#placements that indicate an intimidating vibe/appearance
astrow1zar6 · 4 months
Beauty indicator pt 2- 29
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Venus in the 5th house: usually very attractive to the opposite sex (or whatever they prefer). They LOVE the idea of love even if it’s for a short time and really enjoy flirting with ppl their attracted too. I notice they tend to flirt/ lead multiple ppl on at a time. They got some great rizz & can pull a lot of ppl by their charming natures.
Mars in 8th house: I wouldn’t say this is a classical beauty aspect but these ppl have amazing magnetism it’s insane. People can become pretty obsessed with these people especially after uk what 😏. People can become so obsessed with them they can attract a lot of stalkers or internet stalkers.
Venus in Leo: these people are like intimidating pretty, they’re always so made up and have the most shiny voluminous hair even if it’s long or short it always looks so healthy and shiny. They give off wealthy vibes & I notice ppl with this placement are really really smart, like a lot of people I meet with this placement are like top of their class. They usually dress in very trendy outfits & refuse to come out looking a mess, even on their bum days they still look made up. (I’m usually obsessed with women with this placement they’re just so 😩😍 I think it’s cuz I have an Aqua Venus so the opposite energy is very fascinating to me.
Leo rising: these people are like IT girl popular pretty & are amazing at engaging with groups of people which can be seen as really attractive to everyone around. They shine the most when they are entertaining others. These people can become really famous on tik tok or social media for their beauty. A lot of people with Leo risings are really into film and look amazing in front of a camera. They’re beauty and charisma makes them really attractive to others
Jupiter positively aspecting ascendant: these people have such a beautiful glow to them. Not a mysterious glow like Neptune on the ascendant but this enlightened joyous healthy glow. They just look like they take really good care of themselves internally and externally. This can make so many people want to be around them and hear their thoughts. This isn’t as much physical beauty (although a lot of the time these people look pretty good) it’s more they have a beautiful souls and they can uplift the mood just by walking in the room.
Planets in the 14th degree ( especially in big three or Venus) this is a Taurus degree and usually grants people with a beautiful appearance as well as a beautiful soul on the inside. These are the pretty girls who are also pretty on the inside as well (especially Moon and Venus). They have very well mannered and refined personalities. They have this amazing natural beauty about them they tend to look really good without a lot of makeup. They give forest nymph vibes.
Venus in 12th: they’re very ethereal looking and mysterious. These are usually people who are so attractive but doesn’t really give away much about themselves to others. This mysterious quality that draws a lot of people to them. They are a lot of people’s secret crush and people usually fantasize about them a lot.
Taurus moon: they have like amazingly soft features they’re really pleasant to look at. Usually have big doe/ Disney princess eyes. They have a very sensual look to them and move really gracefully. They usually have amazing fashion sense and love dressing up. They can make some of the most boring pieces look so expensive. They also all have amazingly clear skin like howwww
Uranus in 1st house: Gucci models energy. These people are so uniquely beautiful, they usually have something about themselves that stands out from those around them. I see in many cases they looked so unique that they were considered “ugly” as a kid but as they aged they grew into their features. A lot of supermodels have this placement.
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harmoonix · 26 days
☯ Natal/Sidereal Birth Chart Observations ☯
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✅ The next following observations can apply to both tropical or sidereal ✅
☯ Mars in Scorpio or Mars at 8°, 20° degrees, these natives are very dedicated to what they are doing, is like they do everything with passion and love
☯ Mars in Aries/ at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees may love to practice sports, especially those who consume a lot of energy
☯ Mars square/conjunct/opposite Saturn, their personality can be very powerful and bold but they may struggle when it comes to self - expression and with keeping a routine for their hobbies
☯ Planets in the same house at different degrees matter a lot, even if they are at far degrees from eachother. They still hold a powerful energy
☯ Pay attention if Chiron moves the houses from your tropical to sidereal chart because you may have to focus on more things to heal yourself
☯ Mars in Libra or at 7°. 19° Can have a mix of chaotic - peace energy in their lives, but they somehow need to create a balance between those two
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☯ Capricorn Rising in your solar return chart can indicate working on yourself a lot in that year
☯ Mercury in the 5H or Gemini/Virgo in the 5H may love to surround themselves with lots of art/music/fun/
☯ Ascendant aspecting Sun ☀️, The native personality can be easily liked by others, and they can often be very social/popular
☯ Mars or Venus in the 8H can find themselves being very attach to people with a powerful personality/aura
☯ Uranus in the 8H is a very unique placement.. if you have it, this placement gives the chance to explore your sexual energy in different ways
☯ Fire Risings have an unique excitement, a wild fire/sparkle in their eyes when they're happy. You can easily tell when they're in a good mood
☯ 8°, 20°, 10°, 22° degrees on the ascendant can give intimidating vibes, someone very powerful
☯ Aries and Capricorn Placements can often be very stubborn especially in big 3!! They like to do things in their own ways
☯ Having Jupiter as your dominant planet in the birth chart makes you extremely spiritual/kind and you may have a powerful desire to grow and to discover
☯ Capricorn Mercury or Mercury in the 10H or 10° 22° on Mercury natives can have a deeper voice than others but in a very mesmerizing way
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☯ Venus in the 4H or Venus at 4°, 16° or 28° degrees can find themselves being the home and safe space for others, your way of sharing love is amazing
☯ Mars in Gemini/3rd house or Mars at 3°, 15°,27° degrees can have a very bold way of talking, their humour style is the best and sometimes they can have cracked jokes
☯ Lilith in the 11H or Lilith in Aquarius can find themselves being in groups with people who have experienced different traumas/bad things and can share those things between them!
☯ Lilith in Leo Degrees 5°. 17°, 29° can have a feline typo of appearance/personality even beauty like their face can easily be associated with a lion/feline
☯ Pluto in the 3rd house can make the native to be very curious about the taboo/dark/horror things, like they're so deep into the lore
☯ Cancer Degrees on ascendant 4°, 16°, 28° degrees can be more soft/sensible than others since young/since childhood. They're just more chill and calm than most people
☯ Natives with heavy Capricorn or Saturn placements can have strong legs/ and very beautiful ones
☯ Taurus Mercury/Mars or at Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26° can be highly sensual in the room, also if they get excited
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☯ Varuna (2000) conjunct/trine/sextile Lilith can be pretty known for their sensual nature, mesmerizing aura
☯ Mercury Dominant natives are truly the best ones who have around you! They're communicative/open minded, have a good sense of humor and they're also extremely supportive
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) or 7H in Libra natives can inspire others to seek for their guidance, they often judge fairly and won't pick a side
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) in Sagittarius or 9H can make the native to always seek for higher knowledge, this placement gives the high priestess in tarot cards vibes
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) in Pisces or 12H natives are connected with the universe/source/God in a way that, they can feel its presence around
☯ Pallas Asteroid (2) in Leo or 5H can combine philosophy with fun/creativity, they can be really talented and share lots of good vibes
☯ Since the 9H is also related with school/education Mars/Saturn/Pluto and even Lilith in this house can have it quite hard/challenging in those topics, sometimes even getting in fights with the teachers as well
☯ Something natives with Lilith in the 10H or in Capricorn fight with is that most people in their lives try to be dominant and to overtake them and control their lives which is extremely wrong! Never let anyone do that
☯ How Venus - Pluto aspects/Venus in Scorpio/Venus in the 8H always fall for the people who have a bad reputation like?? Is like you are attracted to the villain of a fairytale/story
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☯ Sun opposite or square Saturn can bring a difficult relationship with their dad, or they could've grow up in a strict household
☯ Lilith/Chiron in the 2H natives can have problems with their self esteem or self worth, sometimes even ED aka eating disorders
☯ Leo & Capricorn combos in your chart can make you very intelligent and likable
☯ I feel natives with Mars/Saturn/Pluto in the 4H or 5H may like to stay alone more than being 24/7 with people, like to have their own space
☯ Saturn or Capricorn in the 6H can be quite draining to have, it's practical but exhausting in the same time
☯ Having all your big 3 in the same element is quite unusual but powerful in the same time
☯ Jupiter in Aquarius or Aquarius Degrees/11H/11°, 23°. Their spouse can be extremely social and friendly,kind, humanitarian, helping, supportive. Is so hubby material
☯ Juno in the 1H natives can get into relationships since young ages as a lesson to learn and to explore an specific side of relationships, so that they learn to be more mature in their next relationships
☯ Virgo Risings have their 7H in Pisces which makes them to be dependent of their partner at times, like very attached and clingy
☯ Lilith at 0° degrees in the chart can indicate breaking the norms and bringing something new with them
☯ Lilith Asteroid (1181) opposite/square/conjunct Neptune or Venus, they have a catchy appearance and approach to people
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☯ Moon in Aquarius can be known as that person of the family who is just born different, but in a good way like that cool sibling/cousin/friend etc..
☯ Aquarius Placements combined with Gemini and Virgo placements can be really into gaming since they have a very analytical mind
☯ While if you have Aries Placements and if you are into gaming you can be quite competitive in your games
☯ Pisces/Cancer and Libra Moons natives are the easiest to catch in love, is just their energy being in love 24/7, they can aslo switch up very fast if the person they like is not like they thought
☯ Lilith in Gemini/3rd house or aspecting Mercury can find themselves surrounding with people who gossip a lot, at some point people can gossip about them as well so take care who you spend your time with
☯ Lilith in Taurus/2H or at Taurus Degrees can be afraid of being rejected, as like an anxiety thing, you deserve a lot better if you have people in your life who may try to reject you
☯ Moon aspecting Pluto natives can often find themselves with people who may try to manipulate them into making bad decisions, don't always let yourself that easy to people
☯ Lilith square Moon/Venus can make women specifically hate you for no reason. Like creating this hate energy for nothing, protect yours at least
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🦋🫶🏼 A new week is a new astro post🥰🫶🏼
Hope you all have it good 🤍🤍🤍
🤍 [H a r m o o n i x ] 🤍
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
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At first glance you probably wouldn't have guessed for Alexa to be a Leo rising. She may not have the stereotypical lions mane of Leo resigns but she does carry other physical traits of a Leo rising. For one she has the feline look to her, with her pouty lips, her almond shaped eyes and her cheekbones give her a cat like facial structure. Leo risings also typically have a smaller head (or their hair gives the appearance of a smaller head). I also see in most Leo risings to have an almost square shaped or boxy head (similar to a cat). Typically Leo risings have a strong and structured body posture that makes them look confident or prideful, like a lion. Leo risings also tend to have broad shoulders and neck and an attractive back. Leo resigns tend to have warm almost golden aura and glow to their skin, even when they're a bit on the pale side.
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Having Jupiter conjunct the rising sign can give someone a bigger bottom half since it rules over the thighs. Since Alexa's is in Leo it can bless her with a distinctive chest/shoulders.
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Of course these people will always typically have an intimidating and dark-ish vibe to them that is very seductive. It also could explain her bored almost tired stare she has that comes off as seductive. And because Demie's aspect is so strong it's no wonder people believed she had some sort of scorpio placement.
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Typically people with vesta touching the ASC (or even Venus) will have a very youthful appearance. And not in the, "she looks like a child" youthful. More so the, "I thought she was way younger than that" youthful. And Alexa is the definition of that. Some people still not believing that she's in her 30's and not her 20's.
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Adds to her Lioness look. Can give someone a very joyous and warm appearance. These people appear happy and are quite literally a ray of sunshine. These people have naturally glowing/warm skin.
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This can obviously indicate a unique beauty. having distinct/special features on your face that people might associate with your beauty. This can also indicate being very eccentric with your fashion choices and having a face that seems to rock any makeup or hair style. Sagittarius Venus's might have beautiful legs and 5H Venus have a beautiful back neck and shoulders.
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This can indicate having soft feminine features, especially when it pertains to her natural beauty and natural appearance. also Alexa kinda has a bit of a moon face sometimes, especially when she smiles.
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Having Sirene conjunct your Venus and/or Rising can mean having a siren like appearance. Something about your eyes and your body movement lures people in. It's hypnotizing in a way. Alexa could easily manipulate other with just her beauty.
