#pk writes
puppykitt · 1 year
I have decided....ANGSTY 'WHY I CAN'T HAVE YOU AND THE UNIVERSE IS PLAYING GAMES WITH ME' RIRI WILLIAMS POEM FIC IT IS (mostly because MCU Riri and I are the same age and I don't want to project my current/personal issues onto Izogie and y'all - the readers)
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kotatsudotme · 5 months
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Blinkies for Sites and Applications
Specifically ones that can be helpful with plurality!
f2u on your neocities, tumblr, or where ever! credit is not required, but greatly appreciated/encouraged. reblog if you use please!
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hollownest-whore · 7 months
I'm pretty sure I've already made a post about cannibalism in hallownest but it still fascinates me the difference between a person bug and a food bug. You could say sentience but a good amount of bugs that are simply scurrying around have thoughts (dreamnail) and once tumblrblazed by the Radiance every bug tends to have narrow and simple thoughts, something else I froth over
The Deepnest bugs (are implied to) eat people, or do they eat bugs, is it out of disrespect of their humanity, or the culture. There could be a natural foodchainare aspect but maybe PK influence disrupted the structure. Are nosks people? I'd love to know what's up with nosks
Bugs were capable of thought before PK (tribes and communities existed before him or WL took power and the Radiance mothtribe seems very advanced) so it could have been a way of life where "cannibalism" had no definition. Imagine the furious debates PK got up too about citizenship and laws, god I love that silly colonizer worm
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justpked · 9 months
Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays everyone.
Let us commit some sins.
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
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(ID start: A black and white doodle of the Pale King and the Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. The young Pure Vessel is pressed close to their father's chest with a big toothy smile on their face as the Pale King embraces them tightly, planting a kiss on their forehead with a warm smile. End ID.)
The Pale King's exhausted after a long day and just collapses against the wall.
He feels his kid flop over on his tail and he twitches, feeling as if he might just snap and tries to get his breathing under control. It's all so much, too much, he feels like he's going to lose his mind.
"Hallow, I– I really can't play with you today, I just- please, leave me alone–"
"...Are you okay daddy?"
He looks over at them, sitting next to his tail and looking up at him with a head tilt.
"...Just...a long day, I'm just exhausted...I'll be fine."
"Oh..." They get up and come over, but hesitate when they remember he doesn't like to be touched without a warning, "...Would you like a hug? A hug always helps me feel better."
He glances back at them, and then sighs and opens his arms, to which they immediately hug him tightly, wrapping their arms around his neck and purring to him. It takes a while but he eventually relaxes and pulls them in closer onto his lap, and they just nuzzle him and snuggle in closer.
"I love you, daddy."
He can't help but smile and purr too, "I love you too, my little starlight. I love you so much."
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featherlouise · 9 months
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Voilà!!! The rest of this doodle page
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why did. why did he say that
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whats going on
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
I want to point out something in 1.16 “Shadow” regarding Dean’s resourcefulness and the derision with which his contributions are treated within the writing. In “Shadow”, multiple shots are taken at Dean’s methods of earning money and working cases as well as his intelligence level.
It starts with another small squabble about money that clearly frames Dean as still, at this point, the sole person supporting him and Sam financially through credit card scams, gambling, and hustling pool.
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Yet again we have a jab at the ways Dean earns money. I wouldn’t make a big deal about this one at all if not for the outside context—the three previous episodes where Sam (while happy to benefit from Dean’s ill-gotten gains and provide no financial support to their two-man team) criticizes or is dismissive toward the work involved in how Dean earns money for them (1.01, 1.05, 1.08). Dean deserving to have his contributions dismissed is explicit in the text, but Sam's failure to actually assist with finances is implicit.
Next, it's how Dean gets information. He flirts with a cop and a bartender:
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In the case of the cop, he gets information that is valuable to the case—unreleased details. In the case of the bartender, he doesn't, but he learns there's nothing to learn. But because Dean was also having fun, his actions are reduced down to him thinking with his dick, when he is actually intentionally using charm and even (see below) offering sexual favors in exchange for information:
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Additionally, Sam (despite having seen Dean research just fine on his own multiple times) questions how Dean was able to do research on his own, which—you do you, Kripke, I guess? But we get "Haha name the last book you read" in a similar vein to 1.03 "Dead In the Water" (and just as Sam demands that Dean name one child he knows and Dean can't but it means nothing because Dean actually does like kids, Dean also does read—as established multiple times throughout the series.)
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But also—if Dean called Caleb, why does that matter? Is talking to people to get the information you need, somehow inferior to finding some old tome and finding it in there? No. But it's treated that way in the framing of the episode. Weirdly like Dean took a shortcut or something and that's... "bad"...? When a shortcut in this context literally just means you're being efficient and resourceful and yeah—smart.
Then Meg jabs at Dean's intelligence as well:
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What's also interesting, is that this is the first (I believe—I don't think I missed one at least) example of Dean's eye for visual patterns within the series.
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So Dean, in this episode
Finances the suits Sam wanted to buy so they could sneak into the victim's apartment
Gets valuable information from a cop twice by charming her
Is able to recognize a symbol on the floor from blood spatter and is able to trace that symbol back to discover the monster they are dealing with using his hunting connections.
And all of this is treated in a dismissive way within the writing—like Dean's contributions don't matter or are earned in some way that causes them to deserve to be dismissed and even used as points against him. What's more, Dean doesn't fight back much. He leans into the very thinly-veiled suggestions of him just being dumb and horny and covers with jokes and a light jab about how the only thing valuable EITHER of them have gotten at the bar is the bartender's number (note that this is after he gets secret information from the cop and finds the symbol on the floor, which he could have pointed out but doesn't). He also leans into other narratives about himself suggested by Meg in the episode, but that's a separate post.
