that. Get in the car.”
Numbly, you did as you were told, placing your hands in your lap. This was quite possibly the last time you would be sitting in any car, much less, next to Natasha. She reached across you and pulled your seatbelt into place, tugging on the upper portion until she was sure you weren’t going anywhere.
The tires picked up traction on the gravel and the drive that usually took an hour seemed to whiz by. Natasha was quiet, the route to the city more than familiar by now. She run her hands against the steering wheel until her knuckles were white. You could hear her breathing deeply, trying to ease her nerves. You didn’t dare say a word.
For a moment, you figured that she’d abandoned the idea of burying you alive and switched her ideals to something much more sinister and public. She pulled her car up to the front of the very building you had left a few hours ago, the sun just barely setting behind the skyline. You blinked at her, and then up at the very property that she owned.
“Come on.”
There was no room for discussion. The air here was clouded with the scent of smoke and the coolness of the cement structures around you. It was moments like these where you much preferred the country.
Of course, Natasha knew the code, she had recited it to you earlier as you and Kate ate lunch by the docks, stretched out on the hood of her car. It was wrong then and your nerves were too elevated to pay attention now. She got in without the theatrics.
There seemed to be more activity as the day for working folks began to wind down. Two people halted their conversation by the mail-slots, nodding solemnly at the woman. On the third floor, you caught a glimpse of a woman struggling to push her keys into the lock, juggling her gym bag. The sixth floor held a small boy who darted from one apartment to another, edging across the hall.
She kept climbing until that same irritating French pop filled your ears. He must keep it on at all hours of the day, just to drown out his own miserable thoughts. “What apartment?”
You lifted your chin slightly, hands shoved in the pockets of your sweatpants to ward off the biting chill. “807.”
“Spasibo, lyubimyy.”
Natasha’s booted foot connected with the center of the very door you had politely knocked on earlier in the day. You flinched, covering your face with a guarded arm. The wood of the doorframe seemed to splinter, slivers reigning across both sides of the entrance.
“What the fuck!”
Kazi was hunched over the kitchen table, the funnel that had been drying by the sink was positioned perfectly in the mouth of a soaked and peeled liquor bottle. He had a stack of his own labels ready to place evenly on the finished product. Both of his feet were haphazardly wrapped with gauze, small sprouts of blood worming through the soft material.
He’d taken care to clean up the glass, but with the way Natasha headed straight towards him, that didn’t matter much. More of it fell to the floor and shattered upon impact. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and started walking him backwards across the living room. Kazi seemed too stunned to speak, his words caught in his throat.
“I-I-I didn’t mean it! Please!”
“When you speak to me, you’ll do it clearly.” She gritted, shoving him towards the window. Somewhere in the scuffle, the radio had fallen from its perch on the cracked windowsill, crashing to the alleyway below with one last fizzled cry. “You had no trouble saying whatever you wanted earlier, did you?”
“I’m sorry! Fuck! I told that bitch I would have the rent!”
“Yeah? Was that before or after you shoved your tongue down her throat?”
Natasha bent Kazi’s torso fully over the screenless window. He grasped frantically at her hands, clawing at them as the balanced him over the long drop to the pavement below. His bare feet kicked, trying to throw her off her equilibrium, but he was much too weak for any type of damage.
“You walked out on them.”
“What? Oh, my god, what?! I told her to get rid of it- I didn’t walk out on anyone! You’re batshit lady!”
To you, it didn’t’ seem very wise to throw insults at the woman holding you above an eight-story drop, but Kazi never was known for his intelligence. His bravado, maybe, but never anything more. He looked so small compared to Natasha’s anger.
“She didn’t get rid of it, Kazi. She kept the kid that you couldn’t have bothered to give another thought to. She made a life for both of them. She fucking loves that kid enough to fill the absence you left.” Natasha let her hand slip, letting him waver in his height for a moment before pulling him back up. He was crying, sobbing for his life. “And you have the nerve, to touch her, to break her and then come rushing back when she was strong enough to pick up the pieces?”
“I wasn’t ready,” he moaned out “I couldn’t be a dad.”
“It seems like there are a lot of things you can’t do, doesn’t it? You’re a pathetic excuse for a man. A pathetic excuse for a human being and once we leave here- I never want to see your face in my city again. Am I clear?”
Kazi let out another course of intelligible, wet, words. His back was nearly breaking under the force of Natasha’s hold, her knee directly up against his crotch, pushing down with all the strength she could muster.
“Y/n, I think this is a teaching moment, don’t you?”
The softness of her words as she addressed you caught you off guard. There was no malice. In fact, she beckoned to you as if she was calling you into the living room to join her under the blankets for a movie. Your heart raced fast enough for your chest to ache as you closed the distance between you both.
“See, the trick is making them think that you’re going to let them go.”
She said this to you as if Kazi wasn’t a slobbering mess under her touch. He’d carved little half-moon marks against the tops of her hand, some of them starting to leak blood with the sheer force of his struggle.