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and that was the Astrological Beauty of Alexa Demie
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cursedbyastro · 1 year
beauty/attractiveness, style, & where to look in astrology
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TROPICAL chart ruler the chart ruler in your chart can point to the general aura or vibe you give off which and the energies that can affect how the energy your ascendant gives of
for example, since i am a leo rising, my chart ruler is the sun. in my chart, my sun is in the 5h
venus, it's placements, sign, and aspects venus is the planet of beauty, charm, grace, and harmony. when it comes to appearance, venus is said to influence our aesthetic preferences, the way we present ourselves, and often how we look. this doesn't mean that venus entirely determines physical characteristics like height or bone structure, but it does suggest that venus influences how we beautify ourselves and what we perceive as attractive.
for example, my scorpio venus squares my leo ascendant which shows that my secluded scorpio venus aesthetic clashes with my leo’s bold aesthetic to be seen
ascendant and aspects to it including degrees of course your rising sign is the basis of your physical appearance. aspects to the ascendant and even the degree of your rising can give more insight into your appearance and how it might be expressed and should be considered first. degrees can be important. i have notice that the 5°, 9°, 14°, & 23° can be expressed as beautiful, which i will explain in further post
for example my leo rising is at 14° which gives my leo rising a taurean nature to it making it more luxurious, seductive, grounded, & sensual
1h placements the 1st house, also known as the ascendant or rising sign, is the house of self. the 1h represents the physical body, awakening consciousness, the image one presents to the world, and the initial impact one has on others. just like the sign of the ascendant, any planets that are located in the 1h have an immediate, visible influence on your personality, physical characteristics, and image/vibe you give off.
for example, my mom has a 1h stellium with the moon. pluto, venus, and mars in her 1h. (whew) this can show not only that her appearance is beautiful and everyone notices (venus), but also her appearance can transform (pluto) during emotional waves (moon). this can also indicate that she is fierce and intimidating to others on first appearance as well. (mars/pluto)
persona charts specifically the ascendant and it's ascendant persona charts are my favorite. a persona charts is an in depth view of a luminary, planet, or asteroid. the natal chart itself is a persona chart for the sun. you can find persona chart’s for your ascendant, venus, and the aphrodite asteroid (1388) for an indepth look at how your physical appearance might manifest. aphrodite and venus both can point to how your physical body and beauty will manifest. the ascendant persona chart will show you not only your physical appearance and characteristics on a deeper level, but also a deeper look into your conscious world, how you look/react with different emotions and states, how others see you, etc. in my opinion the ascendant persona chart is one of the most important persona charts to look at.
for example, my natal chart ascendant is in leo but my ascendant persona chart ascendant is in virgo. therefore, i come off as more reserved, polite and smart than the typical leo rising. i have the features of a leo, but also the features of a virgo. i look very sophisticated and classy with a clean cut presence. at first i might approach things in a virgo way-taking sometime to analyze and think it through, then after i feel comfortable you will begin to tackle it in that confident leo way.
prominent beauty asteroids asteroids can help to add more detail and support to our charts with their different energies when used in moderation (i personally use only orbs of up to 4). these asteroids, specifically asteroids linked to beauty/attractiveness, when touching important points/planets/luminaries in your chart, can affect your appearance and aura and also make them prominent in your chart as a whole. it is also a good idea to take a look at persona charts of these asteroids to get a deeper look at their energy.
beauty degrees according to degree theory and some concepts for numerology, the degrees 5, 9, 14, & 23 can be seen as “beauty degrees” the 14° is ruled by taurus, which is ruled by venus. the number 5 is seen as good looking in numerology. because of this, numbers like 23, which add up to be 5, can be seen as an attractive/beauty degree as well. i have also found the 9° to be a beauty degree not only because it’s number of completion or the highest level of something, but also its connection to sagittarius/jupiter. jupiter expands and grows. so, if these degrees are in personal planets/points such as the ascendant (asc), midheaven (mc), sun, moon, venus, and mars or a planet in the 1h, it can symbolize attractivenes
dominant planets & signs and also stelliums with stelliums, the stellium's ruling planet is usually the dominant planet in your chart. dominant planets do affect your personal appearance.your dominant planet and sign can significantly influence your personality and potentially even your physical appearance. the dominant planet/sign is the planet/sign that is most strongly represented in your birth chart, and the dominant sign holds the most influence..
when it comes to appearance, we mainly look at the 1h placement, ascendant, and its chart ruler as the primary influencers. however, the dominant planet and sign can add nuances or further influence the overall impression one gives off. stelliums can also change the vibe you give off because of the abundance of a certain type of energy in one sign/house.
for example, if your dominant planet is mars, regardless of your ascendant, you may have a dynamic and strong presence, perhaps with athletic tendencies or a somewhat assertive or competitive demeanor even if the sign is in a less aggressive and upfront sign
VEDIC the 2h in conjunction with the things I have mentioned above like the chart ruler and ascendant sign, in vedic astrology, the 2nd house, also known as the dhana bhava, rules over a majority of the face features. The 2h can indicate the general appearance, facial features, and expressions of an individual. this only applies to the 2h in your vedic chart.
however, it's important to consider the entire birth chart and the specific placements of planets in order to gain a better understanding of your physical appearance in
this is all for today, but today is the beginning of the beauty series, an astrology overview of different versions of beauty/attractiveness and where to look. i will try to update on this series weekly, so make sure to keep up to day with the masterlist. tell me below how this post resonates with you and comment feedback as well. as always, luv yall and be safe. until next time. ♥
© 2022 cursedbyastro all rights reserved
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nefertitiacai · 1 year
Hello,I love your posts and I decided to ask, What do you think about the placements appearance wise, venus in 8th house, venus trine libra ascendant, Pluto square ascendant, sun square ascendant, moon in 1st , and mars in 8th?
Thank you so much!! ❤️
Hi @imhotasfworld 💛
Here's what I personally think about the aforementioned placement appearance wise. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Also, I turned it into an Astro observations bundle for the pretty people out there.
Pictures don't belong to me, and are from Pinterest.
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🪶 Venus in 8th house
🤍 I know a lot of people with this placement, and they are IT. The way they flirt and the way you get mesmerized by them is like going down the rabbit hole.
🤍 It is liberating because you can be vulnerable, like truly vulnerable with these folks.
🤍 No matter what their appearance might be, they are gonna give butterflies in your stomach. They are deemed to be very attractive.
🤍 They may have contrasting features (or may look good in them if they wanna experiment) (for eg., dark hair with pale skin or light hair with dark skin).
🤍 One more thing which I'd like to point out about this placement appearance-wise is that they have balanced body proportions, no matter what the body type may be the ratio is really attractive and harmonious.
🤍 This may be because Mars traditionally is associated with the 8th house, and Venus is positioned over there causing balance with both energies.
Also honorable mentions-
🩷 Venus in 1st house
🩷 Mars-Venus conjunction
🩷 Mars in 2nd/7th house
🩷 Libra Mars
🩷 Taurus Mars
🩷 Scorpio Venus
🩷 and Aries Venus
🤍 The aforementioned placement isn't considered the "best" character-wise as they are in the opposite energy than what the celestial bodies may be familiar with is what causes them to be attractive. Well, they said it right when they said "opposites attract". They look attractive no matter what, chubby, petite, any way...
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🪶 Venus trine Libra ascendant
🩵 If those Pinterest aesthetic-looking ppl were one specific placement, I would say it would be this one.
Like the ones who'll look hot even with a slimy face mask on and click an absolutely flawless picture while in their PJs and somehow make it look aesthetic
🩵 Everything is in harmony, one thing I've noticed about them is that they tend to be really photogenic (bonus if you have Leo placements with this as it makes you seem even bolder, confident, and radiant while clicking photos). 
🩵 Anyways, these are the people who are conventionally attractive. trine literally represents "favor" between placements in the chart, so venus trine Libra ascendant favors the native's appearance with Venusian qualities (i.e symmetrical face, may have high cheekbones?, pouty small full lips, soft skin (can also indicate having sensitive skin)).
🩵 What I have noticed with Libra placements in general as well is that they have a vibe and beauty which reminds me of fragrant flowers for some reason, they may also smell good.
🩵 Also, there's this vibe that I can't put in words but is very prominent with people of Libra placements. They remind me of the beauty of the Apsaras. 
They are the celestial and godly nymphs or fairies in the Hindu and Buddhist mythology who are known to be pleasant, attractive, fascinating, hypnotic and mesmerizing power of the nature, they are the performers of the heavens they dance and sing really well and like to please the gods which really remind me of Libras , Tauruses and also Pisces. They also symbolise material indulgence and illusions caused by being materialistic which seems so venusian and neptunian to me.
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🪶 Puto Square Ascendant
🤍 Pluto square ascendant may have quite an intimidating seductive look about them. Like they may have an "angry face" kind of features (straight or arched eyebrows which go really well with their deep eyes) which looks kind of-...kind of??? A HELL LOT OF hot ngl. May have a resting angry face without even them being angry whatsoever.
Sexy people.
🪶 Sun Square Ascendant
🩵 Well, I'm acquainted with people who have this placement and the first thing I notice about them is they are not what they show about themselves.
Having a conversation with them is as if trying to look deep within what's in the water but what you only see is the reflection of yourself and your surroundings, is how I like to describe them.
🩵 They adapt to people and situations just to get the work done. Very agreeable people though, yet so mysterious.
🩵 They look neat and well put together, and they come off to be really confident (but God knows what they may be going through from the inside).
🩵 They are also misunderstood a lot of times and may come off as too rude or too nice unintentionally from time to time.
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🪶 Moon in 1st house
🤍 There's a pearly golden/white glow in the skin and the vibe in general. Your appearance may depend on how you feel a lot.
🤍 The type of people who prefer to "feeling pretty" more than "looking pretty" . They sort of give a "good witch" vibe to me. Alluring and nurturing.
🤍 People feel comfortable around these natives as they are very emotionally transparent and authentic.
🤍 No matter how nasty y'all may be XD (although that's rarely the case) you still have an innocent-looking appearance. May have chubby and rosy cheeks.
🤍 Also, known as "resting sad melancholic face."
(I have this placement myself as in I have it conjunct ascendant and not in the 1st house but still the effect is similar and the amount of times people have asked me if I'm feeling okay is concerning y'all, being it conjunct Pluto doesn't help at all. And one thing which may be a coincidence but significant enough to mention is that people who ask me if I'm ok are typically Libras and Sagittariuses! and I have both of them as my sun and moon respectively.
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🪶 Mars in 8th house
🩵 Magnetic, alluring, deep, may have a beauty similar to a black swan . They have mesmerizing and tempting aura.
🩵 It's just in their aura and vibration that you may feel when they are with you, making a shift/transformation (8th house) in your and others' energy (Mars) when they're around. Truly a hypnotic type of attraction.
🩵 They are attractive and they might as well know it damn well, due to the impact they have on people.
🩵 They are the people who transform pain into something else by doing something physical (like working out like crazy after break up to release the angst and sadness or playing some kind of sports to distract themselves), they transform when in anger, it motivates them to achieve their goals which I find to be really attractive about them (if done healthily, ofcourse 💚)
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not me indirectly flirting with y'all today 🤭❤️
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typologyastro · 1 year
MBTI & Astrology Observations
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🥀 1. Moon/Pluto aspects give off Ni, introverted intuition vibe. Dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Ni users may have Moon/Pluto aspects. They may indicate problems or a strong bond with their mother. Their emotions are intense. I've seen easy Moon/Pluto aspects (Trine, Sextile, Conjunction) are often INFJ, INTJ, ENFJ and ISFP.
Hard Moon/Pluto aspects have to learn to make peace with their intense feelings. One ENTJ I know personally has Moon Opposition Pluto. She has a complicated relationship with her mother and jealous tendency. ENTJs have inferior Fi so it's likely difficult for them to manage their intense feelings. They likely ignore their feelings or explode.
Another INFJ I know in real life has Moon Trine Pluto. His mother is feisty and strong. He loves and admires his mother. Women have big influence on him. He has a healing gift he may not realize in himself.
For example: Fujii Kaze (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Twice's Mina (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Madison Beer (ENFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Jodie Foster (INTJ, Moon Conjunction Pluto), BTS's Yoongi (INTJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto) The Weeknd (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Billie Eilish (ISFP, Moon Sextile Pluto) , Brad Pitt (ISFP, Moon Trine Pluto), Leonardo DiCaprio (ESFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Vanessa Hudgens (ESFP, Moon Trine Pluto)
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🥀 2. The next similar indicator is Scorpio Moon for Ni/Se users. I've often seen Ni + Te/Fi users (INTJ, ENTJ, ISFP and ESFP) have this placement. Another ENTJ I know personally has Scorpio Moon. He gives off a dangerous, mysterious and suspicious aura.
