#planning a staycation
legolasghosty · 3 months
Wedding Purrs
OKAY so @michelangelinden (my beloved fiance /p /lh) sent me this post and said WILLEX! And ya know what? He's right. And thus, here we are. Enjoy!
Alex takes in a deep breath, fumbling with the folded paper he’s had in his suit jacket pocket for the last couple of hours. He’s pretty sure today couldn’t get any better, and he knows it wouldn’t ruin it if he ripped the speech he’s been working on for months in half. However, his friends would tease him about it for decades if he messed up his vows at his own wedding.
He carefully unfolds it, his eyes darting between it and the beautiful person in front of him. “Willie Antonio Ortega-Covington,” he begins. “I don’t know what I can say to you today that I haven’t already said, but here goes.”
Willie stands barely a foot away, hands fidgeting with the gauzy blue train that fell like a cape around their shoulders, cheeks barely able to contain his smile. Alex wishes he could grab one of their hands, but with the paper in one hand and the mic in the other, that isn’t happening. Stupid vows.
“We’d be here all day if I tried to list out all the ways you’ve changed me for the better, so here’s the SparkNotes version,” Alex continues. “As my best friend, you helped me have the strength to be myself. You’re the reason I learned to paint and always check all the pockets of my jeans before we do laundry.”
Willie chuckles, biting their lip in a way that makes Alex want to skip to the end of the ceremony. But then he glances over Alex’s shoulder, a flicker of confusion in his eyes. Alex pauses and raises his eyebrows in question. If something is wrong, they’ll figure it out. Together. Behind his soon-to-be-spouse, Alex notices Julie looking around as well, a little more covertly. He tilts his head, trying to figure out what’s going on. Then Julie leans forward to whisper in Willie’s ear.
“There’s a cat,” she hisses, just loud enough for Alex to catch the words too.
“Where?” Willie responds, that flicker of mischief that Alex fell for in middle school appearing in their eyes.
Julie nods toward something past Alex and he can see the exact moment that Willie spies the feline.
“Sorry, I think we need to stop for a second,” Alex says into the mic, turning back to the guests sitting all over the massive lawn of Willie’s childhood home. Mansion. Whatever. “There’s a cat.”
That gets a peal of laughter from their assembled friends and family as Alex hands the microphone to Caleb, who gives him an amused smile. He tucks his vows back into his pocket as he turns to see a little tabby cat scampering across the grass towards them. He can’t resist letting out a little awww at the sight.
Willie had dropped into a crouch as soon as Alex stopped the wedding, so Alex joins him on the ground, attempting to not get grass stains on his light pink suit. The cat scurries closer, eyes fixed on the vines trailing all over the big, white arbor they’re now kneeling under. 
“Hi baby,” Willie murmurs, holding out a hand to the cat.
“Mrow,” the cat responds, its head turning to look at Willie curiously.
Alex holds out a hand too, entranced by the little animal. Caleb steps out of the way, chuckling lightly as he joins Julie and Reggie behind Willie.
“Where did you come from?” Willie asks under his breath.
The cat pads right up to sniff at Willie’s outstretched fingers, drawing an excited giggle from them. It must decide that he’s okay, because it starts headbutting his hand until Willie flips it over to scratch the side of its head.
“I think it likes you,” Alex comments softly, watching his almost-husband stroke the feline’s black and grey fur. 
Willie doesn’t turn to look at him, but they fumble around for his hand with the one that isn’t petting the cat and squeeze gently when their fingers lace together. Alex moves a little closer and moves his free hand closer to the cat. It immediately starts demanding pets from him too, giving a tiny meow of protest when Alex lifts his hand away.
“Think dad would murder me if I got cat hair on my top?” Willie asks.
“It’s your wedding,” Alex points out. “I love the guy but he can deal.”
“I heard that,” Caleb calls from a few steps behind them, clearly amused.
Willie’s cheeks darken a few shades as he lets go of Alex’s hand, first to flip his dad off over his shoulder, then to gently lift the small cat into his arms. Alex places his own hand on their elbow, helping them stand up without dropping the animal or tripping over the flowy fabric of their teal pants. Julie moves forward to adjust the train as well, but Alex is pretty sure it’s mainly an excuse to get a better look at the cat nestled in Willie’s embrace. Which-fair.
“I thought you guys were going to wait a while before looking at adopting a kid,” Luke snarks from behind Alex.
“Chill, it probably has a family around here,” Alex protests, as if he isn’t already trying to remember where the nearest pet store is to his and Willie’s apartment. 
“She’ll probably run away in a few,” Willie agreed a little sadly. “But it’s our wedding, let us live, Patterson.”
Luke starts to say something but gets cut off sharply by what Alex is pretty sure is Carrie smacking him. He doesn’t bother turning around. He’s too busy with his nearly-permanent partner and the way the cat has started purring in their arms.
“She?” he asks, scratching under the feline’s chin.
“Yep, checked when I picked her up,” Willie confirms.
“Wow, you’re just going to assume the cat’s pronouns?” Alex jokes.
Willie giggles and sticks his tongue out at him. Alex retaliates by leaning in to peck him lightly on the lips.
“I love you,” Willie murmurs when Alex pulls back.
“Hey, quit cutting ahead!” Reggie hollered, making everyone laugh.
“Good thing I already did my vows,” Willie says. “Pretty sure her purring would mess with the microphone.”
Sure enough, the cat seems to have no intention of moving from her cozy spot in Willie’s arms. She keeps headbutting his bare bicep whenever he pauses in his stroking for a moment.
“Darn, I still have to get through mine without crying,” Alex replies, giving the kitty one last scritch behind the ears before reaching for the crumpled paper.
“Well you can blame it on your fake cat allergies now if you do,” Willie teases.
“Leave my gaslighting mother out of this,” Alex retorts lightly. 
“Are we going to get this show back on the road or not?” Caleb interrupts as he returns to his place between them.
“Right, sorry,” Alex says, taking the microphone. He skims down the page in his hands before finding his place. “Sorry about that everyone,” he calls to the audience before continuing his vows.
The cat seems content to stay in Willie’s arms, even though both of the soon-to-be-weds cry during Alex’s vows. The stupid piece of paper is torn in a few places by the time he’s done, but Alex manages to make it all the way through. And suddenly Luke is tapping him on the shoulder and handing him a slender, titanium band.
Willie has to shift the cat a little bit to get his left hand free for Alex to slide the ring onto. Caleb reads out the first portion of the script they’d agreed on, but before Alex can echo the words, the feline is clambering out of Willie’s grasp, up his arm, and leaping across the space between them to land on Alex’s shoulder.
Alex lets out a gasp, startled by the weight, but leans forward slightly to give the cat more surface area to stand on. Among a myriad of reactions for their watching guests, the cat sits down primly, nuzzling Alex’s hair and sinking her claws into his shoulder. When Alex’s eyes return to his almost-legally-bound person’s face, he finds them grinning and holding back a laugh.
“Well, that solves that problem I guess,” Alex offers, resisting the urge to shrug.
“Only you, William,” Caleb mutters affectionately under his breath before continuing through the ring exchange.
The kitty stays on Alex’s shoulder all through the rest of the ceremony and purrs right in their ears when they kiss. Alex can’t help but laugh as he walks back down the aisle, Willie’s train rippling in the breeze behind them and their hands clasped together. Thank goodness they did all their pictures before the wedding so they get to go straight into the house for the reception.
“Think I should ditch the train for the reception?” Willie muses once they get back to his old bedroom, where they’d gotten ready that morning. “I mean it’s fun and all, but it’s gonna get tangled on something with all the tables and stuff.”
“That is entirely your call,” Alex answers, leaning in to kiss him again just because he can. “But I’ll help you either way.”
“That is both adorable and entirely unhelpful,” Willie teases, glancing at the full length mirror hanging on the back of the door.
The cat chooses that moment to launch herself off of Alex’s shoulder and onto Willie’s bed, then to the floor. She glances around, then lowers into a crouch and starts stalking toward the gauzy fabric that brushes over the floor.
“I think that’s probably a sign to take it off,” Willie decides, laughing.
Alex is pretty sure his chest is going to explode with how happy he is, but he just nods and helps Willie unhook the clasps at their shoulders and fold the cape-like garment back into the box. The cat loses interest in it after a minute and starts poking around in the closet. 
When everything is straightened and put away, Willie grabs the lapels of Alex’s suit jacket and pulls him close.
“We got married,” they comment softly.
“Yep,” Alex says, the words coming out soft and breathy. “We sure-yeah-we did that.”
Willie giggles and erases the air between them to connect their mouths. Alex wraps one arm around their waist, loving how the cropped top piece of Willie’s outfit lets him run his fingers over warm brown skin, and cups the back of their head with the other. Willie hums and deepens the kiss, easing into Alex’s mouth as their hands trace up his chest to rest on his jaw. Alex lets himself fall, lose himself in kissing his person - his husband - without a spare thought for the people waiting for them on the patio.
Alex eases his fingers up into Willie’s hair, getting a pleased gasp in return. He breaks the kiss for less than a second, tilting his head to get a better angle as they reconnect like a pair of magnets. Willie lets him into his mouth happily, his tongue following Alex’s as it brushes along the line of his teeth. Alex doesn’t protest when Willie’s hands slide down his neck and under his jacket, removing his arm temporarily from around their waist so they can shove the thing off. He’s been sweating in it for over an hour anyways. Willie’s fingers undo the top buttons of his shirt to trace over the curve of Alex’s collarbones. Alex shivers and pulls Willie as close as he can, loathe to allow even a breath of space between their bodies.
“Meow,” the cat protests.
Alex laughs against Willie’s lips and pulls away just enough to see the little kitty pawing at the bedroom door. “I think she got bored of us,” he jokes.
“That’s just homophobic,” Willie returns, smirking. “And on our wedding day too.”
“We should probably go, shouldn’t we,” Alex sighs.