“You have to get creative with the fear aspect. If they think they’re going to die, it tends to work in our favor. Doesn’t it, Kazi?”
“Please,” He whimpered, “I’ll do whatever you want. I’m sorry, y/n, I’m sorry.”
Natasha did the seemingly impossible, she pushed him further out the window, his calves struggling for purchase against the drywall. “Oh, now that simply won’t do. You must keep her name out of your mouth.”
“In situations like these, darling, it’s best to keep full control. If he was anything other than wretched, then maybe you’d have to worry about him fighting back. You’ll get some people like that, but that trick is having leverage, literal and physical in cases like this.”
“I see,” You let the words escape you in a single breath “and how long do we play this game?”
“Until they know it’s not one.”
It took little effort for Natasha to push Kazi the rest of the way out the window. In spite of his clinging grip, the force of gravity was enough to do the work for her. His cry stunted in his throat and it only took a few seconds for a dull thud to echo through the alleyway, followed by the unmistakable sound of a car alarm going off.
With a small gasp, you leaned over the window yourself, staring down at the white Toyota that now had a sizeable dent in the top, the windshield spiderwebbing. Kazi let out a groan that you could hear from up here, blinking up at the sky with malice and shock in his eyes.
“Nat,” You breathed.
“Please, eight stories is survivable. Some people need to be taught a lesson.” She shrugged, pulling you back into the apartment by the sleeve of your shirt. “I’ll pay for the car repairs, if that makes you feel better, detka.”
“You didn’t have to do this, you know.”
“Of course I did.” She reached forward and cupped both of your cheeks, forcing you to look at her. It was impossible to ignore the gesture, the words that she had said with so much blind passion. Tears threatened to overtake your waterline. “moya lyubov', he put his hands on you without permission and before that… before that he hurt you in ways unimaginable. I meant every word I said.”
You could hear sirens in the distance, a hazard of living in the city. They could be for Kazi, you supposed, something to take care of the surely broken ribs and the bruised ego. But, they could be for something more important.
You pushed forward and kissed Natasha delicately. You wanted to be impossibly close to her. Most gestures you had received in the past had come in the form of flowers, maybe the occasional box of chocolate from the drug store. Once again- Natasha had proved something to you.
Her chuckle vibrated into the kiss, “Mm, we should probably leave.”
You couldn’t agree more. You wanted to get out of this stupid apartment that was teeming with memories of your time with Kazi. The way he claimed his love for you, and forced you to make a horrible decision all in one exhale.
As the two of you walked down the long and winding steps, Natasha asked, “What was with the shovel thing?”
You laughed, suddenly feeling foolish for fearing Natasha in the first place. Her silence caused waves, and somehow, that was worse than if she’d threatened you outright, something that she never did with much heat.
“Kate, she told me about her ex-boyfriend, Eli, I think she said his name was.”
“Ah, Eli.” She frowned, “He cheated on her, and I only made him dig for an hour.”
“You don’t have to justify yourself to me, as long as you never make me dig my own grave.”
 “I would never do that. There is no punishment in things you can’t control.” Natasha gave your hand a squeeze, her solemn words punctuated with a slowly creeping smile. “Besides, detka, that’s simply not my style. It was much too messy.”
[Taglist🕷♡: @dumbasslesbi, @lostremind, @toouncreativeforausername @autorasexy @eringranola @mikookaaaaaao @marvelwoman-simp @pacmanmiles @mostlymarvelsstuff, @mrsrushman, @milfsandtittyenthusiast, @random-raccoon4, @ravenromanova, @mysticalmoonlight7, @ahintofchaos@cowboyboots236 @lissaaaa145, @natsxwife@a-spes, @kyleeservopoulos]
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bigtreefest · 6 months
The Rainmaker Masterlist
A Mob! Steve Rogers x Forensic Scientist! Reader Series
Part of the Outta Nowhere AU
Main Masterlist
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Series Summary: You’re just trying to do your job, solving crimes and running tests. It doesn’t help, though, that a certain ‘business man’ keeps showing up, a little too curious about your work
1. Fix Your Shoelaces
2. Cooks in the Kitchen
3. Pick Up The Pace
4. Splash Zone
5. So That’s What It Means
6. Storm Warning
7. Help the Bear
8. Never Be Sorry
9. Shortcut
10. Waste of Lime
11. Luke Warm
12. Alone Together
13. How About Pizza?
14. Cold, Then Hot
15. Banana Pancakes
16. Your Man
17. I Know You Do
Drabbles & Extras
Getting Along (ask answered)
Decks vs Honeybee Character Distinctions
How the Outta Nowhere AU Chapters line up
Conflict Resolution (ask answered)
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thebearme · 3 months
heres my human classic freddy band
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I just made them this week, so I don't have much but... Heres some ideas I have for this band:
The Freddy crew is a concept/brand made by Willy & Henry, so the performers for each restaurant is different. But these are the most popular ones, because they were from the first diner that opened.
Henry, just like his home life, is kinda neglectful on the business. That means William is more on the management of everything. But when Willy isn't checking on things, then Freddy's actor is in charge.