My explanation for Moon/Pluto aspects and Scorpio Moon give off strong Ni - introverted intuition is because I associate Ni with Pluto, Fe & Fi with Moon & Neptune.
For example: Epik High's Tablo (INTJ, Scorpio Moon), Lady Gaga (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Hayden Christensen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Taylor Monsen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Dove Cameron (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), The Weeknd (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Katy Perry (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Lisa (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Lily-Rose Depp (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Miley Cyrus (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Kylie Jenner (ESFP, Scorpio Moon)
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🥀 3. Blackpink's Lisa has Venus Trine Pluto. Kendall Jenner has Venus Conjunction Pluto. Blackpink's Jennie has Venus Square Pluto. They are known for their captivating and sexy beauty caused by Venus/Pluto aspects but how the audience feels about each of them can be totally different.
Lisa's passionate dance performances and doll-like appearance stand out in the crowd.
Kendal is the eptimote of how I envision a Venus/Pluto beauty looks like: sharp, tall, dark and mysterious.
Jennie has the most RBF, intimidating and edgy look out of the three. Her reputation is also the most polarizing.
Jennie seems to get hated the most. People mesmerize by Lisa and Kendal's beauty more while Jennie's face both attracts admirers and invokes hatred and jealousy the most. Venus/Pluto beauty generally creates strong impact on people. It's hard to forget their beauty.
It's fascinating to observe how easy and difficult aspects play out in real life. Easy Venus/Pluto aspects are more Venusian and hard Venus/Pluto aspects are more Plutonian.
Kendal is an ISTJ, Jennie is an ISFP and Lisa is an ESFP. They all have a Te/Fi axis.
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🥀 4. Dove Cameron was born one day before Blackpink's Jennie and they are both ISFPs and Scorpio Moon. Their chart are almost identical (without knowing their birth time).
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citieskyes · 11 months
Hello!! Just came across your account and I was curious to ask, what are your thoughts on my first house stellium with the planets: sun, mercury, mars, and pluto being in it? How does this affect my public appearance? ( not sure if this matters but im a cap sun + mercury and sag mars + pluto [+ rising] ).
I would be looking forward to your response! Thank you in advance. 🐮 <3
Hey! Hope you’re doing well.
So having a first house stellium can indicate you’re confident in yourself. Having your Pluto conjunct your ascendant can indicate that you come off as intimidating to others since Pluto is a powerful planet in astrology. Having Pluto in Sagittarius is a generational planet, which means that most people you meet in your age group will have their Pluto conjunct your rising. This means that you may come off as strong to others, or you may evoke strong reactions from others. I have this placement and people either love or hate you, no in between. This placement can also indicate power struggles in your life, especially with your identity and the way you express yourself. You also have your Mars in the first house conjuncting your ascendant, this can indicate that you can come off as a brash and intimidating. You may also come off as impulsive and defensive. However you may emit very confident vibes as your sun is also placed here. Since both your sun and mercury are in the first house, you may come off as very confident in the way you speak to others. Having this many planets in the first house means that they are all very important to the way you present yourself.
Hope this helps 💕
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astroloshai · 3 years
Placements that indicate an Intimidating vibe/appearance
All notes are based on my own research. Other placements/aspects in the chart can reduce or exaggerate these traits. Take what applies.
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~ All Aries/Scorpio Personal Placements especially Mars, Mars/Pluto in 1st House, Mars/Pluto Dominance
~ Any Personal Placements in a Fire Sign
~ Any Capricorn/Aquarius Personal Placements
~ Mars/Pluto in 3rd House, Aries 3rd House/Aquarius Rising
~ Mars/Pluto in 6th
~ Personal Placements + Pluto in 8th
~ Sun/Saturn Dominance/in 1st
~ Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn MC
~ Pluto, Saturn in 10th House
~ Mars - Pluto aspects
~ Mars/Pluto - Personal Placements
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elysiansparadise · 2 years
Spotting beauty and attractiveness in the chart
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In this post I will mention some placements that usually indicate beauty / charm / attractiveness, of course they will only be some placements or indicators. In this post I will try to include something beyond physical beauty, also those things that can make you look attractive in the eyes of other people.
🟫Rising is something we should pay attention to since it is the main signifier of appearance. Both the sign, as the planets that are found there, degrees and the position of the ruler. The aspects can be of great help to know the type of beauty that the native can have.
🟤Fire rising have a beauty that draws attention from miles away. Their gazes are intense and reflect a lot of power without even trying. They are people who attract looks like magnets, their beauty is wild and extremely sexy. The confidence that they portray makes them look resplendent to other people. Many people may envy their brightness and how good they seem to be without anyone by their side.
🟤Earth risings have a sophisticated beauty and give too far to reach vibes, they seem to be out of your league. They stand out for having beautiful, well-defined features, a very impressive way of dressing and a natural glow. Their beauty lies also in the shape and texture of their hands, a beautiful nose and enigmatic and fixed eyes. Their determination and ambition make them hold themselves to the highest standards of the people.
🟤With a playful and mischievous look, a charismatic and somewhat detached attitude, the Air Risings have a knack for intriguing the people around them. The way they communicate is key, they have a beautiful voice, a very attractive figure and a very attractive way of thinking. The charms in their treatment, in their individuality and in their graceful appearance make them a mixture of dangerous but appealing charms.
🟤Water rising are highly magical before the eyes of other people, people perceive in them an ethereal beauty, unique and very attractive. Their eyes are expressive, their lips are very beautiful, and there is a mystery that becomes the main reason for other people's curiosity. Their beauty arouses very intense emotions and feelings in other people. They have an otherworldly aura and alternate between intensity and calm, eye-catching duality.
🟤When your rising is Venusian, that is, when it is in Taurus, Libra or Pisces, your beauty lies in your tender gaze, your lips which become very attractive and the protagonist of the play regardless of their size. Your skin is usually something that many consider attractive.
🟤Having a rising Marsian, [Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn rising] makes you have a very pronounced, appeal-oriented beauty and a slight hint of intimidation. Your power, your strength and your simple presence is able to echo in a room, you attract attention in a more fixed way. Your gaze captivates and makes any person who dares to cross yours tremble.
-Small thing I want to say, I added Pisces and Capricorn since those are the signs in which the planet it's exalted and it does play a huge role-.
🟤Pisces and Sagittarius risings have too much beauty and charm, it is likely that they have dimples or some complement that makes their smile something beautiful and very appealing to people. The color of your skin can be something very unique and beautiful, something that you are proud of and that people admire from afar. Their vibes are usually very nice and that makes them more appealing to people.
🟤The presence of the Sun in the 1sth house makes your appearance radiant, you draw attention very easily even if you are a very reserved or introverted person. You have a natural charm, and both your personality and your body is something that many people easily love. Your hair is something that stands out, you may have a fashionable por unique way of dressing and your eyes may have a daring quality in them
🟤Moon in the 1st house makes your features become more tender and delicate, people feel an instant attraction to you and a sense of sweetness almost immediately. Your beauty lies in your sleepy, melancholic or extremely attractive look. You could have round and cute features. Your lips can be pompous and you may have cute cheeks. 
🟤Mars or Venus in the 1st house greatly increase a person's sex appeal, they are usually people in whom many people tend to have crushes and there is something in them that leaves everyone amazed. Venus, on the other hand, makes many like the native, they find him charming and he can meet the beauty standards of many people. While Mars causes the native to easily turn on other people, they always find themselves in the spotlight of other people and are seen as sassy, ​​fearless, sexy and very interesting.
🟤The presence of Neptune in the 1st house causes a bewitching effect on the native, they can have the person they want with their eyes on them, since they have a unique and magical charm. They can feature polka dots in key places that make them appear among a mixture of graceful and sexy.
🟤Pluto in the 1st house make beauty take on the most fiery, mysterious and captivating tones. There is something in their eyes, in the way they arch their eyebrows, and even in the way they walk that makes them irresistible. Their beauty lies in their powerful and intense vibes that intoxicate you just having seen them once. After one time, it will be difficult to look away or think that just one time seeing them was enough.
🟤Scorpio degrees in the rising [08°, 20°] makes there is something in you, be it your body or the way you present yourself to your surroundings that makes you irresistible.
🟤Something similar happens with the Leo degrees [05°, 17°, 29°] that, in addition to making you stand out in a crowd, will highlight your attractive qualities. You will not only get unparalleled beauty, but also the ability to earn the respect and admiration of people.
🟤Ruler of the 1st in the 5th house or vice versa gives you a playful charm. People are mesmerized by your vibes, enchanted by the shape of your body and highly attracted by the genuine way you interact with others.
🟤Ruler of the 1st in the 7th or vice versa makes you a very harmonious person in all levels of the word. Your body has a naturally attractive shape, very defined curves, small details that add more charm to you, and in addition to that, you can be seen as very elegant or very classy.
🟤Ruler of the 1st in the 8th house or vice versa It increases sex appeal to great levels, makes your features something hardly forgettable. You remain impregnated in the mind of whoever has fallen under your trap. Your beauty is dangerous and fiery, no matter if Moon is involved, there will always be a sexy quality in you.
🟫Midheaven it’s also an important thing to look at, this since it’s the first impression that you have on somebody. 
🟤Taurus in the 10th house often reflects that the native is seen as very sensual. Points such as the way you dress, like your neck or hands, are seen as elegant. They give the impression of being an expensive person, someone who spoils themselves and knows their own worth, and there is nothing more attractive than that. The accessories they wear, such as necklaces, glasses or coats can make them look very attractive.
🟤Leo in the 10th house makes the native be seen as a person with a lot of security, a lot of sexiness and with that "I want it, I got it" attitude. They usually give vibes of being royalty or just a very important person. Because of their appearance and mentality, they can allow themselves to charm the person they like.
🟤Libra in the 10th house are people who easily seduce strangers or people they just met. Very likely to be the crush of many different people. They present themselves as very elegant, balanced and very glamourus people. They project themselves as experts, their powers of attraction dazzle whoever crosses their path.
🟤Scorpio in the 10th house has something wonderful in its favor and that is that without even wanting to and without even looking for it, they leave very strong impressions, attract attention and are seen as very good-looking and magnetic. From the way they talk about what they think and feel, to their way of being with strangers, everything about them can seem like a lethal spell to many. Their physical beauty is something that leaves you breathless.
🟤Venus in the 10th house or conjunct MC indicates that the first thing a person spots you is your physical beauty. It is very likely that you leave many strangers with their mouths hanging open or have them thinking about you all day. You have a very charming way of treating people you just meet, you can do it either very familiarly giving them the feeling that you already knew them before or in a simply friendly way.
🟤Pluto in the 10th house or conjunct MC leaves people speechless just by walking past them. They exude incredible appeal and strength. People often first notice how little they care about other people's problems, their focused and mysterious attitude draws the attention of many. They seem hard to get and that’s something that people find very sexy.
🟤Moon aspecting the MC is something that gives the native's appearance delicate and delightful vibes. There is an aura of tenderness in their smile, they even seem to smile through their eyes, it is sparkling and very captivating.
🟤Uranus aspecting the MC causes there to be that something in the native that remains impregnated in those with whom they interact. There is something unique about their personality and physique, they attract a lot of attention. Their attitude and unusual way of interacting with others makes them seem very beautiful and unique to other people.
🟤Libra degrees [07°, 19°] favor a very alluring and desirable appearance, regardless of gender. Beyond giving a wild or sexy beauty, it is something much more sophisticated. Their features seem to be too perfect to be true.
🟤Ruler of the 10th in the 5th house or 8th house become widely recognized for their physical beauty and charm. There is something in them that leads them to be highly desired by the public, the mixture of charisma, confidence, independence and a touch of flirtiness make them the nightly desire of many people.
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🟫Venus is the planet of love, so it was obvious that it would be here. Your aesthetic is described not only by the sign and house where it is located, but also by the aspects it makes with other planets.
🟤Venus in Aries or Scorpio despite being in exile are often considered two of the most attractive placements. They do the most interesting things, they are an extremely tempting and very alluring challenge, people love to see how these natives are so indifferent to the idea of ​​making a good first impression, they are honest with others and with themselves and that is what fascinates about this placement.
