#play it cool guys hcs
loudlyunladylike · 3 years
More people should incorporate c!Tubbo playing instruments into his character I think
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pythonscrypt · 2 years
holy fuck do people on reddit get absolutely fucking tilted at the most minor things
the projection, the assumptions about someone's real life personality based on nothing but highly edited and condensed youtube content, the getting mad at shit you personally misunderstood, the justification of straight up disrespect with "this is just my opinion :)", it's all far too much
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quipability-archive · 5 years
(   who are you really  🕸️  ooc !   )
(   listen up kiddos  🕸️  psa !   )
(   what a cool kid  🕸️  promo !   )
(   playing games  🕸️  memes !   )
(   friendly neighborhood hero  🕸️  pictures !   )
(   looking out for the little guy  🕸️  about !   )
(   just little spider things  🕸️  hc !   )
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creampill · 2 years
Maybe KO, Starscream, Prime, and Wheeljack reacting to a reader who says sweet things at random? Like “I love you”, or “you’re handsome/pretty/beautiful” from across the room/base? I do the same irl and wanna know how they’d react, if that’s alright? 🤍✨
TFP Knockout, Starscream, Optimus and Wheeljack - Random Complements!!
- knockout? Mister fancy man huge ego paint buffing enthusiast?? Absolutely thrives on the complements
- i feel like he’d do the same thing back to you, so there’s probably a few little play fights of you both calling each other kind things back and fourth
- “no, you’re gorgeous!” “no, you are the one who’s gorgeous!!” “You’re pretty!” “And you’re very handsome!!”
- I hc one of his love languages is words of affirmation (along with acts of service) so he shows how much he cares by saying it, and to have a s/o who does the same?
- YES. He loves the spontaneous love!!
- (with a voice like his it’s no wonder he’s such a sweet talker auusgsdg….)
- it actually caught him off guard the first time you yelled a complement at him from across the room, and though he blamed his startle on the sudden noise, it was really the sweetness of your words that got him.
- he uses the huge-ego-confident-cool-dude persona as a shield: he’s actually quite insecure deep down.
- so somebody just complementing him for no reason other than wanting too? A genuine kind word towards him??
- he isn’t feeling. shut up. he’s not smiling okay leave him alone.
- and if you hit him with the “I love you”??? You’ve broken him a bit
- “Oh- uh- well of course you do! I am the great and terrible Starscream, after all! Haha!!” (he is trying not to cry)
- please give him some kind words and some genuine praise. poor guy really needs it.
Optimus Prime
- yet again we have an absolute hottie with self esteem issues, I’m so sorry truck dad.
- he would on the surface be his usual stoic self, replying with a thank you and a little smile, but the complements would stick with him.
- the kindness would be appreciated, truely, but it raises questions in his mind: why? why him? What had he done to deserve such sudden sweetness?
- he has trouble understanding how someone could just… find him physically attractive.
- Optimus would give more ability based complements to others, and he expects those to him as well (he is a prime after all), but he doesn’t see himself as handsome or cute or anything.
- he finds himself really liking when you call him those things, though.
- oh boy. If you thought Knockout was a sweet-talker…
- Wheeljack is given a complement and immediately goes into flirt mode, hitting you right back with the same words you used on him
- at first, it seems like just light banter and Wheeljack’s usual… well, being Wheeljack, but…
- he’s actually using this flirting tactic to dodge any kind words towards him.
- so catching him off guard with a sudden, spontaneous reminder of how handsome he is?
- that’s a bit harder for him to flirt his way out of, especially if other people hear and god forbid agree
- it is very, very rare to see a flustered Wheeljack, but if you keep just suddenly saying how kind he is so genuinely within complete earshot of everyone else in the base?
- …he might be a little bit flushed in the face behind his battle mask.
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
hellooo, i was wondering if you could do a st boys (steve, jonathan, billy, and eddie) hc with a tall reader? preferably 5’10 or above? i’m 6’ myself and i can hardly ever find fics with a tall fem reader :)
hii of course! if anyone has any fic recs with a tall reader feel free to link them below :)
Stranger Things Boys With A Tall S/O
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Steve Harrington:
Steve is around 6 feet himself so I don’t think he would mind having a s/o who is his height or taller than him.
He’s definitely a leg man so if anything it’s definitely an advantage.
He likes that he doesn’t have to break his back to kiss you. With Nancy, he thought he was going to develop back problems at the age of 18.
Honestly, this man would still be so protective over you. “Longer legs means a longer fall, Y/N”
He’s absolutely still the kind of boyfriend who would let you sit on his shoulders at concerts, except now it’s like 10x more annoying to everyone around you. Steve couldn’t give less of a shit though, he thinks it’s fun.
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Jonathan Byers:
Jonathan is the shortest guy on the list. He’s around 5’9 or 5’10 !!
He actually loves being with someone taller than him. Height isn’t really a big deal to him but he really likes being the shorter person in the relationship.
He would absolutely hug you and bury his face in the crook of your neck or your chest.
He is Baby™️ please treat him as such
He really likes to take pictures of you just doing the most mundane things. Whether you’re just walking through the house or cooking, he doesn’t care, he’s right behind you with his camera and a dorky smile on his face.
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Billy Hargrove:
Billy is around 6’1 and he uses his height to his advantage most of the time.
I will not lie to you, his ego takes a hit when he realizes you’re taller than him. He gets over it pretty quick though.
He thinks you look so badass together, both of you towering over other people in the halls.
He thinks you look like a literal fucking model and he will tell you that often.
You don’t drown in his clothes. They’re still big on you but in a less extreme way. He thinks it’s really hot when you wear his tshirts or jacket to school.
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Eddie Munson:
To be honest with you, it’s hard to be taller than Eddie. He’s like 6’4 and lanky as hell.
He thinks it’s really fucking cool that you’re tall. He immediately compares you to some kind of model or rockstar.
He really likes that you’re tall enough to play with his hair without him laying down or something. Eddie Munson loves having his hair played with and I will die on that hill.
Like Billy, he thinks it’s hot when you wear his clothes to school. Even though you’re not drowning in it, everyone recognizes Eddie’s Hellfire shirt the minute you walk in the door.
Absolutely a fucking leg man no doubt about it.
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Eddie Munson with a Stoner!Girlfriend HCs
pairing: Eddie Munson x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
warnings: female pronouns, uh, cursing, mentions of sex, obviously drug use - borderline romanticism of drug use. proceed maturely.
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• we've established his love language is touch and words of affirmation, right? great. when he's high, it increases tenfold.
• which is cool because you have the same love languages and when Eddie starts babbling about how great he thinks you are, you can't help but soak in his every word because he usually wouldn't be so candid sober.
• but let's backtrack a little; you guys meet 'cause your regular dealer got locked up - so, you're in the market for a new guy.
• you may or may not be an athlete, but you definitely harness a lot of stress, are left home alone constantly, and basically raised yourself; smoking weed was almost second nature.
• you've heard of Eddie 'the Freak' Munson before but never really interacted with him until your freshman year of high school. he had seen a few cheerleaders push binders from your grip and went up to you, kneeling to help you clean up, and assured you not to give them the satisfaction of retaliation.
• that was funny, you thought, because you can remember him retaliating against his own bullies very vividly. he told you he'd been dealing with shitheads like them for a lot longer and could tolerate pushing their buttons back a few times.
• you noted the leather jacket under the jean vest, getting just a whiff of weed and blurting out, "you smoke?"
• he chuckled, "maybe?"
• "you mind tellin' me your dealer, pretty boy?"
• so, you met Reefer Rick 'cause Eddie wasn't selling yet. bit of a creepy dude but totally harmless; he actually seemed to welcome you and Eddie the times you stopped by. guess living out by the lake got a little lonely.
• but when Eddie started to sell about a year later, you were his #1 customer, even if he charged you basically nothing.
• he wouldn't've charged you at all but you insisted since you were both like a chimney in the way you smoked. you didn't want to feel guilty about when he had to reup pretty often, so, you worked out a monthly fee that he begrudgingly accepted. $15 a month wasn't shit but that was all he was willing to accept.
• your smoke sessions lead to loose lips. secrets and feelings and revelations came out into play - but never about each other. no, it was nice to have a weekly Friday spark session and just rant about life. be it from home or school or work, it was nice to have a friend in trying times.
• he didn't actually admit his crush on you until his first senior year. by then, you two were thick as thieves and it was almost too natural when you started dating.
• oh man, you guys went on A LOT of nature walks / hikes, too. both of you brought a couple of joints and would find new hang out spots to come visit later.
• oh yeah, he liked to take you by the hand to the clearing behind his trailer with a joint in hand, lay flat on his back, and star gaze with you. sometimes, your head ended up on his chest, being mindful not to let ash drop on him. other times, his head was on your stomach with one of your hands in his hair.
• he finds new ways to surprise you. be it a new song that reminded him of you, some flowers, maybe even a 'home cooked meal' - he just liked watching you smile.
• ah, once again, skin to skin contact is a must for Eddie and who are you to refuse? smoking in your underwear with your boyfriend while you both laid in bed was underrated, okay? the weed sometimes gave you hypersensitivity and his finger tips dragging along you bare skin was something Heavenly.
• you often fell asleep like that, actually. roach left to smolder in a green glass ash tray you got him, your head tucked in the crook of his neck and shoulder; his fingers drawing lazy patterns on your upper arm before his fingers were splaying across your waist; chest rising and falling slowly, soothingly, rhythmically. it's almost impossible to not fall asleep.
• stoner Eddie and stoner girlfriend take a lot of naps. i'm not even sorry. both of them are night owls, so their sleep schedules are a bit fucked up. but give them a joint and an open bed (or couch), and those fools are knocked out by the time the joint is a roach.
• he likes to think he taught you how to roll, but you've known for years. it was cute the way he pulled you to his lap and would use the desk in front of you to show you his routine.
• it was utterly adorable how concentrated he was that you let him believe the fantasy.
• until a week later when Eddie audibly gasped when you effortlessly pearled a joint in front of him. "you knew how to do that!?"
• and you'd shrug, "I can teach you if you want, but you have to sit on my lap this time."
• both of your laughter would mingle in the space between your lips when he brought you in for a feverish kiss. 'cause he thought you couldn't get any hotter but watching you pearl - oh, something feral in him came out.
• needless to say, you rolling joints turns him on. he sometimes finds himself staring at your mouth when your tongue pokes out to wet along the adhesive, securing the joint in place.
• and you did teach him how to pearl, but you sat on his lap. mostly because he wouldn't let you up, and you were distracted with the way his ringed hands would gently squeeze the inside of your thighs before rubbing over the fabric of your jeans.
• look, not every joint is perfect, so, you both like to poke fun at each for your shitty roll jobs.
• too many inside jokes. it should be illegal, kinda thing.
• not just inside jokes, too; but jokes in general. you liked to think you were funny, but being high made everything a little more comical.
• ah, you also teach him how to roll a blunt using a tobacco leaf instead of a paper. it's rougher on his lungs but the high is a little different. so, you typically save blunts for particularly stressful days or special occasions.
• like... last Tuesday, you got an A on your history paper and there was Eddie, with a blunt and a shit eating grin, ready to celebrate your hard work.
• man, this boy will look for any opportunity to dance with you, too. you're a little more reserved in public regarding affection but alone? he can wrap you in his arms and dance in his cramped kitchen any time he wants.
• no music? no problem. he'll hum something under his breath, the smell of his cologne mingling with the stale stench of cigarettes and the pungent fragrance of weed - all swirling in your nose as your face presses to his chest. you realize he'd be your dance partner for life. ow, my heart!
• Eddie gets you into ripped jeans, too. he likes it 'cause it's like you're taking part of his style and fashion, and making it your own. like some unspoken statement to everyone that you were his.
• and you wear his clothes all the time - that's a given. he might look for a shirt one week, and find it the next when he's looking for another, before realizing you switch them out on a cycle.
• so, he goes thrifting to get a couple other shirts and hoodies.
• Eddie loves you in his clothes. it just looks natural to him.
• but you also think you have a 'girly' streak to you, so, even if you're wearing ripped jeans and his shirt, your nails, hair, and make-up are done. and Eddie adores seeing a mix of both of you on your body.
• he lets you paint his nails when you can't decide on a color. he thinks it's cute how concentrated you look as you're trying to get an even coat and then how annoyed you get when you can't choose. so, he typically chooses for you. he might even keep the colors for a few days before he's anxiously chipping at them.
• you're both anxious beings and smoking helps. but he'll chip at the polish when the bullies get to him, or Wayne and him have an argument; and lets you take the chipped polish off before painting a new shade.
• oh, fuck - there's a lot of baking, okay? getting high together meant you snacked together and Eddie loved your baking. so, in the middle of a joint, you'd manage to get him to agree to help you.
• this resulted in a lot more flour getting on each other than in the bowl, but you make do.
• when he gets a new strain from Rick, he always tests it with you. you'll give him an honest review, "this one made me feel like I had to clean your room."
