#platonic yandere mr compress
fairystar111 · 7 months
Dark New World
By: fairystar111
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Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
The age of heroes is over… the League of Villains had won the war and Japan was now under their rule.   Class 1-A is declared missing in battle and a hefty bounty is announced for any information leading to their capture.   What horrors will they face if caught by the League?
(A villains win AU featuring found family and forced family.)
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Tokoyami Fumikage, Ochaco Uraraka, Asui Tysuyu, Tomura Shigaraki, Dabi | Touya Todoroki, Hawks | Keigo Takami, Spinner | Suuichi Iguchi, Kurogiri, Magne | Kenji Hikiishi, Mr.Compress | Sako Atsuhiro, Himiko Toga, Twice | Jin Bubaigawara.
CW/Tags: Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Hostage Situations, Non-consensual Drug Use, Parental Yandere. Also all relationships between minors and adults are platonic! Fucked up but still platonic!
The age of heroes is over…the league had won the war and Japan was now under their rule. It happened so quickly the war had begun on an ordinary day, no one was expecting the country to be taken under siege so swiftly. Up until that point the League of Villains had seemed like a bunch of amateurs with only two known members. The heroes had been taken painfully by surprise and suddenly half of the hero population was dead and the rest had gone into hiding once All Might was killed. The number one hero had been their last hope to turn the tide of the war but the hero had died protecting his protege from All for One. At least that monster had died with him when All Might used his last of his power to pummel him into the ground, turning his body into nothing more than a pile of sludge. With All Might gone chaos spread through the streets, people were panicking and didn't know who to turn to or who to trust.
Government officials were being murdered on live television and no one was doing anything to stop it. A video of Hawks killing the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission was released shortly after he exposed the abuse he and many others had undergone in their care. With the HPSC gone, the heroes had no one to turn to to organize a large-scale attack on the league. Many died without the support while others took it as a sign to flee the country or go into hiding. 
Former heroes were being exposed for heinous crimes that were swept under the rug by the HPSC. The most shocking being Dabi or Todoroki Touya exposing Endeavour’s abuse to the public before slaughtering him with the former winged hero Hawks. The rest of Japan's government had forty-eight hours to report that they surrender and pledge allegiance to the leadership of the League of Villains or they would be slaughtered and their corpses used as a warning for those who commit treason.
As much as the remaining heroes tried they could not defeat Shigaraki and his army of villains. With All for One dead and Shigaraki inheriting his power, he and his league quickly overwhelmed them. Midoriya was only barely starting to understand how to use his power and was not strong enough to stop Shigaraki despite him thinking it is his mission to do so.
When Midoriya almost died trying to fight off a muscled quirk villain from Shigaraki’s army, Shouta and Hizashi had to make the hard decision to stop fighting and bring the class into hiding. Fully trained pro heroes were dying everyday and his inexperienced students were going to be killed if they continued to fight.
There was an old UA fortress hidden in the mountains Nezu had told him about, it was only to be used in dire situations so Aizawa had never actually been there before. But he knows the location where it is hidden and that it was an old stronghold from the dawn of quirks that had been modified for extreme post apocalyptic type disasters. The base should be strong and hidden securely enough to protect his students. With the help from Soaring, a hero that was visiting Japan when it fell, Shouta and Hizashi were able to get the kids there safely. They arrived with nothing but the clothes on their backs but they were safe at least for now. 
Something that struck Shouta as odd had been the difference in treatment they had gotten in the war compared to other heroes. While their classmates and fellow teachers were being slaughtered mercilessly, Shouta and his class were only mildly injured aside from Midoriya. In fact he could have sworn during the fighting he heard someone mutter “Remember not to hurt ‘em too the big boss wants ‘em alive.”. While he is worried about what the villains meant by that. He can’t help but be grateful for it because it gave him more time to protect his kids and make a plan to escape. Now he can only worry about what is in store for them if they are caught. He knows the League had it out for his class, he can only hope they were not being spared only to be captured and tortured by them later. 
For the last couple of months the League has been working meticulously to build a society they think would be fair to everyone and set up official laws and appoint figureheads to step in place of them in the public and run the country exactly how they want to. They have officials who handle the public but have no real power to change things. They follow their orders and the minute one steps out of line they are slaughtered and displayed for everyone to see. The League usually only makes public appearances when squashing rebellions or publicly punishing those who disobey their rule. They may not be the faces of the country but everyone knows who is truly really running everything behind the scenes. 
It has been months since they've taken over Japan and there have been no sightings of their targets. They would find them soon enough, no matter where they run or where they hide they will never be free. The League will always chase them to the ends of the earth. They take what is theirs and those children belong to them. 
“It's been ages since there have been any sightings of class 1-A. How far along are we on locating them?” Shigaraki growled out, frustrated beyond words. He hasn’t had a chance to see Izuku since the initial decoy attack on the USJ. Last he heard his baby brother almost died fighting a rogue villain named Muscular and he wasn’t there to save him. Said villain was then brutalized and tortured by Tomura on live television to show what happens to rouges. He needs to find Izuku soon. Clearly his little brother has no survival instinct in him at all and needs his big brother there to protect him. 
“They were last spotted boarding a plane escorted by the flying hero Soaring exactly three months ago, current location unknown.” Hawks replied, angsty to get his hand on his baby bird again. He doesn't know how the poor chick is surviving without him there to watch over him.
“Have any of our soldiers been able to locate and interrogate the hero?” Tomura huffed, miffed that they were able to hide so well considering the five million yen bounty they put on each of them. Surely some civilians will be selfish enough to report them for the reward, right?
“Soaring fled Japan shortly after helping the targets escape and is currently missing. We have had several plans to locate him but none have succeeded at this time.” Mister Compress replied gently, trying not to upset Tomura more than he already was.
“This is all taking too long; they could be anywhere in the world at this point. We’ll be lucky if they decide to hide in Japan at all.” Shigaraki rasped out, roughly digging his nails into the soft skin of his neck. The idea of his little brother hiding out in a foreign country made his skin crawl.
“Hey look on the brightside, they’re not dead so that means we'll always have time to catch them later. They can’t run forever. Eventually they'll slip up and we’ll be there to take back what is ours! ” Toga said, smiling brightly. She really wants to see Ochaco again. She had met the girl in the beginning stages of the war. Ochaco had saved her from her fellow heroes and Toga has been infatuated ever since. 
“Yeah! We’ll never stop looking for them. No matter how far they try to run or where they hide we’ll always find them. Who are you guys looking to take anyways?” Hawks asked, realizing after all this time they never actually talked about which kids they wanted. They had been so busy setting up an entirely new government they hadn’t had much time to really talk about it. He just knew they were all part of the same class his baby bird was in.