🟤Venus in Taurus or Libra are signs in which Venus is at domicile, in other words, comfortable, thus giving natives a physical beauty impossible to miss. They are extremely attractive people both in things as simple as their mannerisms, way of sitting down to more significant things such as how they dress or their features. They are very sensual and can be lethal when it comes to flirting.
🟤Venus in Pisces is a dangerous placement, since it is tender, compassionate and its beauty is captivating, like a siren's melody. However, there is a quality in them that makes them addictive to the eye, many people can become obsessed with their beauty and tenderness, and this placement knows it very well.
🟤Venus in a house of domicile [2nd or 7th house] means that the native has been graced by Venus energy, making them charming, glamorous and fascinating. As attractive points they usually have the shape of the body, hair and lips. The softness of this placement is not only felt on your skin, but also in that way of connecting with others. Their way of treating people makes them seem flirtatious with everyone, even when they're just nice. They are sensual and desirable.
🟤Venus in the 8th house makes the natives, despite not noticing its beauty so much or being somewhat self-critical with it, shock and attract people, since their appearance is radiant, extremely attractive and sexy. This placement is one of the most common in people considered attractive by different groups of people. Their beauty can make them attract some strange and obsessed people.
🟤Sun conjunct Venus usually have a lot of charisma and the words that people usually use to describe them are attractive or pretty. There is something very beautiful about these natives both in the way their body was sculpted to the forms their personality took. They are interesting and very charming before other people.
🟤Venus-Mars aspects have a very unique ability and that is how quickly they amaze other people. Their sense of humor, the way they look, and their social charms make them very likeable. Their sex appeal is very strong and leaves many stunned. They have that kind of beauty that you don't know why in such a short time it got so stuck in your core.
🟤Jupiter aspecting Venus makes the beauty of the native expand, since these are the Jupiterian qualities. The native's legs are usually one of his most attractive points.
🟤Venus-Pluto aspects make the native unforgettable for that fascinating and sexy appearance. They usually look very attractive with tight clothes and in shades such as black, red or purple. They know how to play and flirt, they can be very good at it and best of all they know how good they can be at it.
🟤I have noticed that Venus in Gemini degrees [03°, 15°, 27°] are often perceived as too attractive. The way they communicate is simply bewitching and irresistible. Their beauty is so changeable and they can make an image of themselves worthy of praise.
🟫Next, I will comment on some things that I cannot include in any of these sectors, but I have noticed that they give a lot of power of attraction and an extremely attractive aura.
🟤Moon in Libra are usually very attractive people, they have something that makes them win people's approval and love. Their features are symmetrical, their gaze is between a mixture of tender and seductive, and they are people with a multifaceted charm, capable of capturing anyone no matter how different they are from them.
🟤Moon-Mars aspects [especially trine and square] usually have something that captivates and easily catches people. The balance of feminine and masculine energy in these natives is usually something that generates a lot of interest in other people. They naturally come across with enormous strength and a lot of confidence in every step they take, and that is what many may find attractive.
🟤Moon conjunct Jupiter in Taurus, Cancer, Libra or Pisces are people who can amaze many, because they are very interesting people who can have a very strong and decisive effect on other people. They radiate so much energy and positivity that people wonder how such a person could exist. They can be surrounded by many people even without meaning to.
🟤Moon aspecting Neptune, specially harsh aspects [Conjunction, square or opposition] have a rather delightful and tantalizing beauty. People tend to praise and adore them, this for their doll-like appearance, for their delicate and alluring features and for their mystical and unique personality.
🟤Jupiter in Libra is a very literal example, since Libra rules over aesthetic and Jupiter is expansion, it makes everything bigger. So people with this placement are really attractive in the eyes of other people. Its beauty is something that, like wine, becomes better with time.
🟤Stellium in the 1st house are always seen as attractive, their strong and authentic personality draws anyone's attention, and they can fulfill what different people perceive as beautiful. They are adaptable and multifaceted people who shine in any type of clothing, no matter how much they differ in style.
🟤Stellium in the 2nd house usually have a very handsome face, their hands are usually a very attractive point along with their voice. Especially if Venus is in the mix. Their aesthetics are luxurious.
🟤Stellium in the 10th house always have at least one person behind them. Perhaps it is the harmony of their figure, how powerful they project themselves or simply that social charm that they have developed over time that makes them look so attractive to many people.
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suninyourmoon · 3 years
This is the first random astrology observation based from my own chart! I might be wrong but heree we are
✨i think aspect in ascendant give a big influence in appearance. I’m a Capricorn asc but i have moon trine asc so my face look more softer and rounder, i’m an average height and look more plump, not petite and bony(?)
✨speaking of ascendant, i have chiron tightly conjuct ascendant and when i read how it will manifest in someone birthchart i almost choke my drink 💀
Chiron conjuct asc is an indicator of being bullied, especially in early life. I get bullied when i was in middle school (also, i have my chiron (rx) in 12th house so i don’t even realize the damage that it caused, it took me soo long to finally realize how those trauma affecting the way i behave and interact with people. Healing journey is hard and painful, I always try to runaway from my past and i never really tell anyone how exactly my past is, it traumatizing and scary to remember)
✨moon in taurus not necessarily have a good relationship with ur mom. In my case, she try to provide my needs but there’s no love there. In the end of the day, as a kid you need affection and love from ur parent and replacing those needs with the idea of provide you food etc is not helping.
✨i have moon in 4th house really close to 5th house, i can feel those 2 placement in my daily life.
I also have my lilith in 4th house, my family have a lot of inner problem, i feel like a black sheep and my family also traumatizing to me, but my emotion is easily affected by my home situation. It’s hard for me to stay happy or positive when everyone in my family put me into a bad vibe. (It’s getting better now but when i was younger oh damn it’s hard💀)
While my moon is in 5th house in whole sign, and all of those emotion i have is being expressed into an art. Art is almost everything to me (since taurus also ruled by venus) and i love singing! (Taurus ruled throat). My art is highly influenced by my emotion, whether it’s a song, writing, painting, etc.
✨having planet in 8th house makes you sort of act less like the sign of that planet
I’m a leo stellium (sun, mercury, mars) and for real before i know astrology deeper, i always confused and hate it if someone make an assumption about who i am based on my sun sign. I don’t know why they always put a bad things over leo it makes me annoyed to hear someone say yadi yadi yada when they don’t even know me💀 i also have a few people i know that is leo and i don’t relate to them at all. Turns out that i have my sun in 8th house, also my sun, moon and mercury is in scorpio degree. Everything is make sense now.
But i think now that i make an observation based on my own chart is literally leo behavior lmao jk
✨well about heavy scorpio influence… (8th house and a lot of pluto aspect) even when people always say that i have a baby face, they told me that i often come across as intimidating. Even when they don’t tell me, i get the vibe when someone is scared of me or afraid to make me mad (yet i still get hurt because i used to be so easy to taken advantage of lmaoooo💀)
✨lilith aspecting ascendant attract jealousy? I think so :/
i have lilith square ascendant and my relationship with woman is hella complicated my entire life. They always have something to hate about me, and one of the reason why they hate me because since i was kid, i’m getting used to get along with not only girls but also boys. When i was in middle school, it becomes a big thing that the girls start to see me as someone who try to seduce all boys when the boys just naturally come to me and be my friend, i don’t even try at all because i like to be friend with everyone regardles the gender. I start to got rumor spreading about it and i end up spend my middle-highschool year not being so close with either woman or man, i prefer being alone.
⚠️TW : Sexual topic
✨also because my lilith is in hard aspect to my ascendant, i hate man gaze. I don’t want to be seen as sexy, hot, anything around that vibe. Even just having a thought that someone staring at me in that kind of way and having sexual desire over me makes me want to throw up
✨but funny enough i also have major lilith influence in my chart, heavy leo and scorpio energy. I can say it’s not like i hate sex or something, i’m can be wild but only with someone i really have high level of trust and intimacy. I love the idea of my future s/o being obsessed over me (lmao), not some random people ew🥲
✨sun square moon…. my mom and dad hate on each other HAHA🏃🏻
✨i don’t have any planet in scorpio but i think i got a big scorpio influence since my dad is scorpio sun and my mom is scorpio moon and mars, now here i’m the only heavy fire in my family but with big scorpio energy👹
✨IC persona chart explain a bit detail of how our childhood looks like
i have 12th house stellium including my moon in my IC Persona chart. I can say my childhood is soooo confusing and emotionally traumatizing but it’s hidden inside of me. with saturn in my 4th house, i don’t get a chance to explore my self a lot because the strict rule that given to me, so i often detach my self from reality and end up forgot a lot of things from my childhood now. I have my chiron in 11th house and friendship is wounded me. I also have pisces rising there.
Meanwhile my brother have leo moon 5th in his IC persona chart (it’s literally the opposite of me) and idk but he’s more open about his emotion and somehow got more attention and closer to my parent than me. He has 11th house stellium there and i remember he got a lot of chance to spend a time with his friend too (i can’t relate bro HAHA)
I think if you’re a blacksheep in ur family u could check your ic chart.. it sort lf give you a validation of how you feel all this time (since i can’t afford theraphy yet LMAO i still stuck with my family anyway)
✨venus in virgo get too much hate why tho💀
each people may got a different manifestation from this placement but for me personally is that i rarely fall in love (well i never officially date anyone but i do have involved in complicated situation) It takes time to build a trust and when i know that this person don’t take this relationship seriously i’ll cut them. That’s why i end up never date someone because people in my age love the idea of dating for fun. I’m now almost 4 years not having any crush and i’m completely fine. It’s better than playing around with relationship. I just kinda know what i wanted in relationship and i’m not gonna settle for less.
But i had my venus square saturn lMaO it’s makes me even harder to get into a relationship
✨my venus in 9th house makes me… :
always wanted to travel and live abroad since i was little.
wanted to learn multiply language😃 but so far english is the only language i diving into (i do try to learn korean, japanese and thai in elementary school but wellll since english is a universal language i stick with this one first)
attracted to date a foreigner instead LMAO 👹🤡 When i was in 4th grade, there’s a singer from my country that really into english song and speak english really well. I usually listen to the song from my country, japan, thai, chinese, and korean song but because of this singer i start to listen to the song he covers and i start to have a thing for someone that can speak english really well🤡
love to learn about higher knowlegde, philosophy, spirituality, etc. I also see relationship as a way to expand our experience too. To get better and to learn a lot of thing from life. I want someone to learn about life together.
Okay that’s all for today!🏃🏻 it’s fun to putting my thought here:D maybe i’ll do it again in the future!
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Astro Notes (3/14/21)
🦋 the moms of scorpio moons have a very “i am the parent & you are the child” with everything their child tries to tell them about their behavior. they just see through that lens that their child is in no place to tell them how to act, even when they’re wrong. (remember, the moms OF scorpio moons. not scorpio moon moms). although, a scorpio moon has the potential to become this way as well if they don’t heal themselves .
🦋 a virgo mars mixed with scorpio placements knows how to put it down in the bedroom , okay.
🦋 people with neptune as their dominant planet or chart ruler (pisces rising) really do struggle with addictions .
🦋 cancer moons & pisces venus’ are drawn to creating music .
🦋 neptune in the 1st house people deadass have a hard time knowing what they actually look like. i’ve heard this so many times about myself and the other night, i was looking @ pictures of myself and i was like “holy shit, that’s meee??” like idk 😭😭. this is because neptune is the planet of delusion and confusion and the 1st house is ourself and appearance .
🦋 scorpio risings usually have something distinctive about their appearance. my best friend is one & her dimples are the first thing you realize (and how short she is) .
🦋 all taurus risings are thick. that’s it.
🦋 scorpio and capricorn risings give off the same vibe of mystery and intimidation when you first meet them in my opinion .
🦋 derek and meredith are 100% a scorpio and sag moon couple. 100%. let me know if you want a post about greys characters placements .
🦋 capricorn in the 6th house creates a person that works very hard every single day to get to where they need to .
🦋 mars in the 12th house (synastry & composite) can indicate a sexual relationship that’s hidden .
🦋 you’ll find your best friends in your 3rd and 11th house .
🦋 you’ll find your siblings & cousins in your 3rd house as well .
🦋 my best friend ari actually came up with this theory so credit to her 🥰 but she said that whatever elements are prominent in your chart is what your parents (or one of them) lack in their chart .
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astrow1zar6 · 4 months
Astro Observations (Beauty indicators)- 27
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Degrees in the 5th degree: known as a big sex appeal placement. These people naturally draw attention to themselves effortlessly especially on the asc. They could be wearing a bag and will have ppl still staring and asking for their number. They can get famous for their beauty.
