#platonic! piper mclean
sweetnnaivete · 3 months
rip jason and piper you would've loved side eyeing each other regarding caleo
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shuweicaolu · 7 months
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dead trio
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poppitron360 · 28 days
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Dark!Piper is my Roman Empire. I’m loving this glimpse of her.
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wilmvandrr · 1 month
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ohhh how I love these two, pipes and jay are my world actually
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archgabrielangel · 7 months
"Piper should be dating Jason!" "Jason and Leo are dating!" "Piper and Leo are a couple!" shut up they're in a qpr with each other next question.
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mydearlybeloathed · 1 year
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: following their fellow hero’s death, the remaining seven have to face their decade long feud at the grave.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: heroes of olympus x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
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The last thing any of them wanted was to go to the funeral. It wasn’t that they didn’t care; to say that would be the biggest lie any of them would say. No, they didn’t want to show up because the grief they felt was too great. Y/N shouldn’t have died, not when each of them had unsaid words to say to her.
Yet each demigod sucked up their sadness, dressed as nice as they could, and made their way back to Camp Halfblood, where Y/N was to be honored that evening.
It’d been seven years since the Second Giant War, and five years since any of them had met face to face (the exception was Percy and Annabeth, who'd gotten married just before the seven’s falling out). The great heroes of Olympus were nothing but a campfire tale at this point.
Jason was the first to arrive. Silently he stood at her grave, his throat burning with the floodgate of tears he held back. Years ago, when he’d first arrived at Camp Halfblood with no memory of his old life, he found Y/N sitting here with a book.
He’d learned very quickly that it wasn’t smart to disturb her when she was reading…
Under the shade of the big oak tree sat a girl, all alone save for an open book. While the other campers hung out with their siblings and friends, playing varying games and sports, she seemed perfectly content under her tree.
He wasn’t trying to be a creep, but Jason couldn’t help but watch her from afar. He’d seen her in action during last week's capture the flag game. Y/N had scared the shit out of him when she’d come running at him with a sword; Looking back on it, Jason swore he saw death in her eyes.
So when Jason found the angry warrior girl who’d almost skinned him alive trying to get his team's flag looking so peaceful with her nose in a book, he became curious of her.
Annabeth was quick to warn him against going up to her. After he insisted on getting to know her, she grinned and said, “Fine, it’s your death wish.”
It turned out that she was right. 
“Umm, hi. You’re Y/N, right?” Jason asked when he was standing in front of her. She wasn’t quick to look up from her book, an eyebrow raised as she sized him up.
“Yeah,” she said, unenthused. “And you are?”
“Jason Grace.”
“Ah. Son of Zeus. I’ve heard about you,” she said, her eyes drifting back to her book for a moment. “Is there something you need?”
The boy scratched at his neck, trying to look casual and not terribly awkward. “Not really. I just remembered you from the game last Friday. You almost maimed me.”
A small grin pulled at the girl’s face, but still, she seemed eager for him to leave her alone. “That was you? Heh, sorry. I’m a tad bit competitive.”
He was about to compliment her sword skills when the grin fell from her face and she looked back to her book. “Listen, you seem nice, but I’m kinda busy in case you can’t tell. Please leave me alone. Thanks.”
And that was the end of that conversation. The next time he held a conversation with her was after his quest to free Juno. She was certainly more kind when she wasn’t in the middle of reading, that was for sure.
The more he got to know her, the more he appreciated her love of books. On more than one occasion some random fact from a seemingly irrelevant fantasy novel saved their asses. 
Sighing deeply, Jason rested a blue flower that he’d picked earlier on top of her headstone. He sat down in front of it, finally allowing himself to cry over the loss of his dear friend. 
Next was Percy and Annabeth. 
Hand in hand, they approached the site. It was on the edge of camp, on a hillside that looked over the cabins. It was surrounded by trees, and Y/N’s favorite flowers were planted all around. 
Annabeth stopped at the treeline, her eyes landing on the headstone, and the blond boy kneeling next to it with his head in his hands. She’d told herself she wasn’t going to cry, that she’d cried enough, that crying wouldn’t change the fact that she was gone.
But then, the burning in her throat grew all so worse. Her Hand flew to her mouth, and she choked on a sob. Percy turned, her stationary figure tugging him back. Jason’s head snapped up, his eyes widening upon seeing the two standing there.
He wiped at his face, but his bloodshot eyes gave away that he’d been crying too. The silence was thick, mixing with the surrounding humidity, making the air difficult to breathe. 
It’d been some time since they’d crossed paths. “Hey.”
Percy nodded. “Hey.”
Another sob choked Annabeth as she ducked her chin. “Oh, shut up! We’re awful people.”
Jason and Percy turned to her, shocked by her outburst as tears trailed down her cheeks. “What?”
“Every last one of us,” she cried. “She was the only one who tried to keep everyone friends, who could stand to be the voice of reason! And we all... we all abandoned her just because of a stupid argument!”
Before anyone could respond, the wind picked up, blowing their hair all around. Jason looked up, and his throat went dry at the sight of a giant bronze dragon lowering form the sky.
Leo and Piper appeared on its back, both solemn and silent as the dragon landed and they slid to the ground. Piper locked eyes with him, and she nodded without a word. 
Annabeth just turned around, wiping furiously at her face. Meanwhile, Leo stared gaping at the grave, as though he hadn’t really expected it to be there. “She’s...”
“Yeah,” Jason snapped. “Yeah. She’s gone.”
Piper shot him a nasty glare as Leo recoiled into himself. “Back off.”
“Listen, I’m just--”
“You’re just not. Okay? Shut the hell up.”
The daughter of Athena whirled around and pointed form Piper to Jason, silencing them in an instant. “We are not bringing this here, to her grave.”