“Izuku is obviously coming with me.” Shigarki said sternly. No one is getting their hands on his little brother but him. Father had left Izuku in his care and Tomura promised he would take care of Izu whether the boy liked it or not. The kid was way too reckless and seriously needed to be reined in by his big brother.
“I'm taking Shouto.” Dabi replied easily.  Endeavor did a lot of damage to his family, to Shouto in particular, but Dabi was sure he could turn his stoic brother back into the adorable baby brother he had left all those years ago. He’ll probably fight a bit at first but he’ll realize soon how much better things are here. He can be a good pseudo-father figure for his little brother and help him regain some of the childhood he lost. 
“I don’t want to adopt kidnap any children personally. But I'm always happy to babysit for those of you who will.” Said Magne, the big sister of the group. She loves children but she is just not ready to have one of her own. And of course breaking the little heroes in, is not something her heart can handle. She hates seeing children in pain and she knows that the first few months will be a very harsh adjustment on the baby heroes. 
“I already have Himiko but it would be nice to have an innocent child at home that has no blood on their hands. I hate kids! Who would you like, koko? You’re not getting any siblings! ” asked Twice. While he does already have a daughter of his own and he loves her the way she is. Having a sweet non villainous child at home waiting for them while they're out does sound appealing to him. 
“I wanted Izu-chan and Ochaco,” Himiko pouted. She wanted Izuku to be her little brother, not Shiggy’s. She had seen the boy fighting savagely in the beginning of the war and liked him and he’s one of Ochaco’s best friends so that made him even better.
“No! My little brother is coming with me!” Shigaraki screeched from across the large meeting table.
“Okay well then Ochaco is better than Izu-kun anyways!” Toga said, sticking her tongue out at Shigaraki. Ochaco would make an adorable baby sister with a little bit of work from her and her dad.
“I personally want Asui. No one knows mutant quirks better than a mutant themselves. I would take the best care of that little girl.” Spinner explained. He originally had wanted nothing to do with the kids but when he found out that there was another animal mutation like himself he started to think it wouldn't be so bad. He also saw that there was a student with a bird mutation but he did not want to get killed by Hawks for trying to take his fledgling. He had never had any siblings or planned to have a child of his own; everyone in his life has always rejected him because of his quirk. So Asui would be his child to love and raise. 
“Well I for one do not need anymore children. My little magician is all I need. He’s made quite a bit of progress recently and he will be very happy to know he will be receiving new playmates soon.” Mr.Compress purred. He had gotten his little boy months ago and while he is still a little argumentative at times he is sure that is just part of his personality. He has already made quite the breakthrough with the boy, getting him to call him papa and rely solely on him for all his needs. The others will be so jealous when they meet him, they had only seen what the boy was like months ago when he had been originally captured.
“No need to brag.” Hawks drawled coldly. He is honestly really jealous that Atsuhiro was able to get his kid so early into the game when he is still struggling to find his fledgling. 
“Anyway I’m taking Fumikage but you all probably already know that.” Hawks said lazily. He had met his baby bird while he was doing his internship and found it hard to let him go. His instincts had reacted so violently when the boy had told him he was leaving, though he knew the internship was only temporary, the thought of his baby bird leaving him had made him feel so angry and empty. Hawks wanted to keep Tokoyami for himself more than anything. Fumikage had been the reason he had turned full villain. Since there was no easy way to take the boy from his family legally, he figured when the league eventually took over Japan he could finally get Fumikage all to himself. 
“And I will be taking Eraserhead and Present Mic. And no I will not be answering why.” Kurogiri said. Shirakumo is looking to complete his collection of friends. At least the ones that are still alive, poor Nemuri will have to undergo the same process he did when he died.
Just as Shigaraki was about to reply to Kurogiri, the doors to the conference room burst open and military personnel filed into the room.
“WHAT!” Shigaraki snarled, watching the general shrink back in fear.
“Sir we've just received info that there have been reported sightings of a large group of children and two adults living on Mount Yama. The descriptions of the children and adults match the 1-A students and teachers.” The man said.
“Send in a group of stealth operatives to get their exact location while we close in on them. Gather the troops and station them all around the perimeter of the mountain, and be ready to storm the mountain in case they want to put up a fight.” Shigaraki barked with a smirk. Their kids are coming home soon whether they like it or not.
It had been three months since they arrived at the camp and while it was hard at first they were mostly happy. Yes there are days where they were terrified about what would happen if they were ever caught but the kids were just happy to be alive together and have a home with their teachers. Because despite everything they went through their teachers love them all and would protect them until their last dying breath. 
There had only been enough viable rations for the first month because of this they had to learn how to grow and hunt their food quickly. It was very difficult for many of the kids, most of them didn’t even know how to cook yet let alone hunt to survive. They taught them how to cure and dry meat, how to fish and hunt for animals, how to plant a garden and how to preserve food to last for months. Their teachers were very patient with them teaching them all the skills needed to thrive in the wilderness.
They have been trying to get into communication with other surviving heroes to get them to come to their base but have had no luck. The few who had answered had been terrified of even being associated with them. Apparently the league had put out an announcement that anyone that was caught helping them would be charged with aiding and abetting criminals and sentenced to execution. But those with any information on them leading to their capture would be rewarded generously. While it was hard being treated as criminals they couldn’t blame people for not wanting to die. And while most didn’t help them in any way, they were kind enough to not immediately report them to the league for a reward.
One day while out foraging for food the class could swear they felt unfamiliar eyes on them but Jirou confirmed that there was nothing out of the ordinary that she could detect nearby so they went deeper into the forest. They were out hunting for pigs to make for dinner, the wild pigs are the best source of protein on the mountain but you have to travel deep in the forest to catch them. The deeper they went the more they could sense that someone was trailing them, it felt like they were prey being hunted by a dangerous predator. Aizawa would sometimes test them by stalking them in the forest and seeing if they could sense him but… these eyes did not feel like the teacher they loved, they felt malicious. They decided to head back to camp early and alert their teachers that there was something in the forest making them uneasy and unable to focus on their hunt. When they finally arrived at their base they ran as quickly as they could to find their teachers.
“Mr. Aizawa! Mr. Aizawa! Mr. Aizawa!” The students yelled frantically, finally finding their teacher.
“What's wrong?” Shouta asked, alarmed by the frazzled state of his kids. Most of them had tears in their eyes and were trembling, holding tight onto one another. As soon as he asked, all his kids started trying to explain what happened all at once.
“Shh, one at a time please. Iida explain what happened to get you all so upset.” Aizawa asked calmly, wanting to know why the students were back from their hunt so early and why they were in such a state.
