#platonic roloceit
thegoldenduckie · 5 months
I dare you to rank all sanders sides ships on a scale of 1-10. At least, as many as you can think up of.
OOO SOUNDS FUN ANON! Ill try to get as many ships as i can (but not that one, you know which one)
Rankings under cut
btw i used fanlore.org to look for all the ships, so idk if each of the ship names are right
Loceit: 8/10 Really good, love it, love the content of it
Dukeceit/Demus: 7/10 Its really good! Lovee their dynamic, its a shame we dont see these guys interact in the show much :(
Roceit: 7/10 Love roceit, so many angst and fluffy opportunities, honestly love the angst
Thomceit: 5/10 Honestly im not enthusiastic about sides x Thomas ships, but they can be pretty sweet! This ones really good, i see the appeal
Anxceit: 9/10 AHGG THEM! Sooo good! As platonic, romantic, familiar, and bitter exes! Love it! So many fun amd angsty posibilites!
Logicality: 7.5/10 Its so adorable!! I loveee logicality fanart and fics! I really loved logicality when i first joined watched the show, so it gets an extra .5 for nostagic sake
Intrulogical: 10/10 like DUDE INTRULOGICAL MAKES ME FERAL! Its so silly and adorable and freaky ahsxhjlsxkjkjhsx
Logince: 9/10 aaa its sooo fun! Their chemistry is SO INCREDIBLE
Lomas: 5/10 Again, not big on thomas and side ships, but this ones pretty cute
Intruality: 6/10 I like it! Its growing on me! Has a lot of adorableness
Royality: 6/10 Love it platonic, indifferent to it as romantic, and its just very sweet and seeing content of it makes me smile
Momas: 5/10
Moxiety: 6/10 again, love it familar and platonic, with a father son relationship! Honestly dont like it romantic
Platonic Creativitwins: 9/10 Yes! The twins! I love them just being chaotic siblings, or even on good terms and having being good brothers to eachother
Intrumas: 4/10
Dukexiety: 7/10 I like it a lot!!
Prinxiety: 8/10 its reeaally adorble, honestly love it lots
Analogince (Lo/Ro/Virge): 7/10 cute!
Romas: 5/10
Thomxiety: 5.5/10 this ones pretty cute
Logicalceit (Jan/Lo/Pat): 8/10 Its content is soo sweet
Intruloceit (Jan/Lo/Rem): 9/10 YEAHH I LOVE IT!! MAKES ME FROTH AT THE MOUTH
Roloceit (Jan/Lo/Ro): 7/10 Seems loevly
Analoceit (Jan/Lo/Virge): 9/10 At first i was indifferent to it, but a certain mutual made me see how amazing this ship is
Intrualceit? (Jan/Pat/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Royalceit (Jan/Pat/Ro): 5.5/10 havent seen much of it, but points for that sick name
Moxiceit? (Jan/Pat/Virge): 7/10 ive seen some cute suff with this, i think thats the name
Anaroceit/Prinxieceit (Jan/Ro/Virge): 8/10 so much potential for a toxic yoai polycule
Intrugicality (Lo/Pat/Rem): 5/10
Morolo/Moralogince (Lo/Pat/Ro): 8/10 SO ADORABLE
Analogicality? (Lo/Pat/Virge): 6/10 i think thats the name
Anaintrulogical? (Lo/Rem/Virge): 6/10 i can see the appeal, i think thats the name
Anaintruality? (Pat/Virge/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Anaroyality? (Virge/Ro/Pat): 5/10 i think thats the name
DLAMP: 7/10
Thanks for the ask anon! Again, all these rankings are just my opinion, please dont fight me
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 7 months
Follow Your Aro
The aromantic follow up to Perfectly Normal
Word count: 871
Rating: gen
Pairings: platonic Dukeceit, platonic or pre-qpr Intrumoxiety, background Roloceit and Moxiety
Warnings: self discovery
In honor of Aro Week (next week, Feb 18-24) I’ve written a companion to my projecting ace on Remus 💚💚🤍🩶🖤 ♠️
“JANUS!” Remus yelled as he threw open the door to his and Janus’s shared dorm room. 
“Hello Remus,” Janus said without looking up from the assignment on his desk. “I’m sure the other people in our building are really appreciating your volume, thank you.”
“Any time, Snakey!” Remus grinned, throwing himself onto his roommate’s bed despite being three feet away. “Hey, I have a question.”
“I would love to help you at this exact moment, Rem, I definitely don’t have to finish this assignment before my date with Roman and Logan tonight.”
“Perfect! What are romantic feelings?”
Janus set his pencil down and turned to face Remus with an arched eyebrow. “They’re the feelings you have for a romantic partner? Are you okay?”
“Noooo,” Remus whined, sitting up and pouting. “I know what they are! I mean, like, how do you know you’re feeling them?”
“Oh…” Janus blushed. “It’s like, when you’re alone, and all you can think about is them. Or when you’re having a bad day, but when you see them, you think ‘oh, there they are’. They’re just… it’s so nice to be around them.”
“But that just sounds like friendship!” Remus huffed, flopping back onto Janus’s bed and glaring at the ceiling. “How do you know it’s different than friendship?”
“I don’t want to kiss my friends,” Janus deadpanned. “No offense.”
“Ew, none taken,” Remus stuck his tongue out at the thought of kissing Janus. “But I don’t want to kiss anyone.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Rem.”
“Eh, I’ll probably figure it out when it becomes important,” Remus shrugged. 
“Sure,” Janus agreed distractedly, focusing once more on his assignment. 
It hits Remus like a wrecking ball two years later.
He placed his game controller down on his desk, shut his console off, and walked away. He didn’t save the game, but it was okay, he wasn’t ever going to play it again. 
Downstairs, he found Patton sitting on the couch in front of a DVD menu screen, so he threw himself onto the couch and buried his face in Patton’s lap. 
“Everything okay, kiddo?” Patton asked, only mildly shocked from the intrusion after having been friends with Remus for nine years. 
Remus just let out a long, loud groan. 
“That’s okay,” Patton said, rubbing his hand along Remus’s back comfortingly. 
“You’re in my spot,” Virgil complained, coming back from the kitchen with what smelled like a bowl of popcorn. Remus didn’t move. 
“That’s okay, honey,” Patton said. “There’s plenty of room over here.”
The couch dipped as Virgil sat down on Patton's other side. Virgil poked at Remus’s head with his fingers, but Remus didn’t react other than to groan again. 
After a moment, the movie began playing, and no one spoke further. Patton’s hand continued rubbing along Remus’s back, and eventually, Virgil’s hand found its way into Remus’s hair.
Remus fell asleep like that. 
He woke up some time later. Virgil’s hand was no longer in his hair, but Patton’s hand was still on his back — though it had now stilled — and the movie was still playing. 
Remus sat up groggily. 
“How ya feeling, kiddo?” Patton asked quietly. Virgil was sleeping with his head on Patton’s shoulder. 
“Fine,” Remus croaked. “Better.”
“That’s good,” Patton smiled. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I was playing a video game, and it was making me feel icky, and I realized I’m aromantic.”
“You just realized you’re aromantic?” Virgil asked incredulously without opening his eyes. 
“Shh,” Patton shushed, petting Virgil’s head. “I’m sorry your game made you feel icky, Re, what happened?”
“It made me pick a character to date, and then it made me have an awkward conversation with a different character who liked me.”
“Gross.” Virgil agreed, hating any awkward NPC interaction video games forced on him. 
“Do you want to pick the next movie?” Patton offered, gesturing at the end credits scrolling across the screen. 
Remus perked up and jumped to his feet to pick out a movie from the house DVD before realizing something. “I’m crashing your Valentine's plans, aren’t I?”
“No,” Virgil answered immediately. 
“We like having you here, kiddo,” Patton smiled, patting the space Remus had just vacated on the couch. 
“Really?” Remus asked skeptically. Patton was way too nice to ever kick anyone out, even if he was trying to have a nice date with his boyfriend. 
“Really! We would have watched movies in our room if we weren’t okay with you joining us!”
That was a fair point, no matter how many lectures on the effects of watching TV at bedtime Logan gave, Patton and Virgil continued to have a TV in their room so they could watch movies alone when Virge was feeling too peopled-out. 
“Pick a movie and sit down.” Somehow, Virgil’s grumpiness was even more convincing than Patton’s cheeriness. 
Remus popped Coraline into the DVD player and happily joined Virgil and Patton back on the couch. 
“But seriously,” Virgil said after several minutes where Remus had thought he’d gone back to sleep. “How did you just figure out you’re aromantic? Should I have told you?”
“I’m not that obvious!” Remus sniffed indignantly. 
“Sure.” The eye roll was practically audible. “Whatever you say, Re.”
I spent several years trying to figure out if I was aromantic or not, but I couldn’t figure out what romantic feelings were (which honestly should have been a hint) so it took a video game forcing me to date an NPC to go “I still don’t really get what romantic feelings are, but they’re def gross”
Anyway I now avoid any video game that involves potential romance
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling
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loganscore · 2 years
Welcome to loganscore!
This blog is completely dedicated to everything Logan Sanders
On this blog you will find incorrect quotes featuring Logan as well as art and fics reblogs
Feel free to send me Logan headcannons!
Logan ships I love
Logan ships I like
Logan Days of the Week
Logan randomness Sunday
Poly ship Monday
Logan the Smartass Tuesday
Loceit Wednesday
Platonic Thursday
Intrulogical Friday
Analogical Saturday
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for the three sentence fluff prompts: platonic roloceit with cuddles?
“are you sick?” roman asks, poking janus’s shoulder. janus whines, flips him off, and rolls from his stomach to his side, peering up at roman with half-open eyes.