• "I don't know, this shit made me stupid tired and like I couldn't move from the couch. good for a weekend vibe, I guess."
• "this is kinda nice. not too harsh on the lungs, I don't feel like I have cotton mouth that bad. but do you feel light headed at all?"
• "not really?" he'd answer you.
• "huh... me neither..." you'd take another hit and he'd make a note that that one made you feel a little light headed. so, maybe this strain was good for when you wanted out of your head; he'd try to remember to roll this one next time someone (or something) has you bent outta shape.
• you brought him new customers almost on a weekly basis. you became something of a middle man for certain 'popular' clients, but hey, Eddie wasn't complaining when he'd give you $10 worth of weed and you'd come back with $30.
• he teaches you how to relax after a joint; how sometimes it was nice to just lay back and exist. he'd often tangle your fingers together, muttering soft nothings about the future. he taught you to breathe and be in the moment with him, something you often didn't get enough for yourself.
• he also taught you to harness your energy and put it forth towards something creatively. he liked breaking you out of your box a little.
• and you teach him how to utilize a high to multitask better.
• lots of guitar lessons. sometimes, you're both in your underwear with a joint being passed between you lazily as he tries to get a new riff just right.
• and you watch him like a hawk, book left forgotten on your lap. his fingers would expertly move up and down the neck; plucking strands of the guitar like he did your nipples...
• ah, yeah, when high, both of your minds wondered without a filter. luckily, you were both usually always on the same page. (i.e. being horny little shits).
• he teaches you a few cords but you mostly end up laughing and poking fun at each other; laid back on his bed.
• but when he busts out the acoustic guitar and sets it on your lap before getting behind you, you melt. his lips press to your neck and shoulders a few times, fingers over yours to show you proper holding.
• you're not very good at playing but the look he gives you when you're attempting to strum a few cords is enough to get you to pick the guitar back up and keep trying.
• he definitely lets you braid his hair but only after the first joint. he won't admit it out loud but he finds it super soothing to feel your fingers tying strands together. he's fallen asleep like that, actually.
• plus you get this adorable look on your face when concentrating on a braid that he'd let you do anything to his hair.
• he's more likely to sing to you if you're both high. he's insecure, we all know this, but he'll only really test his vocals out with you and when Wayne was at work.
• staying the night at each other's houses because '80s parents/guardians didn't give a fuck.
• people thinking he corrupted you before realizing it was a mutual corruption.
• you sometimes propose a smoke break. for at least 3 weeks, neither of you would smoke to give yourselves a break and lower your tolerance. these were the weeks you might've argued a little more.
• that first smoke after your tolerance break is like euphoria; both of you like baby stoners again, just giggling at any and everything. maybe you're laid outside in the grass, or splayed out on your bed at home. either way, you're both content to live in that moment and allow your worries to melt away with every puff.
• he loves listening to you read, too. its calming for him to hear your voice; the years of smoking making it slightly raspy.
• high sex! high sex! high sex!
• sex with Eddie is always a good time but after you're both properly shmacked? man, that boy is focused on only one thing: your orgasm.
• it's not like the movies make it out to be but being high and getting it on with the love of your life? yeah, there's some heightened sensitivity, but it's mostly two idiots laughing their way through it.
• he keeps a bottle of your perfume in his car for after smoke sessions and you don't want to walk in your house reeking of weed. doesn't do much but, ehhh, it's been all right so far.
• raiding the fridge at 3 am 'cause you're both high and can't sleep.
• probably missing first period 'cause you were both high and couldn't sleep at 3 am.
• despite being a stoner, school made a little more sense to you than it did to Eddie. so, you would use smoking as a reward when studying.
• and he tells you he's failed a class and is being held back during one of your smoke sessions in the woods. you just shrug because school doesn't measure a person's intelligence or capabilities in this world.
• and you'd probably make some joke, "just means I get you for a whole 'nother year, baby!"
• he'd chuckle because he knows you truly don't care about shit like that, but he'd notice your effort. you study more with him, you're reminding him of his tests and quizzes in certain classes.
• constantly throwing his jacket over you because you 'forget' yours. (you don't, you just like wearing his clothes). and he gets all frazzled if it's even a degree lower than 60 - sassing that you want to catch your death in 'this cold'. hard to do that when your boyfriend is so concerned, he's wrapping you up in whatever he has.
• ah, stoner boyfriend Eddie is adorable, man.
• and he gets you your own rings, too. not as many as him, but two silver rings to mark the two years you're dating.
• but his rings - you all get it, right? his hands are a turn on enough, but his rings. fuck. there's nothing you like more than the feeling of his ringed hand wrapping around your throat tauntingly as you're both being sassy, sarcastic little shits while sharing a midnight smoke.
• he knows how to get you riled up, and a ringed hand around your throat has you ready to drop to your knees.
• Hellfire likes you well enough. you're not all besties because you're a little reclusive but you like them - they're always nice and welcoming to you during D&D campaigns.
• Eddie always leaves you a seat at Hellfire because you've been known to wonder into the woods behind school, light up, and then wonder back to watch their campaign with a new understanding.
• hey, something about weed just allowed your brain to open and absorb the fantasy game. and trust me, Eddie's tried explaining to you sober but it just doesn't stick.
• however, late at night, when neither of you can sleep; he's sitting on the floor of his living room between your legs, you on the couch behind him, a joint being passed back and forth as you braid his hair and he's designing a new campaign. he asks your opinions and you give them honestly.
• that next time in Hellfire, you catch wind of one of your suggestions from a few nights ago and blush. hearing your idea come to life in the game always made you smile; leaning in and kissing Eddie's cheek when the others were arguing over their next move.
• "that was super cute, Munson."
• "I know it, darlin'," he winks at you, pecking your forehead, before focusing on the campaign.
• oh - the pet names! they're in an abundance.
• stoner girlfriend or not - Eddie doesn't use your first or last name unless he's angry or frustrated. soooo... almost never.
• he uses any nickname or pet name in the books; even going as far as to test a few of the cringier names when you're both high because it makes you both bust out in laughter.
• you don't use a lot of pet names, you stick with the classics, like, babe and baby.
• and when you're angry - you're using his full name. not Eddie, or Ed, or Eds... but the full government.
• he knows he's fucked up then and makes it up to you. he'll get a bouquet of your favorite flowers, rent your favorite movie, grab all your favorite snacks, and roll a couple of joints before showing up at your front door with a major pout.
• it's hard to stay mad at him.
• you both talk about a lot of your issues when high just because it's easier and neither of you worry about repercussions from your words.
• every other moment of every other day, you both have to tread carefully and filter yourselves (Eddie less than you - hence the bullies) but when you're both dazed out of your mind, it's easier to say what you're feeling because you know the other is listening.
• while weed makes some people space out, it almost makes Eddie hyper focused on you. so, you can be talking out your ass and three days later, he'll casually bring up something you said.
• it still shocks you sometimes over how much Eddie listens to you.
• he's the whole package, yah heard?
• he looks for any opportunity to tell you he loves you but for some reason, when his eyes are red and low; looking at you like you're this rare piece of fine china, gently caressing your cheek, he'll tell you how beautiful you are, that he's the luckiest man, and that he loves you with his whole being.
• and those are the moments you believe the most. weed takes the filter from you both, so, you know his words are genuine. you know he's not looking to hold back. you know he's opening his heart, so you relish in that feeling.
• and naturally, because you love him just as much, you're reminding him how much he means to you. sometimes, life is really fucking hard, and nobody gets that better than Eddie; so, you remind him how grateful you feel to meet your match.
• i want stoner Eddie as my boyfriend now.
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duskyskye · 2 years
 So I noticed a few people have been following me bc a couple artist friends of mine have been drawing my Swap Pap, Gale (love you @flamingbiscuit​ @a-snowpoff​ and @mmhinman​ [who drew the ref below]) so I’ll post some information about my boy here, for those of you wishing to know more about him.
I’ll be including some general HCs about him, as well as his backstory below the cut (though it’s currently very much a work in progress). I hope you enjoy ^^
TW for Gale’s backstory include no-mercy run mentions, death, and mourning/grief.
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He has a humming stim. He constantly listening to many different songs from different genres, and while there’s no real consistency between them, one thing they’ll have in common is that they’ll stick in his head for hours. As a result, his Undyne started to refer to him as a Nightingale. Gale for short, hence his nickname.
He works as a software programmer full-time, so he has some cash to burn. He also runs a side YouTube channel where he teaches kids how to code. He enjoys being entertaining to kids, and while he likes them just fine, he’s probably in need of a babysitting lesson or two.
He has a number of stims outside of humming. He has chew necklaces for his chewing stim and it a notorious pen clicker. Also leg bouncing. Lots of leg bouncing.
He's not normally very athletic and is even a bit too indoorsy, but he really enjoys swimming. Something about just letting himself drift in nice, cool water he finds soothing. If he lived by a large body of water he would also enjoy paddle boarding and kayaking.
He owns a bearded dragon named Mush (also called “Mushy” or in some cases “Mushymushymushy”). Gale bought a nice large terrarium full of all the needs for his little friend and keeps them plenty happy. Mush will often rest on Gale’s shoulder while he works.
His love language is physical affection. He'll stop if you want, but if you let him, he's going to reach out at every opportunity. Rub your hand while you hold his, snuggle up on the couch (platonic or romantic, he’s down wither way), lazily fiddle with your hair, etc.. He also tends to lean into the people he likes when he laughs.
He does origami as a hobby. Paper folding was also a stim for him and he decided "heck, I'll do something artistic as shit with this" and he took it up pretty easily.
His absolute favorite food is gnocchi. It's pasta in a cute little bug-shaped package and they're fun to chew.
He does little Mandela designs in his notebook just as doodles, not really seriously. 
He enjoys comically bad movies as well as romcoms. He also prefers movies that are more focused on the characters than the plot, though will make an exception if the comedy is especially well done.
He's a bit of a gamer, but only really enjoys single player games. He specifically prefers smaller indie platformers like hollow knight, shovel knight, etc..
He’s got a very relaxed attitude, which he often expresses through mischief and playing ignorant. He is very off-the-cuff when it comes to how he interacts with people, and will often say whatever first pops into his head, for better or worse.
He wears his emotions on his sleeve, and if he’s upset about something chances are you’ll know right away. He’s usually a pretty happy guy, but when the mood shifts, it’s almost a complete 180.
He highly values honesty, and would rather someone be blunt with him than try to spare his feelings. He’s not a fan of being given flowery words or people dancing around an issue for his sake.
That said, he does still try to emotionally connect with people who are having a rough time, and will often adapt to the people around him. Need cheering up? He’s a great distraction. Need a shoulder to cry on? He’ll comfort you all night. He’s not the best with words, but he’ll do what he can to put smiles on his friend’s faces.
Gale’s Underswap is much like any normal Underswap in the begginning. He was raised by his older brother (his swap sans), who is training to be a royal guard and to be the hero his little brother always thought of him as. The two grew up in Snowdin, though Gale would often leave town to explore the dump and find new tech to tinker with. That’s where he met his Undyne, and the two would often talk about their experiments over Undernet. Gale is very close with Undyne, and considers her his best friend.
This peaceful, happy life is interrupted with the arrival of Chara. In this particular Swap AU, Chara begins to a no mercy run, makes it through Snowdin and finally reaches the border to Waterfall. Gale has decided to step in after seeing the disaster the human had caused, and he rushes in recklessly, hoping to stop them before they can reach Undyne and the other Waterfall monsters. Gale has decent HP and attack, and he figures that if Chara took a swing at him, he could tank it and knock them down in one blow. 
He doesn’t know just how futile that would be.
The fight commences, both dodging each other’s attacks. Chara seems to predict Gale’s attacks, and dodges them easily. They wear Gale down, until he’s out of breath, and at their mercy. Chara swings their weapon one last time, but before they can hit Gale
Sans throws himself between them, reducing his HP to zero. 
Gale watched Sans die in front of him, and being frozen, he just. Sits there. Shaking. Unable to move. It’s then that Chara snaps out of their trance. They realize what they’ve been doing. What hurt they’ve been causing. They try to reach out to Gale, but before they can touch him, he teleports away in panic. After this, Chara starts sparing monsters, effectively being a pacifist from this point. Eventually, Chara defeats Toriel, and they leave the Underground, seemingly to never be heard from again. 
Gale, grief-stricken, moves in with Undyne. He helps Undyne with her experiments, and learns to code in order to earn his keep. He starts seeing a therapist through Undyne's encouragement, which helps a bit, but he never quite goes back to normal. He does eventually get used to masking his sadness, using his humor to get genuine laughs from his jokes and divert attention away from the things he’s not ready to talk about. With his brother and lifeline gone, he's also a lot more dependent on the people around him now. It's something he has to grow past. 