“Sir there seemed to be someone following us on our hunt today. At first we thought it  might have been you but something about the presence following us didn’t feel quite right. It felt like someone was spying on us. We're worried that someone may have leaked the location of the safe house.” Iida explained voice cracking and shoulders trembling.
“Okay calm down your teachers will figure this out. Hizashi, it's go time someone found us. They might possibly already be on the way to our location with reinforcements. I need you to come here as soon as possible and help me get the kids ready to run. What is your eta?” Shouta said urgently into the walkie talkie. Actual phones are too easy to track so they have been mostly using radio to communicate.
“I'm coming Shouta, I can be there within five minutes. Please start getting them ready without me. I'll be there as soon as I can.” Hizashi responded, worried voice coming out distorted through the small speaker of the walkie talkie.
“Affirmative, alert me as soon as you arrive.” The teacher said, quickly signing off.
“Alright I need you all to be calm and pack a bag with a couple of days worth of food in it each and dress as warmly as you can. We need to be ready by the time Hizashi arrives. Then we'll need to run as fast as we can alright.” Aizawa ordered.
“But where will we go, sensei?” Shouta heard a teary little voice ask. 
“I don’t know yet but your teachers will figure it out. Don’t worry we'll be fine. I need you all to be brave right now. Can you do that for me?” Aizawa said, heart breaking at the sight of the frightened uncertain eyes of his students all being directed at him.
“Yes Sensei.” Twenty wary voices answered back.
“Good, now go pack your bags. We need to be as quick as possible.” Shouta ordered.
The students hurried to pack while the teachers wondered where they were going to go. With the temperatures dropping they weren't going to be able to camp just anywhere unless they wanted to risk hypothermia. They needed to find a secure shelter but they didn't know if there were any left that were not out in the open or in public use. They decided that they would just have to move into any abandoned building they see and keep moving so they do not get caught. It was going to be difficult hiding with such a large group but their priority for now was getting off the mountain without getting captured. The trip down the mountain would last at least three days on foot if they were lucky. It was a risky move but they needed to leave now. The teachers quickly backed their bags of food, once they were done they went to meet with the students who had gathered by the entrance to announce their plan of action. But before they could get to explaining they heard a banging noise getting louder and louder towards the door. They quickly dropped into a battle stance as the doors to the facility were blown off their hinges.
“Well well well look who it is. You heroes have been quite difficult to track down, you know. ” Shigaraki purred, smirking with the rest of the villains around them.
“What are you doing here? They're only children, you have no business with them! ” Eraserhead yelled, ready to defend his kids or die trying.
“Hey, no need to be so aggressive, we don’t have to fight as long as you give us what we want.” Hawks said with a lazy smirk eyeing Tokoyami. He looked ready to snatch the little bird up and fly him back to his nest.
“What do you people want?” Aizawa asked, trying to think of a way to get all of his kids out of here safely.
“The answer is simple really. We want you ,” Shigarki answered with a devilish smirk as Kurogiri opened portals underneath several students depositing them in front of different league members.
“Now no one needs to get hurt as long as the ones we call surrender to us willingly.” Shigaraki said, holding four fingers to Iida’s throat.
“Izuku Midoriya, come here or your friend dies.” Shigaraki said knowing the boy would always put others before himself. The boy in question walked forward on shaky legs with a determined look on his face. ‘Aw look how determined he looks, that won't last long’ Shigaraki thought as he snapped on the quirk canceling collar around Izukus neck. He can’t have his little brother hurting himself with a quirk he was never supposed to have. Oh well he can deal with that permanently when they get back to their base. He pressed a button and the collar sedated Izuku making him fall limp in his arms. He waved his hand to his teammates to quickly get this over with. He needs to go home soon to put Izuku down for a nap.
“What did you do to him?” The boys' teachers yelled, both charging at the villain but they were quickly handled by Kurogiri, collaring them and portalling them away. The rest of the students looked significantly less brave now that their protectors were gone, most dropping their battle stances and trembling, staring at the villains.
“Shouto come to Touya.” Dabi cooed with a soft smile, arms wide open. Todoroki hesitated, clearly this man is a villain that viciously attacked his school and fellow heroes but he's also Touya-nii and Touya would never hurt him.
“Come now Shouto don’t make me hurt one of your little friends here.” Dabi growled. That made the boy come running into his arms.
“Good boy Shou.” Dabi purred as he collared the boy and placed him on his hip. He didn’t think he needed to sedate Shouto; he's always been a good boy for his big brother. He gently rocked him, shushing him when he began to squirm as the others finished up.  
“Ochako come over here! You get to come home with me and dad!” Toga said happily, holding up her fathers hand. The poor girl they chose looked as if she was going to vomit over the idea of coming home with them. While that made Himiko a bit sad, she knew her baby sister wasn't going to like living with them at first. But it's okay she and her dad just have to train Ochako a little bit first then she’ll love them just as much as they love her. Twice quickly snapped the collar around the girl's neck and put her to sleep before the poor thing made herself sick. She couldn't afford to lose any more calories, she had already lost the adorable chubby pink cheeks she had in her photos. The poor girl barely weighed anything in his arms, the months in hiding must have been hard on his little girl.  
“Fumikage come here or else.” Hawks said, holding one of his hardened feathers to Shougi’s neck. The boy solemnly marched forward, he could not risk his best friend's life over his own freedom. Fumikage cried when he was collared and could no longer feel Dark Shadow. It hurt Hawks to see his nestling crying out for his quirk as the sedative started to work but Dark Shadow was simply too powerful to be allowed to roam free. Once Fumikage was a bit more settled into his new life then they could try but that won't be for a long time. 
“Um Asui Tsu can you come here please?'' Spinner asked and that was all the girl needed to march forward, while she didnt know why she was picked she could never risk her classmates' lives for her freedom. Surprisingly she did not receive a collar around her neck but she did get a bracelet that put her to sleep. She went limp in Spinner's arms wondering if she was ever going to see her family again.
“Are you guys done yet?” Shigaraki whined, tired of waiting and ready to go home. He signaled Kurogiri to open a portal back home when he received a round of eager 'Yes!’s from the rest of the league. 
“Gather and restrain the rest of them and bring them to location B. Place them in prison A and do not harm them or touch them unless ordered too.” Shigaraki barked at the troops he had brought along. The rest of the class would make great incentives to behave or rewards for good behavior.
“Alright guys, Let's go home.” Shigaraki said, smiling softly as he and the league walked into the portal with their prized possessions. 
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Platonic Yandere Naga LOV vs Harpy Hawks is my new brain worm.
So, little Reader Chan was unfortunately born with a crippled wing and was therefore abandoned because of it.
Hawks decided to take you in because one, you were utterly adorable and two, fatherhood was all the rage in the harpy world.