The performer that plays Freddy seems like a very scary guy by looks (like a mob boss) but he cares ALOT. About the kids, the business and his band members. He's the ONLY one willing to talk up to William. He keeps the band's spirit up and put that bad Foxy in his place when he's going too far with his bully. In return, Foxy reminds him that the reason his top hat is so big is that he's insecure of how short he is. Freddy's actor name is George, and he is 55 y/o
The performer that plays Bonnie is a woman. She doesn't talk, to not break the emersion of Bonnie the Bunny being a guy, but that and the name combine leads kids to this day to think Bonnie was the first character to get a female variant. Bonnie's actor name is Janice, and she is 27 y/o. Her quiet act also converts to an everyday thing, which lets her find out about any work drama. A lot of the time, Janice tries and get mentoring from Willy to be the best Bonnie she could be; It doesn't really work. But as long as Bonnie is this his goofy self like the old fredbear show days, she'll be just fine.
The performer that plays Chica name is Shirley, and she is 34 y/o. She's a damn great back up singer and is good with a tambourine and trumpet. Shirley would love to be on stage more if Willy wasn't rushing her to get back to the kitchen to make the next batch of pizza. Because of the last cook quitting in short notice and the business being low on cash from fighting some recent lawsuits, Shirley, once the head chef, is now the ONLY chef. She has a pet dog, because of her work hours she decided to keep her dog in the back where storage is. One day her dog escaped to the front but was stuck in a little cupcake prop, after that incident, Henry heard of it. Though, it was so funny and interesting that he made her dog apart from the performance.
The performer that plays Foxy is an angry, functional drunk SCOT man. His name if Francis, he's 41 y/o and he'll talk to anyone the way he wants to because to him, he only speaks the truth. Foxy and Bonnie hate each others ... but the actors are cool with each other tho (as long they don't say something offhand that's not on script). He's a snuggling actor who FINALLY got his big break at this diner. He friends with the rats in the back of storage which helps Shirley alot.
^ my friend helped me on the foxy one cuz i had nothin on him.
Not a human au exclusive but the band plays songs like Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, the good swing jazz.
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bakawitch · 8 months
Pizza anon here (that sounds weird)
The only one I can think of for Papa John's is Isono, not many people get along with Kaiba and his "sell me your soul for a job"
Nonsense Pizza anon, that pseudonym is literally perfect
As for Isono, I can't believe I haven't thought of him! He is pretty much the best fit for Kaiba's team. Thank you, exalted Pizza Anon! 🍕
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604to647 · 11 months
2.7K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din shows you how he feels about lingerie.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), fluff with smut, established relationship, semi-public sex (people are downstairs), fingering, oral (f receiving), body worship (like in the lingerie), maybe a little degradation kink (whore/slut, affectionate), a bit of daddy kink, dirty talk, lots of pet names (pretty bird, baby, bunny, pretty girl, etc.), no implied age gap
A/N: Another one shot in the same modern AU where Din is a retired mob enforcer and now owns/runs a boxing gym where the mob guys hang out - this one takes place at the gym! I'm almost done the first two chapters of the "main" fic and hope to start posting soon. The chapters are kind of a slow burn as reader and Din meet, date, etc. so these one shots where their relationship is established is where all the smut is at for now - hee hee! 🤭 (Series Masterlist)
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“I think it’s kind of a waste of money?”
“…and time? Like you’re just taking it off.  Too many snaps and stuff.”
“I dunno.  Maybe it sets the mood or something.”
“Well, she was pissed.  Got dressed and stormed off and now I think I’m supposed to apologize?”
“Dude, forget her!  Imagine getting pissed about underwear.”
This gets the group laughing and Din looks up briefly from his paperwork at the guys sitting around the boxing ring, relaxing after a long day of work and work outs.  One of the younger guys that’s only been working at the gym for a few months catches his eye and calls over, “Boss!  What do you think? Lingerie – worth it?”
Din shuffles his papers into a neat pile and takes off his glasses before walking over to join the group.  The truth was, before you, he hadn’t really given much thought to lingerie.  If a partner wore something lacy and matching, it was nice but not really a must have.  Before you, he might have agreed: lingerie was just something to take off.  But on you.  Lingerie on you made him feral.  Din knew that you loved your matching sets and that you wore lingerie mostly for yourself, but that just made it hotter – knowing that you had a little racy secret that wasn’t meant for anyone else drove him crazy.  And somehow, the lingerie you wore only accentuated your loveliness - you never wore anything overly complicated; just soft lace resting against your already soft skin, pretty bows decorating your pretty curves.  He might have inadvertently drooled on more than one occasion upon undressing you.  For those few times you had worn something especially for him, he had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming – what had he done to deserve you wrapping yourself so delicately and offering yourself up to him like a present?  His mind flashes to soft lace cups barely covering your nipples.
The snapping of an underwear band against your hip.
See-through mini dresses that flutter when you bounce on his lap.
Panties made of thin material with enough give to accommodate his whole hand.