3 years after Chara’s initial fall, another human falls, and is handed over to Captain of the Guard Alphys. Working with the human, she crosses the barrier. Undyne and Gale eagerly await news, and finally, after months, she returns with the seven souls needed to break the barrier. “Volunteers” she found. Chara included.
With this second chance being the kick in the pants he needs, Gale decides to move out of Undyne's, stop mooching, and build the better life his brother always wanted for him. It takes a lot of work, and those scars still run deep, but he's doing better for himself and actively working hard to better his life, as well as the lives of other monsters affected by the human.
It helps him sleep at night. Maybe one day it'll be more than just coping.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Hi hi! Could I request some ftm reader x Wade Wilson hc's? If you don't write for Deadpool that's fine!
Wade Wilson x FTM!reader
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● so Wade literally could not give less of a shit that you are trans 
● when you told him on your third date his response was "cool so can we get extra jalapeños on our nachos? If the answer is no well than that may be a dealbreaker" 
● He's constantly flirting with you and telling you all the damn time how hot you are
● "hey there you sexy man, want to slide down my pole like a firefighter?" 
● puns, so many puns 
● "whatcha reading there Wade" 
● "it's a book about anti gravity, I just can't seem to put it down!" 
● golden girl marathons when you're feeling down 
● he's a very clingy cuddler when you sleep 
● you'll wake up to him completely on top of you and snoring so loudly
● Wade's favorite t shirt that he wears all around town says 'I love my trans boyfriend'
● date nights usually involve sneaking into places
● movie theaters, clubs, Celine dion concerts etc
● he knows your testosterone injection schedule 
● "pull your shirt up my love it's time for your boy juice"
● Wade and Yukio often make tik toks together while you and warhead watch in the distance 
● and he's always referencing memes 
● going to a bar and playing pool
● "loser has to clean out the litter box" 
● "Wade you don't have a cat what is the litter box for??"
● Wade constantly asking you the weirdest questions 
● "okay so fuck Marry kill, colossus, dopinder or blind Al?" 
● "I don't want to do any of those things to any of them!" 
● "would you rather poop skittles or have everything you eat taste like farts?" 
● "Wade that's disgusting" 
● coming home to find Wade in food comas 
● "the delivery guy insulted me for ordering 5 pizzas for myself and said I couldn't eat it all… so I ate all 5 pizzas and now my tummy hurts"
● that or he will be covered in blood  
● "hey babe, so you might want to stay away from 73rd street for a few days, I may have crashed a couple cars into some buildings in a fight… You mind stitching this up for me?" 
● Wade will snap the neck of anyone who tries to be transphobic to you 
● "hey that's my boyfriend bitch!" 
● he's yelling 'trans rights motherfucker!" As he's stabbing them 
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
spare some monty, freddy, and sun/moon nsfw hcs for the poor (horny)? 🙏🙏🙏
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Catch me in your dreams, if you can that is. __________________ A/N: Feeding the rotters, drink up my guys there's gonna be a lot of it tonight <3 Warnings: Smut, highly suggestive, use of dom/sub dynamics, somnophilia, darcyphilia, breath play, mentions of blood read at your own risk. 18+ Only, minors interacting with this post will be blocked. [ GN pronouns used ] ( use of afab and amab language) __________________
Glamrock Freddy
➤ Very hesitant about things, and asks you constantly if everything's okay ➤ Powerhouse to practicing safe and healthy sex with you ➤ Safewords, aftercare routine, boundaries on your consent, and what he can do to you ➤ as the head of the band, it comes naturally for him to have you call him sir ➤ Doesn't think daddy fits and is generally discomforted by it since he's often dad figure to many and discourages it since it would be 'too inappropriate' ➤ Tbh it's only like that since Freddy would absolutely just go blank if someone during the day called him dad ➤ I will stand by this but he steals and has a stash of stolen underwear and I cannot understand why but it's just fucking there ➤ Huge fan of wanting to fuck to the rhythm of music, like dear fuck ➤ In all honesty, you feel dumbed down during your intimate moments with him for various reasons ➤ Afab? Would absolutely spend so much time messing around with your tits, allowing the cool metal to rub against it raising goosebumps across the bare skin simply admiring you ➤ Amab? overstimulation heaven, if you don't call the safe word Freddy will sit there for hours rubbing you out until you're satisfied ➤ More focused on your pleasure than his
Monty Gator
➤ Unlike how many people portray pictures Monty is further attracted to the little things about you ➤ Of course, he's an ass man but generally is obsessed with your thighs ➤ I feel he'd absolutely want to get their casing cracked or broken between your thighs ➤ Absolute powerhouse to fucking you in front of a mirror, especially the one in his greenroom ➤ Due to being absolutely massive Monty truly likes to see you squirm beneath him, honestly a huge power trip just seeing how massive he is compared to you at this moment ➤ Afab? Don't worry, he's absolutely obsessed with trying to see if you get a belly bulge from him and if he succeeds? You're doomed he'll never let it go or give it up ➤ Amab? You're in for a treat, he'd do anything to treat you right just remember your ass will be sore as fuck the next day, and your dick milked dry until he's finished with you ➤ Absolute hard dom, cannot picture it in any other way man ➤ Might be into a little swinging action if he's up to sharing and you're comfortable with it ➤ Mostly just to prove no matter who you get split on he'll always be better ➤ Wasn't the best in aftercare tbh, it took time to figure out how to take of you after everything ➤ First time after he offered you a cigarette seeing that others used it to calm down ➤ Favorite way to handle you is with your back pressed against his chest really gets him going ➤ Due to his sharp nails love to indulge in pain play often dragging them along your stomach and thighs to draw the little blood he can get ➤ Covered in bites from Monty, literally is obsessed with making sure you're covered with marks by the end giving you two at least a day or two of recovering before going at it again
➤ Oh boy, the biggest fucking switch here, sometimes he'll simply sit there asking what feels good to you until you're crying from the pleasure ➤ Huge on seeing you cry, yes he feels bad and will never say he likes it ➤ but deep down he tries every time to make sure tears stream down your face in a good way ➤ He and Moon are the ones without dicks, sure Monty and Freddy have it as their own video bs and etc but the daycare attendants have to make do with what they can ➤ Some wires are partially exposed and moveable that they get the sensation to and react with to reenact pleasures of sex ➤ will use your fluids of either natural lubricant or your cum to draw patterns into your skin. Likes to write his name a lot since it kinda gives the expression of writing claim to his art ➤ Afab? You'll be seeing stars by the time he's done and wanting the lights to turn off just for a break, in his brain despite not being able to have but always wondered what it'd be like if he could get you to sit on his face, ahem breeding kink he can't really do ➤ Amab? Your ass is grass, and he's mowing it, not very understanding what prep is at first so you'd have to teach him before they try entering you first go with a toy ➤ Most of the time sex ends with you exhausted and on the verge of passing out whilst Sun's stuck rebooting from overheating his system
➤ The lights are out? Man, good luck living until then ig ➤ You see, Sun has endless energy but when it comes to Moon with this he wants to push limits ➤ learned to set up safewords and specific parts of consent with you just in case since they get far too aggressive for normal people ➤ Don't tell me Moondrop doesn't have a somnophilia kink, c'mon I dare you ➤ Fucks you during your sleep or wakes you up with sex if he's ever in the mood ➤ It rarely happens but whenever Moon does want to have some fun just understand it will be long and punishing ➤ Sets up a reward system for you, such as getting a shorter nap time if you want that, snacks, you name it ➤ Fixated on the only praise used is the term Good Boy / Good Girl / Good pet ➤ Has choked you once on accident to make you shut the fuck up and just it's stuck to be a thing that happens now and again if you mention it's something you like to happen ➤ Focused on their personal curiosity to see just what you can handle as pleasure unless you want to fumble with his wires for a bit in the end ➤ You're afab? Weirdly has an obsession shared with Sun on being parents with you even if it can't really happen but does try to live out the fantasy ➤ Amab? Ohoho. I'm so sorry but your cock is broken by the end of this weeping and limp from the overuse and stimulation from this fucks experiments
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tuliptyper · 2 years
Unique Features; AOT Men
quick lil hcs for what unique (and attractive) features i think the aot men have while i avoid my family lmao
let me know if you guys want different characters (including any of the girls)! thnx for reading and please leave a comment/reblog!
implied modern au setting
includes; Connie, Eren, Jean, Armin, Marco + Reiner
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✾ Connie:
- acne scars on mostly his cheeks leading down to his jaw line <3
- probably gap teeth! <3
- grey hair (canon), i like to think that its a genetic thing and almost everyone/every guy in his family greys super young
- related to the grey hair thing, light eyebrows!
✾ Eren:
- big ass forehead <33
- long lashes + big, upturned eyes; his lashes are less pronounced because of his lighter hair color
✾ Armin:
- natural pout/heart-shaped lips <33 hes super hydrated to so you know theyre not chapped!
- bushier brows; not as thick as Erwins but he does have to maintain them and its very cute to watch because he gets super in the zone hehe
- thin hair; ik people typically hate having thin hair because it tends to be fragile, i like petting/stroking thinner hair because its so soft and easy to tossle about lmaoo (i have really fucking thick hair, my scalp gets so hot, not to mention i need to get it THINNED like every 2-3 months bc it gets so heavy)
✾ Reiner:
- higher body fat% / tummy chub! while he is muscular, he has a lovely layer of fat that adds to his frame and its just *chefs kiss*. men ESP with a little tummy pudge are so FIINNEEE
- stretch marks; more concentrated at the back of his knees, hips, shoulders and lower back. they're lighter than his skin tone and look like lighting bolts fr, they are so cool and gorgeous too
- shnoz bump (canon); i loooveeee bumpy, big, hooked, droopy, pointed, generally shapely noses! they're not only a display of cool heritage but also hot as fuck. i said my piece. (also imagine him telling you his embarrassing stories of getting into fights/knocking into walls that caused the bump while he bashfully rubs it WAAAA)
- boney, thinner fingers; 100% projection because i have boney (not skinny) fingers and i dont like how weirdly masculine my hands are. he probably has to get all his rings extended and gets shy when you play with them absentmindedly
✾ Marco:
- beauty spots/marks/moles; hes a moley boyy! has 13 and counting, probably. definitely searched up the meaning of each placement and felt so enlightened LMAO
- dennie-morgan folds/eczema wrinkles; hes got cute little wrinkles on his eyes that basically destroyed his aegyo sal (idk what it would be called in english other than under eye bags? puffy under eyes??) and made his eyelids more wrinkly
- yellow tinted/unbuffed nails, since he wears nail polish without a base coat and they get stained. but also theyre very strong since they haven't been buffed/thinned out!
✾ Jean:
- wavy/type 2 hair that only ever showed when he started growing out his mullet. very french, very cute, 11/10
- amber eyes. his stare is intense but not intimidating <3 hes the only neurotypical man i would give eye contact to 💅
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rivashi · 2 years
oversized jacket
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synopsis: reacting to their crush wearing another guy’s jacket w/ a TWIST
characters: matsukawa issei, hanamaki tahahiro (ft. kyoutani kentarou & gn!reader)
genre(s): fluff, slight angst, a pinch of crack, jealously, friends to lovers, accidental confessions(?), mutual pinning, college!au | headcanons
cw: swearing, slight manga spoilers if you squint, mentions of bullying, implied toxic masculinity, so-called “nice guy”, mentions of stalker-ish behavior, extremely long, & vvv self indulgent cuz i was emo when i wrote this <3
note: this was inspired from this <3 also, this hcs was supposed to include oikawa and iwaizumi but i had to cut them out. i hope you like it e n way <3
note 2: this is reposted from my old (soon-to-be deactivated) blog: @/levinneheart
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Matsukawa Issei
He went to his last class early and was surprised to see you were already there, sitting in your usual chair
This was a first, usually he would be the first to arrived in the classroom and you would arrived after him with snacks in your arms
“I need snacks to survive this long day, you’re welcome to have some.” You’d say to him and you were absolutely right
You and your snacks made him get through the day without a pounding head and a growling stomach as he went home
You were working diligently on something while occasionally popping a cheese-flavored popcorn onto your mouth
He assumed you were working on your assignments in advance for subjects he didn’t have as it was your routine
He clears his throat, catching your attention and making you looked at his direction as he greeted you with a small smile
You were practically beaming, eyes lighting up at the sight of him as you greeted him back cheerfully, seemingly in a good mood
He took his usual seat beside you and you immediately laid your head on his shoulder, sighing in content
He didn’t mind your gesture if it weren’t for the pounding on his heart but he was surprised you hadn’t noticed it yet
To him, you were so out of his league – so kind, so generous, so everything of his ideal type and pretty to look in the eyes too
The way that you two wordlessly and unconsciously leaned in for each other’s touch – absolutely no highs
Just the comfortable silence of enjoying one another’s presences that he longs in relationships
This feeling scared him – terrified him, even. Since he never felt anything like this for anyone before
Little did he know, it was your way of conveying to him with your love language and that the feeling is mutual
It wasn’t long before class started and not long till it ends. The clouds were starting to get grey and dark. Seems like that it’s starting to raining too. You usually like this kind of weather if it wasn’t such a hassle to get home. It’s getting cold too, you thought as you rubbed your hands together and snuggled subconsciously against Mattsun for warmth.