“shedding,” he says. “i’ve mostly finished, but i’m exhausted. i’ll need to sleep it off for a few days.”
“would you like some company?” logan asks. “roman and i can provide distractions if needed.” janus reaches up and gently takes his hand.
“cuddles would be nice . . .”
logan nods, toeing off his shoes and settling in behind janus. roman eagerly climbs over him and settles in front of him, pressing right up into janus’s arms with a smug smile. “hi there.”
“hello, roman,” janus sighs. there’s some wriggling while they get comfortable, but the warm body heat lulls janus to sleep before long.
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sidespromptblog · 3 years
Between the Mask: Part 3
One, Two and End
Warnings: Again plenty of tears, Virgil kinda mouths off about Janus, and Logan gets a little salty about it. 
Summary: Roman confronts Janus about how exactly he should treat him after being told that being both nice and mean to him was wrong. Only to discover that after everything that he’d been through, Janus isn’t the person that he portrays in front of everyone else. 
Word Count: 3013
Despite everything that had been promised, it started out rather slow. So much so that it felt like it was driving Roman to absolute madness, he knew as well as the others that they couldn't just rush into this without any kind of warning. They needed to build up to revealing everything, along with the fact that Logan wasn't even ready yet to face Patton let alone Virgil. Doing it too soon could and very well would go wrong, and the last thing that he wanted was for things to go back to the way that they were before. He didn't want Logan to go back to being holed up in his room, unable to be reached by anybody. Or for Janus to go back to putting on his persona every time he wanted to be even a little accepted, even if it was as the villain.
Virgil, who already panicked at the slightest hint of change in his and Thomas' life. There was no telling just how he’d react as soon as Janus showed his face to all of them, let alone with Roman now openly supporting him in everything he was doing. Not only would it make Virgil feel left out of the loop, but… it would make him paranoid as hell as to what Janus was plotting and if he had been plotting at all to turn everything around like that. Because whether he liked it or not, Roman knew Virgil, and he knew somewhat to how Virgil would react to all of this.
They needed to be smart about this.
But coincidentally… having to be smart about things just sucked.
Honestly Roman felt like he was trying to get a herd of feral cats to get used to the mere idea of comfort and love, something that Janus had been sorely lacking in the many many years of his Deceit role. As well as getting the idea across to the others that this was something that they should accept while making it all seem like it wasn’t some huge plot from the very beginning. Doing so would only shift the blame onto Janus, leaving him right where he first began with not a single shred of hope to be had for him.
Small steps, as Logan had said to Janus and him.
But small steps didn't make enduring this any easier.
Because for the first time in more than a week, Logan had answered Thomas' call to see him without any kind of hesitation. He had done so without his tie and his hair a little less than neat, it was a change, the first change that he had talked about making in order to ease the others into things. But even that little bit was almost instantly noticed by everyone. The looks that he had received from Virgil and Patton made Logan unconsciously squirm in his spot, the urge to dig his nails into his palms almost overwhelming to him. It took a conscious effort to remain perfectly still, and not fidgeting with the area where his tie would have been. Really though it felt like his progress that he was supposed to be making might as well have been moving at the pace of a snail, with how much the others seemed to notice everything about him.
Whether he wanted it or not.
"What's with the new look Logan?" Patton curiously inquired, "We just changed our outfits not that long ago, is it time for another one?"
Even the smallest and carefullest of prods from Patton felt like a harsh poke to Logan, even if the moral side didn't mean it to be. The other side had no idea that the tiniest little question could flay Logan’s emotions, leaving him wanting to retreat back into himself without a moments notice. As if… as if everything that he did was under constant question, and he couldn't just be without someone bringing up what he was doing. For a hot second he felt like curling into himself, as if that would draw less attention to himself. Or just receding back to his room like he had done before, and never showing his face.
It felt just like the infinitesimal incident.
Thankfully Roman sensing his rapidly dropping mood turned the attention to himself. "If he likes it that way then who are we to question it? Maybe it's more comfortable, I know it would be for me. Even my glorious sash becomes too much for me sometimes, and I wish for nothing more than relinquish it of its duties." It took a lot out of Roman to not immediately move to where Logan was, and to stand in front of him getting there gaze off of the nervous logical side. But even he realized that doing so would only sink their plan before it had even begun. "He looks nice without it, doesn’t he? Right Padre?"
The affectionate name was not lost on Patton, and nor was the question being brought to light. In Patton’s eyes, any change from the norm deserved its time in the light so it could either be praised or worried about. But now that the attention drifted over to Patton, his cheeks turned scarlet at the realization of the fact that he had unintentionally been putting Logan on the spot just for a single change of the logical side’s attire. He had never stopped to consider whether or not Logan wanted it to be brought up in such a way, or if he even wanted it brought up at all. He had just done so…
Kind of like when he had just blurted out Logan’s name before Logan had decided to tell it to Thomas.  
“You do look nice though…” Virgil mumbled from the side, his fingers clenching and unclenching the hem of his hoodie fighting through his anxiety of the awkward situation to get even a single compliment out of him. “Your hair… it’s… hair.”
The tiniest of smiles cracked on Logan’s lips, and just like that the protective storm welling up inside of Roman flew right out of him. Just that single quirk of his lips seemed to lighten up the logical side’s whole face in a way that had been sorely lacking before, nobody least of all Roman knew when the last time that Logan had smiled was. It felt like almost an eternity ago, when Logan still had that faded polo shirt and that pale blue tie, that was close to the last time he had seen Logan look over to him with a smile of pure excitement on his face. Not one that had constantly crushed and forced over the years that everything had been happening, especially not that one.
“He’s right,” Patton’s voice dragged Roman out of his own musing. “Your hair is lovely Logan, so.. so if you want to experiment with your style. I won’t comment on it unless you want me to.” A part of Roman felt a great deal of shock at the fatherly figure’s words, but another part of him knew that when it came to their own close circle of ordeals Patton would promise anything to make the other side more comfortable.
There was no doubt that Patton would mean those words, and there was no doubt that he’d try to stick with it too given how much their little family meant to him. It was just a matter of whether Logan would feel confident enough and comfortable enough to come to him in the future.
Logan’s gaze didn’t exactly meet Patton’s, evidence enough of the rift that had grown between them from Patton’s last actions when it had come to Logan being in the last video. “Thank you,” Behind his back Logan’s nails dug into his palm, biting harshly into it. Now here came the curve ball. “Janus has made a few suggestions, so I’ll be sure to show you when I begin to try them out.”
Just like that it was almost like the warmth in the room had been sucked out by a vacuum.
“Jan..us?” The letters of the dishonest side’s name stuck to the room of Patton’s mouth like peanut butter. “Huh?”
The confusion was clear, and the tension in the air palpable.
Almost immediately Roman wanted to motion to Logan to abandon such a topic of conversation, as judging by the way that Virgil’s shoulders had suddenly stopped hunching and the anxious side now stood towering with a withering look on his face… he clearly wasn’t ready to hear about Janus in any kind of capacity. There wasn’t anything that Logan could do to change that, especially if Patton couldn’t do anything about it considering that he was the closest one to Virgil right now. Asking Virgil to humor any kind of discussion involving Janus was as useful as asking him to stick his hands in a bee nest, not only would he not do it, but he’d probably smack the person who suggested it in the first place. It was just how Virgil was as a side, change was… bad for him, him and the anxiety he subconsciously produced.
“You’ve… been talking with Janus?” Thomas spoke up for the first time since Logan had shown up, the amazement that Logan had shown up had shifted into something that kind of resembled softness as he looked back at the logical side in question. His entire body had shifted from facing Patton and even Virgil, to now facing Logan. He gave the logical side his full attention for once. “Is that what you’ve been doing since you were gone? Have you been okay with him being around you? Is he…”
Thomas’ words trailed off once he got to the topic of Janus, clearly he too wasn’t so certain about how he was supposed to even entertain the idea of Janus. Given how Janus had introduced himself though, Logan couldn’t fault him for that.
“He is fine.”
And that was the truth.
Nervously Thomas eyes shifted from Logan back over to Roman, obviously expecting some kind of reaction from Roman. Something like dismissal, anger, outrage, or just coldness. But there was nothing as Roman kept his gaze firmly attached to the other sides, he was stiff, but stiff in the kind of way that couldn’t be mistaken for anything else other than worry over how the others would react to Logan’s rather bold declaration of conversing with Janus when he had been avoiding Thomas and the others for as long as he had. For Virgil, it would undoubtedly feel like a betrayal and nothing more given the context, or the lack thereof that Logan had been so stingy about. But for Patton… Roman wasn’t sure, despite how the moral side had prided himself in being an open book, Roman knew remarkably little about his actual thought process. That’s what had made it so hard to see Janus’ acceptance coming from Patton, he had expected Patton to stick to his guns and be determined that lying was bad, so when he didn’t…
Patton was very much of a wild card, despite how the other side liked to downplay himself.
A short irritable huff left Virgil, “Really Logan?!” Snarled the anxious side, the eyeshadow dark and thick under his eyes. “You’re actually willingly talking with him?! After he silenced you?! Why would you ever want to be around him now, the last thing you should want to do is hang around him! Do you even know what he’s like?!”
In an instant Logan’s gaze snapped up from the ground, and Virgil felt a shot of ice slam into his chest.
The look in Logan’s eyes..  it was unlike anything he had seen before…. He had seen Logan’s unbridled anger when Roman had called him stupid, he had seen him snark before, and even get a touch underhanded when it had come to things he didn’t want to talk about and things that he didn’t want to do. But this… the sheer anger that reflected in Logan’s eyes now, for the first time… made Virgil very afraid.
He didn’t like it.
He didn’t like this new Logan.