Delicate satin straps slipping off your shoulder allowing the attached fabric to fall, revealing your breast. 
He loved lingerie on you, and found that more often than not, he didn’t take it off completely when he fucked you.
Din finds himself starting to get hard just thinking about your body barely covered in something flimsy and sheer, and he has to remind himself that he’s still at work.  Chuckling, he says to the group, “I think, if you’re lucky enough to undress a girl, Brian, you should be worshipping anything she lets you see.”
The hoots and hollers that follow are briefly interrupted when the front door of the gym opens and the unmistakeable pitter patter of canine feet approach the men on the gym floor.   The dog makes a beeline for Din; he greets the pup with enthusiastic scratches, with the rest of the guys coming over to get their share of doggy love.  Din looks up to see you following, carrying pizza boxes and an assortment of takeout containers and he can’t help but grin widely.  He leaves the dog to the guys’ choruses of “Who’s a good boy?” and comes over to help you. He had texted you earlier to let you know he was working late tonight finishing up month-end tax forms, and even though he had said he would just grab a bite to eat while he worked, you knew he wouldn’t. Missing him after your own long workday, you decided to pick up some food and take a cab over to surprise him.
Din takes the food from you with one hand and put his other on the small of your back, using it to pull you in firmly for a deep kiss.  You brace your now free hands on his broad chest as he presses into you and wonder what’s got him so riled up.
The pizza boxes and take out are deposited on a table and the guys make their way over, offering their profuse thanks before diving in to the boxes.  One of the bigger boxers, Chris, turns to you, but avoiding Din’s eyes, asks, “Do you mind helping us with a lady question, ma’am?”
Ma’am?  You giggle to yourself, that’s a new one; you decide that the moniker is a sign of respect for Din and not any commentary on your age so you smile, “Sure, what’s up, boys?”
“Is it okay if a man doesn’t care about your lingerie?”, he continues quickly, “I mean not your lingerie!! Hypothetically… I mean, um, that is…. Um, in general like, if a girl is wearing lingerie, do you have to pretend to like it?”
You must look so confused because Din steps in and explains, “Brian’s girl wore something nice for him and he told her he didn’t care about lingerie, so she left and now she isn’t speaking to him.”
Din looks thoroughly entertained, but Brian looks both so mortified and curious from where he’s standing a little further back that you decide to take pity on him and try to keep your expression thoughtful.
“Here’s the thing, guys, we don’t wear it for you or anyone else; lingerie is for ourselves.  To make us feel any number of things: sexy, confident, soft, sweet, powerful, whatever.  So please don’t tell a woman you don’t care about her feeling good?” There’s a chorus of “Ohs” and some nodding among the crowd.  You start gathering the boxes that hold Din’s dinner as you continue, “And in general, I think effort should always be acknowledged?”
There is a murmuring of consensus and you mouth to Brian, “Call her” before you head up the stairs to Din’s office; you feel Din’s foot steps close behind, and behind his, the dog’s.
Once in the office, the pup plops himself down on the dog bed Din keeps under his desk, as you lay out Din’s dinner in front of his computer.  You realized you never asked if he wanted to have dinner in his office, so you quickly confirm, “I didn’t mean to assume you wanted to eat up here!  Did you want to or do you want to go back down to the group?”
Din loves your thoughtfulness, but the idea that he might want to spend time with a bunch of gym rats instead of you is laughable.  He takes your hand and leads you over to his small office couch; sitting, he pulls you down on top of him so you’re straddling his thighs.
“Pretty bird, nowhere I would rather be than right here.”
Your lips meet his for an eager kiss, and your hands automatically reach up to run through Din’s hair as his roam your back and knead your ass.  When you pull back, you see he has a lazy grin on his face; he really can be so adorable and you give him a little peck on his nose before asking playfully, “So, did they ask you what you thought of lingerie?  What did you say?”
Din laughs, “I told those youngsters they need to appreciate how lucky they are that any beautiful woman would let them look at her, never mind in her underwear.”
You chuckle and lightly kiss his nose again, “What about you?”
“Me? There’s only one beautiful woman I see in underwear and I appreciate her very, very much.” Din punctuates his last words with a light spank to your ass causing you to give a little yelp in surprise.
“No,” you continue, almost shy, “do you… like it?”
“Like it?”, Din kisses your neck as he continues, “Baby, your lingerie drives me fucking crazy.”
He doesn’t stop kissing your neck, but does move his hands to untuck your shirt and slip his hands underneath, lightly running them up and down your bare sides.  Whispering hotly in your ear, he goes on, “Always, so fucking sexy, bunny.  You’re like a sweet little present ready for me to unwrap.”
His hands have moved up to your breasts, thumbs running over the tops of your bra lace before dropping slightly to rub over your hardening nipples through the fabric.  Kissing across the column of your throat, his voice low when he reaches your other ear, “Love the way your tits spill out of your bras and the tops bounce, right into my mouth. And these…” Din rolls your nipples between his fingers as he speaks, “I love I can still get your nipples hard even through this pretty lace. Fuck you’re always so pretty in your pretty lingerie, baby.”