No one dared to bite back. Percy rubbed circles into her shoulders, hoping it helped.
Next thing any of them knew, another figure appeared, closely followed by another. Frank and Hazel, walking at least seven feet apart from each other in awkward silence. 
Hazel’s eyes made it to the headstone, and she lost all her breath. Her knees started to give out, and Leo was the only one who thought to run to steady her against him. She buried her head in his shoulder, though not a tear fell. Something about the redness in her eyes said she’d run out of tears.
Annabeth felt a burn of anger rise up wihtin her, and with her hands fisted at her sides, she began again in a broken voice, “We can barely look at each other! We... We left her alone, after all she did for us. She died alone.”
Frank let out a shaky breath, his eyes on the ground. “Annabeth... what were we--”
“What were we supposed to do?” she spat back. Her hands were shaking. “Anything. She was a fucking daughter of Eris. The goddess of strife. She was the only one who tried to get everyone to fucking get along!”
Ten years ago, the eight Heroes of Olympus had gathered at Percy and Annabeth’s wedding. Frank and Hazel were newly separated, Piper and Jason too, and no one was really over how Leo didn’t hurry to come back after Calypso revived him.
It was,
“I bet you loved her attention! Was her head enough to make you forget us?”
“I had died!”
“We were tricked into liking each other by Hera!”
“I loved you, Piper!”
“Why couldn’t we make it work? Why?”
“You know why!”
And finally,
“Stop fighting at our damn wedding!”
And in the middle of it all, there was Y/N. She stood between everyone, hands raised warily, as she tried to make everyone apologize. It didn’t work. She always blamed herself too; Eris kids only ever make things worse.
Nobody had had a kind word for another of the eight since then. After a while, Y/N stopped reaching out. She stopped trying to get everyone to meet up. She stopped attempting an intervention. She gave up.
And now she’s dead. Killed by a minotaur.
Percy felt it was payback.
In the thick silence, only broken by Annabeth’s heavy breathing and the occasional sniffle, nobody dared to say a word. 
Until... “I...” Piper sighed. “I spoke to her. A week ago. She... she tried to get me to call Jason. I refused.”
She closed her eyes, embarassed and ashamed, but then Jason looked up, eyes wide. “She called me too. Asked me to talk to you.”
Leo began to tap his chest with one hand and wipe his face with the other. “Me too. She called me to call Jason and Frank.”
“She wanted me to call Hazel.”
“And me to call Frank.”
Every one of them had refused. 
Annabeth just stared at Y/N’s grave, Percy mirroring her, their hands finding each others. “She wanted us to get everyone together, at camp... today. Oh, gods.”
Piper’s eyes widened like saucers. “You don’t think she...” She couldn’t finish.
“I don’t know,” said Percy, eyes unfocused. “I don’t know.”
Hazel shook her head frantically. “She wouldn’t. She was killed by a minotaur!”
Another silence took a hold of them and wouldn’t let go. One by one, each of them haunted by what ifs and worries, one by one they came to sit around the headstone.
Not another tear was shed. Hazel took the blue flowers all around and made anxious little flower crowns, passing them around the circle like some sort of machine, until Leo grabbed her hands and made her stop when everyone had a flower crown, a necklace, and a bracelet to don. 
From across their little circle, Jason looked at Piper, finding her eyes already on him. He shivered, and she pursed her lips. He broke the silence first. “It was Hera... I shouldn’t have felt I had a right to tell you how to feel.”
Piper shook her head. “I shouldn’t have assumed we meant nothing to you.”
“Guys,” Leo blurted, plucking petals off his crown. “I... I should have rushed back to ya’ll the moment I could... but I was scared. I didn’t know if ya’ll would want me back.”
Hazel gaped at him. “Why wouldn’t we want you back, Leo?”
“I don’t know.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “I was the eighth wheel, you know? I didn’t think I mattered to anyone.”
Percy cracked the stick in his hand. “You mattered the world to us... to Y/N.”
Frank nodded. “She was beside herself when you died. I’d never seen anyone so... so...”
“Hopeless,” Hazel finished, locking eyes with him before she quickly looked away. Something in Frank’s chest squeezed.
Leo’s eyes went somewhere behind them all, as if he’d never even played with the idea that he could mean so much to someone. None of them doubted, in that instant, that that was true, and suddenly they wondered for the first time if Leo was as all right as he appeared.
The sun continued its journey across the sky, now hiding behind the trees to offer the group some shade. 
Out of the shadows, literally, came Nico and consequently, Will. Annabeth was the first to notice their new matching wedding bands, putting a light smile on her face. 
For a moment, all the pair did was stand there, staring at the grave, not saying a word, before Nico tugged on Will’s hand and they were gone nearly as soon as they’d appeared. Everyone pretended not to hear how Nico broke the moment he turned his back.
Some time later, Chiron trotted up the hill, greeted each of them, and lade a laurel wreath on Y/N’s headstone.
Grover and Juniper came up soon after, but they too could only stand to look at the grave for so long before they turned back.
The seven remained, as though intending upon a vigil, in silence. Perhaps to honor her. Perhaps because no one knew what to say. One thing was clear, though, if nothing else: they were done fighting.
“I...” Percy spoke up, sniffling. “We...”
Annabeth took his hand. “Do you guys wanna come for dinner one day?”
She was afraid no one would answer, but almost immediatley Piper leaped at a reply. “Where’s your place?”
“Not far,” said Percy. “Still in Long Island.”
he squeezed Annabeth’s hand, shooting her a teasing look. She only grinned back. “And... well, uhm. We never got to tell any of you... thought it was always too soon--”
“What? What is it?” Leo demanded, on the edge of his grassy seat.
Annabeth and Percy locked eyes in a silent gleeful exchange, before Percy said, “We’re parents.”