Willie lets out a little huff and presses one more kiss to Alex’s lips. “Yeah probably.”
“Alright, nameless cat, you win,” Alex accepts, shaking his head.
“We should get her to a vet to get checked for a chip and stuff,” Willie comments as they leave the bedroom, the kitty bounding ahead.
“If she sticks around, yeah,” Alex says. “We should ask Julie where she takes Beto.”
Willie nods in agreement as they enter the dining room area, the french doors thrown open to connect the space with the patio to accommodate everyone. Their friends and family are gathered around the area, chatting and drinking sparkling cider and soda out of Caleb’s crystal champagne flutes. Julie and Reggie spot them first and start clapping. Alex is sure his face is turning red as the applause grows and someone (probably Luke) wolf whistles. 
The reception dissolves into a mess of thank yous and well wishes as Alex and Willie try to make the rounds and talk to everyone. Alex catches glimpses of the cat every now and then, ducking under tables and weaving between legs and skirts, always looking excited and curious.
By the time Alex and Willie manage to sit down to eat during the toasts, his feet are starting to ache in his dress shoes and his cheeks are sore from smiling so much. Willie smirks and leans back in his chair, throwing an arm easily around the back of Alex’s as Julie starts giving her toast. Alex scoots his seat a little closer and rests his head on their shoulder as they listen to their family, legal or otherwise, congratulate them. (And tell embarrassing stories because that’s what family is for, right?)
Between toasts, they feed each other bites of chicken and roasted potato. Willie misses one time and smears oil across Alex’s cheek and it takes nearly a minute for them both to stop laughing. While Ray is talking, Alex feels a bump against his leg. He glances down to see the cat staring up at him. He grins and leans back a bit as it jumps up onto his lap. The next bite of chicken Willie spears on their fork goes to the cat’s mouth instead of Alex’s.
The cat has deserted them once more by the time they get dragged over to cut the chocolate strawberry wedding cake Tia Victoria made for them. Alex accidentally gets his revenge on Willie for the potato and paints chocolate icing on their nose. The smirk they both get from Ray afterwards says he definitely caught that one on film. 
They dance around the patio to Lover and Galaxies, twirling each other and sharing conversations too soft for anyone else to hear. Alex watches happily when Caleb steals his spouse away for a song. Then Julie drags him back onto the floor and Carrie is teasing him about losing his jacket and Reggie is teaching him square dance steps for the millionth time. And all the while, a tabby streak is darting through each soft moment, stealing bites of food and charming basically everyone.
And finally, Ray goes outside to pull the car around for them. Willie grabs Alex’s hand and people start cracking glowsticks as the sun vanishes over the horizon and they leave the wedding together.
“Wow,” Willie murmurs as Alex pulls the car out of the driveway.
“Yep,” Alex agrees, squeezing their hand.
“Meow,” says the cat from the backseat, startling them both.
Alex slams on the brakes (there’s a stop sign okay!) and they both turn to look back at the curious stowaway.
“Well…” Alex begins slowly.
“I’ll text Julie for her vet’s name,” Willie finishes, grinning.
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strelitziareginaee · 10 months
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lupismaris · 2 years
One thing about my birthday being right amid Christmas and Hanukkah is that the fact I'm the poorest amongst my local friend group and financial insecurity has still got it's claws in me deep gets draped in flashing neon holiday lights and decorated in questions like "is there going to be a happy hour" and "what trip are you taking?? Buying yourself something nice right??" And the closer i get to the day the more my plans dwindle down into the cheapest simplest celebration so i can afford it but inevitably it will be cancelled because the holidays and gifts and my family and friends will always come first
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
alright I am loading up on Tylenol, lidocaine, and spite and making tomorrow’s class good Or Else
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thedjokeery · 17 days
morning moots happy sunday!
i have my usual two weeks off coming up at the end of sept, i'll be revamping this blog and hopefully figuring out how to post my edits on via links can't wait for my fall break 🧋🍁😁🫶
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rivrsin · 3 months
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cannychoice · 11 months
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How about a comfort oriented great stay? With CannyChoice you can now make your stay comfortable be it any trip you are planning.
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lilianekhalil · 11 months
Planning a Culinary Staycation
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hansonlilah · 1 year
Planning a Culinary Staycation
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Pune, often referred to as the "Oxford of the East," is not only known for its educational institutions but also for its picturesque surroundings and pleasant climate. If you're a couple looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and spend some quality time together, there are several enchanting resorts near Pune that offer the perfect setting for a romantic getaway. Whether you're planning a special celebration, a staycation, or simply a serene escape, Pune and its surroundings have something magical to offer.
Where Can Couples Go on Holiday Near Pune?
For couples seeking a holiday near Pune, the options are diverse and appealing. One standout choice is the serene and beautiful [Sunny's World Resort](https://sunnysworldpune.com/). This resort not only offers a luxurious stay but also provides a stunning backdrop for various occasions, including destination weddings. Imagine exchanging your vows amidst breathtaking landscapes and serene ambiance, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Best Places for a StaycationNear Pune                          
When it comes to a staycation, sometimes all you need is a change of scenery without the hassle of extensive travel. Luckily, Pune has some exceptional options. One such place is the charming [Sunny's World Resort](https://sunnysworldpune.com/), where you can experience a true escape from the ordinary. With its well-appointed accommodations and a range of activities to indulge in, this resort promises a rejuvenating staycation that brings you closer to nature and each other.
Where Can I Take My Date in Pune?
Pune offers a plethora of romantic spots to take your date. If you're looking to impress, a visit to the iconic Shaniwar Wada is a must. The historical fort holds the echoes of a rich past and provides a romantic backdrop for an evening stroll. Additionally, the Aga Khan Palace offers a tranquil setting for leisurely walks amidst beautiful gardens—a perfect spot for heartfelt conversations.
Exotic Places to Visit Near Pune
For couples yearning for an exotic experience near Pune, the options are plentiful. Just a short drive away, Lonavala and Khandala offer misty mountains, lush greenery, and serene lakes. These hill stations are perfect for a romantic escape, providing a cozy climate and scenic views that will make your heart skip a beat. If you're willing to venture a bit further, Mahabaleshwar's rolling hills and strawberry farms create an idyllic setting for couples looking to explore nature's beauty together.
Pune and its surroundings are a haven for couples seeking romantic getaways that range from tranquil retreats to exciting explorations. Whether you're planning a holiday, a staycation, or a special date, the diverse options cater to various preferences. Don't miss the chance to make your moments special—explore the enchanting resorts, historical sites, and exotic destinations that this region has to offer. And if you're dreaming of a magical destination wedding, look no further than the breathtaking [Sunny's World Resort](https://sunnysworldpune.com/) that can turn your fairytale dreams into reality.
In the heart of Pune's beauty, couples can create memories that will be cherished forever. So pack your bags, leave behind the worries, and embark on a journey of love and togetherness in the charming embrace of Pune's romantic aura.
#Oxford of the East#Pune#often referred to as the is not only known for its educational institutions but also for its picturesque surroundings and pleasant climate.#there are several enchanting resorts near Pune that offer the perfect setting for a romantic getaway. Whether you're planning a special cel#a staycation#or simply a serene escape#Pune and its surroundings have something magical to offer.#Where Can Couples Go on Holiday Near Pune?#For couples seeking a holiday near Pune#the options are diverse and appealing. One standout choice is the serene and beautiful [Sunny's World Resort](https://sunnysworldpune.com/)#including destination weddings. Imagine exchanging your vows amidst breathtaking landscapes and serene ambiance#creating memories that will last a lifetime.#Best Places for a StaycationNear Pune#When it comes to a staycation#sometimes all you need is a change of scenery without the hassle of extensive travel. Luckily#Pune has some exceptional options. One such place is the charming [Sunny's World Resort](https://sunnysworldpune.com/)#where you can experience a true escape from the ordinary. With its well-appointed accommodations and a range of activities to indulge in#this resort promises a rejuvenating staycation that brings you closer to nature and each other.#Where Can I Take My Date in Pune?#Pune offers a plethora of romantic spots to take your date. If you're looking to impress#a visit to the iconic Shaniwar Wada is a must. The historical fort holds the echoes of a rich past and provides a romantic backdrop for an#the Aga Khan Palace offers a tranquil setting for leisurely walks amidst beautiful gardens—a perfect spot for heartfelt conversations.#Exotic Places to Visit Near Pune#For couples yearning for an exotic experience near Pune#the options are plentiful. Just a short drive away#Lonavala and Khandala offer misty mountains#lush greenery#and serene lakes. These hill stations are perfect for a romantic escape#providing a cozy climate and scenic views that will make your heart skip a beat. If you're willing to venture a bit further#Mahabaleshwar's rolling hills and strawberry farms create an idyllic setting for couples looking to explore nature's beauty together.
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synthetickitsune · 2 months
Jeonghan (SVT) | Nap fluff | 0.9k | gn!reader A/N: @hanniedream :)
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This isn’t what you had planned when you joined Jeonghan for his nap after lunch.
Can it even be called a nap anymore when it’s been 3 hours?
You wake up feeling like you got hit by a train and woke up in a parallel universe. Your limbs feel so heavy it’s not even worth moving them and you’re not sure what amount of water you’d need to drink to get rid of the headache. You’re almost tempted to ask Jeonghan to bring you a painkiller, but then you stop.
If you’re in bed and just woke up, that means he must be still sleeping.
Carefully as you can with your body basically a deadweight you turn around. Sure enough, Jeonghan is still fast asleep. His chest rises and falls in a steady, slow rhythm. Just looking at him makes you feel like succumbing to sleep again. Maybe more sleep would fix everything - except that has never worked for you and you know better than to hope it would this time.
So you do the only smart thing you can - you sit up. Honestly your throat feels like you’ve been gurgling sand and a bathroom break sounds great too. And then perhaps afterwards you’ll feel good enough to be productive or at least awake enough that you’ll put on some movie and chill. Yet before you can get up, you feel warmth over your hand. You look back to see Jeonghan’s hand covering your, his brows furrowed slightly. He looks so pitiful. 