“That’s enough V-” Roman almost immediately stepped forward, a familiar look of protective rage on his face ringing throughout his entire body. He had never once been provocted into drawing his sword against Virgil, but hearing him so dismissively talk about Janus as if he knew him… It made something inside of him rage, to want to snap at Virgil and tell him exactly what he knew about the real Janus and about how far off Virgil was from the actual truth.
Roman stopped dead as soon as Logan held his arm out, his chest merely brushing against the logical side’s arm with how close he had come in just two strides. But he held himself back from saying a single word, it was Logan’s time to talk…
Not his.
Not yet.
“As if you know the real him.” Logan didn’t shout, he didn’t need to for everyone to hear what he was about to say. “And he is by far not the first person who has attempted to silence me, but he is the first person who has actually apologized for doing so. So as far as you are concerned Virgil, I will continue to hang out with him and treat him as my friend. Because he is my friend.”
A look of twin guilt blended together on Patton and Virgil’s face, a look that had said they knew the not so hidden meaning behind Logan’s words and had understood every bit of it. They had never apologized, Virgil had actually threatened Logan when he had attempted to talk about Remus. And Patton… Patton had actually silenced Logan, whether he wanted to admit it to himself or not.
Virgil looked sick to his stomach, as if just now realizing. “Logan…” He murmured, unease and guilt swimming in his murky eyes.
Patton however could only stay silent, his hands clasped over his mouth in an attempt to stop any sound from leaving him as well as to stop the shaking of his own hands. His eyes though did all of the speaking for him, betraying how Roman had been unable to get a reading on him before, as they now told everything for him without the use of words.
I’m sorry. His eyes said. I understand why you left for as long as you did after what I did to you. And even… You were right to stay away, if we hadn’t even realized until now.  
“Don’t apologize,” Logan sharply said, cutting them to the core. “Don’t apologize to me unless you’re apologizing to Janus as well. He deserves better than a one-sided apology.” He was right, or at least Roman knew that he was right even if the others didn’t. “I will see you all at dinner, set another plate out for Janus.”
Logan’s steely gaze only softened when it landed on Roman, Roman had made his apologies loud and clear to him just days ago and he had apologized to Janus as well. Not only that…
They had both kept their promise to Janus.
“See you… Roman.”
And just like that Logan was gone, leaving a vacant space where he had once been standing. Leaving Roman there with an amber-like warmth in his chest, at the thought of returning to Janus’ cozy room where they could all sit and be together without a care as to who would interrupt them. Where they would be safe, and be their truest selves without the fear of outside eyes peering in and judging them.
“So…” Thomas awkwardly broke the silence, cold tears dripping down his cheeks as his voice cracked the moment he tried to use it. Both Patton and Virgil’s combined emotions hitting him with a kind of blunt force. “You’re not angry about Logan seeing Janus?”
A rough snort fell from Roman’s lips before he could stop himself. “Go take a nap and play a video game Thomas,” He instead gently told the man who certainly looked like he could use one. “I’m not angry about Janus, and I’m happy that Logan is finally happy. It’s the way he should be.” Being emotionless and robotic didn’t suit Logan, no matter how he liked to say in the past that it did. He was supposed to be the vibrance of curiosity, combined with the endless knowledge of things that had been learned. He was the one that knew all of humanity was made out of stardust.
He was never supposed to wither like he had.  
Thankfully Thomas didn’t argue, as he nodded tiredly to his creative side and staggered back towards his bedroom. Roman suspected that he was far too emotionally drained to do so even if he had wanted to at the time. He’d have time to endlessly question them all later, but now Thomas deserved some peace and relaxation without having to worry over what came next. He didn’t need Janus to tell him that much, Thomas wanted it, so Roman too wanted it. Turning around Roman moved to sink out just as Logan had, just for a hand on his shoulder to stop him dead in his tracks. Patton finally taking this time to gather his wits had finally reached out, twin streaks of tears running down his face.
“What did you mean?” Patton softly croaked, “When you said it was how he was supposed to be?”
Roman grimaced, he didn’t want to answer questions right now, but… if he had any chance of getting the two off his back for even a little while he’d need to give them something. And it had to be something for them to think over. Something that would stop them from going after Logan as well, and even relax even the slightest around Janus and get the gears turning in their head. Something…
It had to be good.
Really good.
He knew what to ask.
“When was the last time you saw Logan smile?”
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
Roman and Logan’s Dark Strange Son: Rewrite
Pairings: Romantic Logince, Platonic Loginceit/Roloceit
Word Count: 1,088 Words
Summary: Roman and Logan meet Deceit near Spider Woods to talk.
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, Unsympathetic Patton, Spiteful Roman, Petty Logan, Slight Arachnophobia Mentions, Trust Issues, Mentions of Death (in the means of ‘fading’), let me know if I should tag something else.
Chapter 2
Upon arrival, Roman and Logan found who they assumed was Deceit quite deep in the forest, though seeing yellow in a black forest wasn't hard. As it seemed, Deceit was attempting to help a newly hatched baby dragon out of it's egg as the small being flapped its wings for assistance.
Eventually, he noticed Roman and Logan sitting on their picnic blanket, Roman lovingly watching the snake assist a youngling out as Logan was impressed that the deceitful side was motherly enough to assist something that was clearly reptilian out of its shell and to the freedom of life without a second thought.
Deceit finally helped the stuck dragon free and returned with it to the blanket on the forest floor. He was tense, hands petting the dragon a bit shaky and he looked stressed.
It was quite obviously him, despite the different clothing. Snake features prominent even though the bell sleeve top, and lace up sided jeans, and yellow flannel around his waist was quite different. But a good different.
He sure held up to his aesthetic. Logan sputtered at first but then Roman led straight in, despite Deceit fidgeting with the newborn dragon's wings in quite obvious distress to know why he'd been called here.
"Alright. To calm you down, we aren't mad. Like, at all. We asked you to be here because we wanted to hear your opinion with the debate today since you didn't get to speak at all and we couldn't figure out what you were saying." Deceit looked confused and shocked by Roman's explanation.
"Oh...um...it was stupid anyway." Logan grabbed his hand, seeing him about to leave.
"No opinion is a stupid opinion unless it doesn't pertain to the conversation." Logan immediately assured him.
"I don't know, it's dumb." The deceptive side seemed antsy not to share, maybe protective? Then it seemed to dawn on the logical side. Maybe trust issues? Those might make sense. Trust didn't seem common amongst the dark sides if Virgil at the beginning of his stay was anything to go by. And, with his housing situation in the grey area, trust must run far below zero in Deceit's world.
"So, wanna have dinner with us and talk about your opinions?" Roman asked him. Deceit seemed to settle with that. Maybe trusting they'd listen?
Logan had a hundred scenarios at once of what he could possibly be thinking, none of which he spoke aloud. But they settled themselves onto the blanket and Deceit seemed to work up the nerve to share his opinion.
"Thomas is getting reckless. He's pulling himself all these ways and stretching himself thin and I'm just worried that, if he keeps ignoring how reckless he's getting, eventually, he won't have any self-preservation left." Deceit finally managed to explain. The way his eyes shone, he was definitely telling the truth.
"You're not..." Roman reached his hands to grab Deceit's hands, making sure they didn't slip through, that their Deception wasn't fading.
"No. Not yet, at least. But if he keeps like this, it might happen." He sounded teary. Logan wanted nothing more than to hug him and tell him that he could cry, but he didn't want to overstep. Plus expressing and explaining emotion wasn't his forte, not did he do it very well. He could let Roman handle that for now.
“We need do make sure you won't then.” Logan determined.
“You…You could?” Deceit asked, near incredulously.
“As much as possible. We could use your ideas into our debates with Patton and Virgil. It's no harm to change our arguments for a while if it keeps you from fading long enough to figure out what to do for longer-term in fixing the problem.” Logan assured him.
“You don't have to.” The shortest trait wiped his eyes and kept tears from falling over, the baby dragon nuzzling his face and huffing. This obviously meant a lot to him.
“You're right. We want to.” Roman agreed. And Logan couldn't agree more. They spent a total of another hour listening to Deceit's opinion, both encouraging him to keep going so they could learn more on his side of the debate both that morning and in the past.
It all boiled down simply to, don't over-give and to make sure Thomas could take care of himself, make sure Thomas didn't push too far. It was reasonable. Loga got hints that his home life wasn't what it seemed like. It could really be a toss up of any kind, Logan didn't know any details and it seemed Deceit didn't want them to.
There were also very clear trust issues that they got the simple explanation that someone he trusted had left before. This wouldn't stand, Logan determined. The other half hour of the conversation was him gently convincing Deceit to take it easy, make sure he didn't overstress himself and, eventually, the conversation turned to dragon care between Roman and Deceit. And, thus, Roman and Logan were now formulating a plan in the debate room again.
"We could have him stay in one of our rooms to keep an eye on him. So we can make sure he doesn't start fading." Logan suggested. He was far beyond stressed. If their Deceit faded, then their Self-Preservation faded too. There may be no saving him if he began fading, there was only hoping at that point that he could come back from it somewhat stable.
"He'd have to stay in there a lot so he wont be caught by Patton or Virgil. He might get corrupted if he were in one of our rooms. It wouldn't be any better." Roman shot the idea down.
"We could make him a room." Logan suddenly suggested, far too excited and ended up slamming his hands onto the desk of the debate chair he sat at.
"A-A room? They'd notice!" Roman exclaimed.
"Not if we said it's ours or a Shorts character is having an extended visit. There's already that old extra room across from ours. Remember? You made it a while back for one of those Shorts characters when they were made before they went off to live in your kingdom." Logan poked his head to remember. It seemed to come back to him now.
"Oh yeah, Remy's old room! That's perfect. We could totally do that!" Logan smirked seeing that he'd finally seen sense.