Not a jaw was still shut.
“Dude,” Piper gasped. “What--Oh my gods.”
Hazel clapped her hands, a smile to bright that Frank buffered a moment. Leo pointed a thumb at the married couple and said, “Oh, you better bet we’re coming for dinner. Gotta meet tiny Jackson-Chase.”
Laughter bubbled up from the circle, and suddenly, the conversation wasn’t so muddled with bitter memories. Plans were made, silent apologizes given, and hope spread around.
It’d been just five hours since they’d first arrived, yet it felt as if a whole decade was occured. The decade they wasted. 
So as each of them stood (Hazel offered Frank her hand, and he gladly took it, towering over her like he always had. Leo and Jason shook hands, before the latter pulled the former into a rib cracking hug. Annabeth wiped at her face, locking eyes with Piper, and threw herself into her arms.) they tried not to dwell in the simmering past. 
It was the least they could do for Y/N, who believed they could forgive, even in her last days.
Which is why, hidden in the trees, shrouded by a cloud of mist, tears streaked down a young woman’s cheeks. Her lip trembling and her heart sang at the sight. Perhaps a child fo Eris didn’t have to ruin everything.
She wanted to run, to jump out of the trees before it was too late, to hug them at long last, but the grip on her shoulder made every attempt send shooting pains up her spine.
“It seems,” said Y/N’s mother. “You were right about them, my sweet.”
Y/N glared up at Eris, taking in a deep breath to calm herself. “Please. You’ve had your fun. Your hypothesis was wrong.”
The disapointment all over Eris’ face only made Y/N’s impatience grow. “I’m... surprised. I thought nothing could bring them together again.”
“You don’t give them enough credit,” said Y/N, a small smile gracing her face as she turned back to the seven. 
“Or,” said Eris, brows raised. “I didn’t give you enough credit. Certainly, as my favorite daughter I thought for sure your death would only drive them further apart...”
Y/N didn’t like the calculated look on her mother’s face, like Eris was wondering what had gone wrong, and she tugged at her hold on her shoulder despite the pain it brought. “Let me go?
“Aren’t you afraid they’ll be hostile when they see you deceived them?”
The daughter shrugged. “A little bit. But after I explain that you forced me into faking my death for the sake of testing them, I’m sure all their anger will find a much better outlet.”
With a scant smile, Eris ruffled her daughter’s hair. “Good. Now run along. They shouldn't grieve any longer than they have to.”
So she did, sprinting into the clearing without much thinking, not even blinking at the unsheathed weapons that followed her swift appearance.
Breathing heavily, Y/N’s eyes scanned over her friends, still blinking away tears, as one by one their guards fell crashing down. She waved a little. “Hi.”
Hazel broke first, her weapon falling to the grass as she bolted at Y/N, nearly taking them both down with the power behind her hug. The rest didn’t take long to follow, wrapping their arms around you in a stuffy yet welcome group embrace.
“But... how?”
She could only look toward the forest, glaringly so. “Turns out I’m my mother’s disappointment.”
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demigod-shenanigans · 2 months
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Posting the second commission I got from @lafirechicken, they did suchhhh an incredible job with it
Specifically saved this one for today because Leo deserves to get hugs on his birthday. I care about their friendship so much you guys have no idea
Also shhh if you wanna read a wonderful Lost Hero rewrite that puts a bunch of extra focus on Leo and Piper being friends you should read this one by @queenjunothegreat
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apollo-is-somthing · 2 months
Leo absolutely hates fireworks. It messes with his sensory issues. (I'm an Autistic Leo Valdez truther.) He hates the fourth of July. He hates all of it. Piper knows that. She likes the forth of July but she cares about her best friend more then that. So every forth of July, her and Leo hang out, soundproofing whatever room they are in with blankets and pillows. Then they watch movie till the noises are all over.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 3 months
ACE?! DRAWING PERCY JACKSON?! NOOOO! anyways. HI Riordanverse fandom! ROTTMNT has my brain rn. XDbut I heard this sound and couldn't think of anything else!(BTW I'm not a Jercy shipper! I just think they're the most likely to HAVE this convo)
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Incorrect HOO quotes #11
Leo *high asf*: Look I know you love me, but you can be honest with me…Is there any other guys you find attractive?
Breisa *Also high*: Guys?….No.
Leo: Come on, there is bound to be some other guy you have a tiny bit of attraction.
Leo: I mean look at Jason. With his buff body, chisel abs, and strawberry blond hair…and that killer jawline. Plus those baby blue eyes….*Dazes off*
*Breisa connecting the brain cells she has left*
Breisa: Is there something you wanna tell me?…Specifically about your man crush on Jason?
Leo*Bi panicking*: Uh…no?
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t1oui · 4 months
definitely not hp related but here's my hcs for the sexualities of the main 7 bc i was thinking about valgrace again and there's no way this crew is straight
percy - queer annabeth - bisexual demiromantic hazel - omniromantic demisexual frank - panromantic aceflux piper - sapphic leo - bisexual jason - panromantic asexual
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Its canon that Jason and Leo sneak into Chiron 's rec room in the big house, to play Mario Party six on Nintendo switch. And Leo would also program to game to do stupid stuff so they both can win all the time. I have no idea what you will do with this information, but I'm letting you know anyway.
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crookedghosts · 11 days
lmao this might be classified as crack but au where jeyna is in a pr relationship that gets debunked so they bring piper in to try and launch a more believable jiper but piper's mostly in it cause she was a jeyna nonbeliever and thought reyna was cute - also obviously she sets her bff leo up with her fake bf
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poppitron360 · 2 months
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
But this fanfic was written in one! This is a continuation of this post that I made (suggest you read it first for context). Basically Jason and Leo had a baby through divine intervention and Piper is the surrogate. I literally started adding to it this time yesterday and now it’s over 3,000 words long. Whoops!