Matsukawa, on the other hand, held the urge to slip his arm onto your waist and pull you closer to him, the urge to press you firmly to his broad chest and bury his face onto your shoulder. His fingers twitched at the thought but he shook the feelings away before poking you once as he excused himself to you before softly nudging you off him to retreat to the restroom.
When he arrived, he deeply sighed with a fist clutching his chest to desperately trying to calm his accelerating heartbeats. He told— more like convinced himself that he will confess after class but you being so close to him was making it harder to remember his memorized lines. He could still remember how you smelt like, the scent of your shampoo mixed in with your favorite perfume.
It was driving him mad at how good you smell. He splashed his face with water from the sink before staring at himself, trying to focus before chuckling to himself. He looks ridiculous right now, his face slightly damped and eyes glaring at nothing but his reflection. He’ll be fine, even if you reject him – he could just play it cool and say it was a joke.
Yeah, right. He thought. That’s just mean.
When he comes back, his seat was occupied by a fellow male student, laughing with you. This would had been fine as you were quite approachable yet he couldn’t help himself but to eye on the unfamiliar jacket you were currently wearing. You didn’t wore the clothing earlier and it looked too big for you to own it.
His mind was racing with the thought of you wearing another guy’s jacket other than his and his feelings were all over the place; mixture of anger, disappointment, and heartbroken. You never told him you were taken and you never really specify that you didn’t like him so he knew he had a chance.
He firmly grabbed your shoulders and glared daggers at the man before he stood up from his chair, cowering away while you turned around to face him with a frown. “What was that for? He was getting to the best part of his joke.”
“I don’t like him and his jacket on you so take it off.”
“What? No, this isn’t his—”
“I’ll exchanged it for mine.” he cuts off.
“No thanks, Sei. What’s this all about anyway—”
“Please, yn. Don’t make me—”
“No is no, Sei. Besides—”
“I like you. Can you now please wear my jacket?”
You stayed silent for a second, stunned at his sudden confession and jealousy over a piece of clothing. “I like you too but this is actually my jacket.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, right?”
“Nope, I tried telling you.” You grinned at him, poking his sides as his eyes widened in realization.
“Oh…” He trails off. “Wait! Did you just say you like me?” This made you chuckle, it made you want to play with him just a little.
“Did I?” You say, teasingly.
He groaned in response. “Although, I must say: you look adorable, being all jealous over my oversized jacket.” He palms his face and that makes you chuckle even more as you grin at him. “My jealous boyfriend.”
Oh god— he doesn’t care anymore and he wouldn’t have it any other way as long as you keep tell him you’re his.
Hanamaki Takahiro
You and Hanamaki met in elementary school and immediately became friends all the way till highschool
Back then, he was smaller than you and got bullied because of his pinkish-brown locks, causing him to be subconscious of it
But you told him otherwise so you protected him and fought against many of his bullies in elementary
During in middle school and highschool though, he grew more taller and confident on his hair because of you
You didn’t had to protect him anymore so you settled on cheering and supporting him from the bleachers during his games
His team would welcome you warmly so it wasn’t a surprise to them that you grew on them, along with Kyoutani
He even developed a soft spot for you, causing you to call him: Kyou without any honorifics since you two had grown close
At first Hanamaki was ok with it, you’d love making new friends to bond with, but at the same time he was envious
Back then he was your only friend and now, your attention was everywhere but him and you two were seeing each other less
You tend to stick with Kyoutani these past few days, ever since the two of you became classmates and seatmates
And he was gonna graduate soon, leaving you behind to focus on your studies and club activities to be able to graduate
That thought saddened him, he doesn’t want to be apart from you and yet he also doesn’t want to chain you down
Hanamaki has now graduated and is working nearby Aoba Johsai, sometimes you’d go in there to buy snacks on your way home or to shelter yourself from the hot breeze of summer air and into the cool temperature of the grocery store.
Either way, he was just happy to see you in one of his jobs and sometimes catching up with you about your life and vise versa. You, however, went there to escape your persistent admirer who just can’t seem to understand why you would say no to him.
It was turning into your safe haven where you can relax and breathe without worrying about him watching your every movement. And today wasn’t one of those moments, you’ve had a sinking feeling on your gut so you stayed close to Kyoutani and asking him to walk with you home.
“Just to be safe, Kyou.” You say as you clinged tightly onto his arm. He grumbled in annoyance but didn’t protest against it, instead he let you gingerly drag him to the usual grocery store where Hanamaki worked. Not knowing that your unwanted admirer was following the two of you.
The sounds of bells ringing alerted Hanamaki of of new customers. “Welcome to— oh, hey Kyoutani and y/n.” He says with a smile, grateful to see familiar faces inside the empty store as usually around this time of night was less busy than in the morning and afternoon.
“I’m going to the restroom, yell when you need me.” Kyoutani informed to you, squeezing your arm before gently prying away from your grasp. You nodded with a smile and leaving you alone with Hanamaki. You stood there still, occasionally fidgeting as you looked around anxiously.
“What’s wrong?” He couldn’t help but asked.
“I—” You were cut off but the entrance’s bells ringing and you instantly stiffened at the presence of the newcomer.
“There you are, (l/n). You’re so hard to keep track of. You’re lucky that I’m such a nice guy, going out of my way to do this. And it’s all for you.”
Hanamaki noticed you slightly trembling from the corner of his eyes and as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by a cough from none other than Kyoutani. “Who the fucking hell do you think you are?” He asks, almost growling.
“Her admirer.” The self proclaimed nice guy proudly said.
Kyoutani scoffed before turning to you. “Is this creep bothering you, (n/n)?” He asks, draping a jacket he was holding over your shoulders.
Your admirer look between you two. “I don’t believe you would date someone like this, (l/n). You can do better by dating me.”
“Actually,” Hanamaki spoke up. “they can date whoever they want as long as it’s not you. Now, go before I call the police for suspected illegal activities.” He warned with venom laced in his tone while crossing his arms over his chest.
The boy huffed. “You’re not that pretty anyway!” He hollered at you as he stormed out like a kid throwing a tantrum.
You released a heavy sigh of relief before thanking Kyoutani and Hanamaki multiple times for helping you finally get rib of that guy.
“No problem, (y/n). He was just jealous you two look cute together.” Hanamaki teased, hiding his pain of the thought of you being taken.
“We’re not dating.” You chuckled as Kyoutani grunted in agreement.
“And the jacket?”
“It’s mine, I told him to hold it for me.”
“Oh.” He paused for a second before laughing out loud. “I assumed you two were dating since the two of you are pretty close.”
“Well, yeah. Didn’t Mattsun-senpai tell you that we’re cousins?”
“Nope, he didn’t tell me anything.” That jerk. He cursed.
“Were you jealous of Kyou, Makki-senpai?” You teased with a smirk.
Fuck it. This was his last chance. “Yeah, I was! Now, I’m all embarrassed and stupid because I used to like you.” He rambles while you look at Kyou and he shrugs before leaving the store.
“Why didn’t you confess before?”
“You know why!”
“And it only took my oversized jacket to make you confess to me? You’re unbelievable.” You shook your head in disbelief. “I liked you too, idiot!”
“Oh… WAIT, WHAT?!”
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
hi! could you do headcanons of how the sakamakis are at school? like how they are in the classroom, what cliques they might be in, after school activities etc. ? thank you!
Ryoutei High-The diaboys at school (s + m + t) hcs
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Hi Love,
Sorry, this has taken so long, I'm really trying to put this together for you. I'm really glad you asked this because I've been wanting to talk about their school life for so long. Really hope you like it though. :)
Requests are open
Warning: Some spoilers
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
General hcs (before we begin)
📚Okay, so it’s an academy and a night school, so just keep that in mind.
📚The name of the academy is called Ryoutei High School Academy
📚The town's name (not 100% sure) is Kaminashi.
📚High school in Japan is only three years.
📚School times are: 8:00pm/20:00 - 2:00am/2:00. Lunchtime is 12:00 am/24:00 (canon in a drama cd of theirs)
📚Like most schools, class is about 6-7hrs.
📚The school allows students of all grades to participate in things together.
📚It is a school with lower attendance than a regular school seeing it's an academy.
📚They have school festivals/field trips
📚Everyone who attends is from a rich family (I assume).
📚And you know everyone wears a uniform, but I do picture everyone does alter it to their style. We will get into that later tho.
📚The main school colors are Red, White, and black. Sometimes there are embellishments of gold tho. (not confirmed it just looks this way.)
📚I picture they have a basketball team and cheerleading team.
📚I know they have a music room, and I picture there to be a gym where gymnastics is practiced. 
📚I also see that ballet, art, and singing classes are offered.
📚The school has a lot of school festivals and assemblies for all grades.
📚They have school dances and parades too.
📚I could see that some students play baton when they have parades and stuff like that.
📚The school has two stories and a rooftop.
📚Apart from having a cooking class, they also have a library and a music room.
📚Oh, their dad is actually the nurse at the school. (canon)
📚There are clubs and everyone is in their own clique (well most are). But tbh most dl characters are not to keen on cliques.
📚I will say that school in the demon world is completely different tho. (let me know if you want a post about it, it sounds cool!)
📚Third-year, but he is repeating the year as we know.
📚Technically, he would be in college/uni.
📚According to the manga and what I’ve heard people have called him the music-king.
📚I get the vibe that people think he’s like some legend or something.
📚So he gives off the vibe as a cool closed-off rich boy who listens to music.
📚And a lot of girls like him—like, every b!tch has got a crush on this guy or did at one point.
📚I can’t even begin to say how many love letters he must get--and how many women throw themselves at him.
📚He is very popular.
📚Has no rivals but guys want to be better than him.
📚He doesn’t really alter his uniform just has a few buttons undone.
📚He always has his earbuds in and sleeps anywhere. 
📚Teachers get mad at him for sleeping in the halls and in classes when he decides to go.
📚He only shows up to music class routinely since it’s the only period he deems interesting.
📚He doesn’t pay attention to anyone though like in class he never utters a word and when he does it’s only because someone is asking him something or if the teacher wants a response.
📚And even then it's not much its usually just three words.
📚Girls gush whenever they get the chance to talk to him.
📚Sometimes he has talked to girls, if they are his partner or if they flaunt their skirt and depending on how short or tight it is around the h!p area he judges their undergarments and makes them feel shameful. But that’s about it.
📚He does the bare minimum to pass so he won’t go to the north pole again. 
📚Goes to the school ballet recitals to see the girls dance.
📚Rejects every chick who asks him out—and he has no shame in telling them he’s not interested.
📚Although he might bang one chick for a fling if he feels like it.
📚Gets a bunch of chocolate and love letters during valentines day/white day.
📚He lays down anywhere and likes to get a view up girls’ skirts.
📚He swears girls don't wear shorts under their skirts because they're trying to amuse/sed*ce him.
📚Sleeps in detention, but most of the time he doesn’t show up.
📚Speaking of sleeping, you can find him on benches, on the field, rooftop, in a vacant room, anywhere, even in the janitor’s closet.
📚He isn’t in any groups, labels, or afterschool activities. 
📚Since electives/clubs are required, he chooses music-related ones. 
📚I know his grades are relatively low but if he tried he’d have better grades than Reiji.
📚Sorry Rei.
📚His desk has collected dust due to never attending.
📚He once had a locker but bc he never attends school they thought it belonged to no one and when the janitor opened it up to clean after the school year was over, it flooded the room with love letters and expired valentines day candies/chocolates. 
📚It was a disaster and took hours to clean up.
📚The triplets were so jealous he got so much in one year.
📚Reiji was so mad because he had to write a check to pay off for the damages it caused for the school.
📚It damaged the property with the locker being busted and sticky because of the melted candy. And because of the avalanche of unrequited love letters (over 3000 love letters) and all the candies--it all collapsed on the poor janitor. Costing them even more money to pay off for the guy’s health insurance.
📚 Their father wasn’t pleased at all.
📚A third-year as we know.
📚Seems like a teacher's pet, all the teachers praise him tbh.
📚In class he’s usually quiet unless he notices that the teacher messed up or if he’s giving an answer.
📚He doesn’t show off his intelligence too much tho because it's a poor action for someone with manners.
📚Although he will demonstrate if given the opportunity.
📚His favorite subject is science, more specifically chemistry and he usually likes to do his experiments alone but will work with groups or a partner if he must.
📚He keeps a model image for his family tho because he doesn’t want anyone to catch on to anything.
📚Plus he’s a model student, but he is like annoyed by practically everyone.
📚He has probably been a TA for some classes and he gets to help out his younger brothers.
📚someone please ask about TA Rei hcs. Plz!!!  @mikalara-dracula we should make them!