"Let's get to work. We need him close to us to keep an eye on him and we better get it done as quickly as possible." Logan alerted him.
Taglist: @zozomind @im-default @imma-potatoo @genderfluidmoma @brain-deadx0 @knightinsoftpastels @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @lgbtforeverything @fandersides1234567 @that-gay-satanic-trash @messcentral @turtleluv799 @theenbyregressor @katelynn-a-fan @13hisss
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ccss10987 · 4 years
Skating And Hot Cocoa
Written for @dreamydorito for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange
Hope you enjoy and have a good start to this year!
Paring: Platonic Loginceit (Logan, Roman, Janus)
Words: 2,428
TW: Food mention, Logan overworking themself, Janus threatening to break something of Logan’s (he doesn’t actually), Twilight opinions (Like what you like as long as it doesn’t hurt someone)
Notes:  Roman uses ey/em/eir/eirs/eirself pronouns Logan uses they/them pronouns Janus is short, and he gets tired when he's cold Roman is just a fan of Twilight, it just seems like him Logan despises it because it's not logical Janus likes it, but he's never going to admit it
EDIT: Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28630140
Roman took a step into the kitchen. "Hey Jan?" Ey asked.
Janus just sighed in annoyance. This was the third time Roman had entered the kitchen to ask if he was done making dinner.
"Jan, is dinner ready yet?" Roman asked impatiently.
"Almost. Why don't you go get Logan? It might take a while to get them out of their room."
"Okay." Roman said. Ey then left the kitchen and walked up to Logan's door. Ey knocked loudly. "Come on out and take a break from work, Specs. Jan made dinner!" Roman said loudly to make sure Logan had paid attention to em. When Logan was focused on something, they really got focused on it.
One time, Logan decided to do their work in the living room and Roman had tried to get their attention for 10 whole minutes until ey just covered up Logan's computer screen. That made Logan very annoyed. Logan got even more annoyed when the thing Roman wanted to tell them so badly ended up just being 'hi.'
"I will be there momentarily." Logan said back.
"Alright then. Just remember the last time you forgot to eat dinner because you were overworking yourself!"
Roman smiled to eirself. Ey knew Logan was on their computer working on something. Ey also knew they would keep working on that something until Janus came after them to yell at them about the dangers of overworking.
"Are they overworking themself again!?" Janus yelled from the kitchen. Roman could hear Logan sigh loudly. The door swung open quickly, almost hitting Roman in the face.
"My apologies, Roman. Alright, Janus. I am coming to the kitchen to eat dinner."
Janus walked straight up to Logan. "When was the last time you took the time to properly relax?"
"About a week ago. It was when we put that jigsaw puzzle together." Logan responded.
"That's too long ago." Roman stated.
"I want you to go into the kitchen and eat dinner, while I totally won't be in your room breaking your computer." Janus said.
"That is taking it way too far!" Logan exclaimed.
"They won't do it." Roman said. The two watched Janus walk into Logan's room.
"Maybe they won't do it." Roman corrected eirself.
Logan marched into their room, and they started dragging Janus away from their computer.
"I am so close to finishing this project. I just need a couple more hours maybe." Logan told them.
"I don't care. Tomorrow we're going to do something to help you relax. You need to take it easy once in a while. First, you need to eat dinner." Janus told them.
Logan sighed, but they nodded, walking towards the kitchen. Roman and Janus followed them.
Roman's mouth watered when ey saw what Janus had made for them. His cooking is really good. Ey sat down and began eating.
"Make sure to drink plenty of water since you're in here, Logan. I know that you've been working a lot lately, so that means you haven't been staying hydrated as much as you could've been." Janus narrowed his eyes at Logan.
"I got it." Logan said. Janus was right though. They kept a water bottle in their room just in case, but once it was empty, Logan usually forgot to refill it.
After dinner, the three started to discuss what they could do tomorrow.
"We could always watch Twilight again." Roman suggested.
"No. That movie is incredibly nonsensical and complete and utter nonsense." Logan told Roman.
"Alright fine. What do you suggest, nerd?"
"Stop your arguing. Roman didn't you bring up an ice rink you saw around here while we were eating dinner?" Janus asked.
"Yeah. Logan, would you want to go ice-skating?"
"I wouldn't mind." Logan told them.
"Yes!" Roman cheered.
"It's settled then. You need to get a good night's sleep. I don't want you on your computer all night. Or else." Janus said, looking up into Logan's eyes.
"Ah, very threatening." Logan said, trying not to laugh.
Roman wasn't even bothering to hold in the laughter. "You're a foot shorter than them, and it's hysterical.
Janus glared at em.
Logan smiled, looking down at Janus.
"Oh stop it, both of you. Just go to bed before I really do break your laptop."
Logan sighed. "Now let's not get short with ea-
Janus death glared into Logan's soul. "You did that on purpose! We all know how much you love puns and dad jokes, and you couldn't resist."
"I do not like puns or dad jokes. I've never done anything like that intentionally, and I never will." Logan defended themself.
They both knew it was just playful arguing. Everyone knows Logan loves puns and dad jokes, but Logan is too stubborn to admit it.
Everyone also knows Janus loves being the short one. He hides in cabinets constantly, because "self-care"
While those two were glaring at each other, Roman took eir opportunity to put Twilight in.
Logan and Janus sat down on the couch, just as Roman hit play.
"Really?" Logan asked.
"...what? I have no idea what you're talking about." Roman smiled innocently.
Logan nodded off, not even halfway through the movie. Janus was next, saying how dumb some things in the movie are before laying down and curling up into a ball.
The movie ended. Roman yawned and looked at eir roommates. Janus looked like he was freezing, which was nothing new. Logan looked like they were going to wake up with a lot of pain in their neck, which was also nothing new.
Roman sighed and carefully moved Logan to a more comfortable position, then ey went into Janus's room to get blankets for the both of them.
Once Roman was done being the chivalrous knight and brave hero ey is, ey went into eir own room and laid down on eir bed where ey quickly fell asleep.
Roman was the first awake. This was weird. Logan was usually the first one up. Roman guessed that it was because Logan was working late for the past few days, they were probably tired.
Roman went into the kitchen, and ey fixed eirself a quick breakfast.
Logan entered the kitchen as Roman was doing eir dishes. "Good morning Roman." They said, starting to brew a pot of coffee. "Good morning Specs. How did you sleep? You usually wake up earlier than Janus and me."
"Janus and I." Logan corrected. "Yes. I am aware. It seems that I may have been spending too many late nights on my laptop working. I must have been tired.
"Well, Janus could've told you that. And he has... a million times before."
Logan rolled their eyes, but they stayed quiet.
"So... did you sleep well? You fell asleep watching the greatest movie of all time!"
"Anyone who likes that movie is super 'sus'."
"...What?" Janus asked. He was standing in the kitchen doorway, the blanket Roman gave him was draped across his shoulders. "I'm tired, confused, and very cold."
"Exactly! People who don't ship Edward and Bella are sus!" Roman argued in a playful tone.
Janus took his favorite mug out of the cupboards. "That's ridiculous and Logan don't use words if you don't know what they mean. I know you haven't played Among Us." Janus said as he filled the mug. He added some creamer, then began to take a few sips.
"Are you saying you ship Bella and-"
"Twilight is stupid and I won't change my mind." Janus said dismissively.
"Uh huh, sure."
"So do we have a plan for when we're going ice skating? When are we leaving?" Logan asked.
"When I'm awake." Janus responded, taking a few more sips from his coffee.
"Oh, so now you want to go. Last night it was all about 'No, I don't want to do anything fun. I just want to work myself to death." Roman said, making eir voice all monotone and serious to mock Logan.
Logan rolled their eyes. "Childish mockery." They said. "I just want to go, because neither of you are going to let me work until I go."
Janus could tell when someone was lying. This time wasn't any different. "Liar." He said quietly and smiled. "We'll go after I finish this cup of coffee and I eat breakfast."
Logan nodded. "Sounds like a plan."
After Janus finished 3 cups of coffee, they started to get ready to go. They dressed warmly and piled into the car.
Roman sang loudly and obnoxiously to the radio music the whole way. Logan and Janus were used to it.
The car stopped.
"Tell me, how's it feel sittin' up there. Feeling so high but too far away to hold me"
"Roman?" Janus said to try and get eir attention
"You know I'm the one who put you up there"
"Roman, we're here."
"Huh? Oh, great." Roman smiled and ey hopped out of the car.
Janus paid for the three of them, and they went inside.
"We're all going to have fun and relax. When we're done, Logan you can not- Where did they go?" Janus looked up from tying his skates.
Roman pointed to Logan, who was already skating around the rink with ease.
"They're actually quite good." Janus commented.
"I never knew they could skate. You learn new things every day huh."
"Can you skate?"
"Um... not exactly. I used to be able to skate well, but I haven't done this in a few years." Roman stood up. Ey wobbled a bit.
Janus grabbed Roman's arm. "This is my first time skating. We can figure it out together." Janus assured em.
Roman got up carefully, and ey started skating forward. Ey was a bit wobbly.
Janus skated after em. He ended up pushing off of the wall too fast, and he toppled Roman to the ground.
Roman started laughing. "Shush. That's definitely not funny!" Janus told em. He couldn't help but laugh too.
Logan smoothly glided around the rink, and they stopped at the two of them laughing on the ice. "Do you two need any assistance?" They asked.
"No. Clearly, we're fine. Why else do you think we've just been lying here? We obviously can get up on our own." Janus said with as much sass as he could.
"Alright then. I suppose if you two are fine, I can just skate around the rink more."
"No, wait." Roman laughed. "Help me! Leave him here!"
Janus gasped. "Betrayed by my best friend!"
Logan helped Roman up, then they helped Janus.
"See? I told you we were fine. I got on my feet all by myself." Janus smirked.