Credits to @xixovart for helping me with the Spanish, I also used google translate for some, so please forgive any mistakes that I made (there are probably loads).
Tagging also: @fictionalmenaremytype @lavenderfairiez @sleepyycapybara @puzzled-pegasus @im-always-lost-in-a-book @keefessketchbook @imnoturfriend-im-a-swiftie13 @hollow8007 @euryvices @ottpopfic @child-of-helios @ginnyluna
Summary: Lost Trio Baby is born, and it doesn’t go well.
Disclaimer: I get everything I know about childbirth from watching episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I have no idea if this is accurate or not.
CW: The Miracle Of Birth™, Potential Major Character Death (Or maybe not! No spoilers!!)
Word Count: Approx. 3,870
The Birth
(…Part 1?)
"FASTERRRR!!!!!!" Piper screamed, straining against the seatbelt in the back of the car.
"I'm already pushing the speed limit!" Leo screamed back, his voice just as panicked as Piper's.
"Stay calm, everyone!!" Jason shouted.
"AAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Piper roared. Jason and Leo joined in the yelling as they barrelled down the highway.
Then Piper caught fire.
"Piper!" Leo yelped. He began to turn to check on her.
"WATCH THE ROAD!" Jason yelled, pushing Leo towards the steering wheel.
"I'll check on her," Jason assured him. He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned into the back. Piper's whole body was aflame- luckily Leo had fireproofed the leather seats of the car- she was writhing in agony, but she seemed unharmed by the fire.
"Piper, just breathe, okay? We're gonna get through this."
"Is she okay?" Leo yelled.
"She's fine!" Jason called back.
"No I'm not!" Piper screamed, "I've got an angry demigod baby trying to destroy my uterus!"
Jason slipped on a dragon-hide glove and reached out, gripping Piper's flaming hand. He felt a jolt of electricity shoot from Piper's grasp. “PUTAIN ÇA FAIT MAL!!” Piper shouted in French.
"WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" Leo shouted. The tires screached down the road. Jason let go of Piper's hand and sat back down, throwing his seatbelt on before the car skidded to a halt on the country path. Leo threw open the driver-side door and walked over to Piper. Jason did the same, and together they unbuckled her from the back and heaved her out. She wrapped her still-flaming arm around Leo's body- which was also starting to smoke. The three of them stumbled up half-blood hill, where Will Solace waited for them, alongside Kayla, Austin, Nico, and Chiron. They rushed them into the infirmary.
Jason watched through the window of the delivery room. The fire was getting dangerous now, so only Piper, Leo, and Will were allowed to be present. Will was wearing a full-body dragon hide suit and a welder’s mask to protect him from the flames. Leo was half of the problem. Every time Piper yelped and he became more agitated, fire crackled and spit around him. The flames were up to the ceiling now. Jason couldn't see what was happening exactly through the inferno. He paced outside the door.
“I should be in there,” He muttered, “I should be with them.”
Nico put a hand on his shoulder, “It’s okay, Jason. Will’s got this, he’s delivered babies before.”
“No but-“ He gestured towards the blaze in the delivery room. He continued pacing, running his hands through his hair, “What if Piper doesn’t make it? What if the baby gets hurt? What if-“
“Look, just stay calm, Jason,” Kayla soothed.
“I’m not helping anyone worrying out here! I should be in there-“
“Jason…” Chiron chided.
“It’s not safe,” Nico urged, “Piper has some sort of magic protecting her and the baby. Leo’s… Leo. Will has these fireproof potions from Hecate cabin, but still, he shouldn’t be in there, he has to-“
Suddenly, Leo rushed out the door, still aflame, breathless and panicky. The fire outside the window was swirling wildly, and Jason could sense strong winds circling around Piper.
"A storm..." He gasped, "Piper..."
"Is she okay?" Jason asked.
“I… I hope so.”
"Is Will okay?" Nico asked.
Leo looked back at the door.
"It's getting too dangerous in there," Chiron said. He threw open the door and entered the burning room.
Leo put his back against the wall and sank to the floor. Jason sat down next to him.
"It's not looking good, Jason."
"What? Is she-"
“Sh-She might not make it,” Leo said, shakily, “There’s a chance… but that magic around her isn’t strong enough. It’s meant to protect the baby, not her.”
Jason rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes in despair. He heard the inferno whirling inside the room behind them.
Nico walked over and punched him in the arm, "If Will gets hurt in there, Valdez, I'm gonna..." He trailed off when he saw Leo crying.
"It's my fault..." Leo whimpered, "It's because of me..."
"No, cariño, no..." Jason soothed.
"It's my power, Jason. It's my power that's killing her."
“That’s not true, Leo. It’s mine as much as yours, for one thing. Also, it’s not your fault. You didn’t choose-“
"This is what I did to my mom," Leo continued, "She must’ve went through all this giving birth to me. And she was mortal. And she was on her own- she couldn’t tell anyone… oh, gods, what did I put her through? What am I putting Piper through? And what about this baby? Am I cursing them to have the same miserable life as I did?”
“I don’t what this kid to turn out like me, Jason. If they’re anything like me we’ll be going to their funeral sixteen years from now. But with this fire… I don’t want Piper to suffer the same fate my mom did. If something’s wrong with the birth-“
“She’ll be fine,” Kayla cut in. She walked over and sat by Leo, “Chiron will help. Will knows what he’s doing. We’ve got ambrosia and nectar on stand-by. And Piper’s strong. She’ll get through this.”
Jason wrapped his arms around him, "Happiest day of our lives, remember? Focus on the positives. Let’s review baby names.”