Neptune in the 1st house: they kinda look like their wearing a filter naturally.. like their appearance is abnormally smooth and glossy, they have a very otherworldly look to them that will make others turn back for a second look. They all look like angels. They can have very dreamy personalities as well they know how to mirror other’s desires back to them which can create an almost hypnotic effect on others. (Marilyn Monroe had this)
Venus in 1st house: they give that conventional insta baddie look usually. But no seriously these people can easily become famous for their beauty fast on social media. They have such friendly charming personalities and genuinely enjoy being around others which adds to the charm. They normally put a lot of effort into looking good.
Libra Rising: I think this one is pretty self explanatory lol. These people are really easy to spot they normally have amazing fashion sense, regardless of their aesthetic they pull of whatever they wear so nicely. They dress like story book characters. Just a main character placement
Lilith conjunct asc: these people are also so angelic to look at. I feel like many ppl expect these people to be covered in tattoos and piercings and dark makeup (however they definitely could) but I mostly see that they have such an innocent beautiful appearance normally, the edginess is more through the vibe they give off which causes a lot of people to become obsessed with them. They look so sweet & innocent yet you can sense how much power these people hold within themselves. This can make them very intimidating but insanely attractive!
Libra Venus: they never usually have a hard time finding a partner due to their refined nature. These are people truly in love with love, their willingness to find love in others can be really attractive to the opposite sex (or same sex) which will cause them to have a lot of suitors normally. Their appearance is always so put together and they have such a perfect face for makeup! They tend to have very beautiful smiles as well.
Capricorn rising: talk about face card, these people normally look like models. They have amazing bone structure and are very petite themselves. This can give more an edgy dark beauty. They remind me of a sculpted Greek statue very emotionless and still yet so beautiful to look at.
Venus in 2nd house: giving princess vibes. These people are the definition of pretty privilege. Men will just buy them things for looking cute. Usually has an amazing fashion sense. They have very wealthy personalities, even if they weren’t raised rich they talk like they came from a lot of uk what I mean. Their power is really in their voice they have the most seductive voices my lord, this is what can attract so much wealthy partners. Amazing sweet talkers.
Venus in Taurus: give such a natural beauty. These people give coconut girl aesthetic with the natural tanned faces, effortlessly messy beach wave hair. These people just radiate beauty. The most beautiful thing about these people is their feminine qualities and their ability to know what they want for themselves. This can make them ideal wife’s to many. They are usually into classical feminine activities such as clothes making, cooking/baking, knitting, making jewelry. They give perfect conventional wife vibes.
Aphrodite in the 1st and 7th house: I feel like the first house is pretty self explanatory but these natives are usually known for their beauty like Venus in the 1st house. Many famous models have this placement (Adriana Lima) they have the most symmetrical features, these were the kids that never had an ugly/awkward phase. The 7th house makes you attractive to others around you. You can be seen as extremely charming and likable in your social engagements with others you can become very popular fast. However this attracts a lot of enemies and jealousy from others because of how liked you are by others. People almost worship you like a goddess. When I think of Aphrodite in the 7th I think of “the birth of Venus” painting where she’s emerging out of the claim and everyone around her is in awe, that’s what this placement is like.
Venus in 7th house: usually have such beautiful personalities. Even if they aren’t physically attractive they have such charming personalities that they are still seen as very attractive. These people are also really funny and good at engaging the opposite sex (or the same whatever you’re into) they attract so much attention from others romantically even if they are the least attractive in the room. They can pull some pretty attractive partners as well! And if they do happen to be physically attractive then they probably steal all the men😂 lowkey a little jealous of this placement! You guys are just so cool.
Pisces moons: they get known for their beauty pretty often. I feel like everyone has a crush on them ESPECIALLY the men with this placement. The men with this placement tend to sweep women away like a fictional character, they’re usually amazing with sweet talk. They also tend to look otherworldly too and others can get really obsessed with them. (Bjorn Anderson was a Pisces moon).
Cancer moons: they are all so pretty and feminine 🥺 they usually have a very doll-like appearance and a very warm aura. They know how to make others feel at home which is really attractive. They usually have soft feminine features and have a natural glow to them like the moon! They have such a motherly energy to them you just want them to mother you. Also very emotionally intelligent. These are amazing people to go to when you just need to vent, they’re the best listeners and comforters. Their softness attracts so many people to them.
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harmoonix · 1 year
🔥Femme Fatale Placements🔥
🌟 In Astrology 🌟
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-🔥 Scorpio in big 6/ Aries in Big 6(Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus Mercury, Mars)
-🔥 Sagittarius in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
There is NO femme fatale out there without Sagittarius Energy in it, they carry the way to the top for the misterious elite fatales
-🔥 Libra/Taurus in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury)
Venusian Energy - Blessed - Pretty as fuck - Admired by people, aesthetically beautiful, natural, lovely
-🔥 Leo in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
Of Course there is NO femme fatale without a Leo in it. They are always the star of show 💅🏼
-🔥 Capricorn/Aquarius in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars)
Saturn Energy - Big influence and impact in world, worldwide appealing, extravagante, iconic, classyyy, royal vibes
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-🔥 Midheaven in Scorpio Degrees: 8°, 20°
The world perceives you as being a very misterious person
-🔥 Midheaven in Leo Degrees: 5°, 17°, 29°
Getting People's attention very fast, could attract a lot of eyes on them very easily
-🔥 Midheaven in Capricorn Degrees: 10°, 22°
Having great authority, being very classic and charming, very good appearance
-🔥 Midheaven in Cancer Degrees: 4°, 16°, 28°
Very angelic Energy, could have a very peaceful aura and people perceive these people as "an real angel"
-🔥 Midheaven in Aquarius Degrees: 11°, 23°
Getting a lot of attention especially on internet, Being unique and different, The world perceives you as a rare diamond
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Lilith Related PLACEMENTS List ⚸
-🔥 Lilith - Ascendant aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
Having a very fatale energy in your Ascendant, indeed very appealing and good looking, could attract jealousy very fast and could make others feel intimidating by your pressence
-🔥 Lilith - Moon aspects (Harsh aspects)
This placement is mostly like others are very jealous of you especially the women/girls around you, they want to be you and they can't... And thats making them to explode
-🔥 Lilith - Sun aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
HIGH rebellious and attractive energy, you don't like people to tell you what you do, you do your own rules. With this aspect people can be very drawn to you or to your energy because they know how powerful you can be, you have an imense magnetism
-🔥 Lilith - Venus aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These people have the power to break hearts, they have a very good appearance and can look very intimidating to others, can attract very hot partners
-🔥 Lilith Mercury aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These people have a very hot way of talking, their voice their words, they can turn you on.. so easily they know how to make pleasure and how to destroy people with their words, they stand up for themselves talking while wearing a gold crown on their head
-🔥 Lilith - Mars aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
These aspects are the "Hotter than hell" thing, these people are having a very high fatale energy who can get a lot of eyes and jealousy on them, they can steal your heart
-🔥 Lilith - Saturn aspects (Both harsh and positive aspects applying)
The rare diamond shinning through ordinary rocks, here Saturn restricts Lilith energy, so Lilith can feel very destructible and dangerous, very misterious and mesmerizing energy but also with a lot of lesson, is like you need to learn about your shadow side and your power and of course your sexual nature
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Aspects List that can indicate having a very femme fatale energy: (Square, Opposition Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Quintile, Bi-quintile applying + Parallel/Contra-Parallel)
-🔥 Venus - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Mars - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Sun - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Ascendant - Pluto aspects
-🔥 Mars - Venus aspects
-🔥 Sun - Venus aspects
-🔥 Mars - Ascendant aspects
-🔥 Sun - Ascendant aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Ascendant aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Mars/Mercury aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Venus aspects
- 🔥 Neptune - Pluto aspects
- 🔥 Saturn - Pluto aspects
- 🔥 Saturn - Venus aspects
- 🔥 Lilith - Neptune Aspects
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🔥Aries/Scorpio/Aquarius Risings = Sirene eyes
🔥Sagittarius Risings = good and mesmerizing appearance
🔥Leo Risings = the most shining star on the Broadway
🔥Virgo Risings = Charming and beautiful face and body
🔥Pisces Risings = Enchanting and mystic aura
🔥 Gemini Risings = Mirific aura, magical voice
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- 🔥 Having These Degrees in your chart can mean you have a very mesmerizing energy🔥🔥
• Having 2°,5°, 7°, 9°, 10° 12°, 14°, 17°, 19°, 22°, 24°. 29° Degrees
- 🔥 Having Theses Degrees in your chart can mean you have a very good appearance and appealing, dreamy like:
• Having 1°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 11°, 13°, 18° Degrees on any inner planets or Important asteroids
- 🔥 Mars/Venus/Mercury/Sun/Pluto/Moon/Neptune in the 1st/5th/8th/10th/11th houses makes your attractive in the public eye
- 🔥Lilith in the 1st/2nd/4th/5th/houses gives a very magnetic aura and vibe
-🔥 Lilith in the 10th/11th/12th houses have a very big influence on others
-🔥Lilith in 6th/7th houses attract people from a lot of places, especially envious people at the workplace and in their relationships
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I loved to make this post so much😍, there are definitely more placements and aspects to look into but the post would be wayyyy longer if i would make all of them, maybe i will make a part 2 if i see people wanting such type of content 🤗 Don't forget to always check your sidereal or vedic chart for more and deep understanding, the Sidereal chart is like your inner world 🌎💗😊
I hope everyone reading my notes has a good day full of light and warm energy 🤍🤍🤍 have a very lovely day!🤍🤍🤍
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astro-syd · 3 years
Jimin’s Duality (From an Astrological Perspective)
Jimin has become quite famous for the dual nature of his personality, so today I’m here to give a bit of astrological insight into this phenomenon! Jimin easily transitions between his sweet, adorable, mochi self and his passionate, intense stage persona. Neither of these “personas” are an acting stunt of any kind. They’re true aspects of Jimin’s personality! He simply knows which moments are the most appropriate and effective for channeling each side of himself, and all of these sides show up clearly within his natal chart. Let’s take a look!
Cancer Ascendant: child of the moon
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Jimin’s Ascendant falls within Cancer, a cardinal water sign ruled by the moon. This also means that the moon is Jimin’s chart ruler! It holds a lot of significance in his natal chart.
Because Cancer rules over your home, family life, childhood and foundations, people with their Sun or Ascendant in this sign tend to have a very sweet, innocent, even childish nature about them. They tend to keep in touch with their inner child as they grow older, and might have something of a mischievous nature because of this too!
Cancer and the Moon often rule the mother in astrology, so people with this ascendant can easily take on a very motherly, nurturing quality. Jimin has been known to keep a close eye on the other members and he’s often the first one rushing to comfort them if need be.
This also somewhat stems from his emotional intelligence and sensitivity. Those with a Moon ruler tend to be very sensitive to emotions and mood swings, and Jimin is no exception. He’s highly empathetic, and with his Libra Sun & Mercury in his 4th house (ruled by Cancer), one of his natural gifts revolves around bringing balance to others’ emotional states. Others will feel magnetically drawn to him for healing.
Cancer is a common Ascendant to see in people within performing arts careers. This is because of their emotional availability and talent for expressing feelings. There’s something about Jimin’s vulnerability which makes people empathize with him, understand him on a very human level, and even want to protect him, much like you would a small child. It definitely contributes to his very “cute” and “sweet” vibe, even if he is a fully grown adult who’s capable of handling himself, haha.
Cancer rising people are very sensitive to their environment. When Jimin is put on unfamiliar ground, he will tend to withdraw or act shy until he feels more comfortable. He’s also likely to become flustered easily, especially when he’s in public and knows he’s got many eyes/cameras on him. His overarching moods and personality take on a very changeable quality, much like ocean tides. The ways in which he chooses to present himself are often highly based upon his immediate environment.
The Ascendant also holds a lot of weight over someone’s physical appearance. Cancer rising people can have a round, moon-like face shape and cute apple cheeks, especially when they smile. They’re known for a very large, bright smile, and large, puffy lips. Cancer natives often possess tiny hands and feet, and might even have something of a frail appearance.
They usually are quite soft-spoken, and with Jimin’s Moon residing in Gemini, this sign will have a lot of influence over his tone of voice. It definitely contributes to his light, “angelic” tone and the emotional quality of his singing. The Gemini influence here also appears in his sloping jawline and more pointed chin.