📚Sits in the middle row, probably near the end of a row.
📚Has good grades pretty much everywhere except P.E.. He sucks.
📚If someone is better than him like Ruki, he feels automatically challenged.
📚His rival is Ruki in fact.
📚And so I could see that his locker is like on the opposite side of his so Reiji usually gives him bad looks and vice versa lol.
📚Oh Ruki even shows off the girl he has to Reiji just to annoy him. Like right where the lockers are he’s like making out with her and Rei is annoyed af.
📚His locker is very neat too, it smells like tea.
📚Has a lot of science books in there and possibly an extra pair of gloves, and a handkerchief.
📚Probably has all the shelves and everything all organized.
📚His desk would be just as neat.
📚He has received some love letters and he just finds it amusing.
📚Tries to find out if Ruki receives more love letters than him xDD.
📚Reiji takes them home and reads them and ended up grading them.
📚He keeps them in a box to keep a record and see if the letters he will receive again are from the same people or not.
📚He once got two letters that he graded as an A-minus so he wondered if it was from the same person. 
📚He plays detective during this time and once he figures it out he just keeps it to himself.
📚But will tea$e the girl indirectly whenever he is alone with her.
📚One time he got a diss letter but it was written by the triplets but they posed it as a girl writing the letter. 
📚He was so confused by it, especially by the slang in it. He thought it was Ruki, but deep down he knew he wasn’t the type to do that.
📚Since electives are required he is probably in cooking class seeing he can put his skills to work. But he feels challenged because Ruki’s in there.
📚They probably debated once about who made a better carbonara dish and the bickering never ended between them.
📚He doesn’t have any cliques he’d been in but he might befriend some nerds and I’m talkin’ hardcore nerds at school to keep an image.
📚Usually he stays after school and a bunch of girls ask for his help and they try to fl!rt with him. (It was mentioned somewhere in the game.)
📚I picture that a lot of girls like him too because he’s smart and he acts polite to them as well.
📚Reiji does date (there’s been implied evidence in the game translations that he has in the past) and when he does it's really to benefit him and his family image.
📚 It’s all fun and games nothing serious. After all, this boi knows that his dad has someone picked out for him already.
📚If he’s in a club, it would be a chess club, as one would assume. The nerdiness gets real in there.
📚 Or possibly a debating club. Or better yet, a nerd-debating club! And as a plus, Ruki’s in there. AND—they’re on opposite debating sides!!!
📚If the school has a student council he’d be a part of it for sure.
📚Usually you will find Reiji in class or if he’s not, he is usually in the laboratory or the library reading a book.
📚If his brothers get in fights he tries to pretend he doesn’t know them.
📚One time his brothers got him in detention and when Ruki found out about Reiji being in detention, he never let him live it down. He tea$es him about it until this day and will randomly bring that subject up if Reiji's trying to impress a girl xDD.
📚Has been expelled/suspended (this actually happened according to a drama cd I just can’t remember)
📚Fl!rt and total playboy.
📚Very popular with the ladies and competes with Ayato.
📚His grades are pretty decent (according to drama cds)
📚He doesn’t study that much tho. Like, he’s just that guy that doesn’t study and f*ckin’ passes.
📚In class he doesn’t talk too much but he is usually sitting in the back or near the back with a bunch of chicks.
📚Fl!rts with the teachers from time to time.
📚Fl!rts in class and if there is a new girl he plans to get to her first before anyone else. It’s a game tbh.
📚The teachers are slightly annoyed by him and disappointed.
📚As an elective class he’d either take French to fl!rt/sweet talk the girls, cooking class, or something like dance so he can brush up on the girls.
📚He also wouldn’t really be in a clique but he’d be around all the girls at school.
📚His rival is really Kou and so there is real competition.
📚Is always banging some chick like no questions asked whether it be in the locker room, classroom, bathroom, or some other vacant room.
📚He usually wears his fedora to school and only takes it off if the teachers demand him, but since it’s in Japan I’m not sure if wearing a hat in class is against the rules.
📚His locker is close to Ayato’s and he honestly hasn’t customized it too much.
📚But inside I wouldn’t be surprised if he has s*x toys and a bunch of condoms in there. 
📚His locker probably has some French cologne (Chanel #5), a few books, and some love letters.
📚His desk is clean but not too clean.
📚In the cafeteria he usually is with a chick or with his bro and they’re scheming something together against Reiji or to get a chick.
📚If he brings macarons with him, he likes to share them with the girls he hangs out with. Might even share it mouth-to-mouth with them.
📚P.E. is one of his favorite classes because he gets to see the girls in their short shorts.
📚He has banged every cheerleader at his school.
📚Wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to sleep with of the teachers/subs/staff members.
📚You can find him checking out women and usually in more secluded areas where he can be alone with one chick because he likes getting caught.
📚On days when he wants to be alone he will spend time figuring out crossword puzzles at an empty table.
📚He likes hanging out on rooftops too when he wants to be alone and think.
📚Laito also spends his time there if he is upset.
📚One time a girl confessed to him on the rooftop and he made all her dreams come true.
📚He never rejects the girls tbh and finds it a turn-on if they ask him out, unless they remind him of his mother and even then he just plays d!rty.
📚Oh, he also likes the rooftop because he can drink from someone without anyone knowing.
📚 Will get pissed off tho if someone interrupts him and he’s really down that day.
📚He takes teddy to school so he fought for him to have a student ID, and yes he made it possible.
📚I know most of the S brothers are popular at the school but I feel like Kanato and Subaru are the least thought of because they are different.
📚In Kanato’s case it is mostly because of his psychot!c tendencies that people do not interact with him. Although tbh at school it is a rumor.
📚Only some people know that he is crazy, cause if it was really evident, I don’t think he’d be allowed to go to school.
📚Plus the family image is important so he tries his best to like not freak out.
📚A lot of girls also like him bc he is sweet and romantic.
📚Here me out, I know this doesn’t sound like him but remember he has to put on a face and according to the manga if you take out the times where he is not acting up he does tend to be “nice,” and acts “romantically” with Yui. (it’s even in the game translations sometimes.)
📚Plus a lot of people who are psych0 usually have two sides and the side people see more of is usually the one that isn’t really them. It’s typically the one they develop to shield their true emotions. Of course, this varies on the person and the experiences but this is something to keep in mind when getting to know Kanato’s personality. (But again we also can’t apply human psychology to a vampire but sometimes feelings can apply to anything/anyone.)
📚Also, a lot of people who have a split personality may favor one person over the other so let's say there is someone he takes very special interest in and possibly loves, there is a chance that he may appear quite normal around them. If this is the case, I think you are able to see their true side which is where we witness Kanato’s romantic gestures seeing that he likes the girl he is with.
📚Regardless of this he does have a s*x drive and is pretty fl!rty so he can definitely get with the girls at school if he tried. But he doesn’t try because he just doesn’t like any of them—it’s pretty rare if he has a crush on anyone.
📚He loves it when it’s valentines day and girls confess to him. Of course, this doesn’t mean he is going to say yes to them.
📚As it is seen in anime he sits in the back of the class.
📚Doesn’t talk in class and hates it if teachers ask him questions.
📚“Can’t you see I wasn’t participating?!” He’d hiss at the teacher. “Why do you have to ask?!”
📚Sometimes he volunteers or whatever but don’t ever ask him, he has to opt-in.
📚Eats candy in class because his desk has a candy stash.
📚His desk is not that messy tho.
📚He has some books that have collected dust tho bc he never touches them.
📚Favorite class is either music or cooking class.
📚For after-school activities he’d either be in a sewing club or glee club.
📚He is also not in a clique tbh, he’s kinda on his own but a lot of girls like him.
📚It’s rare if he throws a tantrum bc he has to keep an image but sometimes he loses it.
📚Usually you can find Kanato in the cafeteria eating cake or some sweets, on the rooftop singing, on the steps of the stairs or on a bench playing with Teddy.
📚If he has an interest in a girl he will ditch his class most times and wait outside of her class just to talk to her.
📚I also picture that if she has class on the second floor he waits on the steps of the stairs to talk to her.
📚He is also such an attention seeker so when he is around a bunch of girls he will act sweet or even play victim so that they pamper him.
📚The girls literally make him food too.
📚He gets love letters too and he usually writes back, because believe it or not he typically knows who likes him and who doesn’t.
📚The only time he really gets in trouble is when someone takes Teddy away or ruins his cake. Then he lashes out.
📚He does bully some girls tho, especially the one he really likes.
📚Might have some interest in a new girl if she is cute.
📚Even tho a lot of girls like him he doesn’t sleep with all of them or anything like that. He just thinks they have to earn that.
📚Usually he picks a different girl out of the crowd to mess with. So if there was someone he liked it wouldn’t be in the circle he’s usually around.
📚It would be some other girl he finds pretty and his main goal is to k!ss her tbh, and I see that with one girl that he liked he got to do this. The girls are jealous but he tells them they have to let it go.
📚Oh yeah and he is a fl!rt if you haven’t noticed, he usually manipulates the girl if he wants a k!ss or something.
📚Apart from this he doesn’t have good grades cause he just doesn’t care to do his work.
📚Oh in his locker it’s purple inside and he keeps an extra outfit for Teddy in there, l!pstick from a girl, and something that belongs to his crush.
📚It has a purple lock, and it smells like a candy store. 
📚A jock and a boi for life.
📚Mr. Popular
📚He’s on his school’s basketball team.
📚His rivals are Shu, Shin, Kino, and Laito (sometimes).
📚But he’s okay with Laito bc he hooks him up with chicks, so it’s pretty fair.
📚P.E. is his favorite class.
📚Cause he gets to see the girls in their sport clothes.
📚However, he does like cooking class because he gets to eat food and begs people and the teacher to make takoyaki.
📚And plus girls make him food.
📚After school he is playing basketball.
📚If he’s not on the basketball court he’s either talking to a girl/cheerleader, getting in trouble or in the cafeteria getting snacks.
📚He fl!rts a lot and is probably hanging with a group of jocks like him.
📚They all keep a record of which girls they screw and whose done the most, all in one book the boys keep among them.
📚He keeps the notebook in his locker and Laito is also a participant.
📚Ayato makes sure he has the highest score and is the “best.”
📚So yes, he fl!rts with girls all the time.
📚Oh and if there is a new girl, he’s going to try and impress her so hard.
📚A lot of girls like him too cause they’re like “he’s so hot!”
📚Has terrible grades like C average but he does have some Ds and Fs.
📚Tries to bribe teachers to have better grades with money or by doing favors for them bc he doesn’t want his dad to get mad about him not passing. He believes he’s gotta hustle because his personal life is more important to him.
📚Never tries tho.
📚But does cheat all the time.
📚Usually Kino gives him the answers but there’s a price to pay. 
📚It could be anything but the biggest thing he ever did in order to pass the benchmark tests, so Kino dared him to go streaking.
📚And as expected Kino made a vine out of it.
📚Is in summer school/remedial classes tho.
📚Is actually pretty stupid and clueless.
📚Has been in detention with his brothers one too many times.
📚Even with Reiji because he got him in trouble once. During that day of detention, Reiji kept advocating that he shouldn't be there and that it was a mistake to punish him.
📚And when Ruki found out about Reiji being in detention, he never let him live it down. He tea$es him about it until this day and will randomly bring that subject up if Reiji's trying to impress a girl xDD.
📚He tries to act like he doesn’t know who Rei is because he is embarrassed by him. And he does this to Subaru especially because he thinks he’s weird.
📚But Subaru will just sock him.
📚He’s also a per.v so he does peak in the girl’s locker room.
📚Has a few ex’s at the school too but they’re just girls he made out with for two hours. Literally.
📚Makes sure he’s always in the yearbook every year. Also tries to be on the front few pages of it and will literally advocate for this.
📚In class he sits in the back and hardly knows what’s going on.
📚Tips his chair all the time and one time it backfired on him.
📚And Kino was laughing his a$$ off.
📚He is extremely annoying and teachers are disappointed in him. And so is Rei.
📚Kinda like a class clown.
📚Passes notes and texts during class, and will make excuses to leave.
📚Will bully the freshmen and girls that he thinks are fun to mess with.
📚Eats candy in class or chips. 
📚He asks stupid questions to derail the class so that the teacher forgets what they were supposed to do in the first place.
📚He gets dress coded but the teachers eventually gave up.
📚He’s gotten citations before too, mostly for just swearing in class.
📚His locker is messy just like his desk, papers and books are everywhere.
📚He gets love letters but wayyyy less than Shu.
📚His lock is red and the combo is the year he was born in. (I picture all the boys have their lock combo set to the year they were born in.)
📚The locker has his basketball, his sports clothes, the notebook we talked about, and even snacks.
📚It smells like sweat tho, and its just a mess. He probably even has cheez wiz or something else that's gross and expired from five years ago. He says it’s still good.
📚In his desk he has gadgets that he uses that will distract everyone in class.