“No dead people,” Leo recited, “At least no-one who died young. Names have power.”
“That’s right,” Jason agreed, “If it's a girl..."
"Isabella. Or Daniella.”
"And if it's a boy?"
"Either Antonio, Benjamin, or Leo Jr-"
"I said no to that one."
"I think we should keep our options open."
Jason laughed, and Leo’s mood brightened a little. Jason could tell he was still terrified- they all were- but their hope kept them going.
“How about Jason Jr?” Jason suggested.
“I don’t know… I just think “Leonidas Valdez the Second” sounds badass,” Leo said.
“That’s if it’s a boy, though.”
“Leonidas could be a girl’s name,” Kayla pointed out.
“Gender is relative,” Austin added, joining Kayla on the floor next to them.
“And what will the baby call us?” Jason asked.
“You’re Dada, I’m Papa,” Leo recalled.
The fire in the room behind them increased in rage. Nico sat to the side of Jason, and closed his eyes in silent prayer. The four of them sat in silence, listening to the burning room behind them.
Then, suddenly, the door to the infirmary swung open, and Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Hazel rushed in.
“Is the baby born yet? Did we miss it?” Hazel asked, excitedly.
Leo looked down and stifled a sob.
Percy saw the blaze outside the window and rushed to take a closer look.
“What’s going on?” Annabeth asked, “Is Piper-“
“She’s got magic protecting her and the baby,” Austin explained, “But the exhaustion might be too much for her to take. And Will’s still in there- he’s got protection, but he’s-“
Without a word, Leo stood up, walked over to the other end of the room, and burst into flames.
“Chiron’s helping, though,” Jason continued, “And he’s immortal.”
“I’m going in,” Percy said, “I’m a little fireproof.”
“And I’m a big fireproof, and I couldn’t even go in there, with the storm,” Leo retorted, “That’s not a little fire. Percy-“
“Do you think a huge water-pipe bursting above their heads would hurt the baby?”
“Let’s not risk it,” Jason warned.
Hazel had walked over to Leo and was trying to soothe him. Frank was standing uncomfortably in the middle of the room, looking back and forth between the fire that was Piper, and the fire that was Leo.
“Wait- what’s happening?” Frank asked.
“Leo and Jason’s powers,” Kayla explained, “The baby has both of them. It’s currently trying to burn its way into the world at 500 degrees Fahrenheit, complete with atmospheric thunderclouds. It’s a spectacle fit for the likes of my father.”
“So does that mean-“
Suddenly, the fire inside the room died. The windows were blackened with soot, so they couldn’t see through. Everything was quiet. They were all still. Leo stood up and rushed into the room before Jason could stop him. Jason followed.
Will, covered head to toe in fireproof gear, stood, looking very shaken. He was holding something sticky with blood and covered in soot. It was wailing at the top of its lungs. A shrill, high-pitched sound. Piper was unconscious on the bed, but breathing.
“Let her get some rest,” Will said, nodding towards Piper, “She’s exhausted.”
“Is she gonna be okay?” Leo asked.
“I th-think she’ll be fine.”
Chiron carefully took the child from Will’s arms. “You need rest too, young man,” He ordered, “I will get the baby cleaned up.”
Will nodded, sleepily. He walked over to the door, but before he left, he turned to Jason and Leo. “It’s a girl, by the way,” he told them.
Jason walked over to Leo, and gave him a massive hug.
“Holy Hephaestus, I just had a baby,” Leo muttered.
“We just had a baby,” Jason agreed.
“We are parents to an actual human child…”
A few moments later, Chiron trotted back to them, and handed them a freshly de-sootified newborn baby.
“I give you three some time to get aquatinted,” he whispered, then he left.
Leo sank into a chair, the child cradled in his arms. The world was so quiet.
“A girl,” Leo whispered, “Mi bebita.”
Jason pulled up another chair next to the bed where Piper was asleep.
"Hi!" Leo cooed, "Hello! Aw, you caused quite a blaze there, didn't you? You take after Tu Papá."
The man who had been so tense merely seconds before softened so much when he held the child.
“Hola, mi estrella,” Jason said to her.
Leo looked up at him and smiled. The most joyous smile Jason had ever seen. “Mi vida, mi alma, mi hermoso fuego,” He whispered.
He rocked her in silence for a few seconds.
“She looks like my mom,” Leo said, “Don’t you think?”
“I-I never met her,” Jason reminded him.
“She looks like Mom.” Leo decided, “Her Abuela. But she’s got your eyes.”
Jason looked at the child. She did have piercing, ice-blue eyes, just like his own.
Leo passed the baby over to him. She was warm to the touch, cooling down from the oven. He stared at the tiny thing. Her beautiful face, her slightly pointed nose, her winning smile, her dark skin, all like Leo’s. But those eyes were Jason’s. He held her in his arms, his daughter. She was his, and she was Leo’s. She was made from their love and their partnership. He looked at Piper, his best friend, snoring quietly in her bed. He looked at Leo. The three of them had made this, together. They would always be together.
The four of them stayed there, in that ash-covered room, peacefully. And for once in their lives, everything was as it should be.
They stepped out, Piper with the baby, Jason and Leo either side of her, onto the porch of the big house, where a sea of campers and friends were waiting.
“Guys,” Leo announced, “Meet Isabella!”
The campers around them gasped.
Suddenly, Chiron’s knees buckled into a bow. The others began to kneel too.
“All hail Isabella Valdez,” He boomed, “Legacy of Jupiter, king of the Cosmos, Lord of the Sky, Bringer of Lightning, Ruler of the Gods. Legacy of Hephaestus, Bringer of Fire, God of Creation, Master of the Forge, King of Volcanoes. Hail Isabella Valdez, daughter of Jason and Leo Valdez.”