Moon in Gemini: messenger of emotion
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Within Jimin’s chart ruler residing in communicative Gemini, he definitely knows how to put his feelings, memories, and experiences into words. Even if he doesn’t like to talk about his feelings too often, they’ll naturally bleed into his speech, his writing, and his art.
His emotions are easily influenced by others’ words as well, and this is especially true of his family and the people he loves. ARMY has picked up on the fact that our Jiminnie loves praise, but he’s not really using it as an ego boost. His feeling states are genuinely affected by the words of those around him. Watch the way his whole face lights up when the members compliment him and you’ll see what I mean. This also makes him more sensitive to negative feedback though, so he has to be a little careful about the opinions he chooses to expose himself to.
One of his greatest life lessons is to learn how to articulate his own inner feelings and experiences, as well as encouraging others to do the same. Allowing himself to be vulnerable and emotional is not only extremely healthy for him (even more so than the average person), but it also helps others to feel more comfortable and healed when doing the same.
In his childhood, his family members probably spent a lot of time talking about their feelings, but they might have struggled to actually feel them and discuss these emotions from a genuinely vulnerable standpoint. This is part of Jimin’s ancestral lesson to carry out in this lifetime!
His moon resides in his 12th house, which is a highly intuitive and spiritual placement. The 12th rules all things unseen, including spirits, dreams, secrets, hidden enemies, and religion. It’s a very foggy, mystical house. A lot of his feelings and mood swings are at least somewhat subconscious, which is also why it’s very healthy for him to speak about them. Communication will help to draw his emotions out of this hazy house and into the light of day where he can then process and make sense of what he’s feeling.
The 12th also rules the collective unconscious, so Jimin unfortunately also has a very good understanding of all of the underlying pains, traumas, and wounds of our societies. He’s very good at understanding human nature and human suffering, which makes him a great artist and an incredible healer, but it’s also a heavy burden to bear. Much of his empathy stems from this awareness which he’s possessed from a very young age. It’s possible that he even has psychic or empathic abilities of some kind, regardless of whether or not he’s in touch with them.
He’s a very trustworthy confidant. Jimin is a great listener, and because the 12th house rules secrets, he’s fantastic about protecting people in this way. He can be trusted with just about any information and will genuinely take these secrets to the grave. He enjoys the process of healing and supporting others, and protecting their most sensitive memories, experiences, and information is just another way for him to nurture those around him. This is another part of his appeal as a celebrity- he simply feels trustworthy, especially when he’s speaking from the heart and caring for those around him. He’d also make a great therapist, haha!
Libra Sun & Mercury: creator of harmony
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Jimin has both his Sun and Mercury residing within fair and balanced Libra. It’s a sign which enjoys showing a polite, friendly, peaceful, and harmonious attitude, especially in public. Jimin is very much aware that there’s a time and a place for all aspects of his personality, and he knows when to utilize each side in order to achieve the best response from the public. He knows how to play an audience very well while still coming from a very genuine place within himself.
Because Libra is ruled by Venus and rules over the house of partnerships, these people tend to be natural flirts- and Jimin is definitely no exception. Flirting with others and generally being a huge tease is very fun for him, in fact he sees it as something of a game (more on that in the next section). He likes to charm others and be received well in the eyes of the public as much as possible.
Libra is a very non-confrontational sign which dislikes conflict, and Jimin can act as a peacemaker within their group whenever disputes or misunderstandings occur (though all BTS members share this energy to some extent). When appearing in public or voicing his opinion in interviews, he often has a very well put-together, diplomatic vibe about him.
Scorpio Venus, Mars, & Pluto: the playful devil
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So, we’ve discussed our charming, diplomatic prince Park Jimin, as well as our cute and loving mochi, but where on earth does that stage persona come from?! Let me introduce you to Jimin’s most deadly placements: His Venus, Mars, and Pluto all within his 5th house in Scorpio.
Venus and Mars are both planets which deal with romantic relationships. Venus in astrology tells us about the sorts of people, things, and experiences we’re attracted to, as well as the kind of person we’ll be within a romantic relationship. It rules over the arts, fashion, partnerships, and commitments. Mars, on the other hand, is a lot more masculine and aggressive. It rules over our anger, our motivations, and our drive. It can indicate how we’ll chase after the people, goals, and experiences we desire in life.
Jimin has both of these romantic, charismatic planets in his 5th house, which rules performance, the arts and creativity, fun and games, parties, lighthearted romance, and children. It’s very common to see actors and performers with strong planetary placements within this house, but Jimin certainly has quite the combo working for him here.
The emphasis around his intense, passionate, and charismatic stage persona comes from the sign we’re in: Scorpio. It’s ruled by Pluto, the Underworld planet, and rules over all things dark, mysterious, and taboo in society. Secrets, mystery, the occult, psychology, sexuality, and power all fall within this planet’s reign.
People within strong Scorpio placements like to dive deep into their relationships and experiences. They like a little mystery, but the appeal comes from the act of uncovering these secrets. They often make great detectives or psychologists because they’re fantastic at understanding human nature and getting to the bottom of a situation.
This is the reason behind Jimin’s intense stare. Many Scorpios are known for having really intimidating eyes, and it’s because they almost seem to peer straight into the depths of your soul. It can feel as if they’ve exposed all of the things you wish to keep hidden simply by watching you- and with their keen observational skills, maybe they have.
That said, the lure of the dark and mysterious catches the eyes of many- and Jimin uses these placements to his advantage when performing. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so you can think of it like the depths of the deep ocean. His art, movements, and power are all influenced by this energy. His movements are fluid but powerful, his art is deep, emotional, and moving but still mysterious and somewhat guarded, and even just this side of his personality seems unique and captivating when compared to his usual off-stage personality.
This is also a sign which is prone to obsession. Jimin’s work ethic and attention to detail has been praised time and time again, and it likely stems from the careful attention he gives to every aspect of his work until it meets the image he wishes to portray. He knows what the audience wants to see and how best to meet their expectations. He lets you glimpse into his power, his depth, and his sexuality through his performances, but never exposes more than he wants to.
Remember that those Libra placements love to tease, and in the 5th house here, he plays his movements like a game. His performances become a place where he can momentarily flaunt the darker Underworld energies within his personality, knowing that the audience will respond well when it’s within the right context. The sides of himself which are deep, obsessive, jealous, intense, and passionate find an outlet on the stage, and he needs this outlet to avoid taking these energies out on either himself or others in more destructive ways.
His Mars conjuncts his Pluto here, which is a wildly powerful placement. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, destruction and transformation, and in joining with the God of War in a chart, these two become a major force to be reckoned with. You can see it in his confidence on stage, his presence, and the ways in which he influences a crowd. He’s magnetic and attractive, and he can command attention without hardly lifting a finger.
In any other sign, this combination of planets has the power to become incredibly destructive (and in fact, it can be the worst in Scorpio if not handled properly), but Jimin’s grasp on this force he embodies is admirably strong. Remember when the other members said that he’s the scariest when angry? You wouldn’t want to see this placement out of control. The same forces which can give the strongest ability to understand, uncover, and heal others’ hidden wounds also has the potential to use them for harm.
Jimin, however, understands his power and channels the most intense sides of his personality into his art. When he steps onto a stage, he knows exactly what he’s there to do. He has rehearsed tirelessly, he knows what he wants to portray and how to achieve it, and he has a great sense of how the public will respond to his every move.
His chart is water dominant, and he’s a constant reminder that the water element is not just sensitive and emotional. Jimin’s Moon ruler pushes and pulls at ocean tides in the same way he influences our emotions. The same waters which flow through Jimin’s heart and psyche also have the power to create new life or flood entire cities. He’s a great example of how our charts become what we make of them. He’s successful and powerful while still retaining his humility, he’s sensitive and emotional without being too fearful or avoidant, and he’s understanding and manipulative but uses these forces for healing. An angel, perhaps?
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Hiiiiiiii~ I wanna know your thoughts/opinions about my placements:
-Libra Sun in 8th house
- Aquarius Moon in 12th conjunct Rising
- Capricorn Mars in 11th at 10 degrees
- Pluto sextile Rising?
Thanks u so much🌸🌸🌸
If you ever start an occult business I feel like you'd have the prettiest setup because of that Libra sun in the 8th. Libra is beauty, grace and tact personified.
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The sun usually doesn't do so well in Libra cuz your ego is influenced a lot by the people around you. However, if you can master the fine line between doing and receiving you're set.
Funeral directors could have this placement. Property lawyer. Libra is about justice after all.
☀️Sun in the 8th :You could accidentally shed light on things people are trying to hide - infidelity, debt, money laundering, tax evasion. The occult mysteries of the world could be something that your soul longs to uncover.
♒Aqua moon: how much do you like space movies / fiction? I'm guessing a lot
♒Aqua moon : makes more I think statements than I feel statements.
Masters at cutting people off cold turkey.
Exalted Mars : you go out and get shit done. Professionally you're seen as the success archetype. Even your social media handles could reflect a well groomed, rich / successful aesthetic. You project a classy, stable, prosperous image. I think this is a great placement for a long, stable, money making career. You may be good at mobilizing support. Mars in the 11th could indicate that in order to make money, you may need to be on your feet. Or lead an active lifestyle. Capricorn Mars in the 11th could enjoy being a part of hiking or mountaineering trails. You may choose to surround yourself with people who challenge you to grow. Healthy competition can be a bit of an aphrodisiac. You know those boss babe influencer pages taht teach people how to level up, get their finances in order, dress respectably and just get their life on track? You're astrologically placed for success if you decide to pursue that.
Capricorn Mars women are usually attracted to slightly more mature and financially secure men. You've probably held high standards for the men you allow into your life.
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You mention aquarius moon conjunct your ascendant so I'm guessing that's your rising sign too?
If so, you probably come across a little aloof with really innovative ideas. You give off the vibe that you improve whatever groups you're a part of. So you may be someone people think is good at networking /making friends. I know some people describe aquarius as the mad genius innovator archetype. I find that in some cases this can translate as seemingly lazy behaviour. This laziness can actually be what prompts them to improve the efficiency of long tedious processes. How do you minimize the amount if work you hsve to do? By increasing the results of each step you perform.
Aquarius ascendants are usually practical, fair and not too emotionally expressive. Especially around people they don't know really well. As I reread this, I'm reminded of Chef Reynold from Masterchef Australia. He is in season 12- creates the most beautifully moving desserts all with a super stoic or closed off expression on his face because he is super focused on his work. Is this something you could relate to?
You could be a really interesting person and well read. Have a bunch of hobbies, someone who can hold their own in conversation. Since both your sun and moon are in air signs, you are able to communicate effectively and in a clear, logical manner. I mean, we would have to look at your mercury too, but unless it was under some really negative influences we are safe in believing that what you intend to express is what people take away from what you say.Personally, this is something I really struggle with cuz my mercury sits in the 12th.
As someone with Pisces in the firsthouse, you have an ethereal beauty to you. Probably quite easy going and may have been really susceptible to manipulation in your younger years.
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Moon in the 12th. Intensely creative. Add to that you're an aquarius/Pisces rising with an 8th house sun? There's a heavy mystical /spiritual energy about you. Something otherworldly almost. If the moon has malefic impacts this could cause insomnia, addiction issues and a sense of not feeling a sense of identity. Or taking on people's energy sub consciously. I believe the fact that your moon is in Aquarius could would make you less susceptible to other people's influence because of its logical and thinking nature.
Aquarius moon likes to build their own community rather than feeling super attached to their birth family - I'm not saying they don't have great relationship with family, they're just people who like to go out into the world and find their own corner.
Your closest friends may be people who live far away, whom you may have met online.
Aquarius moon natives usually love taking a nap. Feeling stressed? Take a nap? Bored? Take a nap. Uninspired? Take a nap.
Do you make music at all? Neptune ruled first house and moon in the 12th could mean you're really blessed when it comes to anything remotely creative.
you could be a natural psychic. A tarot reader I appreciate uses her paintings to channel. I feel like you could do really well if you went down a similar line. Do you receive ideas in your sleep a lot?
Pluto sextile rising? You radiate sex appeal. Power. People may feel like their life is about to change when they meet you. For the worse or better is up to them. You may come across as intimidating without meaning to.