📚One time when he was in Reiji’s SI session for science and he pressed on his remote to have the disco ball come out play music. Something he set up with Kino and Shin after school was over.
📚He’d even take out the screws out of the teacher’s chairs, that way they will just fall when they sit.
📚Most of these pranks are done with his brothers, sometimes Shu joins.
📚He will ask Kino or Shin to help him out if its a really big prank tho.
📚And Reiji just scolds.
📚Sticks gum under the teacher’s desk or under the wheels of the chair.
📚Pulls pranks on the teachers and Reiji gets so mad.
📚Has even messed with the principal's microphone and Reiji really lost it with him.
📚He also messed with the clocks once just to get out early, it went on for a week before the teachers caught on.
📚Egged one of the teacher’s cars and even TPed their house.
📚Makes sure everyone is following him on his social media.
📚His backpack has anything but books, it’s stuffed with papers and tools to jack up the place.
📚He has drama class with Kino and so they made this (watch from 1:25 - 1:54)
📚There was another time when Laito and him were waiting for Rei to SI a class and this is what they were up to. (watch from 8:16 - 8:25)
📚Is actually a loner.
📚But does get in fights especially if there is a guy harassing his crush.
📚Or if someone insults him and tries to pick a fight with him.
📚Doesn’t have the best grades but tries.
📚He’s so emo, so a lot of people don’t talk to him.
📚So he doesn’t have a group or anything like that.
📚He doesn’t have a favorite class unless the girl he likes is in that class.
📚Then he can’t help but blush.
📚Something he might like is art or music tho because it can be calming.
📚For after school activities he might be in something with music or art to take his mind off things.
📚Or maybe wood carving because it takes his mind off things and I could see him being really talented that it impresses people.
📚I could see he knows how to sketch and so he sits on the bench and listens to emo music after school.
📚After school he is usually in study hall trying to fix his grades or he’s (discreetly) following his crush around.
📚He has been in detention with his brothers (except Reiji) and oh god if Laito is there it will end in another fight, and possible suspension.
📚He also probably sits in the back, or at the end of the middle row.
📚Doesn’t talk a lot in class, tries to listen tho.
📚Gets flustered if he’s asked to explain and he doesn’t know what to say because he’s been thinking/staring at his crush.
📚Most times tho he just answers the best he can.
📚Has slept in class before.
📚The teachers worry about him, and he probably likes his music teacher bc she’s nice too him.
📚His locker has scratches and sometimes notes, not very nice ones either. Probably has stickers that are emo phrases plastered on the outside of his locker as well.
📚Has band posters in his locker.
📚It just has books, an extra jacket (probably leather), his headphones, music albums (80s/90s goth era—things like K!SS, Motley Crew, ACDC, Manson, etc.). He has a man's journal with very personal findings too.
📚He writes in it everyday.
📚After school you can usually find him under a tree where he writes in his journal, usually about his thoughts, regrets, what happens, or about his crush. And there’s a lot of crumbled up pages because sometimes, he gets upset, rips them and then regrets he did it and puts them back in.
📚But it’s not cringy, it’s actually sad.
📚He’s quiet poetic actually, and if someone ever got a hold of it I think they’d feel pretty bad when reading his life.
📚Has some photographs in it, probably about the girl he onced like but had to make a decision on letting her go seeing his family would get involved.
📚You can also find him on the rooftop, in detention, study hall, or outside.
📚His desk is a bit of a mess but not too much, he keeps something that belongs to his crush in there too.
📚Doesn’t have a rival, but sometimes Shu gets on his nerves bc chicks loves him for no reason.
📚Has a few small tattoos, but not in areas where teachers can see since there's a rule about students not being allowed to be tatted.
📚Fl!rts with chicks all the time.
📚Makes a competition out of it with Ayato as I’ve said before.
📚Would so smack a random girl's a$$ while walking past her in the halls and then give her a sm!rk and wink in return cuz he's hot like that.
📚Will make out with a random chick in the halls and lives for getting caught by a teacher. He'll just sm!rk and play it off smugly.
📚Has a lot of flings, unlike Ayato who just brags about it but never actually does anything.
📚If he really likes a girl he won't stop bothering her, in fact he’ll go in her class and act like he’s in the right class.
📚Is on his phone 24/7 and the teachers get so mad.
📚Tries to keep his headphones in the entire time he’s in class.
📚He also pretends to be listening to music with his headphones, but realistically, he's just listening in on girls' conversations.
📚Records in class, especially if Ayato’s about to do something stupid.
📚Tries to make vines in class too.
📚Is actually smart but doesn’t try.
📚Tries to be paired up with girls so he can bribe them into doing all the work.
📚Sits with his feet on the desk in the back of the class.
📚Teachers don’t like him.
📚His favorite class is P.E. because he gets to see the girls practice cheer, and see them run on the track.
📚Everyone at school knows him and follows his social media.
📚He’s on the basketball team with Ayato.
📚Gets into detention with him all the time.
📚Gets a lot of love letters.
📚His locker is next to Ayato’s and he probably has the outside customized with band stickers.
📚It has an extra jacket, some random items, definitely another mobile device, rap and punk rock albums.
📚Other game-related objects, and multiple pairs of headphones.
📚Listens to a lot of rap music, and is really into female rappers.
📚And such lyrics give him ideas as to how he wants to eat a girl out.
📚Knows how to rap as well, and on school karaoke nights, he challenges Ayato to a rap battle and he always wins.
📚For after-school activities he is in a band and has an electric guitar. 
📚Orders guava juice at the cafeteria and doesn't give a damn if people think it's weird.
📚You can usually find him in the cafeteria, basketball court, anywhere with Ayato, on his phone, or with a girl in the locker room.
📚Tries to get peaks in the girl's locker room with Ayato.
📚Has snuck alcohol in his thermos. 
📚Condoms in his wallet or back pocket. Because he’ll find the time to bang a chick in between periods.
📚He is a jock so he’ll be around Ayato’s group and the band he’s with.
📚Like Ayato, he pranks teachers and staff as well; and even joins Ayato's antics sometimes and will try to make a vine out of it.
📚Ayato and Kino may start a food fight out of pure boredom in the cafeteria.
📚Is also very popular, more than Rei.
📚The girls think he’s hot.
📚He acts very sweet but he is also cold but the girls live for it.
📚Pro at math and history.
📚He’s been around for a long time so he knows so much history, a good amount he witnessed it too.
📚His favorite classes are math, history, and cooking class.
📚Is probably a T.A. and S.I. for math.
📚His rival is Rei.
📚So as you can imagine cooking class is just food wars/hell’s kitchen. It getz real.
📚Ruki likes to compete against Reiji all the time, he finds it fun.
📚Mostly cause he knows he’s better but will be worried if something seems a bit off and Reiji is scoring some points.
📚He will impress all the girls that spend time with Reiji just to make him mad.
📚Since he’s smoother with the ladies he rubs it in Reiji’s face that he can get any girl he wants.
📚As I said in Reiji’s part their lockers are across from each other on opposite sides so he will k!ss/make out with a girl against the lockers in front of Reiji.
📚You can find Ruki in the library most time but when he isn’t there you can find him reading outside, in the study hall helping others, solving a puzzle, being nice to girl, or making out with a girl in the library. 
📚I see that the school may have given him a job to help out the librarian and so a lot of girls come to ask him for help.
📚For like no reason even, they ask where a book is or like they don’t need anything they just want to talk to him.
📚He thinks it’s amusing but kind of annoying.
📚Would be so attracted to a girl if she wasn’t interested in talking to him and came to the library often but never asked for help.
📚He like wants to know that girl.
📚Enjoys the job bc it's quiet and he gets to sort books there, plus it makes Reiji feel challenged because teachers like him and he’s helping the school.
📚Ruki would also be part of the student council if the academy offered it.
📚He isn’t bad at P.E. he’s just not big on it.
📚For after-school activities he would either be in nerd debate club, chess club, or better yet, a book club.
📚And you can only imagine how many girls tried to enter these clubs.
📚In class Ruki sits in the middle of the middle rows. 
📚He is relatively quiet but will stare at a girl (in a hot way) and get her to look back which makes the teachers annoyed if they notice.
📚Knows the answer to like everything so the teachers hardly call on him but he will correct the teachers, especially with the history dates.
📚And if Rei answers a history question with the wrong date, Ruki’s all for it on correcting him- but this rarely happens.
📚Keeps a low profile but a lot of teachers like him seeing that he turns in the work and is a model student.
📚He’s always been asked to help out since he acts nice, which he isn’t mean but he can be cold.
📚This is the reason why some people feel intimidated to approach him.
📚His locker is average but neat.
📚He keeps a lot of books in there and he also keeps a diary, he has a few, I see it. But they are under a lock and everything.
📚This way, Kou never reaches them.
📚His locker has a musk scent like his cologne.
📚It is clean and keeps spare stationery items, a locket which might mean something to him, and the undergarments of the girl he’s currently seeing.
📚Gets a lot of f*cking love letters, more than Kou.
📚But if anything they are not love letters, they just thirst letters. lol
📚The school has dances and he participates only when he has a gf bc she wants to go and he’s actually pretty good.
📚He does rehearse with his date and bc he’s a vampire he’s been around for a while so he knows a lot of different dances.
📚So be prepared for surprises; although I will say he doesn’t like to show his moves, he’d have to really like the girl to do that.
📚He’s also incredibly sweet if he cares about someone so if he cares about a girl she is lucky.
📚The girls at school love this side of him and gush about it.
📚Personally, I don’t think Ruki has a group he hangs out with at school. 
📚Ruki is probably with Yuma and Azusa but usually he’s by himself in the library. Kou is busy with his fangirls.
📚Tho he does act respectfully when around others so people like him and sometimes talk to him.
📚Yuma and Kou usually cause problems and so he apologizes for them.
📚Oh although Ruki isn’t rivals with Ayato (I know they say he is but i don’t see it, i mean ya’ll what even is Ayato compared to dis man?!) I do think he likes to make Ayato feel challenged.
📚But Ruki’s not worried because he knows he’s better than him.
📚He has the best grades out of his brothers without even trying tbh.
📚Doesn’t have a rival but he dislikes Shu a lot.
📚He usually helps Azusa so he doesn’t get bullied plus he knows people will try to pick on him.
📚So he protects him a lot of the time. 
📚He’s gotten into fights and Ruki tells him not to do it again over and over but he never changes.
📚”Ruki, man, I lost my cool with those @ssholes.”
📚”Yuma, you have to control yourself, they’re only humans remember?”
📚Has decent grades, he doesn’t like not passing so he does put in the effort.
📚It’s mostly because he’s not lazy and hates slacking no matter what it is.
📚So he’s always productive, and as you can imagine he does well in P.E. mostly cause he has a lot of strength.
📚Coaches want him on the team bc he’s tall. 
📚I know he’s not arrogant but I think he does like to flex about his strength just a little deep down but not very much.
📚Because Yuma is strong I see that helps out with caring things if the teachers ask or if the school is setting up for festivals the Mukamis usually help out and he’s always carrying heavy boxes for them.
📚If he notices one of his teachers has too many things in their hands he offers them help.
📚Bc he’s tall he’s always asked to sit in the back so other students can see, which he does.
📚There was one time a girl asked if they could switch sits bc she was much shorter than him and so he felt bad for not noticing earlier.
📚Didn’t mind giving up his seat. Although if he liked the girl he’d just tell her to sit on his lap or that if she wanted to switch seats that automatically makes her his.
📚He doesn’t talk much in class it’s only if he’s supposed to or if he has a question about the work.
📚But usually he’s just listening and doing the work.
📚He always has his hair tied up and I swear girls would d!e to see it down.
📚Not in a clique, he’s either with Azusa or Ruki, helping someone, or is on his own in class. Sometimes he’s just chilling.
📚Although if the school had a garden, he’d be all for it.
📚Used to be on one of the school's sports teams but he doesn’t do it anymore.
📚After school, he is either in study hall, or in a club since it’s required. And if he had to be in a club, it be something like cooking or something to do with horticulture. Even something regarding handy work- he likes it.
📚His favorite class is probably cooking class because it’s about food and P.E. because he can be outside.
📚Although the Mukami’s are pretty popular especially because of Kou people are intimidated by Yuma because he’s very loud and he’s got a deep voice.
📚So most do not approach him because of this but there are still girls who do like him, though I think he is bothered way less than Ruki and Kou.
📚And he honestly prefers it that way bc he can’t stand a crowd of teenage girls gushing over him. 
📚Sure, this would boost his ego up but he finds fangirls annoying. He just can’t stand the screaming or outbursts of excitement.
📚You can find Yuma usually in study hall, helping out Azusa, in detention bc he got in a fight to protect Azusa or bc Kou annoyed him.
📚You might even find him outside just thinking or on the rooftop just sitting around.
📚His locker is a little messy, not too messy but a little sloppy.
📚It probably has a dent or two in it bc of previous fights or whatever.