“I’m just going to the bathroom,” you whisper to soothe him.
He doesn’t remove his hand but when you slide your hand away and get up, he doesn’t stop you either. 
It’s only when you’re standing at the sink minutes later that you realize you forgot to take your phone with you. Now that shouldn’t be a big deal, but it is.
When Jeonghan hesitantly brought up his desire for a staycation instead of planning anything for the first time off he had in months, you agreed without a single doubt that it’s the best way to enjoy each other and recharge like you both needed to. The first thing you agreed on and promised to follow was ‘sleep when you’re tired, for as long as you’re tired’, and you promised not to wake him up unless it was an emergency.
Your boyfriend promised the same without you asking him too - and honestly that’s for the best because usually the ‘emergency’ you’d be woken up to is him just waking up from a nap and needing someone to tell all about his crazy dreams. Other times he just gets lonely. Honestly you know it’s an excuse to look out for you. He knows you don’t like to sleep for as long as you did today in the middle of the day.
So now that you’re standing in the kitchen without your phone, you can’t help but sigh. Going back to the bedroom is risky enough, but looking for the device? You’re bound to wake him up. 
Still, you have no idea how long he’s going to keep sleeping and you’d rather avoid getting a notification that will wake him up anyway. 
You creep into the bedroom quietly, pleased to note that you’ve gotten better at it upon seeing Jeonghan sleeping as peacefully as when you left the room. He doesn’t stir when you reach the bed either, and fortune is on your side because your phone is right there - peeking from under the corner of your pillow. Right there.
You wrap your fingers around it and at that precise moment Jeonghan’s hand shoots towards the device too. You pull back, thinking he must’ve just wanted to check the time and thought it was his own phone. 
He did not.
Met only with the cold surface of the item, he blinks his eyes open - bloodshot and teary, clearly woken up from a deep sleep, while he aims and catches your forearm this time.
“Where-?” he groans, falling back into the mattress again.
“I just woke up, Hannie,” you sigh, sitting down now that he’s awake, “I’ll be in the next room.”
“No,” he whines, trying and failing to open his eyes again. He whimpers again and you get the message loud and clear. 
Lying down, you help him put his hand on your waist and return your embrace. “There, I’m here.” 
He hums quietly. His lips press against your forehead as if he wanted to kiss you, or maybe tell you something. You’ll never know. Now that you’re safely in his arms, his breathing is already even yet again.
You try to fight off the lingering exhaustion, push back the sudden heaviness to your body and your eyelids. It’s a lost fight. Jeonghan is so warm and his arms slung over your waist and the memory of his desperate need to have you close make your heart flutter.
If this is what your body demands, then perhaps you need it.
You stop struggling against the pull of sleep.
You earned this opportunity to rest as much as you can. You don’t have to do anything but recover.
And very few things are as precious and healing as waking up to Jeonghan’s beautiful eyes and smile, no matter the time or how messed up your sleeping schedule will be.
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dayeverydreams · 2 years
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scealaiscoite · 10 months
poly fluff alphabet ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
a = affection; is anyone more overly affectionate than the others? when it comes to physical vs verbal, who prefers what?
b = bed; what’s the sleeping situation like? are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone?
c = comfort; when someone’s feeling down, how do the rest look after them?
d = dates; what do dates look like? who usually plans them, or are is it a group affair?
e = events; who drags everyone else to their family/friends’ events?
f = fights; are arguments something that happen often? what are they over, and how are they resolved?
g = getting together; how did it all come about? were there any pre-existing relationships between them?
h = hobbies; does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them?
i = in sickness and in health - when someone falls ill, who’s the carer and who’s the germaphobe? is there anyone that resists being looked after?
j = joker; who’s got the best sense of humour? do they like to tease and banter with everyone else?
k = knowing; who can read their partners like a book? is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners?
l = lavish; is there anyone who really likes to treat their partners/show them off? how do the rest tend to react - who revels in it, and who’s made shy by it?
m = memories - is anyone more on the sentimental side?
n = nights; what’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together?
o = open; how open is everyone with one another?
p = pda; what’s pda like with them? is there anyone who loves it, and anyone who’s less fond of it? what actions/words does it manifest as?
q = quiet; who prefers to spend their time with their partners out and about, and who likes to spend it at home?
r = romantic; is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
s = sharing; is there anyone who’s particularly territorial of their partners?
t = terms of endearment; nicknames! who’s crazy on them, and who do they make cringe? what’re the go-to’s?
u = urge; who’s the most impulsive? who do they loop into their plans, and who entertains their antics?
v = vacations; how do holidays go? are they big exotic trips, or the occasional staycation?
w = worthy; how are insecurities handled? is anyone more self-conscious than the others?
x = xoxo; who checks up on their partners a lot when they’re apart? do they call, or are texts enough to make them feel close?
y = yearn; who misses their partners the easiest (ie, calls them to hear their voices when all they’ve done is run to the grocery store)?
z = zealous; who was especially eager in their pursuit of the relationship? was anyone more reserved in their want for it?
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kidney9-9 · 9 months
Lesson Learned - Peter Parker
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@hollandlover19 asked:
So idk if I’m being annoying with all my requests and if I am I’m really sorry but could you write something about Peter and the reader are both avengers and y/n is Tony’s daughter and they’ve been quarantining at the compound and every time they try to have sex they get interrupted by ether Sam or Bucky and they’ve noticed that they’re always interrupting them at the worst times so Sam and Bucky make a game out of it just to piss peter off by trying to see how many times they can ruin the mood and so far it’s been two months also Peter and the reader are both 18🖤🖤🖤
Hi Natalie, sorry it's so late haha! I hope you enjoy, thank you for sending this in :) I enjoyed writing this! It was so much fun. Steve is in this too! Peter Parker x Stark!Reader [Smut with Fluff and Angst, Happy ending] Warnings: Cursing, smut, creampie, exhibitionist kink, hand job, mention of threesome and foursome, threats, tiny part about sickness, Peter being feral/creepy, small mention of stalking, and betting money Word Count: 8k
When the Avengers crew got hit with a contagious and possibly dangerous virus, you were all ordered to stay at the compound for quarantine until it was completely out of everyone’s system. Unfortunately, it seemed that the virus stayed around in the body for usually about three months. You were glad you had your boyfriend, dad, and friends there though.
It seemed somewhat like a weird staycation, except sometimes you woke up with a fever and a stuffy nose and some days you felt completely normal. The only one that had the worst case out of all of you was Bruce, which was strange for him. He normally didn’t get sick easily, but somehow the virus really got to him. He practically stayed in his lab all the time, trying to find different treatments for his sore throat and stuffy nose.
Today, you had absolutely nothing to do, and so did Peter, so you both had planned on having a fun sexy day without your dad and coworkers finding out. You two were sitting in one of the indoor hot tubs, making out with each other heavily.
“Fuck, rub up on me just like that and I’ll be fucking you against the pool tile.” Peter groaned into your ear as you dropped your head down to his neck, sucking and licking at his sweet spots while pushing your hips down on his. The hot tub was bubbling and pretty hot, but it didn’t stop you two from getting it on.
“Do it, baby, want you in me.” You panted back, rubbing and grinding your clothed pussy against his hard on. He had taken off his shorts a few minutes ago after whining about how tight it was in his swimsuit.
“Uh, fuck, you’re going to be the death of me.” He responded, putting a hand in your hair, and guiding you back to his lips. You opened your mouth and kissed him, groping his tongue with yours, memorizing his mouth.
His other hand had been tugging at your bikini top, undoing it after a few moments of struggle. You two parted just for a second to get the top off of you and he switched spots with you, pushing you up against the tile and humping up against your pussy.
“Take off my – ah, fuck,” You gasped loudly, head falling back as he started to pinch one nipple and kiss and suck on the other harshly.
He understood what you were trying to say, so he tugged on your bikini bottoms and pulled down until they reached your knees and you kicked them off, letting them float in the hot tub.
“Want me to fuck you right here, huh?” He grunted as he pulled away from your breasts. You nodded, panting back.
“Need you now, Peter, please. Want you in me right now.” You begged, pushing your hips back up to his. You could feel his dick press up against your labia, rubbing up on your clit, causing you to have a high-pitched moan.
Right when he started to push into you, the door opened on the other side of the room. Thankfully, the hot tub was steaming, and you practically pushed Peter to the other side of the hot tub and dived underwater, so whoever it was, wouldn’t see what was happening.
“Ah, uh, hello?” Peter called out in rushed pants, trying to calm himself down. He grabbed his swim shorts that were on the pool tile and quickly pulled them on as he heard two different footsteps coming your way.
“Oh hey, Pete! You here by yourself?” Sam called out, gazing around the room, not noticing anything off. Bucky though, narrowed his eyes at the hot tub, looking at the blurry shape under the water.
“Uh, well you know,” Peter tried to stumble through some words, but you popped right out of the water, smiling nervously at the two men.
“Hey guys!” You greeted them.
“What were you doing under the water?” Bucky instantly questioned. You and Peter glanced at each other for a moment, his blush worsening, but you played it off cool.
“Holding my breath, wanted to beat my score from last time.” You explained, running a hand through your hair.
He raised an eyebrow at you, “Yeah? What was the time?” Sam looked over to Bucky, wondering why he was being so curious right now, but started to take off his shirt to get into the pool right next to the hot tub.
“Two minutes and fourteen seconds right now. Should get it higher though, just in case.” You shrugged back. Peter nodded along frantically, still trying to calm himself down.
“Huh, okay, keep up the good work, kid.” Bucky responded, still narrowing his eyes at Peter and you. After a few minutes of chatting, you excused yourself to go to your room while Peter stayed and talked to Sam and Bucky while they swam in the pool.
Peter had to wait until they left, since his boner wouldn’t go down and he really didn’t want them to see that.