Logan rolled their eyes playfully.
Janus slowly started to skate away from them.
Logan grabbed Roman's arm, and the two started to skate after Janus.
They spent at least an hour there. Janus was starting to get a little tired.
Janus wobbled, and he almost fell, but he balanced himself just in time.
"It's just like roller skating, but you're on ice." Logan told him.
"The cold never bothered him anyway." Roman laughed.
"Actually, the cold does bother him. We've seen him on multiple occasions get tired, just because the temperature is too low."
"I thought you only took whatever Virgil said literally"
Logan only smiled. They were doing it on purpose, of course. It annoyed Virgil the most, but sometimes they would take other people too literally when they saw a really good opportunity.
"Speaking of the cold, I am ready to go home. What about you two?" Janus asked.
Roman nodded. "I'm thinking that you can make your fantastic hot chocolate while we all get wrapped up in blankets and watch Twilight."
"Absolutely not." Logan said.
"Absolutely not Twilight?.... Or absolutely not Janus's hot chocolate?" Roman asked with a sly smile.
Logan looked at Roman for a solid five seconds with a blank stare. "Absolutely not to that awful movie. I refuse to watch it again."
"But you didn't watch it last night." Roman argued. "You fell asleep halfway through it. Not even!" Ey pouted
Logan rolled their eyes at Roman's dramatics.
"Let's just get out of here. I'm too cold to wait for hot chocolate to be done. We can get something warm out of those totally not sketchy looking at all drink vending machines." Janus started skating over to the exit.
"Alright. It won't be your hot chocolate, but it'll be something to drink while watching Twi-"
"Big Hero 6." Logan said.
"Fine. It's not a classic, but it's still a good Disney movie."
The three left the rink, and they walked up to one of the vending machines.
Janus went first. He put the money in, grabbed a cup, and pushed the hot chocolate button. He quickly took a sip.
Roman went next. "Well, it's not Janus's hot chocolate, but I guess it's... something."
Logan went last. They almost got coffee, but Janus gave them a death glare until they pushed the button for the hot chocolate.
The three went outside and got into their car. Roman rushed to claim shotgun, so ey could control the music they'd listen to. Ey put eir Hamilton cd in and started singing along. Janus joined in shortly after.
Logan stopped the car in their apartment parking lot. "Wait! Wait. Wait. Wait." Roman said, repeating the word 'wait' for some time. Ey skipped all the way to 'Guns and Ships'
Logan and Roman then started rapping at each other when Lafayette's part came on. Janus didn't even try to join this, the coward.
When the song faded out, Roman got out of the car. "Alright I'm done now. Let's go watch Big Hero 6"
The three went up to their apartment. Roman started gathering a bunch of snacks, Janus got a bunch of blankets, and Logan put in the movie, and they pressed play.
After the movie was over, Janus gathered up all of his blankets. "Well goodnight."
"It's not even 4 PM." Logan told him.
"I don't care. I'm taking a nap then. You can do whatever you were trying to do now, Logan." Janus disappeared into his room.
Logan got up, and they started walking to their room.
"Don't overwork yourself, nerd." Roman said as ey put in Cinderella.
Logan sat down at their desk, and they started writing again. The day was great. They had fun, showed off to Janus, rapped with Roman, and they got to watch their favorite Disney movie. It definitely helped their writer's block and burnout they were having.
They should listen to Janus a bit more. It'll give them an excuse to hang out with their friends more often.
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im-still-ok · 4 years
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Ro, Lo, and Jan from an rp I’m doing just cuddlin :3
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im-actually-ok · 4 years
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Ro, Lo, and Jan from an rp I’m doing just cuddlin :3
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
amanda’s sanders sides shorts & drabbles | a masterlist
i’m not the bad guy (part one) | anxceit
i’m not the bad guy (part two) | anxceit
i’m not the bad guy (part three) | anxceit
little shadow | moxiety
everything is alright | sleepxiety platonic comfort
anxiety attacks | solo virgil
what did you do with my heart? | prinxiety au
and they were roommates | analogical slow burn au
in the library | logicality w/ creativitwins human au
don’t leave me again | dukexiety angst
science partners | intrulogical human au
laundry day | platonic royality fluff
keep going | prinxiety
gay pining | logicality
slow dancing in the dark | anxceit angst songfic
migraines | moceit hurt/comfort
we need a hero | romantic roloceit
art is (not) dead | romantic analogical (ALSO SOMEONE MADE ART INSPIRED BY THE ART I DESCRIBED GO LOOOOOK)
bungee cord | romantic intrulogical
headphones | queerplatonic lamp
what are you, a middle school librarian? | romantic roceit
i am not your enemy | romantic logicality
beach confessions | romantic logicality
happy birthday, doc | romantic remile + the sides are there
snowstorms & spite | married dukeceit
new year’s first kiss | romantic dukexiety
not every wave is a tidal wave | platonic intrulogical
lemon boy & i, we’re gonna live forever | romantic moceit
harbor me when i’m lost, when i’m breathless | romantic intrulogical (sequel to not every wave is a tidal wave)
the star that you turned into | analogical 
drabbles (usually in response to an ask prompt)
alternate universes are more appealing | loceit drabble
i want you to be proud of yourself | prinxiety drabble
i’m creativity | remus drabble
names have power | intruality drabble
horror films | analogical drabble
just hold my hand | intrulogical drabble
period pains | logicality drabble
bleach stains | platonic prinxiety/royality drabble
the reason i cry at night | analogince angst drabble
new normal | creativitwins drabble
the hands of a prince | prinxiety drabble
literal sunshine | prinxiety drabble
snowball fight | analogical drabble
pool days | logicality drabble
showering | analogical drabble
pinkified | roceit drabble
in the philosophy section | loceit drabble
wedding cake | moceit drabble
daily fix | prinxiety drabble
quarantine anniversary | prinxiety drabble
the k-pop phase | platonic LAMP
hero | platonic royality
take my jacket | romantic prinxiety
you need sleep | platonic desleep
a lesson in self-love | remus snaps the others into skirts
not scary | romantic prinxiety
sweater weather | romantic anxceit
perennially cold | romantic desleep
flannel | romantic analogical
sore loser | romantic roceit
[main masterlist]
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magpiemorality · 4 years
Number 9. “Why are you awake?” With Roceit or Loceit?
I’ve combined the ships together, but you can read them in any combination of romantic, platonic or queerplatonic!
It wasn’t unusual to see the lights of the subconscious where the sides made their home on late into the night. Thomas himself was notoriously bad at getting to sleep on time, and not even Logan’s insistence on a healthy circadian rhythm could fight against the frustrating fact that for some reason it was just easier to get things done once the sun had gone down. 
That didn’t stop him from trying though, and tonight was no different. Logan rolled his neck carefully as he saved his work and grabbed his glass to go and stock up on water for the night. His route took him downstairs, hearing soft music from Virgil’s room, weird noises from Remus’s at the end of the hall, and eventually downstairs. Patton was asleep on the couch in front of some cartoon marathon, but the sides Logan couldn’t quite bring himself to admit he was extra specially looking out for were both huddled together in the kitchen with cups of coffee, urgently discussing something. 
“Not that I’m surprised, but why are you awake?” Logan asked as he joined them, pausing to add, “this time.” Janus and Roman gave him twin sheepish smiles, before Roman launched into a frenzied retelling of his latest imaginary story idea, words flowing out almost as fast as he could think them, full of details he had apparently been stockpiling from information Logan had given them over time. Logan listened, chest warm and full, but he watched Janus too, and the way he fondly watched Roman. It made Logan’s heart ache, but he was still biding his time with that whole thing. The data was still incomplete, proof yet to be gathered, conclusions still up in the air. But soon, soon.
“We’ll try and get some rest now though,” Janus murmured, turning that same gaze over to Logan and making him blush. “I know it’s important to you. And Thomas has enough trouble getting to sleep with Remus keeping him up, let alone the rest of us. C’mon, Shakespeare.” He reached out to take Roman’s hand, leading him out of the kitchen with a little wave to Logan and a cheerful goodbye from Roman, still caught in the throes of the midnight muse. 
“Goodnight,” Logan whispered to himself, clutching his still-empty glass to his chest with a smile he was helpless to stop. It was just really nice to be listened to. And he mentally added tonight’s interactions to the swiftly growing pile of evidence that told him that soon his investigation would be over and he could reap the rewards of patience. 
But for now he just refilled his water and went to bed. Thomas’s routine wasn’t going to stick to itself, after all. 
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roseamongroses · 5 years
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tease deceit hours 
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
"You and your Soulmate see every marking that appears on their skin" With Logan, Roman and Janus? 💙❤️💛 Platonic Dukeceit 💛💚 Ro and Lo are already together and they feel helpless when they keep seeing bruises appear on their skin. Eventually even a cut or two. Unsymp Patton hurting Janus with him eventually running in a snowstorm and meeting Remus; who recognises the marks from his brother. Hopeful ending!
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happy new year @remusownsmyuwus !
title: Sanders One-Shots pairings: 1. romantic deceit/remus, platonic logan & patton 2. romantic roman/logan, platonic logan & patton. 3. romantic roman/deceit/logan. 4. romantic roman/patton rating: T warnings: one slightly suggestive joke, nightmares wordcount: 2,761
summary: I created a collection of fluffy stories, (almost) all including Logan!
notes: I hope you enjoy! (and thanks to @andeverybodyclapped for beta reading!)
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Prompts: Hmmm I would love some Logan Angst where after the date with Nico he shuts himself away from the group and this leads to Thomas life becoming a mess and him not being able to function mentally. Roman than starts to feel like it's his fault because he insulted Logan and didn't let him finish the schedule. Janus feels responsible because he sent Remus so unexpectedly the two sides who hate each other come together to try help Logan.