Hawks positively ADORED you! With your little wings and chirps whenever he comes back. Although he’s a bit possessive over who comes near the nest, especially any other harpies.
Everything is all fine and dandy till one day, Hawks left to go find food and you accidentally fell out of the nest.
The LOV were out hunting until someone caught your scent, at first they thought you were Hawks since you were drenched in his scent until they realized it was just little old you, helplessly chirping for your dad.
Now, the LOV have beef with Hawks, mostly for attempting to murder Twice, stealing their food resources and intruding on their territory.
Shigaraki: GTFO
Hawks: No :) *Makes a nest out of pure spite*
Everyone was honestly confused about what to do with you until Toga is like: Let’s adopt them and make them one of us.
You were obviously miffed and honestly terrified that these snake people had taken you from your home! Your little chirps for Hawks were so heartbreaking.
Safe to say, Hawks is now searching for you and many snuggle sessions are to be had.
Toga is absolutely coddling you, kissing your face and is trying to preen your wings, albeit she sucks at it. Twice is also overbearing with the affection, him and Toga tend to ambush you with cuddles and kisses.
Mr Compress handles your nutrition and is really gentle with you. He’s wary of your wing and will wait for you to give affection. You bet he’ll start bragging if you come to him for affection.
Toga: So I saw this really cute harpy today-
Compress: Yeah that’s nice Toga but Y/N came to me asking for AFFECTION!
Dabi and Shigaraki terrify you, especially since Hawks warned you about them.
The way Shigaraki looms over you and how Dabi prods at your wing just scares you.
Shiggy isn’t as overbearing with his affection but will make you smell like him, it’s a way of saying that he’s your father.
Dabi will take you out of your sleeping spot to cuddle you, giving contented nuzzles while soothingly purring.
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frogzzai · 1 year
Ranking MHA villains because I've ran out of ideas
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx) Any underage characters are not permitted unless it's platonic
Characters included: Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Big Sis Mange, All For One, Overhaul, Gentle Criminal, Mr. Smiley, La Brava, Nine, Slice, Doctor, Mummy, Chimera, Mustard, Moonfish, Muscular, Kuroguri, Geten, Skeptic, Trumpet, Lady Nagant
Multi-Masterlist! Back to Masterlist!
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I love Shigaraki, he's pretty cool. He babbles though, that's why some of his victims get away. HE TALKS. I guess all the villains do that but even so. For that reason I'm gonna give him an 8/10.
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Dabi is cool, I like his backstory although I think he's a tad overrated (don't come at me)
A bit like Shigaraki, but not quite as bad, the reason he doesn't reach his full potential as a villain is because he talks. To be honest, if the villains didn't do that the whole anime/ manga would be over in one episode/ book.
I do like his character design though (emos>)
I'll give him a 7.5/10.
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Classic yandere villain trope. Who doesn't love them? I love her character design and I also love how, even as a villain, she has empathy and isn't completely cold.
She's one of the strongest villains in the league physically even though her quirk isn't.
I feel like she has much more potential so I'll give her an 8.5/10.
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I like the way Twice was written, his backstory is pretty origional.
Definitely had a massive upgrade in his character when he broke through all that trauma in season 5.
One of the more humane and compassionate villains.
Mr. Compress
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Where do I start? Sure, I love Mr. Compress but he would be so much better if he could just keep his mouth shut! He would've gotten away with both Bakugou and Tokoyami if he were able to stfu :(
His ego is a lil too big for my liking <3
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Spinner deserves more love!
His quirk is a little underwhelming, all those looks and he can only stick to walls.
One of the more rational members of the LoV.
Good morals.
The reason for Deku surviving, he saved him from Mange.
7/10, Stain dupe.
Big Sis Mange
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Chill ig, not my favourite but not my least.
Not much to say actually, she didn't last long.
6/10 had more potential.
All for One
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Fuck you.
Younger him was hot.
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Fuck you.
I hate him but he's hot.
1.5/10. Justice for Eri, extra 0.5 because he's hot and he had a cool quirk
Gentle Criminal
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One of my favourite villains!
Shares my love of tea.
Deserves justice.
Mr Smiley
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Another one of my favourites!
One of the best character developments. Fight me.
La Brava
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Most underrated.
She deserves better.
She has the best character design.
Literally fight me if you disagree. La Brava solos your favourites. Definitely best as a vigilante.
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Hot and powerful.
Proudly holds one of the best fight arcs.
8/10, not liking the fact he went after that kid, don't care bout your needs, leave the kid alone.
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Also one of my favourite character designs.
Her few minutes of screen time were the highlight of the movie.
Marry me
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Hope your nomus eat you x
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He had so much potential!
I loved his quirk, he was definitely fit for a bigger group than the one he was in. Would give the LoV a run for their money.
I wish he had more screen time.
All the villains in 'Heros Rising' are better than the main ones in the series.
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He was pretty cool.
His quirk was powerful, would like to see him fight Tamaki.
Not much to say about him.
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Do better.
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Another of my favourite villains!
One of my favourite quirks despite it being kinda freaky.
Justice for his poor teeth.
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I don't like his quirk it freaks me out in a bad way.
Leave the child alone you prick. Hope someone throws salt at you whilst your muscles come out x
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He's chill
I know he's a main villain but he just doesn't feel like one.
Smash 🤷‍♀️
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His character design is sick.
His fight scene was cool.
Has so much potential.
I want him and Todoroki to fight.
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Greasy electronic guy??
Sign me up.
He looking for a table? I'll bend over for him..
Definitely has skilled fingers.
10/10 would let him use me as a puppet.
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How have people missed his beauty??
I love him. Marry me 🙏🙏🙏.
10/10 for his beauty.
Lady Nangant
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She was hot.
An icon.
She deserved better :(
I hate All for One.
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Dark New World
Dark New World by fairystar111
They Leagues wins and they kidnap a bunch of students to make them their kids.
(Sorry I suck at writing summaries just read the tags and you'll get the general gist of it)
Words: 2712, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko & Uraraka Ochako, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice & Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice & Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Shouto, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner & Asui Tsuyu, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress & ???, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kurogiri & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Emotional Manipulation, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Are Siblings, Yandere Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Parental Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Yandere Takami Keigo | Hawks, Yandere Toga Himiko, Parental Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Parental Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Parental Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Yandere Mr. Compress, Platonic Yandere, parental yandere, Yandere Kurogiri, Forced Infantilism, (not like baby stuff but the League treats them and want them to act younger than they really are), (in like a toxic co-dependent way), Hostage Situations, Stockholm Syndrome, (probably later in the series), Non-Consensual Drug Use, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Dead Sensei | All For One, Dead Yagi Toshinori | All Might, (This is all platonic by the way)
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44824708
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ao3feed-todoroki · 1 year
Just Let Us Adore You
Just let us Adore You by Cocobean257
Kiki was your average quirkless 12 year old child in hero society, after an encounter with a shady man in a mall, things go wrong.