He rushed to your room, and you opened it instantly after he knocked. His face was red as he walked into your room, and you shut it.
“That was too close, oh gosh, I feel so embarrassed!” Peter cried out and pressed his hands into his face. You fell back onto your bed, agreeing with him.
“Yeah! Why the fuck was Bucky questioning me like that? He usually is so calm and chill to be around.” You groaned back.
Peter’s shoulders raised up, “He knew. He totally knew, right?” He whispered to you, eyes wide.
You cough in surprise, “Woah, okay, no way. He’s an old ass man, he wouldn’t know what sex is anymore.”
Peter snorted in amusement, “He listens to erotica audio books during his stealth missions, I’m pretty sure he knows more about sex than us.”
You look at Peter with a confused expression, “Why do you know he does that?”
He looked embarrassed as he answered, “I wanted to watch his mission one time, since he’s so cool… He didn’t realize I was listening to the comms, so he put it on.”
You clutched your stomach as you started laughing hard, “Oh shit! Wonder if Sam and Steve know!”
The next time you guys were caught, Peter’s hand was up your shirt, clutching one of your breasts as you moaned into his neck. You guys were in the little movie theater your dad built on as entertainment. You two were thankfully, covered by a blanket.
“Baby, I wanna taste you so bad right now, bet you’d taste delicious.” Peter groaned and you nodded back, tugging him back up for a wet kiss.
“Do it, Peter, lick me.” You whimpered back, pulling away from the heavy kiss. Just as he was unbuttoning your pants, Sam walked into the room with a container of popcorn and a drink.
The lights were low, but you and Peter knew he could tell instantly what was happening. Peter pulled away as Sam laughed awkwardly, “Wow, getting freaky in the theater? I used to do that too with my girlfriend when I was younger.”
Peter’s blush was heavy as he denied it, “Uh no! I was just adjusting the blanket, she’s cold.”
“Yea, I’m pretty cold right now.” You faked a shiver and Sam shook his head dismissively.
“Nah guys, trust me, I get it. But I did text the group chat earlier today that I was hosting a Star Wars marathon at this time. I was just putting some snacks in the room. Pretty sure Bucky, Steve, and Clint were joining me. Do you guys want to stay?” He offered, thankfully looking past the fact you and Peter were just about to hook up in the room.
You didn’t feel like watching Star Wars since you were still feeling pretty affected by what you guys were doing, but you knew Peter was going to be up for it. He looked at you, as if silently asking if it were okay for him to stay and watch the movies and you smiled and nodded back to him.
“Yeah! I love Star Wars so much. How are you starting it? Originals first? Prequels?” Peter cheered himself up and his blush went down as him, and Sam started talking.
You left the room with a wave and a smile, and you went to your room and took care of yourself with a toy there. Wasn’t the best, but it did help a bit.
The next day, Sam was making his breakfast, and Bucky walked in. He muttered a good morning to Sam, and Sam raised his eyebrows in surprise as he remembered what happened yesterday.
“Dude, remember when you told me Peter and Y/n were about to fuck in the hot tub that one time?” Sam brought up, spreading butter on his toast. He grabbed a mug and poured some coffee into his cup, glancing at Bucky.
“Yeah? You still don’t believe me? I practically could smell it in the air.” Bucky scrunched his nose up, recalling the day.
“Well, I caught them in the act yesterday in the theater. It’s a bit surprising, isn’t it? Since Tony is here too, like wouldn’t they be extra cautious not to get caught so easily? I would hate to get caught by my parent.” Sam shuddered.
“They seriously did that… after we caught them the last time? Didn’t expect that of Peter. He seemed like a pretty timid guy.” Bucky shook his head, sighed, and opened the fridge up.
“They’re going to do it again. One of them must have some fucking kink for this shit – or maybe both of them. It’s so funny too, looking at Peter just confirms it. His face is all red and he has this dazed look. And Y/n, well, she’s a pro, can’t tell at all.” Sam laughed.
“Yeah, that’s what happens when the girls gang up every Tuesday for girls’ night. Natasha’s probably been teaching her some spy techniques and Wanda helps her with her expressions for sure.” Bucky threw a guess out there.
Sam laughed harder, “We should probably teach Peter how to hide it better.”
Bucky shook his head immediately, “No, fuck that. We’re going to screw around with them even more. Every single day let’s search for them when we know they’re together. I can guarantee you they’re probably hooking up. Peter should learn that way.”
Sam whistled low, “You’re cold hearted, man. But agreed, I just want to see Peter get embarrassed and flustered again, he looks like a scared little puppy.”
Bucky grinned, “And by the time we’ll end this thing, he’ll be better at acting, then he could get promoted. He’ll thank us for this.” He grabbed a drink from the fridge, opened it and watched as Sam took a bite of his toast.
“Right, well I’m free most of the time, unless I’m doing my running. You know my schedule though.” Sam responded, and Bucky nodded back in agreement.
“I’ll text you when we could start today.” Bucky replied.
Peter wrapped his arms around you from behind, grinning as you turned your head and kissed his cheek. “How’s my baby doing?” He asked, whispering into your ear. You spun around in his arms and kissed him deeply, causing him to pull away for a moment with a dazed look on his face.
“Woah.” He breathed out, “What was that for?”
You smiled sexily at him, “Well,” You tilted your head and pressed up against him, “We didn’t get to finish our session yesterday, right? How about right now we finish it?” You asked, pressing kisses up and down his neck.
He sighed heavily, knees feeling weak at your touch, “Yes, yes, we will finish it right now. Can’t go without you and your pussy for more than a day.”
“Good, so come on, let’s go up to the sun deck, it’s too stuffy in here.” You winked at him and pulled away after patting his shoulder.
He groaned and chased after you as you started to run to the elevator. “No fair! Wait up for me!” He shouted after you and you laughed back.
As you got up there, you quickly pulled your shirt off, throwing it at Peter, who caught it with his reflexes kicking in. You ran towards one of the sun beds, and sat down, taking your shoes off.
“Wait, wait, out in the open like this, is it okay?” Peter asked, breathing heavily. You nodded and shrugged back.
“Come on, the only person who comes up here is Thor, and Thor didn’t get affected by the virus. Didn’t even carry it. So, he’s off doing that gaming tournament, remember?” You responded back, lifting your hand and pulling Peter to sit next to you.
“Oh right, damn, I wanted to join him. He’s gotten good at that new game, they even made a character for him.” Peter oohed back to you. He pressed his hand to your back, sliding up and down as he scooted closer to you.
“Mhm, now enough about Thor and more kissing.” You giggled, and Peter agreed, pressing a kiss to your lips, then another and another, until you were both starting to pant and lay back against the sun bed.
“Fuck,” He breathed out, pushing his hand down your pants and cupping your pussy, “You’re not wearing panties.”
You pressed up into him as he slipped a finger into your vagina, starting to push in and out. “Oh Peter, more please.”
He pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing it in circles as he slipped another finger in, curling it to hit your g-spot. “Ah fuck! Fuck, more, more!” You cried out and he dipped down and kissed your lips.
The next thing Peter heard though, was the door opening up, and he pulled away from you and practically jumped into the other chair next to you. You were panting and glaring at him for pulling away just as you were building up your orgasm, but he put his hand to his lips, pressing his finger up as a shushing motion and your eyes widened as you realized someone came up here.
You quieted yourself down and adjusted your outfit, and pressed back into the chair as if you were just resting.
Sam and Bucky rounded the corner and waved at you guys. “Oh, hey guys!” Sam spoke up in a cheerful voice.
You faked a smile back and responded, “Hi Sam! How are you today? Hey Bucky! Did you see that you got those packages in the mail this morning?”
Peter, however, was a mess. He was licking his hand clean of your slick, burning red and lips puffy from kissing you so much. You didn’t dare look at him, knowing he would blush even harder if he looked at your face.
Sam snorted quietly at Peter, he thought he looked like a dork, and wow was he really licking his fingers? It was too funny for him. “I’m doing pretty well actually. Just wanted to feel the sun today. Guess we all had the same idea?”
Bucky crossed his arms and watched Peter with a hard expression. “Peter. What are you licking?”
Peter gaped at him and then at his fingers. Fuck. “Well – I uh, I was sweating a bit too much?”
You were mortified at the lie, you wanted to laugh so bad, and wow Peter really didn’t know how to lie right.
Sam looked like he was about to burst out laughing. “Yeah? Maybe you should get checked up on that, especially since we’re quarantined for a virus right now.”
Peter nodded vigorously, “Yes. That. I’ll do that.”
“Did you not brush your hair today? It’s so messy… almost like sex hair. Huh.” Bucky spoke up again, glaring at Peter and you rolled your eyes at his words. So nosy!
“Wow Bucky! I didn’t know you were into my boyfriend like that. Maybe we can arrange something together, especially since you love reading erotica during your stealth missions, huh?” You copied his tone and glared right back at him. You didn’t want him verbally attacking your boyfriend.
Sam barked in surprised laughter, “Erotica? I told you I could set you up with one of my friends!” He was staring at Bucky in a new light.
Peter huffed out a breath of relief for getting the attention off him, he was thankful for you stepping up like that.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at you, “As much as I appreciate your offer, doll, I don’t think your dad and boyfriend would like that very much.”
You just smirked back at him and laid back down, staring straight up. “Yeah, I understand, you’re too nervous to actually fuck, you can go back to your erotica, it’s okay!”
Peter made a noise next to you, practically freaking out that you were jeering at Bucky and calling him pussy for not wanting to have sex with you and himself (Peter). The thought was very much welcomed. He told you how attractive he thought Bucky was and you agreed with him, but he never expected you to voice anything like that to Bucky. Even Sam was attractive to Peter, they were like mac and cheese or a two for one deal.
Sam was having a blast, hearing this and watching this happen. On one side, Peter was freaking out for being caught, and then Bucky started practically interrogating him – and then you were taunting Bucky! Wow, this was fun.