📚He keeps books for school, a jacket/sweatshirt, stuff for Azusa considering that he might forget, spare keys to the mansion, a hair tie, has a gardening journal and he does add to it. Has small plants which he takes care of. 
📚The locker smells like herbs so it’s actually not bad.
📚He might even keep extra items that he has to return, like if the girl he likes loses something and he finds it he keeps it in his locker until he sees her again.
📚his desk if he were to have one, i know most hs don’t but it would be the same deal as his locker not sloppy but smells nice.
📚He ignores Kou and tries to avoid him since he does find him annoying.
📚One time he got a love letter and he didn’t know what to think of it. He felt bad seeing he didn’t feel the same and he was a little surprised.
📚He gets them sometimes but it is rare, usually he pretends like he didn’t receive them bc he doesn’t know what to do with them.
📚Keeps Kou in line if he tries to blow their cover because he was thirsty.
📚Has probably gotten slips for cursing.
📚If he liked a girl he’d be the biggest jerk to her by tea$ing her all the time. And he doesn’t crush on many people- it’s not common.
📚His rival is Laito.
📚And oh boy, they go from one girl to the next.
📚They're always trying to see who received the most love letters.
📚He is surrounded by his fangirls a lot of the time.
📚His locker is filled with loved letters and fan mail.
📚Paparazzi take pictures of him.
📚He likes it but he does kinda hate it and wishes the girls would leave him alone at times.
📚In class he is the pretty boy and usually he distracts the girls which gets him in trouble.
📚He sits on the end of the middle rows or in the middle he doesn’t care honestly.
📚He somewhat studies but not a lot.
📚Will have one of his fangirls do his work and Yuma gets mad at him and calls him lazy.
📚If he has an interest in a girl he doesn’t pursue it bc of the fans.
📚In one of the mangas I believe he let Yui get bullied so only tells you how much he will be involved or be of help.
📚After school activities he might join a dance, drama, or glee club.
📚His favorite class is music and P.E. because he can socialize.
📚Encourages Azusa to get out there.
📚He gets into arguments with Yuma a lot which is why he does get in trouble.
📚He’s also a two-faced b!tch so some people don’t like him.
📚The group that he is in consists of girls, it’s really just the fan club at his school tbh.
📚He also hangs out with his brothers sometimes.
📚His locker is pink on the inside, there’s candy, a cat poster, extra clothes, a headset, outfit accessories, and music albums he likes.
📚Listens to LDR on repeat and other indie artists.
📚His locker probably smells like starbursts or some cologne he advertised.
📚It’s not very messy he has some shelves for his books and the locker has stickers on the front of it.
📚There is a good stack of fanmail in there too.
📚His desk doesn’t have much either it's just the school books and some candy.
📚He doesn’t get in trouble often either.
📚He doesn’t have a rival he’s too nice.
📚He may have been suspended for showing his knife collection though for show-n-tell.
📚A loner, he doesn’t seem bothered by it but his biggest fear is not being acknowledged.
📚He probably likes this one girl in his class but he knows better than to approach her.
📚So he just admires her from afar and that's about it.
📚He doesn’t get love letters, not really.
📚Sits in the front or middle rows of seats.
📚He doesn’t really care, his grades are poor so he is in a lot of remedial classes to better understand.
📚Yuma is usually with him to help him pass.
📚It doesn’t surprise me if he’s slept in class before either.
📚A lot of people find him strange considering he has a lot of bandages and talks slow.
📚Realistically, I’m not surprised if people avoid him bc they can’t understand him.
📚They might think he’s mental bc he talks slow.
📚People don’t know much about him tho.
📚His locker is pretty vacant and has red stains on the front. (it’s his b!ood from his wounds but no one thinks its that.)
📚He keeps gauze in there, bandages, books for school, a hoodie, and probably a small knife.
📚If he had a desk it’s the same thing, he’s simple.
📚Doesn’t have a favorite class.
📚You can find him with his brothers, alone sitting on a bench, in the bathroom fixing his bandages, in the nurse's office, or talking to himself.
📚He’s actually nice and fails to realize it so he gets let down a lot.
📚Every time he approaches people it doesn’t really work.
📚Not surprised if he got bullied at first but Yuma stepped in and changed things.
📚No one will ever mess with him after that.
📚I feel like he felt bad for one girl who didn’t have lunch once so he asked Yuma for an apple and gave it to her bc he felt sorry for her.
📚It didn’t last very long bc the girl thought he was strange after hearing things.
📚It hurt his feelings afterward.
📚Okay according to the games it was said that Shin and Carla were posing as exchange students from England when they attended Ryoutei High School. So it leads me to think that they’ll fake their accents to make it believable—and I mean they’ve been around for thousands of years so it’s not hard to believe that they could fake it.
📚Although his bro is the type to fl!rt with girls so he can get what he wants, Carla makes sure he doesn’t get out of hand and keeps him in check.
📚I could see him constantly scolding his younger brother all the time.
📚Doesn’t have a rival cause he’s better than that.
📚In class, he probably sits in the middle row but honestly he doesn’t care where he sits, but I don’t think he’d sit in front bc he is tall.
📚He probably did once and the teacher asked him to move bc he was too tall and he doesn’t like to talk about it.
📚Doesn’t ask questions, he’s so quiet it’s scary—and it honestly makes him look more intimating than he already does. He doesn’t really have an approachable persona.
📚If girls ask for his number he is heavily confused, mostly because he’s not very familiar with the technology.
📚He does have to act polite though to keep a good image—plus, he’s well mannered in general.
📚A lot of girls are interested in him tho.
📚So he does get some love letters and boy is he confused.
📚Shin had to explain it to him and he was still weirded out.
📚He acts like they’re silly and pretends to throw them away but he actually keeps them hidden away so no one can tea$e him for it.
📚He’d be dy!ng to figure out who it is though.
📚He’s not really a part of any cliques- he kinda just does his own thing in the sense that he goes to school and then goes home while making sure Shin isn’t causing any trouble.
📚His fav class is probably art class as you may have guessed it. If the school has a painting gallery, he’s all for it.
📚However, he gets quite critical with the pieces on display since they’re probably done by students. He’ll say they have potential, but they’re nothing like the classic/ancient artists.
📚His locker is rather neat. He pretty much just keeps what he needs for school in there.
📚He doesn’t understand why some people decorate them, he just finds no use for it and finds it kinda juvenile.
📚He’s not really into any modern fandoms of any sort, so it only adds on to why he doesn’t understand why some students decorate them.
📚Shin pranks him—like, all the time.
📚Like, there was one time when he opened his locker and it squirted water at him.
📚There was another time when he had obnoxious and loud music play from it since he opened it.
📚After those incidents, he’s honestly scared to open it and worries something will happen.
📚If he had a desk it’s the same as his locker, nothing special.
📚His uniform is a mess in all honesty. I mean, seeing what Rejet did with his character, you really can’t tell what’s going on right upfront with his outfit.
📚It just looks like a chaotic mix of patterns and colors even though the prominent shade is black- it looks like an unfinished outfit, or that they just grabbed whatever from the lost and found and put it on him xDD.
📚Tbh, he looks more like he’s dressed up as a character for a school play, than an actual student.
📚Also, I don’t understand how he’s never tripped over that long-a$$ scarf he wears. Like, how??
📚Girls have asked him out and have even fl!rted with him and he couldn’t even take a hint.
📚Especially if it’s something like “Shoot your shot” kind of thing.
📚And Shin is just laughing cause he’ll have to explain it to him later.
📚Since he’s an exchange student from England and is probably faking a British accent (no one suspects it’s fake tho), some girls have said his accent is cute and he just doesn’t know how to take it because he’s so embarrassed by their commentary.
📚Because he’s old and old-fashioned he thought that a lot of the girls were prostitutes at first based on their attire, but that was until Shin told him otherwise.
📚He doesn’t like P.E. because they told him he couldn’t wear his scarf. It ruins his day every time.
📚Plus, he has to wear the school’s P.E. uniform that consists of a t-shirt and shorts and he just feels so exposed since he’s used to wearing layers of vests and jackets (scarf included haha).
📚“How shameless. I feel like a n@ked brute.” He’d think.
📚And he has to take his gloves off and it’s just torture to him because again, he’s not used to exposing himself that way.
📚He ties his hair up in a ponytail for P.E. and the girls rave about it while he’s just embarrassed.
📚He hates the physical exam checkups because he doesn’t want to be shirtless, meanwhile Shin is all for it since he gets the excuse to show off.
📚And every time he has to take his shirt off, girls are all over it which leaves him to blush and this honestly embarrasses him even more.
📚You can find Carla at the cafeteria getting coffee, reading, in the art gallery, at the school's theatre, or outside probably in a secluded area of the school just sitting down and relaxing and waiting for next period.
📚He doesn’t really participate in sports, but because his extracurriculars require one, he took on dodgeball only because Shin suggested it.
📚At first, he had no idea what it was or how it worked. It took a few rounds to fully understand, and this was because Shin didn’t explain the rules to him, and he just kept getting Carla out every round.
📚Once Carla figured out how the game worked, there was no stopping him, especially when Shin was on the opposing team.
📚To get him back for not explaining the game to him, he aimed the ball so hard at him that it pushed him back into the gym’s wall, which left everyone astonished.
📚After that, he became everyone’s top pick for their dodgeball team and is regarded as a top player in school for that sport.
📚In general, he doesn’t really go for everyone else and makes sure that his magic sends the ball Shin’s way to get him out. And he of course knows he can’t go that hard with human players, so he goes easier on them, but with Shin or any other supernatural creature that may play, he has no mercy on them.
📚(in case you didn’t read Carla’s know this) Okay according to the games it was said that he and Carla were posing as exchange students from England when they attended high school. So it leads me to think that they’ll fake their accents to make it believable and I mean they’ve been around for thousands of years so it’s not hard to believe that they could fake it.
📚They’re like experts at lying and covering their @sses.
📚So I could really picture Shin calling every girl “Love” or “Sweet Heart” wouldn’t that just be hot? In a British accent? I think it would be.
📚Plus, I mean he’s a ladies' man, so he likes charming girls to do what he wants.
📚It makes it easier for people to not catch on if he’s convinced enough people.
📚He’s also more of a fl!rt and a per.v (openly) than Carla is. (But Carla is also a per.v.)
📚Doesn’t have a rival because he doesn’t think there’s a point. He thinks he’s better than everyone anyways.
📚In class, he sits in the middle row close to the back.
📚He’d totally sit in front of the girl he likes just cause he’s taller and it would make it harder for her to see.
📚And he wouldn’t give up the seat if she asked him to move, he’d just tea$e her endlessly about it.
📚He’d literally always gives that girl a hard time.
📚Bribes girls into doing his homework for him and tries to sweet-talk teachers to get out of doing exams.
📚Carla has to constantly scold him about this, saying that it's not good for their family image, but he never listens.
📚His grades are so-so- it’s not too bad but he hardly turns stuff in on time.
📚In general tho, at school a lot of people know him, and girls like him. There is a fair amount of them fawning over him.
📚And he digs it bc he has so much confidence.
📚Typically he and his brother have familiars drive them to school but sometimes Shin likes to go in his wolf form.
📚And Carla tells him not to go in his wolf form since it means he’ll be n@ked afterwards but Shin just tells him he’ll bring his backpack to change.
📚So yes, he’s gone to school n@ked and casually changed in the boy’s locker room.
📚Some girls have seen him sneek into the boy’s locker room n@ked, but he doesn’t care. At times, he’s even shown off and acted pretty cocky about it since he was giving them a whole scene.
📚His favorite class is either P.E. bc he can watch the girls or something like literature, history or a poetry class.
📚As for after-school activities he is probably in the basketball club since it is canon that he knows how to play.
📚Though he does like to watch the dance recitals and watch the girls.
📚And as you can imagine if there is a girl that piques his interest and she’s part of something like that he definitely wants to go.
📚You can find Shin in a lot of places, talking to cheerleaders/other girls, getting into fights, sweet-talking some girl up against his locker, playing basketball, in the yard staring at nature, or even him peaking in the girls locker room with Kino and Ayato.
📚Although If he had to be in a clique it’d probably be with jocks. Tho he’s not a part of that silly record Ayato keeps about girls regarding who’s nailed who.
📚Has gotten love letters before and thought it was very amusing.
📚When it comes to his locker I’m sure he decorated it, and it’s for two reasons, one bc he needs to blend in and appear like any other teenager, and two because it looked like fun to him.
📚Even tho he’d never admit it.
📚Shin’s locker is pretty clean for the most part, might have some scratches, it smells like his cologne that’s like a musk.
📚He keeps spare clothes in there bc when he changes out of his wolf form he’s gonna need it.
📚Shin also has some books, a weapon of some sort, and probably some object that retains magic in case it’s needed.
📚His desk is the same deal if the school provides them with that. Whatever the case his main goal is to have it look ordinary so no one suspects anything.
📚His locker is right next to the girl he finds interesting.