Oh so wrong
Words: 555, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Original Child Character(s), Kurogiri, Sensei | All For One
Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Platonic Yandere, Soft Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Good Sibling Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Protective Toga Himiko, Manipulation, Parental Kurogiri, Kurogiri Needs a Break, Parental Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Don't Like Don't Read, this is NOT canon compliant, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne Lives, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko are Best Friends, I Wrote This While Listening to Mitski's Music, PURELY PLATONIC, League of Villains as Family, Kiki is so fucking done, Quirkless Discrimination, Hero Society is Corrupt, Kidnapping, Possessive Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Corgis, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Parental Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Child Neglect, Orphans, Please Leave Comments, Sensei | All For One is creepy, Escape Attempts, Mild Gore, Parental Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, he's trying, updates might be slow, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Touch-Starved, cursing, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Everyone might be ooc, But it's a AU so who cares?’
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47962255
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butterfly-writer · 2 years
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What exactly is allowed? And what’s not?
? Suggestive
? Mental disorder (For awareness and spreading love about them purposes.)
? Yandere/stalking (Not too disturbing)
Ah, so you decided to request a Character x Reader? Lovely choice, reader! Let me show you what I have in store to satisfy your needs!
~ If you would like an AU of the character x reader you requested, you may ask and I will tell you if it’s possible to be written by me!
Gender identity: ~ Male ~ Female ~ Transfem/Transmale reader [Any other gender identity like non-binary, genderfluid, agender, etc, will be referred with they/them pronouns!]
Role: ~ Civilian reader ~ Villain reader ~ Hero reader ~ Vigilante reader ~ Child reader (It must be platonic!) [And so much more! Depending on your request.]
You can’t have a good request if you don’t know what you’re requesting! Here’s a list of fandoms that I know and will do!
~ If you have a character in mind in one of these fandoms and was not mentioned, please let me know in the request!
(?) = Maybe? I don’t know their personality that well
Students: ~ Shoto Todoroki ~ Katsuki Bakugou ~ Izuku Midoriya ~ Ejirou Kirishima ~  Kyouka Jirou ~ Mina Ashido ~ Momo Yaoyorozu ~ Ochako Uraraka ~ Tenya Iida ~ Neito Monoma ~ Itsuka Kendo ~ Hitoshi Shinso
Pro heroes: ~ Hawks ~ Endeavour (?) ~ Mirko ~ Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) ~ Present Mic ~ Ms. Midnight ~ Sir Nighteye (?) ~ Fat Gum (?) ~ Best Jeanist (?) ~ All Might (?)
Villains: ~ Shigaraki ~ Dabi ~ Himiko Toga ~ Lady Nagant ~ Mr. Compress
Platonic only! ~ Kota ~ Eri
UNDERCITY / ZAUN: ~ Jinx / Powder (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Vi / Younger Vi (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Ekko (From when he was a kid to his current self) ~ Vander (?) ~ Sevika (?) ~ Silco (?) ~ Victor (?)
UPPERCITY / PILTOVER: ~ Caitlyn ~ Jayce (?) ~ Mel Medara
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Paladins: ~ Keith Kogane ~ Takashi Shirogane ~ Lance Mcclain ~ Hunk Garret ~ Pidge/Katie Holt
Altean: ~ Allura ~ Coran (Platonic only)
Half-blood: ~ Lotor ~ Acxa ~ Narti (?) ~ Ezor (?) ~ Zethrid (?)
And so much more! It all depends on your request!:DD
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thetreefairy · 2 years
Maybe toddler reader reads a book or watches something where 2 ppl fall in love and get married and tells everyone that they can’t wait to fall in love like on tv and get married ?
That would be during a disney marathon—. This will be a reaction <3
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Toddler reader was watching beauty and the beast for the first time. And at the end scene, reader said: "I WANNA FALL IN LOVE AND MARRY SOMEONE JUST LIKE BELL! I CAN'T WAIT!"
Now everyone's reaction would be different:
Toga: 'Can I be the maid of Honor?'
Dabi: 'Fuck no, I will be the maid of Honor and pick the spouse >:('
Twice: 'So cute~, YOU WONT EVER MARRY'
Spinner: 'No one will ever be worthy.'
Mr. Compress: 'Allow me to find you a spouse.'
Kurigori: 'Dont worry, reader. I'll find a good spouse for you when your older.'
The reactions would be chaotic and Tomura would be more clingy than usual.
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Incoming requests!!
Platonic yandere dabi. He never thought he would ever be a good parental role to anyone. He never wanted that. But one day the league is given a child, reader,younger then 5(for whatever reason) dabi tried not to care but when he watched the league try and take care of the kid he couldn't stop himself. Those idiots didn't know what they were doing, so he took it apon himself to take care of the kid while also telling the league everything they were doing wrong. He ends up the main caretaker most the time he gets mad at the others cause the still don't look what they're doing and he's afraid they'll hurt reader.
That the request, platonic big brother Dabi yelling at the league because they don't know how to take care of reader
♡ Caretaker ♡
(A/N: I know my last fic was platonic and headcanons,, but I really wanted to do this one so here we are!! I didn’t know how to write this into a doc so instead I just did headcanons!! I absolutely loved writing this 💝💗 I think this is more dad Dabi than big brother Dabi)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, yelling, injuries, slight blood
Summary: You live with the League and they have no idea how to take care of you. Although, Dabi steps into the parent role for you (Platonic!Yan!Dabi x GN!Child!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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♡ Dabi didn’t want to care about you. You were just a random kid, why should he care? The league was given you because even at the very very young age of three you had an incredibly dangerous and powerful quirk that could be useful for them so you now live with them.
♡ Dabi just kind of ignored you at first, although he did take slight notice at how the rest of the league seemed to really not know how to care for you. Leaving you kind of neglected. It did make him feel bad. But his only goal in life was to destroy Endeavor and he doesn’t want to get attached to you.
♡ His whole demeanor changes though when one night while he was just sitting in his room just thinking about his life, you creaked the door open. You held onto the hem of your small night shirt sniffling as large tears flowed down your face. He could only assume you had a nightmare. You didn’t even say anything, instead just crawling into his bed and hugging him. He’s not exactly sure why you came to him for comfort but it definitely started getting him to care about you.
♡ Dabi starts looking after you more than after that. Tomura hides in his room all the time and the others are either in bed or out by seven p.m, so he often buys you dinner around that time. He doesn’t exactly now how to cook so it’s usually microwave meals and fast food. But it’s better than the small snacks that the rest of the league would feed you as if it was a sufficient meal.