As they watched, two floating symbols appeared over the newborn’s head. A still image of glowing gold eagle mid-flight- and a glowing red, fiery hammer. Jason smiled, recalling the same hammer floating over Leo’s head all those years ago, and then just about remembering the eagle above his own head, when he was barely a toddler. The symbols hovered next to each other for a few seconds, then vanished.
Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel approached.
“So you’re okay?” Annabeth asked.
“Yeah…” Piper said, “They wheeled me into recovery, gave me ambrosia and nectar. Still a little sore from being on fire and summoning storms. Leo, how do you do it?”
Leo grinned, “I’m a special boy.”
Suddenly Jason was attacked by a hug. He turned.
“Thalia!” He cried, and hugged her again. Then, she pushed him off, and turned to the child in Leo’s arms.
“Is that my niece?” She demanded.
“Yup,” Leo said, holding Isabella up. Thalia came in close, and the baby reached up and grabbed her pinky finger with her whole fist. Jason watched his sister melt with pure joy.
“She’s got her auntie’s strength, I see,” Thalia said. Jason could tell she was fighting back happy tears.
Chiron trotted over. He nodded to Jason, Leo with the baby, and Piper.
“I’d like to speak to the three of you. Privately.”
The others nodded and left.
Chiron led them into the Big House, and gestured for them to sit down on the couch facing the fireplace. Piper took the armchair and began to breastfeed the baby. Leo and Jason respectfully turned away from her. The Centaur’s back legs compacted into his wheelchair, and he wheeled it towards the furniture, so they were sitting in a semicircle around the hearth.
“Wh-what is it, Chiron?” Jason asked.
The Centaur’s expression turned dark.
“This child…” Chiron said to the three of them, “She has power never before seen in this century… storm and fire…”
“What are you saying?” Piper asked, looking up from her task, “Is she-“
“We can’t know anything yet,” Chiron said, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to worry you, but-“
“Is she…” Leo began. The fire began to crackle more. Jason squeezed his husband’s hand, “Is she dangerous?”
“We… we can’t be certain of anything right now,” Chiron said, “But, considering how rare it is to inherit the godly powers of both parents- particularly of powerful demigods such as yourselves- this clouds the future somewhat.”
“What do you mean?” Jason asked.
“Well, usually the most powerful demigods only appear when something big is about to happen,” He looked directly at Leo when he said this, which caused the fire to spit violently, a spark narrowly missing the carpet and fizzling out on the stone hearth, “And I haven’t seen a legacy this powerful since… well, not for a long time.”
“Something big, you say? Something… bad?” Piper asked, tentatively.
“Well, knowing our luck, then… it’s quite probable,” Chiron said, “Her power might be linked to the fact that she was birthed by a third very powerful demigod. It could just be that, or-“
“But even then, I barely survived that delivery,” Piper said, “Chiron’s right, I don’t think this is just a random occurrence, I think-“
One of the logs in the fireplace burst from the heat, splintering the wood.
“Look, however my daughter turns out, I’m gonna love her,” Jason said.
Chiron put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m not saying that at all, Jason. I just think the future-“
“Yeah? Well, the future’s not now, is it?” Jason didn’t mean to snap, but he could see Leo was getting agitated. If the conversation continued much longer, the fireplace would explode, “Right now, I’m gonna focus on looking after my baby. We can worry about the future- about paying for college, about demigod life- we can worry about it all another time. I’ve spent my whole life worrying about saving the world. Can I please, for once, live normally? Can I put my baby down for a nap and watch vine compilations with my husband and my best friend- who both seem to know all the words to them for some reason? Can you hound me with the future tomorrow? Please?”
Chiron’s eyes twinkled with understanding. He nodded, “Of course, of course, I shouldn’t have put this on you right now. You can go.”
But of course, the future couldn’t wait forever.
The next day, Nico, Will, Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Thalia, and Reyna, who had arrived that morning, plus Nyssa and Harley from Hephaestus cabin all crowded around Jason, Leo, and Piper with the baby. Several more onlookers began to approach the gaggle, including Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
“Aww, is that Isabella?” She asked, joining the circle of people around them.
Suddenly, she shuddered, and swooned. She collapsed, and Annabeth caught her. Several campers rushed to her side.
“What’s happening?” Hazel asked.
“A prophecy!” Percy gasped.
Rachel’s eyes began to glow. Green smoke poured out of her mouth. Will found a stool, and lowered her onto it. She sat upright, swaying slightly, like some sort of freaky zombie. Then she raised an arm, and pointed.
Directly at the baby.
She opened her jaw, and began to recite.
“To three of the seven a child is born,
Crest and laurel wreaths adorn
Turn and face Olympus’ might
In sixteen years, her final night”
Pandemonium ensued. Campers hurried around, some running to tell Chiron, some bringing Rachel water, some turning to face them. The world erupted with the sound of a billion questions. Jason began to feel light-headed. He felt Percy’s hand on his shoulder, “Are you-“
He stopped. Amidst the chaos, Leo had crumpled to the floor. He was crouched down with his hands wrapped around his head, rocking backwards and forwards. Jason hurriedly knelt down beside him. Percy rushed off to help Annabeth, who was escorting Piper and the baby out of the crowd.
Several campers formed a circle around Jason and Leo, asking a barrage of questions.
“Give them some space!” A voice yelled. It was Rachel. She got up off her stool, and waved her hands to disperse the congregation. She knelt down, and put a hand on Leo’s shoulder.
“Shoot- I’m so, so, so sorry you guys,” She said to them, “I didn’t mean- I know you don’t- I just-“
“Wha-What did that mean, her f-final night?” Jason stammered.