📚She doesn’t give anyone the time or day so he’s interested in her as hell.
📚The first time he tried making conversation with her, she gave him a bit of the cold shoulder, but bc he can listen to a human’s heartbeat he could tell that she was nervous and a little scared when he approached her.
📚The best part is that she doesn’t know that he can do that.
📚He follows her around and enjoys listening to her heartbeat change to being calm when she is with others, but when she’s with him it goes back to beating fast.
📚It’s not because she has a crush on him, she’s just a little uncomfortable and surprised that he approaches her.
📚“Heh, so she’s nervous around Prince of the Founders.”
📚Let’s be honest his uniform is off but considering that they are said to be in specail classes maybe this is allowed???
📚idk, all I know is that if he really wants to blend in he needs to lose the eye patch which he might be able to with some magic to heal his eye temporarily for the day.
📚Probably what he’d try to do but would find it to much of a hassle and just stop caring for it.
📚Carla has to constantly remind him to not use magic whether it's for sports, convincing people, fighting someone or anything.
📚Sometimes he does and Carla gets upset bc he took a risk in exposing them.
📚Has gotten into fights which leads Carla to step in.
📚He does feed on some girls but don’t worry he covers it up by erasing their memory.
📚Shin doesn’t date anyone at the school though he just has some flings or whatever but never a relationship bc he doesn't want to lower himself to that degree to be with a human.
📚Bc he does like pranking he will participate with Ayato and Kino when it comes to pranking teachers.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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rinzis · 3 years
very real and very cool toman hcs
part 2 to the bonten hcs . perhaps these will also be atrociously unfunny …. also thanks to minty @venti-loving-hours for helping me think of some of these :}
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+ ok to start with let’s talk about michael. mikey collects the most random shit and leaves it lying around EVERYWHERE. he was one of those kids that took his bandaids off and stuck them on the wall :/
+ chifuyu broke his ankle one time and had one of them big ass casts on it . he allowed baji to sign it thinking he would write a nice message but instead he just drew a massive cock and balls
+ speaking of baji he refers to himself as an alpha male at least twice a day
+ kazutora has criminal butter fingers. mans cannot hold shit to save his life so they never trust him w holding anything because it’ll be on the floor within 30 seconds
+ also baji parrots whatever he hears even though he has no idea what half of it means . he heard mitsuya say “jarring” one time and assumed it meant cute so he called a girl he found cute jarring and got his ass beat
+ the toman captains played mini golf one time and nahoya took a massive drivers swing and let go of the club which then concussed draken
+ mikey also finds it hilarious to do the card swipe down draken’s ass crack with any remotely thin object . draken has to practice a LETHAL ass clench to make sure mikey can’t do it in public
+ baji rips cheeks so fucking loudly during toman meetings and tries to blame it on chifuyu but one time baji actually followed through and shit himself so he stopped doing that
+ takemichi made a draken x emma playlist but then mikey found it and it had nightcore on it so it became ‘their little secret’ . mikey also forced takemichi to make it collaborative but mikey ended up adding fat bottom girls to it so takemichi made it private again because it ruined the vibe
+ hakkai thinks his vintage bowling shoes are the shit so he wore them out one time but nahoya nicknamed them the prehistoric archeological stompers 6000s so he only wears them for bowling now
+ mitsuya genuienly cannot swim for shit like this guy . if he dares step foot outside the shallow end he just silently sinks like a fridge ….. also kazutora shouted ‘let’s get a toaster in here’ in the pool one time and mitsuya clobbered him
+ souya let nahoya pick a tattoo for him once . as they’re brothers souya thought he’d pick something quite meaningful but he looked at it once it was done and it was a love heart with anal written in it so he had to get it lasered off
+ baji once said that mucho’s hair looked like a yellow turd so he tore a chunk out of baji’s .. also mucho’s favorite comeback is ‘your mom’ and he thinks it’s hilarious but whenever someone uses it on him he just freezes and doesn’t know how to react . also he said that to baji one time who replied with ‘talk shit about my mom and i’ll bang yours’ ….. was not well received
+ mikey thought you snorted weed for a good while so when he found out you’re supposed to smoke it he cried
+ pah-chin tried to learn spanish to impress a girl but the only thing he ended up learning was hijo de puta and he still says it all the time
+ chifuyu cuts his pizza with scissors. mikey picked up a pizza and bitch slapped mucho with it one time
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valentine-writes · 2 years
Could it be possible to get some romantic Monty please? 🥺
monty x reader assorted hcs !
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↳ ft. montgomery gator
「 gn! reader, romantic relationship <3 」
author's note: ( つ᷄.̯σ̣̥᷅ ) <3 o i luv monty sm of course anon!!!! im super excited 2 write these up 4 u- gramatical errors and spelling mistakes might b here tho, apologies in advance ! :(
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▸ he's definitely not shy about liking you and he makes that very clear. well, he definitely tries to- he really wants to play it cool around you
▸ on the days where you're at the pizzaplex and it's near closing time, he'd find you just to chat you up
▸ one time he tried to use a pick up line on you. the delivery was so confident, as if he imagined you swooning into his arms after you heard it- but it was so cheesy and cliche that instead of having a reaction he was hoping for, you paused, blinked several times-
▸ ...and then burst out into a fit of giggles. he was a little frustrated at first that it didn't work and thought you weren't just taking him seriously- but the way you were laughing was so innocent and sweet that he realized you weren't laughing at him. you just thought that he was joking around
▸ now he drops pick up lines 24/7 that are just as corny as the first one. swooning or laughing are both acceptable reactions he'll take from you- he just wants to let you know he likes you without having to let down his whole tough guy act
▸ he's taken off or lowered his sunglasses just to wink at you. monty pulls this trick multiple times, and no matter if it gets old to you or not, he thinks it works absolutely great
▸ sometimes, he'll bring you into his green room to let you listen to him play his bass, hoping to impress you.
▸ very, VERY secretly, monty is incredibly soft for you. after talking to you or seeing you, he'll return to his green room and try not to short circuit himself over the pounding of his (non literal) heart.
▸ if you gave him a compliment, no matter how little or brief- he would NEVER stop thinking about it. say his sunglasses look cool? he won't leave anywhere without them. you mentioned his bass skills are really nice? he's practicing even more than usual (despite the fact he is programmed to already know how to play it). you like his voice? he'll give you every opportunity to hear it
▸ monty isn't mean mean but he's definitely not beyond teasing you. it's all playful, but it's pretty frequent. a lot of holding things above your head, which he'll do mainly to get your attention.
▸ he won't let anyone actually be mean to you though. no way. if someone ever made fun of you or treated you badly, you'd physically have to drag him away from the person so he doesn't rip them apart. no one's gonna hurt you and get away with it on his watch.
▸ if his teasing ever makes you upset or goes too far though, he'll literally feel terrible about it and immediately try to apologize after realizing. it's awkward and kind of painful to hear how stiff and unnatural his apology sounds- but it's way too sincere to be something he's just saying so you won't be sad anymore. he really doesn't want to hurt you or scare you off.
▸ your name could legally be "shortstack" by the amount of times he's called you that. you don't even have to be short by human standards, you're shorter than him and that's all that matters
▸ speaking of nicknames- you've got a bunch from him. literally inescapable. but that makes him using your real name all the more personal. the way he says it sounds so caring, like he's trying to show how much he loves you just by saying it
▸ loves when you cling to his arm. he prefers it over hand holding and thinks its the most endearing thing in the world. having you so close to him makes him feel so, so incredibly happy
▸ when you two are closer to each other, and there's a comfortable silence between you two- he'll wrap his arms around you from behind and rest his head on your shoulder sometimes. after a few seconds of being completely stiff- he squeezes you a little tighter and pulls you in a little closer.
▸ though he puts up a tough front most of the time, it goes down when you impress him. it could be anything- having a hobby, being skilled at something, handling spicy food, not being scared of horror movies- if he deems it impressive, he'll boast about it endlessly. it's his way of noticing the little things that make you, you. and he adores you :]
▸ you tried on his sunglasses one time, wondering what it would look like on you. you thought he'd get mad- nope. he nearly melted on the spot. he won't say it, but he was absolutely flustered with how cute they were on you.
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
Hiii!! Idk if you’re doing requests or not, this is just a suggestion, so the reader gets Stu and Billy into horror games. Like Corpse Party, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, etc. I feel like they would REALLY be into those kinds of games, especially the bloody and gorier ones. Idk if you’ve done something like that already, I know you did one for FF and that one was so cute btw, but I’ve always thought about that ☺️
God yes yes and yes! I love this request so much! Sorry it took so long. Also this is a mix of regular and modern ghostface.
Reader Getting poly!Ghostface Into Horror Games:
The way you three bonded was originally over horror movies. Nothing special, the same way they had bonded before with Randy or how Stu had with Casey.
They knew you were a gamer, but they actually didn't have too much experience with horror games themselves. Stu was a very casual gamer and he mainly played fighting games or FPSs; Billy didn't play games period since he thought they were for kids or loser-nerds.
Stu did, of course, play Mortal Kombat already. He had heard of it during the parental uproar through the news and, given his absentee parents, he easily acquired a copy. He loved it for the violent, splatterfest it was, and he loved playing you in it.
But other than MK, he had very little experience with horror games, as he is like I said, a casual gamer (modern!Stu is, in contrast, a huge gamer lol)
Originally, gaming was a you and Stu pastime. Billy found them boring to watch. He only enjoyed it if it had a interesting and in-depth story, like FF7 or Persona 2. And even then he tuned out when you and Stu had to grind or do side-quests.
When you breach the topic of horror games to them, Stu was beyond enthusiastic. Billy was intrigued, but had a very "normie" view of games, so wasn't expecting much.
Stu easily let you show him the world of horror through video games. Stu loved mindless gore, sure, but he also loved a good fucked up story. So when you introduce him to Silent Hill...he's hooked.
Seeing Harry tackle the horrors of Silent Hill had him enraptured. He especially loved the "other" Midwich Elementary.
This helps in getting Stu to pester Billy to watch/play horror games as well. Billy is there for Silent Hill 2, and before you know it he's playing on his own time.
When you guys play Clock Tower and Night Trap, Billy loves purposefully scaring you and Stu while you play by suddenly grabbing your leg or shoulder and yelling. (I will never get over how much he likes jumpscaring ppl in the OG film 😭)
Now for a more modern setting, Corpse Party would be quite the entertaining ordeal.
Stu thinks Kizami is dreamy because "He reminds me of Billy."
Billy rolls his eyes at this, but secretly thinks Kizami is cool so he's pleased.
They'd both jump right on the Resident Evil Remakes for sure. Stu streams it and overexaggerates getting jumpscared.
The Silent Hill P.T demo actually did scare the shit out of him though lol. Billy, surprisingly, wasn't scared at all, but he loved it so much he through a fit when it was cancelled lmao.
You introduce him to some more "light horror" games too. Specifically Yume Nikki.
Billy adores Yume Nikki, and is the type of person to sing it's praises online for how revolutionary the method of storytelling is and actively engages with fan theory online.
Billy would never admit it, but his fave horror games are pixel indie games. He feels people who undersell them because of their graphics are elitists (which is absolutely hypocritical, because he himself is an absolute elitist when it comes to horror). Ib, Witch's House, Mad Father, The Count of Lucanor, etc.
He also loves Yume Nikki fangames like Fleshchild and .Flow
Patty and Mr. Miles had him genuinely tearing up, but he'd never ever tell you or Stu about it lol.
Hc that Billy feels very literal empathy/sympathy for IRL people (save for a select few people), but feels a LOT for fictional characters. I feel like it has something to do with his blurring of fiction/reality, escapism, and just seeing fictional characters as more "real" than IRL people.
Stu loves anything with gore and/or disturbing and taboo themes. He also loves a good story, but doesn't pscyho-analyze as much as Billy (though he adores listening to Billy and your theories and even has planty of his own.)
Stu stream Animal Crossing and also will go to "haunted"/scary towns and clickbait the title of his streams/videos "The Scariest Horror Game Ever 😱" lmao
Stu played and enjoyed BTD
Side Note: you made Stu play P.T with a VR headset and it was both horrifying for him and hilarious for you and Billy.
Whenever Billy is home alone, he likes revisiting Yume Nikkie a lot. He gets kinda hyperfixated for awhile tbh.
One of Stu's fave games you let him borrow are the Theresia games for DS. The way music is used in that game tickles him pink and he loves the atmosphere.
Stu is the guy who streams Amnesia in 2022 lmao(and it actually brings a ton of viewers, most ppl amused that there's a streamer who hadn't experience it yet)
Horror games become as important to you three as movies are. It's an excellent bonding activity but also just for playing alone on long nights where the other two are gone.
Billy in particular begins seeing games as an medium on par with film when it comes to horror. He loves the idea of being able to actually experience the horror as a player, rather than just watching someone else go through it like in movies.
But...he still thinks games of other genres are for nerds lmao.
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