But then your eyes turned to him, “Hmm, you can join in too Sammy, you don’t have to feel so lonely, especially since none of your friends can come over right now.”
Oh, shit, Sam thought, and laughed even harder. He loved your humor.
Bucky though, was exasperated with your words. You were a Stark! Of course, you’d invite him and Sam into a sexcapade with Peter. He hoped Peter was learning how to play cool though, so he could get better at his job. He wondered briefly how you guys knew about his erotica audiobooks though.
“Whatever, I’ve had enough sun now. Think I’ll head back inside.” He excused himself and gazed over at Sam, who was still laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, bye guys! Wrap it before you pound it, Peter!” Sam chortled out another laugh and followed Bucky to the door.
You turned to Peter and sighed, “We didn’t finish again.” You pouted and Peter pressed his head into his hands.
“Next time, there’s always next time.” He promised you.
Turns out, there is no next time when Sam and Bucky were always around! Peter was so pissed off. He just wanted to be with you and have sex with you, but nope! Even in your room, they’d show up and knock and ask if you guys wanted to do something.
A whole two weeks have gone by, and Peter hasn’t been able to fuck you at all. Just a peck before Sam or Bucky or together they’d show up, grinning like mad men.
You were irritated too, but your irritation was more with Peter because he had no clue how to act in front of them whenever they showed up, so you were now initializing sex with him a lot less than normal. You even started hanging out with your dad and Wanda more than with him.
He felt so frustrated. He even asked if you guys could do phone sex, and you shook your head at him and say it wasn’t worth it and you could go do some other things that would be better to waste the time.
He was so close to his limit of blowing up and yelling at Sam and Bucky, but that would attract the attention from your dad, Tony, and wow, Peter did not want to explain why he was yelling at those two to Tony, his boss aka your dad.
He could even picture Tony kicking his ass into the next century by just saying those words to him. He was so protective of you, which was kind of adorable but not when Peter was just a guy who wanted to be with his girlfriend.
“Peter’s still not learning how to tone down his facial expressions. He can’t even lie that well.” Sam sighed to Bucky, sitting down as they put on a movie. Steve looked at the two of them in interest, wondering what they were talking about.
Bucky glanced over to Steve and grinned, “We’ve been catching Peter and Y/n whenever they try to have sex. We’re the cockblocker Avengers.”
Steve looked horrified, “Guys, what? Does Tony know this?”
Sam widened his eyes and shook his head, “Nope, fuck that. We’re not risking that. We just want Peter to learn how to control his expressions and now also learn how to lie better so we can get him a promotion.”
Bucky nodded in agreement, “It’s been a while since this started, I thought Peter would figure it out and get us to stop, since Tony calls him a genius.”
Steve gaped at the two of them, “So you’re telling me that Peter and Y/n are having sex? How long have they even been together for?”
Sam and Bucky were silent for a few moments before they burst into laughter, with Bucky slapping his leg and Sam clutching his shirt. They were laughing so hard that Bucky’s face turned red from the lack of oxygen he was breathing in.
“Oh god! You didn’t know?!” Sam cried out, laughing harder.
“Absolutely not, does Tony know?” Steve seemed alarmed, and Bucky rolled his eyes and calmed himself down.
“That they’re dating? Yes, Steve. There was a whole spectacle last year where Peter got on the floor and asked Tony for permission to ask her out.” Bucky explained.
“Oh! Oh. In December, right?” Steve asked to clarify.
“Right.” Sam nodded back.
“That was when Tony was in that awful mood and caused that international incident.” Steve oohed to himself and shook his head.
“You didn’t know why that happened? Yeah, it was Peter and Y/n.” Bucky sighed.
“Well, that… actually explains a lot around here. I thought they were just good friends.” Steve blinked and nodded to himself.
“Yeah, just don’t mention what we’re doing to Peter and Y/n in front of Tony. Anyway, Peter isn’t learning a thing and I think they’re both in a rut right now. It looks like she keeps turning him down.” Sam spoke up.
“Aw, Peter probably is angry with you guys.” Steve voiced.
Bucky snorted, “Fuck yeah, he is. Nerd has got to learn his lesson before we stop.”
Sam shrugged, “I think he’ll learn within the week, right?”
Bucky shook his head, “No way. At least two weeks.”
Steve narrowed his eyes and thought about this. He knew a bit more about Peter personality wise. He used to be like Peter and Peter used to be like him when they were younger.
“I bet you both $500 that it’s going to take at least a month.” Steve declared.
Sam and Bucky looked at each other and grinned widely, “Deal! You’re on.” Bucky shouted. Sam laughed, “This is a fool’s bet. You could give me $500 now.”
Steve shrugged and gazed back to the massive screen, “Hm, we’ll see who wins.”
Peter and you were finally alone in the pantry. Steve had ordered pizza for everyone and left it out in the dining room for people to come and get, so you two were alone in the kitchen.
“I missed you so much, baby, I love you so much too, fuck I really need you.” Peter pleaded with you, considering if he should get down on his knees and beg you to just even kiss him.
You pouted back at him, “I do too, honey. I want you too, but I’m not in the mood to get caught again and have you acting like a fool.”
Peter shook his head frantically, “Baby, no, it won’t happen this time. I made sure. Look, Steve bought pizza for everyone, and you know Bucky loves pizza so much. He’s going to be eating for at least 30 minutes and Sam loves to watch an episode of a sitcom while he eats and that’s also at least maybe 20-30 minutes. They’re not going to interrupt us.”
You hummed and crossed your arms, “You’re sure? 100 percent sure?”
“Yes, please, yes. I’m begging you, baby. I know they aren’t going to be here.” Peter pushed his hands together and got to his knees, in a praying way.
You gaped at him, “Get up, Peter! You don’t have to do that.”
“I do, I really do. I know I’m unworthy of your pussy but please, it’s like nectar to a hummingbird, baby, please.” He explained.
You laughed at him and pulled him up with your arms. “Come here, silly.” You rolled your eyes at him and kissed him.
He moaned out loud at just the simple kiss. Wow, he was touch starved, he needed you so much. He felt his eyes tear up as the kiss got deeper and he felt your hand in his hair, pulling him closer.
So, yeah, he definitely needed this. He hasn’t masturbated or jerked off in any way these past few weeks, because you were always around and always wanted to fuck too. He felt your other hand go under his pants, and he whimpered, needing more.
“Please, please, touch me, please.” He begged you as you pulled away from the kiss. You giggled at him and nodded, dipping your hand underneath his underwear, and cupping his hard on.
“You’re so needy, baby.” You teased him and pecked his lips.
“I am, I know, please, I want more, please. I’m yours, all yours.” He continued.
You started to jerk him off after you pulled his dick out of his pants. He moaned loudly and pulled you into another kiss, muttering against your lips, “Just like that, please, more.”
His hips started to jerk up as you continued to go faster and within two minutes, he was coming hard and fast and all over your hand and his shirt. He was flushed red, and he had these gooey looking happy eyes, and he had the biggest smile on his face.
You were shocked, he’s never come so fast before. “Peter, baby, you came in like two minutes.” You said, lips parting.
“I love you so much.” He panted and dropped his head against your shoulder. You looked down at his cock, realizing it never even went down. You were even more surprised at that and started to jerk him off again and he moaned so loud and prettily.
He moaned your name over and over and he cried into your shoulder, with actual tears. “Please, more, please, I’m begging you. I need more. I want more.” He cried out.
“Wanna fuck me? Huh, Peter? Want my pussy?” You asked him, pulling him by his hair and kissing down his throat.
“Yes, I want to use your pretty pussy, please, let me, please!” He begged even more, and you quickly got yourself ready, pulling your pants down and pushing a finger down to your pussy to check if you were wet enough, and yes, you were very ready.
You leaned against one of the shelves and showed yourself to Peter, ass towards him. He instantly grabbed onto your hips and with one big thrust, he went into your pussy, pounding hard and nonstop.
“Ah! Fuck, yes, right there!” You moaned loudly, pressing your head against a bag of chips. Peter was muttering nonsensically, but you could hear him say “please, please, please, please” over and over again.
“Keep going, you could do it, come on.” You encouraged him, wanting him to fuck you longer.
You weren’t shocked that you could feel him coming again, inside you this time. He continued anyway, fucking through his orgasm and right into another for himself. His hand came around your hip and down to your pussy, rubbing at your clit as he continued to pound into you.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, yes, shit! Yes Peter!” You felt like you were yelling but you couldn’t help yourself. You were finally coming after so long, on his cock. It felt incredible and you loved it so much.
He was still fucking you, and you were a bit shocked. He’s never done something like this before. After coming twice and working himself to another one? He usually stopped at one and rested for a few minutes and then he could go again, up until about four times.
“Need more, need your pussy, need you, baby. I love you so much. I wanna fuck you for so long, need it.” He panted in the crack of your neck and shoulder, groaning loud as he felt himself start to come again.
So much of his cum spasmed into your pussy and you gasped loudly at the feeling of being stuffed so full. It even started to leak out as he continued fucking your pussy, the sensations leading you into another orgasm so quickly.
You cried out his name, feeling like you were going to collapse now.
He still continued. You didn’t want him to stop at all, and it seemed like neither did he. He was on a roll, and he was locked into your pussy like he couldn’t pull himself out and he loved it.
A knock rang loudly on the door to the pantry. Peter slowed himself but didn’t stop fucking you. “What do you want?” He shouted, uncaring about who it was.
“I need to get some chili flakes for the pizza. I’d be happy if you didn’t ejaculate on them.” Bucky’s voice rang out.
You and Peter both groaned and finally he pulled out, anger steamed practically out of his ears. He barely pulled his pants back up and pushed his still hard dick into them before he cracked the door open and stared at Bucky.
“The chili flakes are with the pizzas out in the dining room.” Peter huffed out, face red still. Bucky rolled his eyes at the guy, still acting flustered.
“Yeah? And were you fucking Y/n in there too?” He asked Peter, grinning teasingly.