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electricalstemplates · 3 months
Good day! I was wondering if you could make a long alter about-me template? Gothic/writer themed, would love these emojis: 🐦‍⬛🖋️
Here you go! Hope you like it
: ̗̀➛
˖◛⁺⑅Relationship **status**`✒`
˖◛⁺⑅🐦‍⬛__Alter type__`✒`
˖◛⁺⑅Favorite **food/drink**`✒`
˖◛⁺⑅Inter**action**`✒` yes/ask/no
˖◛⁺⑅🐦‍⬛__Touch__`✒` yes/ask/no
˖◛⁺⑅P**DA**`✒` yes/ask/no
˖◛⁺⑅🐦‍⬛__Flirting__`✒` yes/ask/no
˖◛⁺⑅Comp**liments**`✒` yes/ask/no
˖◛⁺⑅🐦‍⬛__Venting__`✒` yes/ask/no
˖◛⁺⑅Nick**names**`✒` yes/ask/no
˖◛⁺⑅🐦‍⬛__Pet names__`✒` yes/ask/no
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dairyfreenugget · 6 months
Characters: Pale King and The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel
Words: 1,437
Warnings: PV is conscious and without any kind of anesthetic during a surgery, it's not graphic but still beware if you're sensitive to that
The Pure Vessel is injured, unable to heal itself due to the extensivity of its injuries the Pale King is forced to close its wounds in the old fashioned way. Unable to dull the pain, He chooses a different way to keep it from lashing out during the surgery.
Takes place in a gijinka AU. They're human/human-like.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Seeing a white person say unironically that PK and WL are colonizers is so fucking telling that they have zero idea of what racism actually is or the implications behind it, they're just parroting the most basic bullshit to look good. Like come the fuck on that take is racist as shit and its not because PK and WL are any less awful than colonizers. It's incorrect at best but genuinely an awful fucking take when parroted for clout bc you dont wanna be seen as problematic
(It's racist bc equating a genocidal god who you have to shred apart with extreme violence in order to have peace with the pain and anger of indigenous people is. Hm. Bad!!! Not to mention the fact that Radi has a very strong Christian angel motif going on and engages in a 'holy crusade' against everyone in Hallownest INCLUDING OTHER INDIGENOUS TRIBES NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE PALE KING like how the actual fuck can you look at her and go 'oh yeah she represents indigenous people because the moths have what look like dreamcatcher motifs with the essence motes' and unironically think you're not being racist. What the actual fuck)
((Double disclaimer: you can actually write a really interesting and nuanced altcanon narrative with this concept but the problem is that almost nobody ever does, they only ever flag it as 'problematic' because they want to look good, not bc they know the implications))
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vulturereyy · 1 year
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Where Chivalry Went To Die - Chapter 3: Resonance
“Sir Hegemol. First of my Great Knights,”  
The water had wet the very ends of his beard. 
“First of his rank; First to gain my trust, ”
He craned his head upwards, attempting to escape the rising tide, only to find his efforts met with the runoff from a new gutter. 
“First Royal Tactician, Right Hand to the King himself,” 
The old knight’s eyes squeezed shut as the rain swallowed them as well, hands bracing on either side of the prison, if only to lift his head just a bit higher. “First of us to fall.”
Hegemol’s mandibles struggled to part as they were seized by the cold, drawing in a desperate last breath before the water claimed his mask.
“First of us to fail Hallownest.”
The city, the lights, the cries from the citizens were drowned out as he found himself swallowed wholly by the rain.
"What say you, to the people you abandoned?"
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hysteriafossil · 9 months
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i dont have the energy to write a whole post abt it so have me live tweeting while i watched the new video 🙏
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shentheauthor · 3 months
Sometimes I think about how the Pale King did love the Hollow Knight. He did regret his actions. They caused him immense pain. He cared for his child, to the point where he built a memorial to them, after erasing them from history.
But it meant nothing.
He still executed his plan. He still sent his child to their doom, knowing full well it wouldn’t succeed.
The Hollow Knight still pretended. Hallownest still fell. The Pale King failed and all the sacrifices it took to get there meant nothing.
All that’s left of the kingdom he massacred children to save is a few outsiders, Hornet, Dirtmouth, and the ruins the Pale King left behind.
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
how would vyrm react to what was happening in the soul sanctum? like with the. hundreds of dead experiment corpses
He'd certainly be horrified. Yes, he himself committed a terrible deed of similar scope, and he would be more than aware of that. I think finding out what the Soul Master was doing in his absence (as I imagine that's when it happened, since he wasn't there to put a stop to it like he did before) would only remind him of the things he did, so it wouldn't be a pleasant experience.
Of course, as time goes on in the AU, he does learn to handle the guilt better. He can't change the past, all he can do is try to be a better person now. Though with the Soul Sanctum, the guilt wouldn't be just connected to his terrible actions. After all, if he didn't disappear, he could've prevented all those deaths that happened in the Soul Sanctum. Granted, his disappearance wasn't fully conscious, he had no control over what happened, but that wouldn't stop him from blaming himself for not putting an end to it.
That being said, depending on at which point in the timeline he'd find out about it, his reaction would be less extreme. If it happened now, 10 years into his new life, I think he'd handle it a bit better. After all, he spent those 10 years making the best of his second chance, both to do better, and to finally find happiness, and he's in a much better place mentally now. But if it happened earlier, say, soon after his return from hibernation? It'd definitely put him in a terrible state, and make his panic attacks even more frequent. And if he found out before reuniting with Grimm, while he was still alone... Well, let's just say he'd have yet another reason to consider removing himself from the picture, to put it lightly. It wasn't a fun time for him and this bombshell of a discovery would only make dealing with it that more miserable.
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