“I don’t know…” Rachel said, “Prophecies are tricky, it doesn’t necessarily mean… Look, I know that was NOT what you wanted to hear. At all. But we don’t know it was definitely about her!”
“To three of seven a child is born,” Jason recited, “Me, Leo, Piper. Three of the seven half bloods from that other prophecy. You started glowing green as soon as you saw her. You pointed at Isabella.”
“But that doesn’t mean it has anything to do with the last line! A couple Great Prophecies ago, there was this line- “A Hero’s soul cursed blade shall reap”- we all thought Percy was gonna die, but turns out a totally different guy died instead, so it’s fine!”
Leo began to sob.
“No- it’s okay, the guy that died was totally evil. He killed loads of people,” Rachel explained.
Jason wrapped his arms around Leo and cradled him, “Shh, Leo, mi cielo, it’s gonna be okay.”
The thing was, Jason didn’t know if it was gonna be okay. But no matter how terrified he felt, his first instinct was to always comfort Leo.
“Sixteen years…” Leo muttered, “That’s what she said. Sixteen. Just like… Oh Gods…”
“Leo, no-“
“I was right!” Leo cried, “I was right, wasn’t I, Jason? I was cursing her. I told you. I said “If she’s anything like me, in sixteen years we’ll be going to her funeral.” I told you, didn’t I?”
“It’s all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault, amorsito. I know that much. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that whatever happens, you’re not to blame.”
“Yeah, Leo, don’t think that,” Rachel agreed, “This isn’t because of you.”
“Except… I died at Sixteen. And if she’s like me… if she has my powers…”
“That doesn’t make it your fault,” Jason said.
“I don’t believe you,” Leo replied, simply.
Suddenly, Piper came rushing over, breathless. “Annabeth is watching the baby,” She explained. She sat down next to Rachel. “What… happened? Was that really a prophecy?”
“Afraid so,” Rachel said, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to land that on you guys like that. And Leo, it’s not your fault.”
Piper raised an eyebrow, “Is Leo blaming it all on himself, again?”
Jason nodded.
“What’s his excuse this time? “I should’ve preempted this and invented an anti-prophecy device!””
“No it’s “The baby has my powers and therefore will die at sixteen because I died at sixteen!” Which, I have to say, is less plausible than the machine thing,” He turned to Leo, “You don’t control genetics, hermoso. You couldn’t have had a say in what powers she got.”
“But still…”
Piper reached forward, and grabbed Leo’s hand, “This is not your fault, Leo. How many times do we have to tell you that before you start to listen?”
Leo sighed, and said “Okay.” But Jason could see in his eyes that he wasn’t buying it. He would still always believe it was his fault.
The seven of them, Nico, Reyna, Will, Thalia, and Rachel all gathered around the cot in Cabin One.
“So… what do we do?” Frank asked.
“There’s nothing we can do,” Rachel said, sadly, “Thwarting Prophecies is never a good idea.”
Leo glanced at Jason.
No, Jason said, with a glare, I know what you’re thinking, and no. It’s not your fault.
I thwarted a prophecy, Leo seemed to say back with his eyes, And now I’m facing the consequences.
Leo… Jason glanced back. Leo turned away, not wanting to have this conversation any more. Piper shot Jason a look, like she had read the discussion perfectly.
“We can wait, we can hope. And when the time arises…” Rachel trailed off.
“I will fight for my daughter,” Jason said, “Her fate is not set in stone, it never is. We still have choices to make. I don’t know what this prophecy means for my girl, but Gods help me if I don’t go to the ends of the earth to protect her.”
“Yeah!” Leo said, and Jason saw his face harden into a determined grin, “She may have a difficult future, but she has two dads who are both willing to do anything for her.”
“Not to mention her Auntie Piper,” Piper added, stepping forward.
“And me!” Frank said.
“Me too,” Hazel promised.
“We’re in,” Percy announced, his arm around Annabeth’s shoulder, “We’ll see to it that no harm comes to her.”
“Us too,” Nico spoke up, grabbing Will’s hand.
Reyna put a hand on Jason’s shoulder, “She has my full support, understand? I will lend her all of my strength if she needs it.”
“Aww, hell yeah, that’s my niece!” Thalia cried, punching her fist into her palm, “She’s got the most powerful demigods in the world protecting her. If some prophecy wants to hurt her, I’d like to see them try.”
“You guys…” Jason said, addressing the group, “This will be hard. There will be troubles ahead, things we’ve never had to face before…”
He looked around at his friends, all standing, ready to fight. He looked at Leo, the love of his life, who he’d do anything for. He looked at the little girl in the cot, staring up at the thunderclouds in the ceiling of the cabin.
“But with your support, we can make it through this. I can feel it. Things might arise that we might not be able to deal with, but Gods damn us if we don’t try.”
Should I write a Part 2?
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via-rant · 1 year
HoO characters and nightmares
Percy - He wakes up having a panic attack. He can't see or breathe, fuck he can't breathe. Not until he hears someone calling his name and they ask to hold him and sing to him and tell him he's okay. He's safe. It's usually his Mom. He apologizes every time.
Annabeth - She cries. She goes to see Percy and she cries and he holds her and kisses her. He's right here.
Piper - She screams when she wakes up and double checks her surroundings to make sure she's safe. Her dad is there. He hasn't got it yet but he's getting there.
Jason - He's quiet about it. He's a leader no one can see him being vulnerable so he usually ignores it until it becomes too much and stresses him out physically. Leo talked to him. "I'm you boyfriend dumbass. You don't have to be a 'leader' around me."
Nico - Very protective. You wake him up he'll point his sword at you. Yes he sleeps with his sword.
Hazel - She vents to anyone about it. How she wishes to see her mom again, to talk to her. To apologize to Sammy for leaving and cursing him.