“…Uh, nope! Not at all. Was just helping her rearrange some stuff in the pantry.” Peter responded, acting awkward now.
This time you rolled your eyes and pulled the door completely open once you were decent enough.
“Bucky. He was rearranging my guts and if you need some chili flakes, I’m going to inject chili oil into your eyes while you’re asleep. Got it? Good, now more out of my way, I’m going to go get some pizza.” You almost growled at him.
Bucky slowly put his hands up and stepped to the side for you to pass him. He raised his eyebrows, “Mm, yeah, I’m not stopping you, go right ahead to the pizza.” He let you pass.
You looked back at Peter and sighed, “Enough of this. Seriously.” You looked so angry and so done about the entire thing.
After you left, Bucky stood there with his arms crossed and Peter just awkwardly excused himself after a minute of Bucky staring at him.
Yeah, Peter needed to fix this or else you’d stop having sex with him altogether.
You sat next to your dad as he wrapped an arm around you. You picked up a slice of pizza and started eating it, listening to the conversation in the dining room. Natasha and Clint were arguing about which hot sauce belonged on pizza and Steve was trying to meditate it but ended up groaning at the two of them when they switched to speaking in Russian.
“You good, bug?” Your dad asked you as you took another bite. You nodded silently and finished chewing and swallowed your food.
“Yeah, it’s just I’m really annoyed with this three-month thing. I’m getting tired of the people around me.” You practically glared at Bucky as he walked into the room.
Tony nodded to you, “Yeah, you’re sick of your boyfriend, huh? Let me take him off your hands tomorrow, I’ve got a project I need some assistance on.”
You blinked in surprise, “Oh, yeah, sure thing. He loves working with you in the lab.”
Tony smiled, “Yeah, he’s good with technology. But it sounds like I might need to talk to him about being clingy to you.”
You shook your head, “Oh that’s fine, I had a… few words with him. He should understand now.” You thought back to what you said a few minutes ago to Peter and mentally shrugged. If he doesn’t get Sam and Bucky to stop interrupting you guys, you’re going to deny him any kind of physical touch.
And yes, you were going to be so fucking sexy as you do that to taunt him even more.
“Good, you were always good with your words.” Tony responded to you, and you smiled at him. You were so thankful that your dad never found out about any of this stuff. You were sure he knew that you two were messing around together but you didn’t want to bring that up with him.
“Yeah, she definitely is.” Bucky spoke up, into your conversation.
You glared at him again and he barely even acknowledged you. Your dad though, nodded to Bucky, “Right. If she ever stops with our Avengers stuff, she could become a lawyer.”
“Definitely.” Bucky chuckled and grabbed a slice of pizza.
When you knocked on Peter’s door that night, he answered it within a minute. He pulled you into the room with a hug and a smile.
“Hey baby, did you save me a slice of pizza?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No, I’m sorry. Steve made a bet with Bucky about who could eat the most pizza and it all ran out in the end. But… we have to talk.” You worded carefully at the end.
“Talk. Right, yeah, we do need to.” He sighed and sat back on his bed.
“You’ve got to figure this out with Sam and Bucky, and you have to learn how to stop reacting to them so much. That’s why they keep stopping us.” You explained.
Peter started blushing almost on instinct, “But – I don’t know how to do that.”
You sighed, “Baby, you’ve got to learn. I’m sure there’s a bigger picture to this whole thing that we don’t understand right now but try to look at that.”
Peter shrugged, “All I can see is Sam and Bucky finding it hilarious to fuck with us.”
“Well then, once you get them to come and apologize to me and you together at the same time, then we can have sex. Until then, we’re abstaining. I don’t care how long it takes, but you have to do this. You know I have talked to them about it before and they still continue, so you have to try.” You declared.
Peter gaped at you, “But no sex? What?”
“Yeah. Until you do that, I’m going to go buy some new toys. I need to find a toy that pleases me as good as you, please me.” You shrugged at him, feeling a tiny bit bad once his expression drops into something stormy.
“Okay, yeah, I get that.” He sighed deeply.
“I’ll see you later, bye sweetie, love you.” You pressed a long and gentle kiss to his lips and walked away.
Two months. Two fucking whole months and Peter and you have not had sex. Each time he’s tried, he couldn’t face them. It was terrible.
But now?
Now, Peter is pretty sure he can face the god of sex and be unphased if he was caught jerking off.
Each step he took was like he was bouncing off of mountains with how pissed he was and how horny he’s been without any relief. Now jerking off has done no good to him. You’ve been teasing him so much too. You’d wear the shortest fucking shirts ever in front of him and anyone around and just prance around like nothing’s wrong.
You’d wear some of his favorite dresses on you, the ones you two only used in private when you guys wanted to roleplay. The sparkly red one, with a low back? Yes. The short sheer black one where he could see your nipples if he stared long enough. Yes.
And you even wore his shirt with nothing else on – yes, nothing at all, all around the compound. He saw you in it, eating ice cream on the couch in the living room, chatting with Natasha, who was beside you. He sat down across from you and spoke with you guys before you slowly spread your legs deliberately and showed him you weren’t wearing any panties.
He excused himself so fast and cried in the shower when he couldn’t come.
So, right now it was about 3 in the morning. He disabled Friday in Sam’s room and Bucky’s room, shut off the power in their rooms as well. He put some special web fluid in his suit and went into Sam’s room first. He had prepared for this for at least two days, pulling information from everywhere he could find.
He broke every single appliance in the room. Then he barricaded the door and the windows. He made sure Sam had no contact with the outside, and he did so all very quietly.
He woke Sam up by pulling the blanket off him.
“Woah, what’s going on? Peter?! What the hell? Friday, turn the lights on!” Sam yelled out. When Friday didn’t do anything, Sam sat up in his bed, staring up at Peter, who was standing on top of the bed frame at the end, staring down at him with a hard expression.
It scared the shit out of Sam. He could barely see anything in the dark, but Peter’s face was something he could focus on, with some of the light coming from beneath his costume.
The usual shinny light in his eyes were gone. His happy-go-lucky expression was wiped away. There was a blank and dark look on the man’s face and it terrified Sam. This was not Peter Parker. This was a monster.
“Peter, come on, you’re scaring me… What’s happening?” Sam stood up, and tried walking to the door, but it was completely blocked. Sam looked over to the other escape routes in his room, which were blocked too, all thanks to Peter.
“You’re going to stop bothering me and Y/n.” Peter spoke up.
“Uh, come on, those are just jokes me and Bucky play.” Sam shrugged, trying to get Peter to calm down.
“How long has it been since you last spoke to your sister?” Peter brought up, voice void of emotion.
“Peter?! How the fuck do you know I have a sister? Did Steve and Bucky tell you?” Sam’s voice got louder.
“She’s sleeping at the moment. I have a camera in her room. She likes wearing that snoopy shirt to sleep, doesn’t she? I can tell. Did you know she leaves her window in the bathroom unlocked? She likes to leave it open when she showers. She uses those lavender bath bombs that CVS sell for $7 but she always gets them with an online coupon.” Peter chuckled.
Sam stayed silent in terror. This was scary, this was becoming his worst nightmare.
“I like to check in on her a lot. She has a kid too, your nephew, yeah? Isn’t it funny his favorite Avenger is me, Spiderman? I sent him a package as a thank you. It means so much to me. Do you remember third grade performance in a reenactment of the New York battle? I certainly do. He played an alien character. Remember what his line was? ‘Don’t kill me, oh mighty avenger!’ I love that line so much. It reminds me of what’s happening here, right? You’re the little bitch standing scared in the corner and I’m about to fuck you up.” Peter continued.
Sam practically curled himself up into a ball in the corner of the room. He stared in horror at Peter, thinking that these past few months haven’t been the smartest thing – with what he’s been doing with Bucky.
“Don’t bother me and Y/n again. I’m not asking. I’m telling you.” Then he raised his arm up and pointed at Sam.
He activated the web shooter and shot the new web fluid at him.
The web fluid was disgusting. Instantly, Sam started gagging and he tried pulling it off but once it stuck onto his skin, it wouldn’t move. The fluid hardened slightly, then started growing and growing and Peter pushed the desk away from the door and walked out.
Sam was left trapped in a corner in the dark, yelling out helplessly for anyone to listen to him. The fluid expanded to the rest of the room, trapping Sam in an uncomfortable spot. It would be hours before someone was alerted of the mess, and it would take another 16 hours to dissolve the web fluid and to get him out of the room.
Sam understands now to never fuck with Peter Parker or you ever again.
Peter was going to do something different with Bucky. He’d wake immediately if someone walked into his room, so he had waited outside his door and just breathed a bit heavily, knowing Bucky would eventually wake up and feel uneasy because he sensed someone outside his room.
Peter covered himself in an ooze that Bruce had developed during the quarantine in anger. It was a jelly type consistency that always smeared and spread and caused those that came into contact with it to slip around and feel itchy.
Yes, Peter felt uncomfortable, but he had the solution that undid this mess on him. He’d use it once he was done with Bucky and then go shower.
It only took two minutes for Bucky to open the door, armed and ready for an intruder. Peter flew himself into him and the knife slipped off of his body easily. He wrestled around with Bucky as Bucky started to understand who he was.
“Peter? What on Earth…Get the fuck off me, kid.” Bucky grunted, trying to kick Peter in the gut, but struggled when the goo got on him and started to spread.
Bucky started to itch like crazy, and he let Peter go as he started to itch everywhere. “The fuck did you do, kid?” He questioned, trying to stand up. Peter grasped the side of the wall and activated his suit to stand up.
“You’re going to be left like this for two days. This is my response. You’re not going to bother me and Y/n again.” Peter started off. Bucky just stared at him incredulously.