Pluto sextile rising, Capricorn Mars, and Neptune's influences tell me that you may have a bit off an untouchable vibe to you. I'd normally say that your sun in Libra could make you appear more pleasant / non threatening if it wasn't for the fact that its placed in the 8th house. It's like there's no escaping the occult sciences with you. I personally would catch a flight to get to any Halloween parties you decided to throw
I hate to fangirl but I feel like if you were an artist and I were to come across your art, I'd feel deeply moved, like seeing a painting by someone channeling source energy.
Now I understand that some of this may be more relatable than others. That would give you a clue as to which Planets have a greater influence on you currently...
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readingsbylibramc · 3 years
birth chart reading for @myirlfa1ry
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bucket shape, with jupiter as the handle of the bucket. your jupiter is in the 9th house, hence matters regarding foreign cultures and languages, education and experiences will be your priorities in this lifetime. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.
your dominant planets are mercury, venus and pluto. you are a very smart person, you can be quite astute and you have great problem-solving skills. you're also quite creative, or at least you have an eye for aesthetics. you may experience some karma throughout your life, meaning that if people hurt you, they'll eventually get hurt too and vice versa.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is air. in your life, you adore seeking for knowledge of any kind. you may be interested in studying different subjects, from those you study at school like science, maths, literature etc. to more unconventional ones, such as astrology, psychology, criminology and so on. you enjoy interacting with people; even if you’re not that sociable, you’ll still be interested in their point of view and their ideals, as you see it as a way to expand your own mind. you’re also interested in vintage, and you may have a retro aesthetic or just like history in general.
🌎 ascendant in scorpio, 29° / 3rd decan ruled by pluto and the moon
your scorpio rising makes you quite pessimistic; you see the world as a place full of dangers and malice, hence it’s hard for you to trust people. this may be translated to fear; you’re either scared of other people, and hence you look more vulnerable, or maybe you’re the one who prefers to look intimidating to avoid problems. I don’t think you look unapproachable, though. there are other placements in your chart that say the opposite, so I imagine you project an image of yourself that makes you look quite naive. you can sense others’ emotions very well, so they have no secrets for you. you can perceive any single emotion in people just by looking in their eyes. while this is good, as you understand who’s best for you and you’re aware of the dangers you may face, scorpio risings tend to take advantage of this and be a little manipulative. this awareness of the world makes you look mysterious and secretive, as if you always know something more than others (and you probably do). pluto is also the planet of transformation, and you might experience a lot of rebirths throughout your life, both physically and emotionally. you might lose/have lost a big amount of weight, for example, which makes you look like a different person. or maybe, you like dying your hair of a different colour, giving you a different vibe. you wish you could be softer and show your inner emotions more easily, as scorpio is a water sign. the thing is, since it’s a fixed sign, it’s hard for you to be flexible and adapt to changes. when they happen, they’re usually out of your control as they’re literally life-changing. physically, I see you having a square face with high cheekbones. overall, your bones are very prominent and you’re naturally skinny. your eyes are extremely magnetic, and they could also be quite big and/or round. you might have either very pale skin, or just an olive skintone. sometimes, even a mix of both. your hair, eyebrows and lashes are very thick and dark too. you're at least of average height, and you could have something smaller on your face, like a small button nose, eyes, lips etc. you may also have very thick, naturally healthy and straight hair, as well as nice lips with a defined cupid's bow.
scorpio ascendant opposite taurus sun: this placement indicates that, when you’re in public, you tend to act in a different way from who you truly are. perhaps you’re shy, so you tend to hide your bubbly, charismatic scorpio rising with your modest, reserved taurus sun. this can obviously interfer in your relationships and bonds with others; some may expect you to be different, so you may often lose friends because you turned out to be more astute than what they were expecting. in fact, you may often attract people that try to take advantage of you. I wouldn’t worry too much, though, as I find this placement beneficial in your case, exactly because of this reason. but just in case it bothers you, now that you’re aware of this tendency of yours you can try to understand your real self more thanks to this reading, and start acting like who you truly are to get out of your shell.
scorpio ascendant square virgo jupiter: you probably learn a lot from people around you. you're most likely surrounded by wise, spiritual and possibly foreign individuals in your life. they help you to grow up, both spiritually and mentally. this placement also softens your rough scorpio image, making you look more outgoing and approachable. you're also very open-minded, and you rarely have prejudices. the downside to this placement is that you may be depend too much from your friends or lovers, especially when it comes to your beliefs. you're easy to influence, and you may change your mind often if others disagree with you. you could possibly have high expectations from others, creating a false idea of those who surround you. at least, you're aware of your abilities and you have the potential to make the most out of them, but you're modest about it. you don't come off as bossy, as other jupiter - asc aspects would.
🌞 sun in taurus, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
you’re more sharp-witted and pragmatic than the typical taurus. you value stability in both romance and in your day-to-day life, like at work. you take care of your body and style in any sort of way, as your 1st house venus confirms. after all, the 2nd decan of taurus is a great balance of beauty and brain. I imagine that you're not very extroverted, you prefer staying in, but I repeat that you still probably have nice social skills. or at least, they're your secret skills. you like keeping your mind active everyday, especially by following your passions. if you’re the logical type, you might enjoy playing sudoku or things like that. on the other hand, if you’re more phylosophical you might enjoy reading, writing etc. you have a great sense of duty, that makes you want to excel in whatever you do. in addition to this, you’re also very stubborn. you probably get in arguments with others because you don’t accept their advices/criticism and prefer going your own way. you may also tend to overindulge a bit, and become a bit lazy. you're also very attached to food, but you still keep a healthy diet. you enjoy the finer things in life, but might struggle with jealousy because of that. you have the tendency to look at other people’s achievements and get disappointed about yours.
🌙 moon in aquarius, 2° / 1st decan ruled by uranus
with the moon in aquarius, you must be very unpredictable. you’re the type to change your mind often, probably because you’re constantly coming up with new thoughts and theories since you’re so intellectually active. you seem emotionally cold, and you may actually be like that. in your case though, I see that with your heavy water energy, you feel so much all at once that at one point you need to detach from reality to calm down. even though you have troubles showing this side of you, you’re deeply quite sensitive. you’re very creative and intelligent, even though you may risk to waste this potential of yours; in fact, I’ve noticed that most aquarius moons tend to put their intelligence aside because they’re way too rebel to keep up with it. it’s such a shame. perhaps, in school you didn’t really push yourself to the max, or overall you don’t give all of yourself to things that are not of your interest. you’re only a perfectionist with things you care about, and this could make you waste some of your potential. this placement makes you extremely spiritual as well. you may have some sort of psychic talent, or at least you’re just very intuitive. you’re interested in finding out the truth in the world, and you’re willing to dive deep to uncover it.
aquarius moon square aries mercury: your thoughts and feelings are constantly in contrast with each other. your aquarius moon is rational and logical, while your aries moon is more blunt and impulsive. this results in indecisiveness, you change your mind pretty often, and that can cause you conflicts due to communication problems. you're also pretty opinionated, you don't hide your feelings when you act by impulse. at least, the positive side of this placement is that you're probably very intellectual, capable of taking in consideration both the subjective and objective side of an argument.
🗣 mercury in aries, 24° / 3rd decan ruled by mars and venus
you are a fast-thinker, even though that doesn't mean you always take the right choices. in fact, you can change your mind very often. you probably have a beautiful, melodic voice, even though it's likely very loud. you also speak as fast as you think, making it hard sometimes to keep up with you in a speech. you could also switch from a topic to another casually. you don't really enjoy thinking about the past nor the future, you only care about the present and you live it they way you feel; hence, you're not really the type to care about learning from your mistakes. you always see the positive side of them, which can be both good and bad actually. that's because you're quite stubborn, it's hard to make you change your mind. you're very straight-forward, and that could lead you to conflicts as you don't understand the impact your words have on others.
❤️ venus in gemini, 25° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and uranus
this is the flirtiest, most romantic gemini decan, but also the flakiest and most indecisive. your flirting style most probably includes jokes, teasing… things like that. even though you may seem flaky, as you like experiencing romance with different types of people, you’re actually quite picky. in fact, in order to fall for someone, you need to feel mentally attracted to them, not just physically. someone ignorant and stubborn that doesn’t care about learning something most definitely isn’t for you. you’re not the type to be super romantic and sweet with your partner or just people in general. you show your affection for example by sending them memes, making ironic jokes about them etc. also, when you’re into someone, you probably get very talkative! you start asking them simple questions about their life, even things like 'did you have lunch?’. also, you talk about them with all of your friends, and you find yourself thinking costantly about them. you’re very curious of nature, but you’re only interested in getting to know what catches your eye.
gemini venus conjunct cancer mars: you are very serious when it comes to love. you seek intense, long-lasting relationships, filled with both romance and passion. ironically, you tend to attract people that are the opposite, who are only looking for fun and casual romance. that could afflict your self-worth significantly, as you feel unlucky in love. this is also another placement that indicates that one of your parents, probably your father, or still anyone of the opposite sex probably influenced your approach to romance and sex. there are different scenarios I have in mind, but I'll talk about it later in the family life section.
gemini venus opposite sagittarius pluto: you find yourself having crushes on random people often, love at first sight is common for you. but when you seriously fall for someone, they’re your only thought. you start searching for info about them online, and you wanna become part of their life too. you love intensely, but not everyone may enjoy that. there are people that could feel overwhelmed by your love, others that would vibe with you and offer you the same kind of affection. ironically, you tend to attract detached, free-spirited people that most of the times don’t want anything serious. you’re prone to get jealous and possessive very easily, and this makes you suffer, as you may think there’s something wrong with you. maybe, it may even remind you of something that happened during your childhood, perhaps your parents were also very protective of you. love for you is a constant grow; your relationships will be hard, but there’ll always be something to learn to improve yourself and your confidence. little side-note, you may often date karmic partners, aka partners from your past lives, so you may often experience this 'I’ve already seen you before’-vibe in your new encounters and relationships, and you’ll always learn something from all your relationships.
☄️ mars in cancer, 1° / 1st decan ruled by the moon
in life, you have the need of feeling grounded and stable. you want to feel secure, and that makes you think deeply about your decisions, you don’t rush them. you’re not much impulsive, you think deeply about what to do and / or say, you are very cautious. this sense of being careful makes you quite indecisive, especially since you also have your sun in the sign of taurus, this energy is even stronger. you may change your mind often, or perhaps it takes you a lot to finally make a decision because you kept changing your mind. you tend to try and be collected whenever someone is getting on your nerves, but your feelings are extremely intense to totally bottle them up. you either get slightly passive-aggressive, and hence you could get very sarcastic and call them out indirectly, or perhaps you just lose your temper and face them angrily. possibly, you could even be the type to bottle up all of your feelings, until you explode all of a sudden. that can also make you more furious than normal, as you have all these repressed, strong feelings inside of you that were screaming to get out. you’re also extremely protective of your loved ones, especially of your family.
cancer mars conjunct cancer saturn: you're a serious competitor, as your mind is very strategic. your ambition makes you want to be the best wherever you are, and you may actually overwork yourself to achieve your goals. establishing your status is important for you. you may not be the type to act instantly, you prefer taking your time to follow a plan. in fact, you probably write down what you have to do in an agenda, or even in your phone's notes app. you have this strong sense of duty, as you feel 100% responsible of your fate. you're sure that, if you don't work hard, you don't deserve success and recognition. in fact, you don't take orders from others, you are your own boss. you could have materialistic tendencies, as wealth is what motivates you the most to work or just take action in general.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in scorpio, with also pluto in this house making this energy even stronger. you fulfill your ego when you deal with intense situations that satify your needs. that is, you find strenght in getting out of your comfort-zone. even though you may be afraid of it. you’re an enigma: you know everything about others, but others know nothing about you. it’s your way to protect yourself from eventual enemies, as you’re prone to have a few of them throughout your life. your existence revolves around discovering your value, worth and purpose in general. your self-esteem is based on your physical appearance and on your achievements. you may have this mentality that you can’t take care of yourself if you don’t have enough money. you could also earn money through your appearance, or at least achieving confident is going to be a huge theme for you in this lifetime.