Frank - He doesn't have many nightmares but when he does he holds onto his plushie. He loves his plushies.
Reyna - A mix of Jason and Nico. But she can't sleep without someone. Piper usually goes to sleep with her. (QPR Pipeyna my beloved.)
Leo - He cries. With or without someone he flinches awake and he cries. When he is they hold him until he falls back asleep.
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int3r3st1ng · 8 months
Since the series has brought the PJO books back to life, I was suddenly struck that I needed to get this off my chest.
I read the HOO books years ago, after the PJO books as well, and I liked them. Unfortunately, there were many parts I disliked.
This post will probably infuriate so many people and I will be referencing to future books, but I'm not interested in angering you, I'm more interested in what your opinion is after reading mine.
Don't write hate comments and don't strart hating my opinion just because I don't have the same one as you.
Battle with Gaea:
This was the biggest let down.
The battle with Kronos was gorgeous. It was beautiful with a great build up and so many emotions. I adored that entire battle. It literally lives on an invincible throne in my head.
I had high hopes for the battle with Gaea, after all she is more powerful than Kronos, right? It must be harder to defeat her, right? She has to fall to storm or fire, right?
Piper, don't worry I like her character, has so much dam power in her charm speak that she can put a primordial goddess to sleep. Unfortunately, I explicitly remember the prophecy not even mentioning her.
"To storm or fire, the world must fall"
Then Leo and Jason were fire and storm, but I'm pretty sure that "Stormbringer" is Poseidon's title. I get that Percy isn't always meant to be the hero, but he learnt that lesson. He wasn't the hero in his own book series. He stepped back in the Mark of Athena so Annabeth could be the hero. He knew that he couldn't always be the hero, so why did Rick make his arc be he has to learnt he isn't always the hero?
To be honest, I think that if Rick had written it that Piper didn't lull the goddess to sleep, but the seven all fought together again, that would have been better. Imagine the seven all working together. Imagine Percy and Jason creating a storm together. Imagine Leo ending Gaea in one fiery end.
It is honestly such a shame that nothing can shine on this fight, not when it will always live in the shadow of an undefeatable throne.
(Not exactly sorry for what I say)
Percabeth, although cute, is not a perfect ship. They are not the "It" couple and they most certainly not what I would look for in a relationship. I don't want a girlfriend/boyfriend who gives me a nickname that constantly downgrades my intelligence. I don't want a gf/bf who judo flips me onto hard gravel. I most certainly don't want a bf/gf that is scared of me. I don't hate Percabeth, but Percy and Annabeth deserve better. Percy deserves someone that he knows he can talk to about Gabe while Annabeth, even if Percy chose her and gave her love, first needs familial love before romantic love.
Jasper/Jiper, was so bad. Jason got with Piper out of duty and they did break up in the end, but Rick got them to get together in one book. Secondly, Piper is so possessive and obssessive. I don't hate either characters, I just feel that Leo x Jason would have been a much better ship because at least Leo doesn't have fake relationship memories. For Piper, I would give her a girl. First, they would complete the quest then Piper settles down with a girl, like Rick did in Trials of Apollo, which I'm really happy about.
Frazel is cute. I thought the ship was adorable, but once again it felt like Rick was focusing on ships too much. They've known each other for two-three months and are dating by the end of a week. Not how I would plan that. I once again think that them getting through the entire quest would have been much better.
Caleo, in my opinion, is the worst. Leo wanted romantic love to fill the void he felt due to his lack of familial love. Why the hell did Rick think that giving him a love interest was a good idea?! Leo felt like the seventh wheel so Rick should've fixed that by, like, making the other seven want him around. You know, like a family? As for Calypso, I believe she should have either joined the Hunt or she was an asexual lesbian. Either way, I believe she would want to experience the real world before trying a relationship.
Solangelo was, quite frankly, my least favourite. Look, I love Nico and Will. Both are cool characters with so much potential, but it once again felt rushed. It felt wrong that Rick had Nico get over Percy only to get with Will like a week later. Secondly, Will and Nico didn't fit like yin yang. I know you're all thinking "Hey! That's my ship you're sinking!", but you have to admit that Will saying that the loneliness Nico felt at camp was fake. Nico was literally avoided because of his dad. The hell you mean, Will? I believe, Will and Nico shouldn't have gotten together. Nico should have gotten with someone else while Will explored his bi-ness.
There were so many friendship potentials.
Percy and Leo 1. Percy's burn proof-ish 2. Sass 3. Literally both met Calypso so why did Leo hate Percy when he left for the same reason? 4. Should've talked it out and figured it out 5. Bonded over having excellent mothers
Nico and Percy 1. Rick you butchered this entire relationship 2. Percy did trust Nico and had this relationship that essentialy said "The only person who gets to kill Nico is me" and even then Percy wouldn't have killed Nico 3. Took a dam prophecy to save Nico 4. Saved each other's lives 5. Deal with shared trauma 6. Like, cousins? You gave Nico and Jason time, can you please give Percy and Nico some time. They deserve to talk things over and figure things out 7. Percy did what he could for Nico to stay at Camp 8. Percy's response to Nico's accidental trick was completely fair because would you trust the guy who said they would help you but (accidentally, which Percy didn't know) led you to a death trap? 9. Top two most powerful demigods 10. Literally my fav characters (until the Nico fanbase made Nico feel so overrated, still love him though)
Leo and Annabeth 1. Two badass geniuses 2. Two book smart people on a giant boat 3. Both searching for love (Annabeth was hurt by her family and Leo lost his) 4. ADHD madman and ADHD Annabeth "Stay up till 5AM to work" Chase 5. Where was the friendship between the smartypants?
There are more but these are my top 3 platonic relationships that Rick would have explored.
Thanks for reading! You can say your opinion, but no hate comments.
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