“You’re hard to intimidate. But I got the information… Did you know your sister donated her eggs? I do. You have some blood relations left in this world. Ouch, does that hurt you to hear? Especially since I can give this information to anyone here. Don’t you think Steve would want to go talk to them? You don’t want that though. You just want to be alone after what happened with your sister. Do you remember where you kept her letter to you? The one that told you she forgave you for leaving back then. I remember the lines, ‘James, dear, I love you and will always have a piece of love for you in my heart throughout the rest of my life. Remember when we’d fight over who got the last of ma’s cookies? Every time I bake her recipe, I think of you.’ Oh, so sad.” Peter voiced out.
Bucky immediately tried getting up to go beat the shit out of Peter, but he couldn’t.
“I have a copy of the letter. Do you want me to show Steve the part where she talked about him? Oh, you don’t? Okay, so don’t fucking mess with me and Y/n again. Or I’m going to release all the information I have on you. It will flood the internet and the streets. This isn’t a question, this is a statement. You can see this as a threat, I see this as a promise. You should know I don’t break my promises so easily. And I’m going to fuck my girlfriend whenever I want, without you interrupting.” Peter finished and smiled at him.
Bucky stopped thrashing around and just stared at Peter.
“You’re learning. Oh, thank fuck, finally. You didn’t have to do all this shit. You just needed to learn how to take things with a straight face and learn how to lie.” Bucky sighed deeply then laughed and shook his head.
“I was going to put word in with Tony to promote you too once you learned. But huh, you’re learning another kind of lesson that I didn’t expect you to ever learn. How to be a badass motherfucker. Wow, this modern world surprises me still.” Bucky chuckled.
Peter stood frozen, “You wanted to promote me?”
“I did.” Bucky noted back.
“…Do you still want to promote me?” Peter nervously asked.
Bucky tilted his head at him and smiled, “Ask me again once I can stand up.”
Peter groaned, “Nope, I know you’re going to punch me. Not falling for that.”
“Hah, looks like you’re learning not to be so gullible too. Good job.” Bucky laughed again and sat in the mess. He just continued to itch himself like crazy.
“I’m leaving now.” Peter said, leaving with a strange feeling in his chest.
He could’ve been promoted. Wow. That’s awesome! But you know what’s even more awesome now, he can finally have sex with you again.
“Baby! I did it! I got them to stop bugging us.” Peter spoke up, grabbing your hand to hold it. You smiled back and laughed cheerfully.
“I saw! You did great. Thank you, sweetie. We can do stuff together now.” You pulled him into a hug.
“Want to go try that new simulator together? We can have sex in a meadow! It’s like VR but better.” Peter asked and you nodded happily.
Your eyes widened, “Oh shit, that’s awesome. But what if we could have sex somewhere even more crazy then?”
“Yeah! I love when it’s a crazy spot. Makes me feel a thrill.” Peter exclaimed and you agreed. You two ran to the room, laughing when you saw Sam right behind the wall. He absolutely heard the entire conversation.
“You guys are insane exhibitionists. What the fuck.” Sam muttered.
A week later, Sam and Bucky handed each their payment to Steve. Once Steve saw and heard what Peter did to the two of them, he was shocked. Never did he think that Peter was capable of something like that, but Steve understood the feeling that once he was pushed, he’d also do something similar.
“At least he learned something.” Sam brought up.
Bucky shook his head, “Don’t know if it was worth being itchy and slippery for two days. Bruce had to recreate the solution to get it off me since Peter stole all of it and used it on himself.”
“I have trauma now. I don’t think I’ll ever see him as a little puppy anymore.” Sam revealed.
Bucky snorted, “Welcome to the club. Trauma is the only thing I know best.”
Steve shook his head at the two, “Well, I guess you guys have to move onto something else now. We still have about two and a half weeks till we should be safe to go outside again. Want to start a puzzle with me?”
Sam instantly denied him, “Nope, not again. You only buy the super hard puzzles with dull images. It’s sad. Bye.” He walked away.
Steve looked at Bucky with hopeful eyes, “I’m going to go… do something, yeah. Bye Steve.” Bucky spoke up.
Steve sighed at his friends’ actions. At least you and Peter could have fun together again.
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ashipiko · 2 months
AKA: Ashi’s 1K follower event! hosted by: 🌺🦊🛍️
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“Say, haven’t you ever gotten tired of all the strenuous, brain-numbing labor that comes with being an NRC student? Then, say no more~.”
Night Raven College’s new student-ran event, hosted by Ashi Tamadai, the Ramshackle prefect, Niko Cimarron, a Scarabia second year, and Atlan Trein, a Pomefiore second year, introduce to you a courtyard makeover! Decorated with cheerful decorations that’ll put you in a mood to kick back and relax, this program is meant to bring the student body together, to make some happy school memories!
“Don’t forget, an important part is the fact that there’s like, no magic needed. So tell everyone you know! You don’t want to be the only one NOT going, right?!”
At this school-side staycation, students are welcome to tan on some chairs, buy a pawpsicle to enjoy in the hot, late summer sun, or even just sit and chat with friends! Anything is welcome here— A karaoke session is planned, and so is a water balloon fight! The point is to relax. No magic is needed to have fun, and it’s preferred if you didn’t use any at all. All classes are cancelled and even the teachers and staff are bound to swing by! Isn’t that so kind of the people who organized it?
“So TOTALLY swing by with all of your friends, everyone! Enjoy this summer sun and all it’s treats while it lasts~ ☆”
Anyone is welcome to join!
Pretty much everything can be an entry; artworks, fan made cards, drabbles, edits, etc etc. As long as it’s appropriate, does not have anything NSFW, and doesn’t have any sensitive content. It’s supposed to be a lighthearted party!
Utilizing parts of the event are highly appreciated, but defo not needed. For example, if you were to draw your character in the midst of a water balloon fight, eating a pawpsicle, etc etc. Just ideas, but no pressure!
All characters can be used for this event. Canon characters (staff, side characters like RSA, etc), and of coursies any OCs/yuus! I don’t mind any multiple entries for a canon character either. Have funsies!
I’ll also be participating with the respective 3 OCs hosting the event! Their cards will come soon~
If your entry prompts an OC interaction, I’ll try my best to reply with a chibi and interaction back.
Also, there’s honestly no due date or window for this event. I’d be really happy to see your entry, even if you think it’s come a little late.
Please tag me in all of your works!!! I WANNA READ AND SEE THEM ALL!!!
The aesthetic is a sort of summer-like feel. A cheerful summer day where you laugh with friends and have fun while taking bites from your favorite ice cream. Making memories that you’ll never forget!
Aesthetic and dress code is down below! ↓↓↓
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The dress code is not strict at all. The only necessary thing is that you must wear something bright and/or colorful. Tis an Ashi rule! Otherwise, it’s completely fine if it’s just a slight variation of the NRC uniform, or maybe a completely new outfit nonetheless. I’m not one to judge your fashion choices.
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*BG edit done by me!
If you want to interact with my characters, here’s what they’ll most likely be up to:
🌺: Since she’s the actual host, Ashi will most likely be walking around and chatting up with everyone. Open to taking pictures, hyping up the crowd, announcing when the water balloon fight and karaoke will be starting— You’ll most likely find her basically doing everything she can. She’ll be there the entire time!
🦊: As the co-host of the event, Niko will also be walking around and be there all day, additionally with the fact that he’ll be selling his pawpsicles. And advertising them. To everyone. No matter what, he’ll probably walk up to your character and every character in attempts to sell something. He’s not as hyped up as Ashi, but he’s 100% enjoying his time.
🛍️: Atlan, despite only being recruited to spread word of the day off, can be pretty easily found within the crowd at the celebration. He’s trying his best to talk, despite the fact that he’s hiding behind a wall and his oresama aura. If you were to walk up to him and start a conversation, he’d be flustered but reply excitedly.
Atlan’s SR 〜 GROOOOVY!
Amaterasu 〜 @yumeko2sevilla
Ines Marvilla 〜 @shinysparklesapphires
Sidney 〜 @babyghoul138
Kanae Yoyume 〜 @beneathsakurashade
Chikyuu + Epel Felmier 〜 @asteroidtaker
Wei Jie + AshAce 〜 @ceruleancattail
Reese Kingbit + Kingsley Rule 〜 @kickasscentral
Tessa Kingbit 〜 @kickasscentral
Yuuki Kamiyama 〜 @theolivetree123
Hopper Benedict 〜 @theolivetree123
Alice + GROOVY! 〜 @sinjaangels
Lázaro Muertinez 〜 @the-trinket-witch
Kai’s OC Batch 〜 @distant-velleity
Leota Yuleman 〜 @twsted-canvas
Yani 〜 @kouro7
Joseph Akaba 〜 @readsrandomstuff67
Alyssa 〜 @annasahc
Teddy + Niko Cimarron 〜 @yuus-sentient-teddy
NRC staff 〜 @twistedwonderlandshenanigans
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charrlote365 · 4 months
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SAND, SEOYEON AND S*X Reference Idol: fromis_9 LEE SEOYEON Word Count: 13.077 Tags: Romance, massage, Kpop idol, fromis_9, Lee Seoyeon
As the sun set below the horizon, painting the desert in hues of orange and pink, I couldn't help but dazed at how surreal our honeymoon felt. Here I was, in the middle of nowhere, with Lee Seoyeon, the love of my life and, incidentally, a member of fromis_9. The expansive desert stretched out before us, an endless canvas of dunes that seemed to go on forever.
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Seoyeon's laughter echoed through the air, her unique husky voice making the sound even more enchanting as we hiked up yet another sandy hill. Her joy was infectious, "CAMPING, CAMPING, CAMPINGG!!~", she kept singing loudly while jumping around in the sand, and despite the sweat trickling down my back, I felt like the luckiest man alive. Fate indeed works in a mysterious way, who would have thought that our paths would cross like this, leading us to this moment?
"Hey, look at that cactus!" Seoyeon exclaimed, pointing excitedly at a tall, spiky plant standing high amidst the sand. She ran towards it, her oversized white shirts waving around. I jogged to catch up, grinning at her childlike enthusiasm.
"Be careful, babe," I warned playfully. "Those things can be pretty prickly."