your 2nd house is in capricorn, with also the moon sitting in this house. you may have an artistic hobby, such as acting, drawing, etc. that could earn you compliments and praise, and hence it increases your sense of worth. you could also increase your self-esteem by taking pictures or videos of yourself, for instance. you love challenging your mind, but you're kind of lazy. you'd rather stimulate yourself through your hobbies and interests rather than using school / work, which are quite stressful for you. you need to find something material and concrete to motivate you and make you assertive. you could study just because you need a good grade, or maybe work just to get paid. you don't really do it with interest, as you care more about nurturing your passions than responsibilities. you're not really into conflicts; you'd rather be peaceful with everyone, as you find it a waste time to argue with someone. you're very peaceful, you try to avoid conflicts when you can. this placement makes you crave stability, whether it's financial, in love etc. you must be very stubborn, as taurus, the sign associated to the second house, is a fixed sign. this placement, paired with your imaginative moon energy, makes you settle on making your ideas concrete, and it's very beneficial. it makes you capable of achieving any goals in your life. you're also very artsy, and you may fancy particular art styles. you have a good eye for aesthetics, and you care a lot about the looks of your house, body, clothes etc. you have excellent concentration, and that is another thing that helps you achieve your goals and make your ideas concrete.
your 3rd house is in the sign of aquarius, with also neptune and uranus placed there. when it comes to speech, you’re most likely more introspective. you may not be much talkative, and most of the time you keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself, but actually it's hard for you to hide them. you may be secretive, but you're easy to read. you learn the best when you’re close to creativity or imagination, you’re very intuitive and hence it's easier for you to learn new topics. while you're very empathetic and you're able to properly convey your thoughts and feelings in your speech, you may also come off as sensitive or even insecure. you may have a quiet voice, and hence you could come off as shy. you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all, especially with your taurus sun.
your 4th house is in pisces. when you were young, you probably didn’t feel at ease with yourself. you might have been the outcast, that one kid that stood out in the daycare. you probably didn’t have many friends either, but you weren’t that sad about it. you enjoyed playing, drawing and watching your favorite cartoons alone. you find emotional comfort and security in your home, in your parents and in just family in general. you used to be very attracted to arts when you were a kid, and you kept this love with you while growing up. maybe, you were the type of child to lie to your parents. you have a good relationship with your parents, even though you may argue often as you're all quite impulsive and unpredictable. you may even be an absent parent, maybe your parents are divorced or one of them died.
your 5th house is ruled by aries, with also mercury sitting there. you find confidence in your creativity, and you have the desire to express it to the world. I think you’re probably the type to organize and arrange all the meetings and parties with your friends, you're practically the leader of your friend group. you may have aries hobbies, therefore you may be into sports and challenges of any kind. you could also enjoy working out and taking care of your physical appearance in general, you always try to look good. with mercury here, you may also be very creative. you are probably a good writer, and you could even gain money from these skills of yours. you have a spectacular way of speaking, almost dramatic, that could make you come off as a know-it-all. when telling stories, you may exaggerate a bit, but at least you’re entertaining to listen. you could also gesticulate a lot while speaking, and maybe you like mimicking voices as well. you aim to express your feelings through creativity, it’s very important for you to write poetry, songs, drawings etc., it’s also a way to relieve stress and worries.
your 6th house is in taurus, with also your sun sitting there. you may find yourself dating people at your work place, or maybe at school you go out with people from your class/school. romance is a part of your daily life for you. you like surrounding yourself with venusian aesthetic, so you probably take care of your body, your fashion, your home and so on. you may also be very fond of animals and money. basically, this placement makes your 2nd house even more prominent in your chart. this placement usually makes someone procrastinate a bit, you may have the habit of dedicating yourself too much to your passions without finishing your work, but I don't think it's your case. there are other placements in your chart that make you more hard-working than you look. you are in fact very dedicated to your job and routine. you probably don't like changes, you'd rather follow a schedule in your day-to-day life. your job and skills could be the key to make you gain more confidence in yourself, as they would give you the independency that you crave due to your sagittarius rising. you may have a job that allows you to earn a great income, and perhaps you could heal people with it. hence, you could be some sort of therapist, counselor, nurse or even something more artistic, like a writer. anything that allows you to heal people with your words would be suitable for you. you could also work in a place where you have to handle others' money or possessions in general. you're also a very practical individual, and you may have good health.
your 7th house is in taurus, and venus is also placed there. in marriage you seek security, both emotional and financial. you want a loyal partner that would never do anything to hurt you, and that has a wealthy job as well. intimacy and trust also matter a lot for you in a long-term relationship. your future partner will surely be like that, but you may unluckily attract possessive, jealous people, so beware of that. it may be a problem, especially considering your heavy sagittarius energy that wants to be free. you may date someone that looks good on your side. they may be someone important with great presence, and they could help you increase your self-esteem. they may actually resemble you, you could have similiar physical features. in addition, this is a huge indicator of a nice, peaceful marriage, I don't see you having to go through divorce or anything stressful for your love life, even though it may take you a while to finally find someone that you truly love, as you don't want to be tied down.
your 8th house is in cancer, saturn and mars are also sitting there. you are a very private individual, you have trust issues and you only share your concerns with people you're sure you can trust. you tend to preserve yourself, even though it’s hard for you to repress your emotions, as they’re too to intense to bottle them up. you absorb people’s feelings like a sponge, there’s no way that you won’t instantly understand their real emotions. overall, you tend to overreact a lot; you have cancer's sensitive energy on one side and 8th house’s mysterious, almost scary vibe. dealing with these emotional burnouts may be stressing to you, as you totally get caught up in them. even if it looks like you get to know other people often, you actually don’t let others know you. you’re the type of person to talk and socialize, especially after your saturn return, but you never reveal your deepest fears and thoughts to strangers. you only open up to people you’re sure you can trust. when you’re angry, you can literally go as far as using violence; you need to let out your emotions by screaming, swearing… anything that can make you feel better. when you don’t get rid of all your negative vibes when angry, you may tend to get physically sick; you could get stomachaches, or maybe even headaches. there’s a secret, sensitive side in you that needs passionate and romantic partners in love. yet, you can’t help but feel more attracted to the ones that may hurt you badly. you’re possibly quite sensitive to entities too, like ghosts, spirits...
your 9th house is in leo, and jupiter is also placed there. you’re able to grasp a lot of information that makes you think more about your identity. you’re probably interested in philosophy, poetry, literature... you are a perfectionist at school, and you probably have amazing grades. you are very justice-driven, you like learning new things and being the #1 at pretty much everything you care about. yet, you could be quite bossy at times, as you could come off as a bit too arrogant but you're just very dedicated. on the other hand, you're also very intelligent and open-minded above all, you could feel particularly drawn to foreign cultures and languages and you could be naturally skilled. you may also get to travel a lot or even move abroad at a certain point in your life, you're definitely a citizen of the world and you hardly ever have prejudices.
your 10th house is in virgo. you might be seen by strangers as a caretaker, someone extremely organized who has their life together, but that also doesn’t hesitate to take care of their physical appearance. your ultimate job would have to be some sort of healing career, you want to give and teach something through your work. in addition, your career is where you put most of your energy. you're driven by a strong sense of duty, and your career is also able to increase your confidence. you want to be a leader and create a name for yourself. jupiter is also conjunct the midheaven, therefore I definitely see you travelling around the world for your job. you may have to interact with people from all over the world, therefore you may have to speak a different language or deal with other cultures. you also have strong writing abilities, you are very philosophical and you could become known for your messages. you don't have to necessarily communicate through words, you could even become an artist, a designer, a singer who tries to communicate through their art.
your 11th house is in libra. you enjoy getting to know new people, maybe you have to do it because your job requires that. but just because you need to communicate with other people, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re your friends. basically, you're the type to know a lot of persons, but you may always feel lonely. that's because your bond with them is kind of shallow, they're not someone too intimate with you. hence, you feel as if you can never share your feelings with anyone. your friends may also be very good looking, perhaps even a bit more extroverted than you. since venus, the ruler of the 11th house, is in the 7th house, the house of marriage, I feel like you may befriend your future spouse first before marrying them. it may start as a simple friendship, or perhaps you're going to be introduced to each other by your friends. you could also meet online or in a very crowded place, such as a concert for example.
your 12th house is in scorpio. this is another placement that indicates that you crave intense, life-changing bonds, but that you also tame them. you're afraid of being betrayed, and hence you just end up repressing your feelings. on the other hand, this placement makes you extremely spiritual. you may be attracted to the occult or any spiritual topic: astrology, tarots, even spirits. and, since the ruler of the 12th house, pluto, is in the 1st house, you may use these tools to get to know yourself more. you can become aware of your karmic issues thanks to astrology for example, and use it to finally solve and break free from your limitations. it's important for you to get closer to your spiritual, higher self in this lifetime. it will probablt make your life much easier.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract aries, taurus, libra, gemini, capricorn and virgo. your future spouse is probably going to be very magnetic and mature, but also very caring, playful and affectionate with you. with your soulmate, it may be love at first sight. you're also most likely going to meet someone very spiritual, and your future spouse could actually be your soulmate. in addition, I feel that you're going to marry someone foreign, they may have a different cultural background from yours or at least you'll have to travel to meet. your children will probably have aries, virgo, gemini placements in their chart. they're going to be very active and fiery, possibly also naughty. yet, they'll also be very fond of their parents, hard-working and intelligent too.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is probably a very caring person that knows how to stand up for herself when she has to, but she may struggle to do that. she's very smart and optimistic, and she could come from a different country from yours. maybe she's of another religion, or she can speak other languages. she also has very strong beliefs that you inherited from her. yet, she coule be a bit moody and impulsive. she may have aquarius, sagittarius, pisces and / or virgo placements in her chart. your father is a bit more serious and focused on work, but he always made sure you always had what you needed. he also has a more playful side to him, that he may not show often. he could be a pisces or virgo. if you have siblings, they probably have prominent capricorn / aquarius / pisces placements in their chart. you may fight a lot with them, and you may be quite possessive of each other. yet, this relationships gets naturally better as you grow up, you are going to get along more in the future.
📊 career
I imagine that you would do best at a career that involves healing, teaching... I can see you doing well in the medical field, for example. especially as a nurse, where you mostly interact with patients. you may also work for associations like the onu, where you're surrounded by people from all over the world. hence, you get in touch with different cultures that can help you opening your mind. you want a wealthy job, where you can be your own leader and use your imagination. I can also picture you doing some sort of online job, you could become an influencer for example or you may be known online for your talents. as I've already said before, you have probably a creative talent to you that could make you quite successful. overall, you want a job where you don't really have to depend on others. actually, you probably strive to be your own boss.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
I imagine you put a lot of effort into your outifts, yet you don’t show it. you want to look effortlessly good, you don’t want to give the impression that you tried. your style may be quite minimalistic and simple, with lots of jeans, sweatshirts, plain t-shirts… I see you being more into natural shades, like white, grey, beige etc. you’re also not very fond of using too many accessories, you’re stylish but still very simple. you have this natural charm to you, hence you still look good even though your outfits may not be too complex.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, you were a very spiritual individual. you were close to your higher self, and you probably were able to talk to ghosts, you used to interpret your dreams and you most likely were also interested in astrology and other occult matters. in this lifetime, you need to put your spirituality aside for a while, and focus on finding out your identity here on the earth. you can still use spirituality to find out, but your priority is learning your karmic lessons regarding your self-esteem and work. you’ll finally be able to reach happiness and fulfill your soul when you start having an organized schedule, which allows you to balance both your hobbies and work.
🤔 major transits analysis / june 26th
this month could have been a bit rough for you; you probably felt a bit down, you don't feel much sociable, you just want to stay by yourself and think about your life. you could be feeling the urge to improve yourself, maybe something about school or even about your physical appearance, and as a result you could be a bit anxious to be perfect. you could be quite insecure in these days, and you could also be struggling with finances lately. yet, you don't have to despair: this is caused by the planets transiting your 8th house, making conjunctions to your saturn. in a couple of weeks, you should be feeling much more active and motivated to achieve your goals in a healthy way.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
your secret skills revolve around finances and just security in general. with a positive attitude, you may attract material luck: money, clothes, houses… everything that you desire. since you’re a logical person, I assume the most efficient way for you to manifest through the LOA is writing! take a notebook and just write down positive affirmations, such as 'I have the car of my dreams’ etc. you may also write them on post-its and glue them around your house, so that you can accelerate the progress. you can also try to idealize your wish before trying to manifest it. for example, if you want a new sweatshirt, try to imagine yourself wearing it. you could also go into a shop and actually try that sweatshirt it on; being in contact with it will boost the law of attraction even more.
and this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading :) let me know if it resonated!
- libramc xx
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