♡ He still tries to keep up the act that he doesn’t care about you. The league definitely sees the way you follow Dabi around like a duckling following it’s mother though. Almost every member of the league loves you even if they can’t take care of you properly. However you can’t survive off watching Tomura play video games or watching another magic show from Mr. Compress.
♡ It isn’t until one day that really sets him off at the rest of the members for their negligence. Toga was just messing around, as normal, twirling one of her knifes in her hand before she accidentally dropped it. Unknown to her you happened to walk right past, the knife falling and cutting your arm.
♡ You immediately started sobbing at the pain, running to Dabi for comfort. He scoops you up into his arms, feeling you clutch onto his shirt as you cry. This absolutely enraged him and he started yelling. Not only at Toga for her recklessness but also at all of them. For not feeding you, not getting you to sleep, not bathing you, not paying attention to you, not giving you things like a comfortable place to sleep and toys, everything that they did wrong.
♡ Dabi didn’t even bother to stay in the room with them after yelling at all of them, he just carried you to his room so he could take care of your wound. He already had bandages and stuff in his room because of his scars and staples. You were still crying as he was cleaning and bandaging your cut. You eventually fell asleep after he cleaned up your cut because the whole situation tired you out.
♡ He almost kept you away from the rest of the league for a while, but even after you started seeing them more Dabi was still your caregiver. None of the members minded though. He did a much better job taking care of you that the rest of them.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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lovesick-desires · 2 years
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Read my rules before making a request!
What I write:
❥ Yandere Alphabets
❥ Yandere Headcanons
❥ Yandere Letters
❥ Yandere Matchups
❥ Yandere X (Gender Neutral or Male) Reader Fanfics
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Sebastian Michaelis Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
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(this header looks so wonky lol)
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❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Leona Kingscholar Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Yandere Headcanons
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Yandere Alphabet
❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
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❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet.
❥ Nothing yet. * These characters will be written as STRICTLY platonic. No romantic requests for these characters will be written.
123 notes · View notes
static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
 Prompt List
Hunter x Hunter:
Main Four:
Gon: Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Gon and Poly!Gon+Killua HC, Poly!Gon and Killua w/Escapist Darling, 
Killua: Drabbles | 2 |
Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Killua and Poly!Gon+Killua HC, Poly!Gon and Killua w/Escapist Darling, Killua w/Assassin Darling,
Leorio: Emotionless Daughter HC, Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Poly!Kurapika and Leorio w/Escapist Darling, Leorio and Poly!Kurapika+Leorio HC,  Poly!Kurapika Escapist S/O Now Nen User,
Kurapika: Drabbles | 13 | | Finds Darling at the Mall |
 Stronger Yandere Rival HC,  Darling Sends Nudes HC, Kurapika’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Kurta Survivor Darling, Emotionless Daughter HC, Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Poly!Illumi and Kurapika HC, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Darling Disappears HC, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Poly!Kurapika and Leorio w/Escapist Darling, Kurapika and Poly!Kurapika+Leorio HC, Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Escapist Tricking Darling, Escapist Darling w/Youngest Child, Poly!Leorio Escapist S/O Now Nen User, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Kurapika w/Self-Harming Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, OG Spider Darling,
Adult Trio + Glitter Rat:
Hisoka: Drabbles | 13 | | 49 |
Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Hisoka’s Type, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Gullible Darling, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, Poly!Hisoka and Illumi w/Escapist Darling, Platonic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC, 
Illumi: Drabbles | 44 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Illumi’s Type,  Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Darling w/Small Hands, Poly!Illumi and Kurapika HC, Cuddle HC, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, Poly!Hisoka and Illumi w/Escapist Darling, Milluki and Illumi Sharing a Darling | Pt 2 HC | | Pt 3 |, Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Silva w/Illumi’s Darling, Plantoic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC,
Chrollo: Chrollo + PT | Teaser/Part 1 | Part 2 |
Drabbles | 27+32 | | 22 | | 40 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Chrollo’s Type, Darling Sad By Death, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Illiterate Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Kurta Survivor Darling, Gullible Darling, Vampire Darling, Darling Being Cute, Darling Focusing On Kullato HC, Cuddle HC, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, No Nut November HC, Little Sister (Platonic), Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Darling in a Bunny Costume, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC,
Pariston: Drabbles | 46 |
Silva: Silva’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Darling w/Small Hands, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Kikyo+Silva Share a Darling, Silva w/Illumi’s Darling, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Kikyo: General HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Kikyo+Silva Share a Darling, Platonic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother,  Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Milluki:  Darling w/Small Hands, Milluki and Illumi Sharing a Darling | Pt 2 HC | | Pt 3 |,  Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Kullato: General HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie
Alluka: Aged!Up General HC,
Greed Island:
Razor: Wearing Their Shirt HC, 
Bisky: Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Phantom Troupe:
Uvogin: Tatooed | Pt 1 | | Pt 2 |
Drabbles | 22 | | 22 | | 27 | | 2 | | 32 |
Husband HC, Uvogin’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Wearing Their Shirt HC, Darling w/Small Hands, Gullible Darling, Poly!Uvo and Shal w/Artist Darling, Cuddle HC, Little Sister (Platonic),
Phinks: Drabbles | 17+19 | | 6 | | 36 | 
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Blind Darling HC, Wearing Their Shirt HC,  Darling w/Small Hands, General HC, Phinks’Type, Ticklish s/o,
Feitan:  Drabbles | 39 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Feitan’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, General HC,  No Nut November HC, Darling w/Tickle Kink, Escapist Tricking Darling, Sadistic Darling Wants Therapy, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Ticklish s/o,
Shalnark: Drabbles | Random | | 12 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Shalnark’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Poly!Uvo and Shal w/Artist Darling, Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Escapist Tricking Darling,
Pakunoda:  Darling Sends Nudes HC, Blind Darling HC, Little Sister (Platonic), Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Franklin: Darling w/Small Hands
Shizuku: Shisuku’s Type
Machi: Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Little Sister (Platonic),
Nobunaga: Drabbles | 21+15 |
York New: 
Neon: Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Chimera Ants:
Meruem: Drabbles | 19 |
Dear Human | Pt 1 (NSFW)|
Would They Change Their Darling HC, Emotionless Daughter HC, Darling Disappears HC, Stronger Yandere Rival HC, Meruem HC, Extermination Team Darling
Shaiapouf: Shaia HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Darling w/Nen Wings, Poly!Pitou + Shaiapouf,
Methuthuyoupi: Darling w/Small Hands Youpi HC,
Neferpitou: Darling w/Small Hands, Pitou HC, Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Poly!Pitou + Shaiapouf,
Zazan: Zazan HC
Colt: Colt HC
Chimera Ant Queen: Chimera Ant Queen HC,  
My Hero Academia:
All For One: Sweet healer | Pt 1 (NSFW)|
League Of Villians: 
Dabi: Dabi’s Type, Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Shigaraki: No Nut November HC, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Darling in a Bunny Costume, 
Mr. Compress: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Kurogiri: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Shie Hassaikai:
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Hari Kurono (Chronostasis): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Toya Setsuno:  Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Clumsy Darling, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, 
Tamaki Amajiki (Suneater): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Pro Heroes:
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor): Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead): Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
All Might (Toshinori Yagi): Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Hawks: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Class 1-A:
Kirishima: Kinks Secret and Lingerie
Shinsou: Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Class 1-B:
Monoma: Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Mortal Kombat:
Kotal Kahn: Memories of a Kahn, 
Shinnok: Then and Now,
Stand Alone Fan Fiction:
Stuck at a StandStill: 
Prologue (Before We Begin), Chapter 1 (Three, Two, One, Begin), Chapter 2 (Test to Stay), Chapter 3 (Day Two),
Q and A:
Alpha and Omega, What I Write/Don’t Write, How Did I Get Into HxH and Writing, Is There  Limit to The Amount Of Requests, Who is My Favorite HxH Character, Do I write LGBT+, Are Meek Readers Cliche, Want to Talk? Let’s Talk, Do I Write Character x Yandere!Reader, Do I write Au’s, A Little Writing Advice, How do I organize my asks, How far do I go with NSFW, What are my pronouns, What can you call me, Who I would probably befriend in HxH, 
1K notes · View notes
neko-loogi · 3 years
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♡︎𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎!♡︎
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Alrighty! So this here is where I'll indicate what I will and will not write!