The three then have a talk about their problems Roman's habit of using Nico as a distraction from the wedding and all the hurt he's feeling, Janus and his habit to bring down other sides to get what he wants and Logan to hide his feelings from the others.
Overall I just want some Roloceit bonding and fluff with a mix of angst. - meltheromanstan
Hey a-small-batch-of-dragons could you write a story about Roman having narcolepsy and falling asleep with maybe Rociet or Logince. And a question do you do research before you write stories like snap or come now little prince ? Have a great day or night - mouse2004
Thank you for the reqs, friends, let’s get this angst train a’rolling. 
Read on Ao3
Warnings: self-deprecations, mostly. roman has narcolepsy
Pairings: roloceit, can be platonic or romantic I don’t know anymore
Word Count: 4850
Logan closes the door behind him and takes a deep breath. He lets it out slowly, one, two, three, four, and the notebook falls out of his hands.
Roman looks at the closed door in front of him and clenches his hands to stop them trembling.
Janus thinks everything is fine.
Or, in the aftermath of what should be a perfectly happy date, three Sides are having a little trouble.
Logan closes the door behind him and takes a deep breath. He lets it out slowly, one, two, three, four, and the notebook falls out of his hands.
It splays on the floor and he looks down. It shouldn’t lie like that for too long; the pages will get all folded and he won’t be able to flatten them out without creases. It will be harder to read the writing. He should pick it up.
He bends down and picks it up. He unfolds the pages and shuts the notebook and places it on his desk.
He should do something. He needs to do something. He should open the notebook and check what he has to do. The notebook burns his hand when he touches it. It doesn’t literally burn his hand but the unconscious reflex that triggers from his spinal cord is very similar to the one that is activated when his hand is near something warm. He doesn’t touch the notebook again.
He sits down. He doesn’t sit in the chair. Sitting in the chair is for doing work. He is not doing work right now and if he sits in the chair, either he will feel pressured to do work that he is not adequately equipped for or he will be using the chair for the wrong function. It is true that the chair is primarily supposed to be used for sitting, and he is the one who has attached the ancillary responsibility of work, but because that is its purpose, he must—
Logan punches the pillow next to him and buries his head in his hands, breathing harshly. It needs to stop, it needs to stop, it needs to stop. He can’t have the voice in his head anymore, not right now, not when his hard work lies useless a mere foot away from him.
The living room is in chaos. Remus’s creations are still scattered all over the place and the remnants of the intrusive Nico still lingers too close to the border of metaphysical reality. He needs to get his head together now, before anything else happens. Remus is already cackling off somewhere in the Imagination, he’s sure, and he needs to focus.
Focus. Yes. Focus is good. He must pull himself together. He is literally together; he has not been injured or maimed in any significant way, but in a metaphorical sense he has to—
“Stop,” Logan groans, rubbing his temples hard. He closes his eyes and digs the heels of his hands into his glasses so hard the plastic and metal begin to wheeze in protest.
It’s not like their living room is in chaos, he could go downstairs and see it. It’s fine, it’s just Thomas’s that needs to be fixed.
A humorless laugh barks out of his throat.
Just Thomas’s. It’s just Thomas’s living room that’s messy. It’s just Thomas’s schedule that’s been thrown off. It’s just Thomas deciding to abandon their plans and the work he needs to do to dash off at a moment’s notice to go meet with Nico.
It’s just Thomas’s Logic that can’t get its head on right.
Not that his head is literally off, but—
Logan throws himself up off the ground and takes off his glasses, rubbing his eyes until strange and bizarre patterns swirl on the insides of his lids. He is not being Logic right now, at Thomas’s insistence, so he is just going to be Logan and that’s fine. He doesn’t need to work right now because Thomas isn’t relying on him, Thomas is actively not working with him because he’s too focused on Nico and their date.
The notebook stares innocently up at him as he glares at it.
“Tell me,” Logan murmurs, rhetorically, of course, “why is it that I am the one who has to make him do all the things he doesn’t think are worth doing?”
That’s incorrect, he imagines the notebook saying back, as if it can read the conclusions he’s written upon its many pages, you are not the only one who has to make Thomas do things he would rather not do, nor does Thomas truly believe the things you have him do are not worth doing. You are not capable of such a feat, nor would you desire to be.
“But then why—“
Logan cuts himself off. He knows the answer to that question.
He knows why he’s the one who doesn’t get the joke most of the time, knows why he’s only called into videos when there’s a problem to solve. He knows the answer, he’s written the conclusion more times than he can count.
Or, rather, more times than he’d care to—
“Enough,” he grumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose again, “enough.”
The answer, of course, is precisely the premise he’s currently exploring. Logic, to most people, and especially to Thomas, is not something that one chooses to pay attention to when they are after fun. When they want to enjoy themselves, or when they’d like to lay aside some of their burdens for a little while and relax.
It’s difficult to relax when there’s a notebook with bullet points staring right at you.
Logan glances at his whiteboard. Remnants of schedule drafts that he hadn’t erased properly, scribblings of lists and ideas and mind maps that hadn’t gone far enough to make it into the final draft. Work, more work that he’d done that had ultimately been for nothing.
A cold feeling settles into the pit of his stomach as he starts to walk toward it.
With trembling fingertips, he reaches up and touches a part of the board. The markers still smell strong enough to make him wince, even after it’s been so long, after they’ve been closed and set away. He stares at the smeared and smudged writing.
It was supposed to say ‘shut away dishes,’ something Thomas had needed to do for a while now. He missed it with the eraser and then had been summoned almost immediately after, leaving him time only to grab the notebook before sinking out. The tip of his index finger rests just under words that now read: ‘shut away shh.’
Shut away. Shh.
Would…would that be…better?
Being too hard on himself is one of the things keeping Thomas from cleaning. And it gave Remus more leeway to…be Remus. Perhaps…
Logan sits down again, looking up at the whiteboard. He frowns.
From this angle, the light bounces off the many streaks from failed attempts at cleaning it thoroughly, the ink reflecting in strange patterns and shapes. They twist until they don’t resemble words any longer.
They frown down at him.
…maybe he should stop.
Not stop being Logic, nor helping Thomas entirely, but…stop pushing.
Every time he’s pushed, it hasn’t worked.
It didn’t work when they went to Patton’s room for the first time, nor when he tried to get them out of it. It didn’t work for the wedding, not when he tried to adapt his commentary only to be shut out entirely.
And it didn’t work today.
Once is an accident. Twice, a coincidence.
Three, a pattern.
Logan carefully takes off his glasses and puts them in their case. He undoes his tie and his top button. He sits on the bed and leans back against the wall.
Logic spins on, moving slowly and relentlessly, as Logan curls his arms around a pillow and buries his face in it.
Roman looks at the closed door in front of him and clenches his hands to stop them trembling.
This is your fault. This is your fault. This is your fault.
Logan hasn’t been seen in weeks. Every time movie night rolls around, they wait for another twenty minutes before one of them finally gives in and presses play. He’s taken to lingering in the hallway at dinner, hoping that he’ll see him coming outside and be able to catch him before he disappears back into his room. He’s even taken to camping by the stairs early in the morning, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Logan will come out to make coffee.
Nothing works.
A quick flash of something and he bites back a curse. He’s taken his bottom lip absentmindedly into his mouth and he’s worrying it between his teeth. He forces himself to stop, refocusing on Logan’s closed door.
Unbidden, the memory of his sharp words cuts him to the quick.
“So Thomas didn't wash a couple of dishes yet, big deal.”
Why did he say that? That wasn’t true, nor was it accurate. Thomas—Thomas had a plan, Logan had a plan, and they’d both worked so hard on it, what—what gave Roman the right to swoop in and demand they do something else? Even if it’s what he thought Thomas wanted, he—he shouldn’t have done that. That was wrong. That was cruel.
Logan had been so excited about it too…
Roman shakes himself, now is not the time to be drowning himself in everything he’s done wrong. He can do that later. Right now, he needs to talk to Logan.
No, he needs to apologize to Logan.
…for a lot.
Has he…ever really apologized to Logan?
He tried, once, sincerely, he knows. After the others met Remus for the first time, when he’d let his cruel tongue get the better of him again and he’d told Logan to shut up and called him a nasty name. He’d apologized as quickly as he could, knowing what he’d done was wrong, and Logan had…
…well, he’d said it was alright.
But Logan always says it’s alright. He says everything’s fine, that he’s fine, that he doesn’t have emotions but he does. And Roman knows he hurts them, that’s all he does, all he can do, and he struggles to find a way to make Logan believe that if he tells him that, Roman—Roman can do better.
But Logan had said it was alright and refocused their attention on what was really important: Thomas.
Roman swallows, trying to fight back the self-deprecating tears he can feel threatening the corners of his eyes.
Roman might talk a big game, might think he knows best, but Logan is the one who practically slaps him upside the head when he needs it the most. Logan is the one who thought about Thomas during that whole ordeal, the one who made them listen to him, not to everyone else, and—and took care of him.
Logan does so much to take care of them and they never appreciate it.
If anything, they’ve done their very best to undo whatever he’s done. Well, that stops now.
Roman raises his chin. He moves forward to knock on the door when—
“Roman? What—what are you doing here?”
Everything is fine.
Out of everything that’s happened recently, Janus is the one who has the least to feel guilty about. He’s the one who’s risked the most, who’s had to work the hardest to get where he is right now. He put in so much effort to do his job, to do what was right, and now he shouldn’t feel bad about anything that may have happened because of what he had to do.
…including what’s happened to Logan.
Janus knows he’s not completely at fault for the date that happened with Nico, nor is he responsible for the actions of the others. They are their own Sides, they are capable of making their own decisions, and it is not his job to be responsible for their feelings nor their actions.