Din has his mouth buried in your neck, but you can still hear his dirty words and they’re making you moan, “Pretty sounds too, bun.  You always make the prettiest, sluttiest noises for me when you’re all wrapped up.  Drives me insane.  Sweetheart, love sucking on your tits through the fabric, getting it all wet.  Have to stop myself from biting down and ripping it off with my teeth, you get me so hot.  And your panties, fuck, baby…”
You whimper as Din growls, “Fuck.  So pretty, barely covering your hot ass and sweet pussy.  Goddamn, I love how soaked they get for me.”  He takes one hand out of your shirt and snakes it up your skirt; just brushing the front of your panties with his knuckles, finding them wet, “…like this. Fuck yes, pretty bird.”
By now, you’re making little movements to grind against Din’s hand, hoping to find the delicious pressure you need. You kiss him hard and he uses his other hand to lift and bunch up your shirt just above your bra; he leans back to admire your lingerie choice today: mint green and sheer, with embroidered floral lace covering your most delicate and delectable parts.  With the slight up and down motion you’re making, your breasts are already bouncing and Din cannot take his eyes off of you, “So soft, pretty girl.  And.. there we go, right into my mouth.” He dives in, taking as much as your breasts in his mouth as he can and sucks, causing you to let out a throaty moan.  You clasp both your hands over your mouth to muffle the sound, and in that split second have a moment of clarity. “Din!” you chastise, as you gently push him off your chest by his shoulders, “you haven’t had dinner yet! You’re supposed to be eating.”
Din flashes you the biggest smirk before pulling you down by your hips and turning you so you’re laying your head at one end of the small couch, “Oh, don't worry your pretty head, bunny. I plan on eating.”  You can’t help but giggle as he starts to move down your body.  Down your chest, mouthing each lace covered breast before moving on and peppering your stomach with kisses.  Din leans back and lifts your skirt until he sees your matching panties, not missing the way a spot is darkening on the fabric. “All this for me, sweetheart?”
“Y-yes,” you moan quietly, closing your eyes in pleasure.
Din reaches forward and starts to rub your clit through the fabric, earning him a louder whine, “Please, Din… please.”
Without stopping his slow circles on your clit, Din shifts back on the couch and crouches down to face your cunt, “Love how wet you are for me, pretty bird.  Looks good enough to taste.”
He uses his free thumb to hook the gusset of your panties and pulls them aside; the cool air hits you right away and you have a moment to enjoy the chill against your wet core before Din dives in.  He starts by licking a stripe up your seam, and repeats this with increasing pressure while putting more and more of his mouth on you.  Your head falls back and you cry out in pleasure with every pass of his tongue over your hole.   Head now cloudy with desire, you use your hands to pull down the cups of your bra, freeing your breasts so you can grab at them and pull on your nipples; when Din sees this, he groans into your pussy and the vibration makes you whimper.  Taking this as encouragement, Din licks up and begins sucking on your clit while he teases your slit with his fingers.  Your slick having now coated two of his fingers, Din plunges them into you in one smooth motion, all the way in to his first knuckles causing you to let out an obscene moan from the stretch.  You once again clasp your hands over your mouth to muffle your sounds, but Din uses the hand that isn’t pumping in and out of you to pull your hands down by the wrist and place them back on your breasts, “Want to hear you use your whore mouth, bunny,” he mumbles as he nips at your clit.
“But what if someone hears and comes up?”
“Not even those knuckleheads downstairs would be dumb enough to come in,” Din chuckles, “Let them hear you, baby.  Let them know how good their boss makes you feel.”
Din’s right, none of the guys would come up and bother Din while you were here, but for a moment, you imagine what it would look like if one of them did open the office door right now: you splayed out on the couch, with your top pushed up and your bra pulled down, tits hanging out while their boss has his fingers deep in your cunt and his head in between your legs.  The whole image has a fresh wave of arousal leaking out of you while you clench hard on Din’s fingers.
“Oh, did my little slut like that?  Does it turn you on, the idea of other guys seeing me wreck your pussy?”
“Oh, g-god. Din, no…I-“
“Don’t lie, pretty girl. You’re a filthy slut, aren’t you?  Want other guys to see your pretty tits and wet pussy, knowing they can only look and they can’t touch?”
“Yes, daddy! I’m such a fucking whore for you.  Only you can touch me like this… feels so g-good.  Oh yes..yes!” You’re babbling now as you start to feel a familiar coil tightening below your stomach.
Din knows your body well, so he doubles down on your clit, sucking and toying with your nub like a man on a mission.  He adds a third finger and keeps up a steady rhythm that has you hurtling towards the edge. 
“I’m close!” you gasp, your eyes are closed and your hands pulling and rolling your nipples so hard it hurts just the right amount to add to your overwhelming pleasure.  The squelching coming from Din’s fingers fucking your pussy mixed with your and his filthy noises are pushing you further and further towards your climax; you’re almost there when Din growls into your cunt, “Come for me.”