Please read these before requesting!
( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
♡︎𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: I will only write headcanons and some not so short drabbles, I won't be writing any fanfics because I suck at writing that type of content. Furthermore I don't really feel comfortable writing fanfics with canon characters or characters that aren't my OCs ( So please respect my choices! )
Also please keep in mind I am NOT an experienced writer, I just write shit for fun. So don't expect me to write super amazing content because I'm not very good at it but I at least try.
*Also, I don't actually write anything in here, this is my main blog and it's for other stuff- my written works are over here! Go check it out!
♡︎𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎:
• Female / Male / Gender neutral readers
• Plus sized / Chubby readers ( literally anything body positivity )
• Straight / LGBT relationships
• Platonic relationships
• NSFW content ( I'm not good at it but I'll try )
• Yandere themes ( Again, I'm not good at it but I'll try )
• Sub!Characters with Dom!Readers ( I'll try- )
♡︎𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎:
• Pedophilia / Child porn
• Incest / Stepcest / Pseudo-cest
• Rape
• Trans FTM / MTF readers ( I am not trans myself and I lack info on it, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or spread misinformation about transgender readers! So it would kindly be appreciated if I get info on this topic )
• Dark!Content ( I'm not against it or anything, I just don't know how to write it )
• Piss / scat / vomit ( seriously wtf y'all )
• Infantalization / Age-regress ( I'm not against it, but I don't feel comfortable writing with this ) ( I also know that people see this as a comfort thing, but in my opinion I see this more of a kink. No offense. )
• Omegaverse ( seriously tho, I think that shit is kinda dumb- but you do you I guess? )
• Characters x OCs ( sorry ;-; but I'll only write with my own OCs )
• Readers with disabilities ( Again, I don't wish to spread misinformation or make anyone uncomfortable )
• Readers with specific races ( most people write either with white readers or black readers, but the problem is I'm neither so I can't exactly write with these without sounding racist as hell- I'm actually a POC, but nonetheless I will not specify the reader's race! I try to make my content as neutral but inclusive as possible.. )
• Drug use ( I have never done drugs in my life so I have no clue on how they work- )
♡︎𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖𝚜 𝙸 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑:
• My Hero Academia
• Demon Slayer
♡︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙸 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑:
• Class 1-A, mainly... ( Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, Sero Hanta, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Yuga Aoyama, Tenya Iida, Ochako Uraraka, Shouto Todoroki, Mezo Shoji, Kyoka Jirou, Minoru Mineta, and Mashirao Ojiro )
• Pro Heroes, mainly... ( Shota Aizawa, Fatgum, Hawks, Present Mic, All Might, Mirko and maybe Endeavor )
• Villains, mainly... ( Dabi, Toga Himiko, Shigaraki Tomura, Overhaul, Chronostasis, Magne, Mr. Compress and maybe Twice )
• Extra characters like... ( Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Hitoshi Shinso, Tamaki Amajiki, Mirio Togata, and maybe Natsuo Todoroki )
• Tanjirou's Squad, mainly.. ( Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira )
• Hashiras, mainly... ( Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyuu Tomioka, Obanai Iguro, Mitsuri Kanroji and Gyomei Himejima )
• Extra characters like... ( Yushiro Yamamoto and Sabito )
♡︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙸 (𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚢) 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑:
• Class 1-A... ( Momo Yaoyorozu, Toru Hagakure , Rikido Sato, Koji Koda and Tokoyami Fumikage ) [ personally I don't like these characters ( especially Momo ) nor do I know much about them. So yeah sorry- ]
• Class 1-B... ( except Tetsutetsu )
• Pro Heroes...( Gang Orca, Vlad King, Sir Nighteye, Rock Lock, Midnight, Mt. Lady, Ms. Joke and maybe Endeavor? Idk ) [ there are so many Pro Heroes- I'll just write with the ones I know okay? ]
• Villains... ( Kurogiri, Spinner, Stain, and Kendo Rappa )
• Extra characters... [ I highly doubt I'll write anything with Nejire Hado, Hatsume Mei, and Fuyumi Todoroki ]
• Tanjirou's Squad... [ I won't write with Nezuko, I know it's mostly platonic stuff with her but I still don't want to write with her. ]
• Hashiras... [ As much as I wanna write stuff with Uzui, I feel like he's way too overrated. So I won't be writing with him but I might add him as a bonus! ] ( Literally some of the Hashiras, especially Sanemi. )
• Villians ( or Demons ).. ( Muzan, Akaza, Enmu, Gyutaro, Rui, Daki and all the other demons that I totally forgot their names lmao- ) [ I really wanna write with Kyogai tho but I won't- maybe? I'm not sure.. ]
Anyyway, I think that's all for today! Thanks for taking your time and reading these! ( I appreciate it <3 )
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♡︎𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎! 💚
-𝙻𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚒 💕
♡︎𝙼𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♡︎
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drabblecat · 3 years
My Hero Academia Masterlist
This will be updated every now and then. Check here for the rules!