But, and this is a fairly important one, he also isn’t responsible for the things he’s done directly.
What emotions you feel are not your fault. What you do with those emotions very much is.
In the aftermath of the courtroom debacle, it was…fair to say that Janus was feeling unhappy. It was also fair to say that he spent about half an hour stewing in his own rage that none of them could actually understand what he was trying to do, nor were they properly listening to the people that actually had a point to make.
It was also fair to say that he decided they needed to be…punished.
Over the top? Unnecessary? Cruel? Unjust?
Perhaps, but Janus has never claimed to be otherwise.
So it was with no small amount of satisfaction that he gathered Remus close and whispered show them what you can do. It was no small amount of satisfaction to see Thomas shatter under the weight of just what else he was capable of imagining. It was no small amount of satisfaction that he watched Roman be felled with a simple flick of Remus’s fingers.
…it was no small amount of satisfaction that he all but forced Virgil to admit he used to be one of them. It was no small amount of satisfaction that Remus began to run wild on his own, no longer waiting for Janus to tell him when. It was no small satisfaction that everything just got worse.
Janus never was one of the people who would fall into the pit of chaos.
The warmth of having Thomas look for him didn’t go away. The thrill he got of being included, being asked for, it never fully dissipated. Even when the toe hers still looked at him strangely, or decided they weren’t going to be as open about something he said, it wasn’t enough to counteract the satisfaction.
And it never hurt.
Listening to Remus gleefully describe what he’d done didn’t make Janus’s fists clench under his cloak. It didn’t make him want to go and apologize or at least see what the damage was. And finding out Logan hadn’t left his room since then hadn’t made him regret letting Remus go that afternoon.
He wasn’t expecting to find Roman outside Logan’s door too, hand raised as if to knock.
“I…” He shuffles. “I was just…”
“Um, I was going to try and talk to Logan,” Roman says when Janus doesn’t finish, “I was—well, I was going to apologize.”
Janus frowns. “What could you possibly have to apologize for?”
Roman chuckles ruefully, glancing down—oh, he thinks Janus is being sarcastic— “I know, I know, I’m—that’s why I’m here to fix it.”
He glances at the door, then back to Janus.
“Do…do you want to—am I in your way?”
Janus just looks at him. Then he takes a deep breath. “I am also here to apologize to Logan.”
Roman tilts his head. “I’m the only one that’s insulted him recently, Janus, I don’t think you’ve—you’re not the one he’s mad at.”
“So you know for certain he’s hiding because he’s mad?” He bites back a curse when Roman flinches. “I just mean that I’ve…some of my actions have had consequences that affected him too, so I’m…I’m here to try and fix that.”
Roman eyes him warily. But then, because Roman is Roman, he just nods and murmurs, “for Logan.”
“For Logan.”
Roman knocks on the door.
Logan opens his door and sees Roman and Janus standing there. He tilts his head.
“Am I missing something?”
“No, Logan,” Roman says quietly, “we just…well, we wanted to talk to you. May we come in?”
Logan stands aside and they walk in, looking around before Janus takes a seat on the floor. Roman sits too, leaning against the least obtrusive part of the wall as Logan shuts the door behind them.
“Is this okay?”
Logan blinks. “Yes, Roman, that’s—that’s fine, did you not want a chair to sit on?”
“It’s your chair, Logan, and yeah, I’m—I’m fine here.”
“As am I.” Janus fiddles with the fingers on his gloves. “We, um…”
Logan waits, idly tapping his fingers on the desk, but when neither of them can say anything, he sighs. “You didn’t plan this, did you?”
Roman shakes his head. “I…just ran into him up here.”
“And you decided to knock on my door?”
“No, I—I came up here to talk to—to try and talk to you,” he corrects quickly, “and Janus, um…”
“…came to do the same,” Janus finishes, “so Roman knocked and you answered.”
“I see.” When neither one of them offers anything else, he looks at Roman. “What did you want to say to me?”
The change that comes over Roman is almost staggering. He raises his gaze to look at Logan and Logan almost takes a step back at how penitent Roman looks.
“I’m sorry, Logan,” he says, sincerity bleeding through the spaces between the words, “I didn’t realize that my dismissal and insult to the schedule you and Thomas planned would be so hurtful. I understand that I still have…a lot of work to do to avoid being rude and mean to you. I won’t…promise that it won’t happen again, because I’m not as good at unlearning this as I need to be, but I want to promise that I will do my best to try and make sure it never happens again.”
Logan stares at him, shock dropping his mouth open as Janus looks at him like he’s never seen him before. After a long pause, Logan swallows and nods.
“If there’s…” Roman hesitates before bravely pushing forward. “If there’s anything you think I can do better, I would like to hear it.”
Logan eyes him, wary of the way Roman looks like he’s bracing for a hit. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, Logan, I always want to hear what you think.”
Another wave of sincerity takes his breath away and he has to swallow again before he can speak.
“…you have a tendency to…dive into things, so to speak, to avoid dealing with something you don’t want to,” he begins, “which can often lead to problems swelling up until they feel too overwhelming to deal with.”
Roman nods, watching him intently.
“In this case, with Nico,” Logan continues, “you’re using it as an…outlet for what happened with the wedding and the callback, especially considering you never received any sort of closure over it.”
He nods again, smiling a little when Logan finishes. “Thank you, Logan, I can…I can try and keep that in mind going forward.”
“I appreciate the apology.”
“You deserve it.” Roman glances between him and Janus. “I can…I can leave if you want privacy.”
Janus scoffs, still looking at him strangely. “Even after I’ve refused to extend to you the same courtesy?”
“It would’ve been rude to ask you to leave.”
“And it isn’t rude to ask you to leave now?”
“I’ve said my bit.”
Janus looks at him a moment longer before he sighs and looks up at Logan. “I owe you an apology as well, Logan. I didn’t—letting Remus loose was a conscious choice when Thomas hadn’t met him yet, but I didn’t realize what the full consequences would be afterward. And since…”
He takes another deep breath.
“Since the reason it was so difficult for you to work was due in part to my role in making things more complicated, I’m sorry.”
“Which part are you apologizing for?”
He tilts his head. “What?”
“Are you apologizing for what Remus has done, some of which at your bidding,” Logan repeats, “or are you apologizing for what you have done directly?”
The corner of Janus’s mouth tugs up as Logan stands up for himself and he elaborates. “I’m sorry for impersonating you on the day of the wedding, and for injuring you—and don’t pretend you weren’t, I saw that mark.”
Roman’s head jerks toward him in alarm but they pay him no mind.
“I’m sorry for actively undermining you and making Thomas doubt you,” he continues, “and I’m sorry for hurting you and making you feel unseen.”
Logan stares at him for a long moment.
“You are in better standing with Thomas now,” Logan says after a pause, “but do you remember how you got there?”
Janus meets his gaze, but not without some difficulty. “All too well.”
“So you understand, then,” Logan says, his voice sharpening a little, “that you have used us as rungs to claw your way upward.”
Roman winces from the corner of the room and Logan glances at him.
 “Sorry,” Roman murmurs quickly, “don’t let me interrupt.”
Janus lets out a soft hiss.
“You don’t have to do that, Roman,” he says quietly, “we all know that when Logan says I’ve used you as rungs, he’s really talking about you.”
“And Logan. He’s—you’ve done it to him too.”
“Yes, I have,” Janus says patiently, turning a little to face him, “but that’s the first time I’ve heard you say out loud that I did something to you.”
Roman’s mouth snaps shut and he looks away quickly. Logan glances at Janus and they both move a little closer.
“Roman,” Janus calls when they get within murmuring distance, “have I—I know the answer to this, but have I ever apologized for hurting you?”
After a moment, Roman shakes his head minutely.
“Then it’s a good thing we ran into each other up here, isn’t it?”
When Roman looks up, Janus slowly takes his glove off and holds his hand up. Roman’s eyes widen.
“I’m sorry, Roman,” he says solemnly, “and I’m even more sorry that I can’t remember everything I need to apologize for.”
“Janus,” Roman blurts out, “Janus, you don’t—“
“Don’t say you don’t deserve an apology, Roman,” Logan corrects gently, “because you do. As much as I do.”
 Roman falters, staring at the two of them, before he feebly gestures at Logan. “You’re supposed to be the one getting comforted.”
Logan allows himself a small smile. “I’ve not exactly made that an option.”
“No, Logan, you never have.” Roman sits up a little more. “I know—I know that your job as Logic is really important to you and it’s important to us but I don’t—I never know how to let you know that I care about Logan.”
Logan’s breath catches in his throat and he falters, thrown off-balance by how quickly the attention in the room has redirected to him.
“It’s true,” Janus adds, reaching to steady him as he sinks to join them on the floor, “you insist you don’t have emotions and that you can’t understand them so you can do the job Thomas needs from you, but that makes it harder for us to let you know how much we appreciate you.”
At his choked-off gasp, Roman lets out a soft noise and moves to wrap a hand around Logan’s. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, I know, that wasn’t very fair.”
“Excuse you?”
“Come on, Janus, you know your sincerity catches us off-guard whenever you use it.”
He sniffs. “Well, perhaps I’ll start doing it more often, then.”
“You better.”
They smile for a moment before Roman pitches dangerously toward the sharp edge of the bookshelf.
“Hey, hey, are you alright?”
Janus tucks a hand behind the nape of his neck. “Here, get his head away from the corner.”
“I’ve got a pillow here, help me—“
“There. Is there anything we should do right now?”
“Help me get him flatter, then we might just have to wait.”
“It doesn’t normally last for too long when it’s like this, right?”
“No, it shouldn’t, not more than a few minutes.”
“Is he still on his medication?”