And you do.  You come hard on his hand and mouth, crying out so intensely that ironically, no noise comes out as you shudder and arch your back off the couch.  Din slows down his hand and slowly fucks you through your high while he continues to lightly kiss you all over your mound.
When you’ve come down from your climax, Din removes his fingers from your dripping hole; you pout a little from the loss but gladly open up when his brings his fingers up to your mouth, taking in all three fingers and sucking them clean.  With his hands clean, Din straightens you up, adjusting your panties and bra so everything is sitting on your body pretty again and pulls down your shirt and skirt.  You can still taste yourself on him when he kisses you tenderly, “You did so good, pretty bird, coming so sweetly for me.  Did that answer your question about how I feel about your lingerie?”
Smiling, you nod, still a little light headed from your orgasm, “What about you, Din?” You run your hand gently over his crotch, feeling his hard cock strain against his pants; you look up at him with want in your eyes.
Din smirks.  “Don’t you worry, bunny.  When I’m done this paperwork, I’m going to take you home and soak that pretty bra and panty set in my cum.”
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hed-romancer · 11 months
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Part 5 of my AU comic where Teru is stronger than Mob, but also works with just regular canon. Was no one going to tell me I forgot to draw ears for the first 4 parts????
Strength Swap AU Original idea
Strength Swap Comic: part 1 previous part next part
i don't support mcdonalds or subway, just tryna show teru is not eating healthy
image id below the cut!
image id:
The first panel reads, "Everyday, Hanazawa Teruki..."
The three panels below it split the paper in thirds. The left column reads "yesterday", the middle "Today", and the right "tomorrow"
Under today and yesterday are images of teru in bed at 6:00 on thursday and friday, respectively. he is not wearing a wig. under tomorrow, he lies in bed at 11:57 on saturday. in all three he is frowning. underneath all three, a text box reads "wakes up alone,"
Under yesterday is an image of some mob-o's cereal ("the easy cereal"), under today is an image of a mobdonalds takeout bag, and under tomorrow is an image of a hand reaching for a granola bar. underneath all three, a textbox reads, "eats breakfast alone,"
Under yesterday is an image of teru walking in the sun with a frown on his face, under today is a closer up image of teru walking in the sun with a frown on his face. underneath both of them, a textbox reads "and walks to school alone". Under tomorrow is an even closer up image of teru in bed at 14:22 on saturday, with a frown on his face. text below reads "or finds something else to do alone."
Under yesterday is an image of a kid saying, "you're so cool, teru!" and under today is an image of a different kid saying, "Please go out with me, Teru!" Underneath both is the text, "He has friends..." Under tomorrow, is an image of Teru standing alone, above the text "just not ones he sees outside of school."
Under yesterday is an image of a flip phone saying "Mom: We're so proud of you Teru!" and under today is two pictures hanging on the wall, one of a younger teru and his parents, and one of just his parents. below both are the words "He has parents..." Under tomorrow is an image of 5 letters, reading: "We promise!", "We'll visit!", "Next year!", "Soon!", "Soon!" Underneath is the text, "just not ones he sees ever."
Under yesterday is an image of an open freezer with a bunch of frozen food (mostly pizzas). Under today is an image of a mob-way eat-fresh bag. Under tomorrow is an image of Teru lying in bed at 18:57 on Saturday, with his stomach rumbling. Under all three is the text, "He eats dinner alone."
Under yesterday, today, and tomorrow, are three images of the same tv, all displaying the movie title "Flying Dead Pig." Underneath all three is the text, "He watches movie alone" with an "s" at the end of "movie" crossed out.
A textbox says "He's done this every day for years, but every once in a while, his life gets exciting."
The three columns are now labeled "Age 10"- above an image of Teru standing over a dead adult with a broken window in the background- "Last week"- above an image of Teru wrapping his own injured arm using a first aid kit- and "The rest of his life, probably"- above an image of Teru standing, fists raised and glowing with power as he says "Try me."
A textbox reads, "Hanazawa Teruki is safe alone, because he's the strongest. He always has been, and he always will be."
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lunatheartist22446 · 1 year
(asks/requests are OPEN!)
i've been getting some major art block lately, so im drawing things for fun! dont worry about the price, ITS FREE! because i enjoy making people happy with my art!
just a reminder.
[🚫] ⚠️i do not draw NSFW (yet...) but i do draw suggestive themes. and this blog does have a lot of SIMPING involved. ⚠️
things im aware about, are the following.
welcome home
pizza tower
sugary spire
youtubers (like somethingelseYT, scribblejuice, y'know.)
DHMIS (dont hug me im scared)
helluva boss
TADC (the amazing didgital circus)
hasbin hotel
cuphead doctor nowhere Analog horror MUSIC IM INTO!: Jack stauber/ fighter, SHOP a pop opera, coffee, two time. Girl in red/ we fell in love in October. NBSPLV/ lost soul + lost soul down. Liana Flores/Rises the moon.