* means there is NSFW content
Pro Heros
Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Platonic Yandere x Reader
Aizawa x Reader HCs: S/O Surgery
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Matchup: 1
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
Rumi x Reader HCs: S/O Surgery
Tomura Shigaraki
Matchup: 1
Dabi x Reader HCs: S/O Surgery
Mr. Compress
Matchup: 1
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Deku x Reader HCs: S/O Surgery
Denki Kaminari
Matchup: 1
Jiro Kyoka
Matchup: 1
Ejirou Kirishima
Matchup: 1
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honeydarlings · 3 years
You're a minor
You’re racist, homophobic, xenophobic, ableist, transphobic, sexist etc
You’re just spreading hate, it’s irritating
Request Rules
- Request a situation !! (Ex: Yan!Monoma catches his darling attempting an escape)
- Let me know if you want it to be angsty, long or smutty !! (All the student characters will be aged up)
- If you want a certain kink involved include that too !! (Ex: Yan!Twice has a darling with a thigh riding kink or Yan!Denki with a breeding kink)
- I’m totally fine with writing gore if you want it !!
- I’m not completely comfortable with writing male readers yet (hopefully soon) so for now i’ll write gn!reader and fem!reader
- Most of my content will be short drabbles but please request if you want it to be longer or if you want headcanons !!!
- Be patient with me !! Sometimes my brain will go blank or i’ll lose motivation but in the end I’ll get your request done
- I write for almost every character but my favourites to write for are
Mezo Shoji
Present Mic (Hizashi Yamada)
Izuku Midoriya
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
All Might (both forms)
Endeavor (Enji Todoroki)
Mr Compress
Denki Kaminari
Shoto Todoroki
Hawks (Keigo Takami)
Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa)
Things I WILL write
Soft, fluffy yanderes
Dom reader
Masochist yanderes
Gore (just nothing involving finger or toe nails please!!)
Non-con and Dub-con
Platonic Yanderes
Things I WON’T write
Scat, vore, furry, and urine
Anything to do with filming a sex tape (not sure why i just don’t like writing that kind of stuff)
Gore porn
OC’s (it’s self insert only !!)
Double penetration (I absolutely suck at describing it)
Pregnancy (sorry !! i just don’t feel comfortable writing about it)
The only character I will not write for romantically is AFO (i can try platonic but it might be OOC)
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ao3feed-todoroki · 4 years
Are We Villains or Heroes? | BNHA Villain Chat
Are we Villains or Heroes? | BNHA Villain Chat by Victorino
Bird Bitch #2 Hawks Staple Bitch - Dabi Crusty Bitch - Shigaraki Young Bitch - Mustard Yandere Bitch - Toga Masked Bitch - Twice Adorable Bitch - Spinner Bird Bitch - Overhaul Father Bitch - Kuroguri Mother Bitch - Mr. Compress
Words: 317, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Chatfics
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Uraraka Ochako, Mustard, Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Tenya IIda, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Kurono Hari | Chronostasis, Eri, Izumi Kouta
Relationships: Dabi/Hawks, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice/Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Eri/Izumi Kouta (Platonic), Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Additional Tags: Twice is still alive, overhaul still has his arms, Mustard never got arrested, The villains are in a reform hab, Eri forgives Overhaul, Trans Mustard, The sleepy boi has depression, So does Hawks, And Overhaul, Hawks hates Endeavour, Todoroki Rei isnt in the hospital, Dabi is a Todoroki, erasermic, Dadzawa, Shigaraki is a fucking dork, So is Mustard, Magne is still dead but not by Overhaul, My trans girl died by falling off a cliff dont @ me, Mustard is one of the main characters, because I love him, bakugou is a fucking jerk, But it's alright, Because we love him anyways, Midoriya is a cinnamonbun, more tags to come, I don't know what rehab is lmao
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/24899794
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thetreefairy · 2 years
I thought of something that I think is super cute so I hope you like it too. Okay so toddler reader misplaces their favorite stuffed animal/toy and is sad cause they can’t find it so the whole league and even all for one help look for it 🥺
Title: RuRu is lost :(
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The toddler reader was crying their lungs out. They couldn't find their stuffed animal (a cat) 'RuRu'. Reader walked into the bar area where Tomura was discussing a villain attack with Dabi, they were sobbing loudly with tears running down their face. "What's wrong, squirt?" Dabi asked walking towards them and kneeling down their height. "OI! They're my child, let me handle it!"
"Shut up, crusty motherfucker!" Tomura started mumbling annoyed. "I lost RuRu! I can't find RuRu!" Reader cried out. "KURIGORI CALL AFO, GET EVERYONE HERE! WE NEED TO FIND RURU!" Tomura shouted. "Dabi, you will try to calm Munchkin down!"
With that the whole league and AFO was searching for RuRu, Reader was unconsolable. Tomura was turning almost everything to ash. "TOMURA STOP TURNING EVERYTHING TO DUST DAMN
"We'll find RuRu, I promise." Dabi was telling her sweet nothings. It did not work.
"I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT! I FOUND RURU!" Toga shouted happily and ran to reader. Reader took RuRu out of Toga's hand and their hysterical crying stopped and was just sobbing. "Thank you! Toga-nee, I love you!"
Oh, this just proved to the league that they're weak, especially to AFO and Tomura.
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babes-and-baddies · 5 years
RULES (updated 9/14/19)
PLEASE BE SPECIFIC: say what gender you want reader to be, or if you want them gender-neutral(if u dont specify i’ll prob do gn!reader); try not to be too vague so that I actually know what you want me to write, etc
if i get a lot of requests, i might not have enough time to finish all of them. please be patient with me, and understand that if i don’t do yours its because of time, not that i don’t want to do it!
PLEASE CHECK TO SEE IF REQUESTS ARE OPEN BEFORE SENDING! asks are always fine, and i love to talk to you all, but specific ‘could you please write/i would like to request’ asks are only accepted when my ask box is open! that said, don’t be afraid to tell me about your ideas, your OCs, or just chat about whatever comes to mind!
headcanons (ship, x-reader, platonic, general, meme, etc)
matchups, but only at certain times. i’ll let you know when they specifically are open!
AUs (including a/b/o, soulmates, etc)
Kinky Shit (hmu with your dirty thots we’re all degenerates here)
dark themes, to my discretion
suicide/ self harm/diseases/illnesses
pedophilia/lolicon/ NSFW of kids. sorry but it makes me uncomfortable
scat & vore. sorry you guys, i’m sure everyone is really disappointed 
Shigaraki Tomura (he’s my favourite pls give him love, i beg of you please)
Himiko Toga (sfw only, she babey)
Mr. Compress
Nomu (??? bc fuck it why not)
the Todoroki Ladies
other ladies, if the request is intriguing enough
also Special Guest Character(s): 
L from death note (i have a Type okay? dont judge me)
the Obey Me Bois (esp Levi, Beel, and Belphie)
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