She turned back to me, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Are you afraid of cactus? Just be afraid of me ~, because I can bite! Happp!! hehehe~"
Before I could respond, she stumbled, her foot catching on an unseen rock. Time seemed to slow down as she was falling forward, right onto the cactus. My heart skipped a beat.
"Seoyeon!" I shouted, rushing to her side. She sat up, a look of shock on her face, now adorned with tiny cactus thorns. Despite the situation, she started to giggle, her husky laugh vibrating through the air.
"Well, that didn't go as planned," she said, her laughter bubbling up. I couldn't help but join in, the absurdity of it all hitting us both at once.
"Let's get you back to the hotel," I said, helping her to her feet. "We'll have you de-thorned in no time."
We made our way back, the heat of the day giving way to a cooler evening breeze. Back in our room, the light was soft and warm, casting a comforting glow on Seoyeon's face. She sat on the edge of the bed, still giggling intermittently. I fetched the first aid kit, trying to suppress my own laughter.
"How many staycation stories start with a cactus attack?" I said, sitting beside her with tweezers in hand.
She grinned, her eyes twinkling. "Not many, I bet. But it makes for a great story, don't you think?"
"I do. And it's all part of the adventure," I replied. "Just our little secret."
She smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "Our secret staycation in the desert. No media, no fans, just us."
I started to gently remove the thorns, one by one. She winced occasionally but kept her spirits high. "Does it hurt?" I asked, pausing to look into her puppy eyes.
"Um, a little," she admitted, her voice sulky. "But it's okay, it's worth it for the memories. Besides, it’s kind of funny. I mean, who else can say they hugged a cactus on their honeymoon?"
"Of course, the great and the only one, Lee, Seoyeon," I replied, chuckling. "You never cease to amaze me."
She giggled, her husky voice making my heart flutter. "You know, this reminds me of that one dream I dreamt few days ago, I tripped and fell into a bush during a festival performance. The fans thought it was part of the choreography."
I laughed, imagining the scene. "So, did you play it off like a pro?"
"Of course, even in my dream I'm still that great dancer of fromis_9" she said with a wink.
I continued to carefully pull out the thorns, the process surprisingly hard. Her laughter made it easier, turning what could have been a painful event into a bonding experience. Occasionally, she would make a funny face, and we would burst into laughter all over again. And for every laugh she does, the more I fell deeper for her.
"You know," she said softly, "I've always been in the spotlight, even in my childhood. My life is always about performing. But now that I'm with you, I can just be myself. Even with a face full of thorns."
I paused, looking at her with nothing but love. "And I wouldn't have it any other way," I said. "You're perfect, even with thorns and all."
She smiled, reaching out her hand to touch my right cheek. "Thank you for always being there, for making even the craziest moments special."
"That's what love is, right?" I replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Being there for each other, laughing through the chaos."
By the time I finished, her face was free of thorns, and she looked radiant despite the disaster. We sat there, in our little desert oasis, enjoying the warmth of our love and laughter.
"I need to take a shower," I said, standing up and stretching. "Make sure you don't get into any more cactus-related trouble while I'm gone."
She laughed, her husky voice following me into the bathroom. The warm water felt amazing after the long, adventurous day, and I took my time, savoring the moment of solitude.
When I stepped out of the bathroom, I was greeted by a sight that made me burst into laughter. Seoyeon was laying on the bed, her face and upper chest covered in gummy bears made from honey.
"What on earth are you doing?" I asked, still chuckling.
She looked up at me with her silly face. "Honey is supposed to be good for healing scars, right? So I thought these gummy bears might help." She explained playfully.
I couldn't stop laughing. "You do know you look like a walking candy store right?? Come here, you."
I got on the top of her and slowly picking off the gummy bears one by one, popping each one into my mouth. She squealed in mock protest, her eyes sparkling with laughter.
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"Yaaa..Stop eating my medicine!" she scolded jokingly, swatting at my hands.
"But they taste so good," I replied, grinning. "And besides, you're already healing. Laughter is the best medicine, remember?"
She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "You're just the worst."
"And you love that about me right," I said while leaning myself down to kiss her. Despite of her small face, her lips are rather thick, they wrap my lips like a warm blanket, our saliva mixed all together and it tasted like honey thanks to the gummy bears I just ate. Our tongues were slipping against each other like they're going to melt to be one. I then stopped and walked away from her, she was wondering why I didn't continue. "Where are you going? Let's continue, I still need your love to heal, you know?" She lamented.
"Yes, mam! wait a minute, I have something you will like", I said as I reached into the first aid kit bag again, this time pulling out a small bottle of essential oil. "You know what this is right?," I asked, pouring a few drops onto my fingertips. Massaging her body with oil has been our routines. She loves it when her body is sticky with oil and when I rub her body, she always squeals and giggles.
She raised an eyebrow, Pretending not to know. "What's that? I know nothing about that, I'm innocent, officer", while trying to avoid eye contact with me.
Ignoring her respond, I started to take off her white shirts and bra. I could see her breasts which upper part filled with bruises and scars from the thorns, and also red line mark on her shoulders from her bra straps. I poured some oil onto her body and gently dabbed the oil gently on her shoulder where the thorns had left small marks. She shivered slightly at the touch, a giggle escaping her lips.
"That tickles," she said, her voice husky and playful.
"Sorry," I said, grinning. "I'll be gentle." I continued rubbing the oil to her neck and her face cheeks. Looking at her silly face up close which now filled with some scars and bruises from the fall, I couldn't stop myself to kiss her lips again, wanting her to know that I will take care of her from now on, no matter what. I closed my eyes slightly and used my lips to rub over the oil on her scars slowly, she felt ticklish yet aroused from all the kissing and started hugging me tight. Her breasts pressed against mine so tightly that I could feel her heart beat getting faster.
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"This feels nice," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you."
"Anything for you," I replied, my heart swelling with love for this incredible woman.
I continued rubbing her body with my lips. I kissed her nips which laced by oil, and rubbed the other nip with my finger. She let out a little moan. Her breath is getting uncontrollable and she started biting her finger. Her eyes were locked on me, they're filled with trust, love, excitement and lust. Just looking at her expression made me filled with pleasure.
I sneaked my right hand into her pants and started rubbing her pussy. I could feel sticky substance already soaked her underpants. I licked my finger that's laced by her love juice and put it back inside her. She shouted as 2 fingers in were too much for her.
"Ups! Sorry. We just started and you're already soaked, Seoyeon-ah." I teased her.
"Shii.. just be quiet and get it over with, I'm still in pain, you know..", she replied with pouty mouth on her face.
I stood up and removed my bathing robe, letting them drop to the floor. I went back on the bed and slowly took off her jeans. She couldn't say anything as her heart beat faster, knowing what's going to happen next.
I raised her legs up and opened them wide. I could see her pussy bare open and I couldn't hold myself to suck and bite her clits slightly hard. She was surprised by it that she screamed so loudly I was afraid people in the next room might hear us. Luckily, I realized no one's gonna hear us since we're in a hotel that's close to be nowhere on the map and she continued to moan loudly. I continued licking her pussy like I was a cat licking butter and put my middle finger into her pussy. Her pussy neck is so short that I could feel her womb gate with just my finger. I teased her womb by squeezing them inside and she started pulled my hair yelling how good it felt. I kept teasing her womb and I could feel her pussy wall suddenly got tight as she arched her back and sprayed her love juice all over my face and the bed.
As if it wasn't enough I put 2 fingers back into her and rubbing the upper part of her pussy, teasing her g-spot with every thrust. She felt her high coming again and within seconds she reached her climax for the second time and her body shuddered roughly. I licked and sucked her pussy to clean it from her love juice, including the thick, white liquid oozing from her that tasted like cheese, my favorite delicacy. lmao.
"Hmm, your pussy is so tasty", I teased her while she was still gasping for air from her second orgasm. Yet suddenly, right after she stopped, she raised up and gripped my hard rock penis. "Ouch!", I yelled as I didn't expect her move. "Now it's my payback", Seoyeon said while looking at me with sharp gaze after what I just did to her. She suddenly bit my penis tip hard making my knees weak and I shouted "Yahh! Seoyeon-ah!! Please be gentle!".
"Just be quiet and man up", she replied with a little giggle. She then sucked my dick like its a boba drink that she likes. Every suck feels like my soul getting suck into her mouth. My penis barely fit to her small mouth that it felt as tight as her pussy. Her mouth walls wrapped my dick with its warm, wet and intensely. Slowly but sure, I feel the tickling sensation turned into ecstasy, my head's got lighter and just like that I spurted my sperm inside her mouth. I grip her head and push it closer and deeper into my crotch as I went high up to heaven. My sperm flowed so much that it started to spill on the bed. She then opened her mouth to show how much sperm I just unloaded roughly into her tiny mouth.
"Wait, lemme get the tiss..", but before I could even finish my words she replied "I already drank it", with her giggle and husky voice, delightly. Aftermath was a mess with our bed was wet, stained with our body fluid. We quickly cleaned them up as we didn't want to be fined by the hotel and even used the hair dryer to dry it up quickly. It was so tiring, that still naked, we lay down on the bed, with no energy left in us.
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As we laying side by side, facing each other closely, we leaned in for another kiss, I felt the warmth of her breath against my lips, mingling with the sweetness of the honey and the floral scent of the oil. The room was filled with the scent of the desert, a blend of flower oils and our fluids, lingering reminders of our wild day. Her eyes, shining with love and amusement, held mine as we shared this intimate moment.
Cuddling her close, I whispered, "I can't wait to see what other crazy adventures we'll have."
She smiled, her husky voice soft in my ear. "As long as we're together, I'm ready for anything."
And as we kissed, sealing our promise, I knew that no matter what the future held, we would face it together, with laughter, love, and a spirit of adventure that would see us through anything. In that moment, our secret honeymoon in the desert felt like the most perfect beginning to the rest of our lives.
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