(RULES!) 💥❌-DONTS-❌💥
no complete nudity or nsfw requests (since I can't remember my freaking password) i am unable to draw animals, sonic, or my little pony related characters.. i respect furries and the community, but i am still learning how to draw their body figure correctly. (this will change as i learn)
violence, suggestive themes, characters with animal body parts (such as legs, arms, hands, tails, ears, or wings) roleplay, backgrounds, weapons, etc.
asks are indeed open, ask anything about my oc, i enjoy talking about small details on her!
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lou-struck · 2 years
Winning Streak
Katskui Bakugou x reader Part 1
College! AU
~You have hidden your crush on Katsuki Bakugou for a while now, but when he shows up at your door wearing nothing but a pizza box everything changes.
Warnings- swearing, nudity, but everything important is covered, the reader being a bit flustered by it, Football Player Katsuki, eavesdropping.
The dorms at your University are always quiet on a Friday Night, the carpeted hallways abandoned for the bright lights of the football field. Checking your social media you can see that all your friends are there watching your university's Football Team try to conquer their enemies and secure themselves a spot in this season's playoffs.
Usually, you would be right there with them cheering on your team and staring wistfully at the helmeted head of Katsuki Bakugou, the star running back with an explosive temper.
You've had a few classes with the Blond and he lives on the floor below you with all of the other football players, they are a loud group but they never fail to put a smile on your face when you pass them by or run into one of them in the kitchen. Everyone is friendly except Bakugou, you barely see him out and about and he doesn't really socialize with those outside of his team.
But he does seem to tolerate you more than others. If you are in the common area working on homework he sometimes will join you at your table to do his own work, The two of you would sit there for hours without saying a word to each other. until he finishes his assignment and leaves.
The encounters are strange but you can't seem to shake the crush that you have on him at all, something about this insanely smart, grumpy man who sits with you has made a home in your heart has persuaded you to stand out in the cold rain to watch him run into endzone after endzone. Tonight would be no exception.
But you sadly have other things to do...
It's supposed to be one of the biggest games of the year and the after-parties are supposed to be legendary.
Looking down at your unfinished essay with a sigh you think about all the fun your friends will be having tonight while you stay home collecting dust over your notebook. Through your open window, the lights of the stadium shine in the distance able to be seen and the cheers of the crowd reach your ears through the glass to signal the start of the game.
You erase the first few words you had written down before with a groan, it's going to be a long night.
Your phone has been flung onto your bed for your own sake, you kept wanting to check the score of the game whenever you heard an increase in the steady volume of cheering from outside. By the time the cheering has stopped and the game is over you are nearly down with your paper. The muscles in your hand seize and ache and your pencil sharpener is full of fresh shavings from how many times you have had to happen your utensil.
The full sharpener and multiple completed pages scream at you to take a break and so you do. Your legs feel stiff as you get up out of your seat and walk to where you chucked your phone.
Right away you can see all of the celebratory videos your friends have posted from within the mob of celebrating students and players.
'They won,' you say to yourself with a smile as you hear a commotion coming from the outside. Curiously you peek and see the dyed head of Eijiroru Kirishima getting out of his car leading a pack of sweaty but energetic Football players. Katsuki gets out from the passenger seat behind them.
You know it's impolite to eavesdrop but you can't help it, cracking open your window just a bit you are able to listen to their conversation.
"Bakubro, are you sure you don't want to go with us to the party?" Kirishima says yelling back to his Bestfriend.
The blond shakes his head "Nah, that shits gonna be lame. I have better things to do than to Drink with a bunch of freshmen."
The other players make it into the building but Kiri walks back and slings an arm around Bakugou...Lucky Bastard.
"Are you sure you don't wanna go? They might be there." He says with a grin that blinds you from where you are standing.
Bakugou thrashes his arms and tries to wiggle out of Kirishima's Grasp, "what the hell shitty hair?" he yells before quieting down a bit and turning his head as if he is nervous about someone hearing him. "I never should've told you that."
"ha, you really shouldn't of." he teases. "So are you going?"
"No Shuttdup," Katsuki grumbles walking out of your field of view "I'm gonna shower and get to bed, it's exhuastin having to carry your asses all game."
"Ouch, I know you don't mean that Buddy," Kiri says with a chuckle. He raises his head and looks around, you really don't want to be caught eavesdropping. With urgency, you didn't know you possess you hit the ground to avoid the Red Heads' gaze.
By the time you get up the man is gone and you let out a deep sigh of relief.
'This is what I get for eavesdropping.' you mumble thinking back to what Eijirou said to his friend. '20,000 people go to this school, of course, Katsuki Bakugou likes someone.'
With a huff you turn your attention to your paper, hoping that if you get done you still could make it to someone's party and forget about the fact that your crush is basically off the market.
It's been forty minutes or so of writing and erasing when you hear the roaring laughter from downstairs. It's not anything unusual but it's enough to make you look back out the window at the much cleaner-looking Athletes running toward Kirishima's van, the redhead pulls out of his spot and out of the lot.