Logan reaches up and takes the right notebook from the desk. He flips through it, scanning page after page to find what they’re currently using. He runs a finger down the notes he’s made and taps the right piece of information.
“Yes, it should be alright. We might just be at the tail end of its effectiveness.”
“Alright, that—Roman?”
Roman groans and Logan immediately crouches back down. “Roman?”
“Here, sit up, we’ve got you, are you hurt?”
“No, no,” Roman mumbles, sitting himself back up, “sorry, wasn’t expecting that.”
“It’s quite alright, as long as no one’s hurt.” Logan tucks an arm around Roman’s waist and helps Janus tug him away from any danger.
Roman shakes himself a little. “Well, it’s been a while since I’ve done something like that.”
“Are your meds still working?”
“Yes. And speaking of which,” he adds, giving Logan a gentle shove, “that is something you really don’t give yourself enough credit for.”
“Here, here.”
“Wait,” Logan says, looking between them, “what?”
“I know there’s a reason the things I fall asleep halfway through aren’t complete gibberish,” Roman says knowingly, “and there’s a reason I have the right medication now. And there’s a reason there’s, like, soft stuff and places for me to lie down everywhere when I need them.”
“And there’s a reason the stairs aren’t more difficult or similar to the ones in Thomas’s house,” Janus adds, “and that’s something most people don’t know about.”
Heat rises to Logan’s face as they chuckle.
“Thank you, Logan, for everything,” Roman murmurs, opening his arms for a hug, “seriously.”
“Hey,” Janus yelps in mock hurt, “don’t leave me out!”
Logan just gropes blindly for him and they settle into the hug. “Since when did you two become friends?”
They share a glance and Roman shrugs. “Since now, I think.”
“Something about bonding over making sure your friend is alright,” Janus agrees, reaching out to rub circles between Logan’s shoulder blades, “especially after being worried that you haven’t seen them in so long.”
Ah. Yes. That.
“Why did you go away,” Roman asks in a small voice, “what did we do?”
Logan swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. “You didn’t do anything. I just…came to a conclusion.”
“Which was?”
As he tells them about his findings, Janus’s expression softens and he reaches out to help Logan ease into a more comfortable position.
“You don’t exist as only your function, sweetie,” he says softly, “nor do we expect the only time we see you to be when you’re working. You’re allowed to exist as Logan too.”
“We enjoy spending time with you,” Roman agrees, reaching to offer Logan his water bottle, “your value is not contingent upon the amount of or quality of work that you do. We care about you because you’re Logan, not because you’re Logic.”
Logan stares up at him in disbelief. Roman frowns and tilts his head.
Janus chuckles, reaching out to lightly chuck him under the chin. “Hypocrite.”
“Oh, what, like you can talk.”
“As a matter of fact, I can, thank you for noticing.”
“Really, I’m impressed a snake was able to develop the speaking capabilities of a human, don’t you need vocal cords for that?”
A smile comes to Logan’s face as they all move a little closer together despite the gentle barbs flowing back and forth. “Yes, you know that vocal cords are brought close together by the movement of the throat which makes pressure build up behind the larynx and then it chops up the air to create a sustained oscillation in order to produce sound.”
“No, I simply manifest the words that I want to say and bring them into the sound plane by sheer willpower.”
And it’s so ridiculous that it makes the three of them burst out laughing, filling the room with snorts and squeaks until they’ve collapsed in a heap together. Eventually, Roman wipes at his eyes and shakes his head, leaning a little further into the wall and supporting Logan’s weight.
“Dear Elsa, that was hysterical.”
“I’m using that more often if it worked that well.”
“You just have to have the confidence behind it,” Logan mumbles, a dazed smile still on his face, “then you can get away with anything.”
“Oh?” Janus props his chin on his gloved and ungloved hands. “Do tell.”
“Yeah, what’ve you been getting by us?”
“I’m not sure you want me to tell you.”
“No, no, we definitely do.”
“We really do.”
General Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness  @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes  @iminyourfandom  @bullet-tothefeels  @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83  @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember  @fandomssaremysoul  @im-an-anxious-wreck  @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch  @enby-ralsei  @unicornssunflowersandstuff  @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams  @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer  @i-am-overly-complicated  @annytheseal  @alias290  @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @cerulean-watermelon @puffed-up-bees @meltheromanstan @joyrose-fandomer @insanitori @mavenmush @justablah65
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
Roman and Logan’s Dark Strange Son: Rewrite
Pairings: Romantic Logince, Platonic Loginceit/Roloceit
Word Count: 1,048 Words
Summary: Deceit gets showed his new room next to Roman and Logan’s. (aka they officially ‘adopt’ him)
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, Unsympathetic Patton, Implied Eating Disorder, Trust Issues, Secret Friendships, Food Mentions, Mentions of Death (in the means of ‘fading’), let me know if I should tag something else.
Chapter 3
It took a good three weeks to gain Deceit's trust. From being able to go in his room, to talking about personal things, to finally being able to bring him to his new room.
The yellow room was all set up with yellow, black, and gold furniture that Roman had summoned and painted himself. Logan had added more of the decorations and additives the room. Yellow ceiling stars, a second bed curtain on the bedposts for even more privacy, fairy lights on the headboard for light at night. The more they learned, the more they added to the room for Deceit's inevitable move-in date.
When Patton and Virgil inevitably asked questions on the color choices and what they were doing, they explained it away as them wanting a neutral room to be alone in. Yellow had been a 'funny coincidence' of being Deceit's color since it was the only primary color left and Virgil had the color purple, which their colors combined to.
Patton and Virgil had been satisfied enough with this explanation that they hadn't questioned further and had lost interest in watching them set up the room. Now it was time to move Deceit in.
So here Roman sat with Ceres, a baby Burmese python, slithering across him and he was admiring the good girl. Logan had just finished feeding Iris, the sunbeam snake, and was currently letting her be alone to bask.
The indigo and silver scales that covered Logan's neck were given little attention, as were the red and gold ones on Roman's hands. Deceit was currently placing Juno, the Amazon tree boa, back in her enclosure then he came to help Roman put back Ceres.
"You should both leave, you're too scaly." Deceit tried to urge them out.
"We need to show you something, actually." Roman began.
"What?" Deceit asked.
"We have a surprise for you in the Mind Palace, Dee." Logan clarified.
"O-Okay." The shortest side let them lead him back to the Mind Palace, all the way upstairs, but not to the door yet. It was nearly two in the morning, Patton had long since gone to bed, likely having been watching Parks and Rec, and Virgil's insomnia medication usually meant he passed out around midnight.
"I'm going to cover your eyes, is that okay?" Logan asked. He got a small 'yeah' before doing so and guiding Deceit to the bedroom door while Roman walked ahead and opened the door to the yellow room. Logan let his hands down and Deceit's eyes opened to the room.
Bright yellow ceiling stars lit up the room like the night sky, the bed curtains opened to shoe the inside and the fairy lights. Tiny flowers on the desk and Dreamworks posters strewn about. much to Roman's beginning Dismay that the snakelike side liked Dreamworks over Disney.
Despite it's original yellow/gold/black toned appearance, the room swirled with deep blues and whites due in large part to Deceit's favorite character, Jack Frost. Deceit's eyes blew wide and he looked back at Logan and then to Roman as if he wasn't sure who had done this.
"You two did this?" He asked softly.
"We wanted to make sure you don't start fading. To do that, we can't have you an hour away from us. So we thought we'd make you a room here that you can stay in so we can be sure you're okay." Roman assured him.
"You made a room just so you could take care of me?" Deceit asked.
"Of course. My other option was going to be having you stay at my castle but that's in the Imagination and the same distance away, so we wouldn't be able to check on you quickly if such a problem were to arise." Roman explained.
Without any further confirmation, the shortest side flung his body against them, hugging the both of them tightly. That night they spent with him, both laying on either side of their dark, strange son, both continuing work from that day until they could fall asleep nearing four in the morning.
The next morning went by just as they'd thought it would, Logan made breakfast while Roman made coffee as Patton usually slept in and Virgil woke up in a few hours, groggy and still tired from his medication. It was a game of dodging.
Deceit woke up only an hour after them, at nine in the morning, two hours before Virgil usually woke up at eleven. This allotted time to them all helping to make breakfast for the other two sleeping sides to wake up to.
They knew, of course, of Deceit's aversion to eating around others, something they'd both deemed was probably a form of an eating disorder they didn't want to press so soon after gaining his trust.
So, after getting a list of things Dee was allergic to, they immediately reformed the recipes they wanted to make. No dairy was an allergy Roman shared, something they already left out and had no issue continuing to do so. But eggs, Deceit apparently loved eggs.
So that's just what they did. They ended up making eggs, non-dairy pancakes, and french toast. Deceit obviously thought they were going over the top until he realized they were cooking for five people, not just three, then he seemed to accept it and move along helping.
They put on Rise of the Guardians and Moana to eat to and they both couldn't help but smile noting that Deceit had both finished off his plate and fallen back to sleep between them.
Roman ended up carrying him back upstairs to take a nap and closed the door softly to give him some privacy. Virgil woke up in this time and began toddling downstairs after Roman to the coffee machine, pawing at it like it would know what he wanted.
Roman helpfully poured him his coffee the way he liked it and got a head against his shoulder in thanks as Virgil took his liquid energy for the day and sat at the table still half asleep. No way he'd seen Deceit in his half-delusioned state.
Patton came down a half hour later for breakfast. Logan and Roman never spoke a word that day of their happy first morning with their very own dark, strange son.
Taglist: @zozomind @im-default @imma-potatoo @genderfluidmoma @brain-deadx0 @knightinsoftpastels @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @lgbtforeverything @fandersides1234567 @that-gay-satanic-trash @messcentral @turtleluv799 @theenbyregressor @katelynn-a-fan @13hisss
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