With the absence of Kirishima and his teammates, the dorms are once again quiet. With everyone else out having the time of their lives partying you feel more motivated than ever to get to work on your essay. You plop down in your chair and prepare to finish it as soon as you can.
Raising your pen you prepare to start the next paragraph. Just as you begin to write you hear a string of curses and the sound of thumping footsteps, the sound shocks you enough to make you jerk your arm and send a streak of black ink across your paper.\
Now you're the one who's cursing.
The footsteps outside only get louder. With a huff, you scoot back from the desktop and stomp to your room door, ready to chew out whoever is making all this noise when you are trying to concentrate.
Gripping the doorknob you fling it open and come face-to-face with Katsuki Bakugou, He has a look of embarrassment on his cheeks. Immediately you understand why. Droplets of water cling to his hair and down his bare chest. With the exception of a conveniently placed pizza box from a place on campus, the Man is completely nude.
Your eyes meet his crimson ones in shock.
"Kat-" you start to say but he cuts you off.
"Those Idiots took my clothes and my keys when I was in the shower," he says.
You blink stupidly at the specimen in front of you unable to find the part of your brain that makes speech possible.
"Well, are ya gonna let me in?" he says irritably glancing back at the hallway he just came from.
You step aside for him to come inside and you try your best not to catch a glimpse of his backside as he walks past you. "I can get you a towel... and some clothes." you finally say in a hushed tone. You grab one of your folded towels and some worn sweatpants and a sleepshirt from your closet and toss it to him fearing that if you looked at him too closely you may just combust.
He takes the clothes and examines them carefully, "Are these your boyfriend's or something?" he says with a disinterested tone.
"N-no," you say "They’re pajamas. Now can you please just put them on?"
He turns around and gives you the biggest smirk you have ever seen. "What? you don't like what ya see?"
Normally you are even-tempered but there is just something about having the school's star athlete naked in your bedroom that just makes you lose it for a second.
"No, I want you to put them on so you stop getting my carpet wet and you don't sit on my bed with your bare ass, Katsuki." you snap at him.
Katsuki chuckles at your display but takes the clothes. "Cute."
You turn around with your arms crossed as you hear the sound of shuffling clothes and the pizza box hitting the floor. "Are you done yet?" you ask.
"Yea, don't worry Princess, I'm modest now." he jeers. Hoping you arent being punked, you turn around. The clothes fit him well, The faded sweats and stretched-out T-shirt look way better on him than they ever did no you, it's a bit unfair that Katsuki looks so good without even trying.
"You weren't at the game," he says matter o factly. as he walks over to your desk and begins to pick up the little trinkets on your desk.
"Nope, I had things to do," you say gesturing to your essay.
he glances down at it, "This for Aizawa's class? You know that's not due for a while."
"No the deadline says it's due the 17th." you protest.
"Yeah, the 17th of November, he laughs.
"You're joking," you groan feeling a deep set feeling of uncomfortableness in your temples. Did you really spend the last five hours writing like a madman for a paper that is due in over a month?
Did you really have to look this stupid in front of your crush?
"Maybe I like being ahead," you say defensively crossing your arms. "At least I'm not streaking through the dorms like a pervert, why did you even come up the stairs anyway, a RA could've unlocked your door for you?"
A pink tint covers his cheeks as he kicks the now discarded pizza box toward your trash can. "There is no way I'm letting that damn idiot see me like this, I knew that you were here so I came up. here once those extras took my shit."
"How did you know I was here?" you ask, seeing him embarrassed fills you with confidence. This is the longest conversation the two of you have ever had and he's never been to your dorm room before.
"Shitty Hair told me he saw you earlier," he tells you. Taking a deep breath he starts towards the door. “ I’ll bring your stuff back tomorrow, I’ll just chill in the hall till they get back.“
”Wait, you can stay here if you’d like.“ you say a little too quickly to be subtle. “You guys won a big game today, they probably are going to be out all night, and nowhere else is open.”
There is a soft sincerity in his gaze as he looks back at you. "Are you okay if I stay?" his voice has a softness to it that you have never heard before, it almost sounds nervous.
"I don't mind," you smile at him "I'm not really in the mood to go anywhere tonight."
His shoulders drop and a switch seems to flip inside of him.
"Good, those parties are lame," he smiles flopping down on your bed like it's his room, not yours."You shouldn't waste your time with those extras."
"Extras? Really?" you tease "How would you know? You never go out."
"What, are you looking for me now?" he says with a grin.
It’s so unfair, how does he get to fluster you like that? You don’t get him at all. 
It’s almost as if he’s flirting with you. But why would he? 
Katsuki Bakugou can have anyone he wants, why should he bother with you?
“ It's not like that, “you say clenching your fist into balls. He’s right though, it’s exactly like that. Any party that you have gone to on campus no matter how much you’ve had to drink your eyes scan the room looking for only him. 
“Are you sure?“ He says calling your bluff immediately.
Your voice comes out so small, one wouldn't dare to call it a whisper. But his ears pick up the syllable as it leaves your lips. 
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